The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 04, 1853, Image 1

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IDcuotcJ) to politics, iterature, 3gvt culture, Science, iHovcilitn, nno cncval intelligence.
VOL. 13.
NO. 41.
I I'll I I l m
ltillisliccl ly Theodore Schocli.
TERMS Two dollars per annnuni in advance Two
dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if nut paid be
tore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those
who receive their papers by a carrier or stage diivcrs
employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2
cents, per year, extra.
No papers ditcontinued until all arrearages arc paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
lO" Advertisements not exceeding one square (six
teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar,
and twenty-five cents fot every subsequent insertion
The Charge for one and three hiicitions the same.
A liberal discount made to yearly adtortisers.
ID All letters addressed to the Editor must be post
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, we are prepared
to execute every desctiptionof
Cards, Circulars, Ui II Heads, Notes, Hlank Receipts
JiiMioes, Legal and other Htunks, Pamphlels, Ac.
printed with neatness and despatch, oa reasonable
terms, .
From the Knickerbocker.
Railroad Adventure
The car was full of passengers,
I can't recall the number,
IFor I had but just awakened from
An unrefreshing slumber,
"When a lady, who sat facing me,
Directly met my eye,
But turned away immediately,
And smiled I know not why.
When youthful folks who strangers arc
Arc seated face to face,
In the silence of a railroad car,
A grave and formal place,
Their wandering eyes will sometimes meet
By some strange fascination,
And they cannot keep their faces straight,
Though dying with vexation.
Simpletons there doubtless are,
"Whose mouths are always stretching,
But the guileless mirth of maidens' eyes
And dimpled cheeks is catching:
First she laughed and then I laughed
I couldn't say what at ;
Then she looked grave, and I looked grave,
And then she laughed at tluit.
She endeavored to repress her mirth,
But couldn't hold it half in,
Por with face concealed behind a book,
She almost died a-laugbiug.
She pouted when she found her lips
Determined on a smile,
But 't was very plain the preUy rogue
"Was laughing all the while.
Thus happily the moments flew
To me, at least, of course,
Though, when site saw me smilling too,
It made the matter worse.
And when, at last, I left the car,
I caught her laughing eye,
And had one more good grin before
I tore myself away.
'Mine inn' I sought in saddened mood,
And with feelings of regret:
Those brilliant eyes, I felt assured,
I never could forget.
And when arrived, valise in hand,
I paused I can't tell why
Before a mirror on a stand,
And gazed with curious eye.
My cravat was turned half round or more,
And sbocked was I to find
That my hat was badly jammed before,
And the rim turned up behind!
Then while in haste my room I sought,
I swore along the stairs
That I would not again be caught
A-napping in the cars.
jj-Every young man should remem
ber that the world will always honor in
dustry. The vulgar and useless idler
may look with scorn: his contempt is hon
or. A man famous for hunting up enigmas
philosophized thus: "What strange crea
tures girls are. Offer one of them good
wages to work for you, and ten chances
to one if the old women can spare any of
her girls; but just propose matrimony,
and sec if they don't jump at the chance
of working a life-time for their victuals
and cloths. A queer way of estimating
The Boston Mail man, who has had a
vast amount of experience in the business,
says :
The most insipid thing in the world, is
to kiss a pretty girl in the presence of
her mother. To be realized as it should be, 1
this sort of confectionary should be taken j
in t be dark, hven a candle is unneces-1
eary, for there are very few who can't !
Jind tbeir mouths, even m a coal cellar.
To Keep Tires Tight Ox Wheels.
A correspondent of the Southern Planter
gives tho following method for keeping
tires tight on wheels :
Before putting on the tires fill the felr
loes with linseed oil, which is done by
heating the oil in a trough to a boilin"
heat, aud keeping the wheel, with a stick
through the hub, in the oil for an hour.
JMic wheel is turned round nntil
felloe is kept in the oil an hour,
Fearful Energy.
The following picture of the fearful en
ergies of our people in pushing every
worldly enterprise to a dangerous ex
treme, is drawn with a master-hand. It
is extracted from a long article in the
Presbyterian Quarterly Review, under the
head of 'Young America Head pause
and reflect!
'There is in this country a consuming
passion for gain. The nation is mad.
