Kljc .Jcffcfaonian. Tluuxliiy, Juno 23, 18,13. ., f-i-iin m i i ...i. mil, in i nun WHIG'j INOftNNATIQftS. FQ51 (IJ.KAL COMMISSIONER, POIVIVAEX, Lancaster County " FOJf, AUDITOR GENERA!., ALEX- K. BoCXUStE, Franklin Co. IftTRVEYOR GENERAL, CHUffSTjAH' WYEEiS, Chrion Co. 5- We 3am that the citizens of Flat hroc.kville, Susses count, N. J. will eel cbrute the coming 4th of July, and that Col. Ci!AriTOK Burnett, of this place, ha i con9C!nkdto be present and deliver an Oration on the occasion. James. IJ. Walton, Esq. of this place, h-, to (leli'tar an Oration at the celebration io bo bold at Lake Paupunonming, in Hamilton township, in this County, on the 4th of July. The Crops. 0:5-The Pittsburg (Pa.) Gazette of the Oth inst. rijieulcs the predictions of a failure of the wlusat crop, on account of the ravages of the fly . The Gazette says : "Tljo prevalence of these croaking com plninw about the "fly" may lead some people to belmve that ecarcity and high prices are anpe 'ding; but let them not he deceived. 7'he pan Epring has been the most favorable r ne for wheat that has been experienced for several years; and the newspapers of Illinois, 1 Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michi gar and a part of Ohio say that the prospect Jor a great yield never was so flattering. Eviti if the entire crop of one or two States coJd be obliterated by the fly, the abundance of Inst year's stock yet on hand, and the vast- Jv increased production of the illimitable A l , U .1 '. . t i wuu.u muit: man sumce io mane up the loss. " We make these remarks to prevent any one cf our farming readers from being misled Wo have no interests but theirs to subserve cod as we are in receipt of papers from all points of the compass, we speak advisedly when we say that the great mass of our ex changes speak in the most favorable terms of the growing wheat crops; and that although injury may happen in particular locations, there is no reason for believing the injury to bo general' This1 Groans of tlie Wounded. We annex the following paragraphs ta ken from Locofoco journals in this State as indicative of the feeling the publishers of them have towards the National Ad ministration, and of the opinion they en tcratin of some of his acts. (From the Berks County Press.) Can it be True? A gentleman ius returned from Washington city, reports that lion. James Campbell, has appointed an unnaturalized foreigner, an Irishman as one of the Ixoute Agents between Phil adelphia and Pottsville, who will take possession of the appointment as soon as he arrives from Ireland, where he is now on a visit to his family. A DEMOCRAT. (From the Lancastcria?i.) The Presideut has removedB. Parke Esq., recently commissioned as Postmas ter at Harrisburir, and appointed John II Brandt in his place. Judging from the puffs of Mr Parke, we were led to believe that his appointment gave eutire satisfac tion. Why was he removed 1 Who can tell? - The Pcnnsylvaman of Monday, says "It is now reported to be a common say ing at Washington, in the Departments, as well as at the White House, that the old Keystone State is the most harmom ous of the large States. (jr It appears from the Pension Office re port that Land Warrants have been issued to The amount of nine millions nine hundred and I'l.ity-five thousand three hundred and twen tv ucrcs. Bos- CT" I the Whig party dead or not Put your finger in its mouth and you will pc-haps find out, Louisville Journal. Worth Trying. A lump ofsalara tas, applied to the sting of a wasp'or bee, will stop the pain in one moment, and pevont it from swelling. Try it and see. It i ft sure remedy for rattlesnake bites, if appliud immediately. Be sure and re member it. JKg-An examination of the head of Ar thur Spring, by Professer M'Cliutock, af ter his execution, showed his orgrns of de- structiveness, combativencss and firmness to be unusually large, while he was al most destitute of benevolence. The