The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 21, 1853, Image 2
P H m i u in1 n u Jim ii uh ai Eljc 3cffcvsonitm. Ttiut'Mluy, July 21, 1853. WHIG NOMINATIONS. I'OU CAN.Vli COMMISSIONER, FIOSES POWHALL, Lancaster Count; FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, ALEX. K. MrCl-UUE, Franklin Co. SURVEYOR GENERAL, C6IREST2AN MVEKS, Clarion Co. SSr Judge George R. Barrett will we learn from the Honesdalo Democrat hold the fall courts in the several counties of this Judicial District, he having deter mined neither to accept nor reject the ap pointracntof Codificr of the United States Kovenue Laws until after the first of De cemher next. The Democrat states fur ther, thatin consequence of the most press ing solicitations from leading democrats in all parts of the district, Judge Barrett has reconsidered his former decision, and will take the nomination for Judge if it shall he tendered him by the Democratic Conference- of the district. Judge Hubbcll) who has been on trial at Madison, "Wisconsin, for a long while, on u charge of high crimes and misde meanors in that State, has been unani mously acquitted. A City Destroyed. In the foreign news by the Atlantic it is stated that on the 1st of May the City ofShiraz, in Persia, was destroy ed with twelve thousand of its inhabitants, by the shock of an earthquake. This is the t?econd city in Persia, and in former years had a population of 40,000 persons, but an earth nuaKc in io;u neany destroyed it. it was formeriy a place of great beauty, and is cele brated by the Persian poet Hafiz, who was a native of Shiraz, for its beauty and fertility. Since the earthquake of 1S24 it has greatly declined in both, most of its public structures having been ruined by that calamity. Monument to the Captors of Andre. The Fourth of July was appropriately cele brated at Tarry town, X. Y., by laying the comer stone of a monument to Paulding, Wil liams and Van Wert, the three patriots by whom Major Andre was captured at that place. It is to consist of three blocks of mar ble with a shaft between thirty and forty feet m height, with an appropriate inscription. Some G000 persons were present on the oc casion. 0The largest plate of glass in America, 10 by 9 feet, was broken on Tuesday, as the workmen were setting it in the window of a Broadway Restaurant, New York. It cost $1030. Political Quarrels. There is wrangling and quarrelling among the Democratic party. At Washington the administration cannot please Mr. Buchanan, the minister to England, who modestly wants to assume the management of all the ques tions between the two governments, and write his own instructions! In Missouri a contest is going on between Benton and Atcheson and their respective factions. In N. Hamp shire Mr. Burke is still carrying on his war against the administration and its organ at Concord. In Ohio a feud has sprung up be between rival parties ; in Pennsylvania there arc various elements of discord ripening for an explosion; in New York the old war of the Barnburners and Hunkers is revived, and throughout the land there are minor squab bles on local issues, which excite the bellig erents to an undue degree for such hot weather. Judge Biyers The Whig Candi date for Surveyor General. Do the Whiga know, or feel that they have a candidate in the field, for the of fice of Surveyor General a man of great moral purity, integrity and uprightness a man every way competent and worthy to fill the office one that would he an honor to the State and to the station ? Is the Whig party 'dead' as its enemies declare, or is it only sleeping to awake with energy to resumo its labors for the country, with increased vigor? Or is it to remain under the ban of proscription, trodden down with the iron heel of its Horrid Murder in Ulster Co. N. Y. One of the most brutal and revolting mur ders erer perpetrated, says The Kingston Republican, was committed in the Town of Woodstock, in this County, on Friday after noon last, and that, the murder of a wife by her husband! George A. Wentivorth and his wife Harriet had some dispute on thatday as was customary with them. Wentworth left the house, a short distance from which he waited the departure of hi3 son, when he returned, entered the house, approached his wife from behind, seized her by the hair, and drawing her head back, cut her throat, with a razor, from ear to ear, nearly severing her lead from her body. Their daughter, aged about 10 years, was present, and in attempt- to rescue her mother received severe wounds on her arms. Wentworth was imme diately arrested, but suffered to witness the funeral of his victim, on