To whom tllmay concern To the intelligent. the thought ut, ine pnuanthrovic. Your at- acntton is respectfully invited to a new. or-1 'Igtndl. peculiar, and important work, of ISO pages la mo., and containing nearly owe nunarea engravings, and entitled, ESOTERIC AIVTEIROI'OLOGY, BY T. L. NICHOLS, M. D. PRINCIPAL of the American Dydropath it: Inslitute, Educational and Thera ciuicai, .ii roncnesier, i. x., one now s idNlance (win New York city on the New ork and New Haven Railroad. A com prehensive and confidential Treatise on the Structure, Functions, Passional Attractions and Perversions, True and False Physic; iid Social Conditions, and the most inti male Relations of Men and Women, The title. Esoteric Anthropology, will seem strange to many, hut it is thoroughly appropriate. Anthropology is from Anthro- pos. a man, and Logos, a description. i eriQ, 'from Eso, within, signifies private, se rret, interior, and was used hv the ancient philosoohera to distinguish their private lectures, given in the intsriors of their dwellings. Don the sacred mvsieries of science and philosophy, to their chosen dis- . - ' .. a ciples, from their Exoteric discourses,- nch were civen lo the Dublic. Esoteric Anthro- o - a pology is, therefore, a private treatise on Human Anatomy, Physiology, Therapeutics and Obstetrics on the whole science ot man plain in language, full and faitiiful in illustration, and written with all the frank ness of a private letter, under the seal of professional confidence. It contains the highest and deepest truths in every depart ment of Human Physiology, with their indi vidnal and social application; the true na lure and hidden cause of Disease; the ron ditions of Health, physical and passional; all that information which every human be nig needs, which few dare ask for, or know how to obtain, but which, amid lhe discord ances and depravities of civilization, is ol priceless alue. There are many subjects connected with the broad science of Human Life, of the deepest and most vital interest to man and Wie race, in regard lo which a terrible igno lance every where prevails an ignorance which is destroying the healths, shortening the lives, and sacrificing the happiness ol millions which threatens the power ol na tions, and the perpetuity of races. Professional works on Physiology are dry. mechanical, or chemical, astonishingly i jiorant, as well as technically incomprehensible.- The popular works are superficial, meager, and necessarily wanting in the iiut important mauers. The quack book re full of errors, false in science, absurd in philosophy, mischeivous in morals, and base'y meccenary in their motives. In most cases ihese books are lhe advertising medi um of some specious charlatan, who wants patients, or letiers of consultation, or who lias some instrument to sell, or some nost rum to pdlm off upon the credulous. The world has need of a different hook from any of these such a book as has never been written, and as cannot now be publish ed in the usual way, sold by booksellers, oi iiawueu oy agents or peamers. ine amnor of Esoteric Anthropology, a Teacher, a Plircipisn a twihlin rnrl nrirnto T.Miirr nn I . , rhU nf ModlSnnnrP. ! writ- ten this book witn a lrankness he never could hnve used in a work for the public, or one open to criticism. Jt is for his pupils and patients, for intelligent men and women, who wish to understand the deepest myste nes of life: especially it is for the noble and herooio few, who are brave enough to exa mine and accept ntvv truths, and wise c nough to profit by them. There can scar cely be any important question, which any man or woman can ever need io ask a nhv- sician, to which this volume does not con- J ism an answer, it is so complete in tins respect, that the author hopes and believes that fin itnp. whn rftnds it will prpr v4-cr r trouble himself with a professional consulta- tiun. it is hence orth his chosen meihod ni v . ". . I medirsl instruction and nractice, and in it ... ,r.. t, ne nas pertorraeu me auiy ne owes man iind as a healer of the sick, a preserver ol health, and a teacher of the Laws of Life. Among lhe subjects treated of in this work, are the following: Man, and his rela tions to the Spiritual and Material Uuiverse Human Anatomy; the Chemistry of Man; Principles of Physiology and the Active purees of Nature; The Three Groups ol Functions, Organic, Animal, and Genera tive; The whole Philosophy and Processes of Reproduction; The True Law of Marriage I he Uonduions ol Health; Causes of Disease Curaliv-Agencies; Processes of Water-cure Diseases and Treatment; Passional Diseases Diseases of the General System: Jirai iind Nerves; Respiration: Digestion; Genera lion; Gestation and Patturition; Lactation and the Management of Infancy, etc., etc including every important condition and pro cess from the beginning to the close of life and containing especially I. A clear and amply illustrated view o the structure of the human body, and all its complex organism, male and female 2. A full account of the functions of life vith such an illustrated description of the evolution of the embryo, as has not before been given. 