The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 28, 1853, Image 1

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    HDcyotjcft to ipolitus, literature, grimlhtix, Science, iilornlitn, cmh cncral intelligence.
VOL. 13.
NO. 10.
Published by Tlittodorc Schoclt.
TKRMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two
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A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
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Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, we are prepared
to cxccutccvcry desenptionof
Cards, Circulirs, Hill Heads, Nates, Rlank Receipts
Justices, Legal and other Rlnnks, Pamphlets, Ac.
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
Snaro my Heart from Growing Old.
Old Time, I ask a boon of thco
Thou'tst stripped my hearth of many a friend,
Ta'cn half my joys and all my glee
Bo just for once to make amend;
And, ainco thy hand must leave its trace,
Turn locks to grey, turn blood to cold
Do what thou wilt with form and face,
But spare my heart from growing old.
I know thou'st taken from many a mind
Its dearest wealth, its choicest store,
And only lingering left behind
O'er wise experience bitter lore,
'Tin sad to mark the mind's decay,
Feel wit grow dim and memory old
Take thcac, old time, take all away,
But eparo my heart from growing old.
Give mc to live with friendship still,
And hope and love till life be o'er
Let be the first the final chill
That bids the bosom bound no more,
That eo when I am passed away.
And in my grave lie slumbering cold,
With fond remcmbcrancc friends may say
His heart, hia heart grew never old
A Teetotal Dog.
A few days since, says the Cambridge
Chronicle, a gentleman in this city, a
strong temperance man, and the owner of
a good dog, pu.rob.ased a load of wood and
employed two Irishmen to saw it. Hav
ing a decided love for strong drink, they
found that their frequent journeys to the
place from whenco the liquor was obtain
ed, consumed so much time, that they de
cided to procuro a bottle and get it filled.
Having done so, they took it into the yard
whero they were at work, putting it in a
convenient place for future use. Bosc, who
had keptan eye on their movements, was
not to be deceived by the string which was
tied over the cork, and ho resolved to take
thelaw into his own hands, having no faith
in the use of moral suasion in this case,
and placing himself near it, in tho most
decided manner he forbade their touching
the bottle again ; nor would he allow the
men to leave the yard till his master re
turned at night. The men reported him
as .being a dangerous baste.
An exchange wisely remarks "that no
dust affects tho eyes comuch us gold dust."
We might also add, that no glasses affect
the cyeB more unfavorably than glasses
of brandy.
Ladies at Elections. The ladies of
Grand Bapids, Michigan, attended the
polls on the 20th, to urge their husbands
and brothers to vote for the Maine law.
They were of course successful. In Le
oni the ladies also came out, and the town
gave-206 majority for the law.
Three Cities in One. By an act of the
Legislature of New York, Williamsburg,
Brooklyn, and Bushwick aro to bo gov
erned by a single corporation.
Methodist Tabernacle in Ncio Orleans.
A correspondent of tho Christian Ad
vocate, writing from the south, mentions
a plan entertained by Harry Hill, a well
known wealthy cotton merchant, and a
liberal-hearted Methodist, for building a
Methodist Tabernacle in that city, in an
eligible position, at a cost of $150,000.--Itis
to be capable of seating 3,00.0 persons.
A Good Story. John Bunyan, while
in Bedford jail, was called upon by a Qua
ker, desirous of making a convert of him.
"Friend John, I have come to thee with
a message from the Lord, and after hav
ing searched for you in all the prisons in
England, I am glad I have found you at
" If the Lord had sent you," returned
Bunyan, "you need not have taken so
much pains to find mc out, for tho Lord
knows I have been here twelve years."
Tho Albany Knickerbocker lately re
ceived a letter inquiring among other
things, whether pig iron was petrified
pork, and if it was, which was the best
way to cook it to make it juioy.
The "list of persons bribod" at the last
election in Liverpool, embraces one hun
dred and thirteen names. England seems
to need a second reform bill.
or, let well enough alone.
A little more than fifty years ago, a
man by tho name of Henry Thompson
called at the houso of John Smith, a res
ident in a retired part of England, and
requested a night's lodging. This request
was readily granted, and the stranger,
having taken somo refreshments, retired
early to bed, requesting that ho might
be awakened betimes the following morn
ing. When the servant appointed to call
him entered the room for that purpose,
ho was found in his bed perfectly dcad.
