The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 30, 1870, Image 4

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D 3
Pen*. leaving the city ter the summer.
had wishing, to harfi the o.t.teriz !Nein to
their addresses to the
(Alice.. Thee hympll,73eirita per month.
Weateiday 11 - as a. - liemitlful, ruosbin3"
. •
Mayor Callow had SU common casel4 bet°
Iles yesterday mivalag.
The soda seater and Ise, fountains oufferrif
a decrease 01 ialtrunare yesterday. . "
_____ . .c..........._
Wlleial.—.Tbe committee on City F . 4eiterty
• ..leill meet tootle et 3 o'clock. P. M. . '
• a . TIM Pom•Direc;toraof ,the county sidyerthe
for proposal. for coal In to-dar a paDer f
:. . , .
The Forest City lime' Clail Club Wlli T i iiil us
*nine time during' Auguet. to play aclthothe
' )4 Ile,thenY- " .
Illackberrles, kaya the Ni gantown Plat. are
• . plenty In market at only aeventy-ave cents
per latahel.,
J. B. 'Lippincott 'at 'o.. Pm
d e w of
1010 PhIlade 0 ll'hia. Pa.;
e Ili i.. new novelS
A' new etoek with 111 Ideated dial plate.
bag Leenplavell in posith over ipe entrance
to the .V.legben; o:mete y.
Let alt lain nnen attend 'the free tecture to
• he delivered to-night at Lafayette Hall dry
J. Puta , lio,Lectt.ct DACOta.
' ' The nil:listen and membern td the different
: Proteatant churchea et Morgantown have
farmed an Eanitellral alliance.
Iloonl of S. , . hool Controller, of Alle
-1 thetly %911 hold their reA.lnt in.thly meet
1. Ins at City 11A11. Tuesday evening . next.
Her. Wan. D. Wallace,. celebrated diva;
Onmaaeh, County Derry, Ireland, will
pre...talon-morrow in the :Second t. 1.. Chui,h
r, sixth avenue. at !UM A. Mc
The alarm or am yes: eralny morning at tve.
o'clock ‘v. OrCaelon}4l by the burning of th
tar In a tank at Refinery, corner Forty
•niath and Railroad airceta.Seventeiath ward
The damage was slight.
*e Tto. recr. of th Paa
*ager H Di allw to ay' expect to have their track
lialthed to l'ittaburrh - and in runnier order
''ln about two month.. The near cars (or 'the
.road are being made coo,.
• Admitted to Practletio—ln the, P. S. Mbar4c
Court.. yesterday. Jinitte McCandless. predd
Inc. an motion of R. H. Patterson. F.sq., II
Sharpies, or Philadelphia , was admitted t
'practice In the courts Of this district: . •
have Dawson station, rounellarlile
Railroad, become i n with the ha •
Dail fever, and organized a etch. Oneof the
festive fraternity lk a fragile Infant of on.
.hundred summer, •Ae plays for his health.
. •
i Hew Pertions , l4 Venn avenue. especially
: 2 that. section between Eizhteenth Twenty
, eighth streets. , dvere flooded by the recoil'
mins, andr the realdents along the water ere
engaged yesterday In pumping the out
. of their cellars. i
Yesterday tuernbur John McClinton was
Sent back to thc, work house for Meaty days.
He w.,conultted about R Month ago. but
(-towed nod kept out of the way until yester
day. whoa he woo arrested at his home in the
Sloth ward, Allegheny.
Grand Ple.nic.—The ”Pitteburgh Ladies" of
Benevolence, will give armed pie-ole for. the
benefit bf the poor. et (Andra vove on Mien
dav next, August let. Dinner 50 cone.
Xanngcre—Mre. F.. Owens., Mbie G. Wood
eon. and 3lrv. H. Mahoney..
dent's • English Hoe. gent'S -- Iferino gent' hal
Hose, gent's Linen and Jeans Drawers,
Seamier hlerinu Shirts.:ring 'white Shirt .
made to order at the new stand stacking store
No. t Fifth arena. •
The Complimentary bettellt given to R. H.
Brown. Eau., superintendent of the Rink was
frond success. )
There was not Jess than one
hundred owl fifty couple present and the best
• of order prevailed; greet. thing passed off
plimsautly and, it eras alt that could be desired.
Thiel - eery ride storms which have visited
us during the past w eek or two Into been the
~• subject Of general excitement. almost as much
so as the fact that Liebler. No. IN Wt.rod street.
" hii replenished his Stock of trunks, valises.
tertian*, satchels and tourists' outfits.
ler Is always up to the times.
The clerk forms an Iml•orfant, and oecessary
[met of 'the body and when 'Mary Doerherty
yesterday threatened to twist that of Reggie
Coyle. off her shoulders.. It Is not. to . be
,' wondered at that-Maggie became alarmed and
sought Alderman Me3lasters who Ironed a
warrant for the arrest of the . sanguluatT
We bespeak the attention of our readers to
the- otrd of Wyers Seientlflcal end Qassical
Institute In tcs+tar's paper. Thu school Is
situated ■t kltoChester, Penna. and is one.of
the best boarding schools' to educate Four
lams In. In the State. Its reputation Is second
to none. For full particulars send for
uosokers should try wmi egraw'se ot those new Club
cigars. to at . No. 45 Ninth
street-that be
Is had .
It Ul M
WI. to appreciate the
luxury of a good smoke. Megraw also has In
store a new stock or - Sae-cot smoking tobac
co, than 'Teich there Is nothing better In the
market. Get n supply of smoking material at
Megrasrs 45 Ninth street.
- -
Is more bracing and inrigorating to
the Wearied system these hot days than a .p
-ply of well - made lee cream. It sends a wa
le delicious glow through the system and
InfLYes the whole being -with renewed life
an erferrt,.. - - - Yonngson's. corner Smithfield
street and Itiamond alle.r. Is just the place to
secure the article. Go to Youngion's.
Ladles' 'English Cotton liner, hullos extra
size White and brown Cotton Hoes,- ladle.'
.T.Salo thread Hose. ladiev IMlkhlggan bore.
every variety of ladle's Merino underwear.
ladles'amps' and childrea'm Glov gre at
variety at the new stand stocking sto esln reof
Jro. Dkaltucks4 & CO..
• •
Ns). al Fifth avenue.
blight Elec.—AG:Mt half part the o'clock
yesterday morning there waren alarm of Ate
from boa 4: occasioned be the breaking out of
el fire in the cellar of Phillip* Bros.' machine
shop at the corner of First avenue and Furry
streets. The tire, it Is thought, originated
f the furnaces. The damage will not ez
• • • IMOD and tens : tally covered by lastwance.
. .
1p loon .R....—Durlng a sihtlit lalaunder
... • nein a 'edam. on Magee street, rester
r Ki
, .31khael,Ntsimito cooled glass bottle
.1. Marcia force to thehead of!Jes. arlially.
!•e dispute suddenly terminated, but bas
•ce been renewed In elem.' scar before
Idermmu Morrow, who his arrested Michael
ad held him fur trial for assault and battery.
HI toricall:—The . rnlontown G e nius says:
relent over the Pittsburgh and Connell.-
' ltallroad will notice a cold pit on: the
h. octegnekson's mines. convert/A Into
4 le for Mules. The flrst , coal that war-
led down the fiver came out of that bunk.
Ras sold to Messrs: Parkburn .t Carr. Rip
)blo. (or blacksmithlng purpeses. Th is
A IS." —.. _ '
Tar ' , Tank Durned.—About••, half-past one
Welock,yesterany morning a are occurred at
John R. .Bell's on refinery, at the corner or
riirte- (nth and Will runol streets..supposed to
'Wive 0 tnated from lightning. A tar tank
•eameht , and about two hundred barrels •
tar seer onsismed. An alarm was sounded
from 1,0175. and the tire department of the
third district responded promptly.
bons at. Anketica.-1). Orr Alexander; Post
President and M. Alexnnder. idtat,
~Trasannerf\ t luly Installrd irashiniton camp.
• - "`"No.l.lti ur midst on th e evening of the I!fth
lost. Thts order Is wide spread in the east
ern .ettion of Oho State. and combines within
It beneficial. literary. fraternal and patriotic
element.. We soon, expect- to, see many
Camps of the same Lunar midst.
The Gtrak House Allegheny . . a clean quiet
comfOrtable home-like hotel oilers superior
attractions to travellere or boarders whether
transient nr permanent. Capt. Lighteap boo
brought alt his experience of &Mar years Iran
the management, of this estibilibment, aad
has -made It the pleasant place,. it now Is.
Drop in at thaGirard. cornerrettemtand Is
abella streets, and test the actommodations.
INagnlcx Am-Neut.—Met 'evening a middle
axed lady roiled Mrs: , Garvin was walking
along . Smitbfliel street. when-she stepped on
an insecure Jr= log, which tipped and caused
bet to fall with ono limb towaril the cellar
and the other on the pavement. She was quite
sell. ualT injure! by the accident. and had
r -tope Carried home. Persons who allow such
trOs as that.ln front of their premises should
be prosecuted.
John W. Planck will an
nounre Um - Lender toonorrow that he has
associated with himself in the_proprietnrshlp
nf that Journal. It+ present ediShr..Y.l.Nevin.
DPI.. aed IL P. Nevin, P. 54.: under the firm
name of Pittock. Nevin & Co. We believe It Is
the Intention of the new firm o issue a dells
afternoon paper. The new firm Is a good and
!strong One, end we with its Imembere large
success and prosperity. •
lierenage.—We had a magnificent serenade
last night from the Pittsburgh Zonave Drum
curno. under the — leadership ofldr. S. 1. Def
lick, mere aro ' , fourteen ul embers of the corps,
and they have, been so well Organized and
thoroughly trained by their lender that we
doubt eery much If there is a better Ate and
drtim'Zombination in the State—certainly it is
quite impossible to furnish much better mar
tial musk. Como main. gentlemen.