3- All that is known of health and dis ease, with the means for the preservation o the former, and cure of the latter. 4. So careful an explanation of the whole process of gestation and childbirth, as will fiidble every woman to dispense with the services of a physician or professional mid wife. liSOTERtc iiiiJHROPOLOG v is plain and simple in language, full m illustration, as coraprohensive as the utmost curiosity can wish, and without one line of quackery, or the remotest hinting at a lee. It must be evident that such a book, writ ten with the necessary freedom, and illus trated with fullness and fidelity, must not be profaned. It is not lor the counter, the book-stall, the library shelf, or the center table. It is not to be offered for curious ex amination, nor urged upon those who can not appreciate hs value. It is advertised, that every one who needs it may obtain it, if he will. Whether the social proprieties be true or false, the auhor can not violate them, and he feels compelled lo keep this book truly esoteric, a private work, lo be sent as a con fidential answer lo a professional consulta lion, attd he trusts 'that no persontvill apply for it who will not make U a point of honor to so consider it. To all such persons it will be sent BY MAIL, lo any designated address, POST PAID, on the receipt of One Dollar, sent, free of postage, to T. L. NICHOLS M. D. -Portchester, N. Y. i ifteen hands wanted to peel bark, to whom liberal wages will be paid in cash. To com mence operation as soon as tlie season will admit of it. Each person must come provided with the necessary toola. Apply to the under signed.. JAMES DEPUE. Stroudsburg, March 31, 1853. Country Produce. Butter, eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any goods in my line of business. SAMUEL MFLICK. Stiosulsbxit fr and Eastern Fort Jervis, 2Iauch Chitnck and Scra?ilon ftps ,fliV.,rfcr-'if'i"r . i:.-.-.r.w-. 1 ui Tho Stroudsburg and Easton mail line of stages, consists of excellent four horse co jacnes. ana leaves j. j. rosieus in ti i i it , i dian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg". Pa. every day (except Sundays) at 7 o clock a. m. ar rivmg in Easton belore the departure of the cars for New York, or stages lo Bethlehem and Allentown. tL? I he lolluwing lines leases I'ostens Indian Queen Hotel, Stioudsburc, Pa. every .Monday, Wednesday and i riday, reluming on alternate days: A Jine to rort Jervis, leaving 1 at 7 o'clock a. m. via liushkill. Dinyman's Choice and Milford. Returning, leaves t...., .. .t. i ..I I , r .NT "XT I I.I morning tram of cars lo New ork, at about b o clock a. i il line lOiViaUCll UllUllK, leaving at o clock a. .ii. via Urodheadsville, where, it connects with to Vilkes-l3ate and Wheit Haven. A line to Scranton. leaving at. 7 oVInr.L- . vin Tnnnpr. ville, where it connects with a line to Hones- .iiU or.,1 ,.t rnm,,n ,viii, cars for the west. These lines hold out strong inducements Hip tr.ivnlmtr nnhlir nnci.irr ihrmmh lions of the country which are as magnifi- or constitional derangement, are sure to fol cent and picturesque as any in the Union. lou lf necessary, consult the Docror with Having provided themselves with excel- cellent coaches, good horses, and careful f!ilrpr. Ilitv I ! ennnnnni thnt Hipu will i i . - - . M enaoieu io ive enure sans action to all wno will patronize them. STOUFFER & OSTRANDER, August 19, 1S52 Propricts.Jo Tlie tcstnnonv m its lavor is over- vlie niins. The proprietors arc dai j in receipt of letters and eertifiicates, going to prove its remHrkab'c efficiency to ah cases ot worms, both in cm dren and a- A,, c T).a Jof oimn A tho immorli' . . c . 7 . . . i. ?tc ""Pment ot health which to lows life ncrt t4C ri rkfi fliA oftrtnf lrtT AT Thl-Cirl eians to this anie'e, and they freely re commend & prescribe it m their practice. The retail price is 25 cents per vialwhi-h brings it wiUiin the means of all. Brooklyn, L.I. January 1G, 1347. I do certify that I gave one bottle of 1. A.Fahncstock s irmifuge to my child, and in seven hours it missed 23 larrrc worms. Anr nerson r!onbtinr tliis mav 1 apply for further information at m5 resi deuce comer of 1 ork and Jackson st s lA5Wf?S MrHAFFRFV PowghJccepsie, X. Y. March 2, 1 841 T - r ,1 T i l.i t T x certirv. tnat iook two viais or x. iFahnestock's Yirmifufe. Avhich I found , t,... io dc ine rreateifii cure ior vrorms x navei ever used, l nave Deen troubled with tape Avonns for a number of years, and I have never found so good