The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 30, 1870, Image 1

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    TIE- DAILY- - .D.... TYE :
, . .. .
T . .i.ul L. rasti.E:i) -:GA 1
Cornqr Sixth and Smithfield. St
y.IPENNIJ4AN, J03L6.11 Lip 6,
17. llO US , X. P. REED.'
Trzsaus or TUI DAILY
' " • er, WO' IRO k
ti 1114.1
n A. l'Elij • f [Oar, bas been struck neat
11 , , Ilia esti* Mo. 1 1
, ' • zAJCI4VILLE 'is having a very warm
I.,ditical light jut,
HAL - ]ins. kjuju . the cotton in North
- .Alabama; but thlcorti is good.
.." -- lN• Belfast, Mc... Milan Helen M. !Smith
Isjitioned beiself un Wednestiay.
, ..
ly Lensliburst, Vs., 1r is v named
hoilis dte•),troni • M make bio• last week.
. , iii•iiriMi , ll, Wisimnsin, is largely en
, • . wit in We 'rt e s ifactime of mid Swiss
c car, . • I
• ..I'CIE ' sizipix, I the machinery fora
1. g ,, , Bbt Mann Miry to Swit z Primal
' Wenk A • .
- EKENT •Fts E. iouiiand (lollop illVe
be r p primed orl repairs on the Nis
so 1 fitate House.
•'•'. mi'i l \ ere Hires/ eases df min stroke
'on Veda ay , in .Philadelpilis, only one -
of chirp peed filial. • .
'- o.lig TitimalSrti DOLL AIN ' scholarship
has peen etklablkshed in Amherst College
by - Mr- Heine . Cook.
1 ont=l.ll, Maio., has a wilier famine
and It Lail been made criminal to water
!Ure to or lawns there.
Ft. E inug•boato 'Mu ti be put in the
•Nlistsmri rivet; hunlediately, to clear that
• streaat of snags an 'logo.
Msili.ts.FLllY, one of the firemen in.
lured a the saga refinery in Philadel
phia; d ie d& Wedneadm.
li SOLDLER•OI the first Napoleon, eiglity•
• eight seats old was lareated in New York
thei other day for :vagrancy.
. .
Tut: nerle-elected 'Episcopal Bishop of
New Ettunpabire will not be consecrated
nntil tlio :late!' . September.
.NE..'W JEMMY has produced a toper Who
entered a complaint' against himself for
drake:mess and paid the fine.
It is now said that the lad Seward t,ict.
';'?) is practicing rowing at Auburn with
'a view.of challenging
. - .
' Wino' do you think preterablemhave
to walk a mile with a stitch in your side
or without a stitch on your hack , exchange says: "In the event of
the death of Lands \a loon the London
Tilace expect,. to run Fratce
HOBERT F.. LEO, vIo, like chief
"tontine. Cll.6Se Surols , tu In oliiiiiiitottn e is
at Long Brach among ether placrs.
010E . ..qui:ruin of a mile , jf San Francisco
ountalus twelve Clirintian,,cliurclies, threw
Jewish sygogovk anti our Chinese joss
- A BIItINZE. equeattian "statue of lienemi
fic,ott is to be erected in Franklin F.spiare.
Washington. Ilettry I H. Brown is. the
Svc 44.11.A:C1i wdoleaomills are mart.
lug up •on account of tl prospects of a
demand for their goritla Irving created kr
the war. • • 'l' ,-.'
til t
Ew .is - the a tf4t or, every bud,k's
an %hoe tt, in'. fact now ha.
Ilan glorious winter - .6ome the summer
of our disContentaw ,_ • ‘•
Tux. Phlladel Shia Ldiftr . wants the
City Treasurer %Imre to bei 'attacked and
to . to deposit . his balances to the
credit of the tar' " I
13030 r. infamous wretch, in Elkhart
county, Indiana, cut off the entire( twenty ,
three horses, in one neighborhood. on the
night of the 22d. ;
STOCKINGS have - beeu 'pronounced
against, and it will soon be considered bad
tone. to appear in the street with 'any.
thing but a sandal on the foot.
As' exchange hearing that the Chinere
have but one Sabbath to each voar. want s
to knoW whatAher do for soinething
break ut the end - of each week.
'nit farmers of.Caniden county, N..1.,
have organized an association for the pur.
.t pose of protecting themselves airftifisj
; amateur gunneti who tr,espaso upon and
do much damage to theirroperty. -
A LADY in Lynchburg, Vt.....Y0914,ha.
=Oen pair of stdckings last fifteen years
by merely..knitting feet to theme very
winter antrlegtruvery other winter.
A SAIr•XILL, belonging in IC W. Magill.
and twelve o• fifteen dwelling Louses
ivere -burned in:Cineinnatl Tuesday moin.
big Loge $84,009; iusurandelabout ,16,000.
ACCORDING to Senator Sprague, 12,000 ;
000 seta of epreets are n o :Tally imported
into the'tnited States. ft - recent enact
lactic, these will pay $5, .000 of reyeune
TUREL huwm s keletons were found by
.— etome bays In h clump of, hadltra, In Miami
'own:ay, Indianh,ai feu. days ago:, They
had, apparently) been there for more ?Lan
. .
14v Cuba:the Jaye of %lottery are nearly
numbered, 'and •-aa evidence, it LY elated
that an No.'l negro tiells'id-dnv for Mill+
than his value before the rebellion in the
ruited States. I_l 4.f , ,
. shoemaker's out ice coruparty were
asked their proteision. Says one of thew
practice the heel-ing art;' "and I,"
:says the - other, "labor for the good of
men's soles!" ' ' ..
fiAN FBASCi6CO Las . a workingmen's
party which is to swallow un the Repub
lican and Democratic parties 111 ; eallUy as
Moses' rod swallowed J r those of the
Egyptian magicians. l r..
Tug Cincinnatiaus ale, in despair over
-the *defeat of their red stockings:but
they do their best ,to apticir cheerful, and
. - accept u boat they may this, fearful and
crushing dispensation. -
Tnz murderer of Cul. David H. Rel, at
:Leavenworth, is supposed to be Johnlki.
Malone; but because he hasn't as yet been
caught it need net be supposed the au.
thoritiesclesign lotting M.Nalone - .
12' (Cetus as if bearable temperature
were abOut to begin, at least the nights
are lets torrid than they hive been, and
all the rain and lightning has reduced the
temperature to below or about nine t ty.
"IltE long dry spell in Frazee, is cer
tainly bad enough; but think of what the
conditiunnf the crops must be across the
Spanish border, Where th ei e*ve hail no
reign fomore 'titan a y Lou: Cour.
Tine in irons the Loniiville Cosner;
Journal-etc r 'lt is said that Anna Dickin
son and Olive Logan will lecture, next
winter in London. If they do, 'we, for
one, shall consider the Alabama claims
canceled:: -
A DRUZOLEN soldier in ,Detroii amused
himself one lint - day by cutting,ofildoga!
tails with a sickle. Flu Was ,kiocked
down just as ho had harvested hie ninety-.
fourth tail—that' of it three bundred dril
ler pointer.
A . MAN in Bondi Bend has invented a
perpetual motion machine with which lie
is going to'startle the World—just as soon
as,he overcomes one or Iwo Wiling little
difficulties which have turned up quite'
. .
Spatula. ouxl Xorthern celeb rated
their golden wedding In the same roam
in iho tame house where they were mar.
lira env years ago, "
..ten miles tram Naeb
ru le. groom is eighty, and the bride
eeventyyears old. ' '
Canal. Jurrxr. Caaaz arrived at in.
Paul. Mina., last week, In *yummy with
•hia daughter, and ex-Confederate General
John C. Breckinridge. • The whole party
took rooms and announced their' ntention
•of remaining some weeks.
1 •
Trig loss - by the Fad auger refinery
Are fn Phiedelphia amounted to about
• $900,000, atid•tho insurance amounted to'
about 4700p00, of title Philadelphia Call-
El!nte 6 but $90.000. We believe
Pittsburgh ectananies bee nothing: •
IT is bald that the Chief reason, wilt'
_Yanken carpet baggers are to detested In.
the South Is that they always bring with
them some musical instrument—generally
an acedrdeon—and exeruciate• finely upon
that ani the drums of their neighbors'
A IILINTER at Bay City. 3tieldgan.
timeafed hls hand with ink and grabbed
one of the spiritual hands that appeared
*rough, the aperture of the abluet. St
-the. Davenport Brothers' seance. Whein
the 'brothers cam e out one of them bore
the tnarka of the Ink on his hand,
Ohio widow who Lad missed her
lcusband and got married again in
lrojg .
4.. .. •
• ,
1V I
L jdit - I MI)
EsTABLISHtp p. 1786.
his absence. was gratified but astonished
to. - see him at thi• (intend of h er second
and weeping like n. tirst mourner. They
talked it all over afterwards, and ivil
-.eluded to Ilieght life again tog,ther. •
IN ci large laundry BC New Jersey two
hundred women earn er...a dollar mud a
half ti; throe tielltirs pt•r day! according to
their strength and skill. It . wits suggeet•
,s4to the proprietor of this •Inundry that
holt-unlit hire t hitunnen to do the work at
:kjciiits lair clay, gold, by th year, but he
refused. So says the New I irk Li tern...
1,01/0 men :tn. at Wdrk at t te Philadel.
phia 'Sass Yard and culditiontil .IWiistlisis.
riggers slid labOrcre are daily,4ging ear
plotted. The Brooklyn, a Steam jiropellor
of 12000 tens and 20 guns, tlll Iroquois. a
stbant propellor of 4 t0,5 tom; and 1.; - giln,r,
ail the Antietam, a steam propellor of
2,490 lons and 21 . guns, are being actively
pre -pared for sea. - . . .
iBC.ST(I: paper sass that Lllntore hia
bctit offered $:4.50,0 1 16 to tithe his 'great
international jubilee td Newt York. By
this it would seem that slit; Bostonians
have determined to try and I induce till
mdre,to lm flue insirunteht of their re,
Vellge ell Sew Yark, but that city is rich
and, can probably give him a' bigger pild
to stay is Boston. • • 1
,FitANh ~ TIIOILNE, onto is to achieve
faille on•the 13tlf of August at 4 ,o'clock
by. jumping from the nets StifilWll4oll Niagara, honored Buffalo by be.
lug \horn there about t‘Venty•five years'
ago. The jump' will be lUS feet ' Tile
highest Thorne has ever
~,t'A made being
ninety feet into the Allegheny river some
plan] up in the bil regions. , .
I'l..iE Philadelphia
r.Lee 1,./•\ save.'' :Soule,
, the journals
of the 'Birmingham of
America' spell the name of ,that city
' Pittsburgh; whilootherh drop the tinal
h, and print it !Pittsburg.' The question
arises, what is the,correct spelling of the
name of this important city i" lu reply
we have mile to state that thC legal cor
poration name is Pittsburgh,and we think
the hispatch is. the. only paper "'hid'
spells it otherwise -
TT:ft...WIZ:O,ot the - war maps, - so Milled,
:which . ntanv newspapers are 1101 , ' printing
and -which upper to be Chinese puzzles,
a- COLll . ValpOrary nave: . “ They are Acre
easily made. A pistol is first 'charged
with powder, then a small bottle of ink
placed on this charge, and fired against a
piece of box wood .t he block is then handed
to the artist, who chips away all the oar
fare not covered with ink—prialueing a
first class newspaper war map. - •
It - >t. Toast. killed H. Clay Robinson
in 'Livingston county, Ky., for making
imProper advance to his wife, of which
I\ l,
she informed her husband. Travis and
Rohinsofiliatt an in erview at which the
troubles were con idertl'd settled. This
wan on Friday. ,l. n „Saturday morning
Travis went to Rob sin's house, and, on
being informed that Robinson was out in
the tiel,d, - 11e went on .and shot him with
a Cows 1,,i4t0t. killing hint instantly.
A TEILITYISLE o , citeno4nt exists. at. MOO
womb, Warren county, \. Illinoid, over the
reported absconding of Fiore and Brow
ster.7 contractors. of tliu Rockford. Rock
Aland and St. Louis Railr&d, and a gen
eral riot is feared. liundr.Sis of laborers
and their families are suffering for tEr
twe,sities of life because of „ the . failure
Or sob -contractors to pay their wages, and
qtreataare mails of-tearing up the track
and doing other misehief. The:Vert:moil
has sent his Adjutant general- to. li t res.
tigate, and it ill roll out the militia if nec
essary. . .
Potozlikeepsie tells the fel.
lowing There 6.n - interesting 'divorce
case now before Judge Barnard at the
CoUrt House .The parties reside at'Fish
. kill, have beim married nearly; forty years
and have ten children. The . wife cues for
a bill of divorce on the ground of cruelty.
One piece 4 evidence states that one day :
!, white a company of fifteen persons were
af,"tlre ftTstie Ward of the ttnhaptv
!pair, the wife took ?firs of 1.n.n0.?
(tie plate and hurled theta one by 'on, at
the •gucsts, particularly managing to
strike the husband a "whopper."
THESE are trot if \.Y. Et/ niay . Pog:
elle utter!abience Of. anything like a
breeze in these, r
heatethivs has almost
putrUatop ro kittrgying in Wallstreet.
Cantewpold, us a. name, have a -remote
reference to the stirring up of lions with
the Iphg pole in arm:flaw:lie':
They .have n Chinese lawyer in San
Francisco who alivays knows every point
in a dew, aim & be always has his queue..
Smith Carolinians are raising figs with
great lint:C.:66. This is a better business,
they will find, than rsisiiig a rebellion.
It ally one desires to get out ail indict
ment against Newport there are--four
counts there now to begin with. `
Louis Napoleon's escape from Ham is
supposed the - lirst instance of sac.
:rea,ssful immunity from trachime.
Sonte*dpie who *mot , get. airay to
bathe in the surf at , Long Branch, cone
pensatel themselves: -With - mild drinks
enoughlto make their Leads swim. '
. . .
flow to scrupt, nu acquaintan ce —get
situactinii eat an ugHistuutin a Turkish Lath
• • A HAVS.N., LETTER of the glst gives the
fallowing account of the funeral of Nlrs
Bitgle,:of Philadelphia, wife of the Amer-,
limn Consul General at, Havana Men.
Biddle died en Monday, , morning, July 16.
at her residettoe in the iCerno, a suburb of
this city, of 'yellow fever, after a sicknesry .
of but'a week, and her funeral took place
the same afternoon. The flags ofAtie Con
sulate and American' vcshels in port. were
at half mast. British. Consul General
Dunlop read the . Epieceptil service"!tt the.
residence in an impressive manner, the
Consuls of different nations residing In
liavann being present, besides Capp
.rain General liodss, renresented In
an aid-de-camp Major Roberts, General
'lodes' political secretary; Mr. 'reraree'
Fernandez; the intendente, Shrum.
and many of the principal merchants of
Havana. A profusion of tropical dowers
covered the inetalie coffin enclosing the
corpse. A long procession of carriages
filled with mourners followed thii hearse
to'the cemetery, where the body Was de
posited in a niche. In accordance with
custom- no ladies were present. Mrs. Bid.;
:Ile learos four children under eight
years to mourn their irreparable- loss.
:ieldom does such an imposing cortege
accompany one to 'Camp° yitoto.iti this
city 1114 in this ease_ Mr. Biddle liar eel
low fever, but is recovering, and will
probably •return north Brno on leave of
A China m an'e Revenge.
: A tragical affair of %Too sung int this
month of the river, gives its another slew
of the Chinese officials and soldiery.
Through_some petty disturbance - in an
-opluth shoriltept by--soniefascirtatitifrffa=
two ladles, two men belonging to one of
the Chinese gunboats stational) there. were
sentenced by the mandarin In charge of
the fleet to an indefinite number of blows.
I which were duly inflicted. Smarting un
der the severe erratment. one of the vic
tims vowed vengeance. tie watched Ilis
opportunity, and in the middle of the fol
lowing day, when the mandarin - wee, ac
cording to his custom, locked in.the antra
of Morpheus, he stole into his cabin and
buried the fatal blade in his heart. Selz:
fog the' body in lain sans before an alarut
could. be given. be carried it on deck and
plunged, with it lute the muddy' waters of
the \Wittig poo, then running a strong ebb.
Tito tidal stream carried the bodies as far
as the -North Spit. when?! at low water,
they were found, the mandarin locked in
tins death grasp of' his assaitsin.—Sliang,
hat Cur. .. . Y. Tribune. is
~ Dr. Livingstone. ; •
'A ea elm story has been OrculMed in-
Detroit, lichigan, in reference to : the tin,
usually p itrued stay of Dr. ,
the .Africa' 4 plorer, in the . 'uteri,* of -
Africa. Dr. L ogetolie; It is a leged;was;
1 1
much againdt line Irish, persuaded *to'
marry a 'rude Mid blusterivg .ntitite:iirin
coo., who, with) her •father and mother.
prevent hie further prosecution of Wpm
graphical inveatigationii. This story was
received in a !emir written by a lady now
traveling in Syrial and who obtained the
information 'fr. ind Capt. Burton, ".Britisb
Consul at DrimasCus, Syria. Capt. Bur
ton says that this obstruction in Living
)stone'a path, ban until now been concealed
by his friends. Capt . Burton himself:. It is
stated, la married to the ihandsomeit wo
man an England, so that he cannot be ax..
cited. by envy in starting ' this story, and,
as he apeaka fourteen different languages
, fluently, his eapaiity for telling the truth
lis conslderahla. . . '
Two Weapous.
r❑l. £IEX f mrraktuni
The litruillenr, which is no vet marled
hi practical
,warfut,, is t'onsidered by the
French us the iili,ht IlehirUCtiVt• Illitithry
Wellloll klIOW11.• . Recently, three hundred
wretched lion'es, illresd ,- ,ondentited to
the I , oleax, were purchased at the rate of
boor, fiv, francs each. - :tad ranged ut a
cote.iderabk distance. 'Five mitraille&res
were brought to plat ,in them, and in
-three minutes lifter two discltargvs not
one of the and Mils riimained stamliag.
On a.secondocet .inn, live hundred horses
were brought iow at a singTe trial.
This formidable IA en] on is efinstructed as
follows: • • •
lt is a liglit : ;4,3 repent gun. AO at.t
ranged that its b hel., may be discharged
sitaultancousb, a c. nsecutively. The
:3.7 cartridges, in elide, f o r one charge,
are contained in u en all box. A steel
plate, with e 1,11,4 4:mdi g holes, i4:•placed
on the open box, i hid. is then feversed,
and the cartridgeti• falltßointii - ;foremosr
into their ri,pretive holes. \ They are pre
vented from falling' through by the rims
at their bases. The loaded plate is flea
introduced into the- breechslot,•and when
the breech. is closed bi a lever, a number
of steel pins, pre sea by spiral springs.
are only prevented front striking the ‘ , er
cession arrangement in the cartridges by
a plate in front of theta. NVhen this case'
is moved a handle. the 13trt
ridges are tired our h 5 one. •11 the pLit,
ae withdrawn - rapidly they Mih m - each
other to tialekl , that their discharge ie
but aimullaneous. The wvention
seems tore well adapted for use in Pets
Sr ether permanent places of liefonev Or
Atrenes, but its carriage and altillaglealeill
in the field would present mans - and hem
pt.rable obstacles to its general use
It is claimed by the Frew.ll that tlis
,is an improvement on the
Zuendnadelgeweltr, and. as loneas the Intl ,
ler served them as a thee are rr,
hable all right there : , •
Al! of 11,....1dt1e1l one heats. In.. ee.n. of
.reral inventions' quietly intro.
-iced by Piiinnia. :lad Am amongst them
gun which j eon ho fired twenty2tw,.
ores a initiate with ease, and said to be
alhd improvement ou blilt the Zuend
. delgeuvlir nod the ChaSsepL,t:- in om
..ctien with this they have u t impr,,ved
outgrew:A fei• carKyinettal mttrds of
The superiority , vi this new gun he
nueS at once self-evident,. inasmuch no
Ile_prrsent. needle.gun cai•,unly he fiord
about ten or twefti times It Euitmtv and
voldier rnrrio. only sixty round-. .d not
It i.s,thereforq;;lxt !cast twice nn etfectivr
their present iityle oT needle guu, un.l
considerable number of them Intel: al
ady been tuanufactir d and aro ready
be distributed aincitui the-army. An
tler new invention of which the• Prit
ails arctic to think touch is a kind of
•aey ■nd c,..rv- large ride with
eel barrel toi;r and a half feerlong. and
mounted oil two light wheel., very much
liken piece of artillerit - .,
It in finu..teid the Nenil or fall
ride, probasl± becnitei , n similiar verT
heavy and long rifle had been in nee during
nli and turrets of rustle.. end other
olifications. ;This tall rifle has loin
i,triboted extensive y among" the , to ,
ntry, every hotalicrt of it bleb not% .. IL.
number of theta It ie aimed tool tired
II to e roblirr Litteteltiter he - hititt ir,.aall
'chitty" tho recoil, it': order to I,l"thly the
uz, Lr meatus of a padded cushion, or
;cid!k•. The distance at which this tire
1111 iti Izreat, the name an
la: of . the heaviest artillery. It shouts
'lth great precision] and' seem,' to lie
-o r ' , oracularly , l' l stined ° to he nsrd
LIIIIISt die s artillery, for the
filling •.1 the nob etterying the gill,. their
eeiretes, rt.' theteilelee.teet ef eetneerleteeoe
t eats eeitleough et nleto lee ee
not infantry. and . e:tvitify. 111. pp.
ciile twv trial a 1..:1 of
st.lron, hollow . , - and 1111,1 h
yfhlr exnlobi ce ,ulistaiir. It t•xphalan
wo cr.; Only Whit it atrikora with ita
int, which 1, furnialictl witli a .lightly
ojixting knob prr...aing tt m+ll.• hitt,
alarge, and tblk ,1111 Sing"
What the- , 'Secirt •Creify• 9
tFrwil cho rtitradelphiril,ml . ,4.l'
Icier rmi { Itrit
ov, tit, ,011,
.-ruing the "Secret Treaty."as the teem.-
I mistime ._f the ;.:•otivereatione the
tom& on the one side. and Napoleitit and
Reeetletti on the other. ie eaIROS. It is a
rotetwal of the slam produced 'by the
-alwirption" of the Netherlandti by Fruit,
in 1795. The greet crime of the, Freitoli
Revolution in the •-yee of Pitt was- iott. sm
uitielp the creation of n republic to -over-
IlliOlr . the pnlitiotl spiel. of Earner, es
she inecirporatiOu of the Netherlaiain with
:France. 'this acquisition gave in: the
mortal enemy of England net only a fey
•Mie anti. wealthy. province, but n district
rich in Mentifeeterleg resottroes anti in
dustries. It gave that enemy centred of
the mouths of the Schelde, the Meuse,
met the Rhine. rivers commending the
eentmerce of the North. : It gave her sea.
peps of great. importance, the thief
et the lint being ..IMwern; and Snail;
it' extended the maritime , frontier of
France, no no in cover and threaten the
English coast, .of Eases. Suffolk
and Norfolk, .which were compare
, lively defenceless ' Further, if thin ab _
sorption eleitild extend to the Texel, the
English coast would be largely ens:om
en...ea by a hostile shore.. Ties danger
from This annesatien of Ilelgium to France
:Tr tiro days of the Revolution was so fore
utidable, that Pitt overlooked his 'hatred
Ti the Republid, and his refugel to recog '
elle it, by sending-le el Malneihury on an
extraordinary mission to France, in IEIO,
to 'negotiate' for the restonetion of the
Netherlands, and was willing. that both
England and her altjes should make "com
pensations," by giviegirp part of their an.
q eleitions to Inilintllpililll a point he had so
much at heart, en() which he held -to be of
encl. vital import mice to his cou try. The
French Directory, perfectly u are of the
ottuse'of his alarm, and an well aware of
the great advantage of the N, therlands.
and the Rhine frontier to Fraiiii, amused
lord Malmebury for a while bet ietenirig
to hie propositions, and then he I on to
the Netherlande—and France c intieued
to hold the country es long at :II . could
maintain her ground by force,of rfiri.
It in this 1.111.1 spectre of France in pee.
sesesiou-sit-thst-tiopeetant dine Of entlill.
that rich manufacturing' kiegdin . (hi)
mouths of those commercial rivers!, ad.,
alarming to the younger' Pitt, which is',
again conjured up by the - pUblication •of
the Sketch of the. propound or - alleged
heels: of a "ttecret 'treaty.".. No , wonder
there' is excitement in. England, end
catechising of the Minietry in Parliament,
(the Premier answering' with "pallid
lips") and fierce demands 4r - explanations
in the newspaper. Presses • may. "absorb
ilauover, ind ex tinguish minor. States by
the &mai; Austria and. Prussia. onnibined
may trample down gllant little Denmark;
but for Franco to "rectify her frontier"
by absorbing Belgiutn—why that is quite
another thiug. : England ino4s,upon that '
with quite it different eye -Death. com
placent 'regard with which she tontem
plated the threatened disinimilatrinma of
the Unij ' ed - States. ( -
• We may . Aare Eurriend'oe aversion td
this threat to extinguish the mitionulite
of Belgium without nympaibleing wait
her motives,' With her it la .simply self:
interest; with us it should be reluetano
to one an industrions, 'peaceable, worthy : ,
people deprived of their independence by:
an ambitious ileilxiwerful neighbor., \Nes'
have no doubt that the cowoolidatien of
Of the French Emperor, neutral or pee
neutral 'a.. Belgintu may be. It is the' ,
cherished faith of France that :her froetiett
should he nearly 'imincident with the
frontier of ancient Daub It basb.eq tirade
No on the south by the annexation of Nice
and Barmy, and neither her people tier . tVet
-present dynasty will 'ever rest contented
until it be marls no on the northeast'', It
is a maxim In France that the frontieri r of
the Rhine must become a part of the In
ternational law of Europe, bemuse. es
SOW° of her,public men assert, thM bond
dart' evhfcb was here in 'lia "Celtic anii,
Roman day. .teas traced by the head e
Providence. .
11 r A 1 i\EItT,
Filo 'EURO], E.
Slit;ht 'Eugagement 7 French
pulse—Enthusiastic Reception
Napoleon at Metz—His Proclama
tion to the Army—French-squadron
iu the Baltic—England Profasses
Nett t milts . . But Furnishes I the .
French Ifilthe4rtridges,to
ter Germans-11w Prussian , 7as
,ing and the French got Ina.
piryt.l7mtph to the Pittsburgh Gittettc.i,
A 1.11,ht . Eswagetnent—Fre;ach Rawl
!1m0... - . July iliitarhinent of French
I Ivor, touidato: el three numpapies of itt-
Lintry and eighty horsemen, nttarked half
.e:atnent of.Prusidan Infantry at Volkllngiin.
flit were repulsnd with n lots
i.f.ono °nicer ism' eight men. One Pianist:in
tVai wounded. Volklitirrii Is ntioitt
Iwo miltw Item Saarbrucken.
Elohollostle Reception of Not...lron out Motr.
Nltit. or Tot MOULL s .E. Jul)
- The Emperor Napoleon arrived here last
eveoleg by a special train from st. Ciond, lie
greeted upon Ills arils al by a deputation
of fiqueials of do, etatiuued here, iced
Cu to hle headquarters seas
entbuslastically lei:eland by alio troops with
ec,f,..••,. uther detnon
The fon e sl I, the llrtlxmatkon of the
Emperor to the rim OH 3%51 ming C..1111 , 11.1d
111 eer.oh
sold en , . I come to take my place
roar head. To defend the honor nod 'aountryi You go to tom
hat against una nil the • best armed
of • Ens °perm countries; but other coun
tries W 1 Mutat as they have not been able to
rresist your valor. It will he the saint, twalay•
rhe war which now commences will be lung
and hotly contested. Jur- its theatres
ill he
Owen hedged with utietructlous find thick.
wiha • Confesses. but nothing' Is beyond
ri•eseteritiff efforts. Soldiers of Afri•
cis. :Italy, • and Mexico. you will prove
inmel• inure what a French unity i 4
a'sle to aesaimpti4n.. cemented by sentiment
air duty, et:tint:deed by illsrlpilue. and influ
enced by love of country. Whatever road wr.
map take aortas our truntiym. we will find
anion thnglorious tritees of oar fathers. and
c• - sr ill show , ourselven w o rthy of them. an
h'rance follows you with pledges. end t he eyes
of the universe are mien you. Upon oar sue
depeno e the fate of liberty and civiliza
tion. :soldiers. let each one do his duly, and
the Gott of battiest - will tie with its.
fieneral Headipoirters.
Prince Nideleun; who has errised at Met z.
has attniejaed to the stair of Napoleon,
with an luilepelpient command.
French eiatindron• In the Battle.
Ii tunt'itb. .T.—The French squadron
At:sum-ft for opertatoos nu the northern cou.t
.Itrug%ia. entered the 11.titic SI, no
as - night.
. Ner• from
n„i,,.., Joy 2 1 ;.._cotint Ilitittarek ha: ills
:garbed to tile English GOVVI2IIIIVIIt the . text
•.1 the offered* of France, In itelti. to join
l' le wnererninet Austria, in ret urn
tee Ihe ce.sit‘n , to her. ht . Prtt.sta. of the
distmrt Ii Mc beistecn [be ithtne and Nlueelle
The •Primitatt Goeernthent Mtn Atom declined
111 I.llo‘r fottirryntilltnry ontcent at its army
The .Vorlii Grrydo Go:/fir ii lye of English
•Mmtrallty: : England supplies Fiance with
eurtrtdata alth which to 'daughter Germans.
.• Thelon.. of the Prussian bred Is; ne of dia
6 4,.,..--
sat isfurtl• in 'with the ne t rata. o England,
niel the i,litly of t In ter Government 01
abstinence from in rferr ce in the Continen
tdritorratlons • se" role rs•rrobtdie•i ns
rednc err!! odli rrd,,
- rrhs.ine• 11...1ng Nen', toldentr S , retirt,
. ,]trditig from Melt.
Juir -The Prusnians itre
Out toward Neuwied. about eight
ooles Mon Mir city. The concentration of
. il,llri In th:it nuarter und'lhe vitielty ut
thd lint rt. of Ehretribrultennteln Is great.
and the Divlnitihr try held In
march to the north or south. large both.
French troops am leaving they mu at
Met, taking n northeaster/y direction. Thin
opt note ',want the defence, Jo SA-
Wheistmitrla in Doing.
29.—The Atewriatt 1,0. ern
ttwet ha. at
tt,wtvered the National hank to
.scat LUISv 111.311Tnretge haunts to the extent
or thirty milllhn• tut • Mart of the earth retteree
''''l'haerfllunt.g".dtrrttr'lltrgtiA9L"; ottetditteetLhed
the Lower tit use toted largest htlht, appm
pliattn,e a sup deetentaiT credit to the %Car
1 111 13 D elt i trt . t e nTelt i t ' re ' :eTer:, b , 1 ,7, - V n ;
ed time.
Inspatehue.frani Perth announce that Count
%11'1r1../' Oetqhley ...heed the 'Piet that In
an circumstance+ Hungary will act with Aus
i, '
• Peace Kunsan t L00d0u.... • ' ..
• WNWY.4I.Oy 2e.--tit _ remora Of succesi.
ffil negotiations between 'Gird Lyons and
Duke tic CI raniniont at Paris, scherebr the
preset-sal wan
on of :e is assured. ore - again
ai circulation to-clay. but are not generally
cloilited. ' . •
—Vie {nal. - 14 the Exchange contiljur., file
worn !Attack ire announced u.-ans.
The rollite nays' the drain ot gold - 1 - 4 ssll,eld
lug. Thu, nunnon now tm the wav here
(non Wee turiCwill.mms long *toy to tout:-
tenet th?ntientr pf!prtgdurg hytho runes
meet. L. . •
The French papers are Inrioue at the re
,triettout placirl en was new,
.by ()oven,
E.Eu`.u4 Toass•Ttilers
. , . .
The Eurnress. on returning tram St. Cloud,
touted )t. (tiers, underwhoge adlnlnlAtrt..
rn the fortincationer nf harni were con
..fronted. whereby. France le enabled
v. send erne hundred thousand workmen to
the Bold then the otherwise could.
Cable Teleinums.
• .`• ; UtiEAT URI rum,
4 ,11111:A RV -.l3nrasu PARLJAAILNT -111 CALL.
II vu..N. 304‘.• 29.--Itev. Henry Grlifill WU-
I la ni•cAralliciProf es,aii• of Emmsnael C. liege,
C.ribridge, .I(ad there Testerday.
Isitiliatututt -adjourn on rho 11th of
Atgta.t. •I.
. ,
The MAY, b rio
w an Reticle. on the recall Of-Mr.
31odev. The •riter 43711, Fickleness Is the
repravh of rtfatblics. Muller has - been here
'wolye , ars, long enough to be endeared to ev
cry EICANIIII:Lil. and now is re .alled. Motley
is 1 einefted..nOt particularly because he',ls an
Ain. nem. Louts., a inert. ft Is it matter of con.
got latrt,n Ott lila recall, however unworthy
the 1 laity, gives him back to literature. •
wragcv . OinertAL . COlssmtgzsCE.
to the Igslei an GenerniContertnce, to-day.
ilk lino Sigiose , of the) United Sluice, ' pre
tented eredenti la From 'the American Con
ference. and made en address, giving an
of the condition nail prospects of the
Ileoulluatipo in his country.
AssiA COIL stOtrAiT DEA C. , . , •
e Atheneum announces thndenth of Anna
T i
.170 Mowatf, the distinguished/ American au
thoress and netreelli and eulogizes her talents
and l easer. . '
Pints, Jolt . 2a.—The cable connecting
Prance with Algiers • as been- auccesaftaly
• Further reotorc ore i circulation that the
Catholics of Allot= win einbrace Protestant
ism uclesc the ',doctrine of Papal Infallibility
I. coi siderably, qualified.
l , •
. it alllNg Ncion.
. .
Logi..lh. Jail, 29.—Tts
r ateamsbipe Ilremen
and Ilaltlinons.racentlya lead ht Southamp
ton. will dlseharge their c. argoes there. and
will not attempt toyeseh Bremen at present.
Owing to detentibu in the •Irisb Channel.
.LondOn paSsenVrs ultimate" parcels Intended
to •go'forward g the Idaho were lett behind
ot Queenstown. and will \be .,
forwarded by the
1 0 12iaACIAlti . 1 \D(X13181611CIAL.: L'
Los;nosi, Job 20, EmuMg.—Console : for
moiler 130.11:. American securities" steady; %We.
,;;;A: ; !urn, 82; WI. - Ten-Forties: 80. Erles
laic Illinois ltd; ' firma Western 22. Stocks
steady, • .
Livertroof.; July . 9 .- Cotton : sales for the
week 51J100.1sites: stook 5110400 bales; amount
lit sea for Lleerfmol 4111,tU1l bales; market to.
day, gat and :irregular; sales ofBAJO bales.:
'iYhtnt‘..lterglsits during gut II days:l2,Boo
danr,e, 10,000 quarters oSs•1610h-wero Amert.
elm; California .whito 11.41, red western
I winter los•,61010.. Wetter') flour :Xs.
Corn—No 2 mixed als. Clot. ZB ad. Burley he.
Cents 09s adagio. Pork lag. ThM . on-Laile for
Camherinnil Ms for short rib. Tallow Pm
Pd 2 Sperm GP Nis. Sugar. Arm at 3I 31st Pd.
Llielred petroleum sealer at 10a 2 d46lge
;Whale all 375.
Lognou..Tulyte).--An advance In rate of In
lervilt at bank toy per rent. was a precaution.
an' measure rather Shen. proof of an actual
110arelty of money. Thirty failures have oc
cured nt toe Stock Exchange daring the war
DWG. The depression In the Liverpool mar
ket is stfirvery great. I
PAWLS. July 23, ..ErellInglionree closed
Orm: relates Wlf. Toe Journal pffital denies
the rumor that the Slack of PraUce staked Per
-roiselon ,to sforwrid specie payments tem,-
pornrily.- - •
ttmvanr, July 2 la — Petroleunt Wined dull
nod STI.. Cotton closed at Wu' on
1 Ity Telerrapb to the Pittsburgh Gazette-: ~
g t
..r; me - Vont:. I,lly 2 . 0. lnr.
.t...qOCtATED PrIEIN ARRA. !. - VENT,.
• .1. W. Simonton'. Cien!rral,.% et of the .1...0•
elated Press. while in Enrol e closed a eon-
I mot for Its,e year,: alliance lc ith the Renter
Telegraph Company. Continine el ''felegrapl
company of Berlin Joel the Bava, 'hillier I
.leehey of Peril. whleli plaeeo :tt the disposiil
or the irelll , of t he_ ruited States all the or
oonizotiono of any importance for the roll. : , - t.
F I. tli el' It, IV F to the old world. .
Mar:earn Nat promlneirt broker iii
Neri. Verb. W:l5 100riitrCli by burglar. at Mk
restdenee Thomday night. Thu house was_
room. mitered in. the malaise rit robbery, and •t sure
in Mr. Nathan's was forced open Arid
imber of bonds stolen. The instrument used
to mound! the murder acme a an. and the
ruggle must have orrillr. n ,
There were
et ideally a number of pemons engaged in the .
dell. Suspicion rest, Liu 'lumber of worl4-
reek who were engaged lately in repairing Chi.
lhon4e. Mr. Nathan was President of thh
Mount Stunt FlospitaLand was a very prom I.
nentl and wealthy. citizen. The Stock to- •
change, of which Mr. Satins. was a Member.
°rims ten thousand dollars reward for the ap
prehension of the murderer. '
The murder of Mr. Nathan has crytted :tit
t•SeitCll.ll. 111111 v. e7nai 111 that t he-
Iturviell tragedy. The•seene of the ninnUer is
ll elegant brown stone stelon near Filth ,
avenue. The •hentl of dece nit lised was roveree
with wounds, the fare discolored Itud -, 73,111en.
sight shim saturated with blood ncd In and:
legs I,lllvarrti with it. The dour and wall weie
also covered with Idoed. as though there had ,
been n desperate struggle. The hoe, .s.f.":
-.1 engem of the right hand were ftwetired. es
if lie had clutched theansasitt.:lllli 60,11 strait
to ineke him loten his•jafild. The ,w tamas
number nine. and thin .Iu all parts was
completely en:WU:red. ..No Leon lll3de, in there the slightest • eltte t lit
perpetrators. It Is generally lichened . tibit ,
robbery only - was Intended, but being ills
tcovered by kr. Nathan the robbers beat Lim
odeath. It is behest.' the_ murders, eon
crated thetuselvei iu the house yerterdny, as
all the Items and. winttete, icon ,rOll,ll
ebet N the front. door. by which they' escaped.
Mr.athan Is uncierst omi to be Wrth t
million dollars. Acoroners o
iory was im
pauttelled ter the Inuttests
' I 'onsul ()unroll Biddle, of 111, Onn. Anti COI,
snl Cliaut:e. of Nvinsait. arrived on Oh slot.•
C.ingreistnatt w Clevel.ind vol family ere
thrown from cnrriagv Morrhittovn, N. J..
riot evening. All were injured. bid 1:011t,
riously. • .
Lady. Franklin arrived yesterday, ,it tiler,
ideareor limner Uri:melt.
VASLIT RASE roll Tilt , e2t...t,s s sty.
The Korat yucca met jar the Queona cup.
held - by the ..% auerica, to Itteafa for Anal.
nth. It iv reported the fnonuu•. 1.141 ',rad
)Ibrta will he put In train ant1,0;44. etheyare.
Menvtarev will be taken for irie relief - of the
lutuflteatot tbetnen irunhed overboard trona
the battudletts. Mr. Ashltury saltnine, Na In
tention of 0414 a . puree.
The fiernmn !hip Ethd Efekindaa. :dui the
barks Kalan and birene..kradlan_ for Antnerp.
bare. under an old low Of the ratted Stern,
ta4rn out sea fetter, td udder the Antert
ed. ;Inc. Other NvpuelY "trued partially by
;he Germans here are expertml to puraue the
;tame cuurae.
Tbei'siditunilruirtur h.a (*salt. 9 awael,. ol
the Dauntless, has disappeare......d .s that
is bettered to hate lost palsy. on tne race,
and conanated suleide. The eiunirretit , o
tradistx the story. and saes t I 'aptain tr
town In good health.
bout fifty to bevolty-141% 44 applicut 1005:4444 , c
been mallet to the German 4'4441.41 for lance
444 return to Germany. • • •
MICAIICIN A 101.1 , 1,1, • •
The ,textners rnion nal Augt hurl• nr
from Europe.
I 8) Tri.ttlnol to Pitt eburgh Glizety..)
)sittsaTT.N. July I..Pt
, et.ll 7kiPpkrc.ttltel , have bleu a , atlc La t he
Comotrollef of thwroney under the new !kw
fin rptra, fro, bloke. Prot,
nhly fl.r. t 1 ,.• Iwo' bank .ituhllshcol will he
of that ilescrtpttow.
IiON DA T. E 1.1,7 • •
:secretary thriutirch tr“, •••.ta,red Lb, .k.
Ott , tcticin of 1nikA11.1449• of rnlti , ! `qui,
herelilfore f“r Amt.
-inking . food,. 113 clinforthiti with Ibe eittb
i.iet ion of tip. .leit for ft:ll•litig 11•• Nati , tl
..t.t.,t1,111, ;1111.1,11
, -5 5,1; , 441." , , th. finhiont. •
The reveziot..,l int;qll3l fiti, 1. , Jul) .
/Ire f2.8•J1M.1.
The Itld Item Emit-Client- Bodies of
' Mine/. 01.esstere.11. •
1:/I July _d.— The put.-
11.1te. 0 letter hh-day frottli: niendter of the
lily Horn cipi,lition. near Gray Bull River
July Ih. ilvt_llundrkl miles from Chet"-
mir. The left. n ays they
I 1,, re , crvNtioll; ter Ott the; lot end dela. so.
All are well and they are Jo s t commencing t o
Zr. e lV, M. 1 . 111,. ilas /hel ref nrred
froor Lear it
cr. mines reoort log t
lent i.. of three owe, Ity I tis
tltonit In the .Notth,. f•arl.... I 1.911
n,. egwer!
Franktn iy
the eettl_ed of thein
formed that the rtrs ore 3,l , l•Mtible fee these
Intl EF TEL El; R A.M S
Grant %kited Nev. VOrk yFtster.
dal:and retort - m.l to Long lir,ch.
-Prtaddrnt. 44rant hn.'• b4,‘ Inched hr
nu nbor fit Imminent tit losr. In vi,it ralilor_
The rrieh Republican.. ot New - Volk. Lon
template uoitkinat:ng Greek., • for
,ioverpor. • •
—Jiunen Elrewsten. Grand Cuttintaudat
Chill of the firstid etatisibtury ,t,Atiorylszird.
led yesterdny nt Daltituure. ' • '
--At St. ',lulu. yesterday:\ .11r.. Schwen.
itenar was In it third attempt at
She jumped. Into thu river.
„ •
tolnerg generally
—The report that Adinlrnl-Farrnirot was IV•
ithe""4lolnVilt Me in 111
et eicel
lent health,_
'--The tit'L . l.coui. Huard of lirslth has °flier
cd .a crusade :tgailust the dogs and unthuuled
curs and dogs of all degrees are being turret•
I resin. slaughtered.
mue 61.0 Mi% mu over by% car
riage un Illroadtrarf dery York. Thurfillny. and
had 'ttoo . rilla broken. Ili, Injury II not eon
stderell flatworm..
--A Ore! bn,ke out sextenlay inorulog in
Mlles Greenwood'sextettsise foundry nod
mach Ina shop. in Cluelttatt, a:ta t ting n loss ~r
about $10,000; rally losared:
—At Cleveland, yesterday, a flue rime of
base hall wax played Itr the 3tutuals, or Neu.
York, end the Forest • Qty clubs—the latter
scoring toren and the ranker Ore.
--The National Execuliv•Xummittee at the
ttOlon League held .01,1011 at L-ng Branch
eitterdar. A resolution was attained recut,.
moodier au election Jo Texas thin fall.
—At Richinond..Va.,Judge Golgon hp give n
otlackirin ..rdering a moll election for city or-
Item In Ntirember, and Mac deciding tbat.tha
city offices are nose 'vacant and to be tilled by;
niipointinern. e t the Coact.
—A young woman named Melissa lilyeArag
stripped naked and, tarred nod feathered at ,
Courtlnndville, N. Y.. Thursday night. by a
Party of young men, for Intimacy with a Mr.
Moore, whose wife recently Went. crazy and
drowned herself.
—The Fenian% and Brow n. arraigned
for trial nt•Windsor, Vt.. yesterday,pleaded
guilty and will besentenced to-day.. The hail
of McGuinness 'and Muncalun. was declared
forfeited. The trial of 'Murphy has been post
poned till October:'
—The trotted States Quartermaster Gene ml
having declined to pay chime accrued July 1.
let, 11171). .the question tetr referred to the At
torney General, who has given in opinion that
all unexpended balances name be covered Into.
Il h n e ti t l r =ll7. , l ' Og n gill e t= bg a a 4 r l 4:r be Feld
I the Port itoyal RadrOad. in the
eu'aumpanded. the laborer* seri
.. wwa. of contractor refusing.
1. Over too hundred Isboron
nta. On., from South Carolina.
--Work onl
South, has bi
king in cons,
to nay the,'
reached Ath
In vary destitute circumstances
g.for bread. lintlonn were sup
ollicers el Oa road.
no Thursdn)
and clamor
. plied them
[By Telegra
TelegraGeneral Su
ph. r
hit Call
rest 15 edneb
Mac office a
Press news.
Atlantic an I
ago nt•t t
of Chicago.
success that
them their o
the matter or
Colon onlre,
and succeed.
of the Attend
crated an
arre ted and
t I
h tdPlttnburgit riazette.]
uly 29.—Oetteral Anion htager,.
rintendent,of the Western I:rumo
r celved word thin morning from
!, agent of the detention and nr
,layrtight. at barrancas, of VBO
manager of the AU:W.l6llnd Pa.
that city, fur stealing Associnted
Since the commencement of the
ent In Europe operntors• of the
recite , telegraph lines and
e American Preen Association
astrloun in stealing cable nowe
att points. but especially se west
This has been done *ith so much
oppoon Journal. accused the
, r.aa i.„„mur ße o l f pg .s . t . t ag from
1 31.'?.`gmb,„:„i tte"Vl.„`7,
ndertook to work, the hang up,
~, well as to detect the agent
and Pacific in the nekag above
v u ik el th a r g .tralt Immediately
. t ill he madc'en example of.
flehtgan Legislature.
to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
y9.—le the Michigan tegisla
a business or
!rood questionimportance hi beforesons
.qa committees of the two
eh it wee referred. and they
er hearing arguments and sup
understood that the chairmen
which t7re,,,nta.f;Pi;ne
[Lip Telegrol h
DirnOtT. Ju ,
tore tn-day
dune. The
the Joint sp
Hoopoe to wb
were s 111 turt
Itestlons. It
of the two c /1'
dntning up nj
submitted t.
:~.. t , .....: ~:1',
100 V R O'CLOCK.
General Movement of
the Prussian Forces,
Fuom NETz.
Probabl ilia ii .Throuh
Riwiaisli . Bavaria
Lanzuage Consqued' as
a 1 'Heal
One 111.1usand Thaler. Reward fur 111
• jraiilrtir.
Popular t. i
eellng n England-French
. .k,snranee Ohiljrnsled--Britain Muhl
AO for 11.;Neli--Nen - sp;Ter Corres
pondents Artns_led as
mot .Eorage, Si•iiree
Onerous Itegalsilions the Sol
Tcle4 nrKtu the Pitt.Cburith thWxt:
skirmishing flat no Battle Vet. ,
risons - Jilly in II rt. sc.-From'. the seaf of
sear the latest reports are that skiriolstlng Is
going on be min the outpost.; het not 'even
3 router of 0 battle I, received.. •
French Fleet •T topennetten -('e•alr)
• s &nee O'er the Frontier. . •
- bosuns, Jule 23.. Mitinight.:.The trench
fleet arrived at Copenitegen.
The French cavalry pasted the frontier at
Pert. but soon returned.
Peace Efforts Pootroned Till titer Battle.
Tte Paris cerrensindent Nor.
1139,a/111Y 01:11.113111919 the react/ rester, ho
gave yelterday. VI! here! ore postponed
oath after battle.
General Movement of the Prussian Ewen,
llzitus; .luly A general nun etnent of
the Preen!. forces In !emir or the trench line
bar. commenced. 'and. It - evident elm:lslet
t , l•eration. are wear at hand. Incept are mitt
to VI 'venire fr,in all directions.
Eintiond Miter], romplettieJ or.
eticiand*s violation of 119111.rnlity. in supply
ing articles conteatand 'tar tv Frence, is
bitterly complained of • ' •
Greet Eicitement at Melt-French Hurrying
• Er Operation
Nlerz. Jule 2 . .t.-Grstat tzei Anent prevails.
The 11,91 that the • Prussia .. me. moving
eisnest a general hurrying It, want of French
eremite:is. 'there laltltlo •den tit the main
body will :trine through Rhenish Bavaria and
:in mit suttee( Pentode!ns on tile lelt. Is expects
• ml. The French will pay le gold for ever)
I Mug t hey take in the enemy's country. The
PrieedenGovernment has supertstsed a large
number Of Yournels.
F.:vehement in. Erislitild- Government Action
Adverse to Popular . Sentiment.
Lute: 'Kiss JulY•la-:The. popular excitement
:rat the course of the British Government in
t Ice itresent War 19 very great. The people
-wool notice given to France that England
teem. with grief and displeasure intrigues
evidently hosing fur their ahn the .violation
of the independence of lielgium. mei will. opt
imsw with their whole strength any attempt
I. extend French power • vu the Xlinthrent
before or after the war. The British Govern
ment. un the other bendsdeltile yontlehaning
France for 'breaking the peace,. dome her
eyes to the large ourchases or muse and am:
mend tom made In Europe for the French arm,
Ilistnarch Donee, the Delilah Lam. -
The Poet. In a double-lemled leader. avrtly
comments on linutiarckht language hi his or
gam the Brit h 4.;m0l E., in regard to the alleged
vittletionrA neutrality. And alto it a direct
teat Limiest England. It add. that Pres
i.jan boasting. stones and .lien. will before
long be correctly estimated. It does not be-.
neve France cdvets , Belgintm_aud declarer.
