The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 21, 1853, Image 3

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    Cure for Virulent Small Post
A merchant and ship owner of this
city has had the following sent him from
kngland, where it was furnished bv Mr
jj. xiarKin, iuenioer of the Iioval College
r O -i - C
i A;n:n . . , ..
u,cull"u "t win enecta revolution in
, -i i .
uulllI5 an, s regarus me prevention
ana euro not only of small pox, but also
of TT) f n j1 no nnr) nnnrlnfinn 1-t -
lignant the type in a manner more efficient
fa wuc yp, xu uuuw mure emtiont
ail fiTtrfinrrhnorTr f nn nnnlA X,
i 7, " -LZ" , c,4 w
uu uitucrro anticipated oven Dy tno
most araent pmiantnropist."
" On the first appearance of foyer or
irritation ushering in attacks, whether oc-
cunng in families or large communities.
the subjoined mode of treatment should
at once be carried on : Take one grain
of powdered foxglove or digitalis, (valu
able in the ratio of its greenness the
dark should be rejected.) and one of sul
phate of zinc, (this article is commonly
1. r i i t m, i lill
uuu aa wane vimoj. xnese suouia oe
juuueu luurougniy in a monar or oiucr
convenient vessel, with four or five drops
of water ; this done, a noggin (or about
four ounces) more, with some syrup or
Eugar, should bo added. Of this mixture,
a table spoonful to a child every second
hour, until symptoms of disease vanish.
"Thus conducted, convalescene, as if
hv ma?ric will result. The r.inidJf.Tr ftf,
-,7 V. ,
oveiit au uuispiuioub win equally aeiigiit
and astonish. It may, however, bene-
- 1 A . 1 1 . J 1 .
ceary lunaw to noic, inat, snouia the The above reward will be paid for the ap
bowels become obstructed m progress of prehension of any person who will say that
the disease, an evil by no means common. Isaac H. Loder does not sell the cheanesi
then a drachm of the compound powder of
jalap (formed of two parts cream of tar-
tar with one ot jalap,) and one cram of
the herb, treated as above, formed into a
pastil with syrup or sugar, should be giv
en to an adult and half the quantity to a
child. This simple medicine shuts out
every other form or article whatever
totally unnecessary, if not nermcious.
The mcthodus mcdendi of these medi-
cines capaple of eflfecting results so cican-
.. - 1 Q OO
tic, remain now only to bo given, and ap-
t l 4-' . rn. - ,. v i. -V
A . - , ... ' . J
anti-tebnlle properties, lays hold at once
of the fever, the prolific source of woe,
"which it immediately strangles, while the
Tlnrt tj.ft lit C L ? I
utio tuc UUll Ul H lULUU, 1USLU.ULIY (;.
storing the equilibrium."
Mr. Larkin, adds : "No emigrant or
government vessel should hereafter be al
lowed to put to sea without a few pence
worth of these proteetors : and is further
ardently hoped that, as the dearest in-
terest of our common humanity are so
vitally involved in this discovery, the
press of all countries will give publicity
I this announcement "-B&tan Counel
1 l 3 I l-or fill eYAimAi-ta rtf a1
J y pulsus U. . wax, wi-
in acnuvlKHl county, Ira., have
w mi
been prepared for the Crystal Palace
0O" A cow belonging to Milton Buchanan ,
of Lincoln, Ind.f recently gave birth to seven
BgfMelancholy sight a cobbler irho
has lost his awl and breathed his last.
Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge
composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c, are
not aware, that while they appear to benefit
the patient, they are actually laying the foun
pations for a series of diseases, such as saliva
tion, loss of sight, weakness, of limbs, &c.
In another column will be found the adver
tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which
we ask the attention of all directly interested
in tneir own as well as tneir Unildrens
Tn T.ivpr Comnlaints and nil nMaorrips
arisingfrom those ofa bilious type, should make
r I
qpnfthfnn vtrpnn no mprt c np. Hnhpnssok'R
Liver Pills.
(j"Be not deceived,'" but ask for Hoben
sacks' Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob
serve that each has the signature of the Pro
prietor, J. N HOBENSACK, as none else
are genuine.
In Stroudsburg, on the 14th inst. by
M. M. Burnett, Esq.. Mr. George Everitt,
and Miss Charlotte Vanwy, both of Mid-
aie cmitn neia townsnip.
Five doors above the lJeffersonian' office,
Stroudsfuirff, Pa,
This is the cheapest place to buy Ready-
Clothing, Boota to Sljocs
in the Borough of Stroudsburg.
