TILE DAILY GAZE PUBLISHED BY ) • ,`II,F,ED eiCO ' Corner Stall' Ave.' and Smithfield St. .1 . . D. iENDIINLAti. JOSIAH C.IIIO, T. P. iIipIYSTON,I 'lf. P. HEED, bIIITOIW AND rit.QPRIZTOLISL Tilollll or TLI. ULU,: SS. OIL NJ wail. Vet law I 6.llTercl ......... 13. 'llll4` DAILY GAZETIS OESEBALITIES NA14111 . 11.1./C 110# a doable-twitted gamut snake. L- SAVANNAH is re ported.:to Very healthy. • STREET railways are to he laid preluite Alabama. • ALL watering place. complain ?la city of beaux this season. ' I' I Roma state; Professor h ax tw ig-nail his chair at Yale., Tim only disease note epidemic tu 51a-, coo, Ow., is the base ball fever. • MORWOLD, the Fat Contributor, da start a weekly newspaper in Cinc h i i trotti..l A CONVENTION of Southern, p atera .111 irposken ofiobtke place at itlemphiti; in No ' THE second installment of five I undred Chinese were etpitcted. MChattrottatifi. on Saturday. - • • ANDREW. JOILNSON driternlillo4 to ,be in some Amite before the public, Is auhAtio. graphizing. THE birds within the city limits,' Prleatut are now protected by Intl .. being killed. t • NORFOLK, Va., has voted not scribe a million to•the Norfolk 'and Western mad. Italsivrox CoLLrAs. has roceiv 000 by the will of the late. Mrs Clailds.of of, -• Gas, Ow. om O. H. Twaa' . t - vidow 1 feceived $15.500„ .the amount of It hushand's lifeingurrume: enft.or-oba Is wing Infeits Ne street cars sow. We hare Bostonl Ity for stating that irlatever it is i a MR. GOODFELLOW, Of . 14,1 has invented a tifachhie for eutil bias so that there *H rd.l he no Wash, terra ' fins. O'NEIL tidal, lie line money out of the_keuian Brot He says be Lama enough to buy Cent stamp with. To lIEE Counts at Newport andj.wo ka glish horde at Long Branch Infider tl; season bearable thin year, -by enittisp; a leonine sensation. Tun tiernum ladlee of Chieng 3pratione to bold a monster falifor the benefit of the Void for the aid of (term:tit Sick and wounded soldiern. CI:WV:NATI presents no Hue a Het of 'r sun strokes, that thieves prowl about and rob the' victims ortho orb of day as they drop about in the etreets IN South-Bend. Indiana, there are tt7 families without the Bible, sod lof these refused to receive copies of it from an agent of .the Bible Societi., I BordOia drinking saloon it Iwo; been found necessary, in order to maintain order, to post tip a pitman' assorting that no religious discussions are allowed . here." • ALEE:4 Loxuanu propo.. , to present to the city of Augusta, large house which he has purchased and fitted up, to be used as an asylum tor old fill,' indigent women. ' CINCINNATI has a dog hermit that has lived in a cellar for ten years, without companions, never coining out until Into at night, when he forages a little for pro. visions. • HALF an ounce of strychnine. as a prii phylactic, administered to a dog every few, minutes, till be no longer . pays attention to you,it is said. will prevent his hydro pbobing. THE Walter Ileywood chair factory, at o t Fitchhu , Mass., which was destroyed by fire o Thursday last, involved a loss of /40 , over non above tin.. t.'it.!,500 of Insurance. MRS: GEN. BROOKS, of Ruutsvills, AL, hams, w Ile returning from the funeral of her h band the other day, was thrown from he carriage, and she and her infant badly h rt. I TAKE our wife by the ankles and. start ing at th garret, rush wildly down stairs. hauling er after you. An Ea rlialimen 'by so oo ng rendered a residence in Indi ana of sr account whatever. DAVi KENNIARD WAS robbed and murde a few days since in Warren *aunty, - entucky. The crime is supnosed to have en committed by some negroes, one ofwhom named Harkins has been ar. . ' ON huroday evening last W. Dozier ap proach a countryman named Jas. Ander son; in "noxvillo, and accosted him rough ly. and ook hold-of him, when Anderson :: .. shot en killed him. terrier was drunk e: . the tiro . Tar: surnam: David' Council Pharao Pharaoh. • . . PETE KINCER tried to swim across tht Fox rid r, in Wisconsin,. last week with his clot res on. They were very heavy and re tiered the duty of dragging the corpse t shore much more laborious than it other ise would have been. Tile C onnereinf sneers at Mr. Wall= • because L.: is virtuous. This is taking a moan unfair advantage of Mr. Ore ham. for it would of course be impossible for Mr. ti ham or any one else to sneer at the C mercial for anything like that. A TORN woman was recently seen sit ting bene th the shade of a large maple tree on B street, Philadelphia, solicit ' hag atom, witlithe following placard faste Limed around...lei neck: :.Bliod for fiftv : years,and the lat. . ...:::r of eight small claii ,. A rinsecukroin Is York, infuriated' at the reports of hie . ; talons, called the reporters ...Le . tan set of dirty newspaper liars, - :fro the pulpit on a recent Su y, which: ey offset by call j Big his lb Chu ' .:o the Infuriated tiemit k Prophet. . CtsmiNnAl‘ ai per 'MO inform their readen that y F lain wears a wig, and Miss Crier° t 1 niece is "fat, fair and forty." They fo d the poor old lady to hold a reception and then filed in upon her; shaking her hand violently as . they went by. ' Ta Ca thedral -at Cincinnati was enter' . _ ed by a 'Jingler on Moriday night. Ile co a number of valuable and sacred • 4 ', trends of silver and gold, but left them la a h on the door when he heard the , steps o a policeman„ who came in to see I with,t. hP . ...vflaAhß ut • A: T. BrEweirr, of New York, has or ! -', • dared - quentlty of the best make of Cal. , - Monis lankets, from the Mission and Pa , . : cific mien Mille of Marysville. The' : --, order 11 fal.lllo capacity of both mills : • . until anuary.next,. and will amount Sir , . abou sixty caeloads, or 000 tons. :. : " .... T r. Louisville Courier ,TouVrial, :Eno ' srs John Hartsell Young's object in "tat :t 6 '6#Tiokkiemddratwo bilux.6 . • -.• ~, • , 1T . 1 1 ,,xc , s4 -4.i). - , Xt ae• • •la ... eaontitryinen, For a iiilf 1111,49.161R.caluttictr.Lidopi the 4"4 . - ~....r. "irAdtiinotbir :totalorice. ,of the - -----:::2,An. :'.' ''.''.:::".; : ...: `.;'!;-.71` ' .1.. r : TrIE,OI4, Mailattliet - Mgrift'never . -• r tenni litelursiune place noel: hold l.;,..oinn We 1411 r Instant the A , .. 'UM OUW::'11. , Norman, , of ,Dwitonntr.: ;*/ 4 - .*__, W.preidset7; tb4LsictFie' spot ; er4 .1 - 11 . r.licrnmwi,Bhoermaqdliocorrgelfon r :Tthi WANE' ka Attie,Piiiil , .l4 2 4o . . ...