THE GA7ETTE • . FUBLISIIED BY PE rI - ,IIAN, REED corner) Silth Aye. and Suilthllld St. B /Prim/ ./10 It"' 'Os USToN ITC 11, .5.:;1; PRO N P . II . P LETCH RE /tEL ED T. P.1.13.005T0N, TL.III OP Tie DAui'r •1 =11221 T 1114: DAILY GAZin bl EN ERA LITIES. L CuLL i a confirmed. Mel lit IN TOM 19 rive Mating at NVarren. El Sut I.N_Prri,ii•tl at: operettr in Ai I t I n. Inrgn ountbrre of ales .4:11• U.tcry i+ at tilt. Mite Snin • I 'N6oi 1114: in a 111 1/1 1 / 1 01:1 min., in 1E: .Inn 4 nniv. .31r..0.1.En art tlw disonoo in Sn ' -Vranciscu now. . LADY FRANKLIN is no* In l'intionSrA , 11 meet Captain Hall. • ' • Pony:: Ike are depreciating the value of the tleorgia cotton crop. • . THEOregon Bulletin is a new daily publiaked•in Portland. Oregon. • i, n i m 9 , lN ; P:iitonatintl dnd two. mniidrantaii: rived at the port of New pork last' week. Lumr. - vineyards of tie n. vines gre w MI ,planted by a (Jena ny colony it Alabama. ONE of the hotels at Pal guests, 340 servants and u Ice pac day. . trturttoE FictNcts THAI - the hi of August on VI n) aroun the world. NElktAbliA is Said to-be t that had a completed rail -, milted , to the !'lion. 'rift), Germane stabbed t , in two ! fights upon two and Sunday, in New York. ' TirElNew lorkli ing - ag international relief tido! thMwonnded of eithe ' . Etmres - l'Ans; aged 4:1, iseCondr, story window of hie 1 adelphla on Sunday and wd, A ilk:molt potato broker) his contracte for ths !re 68,000,nsbela to be shipped 4.1. NiN ta - Att is jubilant of frightful defeat of ;Le Wltil by tlieNlutuals, in Chicago 9 to 0. , • A SHARK that was caught Nanl recently, his caused think that they are about ti i swimming. CiNcis:Nsti had another w ing through her sireets on Su was killed before any very age was done. . E. BOYAST. 3f East Uxcbias, J .., while attempting to nui\-C - r liesyy ; a few days ago, tows Stedj,ood in be von the cock - rod aril] and crushed tot silt. liiii. flaunts has torn . eil ton t I be nu myth. busa real live dealt and bl. . se 0. man who has recently distiu. 'shed \her' self In London as a female hi liwayata.o.- §ECitET.RY FiGBKN E. , has rd4red t un inspection to be - miule 3f •the' zit.l , bat tery in iloboken, built by th Eby th Stevens, and totpttothed to th 'tate of New Jersey. . ' • F ' TUE Cartideri and Amboy lholtinvi his 400 fruit Cars ready for Ilse duenifsthe fruit season just hi:gine:Mg. Oit Fr iday t , eleven car Toads of peachhs and. ',en 01 3.oorries passed over the read. . ! ' P.6snol. is the necontfifpreign ; • Mister wholes committed - suicide in Ibla r lanintry. the only other caae beingithat. of.a:Span isli'Minister, who killed himself at Wash ington about fifteen years alp. I . A >t ax in Chicago actual!} tried tosteal a copy . of Toppers Proverbial Philosophy the other day, and the • court Ifentencell him to six mouths in jail instead of com mitting hint to n lunatic asylum.! 1 •• I $25,001.1 in gold every . year and hi+ board in the salary of tlie Runniad Aliniy. ter at' Washington, no that it is scarcely a miracle that Madame de 'Calaway , is the moat elegantly dressed woman in "14-arili ingto_sit . • " „, ~ MAJOR JI:ROME NAPOLEON rkiN4jst itil., ofl ilaittmore; was - telegraphed for"ta-intr niediately rejoin his regiment in France. He dbey..esl. , and th'e_ children of Parsidol were pisFed.iinder his care •or board the steamer. L PUIL . ADELPIL IA h has at t two public bath house in use. It is built like the Rabe baths here and floated on casks. It is thirty-eight by forty-eight feet.' Al trinate days are set apart fr its use by men and women. . - • Tae Viscount of Tellhardl issiecessorflq thtlate,M. Prevost Paradol t is at present Minister resident at Chili, and Was in 11365 Secretary of she French ILegation in Washington. His wife, the Visconntent. was a Miss Hoffman of New' York. , 1 1043 was the number of d nabs in New York city hint week; I This as an inmate of . 341 over the preceding-week, and in a terrible ratio of mortality4The increase moot, we presume , be a unted for by, the debilitating heat of theiweather. ~ As ecchange thinks the American IWO: ple cannot-fairly be accused- of Waulyism since many of them -have decided not to travel on the Rhino this summer. just as. soon as they heard Napoleon and Ring William had decided to summer there. • Dn. At:OI.7BTV4 C. HAMLIN. of Bangor, Me., bas been notified be the Surgeon .Cteneral that in the case of actual war in Europe he will be appoiitted special- coin mismoner, to'report upon the hospital and medical systems of the armies of France and Prussia. Dr. Hamlin is a nephew of Senator Hamlin. • IVE are glad to sreicolue back - to our ex change list the Oil Oty ily 7lme:. 'tin the 4th of July its MEM', preen and mate rial by fire and this is its first 'appearance since , that - calamity. It looks very fresh and vigorous since its three weeks' vacation. , Vox Sfinzim 1s cleicribed AS a roan 'who smokesand says n king, yet the op position editors of Prussia have never had gfniUs or refinement enongh -to call him a'ndumb idiot" or any fuller complimen. tars epithet. of this sort on flutist...bunt. The Democratic' editors of thin . ran teach them much in this respect. AMONO the marriage licenses grunted in Evansville last week, -as one to Ellis Butler and Zekiah Butter an aged adored man aqhfrife, who •hare lived together for man and rained a family, who are iikall grown up. Ilearing that their stare marriage was not a legal one, they procured a license and w re married ac. cerd Mg to law. ,;Tric. mortality frein s trokee In New Yorlteltr during thelast-ten daja its with out partite'. deaths in a sin gle day from this cause elo partially in dimes the,trtiense heat, or the:actual number or recorded dent s traceable to A° heat, represents only a ruction of the injury to health and life which the hot weather has occasioned. i I . -- ' WIIY make poison whe by 4o casual nate files? You may kill to pests, but unless you annihilite-them they come to life again. The resthicliatl nof Ines is a well-known fact. Frank jri told • ho* dead Wee, drowned in it the of wine that had been corked' tip f r many years, were exposed by him. to the sunshine, and soon flew off as lively as or r.-,N. Y. Er . , TB.E•second son of the K gal Alfonso-fienri.Nappleo d'AlcautaraCharles- Hum' Ferdinand- Antonio ..?dlche' mg of Porta 3-LotahaPierre- ert -Amadeus - Raphael.tla :taco •d'Asalae. do.lltuaelna-de• ;axe-Coburg et Ito la-now five as a Candidate briel•Gonsatta-Xavier •Fran Juan ..Attguste-Julla•Volfan Braganza-13avole.Bourbon-S Gotha, Duke of Oporto. sr) years of age. is spoken of for the Spanish throne. Coggregattee of si r ass W 11 —The Fresco-Pm- I (Hy Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.] few Tong, July 28.—flen. Dennis P. Purim '-undated. of the Legion of St. Patrick. Joseph Paull formerly Head , Cent le a di n ge Fenian Brothertoxid, and other Fenian's. left for Boston. to be present to-morrow at the gathering at East Cambridge of the Fenian military ' organization of Massachusetts. fineecbes are to be delivered on the Franco ,Prussian war and the duty of the Fenian in ease opportunity offers to Welke at England. ==l • Niro. OIuSAIFs, Jul' 211.—Flour — lower• isparaniss,Z. duntde extra P. treble extra i Egi. ( mix i tual o iower,i,matt ,welt" ere • , ,•4 ~..„ . _. , 4 I i i I , ;t, • , 1 .......„.... 1....... : 6 _,, i . - - , ‘"--t• ....--.," , .• ' "T".•••• • I - \ I • ;:'., - - 1 , - I ----- - - 7:- --- I - , - ' -- ESTABLISH MST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. WAR NEWS \ FROM KUMVE. Profound SYUSIIiiOII Over the Alleged Franco-Prussian Treaty —lts Authentieity .1 dinned by the Louduu " Titue.. " —Press Comments —France Must Explain—French Sympathy In Ireland Due to Catho• Deism—Dist rust. Not rnt htisiusut In Pat : ls—Prussian Ileconnohisillnee Repelled—French 1 . '1E9.1 Mpvciil.e4t, !May hue 9IX) es four Unix of illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh litinette...l_, The Feeling in England Concerning the if. leged Pranco.i . coselan Treaty. LOSltsva,Jitly '25..10 P. M.—English feeling has berg profoundly-moved by the on bl testiuu this morning in he Timis of the proposed treaty between Fr... nod Prussia. The grave urgency wills Which I)lsraeli in the Clouse t hi s knfternouu nuestloneil the over, meat justly red., ed•general emotion. COn tern:alien among the.rtinanbers tamed 'O. M ,- other topic. Gladstone's reply, while dtO./Its lug absolutely to commit the Government to any opinion or declaration- whatever, betray ed in manner more than words ; an unmistaka ble anurehenalon that the document might prove authentic. His answer wns given' with pale face and hesitating lies. When he sat down the House felt t but Engin/10 relation, with the I roteJle had ;frown I to a 010. e. if not alarming. To the notation of I Itelgittni the House with an'fos winded t brill of svmpathy and a clear re c.. 1100 of England's Ignti. to protect her. It is understood that communtentions were made - by the Government to its agents at .liet lin and Paris. and the French Government will have instant opportunity to admit or deny its responsibility for the alleged treaty. It ls.belleved here that if genuine, its propos als are French. while its rejection is due to Prussin. The copy of the Thars is thought tit have been supplied from Heel. It is cer tain the ihttc would nut have published It unless on 4:visit., deemeu conclusive. It was sold privately this nfternoon in 'toe House that the copy was originally offered to Earl Granville, hut Ise refused it, the English Government preferring its suppression. There is sepposed to be an allustors to the same su , ject. In Mr. Cardwell's answer to a question in the House about brcech-loadent, saying that great luipsirt ante was attached to the last sans being immediately supplied to all the troops. The Daily Netts sat's: - It is impossible mut to admit that the gravity of the present Eu ropean crisis bins for neutral nations been Ito tuensely increased hr publishing the proposed treaty. It completely expresses what every body believes to be the favorite polies and cherished design of the French Empe.ror. ft IS Also a secret treaty' agninst • England it its offer ofro league offensive and defensive. ...xs to Its genuineness the public may be asked to suspend their judgment, since Gintistone and Earl Granville 'twitnt the two Governments concern. will be cod /felled to speak. slap posing that it was renal" . proposed br France : to Prussia, our Imperial friend and -ally: is presented In no aSpeer Ift:calculated to win back .English tntinitiy, -, With his course. Napoleon wan senile i/ only to throw over our tsillance los betterm hilt to break it env snotsseurisy culinary ad vance lota Belgium. not , . only in tiara Infraction of our friendship, but in defiance of our power. It Is difficult to believe there was so mach bad faith. Did Prussia oho listen to ouch n proposal? (There in a certain Inso lence of tone toward Prussia In the document suggesting that if sent it was a kind of Uhl -malls.) Nu real inducement was held not to .Fascia. In the meantime the whole politirel -interest of the oment is concentrated on this publication.' a weshoulft_be glad to here the completes: assurance that no such pro w seas known to eit her govvento.l. Pub !,eitinstm In this count ti Is already sullicl entiv tech:tat' In Prio"ia's fan- daft:hie:may woonl make our neat ran o- diflicuit. If nut hit puteible. Earl Graa, :It, vs ill make a state ment In the House of-Lords ou Thurdae as to. the diplomatic negotiations -fehlth - preCteled the outbreak of war cod the pin/ the English Government took in the name. • ' The Loodtm Post and Stu/taunt unite in ridiculing of the secret Prussian-French treaty of ISCrs, of—which the Tim, published what. Purported to Ili: negotiations Game. Napo; loon and Ditittarck concerning it. The whole paper Is prunoaneed n fernery and is charao retired as tai French writ ten by a German. The Times, however. ognin asserts Its antis. , licit) . and promises that proofs shell he forth coming. Nearly all th«journals of London have editorial remarks this morning on the secret treatyausl all similar In time. 'France :mod explain this offem/ve treaty." are the words of the Tim. and the burden of the London preen. The Times particularly is seeking to tnake thistreaty a pretext for the Interven tion of England In favor of Prussia. The mnekets spun the stock exchange are depressed and businris is stagnant. 'tumors of negotintion of the secret-treaty between France nndetz Imes Imparted an unset tled feeling In the market and dealings arena an exceedingly .ft.'•strieted scale._ Consol s opened at nOte X.:5. Hoods at hie. , ' is to start on oty days trip unly Shit l ay when at o Frew:lnen .7*—rSatuniay tam are rain fatal for the army. fell from . mune in Phi killed. n.:. mplvted • curwring In 130 1011 •r the• re ceu e Stocking. by 6 MWin• t New lia. he bop'to ed going in 'll.l bull tear lulay but be k nous duty- Ei=2:l=l • • Catholicism. The attitude of Irelano is also contented upon, and after giving details of many meet., ings recently held in Ireland, and of toe rest. utions of sympathy for France which hare been adopted, the Mars asserts that. the sym pathy Is altogether due to Catholicism ' and a consequent hatred of German Protestants. Napoleou'illlners—War Opriations bill Not be Delayed. The Dotty Tries publishes a special from Paris confirm Mg the report of Napoleon's Ill ness. and announces that It Is note very doubt ful if operations In the livid will be _delayed for his preserr. ' . More Dlstruit Than Enthusiasm at Paris. A Paris specie)mrrestmndent writes to the London News On Sunday evening as follows: Never has war been undertaken by France with less etithusbutu or more distrust of suc cess. The crowds on' the boulevards, who were ready to die for their country. have dis 'appeared. p Troops are marching through Park to take trains for the seat of war, and lacy traverse the streets witheut eliciting a single cheer. - Soldiers Joining their regiment s walk about flu groups, almost al! o! them drunk, and the bourgeoise stare ut them and shrug their shoulders. The aspect of_ Paris' could not be more melancholy It the Prussians Were at the gates of the city. Proalan Recon.inimmtere Repellrd • Pants, July M.—The Juortia/ 0/11riel of this Morning. says: Marshal Leboof late last night telegraphed the Emperor that General - flernis had repelled a reeorinolsoance of the !theme near of Neederbroom twenty six miles northeast of Strasbourg. One offi cer. a (Nearing., w. killed and two madii prisoners. The float , . In Its account of the affair insists that the officer who wan killed wan to Englishman. ' French yrigates Paf,stng Eastward. I • . Dovta. Preach frigates pev this twlet eastward Into yesterday after.: • non. A great. Crowd of .4ml:stars assembled a the bluffs to wttnevs the exciting ecene. Italy Will Not ald•Praner FLULIZZO.T. July - M. — Minister' Venni has punned the Italian Monte of DelmalEY-thitt 011), will not yield to pre.aura from ranee. =! The Prince s? Wales has gone to Denmark for the puepote of Influencing that country to preserve strict neutrality. The Pnasslan authorities. at the earnest re quest of IlisMarck, hare granted permission to newspaper correspondents to follow the army. The latest news itram tterna In th a t t h e Prussians are concentrating a powerful forte at Mayence. The Prussians are netog balloons for obser vation.. at the recommendation of American afflcent In.Prunslan camps. A large number of workmen ore engaged on the fortifications of Paris. . . The Moraffilaisi has suspended. So . tne of its editors and revolter, have gone Into the French army. Switzerland ii full of German emigrants, whO tied from the country to escapee:Lllltary • duty. • The Bank of France will probably soon pal pend specie payment. It already -declines to pay out gold, and redeems only in silver. No news of a battle yet. German sailors continue to leave Liverpool for home.. The denser or a Carnet rising In not yet over. The Government la doe!) lug eta precautions. ' The Paris press complains of the extreme rigor with which Frenchmen In Germany are treated. while Germans In France are in no way molested or reacrioted. Lee Libole reports that the Empress has said the only end the war can hare to, victory for France. Femme residing under the walls of Paris havabeen.notined to. nit their houses, as, the space Is required for the phy.,,of The French force St Thionville Is estimated at eighty thousand. The imperial Guard is at Nancy. The earlY evacuation of limns by the Freheh troops is almost certain.- France takes this method of securing the friendship and alli ance of Italy.. ' - The French reportritheicavalry skirmish near.Metz.and claim t e Prussians were beater! and lost three o ff icer . The London Globe, Speaking of the project ed secret treaty. says; ns it embodies propool- Lions made at the clove of war of lend. its pule Ilcatlon at • the nreSent , moment to Conte quern ly unfair and ndschicrvoug A dispatch from Paris announces that the Emperor leaves to-nleht for the frontier. The environs of Ceologne have been cleared of Inhabitants end the buildings and trees will b• levelled In preparetion for a siege. • The government exempts coal from ertleles r Antraband of war. Furtheradvance is th e of the bank of Frascati enlnlett4 MIL ;IN 1786. E CA L. • t BY Telegy.sph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Wghtivsty /870. NAvv_TO ne. PttOee , Admiral Porter it to he for Ali the limited appropriations or the present hseal rear will pe svy to he played on a war 'fool hacc pate forward from the - Na 'at 1.. the commandants oft he Pr telrno o w ly t n and pPo,adle p s ha e u r repar uam ! oontpletion of every vessel that eau he placed hl commission. If these maim are fulfilled. the departMent tit be able to pot at lewd ,dif a dwell vea,els In European water, be for the middle of Septemb,. Tnis oofden ac "'"in the bary Yards of eourat-Ime no other attulattott than the very remote fear tliat the European bituation tear presentlollllC ado. of Interest to the l'olted State, ad miral Porter and Sreret.iry Itota,ott think the nary ought to be increased to fount:cis Imo and acumen • hot t heirm.ent complement can , of be Increased without farther legislat low IRPAT('II T, itanos ohnour 1.10. . Baron Gerun has received the followlug dispatch (rm lilt Government: "Publle opinion In England is favorable to I North Gernotey'. The Government is not fpppppp ~•vorable. Ohs eels with the uentrality ,n• North Germany as she did twat • America w ate ith'the Atabn. - The Irthen rernived a letter from Se - retort Fkil. expressive of the pleasure of the "United Staten rrnvernment at the adherence of the liermau Government to the prihcipldor exemption of Private ProPerly fnan sorter. on the htgh Menlo. - • • SEW NAI lONM, HAake. continue from the soot h 111141 nest for authority to establish National honks. .1 large number of aoppeathsus com e from the in bet. Probably four or fire hun dred men banks wilt before bang go into oper dtion. The Comptroller of K'urrenev Win not raw upon the east until the I ti•enty-live Inilllons provided he late for the Fatah- and we'st have been taken. • ' • • agerzigt .A nuinber of elzuree were reported to the limunhisioner 'pf Internal Revenue to-any. They amount let value to $10.972, the most es, tensive one . being a rectifying place' in The .ighth Tenneseee bislo , st. valued at $15,090. N E - W 11 1 5 "I' ti, 1111. I . ll.taburg4 finlette.l The lir n 1 ¢r Mr. .11ott.t a. Mlnt.ter to England. • I. • t r.tni ” tl l• At. Awl oil (131 • tle I 13 Mt tier 1 teleg uld D. Ltesruo il 1. ord., tt a tzt t [rut Fm r t s icrr this It r. mho li tstn.tre rrxy r for Isets mountain tad Hell; Gltt' lees fru 75 , t, •1113 finister 1 Ud telepialicti that the dispatch l Otairlirl the proposition of NallOietal en, tiled ln be treaty ralstfal In Count Ben, !ctti's us ihandfriltiug. Mr. Otax f'. Under' Foreigo S. de -1 ned do akr any couonanicathin or_o ocrotary xiaoss dr uplufb on the propd,l otatl2 . hrpoloon d annex II 'Heald. Taw !Health or John Urhrbf. The Odd/IN.-up sayp that Mr. lic.g hi 'a health . .ndlnutot iin;r - c - i;est;ry ro. :on to think hrwin re.o. placeon tht Conoco. una.h. session. Whether it ts pro. dent that he .chusil.l sidcl oftleint .d d. The loborn Isnot rcrocin." ntoto, hind. The cause .4 histrn , ll-o,y cHpll -0: tin" lmon. uougeot. Can tiou.: Mr. Ifrlpht i . 1.0 refrained 40111 shing effect hsthertu to hsossish to resign -- ffilt. Oak,. Pno deference to Strongly PILIVS,,Ij,. hi _ tutu, July .15 ..ltytia .11,,- pateh has leteu reeelved . (tan, tTiu Freneb CharXe at Pekin. datlat June thhl.. It Ap. nounta. the admit al .1 a Illench •guntt.ett at where the Ent list, t:hat- f fe.l with the careof , Fr. rob in- Nr.fiits. On • the .trtival s 4 the -0 .el the Fre eh flair teas ..alftted Dv f. o t, .. `o ,• ~• I co,. • • • ~ i iie , ...e re of rourooor Ifundre.t Ver..., . A brief di..p.itel: ,ii, rcrolved Nto Pout D. ..lalle. report:. n insurrection in the Niue:pal. 5). or Ara. lit4ln..roollt log in the In.sacre a fourteen hundred tenons. Further details o the affair have been asked. _ The Alebsomit blatnn. Cotten...l. ~ 1.050,15. Jul" 26. In arlirn ctuons I, might Mr. Gladstont , . in benle it, a question of Mr Torrent, shid the neguitat foils for the . settle Went of the Ala at:la-El:anis 1100,1 where they stood a year — Fii a halt ago. The f7nite, States having relined the .4Ter wade tos England. then ' , t Mean, Sac was front t h American gocerSlml , lli ;• . • Damage 4 Lightning-- toplitui lien Mowers Lonpon, July I .—The' El ,nter of the chord of St. Xavier ., n North wail, u ru as• struck by last night. Rain fell In torrents In many place. through out England last night, in booed eaten acct. panied by nioiallghttlin.i The weather hat teen dry and hut. but Is 'sensibly cooler t day. The crops, will be Licatly benchtell by these copious showers. g . • Eulogy en Pres.! Pseadol. • Pains, July t);—.ln eloi!leut.qdaßY tal tit late Prreoet. at.pelirs in the Sirrlt to day sigated by T nil De Lop!. .The tnnnrreetl n In rube:—Decent Battle. II seas,. July ,11.-Ditrink a recent engarre ilent between Si apish troops and Insurgents 10 - t he Juristtlet ou of liniquin and Pue-tio Principe over at ri hundred_ ad Ilfty_Pt the latter wore killed. FINANCIAL AND CO lAIERC AL. lanbon. , July 2 • 01, 5 it n.—Co sots at,. American .car ties dull; 'otra. RI, AZ's. el; 'll7O. Ifitsi.. Ten- orties. 111.k:ries 15. fllluois 102. Great Western 21, Stu - s dull. ' LlVeneisot. July M.—Co:tile irregular: mkt ! illineultand-13, 1 1t.esid;OrleansliSenNdt sales of noun ales; Nix cloister miirket heavy. Cal ifornia , late wh Lat Its tot; receipts of wheat during last thri:/, days 1040 quarters.:_eon American: reilti,estern at ; white Ans. Tdit. 10,0,1, IWestFritillotir :got Odstr. dd. : COrn— No 2 :nixed 35,1.,._ 1 !flats 21;x1. !Barley ts cld'ads. Penallai. Pori:lllmi at 1111 ss" Heel' Ibis r.,1 Lard 7(s.' Cheese. Gas. Hero - 9,0 ad for CuTit berlad cut, Cm for short rib Tallow 4 dd. fiermu, .1111,01. -Tallow, dull at iss. Cal cutta floored brio at no. nail Hated • cakes quiet allO. Iliips dull at 5,Q :is rid. Linseed oil dull`` Splette of turpentlnb quiet. - itsf l'Altltt. July Si , it P. st. —lto l tme firm; rentes .11: Vaunt, Jut) . - ,tn.viiiii i f.- - floir i iii .elosed otrouger: rents UN Nlic., • itsynr_ July i.—Coition nom Imt quiet at' linf 'On spot._ . l- . --- . Indian Oudragen_ I. In Texas-A Fite Hours' i If I ht isllk a:aisles. . . 1 kly Telegraph t o the Pittsburgh Gaelic.] tiAl.vrAttnt . . J ly Ink- Jvilispatch from Aus tin. of the 25th, ars reports from the frostier detail serious outrages In the country occu pied by the Indians. Gorses arr. carried off by.droves, pad scores of families tire abandon Ineltheir Manes.- and In many Instances re .duced to flestitutinn. The Indians are break ing Up everything In the tictriltV of essmiahn. A dispatch frrini Waco. Texas. says Capt. Itallentinufrinw Fort Ith:benison. meats on' i the; 11th nat-_that '3lnJur NlcClellan, with M members Of the•sixth cavalry, while *muting met a baud of Indians numbering (AO, who gave battle. (order the cavalry back eight inilbe,_ kfiling .t.Wo nod wrimuding 'eleven, among whom was Surgeon Ifatch. They also Itillilid taut...aid wounded two:ate-One horses. The flehtlinsted . tire: hernia. Fifteen Indiamfwere seen Lir fell., Tao tasalr)' were ceinvelled to call nraleitance from the fort to get I hack. The Initlaus were armed with :spencer rifles. sly shooters. and conintanded by able Chiefs. Thur are believed to ho on a. general marauding expedition ad are all warriors. 3lajor :McClellan says the were the lest appointed body of warriors he ever saw.l It is believed they are ;Crnanches and }Milts from - the reservation. --, Gieor Fire ut Philadelphia- •Nine Ingrown •. [By '4legraph to the Pittsburgh bluette.l PIIIi.ADELPITIA. July al.—The lost' by the lire this ,enjpg in roughly estimated 01 pre hundred thouvond dollars. The Nugur rtlin- M* or, Messrs. Newhall:Doric& Co. waniseven s . 3 .rlez t iltad t f o l c idr e th iln v e o d lghlo l 4 g . he firetr tilled with on gu ir fttfjoitilrur building, crushing It nod corryloir.duwn nine firemen, 011 fit whom are believed to be killed. Ali the surrounding buildings ore touch dam aged. The rout of the leather store of J.. F. Huisetnon. rvvu blochoon, tonight' flre" froth sparks and corned up. The or factory of Meskey,Merrill & nhocknrd s oul glass-house of whim! MlJolning t he euiror.ioluse, were'on lire but saved. Martial Jam I. North Caroni., • . ',graph to the I'lltNburgh Claxmte:l , of 1 , July tE—Governor !Leiden refused 1. der to Chief Justice Pearson the Olt -4,llatnaeca county arrested and now .I. Kirk, thread. the Governor's or irk has now aver one. hundred Mil ls said Oorernor Boldn basordered r commission to assemble at Ynner p the prisoners under arrest: ' By Tql HALE II to IT ral of G by den. zene. a rollita Moto 101,T0.1 MAC wftnt td Cdmpan' froa • tant . will at t Ale and direct WI record.. plete. Muhl. continue! tan:. tie 1 I MBEIRDE! .. IS. Jul :el. -A correspondent I cle i elect. he announcement of the re ,f 3littlel manifestations of regret bate rSt OHM erous nll , l intluent 141 antong erleanin and fricuil4 of America In I . 111. it-muval gate.pleasure to our lee here. but. 10 nn others. lam tisk- I .wlaith.iir It le not +till in itielble that on rental!r. If reel Initituyeen decline-. ,`ttfilted Itonletir. Motley, restoration cordially welcomed. Parliament and the .ttleged hernia 12/11 July -Earl Granville. hi the aln , referrvil to the draft of . the se y riltrZed to have been prono , ed bY , it,sta. Ile sadd he had an Inter :then:Loon with the French Antfonsfwt bild hint the treaty orlelnated watt that It never had a serious pas. and ted by both parties.. The 4mb:test. r“.l France was tivtually detdronv of ng pen, with - Belgium. Triatland 1s tone Inforthed. the House that tot- Berlin nettling . the nuthenticity ntormatiou rt:k;trdipithe• altr , goe Peuri} expected. The Britt: . =I Coal :Hiner.' Strike Ended. lb the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ent - Nit. PA:. July, 20.—The miners, • rk at Nesquehoning to-day and rr ,unimit Hill to-morrow on the Lehigh 'a ternis. Sherman has Issued another order dutuirters ut Chicago directing that be absence of Lieutenant General department commanders, of the mill— lon obeli report direct ttrhlm. They • same Hem deed to headquarters for cerd chide/ OT - All — tuitters they send the General of the army so that the ay be continued unbroken and cora 1, 0 utual routine of official business the issue of SPeCitti orders,' etc.. will Ito be performed by Assistant AdJa ranHartsuff, _ ; • - 1 - - • PITTSBU4GII, WEDNESDAI NECOND EDITION: FOUR O'CLOCK T E - IVA R. Later Intelligence, liouboals for thelikine.Truzi4- .. ported Iherruntl—Deninark Pro• Neutrality—Prussian Staten:Anil Iternled by (4raluntopt—. Tile French Occopatioo of Rome— liolieuzidleins In Bad Order at, her. lin. foe Precipitancy in Ile II bar the Spanish Throne—Prance tio, Hie., fib. Antbent lefty . of the Merril Treaty—The Address head by Euge nic In the 'French Fleet—The Forriti4 at ltrashourg—Move to the Fron tier Founingired; z -The Plan of the Freneh—ltetaikd Account of the Cr at hering of Troops on the -'llorder. (Ity Telegraph to the Mtt.hnrgh I.ln/ette.) • French Gunbnat• l'Or the Milne "I'rnniapurted In Section. Mr,land. la, July 20.--The French gunboats t overate on the Rhine end caber rivers ii PruNsln are being t rnm,m.rteil from Mnrrellle. in stet horn overinnti. rretreh Crulmoror tort the trocoliols 1'130.1 I,ON iwIN.-verti French cruiser pre reported oil Wick, Se Scotland. to-day. No Neu. ream Berlin—Telegraph. Watched News rl3 14 very ntearre. which 1. tine 10 the tortalt•nea t.( the Pritsrina Govern meat. Thr te!egraphs are tk.ely watched lit the It ettstan :tut horitlea. Frankfort-on-the- Malta h:IA been ittg,ignated as the Prumplan netalquarter,, In Enalbat Dark V•rtbo. - LOONline Ii universal nevi,- Ire In all the do. is yards ofl nglsiud Denmark Proelanum Cm...Mit:N. July 2.t. TIM Government o Danmark has Iseucj a proinmat ion or non [ratite bet tree° Prursia and France. Sailor sod Illiott...Nreto neloWirk,.ro warnedltrnhist rentieronm Assi-tiancv , to the hellier entg. . fuunAl of Ministers, Napoleon Presiding. PAM, July :41.—.tenineitnt Ministers sea livid it Si. to.thiv i .ttie,,,linipentr pre Prmalam tstateminl Hefute4.--- The. Journol trubliltheel tlhquite !nun ttramniont. addreaxed to the dlitionmt lc rtlaresentrat Ire* of Frattee, refuting the>tute meat made be Huron Werther. that tie men tion had beets made of the Candidature of Prince Leopold prevtOttS to the late offer of tit... Atria, The Duke.mppentla a letter from t2ount Ilenedenl, dated 'alareh. 'WU. !dating he as gummed by the Cabinet. of that there tea. mgt tan& serious In the retorts that it woe p00 , 11.1e an afterof the throne of Spain might In, made to a Hohenzollern. .Itothefori !Hurl Rochefort was arrested ut Blois to and put iu charge of gene Warms, - The French Oessopirlon of Home. • Liherfe.nanuMlCCS. that the Journal Olt e..i will publish to-morrow the correspotid •i nee between the French and !Witan govern cent e, lu rehleh the fret step le taken fur the -idution .if the p ne>ren of the oectipattiod of dome. ',Gou k,. the ilochmeut will eti.dhe criltatioll. it shoot shot the Italian avveronti.Vl has not vied uObed for the withdrawal of the French troops, but leaner has ; taken the initiative to that end. 'Some of the French-journal.* report mune German deserters nn re dally Into French territort . . • t•ub..ciiptioto. to tile t.triotie and ftoldA etttlrtue to be Ittbermlly Rtrord. I °ramie.... It. Pro.i.ln at ht eat blare c. July :M.-A Provincial corrvaniiiii dvnt say., t h ,, r - tt,l and vttit prep:ll,l , A. fur Ilr :ln ilia recline' of no •.• t•t•tit•tt tt• t tutt I:tt anti•tit. ttrt••••t. •••••••• fr.ii It.. ( . 414111i . ,•f tar. !.:rwlatl I raged to Prepare tor War. LAINI, JUIY •The Pall 3(0 1 70.itite. WI% that the real dealdne of the French But. ililrur are revealed. counsels Brucland to Make very preparatinn for rear. lu Bed 'Order •I Berlin, Pa w+. July Va.--The Monde ur de S. dr Napa it 1,11 . 114 from a good acairce that Prince Leo old ut fliihensollent and father are. In bad Burl at .ri in on account of the renunciation ‘or the Straniah 'throne.. It adde that Count Bismarck reproached Mein for their precipi tation, as hien enabled Spain to keep clear of the quarrel nodpenults France to put tuure troops on the Rithr. an there in au need to notch Tim Tremy of 1,611 Proinmord by Proodo 'Fbe.lioniteor !h. tsttir notices editorially the treatyproposed in Wet and ”tys It never had the adhesion o( the nniternr. The 3fealtehr adds ' , lnch projett did exist. but it prtr posed by Itrossltt, not by France.' The tddreaa Read by . the Empre. to the 111=I! July 9i.—The Empress when at Cher bourg -read to the sailors of the fleet an ad dress from the Elms : roar which says Though not Mum* you. my thoughts rol low yen to those.seas where your...valor 1.. clisplayett. !The Freueb nary • has I glorious posteritr. ,- 4Tun will be worthy Its -repat. Willis' front . of the eagnsy_ ember -that. ,•Fratire- wilb -Yoe. and voile theMotectiott of HartuCti non 3 - 111 41, While you fight on the sea you brethren. tight on the field fur the - mine pause Go and show w pride the national stand ard.• When they IL, It, the enemy will know that it enfolds the honor and genie, of France.. - .fitter the delivery of the n.lewe address., the. Empress ,wee merman° with emotion. The' effect of t u the fleet la sold to he great. Tbs. French Force* U Strasbourg LoNION, July 23.—A dlsmtelt from area boar, mars: Toe ride of the Frencharm, Is nom concentrated at Strasbourg and flelf r ort. The Algerian forces. consisting of Laolves :tad Turco, antitllling_elgtdeen railway train, reached Strusbours on the 24th :and to-day took up a position at --ftelfort, close to the .linden line. Sixteen squadrons Chasseura 0' Afriquearrlked to-day sin Lyona. ' Nosy to the Frontier Cototeesstell Dlsaate!tes from Thiamine. Merck Siarold 3tetnitl che state the army has coat Ili!!MIA 10 11100!to the frontier. Th. Finn or the French It I's' now regarded certain that the Emperor designs closing In noon the Prussians between Ttilonville and IC temenherg. throwing the army under litc3lalion on the German side of thelthine: led, army Is composed of three Corp, commanded by ()ens. Fallly, Dons; and .Nlac)fahon. - An attack will he made by the Battle fleet on Stralsund. immediately north of Berlin. • . • . . France cleniei a the adthonticity of thereret trenty,-Wd to hare linen offered to Pravda. • • - The 'Penne!. Pennine and Ptans—Another - T _ ! Ateollllll. . LAiatnia;.lnly 20.—A specialcorrespondent M of the New York -Tribune at eta. Sunday night sent the fe,illowing Important letter. containing the trot clear statement of the French position and plans: I left fingernail on the taking the train by the,line which lends past Bitchy and Barr gilt:minis to Mai.' Along this" line warlike preparations •werll to be seen. I purses held batteries, parked complete, at different Place. until I got tired looking at them.. Although the French curry their In fantry and artillery n good deal" over the railways, they seem- Inclined, to allow cavalry to march along the roads. Wt.." more tlmn a single party ofhorsemen and In se a whole regiment Walkingalong the highway whirl...lust before-we arrived at the Vosges, ran pantile' with the rails. The regi ment seemed' In • the highest 1. spirits, a.) they waved their hands add slum red their somewhat jaded steeds Into a trot In answer to salutations from the foot soldiers In our train. Aland four o'clock we reached the Vusgm. This range of hills which take. It. rise near Ilelfort' rune - tolerably parallel with „the Rhine until It slopes come to the' lowlands about Coblents and Mayeuce, where the Stras bourg, Mitch° and Metz lines pleree the range. u military obstacle the VOSKUS bare always • been considered 'the sucoud line of defence . oussamed by France on the east, ...till the thimwee of the range, the breadth of which near Bache Is under tweuty and the largo number of val leys which cross Win n' transverse direction. prevent it from forming is very considern- Me military obstacle. There is a society, eallt‘l the Franca Tireur. of the Vosges. which, on a small scale, bean. some resem blance to our volunteers. As u self-orgualred forte It seems contrary—to the military genius of France. They , have always been considered In an , umusing light by. French Journals, which are, however, mite beginning to express their astonishment at finding the betide of too Vosges are serious ly itinaudlng permisglon to elect a General. and to cooperate with the regular force.. After %Judie. for some time through a de file, and before we had aitcafetberdeSecreled the western slopes Of tae VO,ges. we anired at Bache, a small fortified place with a strong citadel. the strength of which seemed In Ile in the. high and slarped sides of the hill , upon which it wee perched. From Bitche to harreguembsis we passed camp after camp. 'True. many of them were small, but everything Connected with them unMistakably revealed Abu these were the ontlying , parts of n huge force. From ii to a orrguitaluls Is about twenty miles. and throughout this distahce, fur twenty tones west Of &arguers:day, forty miles in all, the Gee constantly appronehel within an few tulles of the frontier. Iktween Melo, and Saargueminbs their rthmbers es t. dently inspired the French with 'confidence, but beyond the latter post It was clearthe Moe which, as It leads from Metz to Bitche ' Is Just now _or extraurdirusry importance, was cars , fully picketed. Of course I only sew portion. of the precautions taken. but Icotgg see that at Iroportair maims,' mph as when rpsilll ems. - , r I I I IMO . . ril the-line. there- are camps of artillery combined. evitieutly t Port the Yidettes and plakett watching the frontier and to i from being interrinited• - When we got about thirti nines west and a ,little south of• Sarrgumnin s i the aspect of • affairs became tamer.nti 1 Child not se, a camp oftner than one in ten miles, and only passed at the stations occasional trains laden with supply material and ps \ :sonnel. lint the line from Strasbourg t ionic distan ce tevond Sarrgtelnild. ha. left slumped I iron . rev brain impressions not likely Over to be effaced - by stronger antes -of the same kind. I fear I cannot reduce these impressions to writing, but home faint idea mayro be conveyed by Wl:wining a cranone w d railad • lino. .in which 11 the trains ere tilled with soldier,' cheerio 'and being cheered: snit lons lined with spar: tithing Spectators: trucks laden with • gun • In each Mini- Ic, that one ceased to to take an inter est in them; the roads. ii ran they could be seen (ruin the trains. enrol bared With canal 'Ty: and lastly, for the tWe ity runes bet weeny Ititehe and lila:imam:ink. ents So thick that I entild hardly make nut n iether 1 was i,ss.. big through inn- or severe camps. Abundance of good fon ge and s owl wen stored along the lines. T s loft ii "led nin °atilt found that this pa ion of the French railways are supplied witl Coal from Prussian i mines, which It Is feared h Prussians will lined—Taifore abandoning Hut one feature !d m& tie as COnspleUlain by its iibsence. There was Wit little shown either baggage or baggage arimals. I,naw 'al. none :A' the droves of cattle which migh et have been ex ',voted tube seen within large arm. ' ' American Flees Ordered tense Antwerp. . • v art. I ',La tl `ll n , Web si, aro thu lixx The Government of' Belgium beta °Merv! from the tendon-of Atkverle •t he detachment of the American squadron (n,Tatropetinneuters. hlch bad rendernotekell there In order tee 0 arch the progress of is tuna In the North Sea and Baltic. Thee Conentetudoti has bent inform ed of the neutrality of Belgium, and t bat the presence of a forerun simaillon cannot be per mitted In that •leorletir: The nondipceot hoe brdkete out let the squadron, and t Peet will lee obliged to proreed to sere under ron%nier able difficulty. snick 'Settlements - peeted Mall Works Dew° ed hp Etre. to don IN. Jelly To- norreise to tit (minted for stock settle: lents, and fa anticipated. Tier Macintosh tail tits, at I; list roped by Ore lieet 111 ht. Three ktllyd ono badly Bei wed by an The Brit tab troopship Tonuer. free hen arrived nt Pertenmuth. HITAT THE PE_ 11MM EMI= cram ' 1 l c loi in 1779 could lit the flag of the ruited In. invoked as their pall the people of Hesse'" that people or of thei flag of the I . ailed Sm.( the air at all. If lIVSNI could !knee had their w enttlons ago, then , trot legation of the United doe to open its shelteri. dent:ad:nits. It was a hard saying if Lord t! `•nutions knew 1.10 chic. re:' On almost believe it true N 110 peen II lessly a certain class o' Ameriot eon.• to think anti to peak oft I,elp extended to our fa hers in t it sharpest need by t it. graver, Louie . . V!. and the rill ntryint. et te. . liut it is. barely rebuked magnanimity whirl, hrunn ef tilt. NWT, and' ioripes grandchildren of th : nmreen throat- Whoui an Eugli h king G - 11, tve drew led flint Mates w - fety fly i ll in no fault of T rulers that the Yn now rave.: in and tilt• y some three gen id have ;been DO :•• • tates in Paris to g do - Orie to thvir )rey thn lotntigl4, CAI, ItIS linen e baying eir hour meat ,:f br thy to 'folds ver ,ry en n ' id it n) vativ to in Chinn7int for 1111, liberty in Wort I From [tie \%ribunr We would not tin any means ji stay, or. ! attempt to justify, Prussia for th r way hi which she treathi Dc , unittrk, Tin ..teel her treaty in reference, to tMtleoritz. loistein; and imposed her . )KlWer upon F nitfort. Th t , action of liisnutrers - govern :dot has tit. times lawn Ida .1,,,p,1,1• dod arbitrary. in regard to lurid II 1011.ty t.ell Its ho. - nia 1 lidtpihistraihill ;lint. not wil4lst.skii:l,, 14,-ninny deserve, thi• mond - support of the, stud,' .in resisting the iggretaiona and - •itite'rfer . ewe of the French Emperor. I From the North Ikerhau I,,rrt,plm•lrtl: . • In n recent nullifier of the l'or!i , 5 f..: /irtzette we find tli.• following rt,lonn.liti• •-•n.,. Itbitui Priii ire....i., tt,tlf Fr—s,• li il. 1....,:a1—ta I ! :o. '.• .4; , i of I.ux.:otiyourg—alf liOnt• of the il4llltt:ital/IN art, , for ann.-. t lon to Frunce. - \Vt, are curious to kin,' licnce our p , otentponcrv . ..kriretl is it formation, fur it can Ito oily ;la t accept as.ertiom .0 worrnding to th ftding. of the- ".• Prunniano witt . . .tu /I. something toes - looks like proof. Titi 'ell .11,111 G,rzette CIUMW be ignorant that ;luny of the most uncompromising We. man patriot.; are MitiVeS of the !thin; NMIDOM, and we recollect well—for we witnessed it with our 0.11 ~,,-...tfi, 'al. moot less demonstrative loyalty of the Rhenish .reserve and laudwriir ' When called out for active service In 146. Among the many journals Publ bawd along the R hine, Imo,. Dusseldorf to Cobletri, whirl, tinily meef our eyes: we look in vinfn for tie faintest lmeo of nench aynt• puthien. It ;tun part of trermanv - is, 1 more titan another. be ito geogrnOtical position exported to French induenCe. it in I the Grand Duchy of Baden, and yet any i one 1i..a1l acquainted with Germany knows e tenet O t P OVerWilehllillk majority in dint it Ditchelaro Dermana to. the heart's core. 111 Vith . 'regard to Luxembourg, we hai, ti ilie Ibekt authority, for. ,etying • that the d giCat 1111.8 bf the 'inhabit:nits deprecate tl antaixation of any kind, nod,' merely with ' to be let ahieo.. I 1 - Frozn the Pall Mall Gazette, July . 11., It 03 , not at all necessary to 11110,1, 'bill . lrittisia will gain Anything, by linvitu,•in distant relative of the" focal f a mily , , throned on the other side of the Pyre I ns Whatliaviup, if her object shmild lot ful y attained the moment that the Prince h 8 been elected ? -What if that object wilts not something ton,' secured at the riskiif War: but war-its 117,. It cunnot be raid that what we have faultily seen of ('bunt ipinarck's policy, mak:es thin au alvird opposition. For sonie time hack it, has seemingly abandoned his original design elf uniting Southern ILS well as Noriliern I cranny under - Prussian rule. G. one who lots. watched, even carelessly!, the clitinicter and career of this remarkable i litlciah will pee hi this apparent elinnge 0 porpoise anything more than a change o methods. It has been too hastilji as. seined that thin sudden contentment with tile existing limits of the confcileratiou' he has created with the result of timid& ro L very Mitt the South Geri.", Matt ',red 010 be WI/I,ld of I/Oe C., 4 V .• -War crith Kean,. We tioitht whether this discov ery made the slightest dilierence ill: MS initial determination, whether it did More than modify the iillll. and manner of Car rylug it into effect. lie may have tweet ready and willing to light Napoleon 111., and yet prefer to tight Idol at his opportu. city and in his own way. If Count his mars* had attempted to annex the Soitth thirteen States in the teeth of ' Prenchlre moditrunces, Prussia would have been presented to Europe In the tandninipon chirnictiir of a breaker of treaties add a.: wanton disturber of the pear., of Pto'l C in ontinent. Pinner, on' the tontrArB- - , would hove conic . forwurd as 'the! de fender of ttlieseparate existence of dime small States threatened with annihilation ' at the hands of an overhearing neighbor. The sympathies of 'the 'Austrian govern ment would have been entirely on' her side, and though she'inight have failed to secure any active support in that guar ter, she would have been sure of that friendly neutrality which is sometime no contemptible advattintriL Now let tech see • how the MSC stands on (Ito stipposititin— still. It must he remeintiered, no more than a suppwition—that Ile Spanish et itas has been created or fostered • to give oc'Etwon for a war with France it is evident HiAt.- Prussia trill enter upon that struggle with several new I,ollltll in her favor. 'flut provocation given to Fran, in much leis direct. PrusSia will urge that she, luau no interest to -farther by setting a Pnowian Prince on the" throne of Spain. It Jaime she 'amot undertake to prevent his be coming King if he is minded to do no, ]jut Ulla, she will 'point out, is merely *spivs, lent to refusing to submit to the Insolent dietation.ef Fnince. If our should fol. low • upon this. refusal, it will boa war which nee had tio desire to bring Shout, and into Which nhowill enter with regret, though not witkap . preltension. 'Tho real cause of such a war, she will add, taunt be patent to all the world. It has its ori gin in the irrepressible jealousy with which France regards the development of German unity'and the corresponding de velopment of german strength. She Is herself anxious to . do all In. her poWer to keep the peace 'with France, but she cannot consent Witty restrictions'on the in dependent action of the Spanish Curtis, In order to soothe an Irritation which CILZie bat be .really laid to - rest except by Ger. t. . t ..,..,,„- 4,-...%7 K 4i :WV4zWE:zi.g l ? - w_;44 4,,, Z. , ;.; 4 , ,, 4414 , 4..0...t. ,- .A*A5r-, ,,, ,,,-..,, - ' 97. ME ''or. B, - , M inf.f. , t ,, remain divided. 1. aro inatrrialn ie circular lying rvail,' t.b' hand, and ...greet of repro . Sehtaliont , tvouid I•xche n far htronger entiOlSiraqn On ,11 . of Prussia in all parts of t iertuany If tho grodini Om , 4'inarrel had lain tee avow.4l rea”lution pursue •it • rof xgrt.t . ..;oti Lliti re,ult wou .1 be ille•sa'me in b o thlf it jeCi.:l/ that i.;vory far fetched thou -v. ice eciti ottly t luit it IS one with Is !WI:110.11 4 U IVitil ' what it alrowly knot of Count IhNmareh, and that up to 11 is moment tine alip:111.11i • attittOh. of Ille.'`l'rns,ittit t lovetninent has ileen exsutly what will to ho su pp o . lag thut this hyvotheei•• is trite, lihottarelCA great ehjeet would be to kor l . Itinnwif in tho'hae•kgroute l l.ora fo limit lit, .A lb, olllyriv rt lli :1 and to; Illy of Phrrntl arruyattee. Is there anything in what' hob taken place itieoteiistent with .. • . . hit imaginary sketch ? Certainly the a ngunge used be the official props 'of lie - Hitt does not clash with it. 'Their daily , sertiou 1s that no Prussia ha, done noth I g to cifisile the present difficulty, it is lit of her power to do :anything' to avert it. If the 1 e of Count Bismarck' hat, sui rightly interpreted, Iti, may regard Ate conduct of the• 'French tiovernmet with well grounded natinfliction Lirian the Cincinnati I:ittette.l 1 Itistitnet..ll,l“l4 enchant utent tothe view - I regard lattice hirtlipliwe more than . most anything else. 'Fht4e are few who 41 . not Yield to the tender illusion, but ...or still who ott visiting their 'early ono: are not glad to leave it again, lind tg maneeverything changed except tatural objects. We are not surprised hat our it opted citizens should be inter. nted in II ear brethren abroad in the int. sialiteg w a r. I'..t they should rentem il or, boTli tiermans and French, that their ew home is their. real one; C h oi t h e es• sting tioverioneni n of the Old NVorld Cr,' t friendly to the working man, antithat ey mum 'here for better vages, better. Ones and greamr privilegcn, All these try. liner litlned. A regenerated 'tier i .. luny or Fntuce may provide such alters. sus that future generations may not, are to cross tilt. Atlantic, but the •quar: dm of Ilohenzollerns and lionapartes, hether justice lien on tine side to . the •her. hare nothing in themselves which tutu enlist the championship of the. ,ass of our a. lo pted vi t i,enn. Tt is Auteri.._ lures Oil d .111firb hr. NIT en er • kit ligllfa, 161 that liaa giv e n the latter ra life, and lint freed theta ft tires:don of land moatipoly a riatocracv. degrading raatr attracted conscription.- Let a itch interest in their friend, .Atlantic IN they choo,e, lint le ft rget the 5111,,t11111ial iu thrir (CL_the ideal. IMIMEIII! t !or t;erman fellow eitire lice the valve of their nal. , i, - rittne.t., front the proteetia rent ion treaty olnany i•Strnill+ to th a n..l ry haye a right to declaim n inatt the United State.. ui r d ::. " I ! h i e s fo ? - i t n i t i „ ' ;'‘ d their In i ‘ r ' tore. hir ~otlll,etiOntl With their tnneut is without the shah ill pri 111. i I ill the cow, of dot ittbrutioutt, the United Sit, • en.ll,ted in a war with Prim Mt=====altl . . . . . - 1 . tAliittl.l have to shoulder the r. muskets i‘ 011111 the rept 411 us to light the. •erypower i‘itielt they now uphold. Wit n Prussia \.‘ ti E st op,;tied her continual. ion with Print, depositing one hundred 1 illions Of ,kiilars in London in cunsiderati in of - the I IN.l.exiontte of t uba an soon. a; Leopold IlOti seated _6r the Spanish thione. she was dir,l4 ida.auinix o...rugitor.., with the Patted. Stuns. and it wolld . twto'aly hove followed. Wonld oar 6erman op. motion 110% e I"'• in poratitted t0......As •I o r moin -, r. ne 1,0 lky ,s. i. i 4 l'rain t IO• a I ho. ,otald , . ii]wrotion w,li ~orv., to .it the dots of obwrving mina netttrality, not less on the part o • cid om en than of the thwornment. • [From .• thr_New .lark S.,ad hi .. 1191fin t • ron oqroou states t. Ist olthe ~. .wernment has Nsued circuit, s to ail The Consul, of Nortlt (jet-many it foreign Staa‘s, reilairing them to forwas Imme diately ell . tier:nazis liable to military dtty, paving their passages to theTather la6d, and famishing then: With such ar. titles a., n i ny be nereasarT. They are also et powered to forward on the saute terms, al volunteers who may wish to light f , ,r ll "rmanv." t ~ iis n i lids s the most important document to the rutted States which huS yet been by either of the contending . pow er . It• directly alfeets oar Naturaliz., tic n and Foreign Enlistment Laws. Our naturalization) treaty with Prussia exempts 'all naturalized. citizens, add . auntie who have wdetlared their intention - of iyeeoui. , eitizeint from all a Ileginnee Wally lou r but the I7nited• States. The forward. a of "aft volunteers who may wish to ig at for tiertuanc - is in open contraven tion of the Foreign Enlnst merit Act. Any de art urn - from the rules I Id down in tin se nets would tend to emb dl us with Fr mee and loWer the justice f our Ms. la nit claims on England in t e eyes of the World. The United States. llovern. not ut has only one anxiety in the present xv r —to let Europe tight .out her own •!`n reels. T 11.1111 This .0I be done I f Prussia . Li 0 recruit liar armies in this. wuntry. W ! cannot Prevent our German citizens fr m expressing opinions and by apathies. 11 • have no wish .whatever touts no 'But w ran and are .btual , to prevent them en angling us in European disputes for tln ! sake of. a power -110 matter how fr endly-we may to to her—Mies° allegi. 'a ce they have of their own.„ fee will en d anged foesliat of Annetica. • . •I'L, Nei,: V" rker ` tit 7 - ay, bn . 'lie great patriotic movem at treated by the napalms. against our old fatherland h' the French Impemter and 1 ta Chasavin. is is retinue. among our root trymen on tl is aide of the Atlantic °can . goes like a stream overflowing its bane and car-_ r l og away everything thron li all °er n an communities in the rati ait States. r,nauimortslY the Sharman t'r se "makes his voles. heard in favor of tl e tierinan .i . 141,11,1% „ Everywhere mass ow atingi are ',Sing held in order to make lan awn to the (kernean people in its struggl for self j_> Minn, independence ant inviolate tenitairy the sincere anal deep( - .felt sym ! paeldee of its descendants in tl as country. gv*.plionihuiti s , speeches the a dience are 1 envouraged to exert tbeatmeh as. and, in their circles, hi order to lighte the Straw,- . gle of their:brothers of a cot noon race, by practical support_ of the an lay who lay the war forced•upoii.them wil of necea I I .aity become widows and orp Hans. :rho meetings are closely followes lav the or. .ganization of committees that are chiefly engaged in ezecnting the resolutions of 1110 meetings, aiming at tanking collec times, and have everywhere: good results. , ca Not small is the number . 1 young men and of veterans who have resolved to re turn to (Seranauy in ordeet participate as . volunteers in the struggle or the Father land. Highly welcome will be the news to many of them who do but potamsts.the means to make the vnyag a horse nt tlisir G own expense, that the ov rnment of he North Otarmait - Union has instructed its (Animals abreast to pay . th e fare both of those-who, liable to mint ry service, re turn to °mammy, in order to fill their places in the army, and of hose who In -tend to become volunteer . and, also, to assist them otherwise. Tit rola, no doubt. that in this way, (reran y, without re cruiting offices and withopt violation of the Neutrality laws, can dri friam'A mer ice quite a considerable rany corps of volunteers. • I from the Chicago Tr 4 TECIIEN AZ:1) hr.i. • Th whit side with their invasion of riermanS ' pains to remind Ameritains cot a Frenchmen rendered tl duritig the Inv of the re. Anieriuto inn ever feel ell Pte grateful to Lefey he did for our country .in t tried men, souls. But, whi portant services cannot bow I Justification of Napoleon's German territory, it may ne. place to mention the mimeo of Germans whirxlidervd our g valuable a ‘Ve refer to DeKalb. Hariiin Steuben wl who learned fhb art of war iti la the Onpittl'ot Prussia. MN in Amy rtei the fall of .1: - N, in the very darkest hours of the war, when our' cawe seetnellest. Ile was with the-army during the t tiserable winter atlley Forge,trod . was appoiutM Inspector Oren-. oral, with therank of Major fiemerat, and 1 the hi !Oriall lavathat, my his excellent M all 1:01111,1111 greatly improved the condi. Lion, ii. 1 f the I tntinental tresms, • Ile pr, pared a math al of tactics for the army, witch W. approved:hy Congress. Ile in troduLed most thorough discipline, and much of the success of the revolution is to be attributed to - his sagacious and 'rigid regtilatilllls, and the better discipline he in trestle:eel among the American militia. II.! I noted then] to snec;,ssfullv with.stand the bayonet charge of the Iriele.English reg. ' ularni lie was a member of the court.thar• tial oh the trial of Major,Andre.. - In 1 . :To :- he wastelaced in.conimand of the ,troops in Vir4inia, tend afterward distinguished • hints,f is, harassing. and defeating the Engli' h , Irish, and Tory forces under , t . Betted et Arnold. Deleal an important part at• the siege of Yorktown. and . the, rupture of the British army under: Core.• „ wallis.', . - `— - ' And there was Baron Denali', anoth e r ' ,1 1.11111111 who fought nobly for American IndepetOence serving for three years in tip tierr lighting of the war. Ho was second i tl,lllllllllllll under OenerarOutes. at the 11 im - Kly but disastrous battle of '-Conde, uti.l 11.11 . tine Maryland and Vela. • ware tr. op, The Virginia and Carolina. militiaw-nverel and gaveway bet re the bayonet, of the Irish English regulars; but the troops under Denali, nuatigned the 111113 nal tight for a long time, and sev• eual timm compelled the enemy to retire. At' length Cornwallis concentrated: . his . whole at'fantry force on front and Hank, while Ttirleton with hia cavalry misailed them in! the rear, but they, stood their ground Until their brave lender had re ceived elleven wounds land sunk to the. .g.round tat.hild in his own blood.. lie died near wit 'so 6 fell. •No braver man fought in the revolution than this gallaatfler. man. If France has claims on ..ur grati tude felOhe services if Lafayette, has not glen:la:lv also claims - for the services •of Steubeiti and Delialle 1111.1,5. A1X11W11:1.IANI AND , A POLEDN 111. (From _Lito.l. 4 tatito ZeituDird ."ThereLwill, no war," said lately the ugtsl widow of Mayer Anselm Rothschild to un sconaintunee. for my will not give them the money. - Titio waa also: donhilessi the idea her, tons. when he came to Ems •to induco,the Ning.ol' Prussia to give up his obstinate purpose and to grant some small concessions to the longing desire of the Eqmich monarch. Perhaps lie wisli• ed to. oar to flo• King that the Rochschilds would furnish him MI money; afunhat if Fir did ant take pity on -the -embarrass -11,4A of the French Emperor, they would employ all their financial power to the in. jury of . Prussia and Germany. . , . comfort om th 1 I. reditan tetlonn and teem fr. •l 41. rt he theta but nth won al vu 11,1 aacnuunl St lilt I. ma vit. North theft fort , toili yrvrtcc try ur. • oblitmtione tore of all miler gut •et - However ; King William cares nothing for all the Bothschilds In the world.' He Isar a well tilled treasury, with more th'un thirty million as: . f hard dollars, the exact opposite of the French treasury, wli.e accounts show nothing except on the debtor side: Besides, the Council of the Northrtermanr.i.infederation, relyitig on the flume approbation of the Ihet r has granted. hint an unlimited credit. The King, accordingly, was unwilling to re ceive the financial negotiation, and while he himself packed off the impertinent Count Benedetti with a round answer: he sent word to 'di, rich Baron Rothschild, be a serrant, that he was not at home. anti 49 Wrir to in and lair At this Air. Alfonso gets angry and resigns his otlice as a Prussian Consul General in Paris. It toner lie• admitted that this is a very proper act on his pan; for he will by no means laiM imitable low er,. t..“.j.Prvecnt the (3.lllllllerehal of Germany in the Frenelt capital at t h e present tune. iie ought to be ',Miser' for Mr. wsratly espousing the interests of the EMI" lor 'N11.1,01.11. li ratitude is a ',mitt fill Iron not n tore I rellll..llt Wileit the Prince's fatliet, in - 18.1 H, made ris the personal acquaintance of Louis IM"was worth about two hundred millions. Out of these two• hits. Ireil millions, in. consequence of the cou omient information received frost the Mbinet of the President at the time of he sup it-tint and since-then from the 'abinet of the I , :toperor, he has made wo thousand millions; the greater part in mgaged in nit sorts of speculations and interprises, which would turn. sal dhow. rottsly if anything unexPected should happen to the Emperor. - • , 1113=2! ji:rurn the Neu . Turk Tribune.) ECM= The revenue of Denmark is about *13,- fino,ooo, and the annual expenditure is the rune mount.- Her public debt was last year >itt0.i,190360. the annual charge on which is gradually diininishing. -The financial atlitira of Denmark are Prudently managed, but her resources do not admit of heavy war expendlt =! Denmark can place an army of about 511,000 men in the field nn the commence ment of hostilities. The forces of the kingdom, under the hew organization, 'comprise 20 battalions of infantry of the line, with 10 depot battalions and 10 of re. serve! 5 regiments of cavalry, each with 2 . squadrons active and 2 depots, awi 2 regi ments of artillery, ih 12 batteries. The total strength of the army, exclukirenf the reserce,is 211,782 rank and file, with 1.068 officers, oh the peace footing. and 47,925 rank and file, with 1,328 officer., im the war footing. .1 conscriptioglaw,,is in force. and all able bodied young men who have reached the age of 21 years, are lia ble to nerve some years, and be ready when called on in time of 'war. MEE . _ NA%Y. The Danish Navy in very muall, aml is muuntalMv about 1.100 men. It comprises tie icon-dada, namely: Butlt. Burse.umwer Guns. realer Sinm ..11154 mm IN Danmark . ..INI4I 500 24 1/Nnuebrok • • IfX) It Holt limbo 1161 12.11 3 Modern). tturret .1768 :mm Number 54 t4llTret,. .ISLA. 360 _ . 2 The remainder of the nave consists of of 12 unarmored staniushigs, carrying from 12 to 43 guns: 6 first class iron gun. boats, 1 second class and 11 paddle steam ships. Thu total strength of the navy is, therefore, 31 steamers. carrying 312 guns. The iron-clods of the _ navy. above named, are convened ships on the. French model, with the exception of the Rolf Kruk° and the J.indoreien. The Rolf Krnke, built at Olasgow, is plated with d t l inch iron, and has two turrets which carry three sixtylsiunders: she 'Sof 1 ;200 tons bnnhen, and draws 15 feet of water. The Lindonnen is plated from stem to stern with five-inch iron, over ten inches wood-backing, and carries a Cble's cupola with folding-down bulwarks. She is armed with two twelve and alialf. tons filled ArmstroOg cannon: is 21'J feet long, and 36 feet 3 inches broad, with a draught of 12 feet fore and aft, and hats twin screws. The, turret ship Number 54, is similar in con truction to the. Linder. Men, but with seven-inch armor, and car rying eighteen-tons rifled Armstrong cannon. lii=igE The Danish commercial fleet, two yearn since, ventilated of 3,132 flips, with a ton nage of 174,114 tonit. • The colonial pos. 10.581011 P of Denmark MAIM of the Wanda of Faroe, Icelandmnd Greenland, in Eu rope; the first named-1: in number— having a population. in IWO, of 1022: Iceland, of 191.957. and • Greenland, of 9 550 Bonk 'rho Went India peusesaions —St. Croix. St. Thomas.- and St. John; with a number of entailer intends—leave a population of 37,137. according to the cen. MX of 1800. The direct commerce of Denmark with the Cnited States is trilling. Her estab lished religion is Lutheriaii, to which neavly all the• population belong. The Government Is r a couitlintional monarchy. 211110 MIME , take great the nen i le Americana lolution. I t emise than .tte for what • The great importance of the Danish a • 'lance Of Denmark to France Is the coil. man ing position she holds In 'regard to the end. The Sadie of 55,000,000 per• • 60115 yes throogl time Strait ;it to con• veye in 25,000 ships, and consists of grain timber, spare, hemp, and iron. 'the Datil t territory also gives France an ad mire le bun of operations against the Pr inn Provinces of Schleswig and Hoist in. e days that it these im. pleaded in Won ion of ' / t be out of a couploof I M.:other. .teuben and a an officer dor k redo' , He fillired ~ j .. I VOZ. LXXXV.--.NO .. 131, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS La..II.I.NCING Prot: I): Alaver Dec, to Inform friend, and the nuldle in ghat he hae_enoge.PTiimera for his Dancing Setio..l. which wilt be opened fur the re ception ..f the I.( ~ h.q...ber. Clrcut will be ready in neldeniin, Ir NOTICE—I'EMPLE OF 110NOlt-- :The tnentbnre Ehuality Tetnpld of Donut. No. 31. are rime...leo to meet In their Hall. curlier Third 41 , ./.110 lend Market etreet• Till et EVICNINt.:. Jul, 27, ut n'elerk. to make arrange:nerds to attend tno funeral of Hr.. I'. W. C. T. Wei. E. Holined. A full attendance re quested. 3lemtwa ot Fist, Temnies ate Ineited to attend.. Ile en! r: .1 It. hindri. W. It. P'.7-a:, rlrry nrxou. July •27th. I Rio. NOTICE:—The assessment for grad ing. thgvinu and curbing of .12d street. from Butler t to the AlleglienT }oll, ronit. 110 reedy fur 0.1111111%11. , 11, and ten be in-I,ll[oli "gl l! ee until ritilJA r. AUGUST sth. I ttio..bc.n It will he returned td the Trensurere ultee fur tel. eetien. 11. J. 1110011 E. .1,17 • City Engineer. rtry F:staNNl:lt's ormr. lit, Or A $.1.t.itc,.) . . Jolt 1870. i , far the zrtictinit ntnt renhtg alley from OW street I.; 1.0 alley I. non,of for .Ixamlnathlp and c or•an nt: tbli °Mee util STUIII.II. ugti , t I S7o..hen II 1.111 Inc rolto,cl lit the 'r a". "I. " 'lti'l7;."lV.tVit‘,. Ca, Ettionf.or _ • . A _ FULL SI"PPLY OF • STATION ER}. • oittnined itt the •kt 11r.S. 1 lAN' EN& ('( I=l IMBIZII XN „ 0 , 11 ,. /11 ,, N ,o 'A ri N ,r l i : t E; 7 ( , : r r e,.. u t i . 11!n o F t. J o sunr r s y I:riestleelling houses wide set tife PII. Ile it ordained unit enacted by the City of urgh, In helect and 'Common e nac t as senthitol. and It is hereby iirslalned and enact erer authority tit the rattle. that nrondstion to t tout two story brick aweltieg houses on .10th street- 17th ward, between Butler Street and fireensburg l'ike,to be built wlthoutllrewailsaborn the roof. with a reasonable cornice on each and of Id houses. I. hereby granted to James hugger. nn r ro 2. That any ordinance. re pan thisconflicting with the passage lir Unite natl., at the present lime he, and the same Is hendir repealed, so far at the swat" alreetil title Ordinilnr. I . . Ordained andacted into a ill, In Council. tide 23[11 diy. of J uly. A. D. 11470. • PrPtiliPtit of Word Cnnell. A1t.... ~. Nlounow. Prealdont of Contmop Coonoll Attc...t. H. NtoSl,Hyrry. =titellEMEZE t N ORDlNANCE—.lntliolzitiz the linable,. Paving and Curbing of tire:l,llle Street front Wylie Avenue to Webster Avenue. SECTION I. Ilc It ordained and enacted by the (Icy of Pittsburgh. In Select and Cone:non Councils assembled. and It is hereby ordained lied enacted by Ternn for proponals fur the Gradini. Paving and Curbing of tlranville street. front y Ile Avenue to Webster Avenue. and to lot tile +.131e Illthe plan ner 1111. ft-fed by an ordinance concerning sCrAets, pes,ed August al st. 1.537: also an act concerning Street. approved January Uth, Ste. 2. That soy onllnance or part of ordinance conflicting With tile pass:timer thlsordinanee fillip present time, be and the :untr is hereby repealed so fur as the totnt. affects this ordinance. Ordained nod enacted into a law In Couuctls, thni 2711, tiny britty.e. A. D. 1970. • 7 JAMAS SIeAULEY. Ilresident of tlelect. Connell. Attest: E.S. Itottituty. . TO-LET.—No. 30 Esplanade I . treel l t Allegheny. 110f1tilt of Troonto entitle:Medi minim gat throughout: hot and cold etater . kitchen. PossetTlon given September lett Appiy I on prendsmi, or . 1:: JOHN S'YEItItETT. and Mortgages,l— , - , • amoed DeedsJuitlf I • t I'reeidunt of l'ummvn Council Atteet if. 0 EMMI:M=I! BLANK BOOKS Writing; Allil .W ra lipiiig Papers, . • COPY ENO PRESSES. • Writing Fluids and Copying Inks, BONNKr T 3 <5 . A71 Cr) , Record Books and Dockets, FOE SALE RV W. S. 11l VEIN. 0 CoH.NRIt WHOIP yr. ASa TIIIIII , hT" IT NEWELL INSTITUTE rN,. 255 2ond 267 Penn SI.. P:ttstuirgh. , ' WIII , CroPeII , OII MONI , A T. , EPT. sth. Terms 1140 per s.P.slon Of rn Ladies' School. Tenchra-klisge,Wstkins. Liggett. Sackett. Vreneh- e Prof. Duna, Mit-le-Prof. Dellam. Prow:or-Mei 3!. Lefton. S toll course of atmly pursued., • Boys' School. • 'teachers-Misers. Stacrurn. Burchfield. Sloane, Brubaker. No can'sC sln German Judy and in Eloeutionilally. charger. Regularetrarulnatton of els., ...retell; by the Principal. Rennet reported. Buena. end College }lntern, Diplomat to be turned-to 'twee dnervlruythem °SLY. • The bout, from 9 to Inlet ly. The pant record of thenu afford's pledge ottlntellhemr. yirn e /rou , r. Talthf n ul work. er7ry rare '1,.24Z1" . " to "1 Y.",T".447'.:11".W.1.741. JOHN STEVENSON'ST SONS & (JO., 93 Market street; Pittsburgh. • =I • Have un Land all the latest novelties in lino Jew.: err; slat, surer Metes and Silver Plated Ware of new deelgmb minable for wedding rifts. {raw-tics of all the American makers In gold and silver cum Oath Key and Pendant Winders the on hand. as well • full variety Cl the Boer grades otthe Swiss Watch. Including Jar. gansen. Jac t, Pe rromme. and others. We call part/pulaghttention to our factlltlew for repairing ant regulating Una Watches. To that branch of our business we give special care. Order" by mall 'promptly filled. Denten, of any goods sent In denwhhrrby mall at meat.' SU - AIME 11. RESO.ItT. Loretto Springs, 0A B 1A ( 0 . , I'A. This hummer Resort. i. .1 tulles Imre Creesers, Adssuluees unexcelled. Ereurelon Tickets by the Penns. It. It 'CO. am be hied durteg the summer. Terms very moderate. ,,, , Circular end roll Info, F: - - A : it; 113i1ON. 11151=1221 ARTISTS AND ENGINEERS' ATERI AIJS. ritovti.r PAi.Ell: inch TRACING LINEN, DRAWING INSTIBL BENTS, CM , Sh SECTION PAPER. TIIUMA TACKS, GRADED • PENCILS. CEA TONS, IVORY IA.ND BOX WO9D SCAI.t, ac,, &e.. ALLAN C. BAKEWELL CO. 75 Wood Street RE IN TOVAL. Laing k AlciCa Rase removed to 347 Liberty oh. lately °courted by Culp t Shepard. when they will be pleased to meet their friends and the public Outran) , They Lhasa constantly on band a choice assortment of Family Flour. (Rath. Feed. Laud and Calcined Piaster: }Clete Liras. Foundry Fleur. Baled Ray, he. They ere It" general agentafor the celebrat ed Johestown Hydraulic and Louisville Cement mad . AntbradteCoaL. DOG lIRIZZ!..VG ' Wt MUZZLES! SO dozen DOM MUZZLES. asiiortod, aultaile for •11 silo curs. Those bovine ■ valuable dog should purchase one. Ver only at IROQTAT I f•ROQUET ! tit elute Oa mf entire stw.•e of tbei bore mentioned goods• f will sell any of ibe fisi• have on hand below • -• • -•• . BASE BALLS! , . I bate b good sasurlat.t 01 PUIIiZ DALLS on beryl. A ny WO' ~ ' 4O" w* " .4 the al. '. goods as ytmtm. 0.24... below mg. It . . ..r.OlllB 110W36. la% - 136 SOndstreet :SCIS$0101! • Aro a kind. a_ cutlery Octuod and repureil Ip 0 . but coikaw. Also STULL STAMM et.I.IMI nada sad repareS THE WEEKLY GAZETTE X l3 . l . llelfrAT ANT CIIISAPMIT Commercial and Rim') Newsiralti PCULI6IIEI) IN IF EYSEILN VENN I NIA No farmer. .rebbble, er Niel - char. bbbutd ritbolt H. Flu& subscribe. llubs of doe flubs Of Mu copy to furnished urstultnusly to the uetter.uo of n Club of ten. Pottutustent are requetled to sin as Arent... Address. • . •• For ant ...retain, ‘ o,, t LINES, 1110 IS inecried in tin... coluvoisoncs trs :sTl'-F'Ft•}; CI:NES; each adfillt.innii FMo LIVE Et.'s,, ' . A Mtuat lon 19 a tionng' ‘l,:k. A thieve,. "ti{ sbtflrg IA7 .1 NT E 01: SI N'Ess Mu.- .7t s A gentlemen well einannet h ee... * in,.rtzot ttettory and telenble e..ulzeet by ad dre,lnir. with inform/aim] rynl references, lee lonpnny. Box 001. Postve., New York jrc—op...tway A XT ANTED—Sheet Inm Clattuney,24 v to 30 incle. dlemeter and 20 to 30 I'm stalls( zP2O 5 ' "IVA N T nt etl tel,y, a.Drt:sa 31AKElt et No. 33 MINI auret. Nowt flt x n ext4.11..11.•ed totnl net , d &Norf..: AV!" ANTED—AGENTS—For tp tieU v v th. no itr..o lle'rrl.Kscnetslt 3tAmINE tommintion Ini , ell7 end oluntry. Appl! i tt . .s.o 7 111 Snltth doh{ ,trtet. . ATA NT El). ECREITS.--Severat v v .toat[ed, Able bodied tuen, , ofryt m y tt i v , en tltl It the eK Thin t 1 ",',g11`24 gg. t,eet lei toe Ilettelloo: Ape, at the Wineg OA 1n3t.5.1. Font of 4' street. NTED— For thet..., T..wrthtto Schuol!Ulstrlet. The it , sre of ont meet ft CLICVMIII SCIIOOI. 110U+1,. to ”ht townshlP.oe July the 311th tag o' I. M. 11. B. !MASS. Jim s.l.l:tiaT Sorrels of Board, ANT A.. Wo rk 1 . 14 m for Farm litricseard k rk. Se ve ral . 141: 4 St. A6 Ite Cooking, Chnuibernork. lanln m ort ana linta work of on de...i i! tton. fP7 , I " ; Ist 'EMPLOY -I.IiN•I.I.II,FICIS.No. 1 Sixth Week tire. dour Suspension I.lridire IVANTED -- MOIiTGAGES. • • • 30.000 to Ltousin luxe or amao slOontat• • at • fair rate "1 lattreat. W ANTED—MORTGAGES. Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan r • In !ergo or small amounts on property la Alneslusar county at o fair rate of Intereet. • . ELIA KLEE JEREMY, ' ales) Estate Arent:' ES Grant /treat. LOST, AND FOUND. 0 'T-A Pocket Book containing t J bout $l3O. The finder will to libemOy .i.ordrd , b, Waring It nt the GAZaTTE COUNT ING ItOuNt fir the owner fat' LOST.—CHECK.--On the 12th or .L..• 13th Inst., a CHECK' for 113.11.2*, Na de. dated 13111 July Inst., drawn by Wm. /lineally a Co. In furor of tlenars. Bridle, Inall,ty bear.. The Inter will 'dome lento It at No. IN and VIII AVwo nt , Oni. Au Tent ha. been stopped Hl, of no wl value to Way one. lolnall A. LI. HAUXAIt. VOUND.—JULY nth, A LIOHT .1 DROWN COIV. or 1) yearn old. Oer. wAtl - llutle and pa, charge. and take herawaT' It o W ENS. Ohio street. near Enst:Lnia MS-Mr N= Country Residence. At Maga - wood Station, lacer DOUBLE TWO STORY BUICK IIUCSk and mow', 3 was of rn,tind. The house w al. 18 room° al. • vrsal of tent water In Fatale°. Any one alma Of • apletier house will d° well to and fizatnin• 1101 pre rty. Will into City property In pert eerulellt If suitable. Fot further Information 001 at the 'place, opposite apirorth Station, on - the P. h. It. 1,015°S .10711334.4133.. I A 711 4: Fc!! " e l ! r ° Il d l Bth!,J~uurµlap rarer. Terms tsdderetc. :• _ ed SALE.—A BEICK DOUSE, cow . .1 bet. of Laren and Baal street, eesen roam 7I th gruel tont In front. The ben loath°, In the tti were. Will sell low as I wish oto this country . Apply nt 84 I'AN/ AN STREET,. or MI. d . ! . e:1 , 1a?11so. 8111.aan Wait. 1.11 1 - 4 'OR` SALE CHEAP.—S2,SOO buy is house with ten rooms and hall, wiat our tots 21 ,fait faint by 106 Sea In death insse stabling. !continua a forty feet area ca4hall aqua°, backof rannsylapnis arenue,,Twentleth ward, near Eset Libertyf....47ply at 174 Grant street. near Seventh corner. - L OR SALL-BM6 FAII3L—Con i.• TAINS 240 ACII.III, nno hundred aid. sale acres under cultivation, balance woods. Improve ment—a dwellags, 0017 /arse barn and Wanks. and sheep alum, orchard and well watered by sicial ,‘ l , creak passinAt d ltrutip a i the Vree k eltreahe ml Lo ng u ' lSTlVlr A g`!..WEb.47ll . rm r h t., Till:fp and chorales. The farm an he O. BleM P re9., aex KTUTA Moorth . Ava.. F SALE. Several Seoond-hoefl WAtic , NS. ggtl!ll`venrtßit in ! ".E. In gaud "d.r. Apply to • JOHN DYER. ' Coner e o n , touth Canal str ee t =d / Coup{__- htrte 'FOR .kLE. — Engin nd /. Bller', -.- 'New itud &wild Iland.ul aLlklnde.sonstantlY un hand. ; Orders irt a all parts of /it - tended to. /AIMS ill/. Corner Marion Avenue and ± iI SOSPI. i. ..!, ~.—. . 140118/LE CHEAP. ... 011., ..e; YOU CITY PHOPERT ItMIDENCE. constanlns 20 thereon: one. a tine. aunt( honseteoutt Cr. In Western ennsyle term the why. on the waters 'V ot • mile DIM Stewart's road. Also, seven/ good F Asd bonzes for We. Engel s 7 c) 1/ 0 ar_en_ll.3.l. 1 'OR riA 1.--08 8 EARS'CREW'f. IB L 079.1• acre each orchard of taxis Omer -1 t1ge.1 . 4 ,. .141111e .' M wog 'the °Ulm. Pilo. ' ~, 9 0 1?(PIrS AND to : r, toil of choice bearlngfritli. ' 17.1 1 111728EW COTTAIIE. 0 room.. odd hall. ' front and side pof2ooo, 2 +lllllnfs, 2 tame odd. halt „ gropd well of water at Welt door. ouriag• boom gad rtable.gmpes bearing. yonre orchard eftring.aneas , .; , v . low of the cities and ylvws. opposite mouth of ' p• .... wl • it. Min fifteen ...Mae walk of•tr .. \ cline. Enquire of ' . W. LIBRA T. on th• premise.. ' • lehrl•Sint I. 4 `dit :%714'..---.tiie eliitiie — iiiit : .t. Z'slljr: l '..,TVAVOi l oirilre'llbh:” ptep• . city le very desirable , bothon amount of Its low. '''' replane and reasonable perm. Amy o on•dmlrt!o . - . s t ..:l=ble home 11601110.mA fall • -.y ...., fe1 ' n r. irg: ',. .. , : ', r.r... , .. - .1 6 ,v, id ..,% t irbxe1.: -. present fora very reasonable oonsideratlou. it ' will mates pretty spot for • handsoon rootdises. • .... On Boundary street-A Inane- dwell UM (2 MOM, belowits value. /800-Lots/0 by 100 Mcli pl.limultly ts. ...„ ted now thn Pentrolvar la Railroad. mar be par. • ' " elated sts/I by n 1 ,1,10011 th. corner of Papa !pd . „ ; 334 street. Jyr• 14`OR SALE—PROFER . - ,• - 1 .. The two story notrble Mime, the residence of Hobert 8. Kennedy. En.. stljnining the rendestea . of Messrs. Wm. and Ilny Vitol l kir nod Wen.Coopai... In Alptiore township. on thelNew Brighton won; .bunt 3 Wine from the etty. I The boa. contalai • 14 rooms; lin, to. boon and uniting room; sum, - suer kitebennad laundry ondont-hoose.connel," to the main bonding: the Inas* I. .opptled wills. •,••-, water nod ion. The grounds. comprinag abOUI, 101 i saes. no. tastefully Ind. out and are slanted nth no nboodance of fruit And ornamental t 0.,., • 'small (Wife. Ac. On the prensisesere a large stable. cold graPery. bonen and jeardnees hone of -,. 3 rooms. Verner dtadon, oitita P.. Ft. Iv,* C. It. 11. Is .Item • few mint well of the bond*. For terms. midair* al the PIAR4 MILL. Abe. shoo, • j**44. . 0 TDV.ixtrE iN PI!ICES lAN Cs DOWN 6. 136 NoIA Writ. Wattles &Sheafers WI FIFTH AVENUE, . . J A it Es nOM'x•a. 137., Y T" . . DrAVALIZIMIM C . before The Advanoo In G01d... ?everything In our line we are Milne !helper then any other honor In Meetly. reritte $l,ll us erg. V D W NA I T S I T O ON N S F E OE N A YO Y Uhatiiln gMEM.- noolloWl rat 11 LiVillreMY Viferi ITV,. bra rivit mom to nottostll deEnsgathorn for astin. OT for .a, d, 4=0402.' lege. But at costold, TM* TO__. III, OSSAS.. ovot._ For