The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, June 09, 1853, Image 2
" I Tallmadgc, formerly a Uuited States Senator, is out in a sec ond lengthy communication substantiating his belief in the truthfulness of "spiritual communications." Ho has had commu nication with the spirit of John C. Gal-; houn who conversed with him, moved ta- - - til. r 1 i i i n . t .. ?r.fc... oca ior mm, cniracu pens in most beauti- Thursday, June 9, 153. WHIG NOMINATIONS. KOIl CANAL COMMISSIONER, MOSES I'OVVSALL, Lancaster County FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, ALEX. K. iracCI,BRE,FrankljnCo. SURVEYOR GENERAL, CHRISTIAN iK ITERS, Clarion Co. Another Mexican War. The following letter from the New York Journal of Commerce is copied by the National Intelligencer, with the remark that " we know that its statements are substantially correct, so far as they relate to Gen. Garland's departure for the Up per llio Grande, and tho strong force of l 1 1 . . - I ' - tui Harmony, played on the guitar a most an arms whicu wni be there under his or i t . ueavcniy symphony, without any visible ucrs; it is scarcely possible that we agency, well, there are some strange ahall not-get into another war with Mex unngs in tins worm or ours, it tuese ico by this imovement, unless a want o things arc true, tbey are certainly more means shall prevent Santa Anna from rai xl 1 1 1 J -X 1 !1 I f wian uave oeen urcamuu oi in our pnuos- gin an ft xQ c jfc Qn jf such a ophy j and if not trne, it is strange that Calamit shall CQmc the natj a i . m ii i . i it I " r sucn men as lanmaugc can do so cieiu- good citizeng may have cause to regret it It will not be the mere disaster of a war Round the World, It is estimated that th a weak and impotentnation, which can when the PaciGc Itailroad shall be com- offer no formidable resistance to our con Borough of Strondslwrg. We jive below the Decree of tlie Court, at kst Term, subjecting our Borough to the pro- pleted its ultimate, nay early construe- quering armies; but the infinitely greater visions of the Act of Assembly passed at ses- tion, being now a matter of certainty a calamity of a conquest of the vast tern iion of 1S51. entitled an act "Regulating jaunt round the world can be made in tory and the semi-barbarian peoplo o Boroughs. The Court struck out the section ninety-three days as follows: New York Mexico, and their incorporation into our empowering the Town Council to furnish a to gan lrancisco 4 days gan j7rancisc0 government, that we may fear the conse- buppiy oi water, 10 esiaunsn a niguuy waicn, to jjong K0ng, 25 days : Hong Kong to quences of. But we hope no such evi a f k f i hn " r 7 Calcutta, G days; Calcutta to Bombay, a? befal us' ..t-r-.-j 31 days: Bombay to England. 35 davs : ASIIINGTOX, Wednesday, June 1. act, nuu orj"iiiuiuu tuiiiu uiiiiumuuu iiiereio. " ' " - ' n i j i i 1.1 T.,ose w wH. caref,,,., oxamio ,o Ac. o, New Tort, 10 da.s-tota! 03 JJ lbi4, incorporating tlie liorougli ol .Mercer portant command. lie arrived here in (to tlie provisions of which Act wc were sub- AlTaHlIUent Of a Girl for tJlC lUUcl1 leSS time than WaS esPcctetl) after jecicu vy vinuu oi me aci oi xoio.j ana the iVfiivflM' f F 'n summonea to tins place. provisions of the Act of 1851, will discover CF L0VCr He has received his instructions, and '. that the Borough possesses but little more A?ncs A,'e young woman charged conjecture that they embrace both diplo power now than it did under the old Act It wUh lhe mur"cr of Ir- Taylor, at Augusta, matic and military powers. He is un- true that the Common Council may more Ge,,rSia' was lately broS,lt UP for trial.