• Arlesll•selessea are both-called tats requisi
tion to the maanfacture of those beautifuJ sets
of queens wale tor which • the Keystone Pot
tery tme
bar beaD So • famous. Meson. Kier t i i,
Co.. at their warehouse, No. all f,lbert s eon.
hare on sale an assortment. of. this m tau
tare. which. when the skill sad kao edge
required to produce It Is considered, if eof
the most attractive shade la the cite. Call Its
far queensware at 35.1 Liberty street. _
,Tlnree vv. One.—liesterder 14ter Glister .
'made information before ,Aiderman Thomas
using MearT.McConvllicand el* two sem.
8.nt17. Jr.. and Michael. for agirramo 4 -4
mutt and battery. The two - men had a quar
rel. when the two boys aided their father. and
thus. by three against one. Peter found him
self badly vanquished. The disturbance oc
curred we r earia street. Sloth wand. The se
°used wheld to bail for hearing.
The weather yesterday was delightfunT
copizo t pleaseat. The storms seem to have
Pass way and left behind them. at hest for
the present. en er.billereting. bracing atmos
phere. This is doubly enjoyable as a succeuor
to the close and suffocating heat with which
we were Inflicted .a few days ago. That It
may continue is the general wish of capering
humanity.; that has. been enjoying a half
parboiled condition as MU as such a state in
:.• •
. ,
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A Tenon Girl the )letint—Asesulke4 by; Two
Men—The Perpetrate. Will at Large.
Last Sunday eviinltur a most bold and fiend
Ish crime WIG committed near Mira le
Western Penntrylealtin
about eight miles above AliegbenYThe vie:
ri m was a young maiden .Mast It yeirsof age,
and the daughter of very respectable parents.
She had been sent out for the cows, anti
returning from the pasture about dusk. The
road lay thrhugh a small wooded ravine or
hollow, and al she was passing through this
Tdace a man who - had been contealed
Jumped Into the middle of file road
and -caught hold of her. She was rendered
.speechless by fright for a moment, and the
next the villain had Ms hand over her mouth,
'preventing any outcry: • lie was a - Aunt. via.-
omits man, but would doubtleas have failed in
his 'Satanic design had nut as , istance reached
him: Another human send, evidently a part , .
ner In the scheme. made bis appearance. This
second comer at came performed his part
wilding timer] while the other brute/1y out
raged her. The Infamous scoundrels while.
proceeding with their plan were suddenly •
alarmed by footsteps approaching: whim:
caused them to precipitately leave the local
ity. The girl thus freed nuolc heray home as rapidly no possible, and re lated the .
circumstance to her parents. cihe - deseritmd
her first :assailant In such 0 number as to
learn no doubt as to his identity. The tube,
she had never seen but ; felt confident she
c aid recognize again.
Monday morning the girl, accompanied by
herparents, called mum Alderman O'Donnell
of this city and made information against her assailants. The natter was entrust
ed to the officer's police, and kept yilict in
the hope that the accused might be secured.
toss tar they hare, however, eluded detec
tion.. They have apparently left for other
pans, as neither of the two suspected have
been about' since the occurrence. The inhu
man villains if apprehended should receive
their deserts—if that. be tensible. Hanging
Is too good for such characters._ .
An Alien., In Trouble—The Nature of Ills
Offence—What has been Done About.
Aldermen, like'cither people, have their sor
rows. Jovial and happy as they may seem,
yet at times clouds obscure the brightness of
their pathway; all is not sunshioe. Many and
various are,the perplexities to which they are
subject in their intricate legal course. Sul
the least orrthese is the "thrigiOan's whip."
the annoyance occasioned Ity obstinate liti
gants who are always read to distiirb the
oingisterial serenity by charges of
mexnurin°face. Such is the trouble which at
present Intzudes.japon the placidity of Alder
nus J. C. smith, of East Liberty. Ills accuser.
t. Robert J - Watson. The cause in based upon
xn information made against Watson some
time ago by a man who charged him (Watsom
with fraud inn certain business transaction.
wbith eventually proved groundless. Not
content, however, with this termination of
the affair. Mr. 'Watson. investigates still fur
ther, sad at mst is sure there was irregularity
in the proceedings. Coolident of this. he ap.
}waved before AideunauldeStasters yesterday
And land° InforroaDon _againstAlderman
,Smith for misdemeanor in toile° , alleging that
he issued a warrant. upon au information
which was not sworn to: , and upon which he
t %Catgut:it was arrested and subjected to great
Alderman WM/tater, issned a
the arrest of , his brut der unicial. andthe case
will be tryteitlested to-day.
Accident st. the New High School Build:on- A
Laborer Palls from the heaffohlina—S cry
!leveret) , Injured—His Recovery Doubtful.
Ymterdayafternoon n serious accident oc
curred at 'the new Pittsburgh High School
building, In coarse of erection, corner of Ful
ton and Cliff streets, Seventh ward. A la
borer, named Patrick Flaherty, was ascend
ihe the "run" to the second story, wheeling
a load of o .hricks in front of himovhen he
somehow missed his footing and fell off his
narroti 'pathway to the floor. below. The
distance Is about twenty-nee feet. The man
lay insensible where be alighted, and
the other workmen who ran to his
relict, nt first • supposed him to he
dead. He you picked up and medical
attention summoned, however as quicsly as
possible. the time the plsysicians.arrived
ne bad recovered coratcloustieas. but was 'mi
tering intensepain;,..llponexamination It was
found that his HAIM - was injured danger
ously. He alto received internal injuries, the
extent of which could -not be exactly de-'
. I
[ermined: -
The victim as soon as he had bee properly
treated was removed to his home n
in Point
atm44los a married man, about thirty-live
years of re slid-ha and fatuity. lie
was living at last accomill - ; -- buthls to iuries
are such that fears are entertaineill
nut recover,
In the United States District Court Tester
daY, Judge McCandless on the Bench: the pe
tition' of Messrs. J. B. Lewis \k Co-,of few
York. was presented, askingthat theniembeff
of the liras of Hathaway & Palmer, recycle
tore of. a hotel at Pleasantville. Pa., be ad
judged bankrupts. The petitioners set forth
that Hathaway & Fulmer are{ Indebted to
theta in tile sum of te.,111801 1 that for the
Preference to Wm. Fainter an other credi
tors. the debtors have confessed udgment in
the Court of Common. Pleas of Venango coon-.
ty, and that under those judgmeats thus cmi
rested the property of the nod fleas has been
levied up m by the Sheriff of lrentego county,
and Is 'advertised to be sold on tee that day
of • August next. The et tioners a
lone that the confestribu of ,j udgment were
acts of bukruptcy, and were utended to dfr
fraud the - petitioners.. An injunction .was
ulted for restraining the Sheriff and the par
ties In whose favor the Judi:meal; were con
fessed from making the sale of the property ,
and alto to restrain the said Hathaway A
Fulmer from making say disposition of the
same. A warrut for the arrest of the defend
ants was also asked for, so as to 'secure their
appearance at court from time to time until
a deeilloo shall be obtained on the petition,
or until the further order of tile court. After
the petition had been read the court grunted
.t injunctions applied for, and also, ordered
the Issue ore warrant of arrest. The rule to
show cause, granted in the cue, was made
returnable on the oth of August o at.
Coal Shipments.
The following are the addition a
teats of yesterday:
' Boat. . Hush.
. barges. ‘25.00U
2 coal boa s. 1500
William Brown
-. . ,
10 _
• 3 toll !rake. 100000
F coke biwil 75.000
\ .100.001
A. J.Uaker
Harp Am
Wild Dock.
Wild Cat...
Louis Hie
Prertously reported
Map of the Seat of War In Europe.
Colton's map, showing. on a,large scale and
very definitely. the French and North IA
South German Frontier, the present seat of
war between France and Pruaaia, and oil a
smaller scale, a map of the whole of Western
and Central Europe.
Such a map Is indispensable to the
gent reading of the •current news. Muth
mops are on one aheet, eighteen by thirty-ode
inches. and wdl be furnished at the following
Orion: Single copies, .50cts. each.
Lloyd's steel plate map of Enrinue. Slie.
a n y
by forty-nix Inches. Showing the whole
Geld. Price, Wets.. in sheets.
Any one or both of above maps mailed free
of postage on receipt of mica.
Agents wanted to canvass bath cities and
adjacent boroughs for above main.
Jong W. Prrromt, •
• , Opposite Postotnce.
The ordez has come et 14t. The beginning
of the ens is near. We meittt the end of those
almost Intollerable nuisances. Organ grinder. ,
street beggars. and prize package sellers.
Sarely have our people been afflicted by these
Plagues for many days, and many weeks, yen,
even for many months have we been compel
led to listen to the same Jarring. niscordant
screetchings of. numerous organs tuned by
men with one arm; men with no arms. men
with one leg, men with no lege, men with no
eyes, and even lame, blind and halt women
have had a hand at the work. lint their day
beg come. liencefortil we are to be free front
the nuisance. At ten o'clock yesterday the
police were inatructed by the Mayor
quire all mendicants, beggara organ grinders.
and all other nuisances of a like manner when
found "stationary." to "move on. , ,,Andwe
hope it will be strictly enforced. " •
When to oitk a noir
'There are some perions who hare a rare
faculty of crating leveere and always securing
what they desire. Their 'trace's Lin a great
measure owing to the rentendtUraineyrarne
simple rule,..--never ask agora fur‘ anything
when belt hungry. 'lgoer If such a One Want
ed anything, as a preliminary to the asking,
be from whom the boon was to be received
would be taken, if in Pittsburgh to the Conti
nental. next door below the Post office, Fifth
avenue. There Bah. game, fruit. pastry,
omega—everything palatable and enticing to
the appetite would he act before hint and
after be had eaten; and through that medium
became good humorhd.—then and not. until
then. would therticat be made. Thow
who. donb&.lta chic should first gle e It o
trial. The Cont_inint I -
In on Fifth nvenue.
below the Poet Cithee. . , 05
The Tannery Fire
The ruins of the tannery fire Allegheny
are still entouldering. Thursday night about
eleven o'clock the beat communicated to slot
of tanbark. which bad escaped the first Pre.
The flame" were observed by Lieutenant.
