The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 21, 1853, Image 1

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    mJmHai' i it pn'uhi
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HJcuotcit to $olitiai, Citcraturc, riatlturc, Science ilttft'aiitj), anb (Siutfml Jfatcllignia;,
VOL. 13.
NO. 39,
V v
XniliPsIicd ly Theodore Sckoch.
TERMS Two dollars per annnum in adrance Two
dollars and a quarter, hair yearly and if not paid be
lore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those
M ho receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers
employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2
ceiiis, per year, extra.
No papers ditcontinucd until all arrearages are paid,
except at me option ot the Editor.
IO" Advertisements not exceeding one square (six
teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar.
and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion
The Charge for one and three insertions the same.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
ID All letters addressed to the Editor must be post
lnid. "! JOB PRINTING.
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, we are prepared
to execute every description of
Cards, Circulars. Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts
Justices, Legal and other Blanks. Pamphlets, &c.
printed with neatness and desputcU, on reasonable
Ladies Names.
There is a strange deformity
Combined with countless graces,
As often in the ladies' names
As in the ladies' faces.
Some names are lit for every age,
Some only fit for youth ;
Some passing sweet and beautiful,
Some horribly uncouth.
Some fit for dames of loftie3t grades,
Some only fit for scullery maids.
Ann is too plain and common,
And Nancy sounds but ill ;
Yet Anna is endurable,
And Annie better still,
There is a grace in Charlotte,
In Eleanor a state;
An alegance in Isabel,
A haughtiness in Kate.
And Sarah is sedate and neat,
And Ellen innocent and Sweet.
Matilda has a richly sound,
Fit for a nurse's trade ;
Sophia is effeminate,
And Esther sage and staid,
Elizabeth's a matchless name,
Fit for a queen to wear
In castle, cottage, hut or hall,
A name beyond compare.
And Bess and Bessie follow well,
But Betsy is detestable.
Maria is too forward,
And Gertrude is too gruff";
Yet, coupled with a pretty face,
Is pretty name enough.
And Adelaide is fanciful,
And Laura is too fine :
And Emily is beautiful,
And Mary is divine.
Maud only suits a high-born dame,
And Fanny is a baby name.
Eliza is not very choice,
Jane is too blunt and bold ;
And Marian somewhat sorrowful,
And Lucy proud and cold.
Amelia is. too light and gay,
Fit only for a flint;
And Caroline is vain and Ehy,
And Flora smart and pert.
Louisa is too soft and sleek,
But Alice gentle, chaste and meek.
And Harriet is confiding,
And Clara grave and mild
And Emma is affectionate,
And Janet arch and wild.
And Patience is expressive,
And Grace is old and rare,
And Hannah warm and dutiful,
And Margaret frank and fair.
And Faith, and Hope, and Charity,
Are heavenly names of sisters there.
Rebecca for a Jewess,
Rose for a country belle ;
And Anges for a blushing bride,
Will suit exceeding well.
And Phoebe for a midwife,
Joanna for a prude,
And Rachel for a gipsy wench,
Are all extremely good.
And Judith for a scold and churl.
And Susan for a sailor's girl.
Curiosities for the Fair.
The Tri-Statcs Union, of Saturday, says, that
on the day previous, there paBsed through
. Port Jervisjon theN. Y. &.Erie Railroad en
route for the World's Fair, the greatest won
der we ever saw of the sheep kind This
curiosity is a sheep girthing nine feet and
covered with wool of the finest texture, 35
inches long, and growing in natural rolls,
ready for spining, of which rolls there are
8,000. The weight of the wool is estimated
to be 30 pounds. The wool hangs in beauti
ful white rolls reaching to the ground on each
side. There was also a lamb three years old
weighing 300 pounds, and covered with wool
30 inches in length and growing in the same
peculiar way.
We saw also a liliputian.cow only 30 inch
es high, weighing 229 pounds, and the moth
er of three calves, one of which was by her
side and giving milk, though only 13 months
old. The sheep were raised by James Bick
nell, of Aurora, Eire Co., and are of the Beak
well breed.
' jggrHow late is it, Bill ?
Look at the boss, and see if he is drunk
yjst; if he is'nt; it can't be much after e-leven.
Do we ever Forget?
One of the most startling and mysteri
ous phenomena of our nature, is the sud
den revival of the recollection of scenes,
events and thoughts, which had apparent
ly been long forgotten. In many in
stances, we can explain this by the law of
association; but not uufrcqucntly the re
collection flashes without warning upon
the mind. It is as though we had been
gazing out into theblank darkness, which
lighted up all at once by a sudden flash,
should become a theatre upon which the
minutest events of our past life are re
enacted. Phenomena of this kind, more or less
distinctly marked, occur in the experience
of every individual, in his ordinary and
normal states. But here, as in many
other cases great light is thrown upon
the latent capibilities of the mind by its
action, when physical disease has induced
changes in the conditions which regulate
its manifestations. The bodily organ in
the healthy state seem to act as checks
and as limitations upon the operations of
the mind, somewhat as the balance wheel
of a watch, checks and regulates the un
coiling of the spring. We do not know
how rapidly the wheels may be impelled,
until the check is taken off. The balance
wheel makes the watch move in time
and it may be the limitation of the bodi
ly organs only, which compels the mind
to act in reference to time. A disem
bodied spirit may have as little to do with
time as with Epace. To all spirits, in
their degree, as well as to the Supreme
Spirit, one day may, in the literal accep
tation of the words, be as a thousand years,
and a thousand years as one day; so that
in the future life we may continually live
over again every portion of our past ex
istence; not piece-meal and fragmentari
ly, but as an undivided whole; just as the
eye takes in a single glance the whole
prespect before it, no matter though it bo
bounded only by the remotest distance
from which the furthest ray of light has
come which has been casting upwards
since creation.
Something of this sort has been re
marked by those few who have so nearly
passed the boundaries between the pres
ent and the future life, that they have
won a glimbse of that 'undiscovered
country from whoso bourne,' the great
dramatist assumes, falsely, porhaps, 'no
traveler returns.' De Quinoy, the 'Eag
lish opium eater,' relates an incident of
this kind, of a friend who was once at
the point of death by drowning. At the
moment when she was on the verge of
death, she saw her whole life, down to its
minute and apparent trivial incidents ar
rayed before her, as if in a mirror; and
at the same time she felt within herself,
the sudden development of a faculty for
comprehending the whole and every part.
And he intimates the possibility of this
mighty develoment, is confirmed by ex
periences of his during that abnormal re
lation between his spiritual and physical
nature, which has been induced by the
use of opium. Abercrombie relates the
case of a boy, who at the age of four
yeurs was rendered insensible by some
violence, which fractured his skull. In
this state he underwent the operation of
trepanning. After recovery, he retained
no recollection of the operation or of the
accident which occasioned it. More
than ten years after, he was seized with
a violent fever, during which he became
delirious. And now, the faint traces
made so long ago on his consciousness
traces so faint that there was no reason
to suspect their existence were brought
out under the fierce alchemy of disease,
with the utmost distinctness, and he
has related the occurrence with the ut
most minuteness.
One of the most common phenomena
with respect to old age, is the re-awakening
of the dorment recollections, of child
hood. Many cases are on record of em
igrants who left our German Fatherland,
and have sought a new home in America,
at so early an age as to have forgotten
their native language; but when, often in
the extremest age, they lay upon the bed
of death, those long forgotten words come
back to their recollection, and their latest
prayers are breathed in the language
their cradle hymns were sung. Uno ot
the most affecting and truthful delinea
tions in modern fiction, is that of the
beautiful English novel, 'Mary Barton,'
where the aged peasant woman, when
just passing the boundaries of the better
land, lives again the days of her child
hood. Carsten Niebuhr, the oriental traveler,
father of our beloved historian and states
man, furnishes a striking example of the
revived recollection of scenes and events
long past. When old and blind, and so
feeble that he had barley strength to bo
borne from his bed to his chair, the dim
rememberance of his early adventures
thronged before his memory with suoh
vividness, they painted themselves as
pictures upon his sightless eyeballs. As
he lay upon his bed pictures of the gorge
ous Orient flashed upon his darkness as
distinctly as he had just closed his eyes
to shut them out for an instant. The
cloudless blue of the eastern heavens
bending by day over the broad deserts,
and studded by night with eastern con
stellations, shown as vividly before him,
after the lapse of half a century, as they
did upon the first Chaldean shepherds
whom they won to the worship of hosts
of heaven; and ho discoursed with strange
and thrilling eloquence upon those scenes,
which thus in the hours of stillness and
darkness were reflected upon his inmost
soul. The case of Tennent, a well known
American clergyman of the last century,
opens tip many interesting trains df
thought; but none so worthy of consider
ation as that of the sudden revival of re
collection lie was attacked by danger
ous illness, occasioned apparently by
severe and protracted study. One morn
ing, after his life had been despaired of,
while conversing In Latin with his broth
er, he suddenly became insensible, and
to all appearance dead. His funeral
was appointed after the usual interval.
But his physician, who was an intimate
friend, refused to believe he cold be dead
whose conviction was somewhat sup
ported by the avermont of one of the per
sons who assisted in laying out the body,
that he thought he had perceived a slight
warmth in the region of the heart. So
earnest was the physician, that the funer
al was postponed; the time was again ap
pointed, and again and again the friend
pleaded for a little delay, first an hour,
then half an hour, then a quarter but
still no signs of life appeared, and it was
determined the ceremony should proceed.
But just at the supreme moment, the
sunken eyelids were raised for an instant,
and the body became once more an ap
parent corpse. An hour passed away,
and other groan, followed now by a
slight token of returning life. The feeble
spark was carefully tended, and the pa
ttent was slowly restored to health. But
it was apparent that his memory was a
complete blank. The past was entirely
forgotten as though ho had drank of the
waters of Lathe. One day seeing his
sister reading, he asked her what it was
she held in her hand. On being answered
that it was the Bible, he rejoined, 'What
is the Bible? I do not know what you
mean.' In every respect, so far as ac
quired knowledge was concerned, he was
a child again. Slowly and laboriously
he re-commenced his education, beginning
at the simplest rudiments. He was one
day reading an elementary Latin book
with his brother, with whom he was
speaking in that language at the time of
his apparent decease, when all at once he
stopped as though he had received a sud
den shock, and declared the book seemed
familiar to him. In a short time, the
veil was entirely lifted, and his past ac
quirements and experience became once
more portions of his conscious being.
During all this time he uniformly asseser
ted, he had the most intense and vived
recollection of all that transpired during
the days of apparent, or, as ho firmly be
lieved, real death, ne dared not, he said,
late fully what he had seen in that spirit
land; but an account of it would be found
among his papers after his decease. The
event, however, took place during the dis
turbance of the war of the American Rev
olution, and these papers, by a series of
singular accidents, were lost, before falling
into the hands of his executor, and so
were never examined. But if his own
testimony the testimony of a gentleman
of unimpeached veracity, who, for more
than half a century thereafter, maintain
ed a character of remarkable soberness
and circumspection is to be relied upon,
his soul passed from the body and entered
the world of spirits, where he stood in
the full presence of that inestimable glory
upon which no man may look and live.
Did he, in fact pass those viewless portals,
which, we are told, deny all return ? Was
his call to life a new birth from the
Dead? Who knows?
Whatever may be the bearings of this
case of Tennant upon tho subject of
dreams and trances or apparent death, it
is certain that a forgetfulnes apparently
as absolute as can be conceived was in
fact only apparent; that the light from
his past existence was invisible, only be
cause obscured by the brighter light from
tho spirit land; just as the faint stars are
invisible whan concealed by tho obscur
ing daylight, and wait to be revealed
when that shall be withdrawn. It is ono
of those numerous instances which go far
towards warranting the belief that there
is no such thing as absolute forgetfulness;
that every impression made upon the
mind, is ineffaceable, every inscription
incapable of obliteration. A veil may be
drawn between the after consciousness
and the inscription; the characters may
hp flllod nn: but this veil is ready at
any moment to be withdrawn, the filling
up to fall away when the character will
become as legible as when first traced.
Thero is another well authenticated
case, in some respects still more striking,
showing as it does, how slight may be
the impressions made upon tho mind,
which shall yet prove ineffaceable. A
poor servant girl, in a German town, was
attacked by a violent fever. She was
unable to read or write, but during tho
payroxyams of her disease, she become
possessed as the priests say by a very
polyglot devil. She would keep spouting
forth in a loud and monotonous voice,
unconnected sentences of Latin, Greek
and Hebrew. Sheet after sheet of these
ravings were taken down; but those who
attempted to find tho elucidation of some
deep mysteries in the Babel of unknown
tongues, cot their labor for their pains.
At lengtu ner pnysician ueiunumuu
I trace out her antecedents, no succeeded
;in ascertaining that many years before,
'while a mere child, she had been em
ployed as a servant by a learned ecclesi
astic, whose habit it was to pace up and
! down a passage in his house, communi
' eating with the kitchen, and read aloud
his favorite boojfcg, fcese gcajiEd arid
unconnected phrases, caught in the inter
vals of her labor, were now reproduced
by her, after an interval of many years.