whole phrenological conformation of the head would indicate a man of much brutish- ness, yet having the power of being who ly secretive. Who says phrenology is a humbug ! Shocking Indifference. As an cv idenco of the cool indifference of the wretched monster, Spring, upon the very verge of eternity, just before being led to execution, he deliberately pared two Ha vana oranges, and partook of the fruit with the greatest gusto ! Philadelphia Gazette. "Take mvC ai'' A vounir cent re cently regaled the ears of his bright par ticular with a somewhat protracted sere nade, at the close of which the chamber window opened, and a small white pack age descended therefrom. The enamored youth instantly secured the precious mis sive, and retired to a place of safety, and and with a trembling hand proceeded to unfold A NIGHT-cap 1 Ahead or Ericson. Andrew Jacl son Davis, the Poughkeepise Seer, has discovered that all sorts of machinery locomotives, engines, oan be driven by the power of the human will. He prints his paper the Universal Hum by just looking into the office and nodding at th press, l his la ahead oi Hoe. I rom me cnamDeisiiurg wing. The Epidemic in Williaatsport. Williams-port, (Md.) June 10,1853. In compliance with your request that I should give you a truthful statement with re gard to the prevalence of cholera in our town, I stateMhat we have been visited by a disease similar, in many respects, to that which proved so fatal in '32-. That it is, really Asiatic cholera, no one, including the physicians who were familiar with its peculiarities then, for a moment suppose; yet there are symptoms strongly resembling those o-the disease at that time. From my own experience, which has been the result of a severe attack, and frequent attendance upon persons in different stages of the disease, I have no hesitation in saying, that if it be cholera, it is a very mod ified type of it. Diarrhea, in every instance which has proved fatal, was sufiered to con tinue for several days entirely neglected. This was succeeded by vomiting, cramps, coldness of the extremities, and discharges usually attendant upon the last stages of chol era; but in no case has the disease been found to be unmanageable, when subjected to treat ment in its early and proper stages. It ori ginated, and has principally been confined to one locality, where filth of various kinds ex ists in unstinted quantities, and where the water used for cooking and drinking purpo ses, was onensivc and impure, .besides, in the four or five cases which have proved fa- JAP, 53. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroardt'. '.- KlTTATINNY HOUSE, Delaware Water Gap, June 1, 1853. The.lastlink of this great1 thoroughfare, so long looked for, is to be" completed, and the iron horse will pass over it within eigh teen months three millions havingbeen ob tained. This road is to connect with the Warren Road on the Delaware and the latter road with the Central Road of New Jersey near New Hampton; both of these roads are to be graded for a double track six feetguagc, and the Central R. R.is also to be laid with a double track of the same guage, and the New Jersey R. R. Co. will lay a six feet track from Elizabethtown to Jersey City. Arrangements have been made with two roads, connecting Lake Ontario and the Canada roads, and the New York and Erie Road, witl does not produce than those which the Railroad Company owns, and is mining.) Their immense machine shopsj coal break ers, and everything is on the grandest scale, and appears to be well managed. I understand they have on their road six teen of the largest class locomotives, with passenger cars, and eighteenliundred coal cars, carrying each Gve tons, and now em ployed in transporting coal to the West. The Superintendent informs me, that by the time the other end of the road is ex tended to the Delaware, they will have two thousand cars ready to move capa ble of carrying