The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 11, 1853, Image 1

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    Bcvotcb to jpolitirs, fitcrciturc, Agriculture, Science, iWoralitij, emu ctwral intelligence.
VOL. 13.
NO. 42.
Published toy Theodore Schoch.
TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two
dollars and a quarter, half yearlv and if not paid Ie
lore the end of the year, Tw o dollars and a half. Those
a ho receive their papers by a earner or stage drivers
cmpioyeu ny the proprietor, will uc cuargeu -
cenis, per year, cxira.
No papers discontinued until all arrearagesare paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
lO Advertisements not exceeding one square (six
teen lines) will be insetted three weeks for one dollar,
and twenty.fivc cents for every .subsequent insertion
The Charge for one and three insertions the same.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
IE? All letters addressed to the Editor must be post
Hating a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, we are prcpaied
to execute every description of
Cards, Circulars, Rill Heads, Notes, 11 lank Receipts
Justices, Legal and other llhmks. Pamphlets, ir.
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
A Prayer for Strength.
Give tnc my strength, my Father: I am frail,
And weak, and helpless; unto Thee I pray
For strong upholding power, lest by the way
My footsteps falter and my courage fail.
I need Thy strong assistance many foes
Are waging warfare with a fearful etrife,
While I, devoid of strength almostof life
May not attempt such numbers to oppose.
Give me Thy guidance, Father! round my way
So many dangers lie, and hidden snares,
That I am fearful oft, lest, unawares,
My feet into some secret pitfall stray.
The wrong so oft in guise of right appears
Tim evil often hidden from my view,
That I am doubtful sometimes what to do
My brain bewildered and confused by fears,
How oft o'er duty's pathway clouds like night
Spread darkest shawows! and no single ray
Appears to show the safe and better way
Father, 'tis Thou alone can guide aright.
Give me Thy grace, my Father, day by day,
As newer trials came, and earthly cares
Increase the burden which my spirit bears
Thy grace to lighten care and cheer the way.
Give me Thy grace when hope's glad ray ap
pears, Gilding the future with its golden light,
While I, enchanted by the glorious sight,
Know nought of sorrow or foreboding fears.
Oh! then I need Thy grace to guide aright,
Lest, quite bewildered by the brilliant ray,
I tread unheedingly the flow'ry way,
Till duty's safer pith be lost to sight
Give mc Thy guidance ever on my way
Throughout the strange chequered path of
Thy strength to conquer in the hour of
And all-sufficient grace for every day.
03 George iv. visited a very old man,
who was about 125 years old, and asked him
amongst other questions, how he came to live
to such an age. He replied, "I will tell you
ny good friend:"
" Wine and women I refused,
Late suppers I never used ;
Head and feet I always keep cold,
And that is why I am bo old.
jtST Bayard Taylor, in one of bis re
cent letters from Hindostan, relates the
following account of a cure effected by a
new agent. It may be well for tbe med
ical profession to look into it. He says:
" On getting into the cart, at tbe last
station before reaching Khurdee, tbe step
broko, and as T fell my knee struck upon
a projecting bolt, causing sucb intense
pain as almost to deprive me of my sen
ses. By tbe timo wo baited again tbe
the joint was so stiff that I could scarcely
bend it. Tbe hurt produced sucb a dull
ness that my teeth chattered, and I was
fain to sit in tbe sun while breakfast was
preparing. Tbe morning was scorching
hot, and I soon noticed that tbo beat
Beemed to draw out tbe pain from tbe in
jured limb. In fact in balf an bour I
was able to get up as usual, and since
tben bavo not felt tbe slightest inconveni
ence from tbo injury. This is a case of
Fun cure, which I recommended to any
who is anxious to start a new system of
A Human Candle. The Chinese Re
pository tells a very singular story of the
punishment inflicted on a Chinese crim
inal. His offence, it seems, was unpar-
donablo, and it was determired to make
an cxamplo of him. Consequently, he
,n,l rnnnrlwifl, r.nt.tnn saturated
was wound round with cotton, saturated
in tallow, and having been dipped until
bo presented tbe appearance of a gigantic
candle, was stuck up on his father's grave
and lighted. Of course, tbe poor fellow
perished in slow torture. Was over de
vice heard of, so completely diabolical.
Woetu Remembering. If a person1
fall into a lit, and the face be pale, let:
iiim rp.niftin nn iho crrnnnrl; for slimi ( it
be faintinfr. or temnorarv susnension of
4h'n i,nwa
by raising the body or by bleeding. But
if tho face bo red or d.irlr nWd ra?R'of real truth of lasting good; something
the body and keep it in an uprighl posi-,
tion, throw cold water on the head, and
have tho person bled immediately, or fa-
Ul pressure on the brain may ensue.
