The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 12, 1853, Image 4

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; jri 1 '
jfessrs. Editors: As the time for planting
potatoes is approachsng, Isendyouthe result
ofaa careful experiment made with different
manures, with the remark that I shall make
asimilar trial this Spring, and trust that some
of my brother farmers may do the same on
limestone, slate and gravel soils.
On the 19th of last May, I selected 126
Mercer potatoes, without core, as nearly the
nine size as possible, weighing about three
to the pound cut each potato into two pieces
lengthwise, and planted them in my garden,
in rich, sandy loam soil, in hills 2h feet apart,
. , . ... , - , '
6 pieces in each hill and attended to them
No. 1. 12 hills, 3 pieces to each hill.
Kentish guano, manufactured in New-York
to the hill, covered one inch with
before applying the guano-one inch
on top of guano.
No. 2. 12 hills. 3 piece to each hill.
Saline fertilizer, manufactured in Philadel-
nhia. covered as No. 1.
jvt o t u;m q u i-ii
Potatoes first rolled in plaster-covered one
ch with toil. 2 os. of plaster then applied,
aifd again covered with one inch of earth.
No. 4. 12 hills, 3 pieces to each hill, ap-
TV,tA Sot .ir c!nni-wi j j
i-0. A.
JSo. o. 12 hills, 3 pieces to each hill. Short
barn-yard manure on the
two inches with earth.
notafn rnvprpd
r , .w.wu.
No. G. 12 hills, 3 pieces to each hill. Short
barn-yard manure under potatoes, covered two
inches with earth.
in o . , ,
u. uuiB, o pieces 10 eacn mil-cov-
ered one inch with earth, applied 2 oz. peru-
vean guano, and covered with another inch
of earth.
On the 23d of September I raised them and
carefully weighed' the product of each 12
No. 1. Kentish guano, weighed 44 lbs.
-i. ujiiiiu luruuzer, .veignaa uuj ids.
Clear nnoolh skin,
i No. 3. Plaster, weighed 42i lbs.
rotuvo. 4. Lime, weighed 41 lbs. found one
ien potato, and skin of all rough.
onejNo. o. Alanure on top, weighed 34 lbs.
thiij-fifth of all nibbled by mice and moles, and
Ihk seed was eaten.
Jfio. o. Manure below, we "hed 44i lb
fllso eaten, but not so much as No. 5.
( No.7.PeruveanrrUnnn.wPirTh,f! finite
Von in C170 cmnntn clrin 4 I
w-b ' waiw wiuwwt ouiuk Li. ii la iicrj JIU1I i
x udu ueiuru uiea reruvean guano on wneat,
t i i ur .i n ,.. I
corn and oats. On the oats there wasa mai-
Ked.beneht the growth was taller, and the
color a darker green the spots where it had
been sown could be observed at the distance
ot a hundred yards. On wheat and corn I
could perceive no difference.
'Ifarrisburg Telegraph.
To Distinguish Good XSjrgs for Set
All ihose having setting hens would do
well to take notice of the following remarks,
and they will have a chicken for every egg
Uiev set:
J ake eggs not more than three or four
days old, and have a candle or lamp; hold
the egg in one hand with the broad end ud-
wards, close to the candle; place the ede
of the other hand on the top of the egg, and
vou will immediately perceive the incubation
nd. Some people can tell a pullet from a
rooster. The mark for a rooster is crosswise,
and pullet lengthwise. Another way is to
place your tongue on the large end of the
egg, and will find a strong heat if fresh and
good, and Jess beat if old and doubtful. Es
put by for hatching should never be put in a
riamp cellar, as the dampness destroys this
Foot rot in Cattle.
A icorrespondent wishes to kno;v how to cure
tins disease. He says the cattle in that re
gion are suffering very much from it, and
that many of them are loosing their hoofs.
The disease which our correspondent de
scribes is analogous to the"footrot" in sheep,
it 16 prevalent in cold, low, marshy countries
and is the consequence either of feeding in
wet pastures during the winter months, or
permitting animals to wallow in their filth.
Treatment Of course the first and great
leading indication of cure is to remove the
-cause. This done, the cure is easy; indeed,
it is often all that is required. First of all,
. - , ,
then, see that the animal is removed to a dry
situation. Then wash the Dartaffected with
wurm water and soap, and for the purpose of
rr.ti.inn- in tUn 1 .. 1 Z I
aU.6 me ouii. pun, uppijr . teiaAuig
poultice. laKe say blippery .Elm, Pond
T lilt hrmcar? f rA rriAcmA slt r t I omml I
J - ... .. '
parts. Mix with boiling water, and put the
ingredients into a bag, and secure it above the
fetlock. As soon as a free dischanre of mat-
, , , , , ,,. , -f
r ' r '
the , discharge IS offensive, Wash the cleft
morning and eavning, with salt water, or
what is perhaps better salt and vinegar. -
If the animal's general health appears bad,
give the following mixture at a dose, and oc-
casionally -repeat:Flour of Sulphur, half an
ounce; Powedred Sassafras bark, one ounce;
Burdock, (any part of the plant,) tivo oz.;
Steep in a quart of boiling water, and when
copl strain. The Plow, The Loom, and The
'DorCt do it. Do not, during this season
vnnr err Hsu Innd. thus KreakinV the sward and I
J " L,
renaeung ji uneven, xuvvry larcuer buuu.u,i
if possible, have water tor ins stock m the
vard. or near the barn. Runninir water is
alwavfl preferable if you can obtain it but .
otherwie, dig. well .and put a pump into it '
and thu supply your thirsting herds. J
StrosidKMirR and
Bust mi
Port Jervis, Mauch C(u?icJc and Scranton
The Strouclsbun? and Easton
mail line of stages, consistsof excellent four
horse coaches, and leaves J. J. I ostens In-
HVXr 7 1
riving in Easton before the departure of th?
cars for New York, or stages to Bethlehem
anl,1nl.l0Tn v i .
n? The? following lines leaves Postens
ln,Yn 0ll(ln tintftl Stroudsbur. Pa. everv
Mnndav. Wednesdav and Fridav. returnine
on alternate da;s:
111". "- T" ' 1 '
A line to r01U jei'VlS, leaving
at 7 o'clock a. m. via Bushkill, Dingman s
JervJs irnmedatelv after the rrival of ,he
morning train of cars to New York, at about
i i s r i rtn imimoh I'niiirriinrr iniruc rnri
8 o'clock a. m.
Aline loMauchUhunK, leaving
at 7 o'clock a. m. via Brodheadsville, where
I. . . T T I 1
it connects with lines to wiiKes-uare ana
I VVhntt I iron
A Hne tQ Scranton having al
7 Qv,ock A via Barlori8viile. 'farmers
ville, where it connects with a line to Hones
dale, and connecting at Scranton with the
cars lor trie west.
I T .ni-ft I . ,- Unit, rtiit ctrnnrr inHtl.nmnntc!
I 1 1C?C UUCa UUI OlllHtl lUUUV,l.UH.IiVO
1: t.i: U ...... I, n
I iu lilts irilvuilll" uuujiu (jaaaiui; uiiuuyii ocij
lions of the country which are as magnifi
cent and picturesque as any in the Union
. j .i i l
iiaving provioeu uiemseivus wan excei
drivers, they feel confident that they will be
enabled to give entire satisfaction to all who
w patronize them.
a in .qro. Prot.riets.Mt
' awv - -
xnG testimony iu us invor la over
whc niiu- The Proprietors are dai'y in
recei of letters and ccrtifiicatcs, going
A-w ol'n r ei rrrtir r rill
r 1 .1 " 1-11 1
cases ot worms, uotn m emiaren ana
i rri J :
ate imnrovement of health which follow
its use, has called the attention of physic
cians to this artic'e. and thev freely re
commend & prescribe it in their practice
"c 'retail price is 2o cents per vialwlu-li
brings it within the means of all.
Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847
I do certify that I gave one bottle o
B. A.Fahnestock's Yirmifuge to my child
and in seAen hours it passed 23 large
worms. Any person aouuting tins may
armly for further information at my rest
dence corner of York and J ackson st's.
james McCaffrey.
PoitgJcccpsic, N. Y. March 2, 1844
I certify, that I took two vials of 35. A
Fahnestock's Yirmifuffe. which I found
to be the greatest cure for worms I have
ever used. I have been troubled with
tape worms for a number of years, and I
navc never found so good a medicine as
Ij' A' Fane5iock'f Virinifuge. I there-
recommend it.
The public is cautioned against coun-
tarfeits and spurious articles, and to pu
no confidence in statements that ' Kolm
stock's,' and 'S. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge,
are the same or as good as the only gen
uine article, which is B' A. Fahnestoclc's
For sale in Stroudsburjr, by T. Scliach1
Stroudsburs: Jcwclrv Store.
The subscriber hav
ing purchased the entire
stock of Clocks, Watch
es, Jewelry, eje of John
H. Rlelick, intends car
rying on the Watch Ma
king and Jewelry busi
ness in ail its various forms, and in a man-
ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire
satisfaction, not only to himself but to those
trusting the above mentioned articles with
him to be repaired, lie has renewed his
stock by recent purchases in the city of New
1 ork, which, together with his former stock.
makes his assortment at this time one ol the
most splendid ever before offered in Strouds
burg; among which may be found all the la-
test fashions in the structure and embellish
",ent 01 reB9 Jevvelry, viz: Ureast Pins, H,ar
Rings, ringer Rings, Gold Lockets, Snaps,
Ikacelets, Slides, Silver Spoons, Butler
K nivKK. and lirfltani Vrnri. tnaplhpr with n
large assortment of Gold and Silver Watch-
j - 7 v
cj-c, logeiner witn
if foiinrl in aiiv sc
... .....
tablishment o! the kind.
Wntfr.h Rcnnsrinff-
Being an important as we I as a ski ful Dart
0f his business, he flatters himself he .can
give as general satisfaction to his customers
anu ine puc as can Qe done uy any one,
as he intends to keep none but the best work
men in his employ : and (eelinsr confident
that all shall have Rntire sati'sfnrtimi rlonp
them, he inteuds to devote his whole time and
"emion 10 mat imporiani orancn ot ms
Anything in his line that he may not have
on hand, will be promptly procured from the
W, bv caIl,nS 011 ie subscriber at his shop,
on Elizabeth street, two doors west of J. H.
M click's old stand.
Stroudsburg, May 6, 1852.
N.W. Corner Second and Mulbervy Streets,
COFFEE, I At the Lowest
SfjfjRj y
IfSOaLiASSES, Market rates.
SPICES. &c. &c.J
I rrii xt r-.
lw commencing iew oiores are par-
Attention given to Produce.
r i ar v iiirupn rn ran.
Philadelphia, January 27, l853.-3m.
Every Family should have e ' coyp.
ln invaluable booh, only 25 c5. er cop'y-r
Man know thyself.
U BOOK for the afflicted. Containin
an outline of the Origin, Progress. Treat
merit and Cure of erery form of disease
contracted bv promiscuous Sexual Inter
course, bv Self-abuse, or Sexual Excess
with advice for their prevention, written i
a familliar style, avoiding all medical tech
nicalities, and everything that would offent
the ear of decency, from the result of some
twenty years successful practice, exclusive
ly devoted to the cure of diseases ot a deli
cate or private nature.
To which is added, receipts for the above
diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp
toms and cure of the Fever and Ague, lor
twenty-live cents a copy; six copies one dol
lar; will be forwarded to any part of the U
nited Slates, by mail, free of postage. Ad
dress, postage paid, "Box, 196 Post Office
or tho Author, 35 North beventh street Phil
T7IIFTY DOLLARS Forfeit. Br- Ilun
JL ter will forfeit S50 if falling to cure any
case of secret disease that may come under
ms care, no matter how long standing or af
flicting. Eithdr sex are invited to his rri
vate Rooms, 38 North Seventh Street Pilad'a,
without fear of interruption from other pa
tients. Strangers and others who have been
unfortunate in the selection of a Physician
are invited to call.
IMPOTENOY Through unrestrained
indulgence ol the passions, by excess or
self-abuse, the evils art numerous. Prema
ture impotency, involuntary seminal dischar
ges, wasting of the organs, loss of memory
a distaste for female society, general debility
or constitional derangement, are sure to fol
low. If necessary, consult the Docrorwith
conficence : he offers a perfect cure.
READ AND REFLECT. The afflicted
would do well to reflect before triisting theii
health, happiness, and in many cases their
lives, in the hands of Physicians ignorant ol
this class of maladies. It is certainly im
possible for one man to understand all the
ills the human family are subject to.-
Every respectable physician has his peculiar
nranch, in which he is more successful than
his brother professors, and to that he devotes
most of Ins lime and study
YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively
devoted to the study and treatment of diseas
es of the sexual organs, together with ulcers
upon the body, throat, nose, or legs, pains in
head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, stiicS
tures, gravel, irregularities, disease arising
from youthful excesses, or impurities of the
blood, whereby the constitution has become
enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedv
relief to all who may place themselves under
his care.
Medicines forwarded to any part of the
United States; Price five and ten dollars
per package. Nov. 18, IS52-ly.
00,000 Brick,
Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber
Ihese brick are of a large size and of a su
perior quality, and will be sold as low and
lower, according to quality, than any other
brick in the County. A portion of them are
pressed or front, and cornice Brick of differ
ent kinds. Said Brick are composed of ma
terial that will stand the fire with impunity
thus answering for the purpose of building
bake-ovens, &e., all of which will be retailed
at the following rates:
Pressed or front brick at $1 50 per hundred
IJest common hard buck UO do do
Best salmon do 75 do do
Best soft do 50 do do
Filling-in-brick 25 do do
N. B. All kinds of grain, at the highest
market price, taken in exchange for Brick
and Cash not refused.
Stroudsburg, September 30, 1852.
India Rubber Gloves, Mittens, &c.
their purchases, should not neglect
these desirable and saleable articles. Their
manufacture has been much mproved re
cently and they are made very durable. -Particular
attention is requested to the
Wool Lined Gloves and Mittens.
They are indispensable in cold and wet
weather. Ladles will find these Gloves use
ful in any work that will soil the hands, at
the same time that they will cure the worst
isalt Kheum or Chappdd Hands immediately
1 hey are made all lengths to protect the
arms and wrists.
For sale by Wilcox, Billings & Co. No. 3
Church Alley, Phi la. Goodyear s OS Ches
nut street do. J. & H. Phillips. Pittsburgh.
fa- falconer & Haskell. Baltimore. Md
H. W. Shiffer, Charleston, S. C. Bart &
Hickcox, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all Rub
ber Dealers in the Union.
For sale at retail by Country Merchants
November 25, 1852. 2m
No. 71 Northampton Street, Opposite tJie
Jiaston Bank.
nPHE subscribers having entered into a
JL partnership lor the purpose of continu
njr tne uruir and raint business at
the old stand of the late Mr. John
Dickson, would offer their stock
of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Glass, &c. &c. to old customers of
. i - 1 i ii i
me sianu anu rnvsicians and dealers in
general. Please call and try us.
Trading under the firm of Dickson Sample.
ssote Agents lor vveihenlrs Pure Ground
White Lead.
Easton, July 17, 1851. ly
C. U. Warnick,
RESPECTFULLY announces to the cit
zens of Stroudsburg and the surround-
ng country, that he still continues the above
business, and may be found at his establish
ment on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa
ver Hanging will be punctually attended to.
and executed in the best style, upon the most
reasonable terms.
N. B. WINDOW SASH, painted and
glazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand and
lor sale at the above establishment.
Stroudsburg, April 15, 1852. ly
Lead and Iroei Pipe.
A general supply of Lead and Iron Pine of
an sizes, on hand at ail times, and for sale
,i . . - .. . .
Easton, July 17, 1851. ly.
The subscriber has opened
his new Hotel and is ready to
accommodate all who may fa
vor him with their custom.
Stroudsburg, May 27, 1852.-Cm.
For sale at this Office,
la'osa and Brass Foundry.
The' subscriber takes this method
informing the public generally, and mil
lers and farmers especially, that having
purchased of Mr, Samuel Hayden, late
proprietor of the btroudsburg Foundry
all his Patterns and lUstures, he has re
moved the same to his Foundry in Tan
nersville, Monroe co., Pa., and having in
creased the machinery of the establish
menfc, he is prepared to execute all or
ders in his line of business, in the bes
manner and with despatch, and therefore
respectfully solicit the patronage of the
public. He will manufacture cast and
wrought iron work of all descriptions, in
Mill Gearing,
tor Hour ana otner nuns, mm screws
bark and corn mills, together with cast
ings of every description turned and fit
ted up in the best possible manner. As
particular earo will be taken to employ
onue but the best workmen, and no. pains
will be spared, he feels confident of be
ing able to give general satisfaction. Al
made to order.
such as spindle steps, shaft and gudgeon
Boxes, &c, will be made to order. Old
copper and Brass taken in exchange a
the highest price. Patterns made to or
Threshing machines and Horse Powers
of the most approved construction, wil
be furnished to order at the shortest no-
of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves
&c, on hand or made to. order, for sale
wholesale or retail.
of the most approved plan will be kept on
hand, and every variety of plow castings
on hand and for sale.
TTj3 "Wrought iron mill work will be
done on the most reasonable terms. The
best kind of sled shoes and polished wa
gon boxes and hollow ware will always
be kept on hand.
January 1, 1852.-ly
New Whole Sale and Retail
Stroudsburs, Pa.
The undersigned would inform Land
fiords and the public generally, that
they have justopened the above business in
Stroudsourg-, in the store house formerly oc
cupied by John H. Melick as a Jewelry Store,
and have on hand a large stock of
of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from
the Custom House, which they are prepared
to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea
sonable terms. Our stock consists of French
Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black-
berrv, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy : Hoi
land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple
V hiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala
ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c.
Also, on hand a lanre stock of Bitters of all
Demijohns, from I- to 5 gallons; bottles, and
generally any thing that can be asked for in
our line.
Landlords will find it greatly to their ad
ntage to deal with us. We have no" hired
agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at
great expense, which must be paid for by the
consumer. Ihose dealing with us we intend
shall be satisfied with the article they get, as
well as the price, and whenever they are not,
we will be pleased to have them return the
tquor, and make the fact known, for we in-
end to make it a permanent bnsiness, and
can only do so by dealing honorably. All
orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, will
be promptly attended to, the same as though
tho person was present dealing for himself.
July 8, 1852. P. S. POSTENS & Co.
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned m the Mercantile business, has
this day been dissolved by mutual con
sent. All nessons indebted to said firm
are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims or demands
will please present them to J acob Stouf
fer who is duly authorized to settle the
1 11 m
same. All accounts remaining unpaid
on the first of July next, will be placed
in the nanas ot a Justice ot the .Peace
for collection.
Tannersville, May 11, 1852.
The subscriber, thankful for past favors,
respectfully announces to the public that
nc will continue the business at the old
stand, and respectfully solicits a continu
ance ol the public patronage.
Kf 00 to SHINGLES and a large
JJyJW stock of various kinds, of
Lumber on hand and for sale low.
May 27, 1852.-6t.
)t Ii Barlci) 0r)caf,
On Hand Again!
M. WATSON is happy to inform
his old friends and customers that
he is prepared to receive as many
of them as may favor him with their cus
tom, at the new Hotel erected on the site
of the Old Barley Sheaf, (which was dc-
troycci oy lire in duly last.)
The House is much increased in size
and convenience, and possesses every ac
commodation which can contribute to the
comfort of the traveler.
The TABLE and the BAR will be fur
nished in such a manner as cannot fail to
JBgT-Alarge yard, with stabling for
one hundred horses.
M. WATSON, Proprietor.
No. 193 North Second St., Phil'a.
JOAPS. fine scented Soaps for wash-
in? and shavinrr ngn tlm p.ftlflhrntfld
a o .
having cream, for sale by
Stroudsburg, Nov. 18; 1852,
IHninal Fire Insurance Comp'y
he rate f Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand doars insured, after
which payneat no subsequent tax wi
be Zevied. ej cepfc to cover actuaZ loss or
damage by Are, that may w upon mem
bers of the cbmpany.
Tho TiPtf. Profits arising from interest
or otherwise wi be ascertained yeary,
for which ea :h member in proportion to
his, her, or 'their deposit, mil have a
credit in thef company. Each insurer in
or with theiiid company wi be a mem
ber thereofduring the term of his or her
poicy. Tile prmcipe ot Mutua lnsur
jinp.A 1ms cen thorousrhZv tested has
been tried fcy the unerring test of expen
ence. and lias proved successful and be
come verviPuar- affords the great
est sccuritf against foss or damage by
lire, on the most advantageous and rea
sonable teens.
Appficationg for Insurance to be made
m person, Tor by letters addressed to
AA mi . . i.
John Eaiager, John S. Heller,
AndrewfStorm, James n. Walton,
Silas L.prake, M. H. Dreher,
Geo. B.fecller, Richard S. Staples,
Bobert Soys, Joseph Trach,
Jacob Stouffer, Charles D.Brodhead,
'llichael Shoemaker.
. S. STAPLES, President.
J. n. Wakon, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1852.
npHE Election returns being now all in,
JL the people are beginning to turn their
attention to Cher matters, and to supply one
of their most important wants, we have just
received andloffer for sale at our store in
Stroudsburg; a r.ery large assortment of
Icnluding Overcoats, common and fine at all
prices, irom JSj to&io; tine dress and irocK
coats, business coi
of pantaloons! clc
s, &c; a large assortment
h, cassimere, sattinett,
varieties; a good assort
corduroy, and ofiall
ment of vests, olja great variety of patterns;
cotton shirts arte woollen under-shirts and
drawers, &c, neckcloths, $c.
TAILORING A large assortment of ex
celleut broad clolh and other stuffs, on hand,
which will be male up accotding to order, at
short notice, and in the best style.
DRY GOODS.Also an excellent assort
mentofdrv aoocs of various natterns. and
O 4
domestic goods. IFoolen Lawn Shawls, Cal
icoes, Merinoesjj &c. Stockings and stock
ing yarn. Trurifci, valises, carpet bags, &c.
rnpAll kinds of produce and lumber taken
in exchange forfjoods, and goods or cash
paid for all kinds of furs, sheep skins, and
calf skins. BlRSCHKIND & ADLER.
-Stroudsburg, Cct. 23, 1851.
Hover's liik Manufactory,
reIloyed to
No. 14&.itace Street,
(Between Fourth ad Fifth, opposite Crown St.)
WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by
increased facilities, to supply the
growing demand fo.-HOVER'S INK, which
its wide spread reparation has created.
ihis Ink is now so well established in the
good opinion and cwfidence of the American
Public, that it is scarcely necessary to say
anything in its favr, and the manufacturer
takes this opportunity to say that the confi
dence thus securedhall not be abused.
In addition to theyarious kinds of Writing
nk. he also manuactures Adamantine Ce
ment for mending Glass and China, as wel
as a superior flair Uie; a trial only is neces
sary to insure its fiture use, and a Sealtng
Wax, well adapted br Druggists and Bottlers,
at a very low price in large or small quanti
ties. 1
A fresh supply oilthe above INK iust re
ceived and for sale at
Horse Owner's Secret,
Being a new and ceifiiin remedy for the speedy
Cure of Heaves,
By Sir James Lyndonton,
Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness
i'rinte Jllbert.
THE great discovery contained in this lit
tle work procured Sir James his llaron-
etcy. It is reilly wprth its weight in gold to
all who own or use Horses. It precribes a Cer
tain and positive curcforl he Heaves which any
person can prepare. The remedy is bette-
and cheaper than any advertised Heave Powr
der, and is perfectly safe, as any one can
know who trie? it. ; Horse owners know that
many a valuable Hprso loses half its price
by this prevalent disease. The remedy ore-
scribed in thiswork will cure him and in
crease his maifcet value, besides relieving
the poor beastof a horrible complaint, simi-
ar to the Asthna in a man. The public can
depend on this i work; it is no catchpenny
tiumbug. 1 he, articles prescribed by Sir
ames are all cheap and can be had at any
store, lo prevent imposition the work will
be sent in seated envelopes. English prico
four shillings and three pence sterling.
American nricl, Si ner conv. Persons or-
deringSir Jams' Work, are expected to con-
e. J . I: ..-.t - i
uiiB ins uisiruiiiuus io ineir own animais.
t will be sent fo none others.
An Amertcai Horse Doctor approoves of
the above Sysifem! Head what he says:
A1pleton, Ohio, July 21, 1851
Mr DuNBEnrotf, I have tried vourSecret
or the cure of Heaves, and approve of it
very much. Yours, truly,
Witness, G. Iong. S. Lake, Horse Dr.
1 o procure this valuable little work. Ad
dress, post paid,
English Horse Doctor,
American Agent for.James Lyndenton's
Horse Owner's Secret,
New York Post Office,
The Secret is sent by mailat letterpostage
Attorney at Law,
Office on Elizabeth street, formerly oc
cupied by Win. Dayis; Esq.
Maya, 1051.
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic px
flfervous DebiiityDiseases of
the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered.
Liver or Stomach, such as a constipation, in-
. It LI 1 n flan Ymr A
ward pnes, lumieso iuU .. ,
acidity of the stomach, nausea, haartburn,
disgustVor food, fullness, or weight in the
stomach, sour eructations, sinking or flutter
ing at the pit of the stomach, swimming or
the head, hurried and difficult breathing, flut
tering at the heart, choking or suflbcatiing
sensations when in a lying posture, dimness
of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fe
ver and dull pain in the head, deficiency of
perspiration, yellowness of tho skin ,& eyes
pain in the side, back, chest, limbs-, &c. sud
den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con
stant imaginings of evil and greatdepression
of spirits, can be effectually cured by.
Dr. HboflantTs celebrated German Bitters
Br C IT1 Jackson,
at the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch sU
Philadelphia. Their power over the above
diseases is not excelled if equalledby
any other preparation in the United States,
as the cures attest, in many cases after skil
ful physicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec
tification of diseases of the Liver and lesser
glands, exercising the most searching pow
ers in weakness and affections of the diges
tive organs, they are withal, safe, certain
and pleasant.
Read and be Convinced.
From the Boston Bee.
The editor said, Dec. 22nd-2)r Iloojldnd's
celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Li
ver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic
or nervous debility, 13 deservedly one of the
most popular medicines-of the day. These
Bitters have been used by thousands, and a
friend at our elbow says he has himself re
ceived an effectual and permanent cure of
Liver complaint from the use of this remedy.
We are convinced that, in the use of these
.Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength
and vigor a fact worthy oi great considera
tion. They are pleasant in taste and smell
and can be used by persons with the most
delicate stomachs with safety, under any cir
cumstances. We are speaking from experi
ence, and lo the afflicted we advise their use.
Scott's Weeki.v,' one of the best Liter
ary papers published, said, Aug. 25
'Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, manufac
tured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended
by some of the most prominent members of
the faculiy as an article of much efficacy in
cases of female weakness. As such is the
case, we would advise all mothers to obtain
a bottle, and thus save themselves much sick
ness. Persons of debilitaterd constitutions
will find these Bitters advantageous to their
health, as we know from experience the sal
utary effect they have upon week systems."
More Evidence.
The Hon. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the
City of Camden, N. J., says :
Hoojland's German Bitters. We hare
seen many flattering notices of this medicine,,
and the source from which they came induced
us to make inquiry respecting its merits.
From inquiry we were persuaded to use itr
and must say we found it specific in its ac
tion upon disease of the liver and digestive
organs, and the powerful influence it exerts
upon nervous prostration is really surprising
It calms and strengthens the nerves, bring
ing them into a state of repose, making sleep
"If this medidine was more generally used
we are satisfied there would be less sick
ness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous
system the great majority of real and imagi
nary diseases emanate. Have them in a
healthy condition, and you can bid defiance
to epidemics generally. This extraordinary
medicine we would advise our friends who
are at all indisposed, to give a trial it will
recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in
every family. No other medicine can pro
duce such evidences of merit."
Evidence upon evidence has been receiv
ed (like the foregoing) from all sections of
the Union, the last threeyears, and the strong
est testimony in its favor, is, that there is
more of it used in the practice of the regulur
Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other
nostrums conbined, a fact that can eaisily be
established, and fully proving that a scien
tific preperation will meet with their quiet
approval when presented even in this form.
1 hat this medicine will cure Liver Com
plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after
using it as directed. It acts specifically up
on the stomach and liver; it is preferable to
calomel in all bilious diseases the effect is
immediate. They can be administered to
female or infant with safety and reliable ben
efit at any time.
Look toell to the marks of the genuine.
They have the written signature of C. M:
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name
qlown in the bottle, without which they are
lor sale Wholesale and lietail at the Ger
man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, one-
door below 6th, Philadelphia; and by respec
table dealers generally through the country..
Prices reduced. lo enable all classes of
invalids to enjov the advantages oftheir great
restorative powers.
Single Bottle 75 cents.
For sale by STARBinp & Wallaae, Stroud-
Aug. 5, 1852. ly.
300 barrels Machinery Oil. Price 75 cts;
per gallon.
2500 gallons do do do 75 dr
in casks of various sizes.
200 barrels Boild Paint Oil. . do ; 55 do
5000 gallons do do do do 55 do
in casks of various sizes.
350 barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds it
qualities, from 35 toOOcts per gallon.
1500 gallons in casks of various sizes. Va
rious ktnds and qualities, from 35 to 50
cts. per gallon.
50 tons Tallow Grease, for heavy bearings,
and coarse machinery, in barrels. ior
casks, of any consistency required.
Price G cents per pound
ISO tons Ohio Mineral Paint, In barrels, at
the lowest market price.
Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill in
he coldest weather, and considered by those
using it equal to sperm oil.
Bond Paint Oil, equal to linseed oih other
tuan for white.
I am constantly receiving large sunnliesiof
the above named articles, and my motto Is.
Small profits and quick returns:"
JJ. F. POND, 58 Water st., ,
(under the Pearl st. House;) New-York
July 1, 1852. 6m
Has removed liis office to ln fltrlHTi
house, first door below tho officeLofl'thG
"Monroe Democrat," and diretlyjoppo,
site S. J. HollinshGad'a hotel. -"RlfonWh
street. -1
Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1830