six tons each, and aliunde at their own shop. Few persons have any idea of the cost to be encountered to stock a coal-carrying road. It is wonderful to see what has been accomplished at this place in a few years. A town of four thousand inhabitants has crown up from the wilderness; one of the with other nrreatcst iron works, and with facilities to 1 a .IO ' roads leading in all directions to the make iron superior to any other establish North and West; the Philadelphia, ment in this country; they have made the Trenton and Relvidere R. R., and the railroad iron that reaches from that place Philadelphia and Easton Road leading to Lake Ontario, and arc now making a South, will also connect at or near Belvi- mile a day of iron for some of the Western dcrc, on the Delaware. roads. This road is designed to bo one of tho I conversed with a geologist at this grand trunks between the North and South, place, who has been cxaming the coal East and West, all to pass over the broad ,-cins in tho valley, who informs me that guagc without change, and in looking at the coal lands owned and controlled by I i is nosinon in is onsv t.n ssn t int.it mcf in hvt?:i.j n l xi.-: r ,i tal, with, probably, two exceptions, the habits i r . 7J x, T " " ima -""" w-u ;iuu tuuu ineiiua, wiu- were not of the most cleanly character the advantaS ovcr a11 other roaas- It passes prise the cream of the valley. Their coal first and most violent cases beinjr those o! tnrouSh tlie very heart of the coal region is visible to the eye, and generally above COIOrCU nerSOnS. Otnn V UMS thorn nn nil. ' uacikiiwaua ilUUV. at OCrantOn. WiltPT Prn tint irnbnn un nnrl ia nnow r, j .i. . - . 1 ii . i ii .i .1 sence oi cleanliness, but ot ordinary prudence I wnere ine coai unaenays tlie rail road to mine! unliL-n in fhnsn rpsnrpfs mimli ; ;f 1. : : rU 1, f : e - -----; r ., - ... u.i, cau. uuu HiBUHiuiiig an over-gorge oi naa. ii umea, mui veins or eignty 0f the coal in other places, especially that ne,nVnKn .CSr ""T fl and the quality stands about Wilkesbarre, where the veins are CaSG. ton. IllnrrliP.l wnc nUmi-ml In nnrtl mnn j. xl. 1 1 f.il. 1- x r ii ... . ' 3, Ul ie d only called into requisition when retchings au u a"I0.rnia ; ana ueean ateam inter- There is no end to the coal in the Lacka- and cramps succeeded, and when the most csts uavc.taken largcly ot the stock. wana valley, sh-nitul treatment would have proved value- vnen 11 1S J-nown, mat alter leaving There has been considerable exoitc- iess. ucatn resulted in period, from which time and the alarm, occasio lauiy, spread with astonishing rapidity. Central R. R and bv the Belvidnrn TV. f u r-i.i: iuu auu Auiiaueipma avoau, aown tlie to sell their coal lands, and they Tt-1-n,...-- J--- 1- 1 l r - X- ..... - . ... . J jciuwaiis, uucuua auout nveieec to their drummers in all the seaboard the mile, it will be easy to see, that such crying cheap fuel, grand routes, o u.iuau, ttitu .-uuu uuhy graues, in con- eral charters. nection wnn tue Delaware, Ilantan and Now reader, let us leave tho ouucuiaimus wnn regard to cholera are useless ; yet I may venture a generally re ceived opinion with regard to it, that it has, to a great extent, become acclimated, and that its features are marked by the local pe culiarities or the section it visits. W. P. S. Since writing the above, sev more cases have occurred, with three dcatl of patriotism and a desire to honor his memory, to obtain the means necessary to accomplish the object of its organization; By unceasing and untiring exertion they have succeeded in collect.ng a sum suffi cient only to carry up the proposed struc ture to .an elevation of one hundred and thirty feet above the surface, about one fourth of its intended elevation; and' they now regret to 'say that, unless the contri butions are larger and more frequent than they havo been for the past six months it will be impossible to continue the work any further. The blocks of stone which have been Bent from the different States associations, &c, to be placed in the mon ument, have done but little to add to ita elevation, though they may contribute td its interest. That tho public may under stand ho.w expensive such a structure must necessarily be, it may be proper to state that each course of two feet in height costs upwards of 2,000, though executed witb the strictest regard to economy. ' The materials and labor, with a small annual compensation allowed to the su-t perintendent, and a still smaller to tho architect, amounts to the expendituro which has been mentioned; and the Board of Managers are well satisfied that, had the work been undertaken by the Govern- ment, it would have cost double the amount of the present cost of the obelisk so far. From two to three courses can be comr1 pleled in a month, which require from, four to six thousand dollars, while tho monthly contributions have not averaged for the past half year more than two thou sand dollars. It will, therefore be ob vious that the work must be necessarily stopped if a more ardent and patriotic feeling does not prevail among the peo ple of this country, and a more extended and liberal contribution bo not made. To show with what case this great object could be effected, it is only necessary to state tkntnve cents a head from each white f the United States would bef the monument in a appears to be the ap- xistinc: m relation at even that for so pa- inb -eral Morris Canals, mustbe the channel through the West, take places in tho aths which New Jersey, and esDiciallv Newnrl- Mcn DO-n oi-;i:,i - an aged lady, a colored woman, and a child and the sea board, will receive their sup- miner House, and pas five mil from a family which had previously lost a Llvnf Unfnl Tm,n;n A a B Jouve, ana pjs me ran mother and small boy. a more alarming phaze. previ It begins to assume i r t ' -r . -i , I o - . , uuv. m-.j uiu x TllV OT filinnn llipl mnmno flnni- ynnA. I x it 1 .1 r J f "fc; vxvux luauui 1 wnsr, riiT-oiirrn Tiifir niocnrrn in 1 " -l-..x i.r. ' " -o x nibmu auuuu eiguseen montns you Mountain, called Lcgget's Gap. The high on emerald 1 a j-- iriuu I nnn stonrf of tha Vnnl- ATl.x i x .1 I I VV(1 tee me long trains oi cars tilled with the either sid one thousand leet e, are covered with mi 1 ..j -ti v ) uuiu uiuixiuxiu uuu urriviiifr nvnn? iinut- 1 n 1 -. u u . r xi i.-x it. n It. i x- t , 0 ' r , uuiuwui-j y , xxuiii mem pasain ;t uisiancc mat mr. x-or- tue uay irom tne Lacnawanna heds; ob- of twenty miles, throuch a bi-Hil It is extensively known the nV otism olRn Bible distributor is engagod :n fur i i !.ing the boats on the Morris Cana nnh the tcnptures. The directors have err roprirtgtl 50 to meet the expenses o t ,;s truly benevolent work. The balance S the expense is defrayed by the County Bible Societies on the line of the canal. 10,000 cattle are said to have died last vmter in Oregon for want of food. John J. Ctyde has retired from the Ed r-nal management of the Whig State Journal, at Harrisburg, and been succee- Pattcrson, formerly of -a worthy and com- i i - pcitui guuueraan. dtd by John J. l!ic Juniata Sentinel- 1 he ftrct Annual Fair of the North- .-.n pton Agricultural Society, will be held nt Easton, on the 5th, Gth and 7th of Oc tober. The Easton Gag Company have declar ed a dividend of 5 per cent on the op (rations of the last six months. Death Lightning-. Mr Alexander Nisbeth, of Cobbleskill, u choharic co., JN. 1., was killed by liht- ring on the aiternoon ot Friday last week. He was at work with his father; coopers ly trade, in their shop. The deceased s t'pped out to obtain some heading lyin o out twenty feet from the door, on a pile 1 1 boards, when he was struck, and in stantly killed. At Columbia, South Car olina, a heavy charged cloud exploded o- ver the town, striking several points. At the Charleston depot, the pump mind (r, Mr. Daniel-T. Ratcliffe. was instnnrtv ' j killed. Fiynch Law in Sevier County. A desperate organization has existed in Sevier county, Arkansas, for several months patt, aud a gang of rascals have teen assembled at two different distille ries', stealing poultry, killing and cropping torses, and otherwise destroying proper ty and annoying the citizens, causing them to have to sit up and watch their houses and barns after night. One day .apt week the citizens found four of these miscreants concealed in the house of Col. Dugan, dragged them forth in the open ?sy, took off their Ehirts, tied them, and "jt the hidos oUhree of them right and ifh. The outilasws ,arc begioiuq ao. flee f-vm the suuv. ' -T " i 'v M ' - At Dr. Casper of Berlin, Germany, has calculated that you do not live as long a married men! That the mortality amonc your unfortunate class, from the age o thirty to forty years, is 27 per cent., while among married men of the same ae, it i only eighteen per cent. "Poor uisrroHTUNATES." according to Dr. Gasper, you are in danger then flv from the arms of death into the ar em braces of loving, gentle women ! "Trust no future, however pleasant," that is, be up and looking about you seeing if you cannot hx your eyes on some fair maid and when you do, then Act act in the living Present! Heart within and God o'er head! And soon, if you have got anythin" like "Burn's heart," you will be "sighing like a iurnace." "My heart is sair, I dare not tell, My heart is sair, for somebody. 4 I wad de what wad I not For the sake o' somebody V . JJisgraccful Riot. Father Gavazzi's lectures at Montreal were abruptedly ter minated by a disgraceful riot, resulting in the loss of several valuable lives. Th Montreal lerakl calls the action of the soldiery upon that occasion cowardly in the extreme firing into the midst of the peaceable citizens who were hurrying to a place of safety. Seven were killed, and ten mortally wounded, nearly all of whom wore among the most respectable citizens. One little boy of five years, was shocking ly mangled, and many more recived in juries. 1 he Mayor is severely censured for ordering the troops to fire without sumcient cause. Skin Diseases For forae eruptions on the face, borax is an excellent remedy. The way to use it is to dissolve an ounce of borax in a quart of water, and apply this with a fine sponge every evening before going to bed. tu: :n ii xi ! i ... ,r Aula wm euiuucu tu sjim wuen tne erup tions do not proceed from an insect work- ng under the cntiole. Many persons' fa ces are disfigured by red eruptions caused by a small creature working under the skin. A very excellent remedy is to take the flour of sulphur and rub it on the face dry, after wasing it in the morning. Rub it well with the fingers, and then wipe it off with a dry towel. There are many who arc not a little ashamed of jfcheir face, who can be completoly cured if .thoy follow rheso directions. ths of the a- a monument welfth was rais- contributions in the Republic of the ought into existence by erence, energy and patri igton ; in a nation which now contains a population of nearly twenty-five millions of souls, enjoying a free- ndependence and prosperity no- else to be found, one-fourth only - - i -iu , Mi.ua- ouu ue xegiou oi tue xiocuy Mountains, hundred feet long. This tunnel was imade monument worthy of the man in whoso i uS M iaigy uBropors wouiu maue uu tuis route, at tue Delaware they will bv the Comnnnv f nrnM rr I honor t is now beinrr erected has. after he trip to California and back once a join the traveller from the extreme Sontli. L;n oi i :i.: : x liho mncf. -ffnrtc fo c0nfa Week, fiarrrino' Jin nvrn or. nf 1 f.) -no ccnri. An lua ttIo? f fl,nc at...: x- xi . -. .. ... . . ou'"o """i , . ii . , m , "o- " Auuuui,aiua io tue and the time has proved they were richt. years, been contributed, xo the people, gCVS,jJ fnJn iPCr Pass?Sf wou,d Lakes or to the Falls of Niagara. This, At this place you enter the valley of Mar- the army, rind navy, masonic, odd-fellows', vj v," u tBU uuiiai per i uue, is a prospective view, but one tin's Creek, a small stream enclosed bv a a other associations, the colleges, acad ueeivoneacimve dollar share. Jtle read- that will certamlv be realized in n vrrv Unwn;n mioQ nnrl cr.iioic f nuA ci. . , 1J 1. x i-nn i t ili mi -. ' J I uivuuuuu uu uauu AiUU, 111 lUUIly DiaceS " " uu" uvi.wwxj vx mv, umicu uiaita . iy sold about GOO shares, and commenced short time. The end of the road west nf Lnn -ihinnlrino- inRfitntiAna n;tir l, -l j- j , ' , , , ,, c, , i , . . vox uxxo uiuiwuuu lUCli Ul''Ii, UUU ilUUIiV " "-"uvuo, vxi-j , bunxx uui ci- uuuumi:, uuu uear v commetea tne nrsr, mcranton nas nnp.n in nnomtmn i k mn,f ,n .i:...i. . - c xi n x j-rr x u....x -.w txiwxinxia uuriiMiiii icinnr. nnssiniT nn tmiq nirmir nuiio, auu xiuiii luu nuiia liib a nerfint ii- r .. . ' wx.. xxuxxwiii ' ( - f r. ri ( i nc r .Anl 1 I I . A II, .- able distance of nine- elections ; applications, urgently request-- grade over twenty one inS pecuniary aid have been made by cir- A x AT tt:i rn nr.Q nrlfirpQcofl fo oil nnrl cill thr nnnX 1 1 , , . - , ' . .. j . fcV 4.X.VS XX1X1U. J.XI 11V JxJ" it U Jl (J V lUIl - I ..wwuuv l.vr uu. uxxu ClHi tut VUUllt- oeenmaue or an unsuitable material, and tract the attention of travelers. I f,i irniin n i. hntinnq ror.mVr.rl ;nffi,:.. j -1 . .1 ''- C. . : Xl ll T, . t mt eie-tifying the money and the wil . U1UU1UUL states oi tne union to snow the T llOTfn nni1innM.il 1 1 1 I Jnf rp!f fVlOtT fan WOrth S1UU r.O S.-5(Ml Pnrh no caati ic lin I rrnrrrna ati thn Wnctifn Hx: x ll i I -. , . . J M i . ., .. .. i x x - .. T. , p 9 ' tl"" r " aii JJ- these wonderlul passes through these lm- inoj ana t0 evince the estimation and i in is ins ii I v. i "I r .Tinrr i n nTrfftTi An im I . i i tAim . . iii j i i I r rn v r xxu xUJJUxu xu v-.auuii; uiv;u iu6 n, a uxicuuum; irom austto west, lhc mense mountains and he now expects to do within the month of first is the Delaware Water Gap, where do in a direct linefroi duiynext. toe Delaware river passes through flip. Ith mncf. mi-.w. v :r..i tinrr in fho r.ATnr.lof;Ai nf i,;n , Any person who may be disposed to take Great Blue Mountain, whose almost ni?r- hm Trorf;,i0 n,nn.. th.it. thn. Rt.nt.Q n wn o tha i J - . 1 Ul A-'-JL. LAX bl U kJ 1 Jl L.lxU 11 11.11 I I ' I III llll'IIM I'll! I I " vuxr rf WW II Ull LUU lll.lf 1111. I 1 I II Jm one or more shares may send five or more pendicular sides ascend to an elevation of and iron formations in the Lackawanna Kve the honor of raising a structure to- Providence "is memory which will be an imDensha- for the Pie memorial ot their veneration and grat- pass to the JUast and to the West, lluac. jjy order ot the Uoard : GEO. WATTERSTON. Sec. Wash. Nat. Monument Association JSSTPapers throughut the country are respectfully requested to give this an in sertion. OT Tlinnnor nprAnnrf nnfnrn tlin anni-nnnli Unrl r -v.vv.v vw.v, ojijjiuttvn ui uu jaigo U.UI10 ui uuai juavu uuanj cverj gorge the remark winter compelled him to suspend oppera- hour in the day. destined for all parts of teen miles with no tions. The float first constructed bavins the West, and this route must alwavs nt. fnof t ;i become damaged durinrr t.lin Trinfnr lir. T,rt. , . o . , . v.xxx uxxv, imuui, uuu it nine mnes to the Ureat Uend on the lul!5tJ lutJ monument Deyona its presc now finds it necessary to construct a new give him a running description of tho won- Susquehanna, to the New York and Erie vation. This is a painful and raor IlOn f finfl TAr Tina nnrnnin ,c mAunnA t-n Haro hn rnnn nUt..l.. IT T . ' . . r- -r. n . onn v. " t v,x. .v. tue nue. j.n passing Koad, from which point you can go every ract- iC win now become the duty of wxxwx cauics muic. i lj I m t' iii'iir. ii;i i i 1 1 iiiii i'i;si. iri ivrr T.nnTnnrnTiieprtehi.fti. l i i ... - f.i.xx x l.xx r j i t t . : .0...... , -vu, umow iuiuu"u wnere. i tou uave 1 1( nrtnn nlI.A..l. I, x XI ril 1. xl X" 1 1 .jxc, anuuu"u nc uAuutta iucy win ue uuee oi tue most remarkable mountain v...xx xx. x.v.tuov.x aUi) iuwwb uuijk, ui- uuuny two tuousanu iccr, tue water pass- Valley: these all look as if rected to llnfus Pnrt.pr nr Sr.1r1r.Ti WIfli i t n iT i Vtr , . ' i4"uufa". u. summer s uesigned it to be a great openinrr ers v tJO.. nnnlTPrRi Wn 7 ; ...u.u6hU, a., v., .uviuii , ciuw axu uuvureu ac an coal to inn f hn nomn C t 111 I. I rl. t . . . I 1 uii 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 . iri iii nr i 1 1 1 1 1 ir:i 111. iv in i in mi. sii:iuniiu iirn nxmTrvTrm nr r a. 1 . . . i -v . . a 4.u V ri7 xx 'ri'7',s' lU13 Piace warm and coratort his people, chance. tered on the books, and a neat vignette are large Hotels, where thousands from unbeliever, could not have made it.-JYcio. title-deed (one or more) will be promptly the cities come everv season to omnv w- .o,4,7 r 'I w .1 v T UUU W If LsCLt'll.L'a II I I 1 .Al f I 1 hi I V A A V JJ. sent by mail to the address of the appli- mountain scenery. After passing through tani" . ' the mountains a distance of 3 miles, you The title-deeds embrace an obligation arrive at Broadhead's Greek and a ride to Keep the largo aeroport m repair for of three miles further brings vou to tho I the American People. From the great decrease in the receipts twenty years, and entitle tho holders to beautiful town of Stroudsburgh tho coun- of contriDutions to the National Monument n7TliO Tonr Vat-1- Ti.;Kiir. 1 , .I. j " vrxxx. a.xxvuuu uuaiiftia the board of that Auguste Belmont, the late acting Association Consul General of Austra, contributed draw all the profits. The shares are not ty seat of Monroe, situated in a country during the last six months, name to assessments, and the stockhold- very productive, and hirh v eiiltivntoil MnnnM nf .., lrAf , , ..... ... I - - - J wv.. .u..nu.u vuu XUVUUlUbllU ers na,ve no iiaouities ; moreover all the shareholders are furnished, gratis, with a neatly printed paper, the " Aerial Report- j ni..,,. . . ' cr, .emi-montniy, tn the hrst aeroport is ccs one ot the grandest forests anwhere that the people of this country, under such nrnnri.tlnn nf l.;. comoietea. fn Un rnnn ,n to 1 j . . .1 i - .- , .. " 1 1 r "l 1. n- f r s- - w 7. U,UL jur UllS u- viv i. la jLwimuiu j. fju lis v 1 v n ni fi uonn nnr nsr nnr nn irrntinno 00 it 1 1 1 - . 1-1 To counteract skepticism on the subject, known as the Beach Woods. It nhn t, 3 C S J VIA : aPP?tea by the Pres- the following certificate is presented : with spruce, pine, hemlock, beach, cher- ing, as they must, a profound of lanSl InZ r word" Washington, 28, 1853, rv' 'aplc, ash, Arc. Passing fourteen gratitude for the inestimableserviccs which distinctly made that Mr Pierce and hi. This mnv ,wif . i, .1' . Ialles in a straight line through thisdense he rendered to them, will suffer a Mnn. nwi, w r i . . . m3 "-"j "m cxxcii, ni Lxiu uuuui- 1 1 . 1. v .: i . , , , i . . ' . ; vxuxv .... . oum uuc ui luc iuosl lmTiftr- C .!. " l. I - . .1 I . ' . . . " signed, citizens of Washington, have se- A T ' T arc le bear, the ument commenced m his honor to aid in tant offices in their gift for a money con ..nJ .xi , fa- ',. deer, and the wolf : its streams nhnnnrl nnrnAtnntino- Ih'q r.o, i.i. , b v. i money con- vci an v uuu attentively examined Mr. itu- -xu -u , .. J " I ttrif h t rniit- wilrl nirini 'o x their young, arc here counte 3. Her"0 VOU Strikfi tlir. linnrl T1 , , . 1 1. u- x. xxwv. oumwij wo augguaiuu lliai a tlCIO tliey were does appear evident that an aeroprtprop- r , fc ,1, 1Uv.er' which tact like this in the history of our repub- their possession. erly constructed in the manner, and of the Z,t -7s 1 ap', m ,bb 8 0 would n0t al1 to reflecfc IastinS discd- This is a scrio r . i ,. . . i'xuuiiiaiu, iu ciuuo hdii " UCUn V IWO tllflll. size, lorm and proportion proposed and L iri. 7 xi lJ l"u luou- described by Mr. Porter, would run with Z; V &-c- -"7 ru tu "s iuiautlul Ul wuat out doubt, every part and narcpl . miles, vou arrive nt. tli is flnn tn tl,r.nicino m i, . 1. ' - 0 ituu Parcei 1 n ;t .ntnri T i' i" " 7c TiT "I 1 . . . ' r J 'ost ulsgracetut transaction. It is clear TO : xl T. xl a velocity of nearly 100 miles per hour, J. " 1 c S W " nnrl nnrri 1 Kfl .:xl. Z . . r ' distance of five miles, you tiin tl r i- , v town of Scranton, situated m tV tUan that, nt anvnn llinrtrmnrln nf nn - ' 111 j xi. . ii i . i and vxiw umu v. uxiu.-iv. uuu, UUUtJl 11UV1UUUUU. 1 linnn t lafnnnnft . x . .i centre of the Lackawanna VnlW Lfl,nm nw e j 'i. ' '"- a "Ppoimraem, thataon- and between Cobb's Gap and Legg WnThfM ZJ Gap. Here the traveler can stop at the and illustrious to be nearly forgotten af- operated unon tl i Pf ' p l?! Wyoming House, kept by Mr. Burgess, ter they have mouldered in tho tonil for aSd h fnlri a 1 i?1 formerly of Hartford, one of the larrres half a centurv. InJho W ? i!I and b13 ad r tb vcyance; and that the general introduc tion of such caroports would greatly con ducc to the intelligence and advantage of mankind. We have full confidence in Mr. Porter's integrity and ability in view single the Aerial duce as investments of 61,000, we cannot hesitate C3farre w uc.h aPPears to have seen its may have been more brilliant 5 andV'n ir5: iT". " U? I -i"0? d over Siven the Austrian satrap a place which ot the apparent probabi ty that r , v""lu A UUJiJ'i- ""giug hcuuiw ui mo wono, tho stage ouht to have been filled hv snm five dollar share in the ick of ",L. I" hU5e Fcs1 K life ii continuously occupied by those JSZ.ITS'1: Navication Comoanv will nrn. "w ?' v ..ages surrounding Bcran- whose acts excite tho interest of the living Tf wiX KZZ.i v ? J much income to the holder there- I.L"S '"..- a "r of such as have Zoi 7 ImT " "S. j j r. IUUH..J.HWWU, uuu inu om town or vv ii-1 nreccoed them, t, hmirii xi .. , . icimmiion ov men or renuh man Prinont nn nnri reputation by men of republican education and svm. and their pathies, to bestow one of the most impor- to recommend to every person who can ; h v,s" t.Twi ness to' lf?J f.f"0" S1"- But it was believed taut offices in his gift, upor 7 wZnJZi conveniently spare five dollars, to take one "."it. f tho most ffiat Washington was one to whom the from the service of a dLoi. S l .n n mA xi. xx Ii .. n . r or more shares therein. bloody and savage conflicts lutioi . ... . . . , ....... IIU) I" "iV":r:jJmc.1rn.PeoP e Fed tIie greatest his notions of Absolutism unrenonnrl and still uppermost in his mind we woulfi have never heard the last of it. It would have been denounced as treason to our victims It is said that Charles Leyi Woodbury, were - mf l usq.. declines the Chanresbw to Bolivia, while According to the Boston Mail, he says their families. tne place is not set doyen on Monk's Map ill i i t . . tuat -nobody Knows where m thunder ing tne nones ot those who were the just tribute to preeminent patriotism and er would iaV "pile? ud the .8 of an inhuman treachery, who to unequalled public and private virtue, expatiatin-upon the fe vent It J stricken down by the tomahawk Underthis impression, a society was estab- airVould hahe bravely defending their homes and lished some seventeen vears Jn in thn nit.. TJTJ av5?ecowe vocal with is," and that he will see the " Govern ment d- , before he will travel nine or ten thousand mjles.to hunt it up." very some seventeen years asro in the citv eThrpatinna TJnt Q r t. i Of WnS.,inn fnr- !,' f " 7 V Ih "WP Z IMS, At Scranton and vicicinity, there is ting a m SmuntLi iipe uch to be Been, and much to interest er of his Country; and the Board of man- der the so oaJeS S ' ?HJ 'flai11 iy one having, or feeling any interest in a hf iht. JL Lt. w. J- ?Cr.tUes calied "dcmocratio" flag, we- the welfare of his countryV The wondc lonVin tV " '3; "urceafaui. f0! COa1 WPrialtheif