The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 05, 1853, Image 3

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-kry List May Verm, 1853.
t List of persons drawn to serve as Grand
PfJnrnrR- fnr fVi Mav Spscinn.
r,,r.r,.,tt.:ii nu:t:n v.a nkina "n
E Coolbauffh Jesse Weiss.
M. Smithfield Rudolphus Smith, Jonas
Hauna, BeDjamm C. Strunk.
Smithfield Joseph V. Wilson.
Stroud William Starner, Wm. P. Stone,
Daniel Keller. Francis J. Smith, Elijah Shook
Joseph W. Drake, Henry D. Bush, Wayne
Hamilton Charles Drake, John Miller,
Andrew Woodliner.
Tobyhanna Peter Bonser, Joseph Stubbs,
Pocono Reuben Miller.
Polk George Dotter.
Paradise George Bowman.
Jackson Jacob Doll.
Stroud J. H. Stroud, William P. Hallock
Silas L. Drake, John Kautz, Sydenham Wal
ton, Aaron Crosdale.
M. Smithfield John Frutchey, sen., John
Hanna, Joseph Vanauken, George Petere,
Leonard E. Cortnght
Smithfield Henry Moyer, Henry Brutz-
man. Fmdlev Bnsh, James Bell, Abraham
Neyheart, Joseph Staples.
Hamilton William Heany, Charles Sny
der. Andrew Keller, Wm. Engler, Jacob
Dennis, John Featherman.iun., Peter Shaw
Amos Rouse, John A. Wcrkhiser, Joseph
Trach, John E. Kirkhuff.
Chesnuthlll James Kresge, James Smith
John Hoodmaker, Lewis Socks, James Van
Buskirk, John Kresge.
Pocono Jacob Bisbing.
Paradise Charles Henry, John Storm.
Coolbaugh John Pope, Henry Whitesell
John P. Dowlmg.
Tobyhanna Willam Ebach.
Price Jacob Besecker.
Robs Joseph Getz, William Neyhart.
Eldred Henry Smith, jun., Phillip Drum-
Trial List for IWay Term, 1853
John Bowman and wife vs. John S. Van
vliet, and Hannah Vanvliet, administrators
of Charrick Vanvleit, deceased.
Abraham Barry and wife vs. John S. Van
vliet and Hannah Vanvliet, administrators o
Charrick Vanvliet. deceased.
William Trainer vs. Jacob B. Teel.
John Lander vs. Jacob Miller.
John Felker vs. Peter Woodling.
Executors of Godfrey Greensweig, deceased
vs. Jonas Greensweig.
William Clark vs. Peter Kcmerer, Amos
Heller and Francis E. Grattan.
Philip Kresge and Jacob Correll vs. Charles
John Merwine vs. Joseph Keller.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at
the suggestion of Joseph Keifer, vs. Charles
H. Heancy, et al.
Joseph Huston vs. Charles Slutter.
ILevi Kinir vs. Jacob B. Teel.
'erry Sox, use of Phillip Huffsmith assign
Jacob Shafer, vs. Jacob Van Buskirk.
the matter of the distribution of the
seds of the real estate of James Hollins-
Wylliam A. Long vs. Henry Kintz and
ly ueitricn.
vjeorge .Lvcritt vs. John Chambers and
'rMarr; his wife.
Igthe matter of the auditors report of the
disurjbution of the proceeds of the sale of the
real estate of Jacob ii. Teel.
1 In the matter of the real estate of Joseph
Tilioueei, Jr., deceased.
Charles S. Palmer vs. Wiiliam D.Brookes
and Reuben Harper.
Tolmie and Palmer, now to the use of
iPalmer, vs. William D. Brookes.
Executors of Greensweig vs. Jonas Greens
In the matter of the citation upon the ex-
ecuiorsor reter reuener, deceased.
?John Merwine vs. Joseph Keller.
, Samuel Ward vs. William Bellis.
j Joseph Greensweig, aurvivor of Godfrey
Greensweig, deceased, for the use of John
-Merwine and William Walp, executors of
Godfrey Greensweig, deceased, vs. Jeseph
M Jacob Dietrich vs. Peter Groner.