On examining his body no marks of vio
lence appeared, but his countenanco
looked extremely natural. The story of
his death soon spread among Ihd neigh
bors, and inquiries were mado as to who
he was, and by what means he came to
his death.
Nothing certain, however, was known.
He had arrived on horseback, and was
seen passing through a neighboring vil
lage, about an hour beforo he reached
the houso where he came to hia end.
And then, as to tho matter of his death,
so little could be discovered that tho jury
which was summoned to investigate the
causo, returned a verdict that ho died
'by a visitation of God.' When this
was done tho stranger was buried.
Days and weeks passed, and little
further was known. The publio mind,
bowovcr, was not at rest. Suspicion ex
isted that foul means had hastened the
stranger's death. Whispers to that effect
were expressed, and in the minda of
many, Smith was considered as the guil
ty man. Tho former character of Smith
had not been good. He had lived a
loose and irregular life, involved himself
in debt by his extravagance, and at
length being suspected of haying obtained
money wrongfully, he suddenly fled from
the town. More than ten years, howev
er, had now elapsed since hia return,
during whioh ho had lived at his present
residence, apparently in good circumstan
ces, and with an improved character.
His former life, however, was now re
membered, and suspicion ufter all, fas
tened upon him.
At the expiration of two months, a
gentleman one day stopped in the place
for the purpose of making inquiry re
specting the stranger who had been found
dead in his bed. Ho supposed himself
to be a brother of the man. The horse
and clothes of the unfortunate man still
remained, and were immediately known
as having belonged to his brother. The
body itself was also taken up, and though
considerably changed, bore a strong re
semblance to him. He now felt authori
zed to ascertain, if possible, the manner
of his death. He proceeded, therefore,
to investigate the circumstances as well
as he was able. At length he made
known to the magistrate of the district,
the information he had collected, and up
on the strength of this, Smith was taken
to jail to be tried for the wilful murder
of Henry Thompson.
The celebrated Lord Mansfield was
then on the bench. He charged the jury
to be cautious as to finding a bill against
the prisoner. Tho evidence of his guilt,
f guilty, might be small. At a future
time it might bo greater; more informa
tion might be obtained. Should the jury
now find a bill against him, and should
ho bo acquitted he could not bo molested
again, whatever testimony should rise up
against him. The grand jury, however,
did find a bill, but it was by a majority
of only one. At length the time of trial
arrived. Smith was brought into court
and placed at the bar. A great crowd
thronged the room, eager and anxious to
sec the prisoner, and to hear tho trial.
Ho himself appeared firm and collected.
Nothing in his appearance or manner
indicated guilt; and when the question
was put to him by the clerk, 'aro you
guilty or not guilty?' he answered with
an unfaltering tongue, and with a coun
tenance perfectly unchanged, 'not guilty.'
The counsel for the prosecutin now o
pencd the case. And it was apparent he
had little expectation of being able to
find the prisoner guilty, nc stated to
tho jury that the case was involved in
great mystery. Tho prisoner was a
man of respectability and property. Tho
deceased was supposed to have had a
bout him gold and jewels to a large amount;
but the prisoner was not so much in
want of funds as to be under a strong
temptation to commit murder. And be
sides, if the prisoner had obtained the
property, he had effectually concealed it.
Not a trace of it could be found. Why
thon was the prisoner suspected ? He
would state the grounds of suspicion.
The deceased, Henry Thompson, was a
jeweller, residing in London and a man
of wealth. He had left London for tho
purpose of meeting a trader at null, of
whom he expected to make a large pur
chase. The trader he did meet; and af
ter the departure of the latter, Mr.
Thompson was known to have in his pos
session gold and jewels to a large amount.
With these in hia possession, he left
Hull on his return to London. It was
not known that he stopped until he
reached Smith's, and the next morning
he was discovered dead in his bod. He
died, then, in Smith's house, and if it
could be shown that he came to his death
in an unnatural way, it would increase
the suspicion that the prisoner was in
some way connected with tho murder.
Now then, continued the counsel, it
will be proved beyond the possibility of a '
doubt, that the deceased died by poison
But what was tho poison! It was a re
cent discovery of some German chemists
said to be produced by distilling tho
seed of the wild cherry tree. It was a
poison more powerful than anv other
known, and deprived one of life so im
mediately as to leavo no marks of suffer
ing, and no contortions to tho features.