Less than City prices I
Quirk sales and
small profits !
We have
on hand tne largest assortment ,
of Ready-made Clothing, Boots & Shoes
suitable for all seasons of the year that can
be found in this place, which we are able to
sell at less than City prices, and at least 25
per cent, lower than the same kind of goods
can be had at any other eetablishment in town.
We buy our materials in large quantities di-
root frnm tlip mnnilf:lf.tlirflS. hv whioli wa enw
30 per cent, in our purchases. The Clothing
wp offer nrp. all of our own manufacture, and
not bought ready-made.
We also keep on hand a splendid assort
ment of
Gentlmens Stocks and Handkerchiefs,
of the latest style, and a variety of
Trunks, Valises, Carpet-bags,
07- Produce of all kinds taken in exchange
for anything in our line of business.
Cash or trade will be paid for 2,000 sheep-
July 21, 1853. 3 mos.
In the Common Fleas.
Jn the matter of the account of Frederick
Eylenberger, Committee of Susanna Mi
chael, a Lunatic.
" Mav 27th, 1853. The Court refer this
account to Charlton Burnett, to state the same,
also the facts, and whether the money be-
longing to the Estate is securely invested and
in such a situation that the Committee may
be discharged without injury to the same."
The undersigned will attend to the duties
r tl.n onnninlmant nt fi?o nPTina in
Jl LUC U WW w, Vii.ww I -
Stroudsburg, on Saturday, August 13, iaD3,
at 10 o'clock a. m. when .and where all persons
interested can attend.
. . - . I
July 21. 1853. 4t, ,
Dr. Adelmig's Elixir
TS theionly medicine capable of curing the
A HEAD ACHE, in half an hour. Form-
erlv several days were required to relieve
. .p raiu', w,m31 ,,ovv UIB U5U 1,1
I thf Klmr WllL in n tow mnmontc romnxra il
- - - - , . w luvmu ii i u i v. i w u . -
Althouch but lately introduced
to nublic
i w puuiiu 11U11V.C, iujs vvunuenuj jiciciiuiiuii
: it.:. ... i r. -1
count thousands of advocates. It is very
beneficial in Colds and Coughs, checking
I tflA moot nhct inoto fit nf rnfirliinrr in .1
minulQ or lwo- This remedJ is an nvalua-
n ., : n ., Uo
UI A" ailillV meuiUIIie, ill bu ouuueu mtatw
of sickness. A sinole trial will be satisfac
f of ;Te ffi, Pri o
cenl8 Der bol,e. Prepared only by
Office No. 118 Catharine street, above
3d, Philadelphia.
Alleniown, July 9, 1852.
Dr. 1. b. Pnchard Dear Sir: I have
ii cnl Ihn hn la nl vmt Cn TT 1
uou wwin kj 4 T UUl JiilAll 1UI A till
n rno 3 ivhinh unn ijaft iviih n T. ... 1. I
since, with, i think. dpmriPH nHmninrm l
have for manv vears been suhiprt n .it-.-u
ot this distressing complaint, and certainly
- . . .. " '
r .. ,. " .' - . . J
iouiiu renei in your preparation.
iours respectfully, M. H ANNUM.
For sale by Dr. Samuel Stokes, Strouds
ourg, fa., wholesale agent.
Samuel IJ. Keofer, Snydersville.
W. S. Deilrich, Saylorsburg.
John Merwme, Merwinsburg.
David Chnstman, Christmansville.
r , u. m V
li. D. & J. K. Shafer. Pleasant Arallov-
JUiy lh iG&a-emos.
$1,000 REWARD.
and best Cabinet Furniture, at the Peoples's
Cabinet-Ware Roo7ns, (oppo-
site Robert Boy's store, in the
borough of Stroudsburg, this
side ot iew lork.
The undersigned, having purchased the
large and extensive Cabinet Ware Rooms
lately occupied by Frederick Philips, would
respecttully inform the citizens of Strouds-
burcr and vicinity that he intends carrying on
the Cabinet making business in all its various
braches; and is now prepared to receive or-
M .1 n . . n .1 li ii r .1
l:. 1" u Afc V?!?
ders and attend
to all calls for every thincr
' "is line oi uusiness,
The undersirmeH
will keen on hand -nnrl furnish n nrr
. , ,
ood aill Handsome Furniture,
as cheap as can be sold anywhere. The
fn InTV'lll CT n rtlrIflC nil! fin nvnminml
"""; "'"vi" w
be examined
in his
Ware Rooms:
Sofas, of various styles and patterns;
Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes,
reaux, of various paterns.