a medicine as IV A. Tfjinftstepl-'s Yirmifiim T ihw fore recommend it. iMAR'I HA CLIFT. Tnp WW; ; c'lntinnpil i rrm'nsf. omi-n. tarfeits and spurious articles," and to pu? j . , , . t Tr i no commence m Muiemen uiai 1x01m- SLOcii s, auu o. raunesiocii. b irmuuge, .....up -ni i ir: p. are the same or as good as the only gen uine article, which is B' A. Fahncstoclc's Vermifuge. For sale in Stroudsburjr, by T. School? Sfro KdsEuirg' Jewelry Store. lhe subscriber hav ing purchased the entire yTBS&5 1 Mock of Clocks, Watch c.v, Jewelry, o c. ol Jonn igA 11. Alehck, intends car vV oU6fcil rvini; on the Watch Ma vwvjssz-' fong and Jewelry bust ncss in ail its various lorms, and in a man ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire i ft r firm rtrt nt.Nf t f It I r U a 1 C Illlt 1 f ftllftl trusline the above mentioned articles with nim to be repaired. lie has renewed his stock by recent purchases in lhe city of New York, which, together with his former stock. makes his assortment at this time one ol the most splendid ever before offered in Strouds burg; among which may be found all the la test fashions in tlie structure and embellish inent of dress Jeweirv, viz: Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Gold Lockets, Snaps, Bracelets, Slides, Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, and Brittania Ware, together with a are assortment ol Gold and Silver Watch es, Clocks, Perfumery, tjc, together with all the articles that can be lound in any es tablishment of the kind. Watch Kcpairiaig" Being an important as well as a skillful part of his business, he Hatters himself he can give as general satisfaction to his customers and the public as can be done by any one as he intends to keep none but the best work men in his employ ; and feeling confident that all shall have entire satisfaction done them, heinteuds to devote his whole time and uueiuiuu io mat important orancn or ills i - : - i f t business. Anything in his line that he may not have on hand, will be promptly procured from the city, by calling on the subscriber al hi shop, on Elizabeth street, two doors west of J. 11. Mehck's old stand. SAMUEL MELICK Stroudsburg, May 6, 1852. WBSOIiESAIiE WATERMAN & OSBOURW, KW. Corner Second and Mullxrvy Streets, ciiiiaucipliia.. OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TEAS, 1 COFFEE, I At the Lowest Market rates. SUGAI&, MOLASSES, SPICES, &c. &c.J Ihose commencing New Stores are par ticularlv invited to call. (L Attention given to Produce. Philadelphia, January 27, l853.-3m Every Family should have u coyp An invaluable book, only 25 cts. per copy Man know thyself. TPfeR. HUNTER'S MANUAL & AiVZ JLS BOOK for the afllicted. Containing an outline of the Origin, Progress. rl rent mem ami Cure of every form of disease contracted by promiscuous Sexual Inter course, by Self-abuse, or Sexual Excess with advice for their prevention, written in a fnmilhar style, avoiding all medical tech Sleca"6 of' and everything that would orlend ecencv, from the result of some i. ,.,,, Vfinrs successful nractice. exclusive - uy devoted lo the cure ot i j . . . .. diseases of a deli cate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms and cure of the Fever and Ague, lor twenty-live cents a copy; six copies one dol- har. ,vin forwarded to anv nart of the U nilnfi States, bv mail, free of aostane. Ad ,rpss. nostaoe oaid. 'Box. lOG Post Office. or lhe A ulhu, 3S worlh Seventh Street Phil- adeiphia S nClIFTY DOLLARS Forfeit. ' 1 .orM J? tcr will forfeit S50 if falling Br- Hun- g to cure any VUOC Ul OUllUl UIOLIIOC llllll I11UY Willi, hj rarfi m maltfir . mv , sfatldinfr or af. 1 o c Vate Rooms, 28 North Seventh Street Pilad'a vvithout fear of interruption from other pa tients. Stramrers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a Physician are invited to call. IMPOTENCY Through unrestrained indulgence of the passions, by excess or sou-auuse, ine evus are numerous, rrema- ture impoUJncy, involuntary seminal dischar es, casting 0f the organs, loss of memory, a distaste for female society, general debility, conlieence ; he offers a perfect cure READ AND REFLECT. The afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting their 1 hn.Tllh. hnnninncc nnH in runnv rasps lhpir : ' ""rr -t j - lives, m the hands of Physicians ignorant of ihis class of maladies. It is certainly im possible for one man to understand all the ills the human family .ire subiect to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar oranch, in which he is more successful than his brother professors, and to that he devotes most of his lime and study. YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively devoted to the study and treatment of diseas es of the sexual organs, together with ulcers upon the body, throat, nose, or legs, pains in