U II "Ti? \ DAM GAZETTE. El • 'BOMB NEWS. Penes. teavjue the city t i c the summer. a.id wishing, to have the Gazrrre:eent_to 6. them, trill plenee pearl their addresses to the ot6er.) Price by. mall, ili cents per inputb• Fee le—ltcate..—Ttro Rood routes on this paper trill be sold very low to good. energetic carriers. None others . seed .apply. at GA MITE Ceetiting 'ROOT. - . • Eibater. oat of 'emplortncat...will and an np portunlir to Mirage In (0.13) a paper, nailer the bead of Ward, Daqtc—The attention of the ILVef .100 oda. ordr ir D i gest. the ordinance on page 24.1 of the 'City relative to dog, gases. •rg sk Lasereirrevllle Wider , Co.— The stoc holders ot Ibis Company will hod a notice, CI neerulne them Into.lny's yelper- , first pas. , Pleats Diod hogs and burglars. The Street Coto otters haul the former off the streets. add the 1 tter take Care of themselves. There Ist° one o "ferry" them oat. • Thirty ^yr.—Jett - es a. Clark was arrested and take lt Deputy Mayor Otrtwright. .Of Last tborty. Yeste;day. on' a charge of 'vagrancy and. COMM/ . ttil to the Work house for tetirts doss. • Young h4tes Bible liinelety . .The regular monthly meeting of the Youug Men's Bible Society of Allegheny County, will be held , this (Thursday) ereuing. at 7X o'clock in the lec ture room of the First Presbyterian Church. Pittsburgh. • Borety, Jpplla A. Smith inside information before Juatite Helsel yesterday against John Bonnet). foraurety of the peace. ette alleges 'that John came to her 'residence and threat ened to take( her - tire. A warrant woo Issued for the arient Of Bonnier. al uf. Henry I)oren. lien on 'Fore. we published yester wed yesterday. Cur lest on it last even a verdlet .of :mei- Body dLo lan ay. an day gnat oner •lag.ane dentai :e that ibe directors twrenneeille Bridge to rebuild an trots . burnt stew weeks c'given out nt once, lost in having it nu . grtuid'ulatch game or Wee ball win come.ell IleitSattirait3atteroool2 at three o'clock. between Vise Unknown vs. Oceoln. The celebrated nit her (rum Californin,-Ileary Mertz, W 11 1 .151100 fur the - Unknown. The gaure will Cattle oft et the Old Fair Grounds. en etching game is expected. We of the 1 Comm, /Mc4te ail, so that totted The members of Equality Temple of Rona No. dl. are requested to askemble. [ht. morn Ins at Templar's ltdll. GT rourta :tne From thence at 1_";{ 'clock, kharp, theyoil proceed to juin In the funeral procession n their Into Ansnelate Brother Wm. E. Holmes Mater Lodges ore also Invited to partlcipalc tinnelt.—A little girl, about ten years of White playing In front ut Dr. Dickson's omee on Pena street,-Tuesday afternoon, was Inn struck. She was carried into the Doctor's office where she received medical attention • - and In an hour afterwards was able to be re moved to the resioenee of her parents. in the Tenth ward. • • Flooded. The tunnel of the Panhandle Railroad under a portion of the city iallooded In consequence - of the break In the Try street newer. which is noticed in another place. The -flack wan .submerged in. about two feet of water. and owing in the drift- end rubbish which floated into the tunnel trains were pre vented from passing_through Obstructing an Ofnrer.—T. Nancell and N. Laughlin, have been .obstructingi Constable • John 11. ffehren. of Aldermen Thomas's race 111. the discharge of his duty, armed with a ' - warrant to arrest a CCIIRIrt petty! ob structed Wm, and by their efforts the defend ant escaped. Ile Immediately made informa tion before Alderman Thomas. preferring the above ettrge Warring issued. telt Against the A. .V. It. R. Ca.-In the • - United State[ Circuit Court. e yesterday morn. ing,Disttiet Attorney Swop a suit against the AllegbenY Valleyinstituted Railroad Com ' • pony to recover for failure to comply with the • ' =Maio= of the revenue law requiring rp ' terns to be made of the amount of interest 'paid on bonds. coupons. to. The penalties need for aggregate twenty-four thousand dot- late. • - . . The Flee Commlaslen.—The Fire Commis. alocters held a meeting:a their office on Fourth avenue yestertr The only business of in , terest transac t Was the election of a Secre tary. Mr. Ellie tt tendered Mt resignation,' which was accepted, and Mr. William .1. DWI, s'who has been connected with the Sheriff's of fice for a number f yearc. was elected to fill the vacancy. 31r. Diehl Is a practical man, and will no doubtlnta ke an efficient officer. • ------- 51 — al - 7c as -.8'.------L' ..1....5,,,,, 5 ,,,.. . 1,,L,, tre,......t• . - fore Alderman -ff owns yesterday..rtt rc - • Nicholas Feinting r for surety of the peace, • alleging that he tent to her house and threat ened to kill her with a tumbler. A warrant 'was issued for defendant.who was arrested and a hearing held. Dail was finally en tered t o for Court The same prosecutriz also ' made an Information charging the same de fendant with assault. Bad was entered for Court:. ithwunies Award4.—The Commissioners for Penn avenue • extension yesterday evening " awarded the grading and curbing of said avenue to that well known contractor, K. . . Bracken.F.sq. In this gentleman the COM. missloners and all ipterested can safely rely - ' • on the work being Well d quickly done. As . gridence of his indefati able energy, at nine • ' o'clock last night his b was accepted and {tell d slx o'clock this mo ng over thirty arts - and bones were at work on this end. .....----....---- , Assault end Battery.—Caroline Fell apps d beldie Alderman Thomas yesterday and m de an Information charging John Fell, her s tand, with:assault and battery, alleging t at . he beat her with his lists and otheru se abused her. Aarrant was Issued and t e defendant arrest ed and- a hearing held.. . t ~. the bearlikg the defendant claimed that 's • , wife .vas insane. Afterthe hearing ball was et - ' . tered, and the matter has gone to the con a for anal adludicatiout The parties reside I . - •Frankstown. I ' ) . 1 • "all the Night Long their Mournful Watch! they Keep. - -A chronometer, or pocket time-1 y to be of valu mug t be correct, nod fall- Kg in tlds. it will; e be but a mournful watch. and demand constant watching by its posses sor to keep it goltuint ell. • To avoid any ouch annoyante procure your watches front W. Donseath, jeweler, lit Fifth avenue, who Yells the celebrated Watch w hic hches. both key and Pendant windersre un doubtedly the best watch( In the m7 k et for durability and correct t me. Moralerly Condon.—On gorday - last There appeared before Alderman Teaming, of the Stith ward..llrs. Ellen Fannan. who made the deposition.that one Anna Levin did act to a grose disorderly manner,, by calling silent crameroos bard neunes add lmting in Often ,f1 :1 ways not sanctioned b law. all of which tended to make rip a disci erly conduct ease l ' n Patinae feeling atter eyed, appeared be, fore the Alderman and m de the informatioh as above stated. Mrs. Lecill was arrestal. sad • bearing had in the case. when the de fendant was discharged on payment of costs. • 'Mew 11 1 1rns.—As will be seen by referen c e tb their guard, Messrs. Johttli'Klrd.r ned Weans der Taylor. botirof who'll are well known 14 1 commercial circles, have formed ace-partner ship, with a view of conducting a general . commission business. It Is also the design of 1 the new 11,n3 to opernte Hour. grain. feed, seeds, etc.. etc.. on thei own account, nnd we have no doubt they will r soon build up a good trade. Mr. Taylor, as in 'well known. Is no novice to this branch of business. having been actively engaged In It for several yeare. nut. his partner. Mr. WKlrdy. le an energetic yeast man well versed In bnainess matters. A Fereetests Dog.—A correspondent muds ut the following: On Thursday, July 2lst; Peter Spigher. a farmer of Conemingh Township, • !Somerset county. Pa., had been off front his — premises, and upon returning. his son, echo was lathe house. mid to a large mastiff dog. "watch him," (of coarseof meaning that he should attack his father. The dog sprang at the man. and caught b ni• by the band and arm, breaking some bones In hit hand. and - caught him by the throat; and could Illot be extricated until the son struck an tar into • - him. The wounded 'mistime killed the dog and retired to the house. The doctor was sent for Immediately. end the wounds of a dangerous character properly dressed. Dergiery.—The residence of Mr. John U. McCune. N 0.248 Pena street. which had been. closed for some weeks, Mr. McGleaned fami ly bat= absent. was eatered by burglars due- Instiseir absence and completely ranmekedi' but nothing carried off so fur as can ,be as certained. Every lock on cupboards, bureaus. arc. wax broken. and severed pieces of fine aditnituee were damaged. and their contents strewn promiscaously about the house. The thieves were doubtless, lrching for money or Mate and !lading none eparted' without carrying anythlnd else st,e• • with them. An the iiiidar of and thrall, entered um noted the other day, - ititady the house formerly occupied by FLOP & Sher.' bed, where they . arlli be glad to see their L'lttetedl4 eiyttcrilHrlys L aar i MISS Ikisides dealing to antic, they operate timely taciadoed,ri ours. White Lime. and are the agentitiOr the Johnotparn Hydraulic Mro i nlavlttle Cement. We take pleasure In commending this arm to the public, feeling na mood that they are both energetic nod tells - Ida Minton" men ; and that all Ds/daI:SS trans actions so tar as they are. coneethed 'trill hd. done - Oa the square:: , • 'Unit Irtitstee Nom of Temperance; • _ The quarterly session of this organisation ;will commence this (Thursday( 'afternoon at .. tkree • o'clock., In TemoersamiAlall., No. 67 - ' ' Poitrth - avenue, and will no doe be the lar, - .; gest quarterly meeting that has n held for Zi n r i s s Ert of the O. WA., oho C. Ma : of Phllf*lrilla. MTN that the Order la e °Tinge sfi . eof mon al prosper 'itgiregitTrethDtteralresedUrt:(l 0.1 . 2 7:1 ..'• working order.- -siorti 't teen 2.00: 1 mom bartrbeen Initiated. making the total mem r .; - ship of the order 1e Oils d oing over WACO. The . . - good that this order in doing does not hi nor means wholly smallest Itself In an hicrease of hip. for at over four bundled white gagetbm held dming-the last ; nind months. -• . SMUT affeca the total rihatlneuee pledge who ; •••, -.. -': did 91nect themselves with. the order as •• .•''' - nit fit .ha nt divisiont hareurranged . ; • toes =meetinf: Vii.tie held Ode (Thera at If o clock, In flew. Alex. ; . Clarra church. fifth a with short • addissmisie by prominent and,-eloquent mem , bell Of . the wider. , = • , 4 1; • ' - - • "- •-- . 414 • - • • \ A SQUARE ON Fill • , --..-- ' Another Lightning ,Bolt—A Bat Ite the Klahlb Ward, Allegheny. truck—Three' Tanneries and Your Dnrelllng• In Flames-- Families , Turned luta the ntreet—Thelr linnets DentreyeC—Loco s72,oo6—Partially lanured. The seal of the electric fluid has beet, get in a fearful. manner upon thin section. Storm after ktortn in quick sticcennlrin bare visited this vicinity, and .each visitation hat beea marked in a _way which will nerve to keep It In terrible remembrance. Indeed. so fatal and alarming bare been the uniform results of the storms. that now• even - dash villein is looked upon as a precursor of. if not vengeance itself, and the first inquiry after It has passed away is to discover the resultant damage. which Is Aways sufficient to indicate the power end appalling character of the agent. Yesterday we ctionicled a lint of what hag Bern done by the latest advent of the lightning. This morning we have a atilt more fearful record. About clue o'clock taut evenlog AMMite STOIIII CLOUD paistiii - nier this vicinity. hovering overhead however. Just long enough to deluge the earth below with rain, and furnish another dioplay of warring elements. The storm continued about ball an pour, but in that time caused damage which. will require many months to repair. At the time it was fiercest the light ning lit up the whole earth mound with a Ono cling brilliance and the thunder roared and cranked and rattled and then died away, as though intent upon keeping up Its terrifying reputation. All expected another bolt to hill. md in this they were not disappointed. Shortly after nine o'clock and struck the tannery °Chin James CallerT. located In the Eighth Word. Allegheny. near, Ileres Island. Mr. Chllery resided across from his establishment and a few minutes . Previous had been looking out of the window facing the worka. Ile turned nway as" the' lightning because inure brilliant. but it was , not long before a dash and a crack. more terrifron than the rest, was followed with lurid light which shone into his room, Look ing out he discovered fire Issuing in a large volume from the roof of his tannery. it seemed but an Instant before it WAR •,:- ALI. ABLAZE And the work of destruction , in full progress. The building was located earner of Mc- Paden strict nod the Western Pennsylvania Railroad track, Iron, which it extended to the river. It'swas of frame 'turd burned like nowdcr. The drat story was occupied for tanningpurposes by Mr. (Iler.r, the second as a trunk manufactory by Mr. W. J. Gilmore. la the second story, northeast corner, the fire nest broke out and soon the whole structure . . . . its in flames. Next to Calletwls, westward. watt the tan tulfy of Mr. John Itobenstein, which also ad joined the works ot the Pittsburgh Tanning Coinpany. The three establishments had a frontage on the Western Petinsylvanin Rail road. extending from Pine to McFadden streets—a distance of one square. 'they niso occupied nil but a small portion of the square extending tit River avenue.—the excepted part being taken up with three dwellings. The ere spread with lightning like rapidity :Ming all three (none buildings. mot ill a very few nioinents they were eawntpped in Ilamei. So sudden was the conflagration and so ex citing tv:vs the scene, that for seine t line nu endstruck an alarm. All seemed Intent upon. eavoring to save theinselve4 or ProPertY. Amiss 31craden street was 'located. Mr. Callery's house. oullosite Alm tannery. It was Itwo-story brick with frame bock buildings. t was on bre almost 89 soon An the tannery. and the Inmates had some difficulty in e“mp- , lug the flames and smothering smoke. One of the family, alma bop , was sick at the time, and bad toile co . to a house some dis tance away from t e scene of danger. Ef forts were then made to sure the house and goods. which were juirtially successful. Simultaneous with te tiring of Mr.Uallery's, the dwelling of Mr. ',Jacob Hoerr. a carpet . . . weaver, ca ught. It Its , located on the north east corner of the lot coupled by the tangier,. and'vrds closely adjol ng that building, ll , wan completely itestroyed.the Inmates satire a portion of their goods only. The next house on nee was that of Mr. Jan. G Bland. fronting on MtFadden street. below the tannery and near the river bank. The in mates bad time to get out of this themselves anfl secure a portion of their goods. It was a two story frame and was destroyed. Mr.fi ll land was employed in Rabenstein's tannery. Within a few yards of Oilland's was the two story frame dwelling of Mr. Rubenstein. fronting on River avenue and just at the rear of his tannery. It burned so rapidly that the family could secure nothingof value and lost nearly all.. • Thug the whole square! was on tire at once, and the flames shot up skswants, sandlot oft cloudy pyramids of black smoke:and reflect ing a brilliant light upon Troy Hill. above the dashing waters of the river, up and down and across the river far up the rugged sides of the opposite hillside. The scene attracted thou+. ulds olapectators, who, like bees upon a hurl ey comb. lined either tutnk of the riven and estled along the hire of Troy Hill on the Allegheny side, and perched upon the house tops all around. frockwhlch a good view could be obtained. For halt an bout the flames contitued to burn with great fierceness and yet no alarm was struck. In all probability the Depart, meet would not bate been called out, but' that the Chief Engineer,. observing a light. and thinking it to be a flee near Lawrence-' case Occarn;EZt.t: r h o9S...! 'r !r• exertions were at once put lona. Loma a up for the delay. The Department was ailed not and In very short time responded In full bine. Once upon the ground A SCAOCITIc Or WASNfI . was f , tad to retard operations upon the up. per si e of the fire, but the engines Hope and Frien hip pumped from the river on-the lowegaide, and thus supplied In a measure the deficiency Seeing that the whole sonare must go, attention was directed to the oaring of the otlier property adjoining. and to the preventio experienced sof the flame.. Great difficulty s e as ln this as the hose bursted several times and then the supply was not sufficient to extend form the enMues at the river. [which bad been taken down At the only feasible point] to the upper end of the fire. A new supply, however. was brought from City Hall. and this difficulty u - as thus overcome. The people on the hillside opposite !shoei d e ' fl . Xt7g the e L e b i n t " a n k e t t h ' u ' s D p ° r n e t r h e e n i fe t li ' 7.llft fro igniting. At one time a strong gale spru g up. pad it was feared that all the pro pert above ItcFaden street. the eastern ter .. of the fire. would go. but active exer tion. prevented this. In about an hoar after the remen had arrived the Lames were in Ow , and no further danger was apprehend ed.l he lire continued to barn all night, nod Kill. oubtless smoulder for t eral days yet. Tb re *as. of course, grea confusion .d exalt ant during the conflagration, hot after it had tub:Wed emnewhat the sufferer, begun to figure up . .. me LORA, %%121014. based upon the intuit careful esti mates; will not fall far short of 1i12,000. The principal loser is Mr. James eallerp. 11., estimates tils loss upon his tanners and stock at x,oo¢ upon hls house VAX. Upon t Is he bas an insurance of about $lB.OOO. Ile o e n d s he xt a e n n ne ve na m uart arnedr s W of leather 1 the srestern part of the State. •-• . , The Pittsburgh Tanning Company will lose abOut MiTIO. with an insurance of near 117. , onn. This Company was organised two years as?o, and is columned of ten person,. of whom are Megsra M. lie Lange. Geo. H. Anderson. J. Herman. August Headley. James Cal, lett. John E. Downing and others. • myrat.Lose—MPURANCL. - r. W.J. Gilmore estimates his entire loss at $3.1X0 with an insurance of 14.000. He had Just received it new stock of trunk bosea yes terday which makes his loss come heavier thnhit-otherwise would have been. • • . . . •. . - . . 3le. Roberusteln's loss consists of his dwel ling and tannery—about $lO,llOO. He Is lest red fur 1 7.000. - M . James (Mend lost his house valued at. 41 • , Insured for $1.1:10. ftv lioerr's house was worthl/4,00, this is a to al loss. The Insurance is the various companies. could not be aceurately ascertained. So far as could be •procared last night, this record .shows as the sufferers. the Lysoming of L) . . coming county. 110.00; Cash of Pittsburgh. fin.Orri Enterprise of Pittsburgh. $l.OOO 41- ban,' c ty. tretilit Artisans, UAW; York, -borne uterprise of C.lnclerintl, $1.1%10. The home 'sweeties it will be seen by this lint \ iik cameo very light. TIM CACRIL of the fi e was the - subject of general conjec ture. an several rumors were rilloatin regard to It. T e only properly authenticated one. bpi/vete was that It malted from the light clines st ke. Is gentleman who was sitting In hi. ho se, n Aloft. aistance away, says he sow ast -am of Ore descend from the cloud. and as It havered over the building suddenly separate to forked tongues of flame and db. up:~ to an open window of Callerv•s tannery. a a moment the flames shot out *rain and the building was ablaze. 'This statement Is corroborated by another eye witne3 Who stood on the Pittsburgh side of tee rie r. And Is altogether the only one which can es &lathe rapidity of the conflagration. \ 1 '.. neginmerg. One ci , _l' Hie workmen 'in Callery's tannery bad secreted the savings et . ten rears In an obitruak la Usireffksee. Hawes frantic In the prospect 14 hid lOsse.and during the proven of the ffs.W.s Wall hardly presented from leap ing In after 61. treasure. Hell try a better savings beak the nest time. There were eighteen barrels of varnish in 011 mores trunk factory. localityontmenced toLueb the beat. In, that 'permed and for a. time It was Impossible to stand within several hundred yards of the spot. The cross pieces on the itelegraPh Isal@ were burned and the 'wires dragged.sto the ground. Workmen, 'however.'. reptlried the damage as soon as the heat perMitted. A switch which had jut been complete:toll the Westeen Pennsylvania Railroad was do- Mroyed, b i tthe maid track waa,tudelar , xl; - .Atloget er it wooa canflagratipnwhtc ha In Its origin d the resultant dam , Still Mark ... 601 .rja iiii the Watery agony. and 7 I add another i to that . 1. •• d 'at destructio which bee, ahead • • El .., stroying elect °pad hereabouts , witire f the house relars both tioloNa 1144,1 Reg This titterer= Rev. if. E. F. Volnit and wife, of Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland parents of Mr. P. 'ff. Voignt. qf the !inn !,i0 Volgbt, Plaburd keg., :f r. Liberty ntreet, celebrate the iftlethannlveriaryof their mar nue by a golden wedding, The wedding win tnr given at the reskleacerof the venerable couple at Mt. Pleasant. They were married on July =MIKA and are now well advanced in years. Mr. V. having reached the age or eighty-eve, while his estimable wife Ix in her, neventieth year. Mr. V. was the ant miesion' ary neat to the Miami Mania. la 'Olt' and wax mg earnest and faithful mlnist . The marriage of • the now venerable COPPIe bag Proved to be a mathannonlonn one. and We trust many year, of happiness_ le skim Inhale. • "opericd: lade A fatal ottiroad Ident Tuesday morning, at Palestine, Ohlo. It np pearl that Mr. datiaa.l3tusacill, :a lankelnan In the employ of. the ?Utilitarian Fort . Wayne and Q . T.:, UallWaS Company, us. coupling cant at Q.T. mine. Just over. thet.Ohlo when he slipped - I.W seas eatightbetancen the •bunipeTs of two limorflrloaded freight ears, .and soserionsty lislured that death ensued a few hours. Ilia deceased was about swan.; ty-four years of age, sad leases mile , who was at the time of the accident ou n visit to some friend. In Allegheny. She was tele molted to and immediately left for home. PrITSBURG PROB ‘ L' Sheeting Affray In Birmingham- Ailed ' el Murphy !hot hp Joseph ablehlge--stlx Set. Vired.—TheWminded Man's Statement. Mirmingluttn. which within a fine non hs past has become notorious, on account of iI be. frequent murders mid rutting affrays col ur ring there was the scene of a bloody trnn' ac tion last evening. Aleut half past Sig u'e lick au kffray occurred at the Mechanics E inn lionse on 13th street. between Joseph . e. 1d ... ridgand .3lichael Murphy, boOrmentbet, of the engine company, which In all probability Neill prove total to the latter. .• Oillolo Or TEE IlligletlLlT. 1, ... It ISO tifilleult matter to nscertaln t 'Etife cause of the dlMculty. nn the only learn' who appear t to o know anything •nbout it nr. . dis posed bo reticent. and not only decline to give the information desired: but endeavor to r e s en t/ye party who did the shooting. St' i far as taisreporter could ascertain, the facts are n. follows: Aldridge and Merril, hall been drinking together during the da-rint ere , a short time before the shooting tarn , both drunk_ While In one . of the many 5 hisky dem: It ith which the town is cursed, th r ma into a quarrel. which terminatml in a fight. Meting the fight, Aldridge. it is ntntrd, truck Murphron the-nose. causing the blood i glow freely. After the first fight they hot came to the engine -house together. and A !ridge laid down to take a sleep. while hi nrph • went mane and changed his clutters. returning 'silly after nod sitting down in a chair in 'fro t of Oleo:twine-house. •,- • THE lIIIVIYEIIeII. • A Ihn. moments beforertht• shoollntlpcctr red One of the members 'of the company came Into the Engine Muse '!lntl finding Aldridge lying nitleep on the dour. aroused him and told' him he had better go haute and get his elipper.- On getting up he disetwerett the man sitting In n chair none the door, ',asked who It was.. anti when informed. that lt wax Murphy, lie said he would give him a' ducking before he left. Ile then• attached the small hose to the hydrant and turner. the ktream nil Murphy , who immediately got up and Wade n rush for ' Aldridgei when a scuttle ensued for the hose. Murphy it apneas.. rut possession of them. when Aldrld,Te stepped back five Or six feet. drew his revolver and 1 ,, . ' . rums sta.:Mora. • Two of theshnts missed Mnrphy and atomic the InYing',if tile door, the other four entered the •ffily of Murphy. one on the right side, : I. trilling the nloiontittill cavity, two in the left breast. tual, penetrating tile le, nnd the other, in the eznahr Intrlele 01 th e left :arm, penetrating in, the bone. ..., 4 7" . . )i TUE D .1 WOUNED talet l ,- q ' The shooting had the tendency:' , to attract quite a crowd of persons aroundillor engine house. and when it WILt ascertained fhplur. phy woo shot he tea. nliteed upon *sett • and removed to his residence tin Manor treet. near the howl of Sixteenth street. whette he wail attended by Drs. 1. W. Riggs and Mc- Dowell. 7 Ay heJ our' repo u rt i' e7lXXe ' r . esid l ettre 'of the woundld roan at a late hour lost bight. he was - nd still lining. hut the attending physicians e,n- - tertaii no hope' of his recovery. and score. of the opittlOn that either of the -three shuts in the body were sufficient .to prodfineMenth. -- _ • Orffiffial.. , ll.7/.1011',1 . sns atlOTli - stated but 1. low minutes had elay red titter the shooting until : there:was n large gr o ow.'" fir womma assembled nt: the engine lins, n:non;; wham bete seeertil of the Southsile police amt otherlnflihiala. whose duty it Was to arrest the .perpetrator of the gieVit. yet, t hr,ugh their st upid it y. he was maturrrEn TO gsy,y Pk. t,.. All, Ilrlegalie in.: ,last (wan fill re, olver. Aldridge quietly replaerd- a in , Id , rocket. picked up his hat and walked horn, wer two attuned tm te ene oue, WM. e a a s ro uffici h ent l g en in gthh s of time t ehmege Iris clothing, after which he returns I to the engine hous among the crowd 'n eititens and otheers, e, and talked to them: out the bloody affray. lie remained there laud tlf • teen nil nutilW and then quietly sod sl away, going In the direction of the Di iilligliain hridge. and as soon as he had dep . NI officer Eirbly got on a car nod came to' tin Mayor's office In this city, related the eke, istances and orten.si a neward of twenty-0 • dollars for the arrest of Aldridge. . inn MG, . I I • Aldridge. the tuns whin litifilhe.ilvoting, is it coning limn twenty or thirty. liter age, and When ' , Aker, is said to be a very tqwetn tile, qutet. f eat:table man. and DA, the re vers.. when drunk. His relatlvel, f whom he bat oaten number lnthls city; an in Iltr i:t mlnghatn. are highly respectable two' e. Of Murphey's cbstarter we are u aide to say much. as . he does, sot appear .'t be well known by those ulth,sehum we co erred. •He if a young nian. not over twiesit -2eren years of are nod Is inarrled. WWI eteri to strong drink. but had not been int. ated for about a'year until yesterday. slag -swona to abstain f rout the use of. Intoxicating liquor fur a year. and t to time expirwl yr.ter ilaY. ,• I I" itl , I. STA E. ENT. ' Atter Aldridge had Imen perrnittoffi in 4,- caparsvitta.mt even ,tit ,;test baring been wade to arrest hit. 3 JUAI it . .1 the pesoe stsited the wounded man. w ho. alter help[,. whrn. made the following statement ... lye were Oar , InCJlllttoget her, had s li ever- 1 al drinks:. interubin ,;,,r;10 ;.IC-Ole; nt t, t hat I went honor am! changed my clothing: f sent • . eitgina house: found ,itle Aldridge ly Ins ou the than: picked Mtn up and put hie, on the, hairs: In l at the " - ark. of theengine house it. op elf: after lachy, 'roar Vail came in and I said. 'That Ls a goat attor, Joe then got up und asked who was sleeping la the yard: 'Vail told him It was IP• then Joe :said. "Let t put the y.,......_.,,,..„,• end hi started to sq irt optic when ud; wbebeidid this.] ow in loffiPtd, and we both had hold of t he'd's - yule; we We're. attain ing round: he let gce Sao did L. I laughed: he .14, you Irish s- • of a b .-. YOU can't do WE you did this evening: don't know what he mom!: he Pulled out a pistol and started to tire at me; I said, Joe, what do you mean? I ran, he fob' towed me. , .d ' , but 'me.: raying, I'll fix you:, then I ran out of: the house, he pointing a pis tol at me: then It ran back again, and he fired at me again: I think he hit Int, ;every tlmellat tired: after he tired flee or six stmts. I ran be. hind the stove, and some of mn friends took -e ton doctor." • : . Rescued by a Won A thrilling lacldent In which nGertnanw man. whose name we ss.ere unable to,ohinin. 'displayed a spirit, of true heroism, occurred ,on Two Mile Mon. near Cartwright's . Woolen 'Factory, yesterday afternoon. In conse quence of the heavy rain which fell during the afternoon the tattle stream was swooien into a small ri and Mrs. Mclloiland. wife of John 3lctl °nand. who duet business at 175 Smithfield street and tresides near Two Mile Kum lo the Sixteenth ward. saw her • I,ld. little boy flee years of age, on the site side. , The firealn wmerising rapidly an. runic: lag 'down therallev in a perfect tor •t, sweeping everything before it. It had Oren approachhd to within a few feet of where the child {Ma Sitting enscied at O.V and appa rently Insensible of the approaching danger. A slight foot bridge Spanned the stream in front of the house and the seething waters were by this tinse within adevr inches of It. The mother's only thought man the safety of her rhild, and to think.with ' her at this Mo ttled. mall to act.. Like lightning she sped nein the frail structure which spanned It sire and seising her darling laity atartinl In return to x place or safety. She 1 reached • the Midge, which in coo,' InallleaCn of the rapid rise' in the stream dal the abort interval, Inas now partially Satan rged In water and must In It,feß . Man,. to the force of the current. Withtt heeding the danger she started on the of the patotage and had reached gavet of the bridge when the 'structure way: . . submerging both mother and child in the tur bulent *treat°. In her struggle to reach a place of safety her child became separated from her and wimcarried down the stream twenty o thirty feet, when it caught bold a fen • :aid was rescued by a man who witnessed th thrilling scene. The mother WO strug gling fo the water unable to reach 'either shore. and two 'lnflows" mat worthy to be called nom) stood,,! and serer offered her any assistance. A Gentian woman wills resides ... . • near. seeing thee there was something wrong hastened to the stream. and seeing the woman lu the water hastily divested her. (Ad such cont°. of her clothing ns Might •an in ombrnnee, plunged Into the water, seised hold of the drownrwoman and drew her to the shore. Such true courage Is deserving of the highest commendation. BEM • iofl6P/I FOitsrniz. Esq.. of the Pittsburgh bar, has gone to the mountains to rusticate for a short reason. ' Ileany M. Loan. Esq., and family left for Chlcaeo Tnesday. whence Um , .veUl, leave for the west Ina few days, . ' Hex. tt. 11. IiMVAIID, accompanied by Jahn Y. boy. Em., left for Bedford springs a few days ago. • ' • 5111. Wm. J. &MIMI, ' Mh, Mary sawyer and Miss Mary Gray all denarted for Cape May yesterday afternoon. - . 11. MX lira Swore., U. 11. District Attorney. left the ear yesterday. for Medford Splines. lie will be absent for about a month, nod slur log that thee will VISIt.CMPII May. Joni Poet lionarre, Esq.; one of the ablest Irish Ireton,. of Mg counter. arrived in the city yesterday truer D akota Territory. Ho is President of th e "Notional I rip h Colonization Association." chartered by Congress. and comes hereto indoooorie Irish citizens to emi grate won end. make settlement under the provisions of the Homestead and Pre-emption IRMO. Its •wII I a lecture an Pricey evening., - • • In Trnalilli_. James Porter, trim Is somewhat notorlosis and figures frequently in [Mice reports; has .Ccaite ,trsol' :strolled .4tid taken' before Deputy Mayor Nichols. Tuelday even fa'sirlitikeniess and - dleorderli conduct, add In' default of n floe of , - Sil a commitment wits made out Lotstsremty four hours. and the Milner slott ed to take.bins to jell. Ha pmceeded quietly melt they 1 . 1,' rived In the Tmth tuurds where 'he hee , e he h of friends whom• be expected /I • • erfeee find-reel:llc him from the , oft , • Atilitittfltrattdirlttilatiolgbltitt'lef go no further. /sideman Koenig wits called to the assistance of the odium/ and Porterecized him hy.the leg Kith Isle teeth and bit.tdm soyetalYs 'A dew raps with. the mace eausests.KlM ltd let go bit hold and a few more hod a tenddecry to PPing him to his senses end lie ecided to - go ith the °Maur. , ito.srps lodged d In Jolliet the (meaty - lons Miura:bud tic information :was made against him by Alderman Koenig for assault and battery.and by placer Casten° for, resisting an attlPer.' A commitment for a heat , ing. which will wake place to-day. wan 10.11) lodged agrelost him. . The rolluvrintr , neeonnt of "nn nocideut Mnior Thorned Wllll.acni,'ilditit Thomas Williams. of - Alleelitar clll Horn state . that on. At.m4i, ; eveiiini — WFior Thomas. Willistuis" met with merlons necident. , if. bad returned from dinner to his mom, in the second etbry of a building on Emit Spring .oteee6, Heron afternoon nap. .Wiles he arose the tOm was dark, and stePPlad Out. as he supposed. from the door upon the Matt no at the head 'of. the stalre. - he _vraiked directly through on open window. extending from the cellingtO the door. end fell to the droned he tow. He was immediatals .dhunwered. and conveyed book to bin room in a Hate of bum. gibidtg Dr. Varian . eras smirencated. and on examination'fdlard thee patient's -dollar bone brolten,ink_that he bad talatilaed internal In jury. He iniffered timed during - the night and yesterday, bet last evening 'woo opparently much improved; end slept quietly. We bone to give a more favorable report of his condi tion to-morrow. - RIBLE ACCIDENT.. A linen et: th' Ewalt Street Bridge Blown Down—Tsse . Men Precipitated into the Mier-Asia of them Injured. . During the storm with Schick this city was visited yesterday attenuant. a terrible acci dent occurred at the new bridge which in in emirse of construction across the Allegheny river, known cc the Ewalt street bridge, by which twelve men were precipitated from the level of the bridge into the river, a distance of forty feet, and six of them more or less in- Jured. The piers and nbutnients of the bridge have been completed for some time, end the work inee were engaged hi butting op the wood work. The greater portion of tiaatimliers of the first span on the Pittsburgk side, which is floe hundred and thirty feet In length. bad been put in place, and at the time of the storm. Mina three o'clock yesterday. same twelve or, fourteen men Were at work upon it. While being engaged upon their work. under the direction of Mr. S. 1.. McCain, the cant met or, who wan on the epee, gale clinic sweeping up the river, which swept the tins : here. from their foundation like - chaff before ' the wind - and precipitated the entire struc ture into the watery taking with it the twelve men who were at work limns It. it would be difficult to iinaglnethe cooed ar cing GALE vithout witnessing Its effect. Large timber*, . 1 1 / 4, out •of them foot squarrore ve snapped In wai and oth rs were twisted Into splinters, and. tn al .gle stick of timber ,311 left landl in It. place. The ulster I. ere the accident occurred was ortnnately s ..110w, and'those who were nut njurcd by to fall and falling limbers-111.n ged to recap, from among the deists, while WEIS:JUKE° MEM Were rescued ,by persons who hid been at work on shoret The Metes of those injured. R. far as we could ascertain them. were MS follod's: Frank tin% Injured In the breast, resides at Torrence Mallow Calvin Smith. • truck. on the head by a falling timber. and raw almost drowned before rescued, resider . . . . • WI Mani Mel.aughlln lelds, leg broken 1.- knee: Hnromit . . - in Seventeenth ward, resides na. lirnddoeks tsreen the lolkle and . . heifer. lives In West Virginia and bon rded ot Forty-second strectocna slightlY injured h the .Tohn 'low nixldes un' Redford nrenne. had his right log broken. "The eon tractor. Mr. L. S. McCain, and his non Theo usent=matunse:lntz the end of the span which rested on the pier. they managed to secure a hold on the pier and saved themselves from falling .Into the water. The wounded were taken out and re moved to their respective homes or hoarding houses. where they received proper rtimileal attention. FEI MOUS ASSAULT.- 2= MelCsOltun •p thr Monougabcia Is mainly settled by reptselatives tat the Enteraid Isle and a feeling a e tyi_ls entertained against persons af all' other nationalities, par ticularly imainst? Vernon, from Fatherland. To' , ltch'itn extent ih't nit feeling carried that • taw Hernia. Itam been compelled to leave the place. and ante opts' have Moen made to drive others await, alto, to their credit be it said, bad too much illuck to be Intimidated or frightened by the baltstlng and t hthatitaf their enemies. A few months since Adam Gioia a quiet, civil anti Ind. trams Berman, lourchased al lot in theythlalty, erected hitmelf a bottom upon if and noosed hi, little faintly into it. lie then engaged work in the neighborhood anti has been ...Mille employed since. Hy his leoloostry hp hAri ..... II able to improve Me little biome, and lothanse it presats a better appear ance than the hoVels and huts which aurround It. Jame of Ida neighbors took offence at him and`aosolmosi tu drive him out of their midst. Adam resolved Mit to get. paid no at tent inn to I , their boast. aid - threats, tout attended faithfully to in lowa business. This: bad .. a tenoleum to Intensify the hatred of his enemies, rid more desperate means than mere idle t treats were resorted to tto drive him front t heir midst. Monday amrn- Inf. a. he was quietly proceeding to bin work, at an „early hour, la bile it waa yet disk, he teat attacked by two men at a lonely Mi. , in In the r0:11t. whit threatened him menacingly. laconsomence of the fact that the enemy out numbered him two to one, lie was forced to ilitlbbieict s 'and beat a Misty retreat, andas he did so the attacking tinny Oared two shots at him. neither of whith did Piny damage. As soon as it became daylight, Adam thimble' to the office of Justice HOW, and made Infor mation charging John McCully and:. Ignatius McHugh. with felonious assattlt, alleging that they were the part!es who made the at tack upon him. He also made Information , against them for surety of the peace. A war rant WA. issued and placed In the hands of an off : et, who arreHmi McHughee and con ducted him beforeabe Justice, who corm:id led hint to the looick-up for a hearing. Mc- Cully. hearing of ttie arrest of his partner. and not krom ing that he - wan included In the in formation. called at the office to enter ball for McHugh.. warn he was Informed by the Jan . Vc, that hr would be required to enter ball for his own appearance. and Could not leave the o thee Until he halt done so. The heeP4l , 3ll . loyi U. provided and the:accused were re leased. CEDE The 1 . ..n.y1% t ton will bold a in the Court H. on the loth, 100 I= rrnteltath annual meeting In the of tonenster. 1 11th of A ucto.t. Timm r,ient Ihr yet witttesp.eil •lexiletie,thb. meetine will est icalberirrgs nt tee bind Ise State. I be of the Root Interesting reported with the chnieett LT the - .Codon (lode," of home of Prof. J. If. . Shu- Thercise. • characte exe r, and In *elect:ions of Mu t..ltaufbentiounc, I. maker. Addretnes and the President. ii litn. C. Oaten. College: Merl Van ilnkkelen Wiltningt Pamete. mare. trill be delivered 111. rot. 11. S. Jone, Ert. Pn. U. 11., Preeldont Latayett &loins, Esq. Lanes.ster;lte , Sterylned, sad T. (lark. to, tete 7111 be expert and eel orts wit, read upon following topics: I, Civit Government; Graded Course of Study for Conntry School. 1. Vocal Music in boots of all grades: 4. The Preparation of Ho s fora course of Collet late Study; 3. The Itead'ng of the Miele in the C.un. mon Schools; 6. 'tate Xid to Permanent Teachers; 7. school Illustration. The following topics will he discussed: I. The Several Report* Read; :.The Grade of the State Normal Schools; .1, Should the Public High. School Prep re Dove for College? I. i Should, the Sexes Educatedlogether where they 'may be Smut ted. as in Cities and .11or °ugh.? 3. What Ste uld be the Extent of tae Religions Culture f the School} 11, Permanent Cent [dudes to Tea hers. The city of I.anc. Mier In very easy of otters from all quiwterer. nd the local arrangements sare such as to turn h the most ample accom-. modettions at the le lit posaible expense- The usual Wirral facilities will be afforded 1 ,. by addressing C.. 111. Harding. Esq.. Ticket Agent of the Amt {Athol, P... P-3 Oxford street, Philadelphia. who will furnish orders for excursion tickets. . Itetalled Informed( .1 In regard to focal ac commodations elm hail by addressing Col. W. L. lk-nr. Lancelet • Pn. ' No effort wilt be 9. red to make thin meet ing one of 't he Most . ecessful vet held in the distort - of the .00CIALI011. The topics fur consideration are among the mint rdoi , and the friend• of education are earnestly lorded to come and partlcip•Xclo.their discussion. The programme. iu bill, will lie found pots naked in the cations educational Journals of the State. Local papers tb out the State will die the cause of educatlo service by copying or othetwise calling ate Minn to this circular. and by giving .peel prominence to the time nail ahem, of meeting. ell anus W. DRAM. Ctsil a r:t e ly ,n E c x b ec or. utir ., z o it . e te . Pennsylvania . -. .. . . .. ... . ' Piddle *hoot of Detroit. We are.hidebted to 41 . Robert W. King. President of the Iloard if Education of the city of Detroit, for a 100 age panKihlet eon- Imbuing the Twenth,seve th anemia report of the president and standi "Committees of the Hoard. We learn from ids report that • De troit had one High school \and fifteen auxil iary or ward school houses' in which one hun dred schimls are tanght. Tne population of Hetrol In ISO .. ... . . .... 1/.0013 Assessed value of real and µermined property . .. ... i .'1 ... ~.7.!At1.3.14,7 „Cash valuation of real and personal '. Total city taxes for adpurposes. .. Money raised for seta.' Purl.... • Money rained for school betng . -- Curb value of city public School prop ..rrty . .• .. • . . SOIIOOI census., nges betweenfiand 10 !um Number enrolled . .. . - . . 10.717 Average daily attendance at public .\ Whole number of sittings . ' 7. 127 Whole number of teachers . . . M 7 Number of weeks in school year ... 40 We regret that we leave not space for I the able report of the President (who by the- m a ny ,o native of ad. city and Well known to many of our citizens, and ilium of the Superintend ent. which arc drawn up withdeelded nullity -end would he profitable reading for all en: meted let the cause of education. whether, elle rectors or teachers, to nnyof Whom we trade? the loan ef our copy. commending it to their .careful perused. . . , 111 - o - n — rd - hi — ig Hemet/toil-6;i If Chief Hague and hie•pollce, lnatend of violating , the on by distributing poison to harmless cum, would to their attention •to %bele Idattifirdst datitialcide Stwitch is the protection of Our cltirrns ngninst thieves, tome of the many dente( ators.-who outnum ber the °worthless ..1,” mighthorslbly be arrested. While the p ollee cry searching for some poor dolt, and perent I 'Catching to see ?Illt - P e r i ol n angt; 4 roeilfg7. 'l'Vnihr = kept by Mrs. Wearer, at FA Penn street, val ue entered by thieves nod some articles of value, stolen front romdef the boarders: The rooter . of Mr. Th o o k uv, t le p kv i ls rens entered amt a fri stn . l t e ' n ' . Th P e 4 room n gravtat i ,;7ll l .l..ile doi- . , - was elFilalled, sake trair of sleeve buttons ati..a. rat studs mottled oL blln.Olegnr snaky Jest' sa the.thlevirs were lettoing. nod llemed with a revolver hit gave chase. He fol lowed the Intruders stir nig the Street, but fortrMately they sue; ed In =king their 'escape before hitcould ring his ',Walser to bent upon them. The nuberoade by the rd-. .trotting.burglars rais ed he attire hneseheld,' and for a time coosld le exelteldenr exist ed-th the tieighborh . There - lye° clue width:would lend, t o apprehension of the ,FIN It I f o r t o *0 0 01111' tO prepare poison for the dace,. would suggest the employment. °teem° ono Ise, so there may Tune the voles, hr Hllittle'ac 2 PetitheelloO wis dom In the detective Lundeen; hut It he most min poison, let us have n chief of police. , . 1 ' Hoer. d; Conferre • • • =I At the close of the normal examination of Nebraska College. at Nehrfiska City.. on. the , sib inst., the following hOwnrary degrees were conferred, viz: The de . of D. JohiMeNa morn. of , LaCrosse: W 'Rev. Thos. Crampton; of egteAg.e.M.y: Shei.degree of Yorit. N . Fri,T A lynta Peykler, New , The iMreskiblat mange , et! Nebraska City couliksma kille.enatagend. to hanora upon a Tool e worthy recipient tenant venerable and venerated Rev. Thomas Crumple°. of our Al ter city, known among us for his humble piety no d. arduous labors la the Christi. mini. TrE: .- THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 28; ,18 IMIE!!!!! We have no recollection of 4 wwe of more provoking mulishness than Was presented, last evening by John Hanna driver di car No.. 14on the Pittsburgh nod- Birmingham Rail way.' The henry. rain storm about eight o'clock last night flooded the track, on Carson street, at the intersection of. the Browns ville • twit. and covered it with' mud • . . • and sand to the depth of ten or twave jaches. in consequence of which the cars could not Pass. ear No. a. going up, Was stunk in.the mutt, and Nos. 10.d3and 14 were behind it. John wasdriving chr No. 14. which• was . next to the • city. anj the conductor of the nor directed the passengers to change. in tending to make a trip back to the 'city. Those going at , got out, and the car was Oiled with passenger. for town. a large number of whom 'were ladles, but John refused another 11e would not even permit dtis er in hitch his team to the the nor and take it to the city. after k..ep•ng the pusengeta wit lalf Im paiently tor one hour and many of the ladies had become tired waiting and walked over the - male - concluded to drive his team over. The conductor was extremely courteous and accommodatinKto the paosersgers and had It not been for him doubtless the car would have rentaindd:where he was Such a - mule" as John and the man who • drives No. 13, who objected to making the re turn trip are not at to work with horses much less drive n street cat, and the anPerin tendent should get rid of them at the earliest opportunity. Iteret.ifore we have In variably found the employ ens na t his road gentleman. lv and accommodating, but John and the driver of No. 1.1 are exceptions to the rule. . The Old Canal &ee, The told, sewer on Try streei. hhowrr h" , the idd State or Canal sewer, has ,for a numb, of years been a lICIMIC a Made and eit name to the'eltv. to that Its MILOS 41 and the building of a new vine in its stead has become an ab solute necessity. Scarcely a year posses f late that there are not twoor three breaks in the sewer, and but n few months since our readers will remember that in consequence of one of these breaks some twenty or thirty families were flooded out of their homes and their penman] effect,. nil destroyed. and. they , thrown upon the charities of the city far support.. Yesterday morning there was na other break In the sewer, but fortunately It to not attended with such disastrous conse quences nit that referred to above. The street committee should/rive the matter theirimme- Mate attentiott. as the city would save 11101101 ill the end by constructing an entire new geWbr. • lEtatna. Mechanical Engineering act ' • o : Patent .taenry, • . It Is with' pleasure we an:m(o3er that Messrs: Tavlor it 14allows hare taken, tip the business formerly carried -ou ley Perveval Ileekett. lb Federal street. Allegheny cItY. flush ott he above gentleinen having' had con siderable experlance In that line of business. are fully capable Of undertaking all engineer ing work. both .civ It and tilechaniyati, indclud- Ina surveying' and the ordinurirsoontine of werking coal cud (other Mil., in connection with the patent business they are also adopts. hay tog \ had not only' every possible facility to nderstand the ordinary continent the Patent Office. but also the sometimes arresters legal busluescicoonected therewith. We cheerfully recommend Messrs. Taylor Fallow% honor reaolerA (.t. toasters ill their profession:owl also as court) sus and reliable men. The' Peenlest Duman in New York. MI. K wr known in our fashionable socklty Err ber atipenratire and benutiful nornplea on, was ones. a unllow, rough-skinned girl, chagrined at her rtsl, freckled Nee.- She pitched lulu ilagno's Slitguolla Dalin, and. is - now as pretty In cumpleatoo as she Is (*lnn ing in insane.. This article ure.reoltlell !reeks • . in. tanotalion nubs, math-pnt elsex,ring-marks. etc., and auks one look tra yeam monger than they ire. Magnolia Claim fora trans parent constriction, and I. eon liathrtiron ib make the hair plenitful. luxuriant, soft and delicate. have no rival. The ICathalron pre- vents the Isalr from turning gray, cc:nitrates dtuolrull, and Is the best and cheapest dres sing In the World. : az the at Tr:t thhi hot I.titnnter conituhr • . . . of fresh meats am ufted. vexed to find what ttwy bought in the morning Is studied at night. The remedy for this evil Is to buy frontn skill ful and conscientious butcher. who selects hit animal. front the best to be found, and brings it fresh and sweet to hit MAHN. blltCh- Is Mr. J. F. Beilatlne, always Judy supplied h chalet! nit s and Joint* at ilk stall. No. 7$ • • Pit tnborgh market. or Nu. c Allegheny In 3 ket. u you try Bellntlnee menu once. yt will try them often. In .11enrs G. Hale, Merchant Tnnor, har jus germ] a large assortment of Ilnens and'al .eetts, also a complete assortment of goal or, summer wear generally, corner 'Pen , venue and Sloth street. tf JOTTINGS OrTHE WAY )1. Coach Ride..Cltartiere Railroad— To Erie—lts Hotels—ate Water Worlot..lte .Bar--To Niagara.. The Cataract Bou..e..The Falls..To Pain.ville, Ohio- .Ite 'Beauty..rearbe., Apples, etc. =I To lsegin. ' A mach ride from Washing ton, Pa.. to Pitt;.bor i zi,. Did 3,111 ever Like it ':' ti rand for liver complain:Aim Mortal hard On fhOIMMICX. Sired of :molt remark, bye —a fraction over three miles per hot r. That _tries patience in tbeaestayst of Uremia This reminds 1 . 11. of that chant re road. Its prisgress is very Slow. Th r ., seems to lot so little force on it—not cough to finish 'it in the neat tiny years. 1 Why it. thin. Niels is 'surely wanted aonowhere. That. road is needed badly, .rr badly: - People are s i ;,. tired' spending a even hours. and . paying, two dollars and i• quarter, for the misery of being tranmakted Dyer a distance of twentyaia Miles. in an Intolerably moan and dirty old mach. We long 'for the speedy completion 4 the railroad: That will put Washingto and Pittsiburgh with n.ao hour's rides° earls other. Happy day., 1 t'ropsja Washington county ire very abundant.. The corn splendid. Fruit trill ta , ll.lse picrity. .1 From Pittsburgh to Erie over the rail. load is a desirable ride or a pleasant day. finch a day we. had for it. l'Ut up at the Reed liousen model hotel in most res. pectS. Proprietor and clerk attentive 11101 gentlemanly; bill of fare all any tote could desire; rooms well furnished anti neatly. kept; nothing lacking-to comfort. Tit. city of Erie ..la -a quiet place. No i hum sf business; no push and rush. lite peopif seem to take it leisurely. Met. chants Wait patiently for (111 , f0Illeill, and .the street ear MOM regularly, whether it has passengers or n o t. You can crotwauy thoroughfare without being in danger of splliaion. Erie_ - hasi lio market house—the streetin used an a 'substitute. .. The eay nottr . be justly proud of It ater worli 'they Imre 1101.11 erected colt of about a half a million of d She. may 6180 he prowl of her BaS. It a a beautiful sheet of Water, co vered early all the time With the-white nails of Idearotre boats On leaving Erie after •tc-aojonrn of n few day. we lira prepared to nay, that it dealrahle place to may daring the heated term: To [faith, Over the Lake Shore road: A cltrmins;s ride. Bond tanzo!wt perfectly etrnight and revel. Cara comfortable. Rate of • minced rapid. Buffa l o Is a large and active city. • Down to Niagara. Potop' at die rat mart House. A splendid place. It's to cation to so adminatle; standing an it doe right at tbs. : Rapids.. The holmr in yea kept and largele - ttatronized. It in teem ing with life. People :from t:very direr tlon are here. • 7.4e,5t3 74%014 401,240 No wonder sandei annually visit the Falb.. They are Inconceivably milli. nificont. To see flint - 11;ln a pleasure that no words can dencribe. • Front Niagara to Painetiville, Ohio, twenty-nine miles must n( Cleveland. 'Mists n beautiful little city. It shows much cultivation of taste. Tie houses nod their - nermundinge are charming. 'nitre is a flourishing Female Settliralry. All the streets are lined with beautiful shade trees. In „all the region round about. Poilnenril le ',cache; and applen fire very abundant. Att The Piano a. a refitileace, Piano-drumming is an Loth of the. rid. tech States, rather than of • New York,ilint It has, probably, ItAj highest' nolnk et de velopment ,here. There is no other It in The, tabitt; where 'the, satielt esti-Mom nterellesaly run. the gamut' Inoreltripli ponoeuted, than - in New' 1 - ork. If' the crusllrtaker , W, 01 4" only Put dowri thenumber of piattoplaYeri, thee would gratlfr, ,the curiosity': and. recerve the thinks of hundreds of invalids. I believe tjal• Many i Col3o4ettil t 4 6 el m ne,3' Into A' reittp*i. And the , to: the grave. Many a moribund has been hp tentsl to the tomb at a much quicker pace than he would otliernise hare lAn by "Daryl)! Absence," executed by one digit, lifOre tlum,dne brEdir fatter PPAA been gen- erated by a long course of "Shoo Fly." There be •nervmut,euffererartho will not Yitrilye 4 Captairi Oinks, orthe MAisit rinse," I dare say typhoid has bake 'promoted' brWalkinw Down-Broadway, and 1 have little doubt that mental' im -beer'reute. l by an her' boots:: ..1.•d0 . , .tiiu.kwiar-Oxit the Plano has ever figured.in Mike mums so a muse of death.. but I have terwaspicions that as nottry die from it very year en from sunstroke or drown tug. Yon can not treat it as you welt a•lnt boiling establishment . , and; it to a. n otwee.; ,r,rotr,tinery over :the melodious you hike to Swallow, It: 'irlietti;r' you erill.,`,Ot not. 1 - riu am like the drunkard whew; phyai. likr! by condemning hit& to have the ;iota and r enitence of whisky inserted into everytbing ite'',ertfa and drinks. With every Mouthful swallowed Ids disgust . growe more Intense, until he frantically: begs to be given hls natural food 'RlM—Nets York . Correspondence of the Philadelphia Telegraph. MARRIED . NICHoI—SON—NICIIDLSON —A t the presbytnr. L. personate. Freeport. Pa. on Tuesday. jot, tHSh.lbl7O. by Rev. Jobts Junkie Stench, T. C. NICHOLSON. F.5q....1 Frankfort Springs. Pa. to 2 1i1101A R' FItAMCF.S NICHOLSON. Vllltleugh.. ter OTiVICIent &Nicholson...named. of Now He -121C.1.1. A DIED: - • the ___! o'cluelc Wednesday . 7 Ln MI. NANCY CALAN- The funeral Will tete saws Tins iThursdsyl °USING nt 10 o'clock. Wow she residence of. he other. Chanten sireet. corner Of Western Ate. one and Rebecca street, Allegheny CUT. • W WRIGIIT—fin Tuesday, July .26. 01 7.anesville, Ohio. En. ELIZA, wife of Janine Wainwright. • ro, "nen.' will tab. place Irum theti4l.ft„ f II J. Walharlght, foot of 38th stroetllate'Mime; of I.awreneeville,at 4 v'eloClE Tills 'aritataoun. Friendsuf the fatally are sysspeetfully Invitant ht attend. 1101.111iS—TurudaJuly 10. %V N. E. liol/Mgs .red 13 years and 3 a sp, y The funeral will take place on Turusoar. July 28. at 1 •. stanne the residence of his father. Norval Holmes. No. 33 Sixth...num. The Mends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend ()Alt BOLIC SALVE, Made vrtat pore CARBOLIC ACID. which la need In IlivitrAteld by direction of Eminent Physiciana, bat already Droved IteatiLto be the most moth/ and •11 tettull mint for all Malignant gores add Ulcers. and for Borns, Cott, Wounda.and all Skin Mumma no equal be • Rapid Curative Agent bu yet been dlecovered. PRICE. 1.1.1 CENT!, , • • • Henry's Insect Powder, .• For the Denructlon or itoACOES. BED BUGS, A brs. he. PRICE. MS CENTS,. - 1 L. 11. ROSENBA CI - 1 7 S Patent. Medicine Depot, 140 S'.IIITEI I.'IELD ST. PROPOSALS ROPOSALS For Material to be Supplied to the Navy Yards Under the Cognizance of the Bu reau of Construction - and Repair. NAVY DISVAIITMENT, 111 , 11HAV OP Colima:cm:: AND HEVAIR, WASHINGTON, D. C,. 'WV 11, IS:(1. , Sealed proposnla to furnish Timis, and other material for the Navy for the fiscal year end ing June au. MI. will be received at t his Bu rau until 1.2 o'clock R. on no Pith of August neat, - at which time the proposals wilt be opened. - • •• The proposals must be addressed to the Chief of the Bureau of Construction nod Repair, Nary-Department, Washington,d must be indorsed "Proposals 'for Timber, .hr., f, r the Navy." that they may be distingulabed from other business letters. Printed aehmlules for such clams as parties deal in nod intend to hid for, together with instritctiom to bidder., giving the forms of proposals of guarantee, and of certificate of Vinrintorc, with printed forms of otter, will he furnished to such persons as desire to 'Md.' on application to the Commandanta of the re spective Nary Surds, nod those of all the yards on application to the Bureau. . . . . . . .. The Commandant or each NAV) . Yard and the purchasing. paymaster for each station, Will have a copy of the schedule of the other yards, foresamination only. In order that per sons who Intend to bid may 'Judge whether it . is desirable to thatenpplicat lon for any of the . classes of those yards. The prooneals must be for the whole of a class, and all applications for Information or for the examination of &le., toast be made 'to the commandants of the respective yard.. .. The proposalsmust be accompanied by a certificate from the Collector of Internal Rev enue for the district In which the bidder re sides that he has a license to deal In the . ar tide. for which be propose.; and, by direction of Ih. Ditgrrtmerit. Mats or °Pro trill be milord only rom ponies who I Irr Nino fide deakra in, or. nufacturefs oi. the articles they offer .5. furnish. The ruarantom must be certified by the Assessor of Internal Revenue for the dis trict in which they reside. ' The contract will be awarded to the person who make. the lowest bid ioul gists the eunralliee required by law, the Navy Depart ment. hOWPVer, fawning the right to-reject the lowest bid, or any which It mar deem ex orbitant. • . Sureties in the full amount will be required to Mini the contract. and thrir,s•ksponsibllity mart be certified to the atittlitrizywo Of the. Nnht As additional security tweetY per retßilni la• withheld from the amount of the bill , wall the contract, shall have been completed. :mil eighty per rectum of the amount of each bill, approved in triplicate by the Conimandant of the re.pect be paid by the Pay utter of the stag ion •Buittnated In the c o r - act within ten days after the warrant for the tome shah hare been pamui by the Necre trart te classes oftherr' c ':117.7 Bureau are liumberod and degisnated a, follows: • Ni.. While Oak Loire: Oak White Ord, Carved Tttuber: No, 4. White Plank: No. Yellow ti m r,•tio`. 4s l.i;;:*3ll.l. Timber: No. 11. W Yellow Pioe ' hite Plan Logs; No. La, White Pine Mast Timber; No. 13, While Pine Plank. Boards: No. 13, While Ark. Elm, Brook; No. Id, White Ash Oars; No. 17, Hickory: N IS, Black Wal nut, Mahogany, Maple, Cherry; No. al. Locust Treenallm N 0.2.... Cypress, Cedar; No. =, Black Spruce; No. 24, White Oak Stares and Head ings; N 0.23, Llgnumritat; No. 311, Ingot Cop. Per: No. IC, Wrought Iron. round and vinare: No. :11, Wrought Iron. flat; No. 34, Iron. plaid; No. 35. St No. Iron Spikes; N 0.38. tro Wrought Nails: No. N 0.., Iron Cut Nails" No. 42, hrad..Plpe. Sheet; No. Zinc: No. 41.11 n; No. 45; Solder; No. 48, Locks, Hinges. Bolt., of Iran. and Iron; No. 19, Screws, of ,brass and Iron: No. 30, Files; No. 11, Aligers; No, 53. Tools for ship stores: No. NI. Tools for use in in card and shops; N 0.34, Hardware; Na., FA, White Lead; 1i0.51. 7.lnc Paints: No. fel, Colored Paints. d7eis; No. 59., Linseed Oil:. 00, Varnish, I , plrits Turpentine; No. 131 Sperm And laed Oil: No. 04, Tallow. Soap; No. 118, Glass; No. e 9, Brushes; No. TO. !try Omuta for Upholstering: - No. 71. Stationery: N 0.13. Ship Chandlery Acids; No. 73. Resin, Pitch, Crude Turpinattnet,No. 17. Belting, Packing; N,'.:., Leather, piWn rigging, lack= No. MO, slunk; No. O. Charcoal. , . f r Thu foliowing are the elaseee, by the num bers. required at the respective navy yards: KITTERY. • Nol. 8, 13. 15. IG, 17. IL :r.. xi. , t), 44, 48, 49•14 1 , 5 1. St, 57, y 4 51t 011. 1 %/, 118, d4 l , 71, 71, 74. 78,, CH A It LESTO N. Nos. 7. 13,15. 16, lit :L.' 24.25. W. M. 34. 35. 37, 38. 33. 42, 43. 44.48, 40, DO, 51.5:, NI. 54, sfl, 37. :14 (14, 6:4 14, 88, CA, 70.71. 73. 71. 75, 77. 78, 88. BROOKLYN. N.. 4. 7. 9. 13.15. 16.1:, 18, M. M. M, MX 34, 37, :IL 42. 4.'1, 41. 48, 49, 1114 51. St!, fa :.1.:14 57. 58. 541. M. GI. 64, 68. 00. 71471. 7:4:4. 75. ~,143, 88. PHILADELPHIA. Mns. 4.7,14 L 1.15. 18. M, 33.46, 71. • WASHINGTON. NA/1 7 "1. 7.11. 12, 13. 17. 18,M, Z 1,21. 31, 70... at. as, 37, :16. 42. 44. 45, 48, 49. 50,11, mt. 51, 57, 04, 34,43771 • 73,74,73,74,04,4. NORFOLK. Nos. 1, 13. 15. 18, Z 7, vt7, 33. 30, 42, 44. 46, 49. ro, 57. 58, 50, 60. et. U. 60, 70, 71, 73, 77, 78. MARE ISLAND. NOS. 15, 18. :e. 35, 38.19, 42, 4.1, 44, 48,44 511, 51.51. 54.56 57, 7A, *X 64, 68, 60,70, 71. 714 74, 77.0. N. j 1114211 JUST ARRIVED. =1 Plated Bracelets, AT $3 PER PAIR, Mrs. S. a, ROBB'S, - N0..91 Federal \ St., Allegheny . • • MILLINERY UOOOB ataI . TIIIIIIIYINGS will be bid at and below coat for 00 daft j3akery, • Confectionery, • 'Th•„,j,V4—,buxtralttf."o. N. K A v KNTE, Allegkesty. oll!.hatt mock I NEFAFIf goUrr "d Tilltitlee r itd S 110 patronamo t• solicited. =I Livingston & Co., =1 CIAISTING - Fle. • . • dike knits, 8111t h e i l• ritiritres.,Msh Pulleys, and °Bete articles nf Builders' Ilardsmes &leafs on . Mew and Works, now Outer Depot, Allegheny air- Pe/doffing. iddress, Lock 800 311111,11tts -19r04!....PL WM KREBS I DEALER, _egheny. ' CtrEktiaTcantrUnal,; . I 5.47 an 4 14:41143PRUCE STREET. Pada. Oalphia, ea. Itnidlab and Franehant joT i na an Verpffon ll7 . 4 rAWbei ll ii- r lC:L d 'ile ip tILT 7 PSII. "n"kgSrt."ll4h.otpa • "14-,III.ICA.T.ION,;•FOR.NOTIftOf•NEN _u4 WILLISTON SZMINABS.-11aving received TialtellrOtrltrtli'Vg=l:lll=l4l students deenno • thorough pre_ Fora/ion for Be linen or for none= n Cleaned College. Board at coot. anal Tuition tree to the indigent. For catalogue seldress the PrincliW. MARSHALL HitligHAW, Ent Bannon, Men. JulaBAF • PROPOSALS IiROPO.4ALS FOR Stamped Envelopes and Newspaper Wrappers. Pooronter. DEI,III,IENT, July 11,187 U. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until 12 o'clock 11., On the 11th DAY OF AUGUST. 181 a, for furnishinx all the ...Stamped Envel dto ...yes - an tt Newspaper Wrappers. - which this xtelnlrtm of may require during' to period of four (41 , re, commenChig on the Ist day of October. 1 , . Mx.: . AMPED ENVEI,OI . I. No. I. Nde size.2.li by fAi 'lnches —t ...mai- It les. . , No. 2. Hoary letter size. 3 1-In by 54 inuhrg—thr equalities. N 0.3. Full letter sire, % 1 ; by :5 0 5 1..1.' 4 -- three qualities. t N0...1 Full letter - Xixe. (for clrculaN,) ton gummed on ft. 3t: by its Inches--one . qunlity. N 0.5. Est letter axe. 3.g by at: tucbrq-- three qualities. , • No.ll. - Extra letter size, 334" by B'l inches. ((Or circularso ungmumed on Hap —o ne quality. N u b ia Official sixe.3 1.5-16 by 8t: inches Atm quas. . No. 8. Extra official size. 4?: by 10,4 Iliobe.. —coo quality. \ • STAMPED NEWSPAPER WRAPPERS. Six and a five4lghtbs 11.934 incheylriiun, ut,l--one quality. EMBOSSING ,_WATER MARKS, PRINTIM RULING. 'PAPER. STYLE OF MANUFACTURE. All of the above Envelopes and Wrappers moat he embossed with postage stamps, of such deuominatlons, styles and colors, must have such watermarks °rather devices to pre vent imitailom and hear such printing and 'ruling as the Postmaster General may direct. The envelopes must be made In the most thor ough manner, equal In every respect to the samples furnished to bidders by the Depart ment. The paper must be of approved qual ity:specially manufactured for the purpose. 'Whenever envelopes are ordered of the styles known as "Mack-lined" or "Self-ruled," n oose lines prited Inside or ruled on the face) the shall he furnished without aadditiona l cost, the ;contractor to pay all charges for royally in the use of patentedluventions for said lined ur ruled envelopes. • I=! The dies fur embossing the postage stamps _un the envelopes and wrappers. are to be exe mted to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General, in the best style, and they are to be provided. renewed. and kept iu order at the espense 14 the eontrnctor. The Department reserves Abe right of requiring new dies for any ettimpS or denominations nf stamps not now used. and any changes of dies or colors shall be made without extra charge. Before closing a contract the successful bid der muy be, required to prepare and submit new dies fug the approval of the Department. The use of the present dies may or may nut be continued. .. • • The dies - atoll be ai.fely and Recurely kepi by . be contractbr. and xhauld the uee of novo( hem be tempora promptly=prm:unbar discon icol, the y shell toe turned over to the Departmentehr ite :went, as the Poet-master Jeneral mayyllrect. • GUM. • • - The envelopes must be thoroughly and per feed)" gummed,lhe gumming on the 11 ap of each (except for circulars) to be put on by hand not less than half an inch the entire length ; the sernppern to be also haud-gummed not Ices than three-fourths of an inch In width newts the end. SECURITY FROM FINE AND THEFT. Bidders are bonded that the Department will requite, as a condition of the contract. that the envelopes and wrappers shall be man ufactured and stored In such a manner as to insure security - against loss by tire or theft. The wanufectotT must at all times hes:ab ject to the inspection of an agent of the Lle, pertinent. who will require the stipulations of the contract to be faithfully observed. EVE= All envelopes and wrapper must he band ed lu parcels of twenty-nve, and pocked in bound n or. straw boxes. securely bound on all the edges and corners wit trout ton or linen cloth glued on each to contain not less than two bundriod hundre d e note and letter 1112e1L, and one each of the official or extra official sire. separately. The newspaper wrappers to be packed in hones; n contain not less than two hundred and fifty each. The boxes are to be wrapped and securely fastened in strong . manilla pa per. and sealed. so as to safely bear transpor tation by mall for delivery to postmasters When two thousand or more envelopes are re •quired to Ali the order of a postmaster. the straw or pastetmard boxes containing the same must be packed ih strong women cases, well strapped with hoop-Iron. and addressed: but when less than two thonsind are requir ed, proper labels of direction. to be furnished by tin • agent of the Department. must he placed upon each package by the contractor. Wooden cases, containing eprelopen or wrap pers. to be transported by water routes. must be provided with suitable s.ter-prooling. The whole to be done under . the inspection and direction 4,1 an agent of the Department. El= The envelopes and wrappers must be fur nished and delivered kith all reasormble di, patch, conlplete in all respects aye- for use. and In such quantities as may be uired to all the daily orders of postmasters: the deliv eries to I , e made either at the POSLOffiCe. De partment; Washington, D. C.. or at the of dee of an agent duly authorized to inspect and receive the same: the place of delivery to be at the option of the Postmaster ileneral. and the cost of dellVering. as well as all ex pense or storing. packing, addressing, labellug and waterproollng to be paid by the contrac t... EZEGE3 Specimens of the envelopes and arn.opent for which proposals are invited, showing the different qualities and colors of paper re quired. the rota and stria of gumming. with blank forms of bids. MILT be had on applica tion to the Third Assistant. Postmaster Gen eral. This advertisement and a specimen of the sample envelopes and wrapper furnished by the Department must be attached to and made part of each bid. OITA ILtNTEE. No proposal will be considered unless of. freed by a manufacturer of envelopeC and ac cmopanied by a satisfactory guarantee signed by nt least two responsible parties. WA, RD —A 0 ILEEMENT —BON LW. • The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible ladder for all the envelopes and wrappers, the prices to be calculated on the basis of the number used of the several grades during the lard decal year, which was ne Note site . 1,16&211 Letter size. first quality 60.1.17,603 Letter size. second quality. • - ...... 8 .id ,6 ,750 Letter size, second quality inn- • autruned)... . .. . 3,619,600 Eaten letter s i te, ..... quality • . 5.815.750 Extra letter size, second quality tungutumed) .......... .... I'.l.6 U (halal sire 560,900 Extra oracle' site 3,100 Newspaper )mappers t.A1600 total Within tea days after the contract has beet awarded the successful bidder shall enter MU an agreement in writing with the Postmaste General to faithfully observe and keep the terms. conditions, and requirements set forth In this advertisement, according to their true intent and Meaning, and shall make, execute. and deliver, subject to the approval and ac ceptance. of the Postmaster General. bonds with good and thMelent sureties In the sumo( Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (M 000) a forfeiture for the faithful performance of r u a r i o d v u ant o i r )j c e o e ' et o henl ccording to 1 te e seventeenth section of an net of Congress en titled ".to act legalising and making appro priations for such necessaryobjects as have been usually included in the general uppthpri- Atkin bills, without authority of law, and to du and provide for certain' incidental expert- - ses of the Departments and °Mims of the Government. and for other Purluwes." Wel ted States Statutes at Large, vol. 4 page moo crypt °red August =l, 1842; which act provides that In ease the contractor shall fall to emu• ply with the terms of his contract, "he and his sureties shall be liable for the forfeiture specided in such contract as liquidated dama ges, to he sued far in the name of the United Stele., in any court havingjuriadiction there - _ ' • 'elle Postmaster General reserves to himself the following rights: I. To reject any all bids. IL In his Jedg nient. the interests of the Government re.. quire it. 2. To annul the contract whenever the sante or any port thereof is offered for sale for the purpose of speculation; and under no circum stance, will a transfer of the contract be al lowed or sanctioned to any party who shall be. in the opluinnof the Postmaster General. less able to fulfill the conditions thereof then the original contractor." • hereo.nbethe contract. If. in.his judgment. 4 shall a failure to yxrform faithfully any of Its stip lotions, or In clue of a willful attempt to Impose upon the Department En velopes or Wrapoeta interior to sample. • 4. If the contractor to whom the first award nosy be made should fall to enter Into agree meet and give satisfactory_bOnds, as herein provided, then ; he award may be ....lied nod the contract let the next lowest re sponsible bidder, and so on until therequired agreement and bonds are executed: and snob neat lowest bidder stall be required to !wan every IstitpuhttiOn embraced herein ns if he 'were the original party to whom the contract was awarded. EMI Should be securely enveloped nd sealed, merited .'Proposals for Stamped Encelooes n Newspaper Wrupperec , and addnessedid, the Third Assistant iPostmaster. /mod Washington, D. C. . JXI). A. J. Cril4% KU.. Postittiatel klede rov A L1 , UrarT 1 :144704187 O. TO DEALERS IN HOSE:— . r " Fttlrraitr anal, tot 1,050 FEET Amble Rivited Leitther 'Hose ele d h a g: 00, for 150 Baltorles-Zink,", - . J.7..1. 4 ft1aM:14P,4=.1,1* Mit.a.„o..4d4.;,.birbiligi then:wives to.ete pi. the inmol MY NMI JrNi 7. M. 1 .9 a. coptivo. • 111 • dersisued solicit Proposals for their suppti 3 Of, c.J.frg, thilm 2 ol.4r,7•Wpagi. t 9 4e 0. 11 ", , * .heelPWoito. orplier'...k6ountrequirsog,.. 2.0119 to .2.300 Umbels deli, Proposals al-4d until August Ist. E.l 12, 11610 DUBBER TUBING. - (j { .l 4+.!biluiBev,t4.7.llygr.rt4.*ei,, on hand. of J. & H. L INSURANCE TILE CRITERION OF EX \ Mutual OCLase , unplUltileled In the ORGANIZEDAPRIL 3, 1569 Einr4i.oes:., of t he Company It THE FIRST FISCAL BEAR Whole Number of 101 ms 3.349 Ta,?1, 1 ;:M;:r.17, , ~8 M1,1,13 Ratio nt." alms and 'Eap. to Total Income. .1 7 .301 Average nt of all (Ndapantes... ....... 31.49 For every 9100 Liabilities the Empire hadtB2:ll of Lanett o . Average Amunt of l'ollcioa 11111,41/6 Total Assets 9.830.000 0100.000 (Ned, o:want depostied With the State and the balance seeurely.lnverted. , WA!. A. FULLER. Mtanief for Weatoril Office 78 FOLatTll A'. KNEE, Pittsburgh , Pa. UrGOOD AGF—NiTd. both male and te luale, wanted. ' S. IL HARTMAN, Vt.r. A. tdcFARLANU, L LL.III KNT. W. itlit,l IN MI I.l.Fll.S.ecretary.• 'ederal Insurallee Co. OF ALL6OIIHNY'CITY, PA. FICt:Cor. Federal and (mock Wed' IV. G. 471140 p. J. Rotten,- • (iregk Vu'intim. Baker. M. Mel!abr. - J. 11, Borland, . , . Sehoyer. M. B. Suydam, W. J. lAnglitt. James Allinnn. Jell:y:3 F t . B. LOVE. General Arent CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN Fl* INSIIII. PIIILADELPITIA. °PPR:P:43S A 240 .137 KTRICF.T. Assets on Jen.lcl. I ti7o. 012.2115.734 67. Capital. 0.110,000 01). Accrued Purples and Premium, 2.423,73) 07. Losses paid since 1820. over 3,300.0110. Perrault& and Tenn. - rare P 41 olicies . Liberal terse. The Company also wines Polities upon the Itentaef all kinds of Build• t ' ET - I'Vl (Mt rTml /. ‘" l ' lel g e ' r * .. damsel ti ran t. Geo. W. Richard.. Isaac Len. Gee. Vales, Alfred Fitter. Thuds hearts, - Wtn. 0. Grant. Thomas 13.' Elite, Uustartin S. Benton. ALFRED G. it aKEIL President. ...1.60.FA1.L, Vice President. W. 211C.UnWer. SOCrotFy. T:11. li4Oer:Aossiont * Third Avenue and Wood Ot. WESTERN INSURANCE COMFY (DI: Pittsburgh A LEE ANDER NIXtICE. PriieldeaL WM. P. HERR/SILT. Vice PTexiclent. • . . tit • (Moe tht Water atrec. Sng , . a . to WaYodontoff• ''' N ' ' ' ,ll ) l . l%, l 37e ". ,:gtz.l. - . , i Mods of• Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution. munaged by Director, who aro well known to the community. and who are ff....tined by Protuptneya and liberality to Maintain thy character which theY who.ff• as offering the beet protection ltythosdogrel to Demented. 1.111110 - 1 - 1.1118: Aloxander Nicatek. John R. Memos, . J r!, [Nw. J. Clarke. Jame...McAuley. ! Alexander Speer. Andrew Ackley. Dalid M. Long. . Wee. ?Inni.!°°- !ASII INSURANCF,' COMPANY Blanding; NO. MI FIFTHEUN VENUE P ~ SECOND V 1.0014, PDURtiu, A. . CAPITAL ALL PAID UP . Will." 7011.111: Y.J. BlGle ,oho , aPt. M. hialik• la M. li. Hartman, A. Chas/bar. • Jake lil I. M. Bailer. 11. KlAl4esldnt.. . I Q. F. JENNINGp, •Ics Presldous T..IOIINSTON,ReoetAry. rpt...R.4.13.1tACE. General Avol_t INPUR ON LIBERAL. TERMS (IN ALL lIIIE M=MEIr,M r= ALLFGIIENY INSURA_NCE CO Of Pittsburgh. • AGE. NO. fit FOURTH AVENUE. • Insu ...against all kinds of Fire and Mann Mists. • MIN IRWIN. 31, President. E 1. i.. 1. Vice 37. DoNN SIAM. irm. DEAN. General AVlnt." John:lrwin. Jr.. O. L Fahnostoek, T. J.:llosklnson, V. 11. Everson. C. 6; IlusseT. ; Hobart H. Davis, . Ilur~eFChihli. ; Ilugh S. Fleming, Charkel , I CI ., T,5H 1031 ." 1 . €ol'i. T. I. Nevin. Us' IXSITRANCE COMP'Y • OEBIED. N. E. CO Ittililt WOOD & FIFTIISTB. liome Company, taking Fire anl Murtha •Bilk, rdncevons: W. Pninips. tt Capt. John L. Rhoads, IJelin Warr. - I &reseal P. nheirer, :John E. Parka. t Charles drOneldrn. le. 11. Love, Jared M. Brach , Wm. Van Klrt, Wm. F. Land, Jame+ CO. Varner, Samuel Menekart. WM. 1.1111.1.11. j, Prestdern: .111,1We'ser4,7'. • • NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY, tEtt!E=l;!=!s= M 212 few in the SECOND NATIONAL MANIC . W. W. MARTIN, President. JOHN DROWN, J Vine President J ADES E. STEVENSON. Secrete y. •• Pilo A. M y ter. Up.. Lockhart, LK.. Myer". .1 1- Graham. nobert Lea. C. C. Boyle. Room. Jr.:Ga...rpo Gent. Jacob Kopp. 0.1 .P.Williams,Joo.Thosopoun J. PleNougber. a • OFFICIAL rraniting, Sunder the right to erect tour two story twice trelllnts houses without drayntila. s cc. .Be it ordained and enacted by_ the City of Plumb rfft, In Select and (mmon Councils en semble and tt ls hereby Oained and enacted by nuthon yof the tame. Ch at °remission to erect four t story brick awetltng houses on 40th BCreel 7th ward, between Butler street and reen. rntike.to be built without Ore IM11•1010Te the two with a reasonable cornice on each end of Id hou s. Is hereby granted to Janie. Solder. fige. M. That any tiommtnce. or pert of Ordi nance c , nictiro with the PllNnage of this (MM. mance at the present ti be. and aff ects e 0 hereby pealed. so far us the a c me this ordlnan OrnainAttnil enacted Into isw, In Councils.. lltiatiath ay of. July, A. D. 1870. 'JAMES MCAULEY. -- [Resident of Select Council. A"e" ` -41 154 - : ' ,1%. W. A. TOMLINSON, _ I President of Common CounciL Attest: It. McMsternlt. . Teri of Coarnion Couneil. AN..?alt,knltv't!egE.,n — dtttylL.or,i,lisf., - ,,i1i..„ Strom from 'ens Avenue to Webster Avenue. On-not I. ' he It ordained and enacted by he City of Pitt: rith, In Srloct and Common Conned, bosembled, 4it ishertihy onleinedand wanted by I . the anthorit of the sante. That the City Engineer Iv and h e ishereby authorized and directed to ad verthc far n howls for the Grading,. Yachts and Curbing of ranville Street, froze Wylie Avenue to Webster Aran.. and to let the same In tbe man nor Mrecuni - by . an ordinance , ounoenains street.: pawed August 91st, 1997: Wm en net concerning stmete emu - oven Junisry 624 1564. sw. 2. That wy ordinanceor part of ordinance conflicting with the Diastase of this ordinance, et the present time, be and the wrae Is hereby repeeled so far A. the !fame affects this ortlinance. . Ordained an d enacted m i ni law In lananalls. thl 27th day of June, A. D. 1570. JAMES. McAULEY, President of Select Council. Mien: F.. S. Miatetnr. Aeleci Council. W. A. 'l , o3ll.lfinCl {`resident of Counnon Cou e e l Attest: H. 11c.11Aurck. Clerk of Common'Cuunell.n ,. .. lie ' CITY ENIIINCITiIIt OPTIC; 1 ALLICOTITNT CITY. July INth. 1870.1 VOTICE.---The hssessment for the .1, grading id CIIAAITTERS STREET fro Western avenue to Fratikilin alley Is now -ready ( or If .... rumination. and cart sun at this Mere onto SATURDAY, July 30t . 1820. when It will be placed In the hands of he City Controller to .ens notices for payment of el - _ JUN/ s ' i CIJAS.DACI3. C3733Mineer. .......--. ...- ....... ‘ PITTIIIIIINIM. Jul, trith. 1070. - V (nil:E.—The tisso. soment for grad. /..1 tng, haring and curbing at JIM etre.. Trout hinter street to that Arent . Valle,' helllYntd. from now ready Int. rondnina. and rem he area Riad, it until VIII DA Y. I. nT Alb. Ib7o. when will be returned to ihdlYeatiamei omen for era. lochon. • li. J. MOORS. , I>r+._. .. __ . 4 • City Engineer. CITY Ida, LEW, Ornra. cri, or . At %EU C -". July 217 11570. NOTICE—The asars.oneat for Cite grading and p 1 Whig for firm Ohl. etre.. Loney alley lane reedy PIS.I9I.OIURKI end ran he even et this nide., until SATURDAY. August 8.12470, when II will be blames in Me hands of the laty Controller in eerie worm. td ,ill h. DAVIS. • City Engineer. • JOHN i I COOPER CO. Belt arid'l3rass ENGixE, LOCOMOTIiE AND iloLuse MILL BRASSES made Promptly to Order: • • r: PARRIrs " mfTAIY . - Made and lier4.-nitiond. .mpriinnts aae Mantatmuron of -1 J:ff.Vooper's Imprort4 lUI;m1Y tiTAJigrr: Irritant natittotp ffT1111301: PftabUth Ps. 4a.n.t.ND ZE4IPCSIN(i , N ' VAVV : :GOODS::` ;Bootle - 2170 Jrall3:6 lIENR , V . PAT.TI;;I:W4 .Ltut , ." a :PlN ' irtia‘Attilt. i llet;ater t ! men?. of BOO;r4 V 9 1 49 Attt a GgSail owtion. 1 ,6 e:prro..4 aio; aegrAttaat. Je2,91 • SPECIAL NOTICES CDNNI ' LL.4- FIRST MO WAGE 7 Per Cent. Bonds ) AT NINETY PER CENT ., AND Jeci • lied Interest. The. Beads ara Seen arby FIRST , 110 RTGAG. n est West through gh II to th tot e Ohio Hirer IL to Ude. W itt It has already. en noondr large loetti sod iaottoit of rapl4 and steady Increase. No Raub.. God' hu eoromand of Tent., r i c h In materials fort:meltable railway tr.. It ects Pittsburgh abd 11.1 more—two ot the oneslateen. , CM. of the Union. 1 he road Is now earning the Interest. It alll t h e complete to January and ought to command aid and InfilieLloo of the elthens of Pittsburgh. Bonds may be had at • • FIRNT NATIONAL BANK. PITTSBURGH COMNIKIICIAL BANKING Co.. FIHITNATIONALBANK, ALLFAMENYCIT Y. Jo2laltTirtAS • ccroum. HasWi PirreaChan. -.THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR Wrettnes of this Bank will be held at the Banking House on TUFSDA V. Attimet t" , " tween the hour, of eleven and one. ]rive IA, Itl9O. J. W. DA PITT. alhoe4s Cashier, OIIICC PIPPIMOIIen Aalr 0010000 1110100 Prrrehraolz.leme 22d.1.10 , 0. - 1 7 "CT" SPECIAL MEETINO . OF StOCK TIOLDEBS.—Thetp vrw ai 4pm:ha meet leg of the Stookholdefe of the - I.ITTSBUILOtt AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY 01 0 rirrs- DURGB,.• held at the olkee . of the Company, ' 'the Ciky of Pittsburgh, .:9 o'clock P. sy, on WEDNESDAY, 27th Day of July, proximo ilf ord. of the Doer 4 of Directors MM!!l==M r= E cr BOUNTY. $lOO Bounty Collected For all soldiers • ha enlisted between Nifty 4th and July 214.1681, who weredidscharwod for diabil ity heron earring two years. and who have hereto fore received no bounty. The underelvied has romo7ed hie Once to CIA tWTTIL Bulidths. corner Birth evenueend Smithfield street. and Is now prepared to collect donne reed • By end et modenoe rate. un.oe atleirese. with !4.131p. B. F. BROWN. CO-lm Airent. Owns - tilt Suildius. Corner Steil avenue and Smithfield street. Pittabureti. Pa. 113 -.PUBLIC NOTICE.-11using been • appointed GAS and GAS METER IJiC PP , ' Tull fur Allegheny counts. make is hereby elven that until the nemeaary Mee and MorbsnicidTest.- nig Machinery cat be provided, 1 win be toned at the OFPICE 01 TIIM NATIONAL YOUNDRY AND. PIPS WORK& Twontpahird street. near Penn, Pittsburgh. MEI= =!rl3l= = OVPICC OF TIM TRIUM2'II OIL COM PINT. No. dos Llberty ptrom. PrrissrlioN. July 21. 1870. f,''NOTICE-1 Meeting of Stock ... holder* of ins Triumph On Company behold at their °Moe IVEDNIMIDA Ammar 3.1870, rit II:30 P. Y.. for rho pnrinnio of mfllY injr.tan notion of . tirgrectors In making n . lesso , o! ig, 3 ,V mg"" VitiAlrliciisatuß.SenromPl. • rreNOTICE.-The undersigned have ' - s" • chartered the Steam ?ern Thad. Cant. W. C. DENNY. and trill roe her a. a 'Ferry on and attar J ell 6th from Sharpabanr trtioirtsbarigh side. untll the Sharpaburg drift* is rebuilt. ' • Wu. U. CLARET. W. A. SPROUL.' MONON I/A II E A INCLINE PLANE—NOTICE—Tbe PliMe nig' be open for Passengers and 'freight bueirmien EVERY MORNING at 3 o'clock. and nal close at 11 P.M. connecting editi the last - cer from Pittsburgh on the Pittsburgh tend Iltradfighasn Passenger Rail way. 10:716 powrzoriLL I:11. FOR CORONER, MAJ. W. H. HOPE, Mato of the 9th Penna. Ileturyes.) BM to the deeissote of the ensuing Union Be an County Couyentlon. fr ts ffr FOR PROTHOSOTARY, M. G. COREY, .lit. Captain Co. G. 8 3d P.. Vol. Sabi eet to Um deelulon of the tumulus U publican C0...1C...M1... 3y21..31-dkr 3FOR SENATE. GEORGE 11. ANDERSON, Sub Jeff to the dooliton of the ennuisti Union flo- [O.FOII COUNTY COAINLISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY, • leseshall Township. set legit to she deastm of the Union lialsoblicen Cocustytheyention. splfeleit 0:y FOR COUNTY COILIESSIONER. BENJAMIN DOUTHETT, • of tottmhlp, Is • cm:Meets for Comtr Centrularloair, b aubordinetion to the dechdon of the.itetmbllea• Cmventkut. Set melee le rebut aelkoMMT WALL PAPERS NEW WALL PAPER, FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 107 Market St., NEAR FIFTH AVE!' n lV? , rdcamarr t0 r =0 , b211 ,, ,..49:1V PAP= b.A.A MOSA lC..UV.esobratinm_all the'Nro= In FREsOU, PI lAN and ORMICIAN DESIONFIAn Mate and nohow for Aft - I.l=l=kl3. TIIITE1) and GILT PABllilt PAP 0110 "Iym.."wlllt .rl. t MANNA for Ch.M . Or. Alloolell Cfll.nAaslo. lowest In Itmln . • No. 107. Market SI., pear Fifth Amite. JOS. R. HUGHES & BUG. WALL PATERS: SPRLNII, 1870. PRICES REDUCED. 414INCELLS tiallartlda par roll. SIM - Artl = 4 ll.llll7gii. ' 6t.r()A.NT Prouldt tad Morrie. Paper Ilona lops. not opeeiteel Mane, lIIINITIOT to •0711.011 =sot. to, . canary. For Went. • W. • P. MARSHALL'S • INew Wholesale and 14141 Iltore. 191 Leanly steset.Plitabansh. . . WO te.2O;N: /A .4 ijii irli 6 FM :,I:1 P. McARDLE, Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, tr n . '"Va r x., b risgraiNctrdrart No. St.. PITPSHUZGII. gllONiloot's Clothtog scoulo to ordea to dm latest • ,I 9 SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES ! . , a. a.x.ralasom; . C. L amaimrsarma. . . . , lIPPDERSON. Unction% Telitt:No. MI !MITA gni Ear, tAn =lnix r e 11=1 • 14 rgo.' =lt waoo n*. Lorna . soation •r. our . s . iz , rze &lamination of oes stock of :EfelaSittim Pam/ mare& Vtortin ay:a,. • !ft. - n. 10 4)1 ANBILING, ho. YBtxtß Street. --- N EW : SPUN° 1001).3.; • siiair4l°Tf*"°ftel • , • Ailothsr., Ewinnieres, dr,c, -.. • • . JIM recelyim: by -•:ELL15111:111.17Ea. mar- IfaribibbTallbri 7 i foltbiiklibtrest. , id:=CiVALS." , COx! 1 9Y E7I7THYIBLD to tWlt~Wv~~pOM. ..kosAsiiiiiiT43l blberty..sl4 Above the haul .4.,16V0D STRICXT. itheretlatl will be iHttmehhtl th los, hit theh. phi frttaufehmt • • i". , ..;s:fi.liiitiV4l.&j:-CO • • • DRIED PEACHES. -5 bbis for sale, 07 7. B. CA.011177741., slWraliw-