Passage after passage of tbe notes taken
down from her feverish lips, were identi
fied among the old priest's favorite
authors, so that not the least doubt re
mained as to tho Origin of the girl's 'pos
sessions.' Coleridge, in speaking of this case, adds
to it one of the weightiest comments ever
uttered :
'This instance,' ho says 'contributes to
make it probable that all thoughts are
in themselves imperishable, and that if
the intelligent faculty should be rendered
more comphrehensive, and that this is
probable, the instance citied above from
the 'Opium Eater' shows conclusively it
would require only a different and ap
portioned organization the body celesti
al instead of the body terrestrial to
bring before every human soul the col
lective experience of his whole past exis
tence. And this, perchance, is the dread
Book of judgment, in whose mysterious
hieroglyphics every idle word is recorded.
Yes, in tho very nature of a living spirit,
it may be more possible that heaven and
earth should pass away, than that a sin
gle act, a single thought, should be
loosened or lost from that living chain of
causes, to all whose links, conscious or
unconscious, the free will our own ab
solute self is co-extensive and co-present.'
It is no idlo question, 'Do we ever
forget ?'
From the Lansing (Mich.) Journal.
Terrific Tornado
On Thursday the 2d. inst., a tornado,
resembling rather a tropical hurricano
than the tempests usual to this latitude,
swept over a portion of this country,
through the township of Alaiedon, &c.,
with irresistable fury, tearing up the for
estby acres, and prostrating houses, barns,
&c. A correspondent at Mason, furnish
ed us with the following account :
"As we approached the path of ruin at
the clearing, near the former location of
the dwelling of Mr. Wm. Childs, we could
see at a distance the shattered stubs of
unnumbered trees, standing at from 15
to 30 feet high, the tops of which had
been twisted and torn off. In the centre
of the current, varying from 10 to 20 rods,
as far as we could see, not a solitary top
was left. The tornado passed a short
distance to the north of the dwellings of
Messrs. J. and Leonard Pierce, which es
caped with merely the loss of their cham
bers and contents, consisting of furniture,
wearing apparel, grain, &c. Their stout
frame barn being a little out of the centre
of the current, was taken up, carried bod
ily some 60 or 70 feet toward the whirl,
and torn to fragments, not a board or
shingle left on the original location. A
portion of their fanning mill was found
about two miles on in tho course of the tor
nado. It crossed the Sycamore near this
place, tearing up the crossways, which
were built of logs on the bottom-lands,
together with the bridge, scattering the
logs, timber and planks in every direction,
and many of them were carried from 50
to 100 rods, to the high grounds in the
line of the wind.
"Mr. Childs' house was upon the oppo
posite bank of the stream near the centre
of the whirl. It was a very strong one.
built of heavy logs locked and pinned to
gether. Hardly a vestige of it is left to
mark its former location, merely one or
two of tho bottom logs. It was whirled
in an instant into fragments, and with
its contents scattered on in the course for
We saw the torn and mangled bodies
of his liens, turkeys and sheep, which
were killed on his premises. Logs from
his house, a foot in diamater, were carried
from 40 to 50 rods, and left standing one
end in tho ground, with a tunnel formed
in tho earth, as though they had been
whirled a thousand times after alighting.
A largo cauldron kettle weighing half a
ton, nearly filled with water, was carried
about 10 rods, with its contents. Ilis
grain, fruit and shade trees, with all his
marks of improvements, are in completo
He, with two or three of his children,
barely saved their lives by fleoing to the
cellar. This tornado seemed to exhibit
its greatest force through this, Pierce's
and Uhilds' improvement, bevcral per
sons who stood a short distance off, with
great difficulty saved thomselves from be
ing drawn into the centre of the whirling
mass of ruins produced by this terrible
tornado. Marvel not, thercforo, that
Lemuel fancied the Day of Judgment was
passing, as he reached forth and caught
his lovely wife, to savo her from being
drawn away by this powerful suction.
A heavy drag was carried over 50 rods
(high in the air) and let down in the cen
tre of the stream. I saw trees two feet
in diameter, which had been torn up by
their roots and carried for rods in the
air. The trees near the edge of tho path
seemed to be drawn toward the centre
Heavy oak stumps were torn from the
ground, and carried to a groat distance.
I saw a large one which came from tho
State Road, about a mile to the south
west. The small shrubs and trees that
, were left on tho ground looked as though
they had been violently wisped about in
the dirt and mud. This frightful torna
do was first sefeh by the.. inhabitants of
tbjsr place in the town west of this its
co'urse being north-east, and between its
, place of origin anKl the place I have just
mentioned, several new built and heavy
log houses were totally demolished; and
their contents scattered to the four winds
of heaven;
Several dattle wore killed in the lino of
the tornado, and their scattered limbs
found in separate places. About half a
mile north-east on from the Pierce settle
ment, a sheep was discovered whirling
several hundred feet in the air.
The course of this destructive and pow
erful tornado was from the south-west to
the north-cast, accomponied by the most
rapid and circular whirling motion con
The cloud that attended or preceded .
this tornado moved very near tho ground,
changing its shape, and form frequently,
and moving rapidly over the scene of de
vastation. It appeared to those who saw it at a
distance to be powerfully charged with e-j
lectncity, though no inconvenience from its
effects in thisrecpect was experienced by
those who were near.
Altogether, this was a most remarka
ble phenomenon, marching in its way a
cross our country, with a force that noth
ing could withstand nor resist, whirling
the heaviest as well as the lightest mate
rials into one confused, vexed and broken
mass. One should see the effects in or
der to form a just conception of its power.
The course was providentially through a
tract but little settled, and though sever
al narrowly escaped, I have heard of no
persons being killed. Had it passed
through a village not a houso would have
been left in its march."
The First Western Steamboats
The Newport (Ky.,) Jcics has the an
nexed interesting account of tho first
steamboat on the Western waters. Tho
first steamboat that ever run on the Wes
tern waters, was built under the superin
tendence of Mr. Robinson, eighty years
old on the 8th ult., and now living with
his son William, two miles back of New
port, Ky. His head is whitened by ago,
but his memory is good, and he recollects
well about his youthful exercise. He was
employed by Pulton, Livingston & Co.,
of New York. Tho boat was launched
at Pittsburg, Pa., on the 17th day of
March, 1811, and called the New Orleans.
She was primed with a bluish colored
paint. She passed New Madrid, Mo., at
the time of the earthquake in Deoember,
1811. Mr. Scowls, now living in Cov
ington, a wealthy man, was cabin boy on
her. Andrew Jack was piolot and a Mr.
Baker was engineer. She carried Gen.
Coffee and Don Carl from Natchez with
their troops down to New Orleans, in
1814, at the time Gen. Jackson was de
fending that city against the British.
Wo heard a good story once of a
olergyman whose parishioners were al
ways behind in paying their subscription;
as he entered the church one morning
before service, he was met by one of his
wealthy members, and asked the loan of
a dollar. The dollar was handed over,
and after the services, as the minister
came out of the desk, he handed baok
the very identical dollar to the individual
of whom he had borrowed it before ser
vice. The brother manifested surprise
at his returning the money without using
it. Tho minister replied: 'that it had
done him a great deal of good, as he
could always preach better with money
in his pocket.'
An elopement and marriago took place
in Wheeling the other evening, of a young
ster and his landlady's daughter, who had
just arrived at sweet sixteen. They had
their clothes all made and snugly stowed
away, but the old lady had not beon look
ing over her spectacles for nothing, and
and when tho hour had came for stealing
off, the new cloths were missing. Not to
be foiled the young lovers borrowed suit
able apparel, and departed one evening
for tho Justice's, the old lady just being
in time to be too late. Sho had her re
venge, however, in her own way. She
went to the bureau where she had locked
the clothes of the parties, took his to a
wood pile, and with an axe cut up his
boots, demolished his beaver, chopped his
coat and pantaloons mincemeat fashion,
and tore his linen into ribbons.
David Crockett. An anecdote i3 rela
ted of this rcmarkablo man which does
him infinitely more honor than any of
fice he ever held. Before he was a can
didate for Congress, or expected to be,
thero was a season of scarcity in the
Western District, where ho lived. He
went up the Mississippi and bought a
flat-boat load of corn, and took it to
what ho called 'his old stamping-ground
When a man camo to him to buy corn,
tho first question he asked was, 'Have
you got the money to pay for it? If the
answer was in the affirmative, Davy s
reply was, 'Then you cant have a kernel.
I brought it here to sell to people that
have no money.' It was the foundation
of his popularity.
Z A loafer who had his Christmas
load on, 'fetched up' against thc side of
a house which had been newly painted.
Shoving himself clear by a vigorous ef
fort, he took one glimpso at his shoulder,
another at the houso, a third at his hand,
and exclaimed.
Well, that are's a darn'd careless trick
in whoever painted that house, to leave
it standing out all night for the people to
run against ' '
Electrical Influence.
It is the general impression among scienti
fic men; that only a smalt portion of the pow
er and influence of electricity has yet been
developed: One of its recent applications
ha3 been the lighting of cities. As one of
the results of this new application, we notice'
the following statement from, the Paris corres
pondent of the National Intelligencer :
" Science, particularly electrical science
seems to be making fresh triumph every day.
We have now to a new application of elec
tricity by Joseph Watson, which is exhibit
ing in the neighborhood of Wadsworth. Tho'
great feature of the invention is, that the"
materials consumed in the" porduction of elec
trical light are employed for a profitable pur
pose, independent of the illumination, and
more than enumerating the entire expanses;
so that the light, which is rendered constant
and brilliant, is produced for nothing. Thus,
while the light is produced by galvanic ac
tion, materials are introduced into the batte
ry, which pigments of the finest quality are
obtained ; these are so valuable, that they con
siderably exceed the entire cost of the opera
tion, Dr. Watson thus speaks of his inven
tion, in a pamphlet not yet published
" Our battery we have termed chromatic
battery and its produce is colors. It may
seem difficult to imagine how any number of
galvanic arrangements can be made to yield
a great variety of colors: but when it is re
membered that the real number of natural
colors is small, and that a difference of tint
and shade imparts to each separate pro
duct a distinct commercial existence as a
color, we may then be believed when we say,
that by the use of not more than five substan
ces introduced into our batteries, we are abld
to produce no less than one hundred valuable
pigments, exceeding in value, by a great per
centage, the original value of the article con
tributing towards their production. Our
mode of producing these colors consists, not
in any subsequent mixing of tho products re
sulting from the working our batteries, but it
is the result of the actual developementof tho
electricity in .he battery."
A laughable story of some carrier
pigeons is told in an Antwerp newspaper.
The editor of a celebrated journal pub
lished in that city, sent a reporter to
Brussels for the King's speech, and with
him a couple of carrier pigeons, to take
back the document. At Brussels he gave
the pigeons in charge to a waiter, and
called for breakfast. He was kept wait
ing for some time, but a very delicate
fricasse atoned for the delay. After
breakfast he paid his bill, and called for
his carrier pigeons. 'Pigeons!' exclaimed
the waiter, 'why, you havo eaten them!'
IE? A train of 37 coal cars, weighing each
3 tons, 100 pounds, containing 5 tons of coal
each, were drawn, on Monday evening week
a distance of 5 miles from this place on the
Del., Lack., and Western Railroad, by a sin
gle engine, up a grade of 75 feet to the mile,
at the rate of about 6 miles an hour. In
that distance there are 13 curves, comprising
full two-thirds of the way.
Lackawanna Herald.
Pennyroyal powdered and mixed with hou-
ey has been presented to the French Acade
my of Science as a capital remedy for hydro
phobia. It must be taken, six spoonsful a day,
with Eome sweet oil, for three days, and then,
it is said, no fear need be entertained about
the disease.
In several of the northern counties of Ohio
the foliage of the forest tress has been, in cer
tain districts, so generally devoured that most
of the limbs are entirely Btripped of their
leaves, by a browrt bug which flies at dusk
and settles upon them. It is about an inch
long, and a quarter of an inch in width across
its back.
OCrThe fast train on the Pennsylvania
railroad, a few days since, when near Greens
burg, attained the extraordinaty speed of SO
miies per hour.
ET We observe that J. L. Ringwalt, form
erly of the " Monroe Democrat," has been ap
pointed, by Collector Brown, a clerk in the
Philadelphia custom house.
Miss Lucy Stone, one of the 'strong
minded,' made a speech in New York tho
other day about tho sexes, and said :
Toor, weak woman. She has always
been weak has it not been so from the
beginning? Did she not first yield to
temptation ?
Ah! yes; Eve could conquer Adam poor elf!
But to conquer woman it took Satan himself.
Laughter and applause.
That woman ought to have a husband
who could sing to her
Oh, rock the cradle, Lucy !'
She'd soon get bettor then! That's all
that ails her !
A Mistake. :The people of Delaward
thought they saw a comet on Wednesday
last. It turned out to be, however a
red-headed woman chasing a boopod
"ler down the road for squirfgrto'acco
1 juice on her Sunday carpe'fj .'s' 4