Saturday. He was wholly unmoved. On Saturday evening he was lodged in the County Jail in this villiage. Wentworth is about 50 years of age, and his wife was a year or two younger. They had eight children, all of whom are living. The French clergy are now throwing diffi culties in the way of mixed marriages between Protestants and Catholics. Most of the priests rrfusc to pronounce the benediction on these iin.'ont. unless where a formal engagement is Viken to bring up the children in the Romish nth. The church is no longer contented with the common compromise, according to v. h'ch boys are educated in the father's and girls in the mother's belief. The consequence is that several mixed marriages have lately been celebrated by Protestant clergy. Tlircc Hundred Dollars for a Prize Es say. ihe Tract Society of the M. E. Church in New York, offer the sum of $,300 for an Essay on systematic Benefi cence, with particular reference to the philanthropic finances of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The length, it is sta ted, should not much exceed one hundred pages duodecimo. They must be sent in previous to the 1st of January next. Frost. On Sabbath morning, the 26h June, says the somerset (Pa.) Visitor, a sharp frost hung upon our neighborhood, and on it3 departure, left rather a with ering mark upon the vegetable kingdom. Potatoes, and many of the more tender from their native green to a more dark some hue. On the same morning there was frost in Indiana countv. freezinz the corn. Opening of the Crystal Palace. The ceremony of opening the Crystal Pal ace tit New York, took place on the 14th mst. President Pierce, attended by Messrs. Guthrie, Davis, Campbell, and Cushing, mem bersof his Cabinent, and Sidney Webster, his private Secretary, were present. The open ing prayer, by Bishop Wainwright, the open ing address by Mr. Scdwick and the response by President Pierce were all appropriate, ex pressive and eloquent. Vocal and instrumen tal music pealed, at intervals through the vast aisles with a grand, inspiring effect. The general effect of the Palace seems to have surpassed all expectations. The arti cles for the exhibition are not properly ar ranged, still all is in a greater state of for wardness than could reasonably have been expected. The Tribune finds fault that nei ther the architects, designers, laborers, exhib itors, or mechanical inventors, were repre fceiited upon the platform the seats of honor at the opening of the exhibition. As regards visiting the Exhibttion, the Tri bune makes the following sensible sugges tions: "Let us say once more to our Country friends, Make no haste to visit our great Exhibition. Come at your leisure and come prepared to epend two or three days in systematic obser vation and careful study of whatever may strike you as most worthy. Take your time in coming and try to have time at your com mand when you do come. You will probably want a Catalogue in hand, wherein to pen cil your observations on what you may think worthy of note; and no complete Catalogue can be ready for some da3s yet. By-and by we shall doubtless have Excursion Trains ar ranged to bring in and return their hundreds and thousands at reduced rates of passage ; the weather will be cooler and all circum stances more favoring. The Exhibition will richly repay you the cost of attending it, but take your lime. EST" The Annual Commencement of Lafayette College, atEaston, will be held on the last Wednesday of July, inst. The Annual Address before the Literary So cieties of the College, will be delivered by the Rev. Gardiner Spuing, D. D., ol New York. On the preceding evening, the Rev. Wm. Henry; Green, of Prince ton, will deliver the address before the Alumin A novel dental operation was perform ed at Allentown. Penn., by two of the resident physicians one day week before last. It was the extraction of three fangs from the mouth of a large rattlesnake. Before commencing the extraction, chlo roform was administered until the snake was wrapped in slumber, when the teeth were drawn without difiiculty. Gold Attaclwd. A lump of gold, said to be worth 312,000, the arrival of which at Trenton (N. J.) recently created some little sensation, was attached in that city on Friday for a board bill of thirty dol lars. The Proof Thickens. Tbe Johnstown Eclvoi a locofoco jour nal, makes the following disclosure as to the management of our State improve ments, which are well calculated to startle tho honest Locofoco taxpayers of the Commonwealth, and should induce them to go to work in earnest this fall, and se cure the election of Moses Pownall, to watch and correct the misdeeds of the Locofocos, whom they have aided to put in power. 'We have not heard a single statement put forth in the above address contradic- corrupt and tyrannical opponents ? ted. In tbe community, where the faots What participation have the Whigs in are known, no man will have tbe offron- the Government? They are but the mere tery to deny the truth of this address. rhcavors of wood and, drawers of water' We are credibly informed, that instead of tbe payers of taxes for that use of their sixty thousand dollars of claims having onnonents. Of the FIVE MILLIONS found their way into the State Treasury, Laid out of tho State Treasury annually without passim; through tho hands of the into whose hands does it go? What Whig Superintendent of the road, the amount office holder or agent receives a dollar? swells to the enormous sum of Eiglity- Excepting the State interest, the entire four Thousand Dollars! The manner disbursement goes into the hands of Lo in which payments have been made unon aofoco office-holders, contractors, o. tho road has long been tho subject of u- Not a Whig in any walk of life is allowed niversal complaint. Our merchants and to. approach a dollar of it; although the mechanics are all more or less dependent Whigs pay much the larger portion o upon the laborer, and when the State the taxes, and bear much the greatest does not meet her engagements with portion of the burthon of government. those who toil for her, how can they But the Whigs are a proscribed class, comply with theirs? That a great State although composed of a large majority should thus treat her operatives, is most of the free born population of our coun disgraceful. Robbery of tho laborers has try. They are trampled upon by foreign been reduced to a system, and tbe only aid, and disponed of all participation in individuals to whom the system has proved our Government, lbey are pronounced a blessing, are a few of tho cheok-roll 'dead' by those who are feasting and riot speculators along the road, who somehow, ing upon their substance, to alloy their have always plenty of money to buy the fears of retribution. But will they rise time or tho laborers at a discount of trom again? will they tamely submit to the 10 to 15 percent. Where do these cheok reign and vengeance of foreign enemies roll sharks get the money they employ in against whom their forefathers fought this unrighteous traffic? How comes it and bled and triumphed.' that the check-rolls purchased by these Will the Whigs so disgrace their Rev- speculntors always find money to meet olutionary sires as to suocumb to the de them at Harrisburg, while those for which scendants of thoso who fought against our merchants have given a fair equivalent our liberties, slaughtered defenceless wo are never paid ? Why is it that a few men and children, and armed the mur individuals are in favor at tho Treasury derous savago in a relentless war against of the State, who receive thousands of us? dollars upon check-rolls, when the labor- Who and what arc the Whigs that they ers are turned away without a penny? Is should be thus humbled down and per the Treasury a partner in this infamous scouted by those in power? What would shaving ? Are speculations in Schuylkill our country have been but for their valor, coal lands profitable? and must money patriotism, self denial and energy? Who be had to carry on these, and the specu- fought and bled and won the liberties of lations in check-roll ? It is said that one this country? Who were they that stood individual on the Portage Road purchas- with Washington and his compatriots in ed check-rolls to the amount of fifty thou- 'the times that tried mens souls?' They sand dollars ! Where did he get the mo- were Whigs and nono else? The foreign ney ? Was it his own, or was he only an influenco that sways the political destinies agent ? Perhaps, if an answer was ob- of this nation were then armed against us. tained to these questions, and a few oth- Whig patriotism, Whig valor, Whig ers, information would warrant us in ask- treasure, Whig heads, wnig Uoarts and ! i 1. . 1 "! ii. T) ..A T!1 I n ilitskYTorl fl,o ,nr?nrnnlnnAn nf road, who had been fleeced of the nroceeds this country and all the Dlessings that - , W of his labor, we would soon ascertain have followed from it ! Does any one j "' 1 - where tho blame lies. SFTbe wool crop of Mercer county, Pa., for the present year, is estimated at two huudred thousand pounds, which, at the prices which have been obtained, will be worth about ninety thousand dollars. Prices .here varied from 42 to 48 cents. - . r- ' 10. D. L. & W. R. R. Soutltern Division We learn that the Board of Managers, in view of the large business which is antici pated over this Road, have unanimously resolved to furnish it with a track of the most substantial and durable character the rails to weigh not less than eighty pounds to the yard, beveral of the con tractors have already commenced opera tions on the line, and the work will be pushed forward with unremitting energy. Lackaxvana Herald. Serious Accident. On Saturday Oth inst., as Mr. Benja min Treadwell, with two young ladies, was returning from a pleasure-ride down the River Road, tbe horse took fright near the lime kilns of Mr. Uhler, and ran into one of the pits, which is on a level with tbe road and much exposed. The pit was fortunately half full of lime, which prevented a serious catastrophe. One of the young ladies received considerable injury from the fall, from which there was at tho time some doubts of her recovery. She is now, however, out of danger, and doing well. As tbe accident occurred late in the evening, the horse and car riage were left remaining in the pit until Sunday morning, when they were taken out having received little or no injury. Easton Argus. averaging Blackberry Cordial is made by adding one pound of white sugar to three pounds of ripe blackberries, allowing them to stand for twelve hours, then pressing out the juice, straining it, adding one third part of spirit, and putting a tcaspoonful of finely powdered allspice in every quart of the cordial, it is at once fit for use. This is very valuable medicine in the treatment of weakness of the stomach and bowels, and especially valuable in the sum mer complaints of children. Mortality! The number of deaths in the city of New lork during the past week was five hundred and thirty-eight, which is an in- crease of one hundred and thirty-three on the preceding week. As usual, a large number of deaths was caused by cons imp- lion, fifty having died of that fatal dis ease : and there were three hundred and seventy-two under ten years of age. Ihe deaths in the city of Washington e n. j: ii.- orsit r t " " ii luy uuius tuU oulu i ouu nthe Mexican war had it not been for the were nvo hundred and sevonLv-rnnf nf , -i , . . m , ,. , . ,. " .i wisaom, vaior ana roresignc oi xayior wnicn eignty-nve were ot consumption, and gco'tfc? noble song of ilevolution'ary ttUU ""v """"' "'""JL UUUU1 fathers Who will dare to sav that the ffiotr linon fioon fTin r r rr nn n rl tt r i i 1 rl nnf vorably known to the press of this State Ld its honor? Prom what trials, diffimil- deny this? This then is the key to the secret why the foreign legions and their friends are so anxious to have the Whig party and their principles die ! Whig in the land that does not burn with indignation at the thought of the foreign influence that is used to trample upon the descendants of the he roes of the Revolution to proscribe and villify the patriots of the war of 1812- and to calumniate tho men who won im perishable honor and renown for their country on the plains of Mexico? What would have been tho result of New Use for Cotton Invention, which goes far to make use ful almost every production of nature, has found a new use for cotton, in which, without doubt, a very large amount will be employed. We allude to the mattrasses now coming so favorably and extensively into use in preterence to any article here tofore tried. The writer of this has used one for some six months past, and has found it to possess every requisite and desirable quality of a mattrass, without the objections so frequently urged against moss, curled hair or husks as the busks moulding from damps, bad smells from the ourled hair in summer, and the lum py mating of tho moss. The cotton felt ing, prepared by a pattented process, has none of these annoyances, is always elas tic, and will, with ordinary care, last a life time. Our friends "way down on the old plantations" will please make a note of this, and consider that the inven tion is a feather in their caps, or rather money in their purses, as tho demand for the raw material at home will doubt less materially increase the price. We feel sure that if the real qualities of this mattrass are over mado known to the public generally, five hundred thousand bales a year would not satify the demand for its manufacture. The article having been thoroughly tried on the principal steamships and approved by their own ers, as well as by physicians who have tried and strongly recommend them, we doubt not the Pattentee will make a for tune on them. The agents for thia city and the union generally, are Messrs. Dorcmus & Nixon, 21 Park Place and 19 Murry street. N. Y. Day Book. Desperate Riot at Ilazletoii on the 4th The Constable, Christian Court right, attempted to arrest the brothers Bnnnen, and in doing so, was knocked down and dreadfully beaten by the Irish crowd, who would doubtless have killed him, but for tho interference of a number of citizens who came to the aid of the constable. While this was going on, Dingman Courtright, the brother of the constable, came in contact with a portion or tne mob : was knocked down with a stone, and while being held down on the ground, an Irishman stepped up and threw a large stone into his face, breaking his jaw-bone m a horrible manner, he was also stab bed in several places about the body. We are pleased to learn that he is doing as well as could be expected. Tamaqua Gazette. ten years of age. as the Chief Manager oH . B. Palmer s tieg and da was the count eyer fiX. Iscws Agency, Philadelphia died in that tricated bufcb the aid of mig3? Wha1 of his age, after a protracted illness. A fatal accident occurred on the rail road near Wilmington, Del., on the 7th inst. The cars were thrown off the track by a piece of wood which had been mali ciously placed across the rails. Three persons got on the train between the ex press and baggage cars at Wilmington, un- What measure of policy was ever adopted that resulted to the benefit of the country, but by the Whigs? And what honest states man was there ever of expansive mind who did not award to the Whigs the highest intelligence and the purest patrio ism? As it regards the Locofoco candidate for the office of Auditor General, wo shall 3ay nought against him. It is sufficient the fare. One of them, J. M. Jones of that 13 J? Taat of VJ t Philadelphia, was instantly killed-and Pcribes ALL Whigs, and deprive them tJ, nthera n.d .Tm UMrflp A .Ti.n ?f ever7 nShfc or privilege they hold dear. Jeffrey, residing in Baltimore, have since died. Ihe company offer a reward of So00 for the discovery of the miscreant who placed the wood on the track. The Coroner's Jury exempt the company from blame. Let it be remembered that in our State Government, not a Whig is allowed to participate in the least degree! That no our lines of improvements, created and sustained by Whig taxes? Not a Whig is allowed either office or employment ! fio wi.;r, n, .. i : ,1 . l i.: n. . Iext morning, on tho same road, the j m . -. , lt e - i i a iu l. i i t rd that smites them, unless they really freight train ran off the bridge at Bran- ij?j w:n i n i- , fo. n , .. ,P . . . are 'dead?' Will they allow proscription r.. and corruption to rol over them I ke a to the water and drowning the engineer, flood, without resistance? When they are a fi.j, n,.; i r uwvu, inn; : r,i:i.. ' obliged to bear the chief burden of gov ,1 uusc uuuic ia iiiuuaiu jliiuo. I , -j 1 t -i . rf r eminent aim uave uuuuiuatos ior onice, oi 1 ?1 1 L Scarcity of hands. Farmers everv-r"?1., aeu oapaouy, v 1 e ii r t it Will. LUUV lUUlitlll lUUlUUlCUb US LO LUU1I where complain of the soarcity of hands. . -r. .... ,. " y It is renorted that as hmh a9 S2 25 w ouua: xi uuo i umu to prepare ior ,i Trm..i A.! te contest, and make ready to meet withniif aCQ J their focs Wlth tuat umfcy an(1 resolution that always forebodes success. Uarris- The Allentown (Pa.) Democrat states burS Teh3graph. that Mr Fire in Honesdale. (x. M. Foering, of that place, in connection with a couple of gentlemen from Southampton county, have the pat- Early this morning a fire occurred on em, ior a new nme Kim or a novel con- Sixth Street. Tfc nsnmrl nnhlnnf. struction, wnich possesses sucb decided shop, a blacksmith shop, a lanre stable advantages over every other kind of kiln for the accommodation of boat horsas.the ao iv piuujioc uuuuiuu levuiuuun iu me building known as Millitary Hall, and .1 uS uuaiucM. j.o uescri- an extensive bakery. The cabinet shop -luc ivnii jo micu mm mu-urictt, belonged to ( . i- v. (4-. (1 Vn w h sa nnA ;n si :v, i n ' , . .7 " w i-; m6u, mm uvpiyci uu me ana was in the occupancy of two Grer ton. fifinahle of linlrlinrr ji. lnrnr nuonfifn Ti , m, , --tj r - b. . 6 i""UMv xir was hod insureu. xne loss is otsLone, wmcu Keeps tailing down into not much. All the other buildings be mo ium aa last ua me nme is arawn out longed Mr. George Britenbacher. Ilis below. It will burn on an average 200 losa js from 400 to 85,000, while his bushels of lime per day. Wood is used insurance is nnlv si ann in burning, and three or four pieces of or- The fire was first discovered in the riinjirv hlftk'nrw ap nolr wnnn tuill licf linlf .1 x .i ii . rt 1 . - t ...j - - - j " - ."ov sbuuuu aiory oi ine uaoinet shop, ana as an hour. Two cords of wood will burn no body lodged in the building, as no fire between 200 and 300 bushels of the best lnne. ine lime is drawn off everv twelve Tcnn nf fVio imo ; ;a a:pr n i hours. Ihe kiln is the invention of Mr. for the destruction except by supposing Scheveder, of Eochester, N. Y. if. fn l1A tl,r wn,v nf , t i aw w nuia Vl. AiJl A llLitriJLl 1 ill V I omnfrn r. I At h mef A child, of two years of age, fell out i '. oi a seconu story wmaow in Allentown. WftV-The 3oston Post savs :Naomi. tl, , . I - - j - some aays since, ana when picked up was daughter of Enoch, was 580 yeaars old when ouuu w ue uuuurt, she was marr ed. Courajre n r Is!" -,. n r j Supreme Court The following important opinion was delivered in the Supreme Court, at Har risburg, on Tuesday week : Armstrong vs. Ware. Opinion of the Court, Lowrie, J. The law gives a lien to mechanics on 'every building erected' by them; but not for adding to, or altering tho old build- ing. liie parties in their contract call this work additions and alterations; bu i3 it properly so? Every part of the house was constructed, except a part of three walls, and even in these the openings are new. There must necessarily be cases where in it is difficult to decide whether work done is to bo regarded as the erection or the alteration, any building which old materials enter as an element; which i ii wouia De unreasonable. A saddle may be new, though old stirrups, and even some leather of an old one be used in matting it. a saw mm may be new though it has an old water wheel or fore- bay. Where the structure of a building is so completely changed, that in com mon parlance, it may be commonly cal led a new burning or a rebuilding. comes within the lien law. This is some times difficult to decide, and then it must be left to the jury. Under the evidence here the court might have decided that it is a case of 'building erected' within the meaning of tho lien law, and ought to have ordered a nonsuit. Judgment re versed and a new trial awarded. Starvation in Spain. It apears that the miserable condition which Ireland was reduced a few years ago is paralleled by what is now taking place in Spain. A writer in a French paper says : "In vain the venerable Biahop of St. Jacques, in presence of more than six hundred unfortunates, resembling mo ving corpses, who daily besiege his gate, has sold his mules and his carriage. In vain haB he reduced himself and his ser vants to the merest necessaries, in order that he might give the rest to thoso who perish of hunger. All that he and the other bishops and clergy, all that the government can do according to the Es peranza, is but a drop of water to extin guish the conflagration. When we speak of the government, however, we must re member that a last contribution made by it of 3,000,000 of reals had not been dis tributed. In the mountains, the starving die by dozens, and in many places fevers of the most dangerous character arejoined to the famine. Hundreds of sick expire for want of nourishment and medicine. The streets of our cities are encumbered with old men, women and children, with the visages of corpses, covered with mis erable rags, and even worse, troubling themselves no longer except to die in qui et, and imploring with loud cries tho suc cors of the public charity. At the gates of the Archiepiscopal Palace more than a thousand people wait for daily bread ; and I hear that one day lately 4,500 poor assembled to receive the alms distributed in the city by one gentleman." Jlosquitocs Mode of gcttin&r rid of them. Mr. Fortune, travelling in the interior of China, found the mosquitoes almost in tolerable. In the boat there was no rest for him. He was finally advised to pur chase some mosquito tobacco. The Chi nese take some bamboo or other substance, get tho sawings of some resinons wood, juniper tree or sucn, mix it with some combustible matter, and cover the stick with it near to its extremity, then hang it up and burn slowly. Tho odor is not unpleasant. The saw-dust 13 sometimes put up in paper and burnt on the floor. Various species of wormwood are used, and the sterna and plants are dried and mixed with some inflamable substance. The mosquito has an aversion to the sub stances, and whenever they are set on fire the insect leaves. We should have this introduced for our summer use. Cincinnati Gazette. it The Mammoth Pictorial. It will bo just as we predicted Glca sons Jrictoriat is now triumphant, and Ja. I the groat gas light is becoming extinguish' ed. Barnum's JXeics has reached us razeed; that is, only half its original size We congratulate Mr. Gleason. and the public, who, perceiving at once the intcn tion of tho great showman, have support ed Mr. Gleason. This is as it should be what enlightened man but must repu diato a system where wealth will seek to annihilate tho talent and industry of those who were the first to conceive an d carry into execution the designs exhibi ted in Gleason s Pictorial? Honor to whom honor is duo. New York Picay une. Philadelphia, Easton, and Water Gap Railroad. We are informed that tho managers of this important enterprise have secured a large and admirably located lot of ground in tho Northern Liberties as a site for a depot for their road. It comprises the entiro space bounded on the north by Noble street, on the south by Willow, on the west by Front street, and on the east by AVashington Avenue, a thoroughfare fifty feet in width; Willow and Noble streets measure each fifty feet wide at his place, and Front street is sixty feet wide, so that this lot will have all about its spacious busines streets. As regards the area of the lot, it is 150 feet on Wil- ow street, tho same extent on Noble, 340 feet in front, and a somewhat less extent on Washington Avenue. The selection is convenient to the river, and whon the depot is constructed there, it will no doubt give a great impetus to business in that section. UjA man named Lauchan, has been sentenced to three months imprisonment in Philadelphia, for selling liquor to boys. Bclhlelicm. A correspondent of the Charlestowr (S. C.) Mercury, in speaking of Bethle hem, Pa., 3ays it is one of tho mo3t de lightful summer resorts in the country. Ihe same writer, m giving a short histo ry of the town, says it was founded in 141, by Count Zinzandorf and his Mo ravian brethren the settlement has re mained to this day a peaceful, prosper ous and remarkably high-toned commu nity. Its inhabitants have preserved in tact their love of order, refinement and education, and their puritv of life is pro- verbial. A fine female seminary, estab lished there nearly a century ago, has now 150 pupils, the number, to which it is limited. This pleasant little place has been tho theatre of operations for some of the best botanists our country has produced. From this centre the Bev. Br. Schwein itz made his vast collections, now to bo seen in the Academy of Natural Scien ces, Philadelphia, and the science has had other enthusiastic followers in Bethlehem sinco hia day. Tho pioneers in botany and entomology in the United States, wero Pennsylvania clergymen, such a3 Muhlenberg, Schweinitz, Melsheimer and others. Whig Extravagance. It appears, says the Bichmond Whig, that there will be some twenty-three mil lions surplus in the treasury on tho 1st of July. This is the prosperous condition a Whig Administration leaves the coun try in; yet we everlastingly hear Demo cracy prating over Whig extravaganco about election times, and telling the dear people that the Whigs are not to be en trusted with the publio money. When did over a democratic Administration leave a surplus in the treasury? On the other hand, they have always left ex hausted coffers and an accumulated debt. Already the organs of the party are set ting to work to deviso some plan to spend the surplus left by the Whigs. As the- ostensible means of making way with it,. some of thom propose to plunge the coun try headlong into another war. Tho peo ple need give themselves no concern a bout tho disposition of this surplus. A Demooratio Administration can spend it. A novel funeral procession might have been witnessed in Petersburg on Thurs day. A negro drayman having been ac cidentally drowned, he was esoorted to his last resting place by all the draymen of the Cockade City. The horses he. had driven during his pojourn on earth wero led by a groom immediately behind tho hearse, and were followed up by the prin cipal mourners mounted upon a dray.- -These in their turn were succeeded by something liko one hundred drays, and drawn by two horses, making in all a cav alcade nearly a mile long, and composing tne noisiest, u not tne most impressive, funeral procession it has ever been our misfortune to witness. The Frederick Examiner states that a cooper in that city made a flour barrel in the space of ten minutes, which was con sidered quiok work, whereupon Mr. Har rison lvnignt, another cooper, undertook tor a wager to make a barrel in less tima and succeeded in completing it in 7i min utes. Murder Cases. -There are on the cal ender for the August term of the Oyer and Terminer, in Philadelphia, the largo number of thirteen homicide cases, which ;uu to De tried, ah tnese occurred tortor to the Fourth of July. an- 1 tit ti f J if If