The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 19, 1853, Image 2
t I i I)c 3cffcvsoniau. ... Thursday, Jlay 19, 1S53. . WHIG N0M3NATI0NS. KOIt CANAL COMMISSIONER, 'MOSES POWUfALL, Lancaster County FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, tfALEX. K. NrCLUUfi, Franklin Co. ' . SURVEYOR tiENERAI., .CHRISTIAN Clarion Co. i:Vi-p State Central Committee. ChaR.Thompsou Jones, Phila, Chairman John Price Wetherell, Charles Gilpin, John II. Dichl, a it k it Delaware. Chester. Berks. Bucks. Lancaster, u George T. Thorn, Hon. Henry D. Moore, Jacob S. Roberts, John Ksslcr, Robert L. Martin, John Bishop, Henry S. Evans, David E. Stout, Caleb X. Taylor, Maris Iloopes, Daniel Kerr, Hon. Thos. M. Bibighaus, Labanon. Hon. James Pollock, Northumberland. 'Win. K Mohaffey, Dauphin. Northampton. Lehigh. Carbon. Wayne. Franklin. Adams; York. Cumberland. Clinton. Centre. Lycoming. Huntington. Blair Montour. Somerset. Columbia. Luzerne. Wyoming. Bradford. Susquehanna. Erie. Beaver. Allegheny. Clarion. Armstrong. Indiana. Montgomery. Westmoreland. Cambria. Juniatta. Bedford. Clearfield. Union. Washington. Wells Coverly, Henry D. Maxwell, Junes W. Fuller O. H. Wheeler, Hon. John Torrcy, A. K. Cornyn. Robert G. Harper, Joseph Garretsou, A. B. Sharp, Wm. T. Wilson, Edmund Blanchard, Tho's. W. Llyod, S. K. Glasgow, George Raymond, C. IL Frick, John R. Edie, Franklin Stewart, Wm. P. Miner, John Sturdevant, John C. Adams, H. II. Frazier, John Miles, Hon. A. Robertson, Josiah King, John Major, James Campbell, Dvid Leoch, T. J. Coffee, Lloyd Jones, Hon. Jos. H. Kuhns, John Fenlon, James M. Sellers, A. Washabaugh, John Fulton, Wm. F. Wagonseller, j. Y. Lawrence, Benjamin Bannan, Schuylkill. Iu accordance with tne Resolution a dopted by the late Whig State Canven lion, the above named gentlemen have bten appointed the State Central Commit tee. HENRY 31. FULLER, President. JWilkcs-Barrc, May 9, 1S53. The Popular Educator Is the title of a new monthly Magazine, published by Alexander Montgomery, No. 17 Spruce street, N. Y. and sold nt 12i cents ler number, or 1,50 a year. Through the politeness of the publisher, we have been fa vored rt'ith a copy of the first number. This ipublication is excellent in design, and exceed ingly able in execution. It proposes to be .the general instructor of all, and especially of those who wish to become self-made men. .Here will be found a monthly digest of stu died in language, natural history, mathemat ics, the fine arts, the useful arts, mechanics, .professions, philosophy, and history, each to ,pic being treated with clearness and made .comparatively easy to the apprehension ol .every one who really desires to enlarge his htock of knowledge. We know of no publi ailioii now issued, which is calculated to ef fect a greater amount of good than " The Popular Educator," and we have no hesita tion iu pronouncing it a most excellent pub lication and eminently deserving of patronage. Fire! Fire .vvaE kindled in the woods on the north side of the Blue Mountain, near Tatt's Gap, -on Saturday evening last, and burned very rapidly till Monday morning, when the citi zens in the neighborhood succeeded in put- tine it out. What amount of damage hat been done wc are unable to btate, but pre sume that considerable timber has been de stroyed. Caution to School Teachers The following report of a case tried at Al lentown on the 2d inst., may be of some ben efit to School Teachers. We copy from the Democrat. Commonwealth vx. Aaron Reich. Assault and battery on oath of Charles Forest. The defendant was teacher of a school, and the complaint was of an excessive corporul pun ishment of the prosecutor, who was a lad in the school. The jury found that the punish had been too severe, and found the defendant gutlty. Sentence, SI fine and ttvocents costs. Judge of the Supreme. The Daily News of the 14th inst. announ ces that Gov. Jiigler has commissioned the Hon. John C. Knox to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Bench, occasioned by the death of Judge Gibson. -5 (tThe "Gaston Sentinel" eays the small pox is raging inUie NorVhomptqn county Poor Ilouee.i Qr A few days since we Eteped into the Candy-shop of Mr. Mark Miller, of this plnce, and must confess that we were very agreeably disappointed in noticing some of the finest Candies we ever saw, and have no hesitancy in saying that Mr. Price, the gen tlemanly foreman, can turn out as fine spe cimens as can he produced at any establish ment, either in Philadelphia or New-York. In connection with the candy business Mr. M. has on hand and is now manufacturing a superior article of Lemon Syrup. Call and examine the articles. jrj The Editor of the Miltonian had a rapping communication, the other day, with a man who had died in arrears for the paper, four years ago. The spirit told the Editor to call on a certain per son who..w:iindpbtedfctoJum.whcu .living; the Editor did as directed and received his pay. Mexican News. Dates from Mexico to the 4th have reached us by New Orleans. Santa An na has been inaugratcd as President, aud governs that ill-fated and, it is to be fear ed, doomed country. He has bridled the Press, established a censorship, and de manded securities. We see from this that if there is to be a government of des potism, it is not to be one of anarchy; and that hence Mexico is more formidable un der one Tyrant than she was under some five hundred Tyrants. The movement in California upon So nora, when heard of in Mexico, will no doubt excite a good deal of feeling against the United States. (Jen. Almonte, who is coming to the United States as Santa Anna's Minister, is well known here. He "speaks English well, aud is a man of talents and address. Santa Anna, in confirming Sloo's con tract, shows good faith to the United States so far. Run Away. The -wife of an English man ran away from her husband atPotts ville with another Englishman. They were overtaken at Northumberland by the injured and indignant husband. The woman was taken back, and the abductor lodged in jail at Sunbury. The Texas Gold Discoveries Fully Confirmed. New Orleans, May 12. Galveston dates to the 10th of May have been received here by the steamship Mex ico. The accounts of the discovery of gold mines are fully confirmed. The Galveston News has been informed by a gentleman from nockhurt, that a party of citizens, just returned from an explo ring expedition, found gold in a mountain 70 miles north-west of that town, both on the surface and by digging. They brought back some lumps valued at S5G50. The Austin Gazette, hitherto incredulous, ful ly endorses the most favorable reports, and says that it can no longer entertain the least doubts of their correctness, and expects soon to hear of discoveries equal ling the California mines. It is said that the deeper the diggins, the more abun dant and richer the gold. The principal region is bounded on the east by the San Saba river, and on the south by the Lla no river. BT We learn that the citizens of New burgh, N. Y., recently held a public meet ing! to ta':e nto consideration tho subject of extending their Branch Railroad from Chester, where it intersects the New York and Erie Railroad, to the Water Gap, there to connect with our Delaware, Lack- J awana and Western Road ; by which means they would have direct communi cation with and access to this valley. There is a great deal of wealth in Ncw burgh, and no lack of public spirit, and we doubt not but they will succeed in their enterprise. Lackawana Herald. New Moile of Electioneering. We clip the following piece of intelli gence from the Fredericksburg, Ya. JSlws: A Xeiv Feature. We arc informed on reliable authority that on yesteday, at the White Oak Church, in Stafford Coun ty, after the religious services were over Gov. Smith, the Democratic candidate for Congress, being called on, addressed the congregation which was there assem bled. As this is a new feature in politi cal electioneering and something never before heard of in Yirginia, we publish it for the benefit of their candidates at large. We had made up our minds not to be startled at anything in this Democratic age of progress, but must confess our un feigned astonishment at this new use to which the Church of God and the Sab bath day are appropriated in a chrietian community. West Branch Lumber Trade. The lumber trade on the Susquehanna, this season, has been unusually successful. A gentleman from Lock Haven, who has paid some attention to the subject, esti mates that 4000 rafts and arks, valued at 2,000,000, have gone past that place on their way to market. In addition to this, an immense quantity of lumber enters the West Branch below Lock Haven, and is manufactured at that place and Williams port, and sent to market by the Pennsyl vania Canal. The lumber trade of the Susquehanna is rapidly increasing, and the price of the article constantly rising. LSar J ue 4th ot Jlarch rm a Sunday for at least 'wK Bigler and ITJcCreary. The people of Pennsylvania will learn with regret that Gov. Bigler has with- drawn his requisition for McCitEARY, the notorious kidnapper. He was guilty of one of the most brutal crimes that of stealing human souls from the freedom they were entitled to and selling them into perpetual Slavery; and yet the Ex ecutive of the Sj,ate, who is sworn to exe cute the laws faithfulh, has quietly a bandoned the requisition, and thus per mits the inhuman monster to run at large, without even a trial. If this were Gov. Bigler's first neg lect of dut-, there might be some excuse to offer; but it has been his settled policy that all offences committed against our laws on the side of Slavery should go un punished. Thus Alberti, professional kidnapper, was pardoned out of the Penitentiary; Ridgely, who murdered a negro in Columbia, was never brought to trial; Mayo, who Attempted to abduct Neal, is still at large, uncalled-for by the Governor; and now McCueary and his associate, who kidnapped the Parker girls, and connected with which was the murder of Miller, have been finally permitted to go unwhipt of justice! Wc are glad to sec the press speak out boldly on the humiliating subserviency of Gov. Bigler. The Philadelphia Daily Register, a neutral paper, says: The Maryland papers state that Gov. Bigler has withdrawn his requisition for McCreary and Merritt, the kidnappers ot the Parker girls. Ibis was one of the most infamous cases on record, the victims being natives of this State, and the crime of kidnapping being aggravated with that ot the murder of Miller. Counsel were sent by Pennsylvania to Baltimore, the facts established, and the girls brought back. We can hardly believe that Gov. Bigler would permit two wretches to es cape whose criminality was indirectly pronounced by a Baltimore jury. Yet we cannot forget, that only a short time ago, a Maryland constable, who killed an unfortunate negro, shooting him dead, and then escaping, was not prosecuted for the murder; and we still have a fresh recollection of the manner in which Gov. Bigler permitted the escape from justice of the notorious Mayo, who had beaten and attempted to abduct Daniel Neal. No requisition was made for him, so far as we can learn. Is our State Executive aware that his official duty is to see that the criminals who escape over the line are brought to trial. In this important matter, we must say, that Gov. Bigler has shown himself entirely incompetent. We have heard it suggested that he is afraid of offending Maryland. This, if true, would be a burning insult to our sis ter State. We have a better opinion of the men who direct the affairs of Marylnd, than to suppose they would volunteer the advocacy of any ruffian, kidnapper and murderer who escapes from our State. If the Baltimore jury that sent the Par ker girls back to their home, had been able to punish the scoundrels who abduc ted them, we should not now have to de plore the wretched inefficiency of Gov. Bigler. He is a willow switch that can't stand up right. Philadelphia. Easfon aud Vt'atcr Gap Rail lioado The Board of Directors of this compa ny held a meeting on the 24th inst., at which the route of the road was perma nently located, from the mouth of Sandy Run, on the Wissahickon, near White marsh, to Ilcllertown, near the Lehigh River, a distance of 36 miles. The line leaves the Lehigh by the Saucon Valley, which is followed to the summit at Siracs, Gap, thence through the "flatlands" east to Quakcrtown, to Rock Ridge, at Cofiie's Gap : thence through Lands' Ridge, by a tunnel about 1800 feet long, and across the East Branch of the Perkiomcn near Sellersville. It then ascends Derstein's Run, to the summit, between Perkiomcn, Skiopack and Neshainony, and crosses Hatfield plains to the Wissahickon at Sandy Run, about 14 miles from the city was not finally determined upon. Under its charter the company is authorized to approach the city at any point, either by way of the Wissahicon to the Schuylkill, and thence along the river to West Phil delphia, or by any intermediate street be tween the Delaware aud Schuylkill lines. Singular Accident at Paris. A horrible calamity has just occurcd in Paris, and it may be well to make it known, as such accidents ought to serve as examples. A gentleman, feeling a slight itching in his ear, took up a friction match in order to dispel it. In the ardor of a conversion he was sustaining, he in troduced the sulphurous end; the contact soon produced ignition, and the downy lining of the ear caught fire; a portion of the sulphur adhered to the flesh, and burutthere persistently. The unfortunate man never spoke again. His sufferings were so agonizing that his tongue became powerless, and after two days torment and unavailing efforts of the surgeons, he died. An Oyster Catching a Mouse. In Allentown, Pa., one evening last week, the proprietor of a restaurant left a few oysters standing in the basin on the floor; from the heat of the room they partially opened; during the night it appeared a mouse undertook to creep in between the shell, when the oyster fastened on the mouse and made a victim. In the morn ing tho. oyster was picked up with the mouse tightly pressed between its shell. The French governmentmaintains forty thousand four hundred and twenty-eight priests, at an annual expense of about nine millions of dollars. Another Dreadful CalamityFall of a Building- aud great Loss of Life. Buffalo. May 14. A terrible calami ty occurred in this city yesterday. The building on Main street, occupied as a banking house by Messrs. Robinson & Co., and Robert Codd, while undergoing re- lit i , 1 1 pairs, suddenly caved in, tne roor and every story being carried through to the ground. It is feared that 15 or 20 workman, and some persons occupying the upper stories are beneath the ruins. The utmost excitement prevails, and the Fire Department and a large number of citizens are clearing the ruins. The front of the shops had been taken out for repairs, and the building was left without proper support. The building was five stories high, and the entire inside and back wall fell into the cellar, carrying the men who were at work on each story down with it. An immense pile of lumber has been get out, and five men have been rescued alive one with his leg badly crushed and the others seriously injured. - Three dead bodies have been recovered one that of John llufford. master car penter, whose head was completely crush ed. While digging in the rear, a man felt his baud tightly grasped by one beneath the ruins, and clearing away, a boy was discovered who had been jambed in be tween the timbers for upwards of an hour The men worked hard to rescue him, the little fellow bearing up bravely, though much crushed and exhausted, lie was at length restored to the arms of his fath er, who stood by in speechless agony watching the efforts of the men. The boy's name is George Kinskey; he is much injured internally, but hopes are enter tained for his recovery. The fire depart ment is now organized to work during the night. It is supposed that fifteen persons are still beneath the ruins, all of whom are doubtless dead as the ruins are piled up in a thick solid mass from the cellar to the second story. Much excitement prevails throughou the city. No more bodies yet in sight. The Accident at Buffalo. Buffalo, May 14. The accident in this city last evening occurred between five and six o clock, lhe building was situ ated at No. 162 Maine street, and was formerly occupied by Robinson & Co as an exchange office, and Robert Codd for banking purposes. The property had recently been purchased by Wm. H. Grlen roy, and was being refitted and repaired b' him for the purpose of opening an ex tensive crockery and glass warehouse. The lower part of the brick wall had been removed for the purpose of putting in a glass wall, but owing to some defee in staying up the wall above, the whole fell in, and buried beneath the rubbish nearly all who were engaged in the re pairs. TIM.- 1 r- ii. - f ,1 1 iuu iufcu to me owner oi me Dlllldln" is between 810,000 and SI 5,000. The search at the fallen building was continued all night by torch-light. About 5 o'clock this morning, three O more dead bodies were discovered. Qne was grasping a plane tightly, as though struck down while in the act of usin it. It is supposed that five or six are still beneath the ruins not yet cleared out. The labor goes on unceasingly. The boy rescued last night is doing well. ' A coroner's inquest will be held this P. M., when a thorough investigation into the cause of the accident will take place. Rumor, at present, attaches all blame to the builder. The bodies recov ered arc terribly mangled. Gypsum at the Far West. The Fort Smith Herald publishes a letter from the pen of Dr. Shuraard, of that place, who acted as Geologist in the expedition under Capt. Marc', in his reconnoissance of the headwaters of Red River. We give the material portions of the commu nication: This field is probably the largest in the world, and extends from the Wichita Mountains to within a short distance of the nearest Mexican Province. Through out its entire exUntthe Gypsum presents itself to the surface iu such a manner as to be very easily worked, and is of the purest quality. Not unfrequently wc traveled for miles over continuous beds, which, from their snowy whiteness, and the great abundance of glittering Sdcnitc (transparent Gyjmtm) they contained, ad ded greatly to the interest of tho scenery; while here and there immense bluffs often severel miles in extent, and thickly cap ped with the same material, projected to the bight of two or three hundred feet above the level of the surrounding coun try. In many places it was observed to be twenty feet in thickness. Gypsum which, when burnt, produces the Plaster of Paris, is one of the most important substances in nature. Resides being one of the very best fertilizers of the soil, it is largely used for building and ornamental purposes, and is every year becoming more and more important, in a commercial point of view. Hence its discovery in incxhaustable quantities.can- noi out dc loolcea upon with the utmost degree of interest. Another Murder. A man named Cas per Landparter, for whom a bench war rant was issued at Pittsburgh, was over taken a few miles from Butler by the offi cers, and arrested. Under' pretence of changing his linen the officers went with him to his room in the tavern, where he di-ew a pistol and knife, and killed one of the officers instantly, and wounded the other so severely that he has since died. The murderer escaped. He is of French extraction five feet ten inches high, about forty five years of age one eye very black, high oheek, hopes, and very dark complexion, Spiritual Manifestations. Ike National Intelligencer recently pub- isbed an article recommending the call ing in the aid of legal authority to sup press spiritual rappmgs, as they are call ed, and similar absurdities. The Intelli gencer of last week contains a letter from the Hon. N. P. Tallmadge, formerly U. S. Senator from New York, Governor of Iowa, etc., remonstrating against the ar- lcle referred to. This letter is accompa nied by another, dated January 10th ad dressed to the Hon. James F. Simmons, ateii. S. Senator from Rhode Island, referring to the fact that Mr. Simmons believed in those manifestations as he had stated in conversation with Mr. T., and in an article in Putnam's Magazine, giv ing his experience on the subject. This expedience confirmed Mr. T. in his own impressions received from researches he had Jinade. He says that his attention was first seriously called to the subject lastspringby a newspaper attack on Judge Ldmbnus lor bis bclier in it, and as he had known the Judge for thirty years as a man of acute mind, talent for investiga tion, land unimpeachable integrity, he was induded to scrutinise the "spiritual mani festations." lie avers that the result, of his experiments were of the most astouuding character, satisfying him that the medium i , ! i. i i . i it did not Know wuence eitner tne raps or the communications proceeded. All the questions Mr. T. put were propounded mentally, and the medium could not know whatjtlicy were nor how to answer them. He declares he has frequently received communications far above the capacity of of the persons from whom they purported to come, as for instance, John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, and Daniel Webster. He has received communications through wri ting, speaking and rapping mediums. Mr. Talmadge undoubtedly believes all this, and has no doubt of holding converse with the spirits ot Calhoun, Clay and Webster ; but will find it hard to inspire others with that belief or with faith to believe in any such absurdities. General Tallmadge endeavors to ex plain the spiritual rappings in tho follow ing manner, to benator bimmons " The next question is, from whence do these manifestations, whether physical or moral, proceed? Judge Edmonds was, told that they vere all according to nat ural laws, whiah would in due time be fully developed; and he was directed to read Yon Reichenbach's Dynamics of Magnetism and Llectncity a book he had never heard of before as a means of enabling him to understand these laws. I have read the book myself. The wri ter proves conclusively the discovery of a new element, which he calls od or the odic force. He proves that this element prevades not only the human system, but material world-and the whole universe. He finds it in the rays of the sun, moon and stars. Late English writers of high reputation consider the existence of the odis force as well established as that of the magnetism and electricity. It combines many of the qualities of the two latter, and is antago nistic to some of them. It may be pre sumed, therefore, that this newiy discov ered element enters, in some sort, into these manifestations. It is said that this accounts for the physical manifestations. Rut no one can show how this force pro duces them. And even if this were proved, it still remains to account for the intclli. gence in the communications which are received. That intelligence does notcome from tables, or chairs, or other material objects. It must come from mind, or from a spiritual source. This new ele ment may be the medium of conveying it to us. To illustrate, let me suppose that a friend in New York wishes to commu nicate with me in Washington. He sends his communication to me through the e leotric telegraph. The communication is received and written down here the same as a commu nication is received and written down through the rapping medium. I ask how is that communication from my friend I conveyed to me ? The answer is, by the eiecinc num. jjut does tno electric nuiu make the communication ? The answer is no, the mind of my friend does that. So in the case of the rapping medium, the communication comes frpm some source of intelligence. This intelligence, as every one knows, who has investigated these matters, does not come from the ta bic that is mov,ed by some invisible pow er, nor from the juediura, nor from any one present. It is therefore to be inferred that it comes from a spiritual source; and more espicially when communications are ' receiveu on suojects exclusively Known iu those communicating." IHj3 The Lancaster Examiner states that there is a German family residing in that city who the past winter were in the habit of killing aud eating such dogs as they could get possession of. They were too lazy to work, and resorted to this method of obtaining a livelihood. The large Stock of blood horses, belonging to the estate of the late Wm. Gibbons, were sold at auction on Tues day, at Madison, N. J. Among the num ber sold, was tho celebrated racer "Fash ion," now 17 years old, bought by Mr. Morris of Morrisania, for 81550. Bon nets o'Blue, mother of Fashion, 26 years old, brought 100. Patsey Anthony, 13 years old, $280. Mariner, 17 years old, 270; and others of lesser note at pri ces varying from 70 up to 8020. The sale attracted a large concourse of people from Newark, New York, and other pla ces. The Post-Oflice Department are to have the new stamped-envclopes ready by the first of June. But if they com mence their distribution by the 1st of Ju ly next, it will be as soon as one can hope for. They are to be sold at 83,20 per hundred- 83 for the stamp?, and 20 cents lor the envelopes. Carpenters in Oregon are getting S6 per day and boarded, and common labor ers 83 per day and boarded, A Cosily Spree. Our readers have probably all heard of the recent "jollification" indulged in by our legislators, to which the legisla tors of Maryland were invited. I hey may have heard likewise of the moun tainous bill for "wine and fixins" that accumulated in consequence (upwards of $6000!) and which these honorable hosts impudently call upon the State to liqui date. We have watcded the political press, in order to note how such an ap propriation would be viewed through partizan spectacles, ere wo ventured an opinion in regard to the 'shave;' and con clude that the " agony" is reserved for some future campaign. This may do for politicians, but a more general expression seems to have been called for under the circumstances. We have no serious objection to the dignified Legislature of Pennsylvania willing wine and gormandizing upon costly viands until, like the Maine Law, they get under the table, providing, tucy do not put their hands in our pockets for the means to foot the bills. Let private purses be ever so plethoric, it is doubtful whether their owners will approve of tbis mode of relieving them. Most people are willing to "treat" occasionally, but to be turned into "walking change" for the ac commodation of every man who ohooscs to make a beast of himself, is neither n greeable or profitable. Pennsylvania is encumbered with a debt of S40,0()0,000 aud upwards, and is a bye-word at home and abroad by reason of her liabilities. To meet the current expenses, and- to aid in the liquidation of this debt, property is taxed heavily very heavily. Under any other circumstances such taxation would be deemed oppressive; as it is, the people submit cheerfully, in order that they may be enabled to look the world in the face through their chil- drens' child rens' eyes, at the farthest But when a new demand upon their pur ses is made, to liquidate such bills as their representatives may choose to run up for bacchanal feasts, to the disgrace of their manhood, the people have just cause for complaint. If they submit to such an imposition they are unworthy of the name and privileges of freemen, and a disgrace to their ancestry. If they do not uspot'r the honorable gentlemen who were en gaged in this affair, they deserve to be imposed upon, and cut off from redress-. The originators of that grand "swarry" are in a dilemma, between the horns of which there is little choice. If the Treasury bleeds to satisfy the debt, they are politically damned. If it is thrown1 back upon them, they must stand in tho light of sponges," who know how to order a good dinner, and leave their friends to pay for it. In either case, their best way is to pull up stakes and go West, or to Liberia though the Liberians might no receive them without certain papers which their constituents could not conscien tiously give them. Xew Dawn. Delawate, Lehigh and Wyomiujjr. Valley Hail road. To the Editor of the N. Y. Tribune. Sir : In The cw York Express a par agraph appeared referring to a report of J. W. Allen, Esq., Civil Engineer of the Morri3 and Essex Railroad, upon the practicability of connecting the Sunbury and Erie Railroad with the Morris and Essex by means of tho "Delaware, Lehigh and Wyoming Valley Railroad, thereby opening the Wyoming coal fields to this City. If Mr. Allen means the latter be a gravity road with stationary Engine, the connection would be practicable; if, how ever, he refers to a locomotive coal carry ing road, he speaks with an imperfect knowledge of the facts, or has been de ceived by the misrepresentations of iutcr terested parties. I agree with Mr. A.r that it is highly important to this City to have tne connection made with the Sun- bury and Erie Road and New Jersey Roads. This connection we shall have. when the road now building through Cobb's Gap, via. Scranton Pa., known as tho Delaware, Lackawana and Wester Rail road shall be finished, and also the Blooms- burg and Lackawana Road shall be built, connecting the Jersey and l!ine iioads by the nearest practicable routes through ths valley. A New Yorker. 3r The people of Columbia, S. C, are indulging in ripe cherries, of the May Duke, Biggarcau and Black Heart varia- tics The public debt of Canada is between 823,000,000 and 824,000,000. It com prises various loans, the longest of which has 28 years to run. The New York Herald devotes one of its pages in a recent number to a histori cal review of the horse trade of that city. Tho number of horses in that city is esti mated at 22,540, and their value at 82,, 495,000. The number of men directly dependent upon the labor of their horses for subsistence is stated at 12,710, while many thousands rely more or less upon, them in the transaction of their daily business. In 1825 the proportion of hor ses was one to every thirty inhabitants now it is one to every twenty-three, thua showing that the application of steam to. machinery, and the different mechanical inventions which have since been made, have not had the effect either of dimin ishing the value of horso labor, or redu cing the number. Taking the Cream off a Hoosier. One of tho Indiana Senators twitted Clark, of Rhode Island, of ooming from a state so poor that the Governor was o bliged to raise calves and pcddlo milk, because his salary would not support him . "True," Clark replied, " we sell milk and raise oalves, but wc don't send them to Congress, as your State docs." This Hoosier felt as though he was badly skinned, I f f 4 4k