It rushes with incredible avidity after
speculations, or works sixteen hours a
day that it may have the means of a
senseless profusion and a glittering frivol
ity. Never was there a less avaricious
people. Hero foreigners fall into their
great and enduring error. The nation
in this, as in every thing, is extravagant
as no people ever were from the begin
ning hitherto. This can be shown in
many ways for example, our imports last
year wero upwards of two hundred mil
lions of money, and this for a young peo
ple of only twenty three millions, who
have not yet cut down a hundredth part of
the primeval forest trees, or broken up
more than a fragment of the prairios that
have been accumulating rich vegetable
mould since the flood. Ave tried to pay
for these imports, and so sent abroad
every production of the soil that Uurope
would take, and then added nearly forty
millions of specie, and still the balance of
trade was tens of millions against us.
These immense imports, in great par,
arc a consequence of our extrava
gant living. In the old world and
in ancient times a few nobles and mer
chants were princes, and the masses were
humble and frugal perforce; but here is a
whole people struggling to be not only po
litical soverigns, but to live in luxury
liko the peerage of England. Our re
marks have neither an aristocratic nor a
democratic bearing. We do not think
the glory of a man is to live in a fine
house with glided furniture, of which the
eye tires, and with an array of servants
who arc endlessly troublesome. If any
body choses to claim an equality with the
peerage, we have no quarrel with him.
What we arc saying, is that no country,
can physically support hundreds of thous
ands of palaces, and that the extravagance
which desires it is madness and folly.
Whether there ought to be any palaces
costing money by the hundred thousand,
we are not deciding. It is difficult for
our theology to reach this evil, for a
mode of thinking beneath, like the those
convulsions of which geology tells us, up
heaves theology, and the seething mass
forever takes new forms of struggle, en- ;
tcrprise, competition, luxury, corruption.
It is a miserable ambition to toil oneself
to death, not to have, as Wordsworth ex
presses it, 'plain living and high thinking,'
not to have a happy, cultivated, and re
fined family around one, not to have the j
appliances of a pleasant sociability with
friends and acquaintances, not to have j
the mean3 of intellectual improvement, or j
of enlarged usefulness, or of a wide inter-
course with the noble and the gifted; but j
merely to appear highly respectable, to j
make the show of being rich, to fill rooms
scarcely ever used, with costly furniture,
to crowd a house once or twice a year
with a mass of people whose claim to the
'best society' rests merely on their keep
ing up the same appearances. Yet this
is the object for which, in great part, ur
ban America labors and toils, to which it
sacrifices a thousand things of far more
importance. Fashion tyranizes over men
as well as women, and conventionalities
that no one really likes, freezes up the
life-blood of the nation. The result is
almost incredible, when one fairly analy
zes the life of our people. They alter
nate between solitude and crowds. - They
fill the streets and jmblic vehicles; they
crowd churches, lecture-rooms, concerts,
theaters; they jostle each other on change,
in business places, and along fashionable
walks; they whirl around in the intoxica
tion of the dance, or exchange inane coin-
pliments with hundreds of people at a
or a party. The remainder of their
is fc in solitudc afc . and
, , ..... ,. ' .
those who dlslike tblS crushlDS publicity
can scarce find a medium between that
and solitary reading or the society alone
of their own family. Is there not a morc
excellent way? Is there no such thing
as moderation 1 Is tho common sense
which was claim as our characteristic to
have no influence in moulding the man
ners of our people? Must we forever
senselessly imitate foolish foreign man
ners? Mustmenlive inthemostcostlylux-
in-iT until tiivin zinf nf fmir "nil r TiiiNinARS
j and then hide their heads in some ob-
scurc placcj as if) though still honest
men, they had done some shameful deed?
In a word,
is it possible to have moderation and
common sense pervading in our land?
'Internal improvements are character
istic of our time, and within reasonable
i limits nobly characteristic. But no one
can be even casually acquainted with the
operations of the country without seeing
! extravagance here also. Posterity, wc
may be assured, will look with amaze
ment at these times. - The velocity of a
railway train may be fearful, and 'ctby
custom wo forget the immense speed. At
the city of Dayton, in Ohio, wc found
recently constructed and constructing
ncarlv a dozen railroads. At Indian
napolis, in Indiana, the case is still more
extreme; and at Chicago, in Illiuois, fair
ly wearied out, wc gave up trying to un
derstand the projects. Some of these
Men are toiling to invent
1 r I 1 X
new piaua lor uusiuuss aua to upeu m;v
avenues for trade.
