The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 11, 1853, Image 2

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l)c Scllcvscmiau-
'S'is:irsiay, Aii?t 1 1, lS!iti'.
MOSES I'OWfliAM Lanrastei Count
ron auditor genkual,
A LEX. Si. McCl-UKEi Franklin Co.
CHRISTIAN ittVEKS, Clarion Co.
Attention is directed to the new
advertisements inserted in to-day's Jeffcr-
sonian. Messrs. Youthens & Tlouck of
fer for sale a very valuable properly,
which will be sold at a bargain.
Four Teachers wanted to take charge
of . the Public Schools in this place. Sec
CsSF'Tho Slate and County Tax of this
Borough, for the year 18513, amounts to
3,01) 70.
The August Selections.
All yet is doubt and uncertainly as to
the correct results of the August elcctious.
In Missouri, Messrs. Caruthers and
Liudley, Whigs, arc elected, which makes
a majority of Whigs in tho delegation
fiom that State in the nest Congress.
In Arkansas, Messrs. Greenwood and
Warren arc reported to be elected.
Jn Kentucky and Tennessee the Whigs
have gained a few members of Congres
Delaware Division.
The work of repairing the damages
douc two weeks ago on this line is nearly
completed. Water was let in the last
of last week and if the new work holds,
business will be resumed this week.
CSKThc Yellow Fever has made its
appearance at New Orleau?, and is on
the increased
The New Orleans papers of the 21tb,
report the deaths by yellow fever in the
Charity ilonpital during that day and for
the entire week, at one hundred and
ninety-four! The papers admit that the
fever at the present time has proved more
fatal than ever before known, though it
is confined mainly to the poorer classes.
Another statement gives tho number
of deaths for tho week euding July 21th,
t fire hundred. This last statement is
nearer the truth than the former one.
Of those attacked by the disease more
ihan one half die, in defiance of the best
medical treatment.
In private practice the fever is increas
ing, and they die so fast that hearses can
ujt be had for all, and they have to take
cabs to convey some of the dead to the bur-
al grounds. Those Avho die in the Charity
Hospital are put in rough pine boxes
made at tho Work-IIousc, and are taken,
to Potter's Field iu carls spvph Ihmtkt
!.,! fr n,l,rt,,n,l Mrf , , J
. w
left Uje Hospital on the 22d.
Most of those who die in the Hospital
Lave no mends and are buried
i .
by the
lhe number of deaths on the 1st inst
was 12'J.
lhe Ocrmantown Iclcgnqdt, a very
. I
able and iudependant paper, names Mor-
tos Mi'Mri-n ,ut Kr. nf Pi,;ia,L.iri,;o
'ii i ' I
in tho. Vhwri nf l'frmsvl vnniM. Inr rJnir-
criior: aim ;iuiis rum, in i( cvmnt nt ik
I ..,1.1. il.-.i ii . i 1 - I
..WtJnn ih roi p..i..:
-, y-ym vi j. vuuojiiuum
would have at the head of their govern-
mcnt a man on whom they could rely
with confidence that he would
exert all
vuu puuuia ui uw uouiprenuubivc, cxpen-
jt. c i.: i I
,.:A..rk,i ... a i 1 i. n a
3 ieuced and practical intellect, in promo-
. - . ' r
tU" the
general good of the Common-
Our latest number of the St. Paul Pi
'Mcer gives glowing
accounts of the rapid
town of St. Paul, according to the Pio
ticcr, "the number of houses completed
this Fcason, or in process of erection, is
almost incredible. Two new hotels of
city. Jbmigrants iu largo numbers were
passing up the Minnesota and Upper Mis-
from below comes crowded with settlers,
mostly larmers. LSortli American.
est- Chloroform has been administered of
incrtiaso of the territory in Krifilnmonf. mhI road, ran over a man a few miles below
, . ; JXarrowshurr. literally cutting him into "POSSiOie. In the days Ot 1. U. Kice it There
im luiauuu, auu iauiupiicauou oi , J 9 I is true, we heard of AlUii
-i -ii . i :....:i t sureas. ins heart was picKed up some r. , V
JJUU3Ba ' a" piuupipmu. xniue ,!,. -na frnm tiin i. i .an Indiana uoosicr irom our town, DrisK u
convenient and commodious description Qeted with California, is the enormously enng in bar to any judgement against
are iu progress of building, and it is ad- W. 3 wblch ProPcrty 111 favorable hoops, lhe hoops flew oil before tho ca- corres
, ., , j.- iuviauuua uuuiiuituua. noiwiiiisianuing wouuuui; otuuieu auu nau not iur. i res- i v?
