pVQrtcultuval. Ut$u& Manure for Fruit Trees. Cultivators of the pear aro often puz- fllfiil tO 2UCS8 the reason that, frpmifii.tlv - I aeanmswam Slroiutstmrg and. EastoiL- Port Jervis, Mauch Chanck and Scranlo?i mm tic same tree bears fruit of the best qual ity, at others nearly worthless, a fact fa- niiliar to all pear raisers. Perhaps this . VST The Stroudsburg and Easton mail line t)f stages, consists of excellent four horse coaches, and leaves J. .1. Postens1 In dian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. every day (except Sundays) at 7 o'clock To whom it may concern To the-intelligent, thcthoughtful, the philanthropic. Your at tention is respectfully invited to a new, or iginal, peculiar, and important workj of 4b0 pages J8 mo., ana containing nearly one hundred engravings, and entitled, ESOTERIC AITJHIiOPOLOGY, BY T. L. NICHOLS, M. D PRINCIPAL of the American Dydropath ic Institute, Educational and Thera peutical, at Portchester, N. Y., one hour's idstance from New York city on the New York and New Haven Railroad. A com prehensive and confidential Treatise on the aay except ounc ays; a o ciock a. m. ar- nd S()cjal Conditions, and the most inti- wuich payment no subseciuent tax witf riving in Easton before the departure of the m. pi,innQ nfMpn nnrl Wnmpn , 7 . I'aymtuc 110 buubtucm, l.ia m cars for New Tk. or s.agc, lo DothMam ""iL i Eso.cr c An.toHog'y, wil. fcrod except to cover actua to or nrirl A llnntf.iv,, . .. r iimjifffi nv firn. t, int. mnv FfiZininn nifim- and Allentown. The following lines leaves Postens'' Indian Queen Hotel, btroudsburg, Pa. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, reluming on alternate days: $500 CHALLENGE, 1 . . i . . iiaiuver concerns inn nanmnnss nnn iflnerence is more striking m the case ol heallh ofa people js al aU limc 'of llie most fk inter pears, winch are sometimes yellow, valuable importance. I take it for granted inciting, and delicious, and at others, that every person will do all in their power, jgrocn, hard, dry and tasteless. Wc are to save the lives of their children, and that satisfied that the manuring and culdva- ever' person will endeavor to promote their tion which they get, has a large influence wnhualth at all sacrifices. 1 feel it to be : i 4 j 1' , or: . i my duty to solmenly assure you that worms m the matter and have ascertained that acordly l0 lho fnion ofhe most ccle. i-omc sorts to be really fine, must have a brated Physicians, arc the primary causes warm and rich soil; such for example, as ofa large majority of diseases to which the Easter Bcurre, and Chaumontel. We children and adults are liable; if you have are inclined to think from some little ob- an appetite continually chargeable from one serration, that liquid manuro will vet be kind of footl 10 ano,her Batl breath, Pain found to contribute greatly to the full dc- U'e S5? hf Picf!!lp n ll 5Uldr 1 1 c x b f. J 7 ness and dullness o! the Belley, Dry Cough, luuiuiii, 01 iuu nuaiuy 01 some sorts siC)W Fevcr, Puise Irregular remember at 01 pears, ana lor the information of such that all these denote worms, and you should Choice and Milford. Returning, leaves Port dwellings, upon the sacre as may wisu to try it, wc nerc give JLJr. at once apply the remedy: Lindlcy's remarks on the best time for BSofowsisuck's worm Syrup. application. "For fruit tho nroner time An ar,icle funded upon Scientific Princi 1 or usin 1 is ucginmti by means er of snnf.imi o.nnnlilo nf nnnnelnn .,, f I ..7.., ... .7 7 ...?. I .... . 5 .1 .!. the leaves. At that time, liauid manure and debilitated, the Tonic properties of mv A lme t0 QCranton, leaving at may be applied froelv and confirmf-d Worm Syrup are such, that it stands with , 7 o'clock a. iu. via Bartor.sville, Tanners - j . -, . ., . , ,. ... i ..m ...t ...:,u tt i . . i t t. ? i oui an equal in me catalogue oi medicines, uu, vneie utuumitta nu uhc iu umiua- nignesi anu aeepesi irums in every uepari in giving tone and strength to the Stomache dale, and connecting at Scranton with the ment of Human Physiology, with their indi coneo tliA n rr Held. Illiquid manure is applied to a ishing cures performed by this Syrup after to the traveling public passing through sec- dilions of Health, physical and passional; plant when the flowers are growing, the Physicians have failed, is the best evidence l'ons f tho country which are as magnifi- all that information which every human be vigor wnicn it communicates to them ot lls superior emcacy over all others. cent ana picturesque as any in tne union. ing needs, which lew dare ask lor, or know must be also communicaterl tn tho lrnvc- Tho Tann Wftrm ! Having provided themselves with excel how lo obtain, but which, amid the discord- but when leaves are crowing umin.i11v This is the mosf difficult Worm to des c, e.1Ie nt coaces, go od horses, and careful ances and depravities of civilization, is of W ii ;B c 31 J. trov of ail that infest tlm humnn svstnm. "rncrs, tney leel connuent mat tney will he priceless value. iit;i't uiiLii in rtijiii'i i lilt : i i i -i 1 1 fTiiy Tiinri -J , i - . . , i 3 " - w . XM&X' i. una l i . . - MONROE COUNTY Muiual Fire Insurance Conip'y. Structure, Functions, Passional Attractions f Snhe rate of Insurance is one dollar on and Perversions, True and False Physical J- the thousand doars insured, after I nine rumnnnnf Pn it'll i nnroln rnnolitiln cnli A 4. iT.,K K I. I 2 noma manure. is when the frnit 1 ' .. viiiiu tu lviciuou vuuuiv, 1 J. . ' . . . stances, uenif nermctlv snlfi whan taken . .VI.-., , , ... r to swell, and has acmnred. . .. ' i i . ai ' o ciock a. m. via lirodtieaosviiie, w " . ' 1 1 1 can uu L'lvuii iu inn mnsi lencifir inmiit wun ..i ht... -r. oi its own frrren siirfn n haW. .--:..-.r. ..v.-. connects wiin nr.es to WMKes-uai . . i'"" i in'riiiL'ii uuiiiiiii.iiii eiiuri. wiiHris union jiim. 1 ! tt vvnen naven. seem strange to many, but it is thoroughly " o" "J - -r annronriaie. Anthronolopv is from Anlhro- bcrs ot tlie company. il l 1 Orf n - pos. a man, and Logos, a description. Eso- lue nett proiits arising from interest teric, from JUso, within, signihes private, se or otlierwise, wilt pe ascertained vearty, nmi intprirr nnrl Has imnd bv the nncionl I fVn. Trrli.nl. nn1, mnmlmT. ... J.. . t- . t t . i ....W..W.J ---liui it iiivxi uaiiii iuuiuuti iu iiiuuui oiuu tu A ! t i- n 4-i-. U ..f- I nvnif. ! t . r- i i i t . 1 . : ! . .1 : . : . . I . . IT 1. ",IC lu iun"JC,vw! icaviuy pnnosopuers 10 uisu nguisn inuir iuiviueMliSj her or tucir deposit, wi have a o ciock A. M. via uusiiKiii, uingman s leciures, given iu mu iiuuih crodit in the comnanv. TBacli insurer in the sacreu mysteries 01 .,, ,, . , r J ar. A., ri; or wicn tne saia company mto pe a mem- of his or her Mutual Insur- u , i i ii v r iii i mi .. I. ... . Human Anatomy, rnysioiogy, merapeuiics been tried bv the unerring test of experi i i . i i . l : m . w e anu Id Ulioice and fllillord. Iteturning, leaves I'orl dwellings, upon me sacreu mysteries oi . , , . , - " Jervis immediately after the arrival of the science and philosophy, to their chosen dis- or ""J said company wi, morning train of ears to New York, at about ciples, from their Exoteric discourses.which bcr thereof during the term i- 8 o'clock a. m. ' were given to the public. Esoteric Anthro- policy. The principle of Mi and uostetnes on tne wnoie science oi non nri ilf,a r.r.r,rorl mnacf,.; A T,n. man plain in language, full and faithful in ' 7 t. -,i n nt. illustration, and written with all the frank- LIVER COMPLAINT, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases, arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as a constipation, in ward piles, fullness or blood to the head acidity of the stomach, nausea, haartburn, disgust for food, fullness, or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or flutter ing at the pit of the stomach, swimming or the head, hurried and difficult breathing, flut tering at the heart, choking or suflbcatiing sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fe ver and dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of tho skin & eyes pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c. sud den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con stant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by Dr. IloqjlancVs celebrated German Bitters, PREPARED BV Dr C IT1 Jackson, at the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch st. Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equalled by any other preparation in the United Slates, as the cures attest, in many cases after skil ful physicians had failed. These Bitters aro worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the" most searching pow- .yiiu ail uiu uaim- , - 7 j -, I r Jn -.onnoco nVit:T,,. r .!: ness ol a private letter, under the seal ol uou ouu UV "J "SlUua J : '" " 7" "r., Z " T professional confidence. It contains the lire, on the most advantageous and rea- T""n! : """a, aa,u' Wl",n Head and be Convinced. they may rob the branches of sap re- gnms a", a!n,7 deiiniio length, he- . . r 10 rnminir so coilnd and fnslfined in lho Tnlec- quired ior the nutrition of the fruit 5 liriCS and Stomach affecting the health so and it that happens, tho latter fall off." sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits,&c. It may perhaps be well to add, that li- that those nfilicted seldom if ever suspeci quid manure, like all other kinds of wa- lhal il is Tape Worm hastening them to an tering, should never be poured on the ear'y pravc. In order to destroy this Worm surface about tho trees, as this will onlv a very ,eJner8elirc treatment must be pursued, harden the crust, without reachin the " woud. refojre bo proper to take 6 or 8 r 1' r.t l'niuo u; of my Liver Pills so as to remove all ob rook. Afe inches of the surface should structions, that the Worm Syrup may aci first be removed, the liquid then applied, direct upon the Worm which must be taken nd the earth replaced, or a mulching civ- in doses of 2 Table spoon's full 3 times a en. JLIic practice of making hnlns nhnni dyi these directions followed, have never enabled to give entire satisfaction to all who will patronize ihem. STOUFFEIl & OSTRANDER, 'ropriciors. August 19, 1852. DOCK'S the tree with a crowbar, and pouring the liquid into these holes may succeed on porous soils. Country Gentlemen. VP a. The testimony in its favor is over- whe'minr leen known to fail in curing the most obsti nate case of Tape Worm. IZobcnsacIi's L.iver Pills. No part of man is more liable to disease linn flirt T 1 . 1. n . . "D-..T, . . rp, "u iBi) it acinus; ua a iniuiui in i. J U1A1U 11 KVil J EARS I 1 1 .T n...;r.. .1 Ul I . luiu me umuu, ui giving uiu propur sucre- A much valued lnend, who resides in fion to the bile; so that any wrong action ol this county, yesterday related to us a the Liver affects the other important parts singular but interesting fact relative to lhe s's,em ard results variously, in Liv- the discovery of a potato which had been er,ComPlant Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. buried upwards of twentv vears. It w.i c uu.u,iiireiuit;, w.ucu every symptom fn,it ;n fl.o t, f n vr mat mignt indicate a wrong action ot louiitf in the bottom ot a well in Now t vi n i i o ii i , , , . , ' X1'' Ijiver. 1 hese J'llls being composed Scotland, surrounded by cinders, such as Roots and Plants furnished by nature to 1 can usually pe gathered from around a the sick: Namely 1st, An Expector, blacksmith's fonre. This well was filled which augments the secretion from the 1 up with earth some twenty years ao, monary mucus membiane, or promotes the its use, has called the attention of physic and remained closed till within a short P,schar8e secreted matter. 2d, An Al- cians to tllis artio.c and the freel tJm -ln fn i a terativc, which charges m some explicable j p. ;A : d.. AiCZ , j and insensible manner, the certain morbid and the well dug out. The potato found action of lhe systcrn. 3dj A ToniCf which was planted fome weeks since. It has gives tone and strength to the nervous sys- sprouted up and is now growing. Al- tern, renewing health and vigor to all parts, uany journal. oi me nody. 4tn, A Uathartic, which acts in perlect harmony with the other ingredi- There are many subjects connected with the broad science of Human Life, of the deepest and most vital interest to man and the race, in regard to which a terrible igno ranee every where prevails; an ignorance which is destroying the healths, 'shortening the lives, and sacnhcing the happiness ol millions which threatens the power of na tions, and the perpetuity of races Professional works on Physiology are dry, mechanical, or chemical, astonishingly ig norant, as well as technically incoinprehen sible. The popular works are superficial. meager, and necessarily wanting in the most important matters. The quack books are lull ot errors, laise in science, absurd in philosophy, mischeivous in morals, and basely rr.eccenary in their motives. In most cases these books are the advertising medi um of some specious charlatan, who wants patients, or letters of consultation, or who lias some instrument to sell, or some nost rum to palm off upon the credulous sonaWc terms. Appications for Insurance to be made m person, or by letters addressed to JAMES II. WALTOjN, Sec'y. MANAGERS . John Edinger, John S. Heller, Andrew Storm, J ames H. Walton, Silas L. Drake, M. H. Dreher, Geo. B. Keller, Ilichard S. Staples, J3obert Boys, Joseph Irach, Jacob Stouflfcr, Charles D.Brodhead, Michael Shoemaker. B. S. STAPLES, President, . II. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1852. HORSES MADE SOUND BY THE Horse Owner's Secret, heing a new and certain remedy for the speedy Cure oi M caves, By Sir James Lyndonton, Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness Prince Albert. ripiIE great discovery contained in this lit-1 JL lie work procured oir James his Raron- etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold to all who own or use Horses. Itprecribesa Cer- The world has need ofa different boohtai'iand Vsile cureforl he Heaves which any The proprietors are dai y in fromar.v of these-such a book as has never Per,a0.n can Pr,ePare- The remedy is belie receipt of letters and certificates, rrniiio- i100n Litton nnrl n nnnnm n, ua r,..u;i.J and cheaper than any advertised Heave Powr Tf to prove its remarkab'e efficiency to aU ed in the usual way, sold by booksellers, of Jer, and is perfectly safe, as any one can h cases of worms, both in children and a- hawked by agents or peddlers. The author know vho tries it. Horse owners know that neai , ' . : . " . .r t.- a .i 'l r . manv a valuable Finrse Iosrs half u! nnrp ant, duts. The relief given, and the immcdi- ropo ugy, a icacner, a - prevalent disease f he Tremedv nVo ate improvement of health which follows P$"a a ,and, P"le Le.cturer ?J l S, H P an orancnes oi meuicai ocience, nas writ- . . ten mis uook wiin a iranicness ne never could have used in a work for the public, or one open to criticism, it is for his nuDils From the Boston Bee. Tho editor said, Dec. 22nd-i)r Hoojland'a celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Li ver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or nervous debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. Theso Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself re ceived an effectual and permanent cure of Liver complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of thesy Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a fact worthy of great considera tion. They are pleasant in taste and smell and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any cir cumstances. We are speaking from experi ence, and to the afflicted we advise their use. 'Scott's Weekly,' one of the best Liter ary papers published, said, Aug. 25 lDr. Iloojland's German Bitters, manufac tured by Dr. Jackson, are now lecommended by some of the most prominent members of the faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness, ha such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus 3ave themselves much sick ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the sal utary effect they have upon week systems.1' More Evidence. The Hon. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the City of Camden, N. J. , says: ' Iloojland's German Bitters. We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and thesource from which they came induced us to make inquiry respectine its merits. - w commend & prescribe it in their practice. The retail fn'icc is 25 cents jcr l'ialichi-hnn6 patients, for intelligent men and women, bruits it within the means of all. w wlsh to understand the deepest myste- TT, n:.. T--7.y y j mi t enls. and operating on the Rowels, and ry- i - i i , , . oelllnfT the who t mass nf enrrun nnH vilin. L," xamS navecen P1Ckied 15 th.e ied milter, and purifying the Blood which r08: .P luL lhal i tivr HSPfl inr T.m rwiT-nrven it t J i: i . i i.t nnn v tav tnrr hni J til I UlU I -r ... . . . - r t t Vfi i Q.i"r ries of life; especially it is for the noble and James aIe a11 cneaP. ana can Ue. liad at anJ ; j V ". hGreoio few. who are bravo nnn.ml, fn ov,. store, lo prevent imposition tne worK will i do certity that 1 save one bottle ot m:no ' :nt .:: be sent in sealed envelooes. English nrica . A.hahnestocks irmifuge tomy child, Lough to profit by them. There can scar- four shillings and three pence sterling. HOUrS It PaSSCd W lawe pp. v hnanv imnnrtant nnnct nn. vohinh xvuiencan price, per copy. X'ersons otr x o I J J 1 uui i , . ,. v , , - - . . I i w am oaiioncu nieie HUUlU ue IP erson doubting this may man or woman can ever need to ask a phy- "nnSir Jame? " orK' are expected to con- ness as from lhc t , , mtormation at my resi- "-an, io wnicn uus voiume ooes not con- dencc corner of York and Jackson st's. tam an answer- Jt 1S s0 complete m this james McCaffrey. T pecl uial T autnor. noPf,s ancl Deies tnnt no nnp who rftnnfl it will owr nonH m -w -j y m , I ww w A IIWnU IU xaugiuxepsic. jN. 1. iUarch a, 1644. trouble himself with a mofessional consult 1 certify, that I took two vials of B. A. tion. It is henceforth his chosen method of l: i i i i ! - I itpm riii innrkpi vn up nncu ro ortnn I the poor beast ofa horrible complaint, simi- f'S J wp fZd t -t0 .USe lar to the Asthma in a man. The public can , Zfr S n P T US 3C" . i i . l 1,0,1 upon disease of the liver and digestive depend on this work; it is no catchpenny ,,- , r.,i n h.,mhrr 'Pho nHi.Lc .nrihnA vXr orRt and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is reallv surmising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, bring ing them into a stale of repose, making sleep refreshing. 'If this medidine was more cenerallv used we are satisfied there would be less sick- being thick, in consequence of blood and inobtsscs, it will take out every oat, &c. B. F. TV. Ifo Females lou will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in manv complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or fine his instructions to their own animals Uvstem the nt Znf ' i -It will be sent to nnn nth. system the great majority of real and imagi- . . - . . - . n..f . i t i r I r . i . mature, sir, nature,' observed a first- "' ""e"er ioun" OI '.nes,umaDie Fahnestoek's Yirmifurre. which I found medical instruction and practice, and in it ' ii i r i .i t i the greatest cure for worms I have "r "as Penormea ine auJ ne owes man j t i -i . -i t ... Kinci as a neaier of inn sir :, n nrpsnrror n useu. i nave neen trouDied with . ... , . -,-r. . t u; -,j,.i.it:..u i. dress, post paid, ....,v.v, r l. i.ii . i uuiiciu. iubioniisr meir iraciioniai arranfrp.. xawi viijauiuuici ua tuu air, wnue quiet- . . . , , .r f. m hp n it- , - , , . ? . M"1-" tnents to a heall iv action, nurifvmcr thf LU ,JL iy runmng nis nands together, m order to olood and olher flulds so ea-erctualiv , " , ever uiftuie a uuu ui near s crease which lie in flioht nil r for me cure ol Heaves, and approve ol it very much. Yours, truly, ;ind as a healer of the sick, a preserver of lvltness l. liOng.J b. Lake, Horse Dr. I there- M ART II A CLIFT. health, and a teacher of the Laws of Life Among the subjects treated of in this work, are the following: Man, and his rela tions to the Spiritual and Material Uuiverse Human Anatomy; the Chemistry of Man; Principles of Physiology and the Active nmnlainlQ wliil mnv n noo I tflTtP. WfimiS for fl nnniTinr vnnrc on1 T 1 , , . ill, I R ........ . T lllU ".".J UtIOt X "... A VA J OUlOj J. held between them, she defies the power from female irregularities, as head acheJkvft iinvpr fminrl sn ffnnl n m;,mn nc - I . , , - 1 t -w..-.,VjMwwv.t lliVUiVlllU tAO oi man to set her laws aside; and rest gmdness, dimness of sight, pain in the side, B. A. Fanestock's Yirmifu"-c assured, this grease which has matured ua- . , t fore recommend it awl then matured the hair on the bear s . genuine uniess signea j. i. no back, will perform the self-same office on UCV1 "! ul 11 e? Ti ..i.i;, io Forces of Nature; The Three Groups of u. -itiiw -isiiiiiii uuv suijuiiti.s. (inti I jujivy iuuin xa uituiiuuuu ii''iiiiiaL cull ii-I TP r i . T7 i , r ' , n ., A , . . , , r uiiuuuns, urganic, iinimai, anu lienera- baid a wag, standing by, 1 for friend of must addreThpKnnriPtm t hXhq M 1 .Uil"u? "i Fu Uve; The whole Philosophy and Processes p wkn. n ul' 1.VL i- xt"S r-ePPner ? ,J- - Hobensack no confidence m statements that Kolm- of Reproduction; The True Law of Marriage h Tot of " -oo7api. ih i, 1, I V- ; ' ' stock's,' and 'S. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, The Conditions of Health; Causes of Disease; WW t iql oi ffoose rrrease : this hr jinn Mpm l a thi(c in..... r...,..T I ' o .... , t-, 'i wo ' - d -j -iww ,, j. mm iTjt r.lk tr i I I n.-. l. . r-r.-... . . . xi. i r I .liniirn M nnnninc lrnf nr. r.nn i rt .. l - J - " I . . - il. . Ad- . i and in a little time his hnnd ws Dr. S. Stok-Psnn,! R H.,n. Stro-Hchnra. r u luy f-V"u . Su" ab.ine ?m uith feathers.' II. Peters, jr. & co. Marshals creek; Staples "U1 ia "'" & Shivlev, Analomink: J. Bell. Experiment vamijuge. At the lute WnmnV. T?;i,fe n Mills . Brodhead & Bro. Dutotsburfr : H. & I1or sale in btroudsburc. by 1. hclwcU w ww m m w iU LO vvuiiit: . r3 I w- lion a resolution was reported and laid L ihlnAiisBii. Mne' J??.nTinea- i-OBirlsliiifs- Ipwps firnr tnv in noTf T.,n,.f..,.. :r . - j jjuniKi.t - i iiiuiuuiiiL' uverv liiiuuriani ennn nn :inri nrn . r. ii , . . ju-uce Marsh, Fennersrille: Keller & Iloltman. C3lk Tho cnhcr;kor i.nn pprc fmm tli u;nnmn i u .r :r. onts for inventinn. at. lmmn nml wits not iuny done to the ladies, and that iCpiiriii. a j;,ie; .....t ' u' tfP . .... T " riT u,uau U1 1UU' x. .iTJi. "r"""' . . - fcW..w.u..w, uu uu uuriitioui uiuo iuiuuir j nil iJurcriti.SHf inn pnnrp i iimi l i l nn psnpr n itv . j i t"- n i " w n f-w . 11.11 1 MIVM'JUI'V flIT.1 niTO t-lnM . . An American Horse Doctor approoves of kooi.i,v M.ii,; j e ' the above System! Read what he says: tn miLmin9 wpn ' ni,J Vu; ";J "t ppleton, Ohio, July 21, lSol ,.,(;,;,, wu Tw.,m ...Li Mr Dunbitrton, I have tried vourSecret " La ". "f UI . ,nu? recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family. No other medicine can nro- duce such evidences of merit." Evidence upon evidence has been receiv ed (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strong est testimony in its favor, is, that there 7s more of it used in the practice of the regulur Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other The Secret is sentby mailat letterpostage established, and fully proving that a scien- LAW CIRCULAR. 00 PePeral,on mee wh their quiet WL arnnmrTTvnmAv r CT,r,T,. 1 I r witnci pi cacmcu C veil IU U11S IOrm. WOItTimNGTON a. S.NETHEN, TYash- That this medicine will cure Liver Hnm- mgton, i). U., continues to practice plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after specifically up is preferable io diseases the effect is JOHN DUNBERTON, English Horse Doctor, American Agent for James Lyndenton's Horse Owner's Secret, New York Post Office. ?5 uiscusca anu i icauuem; rassionai iJiseases; exclusively in cue supreme court, and using it as directed, it acts Diseases of the General System; Brain to attend to cases before Congress; to on the stomach and liver ; it I .in ft vprroc mcnirit inn. tnnMmn. I t . ... w ' I n.i i r r.-i- ' . r "'s''i wnuwa- pr0SCC1Ite claims an settled accounts i whwb l i Inn I .flDtniiAn onrl wi . . m. . I l I - - I ' . Si uun, wuoiuuuu uim l aiLuiiiiuu; JLidClalion I TJirv rnn hp nrlminKtnrn1 - i i . i . - i ' ; l 1 1 1 1 1 Liu 1 1 ff lii i r. 1 1 1 1 t 1 t v: nnrnoTiC! r-t i j - w s54rsBff " e luanageneni oi iniancy, etc., etc., ? -, e " including every important condition and pro- Doara,.s .r rrninck t.1, rlnr,ovf u,. iinmeaiaie. uiev can oe administered to P . ' I "uu ffimn P nr mfnnt w l i qfot,, nJ I. nnmill SR nnpr?- tn rrnm, - V !" ..j i.u lc.,aU1u ucu- "v jf fir em al anv l:me foo, then they would stop tlx population out the county and State. of uus country .' "Angels and ministers Price, each 25 cents. and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; Look well to the marls of the genuine. 'PI..... 1 .1 . 3 r nicy uaa iub written signature oi Li. Al: or grace there ! 1 defend us 1" They'll have us March 10, 1853. The editor of the TYoonsockct Patriot makes merry over the mistake of an old .Shanghai hen of his that has been "net ting" for five weeks upon two round stones and apiece of brick! "Her anxiety (quoth he) is no greater than Ours to know what she will hatch, yard that hen is not vuiu ui vuiisuiiipiiuii. Liver Complaint, Colds Bronchitis, and all J rruiniiUK " mil UbbiUllb Ul IIIU ill U S UI 11 IB. C X 1 " 1 T . Kimr anil .Ip.welrti huxi. Willi snrll nn l netrntPri ilocnnmim. f . 1. I v" """ il xwnuo uuu oLuv,Aa auu , ir.j:.: . e, at. . t . iiisiiiM ill 1 1 1 1 1 . n?- o - uvjv-iiuiiuii ui inu i , i i i . . muii ucuitiiit : oiwre. iso. liiu A.rcn street ono JiibULipuoil, c mail its various lorms, and in a man- evolution of the embryo, as has not before bond and mortgage, and to negotiate door below 6th, Philadelphia-and 1 by respe"- lds, Coughs, Asthma, ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire been given. the purchase and sale of loans, lands and table dealers generally through the country Throat and Lung Com- satisfaction, not only to himself but to those 3. All that is known of health and dis- patent rights in any state of tho Union. Prices reduced. To enable all classes of Something &o. If tho speculator miss es hie aim, everybody cries out he's a fool ' - m m ' aua sometimes, 'he's a rogue. Jf he suc ceeds, they besiege his door, and demand i i. . i ... ;u, . r, L?JTAI e., T. w"h th? i3"8 r?r,th Preservation of cyr.f T I. invalids lo enjov the advantages oftheir great . iuuiisiicu a unci vunv un -unuiij- 'Jim iu uc icimuuu. jlib uus reneweu nis me lurinur, ana cure 01 me lattnr. i. tt n Sfl KH B as-n, a 8 rpstnrntiro n mxrr.ro ption, which contains an invaluable recipe stock by recent purchases in the ciiy of New 4. So careful an explanation of the whole 9 Single Bottle 15 cents ior me cure oi these prevalent diseases, even 1 ork, which, together with his former stock, orocess of testation and r.liilrlhinii no t;n Jnct hurnt nnrl for cnln u ii,- -uc-.:k- Pnr ool K s. p. v c? j t-.. I . . in thoir wnrei c--- ...l r J ... U t.: .1 .- ... ' ' ., . , .v. uUlu UJ auuauiuci. - i.uluiu .1 AULAAb. CllUUaS 11 it proves a brick va, u.n meiiusaiiu pny- mao.ua wis ab-oruiieiji at uus nine one 01 tne enaoie every woman to dispense with the These bnclc are ol a large size and ofa su- bnrg' Pa. Autr. 5 is iv lor sale. 1 Y r ""f6' J -u ; , Pn-iiv.i .vi u.iui wn.i.u m uuuuus- oi io ui a pnyaiciuu or proiessionai mid- perior quality, and win ue sold as low and bfsam prescribed in this work Cures withou burg; among which may be found all the la- wife. lower, according to oualitv. thai, .-nv mhpr the C. DCI1S1 VO aiH fl! nil vcir! n nc r inillrlnnc. I tOCf fncllfrint! In ll.o rl .11 nt 1, rn nA I 77, A . t !. 1. ! .1. . n J . . . r- . . - ui ii.juuuua ,u...w.,o ... v.,o nuuuuic anu ciiiucuiaii- &u i Emu r j jikoi'ulocv is plain and oricK in me uounty. A portion oi them are .un.iuco. jii fiuuiiuiii" uiib 07.V iiiuiii ui urBM jeweirv. v z urcasi rins. v.ar I simn r in anfrnnfTR tn m .ioit;n i nmccar nr mn -r.: T.:t. ..r ,i:rr i (. I . . ' -i I 1 ' n h ' ... iiiuouuituiii ixa i mii.uuu wa i.ib, uiiu buuiiLU JJHUlv u 1 Ulllcl- rohensive as the utmost curiosity can ent kinds, baid Brick are composed of ma Lis daughter in marriage. 'I say, Mr. Highflyer, would you let a fellow go with you in that ere balloon?' 'I could not possibly accommodate vou. my dear lnend.' 'Well, then, bo kind enough to take my card along, for I am determined to get my name up some show.' 'Wife,' said the victim of a jealous rib one day, lJ intend to go to camp meeting on Tuesday evening, to sec the camp break up.' 'And I think you wont,' replied she. 'Ill go if I see fit.' 'You will see fits if you go.' He did not go probably on account of the rain. How to Get Up Early. Place a basin of cold water by the side of your bed; when you first awake in the morning, dip your hands into the basin and wet your brow, aud sleep will not again steal you in its treacherous embrace. Kissing is all the fashion in Paraguay. The ladies arc very pretty, and amiable also, for when they hold up their faces for a .salute ,th&y always take out their quids of tobacco, and deposit them on the rirn of -Ms hak .w j vu,c UUJ ,,aueni unows xohat he is us- umgs, ringer Kings, Uold Lockets, Snaps, comp inn knows thnt ho ic nni ol, i..-. n,Ait., ci:.i.. cjm c? n..f i , " " ouui iciuiuiy ins mavciKia, oiiuys, onvur upuuiJS, DUUCr I WISH, f" 'J U1 ut Ol anodynes or merciiria s IVUlves. and HntLnnni Warn, innpi ipr with n lho 1 " - ...... u i.f.1. f yuui. auem lo Keiicve but never Cure A arge assortment of Gold and Silver Watch- I. ,1 Z .1. "uer usin2 wk Lije-saving J3al-es, Clocks, Perfumery, 4c together with ten with the necessary freedom, and illus LiKU in i:ii inir fniifi i n 1 1 i n i i iii .1 . t r i 1 . . OILS, TALLOW GREASE, AND OHSO MINERAL PAINT. and without one line of quackery, or teiial that will stand the fire with imnunitv. 300 barrels Machinery Oil. Pr?co 7:1 rio emotest hinting at a fee. thus answering for the purpose of buildinc per jrallon. It must be evident that such a book, writ- bake-ovens, &c., all of which will be retailed 2500 gallons do do do 75 do at the following rates: in casks of various sizes. Tat P,easani clu.' f 1 ,l.n? arl,clfi V'al can bo lound 1,1 any es" lrated with fullness and fidelity, must not be Pressed or front brick at Si 50 per fo? tliX tabhshmentofthekind. profaned. It is not for the counter, the Best common hard brick UO do ents co nr Walch Repairing book-stall, the library shelf, or the center Best salmon do 75 do Being an important as ill as a skHlful part aat nglUrick t Ci tT!tlL ! not.aPP-i-riur V'is3 advrtis Wlllinds of graint t -tall Lunu ( mini,a ' r' ' a i.: : ' and ih "iJf" I , 1 "i" " r luu,ul3 "?l eve.r7 .ne wno "es it may obtain it, market price, taken in exchange lor Brick, useW PWo7ii,T n . , . -7, . ai hp inton il 1 1 V L y, any one' "be will. Whether the social proprieties be and Cash not refused. ?S,1 L AU,i',La:iaChaVZ n,ame. I110 Iee.P.n0"e b"l,tilG best true or false, the anhor can notPviolate them! WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE ; ' : . V.r ; :, . : "J" u ,ee.""S comment and he feels compelled lo keep this book trulu Stroudsburg, September 30, 1852. r. uiiu uoiuy ine Jjuiaaiii art! DiTItiClIV I ouau nave eriiire nerfectlv 1 1 r .. ' . . piuin. j preier 1 ; 1 . 1 uie jjaisam, as u enables people to their own Medicine at a Trifling Cost. sn LIS !a PI tX r nnn I nr t 7. , r u I I prefer selling the Recipe to making them, he intends todevote his whole time and Men 7al IZZZZZ " India Rubber GlOVCS, MittdlS, &C, . . I " " owuhjii L.lt.)liltli- I ' I jjiaic I wil business" l UnPrlant bra,1Ch and he trusts that no person COUNTRY MERCHANTS, inking imnart ilin.r-r. ormn!,; n.i. 1 Anviliincr in i,;c i;n .1... 1 " wuu " ot honor y P.UIL,,aa auuuiu noi uegieci ,1.0 av,, 7 r;:; ; .. r a u on h , V ""I.'"!... ,"a "B m "ol a.ve consider it. these desirable and saleable articles. Their ...w ''- iu uoc ii, lur iji, uui j 11 uu I : "i uc jviunijiuy procured irom the cu&u win i sen 11 jor speculating purposes. uv- " Proof of its Goodness. Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851. Doct. S.TOUSEY Sir: You wished me Melick's old stand. IL AIU; 011 the rece,Pl f Dollar, sent, SAMUEL MFJ.TnTr. l NICHOLS M. D. To all such persons it will be sent BY manufacture has been much mproved re AIT t t . I 1 .1 1 1 t nuncred uu barrels Uoild Paint Oil. do Si? do 5000 gallons do do do do 55 do do in casks of various sizes. do 350 barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds &. do qualities, from 35 to 60 cts nor crnllnn t t .1 .. . r ts nignesiM&uu gallons m casks of various sizes. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cts. per gallon. 50 tons Tallow Grease, for heavy bearings 1 ir . . 0 anu uuarso macninery, m Darrels or casks, of any consistency required.. Price 6 cents per pound. 150 tons Ohio Mineral Paint, in barrels, at ine lowest marKet price. 1VTri!ilriaf ir Oil l . i ... u....tijr vu, nuimuLUU nut IO Cnill in r . . j . w xx. otroudsburg, May G, 1852 I1IUUI1 I1IUIUVCU 1C I 1 IJ x . .. . cently and they are made very durable.- "u wfainerf anu considered by those Particular attention is requested to the V,e-, , r,1- .f"11 ou- Wool Lined Gloves and Mittens. , 1 1 1 U1 unseeu ou' olher d9eMlritn mvrnmil. A f,P ,!, ., ... UwQUUJCW. days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved A' H ' Co) ncr ondandMulbervy Streets, j to let you know what effect your preparation WEffM,E AIa'E GROCEES. of Medicine for Consumption and olher dis- WATERMAN & OCtUma her couch, chanced her countenance, and all liiuidciphi appearances were better. My family would 0FFER F0H SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF not be willing to do without it. Jt is a med- TEAS, - icine much needed in Jackson there is many COFFEE, j At the Lowest cases simular to my wile s. lhe liev Air. siioAu, K uiancnard will write you Ior a recipe. Kes- uivLiAiiS, J Market rates. pectiuiiy yours. U. I . x'UVli. Address, post paid, fenclosinc $1.) Dr. S. TOIJSEY, 106 Nassau street, New York. 1 he work goes by mail under seal. October 7, 1851 -6m tuan for white. They are indispensable in cold and wet I am constantly receiving larrf ?nnn1.OQ r weather. Ladies will find these Gloves use- the above named articles, and my motto is ful in any work that will soil the hands, ail, 'Snail profits and Quick returns" ' the same time that they will cure the worst Salt Rheum or Chapped Hands immediately B. F. POND, 56 Water st., SJICE, &c. &c. J Those commencing New Stores are par ticularly invited to call. L? Attention given .to Prodiiqc. Philadelphia, January 27, l853-3ih. Portchester, N. Y. PAPER HANGING. . IT. Warnicb, T ESPECTFULLY announces to the cit- JLj zens of Stroudsburg and the surround- arms and wrists. ing country, that he still continues tha above For sale bv Wilcox. Billincrs & Co. Nn a business, and may be found at his establish- Church Alley, Phil'a. Goodyear's 65 Ches- muni on riiizabetn street. Al ordors for Pa- nuustreet do. J . & H. Phil ins. Pittshnrtrh Asi. T-T !11 I I Tl "1-1 1 n -r-r . . . yei iiuugmg wui ue punctually attended to, ra- raiconer & Jiaslcell, JJallimore, Md. ..u cacuuibu in iuB uesi sty le, upon tne most u. vv. oniner, unarieston, S. U. Hart & reasonable terms. llickcox. Cincinnati. Ohio, and hv nil R..K N. B. WINDOW SASH", nainlod and ber Dealers in thR Tlninn glazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand and For sale at retail by Country Merchants stc J- Hollinshead's hotel. ElizahetK ouio ui nit- auuvo csiannsnmeiH. generally. street kj. ,i i -. . -i rvuuuouu,e, jmu w, iqj. iy i o oiuucr y 0, 1 80ii . Jm Ht.rmidshuror "nrtr 1 f) l55n bait uneum or uuapped Hands immediately. (under the Pearl st. House,) New-York Fhey are made all lengths to protect the July 1, 1852.- 6m ATTORNEY AT LAW. Has removed his office to his dwell? house, first door below the office of the "Monroe Democrat," and directly oppo-. Sitn fi J TTnli;t.ol.norTo l,f1 Xll' Jv'rtT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers