•nweizaux.. GOLD, SILVER, co - Lilco:Ns Bought — at Highest Price. 1 ; PI-I. R I . MERTZ\ , I BANK r;R, Col% Wpod St. and sth" Ave Jas, T. Brady & CO, In •! 4-At...- Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood :treet, BANIK:EIS ,MOT AND SPILL ALL KINDS OF GyVernment - Securities, 1;OLD; SILVER AND COUPONS, . . Hoar FAVOHAULE TlCitikfd. tr6restAllowed ,Deposits. i • Prittuasy foamed lb" z . .r.tne.ift load* at liow ett martial rat.. !IC/2:1 1 N lifj=littrg, I\ ' • JAMES I'. BItADY Sr. CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE. • L MONEY AND COMMERCE. (By Telegraph. to the rittshurgh G.ett.] ing Tone; July urth. Wall etr,eet is dull. The' German, benkcia are free sellers Of gold; as the Stock Ex change a Share of the advance has Been lest. market closing at the highest Quotations' , , of the day. The shipments of specie thus far by the Caleiconla are 1001.000. money - 'O4 tler cent. Foreign ejxchange is decidedly primiklumkere' Slvtt' day bills Pig per cent.: sight. ills aro very Prm at 110 X to 10' I*P cent.; cable transfers n% to C12,1e Per cent. (fold market Nvei.ik; owned git. 1.11. i, touched I= and closed aG 121f:4121X., pairing rues 6,45, 4,43 i, 3 and t'loer rent: • . Time gold In 11111P0M1111. aatt' lanai me 1113.1. .for 90 days Chat against crrtly, hot at the Lk.. {t la S per cent. prem ur ium was demand ed,. Clearances $711•1 4 11.001 I Governments quiet but strong. -at nn 'ad vance. Coupon. or-:81, 134:41314; V2,•loolho, 141, 94{4110; '6% 9N444.10; new du, !MVO: 117 i. a!i. GP; 768, 1114635)i.. Ten-Forties, 6NQ.7 ,, . tAte rent,. fra 104(411. The Treasury bonen , . V.l,- I 100.000 at 10731-T jt.loB3e-100. Ftate securltle dull and heavy, except new Tennessees: :His ourls 4816;ohll'ennessets,Gt: ~,,,e do, GoN,; F, gluing .0.1; :old. North Cart : 1111. 47; none do 211. ' ! Stock , market was more' active and there ••• a general Advance in pricer. Lake Shore ad New York. Central were the chief ten ures, the former raising tout , , and the lat ter Canton. EC; Cumberland. Sc-Western Union` Telegraph, 31%; Quicksilver: 114 . “ Mariposa: 5; do preferred. 10; Attains E press.. 13;4; Wells • Fargo. lais; United, States,' 43%; riM_lfic Ntall, 4065; . New York Central. 0:h. MN: Erie,' 21%; dopreferred, eh Harlem. 131%; do preferred. 1:12; Iturlingtom 155; Hartford Er1e.314; Reading. Michigan Central. t18;1 Lake hbore. hl IHinols Central. 129; burgh. 10:: Norttmeesteni. thlty; do preferred, 65%; Mock Island'. 114; 1111nois Central. 1 0MS; ht. Paul. Oh; prolerred.'72N; NEatisish,so ;do preferred.; Fort Warne. tCh; - .Terre Haute, 25; Chlrnnggook Alton, 115%; do preferred, 116; Ohio k Mihdh.lPPl.34'..; C. C. 78;.Fanamn, 151. - A S-Treasury bale: gall, V10.1..9,074: cur rencF. s73.em,fiet. • ,orrics or Tim TEIIitHIH t VtII.IVDAY, ally V, IEIO. Closing quota:lops as ieCelved' by Pb. .1 , Mertz: • - . • Hold 121 • .Merelinnte IT:Ez. 1061.f100d0 112 Howling - ... ..• 9nli 6-191193nds INC.. lop .- It; FL, .t C - ,n..% , 9V 0.31 n00d5 , 1864...109 tibio & Mine:.... !33.% 6-3) Bondi 1866:.. NIA - Mich. &utberu...i 908 Clonsoin 18 , 6 100 ..lereland & P... 1061‘ 6-'&1•11ood6 186;...108 'C. It. I. & P.l ....' ..--- 6-30.1100de ISM. ; .109 Chlonno &N. W. 61)8 10-10 - r-107-,-...0.& N. W. Pref.. 944 A:ons Exprelos.f 61.. i F.,q,. --- - _. ..._, I : 'l.oroe. biniinl. colon l 0 poun4 'o.f6. 4..13 Plu• Exnuannu per rm., • fa 31 Berlin 'global:we Per-Molt, ; . le lki p,rarctorl. Exchanso l'or Flo&ill 6': . lir Lentrill Putlnn It: B. 110mb s ', si - 'ulon. .P. It. It. Bonds ' I • 07 . • -' Cloving quotations am itc,ived by JuOmp•T. • , . .! fody &Co : i • : •., '. - ' /801d.....1....... 2IN 6-3 J Zill. ii.Ji,ife...i ,By u. s. Isiixil3X. 6.3)J um, & Jr. 18671; 160 it. s. 5-39111= sev 6-39Jan...tJr. l&nt • 9 , ,0 tr. 0. 5.-3)1F 5 .... 9% ~ 0: P. It. It.. .. : . !,.. 07.11 i. V. 9.6-31 ... 2% C.3'..41-1 6 . sex 6.0.116 b . .Cr.l4lclncs ' UN \•. ••• 7 .. PlIISSURtilkt .5I A.ll MKT. . ; \ • °rites or.Prrrenimon Gagirrs. t Tiitinioar; July Ma 1.870. • TMSdiffpnicif,mtfrifinTiticago Wednesery rephrtealiiitrtirtOr market for wheat, hat as. Neirk.was dull and ,loWer, we persume the up :ard movement !In the former place, 'was oniirely speciilative. The general feel ing la regard to 'breadstuff., is by no means satifslictorY.'and. as miabt be expected,: the views of Operato-s, lu regardtojitetuturn, are very conflicting. ;There In not mush charge to note In lb., Liner. I, of the thriat.'ened European war. atolls. the ;ending markets trill allj,e controlled sod Induenc'ed mime or less by the movements olniut l itt be made acrdas the water., business men genkraily fire aVralting the, re.; 11.91 . t with great snilety.fand; as might. be ns- Pected, many of ttilein are gioti:lng 'yery rest ',Hess. The ChicagE\ Traiurni nurnOrousiy . . re \inarks, "tlnt Only this scar, but the French and 'Prussian mon-Irclis both !seem to be de - • cldodly, mythical, tied it *ni require . a, Dattla "to convincel-the CO, wort. s wo. - hereabouts Doti the Whole thing Is not a delay sign, got unlike the cry of "short adiance prices. The people have Dad faith. but the relapse iv terrible." ASHES—Plimer Mit riot' quotably highir. Soda Ash, 4 for common, end-,4y for refined: Pearls 9tßalt; Pots : • APPLES Eastern apples' ate mostly of an . inferior e thin year, end sell slowly at Per bbl, while prime receipts from Id sell readily at s4o4s‘and the supply Is I ch notequatto the inned. tis reported that thecro_p in, Ohio trill ben light one this year, - whilemichigan premises an average Meld. BROO.WCARIN—Very dull and nuchan et 1N)13; sari T carload at M. ' • BUTTER—Prime fresh butter is in gond de-' mend, and we tan repert regular sales of his kind at gAtZ. Common Muter is unchan ed. • BEANS—Deemed continuesmeagre nd prices are seminal at Per both I. BROODS—Store prices; ' N I. 114.6 th No.:, 31; No. 0. tuck Common. CHEESE—Is In-fair demand with sales at I.7 c lar-OhloFactorrand Yindli—Dales In more 'ft *lel IP 4r busbolTad loqualltv. , . CRICKEN.pring 'chickens itit , in',odd supply. with ..ularstales bythe coop at Me* C }DIO OLL—Cualnues very dull and It difgeult. to quote correctly In a lobbing vnt DRIED FRl7lT—Peaches in steady dematai, with sales of babe reported at al at Minted at Ge. 7. Apples nominal at fl. EGGS—There is no impel . cement, to note In w itc h mand. and the mark L cuntinnes ith supply eunsidernbli in exerts of the demand; we continue to qu fteott ing.r as to condition. • • • FLOUR—The market 14 tact but steady- there hat beta no change In prices for several days; Wa continue to quote at $7.4 for good 'Kanter., and hI for ehoico. Rye Pour. lutzt Mg. The receipt. continue light. and tier sup, ply In this market Is by no means large. • tititAllt-oWheat Is In steady milling deniand. and we can repovt regular Nate,. at $1.33ah1.t0 for red. and .at, , a1.60 for irkite. Oats quiet The arm; whilei r littiemmi Is only moderate. leldera are st ta tbsotl.)na may he fairly given at baaSt what or, traelf. pray row* tor small lots In store- Om continues qdlet —very little ofeeing. and not much wonted; prima shelled may be quoted at et. Rye Is goirla at MM., establiaird, price' for. iIIt&IERIES--•:raere ts a sfesd mailiry demand for auger& az the market It Otto but unchanged. We give 30a121... as the range for ram. standard harlcatill quoted at. .5; A Coffee 14; Ildo+P.stra O. 131 i; C. I.IX. t`atfce is quoted at for fair to-choice Rio... Syrups A1u11..". aw ,Orleans kiblantes ~cares and unlit me can report it We' of 100 Dbl. at W. to be delivered in New York. HAY—Bold lit the Allegtenr market pester . day at 0 1 8 18 Per ton, il,_decllne.. .• lititikll Corn trusis.aleliC Cu., 1.18(Z-1ales of .ithavehred u• MX. par bbl. and eastern at SUS. • LARD 011' No. 1 oritit iioltiated.g $1.103- 1,.%. the outside ague fo r hell established Western breath!. lIITATOZO--The receipt,. f tom abroad have fatten oil very materially within 1111 put day or two. and ,thri market 'is firm. r 10,1411.71 per bbl. . , . • PEANNTS. --More active and firmer under Intricate of advice. Irmo finvinuath we can report sales of • seremr 'hundred bags here at 8 eta, and one ehipment, to . Clucinnati. where Price. arr'lvlALlVely blither than' here. PROMIBIONS—Market 1 steady with . a continued - go "good jobbing demand, • while In regard to prices them are no clangs, Itho Wen..10,i5 for plain. and Dalai< fo sour cure v, d; Ribbed tildes: 177 ft short rib 18 Clear Plift Sutter more harms =WU. Dried !M. lard I7X In Me .oe 18X I. keu. •al a Pork. WIC. • : 8111111)81-400 movement itt Clover or timothy seeds. Flaxseed ls Mulluil nutwitbs tending the anivals are, light. and cannot be quoted Me nb -' ll :r—/Ilegbenrriv r brand, oar be o qu lug 'at par. by the car l o ad and. • $1.71Va 1 .7. , . for small lota in store. ~ ' • 114, — Nesses Illaiiiri. tint Yong. gdlly . V3.—Tfiere.s. OR Imp - rose. Inquiry from early southern trade, especial]) Texas.tnetitodemandna yet for other sections, In faht fall trade ban not get opened fully nor are Prices generally established: .we qua , Nashua P.brnsen buttons 154 e: do II SS lash mare; do Otte:Allan Orchard double weight.' sbeetinf 143(c: smt A • 14(faliNfr, Sommer het 4 IsMel N 1 It A Mc. and Princeton Ito. . .11AB LT- OmOi Or Prroftsraon Gsserrk, • ' Torasokr. JulY i: 4 •1 870 . I to dayTb afruttiditelar.gde re fitted 'aggregating Maud thousandthiriyrlghtotri..i . barrels. With except too t, refined ate delivery., whist, is higher. Inconsednenze .Of an anticipated comer .enrhe last day of the month, prices are lower.and as thefigures are down ~,,tty buyeni do not think there Is much risk. In "pitching in,- a nd t h,. ..„b,,ets"' are busily engaged in Laying-to .111 regard to the future of the mar km, the urospecti at present are not very en eournglug. but the trade appear to be Im pressed with tho belief that it is not likely to t,e much worm, and tt&t, its already Intl-, meted. there le not much tick lu buying some at. present figures and in case there is a further decline to buy moie; and thus reduce their as e rage. There ere sonic operators, it coverer. who appearto be eery sanguine that the; bot tom ha 4 not yet been touched, though, -Os a generalthing It Is regiided me good policy to buy now sn as to be t,rOpared lac time ;there should be a reaction. ' • mons.l The sales reported t o-tlar aggregate ` itlttdit atom Ibis, and there mar be, and doubtless were. some sales e ff ected that were not to nubile. Following Is a list of haler , reported. USA Gbh. )Ater August- \ last) " ft months ~ : nargeS thilsirater . 1.00 bits seller all year . 2 barges setter August...i , L. LOsi bids seller August. 1 .. to Lank seller last 4 months lAU " seller title water. 2 barges .... : . . . able last 4 Months 1.1.511 -" seller August 2410 laktl months. a Ia Y 1 ' rear. ittariatto. Plop run up during the day to aija , but nt 4 1 . . Y. bad fallen beck to 2534, which would In dicate. thalthe "corner! If such a thing . ' was conteMPlot s ed, IS th be a failure. tiales of , • :AO July 1400 buyer all year. ... ; 4444. .... 1.13 1.000 October. .. .. t ; . 2534 AO last half August... :.. . .. ..•. t, JISf lincTipra i Citizens' Oil Works 3090 n account 1304 -.. rich It D Cochran MO, on account same; lockbart.. C01 . :C., on account seine. Total . • .1 11,0 fintrYarra ran A. Y. klontreliner. K. & Cu. 2.10 bids refined to War- Inc. K. & Co.. Philp. • Fulton.' Marvin & Cu..i 212 bids ref. LI to Logan. limo & l'hlTa. klcKelvey & Ilro., 374 bbla refined to Lbgan Itnat. dt Co.. Philadelphia. . J. A. McKee. Mkt ;hats .refined oil to Logan limo. & Co.. Phll'a. . , - • Forsyth bills refined oil to Warden. Frew ik Co., Phila. Pt:trident Oil Co., =tilde ref. oil to Warden. F. al Co., Phila. - - LOckhart. F. & Co., 5.% bile relined to War den.F' & Co., Phila. • - It. W. Morgan 2;2 Ltd. refined to Tack Ilros..\ Total... lAstt. bbls. S1111`1•KI, EAST recta 01 , 141 , .!0: Itrooks. & Co. 1.:1 itttls relined oil lo t` doles. F. & Co.. Philp.' ,ILutehlason Oil Herlalntt Co.Platt refined t 0, Wanien. Frew St Co.. Philadelphia. D. Bly & Co.M bids redpett to W. O. Lalid Total . 9){ GE= EAST LISTA= STOCK YAM., t TKLICSDAY. July :M.1879. , earn:v. ' . . The'recelpts.of cattle teen again large last week. butowlng to the extreme hot weather and Very unfavorable advices from' the east the market. unlike that of last weeit and the, ond- preceding; was a very hard I one, and' ' prices are off fully haiku cent per pound. Thum\ •as a fal i attendance of baron, both for Phil. delphia pd New York. butthey were unwilpit to take.hold unless concessions to the eaten 9' above named were made, and this holdere(ai a general thing, were unwilling to grant, and as - a _.ciansequence, some drol.ers, being unable tgreallre their price here, tilto ped On tanker eats on their own account, and as the ac i ng :is, they may' gp further and. hare wont . It ,is poseible that the elatern 'markets nia).be better next week, but of, this there is no \certiinty: as they are very uncer taln at thigtensonof the year. The sales tor the week aggregate about 2,31:10 head minima .oi:baldric . like . 3,000 head fast ' Week is will be seen be reference to the report .of miler,. there Is nothing. reported above :ti. though it' Is but proper to remark that no strictly f(rsit class cattle changed hands, ;This class of Stock would, no doubt, have brought sto IN, and we heard of one offer ;Whey at s :id. laist week this grade of cattle Sold at 0% to i`,;,' and the week prece'dfog' SUS.% Stock cattle were In fair demand Ithls Week," - and ffniren-number 'Changed hands at about last week's prica.so.6cts=bne - drOvelronght 6,ti: We ofilue to the be hat there was 'con si.lerahle looney lost her. thin meek by yen. wan bad COW , . on enle. as their porehap es In the we.t were nn last week's prices. • In addition to to the sides below reported hem thrilth sold= heed of fairish isteers. av erns - Ink litai the. at tallier head. 1 = No. Wit. Price Hukora I.&Co for I)affer... 91 X. 1.1.50 6r.5 , •• En1t0tt.....40 'F9,960 -5 37 Healges & T for Roza 40,7 V) 775 Hozlewood & 117°1 . ..Keller— .10 .10.0ial a 75 • . • • ' July 23. Hodies & T for West' . 10.5111 • 6 75 •• 55,716 Al . • 56 . 114,700 ' 0 Holmes I.& Color H 5 7:: • - • Hart • - 0.0 ..93.960 35 ..:.19 1:480.1 575 •• ••• H 99410 7To 11011010'd lc B for Kurwin.— 40 .35.0au 500 MatUliti FZE!MIM • • • • • • 1171' , 11AV: july•27 Holman L & Co for Clifford— Al dlg 535 • " Thompson. 69 di . 5 51) - " • . Doud.. d 1;610• :r; Munbul& A.%) 21,440 7 (Ki ... • .. . . . -. , Goldsmith.]: ILLS 11). -: " !•• •_, Munhall .:Stl, 511.9606 y 11.1ew'd kII for Thalr.. ....93 akk4.lo - 4 4.10 ..• Kursrlu. 4 73, 441U .11 50 brake to Le Lone l ' iti i 16.140 6 i 1.5 Clark to Landes.... .. '.. ...la 17.010 6 00 . .21 ramo ,d 40 .24 , 10,740 4 011 bittlesy to Hltiksou to Aull -- - • sco6Lsowv. Juty27 I Holmes L &Co for Clifford.. .21 18.740 544 " Doud la= 16=0 6 Honer. ...6) '0,1,460 675 16.4660 550 OE - . . . • Tbomp.ol,4o • X 38.300 SMD ~?..3 Hulew'd sc. forKagruder 00 -31.55 U 5 ZP. . • " S arnberg-31 6d.>YlD 545 Taylor for Settler : 44 \ . .. " 18.340 500 M2Zit " to 1 , 13104.....16 .00 725 C.elper& -. 171. to NltMaban . it 54 • 701• '7 75 Itoerbkhrs to Evan.- _ 42 .;54.960-'4 00 to - luso ' I L. t'arllloß to Mom,. . . r , .. !18.1111 112 Ilonabutt to /ambit Martin. .16 118.010 475 ThompsOtr to Du 1731 . „ . 34,1100 650 • • ,211vItaDay. 'Cur 10. Ituildr to ..... .35. .30.80, 712 Smith for Randall.. . ..21 18.1130 6DO Horn to Kart. • . ..111 6 50 nose to _ . .......::.1 ,15,30 ! 650 " Klemm, k 17 118.550 687 &obell to Lamb ,k,,Martla..lll. •18.310 700 am Mord to Strittart... .TI . 17,7&9 515 Ward to McMahan - 'W9 161.880 P. T. Peters to 81cArJle 18 :31.320 725 Ilona to Erb. . . . 6 4.112 i 570 lledrs &T. for Clark... ... ,18 i 16.310 660 • .. Render. :16120.331 635 Foster & 51651.17 . 112,310 ' 6 87 Brice, .. II 121 TO 737 a. co. for Ituntea . .s , 30.150 ao ••• stye. - (:” 12 17.11 515 • ` . O. :Ryer'. ,17,710 500 Murder &II 17 19.:101 7ls ! " Lodwlor :41,8511 725 Warner to )16FIlleo_ .63 , 76.860 • 7 !A l i Horst to Me.% rdle , 54 ! !6.200. 37 The receipts of sheet: were considerably huger than those of last week, the ..Inereast. however, onnsisting mainly of the cehansoner envies, and while good sheep sold' without much difikulty at fall prices the lowgrgrades, of which the offerings mainly consisted, were very dull and prices suffered a decline. The former brought 6Xibe, eta—ohe hunch averse kyr sa 'b.. sold at sod medium at .113f65. Scalawags MAY be quoted at Nat.. Hoag.. • recelpta continue light., and with ateady ahipping demand -prices: are higher than thin day lorfek though . IfGTM eta beloie - the quotations ot-Monday andoTheaday, when Pa LTA ;told op to 1064 the now. quote Phila delphia hos, at. 10.31 to I0.40:1 - Orkers at ptiGO Ckli; and. Baltimore Hogs at Lt . MARKETS Ilk TILIAGItgPII. ,:• • " New Vert. - '• , • - l'inst TOM( July 22.—Cotton , gravy sod loWer; rates I.Yo bales: Mc for nilddllng np: lands. flour: heavy at fialoc lower; receipt,. 11.140 bids; sales of 9,100 bhls at' Is4,ll4liJel for -minerflne Slate and Western; $1144.20 fOr com inottto good extra Western and St4te; $& 4D 6.72 for good to choice do; ilet.2.ba' 2,15 for com mon to choice calm Irk. foals—market closing Itye flour unclotnied; sales .ISO ,bhls :at $2,447,40. Corn meal quiet and abelutneed- Whiskey heavy and !Owen; sales NO Mile at fljX411,01: lualde price, srotal-lanind. Re ceipts wheat 93,211, torahels; sound Whjat scams and Arm; eupply and i@2.2 lower sale. 1.124000 fought f 1.910,1.= for Inferior to good No 2 Chicag0. 1,2761.35 far du Milwaukee. $1,22 for No* 2 and a mixed, $1,402510 for winter red west— ern. 9140 for new amber, and • SI,K, for new rente 'Yennessee. Ilya bu uiet and unchaned. Corn: receipts 27,700 q sh; earn Wtzte be tter and In active demand. with sales 53.000 bush at toctsal.teß for yellowd western. mixed yellownearly White Ir i t p ferlx . r . toritne without rang In price: sfo ales 64.1201, ' Ush an ni I and for western; 11.12 - 421.70 Jar Indo and State. Ray: steady: shipping S) !,O). flops Coif[ and unenanred. Rice quiet and steady. Coffee quiet and unchanged. idol . in mod epute demanA,rlth sales MO blots at S ugar ; cloned at MUtac for kluscovaslw, Sugars stead)? ‘v o in er o l c e!,!.4oo hhd! fair tti qe- I l e n gtq a u t iet .:4117 h re d .174.1 rage! " 4 . •;;; . : peutine steady at 40 ‘ r/41c. Park dull, with lee 55[1. bbls: at lk.%),Sfen.nl for mess. n!I for prime and 9.10 fur prime rtjess; al . . sales 2ar bbla mess seller Autftlht at SW. Beef steady; salmi of 130 bbis at ELVVICe for plain mesa, 4103,19 for extra mess. Tierce beef finm sales of 110 tierces at .V. 3.3 for Rprime mesa, *a wl for India moon. Reef quiet and nominal. Middles quiet and Arm. 'Cur meats steady. Hams:s34=c. Lard unchanged: sales of fob tierces at 16.13.1715 e for 1 , 10310: 17 1 :e.liic for keftle. !inner quiet at laletl7c for western, tkice:Tlo for State. Cheese steady on Wailmt.e. , lour market elitileil dull amt lower for shipping cram,. 'Wheat- lull and declining for common and inferior and steady for sound prime. Rye firm and quiet. Oats steady at Ses - tfille for uesterm mid fif..7looc 'for Ohio and State, Vora quiet at ;flea. Ulf for new mixed western. Pork dull with sellers mess at $3l. Elect quirt and steady. MClOnelnswil quiet and Jinn. Bacon firm with fair inquiry. Lard quiet arid unchanged. and unchanged. 151=132 Cit 0•000, .tidy t 4 .-Ailschange unclianged. Flour 'millet and illichangen. %Wheat quiet; closing at stint for regular and f 1.15 seller .August: thin afternoon firmer and fairly ac. tive at - 11,11: seller August. Corn finer and ‘441. 4 4+1 higher. elonln2 nt Sillrc for No +2: afternoon quiet at 144 \ i c seller August. Oats xteinly ak 4arry+44e Air now lind Ririe for for old. closing. at iiZY for regular. Rio quiet,. with sales of new No 2 at SiXi. Rarley dull but Inn at P2e4141 fur No 2.-141gib , wlne,dull at Pan for iron. Mena pork s3i,:+lQ, NO._ [W.-salted shoulder+ lfc- flogs quiet; foi- common to extra prime. Cattle inesletutely active; V1.:2.7411,:G1i for common to niFillion fleshy stem, Receipts during the pain twenty-four hours Lull; Mil , noun 4,13/41 bosh wheat; tXl,l2olinsli corn; 1 . .h1 brat oats: VA bath rye4.2,ftlri barley; ;add 'bog, .1 4 11ipinents-3.2441bbis flour; bush wheat; +11.121 bush corn:. 5.1)74 bush oats; WO bath rye; Weill huge. Freights glair( at cSrw 4 Stun C!)171 . and Se on wheat' to Ituffalo. .. • • July ::L—flour is unsettled ;sit& decidedly lower: superfine sold t his afternoon . at Sktijijrr, a decline of •l; family offered at $8,50, without buyers. Wheat dull :mil lower; winter red offered at and new wheat at j1J141,40. Vora lower and Irregu lar; sales of mixed ,liar at S7'is aril shcllid at We. Oata lounsraud nasett led; receipts of new crop largeFtattl the quality exceedingly paws, sold an low as 2. - 4 tater; old declined. and • . . . sales this eft cremes were et Uq.'Skt, t !Inlet ter rate for extra choir,. white. Rye dull, closing Ft . lklitle. Cotton Mill and entirely nominal; middling 'Misc. Tobacco am a n d unchanged.' Whiskey doll, trlkklete. Provisions elect—but 'eld sake Mak) ibe bulk elbeildere at Ins, met l retell lot bacon shoulders et. 1151 c. .d clear sides at lae; those irate% are a shade beton: the el.'s of holders. Lard lON,. )Ices ht spoilk,lClo.sti asking; no demand.ylng. =I! Nl,k Yuan. July S. Heel es: the number received to-day aria LOSI, or be ears at Wee hawken and In. at tine Hundredth sia-et. There is no life to trade and prices are weaker but there is nothing good offering; title rte., coitus are largely front Texan .and Missou ri. prices range for such as are on sale at alt tat Cattle would bring 'Possibly trite ; 6 ears of Texans . brought Ibl.ie; n ears told at bitile, and three earn of NA pounds gross at ot,e, he pounds to the cat; tiny decent - Illinois cwt. at Ito; 2011 thin Nis- . • • nourl 6 cwt. at latic. Sheep and Ituribe were not Plenty, and trade much better; arrlvalg of 24:0 head: ;thin sheep sold readily at tx(A,6e, and prluce6;tic. Lambs 7fisac for western,llnd aitattc.l6r State: a ear of good 6dth Ohio 'cheep shldat the; 2 cars State lambstlllh Mc. Hoax 011 at 12i - 612tic dreqs6e; a lot 210 r. State selliag at Sro alive; aSrlrals moderate and market firm. nt. Louts. ttr. Loris. J ule 4 , .—Tobarim steady and. In ,good demand for better iflndes. Cotton 110 . 111- lit,p quiet at tIatVIENI. for prime to choice undrwsed. •Flour—Peinand stood for low grades..uper $4414A.51, extra ret:sk:l. Vs.tors.s4n. XXN f.n.nhttLai). Wheat, dkli and heavy: No red toll No 41ald st - 1.2X. choler \ t o 1 white fl,:tX6l.:t9i, choler $1.40ad.50. Provisions dull nod tr - teik. Me.a pork talatal.dti. Ilscon. :shoulders utak. , e. clear rib Ise. clear sides Ilkikkl) s e. at Illghwintet dull *I. Cattle lower; Coll.llluu and 41e1HIMI . saltily; for good and ebuiee prices range from a eq7e, Bogs, searee nod Ono at . ' LdIVOIVIIa.L. JAW - Cottstu dull; tuldillotts Provi,ions steady. Pork Cll. Itucon SlNklets2l9. ' I Bulk, meats $1431:4.11X Lard t',c. WhiskeVpsanne. Tobarein 63163 of lU hlids nt slightly better Ilgores; V.,lthrdjkis, for trash to frosted bags: llN4Xiltse. for. c0m 1... to good lOgs: for low leaf I medium euttine. • MEM 1 . 1111A1,E1.1 , 1111..InI) . . hunt I.tendy. sl.s:usidid for now tool old winter. Itye, *LIP 4t1.12. Corn dull. y,ellnw Ilan, and noted western at $121,11. Vats, Pennsylvania. Chs tic. Petroleum has artadvancing,fined tendency. wn sales of crude al and re attic. Wh it iskey'qtaiet at fildrl toPAr O, iron,,,aull $l.lll fur Wood. Clegredand. .1 , eIXVELASin.uIy . 2i1.-• Wheat dull huary, and Ile lower: : , ;u. i reel wirth.r f 1,41; NN. 2 tti,:t . ,. torn nominal; aRaWk! for 1 4 :0.1: . Ir.'..V.Re (Or :' , :u. Outa quiet and lower; No.l thiLln fele. Pn ttuleum—crude nornknally RI: Tined 4011 at Bs Illveri, lIALTIII,ME., ildy ta . , dlOd li and ~.„, heir dull and 1e..: drill. Coro; white $143qh1.231 yellow ILK, Chits; 53•IIIVIe tote w, ill;theje • foe , tht. llce dull; fI. Lard I n ;Sia.lSe.' railer; $14.3(h1,111. ; Toledo.; • Tou:Do, July 2C,-Wheel quiet lola n .irekde . lOwer: No .I^3qliite Wahnish OA'S .No '3 do *1.36. No 3 do;sl,3d, No I white Mlebirno f 1.45. Corn 2c better; No I Slit e. No 2 sr.c. • 'New ()dram.; ,; •! • . . , , [New tlitta.:Asig„ July.Z4.--i`ot.tolv dull end unchanged: tnehtllnew l7lhellle: ' , ilex of -S.) lefles. Two bhl4 of new coffee wee- re •eiTtei to-day. Ine: - i llo:l of the e , easaft. I ' • --: 1A - V • ."" • '- f ifew fuoi. JulA 2., Mere-dull mull 1e..• low re; ft; closing at 7jel for Nec."l - ehrwor. lA.: , nw• /wooer r. t'. for n bit", null .11 , 7!: - -lor a hublo elf rt. ; : • A lIW afar, MILWAI"I4.I4. Wheal unser tied . . AP.i for NO for No 2. Oats lower: 4NY for No_' Krt. Arm lie for Detroit. L- Llirritiorr. July 2 . 5.- Flour quiet but Ono; choice 872ge;i;;;5. Wheat hit.2e higher:. but dull; elms $1.61; No. I sl.l:lovigular $1,41. • maim.. July 2 4 .• •Cot ton dull and serelids 45 bales, exports 111). I • IMPORTS 11,1( ItAILUOAD. (.I.lgraLkat, AND Prereaunoti RAILROAD cniteariy. Jule 2A.- 41 cars I s ore. AleKnlglit. 1' & Co; 1 do do, Shoenberger. 'll & Co; I do do, Bees. Graff sr 11u11:2 do dor Union Iron Mills: d , do do, Chess, Smyth .0 Co; 2 do Jackson ore. Drown & Co; 2 do pig Iron. Perk Bros & Co: I do do, .1 W Porter: 1 dodo. 31o0rhead & co; I do do, Zug .0 Co: 2do do. Reese, Graff & 11011; 1 do du. It Totten & Co; 1 do do. Union 'lron Mills: I car light iron: Mullins & Maloney: B.llli ft Comber. W 3 Richardson: DOM du do, Cron, tote & Own: :r. lc stones. J Wood well: 10 cases Inborn, ILeynier & Ilro, 2 pick" cheese ~Ates. Sands & Heineman; 4 bbls old-iron, J Jones; 0 boo tobacco, C T La:own:110 ht (Ns w fish, D Haworth; 10 do do. Small & Hall: 10 di. do. Watt. Lang & Coo It te4 sbnulderd. t; do loons. E 11 Myer,: 10 bbls I Leer, .1 Kessler: RI Islls paper. Pgh Paper Mfg Co; lot 0 )'goals Samt. Webster: It aka ,v.l, W Barker Jr, & Co: l bbl tallow. W (Innen, & Son:9) boo 'cheese. Volgt. Mahood 10 Ca: 1 Ltd eggs. Henry Ilea Jr. Al Elks ORA, lit, bus. Grahams Marshall:9WD 0 rock ers, it do do, Bedford C'Co: d L 615 tallow, 41er. Wilson; 1.50 On iltli, 11 15 Modred~, casks trine, N Young: 10 bbls potatces. ;1 do egg", r Duff & Son' 12 bbls apples. S bevolt 24 et 1 chairs. 4 c 0 do. battler & Son; 22 chair, Meyer .0 Boo; 4 la! cheese, J A Craft: V.! Gbh; flour, Grab.; .0 M; I bx beeswax, Day & Co. l'ilTszttnoll CrkattßATl AND ST. Inns RAILROAD. July M---fr, mks feed. 'ZS d 0510, 17 do corn. Kell 1011; 3 bbls eggs. F(I l'alK.7 bead: Mies barns. J II Parker; 214 sks antit..K-- 561114114 177 do do. 1 car do. J C Schauptu;TA bbls it seines. Little & /4: 46 Wiz p beadles; Hall & ii: abbls s steel: Hussey IV & Co; 13 ate n wheat. Meanor & 11: 11 do meal. Scboinake-r . , . . . . I.; 4 bbls potatoes. M W Matilda [lnn dm . ur. Segbrnrer & V; 18 too haws, Rees Owens; a) cads tob. J Fullerton; 8 cases do, 4 bxsido, Portzell; 100 bbl dour. Watt . s iCri; 1 car iron," 1.4 Harbaugh: itt baler Cotton:Holmeal& 14. 411 do do. A t, France; I csr wheat. J 4 l.lg Kett &Co. PITTSBURG/I. FOICT WAYNE AND CRICAgO RAILROAD. July 27.-4 bbls-alenhol, Little* M;7l too lartl.3 H Parker; 2,0 bids flour, T C Jenkins; II bales pttoek. C P Markle; I mr Iron. 7,ut & Co: 350 bbl. flour. I) Wallace; I cat' sand, Mitchell S & Co;!..Z bon staren, W (Dore or & Co; 24$ mks inalt,.) Oterner. I car stone, Holman k 0; 1 do do. W W Wallace; 1 car a iron. I 1 New; 6 WA+ apples, t'nlKt M Co; 11 bbls tcLink 111111nger Sc 14: 54 bills spokes. (lodfr) & C:l3 r. eke keg.. II I.Fahnestock; 36 bmsit jars Atlantis 0 Cm.l bbl bacon. 2 do apples, 2 do eggs. It ilea Jr: NI K bides. W Flacon 1 car p beans.J , C Indwell; 9 Gm. cheese, N J Braden. ALL/4116NY July 29.- 51 mint coal, Kier, Fb+l.er 1$ do do, Cole man. Rahm k Co; 40 do do, Armstrong. son h Co:4 do stone. tlenderson, Mackin h Co; 1 do do. Pat Kronen 1 do do. Henderson & Co: 1 do scrap Iron, Godfrey & Clark; 2 iron .harts. Totten .1 Co. • . • ALLORIIENT STATIONLJuIy (sirs Rodger.. & Ilurchdeld; dos lomons. Moonmetal. & Co; 12 hides, lAppe k Weise; ;; tildes. Lock ramp h Co: 191 hldes. J 4.4.11ery; 1 car pipe. C (I McMullin: I car wheat. Kennedy Oro: 0 akin Potatoes, John lierbert: 1 car Ice. 0 n. I =ll=l PITTABURCIII. BROMMIVILLt ekNo. PACKer COMPANY. JOH/ fiU Ski. oats. J 11 Smith: 25 bids flour..l 8 I worth k Co; tt loader. ft Stocktinitql2 buckets beerier, & Canine:L . :dodo. H Arnold; 1t bale, hay, JII yill Holl - Pbockets berriett. Scott & 0:45 Pk! of corn. Ilartto;sl' do nate, Hitchcock McC ko n an klieco. Hawkins & Co: 75 •kpl wheat. Liggett Ar. Co: V lodes hay. J Cl Schttuppe & Co: In brit or Rl,I L It C Schlovrtz. • LIVERY-di . SALE STABLE* Robt,' H. Patiffeigoii'&Co„ 4 4fmNirtt OF Seventh Ayenue and Liberty Street - • kil v /tIBUilliU. ►A., , WII.I. ON IKVIGItic SATIIILHA Y 1101,1, AN AUCTION ,SALI:a• ilarses,.Carriages; Buggies Wagons And everything appertaining to the I tone. /hull. desiring to end will plow leave of one tire of nonstentaent na tie befigeMnierla each toot In enter Yoe advertising. Prompt attention and good issroulli •en all Store lett for We. • JOHN R. STEWART, JuTIC 11. ,RSIAIIIT lupin'. 11. I • ATICILWIC. ROBERT 11. PATTERSON & co. . Lavery, Sale and. COMMISSION STABLES, Cor. Styr op] Aienne nod Ore:rty PlTTtllttlliti 11. Pi. apm.ht :;i:=M!lle PITTSBURGH- DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY ,IfORNING, JIILY - -RIVER NEWS. ' TE - e'rlenr rose all - day: yenterdny under the ndlneneo of the,_, recent lu•avy rains; . • .. . . and ivvritill swell4 i, qt steadily last even ing with 7 fret :t inches in the channel. l'here has been tin arrivals or depar. pies since the writing of our last report exciTting the Sla,kwater paekktm. Tl, AVild 1).1 ioax due lad. night !rout St. lemi. . and will probably is lowa in tont today. A number of tow hosts will depart to. day for different points below with 'tows of Mal: A ri . .poi! .1( this will he found in qtrio.sad cohinins. the ateannor Belly . loon gm t . , Al fLe sire bliore' to r,tipernte Ids return in a few weeks, and ,fill L,• fhund at his pont. as rnunmus --The , pa'perpublislted in the White Itiv'er conntry are clamorous for • the 'im. proventeM of that stream by removing the snags, and - other obstructions to its •tin vigation.. It is astrted that $20.1011,000 worth of the prOduee orb merchandise is every yeartrlnsPoitOb steambriats• ply. tog on that is rettimianri that the .tiggre. gate athotinf, rt lases pa by the Mhabi tautttlot4 its bankil Mid ntinguoui to its v... • no Iliss .'tlum : 1.00(1,000. • And further they_e aim that. notwithstanding this very largernt4t Paid into the na tiMud treasury) they 'have' been entirely Overlooked in the general appropriation for the improvement ; of the rivers •and harbors. It is end boatmen who 'alone complain of the injustice done them, but planters nni.l.lll4l,linnlti join in the getter al clamor. . . , --..-Tll.! ' B t. I.IIK Rip lthii.lll . says: SlVlllllthitalllell.hetl are of the opinion that the European %lir will have aideprea sing-effnet upon al river shipments to New 'Orteary. It' 'n thought that the ',milieu.° orilie Mi sissippf river cities, and eiipecially New Orlenn's, will suffer very lq.avily. 'Annul o rates friini.r.New tirleani to LiverpeSil as advatieeil . Wiper vent. . Very few :Arlwicnn vessels are -n wned in the. South, nil there are not ... battens - li AlOOOlllll bottoms atloat tu meet the rututri, and hip ...mere it Ii thought. foree.freiehts fromq,y west to'the fast by rail; thus t riabling ya*nern to dispatch their vennebn trnrn eantent nen port, , —The four •princilatl•rhafto, of the Hoek Island rapids are •. nriw •virinally finished by tin, ilovernuteut, engineers. and boats hsavily loaded withbarges In tow pass through with ease: ' There is at least five feet of water in the channel, an. ample •suilleiencY fOr onlinary boats. Smith's I 'llatill, nt I •cilirt, Will next he operated \ upoljthel.,lliewitilii doinp; tho work and t 1,. • not 4,1 etfe r nig / ut th im V 'pit ien‘ ..11 i 'am. & l' , : sylegge al. clibwiel biwiiii are nt work at s lyriu. ore titan,. and it will probably be tell llays or INVO wrekii •lii•fwi4 .11ii” wok 'will 'lii , lintilly emu jileleil., . -7- • iit° St, 1 1.1 IS f , ,Nfontlay oars: t 'onitionl. re Otivitlietts hnr, eonfrnet t of for the NO, 21111 itnotlier 11114111 1110th sieatniir at 3lnllinnti, Intl. It in •no . 11or neay. and wi I B i el the inttehinery of the Th. ( . 0:111114.1110r. , - eutnrpriniu loon ill the .1" 7 e!... Ile in it the prima of II fo word,. .t ewityle 1,1 tot lion. and likely to in. worth tnvOttw nt iliona in twenty years. rcimmerrial Ln , tf .5; Hrrw., ,41 interest in- , 'Urges J. L . aial Parker Lin I Evanxrillr. Im day say, Ve. acid their two , Peytona an II:, I). Shiraila it. B. Taylor,: 11'.11100.' r , t:t4ttte left (loci —The; (inn* Whe..licljlr loderan:l4 _4ernt' strip and Aic nre hr.r pilots. ==ifi MEM =EMI --Tho old Nil; InoVeki nt CM, litheqww lokgit • —The. Lore Eyansville on 'l' Li;nold', lin 'l'oe•9dYY. ( X - _A iltr. liritlsli amt 5•• lt - nr,;..ntunhtl, bet iwt • +1:011A; 111_71:R14, CAI . OIIIIA TAM} A. AVARUA N i I.KS3IAIIK: Till evl,orvo.ttl •niter Mies/ I , „r paL: Div ~mium rr"iuesi:FAT.. sr NA ?ISM NI, num vesmols, among 'PITY OP PARIS CITY OY 1101. TA. • CITY 11 ..r:l:!.".eletral - tton •oVll 10 E ngm Tack, PERRY Luc' izewx;l4, Crude & Rei rl'A NVARIN( ('umolrbn Mw . • PetolQipact • 11A1.7.F.1.L IyIAN~~ = WARI N.CI 109 WAI 1 .E 0 1 PETRPLE I iJ • It_ ybert. W: -- DIANDFAI Lubrl 'tiling and High 1 , 4 , lLilkIS DA ILISOAD'AiIIi 0. Stand. great beat without 4 I ;.' pl d IL 10.1.1$ tenthentunic i epee. at enemies or but winithow.• 11.0001101174.• =IDLY& I_ Will cm t *thane. ri.....AW DILL .Ar t i o nAtaxa ILL OILS. rill VII r'ili 1., 41;0 6 tineA tam OD 4/11...TAANSUS . sTuy-luvr. be, • .... VIN Will //DISHING DA 5 ia .. li "erYtilaßit. st . 4ll4tit lilt Wilt Red eathery ru Start. . . Tel oe rinothets are mum - red dem o . T., le' e patent by e apethltaed 4WII VI. rim I übriailing 011. lire Simon Dees. perfectly Ca.gi l lt•lntugtefe ' rpoir "' erl n ft!id . an'a, " rm a pi a d \ Gann extra cold. Tlitiltell QUI eel onw p a gg •ilimtroial.`="At'V t . 'NU; .1:: ben left at 174 WOOD 07104 Worth at Sharps log Bridire. ~_. sTo~ t ; ST CONNON r ' Olin° Stone; tWorlo+. .pot comer of lirtft . Cool2346.l.llleithat.t. I t, YllliTrK A TVATISIt a Ni., \ 0 Immt or yr mu. On short olive, tear 7 ,.. f1r r vi m 14Z . 11, lir!.f,l nfatar. , ...... I,t! rtmtimdlots tornt! 1111. ES P. NeRIGHT4 . pen tor.l net' iiptilclor, Ll 2 W 7 , ltltzrst to t tine. of I..bbin i t work. 5 . 7r - ner egto d Aig.t. 4.1 . 16247.1Z.. "nb 1 1, . 0.~. ¢i ~A y allwi C H A 7q• win pn Oil and o , C A 1 • 1`Tli 1 -4 :tell R rat AND TINw4IIIII. YYNUNN.S. • COAL 111 • .4otwatt.te.,ll6.6S . • I/11 (trent. etreel, • AIM Loni.rlli~ ilydrnnllr 11.7.4 LIST. the be. In ter. Inv Nal. to, ()0 _),.4 st:l, , rl .two Bev, Tennesner erimu " k. 'lsm AII JACK KY a co. ;= ••• - • • I CEA Ti.. Th:r n AT ALL PRTVATE EASES. That nurnervole hey of cases resulting from aelf•abuse, pnelncing untranlinesa, netrous dehility, eruptions. seminal emission.' and 'Malty impdoney permanently cured. Pentuns .minted with delicate. intricate d lona standing constoutional complete. cos titely Invited to thr censultatton. whichnothing. Rap •nence, the best of teacherg, hag enabled him to Perfect remedies. once etticieritaafe.Peonanent. and which In most moos can be need without hind ' ranee to business. Medicines prepared in the es tablishment, which embraces odlce, reception and waiting rooms: also boarding and sleeping apart ments for patents chemical r ad] Pertmeai gtten' tha. and rw, andmLath, thus conosn totting the famed mineral springs. No matter wt., tare failed, state your ease. Read what Le en, fo r hig Pemphiet of City pages. sent to any mim., two stamps In sealed envelope. Thousands of mesa treated annually, at office and ull over the country. Insmsultation free, personally y Mall. Office No. street. (near Court House/ Pittsburgh PR I.finlle p A. L. to ST. L. Sundaye 12 h. to 2 1.. Pamphlet sent to any address for TWo !MAX Pe. • DYSPEPSIA-NEW MODE 'OF TILKAI PltitFEßetllt T W ALKER. the distinguished Eng hsh !Satanist. discovered In AMU - lila ex excellent Botanic remedy. an effectual cure for indigestion. 11111lowe end Liver f'oroPlaloto. so , oroal°°°l°° " d the Miele 41 the °hihtdelphis Botanic institute. The Secretaryon ePPlivitlitiotißroord tr.. to ' l !glier,Vlreio,,. Inc..", why. metre this eh, npuncement 111 not mete any charge fur this recipe, the object being to der11000494, the Supe -417 of Betook over every othr prattles, ef 'tine. but In return riLeuest Itose who sire he entted to torwerd to the Society a statement of their cute, and thus 'kid with facts the present movement lu medic./ reform: Enclose n directed Vall7"1117 to PUT"VcglrlrfAtitilorthl37ll!lrteieT. Philadelphia. • Inky: MASHOOD.. HOW LOSTI_ IfOW RESTORED -Just Published in C Waled envelope. Price, tin cents. A LECTURE ON TUE NATURAI.TREATMENT. and Radical Herr of Spennittorrhow. or ermine' Woodmen, tad Muted!. Went, to Marriage generally; Nervousness, Pen ske:option, Epliekny, end Fits; Mental and Ph Meal Incapacity, dc., by Boni'. 1. CULVEBWEI.I, D. Mont they of the '•itnen Book,". he._ - Affikth TO TIWIISANDS dEFFElttilte.° Sent under M itkl:Tfla)lenvelopit., tt i o . any Iddress. postpaid, PIIAS.K . L Nriro=P!:::: Also Dr. Cutvenrell's - .Marriage Itulde prier BE cents. tuv.l.ll IH - 11.1TCHEL!H'S HAIR -DYE.-- Thin oplendid Mir D the world. flatvolev, red itietantaneous. does not -contain lead. nor lerretde poietin to produce Paralysis or death. any Avoid the vaunted and delu sive preparations boasting virtues they do not pos sess. The genuine Batchelor's Hair Dye has had 30 years untereisned reputation to uphold ate Integrity as the en', Perfect titer Pro-Black or Brown, :told br !intonate. Applied at 16 Bond o,treel. N.l'. ar . NVOID 111: AUKS,— A .1 !Him of , early I::J , , -,..‘ it, ennsing nervitus deSillt Y. breiiiiitUY o . erns. !.c.. buying Used itt rain every ud•erttsed rem...l, ham diseovored ualle means of self-cure, 'bi-); he will send free to s fellow oulfSrets. pt7iltwe 7,4 Xnssau Street. New York City. FINANCIAL. A Ileghefiy Savings Bank, V. PA. . t) ANIZED • I N ,L+7545 ...- STOCKIML.DML 4 INDIViIitTALLV LI AM:1:, retviv ad and Ii no cent. allna ad on than l'an , rnisr ittron d, rnnnHlon*. and proceed , . ,ondnittly remitted. Inac..unt days. MON DA V and TII 1;11, 4 1 , A V. . 1 .A . . "' 1t.r.n1 - r! "h3l:'''''''.". . ; :. '7 ‘o.. l'" x " ? . . ' • . • IP. Delldven. • . A. ii...:';'!`"" """"' .1 A MICA 1.. ,:ltA . 1 M lIA .113 id .PAJIN W ILIDDIALCasIifit. . 11, ifr,: t iu . .. •1'1'11': - 111A3/0/ D SAVINGS No. Fs DIAMO „ ND. it, l l' •. i •-N kr • '... nielli.lll., i'APITAL STOCK V 210,1100 Hy .1111 . 01" I NI.IVI OVA LI. T I.la tali. ' •-• Deposita in urns of Si an.l sipicards received. . I flier,. atlime on time thipoeit. Particular at tention inven t o collection. Pri.Co..lll ..1 which will be frantic . PconiCtir• James - ]I. I Moralism 1:•rrIsIon. Jam., 1.J.: Allison. Andre.. 1.. 11..4na.n. Win. Ulnas, Wulorhald. Jos. Flemint. l N. P. Samyer. Wm. Lr Coops, • President-N. P. SAW ' tw,t4 JOIiN ' IOII7FLEf s 1.0 ,33 Tradesmen's National Bank; WOOED Af'REEVCORNER SECOND, AVE. of Tue. Monlay. . lo earn tallcrosg, \o. 1 to faun. for INTEREST l'AlliON DEPOSITS. ;Gold, Coupou Bonds Dud . Stork ',matt tot with I. the I.llWe •Il silay eveninl. R. 11 Kerr ie in nod Snell • 14 , p Pre•ldonl, W ifftgATlck.`2,ll.=l::: A.1..1,1-Gl-IF'NT 1.,,rx ,If the d New Alban •Iletnentlv Ll' ng the (hall l! •boat David T Lcdyrr kguanl rams.. NAT I ONA - 1, B NK. MEIZ3I =CI= 01. _ 3.7 . 3 1:".1'11 :Su ('opi I al Stork_ ...... $.00.000. plain l'liillips. 41 Tidal 11'as-0 jasioqi =1 • J: W. COOK. Trash.last, K. W. MACKEY, °ashlar. W. McCATIDLESS. ASK. Oastact. SHIPS. N NEW I.ltli N1AT . 4.1.1N711). T HE Fl M OP T. L. T V !Mg A - M:VrT ' 47:l3 - ESIL of* Ilsr,r. , Nl-7,25Dt.1. JULY - TAYLOR &.' COOPER, . . , No. 5 13roali.S't• 3 , . . for the tranuction of a general Br onto and Els Sandal business, negotiating Lout. , Sc. • • • w• ' - . MR: JOHN BAI,F,Y • .' A. special partner, having contrlbulid luso.buci to the coalmen stock. • i We take thispportunity of thanking the mow Comers of-the oldsrm for their put tiatronsge, and of soliciting a continuance of their favors. We also offer our sere toes to WI, and respectfully sullen. their Ursine!. hif thee wed axle of all recurlties dbalt In at Now York Stock Or. Gold Exchange; . • Coupons and Ilividends 'reflected. ' Interest allowed cm defismit. Orden by Mallwr Telegraph promptly executed THOS. 1.. TAYLOR._ , lost. COOPEIL, ' e Jultil nma.r.r. i„ lt . fa m by . emission to First National flank. l 10. . . CEN IAL. BANK ~ rill. ~. . _ • . • • No. • 5 Bank Block, • . Q ... - , . . . 111;leii DA Y. Jrl.l" i •1N: :1 AEG. 4. 14: mom I) KEN; FHA Nit VIII !, y. 'Paarrngera tooted •ny 7 . r 1 ITINVI:0 RM 7 cfr c k u r. ulldlng, Sacona Vlo:Pr, II armor and Sixth avenue. I. ...I.li I) ttUEENS ! sateen - Afik 1 • 11n' OF A NTWKILP, . AITY OF II LTIlltaIR. Ir LONDON. DA V. from Piro. 43 lifortii a or truth..r int mar, I 1 . INGIIAM, Jr.;\ 4øcflil v & CO., Bank of Discount and Deposit morKunimelta INDIVIDUALLY • LIABLE. y. Pat tpobitrich I=l Interest Al'mien on Time Deposits 1 e.d Petroleum. tlrios., ladelphia. 1 ' 1 iL\V, 11. 1 N(11 1‘ i 0 Products, ii/U r t)i , E4NE IA A T --... -.' ' I N dr. CO.. Rl i sir RE ERY. .00ljeCt10111. 0111.4 g, a mu the principal ethee of the Unluel Mate. and ['naiad.,. ntitEcTNIEE NAW , :171 . T... Al AMISoN BAILEY, O. W. 0. .• J. F. MEN:VINTON, JAMEN fMNAMtIME EINGEI AN Al)l.Elt, JAII.ED JI. BILESII JAMIC9 BROWN:. , PAUL It MACKE, J. 11. WAI.TICH., JAM IP LVoNE • THOS FAWCP:NT, Preoldent. .1. W. MAVIINr. (Mahler. M.MUNISINCE4, Asa't. Cashier. • mill,Mmtvr • DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. (3,5 Fourth Avenue.t • • ASSETS, 82.59E .1 .371. 60. (limn daily from fl o'clock A. u. bl 3 o' lest P. M., November Stti front VHNINGIi, fro ay let to Ist 7to tcelock. anal from No vember lel to Alas I et, loon el to b Rep:Ain received urall Mums of not It,, than °NE and a dividend nf the pmen de. clued twice • yam, in June and Lientnium. inter..• eet b.. been declared eel:doom tinily In Juni the ilectonbere since the liana .11,01111.401.1.1. the elite of On her Vent, Per fear. int:lent, If not drawn nut, le placed to the credit o f the dep.:altos as principal, nd bears the same interest (n flee on the t date ofJ unta Mid December. compottndlng twice a year. vrithont trotabllng_the d ATWITa to " :X:y r :Xi a d r.lbrvg. h . t. , Lro vr,T,A; 77aki asetaining the Chester. Il7:14o.. Itula. theden ilations, famished gratis, on application., Wennge Tweddle, =I 11 Pinning OilL • , roan, WI u, tr... Pl. Gi - . •orgh Albsee. lA. M. 14,111nek, 11. D., John 0-1/Inniofon, tobott Knob. Ben j. V. I.'shnealook, ..1 n•hn 11. liboonberiter, 3 .1.1. lleAuley, ~ ! maws Shitilo. i:X . 1111 8 ."1 1 :intrli:.. . itl i gifgrrtitrr . . * MICEIMi! TIIVIVIIMIL • • . Anderson. .111 in J. Lyneh. ,Pennr A. Munn,. ' John . Inndhoy, liohn Alarshall 1. 1171%,!,41,!: • . Mal. A. Lll on. tlAveld MoVandlus. John Ev.ns. W . John J. fillipmple. Petnr 11. Hunker nk , IllrhAnt /Iny, . Jute. . Kelly. Alomintlpr ' Robert. Ir. - IWllltam Van Kirk. TustAnrntn-VIIABI.E B A. COLTON. Stattvala.4A - 1 1 % 1111 . . ALICEIM. JOIIN Q. WORKMANII. IIICIIA111) OAVIN WORKMAN' '.&. DAVIS osseous" Iskia.I.IIIICMAN,AIO9ItE A els., moue. fiteturen arooaalsrs lea \ . Carnages,Buggies, - SPRINI; & BUCK WAGONS, 42, 41, 46 and IS Beaver Al., Allegheny. 'Unstring nwillt and prtneptly executed. Or. d.. For New Work SOWrr up lu g uwa . ..lid end warranted to else wtlafeellon In ever) twosout., Ileleeweet Pitts Of !rte sonatantle nil Wool. 1301.* AGEETN for the New Eisen Wneel eon,- wwly's mane of PARTIN'S PATENT WHEELS end I tea Patantraulet Millar and AntlAlatilar tan k for Pea te, -..—.. It. 111. IA RD nArts petit Perr u is w ed the In :11;1:h A t i l e it ".. l:o7; tilt tr.. n t;;e buslnetlrtql unsalted ne . NAM , at Emote stand, under the seesaw. al le of WOUJLAIAIS A DAVI& Orders onflelted. ' • if!"II4ZIOU K AI:,+k hue wit Illlsent' Nonmalignant. Plttsojrl... itHEN 11 BUSINESS OF ALL , El ' , IWO be traltsteted In PhlladelpbW, New WE 11•Ill11114, Ike attended to n, w. m . Mak NIGHT, 1141 if street. Plinwlelphlw .tondrefereneaa Erse If desired jell 121 GM= SPECIAL NOTICES DOCTOR WHITTIER CONTIN• 1:10110IIT AND ylOl PITTSIfUIIIIII. 11100,000 I=l P 11.11 3. IDR,IT , -.1 AMIN ItititandA N. Vte. PHLAMENTA. FIN.ANC AMERICAN No. SO Fourth_ A v'eritte ', I'IIIFSBUIIGII GARS CAPITA I ISIOO,OOO Shiekholders Individually Liahle. DANK OF DthcOUNT AND DEPOSIT. ' JOUS/1-1.011:, . HSI. PI.! 0. • Pretident. I '• Cathie:, DIN.CITIPA: ] T. 1,18. II.Gla: shall, i John SI. Murtiand, • Yrn.l'. Fhiata.ll, • - 1 Archibald-Wallace. Jaw,. W. Art.!! I Jut lit. Kelly, . . 5 . t . in . 1 .1 ,:fi ....,11, , Hui. STioyd. • Cloileettona mane on .11 point.. In the United 'States and Canada. Proutht attention paid to nor' nts. nes ulde .. 1 listeletlthl IT - 1. , 8.431N . 1 -, _ 1 2IFIF±FIJA-5. , 44:.: - .NT_TE. PITTSBURGH. A. CAP A 6100.000 ~,,,,... ~r . , ~,R. INDIVHAI 1.14. LIABLE. "'"-- lipf — 6• IT PAID ON DEPO, 'VS. FOREIGN 'EXCHANGE bought. gold, and when dell d remitted 'no Enrppe. Colleetin, nude on all and In all the prirthipal point, or the Untied Sta a thd flanadas. 1 101. (NICK lIIMEIEN. President. • JAM UCCA OE. Vice Presider. . w. . MORGAN. reabler. 1 D. lemma , - ''''' Trate• IC:coba. Thoolcoorle. i lloith Relting, .. ME . .. . . . . "- ' • Patrick Be.. l• Terence Campbell. LT.. EL Brim , • Jame, Pbei , e 7 e, CIA& M..' , U. 3. Girseo. • , 11. I.,Frey mle. , Thomas B es. N. Step,: , Jel:ks , JON. M. 11l AZZ AM. !Welter, , FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, No, IN Fourth Air., Fillibrgh. (APITM $183:3113. DEPpNITOUA tiZeUlaD HY It AI. EbTATE AND INTEILKST ALLOWED ON TILE DK POgITS., IFlttf===! . . Vire Vrtaadenta -J. S. eItAFT.II AA3 JAIL/01. El);A'Allit S. ItOUSY. ROB '. '" Wlri i l A W. M PI HAM'S. JAMES CEAII`. MA KKEY.THOMAS tcrvali ~ JARED ALUIt€SUL THOMAS W. DAVIS, Secretary and WeAmurnr—TlMMAS STEEL. 4 0 1 41Ar C alggit ni tAl M u } :111 . ..i r . t } : ' ,Wk . lock , . dal:Aacd every Saturday wreaths from ly to lIO.M ICOMNIERCIAL BANKING COMPANY, No. 9! Fourth Avr,, Filluburgh CAPITA' miou.ooo Stockholders Individually Liable.;. w. 11. PPM C. MACRUNI; President. Cabbie, erytlissi A I.K.X.KIIIIAIIIII. dintri 14.141/13.1.Y. . . . • • A. U. F.'NGI.IBII, • D. MACRUM,, W. H. EVERSON,. JOUR U. PHILLIPS. W. U.RUGHART ^lt. F. WILSON. J ACOB I .KE. relleetltws wade on all adowartble point. Unded States and Canada. . INTEREST allowed an TINE ORPUNITS. Prom tot attenßon Oren to all Walt.o of a- THILSAFE DEPOSIT Cpl. :01PittsburghT rt/It TII . . Sale: liteoing or \ Valuables, Under guarantee, and We ranting of dotes In Its • . , • Fire and Burglar - Proof "faults, . N0..8 Fourth A. ll vel. 13 , pr. 1..-W1L1.1.A.11 PIkILLII I .9. Plea odenV-.111 , ..NRY a LOYD.' c tVintam Pal !pa, ""''''-' llian 9. P.on,a;, • Itfnr, hi a . i in.. fi..llirrloon. . with.m M. ;ann, ' =II. Hew). Jan. I. Henn la, Seal and Frass.-S. F. VON llONNliolitiT. Opon daily nn 9 talotlva. 9. 92 . 1 o'clqck P.L. ITA - 13.1,, CAI GHEY & CO.: , Bankeis and liroketa, -. CORE FOURTH AND WOOD sTaßils, t tsbargh. Pa., 01U.,11...01td TO HANNA. lIART L C 0..) Tl[•L[R.s TV Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And partleler •tteetion' ;Aid 10 theyorchaPe pod C;ro , . - e.ll.ll7llC.iit' lio]ktit4 Sight, Draughts on London. N. Holmes & 'op, • BANKERS 61 MarketAtre t, PI T'USBURG'H,IPA. euti.,.. aL a t i t e twi o iLt tl xd p = rmnt• STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES, I= MIZSMISES Uniteci States Seetuities. Dose MORGAN, KEENE. & MARVIN; . AV all •. Street, =I ca= Swa I NIINy Ll"n7tyl LI s.STZKSbEnin nunact A General Ban ing Bfisiness. T111:0. M. MURGAN. SAMUICI. 8. KEEHN. = (fats Paymaster fienond d , 11411, r atoo , t nal of State Ile of off uk tficifoi la the Immediate vicinity of the stockMt change mid the Gold Board lend membersof each), orders are executed with theireMeettgwelhiedee patch. Merchants and Investors, Drina at a distanre. can rely upon our Attolll.ll.l to their stxmllest largrst orders, with equal care and promptsonse. 114" . i l j•Trorgilonai it ! nfarunofle Lena. I C aro ele then stunn;pahlee. cont. to tr w i n n nn theilee, or nesirine m to UM_ . tritnz any nuancial business they y. it •in this rite ere Wetted to 1111 us pereomo, or b y temn. communicate my t.7rce Atmore. Jay Cooke a Co:, Nee Yin'''. 7 Per Cent, Gold t:IBST. MORTGAGE B NDS, Coupon or Reginto ed, (ESSE 01' U. S. SAX.) ~ ISSUED BY lint 13nriiii,gton, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota R. R. Co. Wo ar. 0011.furinx • limited quimllir fur We At . 96 and. interest. latereat payable Lay and Noaember. law topk of tho tiottit.ll . 7 ar, end the Anent f the path. drat _IS provided for bye slating fund The am °,l'.l':'=lll`.l=l° wand a. market .prls. considerably • .ho p parho lides paying about U per rent...pump y. Interest' athy meanwhile. th . b. FlvePtwenties present With. only return 3 per amt.. and WI, inkra the security equally ood._ Tbe brother part of the road Ls already eutubleted ar.ct lb. balms., Of work la Pwattbastrur. The established eltararthr of this mod. running As It does It the heart of the mosly rotund mite. portion of the great. Stabor lowa, PAtether with Its patent advaneed Condi -400 anti largo earnings. W11.11112l 1111111411bInitat 11.iny rosoutbeittltng th ese bonds to lavestTra as. In of orprespect, all undoubted security.. • • • . HENRY CLEWS. & CO., 31 Well Meet, New York W. McCLRADI & Lb. , Pioaborigh, Ps. ROWED & FOX, HERTZ & HOWARD, Phtladelpids, BAIIHKR, DHOW. & Pplladelphla. DeHAVER it. RHO., Plallagelphis. TOWDDRAD,WHELEN & CO., PhOulelphlA. ion • Ell • 9,187 U. BOILERS, BLc I~St'~~' •~'l~ Boiler, •Sti CARIOII,I4 11MANtIA F PITT - il) and Tank RICS. & SNYDER TUl' I , I.AIIIBLN-1 til/X ANlll'll. NI/EIV 011. STILLS ND 01 I.lllNlNr:.it sizrrixici a•ANs. LT.N,quis, 'CUED TUBULAR FIRE. STEAM BOILERS. t TANKS. 11NO AND ASH PANS. ALT PANS AND (US. STICASI MIZE = EIIIMOSZ! MEMO (,r. 241, 3sl, iiur Br —, rder. metalu yrymp:tly att.ndoti and Liberty Streets, =! iboee bedreas elli be ease V . . A ()I E & . CO„ ('or.Polal'A 1 141\ . indlhuillebIle SI, O:ZA l 11l . P. rINT.I • Engine Eulde \ rs, Founders, •', ANltt 0 • M,A( ! -I I N isr.rs • . — I 51anafactura , 1 .„ 1181. AT ..SUIN 1 , 11 andb TA ~. Tl. oN Ell'i P . M 1I I: I. of all Al ...o. A7\ :" A i l l ' . " V i ' ll ' . 7: ... r.1 ‘ 11 . 1 1 S h! Z 17 ' olligtll 11011.1:3 of 13 MIT, Rower. S . XasTlNtiS a. of evety Mad. z . ,, .. ... o Tarot our ioundry..m i i ii,%.lllSTltr.l:l, elow 31. Tart • RIG, tor - 'rib.. t+ll AV ISt:, PULLETS. 11A.Nt:K11,1. 101%9 It and 'fo t, o SCREWS. and IRON Toll e1:1,1 1 . 111:,S , .ne Land and USda moonier, at he . • INDUS' 'MA I; 11 ORKS, i Feontoot on the Aneehent thter. l'lttettutwh. I mmEmm A.H.rderspron.ptli alto& 118. Ries - idd( -. 6.5 Bro., FIRE ANL) RI.114:I.AII-1'ROIDF • SAFES lAND VAULTS. CIE= CEMBEI ;,NGINES. - ANDMACHINERY BREW F.IIV WORK, ItKI•A IRMO •/1d NI A VIIINEUX. Iltl,llA ULM CEIIENT. [ler I 7th am! b . VILNISTS, Pittnbur,h. l•a. 1111M.,1, . MARA!',',III,ER WORKS, ItEPIIAN & CO ., Man u New re rp of STEAM BOILERS, 011. TANKS STILLS, AGITATGIOI_, SALT _,PA NS,G /18011K TICKS SETTLING PANS, • i•KISON • DOORS. eItIVNEVS,.IIIIICIpN FIRE BEDS, a,C, or. of Second Amor and Liberty Street PITTAIWILIiIf. PA. linpalrlng done promptly. Orders sent to the above alldress will be promptly attended to. ' Y. ['RAN, formerly Manager at CARROI.I. SNYDER'S. , oelEptC FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS NATIONA L FOUNDRI Pipe- Works. 'orner earn!' and Salathan Sreets (NINTit WA RD.) . PITTR.URGIL PA SMITH MAN LIyACTURICH OP Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, GAS AND WATER WORKS: ...1144trivgA,=..'n1r,:;Via:„VA17.1;i- 'astino for Gas and.. Water Works I \!tlld V127.%":111M1111."!°"'" W. J. ANDEllii ON H. A:YREYVOGLE. • _ MONONGAII EL.A. FOUNDRY. W. J. 'ANDERSON & CO., • Ilam.N.miers of IKON lloCi9lt FRONTS. WIN DOW LINTNLS and SILLS. and Castings of all Descriptions A 8 tleotl.~n paid to ARCHITECTURE l' TIYUS lne to Mots.. I.4IUNto for Wlndoor Glass MTH-A AND FOUNDRY—No. 130 WATER St .. twbursh Pa ROBINSON; REA & CO 50cc0.....r. to, liontsaos. MINIS .4 dltroLuita • -_ WASHINGTON WORK FOUNDERS . ACHINISTS. Manufacturer. of Boat and Stationary Steam !Sr Once. Blast Eng nee, 'MIS Machinery Gearing,. t Iry Offtee fainter rai tangSruShitekt tamers. e lzfr u tirgriAlLD'S PATENT IIi.LECTOR fur - .Ja11:r33 THOS. CARLIN &•.C,O. Fourth Word 'foundry & Machine Works. N a NDUBKY ALLTIGIIIGNY CITY, PA. Manufacturer, ..f Ytatlonary and Portable Roam Itngines, 011 Presses, Pulleys, ShaSUng. tinst. and tails 31111 Work, Ito ling Mill and Machina Castings, Grate Bare. Weigh , Wagon. Boxes. it. Built to enter arid have ini d Rngintsi of all atm. nislt:qs . • . _ Ph(enix . I Foundry.. • . Co. L.IIWIRTY bly BOLLNUN & BAGALP,Y, lianafueturers of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions ' ' BRASS CASTINGS. _ OUBTAVE BASUIt - Hen . ry Bier Oloototoors to JOHN M. VOOPER A ta).,l BELL AND BRASS 'FOUNDERS. • 111:ass - Listings • ' MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER.. .stAtatAtu.n AND GREY OASt OT I L T PE L I AfNAD t TURE lq m D om i n r e 7 ty s r VnAnLisV, top ES, lilaiadl7l4oll,o4ioN Moans. Wet." and Olt rIiTAVAIVI 0 .! . )11 0,.. PM*ED 'A ENTB ot IMIETBUS' PATENT ..ERS, too. boot In tho matis. I . • _,Orlett AND WORKS Corner Tylrteenth. and Pike Streets. ATVPOOD & McCAI'I"REY , Mover LIPT.BTi Suomi and Thom AvEatO4 PittaborglL Pa., BRASS POUNDERS and IRON PI PE wrestle... 4 AO ESTb for A. &CAM CRON COM STEAM PUNTS AND BLOWERS. FLOUR. _ p EARL STEAM FLOURING MILLS. .• R, ,T. KENNEDY' & BRO,, • Au.aximmr CITY. FA., Ifatotfacturers f•f the f•ilkorfne eolebrated brands of Flour: grilmremd.nonn= Fillan h cri gives call,. aatlfutlon. • • loandam Red Bawd, a [owl Fatally Mom, y of the am. grade ill the market. Ail Wand. framulLed as repteseouya. • . Apra :141. ;I 570. . • •. Rummy; cus riTTERs. Eui.TON' & AVGANN,' Practical Plumbers, AI AND STEAM V/TTEILS. • . , Pill 2, Avant:l . B,-mm High Street. •Pittatoirgii, Pa. Load Pim, Gum llom, Gm lelatoma, hanks. bath Tuba and Waahltands, lom Pipe and Wlttingot Ai. and Beer Pimp., atid Swam Cooko afloat. on baud. Public and Priv.. Buildings MGM ap with Goo, • Water aad Miami floating Amnia.. Jobbing POnatiiiii 'handed to. . . , - ,P4r,t , c-r." .- 0. ,. .44 , 5%-..."-N " CE.AND STEEL,: CR.Tl]k-CR-gril STEEL WOBKS. MILLER, & PARKIN, OFFICE: No Liberty Street, PPPTS DURUM PA. DUQUESNE • WORKS; Coiernan.ltahm,& 1. • NIANUIACTIMILYS or IltON, NAIL TEFL; Axels and Springs. DuquESNE. L X AND JIYNIATA IFLAT BAR, 'MIND ANTIUA IRON, lANII Door, SIIEVT TANK IRON, BDILER PLATEN AND AND , ODA RD IRON. • URAD AND DROPPER BARB. ,V,:i‘,: s ‘ t:ft , t :ll7l , 3ll BA /L`i, CVLI rii!Eit , IRON. NO WII A E A lVlljar2ll.,tlhiOil el f T ERTL!. SPRING, PLOW AND CULI'IVATOR. BTEKI., STERI, WINiiS AND MOULD)) , cut to ratter', T: it sT EEL SS I A PTING, A B STEEL. COAC.II, BUDDY m.l WMION SPRINGS md A iNfNAILS AND ' , PIK Bs. ill goods First. (lags akal . Warn:inn. orric WORKS -11(liti suree Alla. skim). Rive Es r, AND and 77 Walin• otrbet. IlltmP tanS urgh. n:11:. • Pittsburgh Steel Works, INTAIILISHED IN 1513 ANDERSON k, WOODS, Best Refilled Cast Steel Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO. Beet Refined German Plow & Spring Steel. I'OILNER ROSS. ANY) FIRST AVENUE. PIK. blinitt. Ps. vOllllll VITTSBTII3G-H Novelly. Works. - • FOUNDED A. D. 1133. MOORHEAD, ADAMS -& CO., Moo ofacturen. of KEYSTONE STANDARD(Voir dual Cal Patent/ PI.ATKOILE AND COUNTEE SCALES. Faoad Patent 11.. r Loct...d Latchea. Paint and Coffee atm. , Ac. • Pittsbur Corner of Ps- FIIIIIT AVENUi{ and 1/P.ANT gh. Sheffield Steel Works. SINGER, NIMICK & CO., = C= Cast and German Steel RAILWAY 1.41./11:.35. EI.I.I. 4 TIILAND PLATSOILNI • AXLES STEF:L TIRS, &c., Sc. W A OEIIO USH—S3 Water 6010 100 Ana streets. BLACK DL,%AIO,IsID STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Xantifaeforers of all Ilkesdriptions of. STEEL (Mall: and WA IllttllTUS3-30ttg. Slit and NWlnsud street, Iltleburstb. • STOVES, ,.. „ ASTI:DIGS ; COOK STOVES. Get t le Iltrt! BISSELL & -CO'S For Bitublinoua Goal • _ _ _ Warranted nd COO BAKE or ROARI" as will MMIfEMM • . BISSEIIL & CO .No. 235 Liberty- Streit. ALSO. ON 11A AND TOR HALM: .t N 1 ' ~ PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES, ORATE TROST'S, . ' ' ,FENDERS. (VOICING RANGER : Re.. Yee. ' A,BRAD EY&CO, No. l , 30 NV od. Street. _ - • . Manufecturers of the t Vet,' of - COOlf. PARLOR and DRAT'S STOVE Sto be found. In oar assortment will befoams all the lalest PAT TERNS end LIiPROVIDI TS, and th repots. nun of our Stoees.ts su that worm. to want of :=Url i g l i e :3l. ' ,V d U4 P eTr i ll ben, ...lett...,N.vm: mble as well as co: terr a l Would ca/1 particular attention to our new VOLCANO STOVE, for ehurehea.balle and Mures. Deer 300 sold In Mien tannthe. Intended for erlth es without casing. All who have used them pronelonee them superior . le anv ether and far cheaper. ~nd forOstalual and Pelee LW.. '. I I,a9II•RS, SeliMfdt & riday, 11EPORT_E.RS kor WINES; BRANDIES, GINS, IV}IOI.ESALEIDE.ERS IN PURE RYE [WHISKIES, Nos. 384 and Penn, Cor. of ELEVENTH ST., formerly Canal JOS. S. FINCI & CO., 18 and 193 • FIRST STREET. Pfttobafsh, Danufacturoes of COPPER DISTILLED PURE .RYE WRISKS_, Also, dodos to rmunox WINES, and 1.1 lotanoPS. Ac.. 14 as) NZ% ill '40,1, L. OAZZAId..JOIN PHANNOM..IibI. b. LW.. Jos, M. Oazzam & Co., ATTORIVEYS AND couNBELLanA A7l LAW. tari3Mthrelltr i seAr . °WU' r_i_ DeCAIDP• . • • • • •ATTONEI AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Hu re need to N0.:•2, GRANT STURM!. Pitts burgh. Will preeticelo the U.S.Clroultaad Matelot Coutue Mato Supremo and th e Courts of Attache co unty. and male entleellOns mess of the nt counties.' • .I.M - ILT3 • LI • • ttoriley-at-Law•- • • tirPrnmpt UonßOn Riven to all Mils of lend business. rg.beA A . RCBIBAI.D BLAYELY, ettomey:at=Lw, AVENtIX. iT •ritutp, WM. B. KEEPER; 6111 5 / 1 1LIIAtt , nil m itVil a grro illerl946P. Office:ll2 Fifth avenue. t E, Z" l l=l.lll=V:Pr=rAlr',,• .d ail s. legal boala••• attended to proulDel7 and lla eneaLelr• - - NOTICE—The Fluid which exploded at East Liberty a ndelkusedtbetliniiii JoI7 4th, virtu not weaszsusturmrs KIOSTONE TLOlD.tehtch Is sold by IpIITILIE AITYSOM , No. 34 Smithfield street. bet anothei artist. There never he. hien any siploelon of the Eel etoneElnid.' RALLROADS . • 13piNSAI;VANIA FENTIZA . I. RAIL. Atch. R an '4 dep 7A rt l 1 f,Fl 4rrr4,4wl arrive i44 i A. Flra.o g. NA STW HI IV Wert,' Ann Throat:lt 'Trains Tan, Tmlna Leave infant Depot. , Arrivr at Union Der. Pacific Ex 12:30 aro' Nall Trant.....11 4 ant Mall Train NI 0 ant Fast Line 11:1• ant Minton A c..., 101,10 ~lC incinnati Mt.. 101 ant Crocintl Ex..... 1....: 3 p... .Pittslian E... 3:4 n. PIM.. Expreati 8130 pcn Pactne Ex..., 10'40 Pna last Line .: —.. 7 0 Put, , V. , ''' ....... 1 " -.40 Lova, t pea t.. ' Wall's No. 1.. - 6.30 ant Wail No. 3 . 13%11 ant Wall's No .% 11 31 ant Itritin At. No.l 7.5 o nni 1 Mall, No. 3.. 801 1 , 111 Wall'a No. 2.. ...l. am it\ j !:l7 r .§73 ‘ . ' ntr.-..;;V:';.7.1.c: t 8 I'L.:=." 11,::',1;7,',, , • - .1. .( 1 .1?,','„'„r.,11::`,',:1 - ; • .1 . 0 I P 4' .4.1151i0, 0 .11..00 On Britt'n AcNo.... , .. Pto Wlllinara A,lo' 0 ,6i cinvinnati R.prema and racirin Eanna. keep '''Tt'a.• tAti,ln'rli'l'l'Tlir.":l=l;°A%l\':';:%nt'.r;<..,r, 1 p31....!., 1 , 4.0 ..... r0.,.......r,,,,bur i t, ~ 112!ei, ;T..,„...r,11V.1 . 1%t Vlg. s'Ll11„1;11t4:11 . II I~mH t ar The rennryl•rartia Rallread CrJetilannl anew ahy irk Itt,,,ane. except. tor rreartbf..e parel, nnd Innt their rept n.bltltY te o.° drett Dnllara In *slue. I,llll4',none exeeedtng ,••.` eminent In rattle will he at thn ',.r et. the errnar, enter.. taken by opecial .1. Gpnorttl Superlntonuent. Altoona. Pa 13117S111:11611, FORT wAyy%jr; CHICAGO It W. mind FAtiril. stil l - Ylmni June 11: IN7O, trainl wiimme Plus nr entreat Um Union uepol.. north Md.. Plus burgh City time. an fellows: Fuld Line 124 tll m Fa. - 1.1.1 - nn' 1 . 2.111.. in (1. s Whig 4t . 1.1t1i • ta: ntif Whee :1:IL 1t3.10.4N a m chimp. Mail-04. a m; Pacinc Lx....10". p la Eno & Tun Ex .7 At. • 130106g° MAIL. 148 Pdi Chic. Ex. _...10.4 m 3 a Cleveland P 3.. :JIS t , ta Cl. & WIC.; Ex..43:4 pm Erie k Trn Ps. AS pvt. Pacing; Ex 3:9t, p mil. & Wt. g Ex. :11S. p M W'ellsville Ea-4+33 P. C. a$ , -1.. E... 1,1 ,N t i . Erie Faure.. Tu ..4f4S p . Erie liaprtss.l :13 p m pcP.kIlT ' , pc. A I.l.MCl'.'AlvltlVa IN .41.1.1:•••NN. Om !. ir Fallv Ac....3S am'Leetsdale A c.. 13 a n. Lectsdale - 11,13 um' lleaX Pal L- „ Pi: SGMa .. • - 11:33 a m.lhaint •' Pv. Sana New Grille •• 'C:I3 P .u . N.. llastle•• 1E1,23 a m K „,,„ ... 4:as pm t.pmmp, -114 . 3 P rt. Leetadale - 3:13 Pni Bea v Tails " • 1/ pln Bee'r rail, - U.'23 p m Lee:v.l'oa " .3 P ... Leclaidale .. 10:43 pm. " " 7 . -3• pta Fair 0...k0 Sun- 'Fair Oaks San. - • • • chureb..l:l3 dalyChoreb..9ss it to EXpri,” tittill• . • IV - Pacific EXpreaeartVps daily. • dir - Fast Line leaves dally -Honda ys excepted. IP - Feat line arrives daily; Mondays except.d. Irle - All other trains will lose° and mice dilly. ,londays evrepted. • F. It, 34 VERS. , 1. N. MaI.ILIX/VOll. Genl. Pas. TindL Agent- Gent. Manager. \AI ESTERN I'ENNSYLVANIA Rat. si`,P. V1: - .X,gggampg3_ Trains on the Acestern Perninylvania Railroad will arrive at and depatt tram the Federal aGeet betaa. Allegbany e. ea follows: =I AM No. YL Iftercem I Oxig m ClarettiOnt Ae.ll: Dank Claremont Ac..lc4S at:twee, It I p Freeport No. It 3:33P ntlPpctegd iP pm Above value run dolly except Hundny. The Church Trete leaves Allegheny•Junctloo every Sunday at NOO A.teaching AlleghenyAlleghe ny City at 111:50 A. u Return ing, leaves Allegheny elty at 11.80 0 pi t at Allegheny Juno. "TlTe g il their:oath Duller andatannehstoelt fpurr:beam] at Tlkere Plage Moo, No. 36 lair, street, neer e du/pension Midge. Illta burgh and at the 1. not. Allegheny. l'nber P.r" ? i rt . PA p P:LVEnm.e' Age at. Peden! Street brppd. Local Ticket. to Ii Important Stations .1. the male line of the Fa nsylvanla Central ItAllned, A. J. CAXPIATT. • General uP"1 111101 1 1 , puyal • uperlnteudent. Plttsbonth. A ILED HENN VALLEY RAILROAD. Y LINE TO IitAIA)TiIItiMAIII THE OIL KGIONs. On Andlifter Mt • I/A Y. June tith. 12470.3 through . Trutnadallyleyeewitiendity• will legyeiritisburgli pep_nt, corner or Eleven end Pike fog OR City. Bight , azulall point. In tire Int Region.: . . LPAVY Alintrit A •I 1.11,q111 . 11.1.. lirp - pinrimirl "' E ll'""..8;::: :23 1 . :t1 . Pilpht War l'amie preap nger ICAO -A. M. Mail Train 14 . 1 1 3 . 4 Nf:"- '" . - il:? Pt': Il i / 0 3 .. 1 ... 1 s 1..11 ult. ' 1140 A. M. . ^ 1 A.M. •pd Hutton 3:00 P. 31. :OA. M I Itultpn 11:?0 r. m. 1, OP. ai f'hurch 1 - 00 P. M. 15: ,A.kl rapniap twin. lamp mnly at principal prints. Ac owriximlatlnn titans stop at all aiiitkina. - - direr Palace Weeping Cann litrpreas Twain, tadb Ways between intimburßh and Cann. J. J. LAW HENCE, Gaol dept. Jain JAMES H. DRAY. Ticket. Anent PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLS -1 VILLE MAILROAD.—anfo , CHANGE DF TIME--On n ll d G fu l n B . W O. ED ruNIEPD ATr. rlveat and depart li Depot. c city time orner of Dean, and Water street, wlot ma—: LEAV. AIUtIVE. 3130 Train • . 3lcKee, • • o.cfrorotc, A c 7:ill A.M.' g•ort Ac 040 Am Way Pus Weer 9:03 lenwood Ac MAIO A. lit McKee, -West Senlne Ci ~port Ar 11110 Ac 0 ::113A.0 4'30 112 2: Ad '&3O P.N1.1.31e Traln,:. r ed McKee,. radd o port Ac,.... 6:20 Ac ..... 7:001, 3d 31cKees- :3d AlcKees , port Ac P.3t, port Ao EIdSU • i 4 es Newton est Merton Church- Ten•l2:43 Pa.t.! , hurch Ten.l IP:10 'Sundays onlv. An other Train. Train. dan,earept. Honda, • lot- ! Master of 7Yenapdf DITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI )JD 1 BT. LOUTS HALLWAY. PIN HINDLE ROUTE. 404 Z; CIIADGE Or TIME.—On stet after SUNDAY, Junp 11, IST 0. mem wet. leave and. ifiTtve at the Union Depot, Pittsburgh , as follows: Pittsburgh Thee. DEPART...,/MUM 12:3S t. 121 3 co. 7:IMRm. SE —. 3o — dihern . Examen ' ..c.f..3 in m. 12:11.mId. ) Mixed Amon:mod/o.ton 3: 3a. m. ele p. al. I.lcDonald Aocommodh. 11" ..m. . 7.3 a.m. Steubenville Acoommal. 40.0 p.m. 11 a.m. McDonald Accommod. MD p.m. : 3 p.m. Sunday Chore. Train.— 133 • Sa. m. The 10:48 a. al. that Line a l leave dal y. The litl n 13 ily e noon ExperSu nday.ee• antrea dad,. All Mbar tmlas ra daxcept W. L. 0 . 13111E21, General Ticket Agent. Columbus. O. W. W. fs /M. bunt.. Dennison. Qblo. JeD HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Pittsburglt Utility Works, WEAVER & JONES. Corner of Juniata and Fulton Streeti, Math Ward, Allegheny: 4 ' tilanufsoturera GnusAPL TIARDWARE and all kinds LIMIT IRON CASTINES. We tender nut Goodt and rervieei the Trade et the Lowest. PririssAnd warrant all our wort nrilstitsl. Orders solicited.. The A11..00171 of Dealers denerallyis called to bur wake of BEI/ AND PLATE CASTERS. . WEAVER k JONES. Addrebe: Pltt•bursh P.toffice. • 33.WA,JECI. ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan; Gregg & Co., HARDWARE, No. 552 Wood •Str'eet, inrranikors. PA. Spring Moods, floes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Smiths, ike. • Merchants are incited to examine our stock schen in the city. - Orders by Mail will hare prompt at. (cation. BEAVER VALLS CUTLER-- CO., No. 70' Wood Street, , OFFER Table Knives C Fort e Pockjet:Knives, Butcher Knives, k Bread Knives, carving Knives, Scissors . , Razors, , • Putty Knives,: AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY AT LOW PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery Co:, ' No. 70 WOOD STREET, PITTABUROPL, PA PAINTING, GRAINING,. • JOHN T. GRA:Yr; - , MBE AID EON perms, 014.A.INMit AND . Ns 3i lIfITU @ CR6'k`p. IaICI (Lig Hang armed.) Pittsburgh. P. AfARSHALL'S ELIXIR. ...MRS/JAILS ELIXIR WILL (I . Rt IlLtnAcenc • - ALARAFIALLIS MARIS wn.u.criss prilrErst4: MARRUALLS MIAMI WILL CORR 0011111VSISSI COCO Of SlarabOrs Muir, 111.00 per bottig._:_ -- Data, 1301 Atarkst West. AL StARBRALLU' CO., orumsta. Prop/it/WM EOS Wit Wbolaptc andileta% by GEOISSIE WELLY, Pittabaralt • f•COMISTLIta