-cd that many oi the new odiuces. now go- Li i w i x n ,. i a i- i T . ,. , Btl.)'.
. ivwv uiuiujdivuuuu vi uuusua ill an 'u""" j-iwvo vu:uiuui ui uiiiuu ouppuu I may IJC OI
il up, voum uc creuiiauie to au eastern the chiet towns, rents have abated very ott, there would have been no explosion. rnWs to know v
souri rivers, to settle upon the fertile lands Vn u s ff 00
, , . ., i , i ago the Union Hotel, a v
hnrnflnnrt Ihnrnnn' nnH 1 f ,e, lf. d.inl . . . '
v.w0 , , UlOU BWWU ,a tliIS cUyj wag COa3Um(
iiiuu uveiv tsbvuuivi atjiviug at ot. JL aui
jj j- a race, it is saia, is soon to come wouiu ao creaic to icw xom or Jjostou. The President would have gratified us are among tho most wealthy. AVe have
off between a night ware and a clothes Indeed, I have rarely seen a more impo- had he proceeded to specify whether his very many who maybe put down at from
horse. sing structure anywhere. This building hoops were of hickorv or .luniata iron. smnnnn in esnn nnn 'ni,
w - . 1
in several cases of lock-jaw with perfect
One hundred and forty-two rail-
way trains leave J5oston aany tne same
-1-1.1..1., I
tuimberis also daily returning.
Stromlslmrg Female Bible Society.
According to provious notice, a meet
ing was held at the Methodist church in
this borough, on Monday evening, the
Sth instant, for the purpose of forming a
Female Bible Society, for the distribu
tion of the Bible without 'note or com
ment,' among the destitute of this place,
and for re-organizing the county Bible
Society. The meeting was opened by
prayer, when, on motion, John Malven
was chosen chairman, and Samuel Bees
appointed secretary for the evening. The
meeting then proceeded to elect perma
nent officers for the ensuing year and to
adopt a constitution.
The following ladies were chosen as
permanent officers of the Society for the
ensuing year.
President Miss Anna Maria Stokes.
ViccPresulcnts Miss Mary Kerr, Miss
Ellen Drcher, Mrs. George IF. Miller,
Mrs. Alexander Fowler, Mrs. David Kel
ler, Mrs. William C. Larzelier, Miss Ann
Kerr, and Miss Frederick Knccht.
Treasurer Mrs. Bobert Boys.
Secretory Mrs. George Malvcu.
Managers Mrs. Bichard S. Staples,
Mrs. James N. Burling, Miss Mary Dil-
dine, Mrs. Samuel Bennett, and Mrs.
William Clements.
After the officers had been elected and
the preliminary business gotten through
with, the meeting proceeded to the re
organization of the Mouroo County Bible
Society, and the following gentlemen
were chosen officers:
President Charles West.
Vice President William C. Larzelier,
Rev. George lleilig, Hon. M. W. Cool-
baugh, lion. Stogdeli Stokes, and Lewis
. Corresponding Secretary Bobert Boys.
Treasurer G eorge Ma I ven.
Executive Committee He v. B. Johnson,
'lev. Br. Boone, Michael 11. D re her,
Samuel Bees, Jr., and B. S. Staples.
On motion it was
Besolved, That we will explore Mon
roe connty, by employing a suitable a-
gent to visit each family, according to the
rules of the J, arcut bocict
Besolved, That the Secretary of this
meeting be authorized to have the pro
ceedings of this meeting published in the
papers of this county.
JO UN MALVEN, Chairman.
Samuel Bees, Secretary.
Another Terrible Railroad Acci
dentTen Men Kiilcd.
We learn from an extra from the office
of the Lambcrtvillc Diarist, that a most
terrible and heart-rendering accident oc
curred on Friday evening, on the Belvi
dere Bailroad, about nine miles above
Lambcrtvillc, by which ten persons wore
killed, and several others very seriously
iujuried. The train, consisting of ten or
twelve cars, conveying the laborers on the
canal to their homes, was thrown off the
track at a place called the Bull llcad, in
consequence of running over a ccw, and
several of the cars smashed to atoms.
