The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 26, 1870, Image 4

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Pewee:leaving the . city for the
rod wishing to hare The (azeri
ihem, pitane senditteir addree,
oalea. rrica by Ion)1. 13 rents per
SuretiY,Thonte Cuff threatened
Dickson violent bodily Injury, an
quence thereoT Janice mode Inforu
tore theMAM agalnet Corr roe 11
warrantwas Hatted.
Con to • der , auar
the larceny ot,a wat: .1 arrest e
triorttlng,r after a restera
committed to jail in default of La
appearance at Court! •
The hiternt,--A tiro r.F curial fromb
wane of erection at ' , FleMing Stati
FoxLWarne It *as 1110%-n dam
theitort9sesterday morhing.
alirolriceatherboarded Dad she iOll
Dlscharave.—Victor Jones: who
rested Sunday morning •ou a charm.
tear, which we paid •esterdayr
charged, the evidence be - ng lusuttlt
warrant the 11.17py label lug him tol
at Court: - _ •
Ao Sankownet - Coaan 'was t
grata train Sunday eveni
Statter, on the Pet..Thal i.
eelved an ugly gash to the he
sldensbly bruised Inward
cited at the time.
- -At an end.—The Mint au, nelarir
gal and barbarous work otdlstributin
promtscuously through lb streets h
Why was IL, stoPt.” I It was
should have been continued ,and it
should gayer have been commenced;
'truck b) ti.
K. Dear Sr
la Cntrnl
head mid
llc u a
School gleetion.--On Saturda Jl
- the meeting of the Board of Lo y.
ce u
township. Prof. W. T.: Lindsay, of It
dietown. Pa., was chosen Prineipa
Wert Liberty schools at a s a
alary of
assistants bring chosen at former n
....._... . i ,
The City Food..—The City Treasurer yes
tenter transferred the balance In hihands,
bemiring to the city, to the three ba its des
ignated AS city depositories and the was
ollicially reported to COUTICiiI, nn swill ppear
T k ct
trout the prOCeedlihril of that body, pabehshl
The Atery Guars,—The new company of
colored men. commanded by Capt. George W.
Massey. have been christened the "Avery
Guards." It is the Intention to have the com
pany uniformed to time to take part In the
grand demonstration to be made by the col
ored people to this city In dement ber.
Ptiaripal Elected —On laßt Saturday even
ing, July Md, at a meetingof the School
Board In the Miner Street Schaal House.
(Prof. Cook, Priticlpal,)•Wm. T. Lindsey. of
West Middletown. was elected Prluelpal for
.the coming year. Salary POI The assistant
teachers were elected at a fanner meeting.
Obittotry.—We learn from the:Philadelphia
Evenirdtaln of the _let inst. that A. 11.
'Matto , Principal of the , Pennsylvaaia Insti
tute f r Deaf and Dumb. illest on Wedneeday.
'the 18ih inst.. at tituyvtemnt, Columbia coun
ty. N. Y. Mr. Hutton occupied the posi
tion of Principalot the lostitutioa for ovrr
thirty years. •
Insulted film.—N -
r. C. A. Mulles AV. pass
ing Valentine Denhart's saloon. Fifth ..and.
Allegheny. Sunday morning. when his mus
ings were interrupted _by nicatine. who as
sailed him with all manner or vile and abusive
epithets. Yesterday Mr. Mulles called upon
Alderman Bowden. The call resulted In
warrant being issued for Valentine's arrest
for dliorderly conduct. -
Knock Donn Argument. —Owen Ilnmilu
and Thomas Tagget gut Into nu altercation
yesterday on the Tranco.Prussion war, and
the duty of Irishmen in rcintion to the same.
and to convince Tagget that his position was
the correct one. Hamlin knocked hint down.
regent, In order to convince his antagonist of
the falsity of his argument, made information
before the slayor. charring , Hamlin with' asi
unlit and battery. A warrant was isaued.
A trunk withitit ct:dents. at one
hundred dollars. vrawt a he hash; ofvalued litigation
before Alderman Munster* yesterday morn
ing. Mrs. Era Howard charged Mrs. Kate
Smith with the larceny of the trunk. : The ac
cused urns - Indignant +and deigned that she
merely_ held it n* security for muff which
Mrs. Howard had borrowed of her lust Win
ter and never returned. The case will be ad
'lusted to-day.
Aseanited a Bey.—Harriet Clark made In
formation before the Moyor yesterday. charg
ing George Hennas with assault and battery,
alleging that the attuned had abused her son,
Neaws is emuloyed at the Gaa Works, and It
appeara that a number of boys were throwing
stones over the walla Into the Gas Works.
when Negras went out, and catching young
Clark. shook him, Nelms was arrested, and
after a hearing was held to bail for his ap
peaSanoe at Court.
Mr. ltdwitril Martin 14 a storekeeper at
Oakland. 'Mr. Fred Winkle Is a gardener In
the locality. An acquaintance sprung uphn
• tweet! them and so did it - little Mr.
' Winkle befog the debtor. A slight misunder
standing was the result. Mr. Martin, peacea•
bly disposed, and Mr. Winkle, with his war
paint on. met at the latter's house to discuss
the Matter. It had been better they had not
met. Mr. M. was driven from the premises.
• and has sought Alderman McMaster 's protec
tion. Theault for assault and battery will be
settled to-dny.
irz•ok It 00.—Itesenge Is sweet—some-
Oboes. - ft trap not the case yestenlay in the
case of Marc Daggett n blooming lass of
sweet eighteen. The maternal Daggett had
been Mulled by Mary Purcell, nod the anal
heart of the daughter was filled with wrath
thereat. She repaired to the Pureell_mausion
to "take It out - of the offender. but like
some other people who go for wool, she was
disappointed. - Me-returned home shorn of
her chignon and a bald spot on the top of - her
head. Legal measures were neat resorted to,
which accounts for the anxiety or ilderm.
IrMaster'e police to see - Mary who Is - charged
with assault and battery.
P. licArtoLe, merchant.tailor on Smithfield
street, leaves for Cope May to-day, to spend a
few weeks on the Sea shore: ' ' .
MK. firenlitrr.General Freight Agent of the
Pittsburgh. Fort Warne and Chicago
sad family, I ye td-day for Cape Hap.
They still begone - me . three weeks. •
Nor • ary Report.
' The folloorluelo are the number of deathr
that occurred duLtir tbe-wcek . ceding July
!U as ln reported Dr. J. Guy McCandless,
Do Physician of Do ed of Health: '
Drowning.l; ronebltic I; Infantum.9; Con
anmption. 3; Co VlibiOrlll. 3; Crannosls , 1; De-
WHY. 3; Dlarrh .2; Disease 'of :the Itmln.'3:
Dingle of th ,Ileart. 1; Liver, I; General
Dropsy, 1; F.cla , psla, .1; Emphysema, 2; Fever,
r, Puerperal Fever, 1; Scarlet Fever, 3; Ty . .
• . RridtrAlT'll';ll2T, 4117: 1 .i,liotrelain 1 ;; ! 1 ."1 - ;
I,3amatlon of Stomach. 1: Inuiltlon.l... afar
asmna, 1; Premature Birth. 1; Scrofula. 1 . ; Sun-
stroke. 1; Thrugh Infantile, 1: Unknown, 2;
tIII 111rtIts.41.--
Of the aborer -
ere were tinder I idar; 2:1;
front Ito 2. fr m"tos, 4; from sto 10, I;
from 10 to 15, I; f om It to 30,1; from 20130.
• to M. 4; from 40 to W. 3; from 51 to
2; from IN) to •1: from toril.l.'
es.3l; Tema es. 22; White 54; Colorml. 2 ;
College Conntienrentent.
- The annual commencement exercises of
Washington and Jefferson Colleges at Wash
ington will begin on next Sabbath evening, on
which the Bacciln.umte sermon to the. Senior
elss>i will be delivered by Bs , Jas. I. llromn-
son.D. D.. of Washington. OnTnesday even =
lag the address before the Student's Christian
Association will be delivered by Rev. 5..7. M.
radon, D. D.. of Franklin, Pa. On Wednesday
liming. at nine o'clock, the re-onion of the
Literary Societies wdl be held. On Wedne.
Or evening. Hon. A. K. Meanie: of Phlladel.
Dian. will deliver t h e address before the ;Lit
erary exercisesen NVeduesdev evening, at
ten o'clock te Alumniwiff
take place. r. .
1K.,0 ou- h Thursday (
morning the
givenCommencemen ercises of the graduating
class will be The class. of MO nuin
bers nine, as follows: Sclent(tc-4.1. G. Eagle
son, 0. D. Orledy. S. IL Tnissell. ,Irodemirol
—A. T. Bell. Griffith 11. Huniphrey,Jos.
Lawrence, Henry It. McDonald. John De Coe
Herrin, Berkey H. Patterson.:
"About eight month. ago. a sprightly.
possessing boy about teventeen years of age.
'tame to this city from Philadelphia and oh
' pitied employment In n respectable family.
He-wan not only exceedingly bright and In- -
breettnit was well educated for a boy of
his age. and his manner about the house in
which he was employed made such a favors.-
' bhp Impression upon the anaemia of
the offiabliehmett that she todk quite
falser to him, and according to
. 'statement she induced him to east oft his
*.oomentionables"-anddon female "tannery.-
Hewes known as "Lulu Johnson.' and was
painterly Installed In the hones na a female
warrant: no one. Ij appears, about the estate
lishment doubting his ma, or knowing but
what bewaa what . hiadreas indicated. except
the mistress.
in this way matters continued for a consid
erable length of time. even up until tine day
let week when "Lulu" thinking he was not
, receiving full compensatiou homeis labor.
' concluded to leave his new and seek
: another, and when he left by some unaccount
able means. a breast pin and pair of ear
- Tinge valued at $l. the property of
Mn. C., 'the lady of the boom left
, with him. The husband on. hearing of
the departureof ?•I,,olti".and the lops of
*the Jewelry. made 'information before the
'.:-Mayor charging "Lulu" with larceny. .1 war
- rant was intent. nod ;dared la the hands of
011ffier Mooe,who bound him einPlored in e
- loon on Wood street. but to hit surprise
" Luiu .r. a boy. when Informed that be
sru wanted at the Mayor'. Om
I : : Of . stealing Jewelry. be r rankir on st a at c ed harn to
. the officer, who thought still that Lulu anw
gtrland had donned the male attire to "rate
dense:Moo, that he was the identical
s o bs be was in search of but that he ivy
--'. o girl. neither had he stolen the jewelry,
but had taken it le no t peneatiop for services
Performed while In the house. The - the
was willing to believe e part of the
story but not all' of It. He could not be
persuaded that '"Lulu" was a boy. not
a bit of it.- "Lulo" was taken to the
- Mayor's office. and aftersatisfylag ic e Honor
. that he was What apparrel Indated, be
- -gave a full atatemeet of the affair. The
prosecutor oresent but could not be con;
=but what "Lulu" wu a dd. The
try was returned and "Lade allowed _tq
returnee the sebum at which he
th e emploY
with* promise to return to the Mayor's
mote this montingat 10 o'clock for a bearing.
so the matter ended. - '
tilde eha hie of f Winn performances . at
PO/mfr. Moog m
('ITS cousems
Politicos auk Commouleia,lona—liepori • or
Colonthireo—liohnoeco• mod liesointloo.L
The 11:nexpoodekBaloute.
A regular triettinx . of the Select and Com
mon Connell of tho city of Pittsburgh Av as
held yesterday. Monday. July
o summer
sent to
ores to the
The rolloujng members '
Messrs. Ahl,Mann, Aiken. ' Arthstrong.
ertr t i, Ucrliu .. &kens',
Friday. Glenn, Gros, Hartman. Herron,
How, donee, Kehese, Kirk, Laufman, Lid
deli. Linen. Lloyd. Morrow, }lurdnell, Thu.
.ray. Ale Ewen, McMahon, McCarthy. Phillip , ,
Meer, Schmidt, Scully, Seeley Thompson
Wainwright 10111 White,
o Jot .
In con e-
Minn be
ret 3 -1
ed with
I T• wan
for kil4
The minutes of the pr.:A..110 :nee trig were
read and approved.
Mr. Morrow. a petition from Juhn Flinn, for
perutisition to repair a frame stable.
Petition received and permission granted.
Mr. Liddell. in petition fur privilege to erect
an ironclad building. on T‘venty-seven and
Rallread hreets. Accompanying which wet
an ordinance granting the injvilege. •
Petition received, and the ordinance read
three times mid passed.
Mr. McEn - en. a petition for grading Erin
street. Referred In SireekCountsittett.
31r. gelinsidta'a petition for the opening of
Quary street. and eleingim its name to
Race street/accompanying which was an or
dinance providing for the same. • '
Petition received and the ordinance read
Vre. and
i nd .elfttn ed t;sk Mr, that the ptn of
Mowry -Avenue be reconsidered. Accept bd,
Mr. flantwin moved a reconsideration of
!linnet ion of COMIOIS on the Adept!. 01 the
/deice plan.
Mr. Itrown raised the point of order that the
matter had passed out of the control of Coun
cils, and that a motion to reconsider must be
made before WWI ital. hail been taken diy
both branches of Council.
Lone In
on the
d been
will be
. ..s.
• is
legi to
I • Immi
i •lasdnl
lit m
nx, con•
us., Me
I Olt It
rung It
. . . .
Mr. Morrow moved that the clerk be in
strutted to bring. the paper or plan Into rout,
Cit. NO liCllOl3.
Ist. aai
• 3tl
of the
The ehnir decided that the notion wag in
• •
. . •
The quystion thins recurred on the motion
to reconsider Which Was adopted. .-
• Mr. Kirk offereen resolution retorting the
report relative tit !Staunton and Mowry liven
nes hack ;go the Survey Committee for reedu-
Mr.Ortils, Mr. Little in the chair, presented .
a resOlution Instructing the Water Committee
to have water pipe laid from Fifth avenue 'to
Penn avenue by way of Shady -Lane, and :List,
for the construction or cisterns as ii protec
tion against dry.. licaddhme titers and passed.
Mr. Murdoch• au-ordinance tar grading Wil•
kips avenue. Passed dually under a ...pen-
Mon or the rules.
. .
mr. Scully, a resolution lasi rikting the Sitt.-
.veY Commmet: to lay out and open inallld
edreet. Read three dales and panned.
Mr. Phillips. from the Finance Committee.
pre:waled 'a statement front the Tx ensurer
showing the gondltiou of the Treasury op the
prat of aly, as follows -
Receipts and expenditures on general ac
count from lebruary,l. IKU, to Juiy mod, inclusire: '
Revelptm. . .
- - -
Balance ....L... • $156714 72
Ha!nate in 3lunleilial tink'g I-"ad. IMUltla
Old city ..
. " Lawreneet ille.:1 ...
" " Peetdi4i . 5)
Deposited In thrm Dauks. ;11.1)1tI
. (Jr In each Dank. .... .1.. f 974.111
The hooks of the city Trrasurere pro.
ductal to show that she money had been - de•
i.:lilted as follows:
In National Trust ILIt
lit-Allegheny National Dank.
In Iron City National Rook.
The report Was received.
Mr. Keheer presented the following:
Hawked, That steps he taken ionnediately
to provide for salaries for clerks In the Treas.
Referred to the Ft:lance Committee with
power to act.
..• .
Mr, Bari/win moved that the ,tbove Ft:de
ment be referral to the Finance ,Committee
with instructions to report to Council whether
the ordinonne providing for keeping
of the city foods hos been complied with.
Mr. Littell moved that the statement ;de
tented be considered the report of the Finance
- ••
Mr. Phillips moved to amend the mo
tion of Mr. !turf/win by referring the matter
to T he
it iieclitl Comittee of five.
The amendme m nt was Adopted and Messrs.
flurgwin and Lloyd were appointed from Se.
aeel Council. and Messrs. Liman. S. Fleming
nd thiver. Jr.. from Common Council.
h.swararretbtt. burr.
Mr. Phillip.. chairman of the Fin:mit.
presented the following eonitinie
lion from the Controller. relative to t ni he wt.:tn
rate iudebtadnesa of the borough of Lime
rencevillet .
titzsiLai.sigsi At a 'inciting of the Finarses
Committee, held March 12, Is al, a sub-cum:nit
tee was appointed to Investigate the indebt
edness of the late borough of Lawrenceville.
The report of said committee has been pre
sented and approved by the Finance Commit.
tee, and they have directed me to present it to
you, with the request that coo authorize the
Controller to air the suns of $ of the
money, received y the sale of bonds for t he.
retiring of matured and maturing indebted
ess to the payment of the said LawrinseeKille
°lntuit. I . It. .1. Met:nu-As,
Accompanying the above was o re n solution
itiptructing the Controlleriti draw a warrant
for the amount above plated. for the liquid:,
(ion of the indebtedness of the borough of
_ . .
Accompanying the above was the repott of
the sub-committee. which was read.and re
ceived. .1
The resoilltion was mid three times and
passed finally.
The bid of S. ki sgrave ( or putting up signs
and letter boxes •as read, and the Controller
authosixed to cattily a
ti t.
warrant in his favor
(or the amount bill. .
The petition of ' muel Hastings for the set
tlement of a dal for the putting down of a
board walk Arco referred to the Street Com
mittee. I '
• • • -' - -
REPORIIi OF ornottmirs.
Jig Lloyd presented the report of the water
1 ,
committee for IL o. month of June,. occom
ponying ...which s as an ordinoue providing
for no abatement f lid per cent. on water too
in the Fifteenth a d Seventeenth Wards. The
committee report adversely to the passage of
the ordinance,
- . . .
The report wt. received and adopted, and
the ordinance lal present.
for the psent.
Mr. Kirk Inc, that the report be printed
in the olticial pa nof the city. Adopted.
- Mr. Kirk preented the report of the com
mittee on' Allegh ny wharf. which nets forth
that the receipt from the whorl for the
month of June.:l O. were nothing, ... • 7
The report wadaccepted, and un motion of
Mr, l'hlllips Wit 41 directed to he printed and
the vouchers called for.
. .
Mr. Jones preseuted the report of the Com
mittee on Monde, which seta forth that the
expenditures of 'the Committee to July Ist,
WO, mere O, $11.7C 40, leaving a balance of $lO,-
057 0) in the t9Prpnriation.
The report wal received and accepted,
Mr. Joa o ,
the opening of . Tustin street,
eis presented a 'report of the
`cowers ,
which woo appreived.
Also an ordinance providing for "the grad
ing. of a portion of Madison street. Itead
three timer and passed.
Mr. Phillips:called up an ordinance provid
ing for the eonstnicticm of esewer on Third
street. Pretented and ;asses( to a second
reading Mn Presto°, meeting.
The quests was was discuesed at considerable
length after chick the yeas and nays were
called oilptire final passage of the ordinance
with therollFlng result
discs—Mess. A ht. Aiken. Burgwiti, Devlin,
F.d wards, 't iday, Dross, !terror, House.
lieheir, Kirk, Littell, Lloyd, Morrow, Murray.
McCarthy, Phillips, Rees, Scully. To4l--19.
21 - ny.—Nlems. Armstrong. Brown. Collin.
Glenn. • Hartman: E. P. Jones, Laurtnrus,
Liddell, Murdoch, 3lcEwen, McMahon,
Schmidt, Seeley, Thompson, White. Total-15.
So the ordlannen was adopted.
Mr. Iturgwin presented n resolution in
structing the Street Commissioners to piece
safeguards on Second avenue at different
points incompliance with a resolution adopted
some Months since.' Adopted.
Mr. MeEwen called up nn ordinance for
grading:paving and opening 31iller street
passed to n siTond rending at -a previous •
meeting, and moved Its final passage. The or
dinance win imaged finally.
, An ordinance passed in Common Council to
"Den each alley was taken up and laid over toe
the present, on motion of Mr. Morrow.
Mr. Jones, imtition for opening Webster
avenue, In the Thirteenth ward. Referred to
the Street Committee,
Mr. Bargain presented a petition for the
opening and grading of Fortieth street, and
an ordinance pnividing for the same. The pe
tition was re eyed and the ordinance
On motion Coi sell ` adjourned.
Called to onto at ball put two' o'clock by.
President Tamilboron. Members preoeut: Arthur., Barton, Beckman, Black,
Booth, Bradley, Carroll, Casket', Chalmers,
Diamond, Duff, Edwards, Faxon., Fodder,
Fleming, .1, Mare, Jahn. Kobne, Lang, Leon
ard. Matters!, Miller.- Moore. Moorhead. Mos ,
can, Moseley. McCoy, McGann, McKelvey.
Oliver. Jr., Oliver. Sr.. Fender. Fronton, Sei
bert. Se If erth. Seitz, .Stildle. Slum Snodgrass.
Wallace and President Tomlinson.
. .
Min uten read and approved.
• . • •
-On motion of ~Mr, Oliver, Jr., the rules were
anspended and fild)business from Select Coun
cil first considered.
The followlnewas acted upon r. Resolution
for sewer drop huff. C.. referred to Street
Committee:l C. C. enamored ; Petition of
ormsby Passenger Railway for right of way
over certain streets, in 8. C. referred to Rail
road Committee. C. C. concurred: -Communi
cation from City Controller, In .S. C. accepted.
C. C. concurred Report of Committee on Gem
acennlipanled by a resolutionAtuthorlring the
use of gas Innimq as eh advertising medium. In
S. C. resolution noised. C. C. concurred ;
Ordinance Siring; Tomlinson & McKee
privilege to *rent nn Iron clad build
mg, in 8. C. read three times and plumed. C. C.
concurred; ortlinan`m granting Aler.. P. Logan
a similar Privilege as above, in S. C. passed.
C. (I. concurred; ordinance opening Linden
street, in 8. C. passed, C.C. concurred; resolu
tion for pavment of election office., In et. C.
passed. C. C. concurred: ordinance for open.
ing Lang avenue. In . S. C. passed. C. C. con
curred;petition for:opening Stnallman street,
In S. C. referred to [the Street Committee. C.
C. concurred: riMinance for opening Fifth
avenue extension.. la S. C. passed, C.
C. concurred; ordinance repealing an
ordinance for - opening • Valley Street from
Forty to Forty-ninth streets, in 8. C. referred.
to Street Committe.C. C. concurred; ord !nonce'
appointing a viewer on- opening of Forbes
street, In S. C. passed. C. C. concurred: report
Committee on Glis anti:noising erection of
hew lamps, to S. C. approved. C. C. concurred;
"nort or Committee on Railroad and Mon
migebelei wharf. 8.1 C. rend and accepted,
C. eoneurred; retiort of Market Committee.
S. C. mreePted, C. C. concurred: petition of
river men for relation of speed of touts:
S. C. referred to . oriongaliela Wharf Chlh•
Inittee to report an rdimurce, C. C. concurred;
remonstrance against newer on Third street.
8. C. referred toritztet Committee, C. C. 0011-
ellryed: _report. of Road Committee, S. C. read.
accepted, v. v. eoneerrea: ordinance authoris
ing the grading and paving of Bask
nliey, Eighth ward. S. C. paned. C. C -
non concurred arid laid over;
_petition for
grading. paving and curbing of Peach alley,
S. C. referred to Street Oumittee, C. C.•con
curred:. petition for public sewer In Third
-;ate ^ . ""• .5 'a,r.^.:«~.::;y:~~_„ r :.. ` 1"ti.:1..~_• .-- -~ ~ -,-..~., ',w-..-...a .. -w..- , ~.....< ::.. _~u -
ward. S. C. referred to Street Committee,. C.
C. coneurred: pPlitilkli of .11:ralewood,
stock and others in 'regard to city business
tax on hales made by cattle brokers. S. C. re,.
(erred to Fituincs Committee, C. Cconcorr e d,
petition for road In Twenty-second ward, iu
S. C. referred to Stftvey rimurtittee,r. e.
curred: licitt ion in relation to awnings, S. C.
referred to Street Ciiinotittee. C.C. concurred;
petition for opening Anderson street: Thir
teenth ward, S. C. referred to }toad Commit
tee. S. t''. concurred: pct idiot ofSmote Duffy.
it,king for Istytuent of amount due hits for
grading ?dolma , street. S. C. ordered to be
paid. S. CA conr.urred: ordinance changing
name Makon street to Camp street. S. C.
tutored. C. it. concurred: bill of Stewart
gee for $./,nn, over aSSCSAIIICIIIPI on Wylie
avenue grailmg. S:1•. referred to Street Chats
mittee, C. IC. einicurred: remonstrance
against the widening of Forty-second street,
S. C. referrad to Street Committee, S. C. eon
cd-trs•d: petition of property holders for the
opening-, of Fifth avenue extension. hi S. C.
accepted, C. C. concurred: ordinance forint--
mesa of assessments, S. C. 'noised. C. C. con.
eiflrreds • petition \ for oniming of Dalnts
avenue, S. C. :tcurpt 4,1, C. C. concurred: Peti
tion fur opening Webster avenue, S. C. Cr.
(erred to litimnittee 4111 ROadit, C. It. concurred:
oislinance for-granting Martin Froonier the
right to erect an ironclad building in the
Sloth ward. S. C. passed, C. C. concurred; or
d 111:1116. granting .Messrs. Dickson, Marshall.
& Co.. the right to erect an' ironclad addition
to their toundrv, . S. C. passed, C. C.
concitn•ed: remonstrance against opening of
Valley street. S. C. accented C. concurred:
petition for l 'enter pipe, S. referred to
Wateratomm tree, C. C. concurred; resolution
for an ordinance prohibiting the driving of
eat tle on Fifth avenue. passepin S. t C: C.
concurred: :resignation of ,Slataper, S.C.
nevelit ea. C. C. ihinctirreil: resolin it:kliirf
Mr. Shama -r to rem:wider Ms action, S. C.
Pas•"•ed. CI. concurred: remonstrance againtr
grading cm, Try p.
to Coon Mee Streets. ol.:tared.
The sleek 'W:IS now clear business;
and new Wit. , taken: up.
Mr. Morgan offered the following: •
W lamas. -We hare beard with regret that
the red planet of war that,, so lately ret up.
the Poona:itr hat , risen again 'upon the Maine
Wm:it...As: The eterinatr flat ion is so chisel;
bound to Its hp the strongest ties Of relation
chip and Lloo.l. and hare taways been In taro,
or roe largest. liberty for the largest number,
ut are to he true sense or the word !tenet.-
.:b o ut hundred thousand wore
tile blue during our recent -nroggle tar t lo•
preservation ut the ro ow, therefore
/, %voile we acknowledge the wahy
arts of kindness ext ended to our country, by
tile Freneh nal ion the Infancy of 'the
Republie, and will always revere the memory
letinyette, we utterly detest and despise
t his ,usurper of the French crown, t his tours
Cter of .I.!.frue press. this murderer nit Ftainch
itepuhlieanism. and this throttle disturber of
the peace of Europe, who styles ormeeir• Ma
pole°. the Tit Irtl",-liittitentr of the French.
16,4:I404ll • r Vet.] to he United
Germ n o tion our heartfelt sympathies, and
bid diem no Piro ur.lnittil the lutpeilal despot
of France shall be driven from Europe, and
the nation regain the liberties of which he
has robt.cti them:
Alter the reading or
Nir.Alctiadvy 010/V1.1.1 t heir ittlupt ion, anti the
forwarding of a, copy to King Within,,, of
Prussia, which was carried with applause.
Mr. Carroll, a 1 - m11 . 431.4mm.° agulast grunt
ing the Ormsby Ptmsen gerßailwaya the rigid
of W2l) . 011 Third avenue. Referred to Hail.
road 0011111 itt re.
f 45 Ikll 1 I
451«144 441
Mr. Hare, an ordiuMwe mite riding semi°,
10. city Code KO u. lh atrikeoht t he word night
and I b sen policeman. an that :ill police, liar
night, ran make arrest. for corner !hating
1,141 61‘ the table.
r.ll'eaer.. a el unmunit'ntion (fln )1,.. Ma
gee IO relation In the extension of Federa
nt Referred to *be :street Committee. '
311% tlmalgro.s, n resolution for stone eross
;top: onleorner of Wylie Washington ave
on—. Referred to t to. rr:ot Connolt tee.
a ' , to ~..f tor ft., ~,,,
log on FU eft street, nr of Web... -
avenue. Referred to, Street Committee.
Mr. Moore. petition for gas Poops on (*ran -
for street. Referred to (tax Committee.
Mr. Oliver. Jr.. petition for water .pipezt on
Wylie avenue. Referred to Water Csmintittee
Also. pet Mon fora gns lamp eorner (oats"sett and Cliff streets._ Referred to tsar Coln
97401 21
97.A1l L.l
Also, pelltitm for repeal of ttnlinittiee Tom lug Roberts street. Iteferretl to :street
petition for approini of report of view
et, on Roberts street. Ileterreil to Street
Mr. Diamond. ordinance for grading. patine
and curbing of Twenty-risth street. Deterred
to Street 1 :km11111W.
Mr. MiiKelrv.petition of David Itbob asking
for a seater pipe on Twenty-seventh .street.
Referred to IVoter Committee.
Mr. lelCailvey. a re.:iilitt ion In regard So a
fire plug corner of Sinallizian and Twenty
ninth streets, Twelfth ward. Passed.
Mr. Jsines. pelltipn from Slessrs. Donnelly
and Keating. asking that Vggi:sll nerdeu is due
them fir grading Dl¢ttiddie street be paid.
Mr. Ilartiiii. petition - Kir a hoar team_ on
Roup street. Road Committee: Moo, petition
for Itutip 'street, =lnd ward. Re:
(erred o 1111:01 Committee.
A Iso.lortlin for a strom ferry at loot
Brady itreer, 41111 want. Roferred to Mono:,
erect.. Kip mf Conlootioo.
Mr. J. Flootin,rroototr Ito
townitor of F M rdor •I root. II I. Stleot
Mr. Jont. rtsmslutisht ii
the building 54
ed.ii n.. 11404 s tst tr.,. 1155 t 4 , 5 153•• 55
Buff, pet it 4111 for opening of Wt lie ave
nue east from .lanes-Ito.' to Hereto :,..n. -
Refer,4l to Road Committee,
Mr. Wallace. ordinance for the opening of
irilara street. Pa , eed.
M.:McCoy, a petition fora street crossing;
on Butler street. Itef.•rred to el reef Commit
tee. Willi r to Oct.
THE STOLL,. l'off nITnEE.
Mr. Morgan. from t he Conindt ttp. on Streets,
presented a report. accompanied l:y the fol
lowing business, which were dispost‘l of as
noted An ordinance opening Webster street
from Brant to Seventh . street. Rules sus
pended and ordinance paifed ordin
anon for grading 11.111 1103 A etreet
fpuu Forbes to LOeust streets. Passed
tinnily: ordinance opening a public street
in the rear of lots fronting On Wylie
avenue, !rum lien - Inters street to Swee
ney's alley. • Passed nnally: one for
opening . Arch , street from Kirkpatrick to
Cliff streets, lutU over, one for grading. PllV
ing and curbing of Forty-second street from
Butler to. Davidson street., passed nually;
report of viewers on Webster avenue. ap
proved: resignation Or iteinhtitt as
viewer On Federal strut. :.C4OPIed: ordinance
authorizing the vacation of Kititiostrick street
between Wylie avenue and Webster . . .tree,
Pgssed finally: for grmling.pnvlug and curbing
of Twenty-third street front .rent to Liberty
•treets. passed finally: report ori 012
ItobCll.s street, approved; report of viewers
'on Fifth :rvenne. aPProvvff.
Mr. Oliver. Jr.. of the Survey • Committee,
reported sevens surreys. and the following
toe the plans submitted:
Plan of grade.: on Wilkins. Wylie, Webster
and Bedford avenues. and plans of grade of
Chauncey,foues, Morgan and Francis streets.
The expenilltutes to July Isp were four
thousand live hundred ninety-nine dollars and
forty'-fire cents.
• •
The report was necepted and the plans
s p
Mr. Oliver. Jr.. also presented la resolution
auMmrizing the laying of a flagstone aro/mink'R
on Centre iterate, at Fulton street. Referred
to the Street Committee.
Mr. Black called op the ordinance nuthorit..
lag Inc , graer and paring of ritlC
Mr. Mora 1. a petition from citizens Of flie
Twenty-arst ward praying that the Surrey
Committee revise the survey made na. Mead
ow street In that ward. It was referred to,
the Survey Committee.
An ordinance changing the grade of Penn
avenue, in S. C. reserved tn Survey Commit
tee, C. C. concurred: Remonstrance against
the opening of North. stecet. In S. C. re
ferred to- the Street Committee. C.- . C.
coneurrett• Petition for an armory for
the East Liberty Greys, In. S. C. referred to
Committee on City Property, C. C. concurred:
communication relative to special tax In Lit.
erty township, S.C. referreefti Finance tom.
mitten. C. C. concurred: petition for leave to
erect telegraph poles. In S. I'. accepted' and
privilege granted, C. C. concurred: protest
.against the opening of Granville street. in S.
C. referred to Street Committee, C. C. con
curred; remonstrance against the grad
'log and paving. of Reed street, S.
referred to committee on Streets, C. - C.
concurred ordinance extending width or
North street at forty feet, In C. C., June flth. -
passed. S. C., June ittl h. referred to Ordinance
Committesi, C. C. redneileti and enamored: res—
olution reitue.sting City Attorney to give no
opinion whether the city in liable to refund
the tolls collected at any toll house, within
the corporation Mulls—the city not having
piirchased di... roads. S.C. passed, C. C. con
,l: ordinance appointing viewers on
Main etreet..S. C. passed, C. C. concurred.; re
portit of viewers ou Hoop street and on Her
ton nventw.'S. C. approved, C: C. concurred.
• Mr. Peader presented a resolution for n Bag
i'tone crossing on One corner of high and Wy
lie streets. Referred to Street Committee.
Reel Estate Transfers.
The following deed. went admitted of rec
ord in the office of Thomas 11. Hunter. Record
er for Allegheny county, Saturday, July M.
William Clayton In John Meyer, July 21, IMO;
21 by 191 feet Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.
with buildings $12400
Joseph McElberron to James Gormley, April
1031; 9 acre. and PX.. perches In Stowe
township #0,711
Charles A. F. Melutyre to Robert J. Law, June
M. 15 2O by 100 feet on Rebecca street.
Second ward, Allegheny, with build lA ings
Agee,/ Wallace to Hernias Itandel.July B,Ig POO 3k .
13 acres. 2 roods and 12 perches in'Snowden
township. 1,1,110
.11117611A.11e111,114:11 to Ludwig Schmidt. July 12,
1870;1 7 by 110 feet on Penn street, Pittsburgh.
with buildinpi #41.500
puntlei S. Rogge to Gotten/ Lehmann, May 17,
1057 lot No.ll In Ilagke plan of boroughof
Mount Washington— SLIMS.
James (Sewn to Jacob Hahn. April 19.1970 • lot
No. 31 and part of lot Nu. 34 In John McKee'.
b plan of tee borough of Ilirmlngbant, with
uildings •
Jonathan Gallagher to Frederick Freyermuth,
July 11,1a7fg 1 acre and 73 perches in Reserve
wwmallp , r.,sao
Thomas Mellon to Samuel I'. Hollis. June la.
1070: lots No. P, 10, 13 and Min Mellou's Plan.
Lower tit. Cialr township gannil
AlsoreCelved the commieslon of A.G. lamas,
Notary Public for Pittsburgh. ,
!rah/Gnome Pair.,
1.111.: morning about brie o'clock a couple of
travelers, Wman and woman, arrived. at the
lock-up and requested lodginga. The man
gave hi, name as John Rix/tiler, and:said the
woman accompanying hint was his mother,
CuS deaf and dumb. They arrived at
Castle Gwen in October, 18tak and im
medtetelY went to Jaetirani Mississippi. as
r""micil .by about five hundred other
emigrants, to secure work on the plantations.
Ile' he .a r they Were cheated and hall
starved, ern after 'losing all their money ,
tsrned out. He started on his way. - back to
Washington to see if he could not obtain re
dress. He was furnished with lodgings, and
with has companion will resume ttreJoUrneY
thin morning.
New aealp Scene by White Cbiad 'and his
Thane at Iturnell'e Museum.
H ,„" V . Hatt, literchniit Tailor, bailed
received tilarge assoltment of linens and nl ,
yuccas, also a complete assortmentof goCobi
, for summer wear irecterally.- corn e r Penn
avenue lusii.PLiithatreet. • -.
• 31e4Idoe Man by White Cloud mud Troupe
at Burnell's-Museum.
The Athletic.. and Atlantic+ Vesterdey—tolos t
Park Peon-tied-lin tellehlted Game—How
the Atleuttes were Polished On; tt
Nobody. ezpected *ben the celeb • ted
Athletic ItaVe Club visited us 6:4 any
of our organizations world be aisle tit win
victory from It. There was good . reason for
- ibis in the fact that our players are not pro
fessionals. while the - foreigners are of that
class. It is their, business. and yet It was
thought an exciting' and passably close game
might lie played. which could not but reflect
orodit upo6 our otyers. although they 'were
With this expoctation in view, a large coin
pan; gathered at Union Park yesterday of
ternoon. The Athletics had for their oppu
nettle, the :Want ice of Allegheny who ar
rivals with the old Allegheny for the c h, m ,
pionship of Western 'Pennsylvania. The at
Cr club relied for making a Kinn! score, unto
the prusession of Ilroscy—a very swift pitch
er w h o gained considerable notoriety in
Rase Mall circles. They hod practiced bower
crewel nil the tield Id . as good condi
haveon spirits as the moot sanguine 'cool.
'The Athletics appeared in iheitatsaini
form, looking fresh nod brighGand thoro hly
ready for lanT. Jr.
shorly before threeWlelociiall the prelimi
naries were arranged. Mr. - 7. A. Wilson, of
the Fe nub, • E'ranklin. Pa., non chosen
tlantles won the loss and the Sthlet
lei were sent to the bat.
• • •. .
'llle visitors. by good batting 'itecitedect
with little dinicaltv in l:thing 15 runsrThe
ICS scored one when went to the
Lot. This discrepancy at not told no_the
Tinvers, The Athletics seemed - 1n feel they
hadlin 'easy victory before theta. and played
cstrelessl3'. The Atlantic, Were somewhat
abashed and lost their, usual vim.. The gnaw
kern!. on without music spirit after that, until
failigrain put a itnl, tll he
Athlcdics n we at the bat lord t
had tw owo
runs in their. sixilt Inning when the umpire
railed game no 1 re tiff b- inning. the score
standing' as foil. is: •
i). It.
I. It.
Reach, 24 L..' 2 3Ft opple, '.2 I
D. 2 3 Ilopse. I t.• I
Malnite. r. . 2 Drummond, 24 b .2 0
bff b ..2 I vulliran,c I. I 0
flenscuderfcr, c f p 2 0
Berry, cI. . I 3 1.111itillold„s s 0
Radcliff. xs. .1' 3 Page. 18t. L . ..1 0
Iteebtel.l f 1 a /lays, If .1
Pnitt. 34 b 0 4.Are11ib814.34 b . .2 0
AO:11.U, . • . 4, I, I. 3-24
Atlantic 'I. 0, I, 0, -
clenn hit- Athletice, Atlan
11:‘'111t4C4 nn errors—Atialcticr, It: Atlantic..
Left on leies,-Athletics. 1: Attitudes. 2.
limy of game one hour and twenty-flee
• . •
There teas nothing espeehdle wort hv in the
Pinyon either side. of the Athletics Sens
senderfer and Pisler.. were the facorities t
and made the ben, piny. StoPide of the At
!antics carried the paint on his side. The
A t hint tee dine ned wonderful skill at hatt log
which woe the Dole noticeable feature of the
game. Altogether it was not what had been
expected and the spectators were sorely dis
- appointed. Perhaps If the rain had not
terfered it might have prawn mom interest
ing It ;ward the dose. but as It was there was
such a manifest difference In the' Out's that
the play excited but little interest. •
. . . ..
At the close the Athletics exiireisseil n wil
lingness to have a game. If possible: with the
Allegheny on their return from their western
tour. They go U 1 •01/11,1g, to tilitY the Red
Stork ingr,tioniorrow. r t
White the game Iv. Imprerresa. Cart!' of
ou!: men at•eunded to steal tritt7The Park
ettinbong over the fence. Thee were ohs
served to the utnce,, who warned then: off.
lo9tead of complying with the demand, they
attempted to thrash him.. They foiled. The
logleup received! them. and taut evening ate
Peanut before Mayor Callow. John
one of then, wa:s tined CIO and costs. and
fauns Shafer, the other. $.l and costs. which
earta handed over. This woo the on!, Inci
dent which occurred to [oar the onler . ou the
4 eley ContractorTollretlag Paving %%owl.
Fru. a htt - conver.ltion held yesterday
between two or our leading city officials in
the presence of our reporter, relative to the
collection of certain assessments for street
paving, we are inclined to the belief that there
is trouble brewing, Sornewhyre. and that it is
likely -to Settle Leavii7Ron a certrillk street
i be pp
appears that is certain street wens ordered
uded and paved hy cltrorilinancel d
the contract Win. awarded to a well-know an n
contractor. w holt, due time contleted the
rob, but for r.l re cause there was is slight
"hitch" on the p rt of sours. of the property
WinsbU 00 gni; t heir assessment.... The
tea made k renal to Councils. and mit of
' , luts's/on for the contractor. who. it was'
,1:11ett. tr.:1,4 in, great need of his
money. the r ',astral!, was tirat meted
to draw a w errant in his tits or
for tri...... ii blch Win. pant out of the con
tingent funds ith the understanding of course
[l,l t the ewe, a ould te. repialed in said
fund u herr corks... 4 - trans I Ile propmy
Even this it ai,lid neote thitnot •:1041 .
the aforesaid. crriictrir and not a Ithstandinir
the fort that the City Treas. - Eta is the proiwr
person to collect the assessments in rill eases.
he the contractors,' constituted littoral( in nri
leetor and pr.recelled to collyet as
made warn several persons i for paving the
street. teferred to., 4,
Within the past aveek.ttssao parties, nee
n i gainst whom there Was an assesstrientraf
$ LA's/. and the othenof $1.300, having been no
titled by the Treasurer to — pay up," atipeared
at the Treasurer's other and presented the
tai tractor's rarebits. one for sl..lagi. And the
other for #1.:10. The parties were informed
tie the Treasurer that the city did not recog
nise the receipt of the contractor and that
they, would toe required to pay (befell auramif
of their assessments, and open their refusal
to pay, the claims mere put in the Imnits of
the City Salicitor for collection.
'l'h eye it appears, are dot the only cases in
which this contractor is concerned. We
learn` that suit • have been instituted. by the
Solictor and [eras filed against some tvrenty
seven persons who have paid the _amount of
their.assessments to the contractor and hold
his receipt for the same. 'rhe receipts won't
save them, and their only remedy will be to
proceed against the contract.or. Whether he
has settled rho matter or how he proms •s Ur
compromise, we are unable - to say, tut from
the tone of the conversation between the
city officials alluded to at the beginuine of
this article, we are inclined to twlieve: that'
there is trouble brewing. We await the re-'
The Prettlnit Woman in New York. '.%liss
K--. well known In nur fashionable society
for her•ilbritunte eppearence and beautiful
complexion, was once naellow. roiugh-skinned
girl. chagrined at her red, freckled Ince. She
Pitched into Megan's Magnolia Balm. and Is
now as pretty In complexion as she it charm
ing In manners. This article overcomes freck
les, tan, aellowness, moth-patches,ring-marks,
etc., and make. one look ton years younger
than they are. Magnrilbt balm fora rani,
parent complexion. end 1. t'or'e Katheiron to
make the hair plentiful. luxuriant. soft and
delicate, have no 11,1111.. The Katheiron, pre
vents the hair from turning gray, eradicates
dandruff, and is the hest and cheapest dres
sing in the world.
hew Wor.hlp Deuce ut Museum hp
White Cloud mud his Troupe.
. .
Ifeeker's Farina forms it very agreeable,
light. nutritive food. it superior article for
puddings and. Jellielc. - and is highly retain
mended physicians for invalids and chil
dren. So b ld y
by nil grocers.
New War Dance at Darnell). Nluseinn by
White (load and Ws Troupe.
-The Omaha Tribune appeared yesterday.
--The thermometer at Omaha yesterday In ,
dictated WI degrees..
—Four or fire vessels will be added to our
European squadron.
--Th.'. S. Stone, or Cluelormtl. wiut drown
ed at iledronl. S.laturdov, while bath
--The German eitigens of Toronto, Canada,
tend to hold a meeting In sympathy with
—An Immense mooting- or ( wan
old last night nt Buffalo to sympathize with
'main In the homing war-
—John Wilson, late Immector of steam
boats, aud the oldest steamboat loan in the
West, died at Nambville on Sunday.
Capt. Shuichi t will command the ex twill
lion to surrey the Nicnnotga and Tehuante
pec canal route nod leaves to September.
=Newtnan's wheelbarrow factory nt Milton
Landing. on the 111111,10 n. was destroyed by
are Sunder morning. LoscgBo,(ate la.urance
—ft is announced that len. Itobt. E. Lee
will accept the Presidency of the Staunton
Valley Railroad In connection with his dude.
an President of Wnshington College.
—Two workmen were killed yesterdnY noon
by the fall of the Lowell. Mass., grain eleva
tor. It was reported three others were bu
ried la the ruins. Two dead bodies were re
• —Commi.sioner Mutates. advise. collectors
thatdividends declared due August lat. ISM.
ere l
subject to tan mad a half per cent, and
trident!a declared prior to that date to a Lai
a five Der cent.
--The West India Cable Company's steamer
Suffolk, acconionnied by Swinish gunboats,
arrived off Itatabatto yesterday. Preparations
were being made to Immediately lay theabore
end of the cable.
—A large meeting of Germans to sympa
thize with I•russia was held bait night nt
Washington city. Suuscrlptlons will be rais
ed to aid the wounded nod widows :1111i
orphans of the ever.. •
—lady. Franklin. In reference to the general
desire of the citizens. held a reception et
Barnett Montle. Cincinnati, yesterday after
noon. Many took advantage of the occasion
to pay their respects to her. • •
—More than six hundred Germans hove
'bonded In their names to Consul Clausenius.
of the North German Confederation, at Chi
cago, signifying , their wish to be sent to Ger
many to join the German army.
—On Sunday one hundred and fifty China
men on a plantation near. New Orleans. be
coming dissatisfied. seized Cumming, the chi contractor. and bele him as a hostage.
He was released by the police and the ring
leaden arrested. .
'F.-Mosel:H. Bentley, colored Messenger of the
Georgia House of Representatives, was Shot
and killed by Malcom Claiborne, colored Rep
resentative from Burke county, yesterday
'morning, at Atlanta. The - shooting n - ns. the
resin of -a private enamel. Bentley was
jail . . .
-,A young man named Heiss,a wealthy and
respelled chines of Louisville. Kentucky, at
tempted suicide Sunday evening by shooting
himself with a pistol. The ball entered his
left side. grazing his heart. He is still alive.
with bat slight hope,: of his recovery. No
'cause is assigned. i ,
—The Republican Central Committee of
Tennessee have put In nomination gbe fol
ticket for Supreme Ju :' Satnniel
Milligau.and ..Zenophen Wheeler fora East
Tennessee,John Trimble and W: I. Westier,
for Middle Tennessee, and AR Hawkins
and Wm. Smith. for West Tenne ee. ,
Th« Singer Ma ,
in Ism sold M,:81
seven handred and
Tli,,e 'figures, and
from sworn return'
have nreess) made
pointed by the-own
Machine Patent
the companies of le
In 15419 the Singe
Sold over Zhu Leas
Sold n„•r t 4.• Finkle
In Co
Sold over the Etnpl
Sold tVer Me Wile; i th illhits c4lng ..
h o . .. •
.: 0,580
Sold over te Weed . wing. Madam" Co • 67 . 001
Sal over the Croy rst Ilaher's Sewing .
•Maehlne co '''' . ... - ........ . . . 51.541
Sold over the two li two 'Companies. .! 41,i51
Sold over the , Who ler S.— Wilson and
Miptle Companies omblned .... - • - 7 .P1 5
1 It is a fact, ,ittel r tlie figures allow it,
that the sales of 1. 4
69 for exceed those of :
our rivals iti.traile. It is also a fail, that
we sold last year over t'orrin" 11101• SAND
ninedlined more thin We did two years ago.
It is also another feet, that these increased
sales are awing to!the great and growing
popularity - of our? Sew Sewing
. Family.
Maeldne.: . - ',
This madam: is Opal,le of a range and.
variety of work smilt as was once thought
impossible to perform by mark inert', We
claim. and can show that it is the cheapest,
[luau beautiful. delieakly arranged, nicely
adjusted, easily oAranal and smoothly
running id% all the4amily Sewing Ma
chines. It IN remark blue uo lly for the
range anti varietiaaf""fg - ir • tny, hut also
for the variety and di tier t kinds of let
'tun• which it will sew wit - facility
and peril-m. 1,4, using - .lutist, linen or
cotton thread, tine ormartie, making the
both sides Utile fabric sewn. Thus
beaver cloth. 'or lenilicr. May be sewn
with great strength and uniformity at
:t4ct,: and in a mown. this willing and
never-wearying instrument may be ad•
jested for line work taCtranse or ge1...111,•1L
tissue, or the tucking or tarlettm, or ref-,
fling, or almost tiny tiller .wOrk• whirl,
delicate , lingers have wen known hi per:
form. • . _
15 21
1N../ \ 0,
Another valuable iiliprovenient t.;itig.
cr . !, Mtleliilll.B is 111,. patent r,l 11 111111
bills muds to lit sonnies and w 1
with sealmatin. Permian withare using
-sewing niactiines the value
of this Invention. .
Being wound inutJ m o re smoothly than
iisponsilile to do by Valid. they wilt
d.. 1• n limre regular and verfert stitch.
Besides tjtj.s advantage, there is it •great
saving. in time. trouble, and wear and tear
of inaehine. The elt,t is 111.111 the saute
per hundred yards a, when purchased on
the ordinary spools.
The g eneral ag.•nts for 11... Siug.•r ill
Pitrsburgli ate Messrs. Straw Morton,.
at No. 20 Sixth street. 'who., all ;arrats
are itivtted to 'all and see tio• .Shaer it
Hoak* at Thou,and Wand
.1 gossippy correspondent of the tin
•nnialti i'lirmliele gives an entertaining
sketch of the delight of. fishing among the
Thou.nd Walls or the St, Lawrence
.The fishermen ter, have - spfewlid bsts .
supply you with all the necessary tackle.
and net no guide to the fishing grounds,
as well as guide you in and out of the
labyrinths of ishaula that seem hopelessly
complex to the t , trntiti,er. The littrilurtl
makes a .Iralalty of fixing up nice lunches.
and tile oarsmen agree. before; lunging the
hotel, at. Mutt / t pa vular island, nix or ten
miles away ; the ta u rty will meet at one
o'eock. And M I his pointi !ended. with
into., likkrrel, all IlluskallOnize.
, wt. tend
about the
. uppidu Isl. hour. The Ismtute
are ClE...tiering,' e mks, anti
.011 the lunch
is sprain!, the cot «e boiling ~,,,a nd the odor
of frying...phi:ere anti broiling has. in
creases the alrea, c vigorous appetites.
'I he xvater is It. willfully clear, and nt a
depth of tett r.,,i. - p., cati - sett the white
. rocks that mark t large portion of its
hotbott. It mama I. in tish. Black La.,,
pickerel, and tut sitalloitge are' • kind.
mostly esptured it' . Ow h.q.., .1 0, °^ 1,
alli e is
nnt thiright to in% of t • nneat
flavor. and Illont sought after by -the Salt
ern:ten—perhaps the more from the idea
that they aro a {Mitaer fish, and are more
.!tins caught- than mares, mat require
more careful mamigvinent after they Ore
1tt.k,41 to save lieut . (Or your string.
The largest fish l 'aught was a pickerel,
which weighed si,Vratid a' half pounds.
;Re bass ranged frriftirrit Colour pounds.
1 The style of fishing. here is utostly.hy
.dropping.Tedpolts are sot. •witlt . lines
each one. hundred eel hung. Tlittso soli
need not Itinillle. except when the fish
strikes Owns The third line of one hurt.
tired and twantydive feet *tint the stern,
you hold In [lib hand as you go nailing
Armand nicks, el id's, and thrtnigh the shady
little !tap. thAt every few
_moments open
up to rite beholder. I have never had . finer
limiting. or more .enjoyed the scenery, than
upon the. grea't "St. Lawrence. I lance been
accustomed to call the Ohio and Missitt.
sippi rivers, lott.the St. Lawrenct , . tang •
ing from eight In ten utiles 'in width and
flve to ten times the average • depth .of I
either—neither rising nr 'falling more
than n few feet from one year's end 1.,
the other-a-makes either of them: but sew
.•rs in comptitriattn.
A corresisntlent of the London Times
writing font. Spain says ''dissipation in
this country in exceptional. The general
beverage with the people ix water, and
the 'minter of Spanish life who could re
present R. square in Seville without the
figure of a man bearingn Luyne vase tilled
with the drink of prihtine -man, and in
the art n( shouting 'Agua r to pasaeraby,
would be guilty Of.trliertvy sin of ends !
slim. Renee I WOO nut a little surprised to
see in a kiosk at Cadia, erected for the
male of Protestaot tmcts, Sr.. 'our well
known'' teetotal ipuldication, the Britilh
Bin* otia 1, trans ated in Spanish, and con
veriest into 'EI C breni-1.0 no to appeal
in It cosmopolitan spirit to the workman
in general, an klistinguished from the
workman British. - It that to
preitchsthienee to a people already
drinkinglfsthing but water wan rather an
odd direction of missionary enterprise.
Some publicution of the Society - for the
-Prevention of Cruelty to Animals would
tome directly hit a blot in the Spanish
character, but I would rather not i.e the
keeper of a kiosk in Andalusia where a
tract against hull lighting was mild.
A LITTIJ: TOWN in Sweden- named I , p.
W., hnn possession of a - curious and re
nowned MS. It In a translation of the
Bible into the original limbic, and the
bent authorities taint that it wan written
toward the end of the fifth or the cum
‘11.11,1•1111,11t of t le sixth century. nt Ver•
deh, on the Buhr, and its authenticity was
at once established. It was' taken to
Prague, but ilm4 Sweden took it away In
1648. and curried It to 'fitockhohn; thence
It was taken to Holland, and war brought
bark again for Sweden be the Chancellor
de la (Janne, for $4OO. lie hail It mag
nificently bound In a solid silver cover.
and in 1830 presented it to the University
of rpnala. It in written in silver. in cam
won parchment. The headings 'and a
few principal passages are in gold, It is
richtn Byzantine tracery of 'symbolical
devices. • It numbers *0 leaven, with
twenty lines to each page. Only tiro
punctuation market are uned throughout--
the period and the colon.
~. -Tuk London • durilay Review says: "A
trifling incident, yet one illustrating , in a
characteristic manner the way in which
our tranaAtiantic cousins worship gealtis;
-.moo - under OUT Iletie, last week. A party
of Americans were standing around the
grave of Charles Dickens, in Westmim
ster Abbey—U grave yet deeerated . with
flowers. They bemin poking at them
through the rails with their umbrella.,
and nianad to secure a fragile and fad
ing Inecooriah which will doubtless be
treasured across the Atlantic."
'OEN. WM. A. LEtiell.Registur of Wills
at Bbiladelphii, died in that City on Wed
nesday morning from the eflimts of a dis
ease contracted in the army. lie seas
born in 18:h.L er4ered West Poiat in 1&50,
entered the army as major of the first
regiment orgaiiised in Philadelphia and
participated in More than thirty battles.
Was imprison 4 at Libby. Din . ville and
Salisbury and served, after his release,
until the Slone 'of the war. Ile was a
brothecinlaw Of the hero Lieutenant
tint T. (Amble who fell at Big Bethel.
1 1 S' AR IN. EVIIOPF: will Increase eery
texially the Mines of American pro-_
Beta. Pier, Dannals SCu have not yet
' ,hied the price of .• creaar'sle,- althotigit
le demand for it is greater then ever.. •
d rigures.
nfacturing 42.npan:
eighty-one machine..
hose given below, ara
to tich any One ran
0 the receiver, ap
!rs of valuable SeW
, who license most o
'see, importance.
Nlanu fart uring Con
• Machine".
Sewing Machine
. .. ... ..241,01(1
'Sewing Blachine
.......... -
wing Machine Co tt!,..7,0
Hutton Hole Co. 7)4, , ..t9
e Sewing . :%lactline,,
tiewintc Machine
Tempera/rice in Spain
, ;
• -"" -^:CC4,OA
MORNING,- JULY 26, 1870.
Unman Meeting to Glarlanatt -Seedling Men
Owing 8r lee to frussla,.. •
fllyTelegsuph to the Pittsburgh Gluette.)
CINCINNATI. July .—A Meeting of Gerneo,
was held to-night at Romer Hall to consider
the subject of sending to Prussia men oaring
Service in the Pmssinn twiny. A committee
nats appointed tO Collect fUnds tn par for the
transportation of those willing. to go. The
meeting did not give credence to the report
that the Consuls of North Gertnnh States
are authorized to send soldiers to PrAssin and
pay their expemies. Among the speakerswas
Egheri Van Valekenstein. son of one of the
Pru:slan Generals: A Hessian. wounded In
lent: by the Prussians offered to go, Into the
PrIOINIIIII army now. -
Nev.. trans Cuba—lnsurgent GreerAl ANomega
nalell-11.11mod• •
EBY Telegraph to the - Pittsburgh Gazette.]
HAVANA. July 2.5.-- It is reported the Cuban
General Cornell° Perro was assassinated by
his linen, who heard he Intended to surrender
to the Spaniard, Three Cuban chiefs recent
r visited General Corns camp, it wassup
, nised to surrender themselves , but they did
not find the General, who had left for Marian-
Dm at the head of ;DM men, tied withdrew.
General D'Armes captured eleven men lot
°aging to Carlos Garela's banal of brigands,
who comtnitted rabberies and outrages la the
rneightmrhood of Deluca]. Seven were identl
, tied and sentenced to death.
Ott. CITk. July lA—lticer rising slowly with
thirty Inches water In channel. Cloudy.
Thennorneter f 2 dog- at 5 P. v.
BBOWNSVILLF, Z.—ftiver rising w slowly
Ith about three and one.belf feetwater In
channel. Cloudy. Thermometer tC deg. at'
MiIIIGASTOWS, dolt leer. statlonarr
Ith one toot water In channel. Clear. Titer
meter , C,leg. at 4 P. 0.
Lynch Law In !Web aaaaa .
Illy Telegraph to Plltsborgh e:n<ette•l
ilixtwt. :July Xi.- wasput on - trial
at Ponca, Nebraska. neat Sioux City. on Sat
urday.-for the murder of Dunn, and the trial
was soon brought to a close by nn open elm
fesslon of the murderer. Ile wits then taken
front the sheriff by crowd of citizens amt
after citing him a frie utiMays. to parr with
his fondly. washung.titer one Thousan d peo
ple witnessed the execution. which 'eras con
curred in by all but four ladies who, when it
vote Wns called, cried ... NO. - •
Yew Orienn,
New iMILUA NS, July 25. -Flour lower: super
Pie $5.5 , 11; double extra WM; triple extra so.-
a. , ‹. Corn lower: mixed $1; white 11.173•1•
01011.'ic. Ilium dull at slruilit:. Hay Urni;
itirnes2.l. Pork firm nt 11.c:on—Job
ilig shoulders 15.,c; clear rib lioe; clear sides
[P a r. Hums iNtie. Lard-Tierce Nen% c;
4 PPOMlie. Sugar firm; prime Vie. Mo.
'et 50c. Whisker trilicrititl.K. Coffee 111Mc.
tt:l-0 tI •.2 7
rofi4o, t i p f orty-thi rd rd
hlr matt.
. ,
uner/I will take tea s e from the revuloineof hi...
,or. corner of Lincoln avenue end SPrinn
et, Tvrenly.llnn. nard. TIP•lbAr 1T131,41a,. ,
ti oclock. Chart:urea will leave W. 11. Devon.
0 . .. 10.11:rant etreel. al I o'cl,k I. m The
1111ie. of thlkfarull) are Invfletl lo attend.
. I {6l'no:4.- . 0n Monday mortong. July Irvtli.
r?i ,r . k. l' i l d ' j.l . ::::‘.... S n " n L ill ' , ' ; ' .:.f;;l: ', I N,V,:i
. •
1 •., funcral 7111 take place Iron, li, reaidenee of
parent, Elul. Linen,. 10-I,V .> , Cl
ielock. Tile (Wends of, ilm lannly..are reel-
I fully Invited to attend. .
,:, A it I ) ;OLICSALArE,
!twin with pure CA It 1101.11: Aril,. whirl] Is .1..1
In It•••mtsli Al tllyaretbrii Etnlment
b.. ..P.O Proved Itself lobe tit.tnuetssvr.ty and
ef,elna/ cure foe nil 3lnllgnatit . S..res sud liter,.
and (..r Itarn I. full. W.,unds,ful'oill Skin Diseases
n., equal u a Ilatott Curntive Agent has yet
discovere.ll I'ENTW.
Heury"s_.lnsect Powder,
IF.B. the Doetructinn ROACHES. IMO lICHc
Patent Medicine Depot,
1-1 0 •Si'.
Bell and Brass 'Pounders,
Made Proinptly : to Order
Made and Kept on Hand
otoPrkrtors .ud bteinofacturersNot • •
J. M. Cooper's Improved Balanek Wheel
00Ice—SS2 PENN STREET. Foundry—Co . :met
19111. and RAILROAD FIRER - TA. Pittsbunth
%tiles Shodfer,
101 FIFTH Al'El;iUE,
a u .:l(ll&llT3tWk2lln.
The Advance In Gold.
Everything i our line e are selling cheaper
than any other house In,
ell y. glee us 01 cal). ')Yr.
Trego's l'eaberry Topth wash.
Is the uttat pleirmat,etterVest and hen Dentifrice
Warranted free from In.larlona Ineredlentr.
• It prererver and wh Mena th e Teeth!
• l l u ' r l Tle r s . :Xd . tfeltTstle7h t e h tk ao tTV
-Fervent. accumulation of Taper! • ' •
float. and Iturttler Artlllctal Teeth!
Children !
ftjllt ' to7tralifritis nrU Vr ' lt. f tl3 .
Proprietor, A. rt. WILSON. entladelphla.
For rate by all Drummer., • farrTrUlt
R. 31. Al Cowan &Co.,
Pit re 'Side w Al k s. Cvliars, Inside Yards,
Dri Tea, Sc.
°More left at G.AesTrn Office. o . r%Ni 39 FEDERAL
STREET Allecheny, promptly attended to.
'W . Rotor by perwlealon to 'lon, !Raab co..
w. rut; Hartley. AteNee A t 0.. MAJor J. Dun
can. nut trte-Trun
Livingston & Co.,
ilsoofactufor of 1.14111 T OILYCYLoN
lileht work our epecialty. Joint Butte.
:Abutter end Gate Minxes; bash Pullers. nisi other
articles of Builders` Hardware &luny. on hand.
. 1 4 1 ? 1 . 1.6 ... ne um ivArkz hin nea . r . O la.o.i nter ir ,,.. l.epot io A .4 llsis m be , ny
burgh. re. JiGti.l.l3
v MCRCIA I. 11 A Nlitri VOMPA N.Y. R. BALL
TITUESDAY MVP:SING, Joky 06th. atlo o'clock.
be sold gin Second Floor of kininoreincls Auc
tion Como, 1010 Smithfield Greet.
03 shares M. and M. National Hank.
00 Glares Kersinne Hank.
Ala,eree Anekbeny Natlonil Bunk.
. by Order of eduilnletrutor.
013 share. commercial Banking COMDerty.
. shares E. Ball Co. limper and Molter Co.
Jur. A.14 - ILWAINE. Auctioneer.
351 River Ave., Allegheny.
om Ito founder, lion. EL Williston, an endowment
of 01130.000, odors the very best ad ran tubs to
student. desiring a thorough preperadon for Be
ninese or for admission to a Classical College.
Board at eort.and Tuition free to the Indigent.
Yor catalogue addmea the Principal. 14 AltBllAl.I.
II EN all AW, But llanapton, glum J ulader
Carpenter and Builder,
Will promptly attend lo all kinds of Jobbing work.
Oil and watertankiniade tmler. No. 171 North
Irmo, corner \Varmint. street, Allegheny,
ll select briindd Poor Cared Hams and 'Dried
ricer received nod Inr dale b the tierce or at re
tell by
t;rh•, lawn,. and Ninth St.
dort gn ..4:4119 SPITCUITREET,
di. and glum }LAG and lia t ir ' P ' aTitenr i fi
liteo.epin MONDAY.tlaptomber nll.
uld la annaustir
nes moss. Sc..
New Vall In /Do re fnt W bt
Lcr NI) co ELLS
FIRST M. o,eTtiA E
7 1 ) (q. l'ent. Bonds,
decrued hilepest.
These Maids ate muumuu by Filial` 310101; AC H
upon Pan& Equipment and Present mvenue..
The hoed furm• part of the shun.. East and
West thrmighibe from the IMin Sliver In_ thle•
Iti. - h already an ettorTm•uxly. large L,enl truffle.
of rAI'Id nd 'tend,
Na I'dlvourgh Line co y .
n. rich tunlerlulp fur
IL counetAN And
the most inipurt.l. Chits 1/I the
Ihe rood is now earning . ,
con% mwafind.tile';in•Punnet? Influence of the ell.tens 1.1
Phtsb . r . r%ty had
Co3l3tEltelAl. RANKIN!, c 0...
. •
0/VICIt11:11011 ANT Bono,: 111sui 1 . 0..
ttnrinill.linn. June :MI. I S7l).
HOLDERS.—There will bee rmeiml Int;el
- of the Stockholders of tin -PITTSBURGH
BURGH." held et the °Mee of the 6,,„„,„"„
the City of Pittsburgh. e:4 o'clock rt. et.. on
Al, Nth Day of July. pfoximo
111414. M. Molii'l^).4,Crylar
$lOO Bounty Collected
Fur ell nn ld
July 22d
Ity bet re
Ire recelv
The land
street andl
tly and At,
lees who enlisted between 51119 4 th and
SOL who were discharged for disabil
eying two year,. and who bare heret,
no bounty.
Wend has nemii7ed his ellEtce to 00.
ing.cerner 510th avenue and Smithfield
le now.Propareg tc collect clainia +peed
'Aerate rate,. Call °nine:Ogres, with
It. F. illtilWN,
Claim Agent. tiagarre Landing. -1
Cosner Sixth armlet. awl Snail:laid street.
NUAstral, In.
U . !I/ Bin
appointed GAS end GAM SINTER INSIN.P,
TUH f./tl Allegheny eounly.notiee is hereby riven
that until the neceseary tence; and Meellanitul Top,
Ing Machinery can be provided. 1 x - 111 he (.•ippl at
ANN Phi•F: Tereety-therd etre, in..,
Pans,, Piltatiergb.
ilae anti One Meier. Inepector.
No. ..20.1 Liberty street.
Dirt...omit:li, July la. 15711.1 .
Meetinz or Stock
holders , •f the Triumph (.1i rlom Pwty will
beheld at their, ofneu m WAIINESDA Y. A ito.w.t.
3. 1570, at 2.30 r. for the parpo,.e. of raMS
141K the action of the Director. in mating a /ease
of the Company'. Territory.
• itr..tbt.ti W111,1,1A:t1 M I'SSI.EIt.
NOTICE.—The molorskopillisne
chartered the / 4 14,11111 Ferry.llwit, Capt. W.
C. DENNY, and will nth her as a Ferry oil titled
• ,, e , July oth from ttlotrpsburir to l'lttnburizl,
until tho Sharpsburg lindKe Is rebuilt.
WM. 11. CLANF:Y.
I'l..\\C:-NOTICg—The •mill be
open rig Passengers and Freight business CV n
MORNING at 5 o'clock. and will close at I I
connecting ,with the lost cur front Pittsburgh ott
the Pittsburgh and Iltrollrighaiu Possenger
wee. t J0:l lh
DT. FO t. CORONER. , •
M.J.A W._.11. HOPE,
i Idide of the flthlielina. Iteserve., I
g2 - :V*ll7,4"4:!=ng,T.''!"'""gx"'";!l,'
[Er, Foit l' ROT RONOTA RV,
' 1 •
• i M. (4. COREY,.
Late i'aptuto Co. Go 830 lid. Vol..
hieet to the decision sit the crime] llg UM. rnl..
Publican Con o If (font ent lon.
71 4 1 21!i i !A t: . . . .
•._ -1 •
SIII,P,et 1.../e ..1.,..1..n of tho orivuow ILc w Ile
Puhloyw collide r . . , .. , :i0itii30. iiiiii
Or 3Lerstisll +ownsialp. itiblect
,to the decision 0.
the Union Republican Counti Convention.
. .1#
[Cy . FO R ROUNT y. 003131 I SIi V N E R.
Of Indiana township. Is a candiduta for County
llorennssinner. In iiitiordinatlon to the decision of
the I:cunt:tit-An Conception. Est niodni In rebus..
niditatiwidT •
at No. 107 Market St.
We nowoffer to the public a stock of
HANGINGS unsurpassed In the West frr v.-jou
and beauty of style.. embracing all the Novelties
DMSll.fhltt n plain and bright colure, for Hells,
B l lrtAltiMi a . ' 4'l:l•MO W .lN D ll7l3
PAPP:IIS, with an almost endless • vertety of
BLANKS tor Chamber, he. All of which we bra.
rzr . t.; 4 711 .. ..4 low to the lowest In Ow k L
No. 107 Market. St., near Fifth Avenue.
JOS. R. TIEGILES & 11110.
40 INCHES whit tints rtiNe per roll,
tur—a great varlet, at De per roll.
4/ LAZED—AII kinds c per roll.
ELEN/ANT French and American Paper Hang.
inns, not specllledabove, •uperior to any assorl•
meat in the country. For sale at
Wholesale and Beloit Store. 191' I. l bertl,
strvot. Pittsburgh. aural •
grey, constantly on hand cl.ollllP,rAlt:!mr.A.
I\UVS TIN (.11; alsw U HATL KM NA lINI a t •
No. 9:3 142 S'rnitlifielil
ter hentli Clothing made to order In the latest
J. 1870. C. teclialutox. •C. I. allYllf.AggitiNti.
alerchantlilloyS, No. 10 SIXTH BTRENT.Oste
ht. (lair.) We bare received a large and well se
lected }Nock
line the best and most fashionable
Uoods our . sweat puillun of which memo
own Importation. -
Feeling confident of our ability to /dm fandera
satisfaction, wa respecUy sol.tit from_you m early
examination of our stock of Me Cloths,
mere.. Yasttng~
,ohm " ' No.lo Math street.
A splendid new stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c.,
Just received hr HENRY MOVEN.
ash alert: Mint Tailor. 73 • Eltelitilltdd rireet.
rVlT?tt from their
'Z RoditArldl. telrleL,l,
Nos. ti 9 and 2sl Liberty St.,
use the bead of WOOD BTREET, where titer
will be skewed tO see all their old friends sod cus
tomer. • •
On 11111 street. Cnseronistreet. Felton
street. Elm street, Grant s trees Isabella Greet
11155 street. News street, Bertha street. Reman dymo
svenue. Third street. Chestnut Street. bre
treet, Stockton. avenue, Woods Run. Superior
station, Hale street—Pranklln street. Anderson
street; Robinson street, OMR street. Charles,
,street. Oakland. Eest. Liberty. hrl street. Cliff
street, filith street, Allegheny. 44th street. Reno
street and other localities.
. • s. CUTHBERT & SON.
Jn'A. 39 Sixth avenue.
Stamped Ent elopes alit
DreN .11,1 y 11, (KO.
,EALED pin will be reerieed until
12 o'eloul. .1.. on the llt h lIA I OF A
1t 7 0 . for nimbi-fling all the "ntamped Enrol
opes" 111111 "Newspaper Wrappers." which 0114
11(..d:1[111111111 fluty requim during period of
four taut:mane hog 4,1, the a
Ist day of
(Id ober. 1,71.
tsTA 11 . 1:11
No. I. \„:l• ••••,..•!•• by 5 , 4 hunt, to °total
Ni,. ~r dlll,ll, • it.ti I r a 1-14 hr .5 , 4 t
Inche,three .1.111( ie
t. •
No. a. F:111 tetherinch,—
N , I. I. Poll letter ;for ,rirculars,l.un
ttonuse,i at nap, . IrY i Oche,: • ono quality.
No. X. t let ter s.i/x. by Ws Inches—
three , tuttiltieo. •
No. h. Flxtett lett, r size. :Ix, hr WOW ,
(for circulars.; iniclitbnietll/1111:11b-- one quality•
No.:. Official ./e:i; 15-16 byti'. incites—two
Extra size. 4', tic 1.4 inche
0111 . 111 Mil
• T.% M1•1;11 N ENV SP.k PEI< \ P PERS.
Fis :nil .1 five-right h, by inches iroune
unto -one suniny. •
Ail id t lie atiove Envelope.. and Wrappery
thio.t tie with po.taita , Aius. of
denominations. •tyles and colo tn rs,' p initst
•Ileh Nvnteriidirk. or other device.. to pre
it Unit atieu. alai bear 4.1101. minting and
rUK its lit, Vied:l:aster General may direct.
The enviil..pes 11111-1-bo made in the enlist thor
ough inanner....ol.ll 'everyre.diect to the
furnished to bidders lip tile Depart
men. The pap, niust le. of approvediqual
it ouutufarturril for the 11111 . 1 , 0:,•
are ordered Of the
.tit let known or - Self-ruled."
I primed it, IJr ruled on the facto the
tame tie aria...lied without additional
vost. the contractor to pine all eliarges for
•rovalts . in the ina ionti for
or ruled t,uvelopol,
The ill , s for sing, the rectory stamps
on the I'M •`!1/p., n rappers, are to he ere
tasted to , 111.4:11.i1011 of titer Postmast er beneral, in 2h. I,es; slyk,and they are to be
d. a
provided, eta°, et el heel in order at the
expense ot. the contractor. d'he Department
reseues 'the light of reuil iri lig new dies for
any tannins or denominations of stamps not
sow nse.l. and any changes of slier orcolors
hall lie guide without extra charge.
elo,ing a contract t lie surceexsfill bid
der linty Le required. to prepare and submit
ne dies for the approval of the Department.
The Inc.' of the present dies may or nuty not Inc
Teenlie , NII3II be ,ately , everely kept lo
the eold etet or. , 4,1 , 1t1 oge of,tny o.
th.. 111 .... o r permanently digeon
noel. tlo , y ,evel000tl:v turned over to tht
Dole,,e. el. or It, 11,
The en, r and ber
,yuinined. the 1.11111/ill4 on tile nap
b y
anti (except for circulars; to he put on by
land not less than half an Inch the entire
o f ; the ten:pp:re tope also band-Fumnied
Iluni t hree - f(1111111Nof an inch in width
cross the
51 , 11 . 1011 - TIOI3I :IND 'rIiEFT.
nre notiliioi that the Ittlinrtinent
till riniiiirts as ondition Of the contract.
bat the enveli pin c
s O . rappllrS NII3/IbOONIO-
Iravillrvtl :opt ...lured in curl, a manner to
usury security to.t am or theft.
The manufactory must at all :Imes be &Ulf
yet to the ifo.ptclioll of an Og,lll of the De-
Goolire the iitipulations
the. control I it fniiitfit Ily oli , erVed.
All etwelores mill w rappers must lie band-
VII in aireels'of t went v-Ilve, and packed In
ba-t cli.saril or st raw Imies. securely
boom): 0,, all the edges and corners with cot
ton 00 Mom clot li nitwit s each to contain
nor leas than too hundre us. d
and Me of the
nitte and let ter size, and ono hundred each Of
the official or mils:. °Metal size. separatelv.
The newest:lp, ‘vritipe, to he packed in
huge's, to conotio not lese t lin pro hundred
mil fifty each. b0)10,1 ire to be mil ls t securely fastened in strong mantilit pa
per. nal scaled. so is, to vatelY.hearrranspor
tat kill by mail for delivery to .nbstrnasters.
When two thousand demone enVelopcs are re
quired to 1111 the order of it postmaster. the
straw or pasteboard botzte containing the
same must Le in at roug scream cases.
strapprd wit h himp-iron. and addressed:
but when lesa than tiro thonsand are requir
ed. prole, labels of direction, to tie furnished
by an agent of the Department. must be
placed mem each wwkage by the contractor.
Wooden cases. containing envelop, or scrap.
pers. to be transported by Wel, routes, must
he pow idea o suitable water-proCiflng.
Toe whole to- te donc owl, the inspection
and ,pz ec t ion se an agent of he ltepartment.
The enrol,' t and wrapper, must he fur
ished and deitverctl with all reasonable dis
fraelt, enfold, I, in all rtoiftects ready for use.
anti in such whoa ant , t/,I1:1, be required to
ail 0 1 postai:otters: the deli,
et If ill. made Patter at the Postolliee lie
pat-noun:, lVirdongton. D. or at the of
nee Cl an agent duly authorized to inspect
stud reseis tt.the sato, the flare of delivery to
he atthe option of the Pio:master (feaeml,
loft t Ite cost of delivering, as as all ex.•
Veil,se of storing. packing;, addressing. labeling
and water-proofing to be paid by the contrac-.
• 8431 P
Speeiineie. of the eqs:elopes. and u• ratifier.
for wh proprwilq nre invited. showing the
different nnd (flint of paper re
quired. the ent, and tdyle .of gnionling.,,eit h
blank form: bide.nar be hod on applica ,
tires to the Third Aesistant Postma•ner (Sep-
This :Overt i,:ne n: and a. specimen of the
•amPle envelolo , and wrapper furnished by
b.. Department most be attached to and made
iart of each bit.
No prop. -al Will 1112 . considered. nidecs of
fered be .1..111 Jar; firer of , envelopes. and tic
m at plu
twoa by
reposfwnsibletoryparties guaran signed
sign .
A WA IiEhnIENT-11eiNDS. ,
The coot rant will litawarded to the lowest
responsible ladder for all the envelopes and
wrappers, Mel:tires to lot calculated on the
basis or lumber used of the several grades
during the last fiscal Sear, which was as fob.
!fors :
Note size....
Letter size. first qua d ea,467.10/
Letter size. second quality . 0,956;i56
Letter size,second quality gun-
. 3.618,0011
Extra letter size. first . .
Extra letter site. second quality
. ownwonedi... . 4SLOCSI
Size. . „ . firin.9oo
Extra eine ill size . i4lOll
Newspaper scrappers . 4.1C16,21/1
,Within ten tht . ys after the cont root has been
awarded the successful bidder shall enter Into
wn agreement In writing with the Postmaster
General to faithfully observe and keep the
terms. conditions. and requirements set fon!,
In this advert Dement, accerding to their true
intent and meaning - . and shall make, execute,
and deliver, subject tn I he approval and 11C
eeplauce of the Postmaster General, bands
with VlOil alit! sufficient sirretics in the stun of
Two 'lnnate(' Thruisand Dollars 1iS10,000) as
a forfeiture for the faithful performance of
said agreement o contra,. according to the
Provisions and set, ert to the IMbilities of the
seventeenth section not of Congress en
titled act legallthir and making appro
priations for such necessary objects as have
been usually included in the general appropri
ation blllseavithout authority of Into, and to
tix anti provide for certain incidental expen
ses of the Departments and offices of the
Government. and for other purposes." (Uni
ted States Statutes nt Large, voL ft, page r. 41
jlpploved Attrust 2,1, 1:42, which act provides
that ill ease ill, Clint mei, shall fail ttt com
ply with the terms of hiscontract. “he and
his sum, lea shall in: liable for the forfeiture
" - Prettied in such coated as liqtaidated dams
res. to be mtul for In the name of the United
Mates, In :lay smart havingjurisdlction them-
The Postmaster Ueneral reserves to himself
he following rights:
1. To reject any and all bids. If, in hie Sudg
lent. the interests of the (invert:anent re
ulre it..
2. To ;maul the contract whenever the same
ir any part thereof In ono,' for sale for the
rame an
os• of speculation: d under myeircum
mam, will a tranefer of the rontract be M
owed or saitetioned-ro any tinny who shall
e. Ihe opinion of the Postmaster tieueral,
esti able to fttlfill the
_conditions thereof than
he original aontratstor.
3. Teamed the contract, if, Bt Lk Judgment.
here shall be 4 failure to midi - inn faithfully
up br its Stip tthrlowt, or In ease of ',willful
tendit to Impost, pinto the Department En
rlr WStllOters inferior-to sample.
4. It the contraetor to when, the find award
nay be made should fall to enter Into agree
nentrund give satiqactory bonds, as herein
mochted, then the award -may he annulled
and the cc - Mtn:et let to the-nest lowest re
•ponslble bldtler..and so on man the required
tgreenient and bonds are °scent and such
twit towtop Matter Shill he repaired to falfll
very Stipulation otilltraced herein as If he
vere the original party to whom the contract
vas awarded,
Should be Securely envetoped and sealed.
omrked "Proposals for Stamped Envelopes
Newspaper Wrappers:"- and addressed to
the Third ASslstrtlll. ro<tmaster General,
Washington, D. C.
. Postinaster
tlerricned solicit l'r,llosale fee teen. suppiTof
Cro the c.a.: year, .:ewe to be delivered
at their Work, be Mil or riser. Amount required,
1.01.111 to 1.300 baYllels daily. yronosah. re
ceived unlit Augu<t let. I
•PrißiLusguit, July 1 . 2. IN,U
lOLMES,./lELL -& (jO,,
ylahufecturots<AJlEAV Y btE1)11131 and (MT
Sheeting and Batting
Shoes, Boots and Gaiters,
Nu. 124 iTtli) AVENUE, ALLEM:TENT C 14 1 ...
unit lig:waist ,bas scalp taken
tit Ina old ninon. /1110 Pri,ked 111 with .eiltr " e
Gouda as eu prices Will give sattatacttnn
runner patrons Ina the public arc Invited to
plre Mutual
achieved s
history of I.lto Imo
I, 'kunst unDitralleled of the
Blu-tiliess or Elie e - ion i p arrt
. rineAl. Yr
Whole Number of Pallid. Wiled
Total Premiums
A133.111a cured r
natio of alms and Nap to Tom lamw a . .
Average Latin of all CoMPILISieg
For every 9100 Lie tanner the Klemm Liu Ititri
of Anetts.
Average Amount of Policies . 1N.411.
'root Assets._ 133a1).1.100
$lOO.OOO Caput dethllllted with the
Stair and the balance seurelY invested
WM.A I. 11.1.E1t.
titan, ATVAI r
Yar(.ool, AGENTd. both male au.t female,
A. Mc)ARLAND, S H. HAN radArl,,,
ItituitwaT vies Pitttotivo,c.
Federal Illsaranee Co.
OFFICE : Cur. Frilerul and Latork Ntitrts
Edward (Wein,. W. 0. 611,e,,,
Witicnt!pl Baku,
1. uel 11. Slllit
W. B. A incks , ..m.
I :11:es ' AIIIV::;.
LOVE. Gom.ral Agent
M. Shellaby.
Jos.ll. [forland,
Win. blchoyer..
W. J. tanglltt. M
CHARTER' 1899 rutPrcrit.
01.47 CE 435 551) 437 CIIM:TNI.7T riTitERT.
Anse. on Jan. lint. 1870. 61.7i..45.734 67.
C 470.4. 6411.000 00. Accrued burplus and•
-Premium,; • .445,73167. I.ossvA plod Ones
..IS2O, ov A 00.060. Perpetual T PISMO'
rury Pollei L en en Liberal Term.
all! Cunirany am,
blows rnilleles upon the Rents of . kinds o r
n f/ . ...lim l imil n = N7llVr": Grant.
Fee s. W lilebardn. Isaac Le. (lee. Palen. Alfred
Fill Then. Sparks, Wm. S. tOnni. Thomas e.
riustavun S. Benson.
OlCO.Vito PreolCoul- •
W..llcAllibter. Serretpfy.
noN ('or. Thud AVeIIOP snd Woo.l
or -Pittsburgh
WM. I'. MEIIMMItT. Vice Pmsident.
Iv3l. flvercl.Y.
• A Ileum - el Agent.
()Mee A 9 Witter etreet.Spung.t.l'o.'s Waretioutia,
" %r.llll7;C=L k in b t . all kind, of Fire mot .11nrille
Make. A home institution. 1.12110,1 ty Directors
who are well known to thu communiti. end who
are det,p2lned by proruptnen3 Ittld hbernillyto
maintain the charticter which they here machined.
to be ins
Ms offer in
ured. the bust protection to those who desire
Alexander Nlasick, B. Ms:Conti.
K. Mill McAuer Jr.,.
Jernes ley', c B.larke Even,
Aleserider Speer, ! Joseph Kirkpatrick
Andrew Ackley. .! Ynllllp dr mer,
Delia 31. Long. Win. Morrison.
Ibmsen. oo
NO. 'lll FIFTE AVENUE, SICUIVii D. motat
. . . ..
.. , .
11.J.. , 111g10y,_ 'John lloyd, • Taal. M. KOROT
an Wallace, iS. 11. Hartman. IA ehamba •
Jake 11111. IS. Moelorkan. • 1.1 A.
M r f
Thomas Smith Cno. A. Wlllconto. J.
n" ' *
O B • i i. !cr 11. KING, Ihnaklant.
.10. • TSiga i rTgli f;r e Pm. . id .! .l t •
Capt. IL.I. RACE, h e n r "rx' sr g . nt.
Of Pittsburgh.
Risks. Ins.. Li:strut all kinds of Fire .d
• • •
JO/IN 1RW1N,.111.. J'rueldent.
. T. J. 111/SKIN/4,h. Vice l'resloont.
C. 0. DONNELL. nocronu7.-
CAPT. UNA N. Ilene/al Agent.
John Irwin. Jr., • ii. L. NnhnoOook.
T. J. !lonlnnson. ' 1./verso,
C. G. 'lnnsOf. Honor/ 11. !larks.
Carve s y Childs. • Nunn tt .I.loollng t
Cbarins its Catet..C , r. Slooknale.
- -
Wm. Phillips. , Capt. John '
L. Rh AA
John Watt, in
Paucl P. Shrive .
John E. Porte, thane, Arbuckle,
C. IL Love. • Jared ki. mum.
Wm. Van Kirk, Wm. F. buy,
James D. Veme_,_r Parana! Picirlekast.
WIL POILLIP_, President,
JO WATT, Vice PresidetiL •
W. Y OARDNICIL Pocrettor.
• .
871 1. 1i 1 '41: , ! . 4. the . SECOND NATIONAL. YANK
. W. MARTIN. President,
• .1011N_DROWN, Tice President.
,lAMES E. STNT ENRON. Seeretan.
et - rons: t
.1.1.!:.'11.A.Ggi1::;;;1X,.,nrrin.,"••••14.1,1.,•L:e1::. •
John Brown. Jr.'Grorpte Gent. :Jacob in)l e,
Thompson J. Metnestier.
• .
Tli E COURT OF 41tUARTEit-iii•
SIONS of Allegheny coonty.
ors lir the above ease. war prorsettee to Court tad
pled July 7, 1870, and c9nOrmed N4l , totremme
slisolute unless exceptions wee esiStloiretil Within
JizAIHENS !ANN. In the City of Pittsburgh..
Notice Is hereby given that the smessruentsmade
hy the viewers, Intbo opening of Allem' lan(
las roodined by the Court.) in flow In sny hands for
collection, from nat If the some be not poll within
thirty days the dote hereof liens will be
therefor against rho properties esseesed.with in
terest. cost and fees, end the same collected by .
legal process. , •
J. F. B.I.AGLIC, City Attorn . ey l3 .-
Irrx 12.1WY0.
_L4 testamentary oplin the estate of Zinn-
HARDT . XLIAVANGEIt. late of Allegheny City,
deed. having been granted ratite undersigned,' all
Persons Indebted t o said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment. and W persons hokiltuf
claims against sald estate to present the same,
duly authenticated for settlement. to Uri ITlg'd.
SLAG/C: Atliihmeys. No.loB Fifth tremor, Pitts.
jedistl Wit. fie 13.1.1VANCIEIL Fixecntor.
TON. DECKASP.l).—Letters testamentary
on he estate of THOMAS 11. HA1111.1:0N,
refuted. having been duly granted to the enders
Aimed. MI - persons Indebted to the sold estate are
requested to Make Immediate payment. and those
hernia claims or demands against the same to
make them known without delay to
Mot CAMOIANNI 11A 311 L.TON, Erreutrti,
Or to 11. T. MORRIS, No. 98 kifth avenue
1e7117-T, . •
CITT'TtIEA.I.IItnt ovnes, t
• Pfrranfnmu..Moo 1 1200.
AiLTICTIVIITZtif'IIf:A4V`A If.. b er*"
the( the aaaesameota of
City, City Building, Special, Poor, Bast - -
ness, • City School and Ward School
Taxes and City Water Rents
Iror the year 1170 hare. In senordabre erlbh
been this dayreturned to roe. tor eollectlOp. A
nadamo n of F.,e nor eentula will b allosred On
all Saxes and trati.r BC/114 I. before the
drat day of Angelo. and I. i. ;Aim if pelf
betwt.en t doss ol a, —I. t. and nt... t h•
day dt "P". dra
A. J. (3)(3IISAN,
Jed .r.
• Cur Wags are,
Machine Store Works,
Northwest antler of W.N. Connort,Allethony.
Hers on band Or polars on ben notice: Muth
Vadultf/217.174 ""
denyrempU)>• , n,.n on rrasonshis reran
T in the matter of Robert often end Cuthtort
Dirt.. partners eo Dixon Brothers. ha-JARMO.
Woken DOtrlve of D on
A warrant in Bankruptcy hut, been Imund bY
raid Court nsainsd the roade nf linters DMon
and CuMben boron.- bannerol... Olmol Brothers.
or the County of Allegheny. State of; pennaylvw.
Mln mild dioriet, who have been duly stUndied
bankrupts upon petition of their creditors. and
the payment of any debt. and the deltrery of any
ProPertYlxionging to mid bankrupts. to them or
for their nee. tad the tranifer of say yrope.7 b 7
them. are forbidden by taw. A meeting of the
creditors of said bankrupts. to prove their debts
:rjg shoots one
oars olroom4".,^4mlTV!..c"; their MA%
at No. 9:5 Diamond oreet. to the Cltyor Pitt.
hurth, in sold dintrlet, on tilt 10Th DAY OF
,IfitigUnB 7 . B ' ill ' il frit ' al VII! W. !
•Reirieters In Bankruptcy of mid Dtatrlvt.
'WARNER'S PILE REMEDY has never felled
not even In one sue, to core the very wont eases
of Blind, Itching or Bleeding Plies. Thoeewboare
aElieted sheeld Loseediateiy call on their draestat
and get WARNER'S PILE ItESIEDy, It Is rot
prendy for the Piles. and In hot recumoon4Vl to
any other disease. I t
has coed toe) user of over
thirty years 214 1 / 1 41116. Price 11. Ferrate
gists everywhere.
SUMAC -130 Bags Tennessee gronnd
to arrive, for We b