T!n I
Cupboards, of different kinds;
Card, Center, Side, Breakfast, and Dining
Stands, Twist, Small and Large
What-Notes, Music Stands, Sofa
Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine
es, Clnnese What-not,, Fancy Work
tables, Refreshment tables, Divans, and a
han(j an(J made t0 Qrder
. . .
07" Varnishing and repairing done on short
notice and on reasonable terms.
A handsome assortment of Gilt, Mahogany
and Walnut Looking Glass and Picture
frames, of every description, will be constant
ly kept on hand and made to order
rjSSTifl. Readv-made cofEns kent on hand
V-and made to order and in the
style, at short notice. A
furnished when desired.
hearse will also be
Lumber and country produce of all kinds
taken in exchange for Cabinet Ware, Give
us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Re
member the place is opposite R. Boy'i
Stroudsburg, March 24, 1853.
Resolved by the Town Council of the Bor
ough of Stroudsburg, That notice be given to
a11 persons owning lots of ground in said Bor
Tll-l L .i
8n ung on jMignaoem street, commen
k ut me suuiu east corner or me 101 occu
pied by James H. Stroud and Charles R. An-
dree, thence down said street to the north-east
corner of Michael Brown's lot (on the north
west side of said Elizabeth street.) Also com
mencing at the north-west corner of the lot
owned and occupied by John D. Young, from
thence to the north-east corner of the lot
owned by John Boys, next the saw mill lot,
on the south-east side of said Elizabeth street,
are required to have the side-walks of the same
on both sides of said street Graded, curbed,
and paved with good brick by the first day of
September next, and the same shall be made
and done under the direction of the Town
Council, and according to the survey (as to
heighth and width) made by the said Council.
ah persons who neglect or reiuse to nave
the same graded, curbed, and paved in pu
r I
suance ol tne aoove resolution and witn-
in the time therein appointed, the Town
Connriil aftpr tho pynir.ition of Raid t.imo will
havG lhe Eame done at ,he GXnGnse Qr tne
property owners, according to the Act of As-
Notice is hereby given, that on and after the
tuth day ol July, 1853, the following tax shall
be lmPosed upon the owners of doga and bitch
ca 111 Blim -"orougn- upon tne owner oi one
i ;j iy tt . t
y -t "j'"" u iuui lumc
dogs fifty cents for the first and one dollar
per head for all others, and unon the owner
of every bitch two dollars.
Supplement to Borough Or
dinance. Be it enacted by the Burgess and Assist
ants or Councilmen of the Borough of Strouds-
bur. ia hereby enacted by the author-
'v ".' oa,u,-
That on and after the 10th day of July.
1853, if any wood pile shall be permitted to
remain in any street or alley of said Borough
for a lonjrer period than fortv-eiffht hours, the
owner or ownnrs thnrpnf nhn nnv fi finp nf
fifty cents for every period of twentv-four
hours said wood shall remain in any street or
alley aforesaid contrary to thisvordinance.
Approved June 28th 1853.
JoHiN Edinger,
George H. Miller,
James H. Walton,
David Keller,
Melchoir Spragle.
June 30, 1853.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The Co-Partnership heretofore existing un-
der the firm of Palmer & Pearce, m the
manufacture of Candles, has been dissolved
by mutual consent. The Books and Accounts
are in the hands of John Palmer, to whom
all indebted are requsted to make payment.
Sf rninlotinrrr TiinA If?. IRfSS.
- fc., - - I ' " I
in. is. Jotin raimer&on Having purciiasi
ed Pearce's interest in the Stock, the bus-
neas will, as heretofore, be carried on at the
o , . i I
old stand, by John Palmer & Son.-who ask a
continuation of public patronage. I
Sooks & Stationcn)
88 John si. New York.
Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, and
Manufacturers of evnrv .io-rrintSnn of
j wa j
naving enlarged their manufacturing depart-
mBefn. a.nd atded a nevv Sales Rn t their
establishment, are now nrnnrpH m ci.K,
' , - - r--r-. .
oKseiiers ana uountry Merchants with ev
ery variety ot
Books, Blank Books c5- Stationery,
on tne most lavorablo terms. Their stock
of BLANK BOOKS, all of their own man
ulacture, consists of all the various sizes and
styles of Account Books, Memorandums
Pass Books, Writing, Ciphering, Exercise,
Time. Roll
I; t.i o t it
I lTlu hl.ltlk't At
graeat variety
nnArr,, , ri-. ...
