The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, June 02, 1853, Image 1

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5)ctiqtci to politics, literature, Agriculture, Science, ittomlitw, anb cneral 3ixtciligcncx.
VOL. is.
NO. 32.
,,,, L , , mm I, M ' ,,n ,,,,-n I,-- , -- i in i i wumtfUL1 jiiiwii ijiibww i wu.l ijiwiimiii iiiiiiiai iiiii-l iwmiwi ii - ---- i " - J. linn lilTT'
" j " T "
Published ty Theodore School
nUu!?rwo dollars per nnnnum in advance Two
Z .L?,1 quarter, half ycarly-and if not paid bc-
wta rS?4 of the ycar Tvvo dol'arf! imd a lmlf- Thosc
rmninv:i1Vu Uleir Papers by a carrier or stage drivers
nt n b-vtlie propnetor, will be charged 37 1-2
e? ditcontinueduntil all arrearagesarc paid,
except at the option of the Editor. b
toimTi; rt,semen,s not exceeding one square (six
1 1 !?eS) W,W be in&ertcd three weeks for one dollar.
Tw. enty-five cents for every .subsequent insertion
inc unarge for one and three insertions the same
.UHrJi discount made to yearly advertisers,
pjj A1' letters addressed to the Editor must be post-
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, we :tre prepared
to execute every descriptionof
Cards, Circulars, Dill Heads, Notes, Ulanlc Receipts
Justice$)tlegal and other Blnnks. Pamphlets, &c.
f 161 yitlt neatness and despatch, on reasonable
Domestic Opera.
Since the commencement of the Sontag
operas, an enthusiastic friend of ours and
bis wife 'have become so carried away
withithe furor awakened by attendance
two nights at the opera, that it is the har
dest ihing in the world for them to re
straii their disposition to sing everything
the more so because they are both pro
"ficieniS in music. The other morninrr
while ordering his dinner, the butcher
a seriate man was surprised to hear our
frienjl shout out, with most emphatic e-
"What will you take,
For that 'ere stake."
Tie butcher winked at his partner, and
answered, with an air of composure, " A
shillm' sir:" but it was evident that our
friend was down in the day-book of his
estimation as a lunatic. Making his pur
ciasjj, and going out of the door, he met
JiiSjfieighbor Jones. Extending his hand
frantically, he sung
V'Ah, friend Jones, and is it you?
" How do you do, Jones, how do you do 3
i Long time since we've met together;
Isn't this delightful weather!"
Jones was astonished, as well he might
be. J Passing into a bakery to procure
some bread for breakfast he sung to a
verS' plaintive air
C'J3akers ! bakers ! bless your souls !
ILet us have a dozen rolls."
sndlrolled the words "rolls" out so ten
derly that the baker's wife burst into tears.
Thelrolls were take down by the baker's
irifef when, finding his voice again, he
sang witb great feeling
P'Dearest one ! with fingers taper,
?ie the bread up in a paper!"
she did, and he went home hum-
mine and beatinc time on the paper par-
celslhe held in his arms. His wife met
himlat the door, wringing her hands.
Thefit was on her, and she commenced
" My dear Charles, what do you think 1
The coffee's all as black as ink !
I'm so provoked that I can cry"
"Stop, my dear, it's all in your eye !
"When misfortune comes, why bear it;
I, your loving spouse, will share it.
Come, now, let us sit at table,
Do the best that we are able,
,Let the coffee go to grass,
We will have some tea my, lasB."
"Ob, my Charles, you happy make me!"
"If I don't, the duce may take me!
'Hear the words that now I utter
My lore is strong, and so's the butter
Trust me it will ne'er be weary
Pass the toast and cheese, my deary."
Now good bye, my dearest treasure !"
" Cook the steak just to your pleasure,
But see that it's not overdone,
And I will he at home by one."
H "Good bye, farewell,
1 is hard to part ;
I cannot tell
How dear thou art."
How this will end, it is hard to foresee,
but "friends of the family" shake their
heads, and point to their foreheads signif
icantly as much as to say there is some
thing wrong about our unfortunate friend's
phrenology. Boston Post.
To Clean Silver. When silver has
iecome much tarnished, spotted or discol-
bred, it may be restored by the following
process; Having dissolved two teaspoon-
ull of powdered alum in a quart of mod-
UnotolTr cffrtnrf loir cfir in a trill of soft
! 1L U. UVU , " - Q
Isoap, and remove the scum or dross that
llinav rise to the surface. After washing
the silver in hot water, take a sponge and
cover erary article all over with this mix
ture. Let the things rest about a quarter
of an hour, frequently turning them.
Next wash them off in warm soap suds,
and wipe them dry with a soft cloth.
Afterwards brighten them with rouge
powder, or with wbitning and spirits of
iErial Navigation
Mons. Petin the French balloonist,
who was expelled from Paris by Lewis
Napoleon, is now in New Orleans, prepar-
ing for a great experiment in serial navi-
cration. which he designs to make about,
thc middle of the present month. For
. . . , . x .
this purpose he is constructing an appa-
ratus, consisting of two immense balloons, a new territorycarved out of the re
the largest in the world, to which will be cent conquests from Mexico, stretching
attached a long, slondercar, called a'ship' j from tbe summit of the Rocky Mountains
mu in. T i, r i j -i-l m on the East, through thirteen degrees of
Ine latter is to be furnished with sails, , .,, ' , B, r ., ,
. ' , longitude, to the land ot gold. A branch
screw propellers, and an electro-magnetic
engine, now building in the North. In
case the latter should not arrive in time,
Monsieur Petin will use a small but pow
erful steam engine which will be ready for
him, so that there may be no delay. The
balloons will be inflated from the city gas
works. The Picayune, from which we
glean these facts, says that Monsieur Pe
tin is a man of scientific research and
learning, to whom -the balloon is not a j
mere means of amusement to a crowd,
but something to be used in devising a
! practical and useful system of jerial nav
Valuable Hec-ite. Take Plaster
Paris and soak it in a saturated s'olution
of alum, then bake the two in an oven, the
same as srvpsum is baked, to make it Plas -
ter of Paris, after which they are ground
to powder. It is then used as wanted,
being mixed up with water, plaster, and
applied. It sets into a very hard position,
capable of taking a very high polish. It
may be mixed with various coloring min
erals to a cement of any color, capable of
imitating marble. This is a very rare
recipe, and is worth twenty dollars to ma
ny of our subscribers, who can prepare
for themselves.
To Clean Carpets. Your carpets
being first well beaten and freed from dust,
tack it down to the floor; then mix half
a pint of bullock's gall with two gallons
of soft water; scrub it well with soad and
with this gall mixture; let it remain till
quite dry, and it will be perfectly clean
sed and look like new, as the colors will
be restored to their original brightness.
The brush you use must not be too hard,
but rather long in the hair, or you will
rub up the nap and damage the article.
Nails Growing in the Flesh. A
late writer in the "Ohio Cultivtor" gives
the following remedy : Cut a notch in the
middle of the nail every time the nail is
pared. The disposition to close the notch
draws the nail up from the sides. It
cured mine after I had suffered weeks
with its festering.
Advertising. Dr. Buckley, in one
of his lectures, made use of an illustration
something like this: "Holding a dime
close to his eyes with ono hand, and a
half dollar at some distance with the oth
er, said he, I cannot now see the half dol
lar with this eye, for the dime i3 so close
it obscures my vision. So it is with man
kind in their eagerness to save one dollar,
they often lose sight of fifty within their
reach. This is a very apt illustration of
the benefits of advertising. In saving one
dollar for advertising, dealers often fail
to secure a customer whose trade would
be worth perhaps hundreds of dollars to
them. Such merchants hold up the dime
so close that they cannot see the dollar
they might obtain.
A Dodge. When Deacon B. got into
a bad position, he was very expert at
crawling out of it. Though too quick
tempered, he was one of the,best deacons
in the world. He would not, in a sober
moment utter an oath, or anything like
one, for his weight in cider.
At the close of a rainy day, he was
walking upon a knoll in his barn-yard; on
one side of which was a dirty slough, and
on the other an old buck, that, in consid
eration of his usually quiet disposition, he
was allowed to run with the cows. The
deacon was piously humming "Old Hun
dred," and had just finished the line en
ding with " exalted high," when the ram,
obeying a certain impulse tc be ; aggres-1
sive gave him z b ow from behind that;
sent him up a short distance, only to fall
directly into the slough where the dirty
water was deep enongu to give
thorough immersing.
As he crawled out, and before he rose
irom ms nanus anu KiieeS,ue o0Keu over big im . a Msto called the 'Manu
his shoulder at the ram and then vocifcr- cript fQUndJ, thafc would be seized by
a . , , ,, , , , , , I an ignorant and truthless drunkard, pro
" You d d old cuss!" but on look-; daied to bay(J been e aved on golden
ing around and seeing one of his neigh- lat beCQme tbe Ser;pture of a new
bors looking at him, he added in the same , nnmttrnnf. epf :n fi1:ri.v VnnrR
breath, "if I may be allowed the expres-
It is thought by French physicians that
Louis Napoleon cannot survive much Ion-
gcr than a year. He is in very ill health,
Thc rtformous.
A problem of singular difficulty, and
every day growing more and more por
tentous than which, if we except Afri
can slavery, none is more difficult of so
lution is rising in the distant West be-
fre the American Government and peo-
P!c; Ere long they will have to grapple
i with it. Whether it can be peaceably solv-
d th f fc alone can tel,
j of the Indian family, the Pah-Utahs
roamed its prairies and claimed it as their
own. jljuc a new trine anu sect driven
from State to State, fleeing, before an in
dignant people, from Ohio, from Missour,
and Illinois, struggling with cold and
hunger, and encountering the most fear
ful hardships and privations, daring the
ferocious savages that dwelt along their
route, and dragging slowly along their
111 T 11 i 1
children, gooas ana domestic implements,
at lcneth make their tedious wav to the
j0me 0f the Utahs ; and having, as they
no doubt supposed, reached the isolated
spot, so far from all organized society
that they would be free from disturban
ces for many, many years, they set them
selves down in the valley of the Jordan
in the 'land of the Honey Bee' plant
their absurd faith and begin a new na
tion. Some six vears have since elapsed.
'and the census of the Great Salt Lake
; City probably enumerates, at this day,
some iorty or nicy thousand people
while in other parts oi the world, two
hundred and fifty thousand more embrace
the Mormon faith. In this far off wil
derness, so recently known only to the
.1 . n i
moccasin, tue arts are nourishing m a
high degree. Woolen factories, to be
supplied by fleeces from the Jordon val
ley sugar manufactories, to be fed with
beets potteries and cutlery establish
ments, send their hum through the aston
ished land. No such noise did it expect
to hear for half a century to come. On
a mountain terrace; overhanging the city,
the site of a contemplated university is
already laid out and enclosed. School
houses are springing up, and are supplied
with competent teachers from a central
Normal School. Gigantic preparations
are in progress to build up a Temple,
which is intended to surpass every exist
ing or historic structure in splendor and
magnitude. The city is laid out on a
scale of magnificent proportions, to which
hitherto, the world has been a stranger
a scale corresponding with the breadth
of territory on whose bosom they dwell
corresponding with their expectations of
growth, and compared with which the
narrow avenues of modern and ancient
cities, are mere mathematical lines al
ready, three miles in breadth and four in
length, its streets are regularly diagram
ed, each eight rods in width, with side
walks of twenty feet every block forty
rods square, containing eight lots of an a
cre and a quarter each; and every tene
ment obliged by law to retreat twenty
feet from the front line, to make room for
a delightful margin of shrubbery and
trees. A perenial stream flows through
the city; and pours its pure waters down
both sides of every street, and carries ir
rigation to their bounteous gardens. A
warm spring bubbles from the mountains;
and following pipes, reaches a public bathing-house.
A soil of exuberant produc
tiveness stretches around them. Compa
tively little solicitation is necessary from
the hand of man to bring its grains and
fruits to perfection and maturity. Twen
ty miles to the north-west slumber the
heavy waters of great Salt Lake. This
vast body of the purest brine so dense
ly impregnated that men cannot sink in
it, if they try fills a basin of thirty by
seventy miles, and will, doubtless, be the
scene of the exhaustless salt manufacture
for those future generations that will in
habit the immense domain between the
Ptocky Mountains and the Sea. Already
a United States mail route reaches from
this city to San diego on the Pacific coast,
near which the Salt Lake Mormons have,
thus early, established a colony. Other
and out-post settlements are planting a
round them, on the Weber and the Tim
panagoes. Mormon missionaries are pros
lyting the world, and 'converging their
convicts to the new city of Utah. The
unconquerable mountains of Wales are
sending their hardy sons to preach and
practice the Mormon creed in the West
ern World. And here, betweeu the llocky
Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, over
eleven hundred miles from the city of New
York, rapidly grows this incipient com
munity bound together by a burning
enthusiasm and a common faith, compac
ted by persecutings, welded by the neces-
sit if and self-defence,-its
fouJnder a sot Jnd its Bible a theft-one
of etr 't henomcna t0 which the
present faa ba3 given birth.
a , it c c j.i. ii..,i.o p t,
xi.u Lai was it uuui uiu muuuto ui tut
minister, Solomon Spalding, when, at
niiorrxr Vollmr in M'nnr VnrV lip nrtmnrkCPfl
800j000 zealots in itg wake count its'
worsnipers in Jungiana,urermaiiy,oweuun,
.jn tbe mountain fastness of Wales, in
Normandy, the East Indies and Sandwich
Isles and. found a great city and State in
that territory, which at the time he wrote,
the foot of white man liad never trod.
If civilized men could be satisfied that
they could have a purer health, and con
sequently greater strength and a higher
enjoyment even of the pleasures of the ta
ble, by living upon vegetables, they would
scarcely slaughter the myriads of animals
that are now annually butchered so use
lessly and so cruelly. Why should we
take the life of one of God's innocent
creatures in the midst of its enjoyments ?
Why imbrue our hands in blood and steep
our hearts in cruelty ? Why have about
us portions of mangled corpses which can
only be kept from putrefaction by the use
of the most powerful antisectics ? One
would think that men would not do such
deeds without some terrible necessity.
It is because he is naturally a carniv
orous animal ? because God made him
for a life of slaughter? No; his anato
my shows he has but a distant relation
to the flesh-eating tribes the lions, tigers,
wolves and hyenas. It proves him to be
an eater of fruits, seeds and vegetables.
There is no man who, if he were obliged
to select a diet all flesh, or all vegetables,
would not choose the latter. Give any
man his choice to live a month on nothing
but bread, or nothing but beef, and he
would choose the bread.
Is it because flesh is necessary to our
health ? Certainly not. Every physician
knows that vegetables contain the purest
form of food. In certain cases they rig
idly restrict their patients to a vegetable
diet, luesh is known to be inflammatory,
putrefying, and liable to be diseased.
In certain conditions it develops the most
deadly poisons. Persons who eat much
flesh have violent diseases, and are diffi
cult to cure. They are peculiarly subject
to the plague, the small-pox, the cholera,
and other fatal epidemics. In Smyrna,
during Lent, which is kept by the Greeks,
very few of them are attacked by the
plague, even while the flesh-eating inhabi
tants are dying all around them.
Is flesh cheaper than vegetables ?
There is a wide differnce the other way. t
Wheat, the best article of human nutri- i
ment, contains 85 per cent, of nutritious '
matter in the exact proportions required i
to make the best blood for the nourish- i
ment of the system, while the best flesh '
contains but 25 per cent, of nutritious ',
matter, and that in the best proportions,
while a pound of flesh costs as much as
several pounds of wheat. The corn re-
quired to make pork enough to support a ,
man one hundred days, would, if eaten in
its pure original and far more healthy j
condition, afford him as much nutriment
for 480 days, to say nothing of the time
lost in feeding the animal. In fattening
a hog, a certain number of bushels of good
healthy corn and potatoes, are converted
into a mass of greasy, and in many cases
scrofulous pork, with great loss and trou-
ble, while the flesh thus made does not
contain one principle necessary to the
human constitution which did not exist
in a far better form in the vegetables on
which it fed. In short it has been found
by an accurate calculation that vegetable
food is not merely better, but five hundred
per cent, cheaper than the flesh of ani
mals. Since the attention of men of science
has been turned to organic chemistry, the
proportions of nutritive matter in various
substances have been accurately ascer
tained. The following is the result of
some of these inquiries :
Turnips contain 11 per cent, of nutri
tive matter; beets 11; carrots 13; flesh 25;
potatoes 28; oats 82; peas 84; wheat 84-2;
beans 86; oatmeal 91. Corn is about the
same as oats and wheat. Thus 100 pounds
of flesh contain but 25 pounds of nutri
tive matter, and 75 lbs. of water, while
the same quantity of potatoes contains
28 lbs. of nutritive matter, and wheat 85 i;
But this is not all. The best food is
that which contains the materials for
muscles, nerves, bones, &c, and the mat
ter for combustion which keeps up the vi
tal heat, in proper proportions. The a
nalysis of wheat shows us that these prin
ciples aro found in it, in almost exactly
the same proportion as in the blood ; and
this is the case to a great extent with
most of the vegetable productions used
for food, whereas flesh contains but one
of these principles, and can but very im
perfectly subserve the purposes of human
Is flesh better than vegeta
bles ? This question is already answer
ed. Chemical analysis proves that vege
tables, especially the farinacea, as wheat,
corn, rice, &c. contain the purest nutri
ment, and in the requisite proportions.
Why not? Do we want strength ? See
the powerful muscles of the ox and the
horse, made from grass and grain. They
need no beef steak to enable them to per
form their labor ; and if we eat the flesh
of the ox, we only eat the grass and grain
at second hand, mixed with effete animal
matter, often with the poison of disease,
and always deprived of some of its most
important principles. Contrive as wemay,
we must live on vegetables, and the only
question is, whether we shall eat them
at second hand, impure, unpleasant, and
in many respects objectionable, as they
are converted into the tissues of animals.
It is a question of science, of experi
ence, of principle, and of taste. Science
has demonstrated that the products of the
vegetable kingdom are tho natural food
of man, most admirably adapted to all
the wants of his system. Experience has
shown that men can be sustained under
all circumstances, on vegetable food, in
their highest health and vigor. It should
be a matter of principle not to inflict need
less suffering, nor to condemn thousands
of our fellow men to follow cruel and brut
talizing employments. As to the question
of taste, I fancy there can be no two o
pinions. Compare the flesh-eating ani
mals with those that live on vegetables.
Of carnivorous animals in their natu
ral state, we have the lion, the tiger, the
wolf, the hyena, &c; of vegetable eaters,
the horse, camel, ox, elephant, ourang
outang, &c, and of the omniverous, the
hog. The lion has a fabulous reputation
for courage and magnanimity ; but the
best informed naturalists assure us that
he is treacherous, cowardly and ferocious
like all his class. The hog may be a
respectable animal in his wa, but he has
no qualities that I am aware of, to induce
me to follow his example in regard to di
et. Look now at the calm dignity of the
"half reasoning elephant;" the patient
docility of the camel; the noble character
and beauty of the horse; the strength and
usefulness of the ox; the almost human
sagacity of the monkey tribe ; and draw
an inference, if you will, of the relative
merits of the different systems of diet.
As a matter of taste and feeling, I should
think every person of refinement would
give a preference to the vegetarian system.
On the one side you have Gelds of waving
. iii. ii i
grain, trees loaaeu with luscious ana o-
dorous fruits, fair apples, blushing peach
es, blue plums and golden nectarines ;
vines laden with purple grapes, and a
wealth of fruits and berries innumerable,
making the earth all beauty and sweet
ness. On the other you have stall-fed
beasts, cruel and ferocious butcheries, the
pestilential odor of slaughter-houses, gut
ters running with blood, the mangled and
putrefying carcasses of dead animals, ma
king, altogether, a scene of such abomi
nations as no person of sensibility wishes
to contemplate.
What is more beautiful than corn and
fruits ? What more revolting than dead
corpses? Who does not gather the vege
table portion of his food with pleasure?
Who would butcher his own meatif he could
have it done for him ? What more grace
ful present than cakes and fruits ? What
more ridiculous than the present made to
the Queen of England, the other day, of
a lot of sausages ?
I do not write to impose my opinions
upon others. Let every one examine the
subject, and be fully persuaded in his own
mind. Hogs will continue to be fattened,
and pork to be eaten ; but let every man,
who reasons at all, satisfy himself that
his natural food is the flesh of the hog,
and no one ought to quarrel with his de
cision. I no doubt that a very
large proportion of disease and prema
ture mortality of this country comes from
our inordinate eating of flesh, and when
tho question is fairly examined, all medi
cal men will be of the same opinion.
jggrA writer in the Baltimore Sun,
who has been afflicted severely in his fam
ily by that appalling disease, bronchitis,
has found relief from the following rem
edy: "Take honey in the comb, squeeze it
out, and dilute with a little water, and
wet the lips and mouth occasionally with
It has never been known to fail in cases
even where children had throats so swol
len as to be unable to swallow. It is cer
tainly a simple remedy, and may be a
very efficacious one.
Remarkable. Speaking of the death
of an aged man, one of our exchanges j
says, "He retained remarkable possession
of all his mental faculties down to within
a few miles of his residence.
"Jamie,"' says one honest Irishman to j
another the first time he saw a locomotive, j
"What is that snorting baste ?" "Sure," j
replied Jamie, "I don't know at all, unless
it is a steam boat splurging along to get
to water."
Hail Storm. The Roanoke Republi
can is informed that on the morning af
ter a hail storm which occurred near Brink
ley ville, a few days since, in Halifax coun
ty, the hail laid on the ground to the
depth of eighteen inches. The Editor
says, "this may appear incredible, but it
is nevertheless true."
Tight Screwing. 'Do you support j
General Scott?'
'Do you support General Pierce?'
'What, do you support Hale ?'
;No sir-ee 1 1 support Betsy and the
children, and its mighty tight screwing i
to get along at that, with corn only twen- .
ty cents a bushel.'
"John, has the doctor arrrived?"
"Yes, sir."
"Thongo immediately for the under
taker, for coming events cast their shad
ows before them.
Advice to sausage-fanciers. Spiggles
advises that when you go to buy a lot of
sausages, whistle loudly as you enter the
shop, and note the effect. Stf Uus string
of sausages squirms as if tryintroff
the uailj'buy a slice of ham forr?brek
fast, ' ' ' ' -' '
Education of Farmers
To the Editors of the Farm Journal. It
is a curious inquiry why the knowledge of
agriculture progresses so slowly; and why
it has yet attained so little in this Coun-tr-.
It is a fact which we arc all willing
to concede, that our productions are little
more than one half of what they should
be, and far less than what they are else
where ; and yet we seem to be content to
bide our time, aud be satisfied with re
sults, when accident or chance shall pro
duce them or when we shall be jostled
from the "old way" by the coming gen
eration. More than seven hundred years be
fore the Christian era, Isaiah prophetical
ly speaks of a threshing machine, "Behold
I will make thee a new sharp threshing
instrument having teeth. And yet this
intimation pointing out almost the very
structure of the machine now in so com
mon use, was not realized until the nine
teenth century ; and then received with
a doubting caution that well nigh dam
pened the experiment. The merchant
has carried his enteaprise into every nook
and corner of the known and I had al
most written, uuknown world ; the learn
ed have exerted their talents to the de
velopment and practical application of
scientific principles, which ha3 given to
their class an enviable place in the esti
mation of mankind ; the mechanic, avail
ing himself of these developments of sci
ence, has given them form and shape to
an extent which entitles them to the ad
miration of the world ; whilst the farmer
stands to gaze with mingled feelings of
doubt and astonishment, that all the oth
er pursuits of life whirl so rapidly past
him. ,
What is the remedy for this admitted
evil? We answer the education of far
mers' son3 through the medium of an ag
ricultural school. We mean a school to
educate boys in the art and science of
farming ; and unless the farmers of our
State will zealously embrace this idea,
and avail themselves of it there is no hope
that their condition can be otherwise im
proved but by the lapse of time, and hap
pening of accidental circumstances.
There is no one of the colleges of this
country adapted to instruct a farmer ; on
the contrary their system is calculated to
educate young men to a state of entire
unfitness for any such occupation. A boy
graduated at one of our litcray institu
tions has already spent that part of his
life which alone can be profitably employ
ed to learn the art of farming; and sci
ence without art, is still worse than art
without science. There are peculiar rea
sons why farmers should take up this sub
ject and make it their own. It is a fact
with regard to the system upon which lit
erary institutions are at present based,
that their pecuniary resources are never '
adequate to their necessities, however e
conomical they may be. The consequence
of this is that the education is made to cost
more than they, whorely upon the products
of a farm, are able to pay. Besides if
this expense should have been undergone,
the farmer has in all probability driven
his son from all taste or desire to pursue
the calling for which his maturer judg
ment intended him. And if the boy should
return to the farm, it is to exhibit to his
disappointed father and brothers how lit
tle he knows of the business of his future
In an Agricultural School the pupils
are laborers of the farm as well adiu their
study ; their bodies are educated to the
art, and their minds to the science of far
ming ; whilst their hands are employed
in the work of the farm, their minds are
employed in the pursuit of the knowledge
of the reasons for what they do ; there s
thereby an intermingling of theoretical
science and practical art, which is but to
be continued through their whole future
lives. The Institution thus becomes; in a
measure, self-sustaining ; and the price
of education may be reduced to a mere
Carlisle, April 20, 1853.
A Hint to the Farmer.
We may send to England for Durham
cows, and to Spain or Saxony for choi
cest sheep; we may search the world
over for cattle that pleases the eye; but
unless they receive the best care and lib
eral feeding, they will most assuredly de
teriorate, and eventually become a
worthless and aa unworthy of propaga
tion as any of the skeleton breeds ihafc
now haunt our rich but neglected pasture
lands. Wc remember an euecdote in,
point and will relate it byway of illustra
tion. A farmer having purchased a cow
from a country abounding in the richest
pasturage, found that she fell short of the
yield which he was informed she had
been accustomed to give. He complained
to the gentleman of whom he had purchas
ed that the cow was not the one he had
bargained for, or in other words, that she
was not what she was 'cracked up to be..
Why," said the seller, "1 sold
cow, but I did not Soli you my rajtuife