The farmers in Iowa say it is almost
impossible to sleep at night on account of
the tackct made by thp rapid growth of
tho corn.
Guarded Secrets.
What woman is there that confessess
not to tbo possession of a guarded secret?
School girls have their cherished mysteries;
but these pass from mouth to mouth till,
like tbo witohes at seventh hand,' all their
magio dies out. It is not of such we
would speak, but of that sterner and more
stubborn secret which is the life in life,
which occupies the soul's inner and most
secret chamber, and is the hearts' holy of
holies; a joy, or a dread, or a pang
most commonly the last through life;
a thing that weaves itsolf, with more or
less intensity, into every act of our daily
struggle tn earth.
My grandmother had an old-fashioned
cabinet, portioned out, as was the moth
od of constructing such commodities in
her day, into sundry small shelves,
drawers, aud old-covered boxes. The
centre compartment of this same old
chest opened like a door, having lock and
key, and within was a longsliding-drawer,
occupying tbo entire depth of the cabi
net. That in this drawer something
very precious was stored, all her children
knew. None, however, dared pry into
their mother's guarded secret. Her hus
band, it was more than suspected, could
kavc thrown some light on the mattcrjbut
he was never known to do so, and silence
rested upon the unknown occupant of
the drawer; the mystery remaining a
mystery up to tbc day of my good grand
mother's death.
The contents of the secret drawer were
committed to tbo flames, in accordance
with the expressed wish of the dying.
But somehow or other the secret oozed
out. It would appear that, like most
other grandmothers, mine bad early in
life had a love-affair as that deepest-
striking of all woman's experiences, is
somewhat irreverently termed. It was the
old story; the man she loved went abroad
without having spoken just that one word
for which her soul thirsted, and which,
nevertheless, had found a thousand other
utterances scarcely to be mistaken. For
years, there was a dreary silence between
tbe two. Then came my grandfather
with his earnest court-ship. Under the
feeling that she was not justified iu
oberisbing a predilection so apparently
unresponded to by tbc earlisfc object of
her affection, she yielded, after a prolong
ed struggle, to my grandfather's suit.
No sooner, however, was she formally
engaged to him, than there came a letter
in the old, unforgotten -hand writing!
Ob, you who have listened with beating
hearts for tbe postman's knock, fully
prepared for all it might bring, think,
for one moment how the coming of this
letter, long even unhoped for, and now too
late, knocked at tbe heart of her who re
ceived it? Now, my grandmother had a
conscience, and a more than commonly
tender one. Her first impulse, of course,
was to tear open tbc letter; but a second
thought stayed her hand. She bad long
ago made the fact of this early attach
ment known to my grandfather. What
she now did then, was at onco to tell
him sho had received such a lcltor, and
that, as his affianced wife, she could not
and would not read it. Was she fantastic
in her notions of right and wrong? I do
not believe so; I do not think she could
have done a better or wiser thing. Out
.of hor aot no suffering could possibly fall
upon the man to whom she was pledged,
and whose happiness was henceforth in
her keeping, though much of pain bore
heavily upon her. That letter, with its
unkroken seal, lay, all her life, shut up
in the old musty cabinet, where it stood
revealed at last. That acting up to the
truest spirit of her intention, she fought
long aud victoriously against the desire
to fathom what those hidden characters
contained whether or not they bore that
, TO,f1 nnon . n
' i
"ctn Jy unutterable we are bound to i
believe. Upon one solitary occasion a-
lone was she ever seen to wrestle with
her temptation. After a meek endurance
of one of my grandfather's fits of passion
foV he had a stormy temper she was
found seated, weeping bitterly, before tbe
open door of that guarded chest wherein
lay the unbroken seal,
Solemn as such subjects must be, and
are, there is a blessed comfort in the tbo't
nf thorn. It is a gracious tinner to feel
that exe is something, be it what it
may, .
which neither time, nor trial, nor tho
common wear and tear of actual, dull, (
every day life can crush out of man. Do (
men know anything of such relics as I .
epeak of? I am ignorant : I oannot say; j
but I should fancy they do not. The
steady, unfaltering devotion of a long life !
to one thought, and one remerabrauco, j
ITowa I never in woman. i
hoarded re
anv woman
snouia De wituout tnem! xsut these are
yet under the seal that lies so heavily on
all living lips. Some day, perhaps but
we, none of us, like to think of that
strange hands may overhaul them. Pity
it is that so few of us have strongth of
soul enough, or, it may be warning-timo
enough, ere the Great Revcaler steals up
on us, to enable us to put beyond the
reach of sacrilegious eyes our most dar
ling secrets! Oh, could we but summon
the nerve to place them with our own
moving fingers upon somo funeral pyre!
Could wo but watch them slowly consum
t nit a .
ing! But no; wo cannot do this. While
wo havo life they are our3. It would
seem liko bidding an etornal farewell to
our protecting genius, to put away tbe
guardian spectres of lost hopes, dead
loves, and mystic memories. No! Let
us treasure them while we yet walk a
mong the living. But, oh, may some
kind and pitying hand, when we lie si
lenced, bury them with us, unprofaned
by a single look!
A singular instance of this silent
treasuring up of one solitary thought,and
in tbo breast of a child, fell under my
knowledge not long ago, while staying
by tbc sea-side, at the bouse of some old
friends. They wcro at the same time
visited by a little girl of about seven years
of age, who had been confided to their
care, in order that sho might have the
benefit of the sea-bathing, recommended
for somo weakness of the spine, under
which the child suffered. Sho was the
loveliest little creaturo I ever beheld
quiet and shy, too, though loast so with
me, for whom she at onco took a strong
liking. Our hostess, who every night
made a point of seeing her young charge
put comfortably to bed, always remained
in her room until the child bad said her
prayers. When her ordinary devotions
had been gone through aloud, the child
invariably bent down her head upon tbo
bed, at the side of which sho knelt, and
offered up some prayer within herself.
What this prayer was, nothing could in
duce her to reveal. Her parents were
questioned about it; but though perfectly
aware of the fact, they were unablo to
solve the question. It was, of course, a
thing altogether too sacred to be intruded
on by any forcible appeal, and all parties
remained in their ignorance. I own that
when first I was told of it, the secret ap
peared to me to be of so strange and un
earthly a character, that I trembled as
one who suddenly stands faced by a
spirit. It seemed like a silent commun
ing with angles. Feeling very anxious
to witness with my own eyes what inter
ested me so deeply in the telling, I one
night, with my little friend's consent, ac
companied her to her room. As usual,
tho prayers were repeated aloud; and
then followed the silent offering up of
that pure young heart. So holy was the
bour, that I held my breath for very
reverence, the tears springing to my eyes
with sudden emotion. Surely angelic
hosts hovered about that Bmall bowod
down head, on whoso golden locks a halo
seemed to rest! Whatever was that si
lent, guarded and mysterious prayer
and sometimes it struck rac that it might
possibly have relation to cither a dread
of dying or to her anticipations of her
near heaven, as she was at that time out
of health whatever that prayer might
be, that it was a beautiful and pure one
I am sure the purest and the best, per
haps, in all thclong catalogue of guard
ed secrets.
One secret, which every age has been
most oarefully and religiously guarded
guarded in terror and dismay, through
inconceivable wrong and suffering, thro'
life and up to tbe grave's brink, not per
haps even then to bo rendered up to
those who stand around scattoring their
last tears with the 'dust to dust' is the
secret of birth. Instances of the kind al
luded to are so numerous and bo start
ling, that it would be difficult to invent
any story surpassing in interest tbc al
ready written and attested records of that
most dangerous secret
buch tales 1 re-
member to have heard in Sootland.
in particular, struck me as most singular,
because, though generations have been
born, and havo passed out of being since
the occurences narrated took place, no
clue was evor found to the secret so cau
tiously and mysteriously guarded. Tbc
following is an outline of the tradition:
A couple, coming whence no man
knew, arrived one sharp winter night a
mid tbe smoke of Edinburgh. The wife
was "younger than her husband by some
years, and possibly from the fact of this
disparity of age, looded up to him with a
feeling of reverential devotion belonging
rather to a daughter than to a wife. It
was noticed, indeed, by all who knew
them, that she had even thus early in
her wedded life, laid down for herself a
law of more strict and unquestioning obe
dience than is usually practised by tbc
best of wives. The result of this
, submission, as will be seen, must
borne hard upon a pure heaiiiand tender
conscience, sucb. as hers were represented
to have been, chough not perhaps until
added years brought homo tho lession
rightly understood by few that no mor
tal, even though he be a husbaud, has a
right over any other human soul, autho
rizing him to rule its obedience contrary
to God's higher law. The married pair,
it would seem, bad been united for some
years, yetno offspring had been granted
to their prayers. It was now that, while
I myself confess to a few
lies Heaven forbid that
living in the utmost retirement in an ob
scure street, the husband introduced to
his wife an old Scotch nurse, bearing in
her arras a new born child. This child,
said by him to bo the posthumous son of
a dear friend recently deceased, ho rep
resented it was his interest to adopt, and
produco to the world as his own. To in
sure his-wifo's aid in tbo project, he care
fully concealed from her whatever deep
laid schemes were working in his own
mind made light of the affair asserted
that it was but to serve a temporary pur
pose, and that, the object in furtherance
of which this singular deception was car
ried on, once attained, the whole thing
should be revealed.
