3.Q ficultuval. To Keep Potatoes from Rotting. -Wo clip the following from and ex -h-uige paper, and give it for what it is V ul th. 'A highly respectable rcntlemau call- .'! ai OUT OI110O this won .- nni stfitnrt 1 - . i , , . . w.uw uuB aUmu poiaioes in uic mruuic ot August, pitted them carefully in five , v:.. 1.1. m. ... i r., w u.uu. n.iu iun ...m th.it earth: over the potatoes in one ol the I'-K he scattered a small ouantilv of h ucojl, these were perfectly safe, not i .1.1 one could he found. Of llie oilier f , . . . , . ...u, nciu auoui iwo-uiu ua oi Hu m quite rotten. L he potatoes were al I of the same kind and dun and treated in the same way.1' THE lMISSNIP. We have before had occasion lo refer t j the growth and use of this crop, so well suited to northern culture. The follow ing excellent article from the Country tit jt'hmatt, may be read with profit. As one who has lived twenty years on a farm, searching all the while for relia ble information, both from his own expc ti. net-and from that of.othcrs, ought to I'p in possession of sontc "fixed facts' and .iith'd opinions; and as duty, propriety, an J Irate nil ty require that we should al nv others the opportunity of benefiting I vir experience, 1 teel moved to give a 1 w items of information which I think ry satisfactorily settled bv evidence w.'hin my own observation. 1 'tanking long pretaccs, and trusting ih it all your correspondents will dispence with t hem, 1 commence the brief summa i s 'f my experience and observations of t.cuty years, by a statement in ' i If value of parsnips. rcgard rAiisxii's for Hogs One of the ''.inr which I consider well settled, and t 1 li.lblft find MSnflll ifMil nf L-nnu-lodmi i-: that parsnips, cither raw or cook- . but preferably cooked, with the ad- n "fannies potatoes, tc. occasional- 1. vv. re it onlv tn nrovnn. f h. nnnMiin ui being cloj'ed by "eternal samenc t.'titute the best kind of food whereon f.itten a hor. They are also the best i oi roots, joi miicn cows, jjotll UOffs C x - C 1.1 - 11 .1 I . 1 C'uvs cat them with avidity, and to the h anu nuitcr tncy couinHimcatc agood, 11.. . t -. ! i U .;oii3 flavor. 1 nave seen it stated o yars ago that beef made from par- i ji i r i . .i I prinirs me ninesr m ice in i.im joti- .,.l-..f T I. i i. i i 1 o rj i " i ...... v. i uuuh. muu"ii x ma y ue -j - T il 11111 ,JJ "H-isiuauou. uiaL porK inaue t ii fi'od ehieilv eonrnosfid nf nrirsimis ii., w t r tlian when made from any tlnn j 1' i ... j... , . Tl.i is not the onlv recommendation t', -t n.ay justly be bestowed on the pars- mJ ""I aulu"s lW5 U1UI RWH ( UailUCS IS a ... -ii ,i lrr. i -umt ii, icnuirea no care or llOllsin-' tut-i.ui, as an ouicr roots uo. In all middle, northern and western Stales, j T- t it-io-5, (Xirrots, and turnins must be -tod and housed, or burried: and e- , J., thU i Ann nn,1 w;fJ, nnA . e ana juugmcnL too a por ion will ire- ,i ,.. iuiiiun .iu iu?ii uy nuftuii", r.i Mtsng or decay from other causes. t .i ,r t i . l ii-.iupN, on LUC OLUCr lianl. reailirO 110 r ii the fall, as thev mav be left, with- I j i- :ajury m the ground all winter. may also be planted earlier in the I t i,r-iiij, as the frost docs not injure them, vu.i at the earliest stage of their growth, si thnt this root crop interferes the least viy with employments which crowd u- j "i th- farmer in the spring and fall. It t a vjtiuucs t-o irrow through the whole j'i, until the ground freezes in winter it requires no expenditure to gather oi i stjre it; it may be taken up on sevcr- jJ casions during the winter, and the i t that sta' in the ground all winter. r. A iujured, and probably improved, 1 i i frost. Parsnips seem to be eaten i: i. ii -ii i i in jic lensn tuan eiuicr turnips or ; . and yield, in the raw fctatc it ' it, a greater amount of nutriment. Wither advantage in cultivating par , is, that on a suitable soil sand or . , rich or well manured, and deep 1 ..t-d a large growth may be secured. rale of IJOO bushels have been i J from an acre of ground. i'.tiMiips may be planted either in i 'ir or in the latter part of summer, y hi August or September. The ground 'j iU be well manuered, mellow, and '" j-1' plowed, and seed sown in drills, j i to have plants to thin out, while prc- vuig them at about eight inches apart, j i: will require at about the rate of two y j'jliyf seed lo the acre. The drills 'i uld be two feet apart, and the space . t.Ti ' ti well cultivated and kept clear of :vi d -. it sown in the spring, the earlier bitt. r. A larger growth may be se ur. 1, howovcr by sowing the seed in j i tuber. There -will be some cohsid ra'do irrovrtli before the ground freezes up, and the growth will commence a ' nu as soon as Uie frost leaves the ground "i the -pi ing, which will continue through- the whole season, without running to j They will thus have a growing i- -n of above twelve months ; whereas", v. .n -own in the spring, they can only gr w . ighl or nine incnths. -V the advantages of this root crop, 1 a. nut yet been named. Among them iv tlK se that they seem to be uninjured 1 ji a w t or dry season, and that no insect 2. r bug atUeks them at any stage of their prwtb. Observer. ) "The great iron railroad bridge a ci05S the Monougahela river, about one nile above Fairmount, Va., was completed la t week. It is said that it cost four h 'u'h U and ni)ii.y-sh; tJtousand dollars ! Of the six hundred faithful drench oldicrs that followed Napoleon from El ba, one hundred and fifty-three are living. Louia Napoleon has granted the survivors a pension of thirty dollars a year lately. Help the industrious und they will help .1 C 11 It it . 1 -r i.l... ' 9300 CHALLENGE, I W lll)lllni r gl C IliA l.nnavi.mr-n An vum-uiua iuu ii.h miium .tin. health of a people is at all limes of llie most valuable importance. 1 lake it for grante 'hat everv person will do all in iheir power to save tho lives of their children, and thai n(irsmi will eiMtc.lVur to Promote their iwn health ai all sacrifices. I feel it to he m' 1,,,lV s'dmciily assure you that worms 1 iiufi ii i lt tit f i i hi ot the most co.i. h,raiei! Physicians, are ihe piimary cause "fa l:r;o majoiity ol diseases lo wine children and adults are liable; if you have i . eljl0 r0nlinu.lly chargeable from one kind ol food lo another, lind Breath, Pan in the btomach, ncuing al the fSose, Hard ne.s and Fullness ol the Belley, Dry Cough .slow l'ever, I ulso Irregular icmemhe that all these denote worms, and you should al once apply the romcd: fi2oseiiactiN worm Syrup. An article founded upon Scientific I'rinci pics, compounded with purely vegetable sub lanrcs, being per'cclly sate when taken, & can be given lo ihc most tender Infant with ucmieu ncnciiciai eiiert. where liowcl Kjom plaints and Diarnca have made thern weal and debilitated, the 'Ionic properties of my orm byrup are such, that it stands with out an equal in the catalogue of medicines m giving lone and strength to the Stomach? ahiih makes it an Infallible remedy foi those afflicted with Uespepsia, the aston isbing cures performed by tins Syrup aftei riiv.sicians have tailed, is the best evidence Lf its superior eificacy over all others TTiic Tape Worm This is the mosl difficult Worm to des iroy ol all that miesl the human system. It grows lo an almol Indefinite length, be coming so coiled and fastened in the Inles lines ami omm.icit aneciing llie liealin so sadly as localise St. Vitus Dance, Fits.&c inai uiose aiuicicu seldom n ever suspect that it is I ape Worm hastening tlicm to an early grave. In order lo destroy this Worm a ery cnergelie treatment must In; pursued it would therelore be proper to take ( or i ot my hier 1'ills so as to remove all oh truclions. ihat the Worm Syrup may ac direct upon ihe Worm which must be taken in doses of 2 1 able spoon's full times lay, these directions followed, have never ''een known to fail in curing the mosl obsli ');c case ol 1 arie Worm No pan of man is more liable to liea.e nan the Liver, it serving as a filterer n purify the blood, or giving the proper secre tion to the bile; so thai any wrong action ot the Liver aflecls the other important nan - . . ' of the system, and results variously, in Liv- er Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. U e iloulJi iberefoie, watch every symptom llml inlolil lnilirnlfi :i vvrntirr nrlinti tf ilm r " " " v- i ; -i-t ii. li . I...: t mui. i "wt i iii uLMiiy computed Ol ,.o 0 , ... , .i . ' . i.i JV,L" 4111 1 till IHOllUU 1.1 UiilUlU IU IILUl ,h sink- NSmotw it. An 7.W,.,,,.,,,, - i,w.i. o. ntnn.it.- r,,.. d..i tiiiivti iiiiiiv.ti(o tiiu ov;viu..vru ..tit ii uiu l ill- monary mucus membtane, or promotes ihc piscliarge ol s- creteu matier. 2d, An .4 Cftr''ff- wh,r charges in some explicable I'. " 1 .1 ,. ,1&c"s",,e manner' "10.c?.Vai.n u,01rb,:, "j -.v.... " " i ... ..4i, m. (,:rnc u.nn nrl r.,nil,l, 1 ih no,,.,,,,, c.o lem. renewing beallh and vior lo all nnrk of the body. 4th, A Cathartic, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredi cnts, ami operating on the liowels, and ex M,e lu,g 10 ,e m,?s ol corr"It " viua- ,uu niaiifr, arm pun.ying u,c i),ou, wnicn XoFcB1,c. v .;1t fill5 ,,w p.ik. nn :i..t.i mr!l;,.InH m in:,nv pnmnlnink i.. urh v,. .irn n hlPi-l. In n wlniHnn Pil!.nr r - ' j"" oartial. ihev have been found of inestimable oeneht, restoring their fractiontal arrange merits to a healihv action, purifying the blood and oilier fluids so effectually to pui lo Uight all complaints which mav arite from female irregularities, as head ache, giddness, dimness of sight, pain in the side. back. &c. None genuine unless signed J. N. Ho bensack, all others being base imitations (LA gents wishing new supplies, and Store Keejiers wishing to become Agent. must address the Proprietor .1. i. Jlobcusack No 1:20 N. Second st , I'hila., Pa. Ageuts in ITIosiroc County. Dr. S. Stokes and It. Huston, Stroudsburg: H. Peters, jr. co. Marshals creek; Staple Shivley, Analomink; J. Bell, Experiment Mills. Brodhead & ro. Dulotsburg ; II. & I. Kiulz, Paradise ; . J. Merwine, Merwines burg; Daily & Tombler, ICffert; Edinger & Marsh, Frnnersville; Keller & Hoffman. Ivellersville; and all dealers in drugs through out the county and State Price, each 25 cents. March 10, 1S53. Cure o'f Cunsumpiion. Liver ( omptainl. Colds, Coughs. Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung Cum- ptainls. 1 have published a brief work on Consum ption, which contains an invaluable recipe tor the cure of these prevalent diseases, even in their worst stages, when friends and phy sicians have given up all hope. The Lunj. iW.semi prescribed in this work Cures wilhou ihe expensive aid of physicians or injurious useoi patent medicines, in adopting this Sis fern of Cure the patient knows what he is us- tng knows that he is not shortenning his pay.5 by the use of anodynes or mercurials which may seem to Relieve but never Cure lie knows when using this Life-savin": Bal sam, lliat lie is lalung rnild, pleasant, effica i.jus remedies, such as A'alure nrcscrihet. tor lire ills herehudren sufler. The inredi euts composing this Lung Balsam arc obtain able (cheaply too.) wherever consumption exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote Uoiisumptive patients may Rely on this rcceip (all Luiij Complaints are removed by it& use) Lwould not attach mviiame to il. had I doubt of its efficacy. The directions foi preparing and ufeing the Balsam are perfectly plain. 1 ptefer selling the Recipe to making the IJal.sam, as it enables people to Make their own Medinnc at a Trifling Cost. 1 wil impart the secret of making the Balsam, and the Family right lo use it, for St, but in uo case will 1 sell it for speculating purposes. Proof of its Goodness. Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851 . -Doct. S. TO USE Y Sir: You wished me to let you know what effect your preparation of Medicine for Consumption and other dis eases had in my family. After the first ten days my wife gained in weight J lbs, relieved her cough, changed her countenance, and al' appearances were better. 'My family would not be willing to do without it. il is a med icine much needed in Jackson there is many cases sirnular to my wife's. The Rev Mr. Ulanchard will write you for a recipe. -Res pectfully yours. O. F. POOL. Address, post paid, (enclosing $1.) Dr. S. I'OIJSEY, 100 Nassau street, New York. Phc work goes by nraii under sml October 7, I5I-6m iiV-i m ia:j!jiijauiuffleM.uvi. Port Jcrvis Mauch Chunck end Scr anion The Stroudsburg and Eastern I mail line of stages, consists of excellent four horse coaches, and leaves J. J. Postens' In- 1T. 1 IT ... .1 11 dian Colleen Hotel, btroudsburg. Pa. everv day (except Sundays) at 7 o'clock a. m. ar riving in Easlon before the departure of thp cars lor New i onc, or stages lo Belhlehem anrl Allentown. fX5" The following lines leases Poslens " Indian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. everv Monday, Wednesday and Friday, reluming on anernaie uavs: A. line 10 1 Oft Jei'VlS, leaving m 7 nVlnplf a ai vifi IliwliLiii n;.n.. Choice and Milford. Returning, leaves Port lervis immedialelv after the arrival nf ibo mornino train of cars lo New Ynrlr. m nhnm " : , ... . . o elocu a. M. A line Lo Mauch Chunk, le.nvino- at 7 o'clock a. .m. it connects with Wheit Haven. via JJrodhcadsville, where lir.es to Wilkes-Hare and A line to Scranton, leaving al 1 o'clock a. M. via llartonsville, Tanners- ville, where it connects with a line lo Hones dale, and connecting at Scranton with the cars for the west. These lines hold out strong inducements to the traveling public passing through sec- nous ol the country which are as magnifi- cent and picturesque as any in ihe Union. lfaxing provided themselves wiih excel cellent coaches, good horses, and careful drivers, they Icel comment that they will br enabled to give entire satisfaction lo all who will patronize them. STOUFFFR & OSTRANDER, August IU. IS:j2. J'roprielors. Or to. . i-lie lesuillOIiy 111 US iavor IS over- whe ming. The proprietors arc dai y in receipt ot otters ami certnitcates, noing o prove its rcmarkab'c effieicnc' to all mw? ftfwftm: Kndi in rdiPdvrm on.l -1 Tl, ,.n iof ;,-m, tl.n . , , ' ,il , . , .ilu ln,1, u,u111a U1 uu,ku a '" Ul mi. utiuuiuH ui jjiiii. cians to this artic"c, and they freely re- commend & prescribe it in their practice, The retail price is 25 cents per vial iiin-Ii brinss it within the means of all. STAGE rum m mm? '.nas it within the means of all, u no " " lo u,luur anu.ul ueepesi mysie t?j... r r t r ioi ries of life; especially it is for the noble and brooufini. JL. 1. January 10, 1S4. , i 't , . i- xi l t . , 1 hereoio Jew, who are brave enough to exa- certify that L gave one bottle of mine ami accept new lrulIlSt and wise e. T .1 j. iaj (.tuny tuat 1. uiiu uuiui; Ul ji.x'anuysLuciv umiiuiiu Luiuy emiu, A I ... I. , . - ' I .. l I . I -1 and in seven hours it passed 23 large worms. Any person doubting' tins mav apply for further information at my resi- Slclan 10 vvlllc" UlIS V0lume "oes not con d.mftft corner nf York- nnA .TneVn stV tam an answer. It is so complete ill this wv v- - UVIWI I I 1F9 1 CVFPPPV - Fougiikccpsic N. Y: 3Iarch 2, 1844. I certify, that I took two vials of 13. A. Fahncstock's Virmifugc, which I found to be the greatest cure for worms I have ever used. 1 nave been troubled with 1-i-t i i-i-i . tape worms for a number of years, and I have never found so irood a medicine as A. Fanestock's Yirmifugc. I there fore recommend it. MARTHA CLIFT. The public is cautioned against coun- forfeits and spurious articles, and to put no confidence in statements that ' Kolm- in aLiiLuiiiuiiLa Limb xvujiu- lS. Fahncstock's Yirmifue s or as good as the only sen- and nw llio. snine t,; nvfJitli. wl.;,.l. t'c .7?. A .,, .cW.'c - .7 f-" y ... I ' iiniljuL. For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. 8ctoch ' , ... cVlil LH O 4.1fl C I The subscriber hav- ing purchased ihe entire stock of Clocks, Watch- cs, Jewelry, etc. of John II. Melick, intends car- Az&gZH rY'nK on ll,c Watch Ma- king and Jewelry busi- i.l 'V-J ncss in all its various lorms, and in a man- ner. he trusts, that will give ihe most eniire satisfaction, not only to himself but to those trusting the above mentioned articles with him to be repaired. lie has renewed his stock by recent purchases in the city of New York, which, together, with his former stock, makes his assortment at this lime one ol the most splendid ever before offered in Strouds- burg; among which may be found all the la- test fashions in the structure and embellish merit of dress Jewelry, viz: Ureast Pins, Ear Kings, ringer Kings, Gold Lockets, Snaps, nracelels, Glides, oilver onoons. JJutter Knives, and Urittania Ware, together with a large assortment of Gold and Silver Valch- es, blocks, l'crjumcry, cc, together with ten with the necessary freedom, and illus all the articles that can be found in any es- trated with fullness and fidelity, must not be uiuiisumeni oi me Kind. WnifJi fieoBjisi55r t . .. I neing an important as well as a skilMul part onus business, he Hatters himself he can . I yiru as general satisfaction loins customers and the public as can be done by any one, as he intends to keep none but the best work- men in his employ ; and feeling confident and he feels compelled to keep this book truly that all shall have entire satisfaction done esoteric, a private work, to be sent as a con thern, he iuteuds to devote his whole time and fidcnlial answer lo a professional consul in- allention to that important branch of his """"""'I' Anything in his line that he may not have on uanu, win ue promptly procured irom the i. l i i . i . - .1 city, by calling on the subscriber at his shop, on Lli.abeth street, two doors west of J. If. Mehck's old stand. SAMUEL ME LICK Stroudsburg, Mav 6. 185-2. WATEKiWAN & OSBOURft, N.W. Comer ISccondand Mulberry Streets, Philadelphia. OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TEAS, "I COFFEE, I At the Lowest Market rates. SUGAR, V MOLASSES, j SI'ICES, c&c. &c. lhose commencing New; Stores are pa- ticularlv invited to call. ft?'" Attention given lo Produce. Philadelphia, January 527, l858?-"3in. To wJiom it may concern T o the intelligent the thourdhil. the phtlanltroptc. Your al lenlion is respectfully mailed to a new, or igmal, peculiar, and important xvork, of 4o0 pages 18 mo., and containing nearly one hundred engravings, and entitled, ESOTERIC ANTHROPOLOGY nv T. I.. NICHOLS, M. D. "OR1N0IPAL of the American Dydropath iL ic Institute. Educational and 1 hera oeutical, al Porlchester, N. Y., one hour' idsiance from New York city on the New York and New Haven liailroad. A com prehensive ar Structure F OllUUlUll., 1 nd confidential Treatise on the nncimns. 'assinna Attractions U.wi Pprvrr.in.io. True and False Phvsica ml Social Conditions, and the most inti mate Kelations of Men and Women, The title. Esoteric Anthropology, wil seem strange to many, but it is thoroughly appropriate. Anthropology is from Anthro pos. a man, and Logos, a description. liso teric, from Eso, within, signifies private, se rrp.t. interior, anu was useu ov me ancient philosoohers to distinguish their private , lectures, eiven in the misriors ot their dwellings, upon the sacred mysteries o science and philosophy, to their chosen dis riples. Irom their Juvolcrtc Uiscourses.wlncli . . .. Tt, .i . were given 10 ine puuuc. j.;soicric ininro- pology is, therefore, a private treatise on Human Anatomy, Physiology, 1 herapeutics and Ousletrics on the whole science ol man plain in language, full and faithful in illustration, and written with all the frank ness of a private letter, under the seal o professional confidence. It contains the highest and deepest truths in every depart merit of Human Physiology, with iheir indi vidual and social application; the true na lure and hidden cause of Disease; the con dilions of Health, physical and passional all that information which every human be ing needs, which few dare ask for, or know how to obtain, but which, amid the discord- ances and depravities of civilization, is ol priceless value. There are many subjects connected with the broad science of Human Life, of the deepest and most vital interest to man and the race, in regard to which a terrible igno rance eveiy where prevails; an ignorance which is destroying the healths, shortening the lives, and sacrificing the happiness ol millions which threatens the power of na lions, and the perpetuity of races Professional works on Physiology are dry. mechanical, or chemical, astonishingly ig norant, as well as technically incomprehen- sioie. i ue popular wonts are supernciai :ii- im. i i.- . . - i meager, and necessarily wanting in the most important matters. The quack books ire full ol errors, laise in science, absurd in pniiosnpny, miscneivous in morals, anc oase'v meccenary in their motives. In mosl cases these books are the advertising medi urn ol some specious charlatan, who wants patients, or letters ol consultation, or who lias some instrument to sell, or some nost r i m t ft rnlm r ft nrinn t It O r frt A i 1 r ii The world has need of n diflVrPnt hnnk from any of these such a book as has never been written, and as cannot now be publish ed in the usual way, sold by booksellers, of hawked by agents or peddlers. I he author "f Hsoteric Anthropology, a Teacher, Physician, a public and private Lecturer on a branches of Medical Science, has writ ler) lms uouli wlln a jranitiiess he never could have used in a work for the public, or one open to criticism, it is for his pupils and patients, lor intelligent men and women, wno w's lo unuersianu ine ueepesi mysie- I ,r, , , n on. oonnt I . r- . i .... nougii to prolit oy mem. mere can scar- cely be any important question, which any or woman can ever neeo ro ass a pny . I . . I I. I 1 I I " respect, mat wie auiuor nopes anu ueneves that no one who reads it will ever need to trouble himself with a professional consulta- lon. It is henceforth his chosen method of medical instruction and practice, and in it ne lias performed ine duty lie owes man kind as a healer of the sick, a preserver of health, and a teacher of the Laws of Life. Among the subjects treated of in this work, are the following: Man, and his rela tions to the Spiritual and Material Uuiverse Human Anatomy; the Chemistry of Man; Principles of Physiology and the Active Forces of Nature; The Three Groups ol Functions, Organic, Animal, and Genera- tive; The whole Philosophy and Processes of Reproduction; The True Law of Marriage "i itt-Jiuuui.nuii, i uc iiuc jjiiw ui m;uriiiie Ilie Conditions of Health; Causes of Disease; Curative Agencies; Processes of Water-cure; n: i 'ii . .. u i n- ""eases aim i reauuem; i agonal disease vpncoc nf ho IrOnorn Sue nm. (rim hind iVrvps? T?RSniratinn; niapiinn-fpnprn . ..t.-wiLjuj v.. vui. vwiiv.iiit uio.uii 1 v l ( 1 1 1 1 uon: Gestation and Parturition; Lactation -and the Management of Infancy, etc., etc inrlitflinrr or or it imnnrlnnl r rinrti tiin n.l r,m ess from the beginning to the close of life, a' containing especially- 1. A clear and amply illustrated view of ihe structure of the human body, and all its complex organism, male and lemale 2. A lull account of the functions of life, with such an illustrated description of the evolution of the embryo, as has not before been given. 3. All that is known of health and dis ease, with the means for the preservation of the former, and cure of the latter. 1. So careful an explanation of the whole process of gestation and childbirth, as will enable every woman to aispense with the services of a physician or professional mid wife. Esoteric Axuiropologv is plain and simple in language, full in illustration, as comprohensive as the utmost curiosity can wish, and without one line o auackcru. or ihc remotest hinting al a fee. It must be evident that such a book, writ wru anea. it is not lor the counter, the pooiv - siaii, me liurary shell, or the center I. 1 .It. lt I s table. It is nnt to hp. oflnrnd v..- animation, nor umed mmn thnsn O 1 W "WW not appreciate its value. It is advertised, that verv one who neni ? it. nuv nhioJr ; if he will. Whether the social proprieties be true or false, the auhor can not violate them lion, and he trusts that no person will apply inr il m m win iini. run :n unm ,t .,...,. o so consider it. To a 1 such nersons ii will ho com TW MAIL, to any designated address, POST PAID, on the receipt of One Dollar, sent, free of postage, to T. L. NICHOLS M. D. rortchester, N. Y. PAPER HANGING. C. U. Warnick, ESPECTFULLY announces to the cit- zens of Stroudsburg and the surround ing country, that he still continues the above business, and may be found at his establish ment on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa per Hanging will bo punctually attended to, and executed in the best style, upon the mosl reasonable terms. N. 1J. WINDOW SASH, painted and nlavfld. uf nil bitoo rnnrnnllt nn hnrm nnn for sale at the abotc establishment. Stroudsburg, April 15, 1052. ly MONROE COUNTY illsilim! Fire 1 assurance Conip'y. rphc rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand doars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax wi be evied, except to cover actua oss or damage by lire, that may fall upon mem bers ot the company. The nctt profits arising from interest or otherwise, mil be ascertained yeary for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, mil have credit in the compairy. Each insurer in or with the said company wibc n mem ber thereof during; the term of his or her poicy. The principc of Mutua Insur ancc has been thorougliy tested has been tried by the unerring test of expert encc, and has proved successful and be conic very popuar. It aftords the n-cat est security against oss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonabe terms. Appications for Insurance to be made m person, or by letters addressed to JAMES II. ALTON, Scc'y. MANAGERS . John Edinger, John S. Ileller, Andrew Storm, James II. Walton, Silas L. Drake, M. II. Drcher, Geo. B. Keller, Itiehard S. Staples, Itobcrt Boys, Joseph Trach, Jacob Stouifcr, Charles D.lirodheatl Michael Shoemaker. 11. S. STAPLES. President J. II. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1S52. HOUSES MADE SOUND DY THE Horse Owner's Secret, Ilcing a new and certain remedy for the speedy Cure ol BIcavcs, Bj Sir James Lyndonton, Principal Farrier lo his Royal Highness Prince Albert. npiIE great discovery contained in this lit JL tie work procured Sir James his Jiaron etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold to all who own or use Horses. It precribes a Cer tain and positive cure J art he Heaves which any person can prepare. Ihe remedy is belte and cheaper than any advertised Heave Pow tier, and is perlectly sale, as any one can know who tries it. Horse owners know that many a valuable Horse loses half its price by Una prevalent disease. I he remedy pre scribed in this work will cure him and in crease his market vaiue, besides relieving the poor beast of a horrible complaint, simi ar to the Asthma in a man. 1 he public can depend on this work; it is no catchpenny mmbug. The articles prescribed by Sir James are all cheap and can be had at any store. J o prevent irnposrlion the work wil be sent in sealed envelopes. JMiglish prico four shillings and three pence sterling. merican price, $1 per copv. Persons or dering Sir James' Work, are expected to con fine his instructions to their own animals. t will be sent to none others. An American Horse Doctor approoves o the above bystem! Read what he says: AprLETON, Ohio, July ill, IS5 Mr Dunberton, 1 have tried YourSecret or ihe cure ol Heaves, and approve of it very much. Yours, truly, Witness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr To procure this valuable little work. Ad dress, post paid, JOHN DUNCERT0N, English Horse Doctor, American Agent for James Lyndenlon's Horse Owner s becret, New York Post Office. The Secret is sentby mailat letterpnstage LAW CIRCULAR. 1ST ORTHIXGTON" G. S.xetuex, Wash mgton, D. C, coutmues to practice aw exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases betore (Jonsrcss: to prosecute claims an settled accounts a gainst the departments, bureaus, and boards of commissioners; to procure pat ents for invention, at home and abroad, and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in heritances in any part of the United states and foreign countries ; to make invest ments of funds in loans and stocks and on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate the purchase and sale of loans, lands and patent rights in any state of the Union. 100,000 Brick 9 Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a large size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low and lower, according to quality, than any other brick in the County. A portion of thorn are pressed or front, and cornice Jirick of differ ent kinds. Said 13rick are composed of ma terial that will stand the lire with impunity, thus answering for the purpose of building bakc-ovens, &c, all of which will be retailed at the following rates: Pressed or front brick at Si 50 per hundred Best common hard bricfc 1)0 do do Ilest salmon do 75 do do Best soft do 50 do do Filling-in-brick 25 do do N. B. All kinds of grain, at the highest market price, taken in exchange for Brick, and Cash not refused. WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, September 30, 1 852. India Rubber Gloves, Milieus, &d COUNTRY MERCHANTS, in making their purchases, should not neglect these desirable and saleable articles. Their manufacture has been much mproved re cently and they are made very durable. Particular attention is requested to the Wool Lined Gloves and Milieus. They are indispensable in cold and wci weather. Ladies will find these Gloves use ful in any work that will soil the hands, at the same time that they will cure the worsi Salt Rheum or Chapped Hands immediately. They are made all lengths to protect the arms and wrists. For sale by Wilcox, Billings & Co. No. 3 Church Alley, Phil'a. Goodyear's 63 Ches nut street do. J. & II. Phillips, Pittsburgh, Pa- Falconer & Haskell, Baltimore, Md. H. W. Shifler, Charleston, S. C. Bart & Hickcox, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all Rub ber Dealers in the Union. For sale at retail by Country Merchants generally. November 25, 1852. 2m LIVER COMPLAINT, ilfiiumlicc, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases ol the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as a constipation, in ward piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, haartburn, disgust for food, fullness, or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or llutter ing al the pit of the stomach, swimming or the head, hurried and difficult breathing, flut tering at the heart, choking or suflbcatiimj sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before tho sight, fe ver and dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin & eyes pain in ihe side, back, chest, limbs, &c. sud den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con stant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by Dr. Iloofland's celebrated German BiltcrsJ PREPARED RV Ir C M Jackson, at the German Medicine Store, 120 'Arch st. Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equalled by' any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skil lul physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rcc tificaiion of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching pow ers in weakness and affections of the diges tive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. lcad and be Convinced. From the Boston Bee. The editor said, Dec- 22nd-I)r Hoojland'.i celebrated German Bitters for ihe cure o f Li ver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or nervous debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. Theso Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend al our elbow says he has himself re ceived an effectual and permanent cure of Liver complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a fact worthy of great considera tion. They are pleasant in taste and smell and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any cir cumstances. We are speaking from experi ence, and to the afflicted we advise tlieir use. 'Scott's Weekly,' one of the best Liter ary papers published, said, Aug. 25 lDr. Iloofland's German Bitters, manufac tured by Dr. Jackson, arc now lecommended by some of the most prominent members of the faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sick ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the sal utary effect they have upon week systems.' 1 More Evidence. The Hon. C. D. Ilineline, Mayor of the City of Camden, N. J.,says: ' Iloofland's German Bitters. We have' seen many flattering notices ofthis medicine, and the source from which they came induced us lo make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and must say vsre found it specific in hs ac--lion upon disease of the liver and digestive- organs, and the powerful influence it exerts- upon nervous prostration is really surpiising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, bring ing them into a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. "If this mcdidine was more generally used: we are satisfied there would be less- sick-- ness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous' system the great majority of real and imagi nary diseases emanate. Have them in a; healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epidemics generally. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends'who are at all indisposed, to give a ttial it will recommend itself. It should, in fact, be ir every family. No other medicine can pro duce such evidences of merit." Evidence upon evidence has been receiv ed (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last threeyears, and thestrong- est testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the practice of the regulur t'tiysicians ot rinladelphia, than all oilier nostrums conbined, a fact that can eaisily be established, and fully proving that a scien tific prepcration will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in this form. 1 hat this medicine will cure Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically up on the stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable ben efit at any time. Look well to the marks of the genuine. They have tho written signature of C. M; JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name qlown in tho bottle, without which they are spurious. ror sale holesale and Retail at the Ger man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Gth, Philadelphia; and by respec table dealers generally through the country. Prices reduced. lo enable all classes of invalids to enjov the advantages of their great restorative powers. Single Bottle 75 cents. or sale by Stardird & Walla.ve, Strouds- unrg' I'a. All". O. lb'5'J. lv. OILS, TALLOW GREASE, AND OHIO RfliNERAL PAIMT. 300 barrels Machinery Oil. Price 75 cts. per gallon. 2500 gallons do do do 75 do in casks of various sizes. 200 barrels Boild Paint Oil. do do 55 55 do 'do 5000 gallons do do do in casks of various sizes. 350 barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds & qualities, from 35 toGUcts per gallon. 500 gallons in casks of various sizes. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cts. per gallon. 50 tons Tallow Grease, for heavy bearihgsv and coarse machinery, in barrels or casks, of any consistency required. Price G cents per pound. 150 tons Ohio Mineral Paint, In barrels, "at the lowest market price. Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill in ic coldest weather, and considered by those using it equal to sperm oil. Loild Paint Oil, equal to linseed oil. other tiian for white. I am constantly receiving large supplies of ic above named articles, and rav motto is. Small profits and quick returns:" li. r . POND, 5G Water St., (under the Pearl st. HouscA New-York uly 1, 1852. Gm ATTORNEY AT LAW, lias removed his office to his dwelling; louse, lirst door below the oihee of the Monroe Democrat," and directly oppo site g. J. Tlollinshaad's liotal, Elizabeth street. ? Stroudsburg, Doc. 10, 1S50.