P In the matter of the report of a road view
in M. Smithfield township.
jn me view oi me report or viewers to
vacate and relay a road m Middle Smithfield
In the matter of the report of viewers to
Vacate and relay a road in Paradise town
In the matter of the report of reviewers
o review a road in Stroudsburg and Stroud
In the matter of the petition of Joseph
Getz and Peter Getz, administrators of Adam
petz, deceased, for decree of specific per
formance of contract between said admnis
lratore and John Smith,
On the '1st inst., by the Eev. John L
Staples, Mr Morris Decker, of Smithfield
township, and Miss Ly dia Heller, of Stroud
By Eev. John L. Staples, on the 23d
ult., Mr. James Smiley, and Miss JMiza
beth Storm, both of Stroud.
On Wednesday, April 27th, by Rev
William Clark, Mr. Johnson Wells and
Miss Hannah Clark, both of Middle
Smithfield township.
In Stroud township, on the 30th ult.,
Joseph Sergent, aged 14 years, 1 month,
and 25 days.
bThousands of Parents who use Vermifuge
i posed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c, are
R5a aware, that while they appear to benefit
tie patient, they are actually laying the foon
fitions for a series of diseased, such as saliva
tion, lose of sight, weakness, of limbs, &c.
In another column will be found the adver
tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which
we ask the attention of all directly interested
in their own as well as their Children's
health. In Liver Complaints and all disordes
urising from those of a bilious type, should make
use of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's
Liver Pills.
OCrBe not deceived?' bat ask for Hoben
sacks1 Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob
serve that each has the signature of the Pro
prietor, J. N HOBENSACK, as none else
are genuine,
Came to the enclosure of the subscriber on
the 29th day February last, a sorrel Horse,
about 16 hands highy with white fade. The
-.$wner is hereby notified to come forward,
.property, pay charges,- and take him
ar lie will be disposed of according to
Api 2, 1853.
Has permanently located him
self in Stroudsburg, and moved
his office next door to Dr.
Walton, and nearly opposite S. Melick's Jew
elry 6tore, where he is fully prepared to treat
the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt
iblc artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the
latest and most improved manner. Most per
sons know the danger and folly of trusting
their work to the ignorant as well as the
traveling dentist It matters not how much
experience a person may have, he is liable to
have some failures out of a number of cases
and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre
quently put off until it is too late to save the
tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the in
convenience and trouble of gomr so far
Hence the necessity of obtajning the services
of a dentist near home. All work warranted
April 28, 1853,
T1J0TICE is hereby given to all legatees
and other persons interested in the
estates of the respective decedents and mi
nors, that the administration accounts o
the following estates have been filed in
the office of the Register of Monroe coun
ty, and will be presented hr confirmation.
and allowance to the Orpaans' Court to
be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the a-
foresaid county, on MondaV, the 23d day
of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
The first account of Getrge G-. Hawk,
Administrator of the est! to of George
Hawk, Senior, late of Poli township, de
The first account of Gecrge W. Kint-
ner, Administrator of the estate of Con
rad Kintner, late of Midcle Smithfield
township, deceased. .
The first account of Abraham Shifter,
Administrator of the estate of John Shif-
fer, late of Tobyhanna tewnship, de
ceased, i
The account of John Corrcll, Ad minis-
tor of the estate of Philip Ctrrell, late of
Koss township, deceased.
The account of Elias Border, Admin
istrator of the estate of William Bonser,
late of Chesnuthlll township,;3cceased.
The account of Rudolph Wass. Admin-
istrator of Henry Weiss, latebf Chesnut
hlll township, deceased.
The first and final account of Jacob
Williams, Administrator of tfo estate of
barah b hater, late ot Hamilton township,
SAMUEL REES, jr., Rinstcr.
Register's office Stroudsburg, h
April 28, 1853 $
IVo. 78. Northampton direct,
& MOORE returns his thank to the
" citizens of Easton, and the aijacent
country, for their liberal supporfcduring
the last fourteen years, and would nform
them that he still keeps pace wiik the
fashions and improvements of theage.
His ASSORTMENT is large andirf the
best quality no secoJids or thirds tvhich
he offers at the lowest possible livitfr pri
for cash. ALSO on hand a jzenera1 as
sortment of Brittania and Stone Ware.
Easton, March 17, 1S53. lin.
The undersigned has just opened at his
old stand in the lower end of the Borough
of Stroudsburg, Monroe county, a splen
did assortment of
Candies of the finest flavors, i
and made of the best materials, and if
the latest city styles; and for durability
and finish cannot be excelled. Dealers
and others are respectfully invited to es
amine his stock before purchasing else-.
where. His Candies -will be sold at Eas
ton Prices. He hopes by strict attention
to business to merit the patronage of
dealers generally throughout the County.
Orders from a distance attended to at
the shortes notice.
JKST'N. B. Also a good stock of Boots
and Shoes of his own Manufactory, on
hand and for sale cheap.
Stroudsburg, April 14, 18o3. ly.
Brodhcad & Kobcr,
Boots, Shoes & Straw Goods,
No. 135 North Third Street,
April 14, 1853. 3m
Creor:c 3B. Keller,
No. 300 North Second Street,
April 14, 1853.-2m
ortuikoton i. isKETHEN, Wash
ington, D. O, continues to practice
aw exclusively in the supreme court, and
o attend to cases "before Congress: to
prosecute claims an settled accounts a
gainst the departments, bureaus, and
boards of commissioners; to procure pat
ents for invention, at home and abroad,
and to obtain pensions and bounty lands;
to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in
heritances in any part of the United states
and foreign countries : to make invest
ments of funds in loans and stocks and
on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate
the purchase and sale of loans, lands and
patent rights in any state of the Union.
100 kegs 25 lbs. each, WetheriU's white lead,
ou ao oo do do do do
20 do 100 po do do do
00 boxes 8 by 10 Glass
75 do 10 by 12 do superior quality.
50 do 10 by 14 do )
10 bbls. of Alum
JO bbb. Copperas
10 bbls. Rosin
4000 lbs. Potash
600 Gallons Linseed Oil
40 bbls. spirits Turpentine
2000 lbs. Potters Red Lead
Dye Woods. Madder. Locwood. Fustic.
Redwood, Cochineal and Indigo.
ALSO -superior Furniture, Coach, Black
nd Japan Varnishes, hv the barrel orcrallon
or sale by DICKSON $ SAMPLE.
easton, July 17, 1851. ly
The above reward will he paid for the an
prehension pf any person who will say that
Isaac ri. U)der does not sell the cheanest
and best Cabinet Furniture, at the Pcaples's
, , L.mJ -..!' TIT" T
Ksuumvi- vvure ituoms, oppo
site Robert Boy's store, in the
borough of StroudsbunO this
sine ot iNew lork.
The undersigned, having, purchased the
large and extensive. Cabinet Ware Rooms
lately occupied by Frederick Philips, would
respectlullyj inform the citizens of Stroads
burg and vicinity that he intends carrying on
me vyuuiwcuijiunu!" uuBiuess in uii iia various
branches: and is now prepared to receive or
ders and attend to all calls for everv thinfr
in his una of business. The undersigned
i - - . "
will keep op hand and furnish1 to order
Good and ILandsome Furniture,
as cheap afe can be sold anywhere. The
following articles can be examined in his
Ware Roor&s:
Sofas, of jvarious styles and patterns;
Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bu
reaux, of various paterns.
Cupboards, of different kinds:
Card, Center, Side, Breakfast, and Dining
Tables; I
Wash Stands, Twist, Small and Large
Etagerc, What-Notes, Music Stands, Sofa
Tables, T2a Tables, Oval and Sernentine
m t 1 nil,
lames, vHinese What-nots, lancvAvork
tables, Refreshment tables, Divans, Imd a
general assortment of Cottage Furniture on
hand and made to order.
OC?Vardishing and repairing done on short
notice and fan reasonable terms.
A hands3me assortment of Gilt, Mahogany
and Walnut Lookincr Glass and Picture
frames, of every description, will be constant
ly kept on hand and made to order.
xteauy-miiue coinns Kept on hand and made
l i t . t
io oruer anu in me nest style, at short no
tice. A hearse will also be furnished when
desired. :
Lumberland country nroduce of all kinds
taken in exchange for Cabinet Ware, Give
us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Re
member tlie place is opposite R. Boy's
store 4
Stroudsburg, March 24, 1S53.
Whatever concerns the happiness and
health of a people is at all times of ihe most
valuable importance. I take it for granted
that ever?Jperson will do all in their power,
to save the lives of their children, and that
every person will endeavor to promote their
own health at all sacrifices. I feel it to be
my duty lo solmenly assure you that worms,
acrordinglo the opinion of the most cele
brated Physicians, are the primary causes
of a larce majority of diseases to which
children and adults are liable: if vou have
an appetite continually chargeabla from one
Kind oi lood to another, Uan fJrealli, rain
n the Stomach, Picking at the Iose, Hard
ness and Fullness of the Belley, Dry Cough,
Slow rayer, Pulse Irregular remember
that all these denote worms, and you should
at once apply ihe remedy:
S2oleusa.cltN worm Syrnp.
An artcle founded upon Scientific Princi
pies, compounded with purely vegetable sub
stances, being perfectly safe when taken , &
ran hfl olefin to thft most tflnrlpr Infant with
decided beneficial effect, where Bowel Cow
plaints aid Diarhaa have made them weak
and deoutaled, the ionic properties oi my
orm Sjrup are such, that it stands with,
put an emal in the catalogue of medicines,
in giving tone and strength to the Stomache
which n'akes it an Infallible remedy for
those atficted with Despepsia, the aston
ishing cues performed by this Syrup after
Phvsiciais have failed, is the best evidence
ofjits sujrior efficacy over all others.
The Tape Worm !
This ijfthe moisf difficult Worm to des
troy of all that infest the human system.
It grows tp an almost Indefinite lengih, be
coming i& coiled and fastened in the Intes
tines ancjStomach affecting the health so
sadly asto cause St. Vitus Dandfe, Fits,&c.
hatihosl afflicted Beldom if ever suspect
'that'll hlTape Worm hastening them to an
earljgrare. In order to desiroy this Worm
veiy elrgetic treatment must be pursued,
it would therelore be proper to take G or b
f mj urer Pills so as to remove all ob
truclior.f. that the Worm Syrup may act
rectuppn the Worm which must be taken
312 Table spoon s lull .3 times a
dty, the;
directions followed? have never
bfen kh
ivn to fail in curing the most obsti-
nie caHofTape Worm.
Ilfebcnsack's Liver Fills.
To pt of man is more liable to disease
t ai the Liver, it serving as a iilterer to
puify th blood, or giving the proper secre
tiofcto t; bile; so that any wrong action of
thet Liv rtaffects the other important parts
of de s'fem, and results variously, in Liv
er Gomplclnt, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c.
Weihoclcj therefore, watch every symptom
thaUnigat indicate a wrong action of the
Live;. These. Pills being composed of
Rooliai giants furnished by nature to heal
the iic : gamely 1st, An Expectorant,
whici a igmipots the secretion from the Pul
monale nucus membrane, or promotes the
disclis-p' of; secreted matter. 2d, An Al
teral., whifch charges m some explicable
and irjfc isible manner, the certain morbid
acliorf f the system. 3d, A Tonic, which
gives te and strength to the nervous sys
tem, reewinj health and vigor to all parts,
ofthebdy. '4 th, A Cathartic, which acts
in perfe harmony with the other ingredi
ents, .aipi opeiating on the Bowels, and ex
pelling jh whole mas3. of corrupt and vitia
ted maiiL and purifying the Blood, which
destroyi psease and restores health,
f Wo Females.
You frill find these Pills an invaluable
medicim irjmaoy complaints to which you
are subJictJ obstructions either total or
partialjthoy.iavje been found of inestimable
restoin'ri their fractiontal arrange-
o a wealthy action, purifying the
blood a
fid otlW fluids so effectually to put
to flight
allPomplaints which may arise
from ffcmale li-rjaulanties, as head ache,
giddness, dimnejj 0f sight, pain in the side,
back. &c.
' None cenuieUnless sicned J. N. Ho-,
bensack, all 0te3 being base imitations'
tAgents wishing new supplies, and
Store KeepersBvshmg to become Agents
must .address thllroprietoi J. N. Hdbensack
No 120N.SecoJt st Phila., Pa,
A goals ipftosti'oe oeuiy.
Dr. S. StokesimR. Huston, Stroudsburg;
H. Peters, jr. &m. Marshals creek; Staples
& Shivley, Anatoijjnk; J. Bell, Experiment
Mills, modheanm Jjro. lutotsburg ; It. s
J. Kjntz, Paraditt; J. Merwine, Mervvines-
burg; Daily & Tiller, Effert; Edinger &
Marsh, rennersw,e; Keller & Hoffman
Kellersville; and Pjealersin drugs through
out tho county animate.
y we,, each 25 cents.
m March 10. 1053, . . - . ohia. .
I- V -J i
. . -:- rxtsft, . v- - titttii i r i r Tii i 1 TT'Tirr ii iiiiiiii -t irTrrm ii t rr. .T-- irTrTTi tb nB m wtt
RESPECTFULLY inform the Mer-
chants of Stroudsburer and vicinity.
that they h
ave commenced the manufac-
ture ot
in the Borough of Stroudsburg. and will
keep constantly on hand a full supply,
which they offer for sale at as low rates
as can be had atanv other establishment.
Call before purchasing elsewhere.
Stroudsburg, February 3, 1853.
What can be got for Fve Dollar
The undersigned have entered into an ar
rangement by which they agree to furnish
the Knickerbocker Magazine, (monthly,) the
the Home Journal, (weekly,) and the Musi
cal World and Times, (weekly,) to new sub
scribers, at the very moderate price of five
dollars a year for the three publications ; all
orders, enclosing that amount to Dyer&. Wil
is, will be promptly attended to.
Publisher of the Knickerbocker.
Publishers of the Home Journal.
Publishers of the Musical Word and Times,
257 Broadway, New York.
Grand Literary and Artistic Combination.
Arrangements have been made to furnish
Magazine, the IIome
Journal, and the
New York Musical
World and Times, to new subscribers, for
five dollars a year! This is cheap literature,
with a vengeance. The Knickerbocker is
S3 per annum; the Home Journal, 82; and
the Musical World and Times, !jj3; making
$S a year at the usual rates. That three
such works can be obtained for five dollars a
year, is a fact truly worthy the Caloric age,
wmch is just now being ushered m. Of the
Knickerbocker Mrgazine, edited by Lewis
Gaylord Clark, it is unnecessary to speak.
l'or twenty years it has boen the most geni
al, humorous, and spicy "monthly1' in the
world; and the present volume will be better
than any which preceded it. The Home
Journal, edited by Geo, P. Horn's, and N. P.
Willis, is well known as the best family
newspoper in America; and the iuusicai
World and limes, edited by Richard Storrs
Willis, with Lowell Mason, Geo. II. Curtis,
I nomas Hastings, Win. P. Bradbury, Geo.
J?. Root, and other musical writers contribut
ing; and wliioh gives, among other things, o-
ver 825 worth of music and a full course of
instruction in harmony annually, is the very
best musical journal ever published. These
three publications will post a family up iu re
gard to nearly everything; wortn knowing;-
Art, Sciecne, Literature; Music, Painting,
Sculpture; Inventions, Discoveries; Wit, Hu
mor, ancy, bentiment; the iN'ewest Fash
ions and other attractions for Ladies; Choice
New Music for the Sabbath, the Church, and
the Fireside; Reviews and Criticisms of Mus
ical Works, Performed and Performances; in
short; the very pick and crcarn of Novelty.
ncidcnt, History, Biography, Art, Literature
and Science; including whatever can be giv
en in periodicals to promote Healthy Amuse
ment and Solid Instruction m the family,and
neip to maue it lietter, wiser, and happier,
may oe now outained tor live dollars. Ad- or vvoman enter into the secret obligations of
dress DYER & WILLIS, 257 Broadway. married life without reading the Pocket Ms
OTEditors publishing the above three culapius. Let no one suffering from a hack
times, aud sending- the papers containing it njed cough, pain in the side, resless nighs,-
touyertv, winis, win receive the three works
named, fot one year
2e undersigned having lo
cated himself in the borougli
of Stroudsburg, at the old Sad-
die and Harness stand of Jas.
N. Durling1, on Walnut street,
opposite the Washinnton Ho-
tel. wo Id inform the public
that he will keep constantly
on hand a choice assortment of
Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Carriage
Harness, Sulky and Gig Harness, Team
Harness, leather, cotton, aud worsted
Flynets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet
bags, Curry-combs, llorse
cards and brushes,
and all other articles in his line of business,
which he will dispose of upon very reasona-
ble terms.
Worn made to order at the shortest notice.
His materials will be of the best quality,
. . . ... ... . .
and as he employs none but good workmen,
he hopes to receive a liberal share of public
His motto is "nuick sales and small profits."
Call and see for vourselvcs.
Countrv nrodue'e taken in exchange for
wnrL- V r. r.AUyjRr.fF.R
i " I
StrniiflshnrfT. March 17. 1853.
7M r ,i-r; trlmmJnn-o c,r coin nrwl
o' - i
Carriages trimmed to order.
Valuable Ileal Estate at
'Pi. IWa nf tho TCatnt- nt' Ahr'm. h'mitr.
deceased, offers at private sale, a FARM,
situate in Smithfield township, Monroe coun-
Pa. containing
13,557 Abiifi!iJ!J,
75 of which is cleared land, in a hijrh state of ptsqengaged to serve,
cultivation, the remainder WOODLAND. Under the above act, and the acts of Con
The above adjoins land of Henry Eilenberger, gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser-
I . . . 1 1 rr
Benjamin Custerd and others.
The improvements are a
2 stories high, 14 by 18, and a.Logt
House, 20 by 24, one and a halt stories high;
a shop 14 by 10'; a Rarn and other necessary
out buildings. There is an excellent spring
of water near the dwellings. A vounjr and
Apple wrcatarut
of choice fruit, and a number of other
fruit trees, euch as pears, peaches,
cherries, &c.
The above property is situated in a healthy
and places of public worship. This property
XlUii'HUUl UUlUj k 11111111 IU LUIJUUlOj 111 11 13) I
is worthy the attention ot capitalists. An every thing in the very best order for the ac
indisputable title will be given. comodation of travellers and others.
For further particulars apply to
JOHN KAUTZ, Stroudsburg, Pa. or to
IIENRY KAUTZ, Martin's Creek, 10.
Northampton Co. Pa.
1000 A EAH,
ANTED in every County of the Uni
ted States, active and enterprising
men, to engage in the sale of some of the
best Books published in the country. To men
of good address, possessing a small capital
offroniS25to$ l()0,such inducemeni3wiil
$3 to 8 10 a day proift.
ICTThe Rooks published by us are all
useful in their character, extremejy popular
and command large sales wherever they are
For further particulars, address, (postage
paid) DANIELS' & GETZ,
Successors to W. A. Leary & Co ,
No. 138 North Second Street, Philadel-
ISgftt. 30j 185a,
Any good, active and intelligent man, with
a small capital of from S30 to SI00. can
make ar8.e Prafits by en8aginS ln ihe sale of
the following
Cudnlcrs1 Information for iie People: or
Popular Encyclopedia of Useful Knowl
edge. Tvo lanje imperial octavo volumes,
containing 100 paces
Petersons History of the American Revolu
tion. 500 large octavo pages, and 200 fine
Frost's Remarkable Etents tn the History oj
America. 1 wo large oclavo volumes; con
laining 1G00 pages and 700 engravings
I hd best History of America published
lu'ost's Pictorial Life of Washington. A
, Splendid Book containing 6U0 octavo pages
and loO elegant Engravings. I ne cheap
est Life if Washington ever published.
Moore's llislOJy of the Indian Wars. Fine
colored and Plain Plates.
The True Republican. Containing the In
augural Addresses dnd the First Annual
Addresses and Messages of all the Presi
dents of ihe United Slatesj the Constitu
tions of the most important States m the
Union, &c, &c. Embelished witht Por
traits of all the Presidents, engraved on
Fteell, and a view of the Capital of the
United fctaies. 500 paces; 12 mo
Fox's Book of Martyr's. A Splendid Family
Edition, large quaito, with 55 Engravings,
beautifully bound in morocco, gilt.
Uc Cormenin's History oj the Popes.
lare octavo pages, with illustrations.
Joscphus' Works 1 ine Edition, one large
Sturm's Reflections on the Works of God.
St. Pierre's Studies of Nature.
Whiles History of the World. A Valuable
General History. One large octavo vol
nme, with handsome Engravings.
Lives of Great and Celebrated Characters :
of all Ages and Countries. One large vol
ume of 800 pages, with numeious Engra
vings. Together with a number of other Works
particularly adapted for Popular Reading.
IE? The most liberal discounts lout be giv
en to Agents ivho may engage in the sale oj
the above Valuable Books.
For further particulars, address (postage
paid,) .
J & J. L. UlHOi, Publishers. .
No. 08 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
February 17, 1853.
The fortieth edition,
with one hundred engra-
tvings, showing Diseases
& Malformations of the
KUIuman System in every
t shape and form. To
a; which is added a trea-
W ties on the Diseases of
rs7' r emaiKS, uem" oi me
fLZf 1 1 t-: r .I..
r6y : ...
KV7f7r?yWo7 uiiMibsi importance 10
f:wy.v jnuriieu iicuijit;, ur must:
04' conlemplatlngmarriage.
S3y Williasn Yobihs, H. I.
Let no fatljkr be ashamed to present a copy
of the JEsculapius.o his child. It may save
him from an early grave Let no young man
nervous feelings, and the Whole train ot Dy
peptic sensations, and given up by their phy
sician, be another monument wnnout con
sulting the Aesculapius. Have the married,
or those about to be married, any impediment
read this'trulv useful book, as it has been the
means of saving thousands of unfortunate
creatures from the very jaws of death
Any person sending Twenty-five cents en
closed in a letter, will receive one copy of
this work by mail, or five copies will be sent
for One Dollar. Address, (post paid,)
No. 152 Spruce st. Philadelphia.
February 17, 1853 ly
Soldiers' JLaaitd Warrants.
Bu a recent Act of Congress it is enacted,
That each of the surviving, or the widow or
minor children of deceased commissioned and
noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri-
vates, whether oi regulars, volunteers, rang
ers or militia, who performed military ser-
vices in anv regiment, companv or detach
ment in the service ol the United states, in
ihe war with Great Hritian, declared by the
-j " . . . . ..
United State3 on the eighteenth day of June
1812, or in any of the Indian wars since li)0
and each of the commissioned officers who
was encaged in the military service ot the
United States in the late war with Mexico.
and shall be entitled to lands as follows
- ,i
Those who encased to serve iweive
months or durmg the war, and acmauy
served nine months, snail receive one nun-
. r i i i
dred and sixty acres: and those who engaged
to serve six months and actually served four
months, shall receive eighty acres; and
those who engaged to serve for any or an
indefinite period, and actually served one
. r - i
month, snail receive lony acres. i rouueu,
wherever any officer or soldier was
nonoraoiy uiscnargea m coi.juu u u,3
au,,IlJ ll,.c. a.ul; "-e "V , . tt" ,
mount to Wllicn ne wouiu uavo uaun umuieu
jf ho had served the full period for which he
vices as agent to-procure Land Warrants for
those entitled to receive them, as above spe
cified. He may be found at his office in
Stroudsburg. S. C. BURNETT.V
October 27, 1850. ow
sorrow yi
jTnbmn (Saucru tiesfl,
Elizabeth st., Stkoudsbuuo, Pa?"
The undersigned respectfully in
forms his friends and the public gener
ally, thathe has taken the above Hotel,
known to the travelling community as 'Shive
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo,
The house is large, with ever convenience
fni tmvt' anil boarders.
rnie vards and stabling are extensive, and
The proprietor will use every effort to have
his table, chambers, bar. and eveiy depart-
merit of his house conducted in such a man
ner as to secure the approbation ol his custo
The Stage office for the Easton, M. Chunk,
Wilkes-Harre. White Haven and Providence
. i i IT . 1
stages will heroalter oe at tne auove notet.
Persons wishing to go or send with the a-
bove staces, will olease leave their orders
at the Indian Queen Hotel.
These lines leave this Hotel erery Mon
Waday, and nday morning at ,
Country Producq.
(Butter, eggs, &c. taken in exchange for
any goods in my line of business.
, f 'Tjob'work-
General Agent for Monroe Co.- forthesatc of
Blake's Patent Fire-Proof Paint,
oi4 Arlifgcfni Siuie
Which in the Way of Paint is waffanfed
to surpass in cheapness and durability any
thing that has herefoiore beetf Offered to the
public. In no instance has it ever been knbwrt
to crack, cleave qfft or waste by time. .
He also has on hand a large and
well selected stock of
Groceries HardtVttrej Stoves,&c-
which have been purchased for cash and musk
be sold.
Stroudsbnf,- January 13, 1853.
On Elizabeth street, one door below Wm.
Bean's residencej Stroudsburg, Pa.
The subscriber having just com- .
plefed a large and splendid as- .,
sortment of the lastest Fall and '
Winter fashions of Hats & Caps! :
invites the attention of his old patrons and
the public cenerally to the largest stock ever..
offered in Stroudsburg, consisting of Men's
moleskin, fur, silk and KoSsUlh hats of eve- "
rv price and quality. His stock of Caps'
consists of yilk pludh. cloth, oil silk, oil lin-j?
nen, and velvet. Uoys hats and caps'ok,:
every description.
A superior article'on hand. Also, rt large "
assortment of Hoots and Shoes of the latest
style and of a superior quality.
Morocccs and FiEMlings. .
Dressed and undressed Morocuo. Kid and
French skins. Yellow, oink, blue and white- -
inings, and bindinc skins. Prunello and
frongee; Boot and shoe trees: Lasts of everv
description, and a general assortment of
findings. -41so Cotton & silk under-shirts. .
N, ii. Ihankful for past favors and de
sirous of a continuance of the same, he will
sell at the N'ew-York and Easton prices.
November 1 1, 1852. - f
Soot nnb 0ijoc
The subscriber respertfuly informs
his customers and friends thathe has
removed his Bool and Shoe Manufac
tory to the store room formerly occupied by
Joseph Sigman, in Northampton street, one
door above Hamilton street, and between
Mrs. E. H. Harmony s Millinery and Peter
Pomp's Drug Store.
He has just received a large assortment
of Hoots and Shoes, among which are Calf
Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots
Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na
poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen
and Boys.
Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes
for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion-
ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order
at short notice. A large assortment of Chil
drens Shoes always on hand; GUM Shoes'
of all descriptions and kinds, which he is
The goods are manufactured of the best
materials and in the neatest and most fash
ionable manner. He employs none but tlie
best workmen about his establishment
Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto-
fore received, every effort will be made to
merit a continuance of the same.
Easton, September 16, 1852
Cure of Consumption,
Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs. Asthma,-
Bronchitis, and ell Throat and Lung Com
plaints. i have published a brief work on Consum
ption, which contains an mvaluaole recipe
for the cure of these prevalent diseases, even
in their wort stages, when friends and phy
sicians have given up all hope. The Lung
balsam prescribed in this work Cures without
the expensive aid of physicians or injurious
use of patent medicines; I n adoptinc this Sys
tem of Cure the patient knows what he is us
ing knows that he is not shortenning his
pays by the use of anodynes or mercurials,
which may Beem to Relieve but never Cure,-
He knows when using this Life-saving Bal
sam, that he is taking mild, pleasant, effica
cious remedies, such as Nature prescribes
for the ills herchtldren suffer. The ingredi
ents composing this Lung Balsam are obtain
able (cheaply too,) wherevei consumption
exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote t
Consumptive patients may Relion this rccetp.
(all Lung Complaints are removed bv its
use) I would not attach my name to it, had
I doubt of its efficacy. The directions for
preparing and using the Balsam are perfectly
plain. 1 prefer selling the Recipe to making
the Balsam, as it enables people to Make'
their own Medicine at a Trifling Cost. 1 wil
impart the secret of making the Balsam, and ,
the Family right to Use it, for SI, but in ua
case will i sell it for speculating purposes.
Proof of its Goodness.
Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851.
Doct. S.TOUSEY Sir! You wished mtf
to let vou know what effect vour preparation
of Medicine for Consumption and other dis
eases had in my family. After the first ten
days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved
her cough, changed her countenance, and all
appearances were belter. My family would
not be willing lo do without it. It is a med
icine much needed in Jackson there is many
cases simular to my wife's. The Rev Mr.
Blanchard will write vou for a recipe. Res
pectfully yours. " O. F. POOL.
Address, post paidr (enclosing Si.) Dr. S
TOUSEY, 106 Nassau street, New York.. .
The work goes by mail under seal.
October 7, l951-Gm
"STRAW &00BS-SPmK 1853.
The subscriber is now prepared to
ixy exhioit io .uercnants ana milliners ms
usual heavy stock of Ladies' aud Misses'
Stttw mid Silk Bonnets,
Straw Trimmings and
Artificial Flowers
Palm-leaf, Panama and every variety of
StmiHier llsits
for Gentlemen; which for extent, variety and
beauty pf manufacture, as well as uniformly ,
cloee prices, will be found unrivaled.
No, 41 South Second street, Philadelpliid$fr
February 10, 1853. om. i ut
Fifteen hands wanted to peel bark,, to whprrr t
liberal wages will be paid in cash. 1To'cwn2",
mence operation as soon as the season' Vail ;
admit of it. Each person mustcwnpipfoideiifi
with the.necessary toois, Ai&yugk&v
WiS: " JtfAjMWaEPlM .
a,' i