There were some 200 laborers on the
..rriin. inn nf u-linm worn almost instnnflv
killed aml aimrnbcr of others injured.
The news of the terrible calamity was
immediately dispatched to Latiibertvillc,
-t . . . . . '
aa several physicians repaired to tne
scene of the disaster, to lend their aid to
the unfortunate. Drs. Lilly," Keen and
Ueillv. of Lambcrtvillc. and Dr. Foulkc.
of New Hope, ministered as fully as they
were able to the sufferers, and afterward
some of the dead, and many ofthe injur
ed, were brought to Lambertville, and
others taken in charge by their friends
lhe following is a list ofthe killed
Mathcw Malone, Michael Conely, John
Irving. Jeremiah Lcavv. Michael Mc
C J mi
Gerrick, Bartholomew Shehan, Thomas
Murran, Michael Daltou, John Dignan
and Patrick Coffee. Besides these there
, i ad , i ii..
inmrnn AIiriTr Ii'iinfT ilinir lnrrc rnl'mi
' o o
a . i t.i .. n
Ll - .tM i " f I . "
Mf : I iLII I'II tl I I lill IV. .'Ml
uuuuii; uijh"icu iuui uu uuuu ui uio ii;t;uv
cry is entertained,
acci(eilt oc
ocurred just at the du3k
ntrmitrirr Vint oc tlw J nf oil? iidnnn n
. e
(he 8CCne from the various farm houses in
. 1
.i - i i , - ,
the vicinity, and rendered every assistance
.1 JJ J
x" their power,
lhe entire train
track, and several
Af Z "
oi tus cars unscit anu I
crushed beneath the others
yj L iiiii. x iuh uaya diijuu, tuu
night express on the AT. Y. & Erie rail-
Another. A few da3's since
Xvi Heuts in California
A late letter from San Francisco says:
" One of the most startling facts con-
little irom the highest point to which
111 i I
tucy uave ever attained since the discov-
. a tew mouths
moden structure,
;d by fire. Tho
proprietor has erected upon the same site In hoops there is strength. Moses Sheppard; 1,000,000: John IIop-
a magmficient fire-proof brick building, And, in fact, there is small hope of our kins, 81,200,000; Gen. Columbus O'Don
four stones high, and which is furnished future as a people, if we do not daily and nell, 81,000.000: John S. Gittings S900 -
" " cuuuu uuu goou lubwj wmcu
about seventy-five thousand dollars,
and is now under rent at six thousa
aonvLis per j?wmn, a vender ot ci
j . ii r t i
has a little stand in one corner of the
main saloon or bar-room, for which he
pays a rent obasix hundred dollars per
uas just been completed at a cost, I learn The difference is important. If hickorvJ Imns. mnrn rnnllw imlnn.innf mnn ;,.
"10 Triumphc !"
For years past, the Whigs of this state
have urged the sale of the public improve
ments, and we are rejoiced to perceive
indications, now in the ranks of Locofo
coism of corporation in support of this
measure. At the Locofoco meeting in
Berks county last week, lion. Henry A.
lluhlcuberg and Hon. William Strong,
both took s.trong ground in favor of the
measure, and though opposed by others,
had sufficient influence to carry the meet
ing with them, and secure the adoption
of the following resolutions :
Resolved, That tast experience has
shown the absolute necessity of the Dem
ocratic party insisting strenuously upon
the practice of rigid economy in both
State and General Governments, thereby
preventing that lavish expenditure,
which, if CARRIED ON, bids fair to ongulf
both Governments and people in a com
mon ruin.
Resolved. That we cannot approve of
the large, and iu some cases extrata
gant appropriations made by the Leg
islature for ihe past two years; and that
ft. mf '
we commend the conduct of our Senator
and members in opposing them, and in
struct their successors to pursue the same
course, lor we noiu it to be a wen settled
principle that the State debt should not
be increased for any cause whatever,
except that of national defence.
Resolved, That we approve of the pro-
Public orks now opened by the Com-
monwealth. inasmuch as PAST EXPERI
ENCE has shown that it is utterly im
possible to have them well and
honestly managed whilst in the hands
of the State, because their sale would
render a reduction of taxation possible,
and because we believe that their reten
tion in the hands of the State is exerting
a prejudicial effect upon the morals not
only of the Legislature, but or tho people
of the Commonwealth, and that therefore
our Senator and Bcpresentativcs are
liAHtVkTI C 1 1 -."wl i " lllf ftAfl linn - It n n t I
. c , , ri
lhe Journal alluding to the proceed-
ings says it was amusing to sec the Locos,
who still swear by the Adler, ( which for
so many years has served as the political
i M l i t i , i
are no longer orthodox,) prick up their
ears and shako their heads, while listen-
iiiff to the wholesome truths administered
to the nartv bv Messrs. Muhlenberg and
c. nM , i , , .Hi." ashingtou, and throughout the county
ouuug. xuuy uau anvuya uccn ioiu oy
the Adler that the stories about fraud
and peculations on the public works, were
so many Whig lies, cot up for the effect
to operate against the 'democracy,' but
here was an admission from leadors of
their own party, made in their own meet-
that these charges were true. It
will go hard for Adler to keep them any
longer iu the dark after this expose.
They begin to see that all is not right,
and that the 'apple thieves -the Adler
talks so much about are really members
of their own party who for the last
,1 , 11"! 1 1 I
luirty vl'his uiivc uau mcsc woiiis unucr
. J J. , . r . ,
A Climax.
"IT- . 1 . 1 .1 1I
n e mentioned yesieruay cue speecu oitcas elected President, and that he 'has
president Tierce, at JNew lork, as a
niotouuu iuuu. uau uut iwu uu-
1 ... . f ii .i i- .,i
Z. . ' , LUU "uu
iich the Wiict Magistrate capped one
oi nis massive sentences. it deserves
separate preservation, and a spot peculiar,
5 n tuc records of the great doiugs of the
irrnnr, nrf:iinTi
bays the President, speaking the while
to the Mayor about this great nation
and we arc, it must be admitted, a very
great people says the president :
"Who will set limits to your just ambition.
whnn ihn Allnnllr is hriilrrnl wiMi Xtramors
to the shores of Europe, and united to the
Pacific by the great thoroughfare that will
eventually bind these States together us with
Hoops! lhe thought is a happy one,
and has the rare merit or Ireshness.
1 . . t
iNotuiug couiti dc more iciicitousiy einujc-
' II ' 111 f 1 . I
matic ot the pervading and absorbing 1-
dea of our statesmen ofthe day Union
r . ... . t
wouiu nave no ena to me union. Anu
iai uuuiu uiuiu jiiujiy uuuuu Liiau
Li.n qfnvM nr 0 rMtn urrrti rr ;cfn
tne staves ot a rum barrel, lor instance,
which have no bond of union but hoops,
Jjet a barrcl b0 sulllcleutly strong, and
...(r i i . , , . I
sumciently bound with hoops, and what
weignt win crush it I'clom on Ussa,
1. 11 1 . . -BX I
n barrel, would not pro-
j i l i .
uco a Bqucak. And as for bursting a
KMk.Wftj VUi LI- ILJ tl Vl I 1111111 I
A molasses hogshead swallcrcd down.
a iiufj, iiuw oh uiiuuie iingsnenu ouai,
And blew hm, up m a thunder-gust.
'im. i ii it- i .i i ,
' I
out, in mat case, we plead detective coop-
It was a happy U3c of "boons:" and in
I i ii I
honor of the President wo suggest that
tuere ue a new reaaing ot one ot our most
popular political maxims, so that it shall
uouny Lah-e lessons irom uoops.
may conjure from hoops a hope for an
crease of the tariff on iron at least. In anv
sense, aud at all event-, the figure was n
.. .
one, and '.ye - rospond to hoops, with n
than hoops. It will occur to the read- than we have ever before known. Negro
er that there is no end to a hoop, and we fellows of very ordinary appearance, are
ill 1 i ,1 TT 1 "... . ,. J F '
I A. ' 1 ' w V4VJ7UUVUUW lii 11 HI
he spoke as the mere partisan, appealing Baltimore than anv other citv in tho. TTn-
nd to the shade of an illustrious predecessor: ion of its population. It is a peculiar
gars if of iron he talks like a patriot, and we and nerhans a Rnmnwlmt nnfnrfnnotn
hope Marcy and Gushing will endeavor
to keep the President at home for the fu
ture, where. the labors. of: State are all iu
a beaten track. v.IIo6ps! Pittsburgh
Rabid Sheep and Hogs.
About three or four weeks since, we
learn from the Delaware County Rcpid)
ican, a rabid dog got into the sheep-fold
of Thomas and Joseph Miller, residing
near Chadd's Ford, Chester county, and
kiilcd three of the flock. Since then,
six-teen of the sheep have gone mad, and
been shot. The sheep were a superior
lot, of improved stock, worth eight or
ten dollars per head. One of the hogs
belonging to the same "gentlemen was al
so bitten, and went mad. The Messrs
Miller design killing six other hogs,
which, they fear, have been bitten. Their
own dog went mad, and was also killed.
It is a very rare occurrence to record so
much destitution among auimal3 from a
rabid dog.
Homicide in Warren County, N. J.
A few days since, a dispute occured
between two men at the village of Wash
ington, which had a fatal termination.
The Warren Journal furnishes the follow
ing particulars :
It appeacs that a man named Fanning,
had, for reasons unknown to us, separa
ted from his wife, and lived thus for some
ength of time, without aiding to support
hisfaraily. A man naraed Geor e Nison
and Fanning were in Bruner's bar-room,
at Washington, when Nixon twitted the
latter of the fact of his wife's desertion. -
Fanning became enraged, and slapped
his accuser in the face. Nixon dared not
to retaliate, for Fanning was a powerful
man and could easily mastered him.
Nixon left the hotel, went over to John
ston's store which is nearly opposite, ob
tained an ax-handle, and when Fanning
came out to go to his boarding-house, fol
lowed him, and struck him upon the head
bringing him to the earth. Nixon then
jumped upon his stomach, which he did
for some time, and then he left him. This
was a little after noon. The wounded
man got home, as best he could, where
"ejvas tauen witu violent vomiting, ana
cuutiuu "itai iuiu, until J u tiyun at
rr T r r n n . .1 tmtil ft n n L
night, when ins spirit took incut. Nixon
hcft tbe piace but was secured on Satur
day, and committed to our jail the same
evening, where he now awaits his trial.
.Gonsitlerable excitement prevails in
T ff . . tQ fchose
acquainted with Nixon, as he has always
been considered a quiet and peaceable
Cltlzcu' anmng was an Irishman by
-ii- . i
birth a tailor by occupation. Neither
of the parties were under the influence o
The Party War in New Hampshire
The Concord Patriot
the Hon. Edmund Burke with 'blac
mail' operations while holding an officii
position at Washington; the latter makes
an explenation through the Concord Be
porter, lie admits that he has taken fees
u u i i t, - e
tends that it is a legitimate business for
jiwui lu uugau in. uu says uenera
rierce did the samo
in the New
Hampshire State Legislature, after he
nover acted as counselor 'lobby aent
hcioro anv eis Inhvo. hnr v. n hnnrlrodt
j a ji -
part so much as Tierce has!' Tho whole
letter is an admirable illustration of tl
truth of the old adage, when rogues fal
0ut ' &a.. and if it. dnn't nnun vos n
sonie of the democracy, it is of no use for
ii i i.
tiicin 10 n;ive eves.
The Meat Marker.
Hog meat in Baltimore is worth from
SG to 88 per 100 lbs. Fat boys am
young ladies from 810 to Sll per single
Pound ln iiorth Carolina, as appears by
the following notice from the AVilmington
(orth Carolina) Journal. It will be
seen that the older and tougher article is
a shade lower, with an upward tendency
. ... A mJ
'llifiir Putpks civ Nrmmus Wo
know not to what cause, to attribute
but better prices have been offered
traders for this description of uronertv
JL J. 1
brinan" SI .UUU vnrv rnnrlilv. Vninwi
l n fa " j . " ' w w
arc semi lor vGrv liirc T)rices varvinnr
f S o 1 'i pntca, varyin0
from 8 00 to SI .000. " a.
i i .1 t ri
bout fifty pounds can be sold for about
8501). This is the time for selling, if any
. , . ' j
one is so disposed.' Anderson Gazette.
'Vq would also remark that tho same
state of things exist iu this town, and the
. j
prospect is that negroes are still going
Hi Li 1J U I .
is now a fair opportunity for
and other Silver Greys to do a
Such is tho nrnsnnrnns nmwliMnn nf hJ.o
trade, caused by rendering property
ficarce aud th(J rjuioau ro t,e
rrnilhlARnmn RfliAinna nf ' nmifma ' Tit
dependent Whig
pondent from Baltimore
some interest to vour
nit ::. t :h
"JUUo uul iwju ujuiuiii uiticuo. L Will
give a few of them, boginnin" with Geo.
Brown, of the banking house of 13rown &
Brothers, who may be put down at S2 -
500.000: Jacob Albert. ?o nnn nnn.
UOU: Hugh Gelston, 8800,000. These
in-LharaetHristin nf IT'ili-imnrnnne tlmf
retire from bncmn nffr !,,;,;
competency. Thi3 is' enervntinrr to fho
uui uiium u.
spirit of ehferprize,
From the Sunday Delta.
The Next Governor
The course of Win. Bigler, our present
Executive, has received, as it has merited,
the condemnation of alllDemooratsthrogh
out the state, whom place cannot buy or
the allurements of power attract. And
this .condemnation has been tho result of
an investigation into his official acts,
which, for the most part, haye been a
tissue of glaring inconsiste7icics. He pro
claimed in a loud-mouthed manner hie lit
er aversion to Banks and paper currency;
yet, with the most dogged obstinacy, he
has clung to and signed monster money
corporations. lie promised an econom
ical administration, yet we find him con
tracting an immense loan, and refusing
to veto the bill relinquishing the right of
the State to resume the Delaware and
Hudson Canal. He appears to have
made himself the " Jeremy Diddler" of
Pennsylvania politics presenting a fair
array of promises, and following them by
a course of conduct not only in direct op
position to the principles long held by
the Democracy, but in utter violation of
his plighted faith. He stands forth a liv
ing evidence of how easily promises can
be made and broken, lie is blistered
all over with the curruptions of a ruinous
It is the realization of this stato of
things, that has caused expressions of
loathing and contempt for his course in
so many portions of our State. It is this
that caused old Democratic Westmoreland
to repudiate two different resolutions, en
dorsing his course and recommending
him for a second term. It is this that
has caused Allegheny County to cast him
off as one utterly unfit to represent the
Democracy of the State. It is this that
has caused the dissatisfaction, deep and
strong, among the men of the "Tenth Le
gion," who never faltered in tho cause,
And it is this that has arrayed against
him the stern and unwavering Democracy
of this City . and County. We care not
what vcnel presses may say we care not
at what price they sell their independence
we care not to know what they get for
bolstering up an administration marked
with all the signs of corruption and decay.
We will not cover its rottenness with the
broad-cloth of smooth words, but will
tear from it its outside cleanliness, and
expose its inside filthincss and deformity.
The time was when the party presses of
this city were the independent exponents
of the Democracy, when they feared noth
ing and sought no favors. But in this
age of 'the degeneracy of the press,' it is
very different.
The 2e7insylnania?i, noticing tho signs
of dissatisfaction, has, with its character
istic impudence, issued an ukase that it
would support Gov. Bigler for a second
term, and takes upon itself to read out of
the party all who don't worship at the
same footstool and shrine. The reckless
gang of political marauders who cling to
the desperate fortunes ot Gov. Jbigler, may
prate about Democracy they may lay
down a lino for others to walk by they
ii cfn 'ii i t v jj
may call men "Guerillas and Indians"
such remarks come with ill grace from
- . . . - T.nill
sinecures inthe Custom House who con-
sider interest first and nrinciDle second.--
It is just such men that cling to the skirts
of Wm. Bigler. Their interests are the
The Argus, too, that has some in
dependence, comes to the aid of this bra
zenfaced trumpeter, and endeavors to
smooth down tho wrinkled front of old
Westmoreland, and in a long article, mis
represents the conduct ofthe Convention.
They knew that it was an unqualified re
puuition ot uov. iiigicr anu ail nis acts
-I . r t -r 1 Till .
those who are always in tne marKet to tue dearcd and the balance ia heavily tim
highest bidder; who have been ten times bered with hemlock, spruce, chcsnut.lplj
bought and sold who are supported by beach, birch and maple. There isnA
they kneio it was a withering rebuke of ning order; the whole is propelled by a twen
his anti-democratic policy, yet for fear of lY t overshot wheel, and the stream on
losing the public printing they must blow
the same trumpet as the Pennsylvania!!.
n,,f nn ciMi nilooroM cunrm .nnon 0,,1,
detestable time-serving such dependent
lacKeyisnii wuy, ii me uoveruor w iu
own aporuon of ine rcnnsyivanian, ana
control the columns of tho Argus, let but
. i -n t -. I
the honest masses know it, and these beer-
gar sheets will be whistled down the wind
The horoscope of Win. Bitrler is cast.
1 . I
nnd tho. slnra have decreed his fate. Tk i
unalterable. The people who placed him
in power will mete out to him his deserts,
by retusing him a renomiuation. Irom
all parts of the State come the sounds of
preparation for his overthrow. He and Coolbaugh, August 11, 1853.
liis mmien.cliansicrs will bo driven frnm
the temple. The bombastic phrases of
the editor of the Pennsylvanian will not
savc him. The democracy ot this btate
mm nil - y . II
who cannot be cajoled by puffs or se-
duced bv promises, will tell the "rule or
ruin faction," whether Bigler has enjoyed
"'confidence equal to that imposed in Si
mon buyder.' The attempt they are
making to disgrace tho Democracy, by
oistmg upon them this miserable time-
server, will meet the deep condemnation
of a betrayed constituency. "loungA-
merica" has taken tho field.
An interesting' Decision.
A decision of some importance
been rendered by Judge Williams, of
ittsburg. Some time ago a man named
hilip Schymblo, was convicted of kce -
J '
ping a tippling house, and fined $75.
'Pl.n nAminiccIniinM np flirt "1miyiItt f I
he prisoner's bond for the debt, and wrote
a release for Schymble' which was hand-
d to Mr. Mitchell, the engineer of the r
:i i, QU,:ffn,i!:i-.i,:
Mitchell thinking all right released the
prisoner from confinement. When the
Sheriff returned, ho arrested Schymble Run from lhe undcrsi d on , ;
and remitted him to prison, contending of July, 1853, William JohL.v, an appren
that the Commissioners could not dis- tice to the Bricklaviim nn.i PinliA,..;.
charge him till the sentence of the court
was complied with. To settle the matter,
the prisoner was taken on habea3 corpus,
before Judge Williams, who decided that
le Commissioners could not discharce
... . . a I
one on their order. If, however, the
C!i,rt,:iT ,,i rummr: t
bherin and Commissioners were agreed
,t ., . . i , ,fa
on the matter, the poisoner might bo re-
eased irom conUneraent, .
Democratic Economy Gen. Pierce
has ordered a dinner, set, , including oo
dozen glasses, lor tho white Hjjuse, which
is only .to cost $7,400.- Youftf genuine
Locofoco Democrat is an unostentations
bipedT--veryrrwhen he ha3 .means to
'spend' at other people's'expense.
its own responsibility, says : Mr. Jame3
Thorn, of Clinton, has an ox that gives
milk freely. He has a bag with four
teats, each one of which yields milk like
that of the cow. The bag is devided in
to four sections, but unlike the cow's ifc
has no udder. Each quarter of the bag
has a cavity which supplies its teat, in
dependent of the others. When milked
nnf if in vpnflilv siinnliorl nrrain. like that
Wl.w, J 11 O 7 "
of the cow. Our informant states that
the animal, a fine one, is worked every
day on the farm of Mr. Thorn.
To Clean Paint. Smear a piece of
flannel in common whiting, mixed to tho
consistency of common paste, in warm
water. Bub the surface to bo cleaned
quite briskly, and wash off with pure
cold water. Grease spots will in this
way be almost instantly removed, as well
as other filth, and the paint will retain it3
brilliancy and beauty unimpaired.
The post office at Centre Bridge, Bucks
county was entered on Saturday night,
and robbed of all the money it contained,
consisting of two coppers.
On the 4th inst. by the Iicv. John L.
Staples, Mr. Samuel Bress, and Jano
Moyers, both of Stroudsburg.
At tho Delaware Water Gap, Pa., on
the 0th inst., by the ltcv. J. P. Boone,
Mr. A. B. Burrcll, of ltockland, Dela
ware, to Miss Louisa Staples, of Cherry
Valley. In Easton, on the 3d of August, by
i-.,i. t" i . -Tvi ir i.-ii? .... t ...
William J. JLJrowne, J&sq., ur. juiias xrouir
of Easton, to Miss Catharine Arndt, of
C? J..1
Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge
composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c, aru
not aware, that while they appear to benefit
the patient, they are actually laying the foun
pations for a series of diseases, such assaliva
tion, losd of sight, weakness, of limbs, &c.