- doubtedly to proceed forthwith to New .ni nfTt nortn;,. MM : Ti'e court room was crowded on the occasion. Mexico, and to march into the Mesilla - VVIUIII V Jill in u v i;-1 I t c 1 lt t , t . menu, but they will in fact only accomplish A& had. " a b,ack ai,k drcss' a bonneH JI enable him directly what they had the ability to accom plish indirectly under the old Act As the matter of paving has been deemed an impor tant desideratum, in canvassing the merits of ihe new Act, we will for the purpose of illus- imd airrefin vml.nru tanked fhtiirnp.1 nti mrJto. encounter Gov. Trias, who is there be worn. When called to the bar. she advanced rC 1Um ana. 13 FePared to. csPe , , .... ...... Mm or any other American intruder. from her seat with a steady step, but when t i. ii n w -n i J r' lit mnv hf flint (fnv. rms will rntirn ha .1.- -I I 1 - . J '- me c,urK reaumg me ma.cimeni forc Gen Garland, and that Santa Anna and the finding of the grand jury, her assumed WJH suffcr the United States to take and tration, advert briefly to that subject. The frlU"de gaVC way' and before lhe doc,nen, teep possession of that disputed territory, old Act authorised the Common Council to levy and collect a tax not exceeding one cent to the dollar upon the taxable property in said Borough, for the purpose of keeping the streets. &.c. in repair. If the Council had exercised, in its amplitude, the power thus delegated, in assessing and collecting a tax at the maxi mum rate, a fund approximating to the sum of SHOO per annum could have been raised. A judicious expenditnre of said fund would in a. very limited time have graded and paved, substantially, every street within the limits of the Borough. We are informed that it is the intention of the present Board of Corpor- was read she became terribly agitated. When But such is not the apparent intention of the clerk had finished reading the indictment, the Mexicans. he put the usual question, "Are vou cuiltv or ur Executive Government have deci- not guilty V to which she replied, "I am guil-K tltat tllC territory belongs to us ly in self defence, and I wish I was hung and T , , -! ana,.WOUl(i 1)0 ours SUP' ,w wi.i, i I'll ,iin rr i,;m. r w ,;.. PPsinG the boundary line to be run from r r-t-v'. - i: ' " P0,nfe immediately north of El Paso' aS. """a iwi "i uuu "int iu nve Yvesfward in chains. Her language here became in coherent, and in the midst of the excitement TnE Virginia Election has resulted of the scene, the Judge very properly ordered in the choice of a full "democratic" dele the officer to remove her from thecwirt room, gation to Congress one member being elected as a volunteer candidate over the TiieModel Legislature. The Lee- two rcSulaTS- -the Whigs gamed six I t . t -r-r . islatnrn nf liWlrt Tcind rlmimo,! uct memoers m tlie House and one m the - ""j""""-1' ate officers, to require only, the owners of weck after a SCSion oi four days. In Senate of the State-there being ample this time, the new State officers were in- room for Sains in tQOSo bodies property on Main street, to pave at least for tlie TirOSnnt: nnrl tllP nnvintr tn ho Annn , .. , v..v- . , . nnderthesupervisionofacommitteeappoint- cu a llte states .Senator tor PeimSVlVaiiia Senate. ed lor the specihe purpose, which will effect uiua Thc terms of the followin(T Senators more uniformity, we hope, than has charac- re Psed for holding a dosed the e .. q vufiiuu fruuiu Miiiuar zig-zag operations in me wu.vumuu w iuhcw tuc uuusuiuuuh, uuu sion of tbo Info T.rtfrIlitTirn There are some other provisions various other important measures were a- , pj m j i t- n,' n.XT uuytcu aunum, us anouier paper iruiy 2. Philadnlnliin nnnTr'n.mnt II-.. I " 'I sw.'MM WWAJWJ U. VI - we woma say in conclusion, timt upon due sarS "for some Legislators to have wran-s?th. a-..: j . .i ..... " i " . . . ' reiiecuon. we ao not esteem uie requisitions gled ovcr through a six months' session." H- Adams and Franklin-Thomas of the new Act as onerous exactions upon thc Carsou. ritizen, ns we hold that every judicious sys- JSSThe Common Council of Xew York 13 Cumberland and Perry Joseph - 7 Cambria and Huntingdon- urtno. of human