The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 14, 1853, Image 1

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    m B&gastfi i 1 v4ss8S gjg
m Sleuotcb to JJolitics, itcmiim Agriculture, Science, iHoralitn, anb encra! intelligence.
VOL. is.
NO. 38.
ItilIiJi(Kl by Theodore chocit.
TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advuncc Two
dollars and a quarter, half yearly -and if not paid bc
t.rc the end of the year, Tw o dollars and a half. Tlinse
who receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers
employed by the proprietor, w ill be charged 37 1-2
cents, per year, extra.
No papers dilcontinucd until all arrearages are paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
IPXn linoO uill ho nunr.oll !),,, upV.: fnr nno .lnlbr
ICr Am ertisemenls not exceeding one square (six
-and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion
The Charge for one and three insertions the same.-
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers,
t." . , II W I." .1 II li I- II tli-VI I I c- 1
Cards, Circulars, Hill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts
Justices, Legal and other Blanks. Pamphlets, re
printed with neaies5 and despatch, on reasonable
Many a nice young man leads a naughty life,
Many a sweet young maid makes a sorry wife ,
Many a single man is anxious to wed,
Many a married man wishes his spouse dead ;
Many a near kinsman is but little akin,
Many a pious person falls into sin;
Many a good doctor cures less than he Kills,
Many an honest lawyer cheats in his bills ,
Many a rich merchant spends more than he gets,
Many a millionaire will never pay his debts ;
Many a fine bird cannot sing his own songs,
Many a just judge cannot right his own wrongs ;
Many a despot is to others a slave,
Many a great coward in trifles is brave ;
Many a gieat hero is liable to faint,
Many a good christain is less than a saint ;
Many a lucky tradesman looses Lis all,
Many a rising statesman meets with a fall ,
.Many a mean miser gives alms to the poor.
Tetany a fine entlcinan is w orsc than a boor ;
Many a great felon is little to blame,
3Iany a proud ruler is w orthy of shame.
Pay as You Got
What, not avail myself of this capital op
portunity for a bargain, just because the mon
ey is not in my pocket! There are a great
many snug fortunes madeb' buying on time.
But our friends who draw most largely on
ther credit, will agree with us in advising a
young man to " pay as he goes." A sixpen
ny loaf of bread without butter, and no debt
on it, has a better relish than your best dinner
that is to be paid for to-morrow. The pota
toes that are paid for before eating them have
no bitter taste, while a coppery flavor min
gles witli the vanilla of the creams that are
bought on credit. Cash lards handsomely the
the leanest beef. Credit makes the fattest
dices shrink in the pan. If you pa as you
go, very likely you will fall astern of your
!ld speculating neighbor, but you will have
your vessel in better trim for a squall. Men
do not always get rich very rapidly who adopt
the motto, but they very seldom can make
out to fail. It may be hard for them to get j
rich, but it is harder for other people to suffer
very bitterly on occount of their poverty.
The man who pays as he goes, and has noth
ing but the suit he has on, end the meal he
is eating, that he can call his own, how
much poorer is he than his neighbor who
keeps a carriage and a servant, and lives in
splendor, and owes more than he can ever
pay! The latter, one will eay, enjoys all the
money that his splender represents. That is
i -
id aii letters addressed to the hciior must do post-i iaj mastered the mysteries of curry I'should not have been leveled long since. . lortuno or ins own making. Another or steps, oi bewn stone. -Near it there was
V' l r learned to say 'tiffin5 ("from the verb tiff' u0 kin fcue frt is crowded to ex- his sons has distinguished himself as a'a much older shrine, with an immage in
J O it PRINTING. f?z?Hnstead of 'lunch' I became accus-iceS3, Many of the streets narrow, dark Persian scholar, and has published a a dark recess. A tiger, rudely sculptur-
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain t ' i x i jj..' f1 ta'y. ) nTWi ! aud dirty, and as .the houses are all of , work on the Era of Zoroaster. led, satin the outer porch, facing it. Scv-
and ornamental Tvpc.wc are prepared i loU)tu 10 Deing aaaressea as bauiD, anai V' , , . , - i . ,. i i tt- i u u 1 ,. 1 ., ' , ,
to execute every description of ( even ventured so far into Ilindustani. as to'00"" 1S expossed to much danger from j Dr. JihawooDujce, a distinguished Hin-j oral bells hung Irom the root, and each
vurv iiiutii u ui-uci oi laoic. 1 1 v cuuuiu wul j ot mj own, an(1 yet L warrant you,
onjoy it. Widows and orphans will weep 1 nothing would please them more than for
when he dies, not because he has gone, but j me to use those legs. They wear pads on
because his estate pays oaly twenty cents on j the shoulders, on which reS'ts the pole to
the dollar. Pay as you go," and leave no j which the palanquin is suspended, and
unpleasant business for your executors to , go forward at a slow, sliding trot, scarce
transact. It is not gratifying for the widow i ben?inS tbeif or Kftfog.tneir feet
. i u, . ..1 ii-ii ' from the ground. The motion is agreea-
to have your debts to settle, and children come , A , , .
