The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 19, 1853, Image 1

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Srootci to politico, Citcmturc, Agriculture, Science, iHoraiitnauii eiierdl 3teeiigcna;
VOL. 13.
NO. 30.
.Published by Theodore Scliocln
terms-two dollars per annnum i a ad vance-Tuo not discover the causd of a man's sickness,
dollars and a quarter, half yearly -and if not paid be-, v. .uu..v.
lore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those We'll try this, and We'll try that.' We'll
employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2
cents, per year, extra.
No papers ditconimucd until all arrearagesarc paid,
CXKdVehrS one square (six -
me unarge lorone ana uiree insertions the une.
A iiuiai uwwuiu uiauv iu j vaii uuiui llcUldt
IO All letters addressed to the Editor must be post
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, we are prepared
to execute every description of
JFAESTflBS? 5Pj&5C7OT1Rrek
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes. Blank Kcceipts
-Justices, Legal and other Blanks. Pamphlets. &e.
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
The BSearl's IL:tmesit.
I know thou wilt forget me,
For that proud soul of thine
Turns coldly from the passionate
And ardent love of mine.
It may be that thou deemestit
A light and simple thing
To strike with bold and nervous arm
The heart's lone, mystic siring.
Thou wilt not deign to hear the strain
. Thy own dear hand hath woke,
It matters not, if ne'er to thee
Its trembling echoes broke.
I know, ay well, thou wilt forget
I ever dreamed of thee,
Thou lovest not, thou carestnot
My fettered soul to free.
The gay and gifted crowd thee round,
The beautiful are thine,
Then how canst thou, oh lofty one,
Kneel at a lowly shrine!
I ask it not; oh never more
My soul's cry shalt thou hear
My heart shall learn in betterness
To hide its love so dear.
(rThe melody " Old Folks at Home,
14 V. V.AMAmA r, i-.r-tr l . . K ...-..-fit-
... m. , .
are not eo meritorious, me last number or j
Zion's Herald contains the following new j
.; ontJtid
The Blest Ones at Home
Away on the banks of life's bright river,
Far, far away
There will my heart be turning even
There's where the blest ones stay;
All through this vale of sin and sorrow
Sadly I roam,
Still longing for the dawn of the morrow
And for the blest ones at home.
All without is dark and dreary,
Every where I roam,
O, brothers, how the heart grows weary,
Sirhin:r for the blest ones at home.
Through all earth's sunny scenes I wandered
In youth's gay morn;
How man)T precious hours I've squandered,
How many mercies scorned,
When seeking sin's delusive pleasures,
Wretched was I,
But now my heart has found a treasure
There with the blest ones on high.
All without is dark, &c.
One hour there is forever bringing
Memories of love;
JTwaa when my sighs we're changed to singing
Of the blest home above;
When shall I see my Saviour reigning
On his white throne!
When will be hushed my heart's complaining,
There with the blest ones at home!
All till then is dark and dreary
Every where I roam, j
0, brothers, how the heart grows weary
Lomrinfr for the blest ones at home.
A yegrd's Prayer. An old negro, return
ing one night from a dancing frolic, when
crossing the river, lost both oars, and came , handed round, the lady, who was presiding
near being swamped. Determined to do over the tea equipage, 'hoped the tea was
what he had never done before, he dropped good.' 'Very good, indeed madam,' was the
:bn his knees and exclaimed, "Oh Massa, Lord , general reply, till it came to the turn of one
if eber gwine to help old Ira, now is de time, of the Cantabs to speak, who between truth
and politenessj shrewdly observed 'That the
The Advantages of being Vain. :tca ls excellent, but the uatcr is smoky:
A vain fool is the happiest animal thatj A native ofnibernia relll- tQ his frjend
lives. His weakness, as the world calls t, A , . f , ,
. -i r c a -j the dangers and difficulties he had undergone
it, is to him as mail of proofs Amid a , , , , . , &, .
