raterunAT, GOIX COUPONS Bought at Highest Price. PH. B. NIE4TZ, BA 'I%T . RER: • got% Woes}—St. ansth Ave. `.;Jas. Brady BcCo., lutecOort to 5.1 , XE:9 I CO•J Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Streef; BANk \ ER \ S, • JCY .i.ND ELIJJ ALL xurpg OM liovernmeit Se curtiies, COLD, SIL113: AND ~N MOST YAVOSMEILE TERME. ‘l. .` l ntereSt.A.ll.oiia - 0/1 Deposits. 11 , 3 t one, loaned 011domiumenttioapaLww. cZZfritssc T rzo '79 u, /O. ttALF. ON I . :UWE.. /101i/ U JAMES T. BRADY & CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE, MONEY AND COMMERCE, Orrict . og mix.Prrrsaiintsn GAmerre, ....Wangs:snag, 413 . 1870. . • etesioB4quotaciona a sheetred by .Ph• k. • Mors= .. „ • Gold 121 _Merchantsr IT. Es.) 811ver..... ....... N.S. Central VI ts' . ' 1681 Ponds ...112 Reading PA.s AN) Bonds 1PiL 0 ..109 P. Pt. W. & ..... Ws{ 15-20 Rondoloo Ohio & Mlse 21‘{ • 5-.1) Bonds 1615 101 • Mteh. 13osthern- • enh• (zoo pis ken , CI 6 relind .4x P... 10514 620 Bonds IM - 1...103 C. IL I. & P • ---• 6..) Gonda 1008...105 Chl6ago &N.W. • 61 , 4 10-10 • 105 C. &N. W. Prof.. ,BI • Adams Expresx • 14.% Erin: Dinah. 0 London Exchange per noun.' A0 0 :11./0 Pons Exchange perPrano _ • - nariln Exchan t ge . per Ttotler • CC • ,65 girttl l ealle li tt lUoll l l °H . u 14 2 . Union P. IL IL Pond& _ •0; • -4: pirruntmou manner. Urrti, Prrreinritort oAlarTs. - . . Wr.osisoar. July 27. IYO. I • The markits generally continuo dull beteg almost entirely devoid of excitement, though • seintrartiolei, fucledlug flour and wheat. are -; • ~ • rerp seneitivw I idmovt %depend ' '• vrit npon the'kterra froin Europe. Mid Until theke is a chitrupe there in come way or (Idler In the situation, until the threatened' war assu . M . 7 more definite and tangible shape. we t reasonably look for any material -,...,ittneat in trade. Last week there wee • brisk demand for flour and all kinds of ••• fraturetuul far thli week. there has beentittle or nothing dune. bpididatiii ere very timid,' being afraid to make a movement either Way . and the local trade appears to have falleb otf, . though it never doe* amount to much at thin season of the year, • - The China/re PaPeri, continue to criticise the - • kitten cf the elevators there In regard to heated groin very sharply.- The Republimn of e Tuesday eays 'lia each Instance the proprietor. of thadlr raters named have siren :toilet that they will thargh .ohe cent additional per bushel fce• every Pro days this "At' of condition' , grain remains In store sifter the 20th felt- They don't propose tolose any manor. her rather to make bay While the sunshine.. In the City Elevator receipts dated prior to June , IS will be tilled with heated wheat. end in the, North 'sondem on all receipts dated prior to July 1. IVO. We wonder if the Chief Inspector can't fled a little . ..beat out of condition that he did nut toot en as 'co. P. Seems tons that there ought to be at least a little No.l or N 0.2 out of condition. Is it not else somewhat strange • that there Is no grata oat of condltloa ex cepting No. :sprint wheat? Bring Ina hand ful of hot core—lt will tend to allay suspicion; and save a deal of talking." • ' - APPLES—The warmly on sale to-day . was vomparatively light and the market more ac live and firmer. Sales at $24314 per Dbl. for fair to rood. ASHES—Pirmer but not quotably- higher. Soda Ash. 4 for common. and 4i( for refined; Pearls 5301 a; Pots 71i. 13171Ett—There waa Ir - to-d:tv for rood hotter. and butconsiderable little of ldq : u hi. kind fa market- We new quote prime at =I. and choice would probably bringl4s. DEANS—Demand. continues meagre: and prices are nominal at $1,5001.76 per bushel. • 1180011 S—Store prices; Fancy. SSA, So. I. WO: No. E. $4: Nora SUM Common. 1M5012.1. BROOM CORN—Ia• dull. =l3 eta. CHEESE—Ie in fair demand with salmi at • ETRfaer.Cffvmm=l:l7l:f i o ( tr i a b t e tZfil IS per • bushel. a. to qtuditY. CHICKENS—Spring chicken. are to good supply. with regular sales by the coop at 111. 4s Pe CTI( ' )N OlL—Co . ntinues very dull and it is difficult to quote correct)Eln a jobbing way. DRIED PllClT—There fs scontinuedsteady demand for Peaches. and the stock till. market Is pretty well reduced. Sales of quer • ten at SW. and prime halves at 9434. Apples EGGS—There is no improtement to note In the demarel, and the market is overstocked and dull. We now quote at 15617, as to ' con . aides. 1, FLOUR—The demand has falleci off very • materially within the past feu- days, and while the market comparti ely dun. there is no quotable change prices. and no yet there is no' disposition manifested on the part of dealers to make concessions in order to effect sales. We continue to quote good - western flours at s73f and choice at 573 d. The stock In this market Is by no means large , and ip the present condition of affairs dealers are Oct anxious to carry much stock, nor or they an:- - ell tone about reducing it. as the future of the • • market Is regarded as very uncertain. ORAlN—There is a continued steady de- mend for wheat, and we can report sale, of several car loads of prime red at MAO:white. of 'which there is but little offering, may be quoted at 111.1531.20. Oats quiet but steady, notwithstanding there Is no haquiry for ship ment; •• we can report 3,000 lambs's, the buyer emptying the sacks, at 54c. making tho sale equivalent to 54E:ablo, one car load, to go out of this market, at 57M; free on board —oat , ' ed pt 570001 n store. Corn Is quiet and on \ changed; shelled may beAnoted at 95, and the market is alums: bare. There is father more • Inquiry for rye, and some dealers are now of ' [twinge° cts to the country, and they, are to ' able to get much even at • that. 7-Nothing 7 -trapspiring in barley worthy of notice. , ' • GROCERIES—There is a steady demand for sugar,. and while the market Is steady there , Is no change to make in quotations, The de . 'eland for refined sugars has increased won- derfully Within the last few years, while' the inquiry for raw Bann has fallen off, and Is etcadlly decretudtur. Eight or ten year. ago 50 bbl, reflood more were regarded as stood stock for almost any of . the groceries homes; now it 1. notbingnmumal for some of they, to • • - have 1.000 and U , WbMs, nor it it anything markable for some of the leading - houses to gall one hundred bbis in a.day.'As we renwrk- Mne weeks attathe grocery trade of Pltts • burgh israpidly -manacling. and title is. as It should be.' Coffee is in needy demand ;and firm but ninfinsged. Following are the ruling quotatioos: forme— Ordinary ilk,. 19c: fair to 'good. 93 IC; mime, Wu; choice. EIXe; strictly - choice,. enc. EigoAns—Cnba, 11411 E: Porto Rico at 11E3 12E; New.Orleans,loEl9ll2E; Havana In b.... , 1E222E. Molasses Susan, IIEMOE. A Coffee. Met "B" do 12Em Extra , C lahm 12, 18E0 • , ;Crushed: Granulated 15: and Powdered 'the. ' NMotsesse—New Orleans, 115320 c; Porto Weak- . . .. ... .... . . ; gravrer-Haremerer and Elder , or garter flan Drips. 90:Mae Honey Drlpa. so;:Hirer Drips, , ille: Loreriag. _ pl4dechtUm Amber \ and lower mg,. from X .... Ey., 454 Guncirdr, roll{. 1.3 i; WU Jam. gl,rl r1ic.1..Y.: Soncbong. 90.51,90; no, grtaus—Grain Pepper. 55e:: Pimento. 70: C 715,11, eneiSC: 00•11/, the Nutmegs. $1.14. purrers—Prunes. 1.25im Currants.llso:l..aysin .1111...51 75 per box: Valencia Rabilm. ; il boara.Asstmleal• pike, Dior Babbitt's: 1 1 :' t tb ak=loe: efurt.oo's. lie; Hobbit:V . s:llm ' ' E0:011.15:11%:::: Etory e dV.ll be i Mr Tix.. t Di ftlyt or Lr- c w.V . sgi r it e. • Cosiciorraarip Lys—Perna. , pat par due: . other brands, See 7. _ _-_,• ,• - - , • - - . EXTStAer corns — rim - Per gron for kitigh CraturslW—Hould. "WM Biel 7iNts'SteitSillu Ho- - 1111E.mt—Pearl, Die; mute all* ad . , co s z „.. ws , lik : 4 b a ei. i i i 3 sw v. : . - Flalt—r. Mackerel, Dr a bbli ti lii ; %4t I ptaabli s il l et " nul lid. Ilf kitts— VT tallME . hs tl i j‘ illt. ! I : " &m i t k e e LIM, 'fic.9-41.1.! &I f= P. , . .. 0/ 5Y.-8014 itta t tgalr pager ' . 4 741Va e l r be Market la dt2ll.thousbun ' Vb i n t a ll Wina Mb ailiVeia. " '''' ' i ~ -LiMik , -lides . ,aurvidanalit 10,55 per .51. LARD 011. , -40.4 extra to eueted at :Fit Vtitt03,14441347111141:1L3R11 well eetabl Is t ) &14 :41. .i7n . 4.46 no 41 4, 4 0 4 . I hr d .' ibbt7 per. y kb le. Clear 181 a. Stier cured hems - j{• 6.H hector. Lard LW In tcs med . imo la 0: } RE,743 . 0 -1 54 1 MClost a ctitticsay seeds. Denoted li also dull stotwittatoedles. . . atet ~troasniae i4 .4 4l4 .0044, t r o l 0 ted ', l : 4 ' l . tismltMikeiey444 m l 4 iik49i:4be quo w AfVre r t o, as:,4 l73 :for i "I .' ' irtati'llilVluti rl".=Cuttiat ant i ` 1 el; re ce pt. 48 bales: ex Hs 812balet. ifladr44 .UPllffint!ile 00.. 1 gt 43444 Hay I 00. at las W. . 'cos-;-e gulden IRO: ' in IVO. ,~y•~'a:u:~~ 1 .2 , • • , I PETROLNIAII Welles LT. A do. $1.4. Corn a shade betel' nod No:. / ' held so KC: N0..1 MSc. oeta IC lower: No• . 'Orrzcg ur PlFrangnale Ei*Zumeis.t.. 55c: ...5a.,...' Inc. . sppnacenJ.r. Jul: - 27. 1870. t i • rie,..wia. -- • ' The oil market is dull Cad weak and devoid i cuset.stens July ir;• -elquitr le eteads• or earthi n g particularly new orimport or i Wheat No I red wie n er n r. t . !1.111 . : , NO 2 ,, , ,,, t V . . ....i. „ 0 , ,, With the rinertinn of an linproeect eolunp,2# - ( ii " 1TT:17,1 (1 ., ' . ` ,1 - .Z: cgir 41 `''''' • business In crude. and these, erleee. the said, ; , 0,,,, 5. tlon hav been unrbanged tug several day.: the ' ' ~ ow , ,woe.o, s , July - 7n- Cottun-: • in fair de fueling to regard to the future is .very 'meet- [nand: tirddlings at. Xis . allbc; alike, Of 10•01A1 tied. and the views of operetors are very con. hale.: re elpte. lit Pat •. stwit.anAili bales-1 Oozing. All are antlously awaiting to, Kee , .._-_,--....-... _ howntat t erg are nicely to terminate In Europe. nod, or !night he expected, the catith illapateh. es are scanned very closely by the all met, or they nee deeply interested In the movements uose being ;nude across the water. - • t-intnnr.. ThiVell, n continued fair hostile. in 'snide, the loyr prices having brought out more buy ers. and the sides for the part three daye have been unusually large. we quote as follows: - 2.0 W beds last three mouths... • le '. 1.010 " seller - all year.. .. ...... nu LOW " " last three months .. . 104 I.OKi " August. 5e11er..... . • dU nit 5,140 - seller, 40 dap'. .. . . ... N4 : =mat,. la II dull and weak though without quotable change. as compared with yeaterdaY. July In reported or having been sold nt IS; August quoted St • 11X;' September to December thy . August. th a ttober. 25; buyer all year Ult. The fact July le worth mo rn than August is accounted ter by the fact the delivery day is near at hand. ty O LCCEIVI I N CUM .: tiro; E.I. Goo W w rk . on on cou n o u . nl B If. ar bour; Brilliant Oil Works AC. on account Lockhart. P. a, Cu; Excelsior Oil Cu. 11A. account Thus. Clic.; Penn. OH Works"7l, on account L. W. Young: It. D. Cochran Ita.va account Ouldrlch; Penn Oil Works 314 on account IL S. Duncan; Jame OW. on account Fisher Bro; alone 141, uu account L. W. Young; Eagle 011 Work ElI, uu account B. 5. Duncan; Tack Bro 74. On UCCOllat Ouldrieh. rotat - 8,131 DLL ttlt A. V. FL R. . Fawcett. Logan A Stmkdate 2110 bbl,. retln ed to Logan. loos. ar. Co...Pada. 11.4 Able.. ref. all to. yY .llc4elvey 3: Bro., P. 17 bbl, reined td• Logan Buis. PhUattelphia. - , irk ttitcr, 311 bids Funned oil to Logan Brut, A Cu. Phila. John Spear & Co. 103 bbla relined to Tack Faros '4OUbbl fined W Montacimer, K. & Co. are to ar lak, K. & Co.. Phila. & Wagner, Got bbta runnel. to War ing. King tr to., Phil,,. J. A. alcKee, sat bbla refined oil to Loon, Bro. &Cu., Phlra. • • - Standard Ott Co., TAP blots ref. oil to Wanlea, F. A Co., Phila. • Forsyth Bro's.l . (kcakl - bbls reined oil to Warden, Frew ir 1."9:, 4,014 bble. STATEMENT 01 , CurDE OIL NUM PLO BC AND A. r: 0". 0. °IL LIRE , DiOniNG WEEK na Luau JULY :ZS, 11330. 131 H. S. Duncan fano Parker to w. I'. Logan A Co., Heatonville, 331 Ltd,. Hy Parker a Thompson from Parker to War- Flew A Co.. l'hilatielphla. 1301 bbla. • y Fisher Bros. frtitu Parker to Malcolm LI yd. Philadelphia SAS bids. By T. Claers from Plantain to Wallace, Cu Batt& Co., Philadelphia, LO By J. N. Atccutchson from Farrell Parra to I Heath tc raufrboher, Emmen. bbl,.,'- TotaL L.ICI bole. 0141 kale. 7.Z. ..; ....... - ......... Total to Heston. tlle :x4bbls. Total to Easton • .. ..•. bbls. Grand total HIDE AND LEATHER NIARAKT 'lrma: or inn PISTABMIGH Gartrra, WEnagsbal - ,July 28. 1626. i T 1 e market for hides and leather Is Om, arlt an Incre.i6g Semaud for choke stocks Thecent advance le gold has caused staple aof all hinds to tidy:wee. . Oak k icoghter in Rough..,. . •• .. :Igo a - , Note Light and Uld i . `• All 'Weight.. —4O Red Sole B.A. Middling • 3 31 ... .3t 31 :tf ShoeNklrtlng. Wax . ....... l.rs Kip 574 ' 75 Upper per ft . Oak BernePs best City.. . . Itusset Skirting.... .. b ider per doe ./S5. .40 Illaelt Bridle 5n mo No.l Pad Shinn. . . . &XI Band Leather per . : 44 Hand Dints. Green Salted Aides all 'weighty 104 hatcher Caw and Steer. .• c s Green Salted }pp • .... 11 Green Smiled 14. 16 Dry Flint Hlde. • 2-1 OIL AND SALLOW. fare Labrador Cod till per olloaf Rest Straits. Rest Bank. Tallow per lb st %ILK ETS 11l TELEUR kPli. New York. ~ NEW Yung July 27.---Cotton heavy and lower: sales =bales; nine for middling up lands. Flour: receipt* 18.251 bbt.; 410 c low er and less doing; ellen 7.000 hills et 5525a,6 for senerdne western ann 5tate.16.046.26 fur common to good extra western and State. 76,312.6,e0 fur good to choice do, gii,346,72 for common to . , choice. the market closing dull and hemp: - southern dour dull end in borers' furor. ilye four active and firm at ffisfro,7.o , : small lots cholce at $ 5 . Corn loco foist -, sales I.llobbla Brandywthe at $8.25. Whiskey lower; testes 403 hills at g1.,013(41.= the do lug Inside price. Wheat-Receipts 132,8:i bush; heave and 1030 tower ; aide. MOO bust, at 8L154.1.2. for No 3 spring; 11.3141.36 fur No ' 2 spriee eLSO for winter red and amber west. rfw;a -g iCeelgt et Aktil ,`, P.r ge ck. d at. w rle it y h 73c out . coulee In ptices: sales 850.0 at test e1.f.0.4 for new mixed western; 614 for west ern yellOw; 51.12 for white western. Oats: receiptalwere 124,013 bush; market firmer; sales 32.000 bash at tdatdo for western, the tatters. extreme for choinr, 6480 c for Chi sago and State. Co ff ee: market steady with sales 1130 , bags of Rio on private terms. Molasses: market dull. Roger inactive; salts Cuba at 1410 Xe: Porto Rico ICIXO,IO‘ic. Pe troleum quiet at 112'o J.123:c fur refined. Ray firm at 1a 10.03 for. shipping. Hope steady at 14:21e. Wool quiet and firm; sales WO pound. at 41448_Xe for fleece; pulled 379281_,c . Texas 27q..30c; California 21'23W. Leather-Hemlock sole quiet mad firm with sales Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande light., heavy and middling weight. Walla Californta du 2429 c, Orinoco do 261(01.,nRc. Coal: 40.100 to. Scranton sold by auction lto-day; lump 14.34.4.+, steam: boat $4.45. gate gi n - 44.40, egg . stove firm, ".3'lt Zte. i riNt ' lul t l i. all 4. lreisry; Tare ' s% Ibis; gal fo mean, r.a-6 for pa ds., for prime mess. Beef steady, with sal. of bids at $l4lB for PM. for runs and g 14.19. for extra me.. Beef , Hama uiet a 1.2V8,3.5. 'fierce Bret firm with 3: \ , sales 60 tierce at Ensa...n fur prime mess and ta:101.31 for In la mess. Middles qulet._ Cut Meat. quiet andsteady at 25831 c for hams. Lard firm with sales 130 tierce. at Iftliedisie for steam and IBc for kettle. Butter steady at 105Llic for western and 30`t433c for State. Cheese quiet at 7gal4Mc. Sheathing ITairefog. ' :.l l ll t x,te!gt• 2:111.__ „ j " k :j . gor lower, 86.54,127 for Scotch and se ri ...for American. Bar dull; 715.110 . for refined Ens- Bah and Ammican. Sheet iron steady; 111(fet 11Xc., gold, for Russia. Nails quiet; 43(0 tor, cue do for clinch, and LIG - Tonefor honeshilie. Latest-Flour closed dull and dc lower. Wheat pull and 1426 lower, with a very lim ited export demand. Rye quiet and steady. Oars steady at 07059 e for western, and MC for Ohio. Corn firm at 97441 for new mixed western. Pork quiet and nominally un changed. Beef ateads with a ha nge d . d Cut meats steady. Bacon unc Card dull at 17.k:c for prime steam. Eggs dull at 14.21 c. Cincinnati, CIITCLN.NATI. July 27.-Flour la untainted. Wheat Is dull and drooping. red winter. tL.W.I.n was asked, and 8o less Was offered. arn Is In fair demand 111 tialtlec. thste dull. for a11 5 7 . 2c; eta dull at 4.12.4fic, and old sell. at ' Ilse Is in moderate demand at 'Rh - Me e o r new. and 1496 e for old. Barley is unchanged.) Cotton is dull and sales were made of middllngsat 19c. Tobacco la Mr demand at full rat.; tale* 1.1) hhds at to OM for frorli trash to fan. bright ear. Whisky dull a Ofle for ironbound. Provisions quiet and dull with no demand. Mess Pork held at $30,03." Lard. liihic. -Bulk. Meats 1.4 ltrlse.- Baena held at 14 )(48 1 :3418.4(0 with no sales. Buttersearce and Ono at mem for prime to Choler. Eggs dull at 12a.13e, ship. pent I co ffl. Petrunt. Lins ee u d (111 111.(C. Lard Oil BL/721...01em- 24',1 0 n0 for refinery Sugar firmer and retard %Q.% c higher. Cof fee unchanged. Cold 12.1 . buying. Ruhange dell at 1.10 discount buying Ching*. _ CHICAGO, July :ff.-Exchange unchanged. ,Flour dull end unchanged. 'Wheat 4c higher. closing at 81,10 for No 2; this afternoon the marketst. wai active at *1, 150411,16 seller Au.] pa No t . quiet and firmer. closing at ifLis'o for Oatsquiet and lc higher, closing at , Me for No 2. Rye dull and nominal at 80c, for No 2. Barley dull. , Illablefeel doll nad steady at fine•l r wood andMe for Iron. Pro Melons bed Offaly; •:mau pork . MO Q 475. Lard. MX 7.40. Dry sa/ted shoulders, 14111(o. 'Short b middles 100 . Hoge attire audl4llic highe ,at 82.149.96 for common to choler. Cattle u4changed. Freights steady. Receipts for the Id 24 howl were 4,0 n 6,._ to le door. 21.6(11tm wheat, lAge bas corn, ,m , ,_ es lift Data: 2.470 Vim rye. LW brut ttarlep,pa 7.187 brad of hogs. , Shipments. 3=7 barrels' dour. 73=7 bushels wheat. 46.951Aus c0rn,21672 buitoste,ll,(Lblui eye, t o bra barie7 3 i4Ml t= ,It. Louts.. Mi. Loom, .lory ..-Tobanno ellidy ad !full prices for odd qualities. Cotton nominal at 170.173(1. Hemp arm at :Loam Fir ur in good demand forth. , grades, which are smite,: fall super ssArasso. a #5 , 16Z and XX PAZ 6.00. Hightelnea steady at SI. Coffee nnebang ell Ast ....kfe. Sugar strong at . 11Mie13e.. Molasses quiet at direnc. Pork easier at WI. Bacon dull but holden .Artn: shoulders 14144 1400 and clear aldeslgto. istridenn at Illße for rented lod 18,03.1 Te in a Small way, Cattle stea dy at fise4o for inferior to medl =citric r fair to prim:, and 01117Mcl ter ,' eel • Hors stiff rat agape. : . 1 LOIIIeiVILIS, J r7.7.40tt0n a shade o . 4•th.l r b fgrg i nd heletv„ 11l 18 4 . 141fi r alps. o l .. F f 101 , 11 . dr ; wheat 81.V.1107 Corn $l,lO. Oats 63c. r e go - A r 'arViVA:a.„ll:6lAgre°,°' I; t v.. Bacon. 18,118 and noc. Balk digital ; and 18e. Lard 174 e. ljenaltniccllgtrul Wk . . Weimar Pft. Tona 5m115752.60/1 for•fruatad: • 1611.73001.60 for teem; mon to good lurr lest SL;2. • , f , . 1 , Bisitimute. ! 11/13..rondii. tily2L.Ll,lolar‘fastf 'Fi e . . T wit Heater t n k s w itOks v i i, ta . l3 e e it:g ". 7 1911 0 .1 , ,;,%.40 ~,, r i r e svrt e Ne il; Lot 11111 10 1 1nktedia Ertel!' rib silfr§l-' c eai ut ter, . shoulders 111(e. Ilmme -21 m. ilkt no 170,00. , • Whisky dull at SI,IXIHI . ';....: I I 4 , , T 0109.1 /: ._j i r 210 kelt?, Jill, 27.-FlOar ' . Jul y - ; 27.-11 44ibuirkir4 I ••• • • git.wiglxter o uttAcUt i -l e . Sheeting and Batten; ME I= CLEVE...SD AND 1 . 171 , 311171iGri KAILOufD CIIIIPA,fr. Jolt. 2C—i, 0,1111 I S ore. !Itch:night, P lo dc, tOvenberger. II cz Co; 5 do do, Unlon Iron 31111 e: I do do, Chess 3 S CO; '2 do do, 'Reel 0 a 1): 4 do p iron. J W Porter; 3lrertn I do do. Icon 31111s:50We vc lime. C 3,10 bgs malt. Pier. V& Co: Ito bbls lime lied to cn, ddo".9l=l7lll,:2;rce'sse; rtills It &C C a n n: keg do. W Canary: lb pails do, Watt A Mc 5 bills crackers, Murrill; 2 do o.irn ish..A 3liillken Co: I Cars. tars, Peuibe - g oo 140 corn, 133 do oats Itobbit II: _ sac s' yr ds. \J Denten, A Co: stone, p barter, -• bbis do..„l:rbrrcges .1 Co; I 0100 stone, J L 'Kakis: 1 tit, s e, Jllte C DAVIS; 00 .k. oat Bricker Le Co: Lars qe,d g W Fairley;:is tails b Paper. Paper JAM 11 lumber, Coos .0 ICI Ltd egglif,Read M: 'IAN apples. Wood- .worth 1,. prpromitOrt. Four WAY.wr Aso Cnicaoo Itatt.noAn. July—&.l pi. lend. Davis, t'hamhers & Co; 250 7. do do. Excelsior Flint Glasg Co; EW 001 s dour, I Wallaml,• 23; hides. 0 N RolYstutt; • tubi cheese. J Meek; 7 01 , 1 s eta's , KAPPharn " &G; 1 carlumber, Mellon liro: 2 bls grease. H Pllaum; 100 bbls Hour, 'Shama ker & eke raga. John Dunlap: 18.1 kegs v.. lend, S S Fowl ers aka meal. Harbaugh & 25 do do, Kell & DlU:hart; WO tads axle oil. 1. EPalin(r h. Co; 93 bllO broom bandies. McEl ruyh Co IP aka flour, 514nmor & Harper: =X like oats. Blaney & Moore:s dot brooms, Head & Metzger; 11,01 eggs, Woodworth s Davison: 19 skit I, 4l4.Fr:tater. Al & Co; 343 boa w glass, C Ihmsen & Co; As) bbls dour, Watt. Lang a: Co; KV dodo, owner. Plrrantuati Cum.:nun AND br. Lot's 11111.110.4. D. July cars cooperage liens Hastlngs4 2 do do, F Kober; I du wheat. rietlF, 1 , 0 lurs feed. 0 bbls flour. Day h Cu; 15 b. meal. 0 Craighead:lW do. It G Herron; -Id Ibis near, bgs oats. F Schilds ; - 011 do 'do, Meaaor & 11: 15,0010 wolsks', Adler .0 125 bga dour, Clark 1ir0;25 dos selves, P H tuudinan:' 2 bbls eggs. J A. Grail: 14 birs rags..ll (.Iristy: 5 les harm. JII Parker: bbis whiskey, F Kookendefer: 28 tcs Mona. Keen 0 Weritla /3 pks tobacco; W & H Ithiehart; 11. bgs feathers, W FO Noble; Id okgs tobacco. WI. Junes, 15 bus ' soap, J Itensha w . 18.0 Ogs wheat...l 1; Liggett 2 mars staves.o C Burke; :8) tenE Illilyers Co. .PITTSIII . IICM ' AND CONNELLIWILLW nowt,. July 26.-10 1 car metal. J MourbeattL 1 our bark. C Lapoe; 5X bbis 114 b. N Katela. rolls leather, Laughery l F: 41 do do. Salen Co 10 bbls egg% P Cope; ttJsks wheat, W Welsh : els bacon:lt Owelarlapkgs ernekers,W P Armstrong; 73 bbls rumen. Pilltburr: 6 roll leather, Junker. k Cu; . hbla ectunntal II Leech; 149 b S.re corn, Stott 3: ;39 bps grata, Gwynne & ALL GIIIENT STATION July Jl.-150 bits (lour, 31 Steel a:Son; 1 car lee, G{ Schlelellu. 3 bls eggs--43 Iltu - tman; 1 car lumb eo er, J C Patterso b n; lot stone ware, C Gllss; 2 cars wheat. Ken nedy Bro; 25 sks Wllll. & T AY wool, 31 11J H Fshinrtgleulleon; Hen an aka oats..;ear s, .Voegbtly & Kopp; 15 Wet, Luckcamp Seto; 4 are Ice. 31 Krebs:a can metal'. Lewis, Wile)* Dalxell. A - LLEOntar VALT.ri Itaxta3Al3. July 27.- 1 car metal, )1' broil h: 2 can railroad Iron, J 11 liorrington; 1 suck wbol. w M, Logan ik Co; PO earboys ritroil, J Hirer; 14 idol oats, 1 au graln,i‘eott sisal; 2 bids eggs. It H Adams; sks wool, w H Kirkpatrick N. Co; 40 nests wr bowls, 1. Wood: 1 bbl butter, 11ruenertuan .011rien: 1 eggs. LJ Blanchard. ESE 1131.1.01t111 EIY RIVER. l'rersaiitrt. Linoprxermrs o rate. t PACKI.7 Coure.: , :y. July pke :al sks feud. Campbell &C; b. at ;lase. H C Sch mertz; 2i pkgs potatoes. 31artio; 5 pbtr butter, 7 rg b o. 2t doon g kv . pesiS 110 . !Ltan; 1 3 e y, b hO. J svids4 l ,%% l 3to l lerlis: bk; oats. 8 1.0 Floyd & Co; sks corn. Mclfeary. lit 12 dwheat. J Liggett &Cu; It do do. W Welsb7& Co: OS gal W D•Coopeit 2,000 ft lumber, W C Hopper: 1 bbl eggs, Itto .1111wortb & Co: 1 sks meat, E Ilailetoo. - LEGAL LLEGHENY COUNTY sr.-1n On. -CIL DISTRICT COCRT. ~Ilgt , ll .S. ,! . l ,, : , ! s t ;r2,l,l4llElsper;writtor. RD b 11,4 v on c e e... No. is . ArWlT:rt .:1!170. • 90,40 LesT4 08 4 s. - 24 00 - • Amount for dietributitro.....Bo.394 43 And now,tharit, June 11th, 1970. the Court appoint El B. TODD:Esq.. Auditor, to distribute thuds In Cont. on the ebora writ. Seal of r Prom the 500024: PEN CURIAM. Dist. ; Conn. JACOB 11. WALTER. ! Prothonotary. Alll notice .'tiT7Vl777tl!.thtre=gtoclisa tne rpliePPOlPeent at h Oho. No. 144 En t itTl 'y IL HUAI/PO/Us TODD. to Ater. .11•1.0 1 , 2113. 1)170. jo It IN THE COURT - - OF UN RTER A. Sessions of Aregheny County..O. 19 March ...fon. 1870. Miscellaneous I..et. in the matter of the openi. of Allitertberger Cl . ley. city of Plushursh. And nuw,„ltsir t13.1970.0n motion of.J.E. Slagle the Court appoint-W.% .Thousson. Eng tali. tee tinnroyoffered by the fen!. buten sted atest • ea In relati.m to the tiers at Inane therein. se and report the same to this Coati with his opinion thereon no to taro cri.liteationit of the report of viewers ea should be made. it any. and the lone of-att order lo he suede br the I,3urt. Teo days notice of the time and phi, of hearing to be given to the parties on thetenoo or their attorney. *no h.puhl three times to the - Ilr r'or Attest Ittagrri Pnorrsr. Parties Interested are hereby' riutUbott that 1 eiti attend for the purpose of perfor.ox nor dune, `a ° 4;lll7 , f::7,nr.f,%T.L'At!tV,VA'4l7,,";,,Zl;;; oth depot At A. D.. 1870, at ti rotfoelt,r. in. and at such other times Ns may be flied by ad journment. IC. W. TIIOMPOIC. JULT 23. 18TO. ,juniLagg D ISTRICT 'COURT OF THE UN!. TILIC4O ANIT.IIIE.V/PT1111.51,13-tA5ITEAcklti. In the matter of Robert sxmon and Cuthbert DUO, partners as Dixon Brothers. bankrupt. trees.. g irt or meson lean so A werrant in Benkruptcy has been termed by uld Court against the of Robert Dixon und Cuthbert 1.11. n, partners as Dixon Brothers., of, the COW., of Ailegben - y. Buda of Pennsylva- Ns In said district. who hare be. duly or:Budget bankrunts upon petition of _their creditors, and the payment of soy debts mad the delivery of any Property belonging to .111 bankrupts. to them. foe their use, zed the transfer of any property ty them, are forbidden by In. A meeting- of the ...ton of 0.10 benknipta, w pm.. their debts and choose one or more Assignees of than estate, will be held ate Court of BankrupWy so he holdenat No. 93 011121006 street. In th• CIL* nt banal. in, said doter.[, on the 10TH DAY Or - AUGUST: A. D. 1870..10 o'clock A. IS.. at Ike Roe of SAMUE.I. HALI-PEfL Esq.. one II the Register* In Bankruptcy of said thstriet. A. MURDOC. ttalar C. S. Marshal ea Masseuse, $1 ) nw k7l. IN TIM' COURT OF QUARTER SEE 'MONO of Allegheny county. I= Hutto In hereby Elven that the report. tit Ytew ro m tho o bo.. Gam, pmettled b etort mad 41. d Joly 7. 1870. alad ocadttiosi SIA. to Geom. ebsol ate nniese expemlono ire NM theretawithth ten dam . . J. P. SLAULE. _ . IN THE - MATTER OF THE inni Opening of Haslett. Street, City of • Flttaborgb. Notloe I. hereby, elven and the aseenstuenta made by the viewers tea tocaNned by the Court! to the above case are now In toyllanda for caller:tato. and that 11 the.aante be not veld dathla thirty days from the date hereof. Ilene will be eled.for the utd Feld sallassotente etch Interest, coda and fees. and the same collected by legal brogan, J. F. SLAGLE. Clty . ..attotney. YoLY. In. 1879. - NA/HEREAS LETTERS TESTAM EN TARP to the Ea.t. ,q WILLIAM RON. lata of I3th ward of the City of Pittsburgh, deed, haring heed emitted to the subscribers. WI V xism indebted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and abase harlaß did= wr demands egianst the estate of the said decedent will male known the name without delay to • klAttliAtLET lTreeov. Execotria. W.C. A UGH. !Wielder. • 1t0.107 Diamond street., Prilislignag. Jane 8,1870. legykl-de i lq N THE MATTER OF OPENING AIgENS LAICE. In the City of Pittsburgh. the Mowers. ha the opening of Alkene Lane. (so modleint h y the Conn./hi now In my hands for collection, and that 11 the lame be not mid whiffs, thirty days from the date hereof gene will he bbd therefor &gables the props t ies saressed.with In terest. ma and foes, and the lame aellectsid by J.'r. ELABLE, City Attorne, IJ. 7 hIYO.I y XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letterg HiulT"RiTYWeil ° l riVil.g.4 ° M; deed. bating been granted to the undenagnea, Petnona Indebted to man emus &remotest...l to =AO Imenedlate portent and an. person• holding cLlnu loininet said WSW pennant the lame. t d 4,.. ll P 2 ran ' WTO.Tanirekttie ‘ n Y til. l l7kat WH. Y. ,ELLWAYRYL7t.,Eninutor. STONE - . - 0 . WEfOr COMMON , - ',..‘ t MPM , a/Xnet: Stone Works: mof Wiwi Comma:. Allishoor. • • . ,FRIED7IK &MUTER & co. guy'ated.. end I litf , n.e PW An 'g i ng i r s / 1 11""h Vault. /ImA 2fr 0 , 5 4,,, """" detrkPenFpoo,,,, DO.. Gc. ..• tnnn • 81 - ioNTE WATER. , PIPES, Chimney Tops, , ITYr AIRIieCHIMNEV FLUES, Our tli!v , INIIC ,C014415i3i ap21.11 IS 3 OND *l72ltlE,t, (ff-tSp BELLO& eq01) I..NcliotonoN!,imius •Manotoctoters of HEAVY MEDIUM apG LIGHT AIiCHOI!, ANn ,140.,N,0F PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE:' THURSDAY .MORNING, _JULY - 28, 187 u RIVER NEW Pith rivers arc rising under the hilly .- elite of the recent heavy rain with i feet inches in the channel by the Menunga, bola narks lays evening. Weather tsan, tinoes oppressively hot with frequent heavy showers. There have , been no arrivals er depar. tures since the date of our last report, and busineae is entirely suspended at the main landing. —A late .Memphis Paper ;aye, The mate of the Lorena a-as arrestedyeater. daY for "assault and battery - With intent to drown" a hack driver. It 'was proven that the hack driver attempted to get .ion board the boat as the plank ails ehiiied out. .jrst as elle um* landing; that the headline became foul, and in trying to triCatr it the plank was tipped over, and the hackman fell had the river and got u wetting, yet Esq. Foley fined the Mate r/Zi and costs lie .afterward remitted the fine, but the chats the.poor'fello* had to pay From the report which reachea we must consider the decision An ontrage rition justice. • -The St. Paul Diapatr..4 of Edda - y same The Bengal 'lager arrived with coal ior can Company. She is commanded by Capt. J.NA .Ste...art and boa the appearance of a giant ui power. She left 'Pittsburgh with 11,000 tuna of gaud in 26 barges, and supplied the gas:Works at lieukuk, Burk ington, Muscatine; Davenport, (laical.. Dubuque and La Crosse, bringing to this city 1.000 'trine. • She brought only two rges this morning, two having been left bout 20 miles down the river. owing tfi Cp.. - water.. Capt. Stewart will go down' dtd bring thent'utcas 4 ®ll as be can get \tm lighters. ')- -The steattief Edinburg, in peening down the falls on ! 'Sunday iivening, struck and'sweli himUl up the rivet'. ' She Oct ' her sin:board 'tiara' and \was sparred oft' and then tacked through Übe piers of the bridge stern fornmest, and . safely .landed at Portland wltiltriut retekiing en". minion,' , damage, • I 7 .- -Upon ...- the theory abet-all p ate r ex_ isle in the boiler, in Ittontpacity to convert water and heat into Meabi, a gentle - Man of. Nashville will noon! apply' for a ' patent claiming to make direct I applicatiOn of steam ' to. the wheels. of , a boat and. do away eat rely w.t.l cy...Lers. So says ,9,.. Union and Americas. I . ! I -The fo lowing boats %rme at Portland Wharf Sun ay evening,' 'Saul .1. Hale. ,Rim, Hite, IL C. Urns', Plalk „ Varble. Pales \ ii 1 T ',' 'fine, 3forefilg Star..llasg n e, A.. 1. Whit,, end five or ix towlio - als. . The towboat Collier li e laid itir at . t, Louis, rind the Kali. l'n anal did not k low en Saturday what l ie would dm ii •xt. . . , The Tidal Rave in passing over the P rtlaiel imrl . Saturd a Ly night, 'grounded ..\ an hail act Kucceefird in' gciting oft late ou Monday. ,\--- . 1 ' The Exchange tamed through canal,. 011 Mourtny,,ana lett Portland the mac. , N suing. . . ' -rise 14 Mate State line taken the'plat,c of la, C. ItAluthion in the Cincinnati and ... • I Wheeling trade. -Tin . l tow boat Siinpsou IltU - nto. in Inid ui itt . Non .11biny - , -Tito• time Het o r run* on Nlonts'y -.Capt. John I. I It for `ittsbund. 11111 01 plO 01.111111ift ill ~.ii g for .orurdr4k; RIVER P:' i s ',mu:co AM r if i r. FLEET STE.% BIEL: lomenai+ . dl 1 Pittsburgh. Brow trills au. scums Parket. I trrat abnre He; • Y. TIIIIIIMDA 1r and ==ll w.,,..,..CLR0V STEAMIMPS CU NAT-t,D LINE. the Hn4 W rod North Anrirloaritor \ al Hall eitermal kpa. between New York and I.lrenr,ol, tallior at Curt Briber. SCOTIA . W.1: 1 / 2 !:1:4411A T. •.I . V . L . T 7. ecM. rtrwl.t. CALAfI KI r 1111: A MAKI A. 14. • • SITIONAL 1.13 E. AN A x . : 11E: THE 4;17 ; Ejt.v• Ibts; FRANCE: VIII, sennorm booted by otbor11.:.lor passage bn7] rn • JOBS mccoeuivic, _ atiEllitnieLr tO e ' d W. T - _.1!) - ERPOOL AND qt. ERNS „Tiawi-ip.,T2,a,b,11,7„et,r, Eno M at voloyoly,nmont Um/m.llm oylobr. CITY QC Py1415, CITY !IF "ANTITILIP .Tr ?No s. /DALT (Att. • 1118:g.INT.11.93;v"6"T•t°P rlrr b lA. apply to - • ' WILLIAM BINGHAM J 143 IUrtTFI FIELD STRIt'tT. OILS. Tack, Br .Co., PERRY BEILDING, I -Du ~uewae Way, Olttaburgh. DEALEIId. IN • Crude &'RefinedPetroleuM. TACK BROS., .1•29 WARING At K.ll\TG i Comndsal d o blerchards and Bruton In . Petroleum And its Products, 11d4ZZ1.4111 BLOCK. I/IIQUZBNIL WAY. Pblladeflobta didiess. ARIN G, - K IN CI & CO., •,,a 100 WALNUT 9• TRIIPIT. • • ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. .11ef4ert W.- C. Tweddle, . MANUFACTURER Or Lnbricathig and Mgh Test Burning MIL ECLIPSE RAILROAD AXLE OIL, Stands great beat without Wixom reaming Ma gid at lowest Mr.... Bimetal oil for Doi* Oki Nicola. ar ho vioather. LOCOMOTIVE, GINE, MACIIINN SHOP, Will eat lairawa: SAW 3111 J, AND PLANING MILL OILS. Adopted for high speed. IPINKLN Acl u c ir laarzflellT OIL, igh T IifnINIBIIING ' OAgIA 4, OIL, lIARNESB IPA PPINN.' Altaloll VARNISH. to presarre Bright ,Ina Work and Machinery from nat. Themes prodnota are manufactured under Dr. Taraddieli patent by buperheateil Stratnin Viten°. The Lubricating Dila tire airtioolodorient,betlet'Or. %re. uniform, sae homily light colonel, stand a h toravecatdre nitettauged, sad !toenail:, ilittiold ' On2litdVn. ra:OriXurant s; "IL"e y ‘ Thq .- rncipal Italimag. Sample ow Lateen • ant; oder. eft at 74 yroop RICZT. Mom bin • art ; 1• ! , I LIVEZELT4r SALL:' STABLVIC oht 11* . :Patt6nOn &CF.1, 1 - . Seventh Avenue and Libelli Street, i I, A WILL Oft XVZSY SATURDAY BOLD AU - CT I_ol*- • ~ : ar a , , . Ag iTt ; f e ri Ps' ijuggies .:— ' w 14 , ` - , ,.kgir4thit s th,s J.:lrk. 1 7 7 ,,,, ...,.i.., ..c=nr,tr - b° nigArst, i " f 71 7rr i "llT- . If , - .!;.:. .dpi1A.,,11, , =WART - A vf ,,„, L .., iiiii`hirT - irAYANramd ~.r.q:,„,,.:, . •.,.„. et...... ;:!:A, ~ -... :qr.', ~ ~ , . ...An , , .„ , as -iootts . :: ". . l' : :ConSasalk Arippe and Albert f C. , . EOM MEE II --:'-''-` • BRUCLELL NOTICES. • ~_.___... . 1 FITIAOLS.L. . 7:i ES ' Ttr it T/s - .1.11 TTIEA ALL PRivATNETIII. N. l AIIERICAIN BAINI, . EA.,, . ti Th. •nutnecons class of clues revnithim , a Prom mil-abase, pnelucing ausnanlinme, nervous lbl gillstAnyptlostegng cagisz ; ; .!,=t;;7 , ini, 4 • No. i4O Fourth Avenue. .aallet.l,lllldalMate, Ilarlel4o and 10114 standing I , constitution. complaints are politely Molted to call for consultaLionc hersts nothing. Expe-, • I'ITTSBIIPLGJI mance, the beet of t, her e.blad him to i • Meet , remedies at once eft Den t. safe. permanent.. . and 'stash In moat... min be used withouthlud- i CASH CAPITAL ' 11200.000' name to business. Medicinesprepared In We es. . tablishment, , whieb. embraces °dice. reception and i toe kiwi de rs Individually Liable. wain..rooms: also boarding and sleePing , manta for patients requiring dolly person. atom- , 11ANti OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. I tion..d vapor and chemical bathe.. thns concen- JOHN pis, yo. , • W3I. FLOYD, waling the famed ;Mimeo) springs. No matter who ' have failed, state your sass. Read what he aay. In . Prog.lent. Costder. , his pamphlet of 013 y paces, sent to any nddresiffor Tg,.. N . itg,...g.ii .1 7 1 '7 0 ,11,it ..... d . t....i5t.p.i.../..xiwerifie. YhOnsends of oar.. ' Wra..T. IrLiannen. • ' Archilx;ld Wollner,. treated .ntraityr. ogee and all over the country. i s „,.. • co W nsultation tree. lissniOnally . or by mall. ollikeNo. 1 H,11i".'1,7 - I`q" . •' • iinl, .30 . y e rir. r. 2.;' : ' . 1 1121.7.: 1 A 5 i re .1%1Y. C .`i'. , 7".= ) 1 1 :1`.11'.°,171b,..1;1: ' g , ,b,, ,, „,u , ,rd. ' . as 1.1• finiss".l Pamphlet &Mit tO .11 , !dere SS for SU, STAY.. ~,,,,,..iiiii . , !,,,&t g , g, rjz„ „„ vain „ An , g . g .. ap: . 07 -DYSPEPSIA--NEW MODE OF riTrrly B • '.. TREATMENT. PROPEAdOIt WALKER, the distinguished Mg- k......"_i. 1 lien Botanist, di/covered In A ustrtila ea excellent Botanic remedy. an • effectual cure for Indigestion, isillioss and.LlTerComplalnu, and communicated r015.X4.3 the mine to Um Phlho'hrlpirlis Dolsosic Instill:M. Tim Secretary wi11... epplinstio a. forward fuse to all, this important rocirm. The Medical Reform Society who makes this en. muneentent will not make any charge for Ole recipe. tea object being to demonstrale the supe riority of Botanic over every other practicer of medi, but In return melees; thoserwho ere beuetitted to .forward to Die Society a statement .I their ...se. and Lholl MI witii facia the present trovoinent tin medical reform. Dee-, g Ag.,,,,,,,, envelope to the - SMILE:TART OF .11113 RO TA:iII INSTITUTE," 13110 Soutlx.,_lsth steer., Philadelphia. w 10111 irj=.3IANHOOD. HOW LOST! ILOW RESTORED .—Just Published Ina seatod lope Prim.: cents. A I.ECT Li REON THE NATURAL TREATMENT.nd Radical Cure of Spermatorrimea, Or Seminal Weakness, and Ito pedi. Seats to . Nt.. 1 .0 generally; Nervousness,- Con sumption. Epilepsy R O UT; Menial oaf Physical lum parity, Arc- by . . J. LL Ll Elt 33 ELI,. p. D. author of the Ureen Book' At. - 0 DOON 10) THOUSANDS Or SUFVERUES." SWt under seal, in a plain envelope • to any address. PostPnW. 117;1" V. sit &IV , r ao tan, 1v7,. • Tort. Postollice box 4.5841 Mao Dr. Criniirte: "Marriage 001010 Price 25 cents. i mv3.- lIATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. I— TElldiplinetkl Hai te s tae s the best In not world. Stemless. Whittle tensor...toes not contain les& nor any ' , ITALIC 001/10. prOduCC paralysis or nonfat. Avoid the sennted end doles ede. the genuine t\. A. ButcApior'e LNr had 30 Tsars untargne.ned.snpu h tloNn Iron: h Its li=t7trilhebsO:E WITH. r ApPri; Vend Arent. N. V. • rre - ATOILD (11.1.tetih.-4 r ictiiu or early Indian etion.canaltr nervous deblllty. premature decay, de., bathos tried in vain every advertised remedy, ham dtseuvered a simple mean. of self.eura, Which be wlli send free to his fallow sufferers. .1. K. REF:YES, lea/NW, 75 Naesstu Street. Ken York City. Allegheny Savings Bank ALLEWIENY, PA. ORGANIZED •IN tiTi.WICLIOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LiABLC. thwat• reeelvett .118 per (vat...Dna,' OP tlma d OPOSit M. Particular at twat. given lo2nliections and procoadt , promptly remitted. Discount dam MON DA'S and TI [VIP!, A Y. .rtm V. - . James laliag ' . ' nohn Den, A. Moot, • G. Weiarli. I?. S. • Andrea. A eklay. S. 11. tiny,. JAMES 1.. ti ll All A NI, ProAldeut. Jol I W DU% ~ .111.r. . lulealU TIIE DIAMOND SAYINGS BANK. N 0.15 DIAMOND, • CAPITAL $210,000 STocknoumits INI IVIDUALLY • . Donnelts In nom. Of SI an.l novanlo fem. : ed. Internal •Ilowed on time depobltn.:f`xrtlrul.f a 1 tenth l . m gnonn antled n.llectiono. proorood• of whleb wil be nInECTOrtn: . _ . Jam. ;1. Coop. .... . {sham Garrlwo,. Jam. J. AiElsou. Andrew 1..1e0 Wm. 11Ind, . • ; 1.. Witlortmld. Jot. _ . Q l . S. P. 11 , , ,, yer. W _m. 1 , . ~- . , p er. ete,tlant,4' . .. P. SA Wll,ll. tl,shlor-401IN b. KTI.Li 1,5:71 Tradesmen's National Bank WOODD STREET, CORNER SECOND AVE INTEREgT , IqID ON'DEPOSITS Gold. Coupon Bondi and Mork A. BRADI.Cf. Pre•ldent. , .K. VANXIIII., Ylq Prw,tdent. eVR V .9 ' A.L , LE(.=I - lEN • NAILIONAIi BANK Of . Pit 'L.4)1162:11. N. 71711 , Til AVE IN iLt 'a pitni Stuck Kxlit LTV =CCM 13212:13t :$500,000 7. J. W. COOL P;esldeskt, R. W. MAMMY, Oashtir.. • ftC3:7.2 , W. hisOANDLESA Asst. Cash.r. tlx THE- FIR3Ir 4 .OV " ittrgll . MOPRIt 45 4 1 ,1 i4( 6 11 tnutnal ennaant. sad a Oda da r formed 4 :141.. aannerarda ddda, dad,. " • MIEMM • o. 5 Broad St., "° SIR. JOHN 'BAILEY epecial partner. having contributes:l $30.000 to the common Mock. • .' W.7 n sf a ir t glillialigiltY of Outage She cus i :fr:iiticitritir a continuum< grflielr t aorf. "'"r . We also oder our mimesis fa all. and respectfully solicit their business la the purchase and of all miceirttles dealt to et the New York Stott or Gold Exchange.. ' Coupon* and Dividend. nollecteiL latereet_Cosred on depaslL • •' - Ordersgoy Mall or Telegighti hrOmptly • TEOh. 1.. TAY Oil WM. COOPER JOHN BAILS: Keret by Emendation to Pint National flank. Pittsburgh. - CENTRAL BANK No., 35 .Bank Block, CALTAL Bank of Discount and Deposit. B:TOCKHOL!„ , IIR3 INDIVIDUALLy LJA PLY. Interest Allowed on Time Deposilt C.4Ueotlona made in an the prinet eel fltlee of eh United States end Csnedes. THOMAS TAWCE - 4 " . u D IIIOY BAILEY, 40[ 7 9 AJJLIER., Jahn. , at. eßlPillf. ( i K • THOa. FAWSICIT, Prwildant.. J. W. DAVITT, Cashier. . 11UNNINfitl, Axel.. Cashier. sallivilasorr DOLLAR_ SAVINGS BANK No. 65 }'oiu • th A venue. =I ASSETS, 52,5,,98,37160. (I d 1354.7Virtly r rf l'aatili i , ' ;;::l?y " ..,g7 k lt ' l November 1 ekfrom to n od frosay 11µ- to rember let to ate} Ist,l i c 6 tot o than o. l .lC P =lc r Alt. h rdl divide= of vaaft. 1112 Oared twice Att, a yr.. In .1 unlyand December. Inter. nt ham been .desi red mlwonsally In Juno and Deoetaber. slake the Dealt waa IllipttaLtd,s% the rate of Ells Per Cent. per year. Interest, If not an.. nut; Is plemol to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bee. m a Interest from No lint days 0 June and Derv:ober, enmpooncllng twl. a year. without Doubt!. th h o rtllt t s W 4l: ' lgn L eY r 4gir to Book. contng the Charter, EIDLows. Hui. and NetalaUons. furnish ti 6 gratls. un at No Mice. • ..• NSXII[II..VI—JAhLES IIE111)31.1.N. tick PATAIIIIIIMTIL George , lA. M. Pollock. M. John O. Deck°fon. • • !Itobect Both, lien). F. Pahnectock, !John 11. Blomberser, Junes McAuley, IJamen Sbldle, luau B. D. Moods. Alexander Speer. I lame M. Pennock. !Ploistlan vtus9r6.7 J. tyn,b. LZ 'C.oVirOLAittror. A.llooloin,. • John A_ „Bin!), :John Marshal/. .Walter Maneoll. (. Lit ... Johtt 0. McVaeOan, ; el: net.. 'Rgry id Jr, ar Ism flo,toi l~l~llpo . breig,r,;ni,t WWI. Rollin% • '.,-41,;ficT I : Eitit.Ufterrfi. l artr ay., ~ A ~ ° • .1001,4.4, COL NAlt" _ .n... „ AN i JOHN 4 . Vivltn.A; ;11. ItICIIA*D.p 114, WORDIAN 4 . - DAV. 5... r uFonsors lo.1404K11AF:I. 001 . 111 N 1111.4 o.sinire apt' peelers , . Carriages Buggies • SPRING /i. TUCK' MAO a di, di,,44 and d 8 &AYE/ IIL, dlltaly. I;_pop,,i ,ti r im.pur )44 dad . . or isis it. N ow o ~ott. tly to ' ltodd My) Aba Ilitliidd *rile asithfaction irr airy yal bit. • rrlibliort ktile of Work roolutour on hu, . 80L7AAGINTO for the Now Morro 19towri 'pm'. may% auks a EIAnvIVII PATIENT T • L 8 ilr.B U . W . LIS4pIQBI , Bt Shittel leut IPUr flat ', IL RICIIMIDTVIVIS bathau parihtackl tt In. 1 01TV I difiretat tralit234 VA belatuk. . onus Umkpid Va:* uneth uke !MAW "Yu" wv 4 ' 4 .lk " 431 3. oid.. , 1 , inc:' —, .ran7l iVgappi. - btio with ettlsseto . l44l l on A L C ALlCrii&liii., A6Escr , utigioit4W -tiF ALL .ggii,..).; , .......l7=izravp,vez 'frmi,.t.„„ractx,..r. "IVO. _ FINANCIAL Uodefreerentee. eno the reethet of Safes to It. o. 83 Fourth _A_ve vr.imtailw.rEdll-g nlitorTo/1. • Brron P•11314r. Joe. EL C r... tr2ll.bb Hee land Triou.-14. F. VON BONSIICOUTF. Open dallyfroto 9 9:cloct A. 3., to 4 43 . <1 . 9 Y. CAUGHEY M'( Bankers and Brokers, = DIUIANP 7N Exchange, :Coin, Coupons And pvtlelar attention paid I. the putt:tutu •nd ule of N. - Holmes & Sons P Irrs B It GH, PA. . eoue.: = p =17 ,1 potato of STOCKS,' BONDS AND OTIM SBUTITIES, • souinrr AND PoLD pN 1:4).1111DdION. sa Parllenlar &Demagog PA hhe menu* and le of United States Securities. MORGAN KEENE & MARVIN, Wall Street, iTblre door from Bros.Oray.) NICW Toes.' Boil yn c nvE. B 1 11) Acumr..".wrgba:..A mama A General Banking BusineSS. illxo '3,1 MORGAN. SAMUEL 19 KERNS, I= 61011.000 late Parmaeter General and A diet...a Uetsensl o the Bate of New Tort., DElit In Tito Immediate vicinity of the Stock Re abase,* and the Gold Roane (anti member. of each) onion are saecociad with the icreatenpouible d Merchants and inseetors, livin at distanos. can rely 13,101 M our attention t t h eirs mallest or 1 7:1, ° ;,..'"t,,W"prfrAnlifrre,117.14 all' Mums.* or Dia...mat n'anitaltaCorponsfitinS 'finrrral=l:7l;ir 4:tsTOOtpanleti.ointeroplatinit: • clangs In their securities. or desiring tomato inquiry concerning any emends) basins. they al l ot , hate In Ibis city are inelted.to communicate wi us personally or by letter. tcyLat terence—blessra. Jay Cooke &Co, New York. 3 7 Per Cent, Gold' FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Burlington, Cedarßapids • & Minnesota R, R, Co, w.uewu °gnus/ • Mateo tin gorse.. 141° 1 14 ' Tun I/macular* fat . I*Vol.to KVA ose tblo et SW optima of a...U.0 Into theoweeof the cowpony Vor. and the pilot of•lba Pelo elpalbl4 wool for br • atzbitte and. w ar eusi irfair P gitlrtlusta . fil %mar del to.eolr mom este, considerably abbr. t eat. bos: elsis=tiVtl. r"1414,4=4 b U troll anima onirnPtuk": 77.11%4 ie "VgatgluWitim 4.lad tbo baance/4 Me arose rapidly • The established Character of this ;bo o r bine ..it does through the hetet of the fb Qtly aottlfulaed roman .of the esoa B of letrav %piker .tto •prwac advaneell We lke:mod laseo . warrant OM 1111112 he 11.1 t. Us), sooppmeedlNTAlo DMA*, to , bavostoss 4 t! 5f. V. 411 ,./X l4 o4 l J 4 P9 , l4tkieg se‘feritft . ; E Y - CLEWS & 'CO • tt „11.11 Street, New' York. p. itf.4-14, AN .# Cp ., riluaemib, Bolvait , a ,, roxiaphu.io r ta. HbRTL 481108VDDDPbDehlpbls. , DADAD,B2 DROB. & 00., P6Riielphle . Dell&Trze & DRO. , Pbliatletpll.: rownesivolommsNot.t.o,;Pnflollephlat. "'~." ~,~ w"+.' 'a-~"r.".5~/..-,:.%a~wr~';-d.Jx.L':„+d.c.Y it'" ~ ~rtn , k'rc2~"~t~ . _ :i+:..ta'" 112 FIFTH AVENUE. P/TTSBURZIII, PA EC= STOCK/101..DE1pi IsolviDuALLY LIABLE. NTEBLAT PAID ON DEPOSIT& POBEIioN EXCIIANOE I.m.otpt md aold, and when datired remitted to Rope Colle.ion, wade on all .d In all the principal point, of the Caned ..D B .. ta , t t e i ! N it nod tin., rt m at ?a... p r.t , d .... tt. r LI/ WV'. • Ca r lrk i r! "— 1 / 12 .C70101: _ R. Ranee°. Junes IlaValtie. Tbotnae Rourke. . ' Mann R.l.d. Patrick Remo. .. i kere ,,,,, : l oe r Cl iw arlap .l 7 : ll. ch.. B. liner , Janina Phelan Ct... 3taatnn. R. J. Grace, N. Ropy. . . leliks Jun. It. 0 AZZA.R4Bolltalw_ „yREEHOLD BANK AND ' BUILDINI4 ASSOCIATION', . . No. lOU Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh CAPITAL.:.. Pan LLYAE :1113:833 DEPOSITORS SECURED ny DEAL EST.../TE ADD INTISIVE3T. ALIA)WED TIDE D . POSITS. • President—EOM - A RD•Lf 0178 E. • Vico Presidents—J. CRAFT. ADAM, JACOBS. MitICrOLLA: EDWARD DOUSE, WILLIAIf PiLILLIPS, JAMES S. MYATT. J IOWT. W. MACKEY. T 1103.14 8 STEEL. ADED al. BRUSH. THOMAS W. DAVIS - Secretary and Tremorer—TlMMAS STEEL, Assistant Cashier—TAW ES P. SPEER. 011100 hours from 0 o'clotk A.M. to 4o 'Clack dant and every tintordar evening from 7 to 1 0. e:o.Mltit.biki BANKING 'COMPANY No. O. Fooith yr., Pitlshoth. MUSE .1P200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. w: 11. EVEILSON, W. C. President. Cashier. ALES ANDEit KAI ES; JOIE. LINDSA Y. A. 11. r..nousn, D. IL ESCItU.II,. W. 11. EVERSON • . JOHN O. PHILLIPS. W. O. LI Lil/ ILA We D. Y. WILSON, ' J • ACOII KI,EE. Collections tnie on nil 0000391b1e points of the, SWoul Chinadas. INTEKENT mast on TIME DEPOSITS. Pnst attenl. n glean w all busloneatel sone. P indents. • THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. of I'i t.sburgll, 123M13 Safe Keeping of Valuable. Fire and Burglar-Proof Vanlis, William Platnit*. ORNRit FIZRTII AND WOOIiIiTREETN, Pittibi i h Pa.. te , r.11,,5.1101 TO )(ANNA. HART A VU. , . 4 overnmen 1 Ho `-± Sight Draught, on London Eumon . BA_NKRS, 67 Market Street, = Coupon or Registered, IrRELE Or O. IL TAX:I. I=l ■ ENGINES, BOILERS, FORT PAT Boiler, Still and Tank J. WORKS. CARROLL SNYDER. =9 • IIO VV x k k ri ' DV S FTW OI SI VE AN S T9 V . /11YRD. F CI I. S T NY L , A EDI L INO A ND) 6Sn TANS, SETTLINO PANS. SALT PANS AND rON DENSERS. STDASt 6SPOSIE/TERS AND IRON BRIDGEs. PRISON DOORS AND CO'S. SHUT/®. Ok - FICE AND WARNDOEIBE; Con 2d. nd, !Qirt and Liberty Streets, 11100 000 Pr - Orders Sent to the .nbore eddnetee Will be promptly attended NA_ ettalitt HUGH M. BOLE' & CO. con Point Alley and lfuyueane st., (saki{ THE mum Engine Builders, Founders, AND • • MACHINISTS. Mao a facture ST DA.MBOAT BM/INES and STA TIOSEIti BAIA:it:A of all sixes. • A rl 9 Mt ',T,91: Invited BOILER of 114 home power. • IFIgtIPs., N tInST?r ,T IOOBr Olt Well, 6H riiNI7. T .I . C.IDYS. DANGER& ItOttitEnod TOIL% tut) SCRIM'S. end 'HON TOBACCO PRWBSEB, on hand and made to order. at Thu INDUSTRIAL' WORKS, Frontingon •the Allegheny River, near the POW. Plttebenrh, All'brater; proriptly Nled. ,TItY Riesick & Bro., FIND AND BUDDLAR-PllOOl. SAFES AND VAULTS, NO DAM! ENGINESAND.MICHINEI. BREWERS FORE, REi•dlßt N 9 and /!_tiflTTl o l l; U; 117TIM11.11MiCITIVInk.'At`2=1:hr."- D ,, ,,;:q. O'ELA_RA•BOMER WORKS', F, REPHAN & CO., ViV e l`rticknfs A 'll74L.FALlAraisa WitTeNi l ifflinliaztAklPen Cor. of Nerond Amor and Liberty Strcet,`. Itepnlring done crompti, ci = to tit. . 7b‘l7". rtr ,l•lll .TtVrtu e ellTgli=t l liltlittLl. & oeld:ote FOUNDERS, INIULORFNISTS. NATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe Works. Corner 'arroll and Sniallman Sreets I= WM: SMITH, • \ NIIPACITRER OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, ron GA,' AND WATER WORKS. "anti for Gas and - Water Works would kik, call the attnott f W. 3. AIVDERISON 11. A. FR SYTOGLZ. MONONGAITE,A FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO. '''''"l3Ml:lo2lll,llBitar• WIN t:astings (if all Descriptions CAMO E a TIV (AV 4V ftr RC AIL,. Rouse, OrWAT ...10FuEsmiT—No. 130 WATER IT, IlitotrgrEh. Pa. ROBINSON, REA ICO., flocooloors W Rosuotox. llt xa & Mlflsu WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDE/19 A MACIIINIATS. P1TT813172414 ..Manufacturers of Boat and Station t zt 6 lnastena. . klant4rlr u 22 21 . Stink Any 174' n a - cH"-- ons. ‘ _nliß " aripri fe, V i lts forg y refrAilDß PATENT INJ U for TfloS. - :.CARLIN & CO,, • Fourth Ward Ponadry k Machine Works. AIiDCSXT BP., ALLUGHT.NY CITY. PA Ranufactorore of Statkinary and Portable gleam Entailer. OR Prenes. Pnllaya, Sbattlog, Ortat and Saw 31111 Wort. Rolling . MUI and ainetilne Culla^ Ural. flan. Welebta. Wagon R 0204. &C. Dallt to ordar tiara on "band Moglitaa of all alsaft 071410 Phoenix Roll Foundry. Cor. LIDEIITY" AND 24Thl STN. BOLLMAN & BACIALEY menu:setae. of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions. BRASS CASTINGS HENRY BIER. UUBTAVE BASCU Henry Bier & Co. eto ) (Suomesor JOHN M. COOPKR A CO.) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS Brass Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. MALICADLE AND OBEY IRON EITTINUS,. • GAS ar AND ITUIpla. TefehMKTLAIM* Stem. aim 8,1. P waim " RAGES VATTPUir.r..7IM AGES of DESTEDT P TEN OLLERS. Na Sem II the =not. 017106 AND WORKS Corner , •Thlrteenth,lint.Elkelitr • ATWOOD :& MaGAFFItg, 00teug :Lilian. Mum maul Train *Vault: inch* PIPETITTNIKarid AOIRITWOrA.6eAYSRON a cinvsr,l'imm. . • FLOUR _ P•HL STBADI R: T. KENNEDY & BKO,, ALLStIgEN7 CITY. PA:.:" Manufacturers of 11. followtog oolobnyld bot.ifi!' of no.: Cirr t aVh d .'l777°,: w .. • . rULTON &'.ll/PGANN,,, Practical Pliimbers, irmr.v.ku lOu tuo stmt. viturgs,2 !lan saMaliTaxterArta Alvr rnitatt... pra W atrrigsWiri•d Vri , o gra gin ea two um AMT. ..144M07, **Mal SO. • 1 i rno .CIE STEFL WORKS. MILLEI OFFICE: N = DUQUESNE IVORKS, ColeiTwin Balm (10 PITTSBURGH, PA • ' tlAlltiistTrami or . , I • lIIONLNAILS STEEL . , , .Axelis '\ and Springs. -DI J .'QUESNE. L X AND JUNIATA I , LAT RAIL ROUND AND SQUARE IRON, BAND, 111A/P...911EET AND TANK IRON, BOILER DLATKe AND HEADS, GUARD IRON, DRAG-AND DROPPER DARN. PLANDES. CUTTER BA RS,CYLINDER IRON, T. AND PLAT RAIL. for Coal Roads, CROW RAILS, WEDGES and DARROW TESITIL, it, SPEINO, PI,OWIAND CULTIVATOR STEEL. • WI'KEL WINOS AND 810 'LDS cut to pit Dem STEELTIRII 4 ,STEELSII STING,A B STEEL. ~COAC/I. BUG GE tttd W. WAGON SPRINGS end Mri:AILI3 AND SPIRES - n " ' . . ' I 1 All Uoolin Unit Clams- i d Wstrrapic,i.. 1 r--...,, OFFICES AND WORKS— lODt street and Alla ibeng Myer. end 77 Water Went, l'lttenurstt , ... . Pittsburg' Steel Works. ..... , . . ~ r.sT.uii r mitimtsris43, ANDERSON 1 WOORS., HANI7 ext.rx. BeeAt Refin -cl 1\ OF . 17111" U 11.1O' Best Refined Gerenn Pl. CORNER ROSS A:k D FIR burgh, ('u. NU MOLD. PIT' Novel mu, MOORITEI htannfartoners nf tank . Patent) PL Jnnun Vymed 1 . 1 Palm, and l,ned II Corner of FIRS'. Plueeursb, Pa. Sheffield Steel SINGER, N illiCh blanatacturere of every de. Caot,\ and. RAILWAY SPRIN AN G4 LAI . ELLIPTIC D I TPOR AXLES, STEEL TIRE: WAREIIRESE-83 W4er 411 BLACKS STEELm7 - 04 PARK, BllolllElt & CO. Manofnetnivrs of 01l Dcocriptioni, of I • STEE • . Otb • 31" "11 =I I=l STOVES, OAS I OS, &o. 6 _ COOK 'I I IV - PiSI \ \ ..E. Glet . the Be 1.! \ BISSELL & CO'S TRIITIVIP , For nitiroinou Coal . ....,,f- Wenanted W 9./Otit DABS It any other qtn . re In the 14tIon. 14ISSErL I kr, • No. 235 Libert, =I PARIAH STOVES. REA•% GRATENCHONTS. FENT COOKING RANGES, Am. A.BRADLE N - o." -. 0 Wood Manudacturare of the Greatest', PARLOR and UP:ATING STOVI lit one uwwtsseat .111 he found all TERNS aid IMPROVEMENTS, a 1 you of our Stoves is such tha ani nrood article should purchase on, factured by us. ea they will be fo , sable as well aa ocon nual col. v attention to 'our new voix.io churches, bans end stores. 0 6. 1sf i P months. In tended for with or , who hove sed them pronoun any other arid tat cheaper. rliewideL "WINES; LIMY Schmidt BL.F . ) IMPORTERSI WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &e WHOLkISALE DEALERS PURE RYE WHISKIES Nos. 384 and 386 Penn, Cot. of ELEVENTH ST., fo JOS. S.-FINC • 186. 187. ;89, 191.1 3 sad 198 . . . „ FIRST SEAT. PHU • • ret. MAnttfactunof COPPER DIS ED PURE RYE WIDE . Also, deakr• /a Pplutum and LT • rn.. ./th. entslitna PROPFASIO • 4.0.. Y. aAriAm...V.IHN.BaI.NNON .WY. U. 1.0.1 r. • Joge•11. :Gazzani4 CO.; COUNtlit.L4 AT LAW, 1 4 U ILIT/TIMUT 4 Pr4rwr . NEVI ' • -ATTOMBI 1110,011154401i L AT LAW, to N 0.37 the k trA=ffr ft. arroleUtto - tod'ollizotattio a t • . 000 ntraiod'ofoks!xlNeutootozor NeC t iiiiMali " ;,! - 77.71. 7.7 1 -7t7 • Attorney -at-Law, .'; 68 oltiarr arr....14.941.4pp ;az lkudneal. ' ARCHIBALD BLIKELY, Attoiney-at-Ltivr, W 31.11. WEEPER, ALISSItiIAN - AND DX-oPYICIO ATTIC, Or "Oft106;112 Fifth ave4:46,1 ,, , wee to - enti• ran (4 111111 lea fora. Deeda. , ILMAIDIna Kurilans drawn no uue. all kcal buolup.: uputtlestto p,„..pay .0.1. tit•GAIsN N"lcE*The Fluld•whlth explode; . • nnst•-"annrify nogli mused th• Sirs on /WY ,_ 4o .:",*** ' . l7 rtAttniitin32:EV9.' EZlercons la . towaia..otrratara a TYSON. No. 14 Callinlinin otonni,trat .nootasr. mint& Thus. moor Ms OHONIT onsiosloo or Um Kol , .10F• sum ' . r.,-.... :, ' ,157.7: 1 - .. 7 ; ,, .:..1 . t.L . .., ...I.' , .....':.-..--.'......-,,, ;- '...... - 7, 7 7 "." ,...,. ~...,,:-... 1. --. , ' -'.• .. '.., , ,,..%:‘ , 4 ,-„Y:4.,,;.4,%,.,15.'t*,.! .-,.. i :, '''.": '... '''''''' A.`,,. l'f4.'.:Viy 5.. ',. ..,..-- i',.`'.'V15..7...V:7*.3'.'4"-:,:,,,,...!'.-.-.-Z.,;..,/,;',..,-;:':,-....,..:4"-YrN„.: .. - '. ANIO .- 44e. Ili.••. y l ' , V - e4":',-*t • , '- , .; it .. . ~ , A ,',1V, , ,, r ," ,-, , r .....v 4 , - -- ,.. , -,..„..,,,,,,„ 1 ,• :-.- ---,,,,,,,,,:,...,,,,,,,,,..„.:,-, ---t-, ~ • AND STEEL. CENT ENNSELVANIA CENTRAL RAIL. ROA D.-After June I.:tb. I:170. Tratas vellig...a, arrtse and depart . follows . carrwanDwthrrwr Itn ThrouFb Trains - - Throogh Teal Leave 1 Mon Demi. ' Arrive at Union De reside Ezt 1 . 2.130 araiMall Tra1n.....11:3 aro Mall Train.— brit/ amlFoot Line Itol . a= r II yin ton Am-11110 am. Chminnati Phi. 11441 am (Indult Ett...1041 oni put etigh Fs.. 010 Pot Theis. Express 3'30 pm Padua Kr..... 1 01 opm Fut Line ' , M0P...W./ 1"....'r-141 , 0 P. ~.,.,,, . . 111C.54 Wall'. No. 1.. 640 am Wairs Nol., ek II am Wall's N0.!4-11.111 LDS DrizOn Ac N, .1 Q: e mQu .1 1 Wall's No. 3..• 3:03 nni Wall's No.` .i.... • m Johnstown Am 4:lli.pni•Joirmitowri Am' gAM Wall's N 0.3... Q.O pm Wall . . NA . NoI.. .. .. pm lash's:l°. 4.. 3:1 o va,Wall's . .. : i pot . Willansbia go. 24:30 n. Wail's N. .. pm Walls NO. 6...11 MU. pm Ihtn . nArNito :` Pm Willrfsh'irge.l . opm I ,:ssInTISSI Express ant6.llopdo Tam. leave lulv. All other trains tiAlgsaltrebt Sunday. , to. "oath Trains I et - WslIS RISIIOIS every '•",if . mlay at 114:30 a. to.. reselling _Pittsburgh at la. - Returning. hira7..11t.b".1.1:11 ' . l' '' .v r . . In P" rt:r " lnt7 l .rm:t e. lon " spp!T to '-'-',..- W. 11. BECKWITH. Agent. .21.' r Jghivylvenia Railroad Company will not ss- T ''''. °. for Parinfre. sr cept tor wear.; itis pore ..0 holt their • r:4IMM) tar Onts Itn drsd Dollars ia value. Al l Its ex.sding that ,= l nalti , stil be $l the trek of 'the owner. taken af slbisho contrast. • . `PARKIN, IMO Liberty si r " , PITTSHVFLUIL. P. A- J. PASS', - 5013 Gen'to'd Panielnten dent. Alttoo AT on. Pa. .k) IrESlintlilL 'F AlV't WAYNE & . CHICAGO ILI NV. and - 1 ; l it ta y me A PITTEI346 ._ Front Jona 12, 1370, lona. will 1.... W. mtd arrive ot the Unton Depot, Perth alde, Pitt, b nrgh city Um, as follows: Lux,' , fltter. ' paal Line .. 11/# • ne . Vast L1m5.....1..1.111 a nt 'tite ' Ll Y oNE,i 1. !: VI, K"ctg",&. :VII; 1 p i r..c& Y. r... . a meldeage Mali.. dl i tti:m I Inoto• 1tx....1 : ' arn Cleveland .1:x. :42, pea P . 1 . .. 0 1t i . ,, 1VNt Ex ..1 , 31Z p m thle At 10 Ps .43 p m trellaselle 11e..41.1‘g ft '1,: •1 1 ...tt1a ‘ P..., ' :lit% Erie t 10ree5...4 A. 'p te .rie Erprotio.l . 1 Pto g . 0 .4 ffi1t.=..t. '12- t ' a . n;:t.=:ll .' ,4 *". .e IV."' • Lamed:Oa 7a at Ona'r Falls “ C. li • m o.• • • 1 .. •re nava •to Noe , t.'mtle " '4: a p tri Yew Castle " 1 : •no Knuo" " i/, PI P m Lrettdate " ItiiP m Loetedate " o: :1 pat Ika'r Falls e ••- pas li=ras :: 1 8 . 4 ., ... , 1 1 , • Ln , 'LlteLlfala " 7 pto lalt Oats u- - lair Oaks Sen. 9 m so, Votreb..l:l3p SO dZY ebO/Ch...94 . t, • m W . I . :L(I=SO F.:prem. leaves Mot, ' LlrPanill One arelves MOO. • IW - Past 4ne leaves dully. Monday, exeepted. tle - Past Me stele. daily. 2dondaya excepted. L lirAll other Rains will lama Dud arrive ally. % P TIM " Alrfr : " .. .I. N. Arct-m.Loran. (ital. Past. b. vctet A AZnlt. 0.1. blast , ------, WI:STEI! P M . S tYASIA ILL. sTr. rerresigalkit. 'IWO. ha the V.. Pennsylvania Italltwati will =ITO Mt drXr."l trots taw FeSeral Street llepot..Allegtw.w7 , AsTs Y 101101.: • • lALLZG DENT MIK) - AIM , PL. Sp genre No. 1 aL4O a m &tell reopen No. 1.24.90 a lah:Fr.eport No.l 6911 a ' m Engem , . ...... .19,211,/k m Claremont Ae.ll: O am p " eg'it L' oNi r t e gr .. .Y,t;tTr 1 11011 - * p P`reepo i rrl`lttS2:f46l: Sprlagg'e t llo.tl.l3l,ll) mthprtnapre P 10.1.6,1 Pat le;. ieon grm.a, t hagt Z rTnllle s aheay CH; :t 77:,71:b.11 don at 3,00 P. N. Ihr=tleketa v tl r t Rutter andatannahatizgaz Clatg etreetr tit; ta " ValtpenWardiye t harsh, end at the Depot. Allegheny. For further fortleulars apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, daerkt. Federal Street Dried. LocaV Tickets to all Important Stallone on noun line .;f the Panneyietmis Centtal Itallrosd. A. J.•EASSATT. °"""""I B"" lrallit4 . ll l gM ' Syr, • : MVO, Superintendent. Plttrbureh. Cast Stee PION. 4 ['AA. kw S Spring Steel AVENT..T.E, Pitts. . nu 1,1.11 -'3ll 0 r 833. :s & N11 , 10A1461r. c9IINTEI nl • N4s, kne Latch A LLEGIIENY VALLEY ICAILIROAD.' K'c.,V LINE To II erV A 1.0 OIL ItEGIONN. ( I iItANT STtl, Works. BUIOII, PA. • . . ltal ptd heal uep, m u d' • Piketreet,ufgh 7 k 71.1 rt. L , tr. Mali all points In the Oil Jferlt•nr. mglg,... P ittPjaa A ai. Nipsi Ea:preen NS' t: I ;13 :::: ght 1-sprosa . :,14, , _ , Vaier 0.30 A. t.t. . . .. lir:Cii... 31 r. B. ir Iw. Mc'',P. E rtf.' ei r. n. I •... at. Iluttnri Rt. Ip 1 1 S . ill :: amass. Church 'Lig A. l': I__BlB 1:C: Eger gains atop only at principal posala. Ac. commodation trains stop al all salmons. Pprar Palsoa fleeptrpr Cars on Zilatkr t apt. Tr'''. bo"'". .r. .1 b .' ll ' ATlt i a t tl n .ff t el ' I Lit" 7. 3 e L T ' JAM F.S IL BRAY. ssekst Ascot, _ _ Steel. SPRINGS. c,. /cc. Flrststreeta k ND - KS. PITTSBURGH AND CON.NELLS- ,1 &LANNI , P4 l i t BA% . ;;{ ound after WICDNEStrAY i July 6. ISIO. Traltas ' , Merrier at and depart:B . ow I Depot. corner of Great tad Water streets, as /04- ) lore—city time:l LEAVY. atturce. ' Mott Train.. 650 A.B. I 6 McKee... I '4' N ' 7; w ßeV;e ' • 1 7 ) : :41 1 .12 . .it . ..Gre ' e1d Ac US A.Y. I I nt McKee.- !West new • O: " port Ac I I:00 A.M., Ac - ~.• 0:36 A.M. Emcee Trate 3:15 Pat., Ten.,16:0111A.8. 1 West Newton Itkd McKee. Ac Braddock's 4:3l""' iVisTr a Pas 'e seter tif1.1 . 4 . . Ac 6:30 e. 6.11161 Trate.... : 0 P:III. .. 20 Molkeek. ' 'Bread oc he . • .4 3r1 ,.. g ....2pr.r.l. 3 i et o iii , v4i.: tile r.u.. ini • N'r.t... lol("" '"l:4 ° .r. A ..Atni - ""'"- - 1 ". .* . • ... ' .. ' - 11 - Tgu r , ` ; ' ;!r u"-• tattreot D. B. Ale 41. L. Master, of Immo Bon, . Sunday JuS TIITTSBURGII, CINCINNATI A NI) Lows R.AILWAI. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CILANGP: Or TIME.—On .d after SUNDAY. June 11. Ih7o. trains will lenve uld ugly. at the tritiou Depot. Pltteburgit... follow.: . .. Pittsburgh Time. .. DEPA MT. - MINIS,- Express Pact Line yt . 3s m. 12:13 rune Vuthern Express .... .. p ea. m 4i ".'" 1 2 :1ri1 . . M I c.WriVrA " ' m Th U''''.' . • . 4,—„..zp. m0dn. 7 ......: Ass. Steubenville Aocommod. :I .m.. rpieM.. McDonald Aooommodli. : pm- : m. Syriday Church Train:— 1:el . • i . !!.....::48 •• . Fast Line willloaretla/ 1. The As nun h.:press arrives ear. All °Mertes:lns con Celle except Elnaday. L. General Ticket Agent, CoOI'BRIEN. W. W. Co.e BnleL. Lenardson. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Pittsburgh Utility Works, WEAVER, & JONES, Corner of Juniata and Fulton Street:, Sixth. Ward, Allegheny. idanufselrers of STAPLE HARDWARE and all kinds LIG IT GREY IRON CASTINGS. We lender our Goods sod services to the Tiede at the Lowest Prleee. and' warrant all our work skilifulll Sahib ed. Orders solicited. ourrhlisite"on2l:rArrtiAcMiTTTlSt.il" to wr.evEa &itans. Adirese: Ilttsbargb Posbetlee. mrkag, Logan, Gregg &To.; HARDWARE, No. 52 Wood Street, Spring Roods, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, SnathSr d`e- Merchants are Invited to examine our stock when In the city. orders by mail will hare prompt at tention. UTLERY CO, &CO No. 70 Wood Streak, Table Knive';'s & Forks, Pocket Knives. .; Butcher Knives, Bread - Knives, Carving Knives. ' Scissorg, • • . 2 Razors Putty•Kitivek, IND ALi Opp ARTICLES OF f UTIERT AT LOrGV. Bea.ver Falls Cutlery Co., - No. 70 WOOD STREET, Plrililluituil, PA. i!rl7; A VXRUE. PAINTING, GRAIN=G ; ama. JOHN T. GRAY', , H . 131111 /ID 81611 151***Eit 0 - I "zbalt • No. ei 93N11 BTILEArr. it.ata Unita otftea.l Plitabmth. Pa. MiPHAWSAUXIE. - ArtanitiA giaxisrtirai Ariai.treuiious. ibutenAsx.v. /IMAM anti.,Coßl=tPlll.l. ofAossawit ro.axra.orrf.f., Price of troboaro mu% lirftntog " . 1 / WOO*, RAILROADS ESTABLISHED 1831. =1 BEAVER FALLS 1:21311 • ;~::~ U 1 Frif tiz .-].:2 - ,