SAN.. GOLD, SILVER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price. PH. R. MERTZ, BAS KYR. Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave, ,las. T. Brady & Co., Tihkeamems to P. JoNitS Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, DC, I' AND 5.1:11. ALI. KINDS Or Government. Securities, i;OLD, SILVER.AND COUPONS, ON MOST YAVOHABLE TERII.I Interest Allowed on Deposits. . it ... MOSSY 100iiid Ort OTTSTitrisSitt tiOriSli St Is is- Trt JelaTittt TAYS. . KIST TTSII- TO. Trill PT. - US. ASTI SACS Or EITUCKH. RONDO .1,1 , GOLD. JA3IES T. BRADY THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COnEVE, Ilty , Yelegraph to the Pitteburgh,ClazettO • Naw 4Oao . Sale 2.9.te*- The told roam 'was somewhat excited this afternoon with a marked decOncitaprettilum. while stook exchange was buoyant and high er on government:bonds and share list gener .ally. Occasion of Lam of affairs was the re ceipt of telegratis from Frankfort quoting 'bonds at feN. - The! riso la attributed to pur chum by Kierman bankers toeorer shorts and German bankers selling gold here which. forced the market down. ..-Monereasy: from 3 to 8 on call. Foreign esehange weak and lower. Prime sixty days bills 9)4; sight 10E; and cable transfers 11M. Clad heavy - . opened at 21)6; and touched *IX; deellnedro MN; o c pressure of sales-ral lied and closed at "A/3( t. Carrying rates 2225. Uenrances 244,000.000. Governments buo.rant and higher.. Coupons' of 'Bl, 131,13%; '62, 3t1V2.10 , 4: '04:.•10.42olOS: '65.. 10,44210 X; new do. 914p,A%; 'O7. 9%Z..9,4; Ts. • Ten•Fonies. ING2.7V. CeirrencY State securities quiet add strong. Missourii. tO114; old Tenuessews, Kt new do. 61: old %Ir ., ening. 691. f; new dd. 00: old North ,Wrolinas, 47; new do. 29. • , The Block mareet was Inner but closed not up to the highest figures of the day. The leading , features were Ohio and Mississippi. New York ,Central. Lake Shore and Bock lila Canton, IL`, Cumberland, 30; Western - Union TelegrPhi, Mg; quicksilver, 51 , 4;' Mariposa : 0 . , elle rnt re o rr lli in; 10 : A Atoms° EUr *0'1; ell Late.. 74:1X; . . Perin° Mall , ' 40a; New York Central. trikft Scrip. 80E: 2114; do preferred, (0; Harlem. 13.15:: do preferred, 123: Burlington. 155; Hartford 6: Erie, 3)41 -Beading, 96,5; ; Mgan Central. Ili, Lake Shorn. IX Illinois .Contral, 13k.. Pitts burgh. 108; Northwestern. RN; do preferred. PAM; hook Island. 114; Pllools Central. 1001.; St. Paul, at: do preferred, 76M; ; do preferred. 72; Fort Warne. 8314; Terre Haute, Chiearo & Alton. 115)(; do preferred, 110; Ohlo Mississippl.Blo4; C.C. 517., 78; Panama. .84 Hanford. e,,4. Sub-Treasure balance. gold. 54=2,74M. odr , nosey, 112 • Ornci or TUT PtrtsunEan Gsmerra, FRIDAY. July YL, BM. I • Closing • quotations es received by Ph. It. Mertz: • ' Gold • Pa Merchnnts C. Ex. Silver —93 ti ISSI Ponds liendiog 91/. 5-90 Bonds 1869...110 P. Ft. W. & 0 93 &...1.1 Bonds 3864-110 Or.lo & Miss 341( r,a) Bonds 1865...116% Mich. Mather... 91 Consols 1865 56i ,neveland & P... 108 '6 -ft.) Bonds 39C.:t00r C. IL 1. &P ' 1-23 Bonds 1965. ° ..1a0 Chicago &. N. W. Cli 111-40 C. &A. W. Pref.. 943. Adams Express.. 6514 .Erie ' Eton Exchnnge per pound , I 'M 6.10 Exclutngn Per rm.°, a 04' silo Exchange per Thaler, SE 95 Mort Exchange nor Florin at 64 Central Pacific R. It. Bonds 94 • Colon P. Bonne 57• • oldror qu'otatl ono Kg rerceirr4 by James T. lindy A, • Gold , ;.... . S-20 Jan. L-. 