head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, stiic uiies, gravel, irregularities, disease aiising from youthful excesses, or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place themselves under his care. Medicines forwarded to any part of the United Slates; Price five and ten dollars per package. Nov. IS, 1352-ly. 100.000 Brick, Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a large size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low and luii Lt( UtLULul lower, according to quality, than any other brick In the County. A portion of them are irinccil ir frnnt inil nnrnirn Krinl wtf HifKir ent kinds. Said Brick are composed of ma terial that will stand the lire with impunity, thus answering for the purpose of building bake-ovens, &c, all of which will be retailed at the following rates: Pressed or front brick at $1 50 per hundred Best common hard biick 'JO do do nest salmon do do ID do do do do Best soft 50 do 25 do 14 illinji-in-brick N. II. All kinds of grain, at the highest market price, taken in exchange for Brick and Cash not refused. WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, September 30, 1352. India Rubber Oloves. Mittens. &c ntr v-rnrw-tr ,.-r,n,,r . . lUL-iMUi iwitn.-uiC3, m making thfir nnroc eho.,1,1 r,u,., these desirable and saleable articles. Thei " "-' I'M WkMV,Oa OllUU U ilUk IJC CUl manufacture has been much mproved re cently and they are made very durable. Particular attention is requested to the Wool Lined Gloves and Milieus, They are indispensable in cold and wet weather. Ladies will find these Gloves use f"'1'" na"yf wor wiU ? the 31 me same time mat they will cure the worst Salt nheum ()r fMlannp,r nan(1c immoHintpK. .... . They are made all lengths to protect the arms and wrists. For sale by Wilcox, Billinjrs & Co. No. 3 Church Alley, Phil'a. Goodyear's CS Ches- nut street do. J. & II. Phillins. Pittsburgh Pa- Falconer & Haskell, Baltimore, Md 11. W. Shiffer, Charleston, S. C. Bart & Hickcox, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all Rub ber Dealers in the Union. For sale at retail by Country Merchants generally. November 25, 1852. 2m NEW FIRM No. 71 Norlluimvton Street. Oiwosiic the Laston Bank. I 111 h subs.cnbers having entered into a ing the Drug and Paint Business at the old stand of the late Air. John Dickson, would oiler their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. &c. to old customers of the stand and Physicians and dealers in Seiieral - Mease call and try us VV. J. DICKSON. A. N. SAMPLE. Trading under the firm of Dickson Sample. Sole Agents for Wetherill's Pure Ground W lute Lead. Easton, July 17, 1851. ly PAPER HANGING. . V. Warnick, RESPECTFULLY announces to the cit zens of Stroudsbuig and the surround ing country, that he still continues the above business, and may be found at his establish ment on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa per Hanging will be punctually attended to, and executed in the best style, upon the most reasonable terms. N. B. WINDOW SASH, painted and glazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at the above establishment. Stroudsburg, April 15, 1852. ly ILeael arid Iroaa Pipe. A general supply of Lead and Iron Pipe of all sizes, on hand at all times, and for sale qy DICKSON $ SAMPLE. Easton, July 17, 1851. ly. SBVffi The subscriber has opened his new Hotel and is ready to accommodate all who may fa vor him with their custom. JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, May 27, 1852.-Gm. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office. III" Ijft&A T TANNERSVILLE Iron and Brass Foundry. The subscriber takes this method of informiuff the public generally, and mil lers and farmers especially, that having purchased of Mr. Samuel Hayden, late proprietor ot the btroudsburg foundry, all his Patterns and Fixtures, he has re-j moved the same to his Foundry in Tan- nersville, Monroe, co., Pa., and having in creased the machinery of the establish ment, he is rjrenared to execute all or- ders in his line or business, m the best manner and with despatch, and therefore respectfully solicit the patronage ot the public. He will manufacture cast and wrought iron work of all descriptions, in- Mill Gearing", fnr flnur and other mills, mill screws, bark and corn mills, together with cast- in'S of every description turned and fit- ted up in the best possible manner. As policy. Tlie principle oi luutua, msur particular care will be taken to employ ancc has been thoroughly tested has onne but the best workmen, and no pains will be snared, he feels confident of be- inr ablo to ?ive ireneral satisfaction. Al so made to order. i BRASS CASTINGS such as spindle step?, shaft and gudgeon Boxes, &c, will be made to order. Old copper and Brass tafcen in exchange at the Inchest price. Patterns made to or- der. Threshing machines and Horse Powers of the most approved construction, will be furnished to order; at the shortest no tice. of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves R-n m, hnnrl nv nindn to order, for sale. wholesale or retail. PLOJV S, of the most approved plan will be kept on land, and every variety of plow castings on hand and lor sale, i JTJ3 Wrought iron mill work will be ne on the most reasonable terms. The best kind of sled shoes and polished wa gon boxes and hollow be kept on hand. yrare will always It 1 JACOB STOUFFER. January 1, 1 852.