In another column will be found the adver
tisement of Ilobcnsack's Medicines, to which
we ask the attention of all directly interested
in their own as well as their Children'
health. In Liver Complaints and all disordes
arising from those of a bilious type, should make
use of the only genuine medicine, Ilobensack'a
Liver Pills.
07""e not deceived," but ask for llohcu
sacks' Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob
serve that each has the signature of the Pro
prietor, J. N IIOBENSACK, as none else
are genuine.
Valuable Saw Mill and Machinery
The subscribers will sell at private sale
their property, situate in Coolbaugh township.
' I A T ii.. :i e n
'Aumu uuuuiv, x a., oiiu nun: irom onruce
.,,.:. .V i
I I i rnuo rmlntiitirr A r nnrna ti tf l tits tilfr.ui
ancc of G . c . . , . aRrps nm
A " n ' - "
lot of young and thrifty chesnut suitable for
Kailroad ties; a large portion of the land-
would be good farming.
The improvements
consists of two
DivcIIiiig- Houses,
two stables, a new Bedstead facto
ry 18 by 21 feet; Saw mill 20 by
50 feet, three stories high, the low
er stories contain the machinery for manu
factoring- bedsteads, and consists of two turn
ing lathes, two circular saws, plancing ma
chine, morticcing machine and boring ma
chine, a vanccr saw 5 feet fn diameter. Sr.r.
I .... . . '
The machinery ia new and in complete run
wl,lch u,,s B1,H 13 situated, is a never failing
.TI.10 wel can he raised to thirty fees
" "--' .!.- uiv mow 1UUI UUier WaiCT
lhirty fcct faI ,hcm ijJabout UyQ JJ
from .jie Dc aware. Lackawnnna. n,l W
' J
tern Railroad, now building. There is about
1000 acres of timbcrland adjoining the above
property, winch can be bought if desired.
1 ,,e property is a valuable one and worthy
the attention of any one wishing to cnan
1 f 1 ( lin liirTilxiciiKV lt : I 1 .
" " , ""u"",s. uo" . un" w ceriainiy
. 1 '"Wf 7 .U,B. OI 1ovcm"
. nr no I ,p K, i.cp ri l.prci llirnilfl irntlm A
furtlior descrintion is (leemnvf .mri
those wishing to purchase will view it for
NotlCC (0 Contractors and OtllCl'S.
The subscribers have at their Mill the fnl
lowing described lots ot Lumber, which thfv
win 6c!l ccap for cash, viz: 00,000 fcct of
" ' h' u,uuu u. siumg, and about
40,000 ft. of inch boards; 25,000 ft. hemlock
inch boards: a lot of il
200 set Bedpost, ready turned; Birch plank,, ,
aud a lot of Newil! posts for stair- wave, &,c.
Coolbaugh, August 11, 1853. 5t.
Notice to Teachers.
Four Teachers wanted to teach the Hnm.
mon Schools ofthe Borough of Stroudsburg.
Teachers desiring tho Schools will h mid in
their proposals to M. M. Buknett, Esq. by
the 20th of August, inst., stating the amount
they are willing to leach for, and designating
which school they desire.
doctor William D. Walton has been a p-
v" Tl " 1 1 Y i 1J,r.crc.lor -
and those ann vln must lmvi liu rorf;n;,...t, i
0f their competency to teach the ordinary 1
Ollrrlicti K.nirtlkAn -. I . n 1 ' nr ...
viiiiou UlUlll,lIJO, VIS. lVeUUin", Yrilln
Arithmetic, Geography, and Grammar.
BlJ ordcr J le board of School Directors.
xl!n,ODt . ,
a. ine cscnoois will he onentvl tho
firat Monday m September.
$1.00 KEWAllO
nesa. Had on when Jie left a pair of over
hauls or checkered pants, and braid hat, light
na'r middling long, nnd iB between 18 and
9 years old; and five feet and six inches in J
e A" Pc"sons are hereby cautioncu not .
tn Irncf fir I.: i ....... It.. r l.
" ' wi i . 1 3
lau J he above reward, but no charyes, will
isn,i,i;f. - n a,u,
De PAlt " said boyiB brouglu back. , ,i
Stioudsburir; Aiicust 11, 185U. ... I j:
WW f t