13. L. 8. NO, S.JOJan..I.J)". lad; at. b.11186-' '• 101: S-MJan./tJy. 110 ta x U. ...P. It. It' Leh U.R.1040 7 Cy, v ,Paallacs ..... Ilti MpIAIhET Orrice or PITISEICiaTi Gazerrn, Planar. July 33.1i170. The market coMpared Wlth that of ves:er terdsy was remstrkohlely gelet to-As?. the sales being_ compandively light, and while there is no material change In prices, the , gen eral feeling seems to Indicate weaktiese--op .ersiors generally seemed to be:bearish. pre dicting, &still further decline.. Rumors hare been prevalent for some days that some tast ers parties were likely to go book on their re flindJuly contracts; we were assured to:day. dn Kenn entitmitY , that there Is no truth in' thews reports. A dispatch from • Philadelphia states that nil the oft tendered will be sweep. tad and Dahl for at the proper time, to that there is not likely to be aoy trouble on this score. It is not probable that there will be any failures notwithstanding the parties ateave referred:to will have to - steed a pretty heavy lose. .11e market, al already Ihtlmkted; erai very quiet to-day. the. sales net. elceedlng GM , tenth of those of yesteaday, while la regard to pekes there is • not much cloture. though the tendency still reams to lie downward. Bale 1.900 hble spot at 9)43 2.000 seller Aortal. at 9)4;2.M thls water at or; 1.000 bible seller September at 98. It was also reported that miller all year bed .been • sold at 98. At the alone neat or seller August was offered' at 98 . with but few if any.bnyers..:• • s. • incrtwEn. • - s spot gt one time dropped down to 44K r bet rnt, a ,maogtly rallied and Adsanced a cent. Sales In two lots of 1,990 eel% Ittly, offerO Too d a a t We are cognisant - of ea to buy WO Ws for Angina at Cl without finding seller. - E. L. Goodwin ocirecloek J,Bir s b!ur. l to .;t tly & Co. 11. on sOoo rit T. M. re tbi.. OIL /3.1117.11Z.M1S TIM A. V. IL 8. Lo . C... Bros. & Kirkpatrickto-Phila. dr. Co.. tl2 DV.. relined u, gan • • Fawcett. LOgila. StOCkdalie it Co., - J5O bbla ref. oil to Logon Bro. A Co.. Pbil'a. • J. A. McKee. 233 'bids refined oU to Logsa Bro.& Co.. Pbil'a, Fulton. Marvin A Co.. 160 bbla ref. oil to Loran. Bro A. Phil's. Standard OIL Co., reVI bbl. ref.'oU to Warden, F.& Co.. Phlln. - .Lockhart. F. & Co., 733 bbla refined to War den, F & Co.. Phila. Braun & Wagner 206 bblm renned 01l to War log, King & Co-Fbiladelebes. Total OIL- 151113719 - ILAST Vll w. P. 1/. 11 (Prom July =3 to July 29th.) ?Stotler, U. & Co.. 343 ibis rof3o Waring," Khig & Co.. Phila. Colon Ilef. nod e. Co.„ CI bids rel. to Logan ' Bro.-Jt Co.. Phila. Ralston At-Waring: 4et bids ref. oil to War ing. K. &. Co.. Phila., Kirkpatrick & 1.098 bids refined to W. P. Logan & Rro., Philadelphia. • ' 'rota 2.637 bids. OIL SIIIPPED /AM =MI DIIQUI:S3IIDIPOT HUtehlTiltoll 011 and Henning Co. 49 bids =led to Warden, Prow & Co.. Phi. bb... PI776OLBGR IRON MikiißßT. ()MCC or nice PITTSBURGH GAZETcr. FRIDAY, July 29. operations In metal this week, as. com pared with last weeli. bare been small. but the market to reported strong and stocks Pretty well reduced. Most of . the mills Wight pretty largely last week and the week I , preceding, and being pretty well supplied for the present. are now disposed to hold. hack. It is but proper to remark that the offerings