society; it is the stupendous ther" his price. lever tuat moves tue moral world, and hc tern of public improvement, nurtured by con- city, have been guilty of another most SailV inbutions from private property, correspondly atrocious piece of corruption, viz: Ma- -r 1?' ?p Jf' z:zn tn?TmeDt co:tra;-tfor srrr r v when parties were standing ready to do C. IL. Buclccdac. Tcginc meets the approbation of a major- the workj quite as for about 350,000! ny of the citizens of Stroudsburg. It The Ma YeU2d A - b . fc cannot be otherwise. Improvement is passed nevertheless; then followed an in- T 19- Mercer Venango and Warren the order of the day; it is the watchword iunction-but that too is disrerrardL- , f fit.. w T heard throughout the varied ramifications 'Thc contractors of ,mir5ft . . . A -f Lawrence- , vuvu iU- p.t.llUlUUlU HUUUMUUi 22. Allegheny JTames Carothers. 25. Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion acts unwisely, who essays to resist the Cuiious Calf. 3Ir. Levi Griffith, of Christian Myers. mighty, the overwhelming impetus. Canonsburg, owns a calf which is quite a Those in roman are Whigs, and those .May 28, 1853. The Court of Quarter Ses- curiosity in its way. It is a beautiful in italic democrats. f, 1 k-. t ftiT -n P. re P iU in 0De' PerfectlJ Mtoral in its structure, but The 1st, 11th, 15th, 21st, and 22d dis thc inhabitants of the Borough of Stroudsburg, , ' 7. , ' ' T, . in said County, decree that the said Borough bas two taiIs or rather an excrescene, tncts are decidedly Whig. The 25th iftiaii nereaiter ne deemed Eubject to the re- wnicn protrudes Irom the breast, and is thougn a democratic district, was last rep SZJZZZTlS'Z threefcet leS. It was somewhat bj a Whig. The party prcpon fembly passed the 3d day of April, 1R51, en- JonSerJ but by the calfs tramping upon it aerance m the benate depends upon the miea an aci -regulating ornugtis," except occasionally, ltnas Decome a little shorter result in the doubttul districts. The im- tiie 20th article of section 2d of said act: and prcSents a curious spectacle. portance of holding a majority in one tlie powers and privileges of which nrn nnt r v r b "jwi'jr iu out extended to said Borougfi. The Court fur- branch of the government, at least, should ther decree that all the provisions of the ori- Jniargcmcra.-t is stated that arrange- induce every "Whig to feel a deep interes frinal act of incorporation of said Borough or inents are now being made to put new in the matter, and do his dutv at the nx with the act of3d of April, 1851, are hereby 1 10 tllC Chesapeake and Delaware election Wash fou tiie Head. " A mother asks, "what is an efficient remedy for re moving dandruff in the hair, as she has has an objection to using an ivory comb?" This objection is well founded, as it in creases the evil. The following wash applied with a small piece of flannel, to the roots of the hair, will be found excel lent. Three parts of oil of almonds ; one part lime-water; to be shaken up well, and can be procured of any chemist'. Lady Booh A woman named Sarah Mood sho John Mackenzie, at Savannah on Satur day, killing him instantly. He had giv en some offence to a young son of hers. JJjThe Wehh have a saying, that i a woman was as quick with her feet as with her tongue, she could easily catch lightning enough to kindle the fires with having enough left to heat the oven once every weck. figg-Tho Goshen Whig is responsible for the following exceedingly brillian article : DIAMOND Having recently heaid much of there ported good fortune of the ltev. llober Armstrong of Newburgh, in purchasing among other minerals, what he supposed was a topaz, but which turned out to be a diamoud, we have taken pains to get the real facts of the case, and find them to be there : Mr. Armstrong, who has, for some time past devoted much of his leisure time to minerological pursuits, purchased a lot or minerals, some months since, o an Englishman in New York, among which was supposed to be a topaz. Upon an examination of these minerals a con sidcrable timo alter their purchase. Mr, Armstrong was struck with the close resemblance of this supposed topaz to the real diamond, and was led to subject it to a test or its real qualities. This test con firmed his hopes, and the opinion of others acquainted with the subject, was sough and given in favor of the valuable char actcr of the gem. Mr. Armstrong has been offered 500,000 for one half of the brilliant, but has declined the proposition Its weight is two and half oz., and if a rca diamond, its value will be more than $2, 000,000. Mr. Armstrong is now taking measuses to have the character of the min eral put to the severest scrutiny, and we believe he has but little doubt but that scrutiny will result according to his wish es. it a diamond it is the largest m the world. It has passed in disguise through scverel hands, its valuable qualities no having been discovered by the person who originally took it from the earth, nor by any into whose possession it subsequently passed until it tell beneath the scrutiny o the preseut possessor, if genuine, it, wil put the Rev. gentleman in possession o immense wealth, and this wealth, we have no doubt, ho will use in a commendable way. Goshe?i Whig. JSST The wheat, oats and rye crops in Allegheny county, Md., are said to be very promising and unusually forward. annulled and rendered void. Canal, over 200 feet in length, and 26 feet in breadth. These locks will Plunder. The State Appropriations, made by Sreatbr facilitate business Singular Plicnome?wn.Qn Walnu two boats at the same time, which will Dill, near Cincinnati, Ohio, excavations are being made on the line of the new the last Legislature, amount to the cnor- nurnr.' n ; -n e- nn nnn i i California Overland Emigration. Up Short Line railroad. The workmen have moussum of 5,500,000, of which up-L. fJl(1 nM u ., , , ' m excavating passed through layers of ards of two millions are for repairs, &o. : ' , J,rL crystalized lime-stone, and soap, or slate r ' ivearnov. en miif.f fnr nilifVm;o s haq . . ... ' Ac, on the State Works. At least half mcn g(g . on-Ti l - 7 ' alternatel3rJ wjiich very little wa a million of this enormous sum will be sto- ' oT!' C J 7, ter was found- few days since, howev Wagons, d'l.lni hnnrl nf notflo 1 ROl . y 1 len by the State Robbers. So darincL - er wlien they were about one hundred , , , . I acs, muies, ana i,ijuu have these robberies and official rascality Lo sickness anion Miom become, the so-called democratic press, in earth, the flame of a candle or of aburning many sections of the State, is forced, by Dangerous Couittcrfeit. match accidentally came in contact with popular sentiment to direct thc attention A man tas been arrested in Harris- a 1!qui1 supposed to be pure water, that of the people to it. The Easton Argus, buro bJ Capt. Jacob Bennett of the City bai gathered in one of the holes drilled a leading democratic paper, cites the fol- Policcj for passing counterfeit 10 notes in the rock. Much to the surprise of all lowing : of the Cifc aDk nof Xew Haven- Psent, the apparent water instantly took rWcdoubtwhetherabifgersetofras- tl , not after the manner of inflamable agamst tuem, we publisli the following de- b w.,j,B,ug)UCWldUttbH.a. vultures who are constantly greying on scription : d y flame, as if it were composed of some the public works of Pennsylvania. They f(Q fi k kind of oil. On applying fire to the li- Lave spread over the Commonwealth like q 9 We g Vj quid which was in the other drill holes in many highway robbers, plundering and P Thegeneri SS the vicinity, it also burned in the same Btealing whenever opportunity offers, and ' . S r 1 .a"n" manner. Since that time lamns and can- n T 7 oornen enclosing the denomination, wffl tS aTe been entire