THETAIL'i GAZegTTE OFFICIAL ?APES . . Tittalaurgh,'Allegbepy City. Allr4ke.ny Couity. a A-zei:Ar,E nu iLotla , d'hodada of SlittiAvenna and Ondddind svrtutuAY. JULY-30. 1810 1801.13 riOelVA in Few York yesterdiq • _ 12*.81201.. • Esol..s.lrD wlll endeayer to prefe , r,ve her neutrality. Disinarclt would like+) force • her Into the corepThAtiOn but thne,far hin efforts In t h at direction bat=e been' unzuc oesaltL . WA.A h i luida disturbing Infthenbo no the bitaltwee of the larger European Malty liFtevy failures have already occur red and many more Will follow. IT is pot improbable that the fits: great battle between the Prusabui and 'French unitive will be fonght to-morrow, (Sunday). The movement of troops on both aides 'indicate that nnimmedlate blow-WM:be struck. - It to trop that there are' to be 'no withdrawals froM the "new party" ticket, there Is ..conelderable curtosity to know why certain Getman citizens hare lawn Foliated to allow their names to be placed on It. If this L denied we are prepared kis.° names. " Two Tnov o OICE lIITSDRED and I twenty.dight pounds of mstilnetter.was , . rewired one day lest week at the Louis '! elite Postogiee, addressed to dltnalii - ner• - awns and aU franked from Wasitingt - MibY a member of congress. filoriode is the L flanking privi?ege. • . • ANEIDCAN BONDS slightly adottneed - yesterday in the New York markert:. " The avidity 'with which out,-oteeitrities are taken as eollaterals ih ,ther-;foreign mar ) ken, for loans is gratifying and seems to. ladieste.that i nn great amount of ,tsimis will be returned to thi'S country. nano ho 'mediate ef war. -. Wr. have been armored, by some of the. • eandidaten on the bolter. ' ticket that I will withdrawn. be withdwn. thi e . we nesert• be: jimel fear of emitralleton. We We i nothing to' nay to eheete that "give the 4.1," W tre tilling. boyfimr, timea to alsonar any subject of importance . • with any-gentleman In a gentlemanly way: U any •7faleehooda" have. been . . "coined, - • ; they have. been maned by the refoimers. We know what we affirm. • • E . - , No ono in this office has mei - feed any omiumnuication or rummage. either written or verbal, from the Hon. Simon Camercei. No ono has Written one word in thiii jonrnal at his dictation, "nor bee any t conveyed to no his - wishes In relation iany subject that now occupies the atteis tine of the political parties of this county) 1 Any ono who insinuates anytiiisg to the contrary is too base to - be- characterised \, 0 ....- in these columns.lTha proptietors of thel 1 1 Clazstrr. aro %Lair own routers, , and are; not subjoctO to the humiliation of ,being, dictated to stockholders, who 'never receive dividinda, nor by afifothers. ...I m • . THE CHINESE QUESTION. 1 'lt seems ai if we were _never going to • I get rid of the war of rates in Ilia roan try. The contest is renewed on every oc. ~ melon that furnish , » the slightest pre: .. test. The nation lout been agitated anti - I convulsed to Its center for many long . . pears-by a v•ar against the African, and it i, seems now as if it were going to be the , tt scene of a battle over the Mongolian At • 1 a large meeting held in California a short time since, a war of ,extermination 4as X threatened upon the Chinese, who hive . irendered moat „valuable service in building :% the Pacific, Railroad, and given such high • , s i, promise of becoming skillful manipala , • 1 t tins of the peggingswl in Massachusetts t The true animus of 'a certaithe n alas ese l of '• . . i \ people In this country against • . ' laborer Is *Pen iu the following resolutions ! . which were adopted at the meeting re- • ~ '' • „. Rewired, That we form ourselves into ,1 an orgerdsatton, both military and civil. lin order to maintain oar rights ae free '- - men, and rid the State of pestilential Cid e.l ' nese. • ' - , liesofeed, That•wo wish our -, ! - L , - 7. - • I Ulla at Washington to Inform thatrepresents- Intel Brent body of law-makers, that. if they • ",walnut rasa laws to protect and aid le, „ . ••, 'll from the further Immigration of. these .. I bubaroas slaves, we will make both laws 1 sad lawmakers as is oar constitutional ' '.. '; right to so do. ; . , 1 The principle contained. In these reeo . -• , i Nions Is radically anti-American—lt-is 1 renolutlonary. One great object of our • government has been to encourage Mimi i gitatlon, Which has proved to be one of the f chief rearm; of our notional aggrandise "' i went. Bo vital has it been deemed to be 1 to bar national development and prosper. • By, yrculars have been addressed again - and/again by the government to= r tr rep reeetttatives W other countrios,icting 1 them to hold out , every ltoosible induce " Ament to smigrante I Bat It is 'said that there Chinese are a - •• barbarous 4 iuid nnavilized people. It Is ' true that their civilization is of a M. , terent type from ours, but if we are to believe the toetimeny of distinguished missionaries, who have lipent many years In China, the inhabitants are not a bar barous [people. At the still , "fifth aunt venlawl of-some London Missionary So ..:,,, ' dety held some years since in the British kfetropolle, • the celebrated interpreter '• l of prophecy, 1)r. John Coin tug, made 1 use of the following language: "I • do feel _ . that China has claims ,not osier • to those of India. It is more bar . rows and ; pothers more wicked than I. • is. Tb Bev. Dr. Legge, a returned• bailor • from China, being present, . ; -'I distill. mid said, "I am f 3 st 'the statement of 1) 1 adrag, that China is mor • one than India. -ln the be .1 ',; list year I was present—ln . - lit • i s palace at Canum, on, the' . ion oi . annbeterearr meeting, at which he yt s \ men of the province of Canton'sew .t. to ono:Tete for literary dew , ,an , 4;that one building there were , ore a ; Manta for stndentatlinn In any Unive ' la the Blrltlelt Empire." "It is true.' t Dr. Legge. "thit their drill lots le ' k . different from ours, but they re fat , - -removed from harbarlim:' a Chit empire numbers about four undred to e Moon of Peelee and Netren we ft° in Mb * " k _ that they have been living a • flourishing '4`, ' there, for seine four Owasso. yenta—that ithey hive reserved a nano . exiitence— : ,witllit oth nations pose ' g elements 4 „ „ 0, a high r character, po hap , such _as el she A , Persian, 41 cis ' and Re tr.l man,tuad een pore mode n emPires,have -,, risenend culminated -and decayed, jr hi a p. there mast be, as Dr. Legge 1 ...,,,Ri &Clara, among tie! people, certain moral Sk and areal principles' •of the "greatest . -1 virtue and power," and if so the more of them that are transphtnted Into American soil, the better for them and the better tor $a , The cotuatry which invented tho,mar ,M twee compass andgunP° wder, must be a idled remove druid barbaris 44 m. But It la mild students do not emerge :•-°4:?s, from Sint literary cells In the 1 acadeidc ' t.:Li ye lice it Canton and calm to is country. 1• - • riffl MI -f ~., : we get the lowest and most , debase t d.of the Mongolian race. This ii to a grea attest true. Dot it was tree -sit. br II! original immigrante to this Country from the British isles. 'The early colonists of Virginia we adventurers of an re mainly I unusually bnd type—bankrupt prodigals, genteel spendthrifts and incorrigible prof' ligates, many of whom had left their 0011titry for that a:Sultry'', good, in obedi ence to the urgent peniusistis of sheriffs, judges and juries." .8 great cheer Las taken piece In thiusepect. Some of the verji .. beet dtisens, end the most profitablii 4--- to the middle - class--ef the Old World i - 1 every week on our shores. Let emh on from China be encouraged, and there will soon be as marked a change in the type of immigrants that will come. friare that' country. In fact, the change in kslreadj' visible, But if Sohn Chinaman idiail - he In - salted as he iron been in Mass arliwietts, and denounced as "postnuptial" in California, there will not be mucken couragement given to the, better class of. Celestials to come to the totted States. :We have nothing to do with the nation ; --.. lathy of the persons 'who passed the resii lutlona quotedalxive. Perhaps they were of mired 'nationalities. So much the worse, aid so much the more inconsistent and absurd their conduct. If the Chinese arf threatened with extermination ri et ai min, Low long may h be till the Irish std Girmanii, and those of other nation al ties may have the same threat held over their houist If men becOme lengued terither to drive our nationality out 'of, the country, they may resolve to "rid". themselves of. all nationalities, except' those who are native.:end - too the 'nitwit born. IL in a dangerous experiment; and ' ilte principleineorporated in the Califor., nia resolutions is alike. opposed -to the raditional Policy of roiled States t government; and the will of the sovereign 'Ruler of the world, who bath made of one blood all nations. of men to dwell. 'upon the whole - fare of the , -earth, Without ' designating any \particular: locality for ' any particular mere. Men frequently. act upon this principle that they are the:go:L. , tors of nations, while the earth di the Ard . s and the fullness thereof,the world I rid they that dwell 'thereto, -This being t , Le cue, the people of, any quurter of the globe. hare 4 right to \ remove their resi dente to Sny other, and enjoy Its immu ll:Mies-and privileges • so long an they con !form themselves to :its, laws and regale- lions, and labor to-promote Its interests. if the principle iit:olVed in the Califor ' nil resolutions. is the Cornet one, then any brancli\of industry has a right to ei ganize an opposition to 'the Introduction , o l An y i pm-miiii i n to the mime Sell of ape, 'don. andyhus inflate pilcos4iy curtail tog- the supply: .cTho COO Sencee of such an organization in any Manch of hu man industry are apparent to all. ' ilince.the first organiiition 'of our lioy ermuent, not less than eight i millions of I immigrants have swelled our population, ono-iciurth of whom have arrived 'during the last ten years. 'What hai been the result? Netlenal improveliient and 'a ' depreciation iir til'pricti Of hirer = -- Nclt -.- . , liv any MMus. The coanttry was never more prosperous, never abounded in more national wealth, not did labor, except dur ing the war,- ever miumand a' . ltigher prim than at Amidst the mighty influx of immigronts the wealth of - the tountry hap been :increasing almost in geemettical pmgression, end the price of labor has been bounding upwards. Why then this wholesale Koscription of la borers from whatever country they may mind 'There are L ?limy forests yet to + I subdue, 'many acres al virgin soil to be broken tip, and -many wastes to bo re- claimed. 'We have room enough and work eudogh for many years for all the'l immigrants the, orient ran supply. And, I, whilst we oppose with All our ,might a system of organized, immigration, which is but a slight -remove from' African slavery. of which the nation is now hap - pity • rid, let Us encourage immigrantn I from every clime who are willing' either I by manual labor or skilful artizanshiP to, add to tho material and permanent priiii perity of the nation, . We are opposed to the prucriptiOn of men either on aciOcnit of their nationality I , or religion. We bid a-hearty welcome to the emigrant wLether he be Protestant or Catholic, Jew or Greek. Mohammedan or Buddhist. There is room enough - "and work enough, and ample compensation I-for the hibdr and industry of alleliainhey . ' Will derive no small Ltd lasting benefit . hy coming here ,and. conforming, as they mast do, to the, lute and requirementn of . our government. . ,We care not in 'what form it has ben : ed, a war of extermination has always ived detrimental to' the nation that I t eid against nationality or against ee -1 . on. The. country. around Stets where t 1• hostile armies of France and. Prussia a now-eimeehtrating,all their forces has n\ recovered fro:Litho war of-&',G4 nine= -ti which wu 'Waged-there .by the re , .. Bon of the'edict of Nantes: In 1598 114 • IV. Wined an edict-which - granted to ?ion to MO Protestant subjects. - 411' sdiit wssrevoked by ouie - X . :IV. on the th of October 198:i. Was France ben led by the ret;ris.tion of Jilts first, edi I Not by any\ means.' .It was' act , y s, lite II •an , of- extermination. As o ff: teal\ so ILK if Louis had decreed to rid. hi self: of the ‘""pestilential" Pro estanin, whose .industry and skill fat artisannhip were the bone and sin • of the prosperity of France. An den, ter his "Origin of English Com me .. ," says this bed and unjust policy ' lost to Franco 800,000 Protestants, and gar to England 50,090 industrious arti san., some thousands of whom took to Spi fields in, the latterconntry the art of m ufteturing silk. Others " nettled In Sohoa d 'St. Giles, and pursued the a .1. of t..ti makin c rystal classei arid jenrelty, glen little enecial in England. Thus 1 1 the - iorEt.ipglatiaicyd7sopfreerpe- Leullirithyi,dthtl'oebef°unnes"tsti°onf '''' Abich she has been reaping to the.iiren ay ant day. Let us invoke the edict which ', m _ . , e: hie long erica been 'issued, that the abed United Staten are the. asylum for the, op ' ‘... um ". pressed of all nations, and we will deprive ""L r ' ourselves of t e libers of men who other ; of- - Willi; add tly to our national aggmlid.- 4 e inr Y- ize,ment. • Aan If the Chinese wish to east in their lot r°lln g with us on the same terms and in the ' lined same way as emigrants from Germany ad ir. and.lreland do, let us extend to_them the 'P ala ' right hand of fellowship , - The men who t om . __. ''' form themes yes into a "civil and military 'l' d 'organization ' to expel Chinamen frouthe vary United States, would no scruplei of far' conecience in expelling Irishmen: - :end - . Elia'Que. Ourrry.: - I am 'very sorry ~ t ~ disturbed that I nave owturo.. the prate and quietudoof the editors of the Commerrial. My articl e, published in your paper was not intended for that dignified indiv h idual. It was designed for thelunefit of onest Republican' that might be led astray: by the hypocrisy of that. paper. I did not at all expeci the ,great thundeier of re form to..,drare or his artillery from such game as "Simon Cameron"—the " Organ" nis i and the " ging" to waste his ammunition on . small game like Myself tar f ' m P but there is one conch:Won I liar omn, to by'resding the Commereka.ana bat , ii. the editor ohthat paper is laborin under a severe attack of . Camero outhe brain, and, if,. not relieved bet w this itiilwtli.s.eectulta Tues day . of Octobe , I fear subject fora mma. ' will be . `L'na. \ M gatberin f sumac arliich h i p be gun In Virginia .said to be a very fit libel trade. . . • - - 1 ca 4 1 P . PITTSB THE GEitiANISANITARY MOVE. WENT Throughout the entire Country thri tier. mans have held meetings - and resolyed to afford:pecuniary rid to the niCki and wounded of the army of Pit:maim Aethe movement its that direction • has „been spontaneous, no organised unity has yet born attained. To accomplish that desired end the ricrinrin Patriotic .kid Ikociety of S e w York bee hooted the following ad. dreia: The Executive',Coionlittee of the tler; man-Patriotic Aid Society of New •Y•o•A'l are of opinion that; in order to materialty advance and rendern.sistrinco to the cause of Germany. it will be advisable. nay. liu necessary. to adopt some well defined plait for the united action of the entire Herman element in the United Stoles. In order to secure such combined activity, it becomfis desirable that the dif ferent lierman Patriotic Aid Societies of each State should imuiediately proceed to tire foruiation - of State organizations, 3Vith Executive Committee at the bead of, each. it would then become compare , tivedy I . BIIV to bring all the German Patri otic Aid Societies into regular intermit* , y means of the State Eaerntive Cont Uwe.. , it appears almost super l nitoun to point to the far-reaching influence of such a rombination of four miliien Germans in America. Not only would the conscious liens of marrititig in close columns' toward the realization of - the same object be in struniental ' in - urging each individual to• More eriergetle . and persevering exertions. but the moral influence exercised in tier \many and France tin opposite directions) be such a vast league with its ramifica tfns lit nearly rvery city, village. or hams let o throughout the broad expanse of the ! tc Tnitin, would be infinitely greater than if. 401 Patriotic Aid Society, or even those t f each State, were'acting separately and i Shout connection with the rest. More over, the concerted action of all these SG. t ittles could got fail to make a deep and lasting impression upon our native Atueri can citizens • . AVe - already haYe their umbel approval to' such in degree that - a comparatively ',small impulse may. so increase it ale to elicit not only =MIS • but acts •of sympathy, and to induce them to throw considerable moral weight itt favor at lleimany into the uncertain balance of war. Actuated by these consider,ations. the Executive Committee of the German Patriotic. Aid Society of New York pre-' pose a meeting of delegates in Chicago, on the 18th of August next, for _the pur pose of agreeing upon some:plau for com bined amide _in' the manlier above in dicated. Idittemittantlatel -thin organiza tions iu the different Staten wilt no doubt, have' advanced sufficiently to admit of the submission by the delegates to the vote of their respective organizations of the plan adopted in their meeitag in Chicago. As it is imperatively necessary to act without delay: the Executive Committee of the Gentian Patriotic Aid Society of SCNV York.have resolved not to wait until the State organizations may be com pleted, but to invite every Soaety organ ized up to.the. presimat_ time to send °ol, delegate. Aft *binding resolutiOns wiiT be ouf of tlid 411Si:1011, and an the itrirrt. , .. will confine themselvetrio an agreement upon some plan of action, the Executive Committee of the *German Pasyttitic Aid Society of Network confidently - treats [lint the initiative herewith taken will not. give rise to sty illfeeling or their mo tive be misconstrued. Exceptional rases call for exceptional action. . • „ d.l.LAid Societies are requested to takt thisipctsition into consideration at t'. .I.iliret,o4sible clay, and, ha ease of sp. prdyal, to inform. the Secretary of the Gerinitit Patriotic Aid Society. No. WO Fulton street, corner of Broadway, Now York. For the Executive Committee. ,1t: J. ScitEm.- _ 0. OrrEsoonren. , Dr. II: VW:: ilotai. ED. SNEOMON, - • F. SIGEL. ' ATLANTIC CITY One of Our Hellen Painted in Water, Colors-410w Our Huckstrese Looki .on the Beach—Pittsburghem Bnat eating, Ete., Etc, ' BitioosTist: lit:Acit, N. J, Jule SST. Ertrrons • Gozgrrg:—Bert' we are at Brigantine Beach, three miles from A tlas. . tic City, and if ever a lot of ladies felt thankfill after the long, dusty, dirty, dim greable ride in the cars, the ladles who aceompanied-us do. We left the "Smoky City" on Monday, and after Teaching the abode of Quakers. we shifted our quarters and quietly took oar seats In a street car, which seen brought us to the Atlantic Itailread office, then again shifting our ' selves and biggage , we elbowed way into the cars, and in a short time a short man. seemingly short of breath and short of manner'', remarked that ice bad but a "short time to get ready' sod shouting all aroun d lie "tapped the tassle" o fvre - went need not describe the trip to Atlantic City. for all railroad trips are alike=-Whether it be over the Penneyicantil Central or "tip the incline plane." We however, reached the city without anything -worthy of note taking place., We stopped hut a little while—but that little time was sufficiently long to give us lan opportunity to gaze upon the "wonder of the deep." -We here seen eat limb in. their native element up the. lovely "Yoagh." We have , gazed upon the sportive"sucker" es he ! slowly wended his we). up "Sbirte Crek." We have looked upon the merry Wild SILITIO as he shook his "rat tarries" like sail over a muddy hog, but never did'we set, any of "them ere animals," that could compare whit a Int of chignonless skeleton-okirbless tray less pointleso Even, -ea they kid-like 'ported in the briny deep ="entneeil in blue or grey flannel arnir. The' firm creature that came from the sal'deep, Wan a young lady --(arboat you often Sett.onlifth Avenue, dressed. In ell. the "gimcrack" of faelden,and who looks like a "morning itar") of perhaps twenty summers. She was clad In sky blue flan. nel, reaching. from the neck to her heels. On her heed was a bathing straw hat— which reet'ablesetzthirty cents—and it. r lutir--(for mho trail left her bought stuff in the dry goods box they call bath houses.) which was about eight 'lnches long, looked like amass of oakum, partially picked-- the • salt water was dripping from her shoulders,. elbows and !knees, like gravy front 'Chris-toms goose, and the tlanuml 'dinging dowdy to her dim played titer ''hope" In a etyf" ,- that would have "done wonderful b well for the "Black Crook," and wh at l a shape! ut I won't describe it: Suffice it to say, I would ail ise at least (WO meals a day of gsod rout beef and potatoes, whielt might hare I a tendency to increare the amount of tech and thereby reuthr snore Venus-like her emaciated a ppearance. Following in her wake was a maiden, fair, fat and forty. Did I my Intl Well, fat le no name for it. You may frequently-eel" this /lamed fair selling sweet pourers. applee and pri -ripe cherries at . one of the thuckster statide: She was drooled in the "pink of fashion." A bright -red bathing snit, cot "ell Bloomer," showed 'offsher rounded form. (she didn't weigh legit than two hundred everdepoir)Tind as sheintme out of the water puffing like a spouting whale, she put me in mind of a porpoise in diitress, and she - did not look unlike a "mud model" of _ a "ropstain bur," aim emote a fearful smile at the thin girl in blue and said' wily Amy hew fun ny you do look." ri ell mid Amy." you needn't talk, you look snore like an "-overfed mermaid than enything else, and if i was,-0, Lord, if there ain't a Man looking at ua--and into the dressing but they went—and in the course of half an! !hour out they came resplendent with curls, hoop skirts, silks and with cheek,' as red as berry bright. They east Add looks - at du—as much as to say. Young man, we ain't the fellows you saw in the Water, rod up the beach they went: While we were recalled to our''senses by a burly fellow in a dirty shirt crying out "see yen, you feller with blue coat, if you want to gib to Brigline belch gib sheen]," and In. Ulf an' - tour we were enugg ea lr fixed in an eight-by,•-ten mine on the s side of Captain 1101dykom's hotel. A sherry I„eobbler Ron restored our good feelings, and after a hearty supper. a gripd 'icor and a walk along-the beach we retired— to dream of blue fish, chignons, nen bathing and fat hucksters. I will tell you of the bench in my nest, We number of Pittethurghent, among whom can be seen Judge Collierand family, Oen. Pearson nod family, W. D.. Ware e and wife, R': - M. Porrnin, Mies JileKelyy„Coatroller lambert and family, John Wilsonond fatally, and a number -"% I of others. Will write soon. P. L. At comae Or-rnaor-ocs assaults upon women and little girls were never so numerous as now, and the papers from. every section are full of thew, with some of the 111011 t devilish and fiendish particcdars ever con, ceived by Man. ;according to our estab lished rule, we can publish nothing of this sort unless our duty as local cbroni . clots demands it, hot in spite of_ boasted - civilisation the moral stand country does not Ise- 11111 RGII DAILY GAZETTR : SATURPAY MORNING, - JULY .30, IS7O TUE WOMAN QUESTION. Mnsans. Encrous /in artido in your Thnnelay's paper headed .*The Woman Question,a-tells that men begin s i : o think . that there csioniething in this gutty after .all.. Feeling complimented-by this fair conceseion on Lie part of the writer,g, woman 'avkli permission to say a few words in re' .triter says, "women talk too much ..sir rights?' I any they are entitled , it,because they received from God, the eternal source of light and justice, their souls birthright equ^llll With mon. No bright angel soaring up from this diml, 1 eatrh to enter. the promised land! the realm ' L' the skiei:ask7;areyoua,T lra - wo m an : asked sexes nave Otre end toe Mlle prom hie regarding eternity. God gave the -soul this proof of eternity, this seal of Perfection, this holy pledge of imuitirtal ity, this reflection of God's owtwmild. eternal power; alike to man and woman, but since its holy rights have been dese crated be human failings and wouialio soul has keen for thousands of years Oen sidered of a lower-standard, this child of Eternity at laii cries out its sorrows, it d men have to listen, for their's is the , sponsibility for .eternity. . I might tell you, prove to you, that • - mats is worthy of such rights; that eh is 'capable of equality. That woman's Me will not injure society, but refine the dif ferent spheres. Women never came down in the dust, unless thrust down by man, otherwise she brushes it off, where. erer she finds It. I might, tell you hose these rights' would elevate . dosrutrodden humanity; but I will simply confine my answers to the article in question. ' The• writer-thinks and begins to le lieve that wives. sisters, and daughters, have been slaves, is Somdrudges; suffering under the lash of heotic tyranny. There lies the most delicate. most tender point of the question. We are all the slaves ofcircumatances, suffering under tint small little' matters life eonalsts I of. No , position in life, however high and elevated;' • is exempt teens cares. . sorrows. drudgery and Inset's; but woman's sphere especially is the centre of smite sulliw ug, greater confinement and hander .rk. If it is not so believed 1 en and invite all the Mee in take up ourstork nurser!: and kitchen seeks only. We agree will , change. and surely we would ..spay as the Indian going tit. his .aing-grounti. Now, please do not get ;rlglitenediter seemed; six weeks are soon ever, and yours will he the sweet' , oath faction to Kee that man is no doniestie tyrant; °lithe other hand, you will have found gut that a woman. a devoted mollier,lwho gives lies heart's blood for children, whose preyere err never fer herself, but for her dear ones, who is high-priestess in the temple of the house hold, oracle in the aitlicult questions of home and the e.ltteation of site... is worthr,of a voice in politics. Doing a greater work in life than man, being more , selfascrifteing; she is entitled to - equal rights with man; to say the least. With -regard to the improvement of woman's legal condition. I ant Illthrtied to see that by the unllfth QleiliOns Of nettle Two , . ouch laws have been improved, and will 10-more improved In the future. Equal partiteitship-in Marriage has been consti.• toted by the body of Methodists in this colcumothers who have • seen their children fall a prey to .. misery, brought on by wretched, heartless fathers„%if the reason be A of good. Woman should have the con iffiriif-her Own fortune LeCause, being married to a conscientious t honor able turn , she has mason to trust him, and their inceresto will be naturally the saint, and,tlM.l • efforts equally united: has her lot beereanforkunately cast on the other :ncot shown. r n y t . , I 1 . 1 It he thi n eye o i r ,rr t : 0, y,,n women theta p,,r property ye:want. , : t y, i h e i ~k,j a u t ,,,s : . cause thousands have been the victims of licentious, dissolute husbands.‘ . Ask those side, she is savJlfrom misery by this very same law, for she ran get herajlf and her children's property out of the grasp of a , spendthrift. Who in tug world is no sel fish. so insensible to. the anguish of those, writhing under the unjust severity of existing laws. an to remain On.. touched by the daily repetition of such on Brings` . . All me a are not tvranto, it good mane' are kind generous paitners of • :women's joys and sorrows, though ma v. are an genuine gossips, as any old wom an sitting, 'on her doorstep, who in spite f \ of grey hairs and old age. makes beromf ridiculous and ludicrous by slandering , neighbor who is' far "above the reac-1 iof malicious gossip, and smiles u 1 , elli - fe vain. endeavors. 'Such men fat , leg in . with slaridering • women. wit I dishonest gamblero, with awruptcd politi• cans, with degraded defaulters, with the 1 abominable ringleaders of wickedness), [-with licentious husbands, are the tyrants`, I arid- scourges of humanity. To make a I halve among iliac scourges is the endeavor of the leaders of the woman suffrage 1 movement. The noble pioneers are steering toward perfection. Many. It I l law has Moen improved by their admire. I hle'efforts, while their innnence has been felt in the departments where ladies are I occupied, in business life, and in the coon ', eel of the beamed, They *lll yet be felt in the juries mid at the ballot-hos. Whe, hot for those noble pioneers, we may say ' missionaries', would have felt the influence of • the different improve meats in' laws. in society, whirls are acknowledged by the writer of 'liters day's article. .Let us all unite to Tout the rarity of ignorant, disgraceful, slandering men nee women. • Society cannot bet be benefited by Mich campaigns. EV unit• ' fug the different opinierislif the different sexes, by combining their various quail. ties, by bringing„tO light the long' hidden power of noblit:',women's capabilities, by giving eftertiden to their energies, men. sal and physical powers, they will work _their .way on.•••:• Endowed wllb equal Intelli gence and aptitude they ' *ill conquer th,•corrupted elements, refine and snake straight what is crooked, and . elevate mid benefit the different claCses of society, To the noble women of the rause, T recall the words of Virgil: ' • . crewnnn in the 111 263E2 "Y.edure and conquer! Love will soon distui To future good. ourpast end present woe With me the rock. of Scy s! lbity la ou hese tried Th' Memnon Cyclops and den defied: What greaterills hereafter can you bear? Resume your courage and dliouls. your care An nour will come. with pleasure to relate. Your sorrows past as heneflts of • a te, " --- - - . M. Louis Moos oo Diskant. (From the London Times.l Rappel is publiebed a notice . y M. Blanc, In . which, after con• he great Moore paid by England 1 , trite novilist • with compa4tive apathy! own by France towards its great literary lebritien, he rriticisee the Works of our fa one author. Dickens. he \ Skye, was diet nguisbed to a humorist, but In the cha tar . of his humor ho was infer. ter to Si akeepeare, to Sterrle , and to the thief of humorists. Cervantes. Ito was less oils, nal titan Shakespeare, less wnt , tiro the Cervantes, and lean lens tom. 1 hommo ban Sterne. Ile did net treat the vices w felt he depicted with sufficient perionsMnt to prevent a doubt being nometiMes entertained of the reality of I n de o co e. wr , i r c e t re hr t i g ed aB to lorg?v r e l w is li . at 'O w i as t'' ha h t i e s tnt becaute it was represented in a comical light. In ideality Charles Dickens was 'unsurpassed. Ile described evils•withont caring for the'remedies. If, in the course o! iris plan, ho could assist a work of phi. linthropy well and good, but woe to..any philanthropist who might co In his way. Ills merry genius was not . embs.r. nutted by the enthusiasm of humanity. lie loved it in that sense that he did not bate it. Still; taking all things Into; COW aeration, the influence of. Dickens's ro. nuances has , been a very salutary one. 'Malty Social reforms have been suggested by his diameters?' ;But:" 11.• Blanc adds ; t i 1 . "Charles Dickens. never, in any - of his writings offered any; gratification ; to Int pure minds nor to vile curiosity. Ile al ways pecied himself and he always re spouted his reads. The sanctity of hum has ne had a snore reverend describe nr amo e charming apostle. Was titer anythiti else wanted to cause England love in lament luml" • ' ......--......-, I 111 the Dickens trosting to 110 fay Arab Toilets.. . Arab good mannersrequire that a no= shall` ho docentiy dressed, and pious in every action of his life lle must, to 1 gin with, be careful in all the ablutio required by hie religion; he =net hero bead shared once a week, keep bla , not cut, but carefully trimmed, and t t to a point: be moist keep, also. his up r' mustache* Clipped to the level of his u per lip. except at the corners; r that e A may not soil hid' ress in eating; and e t must not omit to keep his niels in , ~. order, never biting them,but paring t e b. carefully; and even the parings are not o f be thrown camltly away, but they m e a_ be thrown into t fire, or bitted In ted earth, for the nails are, in feet. sacred, c. lard of the cording to an Arab, superstitlon.--Aft e rikng. Year Bonn& j. c 1 ' laPPear The Ilte Geode Ct Princtsenas The following circular has been issued . by the officers of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, anuouncingro its e mployes the death of the late general agent: It has become my painful "day to an nounce the death of Cr. C. FrallCiBCUl, general agent, which took place suddenly. at Cresson, on the morning of the 23a In start.. lu arku ..ledgment of the_ long - and faithful eetvice of the deceased, and as an expr,chm of the high esteem and regard in which he was held by the Company, and by all-the officers and employee with whom he wait associated: it is ordered that all the locomotives of the Company be draped in mourning on Tuesday, July 24, and that the belle at all the Compeny's shops be tolled from four to' four and a half o'clock P. 51: - . of that day, at which time the funeral 'service — will 'fake place. -It is also ordered that the office at Altoona and those of the division superintendents , be draped inmourning Af A or thirty daye. . J. CsesTr, (funeral -Superintendent. AN °velum - go says as a rower at Newport, 'Miss Rate •Field, has but one rival—the roar of the surf • AMERiCAN .AMLON A Iyinb .uPPir or AMERICAN SAFFRON. AMERICAN SAFFRON. AMERICAN SAFFRON. AMERICAN SAFFRON. A.3IEIIiCAN SAFFRON AMERICAN SAFFRON. AMERICAN SAFFRON. ' A fresh *apply et JAMES E. RI:R\P I A 00.11 DRIIO STORE, corner of l'onn and Sixth stn.., .old St, Mir.) • THE BLOOD . EN STMNIER. • • • ' The blood deteriorates in hot weather. • Profuse porapiratton deprives It of a portion of Its nour ishing and productive Properties- CffillliA l l .°o7. to Simmer. the flesh lone. In some degree. its muscles tact their uenel tJaattcity Id the weight of the body dlmlglshos. v indications that the ordinary p teaustaining principle afforded by the to not audit-tent to meat the reveler e 'system under a high teirdwretnre. Alter reason for this, tedldes the diet ' the hent, via: the long of animate. and tog of the digestive powers which it tinder thews circumstancea a whole me Invigorant ts evidently needed. and the best and safest is If oatetter's stomach Bitten. This admirable vegetable tonic and alterative, acts fa vorably neon the leptons in several ways. It to grlelnws 'the itPpetite and facilitates digestion. thereby inclining the stomech to receive and ena bling it toawdmilate aduo amount of nourishment also tones the regaled ewe-retie. , organs and the CT= food •fe oat. moots of Eh . on operation the prom. 01 omen -.toned by the drain throustrtne Pores. And. the whole frame refreshed and MM.- and the solrits exhilarated. The draper illaus.tbe ncrtounithedebliituteiliscarte . to told that It is pincinielY the stimuient .pd corrective they ought to take at thin salmon: Thonsmida of them know the fact by experience Nothing In the pharmacomela ior nut of Itl will apply Its place—lenst of all the trmAn Wu, I nsc rwin which Rome unscrupulous dealers would he dial. for the benefit of their own peddll out in its stead. tie. the t , IT need NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FABER VAN DOB,EN 367 Liberty Styee PITTIBIMAGII. PA. STEA - NI 117,N Cl INES, IRON AND WOOD WORKING ANIACHINERY , SteaM PAUDVS, — Engineers' and Machinists' Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, 1311-T,' LT LINZ Woolen Machinery, Machine rar4s. (E'Naunfactnrers•' and mitt Bap• plies. A constant pply on hind and furnished on shortnotkr. i. oitaiEinc4 GRAFF, 11 . 1'GUS (0. iManufaotoiere of Cooking and 8 TO 1:(,E B', RANGES, FURNACES Fin° T/IN COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. Confidence Cook Stove - The "Boston BLE-ON EN IMPROVE!) Cooking Range, IlupriAed Star Range FIERY FURNACE °MCC. A:(li.W A 1161101186. 200 and 208 Liberty Street ARNSTHAL & SON Virginia' and Louisville Tobacco dgency, Flue Cut Chewing and Smokinnlotateon , m ; 7 2 ft!mt.rwristp gTRENT HOLMES, BELL Sr, CO ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, /Lauf.alum of lIRAVY YrDIRI l WI Mawr ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting • 0, JAMES RE BE'WER CONTRACTOR fiND BUILDEEL TLe L.WoN of /km. Pipe HofwiDralna protoptiy Axerated. .orricr. 113 and NY NARROWLY STRIAE? RoGldeoca.lo2 ham Ont JOSEPH IL .HUNTER, • Tderchandize Broker, z.rn - E.wrir Evirim-wr (Acodois - 7 of Mute Bd „„„,„..mion. 303:7% a NEW ADVER. NEW GOODS 1111 WE SEMPLE'S, BO !and Is 2 Federal Street, ALLIXIIIRAT A FT. LINE OF BLACK AND COLORED .SASEMB;BONS. LADIES' AND dIIILDRENS' ~.` - Linen nits, _, , N..t, Very Lo v Prices Valencia Laces.' ].creel Edairets ew4 Loo Collars and Ilandkerchles Kid and WIG Thread Gloves. Bracelets and]. Jewelry. Heti, Bonnets and Sundowns VERY CHEAP. At Lu t e, Wbtte Linen Towels. Tartar Rod Rend At 20c. large also Litwin Towels. a great barna! At Glee. Feat Colored Calicos. At Si‘c. rut Cplered C•llpow, a good tintwatn. At 124 c. Taal Colored Lawns. • At 1240. Striped Alpacas. At 00, Balmoral Skirts. full slim. At. 02.30. all Wool Sumner Shawl.. VAL SEMPLE'S ISO and In Federal Street. &Ilealieo7 WILL BE ISSUED . • SOON.. -•: \...:-- PITTSBURGH; ndustrles & CommeNe A ROOK P0RT1LA17140.174 FACTS AND FIGURES ;rowth and Present Prose Representative lantliattnTilla interests OF PriTsßu RG 11. OOPIEE OP THIS s'O,IN.V.MWI.I..L BE PLACE Leading Hotels OF TROST. PORTIONS QrSFIJIKo ilEitlx7ME bu77lrr7,. TRADE 0. yITTSBEROH _T.4um• 4111. 40.4 4 .4 b 0.4 le 1.1 K . 5 . net hitherto Ws 1.4 g. • • • Assigned to Advertisers. • ANVAIII46RA WILL CALL CPON MANI:EMBEDS AND MINUS NE For their Favors DAVID LOVRT.4 E. A. MYERS. Publlithem JAMES MILLS, 1,31.•31 On. a Par with Gad ur New Stock ME DRY GOODS E ASTERN PRICY,S EITEM Examine our Goods &Prices ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No 115 Wood Street. STATIONERY: wearer forth* fall .12k lump too numeral; Co . oiention. 130.000 simmorico. 1.200 REAMS RULED PAPER. 113 REALM PLAT PAPKIL 0.010 QUIRKS BLANK BOONS. 23 CASES SLATP33: • ) 30.000 RATS PENCILS. 10 10.000 SLATZ PENCILS. GI AN. 23 DROSS swot= BOARD. • IPSO DOZEN INKS. PLUTO, VIOLIST AND COPTLNO, ' • 200 DROSS LOAD PRNOILI3, ' 11 . 43 1/POBB BTIEL PENS. 73 GROSS PLNUOLDEIts. • 600 DOZEN SIZMORAND UYS.. :L. O. AIiNSTIIA J. L. READ & SON, No. 102 FOURTH AVENUE. SECI-KELS cas PITTSBURGH White Lead anal': Color Works, J. Schoonmakei &" Son, PROPRIETORS. `,- 1 "" m rarAtaL wa rcMl. 3 .--' Mel ornest iimts surroar. iie, 461, 44,466 .14 42 Rebecei Strut, - . We call ettentlce the reatsellin meted on crer ALL 4... mealy Pore While and 4a . .....= e'pea,; er carbonate of Ind: Ire peas that ts tree Vans Axetate lintrabasster =•• Ibra uvetter 0.4 nateaUf. Oath la w!iMatd 0.. . VIZESChrD to bedew eattamat• et Lead rVgmrta. trae."=Varliatatn. rtrreeosoa NEW GOOD SEAIPLE'S, • . 11 • 1. and ISt. Federal B.reett. 1 • • The efook te datlyroploniabea with' New lioo de Sea Paeaheael. tea al were be Batted, as the thick ls o rgoLt3glet from, twld helms as low swears be f , . SPECIAL DAICUAINS DRESS GOODS ALL COMM N yAIipCS GREAT BARGAINS SUMMER SI.I.AIYIS 0-ASSINIERES , JEANS & COTTON ES,' VERY CHEAP 1 Housekeeping Dry Goods. iibeatlrut Muslin, all widths. ;White and Colored Table Damask. Shlrtlng Muslin, and Irish Linens. Shirt Printl and Wrlstßands. A COMPLETE STOCK .ry Low Prices • I • and 182 Fe;leral Street, Allegheny ORNE Sz, CO'S. ReCeived this";-Day: nivellag Satchels, Cold and Black Satins, , - Black fire Biala Saattillhbons , Colored Sash Ethic)list ' - I . Haan Bering u4.coltlcts , ' Large Palm Few - Silk and Linen Fans. • - ATS. CLOW\E - RS - , ITS ANn n „i 3[illillery brOOLMI AT lAC99 THAN C H,T • I 7EW GrOODS EEO BELL Si, MOORHmSE WE NOW OFFER NOTIONS 1111111411 ARA INVITItbT.:, 173 POCK S7llOOllO. 800 08089 CIIALIC CUATON ~. ~.,• lotarimpor of Jo' „of Pitain exec P :L C 4aw of Alhil .11 1:41:=A r tan d f %Vail - , of the - Ches4 Peake and Ohio liail;ad Cu. EMI The .ohesapeake and Ohio Railroad le coutpleted end rutuln. le,:en lIICHMOS D. A. to the eelebrited WHITE at l.rittlll FIRINGS. In Welt Tleldnln. 227 Tulle*. It Is beteg rapidly intended to thn Ohio revue,. 200 mile. further • I snaklug th ell 497 muse: t . let MP enured. Weetward.lo,enetzetes and.opetts u p F. mereei the WONDEIt*.7I. COAT. DEPOSITS OF TITS KANAWHA RF.GION IN WEST VIE DINI A. And thus eing. No reporter and abroad.% Coals of that section Into cvertenanlce den with the IRON ORES OF VIRGINIA AND 01110. end the WESTEILN,soIiTiI WEnEILN AND EASTERN MARKETS: When completed 11. connect the surErtioly• RATIBOR FACILITIES OF TILE CLIESAPEAKE BAT with rellable neetsetion ontbeOhlorlem.and thus with We L'ATIRE SYSTEM OF RAILROAD . AND WATER TRANSPORTATION OF THE GREAT WEST AND SOUTHWEST. • It will make a :MORT. EAST. Cil EAP and VORABI ROUTE from the WEST to the SEA and will command a LABOR EMAIL& OF TFIE ENORMOUS FItEIGIITS seeking transpnrixtionln FAIPLE'S tai Received Every Day. AND 79 itARKET STREET 21 Fifth , avenue, Laoe Curtains. HAI - Limner Silks, rirliinDree Or Dods Summer Sh 4 vvl.s Shetland Shels REDUCED PRICES Now is Your Chance Idorganstem&Co's Nos. 78 and 80 Market Stree , lIR.Dusst•OTTON UOSE YOR lam.. ISSEer ' O , TIVE UOSE FOR 300(.. . RKIN. KID °LOTUS YOR E I.SE• _ D EID GLOVES MR 111.23., _ I Olilt CARVED FAN! YOU 7606. )1 „N:s 4 11086 FOR Maw '. M Nli ROOD COTTON 4 UOSII FOR lilati.• \ • , Slcelpton. • Panierm., ers, Cltir t s; Edg4pi, Ertrgetrt, Assortment Slcolotong. IN THE CITY. B r a THE GLARIV2S I I ‘O N. T " SPOOL 60TTO: 9LEO. • CLARK orE':.A.o--F,Nrr E v &vNirhere inriAris TATlVitocni.' PILE Nom. /owl roy b' ut a ,.. ,0 %woo WAIINZWIS • eml . a m WWII= nIxTP - igranOV ra KN iittalt 2DT *,,ws rz„,r i ,„ C H "'I flr,—jcbie,amtuxloo,0.44,..h._e.7, the coast.. , It will thug bCootue orient the 1120411.131M0RTA N7 AND PUOWITARLE EAST AND WILST TItUNE LINES OF RAI 110A1 ) to the ornarrottel mend's Mule of Immense value. The eornoteted ptglimof the IlAwd Is doing a PROFITABLE AND INCREASING WIRINESS. and fit fully equal to value to the wholiamount the morßyttga upon the entire Line-413. 000 . 000.) The loan of the Cliesopente and Onto ?teamed I r:ompund.behni a VI DeT IIOILTDADit CT(SN TUE ENTIRE W NE.Pltol•EnT'i AND F.QU1r51.r... 4 1'S WORTH Mal PLETED AT IdiABT $3O. 000.000.1 s tnerefore,o next the moth enbatauttal eunservallee and rellablo.Rfolnekd Lathe °enrol -1 tend In the mullet. and le peculiarly adapted to MI:MIN lus;estors and Capitalists wvo do-1r» tn nuke their.lereetwera• with the .0;t salletecwry luterttitne nt POSITIVE. AND 171q1,011BTED SI/MLITT. The Bonds are In devomhaltione of • • $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO,- tan :nay Inched COUPON nr REGERICD. Intereot SD per cent. pecan:la. psysileMET Ist end NOVe41131:111 11 . PRINCIPAL AED INTEREST riVABLIS IN GOLD IN TILE CITY. OF NEW YORE. Prix DO AEI) ACCRUED INTEREST In Cur aI entre orke they ens nearly SEYEII PEI VE17.1!: GOLD on thelievvt. • All t'vveromerictl.wfv awl other F.iteurlUeo dao I In If the gook !tinnily! revole.] t. ezehanore. et feil eththel coin v, - • - .4 I.:, e,•us,rz,..,frre rixeirsP 1:1111Wil 71 , 1 exit Fe arched Dl .ode tee SI net tram to or teroush NMI :e•lnilrible itanksr tr• of Fisk '.ez, ELatelt- BANKERS. Nc 5 Nassau Street, New York • Maps, Pamphlets and full information furnished upon applioation in person or by S. I\PCLE,A_N & CO., 11-1 _.N. - N R S , 65 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh M=== ~ COAL AND COICE.:. AI.OII.GAN &-.:CO NIANUFACTUAEI43 or • C 0 N NELL SVIL LE COKE, thrlr Mars. Broad Ford, P. t C. IL P, Ottice, 142 WATER STREET. TO ALL POINTIi BY . RATER 6A.D, And Deliver in the City. =DI alo OscarF.Lamm&Co, ILANCVACTUREIIB YY CONNIILSVILLE CORE -TEAI.ERN IN Youghiogheny and Authreelte Coal PITTSBURGH. P.A., OFFICE ROOM No. 4, Gazette Pad Wing. tir Orle% renmaklly Doi.tau.d. COAL! COAL! YOUGHIOGIIENY GAS COAL CO This Comp., are now brewed to Orrelsb the best Coal of any slao or meta tits. AT FAIR BATES. Mos and Teel adlolnlag the Cormellertlle read Dead. idol of Try Street. Pittsburgh: Orders addressed to either 31taes: West Newton: Pa., or to Yard, :du be Predlll ,o l attended NI. P. 0 . 11Y.R14, Beereolt7. l~ --- - Charles ii. Armstrong rmxiagt LN Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coal, And Manulastoter of COAL SLACK AND IM•f,t,'LPLltiltl7.Bl3 CORE. OFFICE AND Duller and Merton aXtes=e, ar suT i eta. Ninth ssardi street, C: DetToV. -agd o lgX " ' Orden , lett at slater of the above velem, or ad . dressed to me through Pittsburgh P. 0., wlllmeelve 171.151411grn45'l am supplying . ' MD.) Wells f,::,-IfabB.Tile.‘,l7o'.l.T&!,':_t 1 , ..,.5 . ! ° 7 (1500 .lm. Bradley, . Pma, nen, l a s - ;tra. M c Curdyc a Cm. Kamse, tiraffSt Dell. Wm. he. Taber N2:w.pol''' fl b t.el I ‘C Hotel. Mlle IL IL. rentsylvaufa It. K., An:ghenr an t e? It. IL Corsets Laces COAL! .'COAL!! COAL! DICKSON, STEWART Ai. CO., Tin e 1 W etc Office IA No. 567 .Liberty' Strnet. (Lam Qt 7 riOur 81111 RECOZ:I.) AilltWaraVVY ATehora,,,YAL.l= or der ntiVb office. or—liSciri;sed to them throvith lbe miktl. will be arteMe.l v.,...PUT EDUCATIOX . I.fa . NEWELL INSTITUTE, ' 1:40a. .d 5167 Penn St— Plttabantt;J Will re.oen on blolitiAT. SEPT. sth. Tama.: Sallperaeasion of alas moarlia. L a dies''School. 1""-°g 4 "7.1.1":"`l'itm:!M'f' • '.."Vitbs —Mips Larn•on • • PA.( allgconrse cestudy n'ursued. ' • Boys' Se.hook.‘ Teachers—Masan,. Maerntn,,Bureblield.'W.6use. Bronsacr. . Cl ei es sln Germ e an daily and to thocutlon dal'). m chargs.. React+ ersrtninetion of Own! (n'tl' lien) by the Principal. Basalts reported. rance SUSUMU and college Ent Edplolnu to be • tasued—to those deporting thetn WILT. Moe home from to 10 dll7. The past Wont of the Institute alter& a pledge of Intelllgent.alsoron, althlni work. every earn being tak en to Inaure thoronahrres• anallOcre. J. IL EWELL., prtsVel CEEOARAT. INSTITUTE, .1327 and 1E49 and BTRBAT. Mts. delphia, Minch and French. lor young La fXpenrio donlTlVl:e:MpioVelerprit 1: th e the latornage of the fatally and is coneirintty spot. In the Institute. MADAM Da SIEBNILLT. YOUM HEN.- E'VaTgagTr iv,urg.b . gerd eel of ~-orgarglodrtrg-travtraitt lege. Board at mat. and Tuition free to the Wl (eat. For catalog. address the Prii. KAu. 11111• LL EL:USSAW, t otoo.Maaa. - • Fetl4oN, .1. 8161/ 4.6tT=et Deale in Drn= ./ 11S, CABTETS, 0 CLOTHS, &c CAR. S. • SUMIE t STOCI(. Fine, lied" tl and Common CaR '.ETS. the large** w here t e trade. BOvard Rose 8.. - ; Co„ Our stork b e ,„ e o ffered to t 21 FIFTH AVENUE I= BAOGAIN GAF P ETS CAN OW BE FAD AT M_Tarland&Collins 11 AND IZ FIFTH AYE. Thai U... takins stookoned will clime not qially 14 the best • Brussels and Ingrains, • At hoe than Ant cow , . Call loon .d AFt the choke. .1024 CARPETS. New Rooms; New Goods; NEW PRICES! We hate Inewremted the ooeh.o.a of our. New pone ertthhhe MYST DISPLAT Olr CARPETS Ever Offered in this Market, LOWEST PRICES SINCE IS6I uLIVER MeaiNTOcK. 23 Fifth. Aveni-t0.,,,-- Z'll - F,KF CARPETS. Superior , Illgrahis, 64 - .OOPER . TAA D. COMMON -CARPETS, 60 TO 2.2 CILNT*PER TATO). 1112CALLITNI BROS., 5 1 Fifth Aveniie 1106 (Ana , . wood BMW.) CARPET CHAT. Of all Colors; ON IL&ND AND FOB BALE AT ANCHOR. COTTONF T -Ag LS, .eillegheny City. iz. GLASS, 01ETEENECWARE 8u) -- - - - 'WOOD STREET QU,EN SW ARE, .• .yl2:r. FTIENCIL China and Glass. Pi tThvEa PLATED GOOD 1)1 NI MIL AND TEA SSTs• TEA TIIAT9 W! g I raan.rxmionag , firi,;,ll 11 , 11) OUT LERT w! R. E. BREED & FoiVIVVM -s-fitY,Ef uYNOLDS:":STEEN & CO, . / 120Vood Street . Importers elan lu FREW, EIIINA, FINE CUT CLAM AND .._ Queens-wa're./': arrb. laisertsmortsannt at Now.VollE ?dee. ESTABLISHED 182 lerRY 11109 T.. .1.1.14 C. 1:1167/ GO. CWIT, RIGBY, C,IIS CO„ No. 189 Liberty St.,. • • o . Wholesale slid Betall Dealers. and Jobbers in • DITEILNEWARE. GLAII.9 and SLIMED, PLATED WARE. The &twilled of all reershing woods In the Woe line is directed to oar Stock. imported dhaetly trove the tea tem . /ears market*. end Ire nit, now receisdnd a fob and desirable lot of the above **ITO DR.WHITTIER CONTLaiIIPS TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE =SEA. VIM Syphilis in all Its forms, all urinary drawls. and the effects of rarest!? are oompletely ersdica. teen Sperratorrhea or Seminal Neatness sad . • Pli"glan tVolgte wmartne I o ete go=l:feetis as blotches. bodily wort sate Indigestion; ono somplion, aversion to society. unmanliness. dared of future events, of memory, Indolence. We. forma Ilmlattona, and enall=itaWie seal tollpt.= m render Petrotherefore impretdent. are Perf.=.... Petrone allicted with thew or any __, , ehould tf or long Mradieg tr tTall,7. aDualQiPea the Doctor to Ni rtres= are n irasl , al with the great: °' r f=lldent that. physician who wild.. to the rady of s certain alms 3era..esee and trate ttartmeads of cases entry . „„ e st rapalre greater Malt- tn that speraltY grosoe;. se vassal publishes medical parable% of Oft that ere a a th. r ... =lZ2 of venereal anis re; for=sips, in sealed enrol: L bws. , ueee ten Dr ' aenterieeeemtafte tentritell. to Ina eMleteS. ...ane them to dationsina the praise nature of their emaphilate. The sistirashusent, competelatt um ample rooms, metral. When it Is not convenient to visitthe era, the Doctors oelNo n can be obtained by giving , a Witten statement of the ease, anti montane& ma be forwarded by mall or agorae. In some instals. ma however, • personal eragnmetion t• atieolat "" 1/t 7 telle re whit ' Altar """ ortitr M4 . pattenta were afimusienta e m osinaCti i iet ttilllllt • ly s f I t with is:Ary th rga i taite m t a st wee rapor preeenntiOne ate prevent to the Pe own laboratory. under Ms permed - lo Medial pasolitilat• at Mace lemr_ oa by ma wo swam No orates whp.lisve Graod. read wen esys. Boon AI LAO et days ilia. to la 0. 0. ranee, Nu. O, TUE wr. TregOisTeaberryToothwash , . • glwt Plemrat. cheapest and best Deotlfrine orient, Wansated free from Injurimie ingredirata It breeerree sad whits= the Teeth : isalts t a ta r t l =telt:: 0 um Prevails ran:potation of Tartar! Crabs Inal Purifies Artificial Teeth Is•eaperiorsnicle for Children! sore , 46 Drilligists and barium, • • , A.• N. WILSON. Philadelphia. • for OW by all Dmairletei ' htfikTnta IL Y. 31000 WAR ' J. R. bIeROWN R.lNCowan&Co., BOULEVARD PAVERS, Yoe Sidewalks, Cellars, Ipslde :Yards, Drive* Se. • . • WAILILAIVITD AGAINATCRANGIIeOITIIMAT Onlerslefn W I ; Ipireeorstag FEDERAL BTKALTI Allegheny. ens tent% a r rant „wit.% & ' kelr r J.In C I7. inglkhillmzve ■ 101 II 0 Ea