JDcuotcft to Jtolitics, literature, Igriailtuit, Science, iitoralitij, ciriiS eneral intelligence. A VOL. 13. STROUDSBUEG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. JUNE 9, 1853. NO. 33, Published by Theodore Schoch TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be fore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their papers by a earner or stage drivers "employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2 ecnts, per year, extra. No papers ditcontmued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the Editor. Kj" Advertisements not exceeding one square (six teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. ID All letters addressed to the Editor must be post- i ne cnargc lor one ana mree .insertions uie muuc- Pd. JOB PRIKTI5TG. llaving.a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, we are prepared toexecutecverydesciiplionof Cards, Circulars, Dill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts Justices, Legal and other Blanks, Pamphlets, &c. printed with neatness and despatch, dii reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFESfcSOfflAlV. Touch those thrilling Chords Again. Oh ! touch those thrilling chorda again, And sing that song once more, 'Tis one I loved in other days, And used to sing of yore. "When this heart was sunlight all and blcotn, And free as wild bird's wing ; 'Twas then I loved to hear the song That now I bid thee sing. Thou say'st it is a simple thing, And has no charms for thee ; 'Oh ! thou can'st never, never know How dqar it is to me. Thou cant not know the memories That wake in every strain ; Then smile not at my earnestness, But sing it o'er again. It was the first, the first sweet song Of one who cared for me ; I learned it from the lips of lore, When stars were on the sea. But the minstrel's hand is cold and mute, And silent is that lute, And thehallowed lips whence flowed that song Are now forever mute. Oh ! many fond remembrances Are blended in that lay, And each soft tone wafts my full heart . To scenes in life's young day. Then touch the silver chorded lule, And sing that song once more, 'Twas sang to me by my beloved, In happy days of yore. You Can not Tell. No; you cannot tell what shall come of seemingly trifling matters which exist, or circumstances that happen around you. Don't be in a hurry to snap your fingers in derision at every new thing that soli- cits your attention. There are indeed some bugs that only hum ; but there are some that give the splendid scarlet to the robes of princes. Here is a fellow with some mechanical invention. He would like to have you look at it. It is to do something, perhaps a very simple thing, j catch a mouse or kill a fly better than it ; was done before. Don't be off with a ecoff. Bend a little, and listen to him. There may be the germ of greatness there. When the air balloon was first discovered, some one flippantly asked Dr. Franklin what he thought of it. The Doctor an swered the question by asking another: "What is the use of a new-born infant ?" Trifles may have great relations. The Eim ple tea-kettle and the mighty steam-engine seem far asunder; but the bubbling of the one was tho progenitor of the other. A lad at school got the birch well laid on, for his experiments on a cat; but the young operator was on the track of one of the noblest of discoveries. The lad was Har vey, who first made known the circulation of the blood. Newton was attracted by tho falling of an apple. It set him to thinking. You could not have told what would come of so simple a fact. But you can now. That apple and the disclo sure to us of the sublime machinery of the starry heavens, how related! No, you cannot tell what will come of the little matters about you. Better not despise tho day of small things. Our noses were made for a better purpose than to be turned up so often and so scornfully. Traveller. v.(.Peace t0 ms Ashes." An editor closed a eulogy on a deceased soap-boil-ct with what he considered under all the circumstances, the peculiarly appropriate quotation, "Peace to his aslies." The printer made it 'grease to his ashes,' which greatly offended tho friends as too sug gestive of soap. - A Gbeat Loss. "You have met with a 'great loss, neighbor Williams," said the deacon, condolingly, to Mr. W', the day after the latter had hurried his wife. "Yes, a terrible loss," replied the mourn ing husband :''she mor'n earned her liv id', and I never had to lick her half-a-dozen times in my life." Williams was a man of delicate sensibilities. JScw England Farmer, Ruins ill New Mexico. At a recent meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, a letter, dated Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, January 15, 1S53, from Colonel D . S. Mile, of the United States Army, was read and excited a very deep and lively interest among the mem- Virj nrnspnt Who irnriil nnrrinn nf present, IPC