But then tho question was, by whom
was it administered? One circumstance,
a small one indeed, and yet upon it
might hang a horrid tale, was that the
stopper of a small bottle of very singular
description had been found in tho pns
oner's house. Tho stopper had been ex
amined, and said by medical men to
have belonged to a (Jcrman phial, con
taining the kind of poison which he had
described. But thon was that poison ad
ministered by Smith, or at his instigation?
Who were the prisoner s family? It con
sistcd only of himself, a housckecpcr,and
one man servant. Tho man servant slept
in an out houso adjoining tho stable, and
did so on tho niebt of Tohmpson's death
The prisoner slept at one end of the house,
tho housekeeper at tho othor, and tho de
ceased had been put in a room adjoining
the housekeeper s.
It would be proved that about thrco
hours after midnicht, on tho night of
Thompson's death, a light had been seen
moving about tho house, and that a figure
holding tho light was seen to go from the
room in which the prisoner slept, to the
housekeeper's room; the light now dis
appeared for a minute, when two persons
were seen, but whether they went into
Thompson's room, the witness could not
swear; but shortly after they wcro ob
served passing quito through the entry to
Smith's room, into which they entered,
and in about five minutes the light was
The witness would further state, that
after tho person had returned with the
light into Smith's room, and before it
was extinguished, he had twice perceived
somo dark obiect to intervene between
the light and the widow, almost as large
as the surfaco of a window itself, and
which he described by saying it appeared
as if a door had been placed beforo the
Now in Smith's room, thoro was noth
ing which could account for this appear
ance; his bed was in a different part; and
there was neither cupboard nor press in
the room, which, but for the bed, wa3 en
tirely empty, the room in which he dres
sed being at a distanco beyond it. The
counsel for the prosecution here concluded
what he had to say. During his address,
Smith appeared in no wiso to be agitated
or disturbed, and equally unmoved was
ho while the witness testified in substance
what the opening speech of the coun3ol
led the court and jury to expect.
Lord Mansfield now addressed tho jury,
no told them that in his opinion the ev
idence was not sufficient to condemn the
prisoner, and that if the jury agreed with
him in opinion, the court would discharge
him. Without leaving their seats, the
Vila. 1
jury agreed tnat tuc eviucnco was not
At this moment, when they were about
to render a verdict of acquittal, the pris
oner arose and addressed the court. Ho
said he had been accused of a foul crime,
and the jury had said that the evidence
was not sufficient to convict him. Did
the jury mean that there was any evidence
against him? Was he to go out of the
court with suspicion resting upon him.
after all? This he was unwilling to do.
Ho was an innocent man, and, if the
judge would grant him the opportunity,
he would prove it. lie would oall his
housekeeper, who would confirm a state
ment which ho would now make.
The housekeeper had not appeared in
court. She had concealed herself, or had
been conoealed by Smith. This was con
sidered a dark sign against him. But
himself now offered to bring her forward,
and stated as the reason, not that ho was
unwilling that she should testify, but
knowing the excitement, ho was fearful
that she might be bribed to give testimo
ny contrary to fact.
But ho was now ready to relate all the
circumstances he know; she might then
be called, and be oxamined. If her tes
timony docs not confirm my story, let me
be condemned.
The request of tho prisoner seemed re
asonable, and Lord Mansfield, contrary
to his usual practice, granted it.
Tho prisoner went on with his state
ment. He said he wished to co out of
the court relieved from the suspicions
which were resting upon him. As to tho
poison, by means of which the stranger
was said to have died, ho knew neither
the name of it nor the effect of it, nor
even the existence of it, until made known
by the counsel. He called God to Witness
the truth of what he said.
And then, as to Mr. Thompson, he was
a perfect stranger to him. How should
he know what articles of valuo ho had
with him? He did not know. If ho had
such artilcs at Hull he might havo lost
them on the road, or, which was more
probable, have otherwise
them. And if ho died by
disposed of
i 1
means oi tuo
fatal drug, he must have administered it
He begged the jury to remember that
his premises had been repeatedly aud
minutely searched and not the most tri
fling article that belonged to the deceased
had been discovered in his possession.
lhe stopper of a phial had been fouud
but of this he could only say he had no
knowledge, and had never seen it beforo
it was produced in court.
One fact had been proven, and only
one. That he would explain, and hia
housekeeper would confirm his statement.
A witnc3ss testified that some one had
gone to tho bed room of the housekeeper
on the night in question. He was ready
to admit that it was he himself. He had
been subject for many years of his life to
sudden fits of illness; he had been seized
with one on that occasion, and had gone
to her to procure her assistance in light
ing a nrc. buc had returned with him
to his room for that purposo, he having
waited for a minute in the passage, while
she put on her clothes. This would ac
count for the momentary disappearance
of the light. After remaining a few min
utes in his room, finding himself better,
ho had dismissed her and retired to bed,
rhcu in
formed of tho death of his guest.
ouch was tho prisoner s address, which
produced a powerful effect. It was dc-
ivercd in a very firm and impressive
one, and from tho simple and artless
manner of the man, perhaps not one pres
ent doubted his entire innocence. The
housekeeper was now introduced and ex
amined by counsel for tho prisoner. She
had not heard any part of the statement
of Smith, nor a singlo word of the trial.
I o this succeeded her cross cxamina
ion by the counsel for the prosecution.
One circumstance made a deep impression
on his mind this was, that whilo tho
prisoner and the housekeeper were in tho
room of the former, something like a
door had obstrutcd the light of the can
dle, so that tho witness testified to tho
act, but could not sec it What was the
obstruction? Thoro was no door noth
ing in the room which could account lor
Yet the witness is positivo that
something like a door did, for a moment
come between tho window and the candle.
This needed explanation. The house-
ceepcr was the only person that could
give it. Designing to probe this matter
in tho end to the bottom, but not wishing
o excite her alarm, he began by asking
her a few unimportant questions; and a
mong others where the candle stood while
she was in Smith's room?
'In the centre of the room,' she replied.
'Well, and was the closet or cupboard,
of whatever you call it, opend once or
wico while it stood there?
She mado no reply.
'I will help your recollection,' said tho
'After Mr. Smith had taken the mcdi-
cine out or tuc cioset, aid nc snuc tno
door, or did it remain open?'
'He shut it.'
'And when he replaced tho bottle in
he closet, he opened it again, did he?'
'Ho did.'
'And how long was it open the last
'Not above a minute.'
'Well, and when open, would the door
be exactly between tho light and tho
'It would.'
'I forget.' said tho counsel, 'whether
you said the closet was on tho right hand
or the left hand side of tho window?"
'On the left hand side.'
'Would the door of the closot make any
noise in opening.'
'Arc yon certain?'
'I am.'
'Have you ever opened ifc yourself, or
only seen Mr. Smith open it?'
'I never opened it myself.'
'Did you never keep the key?'
'Who did?'
'Mr. Smith always.'
At this moment the housekeeper clian
ccd to cast her eyes towards Smith, tho
prisoner. A cold, damp sweat stood up
on his brow, and his faco had lost all its
color; he appeared a living image of death.
She no sooner saw him than she shrieked
and fainted. Tho consequences of her
answers flashed across her mind. Sho
had been so thoroughly deceived by the
manner of the advocate, aud by the little
importance he secmod to attach to her
statements, that she had been led by ono
question to another, till she had told him
all he wanted to know.
She was obliged to be taken from the
court, and a physician who was present
was requested to attend to her At this
timo the solicitor for the prosecution left
the court, but no one knew for what pur
poso. Presently the physician came into
court and stated that it would be impos
sible for the housekeeper to resume her
scat in the box short of an hour or two.
It was about twelve in the day. Lord
Mansfield having directed that the jury
should bo accommodated with a room
where they could be kept by themselves,
adjourned tho court two hours. Tho
prisoner in tho meantime was remanded
to jail.
It was between four and five o'clock
when the judgo resumed his seat upou
tho bench. The prisoner was again
placed at the bar and tho housekeeper
brought in and led to the box. Tho court
I 1 11 . 1
room was crowuea 10 excess, anu an aw
ful silence pervaded the place.
The cross-examining counseT again "ad
dressed the housekeeper.
'I havo but a few more questions to
ask you,' said he; 'take heed how you an
swer, for your own life hangs upon a
thread. Do you know this stopppr?'
'To whom does it belong?'
'To Mr. Smith.'
'When did you last sco it?'
'On the night of Mr. Thompsdn's
At this moment the solicitor entered
the court, bringing with him, on a trayj
a watch, two money bags, a jewel caso
a pocket book, and a bottle of the same
manufacture as the stopper, and having a
cork m it. lhe tray was placed on tho
tablej in sight of the prisoner and the
wituess, and from that moment not a
doubt remained in tho mind of any man
of the guilt of the prisoner.
A few words will bring this melnn
choir scene to a close. The houso where
the murder was committed was between
niue and ten miles distant. The solicitor,
as soon as tho cross-examination of the
housckeercr had discovered the existence
of the closet, and its situatton, had set
off on horseback, with two sheriff's offi
cers, and after pulling down a part of tho
wall of the house, had detached this im
portant place ot concealment. Ihcir
search was well rewarded; the whole of
the property belonging to Thompson was
found thoro, amounting in valuo to some
thousand pounds; and to leavo no room
for doubt, a bottle was discovered, which
the medical men instantly pronounced to
contain tho identical poison which had
caused the death of Thompson. Tho re
sult was too obvious to need explanation
Smith was convicted and executed.
Labor and its Wants in Cities.
Tho wants of Labor may bo seen a-
mong a numerous cJass who arc willing
to work if they could find employment.
There is a painful interest in seoing la
borers flock around when a job is to be
done. Go to tho wharf and buy a load
of wood, you havo no need to look for a
sawyer. Usually, before the cart has
gono a block, one with his buck and saw
is following after; or, if tho carman will
permit he gets on and rides to its desti
nation. Sometimes you will sec three or
four, all after one load. If a load is put
down at your door, one of these persever
ing laborers will often set down his buok
and go to work unbidden, trusting of
course that you will pay him the usual
It happened a few days since that our
opposite neighbor, who wa3 a widow with
a large family, and is constantly obliged
to save every sixpence, ordered a load of
coal. As usual, with it came a coal-heaver,
butshe was unwilling to give 25 cents,
the common charge for carrying it in, and
he went away. In less than twenty min
utes while tho coal lay upon tho pavement,
there were seven applicants for the job.
It had to be carried up a long alley and
put in a coal-bin at the back of tho house,
and no one seemed williug to do the hard
duty for the proffered shilling Several
offered to split the difference, but no, and
they went away. There were at one time
four stout men bargaining for the odd
sixpence long enough to earn two. It
seemed that one of theso would have como
to terms at once. It was plain to see
that it was " do or die" with him. He
was a stalwart son of the "Ould Counthry,
lately imported, and felt the pressing
wants of tho laborer most undoubtedly.
He looked at the coal whore it lay, as
mucb as to say : "Somebody must move
that; why- not I ?" Then he looked a
round anxiously for so-me one to say,
"Yes, you can do it." At length he
went up to the door and rapped timidly.
Evidently he knew nothing of the use of
tho bell,- or else ho supposed, it was not
for the like of him to ring. So ho came
down and took another survey, and then
placed his basket on the pile as a sign to
other laborers that this was engaged.-
By and by he ventured up to tho door a
gain. This timo his rap was answerod
Then there was a long confab ; the lady
offered a shilling, aud he held out for
eighteen ponce. How he implored her,
but to no avil ; she saw he was anxious for
work, and would probably take tho shil
ling. He thought not, and picked up his
basket to go away. Then came one, two,
then others, with their baskets : four men
chaffering for an hour's work. Finally,
after a deal of talk and gesticulation, all
agreed they would not work for half price
Halt an hour attcrward, we looked out
and Baw tho tall man whd had stuck so
hard for the job, had relented and come
back for the shilling. More than forty
times did he fill that basket and carry it
up the long slippery nlley fdr that little
sum, barely the price of a pound of beef,
pork or mutton, or a couple of pounds of
bread. But there was no alternative
want was pressing and 8ix other men wan
ted to do thesamo labor. Let the labor
er in tho country, who gets plenty of la
bor to do, and with it plenty of good food
be content; he is better oil than hi3 fellow
in tho city.
If such still think tho City is the place
for a poor man, let them come here and
join U3 in ono of our walks among tho a
bodes of ntisery, not crime, for all who
arc poor aro not bad. Wo have enough
who are so, but those aro not labor
seekers they live upon tho labor of oth
ers. It is not crime, it is the want of
work, that makes bo many wretched be
ings in the City. The inability ttf pro
cure work, or to gain a bare subsistence
by all they can do, is the parent of orime.
Go to the co tin try you will find few
rogues among constantly employed farm
laborers. Tho reason is obvioiis. They
get their daily bread as certainly as they
arc willing to work fdr it. Unlike their
fellow in the City, they do not beg for
wdrk ahd starve for want. Besido whole-
'sdme ftiod if an unlimited supply of meat
can be called wholesome they have com
fortable lodgings: in that respect quite
uulike tho City cellar occupant.
We wish some of the disinterested souls
who aro ldnging fdr the city life with its
comforts and pleasures, could have a vis
iou exhibiting somo of tho places where
human beings are stowed awayliko chick
ens in a coop, or pigs in an over-crowded
pen. What would they say to making
ono of the five families occupying one room
only twelve feet square, or to have a room
to themselves, instead of their present
cottage with four rooms and a large gar-
rot, us ono family wo know of who came
from just such a place, to live in a city
garret five feet by seven, in which three a-
dult3 and four children, cook, cat and
sleep ? Why so poor, if willing to work ?
Because tho lather could not get employ
ment, grew desponding, got sick, not
drunk, and because ho could not pay
eighteen dollars a month for two rooms,
had to move into this hole whero his who
and daughter support the family, making
shirts at four cents a piece. If heaven
sees any chance of their restoration to
their former peaceful homo m the country,
it is more than we do, and wo pray it may
vouchsafe a ray of light to the hope-forsaken
mother, that sho may roturn and
light up a beaoon to warn the poor coun
try laborer to como not near the city,
where all who aro criminal aro not so by
nature, nor are all who beg lazy, but be
cause the text is revorscd, and the labor
ers are not fow, but greatly in excess of
the demand, so far as they know how or
what to do
Our closing and earnest appeal to all
who must labor to live, is, Come not to
the city for employment. iY. Y. Trib.
Heading off Runaways.
An exciting affair occurred in South
Trenton on Sunday, the details of which
are as follows : The discovery of somo
lettors aroused in the breast of a husband
suspioiona that his wife was giving her af
fections to another. On Sunday tho wifo
started out on tho pretence of going to
the South Trenton Presbyterian Church.
The husband suspected nothing, but qui
etly took a seat at the window of his house.
In a few minutes, however, the person who
was suspected of trifling with the affec
tions of his wifo came driving by in gay
stylo. The husband at once suspected
that something was in the programme of
the afternoon performance that he had
not read. So he started off m pursuit,
and taking a roundabout course, he head
od the party near the church, nia wife
was just stepping into the wagon. Tho
man gave the horae the whip, but the in
jured husband succeeded in jumping into
the tail of the wagon, and at once com
menced beating the man. llo continued
this business so long and with such effect
that persons passing by thought he would
kill him and interfered. The affair cre
ated no little sensation, and ha3 been tho
talk of tho Ward ever ainco. Stale Ga
A Giant.
Mr. 0'Gnskill, the Nova Scotia giant,
a iKtitc individual, of seven feet eight
inches in height, and weighing four bun
hundred and fifteen pounds, left this city
yesterday morning, for New York. His
hand measures, from the tip at his fingers
to the wrist, twelve and a half inches.
His presence created quite a sensation at
the steamboat landing. The sword in
his possession was about the length of an
ordinary liborty pole. Sioi of 1th inst.
The Darkness Go?ic. M. A. Townsend
writing from New Brighton, Pa., under
dato of Juno 27, says : "A little boy
blind from birth, aged about four years,
died in this village a few days ago with
scarletina. About an hour before tho lit
tle sufferer departed, he exclaimed: "Pa!
I see now. Darkness is ail gone. Day
is come " His father inferred from the
inoident that he wa3 better, and would
probably recover. But an hour passed,
and he was with the angels.
Profits of a. Law Suit.
On tho third of December, 1S52, thef
ship Georgia was wrecked on Long Beach,
N. J., and libelled (for salvage wo pre
sume) by Thomas Bond. After eighteeu
months of litigation, tho U. S. Court at
Trenton closed the matter by a distribu
tion of tho sale of said vessel to the libel
lant, Thomas Bond. The proceeds a
mounted to 81,005, the whole of which
was swallowed Up in tho costs of tho
Court, except $29, which the libcllaut re
ceived. His claim was $2,282 37. A
bout three per cent, fdr justice and trinity
seven per ceut for collecting !
Colored Communicants in the South
number largely. A cotemporary makes
tho following statement: Thero are a
bout 150,000 colored members of ihd
Southern Methodist Churoh; 120,000 iu
tho Baptist; 10,000 in the PresbytGriau,
and in other churches about 20,000;
making a total of 300,000:
.During the year onding July 1, 1S53,
thero occurod 530 marriage?, 633 births,
and 319 deaths in Lancaster county.