Aiwvivo j 1 1 every ueparimeni oi meraiure,
'l"",u"c lul otuuuis, fluauemies, oonees,
ouiiuui, ounaav cicnooi. runuc ana rn
t?l 1 O 1 - i i T- il- i r-
ate Libraries, Standard Works in Prose
and Voctry,
Annuals and other
books in fine bindings
for the Holidays
JUVENILE BOOKS, of everv rlArin-
1 J i
Bibles, Prayer & Hymn Books in all their
Albums, ITIsisic Books &c.
STATIONERY, plain and fancy, Eng
tisfi, trench tr American
Slates by the case at Manufacturer's low-
est prices.
All of which
.1 -ii ii ..
eraging probably lower than any o
tablishment in the city.
lliey Will SCll. at prices av-
itlier HiS-I
Orders by Mail filled carefully and prompt
ly, and at as low prices as if the purchasers
were present.
bo John, cor. of Gold Street, Neio York.
July 7, 103.
The nGXt quarter will commence Monday
8th n the branches of a complete
iMiirlicli nnn l.liiccirnl pnnren nro Ihnrnnirhlii
nnd rilnccll nmiNO nrp ihnrnucrll,,
t " XZ
taught Terms for boys or girls three
fin vr nnitnkl 1111 A.7n7 nf amI 4Iia
iuiOf iajauiu (mzicti uicy il luu cjiiu ui tin.-
quarter. LEWIS VAIL
References: All those who have had pu
pils under my charge.
June 30th, 1S53.
Roticc to Collectors.
The Commissioners will meet nt their nf.
I -
rice on Wednesday, the tenth day of August
next, tor t he nnrnne nfmnk no- the neppcenrv
exonerations to those collectors who have not
settled their Duplicates in full, at which time
they are also required to make final settlement
of their Duplicates, as no longer time will be
allowed them.
June 30th, 1S53.
aew dooi anu auoe usiaDiisumcnit
IT TS--J. .1 CI I inJ.'IlI j
The subscribers would solicit the attention
of the public to their new Boot and Shoe Es-
taousnraeni, just opened in stroudsourg, nrst
. - i, I
door below Barry s Hotel, where work
;ork of all
kinds can be had either ready-made or made
to order at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms. Ladies' Shoes of the
neatest styles constantly on hand
Lone experience in the business in all its
departments, enables the subscribers to re- which he will dispose of upon very reasona- Any person sending Twenly fivc cents en
commend their work to the public, feeling ble terms. closed in a letter will receive one copy o
well assured that their highest expectations Work made to order at the shortest notice, this work by mail or five copies will be sent
will be fully realized after eivine it a fair
Stroudsburg, June 23, 1853.-tf.
J Gorge
IS. Keller,
jJion f)otcl,
No. 300 North Second Street,
(CORNER of noble,)
April 14, 1853. 2m
Fits! Fits! Fits!
For the cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, and
all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases.
i who are laboring under this dis-1
tressing malady will find the Vegetable Em-
leptic Pills to be the only remedy ever dis-
covered for curing Epilepsy, or Falling Fits.
These Pills possess a specific action on
the nervous system; and, although they are
iponn , -;,, fnr th. nMr nf, r!n
n:. - ii :ti i. r J t- l l c. I
for all nersons afflicted with weak nerves, or
F ILK. II1HV Will III! 11)111111 1)1 t'SlieClill Ut:ill!HL
whose nervous system has been nrostrated or
1 - - i
shattered from any cause whatever. Inchron-
ic complaints, or diseases of long standing,
superinduced Dy nervousness, tney are ex
ceedingly beneficial.
Price 83 per box, or two boxes for So.
Persons out of the city, enclosing a remit
tance, will have the Pills sent them through j
the mail, free of postage. For sale by Seth
S. TTAvni?. No. 108 Baltimore street. Balti
more. Mil., to whom orders from all narts of
the Union, must be addressed, post paid.
June 2 1853. ly.
Has permanently located him-
Kfilfin StronnshmV. and moved
m i n- c
1MB UlUW I1CAL uuui tu ayi. -,.
Txri. i l.. ni,.i:i, t...
-. ...1 l. , r.l n..nn-n,I Inl-nnt
' J i
the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt-
ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in
h on oivot and plate, in the
nrnvPd manner Most nor-
proved manner. Most per
nger and folly of trusting
"esi anu most improved manner,
60ns know the danger and folly
their work to the icrnorant as well as the
traveling dentist. It matters not how much
experience a person may have, he is liable to
have some failures out ol a number of cases,
an(l the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre
quently put off until it is too late to save the
tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the in
convenience and trouble of ffoinrr so far.