material portion 01 tlifi 1 offer is ns fnllnws Lieutenant Abert, of the Topographi cal Engineers, is the only officer of the army that ever had the opportunity of visiting Gran Quivira. He went to a do I ' sorted villa ge called Abo, in lat. 34 deg. 25 m., Ion. 106 west, and says he was within fourteen miles of it, and its direc tion was east. This may be correct ; but my information would lead me to infer that it lies further south and east from Abo. Since I wrote the article in tho Ar kansas paper, I have accidently become acquainted with an old man, named Camp bell, who is represented as a respectable and truthful man, who has visited Quivira on two occasions the first time in 1839, when he was run off by the Indians 5 the next visit in 1842, with a larger party, and staid there a week, exploring or dig ging here and there for treasure. I will, as far as my memory permits, givo you his description in his own words : He found tho site of the Gran Quivira on a mesa or table land, situated on the northwest point of the Sacramento moun tains, having the appearance of a large and populous city, regularly laid out in wide streets at right angles. He supposes the city in length to be at least three miles, running northeast to southwest, and half a mile or more in breadth ; some of the houses, in part, still standing, and built of hcion stone. There are clear indications of the size of the houses, and many of them are of very large size; or at least cover much ground. One he thought he recognised as the palace another as the temple or place of worship ; and, here he thought it most probable he would find the treasure. He sounded about and discovered a hollow place ; cleaned away the dirt, and reached a floor; dug through it, thinking he was getting into a cellar, but found a room entirely empty, about sixteen to eigh teen feet square, with polished walls, and mth pai?itings or colored figures all over jit, and ascertained, for tho first time, iliat lie was then on ilie level with the street, which is now ten or fifteen feet below the present surface. He and party used this room as a dwelling while at the place. He dug at another place, which he sup posed to be at the alter, and came to a flat Tock ; on clearing away tho rub- bish, he discovered where it had been excavated, and nicely covered by a close fitting, hewn, flat rock. He was sure of a :prize, raised the rock, and found in a carved out hole in the solid rock the skel eton of a human body, Indian in appear ance, the whole perfect, but which, in a few moments, by exposure to the air dis- j solved; not leaving a particle of evidence of a human corpse but fine dust. On dig ging further at that place, he found four such vaults and human skeletons. He abandoned the town and went back to the hills, and found a cave, but on 0 pening the mouth discovered it to be the shaft of a mine. This he followed for nearly a quarter of a mile, seeing through out evidences of a shining mineral on all 6ides At the end of the shaft was a small chamber, where he found a crow bar of some metal, but not of iron, quite 1 black; a chisel and a hammer, or kind of axe also black ; and a curious kind of earthen vessel. He left these things where he found them, and returned to the town. In rambling round to the western part, he found what was the reservoir, in the form of an ellipse; its axis must be 150 yards in length ; its breadth at least 80y and its depth about 50 feet, paved bottom and sides with hewn stone. At the south ernmost end of the reservoir was a very large house, of cut stone, several stories high, which seems to have been a place of arms and intended as a guard house, to defend this pond of water, as, at regular intervals, there were long slits,- and a ind of port hole left in the wall. The walls are four feet thick ; one cor ner, perhaps half, of this house is still standing. There is no water or wood near Gran Quivira. The whole country around for many miles is a desolate plain of sand. At the northern end of the res ervoir the aqueduct comes in ; this he fol lowed to the White Mountains, forty miles in a northwest direction. It is throughout its length faced with small cut stone, (not brick) both on the sides and bottom, and cemented. In width it is about twelve feet, and about ten in'depth sufficient to carry a mountain stream, which no Jon ger runs in it, owing to the obstruction of rubbish at its mouth, but which now pur sues its course to the Pecos river. There is also a broad paved avenue leading di rectly east from Gran Quivira,near one hundred feet in width, which Mr. Camp bell followeed for forty miles, and he left it supposing it to be a load which led to Nacogdoches, in Texas. About twenty miles from Gran Quivira, on the northern side of this road, he found quite a large village in nuns. At Gran Quivira there is an abundance of painted pottery and earthen vessels, but he found