-1 y New Whole Sale and Retail StroJitlsbiirg, Pa. -T-.rf Tlio unrlnrsirrniifl timiilrl inmrm T.nnn. iio ,n,i u; onOMiiw thnt ,i ;..rr,nr.A il. Un l,OM ,"n o. " i u .i . i r . Strnnrlshnrcr. in tlin stnrfi hniifn tormerlv oc- cupied by John H. Melick as a Jewelry Store, o ' j and have on hand a large stock of WINES AND LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which they are prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy ; Hol land Gin,- N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &.c. &c. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that can be asked lor in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deal with us. We have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors tor us at great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with us-we intend person can prepare. The remedy is beite shall be satisfied with the article they get, us and cheaper than any advertised HeavePowr well as the price, and whenever they are not, we will be pleased to have thetn return the tquor, and make the fact known, for we in- end to make it a permanent bnsiness, and cm onlv do so hv dealing honorah v. All orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 1852. P. S. POSTENS & Co. Dissolution of Partnership! Notice is hereby given that tlie partner- ship heretofore existing between the un- dersigned in the Mercantile business, has tbis day been dissolved by mutual con- i i i. i . -ir. sent. All pessons indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate pay- mentj and those having claims or demands will please present them to Jacob Stouf- for who is duly authorized to settle the All accounts rema n nff unnaid T,.l ,ni l i .1 . . .i... i..i c yT..:' r xl-V, m muiiuiiuaui ivuuauuucu me jreacc for collection JACOB STOUFFER, STEPHEN KISTLER. Tanncrsville, May 11, 1852. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, respectfully announces to the public that he will continue the business at the old stand, and respectfully solicits a continu ance ot the public patronage. Kf 0()f SHINGLES and a large UUUU stock of varjoua kjnla of Lumber on hand and for sale low. JACOB STOUFFER. May 27, 1852.-6t. I)c lir Sarlcjj af, Ofil Hand A: if n wa V gS M. W AI SON is happy to inform aw nis oiu menus and customers that he is prepared to receive as many f ... V 1. .. .1 " ui ijueni aa uiuy iiivur mm mill UlCir CUS- torn, at the new Hotel erected on the site ot the UM JJarley blicaf (which was de- troyed by fire in July last.) The House is much increased in size and convenience, and possesses every ac commodation which can contribute to the comfort of the traveler. The TABLE and the BAR will be fur nished in such a manner as cannot fail to nlease. nsy. A We varrl. with RtnM?nW fJ i :o-j---i fa one hundred horses - - j ist ffisHjf . i JN'o. 19.3 North becond st., Phil'a. OAPS. fine scented Soaps for wash- mg and shaving also the celebrated shavinff cream, for sale bv SAMUEL MELICK. iSUoudffbur Not. 18, 1652, MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Coinp'y The rate of Insurance is one dollar on ho ihnnsnnrl rlWrS insured, after which payment no subsequent tax mil I1J JX V UW AV vw--- f be levied, except to cover actual wss or damage by fire, that may taxi upon mem bers of the company. The nett profits arising from interest or otherwise, vful be ascertained yeawy, tor which each member m proportion to his, her, or their deposit, mil havo a credit in the company. Each insurer m or with the said company mil be a mem ber thereof during the term of his or her been tried by tne unerring tesc oi experi ence, and has proved successlui and be come very popular. It attords the great est security against loss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rca sonabe terms. AppZications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to JAMES H. W AJjTUjN, sec y. -T -r y-v -r i t MANAGERS . John Edinger, John S. Heller, Andrew Storm, James n. Walton, Silas L. Drake, M. H. Drcher, Geo. B. Keller, Richard S. Staples, Jjobert Boys, Joseph Trach, Jacob Stouifer. Charles D.Brodhead Michael Shoemaker. It. S. STAPLES, President. N - H. WALTON, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1852. Hover's Ink Manufactory, REMOVED