. , 3 , , rt-, , r ' hie, yet as you are obliged to lie on your
by degrees to think less of their deceased fa- . ft ?niperfect viow of
ther, when bills are presented that cannot be th(J objects you paS3i You can travel
met by his assets. Pay as you go, sleep , from one Qn& 0f Judia to another in this
sound o'night, and drive out thc night-mare j style, but it is an expensive and unsatis
from your dormitory. You will keep things factory convcyance,andIshall.neveruse it.
snugger about the house. Your account book j As I was borne along, I saw, through
will be a model of simplicity. Yoa will buy the corners of my eyes, that we passed
what you want, and leave what is unneeded ' oyer a moat and through a heavy stone
till money is plentier, You will find the ne-1 gateway. I ihen saw the bottoms of a
what generally are called such. Off their fa-
cee, tearing tne lean ana usggard mask, you ,
will find jolly, lazy luxuries behind. Your ;
library will contain fewer and choicer books. '
Your wardrobe will be a collection of weara-
bio garments, your home an aggregation of
comforts for every dav use. Your wife will '
be as tid v and neat as the best of them. She '
will lRVA vprv Hftln nM iPWPlrv fn rxrlinntrn
, . .. . , 7.i'
for new, and the moths will not viuch trouble :
' r ,
her these warm days, lour balance sheet
will always be a pleasant document to study. .
The amount you have in the bank, the prop-:
erty you hold, the stock you own, will be the
true representative of your means. Puy as
you go, and when you die enjoy the salisfac-
tion that there is but one debt left behind you.
If you have not anything, the undertaker's
bill will not be very heavy too small to trou
ble you much afterwards. Next to having
money enough, the most comfortable thing, guide, interpreter, messenger and valet ' any country. This gentleman, whose
in a financial aspect, is to owe nothing to a- ( je CUumbre. Nothing can exceed the' splendid benevolence has imperishably
ny man. Pay everybody as you go, but pay respect shown to Europeans by the na-' connected his name with his native city,
the printer in advance. JVeto York Times. ', tive servants. They go far beyond the was the son of a poor man, and commen-
I Arab and Turkish domestics of the East, ced his career in life as a buyer and sel-
jgg-A blacksmith was lately summon- or even the slaves in Egypt. No Russian ler of empty bottles. By prudence, econ
cd to a town court as a witness, in a dis- ; serf could have a greater reverence for omy and intelligence, he rose from one
pute between two of his workmen. The his lord. As a natural consequence of success to another, till at present his for
judge, after hearing the testimony, asked j this, they are noted for their fidelity; the tune is estimated at three crores of ru
lim why lie did not settle the affair as ; ayahs, or nurses, arc said to be the best pees (15,000,000.) He has given away
the costs bad already amounted to three in the world. in charities of various kind?, upwards of
times the disputed sum. j Bombay, as a city, presents few points 2,000,000, and scarcely a day passess
'I told the fools to settle it,5 he replied, 0f interest to a traveler. It is wholly of without recording some further evidence
'fori said the clerks would take their j modern growth, and more than half Eu-' of his generosity. Among other works
coats the lawyers their shirts and if ropean in its appearance. It is divided which owe their existence to him and
they got into your honor's court, you'd into two parts the Fort, as it is called, for which he wa3 Knighted by the queen,
gkin'em,' being inclosed within the old Portuguese being tho first native who ever received
Editorial Correspondence ofTheN.'Y. Tiibune.