- done -ettherease, -, ~,.... .. y- - '. IN e trouth rou.ersaresinekni. :uon • :,VN.,44 002t/hZ/R.34440. 6- 4 1411 e. „,,,v, 1.0n•T66.60,1.4-,wdeentitty earn hi_ I,yearturgAt,:igliiien Nit , r;.:1 CO. Rlo 6o )Pfr sel'lkletetieJoh4 slid mildlileb '.:whiele fed In the . 4 . 1 10 , hthis.l o T l4 MOlPt` !"A'llt! , .1 0 , ind . kg Of ehit_Whibieb..-. ..., 1 Corvettes of front 2 to 5 guns . sa 18 (lunhoats, each with one gun • 14 10 Tradtimrts. . ..... . .. .. ...z - Paddle Strome.. 3 Frigates of 14, 18 and 18 gone._ 11 Corvettes of from 2 to 10 guns ni Avlsos, 2 of 1, nod 8 of 2 guns. 24 Paddle Steamers. p Snafu° Pawls. fp Frigates of 16 guns ea ch .. 60 I Corvette of IS Runs - 15 4 Naval school ships of from 111 to 311 guns 106 3 Coast-guard vessels of 2 guns each 6 13 Sailing vessels. . . ON • The six iron-clads of the Spanish Autry were, with one exception, built in Eng land. The largest of them, the Victoria, curries twenty-four guns, and is armored from stem to stem with 'five and a half inch plates anti ten inch teak. She is three hundred and sixteen 'feet in length, and 4,882 tons burden. Next to the Vic toria in sloe is the -Numancia, built in the Boating docks of Cartagena. She to built entirely of iron, with the eximption\ of•the teak hacking for. the armor plating, and Is three hundred and sixteen it feet tong and fifty-seven broad et the beam. wh a draught of water of twenty-seven feet lour inches. The Numencia is complete ly Incased Jr.' live-inch armor ofboo tone weight, and is pierced for forty \\ sixty eight pounders The Arapiles, another of the irmeclatis, carries thirty-four guns brvaileHle battery. The Spanish navy wan nunnerll -by 12,950 sailors and 7,980 marineit- and commanded by one Captain.l3eneral of the fleet and and 1,150 officers of various grades. • .. The Flower Languagess-kmbig . s for the Days and Month. The floral emblems of the days of 'the week and the-months of the year are an Monday.—.l. leaf of the lotun or water ily, half represented light, half dark, the otus being considered in the East as •The emblem sad cradle of creative Night." Tuesday.—A leaf, half light to signify the heavens. nod half blue or sea green, meaning the water, in reference to the second day's work of creation. • Wednesday.—A leaf divided into three colors—light for the heavens, blue for the waters, and green for the earth. , Thursday.—A green lotus-leaf, on which is placed a flower figurative of the sun, created on the fourth dos. Friday.—A leaf oil which en insect is feeding, symbolizing. "Let the earth bring forth the living creatures." Saturday.—The leaf for this-day is filled with fruit, for "I have given you every herb bearing seed. and every tree, In which is the fruit." . Smiday.—Simply an o live' leaf, sacred to peaco . snd rest. January is rekesentid by a robin, en. circled.in a garland of sweet-scented tusi lege; since the one cheers our dwellings at this' season with its presence, while the other regales the, early month with its fragrance. February has a wreath of snowdrops, surrounding a pair of goldfinches; this being the month in which these flowers appear. and also birds begin to couple. Starch is distinguished by the hierogly phics of a bird's nest ;encircled by a branch of the almond. April—For this month we.have a linnet on her nest in the midst of a bush of ..The Vernal furze. with coldeatutakets hung. May—A hest of young birds, clamorous for food, lope hawthorn bush' In . full flower, symbolizes this month. Junelms a wreath of flowering grapes, encompassing &branch of ripe strawber ries. . " July.