An American, wc
heard, has just taken a contract to cut
pine spars in Oregon for the Dutch navy.
The only question touching a railroad to
the Pacific is which of half a dozen routes
shall be taken, and two years more may
witness three or four roads, thousands of
1 1 11 1 i 1,1
c' . 1 ,',thc following table of the population of
commenccu almost simultaneously. We
have reccntlv heard that a lot. thirtv-five
feet by seventy-five, was rented in an
. i r...
., i i ii mi . f .
thousand dollars a year. The earth is
moving at a xeariui velocity arounu tnc
sun, anu yet we seem to be standing still.
A rate that to an Anglo-Saxon
slow to a man of any other race mingles
earth and sky together, and turns his
brain into idiotcy.
'The increase of lunacy in this country
is another frightful indication of the mad
extravagance of the people. No wonder 1
indeed that in a single new State they '
have built or are building three lunatic
asylums. The whole land will be a lu
nutic asylum if from some quarter, from
experience or observation, from states
manship or scholarship, from the pulpit
or the Bible, wo cannot learn some de-,
greo of moderation. The lawcr speaks
until he is exhausted, and recruits per
haps with firery stimulus of the worst
kind, though called by some foreign nam;e
the merchant comes home too much worn J
out at night to converse with his family
and lays himself on a sofa until he is
roused to go into a deeper sleep in his '
chamber; the young and delicate girl is '
driven through a system of education in-!
tensely rapid and exciting, without any j
suitable physical exercise, and then fades
every remaining vestige of rose in her
check, by late hours and unceasing dis-
sipation, to break off suddenly and seuse-
lessly, shortly after she i3 married, from
all society and labor until she is scarcely
able to walk, in work that, if things were
regulated in a more reasonable way,
might and would be done mainly by ser
vants; tho young man alternates from
exhausiing business to exhausting revel
ry; and the minister of the gospel works
ceaselessly and with intense exoitement
until he destroys his bronchial tubes and
hopelessly shatters his entire nervous sys
tem; and whoever will not work at this
fearful rate is thrown aside us 'behind the
times.' One asks, in terror, whether this
is the infancy of a country; and if it is,
what kind of a nation will tumultuate 0-
ver this land when two hundred millions j
of people shall be living to and fro from '
the Atlantic to the Pacific? If these I
things are done in the rrrecn tree, what
shall be done in the dry?
Our next proof that the nation is mad
will hardly be questioned. It is drawn
from the fearful recklessness in regard to
human life. On a recent Western tour
we passed over the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad a day or two after two passenger
oars had been precipitated over a bank,
and rolled over and over four times be
fore they reached the bottom, a distance
measured along the slope of eighty feet;
some eight or ton of the passengers being
killed.. We saw the wrecks of the cars
at the foot of the embankment as wc pas
sed by the spot. One morning on the
same tour, we took tho train of the Mich
igan Central railroad from Chicago and
after passing along it eight miles were
directed to leave the car in which we
were and pass to another. In reaching
the latter we passed by the wreck of two
cars aud an engine. Theevcningbefore the
train of the Southern railroad had run
into an emigrant train of the Central.
The dead and maimed bodies had been
taken to Chicago, but there had not been
time to clear away the wreck. Sixteen
dead bodies were taken from the ruins.
As we were passing into New York on
the New York and Eric road, on the
same tour, a passenger handed us the ac
count of the Norwalk destruction, near
I:' " x'z" i.:n-.i v ,i'
nicy persons uemg aiiiuu uy tuu ui iwug
of the cars into an open cbasm, in tue
eunnl flinf flirt flrflW
of the bridge was open. These were but',
o,.- Mn;,inn0 ; -nno-Jv thn
i utnu nut. uwrniuw ' uvluj
same period. The Ocean-Wave steamer
was burnt on Lake Ontario and two were
destroyed in California with a fearful
loss of life; and two buildings fell in at
New York and Buffalo, because no doubt
too insecurely built.
This is positively frightful. The
most valuable earthly thing is human
life. It is that which is guarded by thc;wiui expensive ioow, uequumiy "f-; distress, and, addressing the horse, ha
most awful sanctions. This wholesale , tected aud announced before enough is'sa;(J) in a piaintivo tonc,'Dar, now, you
slaughter must ucccessarily diminish its issued to well pay the printer, 'ihc part miscrablc brute, sec what you've done!
sacreduess and murder more rife. Uut,
viewed as is unquestionably the truth, ;
only as one of multitudes of indications
of a reckless extravagance characteristic
, i ;
oi America. ic uccomes sua more serious.
If we are right in believing, as we surely
o . c J
" uu UilJ .uv ol.
itiififfn nnn ivnrtvfi r r inn win nor. nnr
O '
readers agree with us that
should be done?'
The Great Cities of the World,
Population of the Principal Cities iu Eu
rope and North America.
; some of thc iarest cjt;os iu Europe and
We compile from Weber's Volks-Kal-! already destroyed much of the'aid asscci-' pound of meat, roast or boiled, 4 cents; a,
ender (People's Almanack) for the ycar'ation might furnish in the detection of third of a pound of bread, 1 cent; half a
1 1 q .q t.;,-;, n ,i o,:n 'im. .,t-r:.... ninr, ot wind, i a cents; a uiaie oi veneiiA-
uuuuuuy at ijcncio ,auuiuu uilis. a. uu uuuuwntiiui. uatiiu" i 1 i i- a
Torfh Amnriea. As tho. Hermans are.ivith lir.l.ln inrrnnnit.v
' proverbially accurate in their statistical
statements, it is to be presumed that this
table may be relied upon as correct. Aslnoartof the engraver has yet proved a
.. ? 1 i c u x. x i ? i v Z 1 i
a matter of curiosity aud reference, the barrier to such tricks. Not only is the
table may be worth cutting out and pre -
serving :
New York,
St. Peterburg,
New Orleans,
G hent,
Trieste, ;
Ko nigs berg;
Sheffield, .
The Hague,
Leipsic. .
2,3G.141 ;
7SG 990
477 W
441 W
' !
,mo q,
a - w t vy
151, 43S
, J:
j 35
i 6
70 840
53 15G
President Pierce and Gen. Scott. It is
said, in the Urystal Talacc, last 'J liursday (
when President Pierce met Gen. Scott hc
shook him warmly by tho hand, and said:'
"Ah, General, I never expected to meet
you on tho same plafformV Of course,
both laughed heartily at the joke
YVPTlm Scientific American states, on
reliable authority, that "if at two feet a-
, ,
bove the throat of your chimney you
large the opening to double size, for the
space of two feet, then carry up the rest
as at first, your chimney will never smoke,
fisgy- The Commissioners of Dauphin
county are about erecting a new Hospital
JD3 Valuable coal deposits have re-
ccntly been discovered in Minnesota.
The Skill and Cunning- of the
Makers of Bad Money.
The following is from a chapter on
'Bank Note Counterfeits and their ltcmc-
'dv ' in Hunt's Merchant's Marine for
. -j i
. r.
'Of late the arts of the counterfeiter
have been turned to a comparatively
new branch of the profession, ilie couu-
: i i 11- i
Jterfeiter, the educated in his calling, and
pnnce among the rascals of his clique
still finds his trade lull of danger and
difficulty. Ihc most ingenious of thc
race, in many cases, and their work, if
i not themselves detected long before a
'good circulation' is
jworic ottcn prepareu i itu great care anu
i . T .! i 1
eir iril,JU iueui "3
'alteration of bank bills, presents them
jwnu unequaueu aiuacuuus. mui no
' necessity for tools nor any of the lmple-
1 mnnto nf flir nlrl f;i sliionoil p.nnnfnrffiitpr.
. "i
requiring only a lew casny oocameu
i i i i , ? c
k nsmnnns :i nm; m;mi.v in
" "J.: " - ZCZ :..
ihuuuu. u w nuuti u.?
r . i . .1
cd. In these alterations, the engraver, !
instead of being a hindrance, ia frequently i
of decided service to the counterfeiter.
In many instances, using the same die
and vignette indiscriminately for tho small;
denomination of one bank and the large i
w !
J 1 L J O
, advantage of th
1 pleasure, a die or
! nomination of another. To these altera-
1 tions the notes ofall banks arcsubject, and
'prominent die that denotes the denomin
are exchanged. If the
raver uses
large letters, these disciples of Lucifer
themselves use a similar letter for bills
not provided with a preventive. Black
. . L -. . . -. . . i i i
is fact, and clipping, attics, 2 cents. A plentiful dinner may be
a word from one bill, tueretorc, had lor ii cent3. ine same
ation entirely abstracted, and a new one ' ' "V .
wu fiml nnninr wiMi r-mml fnm'i t.v i went where there were sick, he healed
i. " i i nn,iiitisaa tiioui?n uc maue a mariv in
"strinfts. nUhnnrrl, nfc fit of rrood service,
, ; a" o '
oO'i,-;u4 ; IIJ ..v,
3G7 800 'retard them in the profession they so
350'000!perseveriuirly continue to practice, and!
Wooolthc work Joes on, filling their pockets, !
260000 ' and fleecing many an honest laborer orj
orissn! tradesman. Yettheresecms tobecompar-
, '
atively, little effort to prevent such trans-1
A thorough organization among bank
crs, and a fund provided for the purpose
of detecting the countefeiter, an effort to
use but one, and the best kind of bank
note paper, to increase the number and
variety of engravings so that the same vig
nette shall not appear upon the issues
of different banks, or at least upon notes
of different denomniation; then lessen the
number, and make morc uniform the reg
isters' signatures at the State department;
these things, and others that may here
after be suggested, would do much to
make the busiucss of counterfeiter more
difficult, and assist in his detection. To
prevent the alteration of bank notes a;
simple remedy exists, yet untried, and
which wc have the confidence to believe
might, if thoroughly tested, prove a per
fect preventive. Ihc bank teller detects
the worst alterations from as5ociation,and!demaud, the legal operation of which is
if the prominent engraving of a note is precisely the same as if the endorser had
well remembered, he will not be deceived j drawn an inland bill of exchange upon
though the pasting process be done with ,
the greatest degree of nicety. If, for in
stance, the vegncttc of some ono dollar
bill is known to be a blacksmith, the first
glance of the engraving will convey to the default given to the endorser.
the mind its value, let the apparent de-
nomination be what it may. If, then, the A strictly orthodox old gentleman
engraver, in making up the plate for a I'm Massachusetts, returning home one
one dollar note, uniformly compose the , Sunday afternoon from church began to
vignette of one, and only ono prominent! extol to his son the merits of the sermon
object; the two, three and five in like:" I have heard, l'rauk, said he, "one ot
maimer, always of two, three and Ovcii
the poorest judge of money cannot be de-,
1 ccived with regard to their value. The
prominent objects; the ten always ot more omuiu a, w"iuau j. t
tlinn fivn nild t,ll( twftnlv of more than ! ricd me to the gates of heaven. "
fon. n innitnr what these obiects mav be' think., replied Prank, "you had
08,308 .fifty, the hundred, and the thousand dol-
60,000 ,lar note do not circulate so generally and
05,870 arc a.ways received with more caution,
02,000,80 that alterations of the kind arc coin-
. panmvcly uncommon, in oruer to maicc
still more secure, every engraving iargo,atcr and QUC ;nt of Lct it fer.
or small at the end or between the s.g-, mcnt aDj for w-ek aml J0U
nature, should also denote the dcnomina-; ... , . , f v:netrar.
tion, until to alter a bill will be to deface j
its whole appearance. In engraving the
different denominations of a bank, the
vignetto oi tne one suouiu always. oeltai,0
smallest in size, tho two, three and five )0ar
gradually increasing, the ten covering ...jder
one-half of the length of the bill, and the
fifty and hundred the whole extent. By
this arrangement the cnirravcr may add
much to the beauty of a set of engravings
and need uso neither the large red lotter.-i
nor tho heavy border, which so mar the
en-'general appearance of tho bank note.
We believe that thus, by the help of as-
soeiation, a preventive against all bank-
note alterations may be obtained, and wo '
none vol to sco tue pian icsieu uy en-
gravers and new banking institutions.'
A pure white robin has been found in
a nest near Lewisbnrg, Va, A similar ,
'bird has been seen at Monroetown, Pa.
Knacked into the World Again.
A pious old negro man, in the employ
ment of a worthy citizen of tiiis county,
i.a u iuw wccks aro act to ploughing a
r . .uuw Sunu. J'iVcry iuvt
rmtrrll TM.-ff rtP 1 c
ieet tue piougu would hit against a rock
'or stump.
The horse.
(lnl, n , , . , .
li;ml tQ starfc bim
nP i.i ?., V. -.
"6lwi ,J1 wuifwj uau u u am nine oi it,
. am, hig . and t;ence wcrc 80TCrel '
' tcstc(L Afc Jast fch b tQ . J
Tho altercations between him and his
became morc violcufc at cvery frC3h
occ.lsion for uinff him in motbu airain
FinalI in momJnt of fre hc s oro
at the horse in a terrific manner. A mo-
,ment. rcflcctionj however filled him with
You've jes gone and knocked me
, b k j t fch world a ain v
Low Rates of Food in France.
T, - i. ,.i i
, -
nnil pan fonfl nav he nttorneil. ivhrin ita
, j 1
oblc. for the supplv of food to the work-
i mi I 'll .
mg classes. J-uc Dui uing anu uienbiis
were purchased with the subscriptions of
some wealthy citizens. Each member of
the society pays an entrance fee of 40
tents, and tho following prices for the
principal articles composing a meal; a
ciuart of soup 2 cents: a quarter of a
cents, which is often paid by the workmen
' for a much less copious meal.
Suissiblc Remarks.
The Rev. Henry Ward Beechcr in his
them ; where there was actual want, hc
jcreatea ureaa,anc
created bread, and came dow' to their
Take the gospel to
: ihc miserable outcasts of our city, and no
m can Pach it unless he does more.
. it u ia thniifrh hr m?iIn a marie in the
sanu, ana cne nrst uue wahues it away.
1 -j .1 c i i 1 . T !i .
"P l i v,
cospei, anu tue nuner oi tac
. - - . rp, .
man makes hlm wrget it. I here ba
great deal more gospel m a loaf of bread
sometimes, than in an old dry sermon.-
If 1 S to man and brmS brea(1S and
clothes, and medicine, this will give him
a correct idea of the gospel one which
Valuable Application.
For wounds received from old nails, or
cuts occasioned by broken glass, peacli
tree leaves, well steeped and applied to
the wound, will give immediate relief.
By thickening the liquid from which thcr
lcave3 have been taken with meal or branf
a good poultice is obtained, which will
keep moist for hours. In case the leaves
cannot be obtained, a tea ma'de of young
twigs of the peach tree, and thickened
will do as well.
Endorsing an over-due Note. -The
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has
lately decided that the holder of an over
due Note can demand payment of it
whenover he chooses, and the endorse
ment of such a note is to be considered
! as if made upon a new note payable on
the maker, payable at sight. Lonsequent-
ly the cnuorser is liable only upon proot
ot demand upou the maker within a rea
sonable time, and immediate notice of
uwiguuuiaiamuiia uunw-
VI. 11
ell I
have dodged in, for you will never get
j another such a chance !"
To mahc primc ViHegfU.lL covrcs-
dcnl of the 0hio Cultivator vouch,
thfl nicrit of the followi recipe for
fe. . . Tak(J mlx olK.
, f inol" lhreo llon, 0f ra5n
mrjii vou i.ave ?omo catsup!' askad a
cntieinan of Aunt Prisoilla, at a dinuer
me, no
' Klio rnnltAil n.
am lontl ot cats m tneir
'nacc. bu(, s
-IU c0.-r.soup V
should as soon think of cat
The goutlcman did not urge her.
To Suhlue a Qtprruni ftosc. It U
snid in tj10 Qhio Cultivator that a buck t
pan eiiann-o the de-1 would cost more in Pans, probably lo
or two of water given a horse to drink
just( b0fbre riding him, takes from him all
disposition for capering, aud reuders him
perfectly sedate.
What is that dog barking ait' aakwl n
fop whose boots were polished more, than
his ideas. v
'Uny, repiioti a d)mikoi, u.
he sees a dog m yonr beet.
T'l iiiiifin iTTtllhftliiiMirr
ir . i
i iwajjiii fill i rr'irv