no mctalic oneSi She had the "Tin." Not a bad joke is told df a young bach elor, who being something of a fortune hunter, was after making tho acquain tance of all the young ladies in his reach. Going up tho river the other day on one of our Ohio boats, he was anxious td get an introduction to the ladies in the cabin, and he was told by Captain that one of them was young, beautiful; and accomplished; but only a little -nervous while traveling was just the one to suit him for a wife. " Ah, Captain," responded the roman tic youth " those aro nice and even desi rable appendages to a young lady, but there is one at least so far as my affections are to be interested, which is of vital ne cessity, has she the "tin?" "Pon my word, my dear Sir," said-the captain, " she hasn't nothing else !" That was sufficient, and away the im patient went, arm in arm with the polite commander. The door of tho ladies' cabin slid open, tho party approached and sighing swain was presented. He was not the victim of falsehood, for there the young lady sat, timid, and trembling, with two large life preservers swung over her pretty neck, ani made oitin. A man from tho country, with a very decidedly nervous temperment, and who had a constant dread of pick-pockets, lately put up at a hotel in St. Louis. He kept a guard upon his pocket book, con taining about 81,000 and looked out sharply for rogues. On going to bed he thought he would place his wallet under his pillow fdr safety. Awaking in the morning the treasure was not there. Has tening to the clerk, he communicated his loss, and on being laughed at as an over careful man. threatened to make the house responsible, and got into a fever. He was cooled down after a while by the production of his money which the clerk had safely deposited in his cash box. -It appears that the man had placed his wallet in his boot, instead of under his pillow, thinking tho former the safest depository. He then set his boots out of the door to be blackened and thus the money found its way to the office through the hands of honest boots. It will never do for nervous men to travel a lone. 'E Pluribus Uum,' said John Bull to Jonathan as he stood gapping at the flag floating from tho Custom House, a few days since, 1 what on earth does that mean?' 'Why,' said Jonathan, 'that's our country's motto, and means, that we are floating to glory.' John was satis fied. The Kiflo. Many persons who are very expert in the use of tho rifle, know nothing of the principle on which it operates, and would be at a loss if asked why" a groved barrel throws a ball truer than a smooth bore. The reasons are these : In the first place, no bullet is or can be cast perfectly spherical; One side is always heavier than the other, and the ball, therefore, swerves from the right line of projection. However hard it may be to prove this,' theoretically, practice dem onstrates it. The same smooth bore, im moveably fixed, twice loaded with the same charge, of the same powder,- and with balls cast in the same mould,- will not plant them both in the same spot, at the same distance. Tho rifle barrel is a female screw, which gifes the tightly driven ball a ro tary motion, so that if the bullet, or rath er the slug, sweryes with one twist of the. screw, another revolution corrects the er ror. There are but three motions in a rifle ball the straightforward, the spiral, and downward, caused by be power of gravity. A rifle of thirty to the pound drops its ball about a foot in a hundred yards, llifles are sighted therefore to meet this deviation; On leaving the bar rel, the ball moves above the line of sight, continually falling in a parabolical curve, till it intersects it. Who invented tho rifle is not known. Its principle was known to the North A merican Indians before the discovery of the continent. Their arrows are feath ered spirally, and move precisely in the manor of a rifle ball. From the Pennsylvanian. Employment of Women. In speaking of the employmont of wo men, we have no intention of dwelling at any considerable length upon the taste less and useless occupations to which fe males, in what is called genteel and fash ionable life, are devoted, whose time, at least that portidn of which can be spared from scenes of dissipation, is spent in pre paring some insignificant and useless or nament for the "person or the chimney piece devoted to such manual labor as administer only to personal vanity; femin ine gewgaws which call forth no real tal ent, no thought, no reflection, no judge ment; wasting the time in emptiness and frivolity which ought to be devoted td tho cultivation of thd mind, arid in the free exercise bf the bddy. It is it vice as well as a folly to spend valuable time in such useless employments. If the female sex could only know with what contempt all men of good sense look upon such painted emptiness, such perishable gewgaws, they would seek occupations more in accor dance with the dignity of human nature. A writer, whose name we do not re member, has remarked that the scarcity of employments for females in England, and as a consequence in America, where we so blindly and subserviently imitate everything English; has ever been a sub ject of grief to the philanthropist and christian. On tho continent it is other wise. There the females perfdrm the du ty of shdpkeepers, booksellers, 'and in nearly all the thriving merchantile estab lishments the daughters are nearly as use ful and as fully engaged as the sons.1- Hence, though there are idle and good-for-nothing men enough in France and the Low Countries, there are few idle wo men. The English and American custom in this country is a constant theme of remark and astonishment with the foreigners who visit us. It is inquired, what becomes of our women: and it excites no surprise that the degraded portion of the sex is ten times more numerous in proportion than in those countries where females find em ployment suited to their strength, and for which they receive an adequate compen sation. Surely this subject is too deeply, vital ly important to be overlooked. Amidst so many institutions, this matter seems to be one in regard to which much good might be done, and much happiness sub stituted for extensive and indescribable misery. Do those who declaim so loudily and so zealouslv upon the wrongs of the well-fed blacks at the south ever dream that there are worse evils in the world than those of negro slavery? That the female sex should be rendered more independent in the means df dbtain ing a livelihood will not be denied; by having suitable employment, virtue and happiness would be generally increased. The first plan that suggests itself to our consideration grows out of the pecu liar circumstances of the case and the constitution df society.- They might be come to a very considersble extent their own physicians; Delicacy does forbid them from communicating at all times with a male physician; It is a well known fact that huridrcds tif lives are lost annu ally from commendable reverse in this respect. If women would make them selves acquainted with diseases and their remedies, if institutions for imparting a knowledge of physiology, anatomy, &c, could be established fdr femalesj ten thousand of the sex might derive inde pendence from advising and prescribing in disorders of females, and particularly in diseases of children, where such woful failures aro so frequently made at pres ent. This good work has commenced in this city, and we hope td see it carried on elsewhere. Fifty thousand retail stores in our cit ies and towns ought to afford employment and good wages for one hundred thousand women. The employment of fifty thou sand men, now engaged as tailors, and dther similar light work, might be advan tageously filled by women. Bookbind ing, in nearly all its branche's, might be given up to females. Watch and clock making are also admirably adapted to the female sex,- and might employ some thousands more. Engraving and similar callings might be surrendered entirely to female artists, which would siill swell the number of those proGtahle and dgreeably employed. As accountants and book keepers females would stand unrivalled, and this would give employment to some thousands more. We would drive iren from most of the easy employrtfents with in doors :thoso erapldyments especially which rightfully belong to the other sex. Thus,- with a little energy of invention, we have easily pointed out the means of saving thousands from a life of wretched ness, if not of vice. If attention could be drawn to this matter by a society ort ganized for the purpose, and the object would be zealously promoted by the phi lanthropic and judicious, a multitude wduld be raised in social utility,- impor tance and independence. We are aware that it is usual to treat this subect sneeringly and jeeringly; hence nothing is done; But in calling public attention to this matter we are serious and iri earnest. At present great evils exist,- heart-breaking unhappiness pre-j vails in at multitude df miserable andi wretched homes. Is it not our duty to strive to save the better portion 01 our race from the torribl doom of poverty and misferltne, with all its horrible train of ills? Can this ever be done if it is not considered with a soleraniuy and earnest ness befitting a question of such para mount importance? Wool from Wood. Not far from Breslau, in Silesia, in a demesne called Humbold's Meadow; there are two establishments, in one of which the leaves of the nine tree are converted into a species of wool or cotton, and in tho other the waters left from the manu-jother facture of this substance serve to supply medicated baths for the use of sick sons. These establishments were per both set on foot under the superintendence of a forest inspector, M. de Pannewitz, the inventor of a chemical process for extrac ting from long and slender pine leaves a very fine fibrous substance, which he calls "wood wool," on account bf its possessing the same felting and spinning properties as ordinary wool. The circular leaves of pines, firs, and other coniferous trees, aro composed of clusters of extremely delicate, adhesive fibres, surrounding and holding together a resinous substauce. This resinous sub-! stance may be dissolved bv boiling, and , L, J, , e , fc' , by the employment of a certain reagents; I . J , . ... i lt then becomes easy to separate the fibres ' , . , , from each other, to clean them, and re- extraneous matter B this : move any x a . y ' treatment the wooly material acquires a 1 , , en nil greater or less degree of fineness, lhepine o , P , , . 1 ma UVUU uc oiiiuuuu tiutu uuuu vvsulil: J . .a .J 0 ' for if the verticlcs or whorls atithe end of the branches are left, the trcewill con tinue to grow. The stripping off of the leaves takes place every two years. The use to which the wood-wool was first applied was td substitute it for cot ton or woolen wadding in quilted blank ets. In the year 1842, the hospital at Vienna purchased five hundred of these blankets, and after making a trial of them for several years, sent an order for a fur ther supply. It has been observed that when the pine-tree wool is employed, the beds aro quite free from any sort of pa rasitical insects, and it diffuses a very a greeable and salutary fragrance. Furni ture in which this material is employed is free from moths. Its cost is three times less than horse-hair, and the most skilful upholsterer could not distinguish an arti cle stuffed with this substance from one stuffed with horse-hair. This wool may be spun and woven, .'the finest quality yielding a thread very similar to flax, and quite as strong. When combed, spun or woven (?) like cloth, it may be employed for carpets, saddle-cloths, &c.j and combined with a weft of linnen or calico, it may be made up into coverlets. The liquid residium resulting from the boiling of the leaves, has most salutary influence when used as a bath. The rep utation of the baths has increased since their establishment nine years ago. The liquid residium may, moreover, be con centrated, and sent in close jars for use in private houses. The membraneous substance obtained by Alteration, when the fibre is washed, is put up in the shape of bricks and dried, when it may be used as fuel, and produ ces a very considerable quantity of gas for lighting purposes. About a thousand cwt. of wool leaves a quantity of fuel e qual in value to more than ISO cube feet of pine wood. London Mechanic's Mag azine. A Smart Woman. In Lexington last week an Irish woman named 3IcGrath, was engaged in baking bread, when, from a defect in the flue, au out-buildiug con necting with a pig-stye took fire; and, not beiug able to lift the pig, with an axe knocked away a portion of the stye, took away the pig, and tied it at some distance from the house. On returning she discov ered the roof of the house to be in flames, and there being no person near excepting her three children, her first movement was to carry them away from danger. Then returning, she removed every arti cle of furniture, excepting dne bedstead, which, having lost tho key sho could not take apart. Sho then removed every door and window safely from their places almost before any assistance arrived, and was only prevcuted by force from enter ing tho flames and saving her bread from the brick oven In little more than an hour from the breaking out of the fire, j she walked over the smoking ruins and took out her bread, which was found to be very nicely baked.' Bunker Hill Au rora. Playing Truant.AYc ndver kilew d boy in the habit of playing truant, and wasting the golden hours of youth, to be come a great and distinguished man. - Most often the idler 01 carlv life is the laggard of tho world's race. Truly hap py i3 the boy whom parental and friend- ly care saves from this alluring danger of, youthful days. The reason why truenoy 1 discover wuy tue uuCs uiu not gee in, tiu is so serious an evil is not the loss of a last year while in Whaltham, Mass. In d.av or twrr from nrlirYnl now and then, or ! a garden there where Introduced the box any other immediate or directconsequence I found that they did not get hr because" of it, it is because it is the beginning of a . tbey could not. long course of sin ; it leads to bad com- j I know of several who have used JtHe' party-, and to deception, and to vicious d'ox fqr a long time with success. , . habits ; it stops the progress of prepara- A gardener in Massachusetts was pleay tion for the duties of life, hardcus tho ed with the box, and said 41 We fra've heart, and opens the door for every temp- j black bug also which crawls on the ground- tation and sin, which, if not closed, must' bring the victim to ruin. These, are what constitute its dangers. Farming near Washington.' We learn from the National JhtcUigcn cer, that Mr. Charles B. Calvert has been offered 50,000 for 200 acres of his farm," and refused to take the money. Two' hundred and fifty dollars an acre is a. high price for farming landsj and it is only in consideration df valuable buildings and improvements that due would be justified in paying so much; Biverdale, as Mr. Calvert's estate is called, contains nearly three thousand acres; lies north east of Bladensburg; and extends from the' village some three dr'four miles up a beautiful valley watered by a fine mill stream. Mr. Calvert's father was a large tobacco grower, and most of this planta tion has been much worn by this scourg ing cropj when often repeated on the same field. At present, the farm is mainly de voted td dairy purpdses; producing milk and cream for the largest hotel in Wash ington, and a surplus for the market. The cows kept are Short Hdrns, Ayrshires, Alderneys and their crosses with the best native milkers. Hay is too valuable in the Metropolis to feed to cows in winter, ... , m 1 eight cents a quart. Turnips, short cue i n straw and cornstalks are more economi- , r , . , c , ca! food, so that most of the hay grown , p; , . . , , r J b Ti lllverdale is sold off the farm. It is little remarkable how few understand the . e - i c u 1 art of growing large crops of hay and . ?T .. , v. .r mu -t grass in the United States. The quite , -i .j. , linPYiiPPtffl rinM nrrirliTirm5 lipnrpnsn in the number df sheep, cdws, working oxen and horses in the State of New York from 1845 to 1850j can only be accdunted for, by conceding the inability of the land to keep them, without more skill than has been applied to that purpose. Mr. Calvert's doe3 not come up to our ideal of what a grazing farm ought to be. He however, is soon to introduce exten sive irrigation by steam power; and should his life be spared to three score years and ten, a model farm may be seen in Prince George's County, Maryland. A new octagon barn one hundred feet in diameter has recently been erected by him, having a skylight in the centre, with ample storage for turnips and forage over the first story, which is devoted entirely to stalls for cows. These stand in two" rows quite round the building leaving an open centre space of thirty feet in diam eter. Mr. C. prefers ground to plank floors for cattle to stand upon, which is kept clean and smooth, and generally bed ded. A horse and cart may be driven round behind tho cdws in the stable for "j-- - r a takin or 11T1 manure ; and so much of the urine, as is not absorbed by the straw and other litter runs into tanks; From thir ty to forty thousand bushels of turnips are fed in a year, which are sliced with turnip cutters. Cows graze in the field during the summer season : although it is believed that soiling is mdre ecdnomical where land is dear and labdr cheap. After the engine is made to convey all the ma nure from the stables to the fields in a liquid state and properly diluted for dis tribution, sailing will be still more profit able; for a good crop of grass may be cut every four weeks during seven or eight months, in the climate of Washington with proper irrigatidn and manuring. Striped Bugs. Td keep them from young vines, put a box around the hill; three shingles, fivo or six inches wide, are wide enough; make a letter A with thenij and fasten them up with dirt or sticks. Notice; and you will sec the bugs fly in stright lines and near the ground, and besides, they cannot stop in their flight and let themselves down on the plant, as a chimney sfralldw lets him self down the chimney, sd that they will fly over the tops of the l)oxes and light upon something on the other , side. If they start up again, they will fly over tho boxes and light upon something on tho opposite side. Occasionally; if the boxes aro very low, this lighting place will hap pen to be just in side of the box, but not very often. I have driven off a great number from a hill and put up' a box a round, and only one er two bugs got back again. There is no need of "killing tho bugs ; simply drive them off and put on the boxes, or put them on before they come. YoU do not put covers over ther tops ; put small open boxes round, wifh the sides high enough so that when you? Stand ton feot from the hill you cunn5t see the plants, and then the bugs flying cannot see them, and consequently will not kuow where the plants are so" as to1 light upon them. Do not make the. box es too high, for that will shade' the plants; nor too low, for then the bdgs will see the plants and light upo'n the'iri they will fly straight to them. I have been twelve years in making' observations upon this insect, and hayo used tne box lor tnat time, out did not- and bites oft the plant close to the rooty and your box will. shut him out." J IV O. FAINJfc ' 1 3 1