A quick instinct of wrong in the mind
of the young wife, made her at first hesi
tate; but the recollection of that strict
abnegation of her own will to which she
had vowed herself, at .last prevailed over
her scruples, and the pleading looks of
the helpless little orphan, lying safe and
warm within her arms, melting her soul,
she took tho forlorn babe to her bosom
and bestowed upon it heartily a mother's
oaro. Tho child proved sickly, a weary
burthern to any but a real motbor; yet
its foster-parent, though young and un
used to such a charge, nevor for a mo
ment shrunk from tbc responsibility she
had incurred. The consequence natural
ly was, that the boy learned to love her
strongly and entirely. But towards his
reputed father he at all times evinced a
most strange and unaccountable aversion,
amounting to an instinctive horror and
shrinking from his presence. When the
child had grown to be about a year old,
Mr. A g, tho gentleman in question,
his plans now apparently matured, re
solved at once to introduce his protege to
his family as his own legitimately born
son and heir. Mr. A g was a
descendant of one of the old border fam
ilies, renowned in history for many a
raid and many a foray across the Eng
lish frontier, and, judging from his deeds,
tho unscrupulous character and adven
turous spirit of the early freebooter
would seem to have beon transmitted i
down through many generations, little J
modified by tho march of centuries.
And now came the poor wife's trial.
In her husband's home, and under the
eyes of his kindred and household, she '
was soon doomed to feel bitterly how a
single deception inevitably leads to num- j
erou3 others, and how one falsehood en-.
tails the neoessity of a thousand more to
follow in its wake. A mother in seem-'
ing, yet no mother in truth, her entire
ignorance concerning all that related to
the birth of her supposed child became a
bers of tho family. Sooner or later be-
trayal seemed inevitable, rvor was this
all: the worst was to come. No sooner
had the imposture been carried out suc
cessfully, than the young wife found her
self about to becomo a mother. Here
was a new involvement. Sho had then
given up the birth-right of her own child
in favor of a stranger ! It was truo
that the fact of tho imposition of tho
adopted child could be proved, but what
humiliation must accompany such a con
fession what a heart-wearing tissue of
law proceedings might not be entailed by
tho admission! To tbc married pair,
years of torturing anixcty and strange
discord followed. Heart-burnings of
many kinds unavoidably arose out of a
stato of things so unnatural. Tho real
son became a secondary consideration in
the household, the very servants seeking
favor with the presumed heir, and look
ing down on the 'voungor brother.'
All this time the mystery was still
maintained. Whence the adopted had
come, and to whom ho belonged of right,
was throughout kept a guarded secret
from the wife her husband's solitary
admission to her being to tho effect, that
the boy's mother was a lady of noble
birth: of the father he never spoke.
Mr. A g made frequent and sudden
journeys from home, no one knew whither
or for what purpose, always returning as
unexpectedly as he had departed. After
thoso absences he was observed to be
gloomy, nay, almost fierce in his temper,
especially towards the child of his adop
tion, between whom and himself a mortal
antipathy appeared to exist, and to in
crease with the boy's years. What might
have been tho issue in after-years it is
needless to surmise. The Gordiau-knot
of this evil was suddenly and unaccounta
bly cut by that unseen Hand which has
undone many another coil of mischief in
the world. One day the adopted child
was found drowned in tho Tyue, which
rolled its waters through Mr. A g's
estate. Thero was a hurried and unsat
isfactory inquest held on tho body, and
all was done. Through one breast
that of the wife a secret shudder ran.