TO No. 144 Race Street, (Dctwcen Fourth and Fifth, opposite Crown St.) Philadelphia. THSTHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by increased facilities, to supply the I - . . " " . growing demand for HOVER'S INK, which its wide spread reputation has created 1 his Ink is now so well established in the good opinion and confidence of the American Public, that it is scarcely necessary to say anything in its favor, and the manufacturer takes this opportunity to say that the confi dence thus secured shall not be abused In addition to the various kinds of Writing Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine Ce ment or mending Glass and China, as wel a3 ,l auHcliur Mir jjuc; u in.u uiuy is ijei-cb- sary to insure its future use, and a healing J ... . - . . a Wax, well adapted for Druggists and Bottlers. at a very low price, in large or small quanti ties. A fresh supnly of the. above ZiYiTjust re ceived and for sale at THIS OFFICE HORSES MADE SOUND BV THE Horse Owner's Secret, Beiug a new and certain remedy for the speedy Cure ot Heaves, By Sir James Lyndontox, Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness Prince Albert. npilE great discovery contained in this lit JL tie work procured Sir James his Baron etcy. It is really worth its weight in cold to all who own or use Horses. I tprecribes a Ccr- tain and positive cure for I he Heaves which any oer, and is perlectly sale, as any one can know who tries it. Horse owners know that many a valuable Horse loses halt its price Pv .""s prevalent disease. 1 he remedy pre scrioea in mis wotk win cure nun anl in- crease his market value, besides relieving the poor beast of a horrible complaint, simi lar to the Asthma in a man. 1 he public can depend on this work; it is no catchpenny humbug. The articles prescribed by Sir James are all cheap and can be had at any store. To prevent imposition the work will be sent in sealed envelopes. English prico Tour shillings and three pence sterling. American price, Si per copy. Persons or- $Zl?T? U rk are exPectei1 lo,con- nnfc '11S instructions to their own animals. It be serU t0 none others An American Horse Doctor approoves of the above System! Head what he says: Appleton, Ohio, July 21, 1851 Mr DuNnEitTON --1 have tried yourSecret lor U1U cure 01 "eaves, aim approve oi it ..,u r i.. cy niuuii. jiuurs, iruiy, itness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr. To procuro this value lable little work. Ad- dress, post paid, JOHN DUNHEKTON, English Horse Doctor, American Agent for James Lyndenton's Horse Owner's Secret, New York Post Office The Secret is sentby mailat letterpnstage j LAW CIRCULAR. SToiitiiington G-. Snetiiex, "Wash " ington, P. 0., continues to practice law exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases before Congress; to prosecute claims an setueu accounts a- 1 iill i gainst the departments, buroaus, and boards of commissioners; to procure pat ents for invention, at home and abroad, and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in heritances in any part of the United states and foreign countries; to make invest ments oi tunas in loans and stocks and on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate J.1 1 .! ...1.- -! -I ie puiunaao auu baie oi roans, lanua anu patent rights in any state of the Union. 100 kegs 25 lbs. each, Wetherill's white lead, 50 do 50 do do do do 20 do 100 po do do do 100 boxes 8 by 10 Glass 75 do 10 by 13 do superior quality. 50 do 10 by 11 do 10 bbls. of Alum 30 bbh. Copperas io bbls. Hosin 4000 lbs. Potash ouu uanons ijtnseed ui 40 bbls. spirits Turpentine 2000 lbs. Potters Red Lead Dye Woods, Madder, Logwood, Fustic, "edwood, uochmeal and Indigo. ALSOsupenor 1 umiture, Coach, Black and Japan Varnishes, by the barrel or gallon lor sale by DJVASUi cj- SAMPLE. i Easton, July 17, 1851. ly , lflj-i LIVER COMPLAINT j Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Ciiroiiic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, . , and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as a constipation, in ward piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn; disgust for food, fullness, or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or flutter ing at the pit of the stomach, swimming or the head, hurried and difficult breathing, flut tering at the heart, choking or suffocatiing sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fe ver and dull pain in the head, deficiency' of perspiration, yellowness of tho skin & eyes pain in the side, back, chest, limbs. &c. sud den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con stant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by Dr. Hoojland's celebrated German Bitters, PREPARED BV Dr C IT1 Jackson, at the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch st. Philadelphia. Their power over.the abovtf diseases is not excelled if equalled by ny other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skil ful physicians had failed, f These Bitters aro worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec, tificaiion of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching pow ers in weakness and affections of the diges tive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. .Read and be Convinced. From the Boston Bee. The editor said, Dec. 22nd-Ur HoojlamV's celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Li ver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or nervous debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself re ceived an etfectual and permanent cure of Liver complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a fact worthy of great considera tion. They are pleasant in taste and smell and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any cir cumstances. We are speaking from experi ence, and to the afflicted we advise their use'. 'Scott's Weekly,' one of the best Liter ary papers published, said, Aug. 25 'Dr. Iloofland's German Bitters, manufac tured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sick ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the sal utary effect they have upon week systems." More Evidence. The Hon. C. D. Ilineline, Mayor of ihff City of Camden, N. J., says: ' Hoofland's German Bitters. We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine,, and the source from which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its ac tion upon disease of the liver and digestive organs, and the powerful influence it exerta upon nervous prostration ia really surpiisingl It calms and strengthens the nerves, bring ing them into a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. lf this medidine was more generally used we are satisfied there would be less sick ness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous system the great majority of real and imagi nary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epidemics generally. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give a trial it will recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family. No other medicine can pro-' duce such evidences of merit." Evidence upon evidence has been receiv ed (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strong est testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the practice of the regulur Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums conbined, a fact that can eaisily be established, and fully proving that a scien tific preperation will meet with their quiet. approval when presented even in this formw- 1 hat this medicine will cure Liver Com-' plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically up on the stomach and liver ; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable ben efit at any t:me. Look well lo the marks of the genuine. They have the written signature of C. M; JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name qlown in the bottle, without which they arc' spurious. ior sale holesale and ltetail at the Ger man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch' street, one' door below 6th, Philadelphia; and by lespec table dealers generally through the country. Prices reduced. To enable all classes of invalids to enjov the advantages oftheir greac restorative powers. Single Bottle 75 cents. For sale by Starbird & Wallaae-. Strouds; burg' Pa. Aug. 5, 1852. ly. 03LS, TALLOW GREASE, AND OHIO MINERAL PAINT- 300 barrels Machinery Oil. Price -75 ctsr per gallon. 2500 gallons do do do 75 do in casks of various sizes. 200 barrels Boild Paint Oil. do 55 do 5000 gallons do do do do 55 in casks of various sizes.. 350 barrels Tanners' OiL Various kinds Xi qualities, from 35 to GO cts per gallon. 1500 gallons in casks of various sizes., Ya.1 rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 5a cts. per gallon. 50 tons Tallow Grease, for heavy bearings,, and coarse machinery, in barrels or- casks,tbf any consistency required. , Price G cents per pound. 150 tons Ohio Mineral Paint, In barrels, at the lowest market price. Machinery Oil, warranted not tn M ;n he coldest weather, and considered bv thos using it equal to sperm oil. Uoild Paint Oil, equal to linseed nil. nt W tnan for white. I am constantly receiving krrrn cnnni; the above named articlesrand my motto is. ,'bmall profits and quick returns;" B. P. POND. 5G Watnr R (under the Pearl st. House,) New-York. July 1, 1852. Gm 3a a w.&&E8ra ATTORNEY1 AT LAW, Has removed his office to hi iiwn;B house, first door below the office of Monroe Democrat," and direotly oppo Kito S. J. llollinshead's hotel. Eiizahetl street. Stroudsburg, pec. 1D0X J r 1 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers