The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 12, 1853, Image 1

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    23cijotci to Jtolitics, f iterator, Agriculture, Science, ittoraliij), axxb (Bcntxal intelligence.
VOL. is.
NO. 29-
Published ly Theodore Schoch.
TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two
dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid bc
lore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those
Mho receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers
employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2
cents, per year, extra.
No papers ditcontinued until all arrearages are paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
IE? Advertisements not exceeding one square (six
teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar,
and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion
The Charge for one and three insertions the same
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
DZ7 All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-pvid.
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
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to execute every description of
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts
Justices, Legal and other Blanks, Pamphlets, ifcc.
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
From Graham's Magazine for May.
May Lyrics,
Fair May unveils her ruddy cheek,
And decks her brow with daisies,
And scatters blossoms as she goes,
Through fields and forest mazes.
The fragrant hawthorn, white with bloom,
Fills all the uplands airy:
The grass is dry, the sky is clear
Let's go a Maying, Mary.
I dearly love, in days like this,
When birds make music o'er us,
To roam with thee through wildwood paths,
And listen to their chorous;
To help thee over crags and stiles,
And take thy hand in leaping,
And out and in to see thy face
Through leaves and branches peeping.
Ten years have passed since first I saw
Thy fresh and budding beauty,
And love has ripened with the years,
And linked itself with duty.
In life's young spring I swore to theo
A truth that should not vary;
And now, in summer of my days,
I love thee better, Mary,
Leave house affairs to shift awhile
Leave work, and care, and sorrow;
We'll be the merrier to-day,
And happier to-morrow.
I would not greatly care for life,
If fate and toil contrary
-Could not afford me, now and then,
A holyday for Mary.
Franconi's Hippodrome.
Not one of the least interesting accom
paniments of the approaching New York
World's Fair, is the above-named novel
exhibition, which is now located in the
vicinity of Madison Square and Fifth Av
enue, in this city, and forms a striking
object ofttention even in its exterior,
from its large proportions. It is intended
for a Circus, to exhibit feats of horse
manship, gymnastics, and other similar a-
musements, on a grander scale than has
ever before been attempted in America.
The exterior of the building is very plain
and unpretending, consisting simply of a
wall of brick, about 20 feet high, with
two wooden towers on the side facing
Broadway, which, at this point, intersects
the Fifth Avenue, and forms the bounda
ry of Madison Square. A wooden roof
extends from this wall immediately over
the seats in the interior, which will defend
tho spectators from exposure to the weath
er, but the roofing mainly consists of can
vas, which covers an area of 90,000 Square
feet, and is supported by five poles, each
80 feet high. Some idea of its size may
be formed when we state that it is capa
ble of conitaning at least nine thousand
persons comfortbly seated, and that there
is room for three thousand more in the
The interior, which is of an oval shape,
is three hundred feet long, by two hun
dred wide, and the course is about one
sixth of a mile round. The middle of
this vast area is laid out in beautiful par
terres, the verdure of which presents an
admirable and striking contrast to the
dull brown of the course. These parter
res are ornamented with illuminated
fountains and handsome flower vases.
The stadium, which contains these at
tractions, is separated from the course by
a slight fence, and is entered by four
gates. The course itself is about forty
feet wide, and is covered over with loose
. i rnf .
eartn. lne wnole interior zs most im
posing in appearance, and when illumina
ted by its one thousand gas lights the
spectacle it presents is brilliant beyond
description. The seats for the spectators
are very well arranged for both comfort down to a premature and early grave,
and strength, and due regard has been Much has foen said, and much written,
paid to the ventilation which will be a relative to dress. It is my purpose to
very important desideratum during the J make some few observations, which the
hot weather. The company of perform- subject seemi to demand. It is to be
ers under the superintendance of Fran- jearcd that in many instances, the present
coni the proprietor are numerous consist-1 style of dresshas been highly injurious
ing of both sexes, as well as horses and to the health .and lives of many. Diseas
othcr animals not often included in the es of various kinds are often contracted
Circles Tioupe. The amusements are of m this way ; ,and most generally, Pulmo
the most varied character, imaginable narJ Consumption figures in the foremost
and will attract myriads of visitors dur-.'rank. If a greater number of' females
ing the summer to behold them. Scicn-
tijic American.
A Jjitulof Graves. One who has cross-
ed the great plains, on the way to Cali- ten regulated by mistaken ideas of ele
fornia, says that from Fort Laramie to'gance rather than by utility and comfort?
the Missouri river, it averages one nexr'In a ivord, any article of clothing, in ei-
grave to the mile on both sides of the
f F ?J.att distance 950 miles,
Causes If Consumption.
Extracts from a. Lecture, Delivered befort
uie "Camden jjiterary and Library As
socialim? Jct. 27th 1853.
BY L. !f. FISLRR, M. D
The term consumption was originally
applied to a variety of diseases, having
no character in, common, except emacia
tion. It is two understood to be ilwi
affection, in wbjch there it a general was
ting away of the body, arising trom a dis
eased condition of the lungs. The terra
Pulmonary Consumption is derived from
two Latin worjls, tho former signifying
the lungs, the latter a consuming or was
ting away, and when conjoined they not
only express tlja character or the disease,
but also desiencte its localitv. If wo con-
sider the extreiaely delicate nature of the
organ in which the complaint is seated,
and the many causes which are constant
lv ODeratinir on its structure, it is not a
v i. o r
matter of surprise that it should prevail
so universally..
Tho lungs are composed of a very light,
spongy mass ; and it is owing in part to
this fact, why sny derangement of the or
can is so difficult to restore. Another
reason is, that the affected part is con-
stantly in motion ; dilating at every in
spiration, and contracting at every expi
The third reison is, it must necessari
ly be exposed to a constant current of air:
these, and endless variety of external
causes continually acting upon a struc
ture so delicate; is it to be wondered that
it should be accompanied with so much
mortality !
Among the fading causes which pre
dispose to this disease, may first be ran
ked a constitutional predisposition ; also,
climate, country, and tho varied customs
of society. Tfce passions of the mind not
unfrequently determine its formation.
Such as excessive grief, disappointment
cpf long cherished hopes, slighted affections,
loss or relatives, and the reverses of for
tune ; these ext a powerful influence on
persons in delicate health, and more par
ticularly in the female sex.
In looking OTer the statistics of our own
country, it is found, that in the city of
New York, in 1S51, 1375 fell victims to
this disease. In Philadelphia, during the
same year, 110 ; ana in .Baltimore, too.
In Great Britain and Ireland, the mor
tality has evenexceeded this. Five thou
sand, it is stated, die annually in the great
British Metropolis ; and sixty thousand
British subjects fall every year by this
widespread scourge.
This is a frightful representation, yet
it is true ; and if the statements given by
some eminent writers are to be credited,
the disease is'iapidly on the increase.
Ought not the alarming progress it is ev
ery where inaling, serve as a warning to
every one, to hvoid those causes by which
it is produced!
Where is tw family that has not been
called upon to mourn over the desolating
blight of this great destroyer ? Where
is the individual, if we look down the
ong catalogue of victims to this merci
ess scourge tlat does not find registered
there, the nace of some friend, some kin
dred, some loved and lost one T If then,
his disease be so subtle and so fatal, how
important, how all important is it, to
guard against those influences which orig
inate it. I luve not one single word to
say to you to-night, concerning the treat
ment of this complaint. Unfortunately,
I have no remedy to recommend, and but
little encouragement to offer. But there
c -.
some precautionary measures and
some valuable suggestions, which I
ceive to be my duty to impress on
Improprieties in dress have ever been
ranked among the most prolific causes of
this disease, ?ad they ever will be, until
the plain and simple dictates of nature
shall triumph over the tyranic laws of
fashion. '
How often are styles of dress formed and
followed, withsut consulting for a moment
their adaptation to climate, or to the va
rious changes of season, which are con
tinually varying from one extreme to the
Fashion exerts her power over us in the
earliest stages of our infancy, in child
hood up to manhood, and to the end of
life , and even farther it controls the fu
neral obsequies of the dead.
Fashion is! an unfeeling, unrelenting ty
rant, Iter mandates must be obeyed, though
thousands fall. She is a goddess, Iter
worshippers die countless, and Iter alter
smokes unceasingly with the blood of hu
man sacrifices. She is an encJumtress,
and at the waring of her magic wand, she
l-0 1 'iiv . . i ' .
leads her willing votaries step, by step
fall by this disease, (a truth which can-
not be disputed.) may it not unfrequent
ly arise, mt from a peculiar delicacv of
constitution, but from the dress being of-
riv-'ther sex, which prevents the free exDan-
jeion of the chest, or impedes the regular
action of the organs of respiration, is in
jurious to health. The lungs must have
sufficient room to play, and that which in
the least restricts their expansion, is cal
culated to produce disease , also, the ad
jacent organs become involved ; the heart
is encroached on, hence medical meti are
often consulted on account of alafming
palpitations, &c, and is not to be wonder
cd at.
In a climate so changeable as ours, the
dress should be composed of a material
sufficient to guard against the sudden
transitions which arc so frequently occur
ring. To protect us against these chan
ges, as they are called, the use of flannel
has ever been considered of the greatest
value. he renowned Doctor John Hun
ter's direction for rearing healthy children
was, plenty ot,mukf plenty of sleepand plen
ty ofjlanncl. lthasbeensauu2consump
tions were almostunknownin Scotland,un
til the thick Scottish plaiding was relin
quished for the thin English dress. The late
eminent Doctor Hush, of our own country,
always insisted strongly on the constant Use
of flannel apparel. To secure the system,
and to ward off the many diseases to
which we are subjected, he regarded it
of the highest importance. It is related
that a gentleman once inquired of the
doctor at what time ho should leave off
his flannel ; his reply was on the "Fourth
of July he then asked when he should
resume it again ; his laconic answer was,
on the Fiftli of J uly.
If we ask the majority of victims to
consumption, to what they ascribe the
cause of their disease, they will uniform
ly tell us, to a neglected cold. Tiiis is
the rock on which tiousa?ids and thousands
have been wrecked, and ultimately iu-
There is one part of our system which
is more espicially liable to receive the
impressions or cold, and these are the
feet ; and if fashion must be conceded to
in other respects these at least, should be
guarded with the greatest care. From
this source has arisen more cases of pul
monary co?isu?nptio?i in the United States,
han from all other causes combined.
You have all heard, (no doubt,) from
youth upward, the old maxim, " that the
head should be kept cool, and the feet
warm ;" it is a trite old saying, and there
is philosophy in it. But, I have seen
many ladies who appeared to adopt a
contrary practice, and who acted on the
principle, that the head should be kept
warm and the feet cool.
Have you not often witnessed and du
ring the present winter, when the streets
were wet and muddy, if you met a lady
and gentleman, it was not unusual to see
his feet protected by a pair of thick soled
boots, and her feet by a pair of beautiful
lttle kid slippers.
How often, for appearance sake, do we
bribe our judgments, merely to justify
our inclinations ! oucn an exposure 01
health on the part of a relative or friend,
would have elicited the severest rebuke.
Much as we may admire the beauty of
a well formed foot, yet, in many instan
ces, I could not restrain my imagination
rom pursuing such individuals some few
months' distant, when I fear their names
oo will be doomed to swell the frightful
array of victims to this desolating scourge
of the human family.
Be it remembered, that thin shoes and
thin stockings have produced more cases
of consumption than from any other cause.
Our weekly bills of mortality attest
his truth ; and the records of tho grave
are replete with melancholy admonitions
on this head. To prevent colds, and to
secure me ieet against tno inclement
weather, there is no article to compare
h gum elastic over shoes. They are
ight, neat, and impervious to water ; and
no reasonable objection can be offered a-
gainst them. Still, there are many per
sons who stronly condemn the use of them
or two very important reasens i one is,
they are too warm ; and the other is par
adoxical as it may appear, they are too
cold. How to reconcile so wide a differ
ence of opinion I know not, without they
possess a power somewhat similar to the
man in the fable who could impart heat
to his fingers and cold to his broth with
with the same breath.
An improper use is often made of gum
shoes by wearing them in the house.-
They should be worn, and are intended
only, for out door purposes.
How common is it to see a warmer
dress worn in the morning, when exercise
is taken, than in the evening, when the
air is damp and cool ; and it is very com
man to see some females wear their gum
shoes part of the day, when engaged in
domestic concerns j and in the afternoon
and in the evening exchange them for a
pair of thin slippers.
A young lady called on mc, this winter,
and desired some advice. The streets,
at that time, were in a horrible condition.
She said that somehow or another she had
caught a violent cold, which was accom
panied by a very sore throat. The usual
remedies were directed, and when leaving
my house, I observed that she was warm
ly clad, with a fashionable clonic, a muff
and boa to match ; a pair of gloves much
tighter than the skin, and a pair of pretty
little slippers that I am sure that I could
have put them in my vest pocket. I gave
her a prescription consisting of gum tolu,
&c; and, after she left, I regretted that I
did not add to it a pair of gum shoes.
Persons not in good health, should nev
er retire at night with cold feet ; it some-
timessavesthe foundation of manv incura
ble complaints. It s a common and just
observatidhj (and tho fact is well known
to every one,) that if the feet be cold, they
will often remain so during a greater part
of the night; and when sleep is induced,
it is sure to be disturbed by unettsy dreams,
which are certain to be followed by a day
of languor and inactivity.
Cold liands are also an indication of a
disturbed state of the health. Focts often
describe the hands of their imaginarv
fair ones as beautiful and transparent,
but physicians almost always look upon
such appearances with suspicion. It is
an old saying, that we have all heard
when we were young, that cold hands are
a sign of a warm heart ; it really is so,
and there is an important and practical
lesson that may be deduced from this
fact. The philosophy of it is this t there
is a lack of arterial blood flowing in these
pttrts, and it is unduly driven to the heart
and that organ has to labor hard to over
come the task 'Which is imposed on it.
Physiologically speaking, there is not an
equilibrium in the circuiting fluid of life;
this it is that produces cold hands and
cold feet warmth of itself is a most ex
cellent medicine in overcoming the torpid
condition of tho vital organs ; there can
be no digestion going on in the stomach
if the body be paralyzed with cold. This
is one of the causes of the frequent death
of aged people, during the winter season;
there is great diminution of animal heat
and vitality in the system, which is much
increased by surrounding circumstances.
Use active exercise in the open air; if this
does not warm them sufficiently, rub them
briskly with a flesh brush, so as to make
rich red blood thrill through the vessels as
it comes aown vitalize ana etnerianzeu
from the great laboratory of the luflgst
A very tight shoe, and a tight glove
will as completely shut off the circulation
as effectually as the application of a tight
bandage, and what can be expected but
coldness of the extremities ?
In past times, a great deal of care was
bestowed on the hands, to make them
white and clear ; to effect this, some have
been known to sleep with their arms ex
tended over their heads, so as to retard
the circulation of the blood ; this would
give them a very pretty appearance; and
others I have heard of, when retiring to
rest at night, would bleach their hands
with a bread and milk poultice, so as to
prepare them for the next evening's par
ty. It should invariably be made an es
tablished rule always to acquire a com
fortable warmth before retirinc: to rest:
it diffuses the blood over the whole sys
tem, and promotes healthy and undistur
bed ropose.
Youth ever has and ever will be prod
igal of life; the admonitions of age, and
the voice of experience, seldom produce
a lasting effect; even the gostly train of
consumptions, which are constantly oc
curring from imprudence and exposure,
have no effect in preventing their repeti
tion. Mothers should watch with a scrupu
lous eye the dress of their daughters, and
it is the duty of the physician to enforce
it upon them as all important to the health
and happiness of their children.
A strict parental supervision must be
exercised over them, else you may be
called (when too late,) to shed tears of
bitterness over the grave of those whom
you have loved and losti Again, I say,
look to your daughters or they will de
ceive you in the artioles or their dress,
and more particularly on some special
occasions. If there bo a pig-nic on
hand, or a party or a Bociable, or a
soiree, it is very easy for them to substi
tute some lighter article of clothing, and
it is just as easy for them to shed two or
three skirts, if you do not watch them
narrowly. There is nothing that will
shock the human system more violently
than the sudden omission of any part of
our apparel to which we have been long
and daily accustomed. The omission of
a single necklace has been known to af
fect the throat dangerously A lady in
formed me that when she altered the ar
rangement of her hair, in several instan-
ces, it produced a violent coia iina a
very reputable old lady assured me that
she contracted a severe spell of sickness
by simply cutting her nails
The injudicious innovations of fashion
are destroying its thousands, and bearing
off in the spring-time of life, the fairest
and lovelist of our race. Could I possess
the power to control the fashions in the
city of Philadelphia, for the space of two
years, I could reduce the mortality iu
consumption to less than one-half what it
now is.
Health and beauty are inseparable, and
it is vain to hope to preserve either,with
out a strict conformity to the plain and
obvious laws of nature.
If the respiration be free and unim
peded, there will be a regular distribu
tion of blood to every part of tho system)
and instead of tho sallowness which is so
often seen upon the cheek, thera will be
imparted all the ruddy hues of health.
It is a fortunate circumstance that the
tight lacing which was so much in vogue
a few years past, and on which so much
has been said, is now falling into disuse.
However, hooks and eyes are more in de
mand, and have to be made much strong
er than formerly
Healthy exercise in the open air, es-
pecially in early life, has ever been con
sidered among the mos,t efficient means
of promoting health. If kept within pro
per limits it will produce that develop
ment of the chest which is so essential,
and will improve the figure and impart.
ease and gracefulness morn than all the city to Srtn Diego on the Pacific coasty
lessions of all the dancing masters in near which tho Salt Lako Mormons have,
Christendom. j thus early, established a colony. Other
The prevalence of consumptidn has and out-post settlements are planting a
lbng been attributed to tho proverbial round them, on the Weber and the Tim
variableness of our climate; it is not so. panagoes. Mormon missionaries are
Light and insufficient clothing is much proselyting the world, and converging
more powerful in producing it. their converts to the new city of Utah.
You will often hear persons almost, Tho unconquerable mountains of Waletf
continually railing out against our cli- are sending their hardy sons to preach
mate; they are never suited; it is either 'and practice the Mormon creed in the
too hot or too cold; too calm, or too blus- j Western World. And here, between the
tery; too damp or too dry; and all the ,llocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada,
colds and coughs and catarrahs, and ev
ery thing else, is chargeable to our hor-
j rid
chmate. This is not true; they
suouia more propeny De ascriDeci to tuc
errors, imprudenuies and improprieties of
our habits and modes of living. Our old
revolutionary grand mothers were healthy
enough, and many of them lived to a
good old age; and so might their grand- 'er a sot, and its Bible a theft one of
children if it were not for the mis-hty! the strangest phenomena to which the nres-
sovercicnty of
fashion. It is high
that American
mothers, should
women and
be the framers
of their
own fashions and styles of dress, without
being dependent on the ignorant and
tasteless whims of Parisian Artists. We
are a model republic , and the day is not
distant, when American women will be
known and acknowledged throughout the
world, as a model, not only for the style
and aptness of her dress, but for all the
elegancies and refinements of social and
domestic life.
a i 5.
A problem of singular difficulty, and
every day growing more and more por
tentous than which, if we except Afri
can Slavery, none is more difficult of so
lution is rising in the distant West, be
fore the American Government and peo
ple. Ere long they will have to grapple
with it. Whether it can be peaceably
solved the future alone can tell.
A new territory, carved out of the re
cent conquests from Mexico, stretching
from the summit of the llocky Mountains
on the East, through thirteen degrees of
longitude, to the land of gold. A branch
of the Indian family, the Pah-Utahs
roamed its prairies and claimed it as their
own. But a new tribe and sect driven
from State to State, fleeing, before an
indignent people, from Ohio, from Mis
souri, and Illinois, struggling with cold
and hunger, and encountering the most
fearful hardships and privations, daring
the ferocious savages that dwelt along
their route, and dragging slowly along
their children, goods and domestic im
plements, at length make their tedious
way to the home of the Utahs; and hav
ing, as they no doubt supposed, reached
the isolated spot, so far from all organi
zed society that they would be free from
disturbances for many, many years, they
set themselves down in the valley of the
Jordan in the 'land of the Honey Bee,
plant their absurd faith and begin a
new nation. Some six years have since
elapsed, and the census of the Great Salt
Lake City probably enumerates, at this
day, some forty or fifty thousand people
while in other parts of the world, two
hundred and fifty thousand more embrace
the Mormon faiths In this far-off wil
derness, so recently known only to the
moccasin, the arts are flourishing in a high
degree. AVoolen factories, to be supplied
by fleeces from the Jordan valley sug
ar manufactories, to be fed with beets
potteries and cutlery establishments, send
their hum through the astonished land.
No such noise did it expect to hear for
half a century to come. On a mountain
terrace, overhanging the city, the site of
a contemplated university is already laid
out and enclosed. School-houses are
springing up, and are supplied with com
petent teachers from a central Normal
School. Gigantic preparations are in
progress to build up a Temple, which is
intended to surpass every existing or his
toric structure in splendor and magnitude,
The city is laid out on a scale of magnif
icent proportions, to which, hitherto, the
world has been a stranger a scale cor
responding with the breadth of territory
on whose bosom they dwell--correspond-ing
with their expectations of growth, and
compared with which the narrow avenues
of modern and ancient cities, are but
mere mathematical lines already, three
miles in breadth and four in length, its
streets arc regularly diagramed, each
eight rods wide, with side-walks of twenty
feet every block forty rods square, con
taining eight lots of an acre and a quar
ter each, and every tenement obliged by
law to retreat twentyfeet from tho front
line, to make room for a delightful mar
gin of shrubbery and trees. A perennial
stream flows through the city, and pours
its pure waters down both sides of every
street, and carries irrigation to their
bounteous gardens. A warm spring bub
bles from the mountains, and following
pipes, reaches a public bathing house.
A sou of exuberantproduclivoness stretch
es around them
Comparatively little !
solicitation is necessary from the hand of i hole in the barn floor, into ati apple-bify
man to bring its grains and fruits to per- to the imminent risk of the did gehtle
fection and maturity. Twenty miles to j man's neck, and then rah awajrj ldavin
the north-west slumber the heavy waters 'his father in the biu among the apples.-13
of the great Salt Lake. This vast body j The old man, some months Sftefwdrd'3
of the purest brine so densely impregna- told the minister the story, ttnd the" rev-
ted that man cannot sink in it, if they try
mi i : .r l i :i. '
un u uassm ui tinny uy aevuuty iuuua,
and will, doubtless, be the scene of the
exhaustless salt manufacture for those!
iuturo generations mat-wm inuauu me
immense domain between the liocky
Mountains and the Sea. Already a TJ-
nueu oiaius uiuu route reuoues irum tins
over eleven hundred miles from San Fran
cisco, and about two thousand four hun
dred miles from the city of New York,
rapidly grows this incipient community
bound together by a burning enthusi
asm and a common faith, compacted by
pcrsecutingSj welded by the necessity of
self-support and self-defence, its found
or any age, ha3 given birth. How
far was it from the thoughts of the min
ister, Solomon Spalding whom at Cher-
ry Valley, in New York, he composed his
imaginary history called the 'Manuscript
Found,' that it would be seized by an ig
norant and truthless drunkard, pro
claimed to have been engraved on golden
plates, become the Scripture of a new
and numerous sect in thirty years trail
800,000 zealots in its wake count its
worshippers in England, Germany, Swe
den, in the mountain fastness of Wales,
in Normandy, the East Indies and the
Sandwish Isles and found a great City
and Stale in that territory, which at the
time he wrote, the foot of white man had
never trod.
Affect in
'Twas on the moonlight sidewalk, ''
'Neath the alianthus tree,
That she leaned against my waistcoat,
And whispered 'Marry me!' ''
O, that agonizing moment,
I never, never shall forget;
Her lips with nectar laden,
I think I taste them yet.
Just as this little Eden
Approached reality;
A gruff voice uttered sternly
'What is all this I see?'
And then I felt a pegged boot
Applied with might and main;
I fell upon the sidewalk,
And off went Mary Jane!
Too Late.
'Yes, Walter has everything that hearb
could wish, said Mr. Hall to his wife.
'He has never known a want unsatisfied
that I could relieve since the day he was
born. Mv ample fortune has nlaced him
beyond toil and care. His wife is high
bred and lovely. His house the resort
of intellect, fashion and wealth. Walter
himself is well educated and gentlemanly .-
Know or nothing that can be added
said the worthy father, in a satisfied tonei
'He is a son to be proud of.
'No! no! not thatj don't tell me that
said a silver haired old man, as the phy
sician softly descended the stairs. 'My
son had so much to live for. Must ho
die? Can't money? can nothing be done?
Don't leave us, Doctor oh! savo my son!'
The poor sufferer lay writhing tossing
upon his couch of down; the chamber of
death was profusely hung with tapeatry
of silk and velvet; The light fell softlv
iweb curtains upon gold and
silver cups and goblets and upon the
ghastly face of the owner. Life was ebb-
fast) there was a life time to review
and no time to think; no strength to pray!
1 young and lovely wife sat sobbing by
the bedside; the aged mother leaned
heavily on her for support, while tho
sinking man, in the intervals of his pain,
tortured by remorseful recollections ot
eight and twenty praycrless years groaned
despairingly at 'the eleventh hour,' for
The gray-haired father stood trembling
and broken-hearted as he listened to these
torturing exclamations, and with a strong
parental yearning to soothe1 his troubled
spirit, advanced to the bed, and laying
his hand upon the claminy foreheadj said
'Trust in God, my son!'
With a last dying efiortj this cherished
Absalom turned his fading eye of sad
reproof upon him, while from his pale
lips came these cutting words 'Falher,
you never told me THAT beeo&e!
A Leqitimafe Conclusion. -Old
Mr. Brown and his son George were en
gaged on tho hay-mow, when the cdnver
sation turned on California, and the young
man expressed a strong desire Id go. Tho
old man said he shouldn't go; They
talked about it, reasoned about it, grew
mad about it, and the end of it all was
that George shoved his venerable pro-
genitor ddwn over the mow. through a
erend very profoundly sjtid that he thought
, i , i i i . a o
mo cuuaren wuo suowea sucn disrespect
to their parents, never came to- a good end.
No sin' said, old Mr. lirown firmly
striKing ms noe with energy into the
energy into.
ground, 'depend upon it that boys whos
throw their fathers ddwn into annle bins
uuu n gu w Heaven Dy a d dligKUa