A sickness as of death fell upon the
heart of her who alono know what hid
den temptation might havo laid in wait,
like the weird sisters of Maobcth, urging
on tho man with whom her fate was
bound up, to the commission of (a deed
without a name.' From that hour a
blight fell over the fated house. But to
this day all i3 enveloped in mystery. It
is true, that tho bare fact of the impost
lion of such a child iu plauc of a real
heir, incourse of time, and after the death
of Mr. A g, got rumored abroad;
but the actual parentago of tbe ill-fated
victim of the imposture remained, and
will now donbless forever remain, among
the catalogue of these guarded secrets
which the crave refuses to render up.
The Pauper Dead of Naples.
A writer in the Cincinnatti Gazette
gives the following account of a visit to a
place where the paupor dead of naples
are hurried :
About two miles from tho city, in a
largo square place, enclosed by a high
wall, thorc are 3G5 oistern snapped vaults
or pits, with an aperture on top about
three feet square. These cisterns arc
some 20 or 25 feet deep by 12 or 15 in
diameter, with tho opening covered by a
heavy stone, and tightly cemented. One
of these is removed by a portable lever
every day in tbe year, to receive the dead
of that day, and then closed again for a
year. They begin to deposit the bodies
about 6 o'clock in the eveniug, and end
at 10. When I got there about ten or
twelve people had already been thrown
in, and were lying promiscuously as they
chanced to fall, with bead, body and
limbs in every possible attitude across, o
ver and under each other. An old priest,
or throe attendants, and a few idle spec
tators of the common sort, were loitering
Shotly after my arrival a box was
brought containing the body of a child
some 4 or 5 years; its hand held a bunch
of flower3, and a rose was in its mouth.
The priost mumbled a short prayer, sprin
kled it with holy water, and turned away,
a man then took the little fellow by tho
neck and heels and pitched him in as he
would a stick of wood; bis head struck
the curb as it went in, and he fell whirl
ing to tho bottom; seeing the flowers that
fell from his hand, he took them up and
threw them in after it. In a few minutes
more a man was brought to tho mouth of
the pit ;"the priest again prayed and sprin
kled, the attendants took him up by the
head and legs and down ho went also.
Then followed another child like the
first, and I was about leaving the ground
when a fourth subject entered. The lid of
tho box was thrown back, and it was the
body of a young and rather handsome fe
male. Sho was apparently about twenty
and died evidently from some short ill
ness. Her arms and face were round and
full, and she appeared more asleep than
dead. The prayers and holy water again
in requisition: the attendants took hor
roughly up, and tossed her in. I imme
diately stepped to the mouth of the vault
and looked down ; her limbs, and those
of the dead below she had disturbed by
her fall, wcro still in motion. Her head
was slowly turning, and her hair, which
was long, black and luxuriant, was set
tling in thick clusters across a vory white
and naked body lying near her. For a
moment the whole horrid mass seemod
instinct with life, and crawling on tho bot
tom of its Ioathsomo charnel house. I
had seen enough ; sick and disgusted I
turned away, aud moralizing on the diff
erence botween such an interment and a
peaceful one in our own beautiful cement
ery at SpringGrove, I mounted my vo
lauto and returned to Naples, meeting on
my road some half a dozen boxes, great
and small, containing more victims for that
insatiable maw that cpens its mouth but
once a year to be gorged with its dread
ful banquet.
Tho bodies thus entered aro generally
from the Hospital, and the sight can bo
witnessed by any one 3G5 times a year
Before tbe pit is closed, quick limo is
thrown in, and nothing but bones left
when it is again opened.
The Moth.
A great fuss is usually made " about
this time" to keep off that delicate and
beautiful Iittlo insect, the Moth Miller.
Sho has certain instincts, as well as other
people, and they lead her to deposit her
eggs where food can be found when hor
young arc "born into tho world." So
she, liko a good mother, looks about indus
triously aud claps an egg here and there
under the seams of our host woollen coat,
or in madam's wrist-cufi tr boas, or
muff; or, for want of better shelter and
moro refined feeling, will deposit half a
scoro of eggs among the hair of the buff
alo robes that hang in the carriage-house.
Now this is very innocent and commend
able conduct throughout all bugdom, but
is looked upon bv us as a peculiarly in-
sinuating proceeding bj' the bugs, aud
form of deposit not altogether approved.
So tho housewife tries to defend her-
self with cedar closets, camphor draws, on tho Feast of Visitation, (July 2d,) by
rosemary sassfras leaves aud other! his Eminence Cardinal Fransoui, Prefect
delectable odors, but tho bugs care no1 of Propaganda. I have not been able to as
more for them than a hectoring gallant ccrtaint ho name of the convert, but it will
for a tap with his lady's fan; they are true not long remain uuknown."
to their instincts still, and will continue The person alluded to above is report-
to bo so in spite of tho nostrums of sE&
culapius and all his disoiples 1
But, fair, lady, there is one infallible
remedy; simple, and always in reach.
Shako your garments or furs well, and
tie them up tight in a pillar-case, or any
cotton or linen bair, and hang that in tho
. 1 j
garret, or any where under cover, and
your vegetables will be perfeotlysaftfJfrom
t&c rnvnaes of the moth.
The Crops, Generally.
During the month just closed, wo havo
traversed in various directions the largo
and productive region bounded by the
St. Lawrence on the North and tho Ohio,
on the South, and stretching from tho
Green Mountains on the East to the
j Cuyahoga on the West. In addition to
tho observations thus made, wc have con
versed with many intelligent travelers from
nearly all parts of tho country and recei
ved letters giving some account of tho
state of the Crops in almost every part of
the Union. From the information thus
obtained, wo. sum up tho general stato
and prospects of this year's Harvest as
follows :
Wheat was considerably injured by
tho Fly and the Weevil, but not so ser
iously as was at first supposed. Tho
crop is a fair average.
Iiye camo in well, but was not exten
sively sown. It rarely fails.
Grass or Hay is short in the averago
wo think not over three-fourths of an
average yield throughout tho Union. It
was very generally injured by drouth
and by grasshoppers, and its later growth
so hastened by tbe intense heat that very
much of it suffers by standing in tho
field after it should have been cut. There
is much yet out which Mill not be worth
nearly so much as it would havo been if
cut a fortnight ago. It is very short iu
the great Grazing States of the West.
Indian Com was quite extensively
planted, and about half of all we havo
seen bears a good color, though often
shortened by drouth. About a quarter
of all we bavo seen is very miserable,and
cannot yield ten bushels to the acre
much not five. Tho remaining quarter
is rather worse than middling. Therc,is
time yet for improvement, if rains aro
frequent and frosts hold off, but the pro
bability now is that the yield per acre
will bo below an average. If so, Pork
must be higher. In the South, Corn is a
great staple, and thero will not be half a
crop this year.
Potatoes cover a great deal of ground
we think moro than usual but the
prospects for a yield are not bright. They
have widely suffered from drouth, and
tho vinc3 are generally less luxuriant
than they should be. We hear reports
that the dreaded Rot has made its ap
pearance in Westchester County, where-
ram has been abundant. We believe tho
average yield will be small, though many
fields look well.
Oats are a failure. Thero was a great
breadth sown, but tho severe drouth of
July has stunted them, so that they aro
short and look badly. Even in West
chester, where there has been rain enough,
they look thin and feeble a result at
tributed to the intense heats of June.
We did not see. a dozen really good
fields in the last thousand miles wc trav
eled. Thero will not be over half u.
Soiccd Com (for fodder) is doina fair-
Buckwheat is seen m all stages somo
fields in the blossom; others hardly out of
the ground. Tho earliest sown is gener
ally short. It is too soon to speak as to
tbe latter.
Hoots, other than Potatoes, arc not ex
tensively sown or not yet up. Tho
shortness of the Grass crop ought to havo
induced a very general sowing of Tur
nips and Indiau Corn to eke out the de
ficiency of Hay, but wo do not learn
that it has done so.
Our general conclusion is that Graiu
will rule high and probably advance dur
ing the next nine months, carrying Pork
along with it, and that Cattlo and Beef
will be cheaper in the fall. Sheep can
not well be dearer. But August may
materially change all this. So much de
pends on the fullness or deficiency of tho
Harvest, that wo will thank our friends
in every quarter to advise us early of
anything that may occur affecting it in
their respective neighborhoods, and to
bo oarcfull to inform us accurately.
Grass aud Winter Grain are mainly cut, 4
while Oat3 are gouerally past praying
for; but Indian Corn aud Potatoes may
yet come in so bounteously as to ensure
general plenty. N. Y. Tribune.
BiTho Freeman's Journal of New
York, Bishop Hugos' organ, says:
"Letters from Rome, received hero
three days ago, announce that a distin-
anguished Senator of the United States mado
his formal renunciation of Protestautism,
aud was recoived in the Catholic Church
ed to bo Senator Douglass, of IHinoh,
Jwho is now, or was reccutly, in Roino.
"JPapjty, can't I go to tho zoological
rooms to see the cammomilo fight tho rln-
I nosarcow?" Sartin, ray son but don't
. . .
net your trowscrs torn. otrange, my
fa J , V
oar what a taste that boy haa goUor
natural history."