Hence the necessity of obtaining the services
ofa dentist near home. All work warranted.
April 23, 1853,
The subscriber would hereby inform the
public generally, that he has taken the store
room formerly occupied by Georcre II. Miller,
opposite Jacob Knecht's tavern, and that he
M$&&&low for Cash or Country pro-
Stroudsburg, June 2, 1853.-IC
m i V - -w-
Eight Mill Wrights wanted by the under-
signed, to commence work about the first of
' m og I mir
Stroudsburg, June 16, 1853
What can be got for Fve Dollars ! !
The undersigned have entered into an ar
rangement by which they agree to furnish
the Knickerbocker Magazine, (monthly,) the
tne Home Journal, (weekly.) and the Musi-
cal. World and Times, (weekly,) to new sub-
" u " "e very nmueraic price 01 live
I flnlmrK n VOflr fft t hn throa nlihliontinna nil
J 1U1 bllV liil l( IUUJIwUllUliU y Ull
orders, enclosing that amount to Dyer & Wil-
nsi will be promptly attended to.
Publisher of the Knickerbocker.
Publishers of the Home Journal.
Word and Times,
257 Broad way, New York
Grand Literary and Artistic Combination.
Arrangements have been made to furnish
Journal, and the New York Musical
World and Times, to new subscribers, for
five dollars a year! This is cheap literature,
with a vengeance. Tho Knickerbocker is
per annum; ihe Home Journal, S2: and
SS a venr nt. t ip nsnn r.itoc Thf tl,mo
I J w -
-i. .,i.b n, u r ju
VOfir ,- cnct ,, wnrtillr thtt nnir: n
J 7 -ww - m J liv vui VI J w
ivhmh ic inot nnttr hotnrr nchnfml C
Knickerbocker Mrrr.W PAUA hv T.p?
ll" " uuuecessary 10 speau.
t M nr inrnnrir imn ro it Imr- lii- tlir-. r. .
m, nuinorous, anu spicy "inontniy" m tne
world; and the present volume will be better
than any which preceded it. The Home
journal, eauea Dy ueo, v. iiorns, ana i. i'.Joseplms' Works rine i!idition, one large
vynus, is well Known as the best Jamily
newspoper m America; and the Musical
World and Times, edited by Richard Storrs
Willis, with Lowell Mason. Geo. H. Curtis.
' i ,
Thnmns TTnt nrrn Wm P TSrnrl hnrv Hnn
P T?nnt. nnfl nthor mnipn1 writnra pnntriliiif.
ing; and whioh gives, among other things, o-
ver $25 worth of music and a full course of
instruction in harmony annually, is the very
best musical journal ever published. These
three publications will post a family up iu re
gard to nearly everything worth knowing;
Art, Sciecne, Literature; Music, Painting,
Sculpture; Inventions, Discoveries; Wit, Hu
mor, Fancy, Sentiment; the Newest Fash
ions and other attractions for Ladies; Choice
H"" iiuslc Ior u,e OttOUaill, me OllUrCIl, BOU
at nr : r i. ci-t-i..L .i -ir ,. il
the Fireside; Reviews and Criticisms of Mus
icai vvorus, I'enormea ana renormances; in
short; the very pick and cream of Novelty.
Incident, History, Biography, Art, Literature
and Science; including whatever can be giv
en in periodicals to promote Healthy Amuse
ment and Solid Instruction in the family ,and
help to make it Better, Wiser, and happier,
may be now obtained for five dollars. Ad-
i mrnTi o -itttt t m nr -r. ,
uresLL'ilv M viiOf ' uroauway,
nuiiuia uuuiismuK iuu uuovb
tIms' a"dTf7e"llno .V,ie
to f Wllhs Wl11 r
papers containing it
receive the three works
named, fot one year
The undersigned having lo
cated himself in the borough
of Stroudsburg, at the old Sad-1
die and Harness stand of Jas.
N. Durling, on Walnut street,
opposite the Washington Ho
tel, would inform the public
that he will keep constantly
on nana a cnoice assortment oi
K.' .... . .'-.. ... II. ...m . . ,i ,r r, I
. . . . . . . . ...... . . . i
uhuiko, who, nto, , tu-t,
Harness, oiuiiy ana trig Harness, j. cum
Harness, leather, cotton, aud worsted
Flynets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet
bags, Curry-combs, Horse
cards and brushes,
and all other articles in his line of business,
His materials will be of the best quality,
and as he employs none but good workmen,
he hopes to receive a liberal share of public
His motto is "quick sales and small profits.
Call and sec for yourselves.
Country produce taken in exchange for
work. W. C. LARZELIER.
Stroudsburg, March 17, 1853.
N. B. Carnage trimmings tor sale, and
Carnages trimmed to order.
New Whole Sale and Retail
Stroudsburg, Pa.
Tho undersigned would inform Land-
lords and the public generally, that
they have iustopened the above business in
Stroudsbur?. in the store house formerly oc-
CUpied bv John H. Melick as a Jewelry Store,
and have on hand a lanre stock of
ot an Kinds anu oi me Desi quality, uirecurom
the Custom House, wincn tney arc prepared
to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea-
cnnnKIn inrmo Our ctnpL- fvincicft: nf Trpnrli
suuuuil. 14 lll!. ui ui.u.i -
Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black
uerry, cinnamon ana nerry uruuuy , xaui
st- I Il T 1 TT1
land Gin, N. L. Rum; Irish, Kye and Apple
Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala
ga, Durrani ana c-nampagne wine, x.c. cc.
Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all
r-t . , llf! P- - 1
Demijohns, from A to 5 gallons; bottles, and
nronnrnllv nnv thino- that can be asked for in
our line.
Landlords will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to deal with us. We have no hired
agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at
great expense, which must ue paiu ior uy me
consumer. Those dealing with us we intend
shall be satisfied with the article they get, as
well as the price, and whenever they are not
we will be pleased to have them return the
tauor. and make the lact known, tor we in
l.;D, ,!
ena 10 mane u u iiurimuiuut uuohimo,
Cill UillV UU DU U V U&UIUK "J"U' i U. j . ....
1 .1 rt c K, (Inn infv hnnnrii 111 V All
orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, mil
ulJ pramVuy uhuhuwu a--
tnc Person was present dealing ior mmbuii.
JUiy o- '
ESPECTEULLY inform the Mer
chants of Stroudsburg and vicinity,
that they have on hand and are manufac-
in the Borough of Stroudsburg, and will
keen constantly on hand a full supply,
which they offer for sale at as low rates
as can be had at any other establishment.
Call before purchasing elsewhere.
Stroudsburg, Jnne 16, 1853.
IBroclhcnd & KoIerts,
m Boots. Shoes & Straw Goods,
w 135 North Third Street,
-ninT . PTTT .
;Vpril i'i, louu. am.
. --pf nf m
A gjeat J . .y . .
. lor sale clLeaP Ivile Jf J,
on hand and
Stroudsburg, 6, May 1852,
Any good, active and intelligent man, with Gcneral Agent for Monroe Co. for the of
a small capital of from $30 to $100, ran BkiliC'S Pfttf" Firr-Prnf' PAi
make large profits by engaging m the sale of . 11 C 4 1 001 1 al5
the following ?p Acial Slalo,
POPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. tn l,JJn;llnl of PaVa. ls "tcd
Information fnr ihr Penvlr. or
Popular Encyclopedia of Useful 'tol-
rn. l ' : . , ,
i wo large imperial octavo volumes,
1700 paces.
Peterson's History of the American Revolu
tion. 500 large octavo pages, and 200 fine
Frost's Remarkable Events in the History oj
America. 1 wo large octavo volumes, con
taining 1600 pages and 700 engravings
Ihe best History ol America published,
Frost's Pictorial Life of Washington. A
Splendid Book containing 600 octavo pages
and 150 elegant Engravings. 1 he cheap
est Life of Washington ever published
Moore's HistoJu of the Indian Wars. Fine
colored and Plain Plates.
The True Republican. Containing the Tn
augural Addresses and the First Annual
Addresses and Messages of all the Presi
dents of the United States, the Constitu
tions of the most important States m the
Union, &c, &c. Embeliahed witht Por
traits of all the Presidents, cngrared on
steell, and a view of the Capital of the
United btates. 500 pages; 12 mo.
Foxs Book oj Martyrs. A Splendid l'amMy
I -r-t t -. i . . i --,?,
beaut fu lv bound in morocco, e t.
De Cormenin's History of the Pones. 900
larje octavo paces, with illustrations.
Sturm s Reflections on the Works of God.
St. Pierre's Studies of Nature.
White's Hislon of the World. A Valuable
General History. One large octavo vol
nme, with handsome Kna ravings.
Lives of Great and Celebrated Characters :
of all Ages and Countries. One large vol
ume of 800 pages, with numeious Engra
Together with a number of other Works
particularly adapted for Popular Reading.
VlT Ihe most liberal discounts will be giv
en to Agents loho may engage in the sale of
the above Valuable nooks.
For fuither particulars, address (postage
J & J. L. UUIOjN, Publishers,
No. 98 Chestnut Street. Vhiladclphia.
February 17, 1853.
The" fortieth edition.
with one hundred engra
vings, showing Diseases
& Malformations of the
,Human System in every
a shape and form. lo
19 which is auoea a irea-
ties on tne uiseases oi
jSy Females,
being of the
highest importance to
married people, or those
nnn1omn1it 1 n rr mi rriQiro
By William Younj;, II. I.
Let no father be ashamed to present a copy
of the JEsculapius'to his child. It may save
him from an early grave. Let no young man
or woman enter into the secret obligations ol
married life without reading the Pocket JEs-
culajnus. Let no one sutlering Irom a hack-
nied cough, pain m me side, resiess nigns,-
. . M a whnp tminnfrv
i .
IICIVUUS ICCIIllg-'li nun " ...... . j-
. . I I. . .. U.. .1..- -.1. I
peptic sensations, auu gnuu up uj men
sician, be anotner monument wimoui con-
sullinc the JEsculapius. Have the married.
or those about to be married, any impediment
read this truly useful book, as it has been the
nmeas of savine thousands ol untortunate
creatures from the very jaws of death.
for One Dollar. Address, (post paid.)
No. 152 Spruce st. Philadelphia.
February I", 1853 ly.
Soldiers' 3Land warrants.
Bn a recent Act of Congress it is enacted,
rhat each of the surviving, or the widow or
minorchildrenof deceased commissioned and
noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri
vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang
ers or militia, who performed military ser
vices in any regiment, company or detach
ment in the service of lhe United Slates, in
the war wilh Great Britian, declared by the
United States on the eighteenth day of June
1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1 i'JO
and each of the commissioned officers who
was engaged in the military service of the
United States in the late war with Mexico,
and shall be entitled to lands as follows :
Those who engaged to serve twelve
months or during the war, and actnally
served nine months, shall receive one hun
dred and sixty acres: and those who engaged
to serve 3ix months and actually served four
months, shall receive eighty acres; and
those who engaged to serve for any or an
indefinite period, and actually served one
month, shall receive forty acres. Provided,
that wherever any officer or soldier was
honorably discharged in consequence of dis
ability in the service, he shall receivo the a
mount to which he would have been entitled
if he had served the full period for which he
pcqengaged to $erve.
Under the above act, and the acts of Con
gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser
vices as agcnito procure Land Warrants for
those entitled to receive them, as above spe
cified. He may be found at his office in
Stroudsburg. S. C. BURNETT.
Ortober 27, 1850.
2nMan (Slucnx otcl,
Elizabeth st., Stuoudsuurg, Pa.
Sife The undersigned respectfully in
forms his friends and the public gener-
ULally, that he has taken the above Hotel,
bnnnin tn tho irnvellinff community as bhive-
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo,
The house is large, with ever convenienca
for travellers and boarders.
The vards and stabling are extensive, and
every thing in the very best order for the ac
comodation of travellers and others.
The proprietor will useevery effort to have
his table, chambers, bar. and every depart
ment of his house conducted in such a man
ner as to secure the approbation of his custo
mers. The Stage office for the Easton, M. Chunk,
Wilkes-Darre, White Havenand Providence
stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel.
Persons wishing to go or send with the a
bove stages, will please leave their orders
at the Indian Queen Hotel.
These lines leave this Hotel every Mon
day, A edneaday, and r riday
morning at
Attorney at Law,
Office on Elizabeth street, formerly oc
cupied by Wm. Davis, Esq. '
May 8, 1851. : i:
u: C , U.I1U uurauuity . tn.V
i in uioiuuut; huh it ever hnpn kriowfi
to crac1. deiivc 0
nun r in nn inern rtrr i : . ,
' Tr JT' u"Z . "J
i j u ji I it il i.mi ii;ij nri 1 1 n n.i I l
imiiu u ja.rye ulhj
well selected stock of
lit BJDS,'
Groceries, Hardware, Slows, &c.
which have been purchased for cash and must
be sold.
Stroudsburg, January 13, 1853.
3 OH
On Elizabeth street, one door below
Dean's residence, Stroudsburg, Pa.
The subscriber having just com
pleted a large and splendid as
sortment of the lastest Fall and
Winter fashions of Hats &. Caps,
invites the attention of his old patrons and
the public generally to the largest stock ever
offered in Stroudsburg, consisting of Men's
moleskin, fur, silk and Kossuth hats of eve
ry price and quality. His stock of Caps
consists of silk plush, cloth, oil silk, oil lin
nen, and velvet. Boys hats and caps of
every description.
I-.a-tlies' Iisffs.
A superior. article on hand. Also, a large
assortment of Boots and Shoes of the latest
style and of a superior quality.
Moroccos asitl Findings.
Dressed and undressed Morocoo, Kid and
French skins. Yellow, pink, blue and while
inings, and binding skins. Prunello and
frongee; Boot and shoe trees; Lasts of every
description, and a general assoitrnent of
undines, yllso Cotton & silk under-shirts.
N, B. Thankful for past favors and de
sirous of a cnniinuance of the same, he will
sell at the New-York and Easton prices.
November 11, 1852.
Bont axxh S)oc
The subscriber respertfuly informs
i.:.. ...... .1 rL.nn.l I. n L,A Unci
eg? f ins uusiuuiers uju melius uu iiua
"removed his Bool and Shoe Manufac
tory to the store room formerly occupied by
Joseph Sigman. in Northampton street, one
door above Hamilton street, and between
Mrs. E. II. Harmony's Millinery and Peter
Pomp's Drug Store.
He has just received a large assortment
of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf
Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots,
Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na
poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen
and Boys.
Also on hand a large assortment of bhoes
for Ladies and Misses. Women s fashion-
ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order
at short notice. A large assortment of Chil
drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes
of all desciiptions and kinds, which he is
U 1 Ull
The goods a,re manufactured of the best
materials and in the neatest and most fash
ionable manner. He employs none but the
best workmen about his establishment.
Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto
fore received, every effort will be made to
merit a continuance of the same.
Easton, September 16, 1852.
Every Family should have a copy.
An invaluable book, only 25 els. per copy
Man know thyself.
BOOK for the afflicted. Containing
an outline of the Origin, Progress. Treat
ment and Cure of every form of disease,
contracted by promiscuous Sexual Inter
course, by Self-abuse, or Sexual Excess,
with advice for their prevention, written in
a familliar style, avoiding all medical tech
nicalities, and everything that would offend
the ear of decency, from the result of some
twenty years successful practice, exclusive
ly devoted to the cure of diseases ofa deli
cate or private nature.
To which is added, receipts for the above
diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp
toms and cure of the Fever and Ague, for
twenty-five cents a copy; six copies one dol
lar; will be forwarded to any part of the U
nited States, by mail, free of postage. Ad
dress, postage paid, "Box, I9G Post Office,
or the Author, 3S North Seventh Street Phil
adelphia. FIFTY DOLLARS Foufeit. Dr. Hun
ter will forfeit $50 if falling to cure ar.y
case of secret disease that may come under
his care, no matter how long standing or af
flicting. Either sex are invited to his Pri
vate Rooms, 38 North Seventh Street Pilad'a.
without fear of interruption from other pa
tients. Strangers aud others who have been
unfortunate in the selection of a Physician
are invited to call.
I M POTENCY Through unrestrained
indulgence of the passions; by excess or
self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema
ture impotency, involuntary seminal dischar
ges, wasting of the organs, loss of memory,
a distaste for female society, general debility,
or constitional derangement, are sure to fol
low. If necessary, consult the Docior with
confidence ; he offers a perfect cure.
READ AND REFLECT. The afflicted
would do well to reflect before trusting their
health, happiness, and in many cases their
lives, in the hands of Physicians ignorant of
this class of maladies. It is certainly im
possible for one man to understand all the
ills the human family arc subject to.
Every respectable physician has his peculiar
branch, in which he fs more successful than
his brother professor-i, and lo that he devotes
most of his lime and study.
YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively
devoted to the study and treatment of diseas
es of the sexual organs, together wilh ulcers
upon the body, thioat, nose, or legs, pains in
head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, siiic
tures, gravel, irregularities, disease aiisiag
from youthful excesses, or impurities of the
blood, whereby the constitution has become
enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy
relief to all who may place themselves under
his care.
Medicines forwarded to any part of tho
United States; Price five and ten dollars
per package. fNov, IS, 1352-ly.
The subscriber has opened
his now Hotel and is roady to
y ..... .T i-.t.l. rv ,... -
aCCOUUUOUUlW ivuu miuj ir
vor him with their uustam.
Stroudsburg, May 27, 1853.- (im. Jf