Helot, and by him word wan conveyed to the
Chief Enencer. The Gin. Grant engine tau
sent out, and aft: . about th
ing h rr : 'Wars' work
liigr i age l fg e rrut
as all the property within reach been de
This hurtlatlon will close to-sight for a brief
term, which is to be Improved in renovating
It and rearranging the 'climatic the Library.
in about two weeks It will be thrown,ohen
WIN when e lame assortment of nai. , 'book.
will be found upon It. libelee,. The managers
hare been careful In their selection ana have
secured a stocka the latest and most popular
works, which will be found a valuable addi
tion to those already In the sues. It Is
Wor to unto this evidence of the prosperltg
of this noble institution.
The Government sit, the Pennsylvania Rails
road Company.
W$ stated some time since that there would
In all probability be suits instituted 'against
the Petussylvinle ItnlriMad• Company. by the
thwernment fbr an alleges] violation of the
internal revenue law, lu 'their failure to affix
the nk , essary Stillnp4 'to their receipts for
freight. bills. The Company, as we have be
fore stated, do not give o receipt in- red by
any Individual, but merely render a bill of
freight. 11130,1 which is printed the wards:
"Received payment" and where the'alena
to re should be the bill.bears
athe stamp of the
.Comnanr. Whether this I violation of the
law or not, of ' course, will have to be deter
mined by tins Court, and upon this point rents
the case. United States District Attorney
swope, Thursday. Instituted thirty-two
suits against:the Company for the recovery of
the penalty Imposed for the neglect or refusal
to mks the stamps required 'under the revs ,
uric law. In the - n:lm - tiled copies of twenty
receipts given to 3lessra. Allen, Kirkpatrick'
& Co.. apon payment of freight bills, are in
. cortiorated. and also copies of twelve given
to nessrs. IL Kirkpatrick .b Co. As the
penalty In each case Is fifty dollars, the
amount inVolved in the sults commenced Is
about $1.61.6. The receipts upon which the
proceedings bare been Instituted are from
two !Inns as ill be
and Theca itsrobable
that others will be brought. ses will
irritably be tried at the October term of the
District Court.
• •
Itiw. Hector of Calvary
Church. Ent Liberty, otlicinti•d at St. Peter's
Church; Uniontmvn. last Sunday In the ab
sence of the ft,. It. •
ith of that parish.
A smug f ro mt itt the mountais around
Uniontwn o Pittsburgh are the n Her. Dr.
Preston, of St. Andrew's Church; the tter.3lr.
SI aterly. of Sr. James; )ter. Mr. Wilton, of
Calvary Church, East Liberty, nml the It,.
Mr. Gray; of Chriil*o M. E. Church.
. .
Taom.trellAitewet.t., Esq., Is summering at
Medford Springs. ' , •
Ora respected toamsnia, Felix It. Ilrtinot,
Eiq.• sr:Mare-elected President of the Board
oP Indian Commissioners at a meeting held
in Washington Wednesday eyening:
ellAvto I MActicm. ESQ.,and mother, Me
and Manruitt will are for Europe
next wek ‘ for , quite an ,
este ed continental
Mn. Julio Yversb, the sides and favorite
son of Brigham Young. of Fait Ak e City. Is in
the city to purchase rails, etc., f r a new Ulan
The Penn Asenue Doe ir •
The bonds issued by authority Of (Xuncils,
under an act of tht Legislature fOr the ini;
pruvenient of Penn avenue, appear \ to be in
great demand. There will be but three hun
dred thousand dollars Issued at preSent and
every disllar of It will be taken at par.. They
appear to have the precedence Over all other
city securities. and ',are in great demand.
They run for twelve years. and bear interest
at seven per cent, free of tan; and an: secured
not alone by the property abetting on the
avenue, but the credit of the entire city, stands
pledged for their redemption. The commis
shiners held a meeting last evening ate which
one hundred and twenty rive thousan d , dot
lars of the bonds were signed by them and we
are informed that every dollar of then was
taken immediately.
• A trimly bleep.
1 estenlay morning n dilapidated looking
individual horde his appear:ince at the \ Alle
gbent Mayor's office and related a tale ids°,
Ile had imbibed toe freely the evening
previous. fell uniting thieves. wits-taken to
Finkliine's lumber yard. First ward. , and
while asleep there. rubbed of s 3l oandhisert.
He only discovered. his loss when he aw ke
from big drunken stupor. He gave his name
as .1. L. Howard. nod said be as from down
the river. The pollee urn onAbe tracklof see
eral parties suspected of the clime.
During the afternoon a young man mimed
Jitmei Oliver was 'arrested for the robbery.
e will have it hearifig this morning. .
Ye Finn. _
Mr. Charles C. it ke and Mr Joseph P.
Wood have separate) made a good reputa
tion m oil cominissio merchants. It will be
seen by their cards n :mother column that
they have formed a siness connection un
der the firm name cif Burke & Wood. and
have united their — liminess at do. 4 Perry
Block. Duquesne Way where, with their ac
customed energy and promptitude, all orders
'for the pumbase or s• Is of petroleum and its
products will receive arefid attention. The
large experience and veil known probity of
the firm entitle then] t the fall confidence of
their correspondents. ' We predict for the
firm a prosperous Ira p.
A Young ROgne
less of the Allegberilay_ms_a.tdaSUperintendent McCand
i.,7-11re-alann was engaged
in te.iing one of the I, lomaid—near-ttte.
Ellsworth Engine House. in doing so he hap
tiened lay the * . tester• upon the pavement
a moment while be repalred a wire. At that
instant a young boy crone along. picked up
the tester and started off. He was chased
several squares, but managed to escape. In
his flight, however, be dropped the than,'
meat and itwas secured, the city being
thus saved $.50.- the price of It. If the young
rogue who is known, is caught, he will be
properly dealt with. '
Should be Attendet‘To.
The peripalciic vendereof quack nostrums
antifitriae .packages who congregate at the
Alakeeny Diamond Square, should 'receive
some attention front the police. They form a
great-nuisance. Last evening six of them,
ranged Ina row: succeeded In making night
hideous with their tongue-clattly. Some of
them vary the exercises with feats of leder
rime:tin. much to thhldelight of the juvenlies
others attract patronage by relating obscene
stories, and alt of them attract attention by a
loud mouthing. furious acclamation and gen
eral clamor, equalled only by a cockpit. Let
thenuistuar be abated.
From itirellithaturent of -the condition
.tif die Pcotli; - SaciMpl Bank of Pittsburgh
. pOished elsewhere lit this paper,. it will be
seen that in the short space of three Tenn it
haagrown front little childheated to stalwart
Manhood; front a merely , nominal capltat.up
to ra`o.l.o)paid up capital, and front uode
posits up to a line of nearly $lOO.OOO. The
amount of bonds, mortgages and, other good
securities held
honke hank Is 116 will
thenee be actin abundantly safe the de
positors are. and how carefully and skillfully
the Institution Is managed. 7
it cup! ship
Scene—Fifth avenae. Tao belles meeting
on the promenade; rapturous greeting, then a
mann' glance at each other's apparel, fol
lowed-by Amelia igushinglyi: • "Oh. Irene.
where (10/ you get that exquisite trimming
for that dear lore of ,O. 'jockey?'" •
Ireue, , Get It!. Why don't you
.know At
Mmorbead's, o. 81 Market street; where else
could it be bad, and I I'm Just going back to
.get some for cousin Lulu. who thinks it per
teeth. bewitching." j
Efit twain.
!Success of the Borden Organ. ' •
Among the innumerable favorable notices
of the Burdett Organ, we find the following:.
• • Wouvispe P itt sburgh.
Only Z.
Messrs. H. }Ocher Bro.. Pittsburgh. Pa.. 1870. •
tiMertraimi We were very much pleased
wllh the Burdett. Organ you sent us for the
Litffierun church here: chuck It n remarkably,
sweet-toned Instrument. ivell• adapted fo a l
either church or parlor use. ,
Please vend us by return mall the bill r:
unount we owe you, and we-will remit right
ray. Respectfully, Git Arr Fount.
Peassylt ap4i Paieniete_
, -
The following Lofted States patents were
'lssued to citizens of_lKeveim Peonsylranle,
during. tho weeks hdlng Julyalth. 1t O
No. 1a1547-Besring Hachices; Moses N,
Clark. Harrison City. II
Designs. No. 4. I — Limit's:l.l=es 8. Atter
burrand Thomas lt. Atterbury. Pittsburgh.
No. 4.lsl—Grassware; Win. M. Kirchner.
Pittsburgh. Am ignor to National Glass Corn,
itiann Bellaire, Ohlo.
The Pericles% Woman In New York. Miss
well known In our fashionable society
for her dEdlndoc appearance and beautiful
complexion, was once a sallow, rough-skinned
cirl.chagrlned at her red. freckled face. She
pitched lutallagan's Magnolia Balm, and Is
now as pretty in complexion as she Is charm
ing In manners. This article overcomes freck
les, tan, sallowness, moth-patches.ri int-m ark..
etc. and makes one look ten years younger
than they are. Magnolia Balm for a trans
parent complexion. and Lyon's Kathalron to
make the hair. plentiful,luxuriant, soft 'lnd
delicate. have no rivals. The liatitairon pre
vents the hair from turning m-ay, eradicates
dandruff, and Is the best and cheepest dres
sing in the world.
Hence' 0 . Man. Merchant Tailor, tuss just
received a large assortment of linens and
also n complete assortment of leooll/1
for summer srear generally. Corner roa n
avenue am! Sixth street. • tf
Chinese HOIIO,C Servants InSt. Louis.
The St. Louis Reprthlieno• says: "We
are informed .on trustworthy authority
. that about one hundred gentlemen, house
' holders of thin city, have completed ar
mngemeritis for the introduction of Chi
, nese LnueC, servants into their fondle..
rho necessary negotiations have been
consummated with the Chinese Emigre
. tion Society' n San Francfko, and the first
instalment of Chinese for St. Louis, will
number about three hundred almond eyed
sons of the Flowery Kingdom •
` - The housekeepersl who have Joined
in this movement recognise the fact that
Itemise servants are exceorlingly scarce,
and that there is a vacuum to be filled in
this species of labor without in the least
interfering with an existing class of la
borers,. They mast have reliable servants
for washing, cooking_ and other Louie:-
Work, and they regard the Chinese as en._
tirely capable of filling the vidd. They
' hive accordingly agreed with their agents
in California tog tu y them good wages,
certain stipulat :sns, and to afford
Them ' all ne wary • protection for
the term of - yearn -for which they are cm
ployed. .On the other hand,gnaranties of
good service are given by the Chinese tin
der forfeiture of contract. Thesearrallge•
mesas hare been very quietly made. In
short time the Chinese will come in here :
just as quietly, and at once drop into the
hotness tut have been provided for them.
There is no necessity for any stir or com
motion in any department of indastry or
labor on their advent in Sr Louts,because
they disturb no one, and merely oecurry
,waste places."
Ali artesian well to to be 'bored ,In San
Luis Potosi. -
FitAiU Mks,liF. is in Paris wr i ting a
Life of Burlingame
Jotir FOlisTEtt is writing a biography
of his friend Charles Dickens:.
31.r.,stcti .in, about revolution-lean', just
now, and pea 7 and quiet—barring the
THE Common council of Loudon bare
offered the honorary freedom of the City
or London to 31. de ',tramps in a gold box
of the value Of one hundred guineas.
. Tut: eclipse of the moon was' wry
clearly seen in London front beginning to
end. It was tho'uoutt . interesting which
_ has been observed in that country for some.
. A sunnEtt of cinerary urns containing
taleined bones have just been discovered
at Attbnisionrercusel. These ure the . first
trams of a Ileum occupation in - that
. •
Tue heat in England this summer has 1 I
been three degrees above the average of '
the 1.1 fifty yenns....„At ,Vienna lately all
the theatres cloned on account of the ex
cesOvely_ hot weather. ----
Tit Elierrnan journals state Ilea an eagle
was-shot a few days lack near 'Bettye. in
Austria, bearing a collar with the date
1114 G, and some anon 'sunnily effaced by
time and exposure to the weuilter.
THE works are very far advanced for
the intreductiOn rg water front .lantuppir
to the mole of Vera Crnz. The works
were commence( /y fife city t 'ouncil with
the object of nit lying the vessels in the
roadstead with W ter.
BALFE, the rot poser, lives in fine style
at his country seat, Romney Abbey, Hens,
England, a property giveti to him by his
scrinlaw, who' is a wealthy SpnniSh
grandee.- He is engaged on an -open.
'called ''The Knight of the Leopa — rd.7
Tug Statistical Office of Sweden, pub
lishes a report on the -mid - cm., s of that
country, showing that in two ears the
population, which is 4,172,0841 souls, de
creased by 22,G01. ' Hitherto, since 1810,
there had always been an augmentation.
Tim Irish Charch CommissAin have
-decided that curates of "p prietarY
shurches" do not, under the act, lose their
Itlnim to an annuity by having had their
salaries as pertuaneno mnmtes paid here'
tofore by their incumbentteand not out of,
rent charge. • •
Ms;ssas. RicAlitto \ 11. LEami, an Eng
lislunan, and Dr. Marcos A. Hoge, front
me United States, "for themselves, and
in the name of Mr..luan McLeod Murphy:*
a citizen of New .1 - ork, • have discovered
twelve ptitmleum wens ill the district of
Uinutitlnn, State of re= Cruz. .
IN Prussia trier,, are Its Itellth,llll . VS.
with 3,242 professors and 57,171 pupilit,of
whom 38,173 are Protestants, 14,321 Cath
olics, 4,065 Istainftes, and ten belonging
to different other sects. The number of
preParntory mlleges is twenty-nine, of
which thirteen are in the .7 hinish provin..
THE London conimittee appointed to
Superintend the erection of the Peabixly
statue hate close&their inborn, the snit.
ne haring been placed upon the 171eW
granite pedestal, and the railing complet
ed, The inscription in "George Peabody,
Prift." The entire cost has been about
GEN.,NARAN.I4, ban :ordered the state
ofalege of the' city of Mier. Tamaulipie.
to be c6ttsuence of the cessa.
tion of the danger that threatened a It
attack of said city by extienetal Martinez.
The National Guard of the city has been
disbanded, its services no longer being
Tug Belgian Ministry has issued a cir
cular to the governors of the provinces
enjoining them to make all their subordi
nates in the public service abstain from
any interference with the approaching
elections, and to- repress lintnediately
whatever would present the least amine
acter of violence and intimidation. '
- THE 'boron' Officia of Paris publishes
ion to the- Emperor Napoleon, Irvin
the Ilnistorof the Interior, on the local
finances of the coin:Mote ranee at the
end of -the year 1868. tis return Ito_ .s
that the total deb: of th • cite of Paris
anumnts at present to 1.4 5.769.082 f., and
that of the other towns to 173,749.89-. H.
AbSOCIATION is in fit course of for in the borough of . 1
wheat, Ln
don, for the purpose of m ting part,
chial abuses; but its chief nit t is to get up
a vigorous agitation for th bliolition of
the Waterlooßridge toll, wit chit; said to
hays the effect of annually lieciating
to an increasing extent the y l ie of prop
erty in Lambeth
IT is stated, by way of co uparing the
outlay by France and Englan the pur
climb of pictures . during th last year,
that the former country expe dtil in the ,
twenty-fotir sections . 01Nthe'.1,1uVre not
more than; 100.000 fr.. while the hitter,
the Natimial tiallery alone. laid hut 21M.
82Gfr. It lie also noted that in England
the prices hf the. several acquisitions are
stated; not no in France..
. A FICENOIINIAN hat:Opened a recruiting
office in St. James Street; Montreal; for
the French army. The recruits are to
have their! passage paid-to Europe, and
receive a bounty when then% On the
other hand, the Germane its Toronto are
holding tnekings in behalf of Prussia.
There apt:tom, to be as much excitement
over the Franco-Prussian war •in the Do
minion as in the Fnited States.
Ss explosion of a somewhat: singular
and very destructive character tookplace
lately et a corn m i ll at. Blackhern,fr.g ,
land.. The explosifat stmee from. an seen.
ululation of foul air generated by the ac
tion of the! grinding stones. Extensive
flues had been ounstructed to carry off the
gases, lint from some ash. tliey did not
act.. Three persons were much injured,
and Property to the amount of several
thousands of pounds wam.uesfroyell.
•TitiffiN!! is an. obserratory on Mount
Vesuvius, the chief business of whose oc
cupant in to note and meaa are carthq4kes.
Tins is done by the aid of a galvanibffiat
tery and a complication of Ingenious
mechanism. As yet no .relation has Veen',
- traced between earthquakes and eruptions. ,
Vesnvium is as likely to break Out after
great terrestrial disturbance, without even!
the warning of an extra cloud of smoke,
as it is to do so after a long time of aeon.
qullity and silence.
IN PREAIGNEUX, France, Beauvais.
the pavement contractor of the town, was
taking his daughter, a yqung lady of Bey
enteen, to school on the 11th, when they
were both struck by lightning. The
father watt only slightly burned on the
foot, but'. his child was stmck literally
from head to foot; her hair reduced to
tinder, her face and body seamed and her
shows sclit up into rage. She was carried
hotne to the mother whom she hid joy.
ously kissed but a few. - minutes before,
and died in the course of tier day.
SOME infprruntinn has been disinterred
says the Pall .1(011 Gazette, on the siritiect t
of the princess Murat, who formed the
connecting link between the Bonaparte
and Ilohenzoßern families. After the
18th Brumaire, the First Consul, in order
to" recompense Murat for his services,
bestowed. ou him the hand of his sinter,
Caroline BonapartC„ . ....Murat ost the time
being a father:mid a Widciterii. When
a lieutenant of thanrers ' a aorta, Le had
married, and a daughter had been born to
him in ,lannary, 1793. It in :from this
daugliti7i, Marie Antoinette Murat, horn
seven years before her :father's alliance
with the llonnapartes. that Prince Leopold
Is descended. Murat hardly ever noticed
this child, who, in 1808, when-only fifteen
year' old, married the son of the Prince
of Hohernxidlent, who taken Prisoner at
I.7lm,liecame her father's friend. In the
letter which Murat wrote to Ids wife
shortly before he was shot he spoke most
affectionately of his children, with the ei
ceptkm of Marie Antoinette, whose name
he did not even mention.
. A HORRIBLE tragedy Las just been per
petrated at a residence called Cana Tavel ,
da, In the valley of Cretti, Province of
Naples An advocate of Arian°, named
Errigo, was staying there with his family
for the. stammer season, and the bowie
having a few days remained, closed until
the evening, some of the neighbors be
came alarmed, and,With the authorization
of the Mayor, forced open the door. • The
interior wan quite dark, the. shutters liay.
log been dosed and barred, and oh a light
being procured, a most fearful spectacle
Presented Itself, the husband wife and
five children lying dead, shot tironith the
head or breast with a revolver. The eld
est of these last was (Rasta, agiricif fif
teen, part of whose Lead Lad , been shot
away, and the youngest wag at infant of
a few month., killed in the arms of Ito
mother, Whoee body wan lying against the
wall in a corner of one of the -moms.
The father, stretched on the lied,intill Leld
in hi. band the arm ,with which he Lad
accozhnllshed this frightful .. butchery.
The motive for the . clime Is tinknown.
The man was hlghlly esteemed by hi fel.
low.citizene, sad, as he took plessu in
giving advice gratis to the poor, Le as
received with grea deference by tlie
phi whenever he walked out, l..
• CAIILIbLE is.gltated with huckleberries
at eight cents a quart.
Joni ticrrox, President of the
First National Bank of Indiana. Lad two
strokes of paralysis last week. ,
A DETACHMENT of 100 soldiers corn.
=Laded by Lieut. Col. Morris. left Carlisle
barracks for Texas last Friday.:
L.wr SUNDAY week two prim:men broke
jail in Lewistown. One was shortly after
captured and the other returned of his
own accord. •
TUEII.E are about 7tUtiturs at Bed
ford Springs. Among t are Rev. H.
c. Denny, Hon. Thdmas Marshall and
Hon. S. C. Purviance.
MR. Wu. Coy Eiimrs and wife of
Muncy celebrated the sixtieth annlverary
of their wedding on the 11th inst. e Mr.
Ellis-though more than eighty yearn of
age is still e, practising member of the
THE INDIANA ifournyrr says : Mrs.
Isaac Criley, of (treeuville. tbis county,
gave birth to three babes on Monday last
--two boys and' one girl. Mother and
children are doing as well no could be ex
U. WIAVILLIAms killed a rattle
snake In the . mountain last Tnenday, that
.was 'nine reef long, and bad one !ion
dretl and nine rattles.. Thomas Arnold
and John % Lyle, each killed a. large cop.
perhead last week.
Tug. ruiontown says: A cop
perhead snake one day lait week crawled
into the door turd of T. ti, McCoy ou the
Pike aboveXonme. and hit two chickens
before it iskuld be dispatclA. The
chickens died in less than tire minutes.
Os Sunday afterrmon, the :21st inst,
Samuel Stoke, of Venango township, had
his bafivatruck by lightning and burned.
pe; with the assistance of his neighbors,
siivi:cedisi in removing his horses . , wagon,
buggy - and most of his farming utensils.
His liar mid grain were consumed. Loss
about i 2,000. No insurance.
Duniso the storui' on Tuesday in Nlead
ville,says the Rep,blioln, Mn,. Killbaugh
Rife of Frank Kilbatigh, on ,Randolph
street. wan killed by lightning,. • The
lightning damaged the Itouse consider
ably. , Every effort -Was made to risme
eitattiThe unfortunate woman, but with
out avail: A favorite cat killed by
the same stroke of electricity.
. .
Prue BEDEOTID Impartr iae the follow.
ihg: Hon. Tom, Mmind! and family ore
fustioating at the S wings. .t number of
l t
persons hare been as ing if we , Cont' get m
To to make ua a peech." We 'won't
undertake to answer that now, but think
probably we can. As helms been feeding
off the fat of our land, 'we think be will
reciprocate the favor, We will see what
can lx, done.
Poe not the Author of the Raven.
Mr. .1. Shaver, of Burlingnm, New .ler
wey, writes as follows to a gentleman of
Sew Orleans
'This Place is just now attracting a
great deal of attention from antiquariaris
and littemteurs generally, on account of a
discovery lately made by me. I - hap.
petted to notice in Litters Living Age, 'of
January Sib last, page WI, the following
paragraph :
"It has just come-to light that in' an
old barn in one of the villages' of New
Jersey,'is a Valuable collection of hooka
and 'manuscripts, formerly forming a part
oft be librarrpf Mahlon bickerson, an
An limn statesman. They are all in the
possessitin of tae rats, and of a man who
will not let them be touched, because of
some fat:Lilly quarrel about property.'
'flaring .often-hard that such docu
ments esisted in Burlington and were in
the bandit of Mr. John T. Tompkins, I re
quested and obtained perminsion to ex.
amine them, and Among them found and
copied apportion of a letter from }Agar
A. Poe td Mr. Daniels, of Philadelphia,.
dated Itiehmond, September :ID, INS), in
which an l nom salon Is made that will, to
a . , certain ext upset that person's claim
to the authond 'p of the 'Raven.' I could
not makei out tall of the writing• - on tic
ceunt of its ade and neglected condition,
but what I c,fuld decipher ,ms - in these
words:l : •
"Shortly before the death of our paid ,
friend, Sanintp Fenwiek, he sent" to me
from Nee, F ork 'for — publication A most
beautiful and thrilling , poem, which he
called till; .1 yen,' wishing toe, before
printing it, 11 a see if it had merit: and to
,tuake anyinhe Sans that might appear
rter•essatyi.. , ;, , , ,. perfect was it in all its
=parts that t slightest improvement
seemed to me =impossible. But you know
a rnon very= often depilates his own
talents, and loteveh went so far as to sug
gest that in this instance, or in any futu=re
i t
pieces be ins 41t contribute, I should "re
vise and) print limn in my own • name to
insure their ci ulation. This proposal I
i-ejerted, of cm me, and one way of other,
delayed' prinfit 'he 'Raven' until as you
knew, it came : MI in the 'Review,' and
—. ft was üblisited,' when I was, un
fortunately, in- kicated, and not • known.
Mg what I did. I signed my name to it,
and tints it wear tto the printer and was
published. •
"The eemetti I
the teal authw
know, Home tim
applaudo m,
tattment to v.
robably go to
ill be tack by
Elects Ty fie ~,, ,ritphie ,Machine.
A new dile tylfognsphic machine; the
Invention ofil 11ln:1-Fontaine, a Frencli
barrister, is tip w int work In one of the
public offices l ip Pails. The object of this
machine is to. mita with economy and
rapiditythelpilirtiir of short papers -re
, gulled in law 4;mis, public and private
offices, or coniiheicial houses, now cue-.
ruled by the bother and more expensive
processes of priittfrig or autography. The
machine of M. E. table, like the : electric
telegraph, Is on it principle of substitu
ting, fixed for id 'able types, one type
onlyheing emphly d for the same letter;
thus dispensing i ith the ponderous
bulky movable t . of the printer. Steel
types, reprementin the di ff erent charac
ters used in a, printing (capitals,
small - letters, hall a. de.,) are • ranged
around two horrizini I disci, placed one'
over the other. !Aare these it another
metallic circle diiideS into notches cor
responding with be type below. 'By a
very simple machinery, as the handle or
bar in the centre p resses against the notch
representing the letter required. an clew
Inci shock lower(' he type upon a sheet of
paper rolled aroulid a cylinder plated be
neath, prints the letter, and agate returns
to ito place. Thefoperation is so rapidly
perfermed that a hundred- letters may be
easily printed in p. minute. When com
pleted the paper Is transferred to a litho
graphic stone to bi- worked off. The great
recommendation of. M. Fontaine's machine
Is its great simplicity, the ease and rapid-
Sy' with which lettmarked. its convenient
size (about threis feet by two,('and its
moderate cost. The typography is re
markably liar and distinct, from the
employment of finely engraved steel types.
A ..illovemeat Toward the Completion
of at. PaaPs Cathedral after the De
sign of air Christopher Wren. .
A large and influential meeting was
held yesterday afternoon, at the Mansion
goose, presided over by the Lord Mayor,
to further the movement on foot for the
completion of tt Paul's. A" model of the
choir representing the altar which it
proposed to "met up at the east end was
exhibited fn one of the ante-moms and tt.
tractcd considerable attention. The de
sign of the altar Is in. accordance with
what is believed to be Wren's original
idea as described by him in one of his last
letters, when he said that 'the painting
and gilding of the Church over the"
Communion table was Intended to
serve only until such time as ma
riale could be procured for •
magnificent deign' of an altar, con
sisting of Your pillars of the richest mat
ble,.supportlng a.-canopy _ appropriately I
decorated.. • Thu roar pillars as repro. I
tented in the mode are similar In design
to the pillars in one of Rapllel's cartoons.
The Lord Mayor opened the proceedings
by stating they had met to inaugurate a
-national movement—the 'preservation of
the greatest Protestant monument Eng
land possessed ;finny: heaaid. who enter
ed St. Paul's cobld fall to be struck by its
'coldness, its want- of finish, and even its
want of cleanliness7-characteristics which.
did not at all correspond with &rat
tect's original plan. The object for which
the meeting had been called was to make
° determined effort to alter this. London
had made one or twp nibbles at the work,
but now it was resolved to complete it by
.4.natlonal movement.—London Times.
AfETAPIITMCIANI, have long disputed
whether the earth wee made for man, or
man was made for the earth, but no one
disputes - that Pier, Dannala 4r Co.'s cream
ode wan made for all mankind. 1
Itiams::—kißlZlCS—On Tillfriday evening. Jtny•
48. at tberrestilenee ei , Johri Campbell. Esq.. by
Say. John G. BreMa. JANES A. HERROK and
ADA Y. GREEN. both of MD MO ,
GEOGRAIS—WEIALLN—On Sunday. Jul 711).
1870. at dt Bridget's Church. by the Rev..l.
Treacy.ltr. CORNELIUS J. GEOGLIAN and Miss
• \ • DIED: •
Thum L 1 NT 11
CX-After • n Ins HUM, .•t .
bk'CnnO j C " Z 26t1;;:7: 5 :f " hi ' ag " e. T"N
• • -. • • .
The funeral will take place ants (Satuidayl
Tpokoog, the 30th Inst.. et 3 P. le. from his lute
residence on the Perry's:llle Plankivad. Carrtacce
well leave Palrmen & Sauteenk. Seventh avenue',
'and Smlthtleld'etnict, Pitiaburgh, also, Sandusky
Pear Ohio streek•Alletiheny. at 2 el
SHALLENBERGEB—At Rnehester. Pa.. July
In the 70th year et her age.
at 3
: ,
. , .
Made with pure CARBOLIC:ACID. which is used
In Hospitals by dirt:V.lon of Eitidneatt Physicians.
hub already Unseal Itself to e the inostsiotely and
trietuat Cure for all Mall ant hortilatLtieeks.
and for Boric Cunt. Woun . entail Skin Diseases
no ..rani as is Rapid Co a Anent has yet teen
dhostvered. PRICE. 23 CENTh.
n i
. .
Henry's Insect - Powder,
Fur the Destruction cif ROACHES. BED HUGS.
ANTS. Ae. PRICE. ith CENTS, at . .
Patent Medicine Depot,
No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St.,
rii-ranunou. PA.
IrTienvo Clothing Inane to order In the latest
styles.. apli)
J. C. m•rnuteosr. .-x.untuaaum,
Merchant Tahoe. No.: 10 SIXTH STREET. (late
St. Clair.) We ha da received a aria and well se
lected Slott of the bent a moat faahlonahle
Goods In op[ a great portion of which'are our
Own Imp° lion.
ildent of our ability to aide Perfect
satisfaction. we respectly frotagon an early
eramlnatldn of our no. of Floe Clutha. Cat.
''''.."'l 7crifttftBoll
=hid 10 Binh .treat.
I A eplendld new stock of
Jet rece i ved dy
Ithreherit Tailor. ?3 Smithfield stieet.
Plated RraceletB,
Mrs. S. C. ROBB'S,
Bell and Brass Founders,
_ 81 - IA.SSE,'S
ifede Promptly to Order
Made and Kept on Hand
n it pmduced made me
Ito mace's] the name of
wow had died. as you
before it eau. out, and
ow enjoy all tlw credit
If. I simply make this
for the —. I shall
tar York to morrow, but
• . ober 12, I think.'"
111. Cooper's Improved Balance Whee
Ofike-81111 plum trrazirr. roonery—corn.
17111 wad HAILROAD STEEI7B,, Pitt burgh
93 Markat street; Pittsburgh.
Rave on band all the Wart novelties In Pine Jen.
elm also Wirer Means and ['War Plated Wars of
new designs. suitable for wedding OM.
Wolflike,. of, all the Anuirican waters to fo ld and
silver cues. Both Rey and Pendant Winders coo.
stantly un band. Ea tell as a foil variety rf th e
finer grades of the Betas Watch. Including Jur-
Bowan. JaWt. Piirrelcushi and others.
We mil particular attention to oar facilities for
nipairing and nortilatini dna Watchea. To that'
tam:hi:ow baineasgsarszelal care.
Maids Wai b t:4 , IX ' 41MIATI•11 sera/quest.. of ao)
Bakery, Confectionery
The underalseed hu watah/lahed the above bast
raj., aworzAw It4v enl:3=ltt , Zo i er k
te . gew il lr hi:AZ . ° lll:l==tl,P S P ltti
op fur the oonsowars of 1.. entain, who all. and It
vary non•enlent o the Part. Satisfacti vex-
...Led In goods, a t tend a nce
and pion. T he pub
110 tednwewee la aollatad.
RCA RS, AR, RR. Re. • ".
For nib by
Cati !I
.. .Maimed at
W. S. HA
COL wooP ertiorr
Li •
vingston &
114 umfacturtY of LIU= GUEY ]]]ON
sh.Lltt :tr " rr " sto 117.".t0 non ottteleo of If 1M0... =inn shoos on ban.. "
Oftloo.d Works sm. Out. ITht, Arthetit
aty Postoace addreu, Look Bair 10. ruts
F. .11tO
I .
te eny. h
el Rivir Ave., Alley
Sealer of Weights and ileums,
No. i FOURTH, AYE, Pittsburgh.
Tire P ;bitted a few days lack the
studio of t e sculptor , Filippo GuaCcarini.
to see the , ostel of • the colossal statue of
Bt. Peter, prevented to his Holiness, and
'which is to be Last in bronze, and erected
on the Janicoliim, in memory of the Ecu
menical Coitncil. The .linty Father' ex
pressed his entire satisfaction with the
funeralvill tako place, fnim her iota pas'
rote (Saterdayl arttaa_oo&..the 30th lamf:.
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c.,
Another Lot of Orme Hamlin].
No. 91 Federal St., Allegheny
"ropilAr!ore sad Naneaeml:i.ri of
75 Wood
•a atop of
Stashiped Envelopes and
Newspaper Wrappers,
• '
kertOrl DEPAIOI4...ST. July 11. Inir •
..S.F.ALED Yo e PS will be ieceivial waif
s the Ilth DAY OF AUGUST.
er all the - Stamped Envel
!apes' andVet h e l epaper wrappers !' which th'i.
Department play require during' yieriod of
mar (1 , years, commencing . he I ' of
October, int); on
No, 1. Note alze,2iii by,54 ltieties-•twoquil-
No. 2 Ordinary letter size. 3 I-la
Inches-three qualities.
N 0.3. Fall letter size:ll:y-1w- inches-.
three qualities.
No. I. Full letter sizi. ifur .circulars:l
glinnited ou nap. 3i: by fii.; inches-onequalitY.
N 0.3. Extra letter. size. IP: inches
Ahreu qualities. N
No. a.- Extra letter size. IS by IP, Inches.
(for circulars.) iiiixumined on qualitY.
No.:. Ottiebil size. 3 17.-16 1..3 . 5?; -two
qualities. No. S. Extra onicial sin, .11 by inches
,_one quality
Six +lnd a five-eighllvi s (mumd
ciao-one quality. .
All of the above Envelopes and L',raiPpers
must be embussed with postage .tatrips, of
such denominations, styles and color*, .must
have such waterinar6s or 001 , 11 m -ices to pre
vent Imitation, and bear- such printing add
ruling as the Postmaster Genend may, direct.
The envelopes must be made in the Must thor
ough manner, equal 'ln every respect to the
samples furnished to bidders by the Depart
ment. The paper must be of appro;ed qual
ity, specially notnufactured fur thentirpose.
Whenever envelopes are ordered' of, the
layies . known cs "Black-lined" or “I‘Af-ruletl."
dines printm inside. or ruled on. LE: v im:el the
same shall b furnished without additional .
coSt, the contractor to pay alt charges fur
royalty In the Ise of patented Inventions fur
said orruled envelopes.
The dies for emblicsing the postage stamps'
on the envelopes and wrappers ate to be exe
cuted to the satisfaction of the Postmaster
General. In the best style, and they are to be
provided. renewed, and kept In I sr.ler at the
expense of the contractor. The Department
reserves the right of remtiring new dies for
any stamps or denoininations of stumps not
now used, and 'any changes'of dies or colors
shall be mode without extra charge.'
. Before,clusing n contract the successful bid
der mayi be 'aired io prepare And submit
newllleslur tie approval of the Department.
The use of titreeent tiles mayigur 4134 not be
continued. . . \
The die., ~ altrely and avirurely tuzitt by
the vontructn..- and ahottld the to, at any ,r
wen, he temporarily orpa.rnin nein lv (flacon
nod. promptly turned over to the
Department.. or itti agent, as the Yoattunater.
General may direct.
. Gr3l:
The envelopes must be thoroughly and per
fectly gumined, the gumming. On the flap of
each (except for circulars/ to be put on' by
hand not less than half nn limb the entire
lenrth; the wrappers t.o beaten hapd-gummed
not less than threelourihs of an loch hr width
across the end. t - • .
- • • ' •
Bidders are nettled that the Department
will require, as a condition of the contract,
that the enveloikes and wrappers shall be man
ufactured and stored In such a manner as to
insure security against loss by fire or theft. ,
The manufactory mast at all times be subt
Ject to the Inspection of an agent of the De=
partment. who will require the stipulations
of the contract to be faithfully observed.
All envelopes and.wrapPers must• be band
'ed In parcels of twenty-Gee, and packed in
strongs;pasteboani or . straw boxes, securely
bound on all the edgesland corners with cut
ton or linen cloth glued on, each to contain
not less than too h ndred and tiftv•of the
note and letter sizes, Ltd one hundred each of
the official or extra dal size, separately.
The newspaper wra pers. to be packed In
boxes, to contain not less thano hundred
and fifty each. The boxes are to b twe
- and securely fastened In strong manilla pa
per. nod sealed. so as to safely bear trimmer
tatlon by mall for dellthry to postmasters.
When two thousand ormore envelopes are re
quired to MI the order of a postmaster, the
straw or pasteboard boxes containing the
same must be packed In strong woouea cases,
ell strapped with hoop-Iron, and addressed:
proper labe ls two thonsand are req
by n 'agent of the Department. must be
laced upon each package by the contractor.
Wooden cases. containing envelopes or wrap
pers, to be transported by water routes, must
be provided with suitable water-proofing.
The whole to. be done under the inspection
and direction of an agent of the Department.
The ilveloes and wppers mus fu
nished s and delivered with ra all reasonable
patch. complete In all respects ready for rice,
and in such quantities us may be required to
HU the daily orders of postmasters; the deliv
eries to he made either at the Postoflice Le
pertinent, Washington. •D. C.. or at the of
ace ortin agent dulyauthorized to Inspect
and receive the same; the place of delivery to
he at the option of the Postmaster General,
nd thest of, delivering. an cWell as all ex
pense of storing. packing, addressing, labeling
and water-procrng to• be paid by the contrac
Specimens of the envelopes and wrappers
for which protest
ofers are invited, howing the
different qualities and colon paper re
quired formsuts, anti ste of gumming, with
blank of bids. mar be had on applica
tion to the Third Asaistane Postmaster Gen
This advertisement and a specimen of the
sarliple-ctivelopes and wrapper furnished by
tbellepartment must be attached to and made
tart of each bid. ! •
• • Cilia liiNTEE. •
Nu proposal will be iconsideied unless of
fered by a manufacturer of envelopes. and ac
companied by a satisfactory guarantee signed
byat least two responsible Parties. • •
The contract will be awarded to the' lowest
responsible bidder fur .11 the envelopei_and
wrappers, the prices to becalculated on the
basis of the number us of_the several grades
during the last fiscal ye r, which wo w s fol
'Note !axe 1.1014.250
Letter size, find qualit3, • - en.4e7,500
Letter size. second quality 84E6,730
Letter size, second duality inn-,
" Extra letter.else. first 3.618,0 W
°nifty 5,81.5,750
Extra letter. mire, e .nd truant)"
(ungumlnedj ..... ........... 154.11 X)
°facial tie 569.900
Extra official sloe 3.103
New•paper wrappers.., 4.101=0
• (heel.
Withltfteii days a ft er t e contract has be
awarded the successful la der shall enter into
nn agreement in writing ith the Postmaster,
General to:faithfully ohs rve .d keep the.
ternts, conditions, and req irements set forth
in this advertisement, ace riling to their true
Intent and meaning • and a all make , execute,
and deliver, subject , to th approval and ac
ceptance of tine Postmast r General, bonds
*oh g o o d
d ;:l d. R=l `lll7. l fitl'Arg
i i i
n forfeiture for the. faith! I performance of
said agreement or contmc according to the
Provillong and subject to,t e liabilities of the
seventeenth section of an et of Congress en
titled "An act legalizing a d making appro
priations for such necessa objects as have
been usually. included in th general alTroPri
attn blue, withont author ty of law , and to
to and provide for certain. noldental expen
ses of the Departments nd emcee of the
Government. and for other purposes." (Uni
ted Staten Statutes ar, Lar , vol. 5 , page ne..)
unmoved August W. ligil; w ich act provides
that In cane the contractor h all fall to z com. I
ply with the terms of his c idract, "he and
his sureties shall be•liablel r the forfeiture
'Welded In such contract as liquidateddaton
ces, to be sued ( or in the na eof the United
States, In any court having emotion the.,
--—. • • .
The Postmaster General seises to himself
the following rights:
I. To reject any and all tlde, If. in his Jude
! went. the interests of t e Government re
quire it. .
11. To ennui the contract • •benever the sanie.
Part thereof to offer for sale for ttle ,
purpose of speculatron; and under no circum
stances will a transfer of - he contract be al
lowed-or sanctioned to a y party who shall
l ea s able opinion of the I" thereof eral.
ea to fulfil the con tions than
the oriinal contractor: I ' ...
a. To ennul the contract. If, to birjudgment.
there shall be *faders to perform faithfully
any of it. stia,lations, or In case of a willful
nttempt to Impose upon. the Department En
the contractor
inferior to sample.
4. I f the contractor to whom the drat:mare
may be made should fail to enter Into agree
ment and give satiafactory bonds, as herein
Provided, then the awnrd may be annulled
and the contract let vo the next lowest rii...
simnalble bidder, and so on until the required
agreement and bonds are executed; and ouch
next lowest bidder phalli be required to fulfill
every stipulation embraced herein. as if he
were the original party to whom-the contract
was awarded.
Should ho securely eureka
marked "Proposals for Stan
a Newspaper Wrappers: . at
the Third Assist= Postmi
Washington, D. C.
.1110. A. J. CHI
30 dosen . DOG muzzers„
for all the core. nose tiering
abould porehatie one.. For We at
Wiehhut to elms 071 my
stare mentioned goods.l.lll sell .07 of tAe•?.
1 Dave OD timid Win. cog, at
J :01ES irowws,
_Jo2S • 137 Woodarel4._
- --
. .
.. _ .
181611 a good "iireuricoeut of 8/838_8/
00 ham:. Any iult,e alb. ?”. 11 .41 the** ,
Roods Gen pardwierthlNkan.btiow 0008, 01. •
• - • • ---- zhamszow:ca,
• 'WIC • _
_... 136 Woad street.
RAzoss r sassous
An4ll klnda of .tillrg ifo.nd.4 repaired
in. the best bassinet. Al. STEEL STAMPS.
Brands and Cancelling Stamps nude and repaired
LIS .Wood steMi.
AU .Wt of Itothatubbor ToObOt. voof
TTBIED APPLES.-10 bble ez
atm for W. b
-J. B.g CAtmLILD. 141 rind amet
7 T . or ° :Bonds;
, • I
- ANT,
decrited littereBr.
These Th , ndi are sPeured hj kl nsT MORTGAGE
e L fttlil= - 1„.„ - ft7 ° . ' ,7v, ' I r etIr2:i ;Led
West thmugh !me :nun the Ohio Meer lo
It has alread an enonnonaly large iOe t truffle,
and 1 rthulee of rapid and eteady Increase.
Pfttf norgn Lin.. lute oltuntand of Territory
no rich In coth.rlalff for vroMtrfble railway traffic.
It connects I . llttbergh and Baltlna,e--two
nofst Imporant ulties of the Union.
'I he road new e.rning the t.
ft'Win ~o nftfic ed In Jannary end ought to
cot:lntend the aid and Influent, of the calteni of
Bonds. may he had a'
lf f f:
_ •
There will be a meeting of the atockhold
not the Sherpeburg and Lawrenceville Bridge
Company, at the office of Lewis. BalleVDatkell A
Co.. kiharuabtirg. on AVEDNEDAY. A utuLwi-nt.
3 o'clock r,. m., to mkt. action In reference to the
re.erectloß of the bride, By order of the Board.
....Iw3ratki4 , .INO. RI , EP. rkyreterr.
CON 1,1 I. RANK. 1.11-030ruou.
=ln k : tion.:"pi'llt_jettA•79Wtl'e bold at
the •
tweets to hour, of eleren anifilne. lin' '
' ‘r
Jr IN 19,1870. , - .1. W.-DA 777 T.
.._ll‘7.l.arl l'ambler.
$lOO Bounty Collected
Vey all 'withers ho enlisted between May 4th and
Jai i 2 . 4 d. 1 ha 1.. v• ho were discbanied for diaabil-
Ity before ear , Ine two year.. and who bare hereto.
:3113 received no bunt,.
The undernaned has retuo7ed his ninee w (la.
zrrrC kluf:ding.mmnerniatht.rennoand Small:Mk
Street. and is non prepared 4 rollect claim, speed
Ur and at moderate rata. Can on.or addrem, al
.11. F: UnOWN,
ChM Anent, UAztrrS Building,
Corner Sloth arende and Smithfield atm..
ay•PUBLIC - NOTICE. 7 - 11a - ring - l;ee
appointed OAS and GAS Ntr.rkat INSPINg.
TOR for Allegheny rounty, DODce hi hereby given
that until the hemmer/ omen and blechartiml Teat
ng, %feebler'', run to provided, twill be found at
AND I . ION WORKS. Twenty.thirti 'Meet. 1341
rten, Pittsburgh.
fe21.:30 lien red I:. Meter teopectry._
L . C4NOTItE.—The undersigned bare
etivtered the Steam Ferry Dosi,Capt. W.
C. DENNY..d ;Oil run her as e Ferry on and
after duly 6th front Shsrpsburg to Pittsburgh
outfit the dbl.Mudd Bridge Is rebuilt.
jut W. A. senouL.
FOA CoßoxEit.
3IAJ. IV. 11. HOPE,
Mate of tbe nth Penna. Reties -tear
Hu bidet to the decision of the ensuing Union it
publican County Convention. ten
Subject to the detualon of tile ennoble Union
Public!. CounteCouvetttbut pa%)
Idte Captain Co. G. IS3d Pi.
Nobject to the decision of the enaeltat Union Ile
publica fefl..3l.tF n County Contention. •
Of Marshall Township, subject to the decistotio
the Union Republican County Conrcutlon.
5033 d•at
I:1Tb. FOR COUNTY commissional
Of ',Dana lownshsp. 1s a o&hliditto fur Gant
tonanilase,ner, m euboollnation to thellectrivit o
the Republican Contention. Est modes ih reb •
The Empire Mutual
. •
Has achlereil a success almost unparalleled lu tbe
history of Life Insurance. .
Bus_ine's:-; of the\ -ja.mpany
Whole Number of l'ohotoi !Boned 3.3:414
Total Pon:ultimo 111300.247:2.2.
'Amon o ores
and sop. to Tottnroart . C".#l3
Avernso Lotto of oil Companies "' 31.40
roroTot7 8100 tho Emilie hat , &.221
of Apootts.
rerarts amount et PolicreS. " . ..
Total AsKIIP
ezoo.uou Clash Casual rlsperlted lo
trktb the
State and the balance securely llllTsled.
.Wll. A. FULLER.
Mamie for Weatern PeeflaYlmull.
Mew ?S TS YOU TII AV GNUS. Pluaburea. P.
,boyf male alml female,
InAted. •
Pm:mime?. Vict Pumairma.
W ladaUff MILLED, Nemo.), .
Federal Insurance Co.
OFFICE: for. Federal arid Laced Streets.
Edward Giveg, G..Glineue,
Valenta)* Baker. .1. Konen.
Y. Elhellaby. gameet B. drank, '
3.1 . . garland; 11 . 4 1. 4 k 4wr ,
: •
.1e17:713 14,V General Agent
OFFICE 433 AND 437 cs. TNOT Er BA UM;
Assets on J. if, INTO, 1FJ,FC25.734 OT-
Csmital. 1142111.9 go. Accrued Surs.ins arm
533 oA
, p 1 I r!cl7ercup,ri b' s f rl Termß
allt e n ' aVor IF
uround Rents and • /dmiti4as. • • • -
DIRECTORS—AIfred 3. Baker. Sarnuel Grant.
Geri. W. Richards. lemur Lea, Geo. Fisies..Allnuf
13tier,Thos. Smirks. Wm. S. Want. Um..
Ellis. Gustavus 11. Benson.
ALFRED G. BAKER. President,
W. McAllister.
GEO. F Becr AW eistN.ry. Vim President.
T. IL Barer. Assistant Seel,
adCur. Third Avenue end Wood Si, 1
Of Pittsburgh—.
WE. P. 11E1UIERT, Vice President.
WM. P. lIERBERT, Secretary —_
CAPT. GNO. NISELD. Utmost Agent
Omoo DM Water street. Mpiaok C 0..• Warehouse,
op imam Pittaborrh.
Rlglnsure itittst ad kinds of Fire and Marine
A borne Institution, managed by Directors
whit are well known to tbe comromilt. site wile
are determined DT promptnessd liberality to
maintain the °hammer whisk they eal bane roomed,
be tint best protection to thew who desire
to be insunal.
Alexander Ninth*. . .Johnin. 7dcCH s,
H. gwor • Ch.. J. CUrks.
Dunes McAuley, S. Icvans,
Alexander nye.. Blzkpattlek.
ADdren Acklny, tninDlterouar,
David M. Long, •
D. Inn...
Phelan's Building,
NO. Nll. SIXTH AVISNUS, 9600 ND i7.00/1.
• Prrzsauttou, PA. .
•JVoyel. Taps. M. Rana,
Hartman. A. Chamber...
544 "'
It B IL K rrendant.
• jak.; . . igisoy . , gift Pred . amkt
Capt. R. J. GRAM oimaral Apr
i k a i i
Of P
USTICE. NO. irs rounTli AVF.N117...
; mans actanst all Wads of irks sad
nilfitS§Pft: tt i gest " 'd
C. O. DON SecratvuT. "
' CAPT WII DEAN. Osumi Amt.
W 3. Jr.,
.W. IL Everson,
a. no
' Hobart n. two.;
Charles Hays. • ' J.neminc
Came Wm. Man, T. L. Eerie.
• 01.1.6Nv.
u n iLD fike is let o. the SECOND rq.nobrAL SANK
W. W. MARTIN. Vroidasat.
' JOHN BROWN. Mt., Vice Freak Wu.
2" V A ttM,lfttl._427 . teßn mown. , Gorg Otnt, ,Jaeob
• 1-Ne. r*" "W". f itit h h b fncy Co.
~; „,,. „, - •
i 4 : 4 4." - ', , it'z'• 4 4. , ;3:1 4 ,- - 01•,' , g•=4:16 - ,;• - •,•i.•,.,: •
• r,
Estate of Games S. Nreld. bee'd.
By virtue 01 an °etc! . of Ihy_Lifhhany_ court of
. air k 'rj r=it t iliarthe O ;to 7 dt?l,4 ° ,4',ll;th. m e r
p Due axle. rev eit7'l"MuiblirtlsitcoV.44.!
1870..2 o'cloek P. 8.. ail that certain Farm or
tract of toad La meld , toernattift of .bird the mall
Jam. S. bauM lately died maimed. cohialines Abott
97 An., Wended by iIUIPS of Hiram I‘,,r. J. Ito. Millen. Jr.. svileoa Lenten. and others, and abont
oto-alf tulle trout the line of the eberners
read.' The whole is underlaid With
"'t •
• C.
Ana to wales stgot tee =le i , or 1.,, t ,, t ,„
' • TEILIIIBOI' SALE ono, botnetne
ex,ily Star
debtei.f decedent en
-oo..) to b. pald..on contlremtlon the d e * '
third ortbe reandeder to be ;od at the l' ee. --
.4,11 ye. Sarah J. Ll•]a.end to.roneen t`
the Lend. the
be ete thereof
beduring Ilfe. The other In
be ono] In thee" epee! oettoente ea the elem."... df
id decedent errle6 at tae
1. 1571. and 11414. I... ' hC 7 o — e
" nib money to be ee..ered b....dunn
e •P.rchi , .." to NY
Ini..rjfne, and tarn p ' • •
~ , ,. .., ',T itr:Org Z -T5 t.1.';1;71t:
• ' :I C. IT
J , 50•1'; , :wr21 1.
• 61r.stony of Area:hero , County. h ••• 10 2:arch
In the
1E470. Mises:lmmo. Docket. • i
In the matter of the opening of
. 21titanherger al
ley. city of Pitiahnrch.
dnin ni'vr•Jula 23.1b7 o.on ord.
the Court appoint W. W.T hat:maim. . t
tituonyoffered by the parties inter. steo lathe otiose
case In relation to the metiers at hags theieln,
and report the same to Ma Court icith °Pinion
thereon as to each of the of •
sienera as elbauld be made. If ural the form
of an order to be muds by the earl. Ten days
nutlet, of the time and place of humbug to - try-Oven
to the}dirties on the record or their art...rue!, end
by publication three thoi s in the in a AVITS
i . .
I: RT.
Attest. JOPErtI Pittrbh..Clere.
Panics Interested are hereby notified that I
attend for the parts., of perfortoo.a ter Waite
under the foregone ePredrnue nt at. nit
I OS Filth erenue.l'lt tabu orb, W 1,1. A Y. the.
lOth day"( Austuat. A. 0.. 1870. et 2 T.
mod et each other time. es may ho hued by *4-
journment. •
• • 'W. W. TllUMstes.
I.llr .1 . 23. INTO. • • la riat
Charter of Incorporation,
Nu. 342. SEPTEMBER 1.1870
And now. Jai/ 71. 1870.
and the Court..lP - art the same to be filel MI.. utl ' ee
given by Publication Sur !bred week•; relttina forth
lhaisaid charter will be granted et (be nett terra
of Ibis court. If no rullirient reason bn Otoon tc
the rikntntry
In the Court of lastutuon Plsue, Inibe re attpl
mm of tit, Wtirklngmen'sllthog anif 1.11
ar.ciafa;ar of Vast Tilnulogbelp for
• No. 429; Sept. 1. 1870. And pour. July 0.
11170. petition prevented and tie Court dl•eet
the same to be died, and that notice be'rdre by.
DebilesUow zurthree weeks letting forth thit
charter will be scrkated at the next tenst of hli
Court. It no enthclent merit CO StIOWII to the
In the Court of Common .Pleas. In the're4 •
notion of the Oerman—Tnraer .Anetnentlon of
utlngbam. Pennnyltsal I s, for
Amendment to Charter
No. 1132 lonoTerna. 111111
And now, June 4, 1870. [Petition. •Mda
and proposed amendment Presented. and !
, Court direct the tame to , be Med; and that nolt.
be given by publication In the Pittsburgh odo
for three week... ...Inlay forth that enld amon
meat writ be allowed at the nlltt term of t •
Court, If no endertent reason be town to the hi
DT the cyan.
Prom th•Efrehrd. JACOB It. WALTER
• f•Maa. • Prothonot
Sllihtl3 of Allegheny county._
rivon In hereby ws en that the rernr , r 0? V
rs thershoso ease. WE, presenkpd to court
tiled July' 7. I 1970.. d oOnfirmetl 1.13.1,t0 ben;
xtrooluto hUI exception. 'veined! thereto Wt
ten dnyn. .
JnitenS CIIE Attorney.
Opening of, Haslett Street,
Notice 'ls herobi glees( that the assessments
made by the viewers (umodifted by the Court) In
the above tame ere 011 n la my.herids fo , i collection,
and that If the estate be not. paid within thirty daft
from the data hereol, lions will be (RVt foe the un
paid usessmente with Interest; costs and loos. end
the NUBS collected by legal proem., •
J. P. SLAGLIC..hIy Ationtel•
J ti sr. WA 1879.
AftsfvWc r •P°F B R:TgiVRINI 7 2.S E , wEsTE " '
ANDERSON J. II Ati AN. ot Pltuourith, Bank
rupt under the ant of Congress of 'March 2d,
IN 67 . l inving •Plelled for a Ditchargo from all •
his debts, and alb other pniraltie under
said act. by order ni the Until% notice ft hereby
given to all creditors whit have Proven Men debt.,
and other persons Interested. to appear on the
30th DAY ob . JULY. 1870, at ID o/cloek
before sA3turz. HARPER. Nag . Register In
Bankruptcy. at his ogle°. No. 93 Insmond Mreat.
Pittsburgh. to show anon, if any they have. why
MK/large &gond not he granted to the tale /
Clerk N. of B.lslloElst. Coon for said District.
Clerk .
Ate ST ere E y grvOZOALeSteLfAVS2ea
tine no the estate of Goethe A. Belt late of Pitts
burgh. county of Allegheny. dee'd. hire been
wentgranted to. the subeenben rceildtng In }lttsbArgn.
of Allegheny. All persons haring chains
or demands against the estate of the lard deca
dent, are therefore mounted to make annuli the
sato. to the undersigned without dcior It Ht.
their Hotel. . • • • • • •
.tethe J. W. ANDY:II6OIg. Admloistrgtor:
AINENS LASE. the Clty of Pltlahargh.
NoUce to berthy Oren that the ameasmem• roam..
by the rta.rers. In the opaning of Altana' Lane,
Im modhled et It. e.0.m.) IN now ID my hand• for
eollaetles. and that if the mtde bb hat Dolt alibi.
OH./ darn from the date hereof hem will he bled
therefor against the propetifes asrersea.wlth la
ter...L. eon not fees, and the same Collected by
legal brooesa. • •
J. F. BLAIJLE, City Atto o rne,r.
.ItLY 11410. • 'lnn
'NOTICE. Letters
testamentary upon the estate of &HER.
1t& ROT KLLWANUEIt. Mee of Aileen...l' CMS.
deed. &ming been &minted t oth Is undersigned, sa l
Indebted Lo
omd estate areirequesbal to
make tmmedlots pat, sod all pereons holding
Claims spinet sam estate to present- the ,
duly sothent-Mated for settlenomt. to VISITE &
BEAGLE, Attorneys. n 0.106 F fifth avenue. Inns-
WM. F. MAMA N0P.31. E.rzentor.
at No, 107 Markel St. )
ralSigorg.l3,,ltsvgiLt - vz . gerA',‘24
DESIGNS 1.33 bnejora
gIALEMATIT tarVrwlY47l,..lllllllwlT
"LANKB PL a iTrrirri,f4X ghlt npyy
=4 3 .11%...t
No, 107 Markel- Et., lulu Fifth Atrium.
OS. R., - lIUGIIES & 111:0..
SPRING, 1870;
gituxusa! , l.lll l l a rt 1.30 -
ELEGANT French mos Merlon raw Itto.
logs, opt tpeoteett ahem
at to any sayon,i r
meet to the country. ror awe at - •
New I=eale Ira 140111 glare. 101
.&•-• McKallip
-Slave nun \ eyed to 341, Liberty at,
b 7 Culp & L dbeparc, where thee wll 1 , 4 Waled to
meet tbeirlfriends and the public generally.'. Thor
have coextendy ye band a choice impartment of
Family Flour. Grain. Feed, Land and Calcined
"Imam WbltdLlme, Foundry Flour. tweet Stay.
de: They isealso general agnate for the celebrat
ed Johnatcate Hydraulic and Louisville Cement
and Antbratate pad.
• -..Kaw. Potomac liming In barrels and
aa: nalr do Shad to tarrols and anlvorf No. 1
4 0. 2 do. all ales
11=4711 , !: . cniatter barrelare&e, Vhit:
Fhb, half burets; Latrsador.liarrlna barrels and
!Wyse; Salmon In IdM Holland lienina,lollkaint
cholas. For We Ids to Old trade. • •
WATT, LAI I / 4 2 CO .
mre . 172 and 174*Wood arra.
By the C 1.30,1, ,
Prothonotar .