. r r - n i i both by sea and and, speaks thus to hmi
storm of sarcasm or of insult, he stands i . , v
not only unappallcd but unmoved. Were Wlth &reat seriousness:-! believe in my soul
the hisses of a universe directed at him, Jonn that 1 llave Euffered every thing that
he would merely pity the -want of dis- ma" fears but death; andlexpectj if I shall
cernmcnt which f endered him a mark for live, to suffer that also.
scorn. Oh! if there is a man who enjoys
an elysium on earth, it is the anointed of Saldus,- a very eminent lawyer of the 14th
npneeit. Tain of his mind, his person, ( century and Menochius, who wrote on legal
s acquirements regarding them with , presumption in the lGth century, both lay it
2uetes of immeasurable magnifying down as clear law, that .ir it be proved that
posrer, and looking at all the world be- a certain man's head has been cut ofFj a vio
eide through tin inverted telescope, his ex- lent presumption will follow from thence,
jswJBce is a uream ui gwiv,uww
fiUDiime uftconsciousness oi luiyviiwuuu
excludes even the semblance of a cloud.-
Bely upon it the nearest approach to an
' gelic bliss permitted to mortals, is enjoyed
by him whose capacity for self-admira-iNew
tion and modicum ot Drains stand m tne,saw tjje stor House, the Metronolitan,
relation of infinity to nothing. There- j
rt.rt A rt f ti tt fVio n nain Trmr OT
Mu L , MLtA nss. -R.fltW finvvtknowwhere the money camefrom to build
jijm.-r-Sunday Times. j
A mountain of marble hae been, discovered
5in the great Salt Lake Valley, of almost eve
ry color, containing slabs of every size.
Old Dr. Hunter usdd to sdy, when life could
shoot into the tree, and if any tlnn tails,
, , T T
well and good." " Aye replied a ,vag, "1
fear is too commonly the case, and in
mT shtinginto the tree, the first thing
, tnat generally lailS; IS the patient, f
An avaricious person, who kepta very
scanty table, dining one Saturday pith his
son at an ordinary in Cambridge, Wjnspered
in his ear," Tom, you must eat for toWay and
I to-morrow," O yes," retorted we nair
' starved lad, "But I ha'ht eaten for yesterday
, ... ,r ni i
ailu uie uaJ uuiuit- yh lamci.
A Clergyman who is in the habit ofpreach
ing in different parts of the country, was not
long since at an inn, where he observed a
horse Jockey trying to take in a sirnple gen
tleman, by imposing upon him a broken winded
The Parson knew the
bad character of the Jockey, and taking the I
ffentleman aside told him to be cautious of j
the person he was dealing with. The gen-
, tleman finally declined the purchase, and the
I Jockey, quite nettled, observed 'Parson, I
j had much rather hear you preach, than see j fVientl, to take the new coat. Upon put
j you privately interfere in bargains between ; tjQg Jfc ifc lacked aboufc & foQfc of cQm
man and man, in this way,' 'Well, (replied j . t fcher , The tailor was tuunder
the Parson) if vou had been where you ought .
J - . , , struck. I here was the measurment
I have been, last Sundav, you might have heard
I , , .... ,0 ,iin. :nm,;rP,i ,u the figures his own. How could he have
me preach. 'Where was that, inquired the , o
1 i T
Jockey. 'In the State Prison, returned the ,
clergyman. j
A Scotchman in New-Hampshire being
sick, tvas called upon by cj clergyman, who
conversed with him upon his religious con- j
cerns. Said the minister, po you repent of j
all your sins.7 Do you repent of Adam-s first
'AdomV AdomV saids the sick scotch- j
man, 'I never knew the mohl'
Two men, in dispute, rejected upon each
other's veracity. One of tiiem replied, that
he was never whipt but orice by his father,
and that was for telling the truth. I believe
then (retorted the other)1 "the truth was !
I'll -.-,T
wnipt our. oi vou, ior vou never nave sponen ,
. . i
11 s,nce'
i u..:-i 1
A vnnnrr rlprnrvmnn hnvmrrtllP miStortlinR i
to bury five wives, being in company with a about to dash out of the shop, ivhen Nich
number of ladies, was severely rallied by them' ols saidj coolly, " Here, let me try on the
upon the circumstance. At last one of them first coat you made for me."
rather impertinently put the question to him, j The tailor, amazed, handed it to him.
' How he managed to have such good luck;' ; It buttoned exactly over a genteel waist.
Why, Madam,' says the other, I knew And now, suppose I try on the large
they could not live without contradiction, coa again."
therefore I let them go their own way.' He did . and ifc WM non(J toQ krge fcQ
The Duke of Orleans! when Regent of ( button over his body, which swelled up
France, was solicited by severel noblemen to like an alderman's.
pardon a man who had Ibeen convicted of j "I think," said Nichols, "HI take both
murder, and who had been pardoned for com- of these coats," and he handed some bank
mittinir two other offences, replied, " I will : notes to the bewildered tailor; who after
pardon him, at your request, but take notice, ;
and keep this in your memory, that I will !
certainly pardon the man, whoever he may ,
,,:., ' I
be, that hills either ofyon.
At the siege of Yorktown.tu'o blacks were
, , , .
placed as sentinels together. When the re-
lief came, the corporal found both in the same
position he left them: on demanding of the
one Eittingwhy he did not rise, he answered,
"I believe Massa, I'se wounded, and I guess
CuUee dead; hant poke dis good while." On
examination Cuffee was realy deadj and Sam
bo had the bones of his aria and leg so badly
fractured as to render amputation absolutely
necessary. When the poor fellow was in-
formed of it, he replied, "Well Massa, take
um off.' After the operation ivas performed
the surgeons began to condolewith him upon
his misfortune, when he exejumed, "iNebcr
mind, Massa, tank God, I go! noder leg and
noder arm for um yet.
At a tea-party, where omeCantabs hap-
pened to be present, after the dish had been
,tjiat tjiat man s dead:'
A rural visitor, describing the many
strange and wonderful things he saw in
York, winds up by saying: " We
and other hotels, and ere troubled to
know where the money came from to build
them; we paid our bills, and felt relieved
on that point."
The area drained by the Mississippi
River, is about 1,226,000 miles.'
The Ventriloquist's Coats.
Some years ago there was a )Toung man
living in Savannah, by the name of Nich
ols. He was a clerk in a large store.
It happened that a travelling ventriloquist
visited Savanah, and so interested Nich
ols, thathe engaged withhim to go around
the country together.
In the course of time the young man
eclipsed his master. He displayed most
astonishing powers, and caused great ex
citement wherever he appeared.
It was after he became famous and
wealthy, that he visited a tailor's shop in
Savannah, to order a new coat. The
knight of thd shears was happy to receive
the order from so distinguished a custom
er, and assured the ventriloquist that the
garment should be an exact Ct.
Now Nichols had a remarkable chest.
He could inflate his lungs as to increase
the circumference ot his body eleven inch-
A week passed, and the humorist wait
ed upon the tailor, in company with a
"" " u6ia,Ciui uiunuci ; mcu
numberless apologies, he begged to be al-
J lowed to measure again, and make a sec
! ond coat.
! 1 XT 11
ne" IC as uone JMcnois came m
with his friend again, to see how it would
The tailor handed the garment to him
remarking that there was no mistake this
time he would find it a complete fit.
Would he ? He put it on, and lapped it
around him like a blanket ! It was as
much too large as the first was too small.
He tossed it off.
The tailor struck his
nana unon nis neaa. ana cneu. "iara
0Ut of my senses !" He tbrew his book
and his shears across the room, and was
bis singular customer had departed, final- j
concluded thathe must have measured j
A , e P ' , . , ,,
utmost, tor the second coat, and for the
hh confcracted
? smalles capacity. The tailor, at
the last accounts, was telling the story to
, ' J
A Persian heaven is easy made,
'Tis but black eyes and Lemonade.
Host o)i Transcript.
A Chinese heaven, of course, would be
A heap of fut and a cup of tea.
Lynn News.
An Englishman's heaven would he, in chicfj
A rosy cheek and a piece of beef.
Vox Populii
a Yankee's paradise.
A Yankee heaven is a different life,
A soft pine board and a sharp jack-knife;
Sunday Morning News.
The Yankee's place of heaven and rest,
ls found a li tile further West.
London Times:
A Dutchman's paradise.
The heaven of bans, without a doubt,
yath walls and floors of sour-krouL
Where's heaven for Pat but in the tater
In Biddy, piggy and the cratur!
Schenectady Reflector,
The Printer's heaven is a very queer place,
No hell no pi fat matter, 2 em brace.
Louisville Democrat t
A home that's void of every evil,
With regular mails and a smiling d-
jKs? A husband and wife, traveling
through the woods in haste,- met with a
melancholy accident which is recorded in
the following felicitous strain ;
And while retreating through the woods,
And through the tangled fern,
He tore his must-n't-mention-'ems,
And had to put on hern!
0-Cato Smith, aged 75 years, the weal
thiest colored man in Chester county, Pa.,
committed suicide a" few days agoj 1,000
were foude in his pocket.'
The Force of Fear.
At the close of the winter of 1625-26,
about dusk in the afternoon, just as the
wealthy dealers in the Balais-Koyal at
Paris were about lighting their lamps
j and putting up their shutters, (the prac
tice of the major part ot them at night
fall, a well known money changer sat be
hind his counter alone, surrounded by
massive heaps of silver and gold, the glit
tering and sterling currency of all the
the kingdoms of Europe. Jle' had well
nigh closed his operations for the day, and
was enjoying in anticipation the prospects
of a good dinner. 13etween the easy-chair
upon which he reclined in perfect satis
faction, and the door which opened into
the north side of the immense quadran
gle of which the splendid edifice above
mentioned is composed, arose a stout wire
partition, reaching nearly to the ceiling,
and resting upon the counter, which trav
ersed the whole length of the room. Thus
he was cjfectually cut off from all possi-
I bility of unfriendly contact from any of
j his occassional visitors ; while a small sli-
ding-board that ran in and out under the
wire partition served as the medium of
his peculiar commerce. Upon this he re-
I ceived every coin, note or draft presented
j for change, and having first carefully
examined it, returned its value, by the
same conveyance, in tne coin or 1 ranee,
or, indeed, of any other country requred.
Behind him was a door communicating
with his domestic chambers, and in the
middle of the counter was another, the
upper part of which formed a portion of
the wire partition above described.
The denizen of this little chamber had
already closed his outer shutters, and was
just on the point of looking up his doors
and retiring to his repast, when two young
men entered. They were evidently Ital
ians, from their costume and peculiar di
alect. Had it been earlier in the day when
there would have been sufficient light to
have discerned their features and expres
sion, it is probable that our merchant would
have defeated their plans, for he was well
skilled in detecting the tokens of fraud or
design in the human countenance. But
they had chosen their time too appropri
ately. One of them, advancing towards
the counter, demanded chance in French
coin for an English sovereign, which he
laid upon the sliding board, and passed
through the wire partition. The money
changer rose immediately, and having as
certained that the coin was genuine, re
turned its proper equivalent by the cus
tomary mode of transfer.- The Italians
turned as if to leave the apartmentj when
he who had received the money suddenly
dropped the silver as though accidental
ly upon the floor. As it was now nearly
dark, it was scarcely to be expected that
they could find the whole of the pieces
without the assistance of a light.
This the unconscious merchant has
tened to supply; and unlocking, with
out suspicion, the door of the partition
between them, stooped with a candle 0
ver the floor in search of the lost coin.
In this position the unfortunate man was
immediately assailed with repeated stabs
from a poniard, and he at length fell, af
ter a few feeble and ineffectual struggles,
senseless and apparently lifeless, at the
feet of his assassins.
A considerable time elapsed ere, by
the fortuitous entrance of a stranger, he
was discovered in this dreadful situation;
when it was found that the assassins,hav
ing first helped themselves to an almost
incredible amount of money, had fled,
without anything being left by which a
clue might have been obtained to their
The unfortunate victvm of their raprt
city and cruelty was however, not dead.
Strange Us it may appear, although he
had received upwards of twenty wounds,
several of which plainly showed that the
dagger had been driven to the very hilt,
he survived; and in a few mdnths after
the event, was again to be seen in his
long-accustomed place at the changer's
board. In vain had the most diligent
search been made by the military police
of Paris for the perpetrators of this de
testable deed. The villi ans had eluded
all inquiry and investigation, and would
in all probability have escaped undiscov
ered with their booty but for a mutually
cherished distrust of each other. Upon
the first and complete success of their
plan, the question arosti how to dispose
of their enormous plunder, amounting to
more than a hundred thousand pounds.
Fearful of the researches of the police, '
they dared not retain it at their lodgings. !
To trust a third party with their secret '
was not to be thought of. At length, af
ter long and anxious deliberation, they
agreed to conceal the money outside the ,
barriers of Paris until they should, have i
concocted some safe plan for transporting '
it to their own country, This they ac- ;
cordiugly did, burying the treasure tin
der a tree about a mile from the Barriere
d'Enfer. But they were still as far as
ever from a mutual understanding, '
When they separated,. on any pretence, j
each returned to the spot which contained j
the stolen treasure, where, of course, he
was sure, to find tho other. Suspicion .
thus formed and fled soon grew into dis- j
like and hatred, until, at length, each j
loathing the sight of the other, they a-1
greed to divide tho booty, and then etem- 1
ally to separate, each to the pursuit of ,
his own gratification. It then became
necessary to carry the whole of the mo
ney home to their lodgings in Paris, in
order that it might, according to their no
tions, be exuitably divided.'
The reader must here bb reminded
that there exists in Paris a law rlative
I to wines and spirituous liquors which al- of sight-seeing English workmen, to the
! lows them to re-tailed at a much lower Place de Greves to witness the execution
! price without the barriers than that at of the two assitsshls of the money-chan-which
they are sold within the walls of ger. Under the rays of all almost msup
the city; This law has given rise, among portable sun, ah immense crdwd had con
tho lower orders of people, to frequent congregated arditfad the guillotine j and it
j attempts at smuggling liquors in bladders' was not without c'Ohsitlef able exertion and
j concealed aboutCthe?r persons, often in a bribe of some small amount, that stan
their hats. The penalty for the offence ding-places were at length obtained with
i was so hiah, that it was very rarely en- in a few paces of the deathful instrument;
forced, and practically it was very sel- upon the flat tdj of the Idw wiill which di
dom, indeed, that the actual loss incur- vides the ampta area of the Plate de
red by the offending party was anything Grcve from the river Seine,
j more than the paltry venture; which ho Precisely at four d'c'lbck the sombre
i was generally licrmitted to abandon, cavalcade apprddched. Seated upon a
making the best use of his hotels to es-, bench in along cart, betweefitwd priests;
cape any further punishment. The gens- sat the wretched victiin's of retributive
darmes planted at the different barriers 'justice. The crucifix wis incessantly ex
generally made a prey of the portables hibited td their view, and presented td
which they captured, and were constant- their lips to be kissed, by ghostly atten
ly interested in keeping a good look-out dants. After a few minutes of silent and
for offenders. It was this vigilance that i horrible preparation, the elder advanced
led to the discovery of the robbers; for, upon the platform of the guilldtine. With
not being able to devise any bitter plan livid aspect and quivering Hps, he gazed
for the removal of the money than that1 around in unutenlble dgbny upon the sea
of secreting'it about their per?ons, they of human faces ; then lifting his haggard
attempted thus to carry out their object. ! e'cs to heaven, he demanded pardon of
But as one of them, heavily encumbered , God and the people for the vidlation of
with the golden spoils, was passing thrd' .the great prerogative of the former, and
the Barriere d'Entcr, one of the soldier- the social rights of the latter; and besought
police who was on duty as sentinel, sus- mdst earnestly the mercy df the Judge,
pecting, from his appearance and hesitat- intd whose presence he was about to en
ing gait, thathe earring smuggled liquors ter. In le"ss than two niiriutes both he
in his hat, suddenly stepped behind him; and his companion were headless corpses,
and struck it from his head with his hal-jand in a quarter of an hdur no vestige
herd. What was his astonishment to be- j savd a few remains df saw-dust, was left of
hold, instead, of the expected bladder df the terrible drama that had been enacted,
wine or spirits, several small bags of gold Soon; however, a cdufuse murmur
arid rolls of English bank-notes! The ded the crowd a report that the victim
confusion and prevarication of the wretch, of cruelty and avarice had realised the
who made vain and frantic attempts to dread presentment of his dwn mind, and
recover the property, betrayed his guilt justified the prediction contained in .the
and he was immediately taken into cus- j anonymdus letter he had received. Ori
tody, together with his companion who, 1 inquiry this was found td be true. As
following at a very short distance, was the signal rang out for execution, the un
unhesitatingly pointed out by his coward-j happy man, whom twenty twd stabs of
ly and bewildered confederate as the the dagger had failed to kill, expired in
owner of the money. Xo time was lost 'a paroxysm of terror adding dne more
in conveying intelligence of their capture, td many examples already on record of
to their unfortunate victim, who immed-jthe fatal force of fear upon &h excited
lately identified the notes as his own
property, and at the first view of the as
sassins swore distinctly to the persons of
both to the elder, as having repeatedly
stabbed him ; and to the younger, as his
companion and coadjutor.
The criminals were in due course of
time bried, fully convicted, and as was to
be expected, sentenced to death by the
guillotine ; but. owing to some technical
informality in the proceedings, the doom
of the law could not be carried into exe-
cution until the sentence of the court had ;
been confirmed upon appeal. This de-'
lay afforded time and opportunity for
some meddling or interested individual
either moved by the desire of making a
cruel experiment, or else by the hope of
obtaining a reversalof the capital sentence
feelings of the unfortunate money-changer
o i
A few days after the sentence of death had
been pronounced, the unfortunate victim
received a letter fom an unknown hand,
mysteriously worded, and setting forth, in
expressions that seemed to him fearfully
prophetic, that the thread of his own des
tiny was indissolubly united with that of
his condemned assassins. It was evident
ly out of their power to take away his
life ; and it was equally out of his power
to survive them, die by the sentence of
the law, or how or when they might ; it
became clear, so argued this intermed
dler that the same moment which saw
the termination of their lives, would in
evitably be the last of his own. To for
tify his arguments, the letter-writer refer
red to certain mystic symbols in the hea
vens. Now, though the poor man could
understand nothing of the trumpery dia
grams which were set forth as illustrating
the truth of the fatal warning thus con
veyed to him, though his friends univer
sally laughed at the trick as a barefaced
attempt of some anonymous impostor to'
rob justice of her due, it nevertheless
made a deep impression upon his nTind.
Ignroaut of everything but what he rela
ted immediately to his own money-getting
profession, ho had a blind and unde
fined awe of what he termed the supernat
ural sciences, and he inwardly thanked
the kind monitor who had given him at
least a chance of redeeming his days.
He immediately set about making ap-
plication to the judges, in order to get'lieved td be indispensable between com-
tne decree 01 (icatn cnaugca into v. scn-
! tence to the galleys for life. He was e-
qually surprised and distressed to find j
that they treated his petition with con
tempt, and ridiculed his fears. So far
from granting his request, after repeated
solicitations, they commanded him in a
pre-omptory manner to appear no more
before them. Driven almost to despair.
he resolved upon petititioning the kiugt.may be for my real good.' , t.
and after much expense and toil, he at m ;
length succeeded in obtaining an audience I A sentimental chap' iri Hhode Island'
of Charles X. All was in vani. A crime 1 intends to petition Corigress, at' its 1 f&xt?
so enormous, committed with such cool ! session; for an appropriation to imfrove
deliberation, left no opening for the plea! tno channels of-affection; so that tfencc
df mercy; every effort he made only sorv-j frth the f course of true love :nayvr,uri
od to strengthen the resolution of tho au-; smooth.'
thoritics to execute judgment. Finding; ; .-r
all his efforts in vaiu, hcappeared to re-! It js Sftid that if you. gently tickle' ii
resign himself despairingly to his fate. bull frog 6n tlfe back of the hertd' with a
Deprived all relish even for gam, he took feather, he will ih and cry like d child,
to his bed, and languished in hopeless!
misery, and as the time for the execution ! It ;g a(aed bat Uof G ree. Qf M
of the criminals approached, lapsed more New York Tribune, has recently paicle
and more into terror and dismay, tween $700 amj sSOO'.pri.n'fiip'al and com-
Tt jf r a sultry afternoon in the be- pound interest' of a tfeht of i'ess than SI 00
gir.flXf 1f36? that tho writer of
IL ' Jtavucu a uuv luu
, - - 't. t. . . Un-r. ,
thouglittui iau, in searcu 01 uuiu..,
m Pans nurnedj togetner iuiu u pity
t imagination.
A New wrinkle. An ddd genius-ascribed
the very cold weather we had win
ter before last to the fact that Sir John
Franklin went through the Northwest
Passage and fdrgdt td shut the ddor af
ter him.
Here is a demonstraiidn df the go-a-head-ativeness
df tills age :
Married In Canton, Maine Februa
ry 20, by E. G. Harlow, Esq., after a
courtship ot eighteen minutes, Calvin Sim
mons, Esq., to Miss Cynthia G. West all
of Canton.
"PatcIi upon Patch." :We find the
j following Complicated piece df patchwdrb
in Tim Incr rmmhor eir I fib frmrtf rlif
Chien Courier
"Married. At Patch Grove; dn the
24th ult., by Daniel Andrews, Esq.. Mr:
Recd Patch to -Bliss Harriet Al. Patch, all
of Patch Grove."
It is said that rdw eggs and milk are a
sure remedy for poisdri of any kind taked
into the stomach. This is information
that mav do a deal of gddd if remembered:
and cannot possibly be productive of any
harm. Paste it intd your scrap book.
Tricks of Duelists. At a recent grand
demonstration of the Friends df Peace
i at Manchester,- Eugland, John Bright:
31. Jr., made the following disclosures:
He said, "I was not very long ago in the
shop of a gunsmith in London, and heard
there what I had not the least reason to'
doubt; that it is the commonest thing in
the world now, if there is to be 5 duel;
that sonic friend of the parties procures
pistols and takes very good care to be
supplied with ball from the same place,
which are made of a material which Sig
nor Blitz, I believe, has occdsionly used,
in his exibitions. They are something
like balls in appearance, but when they
are put in the pistol, and the ramrod goes
I down, they all go to dust. Xdw, this is
what duelling has come to; but it is oulv
a few years since duelling was believed
to be as indispensable for the settlement?
of private quarrels,- as wars are now bo-
inunities and nations.-"
An old paper has ths, " A vc'rv devdut
fellow, not being able to1 please his. nice
piety in his prayers,- used only to repeat
the alphabet, and then add, Oh-BIrd
God put these letters into words and
these words into sentences; thatj.thev'
which hwrgSoir father owedTwh.ei he did
- i. , L x . f
iik uiucrai' Hfi,iY jLAirs ago.