Bombay, India, Saturday, Jan. 1, 1S53.
Before reaching here, I had a slight
foreshadowing of India life. The servants
on the steamer bein"- all Indian" and the
' PaSSenCrS UlOStlV belOnTinjr tO the JJaSt.""" " l vxxv,v, "i
j Incjia service manv Peculiarities of everv
i anwue, many ptcuuauues oicvtiyj
j day life Were already familiar to me. I
dav life were alreadv familiar to me
, . . . . ..
' basan !asf) Thus thefirt bloom of the,
npw TiTirl wt? lnt:t to mr Mii fi,nc 110 mo. !
w - L j
less slight peculiarities which surround
We come slowly up the splendid bay,
' until witnin nair a nine or tne town, xue
I shores being low.
: . i :i 1 art! luu oju uracuue ui esui vcu, tuau ai uiu iruuwuuiuii was auauut. uui wo cic uituiu ui nuiu uuvjiaitis iuuuuui. jlo
! first plunge 3'ourself into another climate one Particular gate, where there was a received by his son Sorabjee, who inquires a one story stone building, in the Uoth-
.i f xt it a Tiowder magazine twentv vears aero, no 1 ed after Mr. Chas. Morton, of Cambridge. ; ic stvle. and divided into a number of
! was enough left to make my landing on Person ls permitted to smoke. South- J and showed me a North American Revicio, j wards, where the destitute Christian, Jew
I TnrlJ-i ?m? a o irpimmtinop nf nn AnHnnrv i ward of the Fortis a tongue of land, containing Mr. M.'s biography of Sir ! ish Hindoo, Parsce or 3Iahamedan inva
" - """ I ,
nntMnrrW on nrrnr nflbcyond the city, rises Malabar Hill, a
i brown tiled roofj
3fc anrla :ma!l Gothic
spire, was visible behind th
woccpIq nf. nnolinr On tliA
however, the islands of Elenhanta and
Panwell, and the ranges of the Mahratta
Ghauts, were gorgeously lighted up by
the evening sun.
But little time was al-f Steamers run daily to Panwell, whence ! Coast about eight centuries ago, after their; a graduate of this College, where he re
in" them the anchor ! tuer0 3 a mail-coach to Poonah, the old J expulsion from Persia. They are, as isjeeived the gold Medal, aud was besides
lowed for admiring them; the anchor
dropped, and a fleet of boats, conveying
anxious friends and relatives, gather a
bout us. The deck was covered with
pyramids of baggage, all was noise andPvblch 13 connected with it by two cause
confusion, here shouts of joy and there j ways, and balsette has lately been united
weeping, here meeting and there parting, jt0 thc mainland by a bridge, the strait,
many scenes of the drama of life enacted iat the northern point of the island being
at the same moment. Pinding myself
left wholly to my own
resources Iset!was bullfc by tue ast in(
about extricating myself from the bcwil-
dermcnt, and accepting the first native
who addressed me, I embarked for the
shore before the other passengers had
rlinncrlit, nf lnn.v5nrr. '"Rnnnes ' snid the.
master of the boat, holding up three of
his fingers. lEkf (one) I answered. Up
went two
ii;.' And so I went"
ashore for one.
We came to a stone pier,
with a long flight of steps leading down
to the water. The top of it was thronged
with natives in white dresses and red tur
bans. Among them were the ruuners of
the hotels, and I soon found thc one I
wanted. At a small customs office on
the pier, my bagage was passed unexam
ined, on my declaring that I had buttwo
pounds of iurkish tobacco. A hue
cabs, buggies and palanquins, with their
Vionroro iros Irnrrn nn nti fl'.o ninr nnfl
1 ' 1 t ,. -,i t I
in order to no as moian as posiDic,
took one of the latter
It was not a pleasant sensation to be at
full length in a cushiondd box, and im
pose one's whole weight (and I am by no
means a feather) upon the shoulders of
four men. It is a conveyance, invented by
Despotism, when men's neck's were foot
stools and men's heads playthings.
I have never yet been able to get into
it without a feeling of reluctance, as if I
were inflicting an injury on my bear
ers. Why should they groan and stag
ger under my weight, when I have legs
as I have since found then shops, very
much in the European style, except that
turbaned Hindoos and mitred Parsees
sto0d in the doors, and finally my bearers
came to a halt in a wooden verandah,
where I was received by Mr. Pallanjee,
the host of the British Ilotel. I was
ushered up lofty flights of wooden steps
to the third storJ and installed in a small
luuu, muu ir.
tiled roofs, graced hero and there with a
1.1.1 1 hm
cocoa-nut or brab palm. The partitions
tQ tfae rooms do UQfc rea(jll the ceiHng.
tnere are no giass win(0ws, but merely
blinds, and every breeze that comes sweeps
through the whole house. The servants
ate mostly Portuguese, from Goa, but as
maiais especially tue country ot servant
and master, every person is expected to
have one for his own use. I chose a tall
Hindoo, with one red streak and two hoy, the Parsee baronet, presents one of
white ones (the signs of caste) on his fore-'the most striking examples of commer
head. who. for half a runee dailv. acts anUil sur-mss rn ho found in the history of
fortifications, and surrounded by a moat. J that distinction are the Hospital which separate shrine. We were not permitted
It is about a mile in length, extending a- bears his name, the causway from Bom-; to go further than the doors, but the at
long the shore of the bay. Out side of bay Island to Salsette, (called Lad' tendants removed the hangings and show
the moat is abroad esplanade, beyond ' Jamsctjee's Causeway,) and tho aqueduct ! ed us the figures ofthe gods. There names
' which, on the northern side, a new city
nas Srovrn UP J- ne rortmcations are use -
the moat breeds musketces and fevers,
J I -I T 1 1 1 1 .t 11
Iiaua 1 ao not understand wuy tne wans,
ni-n 1 nn nnnn nrinn onn Trn ha or inm-
!. ii i e it .
, - , il
J utive mureusuu su iuuuii wimiu tuu
last years, that this keeping up of old
dcfcnccs 1S a great inconvenience. So far
formerly the island of Colaba, but now
connected by a cause way on which
stands the lighthouse. To the north-west
oue low Light, looking upon the open
e crowd ofi0CeanJ anc completely covered with the - .tiin!.
imiifl 'gardens and country houses of the native
iaud .European merchants.
, -j-, , .
u rjuropeau mereuauis.
The mainland is distant from Bombay
about fifteen miles, across the bay.
Mahratta capital, about 70 miles distant,
Xorthward of the Island of Bombay, how-
ever, lies the large island or balsette,
less, than !iali a me W1(ie-
This bridge
idia llailroad
'Company, who have already finished
thirty-five miles of the great road which
is to connect Bombay and Calcutta. The
rails are laid as far as Tanna, and the
trains will commence running in a month
jr 0. The Engineers are now busy in
laying out that part of the lino which
crosses the Ghauts, after which the con
struction of the road will be attended
with comparatively little difficulty. The
East India Company guarantees 5 per
cent, annually on the stock, for the per-
iods of twenty years, owing to which en- streets continually resound with the mu
courageraent, ("without which, indeed, thc sic of the bridal nossessoins. First comes
untertaking were impossible,) shares arc
now at a premium.
"Infvlili in TnrUn nri ;n?fl tn Tr tho most
, ------- -
hospitable people m the world, even to
tiiosc wno bring no letters or introduction. ;
The kindness of my friend, and especial
ly of Captain 11. Baird Smith, of the
Bengal Engineers, has supplied mo with j
letters for all the principal towns in the ;
interior, so that 1 have double assurance
of a friendly reception. I believe there
are no American merchants in Bombay,
t 1 A i . T TT - I . T I ti (1
curing tne iew aays x nave Deen nere, i ry Deautiiui are an tue rarsee emmrent Durat:nT organs are thc emunctories
nt luaui. uuv u.ijuuiuwm,. n uiuu- tu- tiiiu in mi-., uusuuiiivju " BviuJ KlUneVS. tUC lUn2S, SUU tllC SKlU. XUrOUgU
iT T T --ill ?T"iT 11..II.!. J
j iiingnsn resiuents, to wnom l am lnaem:- witupean ana emeraia ornaments in iaetritjjG an(j tuc tdneT3 alone can
! 1 Til-.-'-. rni I mi 1 1r- ,- . ? I " J
nor even a Uonsul. Appointments nave paniea rae the other day, in a drive a
been made, and Consuls have come out j vonn the environs of Bombay. After
here, but none of them seem to make any 1 pas3jng the esplanade, which is thickly
stay. The last one appointed Mr. Dos- j dotted with the tents of the military and
sabhoy Merwanjee, one of the principal ! tue bamboo cottages of the officers, we
Parsee merchants, his agent, but he has entered tho outer tower, inhabited entire
no authority to act in a Consular capacity. ! jy t natiVes. The houses are two or
The Louse of Do3sabhoy Merwanjee & tjree stories in height, with open wooden
Co., however, have been actively engaged ' verandahs in front, many of which have
in American trade, most of the vessels a ark, mellow old look, from the curious-
wnicn come out irom our ports Deing con-
signed to them. I am indebted to the
members of thc firm for kindness and hos
pitality which I shall not soon forget.
The only American residents at present,
are Rev. Mr. Allen and other Missiona- ! highway. Outside of the town all is shade
ries, who have established a school and . anu tho splendor of tropical bloom. The
church, and Mr. Moore, the agent of the I roads arc admirable, and we rolled
Boston ice merchant, and therefore a I sraoothly along in thc cool twilight of em
man of some importance in this hot climate. I bowcrcd cocoa, brab and date palms be
The ice is preserved in a large stone ro- j twccn -hosc pillard trunks thc afternoon
1 iti..! ii - -
tunaa, ana sola at tne rate or rour amas
(12 cents) the pound. The consumption
is increasing, much use of it being now
made by the physicians, and with the best
My good fortune in making the ac
quantancc of Dossabhoy Merwanjee, aud
other members of the celebrated Lowjce
Family, to which he belongs, has given
me some insight into native society here
an imperfect experience, it is true, but
enough to satisfy me that in none of the
English works on India which I have
read, has justice been done to the native
population. The Parsees especially, form
a community distinguished for its intelli
gence, enterprise and public spirit. It
would be no exaggeration to say that
more than half the wealth of Bombay is
in the hands of this class, which compri
ses less than 10,000 souls, out of a popu-
lation of 400,000. Sir Jamseti'ee Jecjeeb
( for supplying the City of Poonah with
: water, uc is now verging upon uu
' eldest son, Cursetjee, inherits his enter
, vx jv.,
1 1
prise ana uoianess, ana possesses a largCjWas approacuea oy gnauts, or nignts oi
i 1
inn rvii?c;'
-- ii" .! . O-
to say, Kinuiy auuompauiuu mt" iu oir
Jamsetjee's town residence, a large and
elegant mansion within the fort. The
Jamsctjec. The residence is very elegant
; ly furnished, in a style combining Euro
pean comfort with Oriental display.
, Portraits of the different members of the
! family occupied the walls, and in the ecu
; tre of the principal saloon stood a splen -
did testimonial, in wrought silver, three
i lutst uigu, pru&eiuuu 10 011 uaiiitiuijuu
J three of the Bombay merchants.
! r . 1. .. 1 o: t
Tho Parsees settled on the Malabar
well known, followers of Zoroaster, recog-
! nizing one good and one Evil Principle,
who contend for the mastery of the Uui -
verse. They worship the sun, as the rep -
resentative of God, fire, in all its forms,
and the sea. Their temples contain no
images, but only the sacred fire, and
though they have fixed days for the per-
formance of various rites, they repeat
their prayers every morning, soon after
sunrise. The dead are neither buried
nor burned, but exposed to the air within
a walled enclosure, on the summit of a
hill. The bodies of the rich are protec-
fnrl Ti tt n nrirn cprnon linf'l witif !IW!IV
hut t.linsn nf the noor :ire soon devoured i
by birds of prey. The children are gen
erally married at from two to five years
of aie to assume the duties of married
life. Most of the marriages are celebra
ted at this time of the year, and the
a string of pallanquins and carriages, fil
led with children of both sexes and ve-
rrnnovnllTr -nlnvinfr "Tiiipv T.nnrr nr "finr-
r-v-o - o;
ry me back, &c; after tnem the bridal
dowry, covered witn massive extinguisn-
ers of silver, and the procession 13 closed
by a concourse of women, whose splendid
mantels of scarlet, crimson, orange, yel
low and purple silk, gleam in tho sun
"Like tulip beds, of different dyes,
Bending beneath the west-wind's sighs."
Mv friend Cursetiee Merwaniee, accom-
ny carve( p0st3 and railing of black-wood
which adorn them. Mixed with thehous
es are groups of thc beautiful cocoa-palm,
which rise above their roofs and hang
their feathery crowns above the crowded
i sun poured streams of broad golden light.
1 111
UUUJ3UU 11UU11LUU luo uuuiu
like leaves on the terraces ; a variety of
the acacia hung thick with milky pendu
lous blossoms, and every gateway dis
closed an avenue of urns leadiug up to
thc verandah of some superban'palace, all
overladen with gorgeous southern flowers.
We rode thus for miles around and over
Malabar Hill, and
the shores of
the Indian Ocean, till the hills of Salset
te, empurpled by thc sunset, shone in the
distance like tho mountains of fairy land.
I had thought tho Government of Egypt
despotic, for taxing the poor Nubians a
piastre and a half (7 5 cents) annually for
each of their date trecst but thc East In
dia Company exacts from one to three
rupees (50 cents to SI 50) on each treo
according to its quality. As thc princi
pal produce of the trees is tari1 a kind
of palm wine, used only by the natives.
Such a tax appears enromous, and gives
color to what I have already heard, that
the resources of the country are merci
lessly drained by the company, for the
purpose of carrying out its cxnensivo sys-
tern of annexation, and at the same time,
paying the regularly yearly dividend tor receipt, but it is so simple that It can
to the share-holders. However, let me easily be tried and that without risk.
not prejudge the company or its servants. Scientific American.
India should be better undor the security
of English rule, than under its former a young geutleman who has had a
horde of petty sovereigns and their do- pice new suit of clothes made for the sum
vastating wars, and I shall no doubt findjmcr aeaSon was observed by the tailor
some solid good to over-balance tho evil j who made them, floundering in the mud,
which is inseparable from the present sys-, n ua j J0sey," said the man of shears,
tem. j "you are making a pretty mess of those
In the course of our excursion we visited j new clothes, I prccei vol" "Woll, if I am,''
a Hindoo Temple on the western shore of j hiccupped Joe ; i' it's your fault, you ras
the island. It is dedicated to the fivo.cally old snip; for you went and made my
principal divinities, each of whom has his waistcoat with a rolling aaZa.'"."
were in the Mahratta language, and I do
not rememuer uie aancne appenauan oi
very mm ill. iiiaanj luaiia-ueu. J lie lUHiptu ou
;cupied the summit of a small hill, and
t 111 t !!. (
' fx! .
oiie ui iuusu, uuiu uu pu&sing in aim uut.
Dr. Bhawoo Dajee took me to visit
jtho Jamsebjee Jeejcebhay Hospital, the
lid is taken in and well cared for. There
were about 300 patients at the time of
my visit. The hospital is very clean,
kept in excellent order, and the patients
appeared to be enjoying as much comfort j
as was posbtble, in their condition. Op
posite the Hospital is the Grant Medical
; uuuege, uu ciuuia-ui iusihuuuu, wmuii 10 j
attended at present by about thirty na-1
1 nn 1 :i:j...i: i- i. :,
tivc students. Bhawon Dajee himself is 1
awarded a prize of 000 rupees for an es- -
say on Infanticide. As a physician and
; surgeon ho is among the first of his class ,
in Bombay, and in that refinement and ,
j liberality which distinguishes the gentle--.
man and the scholar, he would be a no- '
j ted man anywhere. I esteem it a par
ticular good tortune which brought me
to his acquaintance. !
I must here close, have not yet done '
with Bombay. B. T. ;
As this disease is very common, and is
a veiT Pamtu-
onc, any useful infor
mation on the subject may be of benefit
to some of our readers. The following is
part of an article on the subject from the
" Dollar Newspaper," Philadelphia :
"Ilheumatism is a disease of the blood,
and in order to e fleetly remove the dis
ease, the rheumatic poison, (perhaps
the urate of soda) must be eliminated
from thc circulation. The principal de-
noison be rcmoveu anu :ar
moro through the latter than thc former.
Every man afflicted witb rheumatism
should have a long bath tub, in which he
can completely immerse his whole body.
In such a tub (made of tin perhaps) he
should every morning take a warm, weak,
ley bath, rubbing the surface briskly with
a flesh brush till it gws finely. This
bath should be used for four or five days,and
then, for a few days, a strong salt water
bath (warm) should be substituted. This
is the best external treatment known to
the profession, and the great trouble is
that it is so little known to them. Warm
flannel should, of course, be constantly
worn by rheumatics.
'But thc great remedy for rheumatism,
after all, is diuretics; and among the best
of them is the meadow saffron (colchicum
autumnalc.) The tincture of colcoicum
seeds is generally used. The brandy
tincture is the best for decidedly nervous
rheumatics ; the wine tincture to those of
a firm nerve fibre. Of cither of these
tinctures, 25 drops three times a day, for
an adult, till it operates as a slight laxa
tive (when the dose should be lessened)
is about thc right quantity. After using
the tincture of colchium for ten or twelve
days, the solution of iodide of potasium
I (of thc strength of one ounce to thc pint
or rain water,) halt a teaspoontul twice a
day will speedily complete tho cure. An
experience ofseveralyearsinthe treatment
of all grades of rheumatism has establish
ed the correctness of thc above treatment.
I have never seen a case that would not
yield to its powers. Sometimes acids or
alkalics'(according as the urinary depos-
j it is white or red,) may be used with fine
effect. The best acid that can be used
in rheumatism is thc cirtic, and the best
form is that of sour lemonade.
Thc "Lynchburg (Va.) Express" says:
A gentleman wishes us to publish the fol
lowing for thc relief of humanity. He
says he has known a number of cures made
by it, and all of them in a short time :
I al f an ounce of pulverized saltpetre,
put in half a pint of sweet oil ; bathe the
parts affected, and a sound cure will
speedily be effected.
We would state that the firt oxtract is
decidedly orthodox, and thc infomation
should be extensively circulated. The
wine of colchicum effects a cure upon
some persons subject to gout in a very
hort period. We eaunot say anything
respecting the practical effects of the lat-
It is the part of thc true philosopher to
jest as well as to preach, and he will bo
found enforcing some of his most valuable
truths by appealing to our natural sense
of the humorous. It is exceedingly te
dious to see people budging on through
life, ever with a frown upontheir faces,
and a sigh upon their lips ; they become
pestilential, and one is apt to catch tho
malady by contact. Such people don't
realize that there is any sunny side to this
life of ours ; a smile seems to them to be
sadly out of place on a companion's face,
aud a hearty laugh downright blasphemy.
Fy-fy, what philosophy ! Cheerfulness
is an amulet, a charm to make us perma
nently contented and happy. A cheerful
man feels well, does well and loves things
whicharegood; while he who is alwayssad,
doeth ill in the very sorrow ho cvinceth.
Long-faced, sactimonious people are gen
erally avoided, and very justly so, for
who wishes to partake of their malady if
Whereas, those accustomed to look on the
sunny side of life, are ever courted for
thc genial spirit they diffuse about them.
He who administers medicine to tho
sad heart, in the shape of wit and humor,
is most assuredly a good Samaritan. A
cheerful face is nearly as good for an in
valid as LealtLy weather. To make a
sick man think he is dying, all that is
necessary is to look half dead yourself !
Open, unrestrained merriment is a safety
valve to the heart and disposition. If
ovcrburthencd with the noxious gases of
care, pull the string of wit, up flies tho
valve of fun, and out goes the troubles
and vexations of life to the four winds of
heaven. It is a fact beyond dispute, that
mirth is as innate in the mind aa any
other quality that nature has planted
there it only wants cultivation, and the
more we cultivate it the more fruitful it
becomes. Mirror-like, the world reflects
back to us thc picture which we present
to its surface. A cheerful heart paints
the world as it sees it like a sunny land
scape ; the morbid mind depicts it like a
sterile wilderness ; and thus, chameleon
like, life takes its hue of light or shade
from the soul on which it rests, dark or
sunny a3 the case may be.
Dr. Johnson used to say that a habit
of looking on the best side of every event
is better than a thousand pounds a year..
Bishop Hall quietly remarks, "for -every
bad there might be a worse, and when a
man breaks his legs, let him be thankful
that it was not his neck !" When Fcne
lon's library was on fire, 'God be praised,'
he exclaimed, "that it is not the building
of some poor man !" This is the true
spirit of submission one of the most
beautiful traits that can possess the hu
man heart. Resolve to see this world on
its sunny side, and you have almost half
won the battle of life at the outset.
Crimson's Pictorial.
Boys. The Nashau Gazette thu3 da
guerreotypes the "boy" of the present
age. All who read it will confess it is
the best likeness yet obtained :
This has been termed the age of pro
gress. The most striking exemplification
of thc progressive tendency of the age may
be found in bo3s from fifteen to eighteen
or twenty 3'ears of age. The boys of Sf-
teen and thereabouts wears better broad
cloth than his employer and boots to match.
He gets the Spring and Summer style of
hats as soon as they come on from New
York. He wears dickeys of fabulous di
mensions. He has his hair curled and
unctiued by the most approved barbers.
He would wear a "moustache" or "impe
rial" if he could. He has a woman''
whom he pays attention to." He some
times carries a cane about aa large as
your little finger, with a ball of lead on
the end of it 1 He smokes. He chews.
He swears. He drinks. Of a fair Sun
day he stands at the corner of the streets
to show himself. He stays out all night,
or into thc "small hours," "sitting up
with his woman," or otherwise "missing
Ned generally." He takes "his woman"
out to ride. During the winter ho goes
to all dances, which come off about every
other night. He makes magnificent pres
ents "to his woman." His "horsehirebill is
as thc millionaire's. He reads nothing
but thc "Pirate's Own Book," "Life in
Loudon," and thc works of tho "yellow
covered" species."
The Wabash and Erie Caual is at length
completed. It has been twenty-one years
in progress. The work unites the waters
of Lake Eric at Toledo with thc Ohio at
Evansville. Its whole length is 459 miles,
of which 375 miles are in Indiaua and S4
mile3 in Ohio. The eastern section wa3 opened and eleven years ago united
the Lake and the Wabash at Lafayette.
The embarrassed finances of Indiana mado
its subsequent progress for several years
quite slow. By 1849 it was pushed down
the valley of the Wabash to Terra Haute,
and now, four years after, by means of
its own improved finances, separated from
the State debt proper, it has reached its.
ultimate destination.
jgSSf-A bill abolishing capital punlshX
ment has passed the Connecticut Senate.
It substitutes solitary confinement', with a
provision that thc convict shall not be
pardoned unloss new evideuoe of Lis ii
nocencc transpires.
J6-The skin of the Husk ft$
the rarest and d oar est fur. A si
in Russia is often sold for from
1.000 mnUf