—A bunch of red cherries, en. wrestled with the fragrant purple thyme. August is represented by a comma of Wheat, barley and oats encircling ripe plums.• • 'September bee a cluster of purple gropes, with a wreath of hops. October is' represented with various colored-Chlna esters% and clusters of ha , relents. November has a garland ofdewing ivy, with turnips and carrots in the\ center. December is weviln with 'a garland of holly, with its . glossy, green leaves and vermillion berries, from the centre of which hangs a branch of mintletoc:• , 4J. ft. ;ngram In Appleton's Journal.. •• M. Paradol'e Cipiaion as the ropean War. The Washington correspotuient.of the Philadelphia Prep, in his diepatch on Sunday. has l.he following : Afiei the late k Prevost Pailidol had preaented - his credentials to the President, among 7 those upon whom be called was Senator Sumner. — of Massachusetts. . bad a., large number of .letters of Intro &talon to that gentleman. which Inc pre. seated in all the form and otsrememy acterititls of a Frenchmen.. ,31, Paraded spent, about ~two luau& in . gonalsation with Mr. Summer upon the situation 'Viuroile, dwelling especially. upon the con. teal -phial was,then hoevitable Lietweim pimala., and France. In reply ton gon fml43i.r. Sumner' as to ; .the duratied nr Memel', M. Foredo] said "There may .Inc Va t oppatainly.unt tlee. I ghoul:lnca be enrprisea if there would lie but em,. In the present condition of En. rope,one or WO baqiea,./ailot decide over) , queation., To be sure, they will gceat battles,,greater than: the . fret : .19,P91e0u eser.fOughP, Thaw. will -4°1. 2 490 i men killed on both sides, but the canteat frill be deeisivelesaneww 4 he result, it is illuPael'i ;Mhie .The uoofloautk or , equalJr.,,Aoor4, tagf , ,bav0,403! Ate yalormal.,pst.Thilierri 'GI theF.,ll349ktre ir, but it may . .ha:A . lmi thei 1 lal,heateo4 Summer of tiel opinion that. M4aradid, who wits a I Intm.l of ztave.,Pereolitltto qualities. asiAtit for „ the firat,timit,.n Napobtaa W ould in:}l l 44l;m4,l+ u;i4t-fully.bbi.vival in •,,tegkiioMB4lPAxangclamtic Plzt46.Jasatigenit*.t • _ l ,4rge , nien. As a Frenchman, of gmusi , ,, Paradol believed in the final auccess ai the French troops, but it wan a belief eub ject to poseibilities. II I O. 162 NEW ADRTISEBEENTa. Or STOCK II 01. DE RS' R EET I NG Ihnro will he a :twirling of the atocliholi ; raid the Shsrliehurg and Lawrenceville grid Company, at the officio of Leah, Relic!. Sharmiburg. on WEDNESDAY. Anew.% 3. at 3 p. e.te tato setien In reference to the ro.erection et the bridge. Ily orger of the Doled. re ' e •INO. ItKED. iteerniary. B:r P ITT S B U RG ASBURY No. 1. KNItiIITS,TEMPLAIL • Attention, Six Knights .! You two hereby requested to attend • im.erliti meeting of the Conoinedder/ Tlll5 (THURSDAY) EVENING. AT $ O'CLOII K. u) enter 123." NOTICH , TEM P LE OF H ON 0R— The members nf Equality Temple n 1 Honor, No. 31. art Milleged.lo Ten/plael Hall. No. 67 Fourth avenue. nrer Dollar haring! Danis, THIS MoltNlNO,.Jult '27, at I%IS More. to attend tiro funeral 'of ottr late Bro. P. NV C. T. Win. Holmes. Member. of sister Tern ylce ern Invited to .!tend. DJ order am. ie2N =M=LI ECGRAND I .;HOP AT THE RINK. ?then .11! be • Complimentary Iteneet t, W.l I=l Friday Even'g, July 29, lEl'7 0 MEMEII by Slounrt Onod. Vlguneft by filglv. MOM ei HEAP WELLING 110FSE FOR e liE.—A nel double Inane bowie of sly room* and cellar. cemented cistern. lot IS feet front en Bertha street. Mount Waxlik/to, by 100 dee. situate out, adieu . ..fro:nine bri Me bill sae jourU to "‘""' from inn Inclinedirg.: • 39 Meth avenue. Piresliniunt, July 2Sth. 1200. NOTICE.—The assessment for the 11 grading. paring and enrbin, a Liberty street. from Hallett street to the (ireensberg Inge... now ready for elimination nnri nen be Peen at this omen untII.SIUNDA Y. AUOVET 1t470, when it win be retunied to the City 'Preto. urers oilier tor eullection. . It. J. MUORE, City Engineer. _ - rum. OF STATIONERY 11= .11'. 5 . .. 1J A V:l;.',N ,:: (.',\O., COIL WOOD STREET AND THIRD AVE u2Da.5O • • • EEMOV L. Laing . & loKallip Ilave removed to 347 Liberty st.. l lately occupied by Culp & Shepard. where they will be pleased to nowt their frien&Sand the public genenilly. They have contently on hand a choice 'assortment of Family Flour, Grain. Feed. Land and Calcined Fluter. White Limo, Foundry Fleur. Baled 11.7. &c. They are also general agents Bs . the celobrat .. • - dlnt&istown Hydraulic and turtlinglle === fur“SiCKIILDI A. TA IA Jno. IllcKirdy & Co. ;eneral CIIIIIMiSSif II 'Merchants Flour, Grain, Seeds,Feed, &.c No. 351 LAbert y St roe ME=MU! Furimue, - cmunmg BTY GOOT)S AT AUCTION. A LEUGATE wll sell at hl. Auction House. No . 139 Federal arson. Allegheny. on FRIDAY. July 29th. at S o'clock. a large lot uf tOOd Furnitun . Feather Beda. Pillnwe, Bolsters. fable*, Chant Bedsteads:and at 10 o'clocA a large Int of Hum mer and Fall Clothing. Linen Pants, Coats and Vests, and a general aiwortm floods. Nil kind, and at 2 o'clock a large lotof Dry Merinos. De lalnet An .100 httawle of all kinds. OS A. LEGDATE Auethweer. ELL.NEW (Nos 933 and 26? Penn St., thtburth,) sessionMONDAY, SEPT Ste. Tame -940 par of FIVE MONTLIS Ladies' Sc.ool. Toeobeea—Hls.ee APatklua. 1, gaff. Sackett, trynch—Prof. Dante. Music— nwf. Drawing—Min M. Lawton. A full course of study pursued . Boys' Sell 01., Teachers—Henn. Sacrum. Bu t heleld. Sloane, Embitter. Claw. In German daily and In ocutlon daily. No extra Mange. II Semler examination of climate(written) by the Principal. Results mooned . Butkus, and College Entrance Diplomas to be temed—to those demmlnirtt em oVL't . Oince hours from 9 to 1 0 daily. The paw record of the Institute affords a pledge of Intelligent. Stavin, faithful wort, every care Nana taken to Mauro thoroughness and progress Jr.a.2 J. IL NEWELL. Prinelpal. AN ORDINANCE. To Authorize the Paring of -'a Par tion of North Canal••Stree SEC. 1. Be itordained and enacted by the r eties and Town Connell of the Borough of ghettos burr, and lb la hereby ordained and enacted by an thority of the sumo, That North Canal street be paved from Sprtagatreeisto Liberty street, and pave sidewalk from Matn street to !Abed? street un the Oath aide of North Canal street. and that the smtter be paved fire (31 wide from Liberty Kiser. to eastern terminus of said street. BCC. That as moon as the cods and eirjenten :of said improvements 'hall be telly ascertalned.lt noel be the dutritialle Street Counnisaloaer to eagle.. and apportion the Milne ausiegjbe several lota boo:tufting end abattine on said North (Anal thein said borough, reaperelvely. accoreine to the rule above 'OM...n(IY and thereupon unwired to make demand and collect the Sarno accord log to the provision, of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pentillyi”nla. entitled no Act defining the manner of collecting the ee -1 grildifyf and pavint , the atreeta and alley! tti T ts ' Oth 'Lby'SYDritrall' other A jalre.rid now extended to the boroualrof-fille;ssbard by an Act of Assembly approved the I.lth liy of March A. D.. 1870. etc. 3. That so oracle of soy onlinanCe no May motile". with or be supplied by the forgolug, he sod tea Nee Whereby repealed. Onlalned and enacted Into a law this 1 efe de? of July, A. D.-1870. Attest: IMA:.EIS A. KLELY. jnarsslii . fteretarr. JOHN STEVENSON'S SONS JEWELERS, 99 Market street„ Pittsburgh (THIRD oboii • • T Y V ' 111 " 14 " Im l i gglt u mar af.t, • i ir ..7 l :iurr'w.ustusitt , • "I•durheo of el tbs " Aorerlean =atm gold and sllyeratoes. -Both gay =4 imams Wallas too otaralaner iyAL We salt pTtlao4n otteotldn V•a• totllltW for =2 , l t • Mrliggar. =0z....f0 that Orden by roalrwenaptly 411. Y. goods sent to dra~ by mall of Mon , • ARTISTS AND ,ENCHNEERS' M .:-- A .• T • c F to .3 is l c px 4 '-rlVjra 9 rhff .g Ett.rrxuol r i t'p .„ : ' , I'C I.- c : a ' ' v P - .“ . .. . ; 1 ' , 11141701/lar° ..- "V e in'oep , v .. ALLAN C. BAKEW , LL, k 'CO. .::,w,,..75 Wood Street;.. 1 I • ..._ I -,-,-.-",----;--. !Ng ~.OA4.lWtr:e.Vg.F., ,. ..,,vlogrira -.AT: . 1 :4t . i17 q 2,; 4 fi : lif - attiti,ve'&lltgalß .v.aipAClL:Fitglin.,AlrENUE3 i , . ~. ill 1 ''iti . l.."'tiinfoiV ki?,: .46iiifilikr Ilitfpil!""P',.Lal•te.4 thendiaphob r: 4110.4?i5p.,. PieW D RIED APPLES.--10 - bble extra STrainnsua.l4l Sint aviot!. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE IS TII ANI , CIIMPF-ST nuntreial and FAmily NeWsitirt C ED IN IV F.S . TEIe: I . Y.NNSY IX A:NIA. 1=1:1 term without it. • . tUlubs oule of UT subas rs , l It .ri ...bu . .. i C llubS of feu t I.la. 't A uOP is fur.uatutt gratuttottulY to theigettor.uo ' • .f. flub of ton. P.Atmutors Sr. res4usst.l to 'et us Agonta. Adlroas. or...tmmAni, NEED a (U.., , • : LC-NOTICES-, Ve ••• St.. AA 4..rcredili LINEN. Ira! he florin:ln Mere column...it. P ,, r11 - E,Ty.hvg I'E.Nll 4 y tteth whitlow! H.. rl L'S k'ENTS. WANTS., WANTED—IMMEDIATELY— i ., 100 Melt to Work on Penn Axenne Ex-\ tension Wages 12 Per day. ‘i tlYl e ltll T.g- 14. it 41451 Corner renn2 . 1 . 3e13314 .treqt, WINTFI)—IMMEDIATFIT. I 10.101 FEET OF , G.OOD CURBING. • .K. BRAIci•EN. •••• ANA,. at the oat. of r. LL. BILL St tttlN.eortter Peatt and 33Etst rect. Jatt...af, WANiEEI , 1- 17,. .A. e lliktutllottly , a lionnz, I Clerk. Addreaa - 11. 1..:Illil OFFICYC. ' -..rg.... , , 17 \ TINTED—A lOSINESS MIN.- -- ----- , II - A general agent la resolired by one of the moat enemata! Life Inandanee Companies of blew Voracity. A gentleman well qualified eau wears , Important territory and lt s minable contract by ad- ' • ;. lab Information and references, dr iTe th jP:pany, fide 891. Coatnitie, New Yore 0214666-amtr 24 ANTED—hesSheetetlertilmlfShhin ' I”ng,gnod semnd bond AdOre. 'rutin I e X: BOX 394, l'lttabura • W ANTED:—lntmaliatelyy a Dream I' MAKER-et .Nu. 4.3 Third street- Nona hut an ranenenrrett hold-Mod apply. 74S_ V ,A VV tin o Czaggrat . i t n r . r . elLy aud country. Appirpr. AAT tNTEI). ItECKUITS.—Sereral are_ vi .. ant ' a thl 1/I.l2tiniNlY tatILYN. Tills somas.) 1 . on. Of th e Deal In the Battalion. Apply at the onion of A. U. BK11:80N. root of 424 street._ =ME W ANTE School Teachers, For the Stowe Township reheat Dietriet. The Moore of Directors will meet at CLVER'S PCIIOOI. 11(DIPE. In ad tow:whip, en July the 30th uttil o'clock r. er TEMMI - WANTED:- -- Several Men for Farm Work. Gardenbar and,DHattuf Alm, for bricarkrd Work. Parent! kink (MI Wantod for Cooking.. Chamberwork. Inning-room work and light work of an deacrlptlon. Apple at EMPLOY aI ENTIOF7ICE,No. 1 Math Mront.nrstdoor from thisfreqlon Drldsta ?iTEIV—MORT(4 AG ES. 30.000 to Loan In Woo or mall amount.. at • fair rate of Intenrst. -- THOMAS K. PLITT: Hill. 000.1 a and Meal 1.40010 flrokee. No. IT9 Smlthde d litrooh_ W,IIi'EEL - MORTGAti ES. • I • Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan rye or small marinas on property In Allegheny al a fair Ma of IntereaL CIIARLESIJIMinty. 68 Grant street. LOST AND FOUND OA—A Pocket Book containing \\ J etwat Sl2 The grvimmoiliNT: 'Nu .0. J... 7n71 - TO-LET T O.LET,—No. 36 Esplanade street, - Alingh.). SWIMS nI 7 moss and tinisbell atom gm thrneehmat tot end mad Water In kitchen. Pnmentlnn Flame September let. AIPPIY nn promo., or Is JORN STERRETT, Dlaniand. Allegheny. • .14.11 E I OR FOR SALE. Country Residen At Edgewood BtMlon,. A . lame DOUBLE TWO . IffoltY BIUCK MUSE and nouns 3 wan of 1 ground. Tbe house contains 13, raw.: also _ • .of soft water In Memo. Any one h want of ; . eplendld bones will do nell to call and *Satan. this property. Will take clip property In part " payment if suitable. For further informatton tali • • i at the place. opposite F.dororth Station, on the . . . P. 8. IL , juts:.!.lo . llN auizrzn. 4 1 F °, 44 1t Ml. 4 A i i f i E ;; ; i I ? U S E ; • j . Po aM I s h tot c 4 1 i i boardln house. Terms moderate. 74 FOR SALE.—A BRICK ROUSE, cop ner of LltL t nnd Weer. seven rooms Vti r g e7rl.ll , lll p;11'. intr"' N . l iqrio'&l: r igri ll4l . TV' T OR Y S hoon with i le t tnJ 2 e 9 rl hall7w i ta tour luta .24 feet front by 100 feet in depth, With etebnue. fri c loWia ty v rtzgeet etreet . .r u ta naute ear Fut L iberty. Apply ae 4Gnat - Arcot, near Perenthtranue. JohNeON Folt SALE. • . Several Sernnd-hand Sr:MONS. on ; .r. On e e LIorM.. tIIIO OSIt CA gRRIAOK, In nod On Two 118E13. Apply to JOtIN DirBTI, r of tirmtb Canal aroct and Marr secret, Oen). luiltM-rra • VOL{ BALL—Euglnes and' Boilers, New and Second Mud. of all kinds, oonstanUf on hand. Orders' from WI parts of the tonntn prosiptly at. - tended to. JAYSS /LILL a CO.. Marloll AVM. Srld F.. Ft. W. a C. R. W. LOR SALE CHEAP, OR RXCHAINOZ FOR CITY. VIAOPERTY.—A ifne. CONICTILY _ , IDENCE, cootathains 20 acme teith a how. therwm; one.. an.. eoralertaele and oonveukont Donee; good water, and one of the beet weir paw ere In Western Deuttsrlevala for a mUlt 1 alto. tram the eity, on the waters Of Turtle Cree IWad. • I( or a mtle tram Stewart'. Matlem, Oentnd RAH rottd. Alan. Beveled geed Parsee Id 004:4 , and homes fordo Enquire of WILLIAM WARD. .. ..05051 Na 170 °rant IL, oppoatt4Rethedml. R \F 0 • • _., , 18 LOTS. 8 sore etch Inn ilord of lane boors 4 114 4 0,1,,..T4 t ,i.., of the titles. Piles s l 6 l?O t rielM. 1:1 . foll of choice bearing Milt.' -sum., COTTAGE. .11 qw.m.. Wtfht hoBl. In soft Milo porticos, tli oollors,ll tarn downs' stable.eb of waver at back Cloor.otrrian Wow an 4 grapes boorlow. young' orchard imiorlow.linfot view street . cities uld Aver; opoolto mouth of Penn Mt. Vituhingtoo with 1 Sc?.. PPrkw I tTi l w i ttli le r 4.= grire.igwrza vir cling. Younttrw of ' -- W. LIMIA RT, on th• Pismbe. )01:71•18•MI • .FOR SALE—An el Ipaant frame eot nate .. toga ~g r orz by 100 feet. Tti b trpett etty It very dcaltsble. both to amount tof Its eon 'enigma, and nee price. Any Me a glesitsble Donee whole not .fall to see= barraln. • Alamo and beautifully situated lOC SSW feet on 4 4tb street. new . Butler, eon be boagg i a present for very swasosubleconebilenalon. This will snake • pretty spot for 0111.13d110611r016 •On Bonneartreet—A frame events. semi I Crythalia l . SIT.WgtiTIVP ' &I:. O %AZ below us value. 4300—Lots tlO Os I le 0 eseb i pliesinittras .g=ll4%lParix4,-.1.12=4"...Pzi 034 asset. T. H.011580N1 Bun F OIL SALE- 7 PROPERTY. , Tas taro dory double boast, the residelede of Bowe H. Helloed T. See.. adJolnlng the fisideuee of Weems Wm. 555 Way Walker sod WM. CoOpdr. In ~.IddHpagn township, op tka Velar .111dOkal &boat . 3, nails. from th e city. Tha bents Cootabia roomy, also. Ica house and ° cooling now, man: inejkltilian and laundry anda;xootialL,COnvanlast tn . s h e main binding ; the bonniainkrid. ; water" and gnu.. The ground:, cocapila Ind &bea u ' 10 acres, are Lasteinily lald atoetotl w3h an alnandane• of fruit and firdaniaatal trews. naltaard. Onthapiemlwaanl jail* Illable• cold granary, out locum and iardandea Masa of . 3 coca. Varner Milos, on . lbw kr t lk C. R. IL lacalaldno.: •• few =two , ' walk of dm \due. Nor tams, andiallw at Ow MAIM, MILL, MU- DOl4 ItU2S4ES! Deff lIIETZLES bo 'Ow; tiOa'ioruzzilxv....O4.2,lnutabi, to, a.l ear.. Tboiti triime diog 0 tc „,14 Yor &WM , " "w tr i ft ". 1311 stmt. C / *P71:004M17 , _ N 6446, doe* cettpl,:et4lWhfils 011 . 0 atailienUoveethdods,lutllirlt any Of - the uI thavilettleek hiker eas;te" 46 1, , a gi li ta r a c ., lirSi yi ` dLL4l l'll ttr" PAL awn etiiaa anti vum#4.4. the ..aiaauirtale.its Bovknis, it 0P ..§g"AOTiti ,A.On kw, rettlempotad she ethane lln o.,,bfit,...tpanner, .Alact IaTFIyAMLNIII. al - Vnettir 6,4 tante tuplAsiamit..4.l...ei main/ nt JAY= DOWNS, )us lii WOW MM.. .. . II 11 U =2 IL IL 'NEASE. Seen • of Board.