disPensed th in TrtZlrtteJfZ DOt bear a criticaI examination, the'line the subterranean apartment, the substance tect their interests and guard their Ireas- formi fche soroils and flowcrs' bciVe ir! continue to burn steadily, and emit an Irerrular and coursp.. Tho. v? ;0 c excellent light. Many persons whose cu- jCSrThe fowl fever is prevalent in the well done as to be almost entitled to be ri0Aslfcy 13.cxcl!d visit the spot daily to Western part of the State of New York, called a fac-simile of the genuine. The TfJrT' . -j , . , . y- i . engraved writing is irregular in donth Slvel. 110 unpwasant odor while At Rochester, last Monday, 'one Brama wch ia nofc a W bnrning.-alni Sun. Pootra crower and two hens,' sold for Toppan, Carpenter, Casilain & Co., New S150 : chickens four weeks old. 1 ; eggs York and Philadelphia, engravers " F( AATlf 3 AO nil I I JESrA World's Temperance Convention is to assemble m JSTcw York ,on the 6th rJ The rftnt, nnid hv PrnKhnrv find I no r j j i.iiv.iiuj nuiw;, i uwtu iu jLiiiuyia "Rf.'JintrK fnr fJirn'rrl I'fniico PlirTndoI. I ?, nrr,rA I : j;.. xt h i v.w, u.v.wi .u,v, nygijuu wit, uitu arrivea iu iNew j.Lia, is -S'2fi,500p(!r annum, to be exhibited at the world's Fair. An ox, weighing 3,500 pounds, and of September, to continue four days the ana a oDjecc Demg to promote the prohibition of York the traffic in and use of intoxicatinp bev- intpxicating bev erage to al ;c9untriea of thworld, 1 A Xew Peacemaker. Mr. Mesmytb, ot the great iron factory at Patncroft, Jbngland, announces a wonderful discov TTT- cry. He lias invented a mortar, against which no vessel can stand for an instant. You have only, as he asserts, to plant a couple ot these mortars in each port and harbor on the coast, and you may then dispense with all other means and apnli ances of war. Let an enemy's fleet ap proach the harbor so protected, with a sin gle match the tram is fired, the shell ri ses in the air, and, falling on the doomed vessel, shivers it into splinters, and sends it to the bottom. Never was invention more complete at least on paper. A correspondent of tho National Intelligen cer, commenting upon the probable influ ence this engine of destruction is des tined to exercise upon general diplomacy, aptly remarks: a We are not sanguine, but we really hope that Mesmy th's mortar may bo successful. If it were possible to sink a ship to destroy a regiment at a single blow to do this easily, cheaply, rapiuiy, at ail times and in all places mere would be no more wars. Men would not dare to make war. No victory would be worth the blood it would cost. It cer tainly is not so at this time: but with these wholesale destroyers, the price of i ill i victory wouia dc incalculable. Geology of California. 'Me, oh, I've only jallcn a martyr to tne We have received from J. W. Coffroth, gallon law, that's all.' Esq., Secretary of the Commonwealth of California, a copy of Professor Trask's report on the geology of tho Sierra Neva- A novel funeral occurred in New York da, or California range, which contains a few days ago according to the lnoune. much that, is of interest to both scientific lhe deccaseu was uamn jsrown, wnu wua and practical men. Professor Tr ask states, the husband of Mrs. Fish, so extensively in this document, in his account of the ge- famous as thc inventor of tho " Rochester ology of the primary or central district of Knockings." The services were com thc State, included between latitude 30 menced by prayer and reading the senp dnr. 30 min. and 40 den-, norf.h. thnt the tures, and the Rev. S. B. Brittan, who is serpentine rocks, when found in the form known as a writer on "Spiritual manifest of slates, particularly, are entitled to more tations," followed with an Address. We consideration than has been bestowed up- quote the Tribune's account of the remain on them by the mining community, as iug exercises : "At various points in his repositories of the precious metals. He address, there were rappmgs, sometimes adds ; apparency on me uuuum in iuv uuuuu auu Tk is in ii.; olnss nf rnnl-s. flmt. wo. others on the floor, as if in response to are in a great measure, indebted for those tho sentiments uttered. The rappmgs valuable deposits of gold which the slate were loud enough to be distinctly heard contains, as well, also, as the auriferous in every part of the room, but they elici quartz veins with which they are so fre- ted no remark from any one. 1 rof. Bnt quently combined. It was on these rocks tan read a communication, purporting to that one of the greatest geologists Mr. have come from the deceased smco his en- Dana of the age based his opinion on the trance into the spirit-world, tnrougn a me- probable value of this State as an aur f- dium wno was not present, auu erous district, long before the discovery ly intended tor those assemwea. wnneic of fold, and siihspmionf. t?mo W dnmnn. was beinir read, the rappings were very strated how correct and just where his o- distinctly heard. At the close of the ad piuions; and yet public opinion, even at dress, several friends sung the piece, Come this time, has neglected to take cognizance ye disconsolate," after a few remarks, du of this class of rocks, so far only as acci- ring which the rappings were heard mose- dental circumstances have thrown them distinctly than before." in their way. I think that no hazard would be incurred by expressing the opin- JLUU ut5C l?a" " " ""; wv ion that this class of rocks will be found, T t . , , inmany cases, the prolific sources of wealth In the ?lt? f ?.ew 1 ' where rento in the future, equalled only by the aurif- hlgb, and competition in erous quartz, and excelled by none. This bnameis is so ceaselessly active and ener- class of rocks, or those known by the 6., almost every method that it is pos- name ot chlorite, which is but a variety olulc u '' of this group, is represented in Maripsa sorted to' o tbe. PurP0S? of obtanl.nS county, at the locality known as Bear Val- c,ustomcrs extending trade or making ley; and a sufficient illustration of its value mor,e money." ui an tnese memoas, will be found in the excitement that pre- one of .thc most extraordinary and at the vailed on its discovery. Moccasin creek, samc simPle J? not effective in its four miles south of Stevenson's Bar, Tuo- was ls.that b whl,cb 1ihe daguerrotype lumne county, and river, is also another Pr.occss 13 uiade -J Play a,novel and con; point at which they may be studied with SP1CU0US Part' " B4eem.a T ST one1.01 "ThfiSft krn hnt twn nf mnmr ?ncf has a daguerrean gallery connected with in which the auriferous deposits have been bis salesroora or manufactory, expressly developed iu this class of rocks; and when u.uuu u uu "uvu! iU1 bUC found, it is asmnnh an intoarnl nf f ho for. tl0n and benefit of his own customers.- mation containing it, as the thread of gold 0n Purcba3ing a covering for your caput that permeates the vein of quartz. m thls store' yu are frm3hed with a da- "In addition to its containing gold as gnerroetype of your countenance tho an integral narfc. when unsissnfiiatad xcith image large or small being firmly af- the veins of quartz, it frequently becomes fixcd to the lininS uPon the inside of tbe thc rctaininfr mem'um of this xvhon crown of the new beaver, so that who- in contact with those veins. Henc has a- cver wears a hat tbus garnished, is suro risen much loss to parties who have en- to have tbe .likeness of his own face upon gaged in that latter branch of industrial lue LOP U1 ms ueaa' employment, from the neglect of attention T ti xi to this important point." Inflammatory Rteumalism -A genth- Tho rock known as Buhr millstone a- !?an l15?? pU -Sh .Te toliowl,ng ,for bounds on the Pitt river, and also north J"" reiiex r fl1uraa- "Q s3 naf of Goose lake. Primary limestone covers T"" ,a "umDer o cures maue ny i , ana much space between the American and a11 of tbem a shor time : "Half an Merced river. Recent sandstone is found un.C! of pulverized saltpetre, put m half between the Merced and Tuolumne a Pint. of sweet ? 5 batbethe parts affec- As regards thc auriferous quartz, l en a sound cure will speedily be et r Trask suggests : 1 ' fected.-cr- (Fa.) Express. . rivers Professor " That the value of these veins will be found in the relative age which they main- Abolition Blasphemy. tain to the rocks with which thev are found "lue "or"a ianguage wmch tollows is innMmn Ain mMin;nj i extracted trom in connection, being modified as their pa3 X 11 1 ,1 . sage is iounu io De tnrough igneous or sedimentary rocks." Platinum appears as widely distributed an account of the proceed ings of the recent abolition convention in Boston : "Mr. Henry C. Wright commenced by as gold, there being scarcely a section of 8JK"!S that.he w,as an atheist toanytbinS California in which gold has boen discov- Wm , sanctioned slavery. 1 would put ered that this metal is not also found. It my . "P011 an? c-vernment which occurs on Salmon river; on the South Pork sanctloneTd slavery. If God sanctioned of the Trinity, about eight miles from its ,JiTJ 1 ?ould Put m? heel uPon him' mouth; on Butte creek, near Reeves' Bar: k,1 !ses and aPPjause; 'order from tho -r-r . , I Ml Q1T ill CcrC nvA lniMl.iA. lL. 1 on liorcutcreek-; andUanon creek of Butte , C -u"wuSul" county; in the Middle Fork of American t ' ?oma reluse t0 obeJ 8UCb Jt river! on (T-ilvnms r?ror- nn wnnA Mi. trd 5 1 would put such a God upon the and at Gold Piatt. Silver has been found atl0n ?lo! and .se,H him llke a beast- in the Southern district in several of the (Hlss,es-) Mr- "gbt proceeded to say rivers that have been opened. There is that . vas an atheist to any God tbat a vein of it at Carson Hill, and it is also sanctloned slavery ; he would spend his found in the old Dominion north of this money ?na T llle t0 overthrow such a. in the Relief mine south of it; in thc ew and,such a Government. The day Xork mine at Eagle Hill ; at the Chilean Vt V OK lo attriDUiea me, two miles north of Columbia, and U1f "A , . , uuu D, re4ec e name ; Frazfir's mi'no fwolo mi'loo cf It s of "-od in the mouth of a warrior, a slave - n . . iuiiw vx UU- 111 11 ,1 nora. At all these localities, except Car- holder' or a rumscller- son Hill, it is generally disseminated nnT,rr TV v-pro VT. Tn, through the quartz. Copper is found on jjfj ? 'RK.-Iee nrnr- the North Fork of the Trinity river: on derbavebeen committed m the city of he Middle and South Forks of Fea her tlT "1 a . Q.s ?ast' . river between Nevada and Grass Valley T V i i on 1?toxlcate 8 abea and in many parts of the southern minS aK? . ' ,becaus ?b flhrominm iB fm,ml in nUu ' Miuaujing laKenim norae. 'lhe young ATokon nrnoV ife Px 1 lived but a few hours after he was er river: on the ride between tho iw J Sta,b.bed: ,lhe sccond case originated m O --vaiVAvU Tho New York Economist thinks that tho production of gold is perhaps even in greater amount than the multiplication of paper, lhe Australian fields are known to have yeldcd,m thirty days to Februa ty 5th, 275,308 ounces $5,506,160 and there arrived in New York from Califor nia in the same thirty days, $6,618,319 MM xK- x ' i. ' . 1 x xi uo mu iwo sources supplied to com merce over $12,000,000 in a month, and suceeding months have not diminished tho average, as far as California is con- cerned. The amount is near 15,000,000 per month actual receipts, or $180,000 -000 per annum. Hitherto these vast means have been rapidly absorbed by the risin" prices and increasing wants of commerce and trade, and this absorption has counter acted the influence of gold upon tho fixed property. This process will continue, but with less force; and a more rapid increase in property valuation may be looked or. The Miller property. We have been nformed that two gentlemen made their appearance in Easton last week, who rep resented themselves as the agent of a la dy, residing in the interior of the State of New York, claiming to be an heiress of Peter Miller. The announcement of the fact, of course, creates much anxiety on tho part of some. Whether the lady will contest the present disposition of the property is doubtful ; but it is reported she viill Bclvidcrc Intelligencer, .i: i. . . . i . , , . and Middle Forks of American river: on ,rZiln tW TiV00' a S,bt Bear river, four miles above Anson's Per- s aooea tne otner, ry;in the Cayota Diggings, near Neva- T " p, x, " a V 7 ? 1 j-rJ - n-?x ' ., , , a fenng. The third and most arsrniTated uu, auu vu uicuu tu miles DC10WI . i Tr ww Nevada. Tho report gives a list of 1 Z t0k ?lac? ?" Monday mormng last. j i -1 , ,t i. i. iuan namea jinomas urno, attacUeo in which cinnabar, rock salt, obsidi- k:0 ;rrt -xu a t. x- 4kiacu . . ' . UUWU1 his Wife with nn arn. and hofnro hnr nrloo ities an, iron, m ese, jasper. agnetic iron emerald, magan- 0f murder4bronght assistance, the ter , arsenic, Iranklimtc, argon rible wound AadhoonTnflrnf T,in , " " " J-ui-iuui- and iet marble, and a varietv of other a- . xt. . J ... ' . i;w ,.,: 'i x.. i" Tir- .1 i 1UUI,U umuS in lueroonj witn an axe m - iiw imuuiaw are iounu. Jiuinerai -, l.nnil on i,;0 i: xx, springs are widely scattered through the pou tbc Too, in dying cd tioth. country being mostly chalybeate and sul- brcc distinct W0UndUp0on her head fwm phur. The surphur spring at Jackson. i - a i n i wiiii.ii in: i i iu uiuuii ;i?s isr. imwi n rr .... in Calaveras county, is the most important or all, and, as its waters arc powerfully .1 1 Ml 1111 J memcinai, it win pronaoiy become a place of resort for invalids. Professor Trask also visited a number of caverns, some being of considerable extent, in caloaro ous formations. Petrified Man. The Morris fill,) Yeoman states that not long since, while some men were digging in a coal bank. near the canal, they exhumed the body of a man, in a perfect state ot petrifaction. From the corduroy oloth in whioh the legs are encased, the cords and seams of which are truely defined, it is supposed to be tho body of one of the Irish labor ers engaged in the construction of the ca nal, lhe limbs are nearly perfect, and are completely transformed to stone. The quantity of lumber annualy trans ported on the New York canals, has in creased from $2,814,527 in value, in 1834, to $11,061,345, the value of last year's business. The total value for nine teen years has been $95,605,477. 'What arc you down there for?' said a gentleman in one of the Mississippi towns to a loter who was lying in the gutter. which her life's blood was fast flowing. Means were immediately taken for his arrest. He made no resistance, and said that he did the act on purpose, as he had been informed that his wife cohabited witbt a grocer living in the store below. Ho assigned no othercause for the rash act, Mackey, who murdered a man last fall in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, was last week convicted of assaidt and battery! If ho had murdered two men, it would proba- r bly have been brought in by the jury as a harmless joke. IWary Ann Wheel or' Trial. The trial of this young girl, for the murder of her seducer, J. M. W. Lace, at Milwaukie. Wisconsin, was finished, last week, bv the discharge of the jury, who could not agree upon a verdict. The jury were out three days and not being able to agree on a verdict, tney were discharged by the Court. There is no doubt that Lace richly deserved his fate. and it is well that" there were members of that jury firm enough to refuse to convict for mur der. If she is nnt trinrl - - - mmm wwam W&ll4"IJ( Court will discharge her on bail io it is said. Itl T iu . . ------- - ...I ii iiiiMiiiMMMWMWBMWMMWMfcw