are light as holders, too, seem disposed to hold - cdf for thin present. and this acerroute for the light volume of butfoots• • Merchants bar iron has advanced to UMW' "in the east. and the advance there" .hai pro duced stronger feeling here. Orders arc Cowing In freely from the west• and south. and stocks here are pretty well rundown. and those mills In °Pelagian are nanntorOo orders. Trade is reported unusually brisk for thls season of the year, and it is said that some of the Wile Cr. so - enawded with. orders . that they cannot stop to make repairs. I • • ARTHALCM. 50 tuns Sled Short at Furnacatti..oo- cash 6U Tied Shott.Mottledat nit. 26.29 cash 50 - Neutral GraY.roflte- . - 10 r Furnace . . . „tto) cash 311.00 4 mos 110 Mottled.: toon Imo. 60- NO.ll Anthracite.... 30.130, cash 1.11 Mottled Red Short Forge.. !Lap 4.0. Common Clore Neutral Fg. b 3.29 5 11101 i sto Gray Neutral Forge. . ... also 4 mos 103 1\0.2 Foundry =Ooh mos 120 .• N 0.2 do .; =lO6 mos CHARCOAL. 1111 00 Was 511.11 Iron— ........ $50.0D nob ano Favorite brand Gray Fg'e. 45.50 33 do 150 . do do do do 4"004 moo 10 l• A Poney Juniata Porte— 1010 nub yap •• Open Orarrorre ..... 45.004 moo .• &lope Choy led Mottled'.... 49004 moo nerricerono Conn axe:cern vomit Lanz orrn- '' 1i 60 tune ("Weil Gray Forge $3.1.00 4 mo .40 •• No.l Foundry..... • .V. 66 4 .^ 20.60 6 m 1/ li r Zu F :ift e o6 . 4kOtzT Porte to arrive / MOO mo .600 A Favorite. bread Open arrive 20.60 GO $6O •' 417=f11 . 0 .... . =IA m • SS -:~:.P..-.-_~.._.._ CM 'MABBBT • Orricr. or PrrraSmtinn itszrrrs, FILIPAY. July Ira I The breadstuff, market is being watched, with great interest all over the- country. as it is* Matter In whick all are more or less Inter- i ested. will have been noticed, the dis patches ft.= Chleligf , during the poet two day. have reported a stronger feeling in dour and wheat and higher prices. The advance' was caused by war rumors, one of which sr. that gugland bad signified her Intention to with Prussia against trance. The mar:. bet Is very sensitive, and to a good specula tire coudit loft. as prices are likely to go up or down on the strength of mire rumor, no matter hew-foolish. As thb,ghluagO Repuhil mn .. It Is a poor artliii foamy with any Intention of making tho horestntentArer manent, at least for a month or two, hut it lea good time tu speculate—a man can make or lose Money to a hurry by buying wheat Just 'We nolleo Oa the Chicago import continue o give the elevators there coneidentble mum- flea, though If reports are true, no more than they deserve. The following is the conclud es.; paragraph in the Tribune on atilt larnieri and shippers having store in cnlcago ought never to be deceived by the cries of -hot' grain. In eine oases out of ten it Is a false alarm. inteuded to ruts down toe price of grain. Let them hold in to their re celpts, and the grain will turn out to tie per, teeny sound in a trw days. If it doeti not, let tee holders of receipts sue the elevators tor thedifference between the good gtain sent into warehouse and thebad grain taken out. ASill:S-Firmer but nut quotably', higher. Soda Ash, 4 for Common, and fur ,refined: Pearls ird.lo(,• Pots 71.. APPLES--In active demand and scarce, and the better qualities are higher. We now quote 'at /44.5 Per bbl. 111."PfER-Prime butter is scarce had with a good demised. prices are higher. Strictly pr 115 im 10051 Ci.)e f reslipackedlol-Du is ll a seltlil 2 ng to la cts readily at 25. - _ . BEANS--Demand continue. .menses and prices are iiumtu - ift' $1 ',.'(P1L.75 per buiESE Illttp.ol.l-store prices . Saucy, e 5,141 Nu. I. 71 4 . 5 tfrNii• 2. erd-No. sl.4Soi Comm.. .„.14.453, IfOILSMEAL-Sales tu stem at Sal 10 - Per, _bushel. as to manilla. • CUICKENS-Spring chlckena.,are In oral -supply, with regular tales by the coop at Med:: CARBON 01L-Cuntinues very dull and it Is dinicult to quote correctly in it Jobbing way. CREI:E-Is In good supply but with a steady demand price. are tuanitaitied, I=l4. fur Dale. the outside figure for 4.l.tien: MUER FILUIT-Peaches in steady demand:, with .1. of halves reported at Rd.lo-quar- - , tern Quoted at KV% Apples nominal at Elitl3-.l)ulL but unchanged. 15etis. es to iconditam,the outside Store for fresirpanked. •Itrictipts faif. FLOUR-Is In steady demand mainly from quotation l tre. but tuere is no change touted. In. We continue to quote at e7.3i forgood and s7,ii fur choice wester. Linn.- Rye /*tour gwite.2s. receipts coutinue light, and dealers Are a little timid about stocking lipid presenkbelug 1.11 al of a rest tion. Di The receutlikvance in grain was entirely speculative, being predicated tin the assumption that a foreign War was ar abler and prices were run up withan almost pre. cedented rapidity. As already intimated. the advance was owing entirely to speculetion, and may decline with equal rapidity,. should stain In Europe assume a ;mettle character. To imrepaselargely at present prices baguet. of chance that ell tboughtfull and cc.lderate Dimple will nut ludulge in. In:this cousin , - there h. been gathered. conditioµ,oue of the best crops of wheat that. the country has ever been blessed with. Rye and barley are an average crop. and excellent lu quality. Some weeks aft it was feared that the yield• .. of barley ittWestern New York and thiamin would be light, but later letelligeuec looks more tavorabte. In the weet, as we noted the other due, the yield will be fully up. if not above an average. and the quality. in sonic sections, is said to be unusually noe.The pros bect for a euper-abundance of corn was never etter, and unless there should spring up an active foreign demand, it Is more than proba ble that prices will recede before the elapse of ni.y weeks. In the event of actual war be tween France and Russia, It dues not, follow that the prices of grain should be materially advanced In this country instantaneously with such an occurrence. nuould the war be pro longed. and other European powers become involved in the - imbroligo, then. indeed we may look with a degree of certainty for an toffive and legitimate demand for our cereall. and n continuance of fair prices. The ardent. of wheat have -been rather larger than for . sonic days past, andwitb &continued good de- Mind, the market Is arm and prices well mist:tined. We continue to quote at $1.3 1 d0 1.40 for good to prime red, and $1.43111.50 for ' white. Oats-the arrivals have been rather larger within the past two days, and If any thing the market is hardly as strong, though there . is no change In enolatinna. R e can re port sales at 553.:45e. on track. and we heard of a sale, on wharf, at 54. Dealers ,*e paying 5. 451 la first hands and tandehing sack.. Ree-dealers are png Weiff, end there nut much offering,a yi No snl. of barley and no. established suotations. GROCERIES-The market is devoid of any thing particularly Important. Sugars are' firm with a continued steady denied, though prices are unchanged. Coffee Is firm but un-' charged. RAY-Sold In the Allegheny market Tester day at $124113 per ton, a decline. tic Sh.b Corn nests...l(.3x cts. LLNIF.-thtles of Cleveland at $2,25 per bbl, a eastern at e 1.75. LARD 01L-No. 1 extra is quoted at $1.03a. Liff., the outside tigUre for well established t\ ester brand, • • POTATOES-The receipts troin.abraad have fallen-tiff very materially past day or two. and the market Is denier V 2.10.12,75 per bid. PEANUTS-More active and firmer ender Intluevec of advice. from Cincinnati:e can eport sale: c,f •several hunred w bites here at set R. IV. one shipment to 'lt:Chianti. are' rehstivoly higher Lan here., PIIOVISIONS-:Market stead,. with continued good lobbing demand. while in regard to prices there " areno. changes. Shoulders. 14ife,Li for plain. cod • 1=161( for sugar cured; Ribbed tildes; I7X: short rib IS. Clear 18Y7 Sugar cored hams 27(0...534'. Dried beef '33. Lard 1731 in tcs and 1831 fn kegs. .bless. Pork. $3l. , SEEDS-seio movement in Clover or timothy seeds. Flaxseed balho dull notwltiattanding the arrivals are light. and cannot be quotvl above SALT-Allegheny river_ brands may he quo ted at $1.66 by the car Iced and $1,1.15 for lot. in store. NIARRETS BY TELEGRAPH New Nog*. , . N'pw Coat: . July N.—Cottan dull,hearY and lower; sales ad bales at laiatale for middling upland.u. Flour;-recelpts were - 107a Win mar .ket opened steady and closed tamer. with more doing; sales 13.103 tibia at. ss.lkida,9o for superfine written and Matra kOBB7 O . Common to good extra western and State; saana,w, good to -ohoice do.; $8.2348.75. common to choice white_wheat western . extra; 5241.7.... common to good extra-round hoop Ohio: MIS a common to choice extra St. , Loalii, closing homer With no Wien at the litaide qdktations: IlTe Flour firmer; sales 800 Ws at 1.5,74.8. Cornmeal steady; sales ad labia at fa for southern; $455, Brandiwine. Whiskey—mar ket more steady; sales were reported of 350 tads at $141,85,. neatly all at the latter • price. Wheat—Market 15.4-L'. better; soles of 1203030 hush at $1.51et,53 for winter red west ern, $1,5501.14 for new amber winter Indiana, $1.31:01115 for No S Milwaukee. Bye quiet and unchanged. Corn heavy and le lower: sales of 48,000 bash at 95441.01 for new mixed west ern; 51.052.1,20 for, „mixed, nearly all yellow. Oats—liecelots .12.0156 Mph: market less lam; sales of taall) bus at hibigiDe for western, latter extreme; &Wee- for Ohio and State. Slay In fair request at. $902.85. Shipping hops quiet - mad arm. Coffee—sales aid bags Rio nt air; market steady. Sugar steady. salts of 900 bids of Cuba at. 52,64400.5:. itice—sales of Si bids at, P3C4113:c; market steady. Mo lasses quiet. Petroleum • dul at Ik3f c for crude; and :Ac for refined. l Turpentine steady at. 4,141.41380.. Fork mere active salesof 290 Wills mess „at, c.te..51: prime at ; for prime mess; 01,0 5013 bile mess August *M. • Beef steady: soles 100 bids et s l=lB f plain mess. Walp for extra mess. Beef barns quiet and un changed. Tierce beef firm; galaZi for prime mess, poem for India mess. Middles quiet not unchanged. Cut meats steady; 110=8 for horn,'-sales 125 tierces smoked hams at 211(0 24c. Lard a shade lower; sales to tlerees at 16(0.1710 for steam and 17)(01fle tor kettle ren dered; also 1.000 tierces prime steam. July and August, ando Butter quiet at 512.53 c for western 21,5.-30c for State. Cheese scarce ly so firm; Itailtae. Freights to Liverpool steady; wheat, steam, 12d. Lats.t.—Floor closed bc higher, with better tsquiry.' Wheat lea shade timer. with a mod. crate export inquiry. Rye Is quiet and un changed. Lints very quiet at war*o for west ernsand 020185 e for Ohio. Crirri dull, at Anal for new mixed western. Pork Is quiet and steady, at Sal hir mess. Beef Is quiet and steady. Cut meats and Bacon are quiet and unchanged. Lard steady and sales were made of 5)3 t lerces prime Steam, for August at 171(0. Eggs unetaulged• ' • EM2 le= • Now Song.' July 29.-Beeves: the number received to-day was 1.13). or 30 or 40 cam at MOO street, 24 at Commanipaw and at weeleawken. MOO for the week; quality bet ter:toff market rather stronger: prices range from 100 for thin Texan to 19,X.7 . tor fat Bcwt. Kentucky grades. Stock nearly all sold; UP Kentucky 4Xort at 1541fftffoie. ma m. 0 ..' DOM' 6Siort at 13c. Sheep plen ty with sales of smeto-day, and ff . .. 333 for the week: market unchanged. but some choice lots went higher. lir A deck of very fine 66 pound. Ohio sheep at 7,X0 a car; very poorall pounds at 4'ic; a car of goodilo pounds at 5Xc. Lambs sold from BSc for rough Canadian up to 10Xe for choice Sbste. Hogs I=l2Xff - for dressed. ALBANY, July 26. The supply of cattle wan 1,443 head short of lest weak and the market as opened tame:, the averagoquallty was not good so last..week; the hlgnest price was 9Xe for drovocheice Ohlo steers;. bulk sales at Sc and under for fait butchering !tears. Sheep and. Lambs dull; lamb:" HO:WM common ...heel: Walk , flogr-nothing doing. • Chicago. teur"Ctifi:i jalltu7ccalic'ecab.Wheuate.fM'f,nli buoyant, closing firm at $1.5:1 for No 2; this afternoon .aotive but irregular at 6121). seller August. Corn quiet and a abo d e easier. chalet at 84lic for Not; Ltd.; afternoon steady end unchanged. Oats lc lower. closing at 450 for old No 2. Rye almost nominal; sales No 2 at Sac. nighttime. unchange lad d. Provisions Quiet. Mess pork $29400311. r 19)40113ke. Dry-gaited shoulders 18c; short rib middies 10kH10c for loose. Hogs active and 106150 lower, with sales at,75 for common to with prime. Cattle quiet and unchanged, with sales at $.3.251/.7,30 for cbmmon Texan to - good native shipping steam neceiPts during the past twenty'-four boort : 4,831 bbls flour; 29,500 bush wheat; SIM) busk eon: 493 hush oats; IWO bush rye; 1,640 - barley: 5.048 bogs. Shipments: 3,871 bbl. f10hr.151,4:43 bush wheat. 3902 bush corn. OtIS buin oats, 12"al bush rye. 448 bush barley, &Ma hogs. Freight. firmer a t 5c for corm to Buffalo. - Sr. Lucia, July Zl.—Tobaeco active at . full prices. Cotton: dotbltur doing. Hemp drm t $1.400.1.83.. Floor quiet ood ' good demnud for loz.Ven full empertlue at 14.5trda.b0; X nt XX at '5.5.2:.435. 50 ; XS-I[st SB.UU bent doll nt avc to , Ter: Ne :pting ft. - red full /1.1e4n1.5% 0. Ido $l,Me 1.76; choice gimai.4o3. Corr, dolt end outer; mixed and yellow Krzte2c: white vozosc. Itre dull add lower at 7:4lne. and lower at 98c. Provisions quiet. Pork 531.00. ',nue= aboulders 14.1(0;Clenr rih I 50; M - --,V,~ y_~~__