Englend will remain fairly neutral is long as
Pruttla withholds he:. henna .from tteutral.
An Intrigue tlinetally Miele/4; F.
LONDON.. July 2e.-Fount lieretioff:- Prus
sian Ambistsador to Englerid, to-day metres
Itublie tile statentent.that France; In ISA of
fered to lewd Prussia Itiklareilmen to uteagalnst
AustrLs. If Prtaslit would surrender to France
the territory be ween thelthine and Moselle.
The rejection - of this proposition by Protein
awolth the EtUnimor's sympathy wltli Austria.
• • hatred -of England. •
Gerntan-LPresS continue bitter; attacks
on England - . If - their deelaratiOnti can be
trusted. this country has tonight tier neutral
ity et Germany at-the noel of German hate.
• The Scree* Treaty Again.
'Earl Granville. In the Lurtio ttsnight. admit
ted that he land erect remit dispetch containing
a copy of
but the had
teary published in the
Tinto,. lie had assurances of the French
Amhara:pier that the proposal Originated In
limit, and was . deellued by France.
In the Cf. 1111110911 Mr. Stapleton gm. notice
of the question - whether England wan net ually
supplying coal to the French fleet.
LoSDON. July: 9p.-Marquis Lnveliette'e as
surances to Earl,Ornusille. In reply to Bis
marck's dispatch, stern recent etl in Parlla-•
merit with generaldtstrunt. There is no
doubt whatever that Monday', debate in the
Commons "will reveal England In the attitude
of resolutes.hostility to design, from every
'puter affecting Belgium: The Government's
adle). of caution cannot be maintained numb
.Tnger without being regarded ns
heir supporters will compel-straightforward.
deciarnt inns.
The DailuNctessaYa there still be no long&
uppoeition, art a unauintotill Parliament wlit re
cognize but one-party. that of the country.
Without dletrusting - the good, ‘elii either of
.1. - _nett or Prussia, It does nut du to depend
flu either. England must depend on herself.
French Omens Reports from the Army. s.
PArtle. July- teli?Errnfilfl.-The followleg
of reports from the anny are published
The Prussian troops - are , making oneruui
.requisitious oti...the 'country they occupy.
They takohorneebf farmer*, cod down , frees
191111 Mantle standing crops.
During a thinelemtorm the head quarters Of
the division of General' Lorence was struck
by lightning 011.1 three °Slicers Injured.
All theprisoners so far' itken have been
sent to Orleans, 'where necOmmodatlOne are
A Fah* Repoli
LONDOK, July 29.—A report of Atte violation
of thelusemboure territory wits an 'absurd
e.a/ficeration. A French corporal crossed the
river from Werra, with some fellow soldiers.
iu search of tobaceo. Their appearance gave
rise to a report of invasion.
. Fiewani for the IMlltralllear.
• _
The Yritasian Government ogees • reward of
five thousand thalers to.the first soldier who
capturea a Ultrailleur. •
' • French: Paper Allonei.
In !Mancini circles here tho' project fora
forced circulation of paper money In France
tee condemned as oquivalent if adopted. to
Nationl bankruptcy.
England` Quietly, Eel Aethely, Preparing.
LSPoN. British Government
is quietly. but ac ti vely preparing to Meet any
emergency. .3.ll:thei dock pants' argiarliegoda
aro Luso day and night. Supplementary esti
mates fer :mew and navy um expected.
-Hell , sod Preore. -.• •.
The story Ix rchisitted that. Ptnnee promisee
Way slat• millionlivres for her :fidelity, be
side,' the eyounotlmrof Rome.' ... ' •
- .
Nesripaper Correspondent* Arrested as lilpkv.
. _
Earns. July - Z.—At 3lets to-dity several
newspaper correspondent', molt of thew
American and English. were arrested as spies.
They were liberated. however. but warned:to
keep away from the army lo future. •
' Pr:tsetse Advice Itrifelitines. • •
UMW. July 2g.—The Berlin Correspondence.
semi-olliolal. says Belgium bat been enlighten
ef by the publication as to the greed of France
end her own Interest:. If Germany is con
quered by France, Belgium is Ist. Belgium
is In position
thenblifealeon LO pursue
settbrint result RP beglln withollt motive.
If she la flrte..ficrmOriV will Preieet'llelgloo
French Organisation* for Local defrost,
Pants. July Jourriqd Colleftl con- .
Rllll lhw. pofowit,g, report from : , flobterl of
VOL. LXXXV.-- NO. 164
.Olt- and interior to Gin Froperor: The gov
ernment ga, llhori7 ri the organization of
Local National Goar.l.lon the frontier towns
[the North and ,Fas t' - hitt the government
think It heees , avY to r otoonre the Idea of the
organization of a gel oral • National Guard.
Meanwhile the govern, tent bnheves the COM
pailien of I : rem:W.lmi o'er shrtrptihoo.erg'• eg
tablished more eaten: role than nt present.
will ...tante a valuable re4erve for the pro
ton:Goo or the nation: I territory. The two
Minkter.. propose the t the engagement oh
these eompanien of narie.hooters shall be
Oohed to the artiokt term of war and that
volunleerb achnitte.l vith thee,. bodies Shall
be specially charged vllth local defense.
Nen i ‘renterenients In rierman,.•.
BOLIN. Joly .T. 1.- le Governmeth has
recoznUell the Conlin - I. nal Telegntpli Itarean
of Berlin as its official - eporter. The Human
ot war bullet ion will I , posted throughout.
Germany. Tide establi hioent is the orincipul
ahseney in Germany fo SUppiying the Assn
clated.Pr.ron exchethely rl
with. news' for the.
pretpr of: America. .
I,,arelly . or Find and l iForear—Funthemlutia
Pmts. Jmy 2 , 4.—F00d ood I untge area:Lid to
hr scarce in Germany. .
The following ' fortresses are phieed in
therough slide iit readiness for offence and
defence: Metz., Lc/ugly , .
Phalsboure. Srlilettsralits, Nesvbeysach.
fort. Dlehserottere. La retire. Piorre. • Mont-.
mealy. Verdnui and Entry and the • fortlllica-
• sum , kite lilt, subscritniit fur the
The Lonilishr no Enthostootic.
1 , 110. 21. —lt Is reported the Landi
ehr respond sitittitishic to the , iintotonS to
1,111.` I..rivitril. I
• Discontent In \tennis.
' diseunte tin Vii.unit.itt the
11..4traiit 3. of AlINI11:1..
'ldor-bip 'moor Barth, from Sew Fork for
Ilatrilsow, ;tot hho a Mir slrport to avoid Alm
French crolsers. The. ,ark Meridian. from
Philadelphia for BretnetY. arrived' at Pedant
haven and was overhaul:4 be a French man ,
of-war: but sullered to, proeeed.
ilani,of Frt..; %%ill ant ham. Paper Money.
Pat. , AO" 29.--The ntrnat tokcitl ka3s el- ,
tort, have Ireen onole ti .crtale t fie impression
that n f.:lleum is broached for the; issue of tin—
p9rtnoney. and that the bank is ineNucd to
taco t it. 'Nothing tau. be further trout the
, aranleelrannetralley Proclaimed.
Mannl.P.July 2 . .).—Thei . Gaza , pubiishes . the
linichiniation of centrality !siled by the Span-
Ciovorinueutd . The severity with which
the French authordicit treated the Carlists ott
the Ladder,es hutch gratitude.
The Flabeing tat °siemens on Thnroday.
l•.l..tantenCCett..V. Joly itt , .—The success of-the
Prussians iu the habir of the outposts ))ester-
day Is ;Win died by the enemy; The French
retired alter a jliw rounds of cannon and
FAME,. Jury 29. -Erving/ Two persons were
arrelted sir. lieraucon for-exporting - gold to
trusses. One had WOW francs In gull. which
lie prole:iota' to la. tasking to a banker in
91. K.'Liater ko.diroca or of the [Tart rnent_oL
Foreign Affairs at Vienna. an ava wed adver
sary of Wikaasia. has arrived in .1 , Oa. • .
.5 council of 3flrdnierit Was held ' a nt St. Cloud
to-day. irh. Empress presided. I
A New York Tt dame special correspondent
:t Frankfurt writes on Wednesday: All
eivillans in Beebe were obliged to ,decide on
Viet Saturday whether theywould leave or
reionlu until further notice. which be
(Cr a_fortnight et least. Since last SMluday
all the railways have been used for.itbe ek.
I elusive transportation.of the military. I
Franktone Led with great difficulty in
thirty-ma hours Indead of eleven, the usual
time. Th •
; e‘h' l " T "' r prt
ti:ns.i I,e:, trai n s.
The be,T.lnhing of strategy move L et
hand. The German programme Is neither !a
ctive or expectation. The army will speedily
*aunts the offensive •nd a great battlelslm
uncut on French sail.
The..34uestee Yuritffessions.
Two thousand men are stimurthetana the
May enee fort Itleutlons. declared Incapable of
remstinm a i4u1d..0 altael: a fortnlFht ago.
They can now bland : , ing .iege and furni.h
. .
3 haSe for offenbire operation,
The report that the Prussiim King would.
make Frankfort his headquarters is lin-
Earlsn.l..m In .11nolels.
• Special 4ntres_ponde.ner Innu 3funlch report(
the city full of Prusgan •olklierA and entbusl
tte dvalonst rat too. v. ere rnadepir favor.
AP boom offer lodgfole fur tru
General Meriden Will not ,he Allemse4 to
Areompany the French Army,
PARLS July .1 1 .1.--It IS reported that General
sherldan, coming from America. will ho ec
ru...Ml leave to accoinpany the army.
The American Feeling In Park. '
The American feeling here ban been misrep
resented. No French Journal dares to- repub
h.h the Daily. News telegram describing the
reneralsynipathy of America with Prussic
Loyalty of Pen, lapeleon Debbie& •
It Is retu,rted Prince Napoleon:was obliged
to accompany the Emphror as d precaution
against timmitile disloyalty in caseof de
feat. Aulindepotalcut„ command moos dented
Cattlart hange to IletalTh Dememiled.
The Liberal party lion puttlAmsd, an address
declaring the present Clerical Cabinet of
glum in
capable and nre
must be by an
pa hizing with the popular reaolu
thiMn to preserve the. Independence of the
• 3108 LAW.
actions Affair at Sittelhysitte. -Fearful'
scene • at an Execution—Bloodshed Perin;
nattily trolded.
Loris, July ill.- The Tonto has a icing
account of a slot at Shelby, ilia, 111., to
the occeasion of _the execution of James
II yeti to — ate murder of Planisso 'Calhoun.
about too years ago.. Hubbard Holden. who
Was to be hanged with Leven. for. the same
crime. had his sentence 'eoinmuted yesterday
by Governer Palmer. which created great in
dignationas it is said Holden Moaned .the
murder and actually dill the shooting. H. was
(eared on Thei , dny night that the populace,
would attack the Wilted science Myers unless
Governor Paltner surrendered Holden to the
gallows. but through the agencY some In
[hien ial citizens patter counsels Preialled end
there wave lull in the storm till this morn
ing. when it broke out aytaln with /Muster
.violence. The • inch demanded that both
men tin hung or that 'Myer be released.
o.w. Palmer woe Vehemently dentinnced on
every hind. The Jail was gum - lied hr rp
war& of one hundnid armed men. and - hlit,
preparations were Junking to hang Mee,
several attempt./ were made to tear down
the fence inclosingithel Scaffold. But the to
...admitswere repulsed each :time bit the
gnosis. Myers was executed. and In 'WIN
than tell titillates after the tnoti charged - the
fence to force. •and cornineuced -tearing It
into. but when they discovered it Was too
late to save :dyers they dispersed. swearing
eternal enmity to Governor Palmer. Had It
not been for conciliatoryspeeches by seven)
leading citizens frlghtful scene of bloodshed
might have resulted.
Bureau,. July L9.—The cattls market for
the past week tens deeliedly tint and the re
ceipts lighter than any previous week this
year. Owing u low offers. butchers com
pelled holders to send their stock' through to
the east. Sni e made to-day: led lowa Steen
at .1e:....301.831 and Illinois at 41.75.. Receipt._
for the week 357 eon and shipments IS:lmre
per the Central Railroad. and Its cars per the
.Rrie Railroad. The market closed unsteady
at yeaterty's quotations. Sheep firm at last
week's q U tati.lll6: Canada lambs were en
tirely sol off. the best quality at iy , ..e. Hogs
Ilrm at igd,9Nielor common to gbod shipping
and butchers' stock; very little trade in nelee
-- - - -sei•—.- . . . .----
• - 'pper Rivers. ,
Illy .k. ad d P. Telegraph.]
iIIIOWNSTILLY.; July M.,ltiver etationury
with about eight 'feet water In chanuel.
Cloudy. Thermometer t 6 deg. at 5 P.3.
ORZZABOILO. July 25—Slicer with
about el feet three lathes in channel.
Cloudy. Thermometer 20 deg. at Ar. x.
Exciting Scene on the Seine
tFrobn the London Daily News,JulyS.]
The tweet sight of a hippcipotamtia
swiumning about in the Seine was wit
uesised yesterday with ahnost ea touch
alarm as treader, by hundreds of ptiople
on the river in Ake neighborhood of. the
Pont d' Austerlitz. Thu drciffghi has so'
reduced the water supply_in -the 'cisterns
of the ,lardin,des Planter: for smile
days-past the hippolmtatuus Las not been
able to take Lie bath in the gardens. His
keepers take him nu a low wagon drawn by
two liorees to the batiks of the Seine, and
let. him go into' the river as far on the
length of a strong iron chain attached' to
his neck will allow:. The' hiPpopc,Mtmus
grew SO street.; nisei hi* beallityVting
ming.that yesterday lie broke hit ' chiffa,
struck out, into the middle of the
strennt . opid prtaluced a tremendous jmuic
among the boats, which his whale-like
bulk threatiMed to upset,' In his frolic
he lifted Lis 'nose to the height
of the of. a Sknimer, and
set all the passengers screaming,
Hit-approach cleared in a jiffey a washer
woman's barge and the Austerlitz bathing
establishment. Half a hundred small
boats went In pursuit of him. Several
keepers succeeded In getting on his back,
but be got rid if them by plunging. A.f
ter a Meg and exciting Lunt one of the
keepers got hold of a link of the broken
chain whick —remained attached to hie .
neck: slipped a strong rope through it.
and then got ,ntlicient nrAintntwe to him . '
him Foollore
_a- F
LAVE. ennnty Iteivv;
111 prey -It It. V. thii t2d P. enure!, the
• nventiz.
td 31vt.i M. 10 311 A. it.
. _
(Inilivintieitri , et. near II? 'I.) NEIr
TON. Ps— S. F. 4 . ltOWTlttilt. Ptutor. Preaebing
EVE:IIV nAllltAllf nt 109 A. it. and 7td 1,31.
am! 7 P. N.
`3<ht. claim!) live am( a c43hlthi. Invltitlb. to el).
Sunda,' School es I •
I ( - 4 N Ml'. IIIEL.1.N1)-1ttISII COLO
.-',, NII.ATIO i.
~I 11,,, ,o, n ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,,
1..... ', F; ' ,1".,7Tt 1 ,47. , " 1 . ,.„ ‘ , ' ,.t I t/g s f , trri , t i g i nil l n L i E li ' S
mineral Re.nnreesof Union, ' and theareet bent-
In, owerulne te •I rish teen hy a • nine., ihenn.eive.
ef thy free landi of Dakota. Int blir reSpeCtinlly
Inv it• il. A olir..nn free. j ....... _1 JUL
AL1,...:1ES r ern", duly 29th. 1{470. i ,
IV OTICE.- - The assessment Mr the
1 1 gratilint et NI. 0,i.,,,,t En r A v'e..x I le. from
Sherni.l CO Union al Leo. +. I- now reAdy fur
I,antillJlloll, 21114 , :on he •1,11 At LlllB ern •er until
TitUllel , AV:Ana. Ilth. 1571, whenit will be
pi.ored in the Itniz•l. • ~ v
e. .., 4. it, Co rotroller t t rerve
, 1'1155. DA Im.
.': _.....-..--_,--- ~21 2 2. I .t. l'i2r . .
oireie, o . r nticre're,":;r TUC 3 . ..001. •
3d `t-ry City Hall.
..11 I I 0.111,1. 11,, .litly 311, 11470
./. at the oftive of the - Tisreri.orn et the P..",
WIN -1.110 ot , o, 1(111. Ail. cheer, tip till
. 1 . 111.1/tSDAY. Ancust .Ith.. ter 1 11,0011,1 n 5,000
Gualiels el treed I ti 11. for the • ny ),ItEll. VI he
delivered at Bennett Mullen. ..Wen Peens. Rail.
road en eats. M. 3leGONNnil.n.
Jrniltan) Secret orr 10 Board el Di rueter,
0 I'EINIYOIt li Eft STOCK INt: s,
Lisle Thread Stocking, ' ,
• -
Fancy Cottoo;\
Sl l / 1 1_111_11)!A • utlerweai
SILK SMUT AND tc , twutte.
.. -
OLD STANDsfcq•krxr; stow:.
30.1 , s 24 FIFTH A
Wattles & -Sheafer l
101 111 , 711 AIDNUE.
In Gold and Silver .sea of all e Wes. at the Inw
,elcee.. en•em made to orler. • 1130
IleSmDr. •
McSmDr A. IAI Lon.
Jno. & C 0 , ,.
General Cmmissitn Aletehnts_
Flour, Grain,BeedP,Feed, &c
Nu. 351- Lihert y st reef
BIKE &,..1V001).
t urgli.
101 'Walnut Street, Piffladelphia.
I\ - ) - E S .
Seientifical k Clawqral Institute
A antcies, boardOG: echw. 'l, YOUNG MEN I.IOIS. yeio.o 10 111.011 th•
NT`6.lliet,.s..Lzty., litzept. 71.1 i
I.* atmugur, rtpl;lF
WILHAM Y. V Ell S.. A. M.,
'FFII , I • OLD COUN'rEss.
FROM '1•11U Gt-DNIANI.W EDMUND ligtorEtt•
Ey ttoi Tranalathr of - Door. Yonder,'" oie, . \
YMato. Ref , lutt: MI 00 •
Thu ht one of thono obarnenj core
.• of Gersiteh
life that ha \• •yovently t•o ccro nu popular, co.
dot-heti° hie oi en entomb log ea
fluid/ b- tory MI h blesame pie.
leave enfold,
yaw tot,. Albertan Public.
11. \ .
- •
FOl{(4l.N - EN • A'r LAST.
. . I 4...1%civp.i_.. -
lit JEkNEETE. it, 11-IDEllif ANN.
Itiroo, rine Cab. 81 .73. .
rue .ale by eli be sent by mall: eAtd. ut,,,, rottept of the ptlco by the Pat
rirr,itaita IT
On '29th of Jtrlv, • 1870,
PubllA•d by order thn 11..111 Tru•t.e.
' Vordimen with oectl...neot
ra.h on hana.. 533.380 %is
atxpenses and °Mc. Ittruiture. 4500 44
lien.. ntertguana and Other infitt
Itael catate..i.
8603,400 1.1
1- 4 . 311: 1 1:1?aknItft!!;12 3 .1 1 1 ) 14 6 1 1 1 ) , 1
mud raid 14 call.— • - 132003011 011
aarrimlum. eta Interval ..... .. 31334 14-
Diridende .737 47
Deueslt-uccrun• -370.400 40
ern - or OS I/3.400 11
Personally anPeared fro. NVllliatn
3 Notary Ib hilt to and for the snot? of Ades
ahem . , eldeny F. Von Honnhnrst. Treasurer of the
Pwiples' Savings &ink
Pittsburgh. Limbo hen(
duly worn amen:llox to law. deposes end say*
that the foregoing state.rnatit incorrect and true to
the best of his knegle:ge and belief. j•
Sworn and au tulenhed born,*
Ida . .19111 day of July.l/470.
JoMain' W.M. LI (1.1.
Industlial Exiipsition
Alanufactures, ProdnuLs and Arts
Commenting Maeeddy, geptember
v:;Dsn' Tux
Chamber. of Coimueroe, Board of Trade
.• and Ohio Mechanics' Ihketitate.
AND ALI. ENDA° CD In the croanciton of Works
of Art .d Ken,
l•re Waited contilbtac
. Th.m.onicer• 511111.1 17115 E2115111110n nf - An
ctol 'nano./ aolinNioc. in Point Of attraction non
practical benefit to RD concorat4. to any dimple, Of
a native •bleb humor been belt to this
For fall Oil °naval°. Flrantirs.
Dont. Blank' Application& for Space. p coma
CINCINNATI INfirßillier. iarosvrioN.
th ""' l° `" l ' b /11111/1. 11
Commertial and Family Newsplpei
No farmer. uterhaule. r uteretv.iut rhould b
tit'vrr,..r" .9-41
ti.b of ten t.i.
CON, ts furnished grutuMbouly ut the setter-up r
of a Club of ten. Postmasters are egau.ted to
at as Arena. addniea
' lr
nOl'ifl Sfrohn.
nnt hling
WIC LINES, win b, Lninricii in Ms! cOuuts.ounce '
111); S 1T- Ell' 11 .C'EN'ES; tacit JAifinnal Ilgr
• WANTS. • -; • • • • •
1 R NTE . l t t , il ;7 l
AT ANTI.: Teachers aro
aolted In the litstriet Public
Valory. ITV -Vol It Du1..1..i1t8 pot
1:1;;111 h. Term, rix ni ;MCI, :•:;.;ne bo.dar;ff town
l l lV;ho ' rTZWa n ttn c '.I24%I " M ' AVR V P ll6,l;e:
1.m•1132 . ...mr1iet;y . es; :ray.
1(111:flen to Wort on Penn Avenue Ex ,
t sion.
. K. I:II,ACKEti,
T, It. SI & 110 N.
Penn awl 93,10livet s.
APO/ .1. Ow oni.c via'. It SILLS EON. ,orner
Penn And 334 nt reel. ( Par.!,lS
AATANTED—A Situation by a YonYonne
. T.T man us rave . llpc e‘alesulan . qr Shliaa.g
-11. 1. . n'lllB F 30 . 35
T A arbfral agent In required br .'ue of the
Cii! .''' , " T, l 4 ' l l l ' .... '" UnTfirT C unertr:TtTe t
b.rnt n orvlnal a valuable en:A.l%a ey 'u ae.
dr••••lne,.. with- and refervn.w.
. .
Lau Cornwall,. 13os 894. ro•tortint .Soli York.
ell.. ' J)7:rirttek - k r
AV A STIED —S li (41 I ron Chimney, II
v 10 30 Ifiche,.llarnetir. Had 20 to 30 feel
l ' AlfZelill ' XlM. 4 l4rttil i .inth d . ' "'' ."!'" Wf4'l.l*S.
Wit S tIE I I I I 7- , 4 d1 1: llT . S . I S- C ' ; ! l ' i M t l& ti ' l e rg
cp y, 4 , mnilt•inn In city and country., Apply at No.
Vi_eiro"thflold street,
• ,
T T neut.:oon bodied turn. it greid reputation,
ure 'muted to fi'l tili the FOUR 'II COMPANI
Hutoi.r..-NF l'hie condiu Si biontii. M.
beat In the iletillion. APIA/ id 0 inice of i
• . A. NNESN.
' - Foot of 4:14i .tsmt.
• SOool Teilehers, •
trio. Th•
t7g - In
,4•11001, lieu;- E. kW..., • • • •
30 Lh at '2 o'clock P.'3l.
1u2.1:e1.13,a •
TA7IE?-S6Terll lMot."T6, Ids
:Itlkr.4daLr.ZZ Itle (11 . Veu,--
Coking, Chumbarwork. I , lolof.n.tom , zzli t rZl
l ti. P: l i : Pai . VlV,g - Trigi.3l . ll.l4 ' e . Y u:'st ei,,or from
nal.peupion Ilrldue
WAN TED-31011.T0 A 1.4 F.S. ,
30.000 to Loan In lane or small amounts
arafatr rate of Interest. :
T1104A9.K. PFrITY.
Bill. Bond end Beal Estate Broker. ••
;80. 179 Prulthdeld eueel.
Thirty Thousand Dollars to loan
!"..;;;TlV:irgrrir Ntieigtrtith All henf
Real Estate Agent,
US Grant streeL
Tat>rr.-Yii. 31 Esplanade'.!Street,
IinCSE. of 7 room. aoidtint.tied
attle Vaal"
kitchen. Poyeenion given'tieptentber let. Apply
on t., .101tki tSTPlllMEl7,l)istnotie,
Allegheny. • •tligkt!
FOR t;..t.1..EL
A FRAM: DW ZLINO fIUGSC In ilookilown.
hearer county. wiya about one acre of ground
attached. The kOil IIC •In 40538 feet. two
stories high. nearlieeti,*ell enlehed,and to good
rooter. web good calls. A good etoblo and other
el...the ye° Hory Frame htotehou. • oirla of
'Airttood to Hooketown • recently: netpled ITij. Er.
Trimble S. Co. with terebouseediololog. Apply to
. ..lAME.3 H. TRISIBLE, Ilooksteen.
• . ..
or.ICHP: . .A A. TRIMBLE. goorgetorn, ,
Jo - 0 attt.a . Itoseer I,ltuty.
1., OR. SA LE—GI EA P.—The stock and
..11tImmot..1 that old establl.befl Retail Gr.
eery, No. %SG dastio.liy street. Allegheny city:
one seem, shove the Park. now going . guild to
good rogues. for selling. Aloe 'the runes
"um, for rent. Apply on the premises to MART
ro.R. SALL—One two story Brick
Dire Whig NOute. with eight room.. lhalahed
. 1 1 ;!1;, ;V.
rai . 4.l2 r g; new, and In good order. Thu Ida
twentr feet t ' o n i i i4trglif, ° .:Mt.r.T., h ,?. " :4Vll..
;7 1 7,1.'Wr'`.1.°VigAt? other a all trope dnprttp
new/. For further .ciartinolans,
Ramsey. 50.91 Boner , street,, ih3g, weal.
urn avenue, near the nreinlaes.
FO./1 at 76
Furni s h e d
iioard In/Arnow Tenn:rite:LlU. for
'2 a
pou „r SALE.-1 BRldi HOUR, oor•
Sor d to front. The host bcettoo to the
lth ward. Wlll osal to.
I t.h tolp tome
V A ) , ° ANB e r t2E L l2 4 '
. .(6P u {
L'Oli , SALE CHEA P.--13.2 400.- will
'lf Nu la bone., with lre rooms and' boil. 'four lot 24 foot front by 106 feet In depth;v/RN
Iluuling.trontlin„? A forty
h t , e:t ,. s . VM.•- t il e a t ll
Z l :4'. ',.„.r' w `ilst. IflMi. nu Apy•Ty at i7e&1162
,uireet. nenr.Soventh avenue....._ . . iiLltywrel.'.
••••••-; ,
4 • 01 i SALE. -., . • 1 1
Several Second-bend WAGONS. • .
Vne Light LIOSE CARRIAGE. to loot °Mar,
. One or. Two HORSES.
. ,
'r".9°l-"." • ' ' - JOIMEITEIL
caner of South Cetial vtreet and Marea Court,
~ JuIibr.U.TYRII .
,SALE-L'Enginen and 4e11er . 4
Nor and Second nand, of iVI kindi;6lnliatlf
911 !mai. •
Orders f rum al puts of too co ants? luomplly air
Leaded to.
ei . c o nWe
• ne. coadtirtaole - and enlesti
ter. and one of the beet water pow_
Pennsylvania tors rorth 10 mike
• the wales of Tertre Crest Road.
litelrertb Walton, Central nea
rFart= In good locatkale
Enquire of •
:rentbb. opposite Cathedral.
thereon:One '
It nennspod
nrn In werte
[rum tho city, t
!tor w too. ile trot-,
wtt. Asered
hound for rat
VOIL :ALE.—Au elegaut fraute'eot•
it• tage houscOntalning room. aud
woe on *ant ~ lot WA by 100 feet. 1 hlstleutte
erty eery desirablo. both on .occonot of lita eon
rentence and reasonable FM.. Any we in
do_elrable house should Del :CU to secure this
._A large and beautifully situated lot, 001040
Teet on 44tb street. near An tler.ean DOVIrb ial
rsMgallggW7Wl ' a7gal=ritt "" !
On st reetA' frame deed etou7/
b y 10 morns. now rentlng for $0 0. , I,gd
24 by 100- 1110100 will tel Rale. ch istar.
1,P161.• da value.
*3OO-I.ota bY 100 each, pleasantly ettna,
toe near the Pennayieol4l Railroad. eon be pur
chased atitiby applyiug at the center of lens epd
33d street. Lin
le been. the reek*,
.iJoin* the resisfroot '
'Walter: siolyfm. .'
. n .f . .Ne. 11 . 1 .0310.1 ..
city: TIM bosom toliO
so sad cooling room ? soi... '
7 0 40 0 t.tonsamouvOnliOW
114.11sonso 1m sapplloill sottlt
inwoods. compdsfot oboot
lilylW,oaC sod orsolootod
froli sat otom. r
. 04 lOot opoolilMoulot ,
~ /MN• P.. rt. W. 01. c.•
tnitsoo. *lli of 4hoomr.
'lsii PEARI. 1111.I..Allt;
JoyMO .
____ Mortgages;
Writing and Wrapping Papers
Writing Fluids and Copying Inks,
Record ,)3ooks . and Dockets,
• soft seta nr
Jca.'4.37ws . . •
J• BALE flow double Maw - oW2sol 02
moms and collar. onsiumod tot 99 IS •
(mot 10 Borthe sulftc. MOtutt W2•212/002,. by •
109 de. 2. a1t221. oat pave from lb. Dm, tath• .
t!ill014 fo.r wirrxes traelhe 120112.4 FILO*.
J i g 9'
' h i t M70.1t0
.1 =6: