The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 26, 1870, Image 1

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corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield
year; .... .....
by nuller ,
Lediclita.t.ow iR 11
ni ry.ftioracivi
' •
Euirr: :B9aoF.rr
England. •
• clite.too bow 10
Maine. -
a Berkely Spriaita
1:1 - ',‘ health Las it
nonage to oXint
111 coMe home (rot;
n dulb)tui lienielf a
A sArivE of Afe
in I.leorgla,
ST. Inn'tB in to It
public baths.
ItT:obla locturing
vo $30.000 wort
FIFTY-EIGHT whisker:tinfoit. keep Ne
Albany lively. •
PnAinnaN bine is the fashionable volt
for fall wear.
Two fatal cases of yellow fever hart
occurred at Bath. Oa.
AN lowa paper object., to profanity- be
- cause it is ungrammatical. . •
HAIIIIODSM:110, Ky., is agitated oVer tb
Bible in the schools - quest ion.
SECRETARY Slgll'End his sou Hamilton,
Jr., are at Oarrkon's on the Hudson.
SENATOR. CAMERON is now said to be
the oldest member orr the United Staten
WARREN, Penna. has been surprised to
find itself figuring ow the lint o( watering
places this year s , : •
THE Lonterillti OurierJoitrnal: Sc„
promisee to Issue an extra every after
noon while the war Wits.
MRII. Ozonise. TANDERTIONF is pnpnr.
ed to lecture next season en - The Rights
and Wrongs of Children."
A REACTIYUL, 'jet black, fine-grained
'marble has been discovered In connidera
file quantity near Williamsport; Pa. '
Omit. R. NlnKsit,of KentuCky, has just'
been married to his wife the second time.
They were divorced tiventy-dve years ago.
IN New Orleans many of the foreign
orders for cotton have been countermand
ed and a demoralized market is the result
Dn. A. H. SVERNBEY, for fifteen years
editor ofHorper'n has relin
quished that post and la now reader for
Harper Brothers.
Tug-Clara Barnes.a mammoth steamer,
now being built in Jeiyersonville. Indiana,
..,wlll. be the largest s teamer ever construct.
ed In the West.
THERE is but one ('nina woman to every
five China men In this country. so Brig.
ham Young in not likelyto have many con
verts from Confucius. '
I Vvoiatfin wants to elect a woman dele•
gate to Congress just tO test a principle.
`shat a belle she *onld , be in the Hoene .
1.1.• she happened to be in any way attrac
WIIT the oAzerri Mike atai floe--
allays like are
beautiful Italia or golden m
ed AfriCa or the cannibal infected islanda
of the 'Southern mean Because. they are
a very hot climb. _
JOUR COWNEL I eti tre_t 1:,14011A N has
• written a history of the Irish Brigades in
•" the . sersice of rmore (nun the English
resolution ander James 11. to the revolt,
tion in France under Louts XVI. •
Mitre OwgN, the negm who outraged
the person of a girl in Robertson county,
Tenn., was caught and placed in jail, and
that night was taken out of the-jail by
eighteen armed masked Men and hung.
PurbAnwr.rni,s' tirethen were kind
. enough last week not to fight yeti. much
and not to set any house s on fire. Suth
forbearance es this rime not be expected
often nor quoted as a precedent hereafter.
IN Quincy, tim, other day, a emeriti' in
the dog-pound wits shot; and. apparently
dead, was thrown Into the 'river. After
Rending about four mike he came to life.
swam ashore, and returned to his home.
TFtelrst merchant vessel that ever die.
played from her peak the flag of this re.
public is reported sunk in the harbor of
Payta, Peru. She was !relit - in 17e.„1,
barque rigged, about 300 tons, and ellled
the Ifaria. •
A CLEVELAND grocer Having become a
ghOst now creates panics among his rela
'lives and astounds timtown. 'lfs mother
and wife especially cannot be brought to
thhnk this ghost is a deception and they
don't like hia looki.
I •
WE f eel under deep obligations to th
Preiheits Freund for tho extremely fiat
tering remarks concerning our foreign ar
"tides and translations, and we. shall do
- our best on future occasions to have them
more worthy of such praise.
la Montgomery county, Ky., on Tiles.
day, Alfred Hainline mole at William O.
Oldham-with a.pitchfork, and Oldham re
taliated with a shotgun, killing H. In
stantly. The Sentinel remarks that the
difficult? Is greatly regretted.
MODENA has contributed an Italian
Opera Troupe eompasedt entirety of child,
ren, A nd they are delighting the Slennese
who cannot sufficiently admire the pre
• couciousnerat of the little ones, who. at
though of tender age, sing Italian better
than they do German.
ink Empareshas accomplished a great
thing for his army. He has secured the.
services of "fifteen hundred Paris hack—
men who hare joined the army for war.".
This ensures the defeat of the Pruasians,
for no army opposed to them, mu stand
ther"chargen' of these liackmen.—N. F.
Co* aeresal Ado. -
Mn:Sunta.r, a Hitrrodaburg, nue
thineer, while returning: from a barbecue
was set upon by four horsemen, who,put
a pistol to his, bead, a vidomfarmod
sponge to his nose aid relieved him of
five• hundred . dollars. lie remembers
hearing one of -them say,"Don't kill him;
bee -a clever fellow."
Tas desoendante of Rev. Jrizatban Ed.
wards are in hold a so-union in Stock
brl4e, Masa., on .the first l'oemday and
Wedeesday of ;fiel)teiber. We were
shown, by a citizen of Allegbany,a manu
script sermon of the father of tb, Rev.
.lonathan Edwards, quite legible • yet
although yellow- with- age. : : . •
Our might almost think Whittier; the
Quaker poet, was .8. German war orator,
judging by this stanza of 'his alluding to
'the nephew of his'unele: -
"lbws Gambler for Napoleon's crown.'
Barnacle on his dead renown, • l
Than Bourbon-Neapolitan,
Crowned scandal. loatbad of God and shwa"
FOR practice in , pronunciatlon the fol
o reference,to the Main rivert
the Kennebec Journal will do: °it will
interest everybody to know that the Red
geeunkedunk Is 'a romantic' stream in
Brewer, and that the Sowadabscock Is
in Carmel. ,It must kw somewhere, in 'the
vicinity of the Muelascomungrunjuvilki
, Temworsi joke we 'Over saw in our
ii we found recently !tithe Louisville
Courier-Jew Sc., it was tide: "The
motto of the French reserves—Changer
niers." After long prtudering - we mole to
the conclusion thatthe editor of , the pa
perwhich Is so sensitive regarding all its
nanie s - proiamixes,Changanger, Stunt go
Ws .rannot understand why .Eughutd
should think of,- sending a batch or ten
tholsisurlden . over to defend Bedgium.
when that eosin try haa fire of
habilatts..verynearli as many aa had the
twa &Alwyn!' Net, York and Pennaylra
Ma when.mar war began, and yet sent:oat
more. than two handrod. t thonsand
whith'aitittredly ought. to tie enough io
defend Relearn. .
. la thr, tray they live in Canada :
neer, first quality: 0 0.1 onus; second
.quality, 5. to 6 cents: eel, first quality.
10 to 12 recta; secondquality. H' to 1(1
cents; mutton, first qUility, 6to . cents;
menu' quells 4 to 6 cents; lamb, Um
qualfty.3 to 4 cents; world quality, 2to
3 cents; pork, first quality, 10 to 14 cents;
10001111 11 4. 5.t0 10 cents; dour, Vl5
per 100 los: . butter. 20 cents per pound;
Pula Wei.* 45 cents per bushel; egg.. I b .
cents per dozen.
Ai a cheese factory in Broome county,
New "fork, the . cream is taken each-morn
ing from the previous night's milk, and a
very superior articleaf butter made, fro It, which last yemp•umnurn did the highest
prises In market. • From to fitful akl m .
mod; mixed with the Ines milk.
Cheese la made which. sale for full price.
, 1
1 * it „
:111 A, . L- 41-° i
- ,
, 1
.c• „tit
. .
A little more milk is quire,' to make. a
pound of cheese, but t e profits of milk
treated in this way are tonsifierably larger
tlmn' where cheese aloe i,,in Made.
young men h ve been arrested
in Philadelphia, charg: i .with highway.
robbery and making an outrageous assault
upon a young woman Clamed Jarvis, who
was ! vralking-along with her lover when
the gang . set upon them, beating the
young man until he was insensible, and
carried off the unfortunate girl. One of
the men has confessed to being a partici.
pant, and accused the other two, who are
also recognized by Mini Jarvis, although
they declare thr4r abill4 to prove alibis.
T, Cincinnati there
. nre 114 churches
, 11
valued at $4,262,871. ' , f these, five, one
Christian and four Jewi h, are Unitarian,
the rest are all Trinhari n churches. The
Catholics and Met hodi st a have 24 churches
each, but those of - the Catholics aro worth
nearly Revel . hundred thousand dollars
inure than those of the Methodists. The
seven Episcopal churches are worth more
than the ten Baptist tabernacles nod the
twenty.oue Presbyterian churches are
worth nearly as much as the 34 Alethodist
Ind Baptist buildings together and - three
times as much .as all the Episcopal
k a relies.
. ---
LANDSE.Ft , has received the degree of
I). C. L. front the University of Oxford.
ETHER Is used by tetoialli,s in Ireland
to intoxicate themselves with. In the Tn .
ij(1115 about Belfast four thousand gallons
of the liquid are used annually.
-till: wife of Prince Hohenzollern is said
to be the handsomest tondo among the
Princesses of Berman': She inn daughter
.1 exiiing Ferdinand of Portugal..
TnE Register Genera of England has
ust made a monthly port. He places
he area of London at 77,007 acres.
nris has only 3,728 nc rine Berlin 0,-
:5:1 acres. •
7 C17.11T 0111044 a. Lie
ithig a history of F
that thv i I
him by , Wither
ndfather." - •
oisure }tours in
nee for idtildren.
• was suggested
t's - Tales of a
THE - Story- of th
iiiiich - has been a nti c..,
jitc-.imiliet of the mi n
Piewick, and of the port
Count D*Orsay. . I
!Tut: Mount flothanl f
,Europe. it in estimated.
constant dripping of
streants, and it in feared
eventually- abandoned.
' • THE Prince of Wales t an now take n to
whist playing to an ext nu t which makes
him almost as much a re an his great
tutee, the late Duke 'b VOrk, Wlin was
the terror of all his aril ai ntaaces when a
ranttable was any wile near.
A . LEADINO plivsicia in Paris, after
asking a patient the q 'at ioas according
to formula; as to sleepl g and eating, next
detain& what newspa r he reads. If
the patient be nervous nd. excitable, the
mildest and dullest jou nal in prescribed.
PHOFESSOn GANtozeitrrit. to a London
paper; suggesting thatlinstead of putting
ire into drinking wa er, we Should e
ploy CiutchineS, which. ensys are already
successfully Used, for Aucing the tem
perature of. water by, xtracting the heat
from it.
Life - of liekem
iced will coattail
inal wrapper. a
ait of Diekenx Li
lallwartunuel in
annul stand time
tho mountain
It will have to be
1 nen lead manuf+turer of France has
•dhicnvereil that the use of milk at their
meals, which he hasimade obligatory nn
ids workmen to the !extent of ONO litre
daily, preserves those employed in lea,'
works free from any' symptoms of I.
Tut relativegit'ous of
points in the Euro the:Ltet
as follows: Pa ' to M 5...
t'arin tn. Berlin, 500; Paris
1 410: Paris to Lon on, 1 :Pt
born - , 3.2.5: Berlin to Tenets,
t.,:_lanidon. 525.
... ,
FE.VCCE has Liu fort seas. 'of which 8
ore of the first ran ris, Lyons, Stun:-
bourg. Yeti, Lill., 1 Wolt z Brest and.
Cherbourg. rrhe ortilcatians of Paris
ore stated to Lac COP 940.000.000, and
'up to 1833 there had been expend.' on
Cherbourg $'34.000000.
08 the night of he 20t1i of May. after
a dust storm in Ca Cum, a hot breeze be
gan to blow shoat ten o'clock, which
1'i1119,1 the thermometer rise to ninety
three degrees, or r early pal to the heat
of the day. Many'perao rushed to their
windows, thinking there as a fire.
Lamaterms. lett amon his manusaiptil
carefully-_ written memoi of his mother
and of himself. The firs life iii complete;
Cie nutibographi is gait! to be a noble
fragment. .These will published sine
illtaneously in Faris and Lo ndon; in the
latter city the editions Si 1 he in English.
IT is said that' a pike a caught•in a
lake ha South Germany, i 1 408, on which
11141 found a ring hearth the following
inscription; "1 ant the sh which wan
Bret of all put An t ais lak . by the hands
of 'the Governor of the I niverse. Fred.
erick 11 3 the oth f Octo r, 1230. - It
treighed :150 poun is and was nineteen
feet long.
.- -.
laud, recently - gave 2200,1
benevolent instituti ns. NS
tion that it all shall's. ins,
States bonds, - and shall m
into other securitiek until
cent redeems them. •Et
money- must be invested. ag
States securities, or 'stocks
paid good dividends.
FIVE thousand feet above'
the sea in JIMMIA, there
plantation of forty acres wfi
set out in 1806, and 13
prored successful. • It In des'
vert six hundred acres of - the 'virgin lot
cat of the island in cinchona fields, and
the only drawback upon the enterprise sn.
far has been the scarcity of the plants.
The demand for young cinchonas for pro
pagition has been far beyond the supply.
The greet commercial value et Peruvian
hark lende tO thin experiment in Jamaica
no little; iniportance. i k
to different
h the stipula United
be convected
the Govern
n then the
'n In United
I which have
corrOn'tieed has been found available
iby a Lancathire (Eng.) manufacturer 'for
Abe production of a 'taper of a V,ery excel
lent quality. Of all anbstanceev hitherto*
tried as-a submitute for, raga It Is regard.
ed by practical judger. an the moat desir:
able: One important feature in In, use is
that it renders necemary little alteration
in the ordinary machinery of pspermilla
Thin discovery In of great—value :to the
southern stater. Sozniof thicsat japer
mil* in the country before the war were
itt Virginia and North Cannibal", and the
quinthles of cotton' seed that could be
furnished at their very doors will enable
them to manufacture the new paper to
the , beat advantage.
Fitton an extract of a Mexican letter,
published in the-Poll Mall Gazette. Lt ap•
pear. that travelling in Mexico in still at.
tended with dlscomfgra "It is ,Horan
minimal thing," tar; he writer, "to see a
diligenbs arrive with all the windosis
closed, which means thatthe robbers have
not left the passengers enough clothes to
enable them to appear decently befoie the
public.'.on such occasions blankets are
stuffislin ',he windows (of the houses
.tre suppore,litibrder,that.they may, alk
from the'diligence to their bout/min a bet
cotning manner." tirigendage no spite.
, tinith: is deplorable enough, but then the
regard for dottmcy_ manifested tryilie in.
habitants, is a moral Compensation that is
ant wile llgbtly ,regarded. Clearly, the
itli•xicah* turn - not arriii4ifit total deptat,
A DAUOUTEO of Pennsy!ludo or. New
York who`owes, It is said, to nil her im.
inesse fortine, nightly attracts all eyes
at the Orand Opera. Paris. She is the
wife of M. Musard, whose father had his
hour of - reputation as the leader of the
orchestra of the (brand Opera's masked
balls.: Unable to enter society; she
gratifies vanity,.by attracting puldic at- -
tention. tier last freak is to appear at
the (brand Opera without jewels or
flowers:her only ornament being a live
snake coiled about her wrist. The !mike
la constantly climbing up and down her
arm or nestling in her hand. enjoying her
fan and wen's of endearment: ,Evecy
.%wfa glass Is fixed on her and the snake.
The lorettes are all crazy for the, posses•
sion of such an ornament. If they. like
Madame Rusani, carry it constantly with
them. ifiair company will he more,dangmr
pus than ever.
i. ~ ~rY<
_ _
A Correspondent intervieti, Napoleon
--A Projected Treaty With Prussia.
Developed—What France Proposed
and Prussia Befused —The Troops
and Fortifications at Metz—Prus
sians Passing the Black Forest and
French Massing at Strasbourg—Em
press Eugenie Reads(Napoleon's Pro
clamation to . the'l Flekt-IFreuela
Chambers Closed-,Belgian Nimtral-
Hy and England'sConcerii Therefor
—Napolenn- Would Save Denmark
front Prussia in Spite or Danes
Theinst4vea—The , Alleged Treaty
Between France and Spain..
ty Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.l
loirrtlevir with .Itpoloon
, ..
LONDON, July . ..l:is—A war 'correspondent of
this city has telegraphed the substance of an
Important interview had ‘ lvith.--,,0 . Emperor
Napoleon. The Emperor a tributeiT the cause
of Hie war to the aggraudizlng policy of Pros-',
sta. lie sold with seeritt" he had asked
Prussia to consent to t he i Cession of Luzern,
bourg. • Count !limn:trek was apprised of
France's wishes • but refused to necede to
this request, and suggested' the probability of
Prussia taking Holland and attaching it to
the Confederatioli, of North Herman States.
This is what France wants. The Emperor re
plied that the attetnids of Prussia to oboorh
Holland were esitisidered Op L
qt menaces. They
preant war with France. ,
What PennerProposed and Predate Refit's...a':
The London Times publishes - a projected
treaty submitted by the Fren'cli to the , Prus-
Sian Government., and guaronitees its authen
ticity. The preanlble vets forth that the King
-of Prussia and the i:Emperor Of the French. in
order to strengthen the then Iles of friendship
between the two 'governments and peoples.
etc. hereby conclude the subjoined treaty. In
the first article. Napoleon admits and recog
nizes the late acqiilsition• of Prussia from
Austria: in the second the Prussian King; en
gages -to facilitate the French acquisition of
Luxembourg; in !the third. the Emperor
acquiesces In the ,untrin of the North and
South German Stare,. Austriaxcepted; In
the fourth. France, finding that it is necessary
to absorb Belgituti; Prussia lends her as
sistance to that Measure: The fifth article Is
the usual one of offensive and defensive alli
ance between the two nations.
To this arrangement the reply of Prussia
was curt end decisive. She positively refused
to consider 81:1y such proposition coining from.
Prance. This deOination of Prussia to lOO.ell
Ginn) overtures from Prance was the real
cause of the present POUtilet.
1 hr.* Treett. EVope "wound Meta The De-
special correspondent writes from Metz.
under date of July 21. that three stonier have
been formed around that city. liensit al
lowed to inspect Fort ISt. quent In. strider the
guidance of an °Meer., and :full information
was given him. The (Ma is. m -.Do completed
In twenty-four hour,. ISixtr Milton arc being
placed In position. The 'ditches, eaSellates.
mud bomb proof barracks, and everythrng con
nected with the forts-es ,, , ate I constructed
on an Immense scale. 'the work it not
destined to defend Meth merely, at that not
was sumeientty fortillett beton , . bat to pro
tect a .I.t encampment like the present, or
give shelter too beaten; army. The fact that
the, Wall, were commenced months ago. is
clear proof of -how Frlince , has been prepar
tog an offentive ar hit the Urst opportuni•
.Ther.• ore to.° frirt sr St ..Qti,:tt cf ol
inandluy• the bronolival:eV. era, aml ;alas,
- s.-
font <hes to, the Own. s The gross+ ssf tirs°•
can play with sPuisrutlous elect no any
enemy that may ad v knee y hrough the valley to
attack the town. while Id the valley short- IA
amplethelter for thesivhdle_anny, guarded on
one tide by the guns of tise town. and on the
other side tiy the gime al the fis i ts. The orb.
Corn at the forts die not expel. to leai, for
the frontier at lets than eight days. . s
A captain In the Pristran .insginease Corns
has just bePri arrested in be fort Ms it No-.
Marshal Gamine was. i Metz. Gorse% be
longing to members of his snarl nen knot
saddled anti standing before the hotel, but no
move had yet been made. Great dint,
were experienced in getting:supplies forward,
not only from I Paris. hut ' from the country
about Metz. T he indicates that prnen
movements mar be still tome time delayed.
the central
tUZ War are
170 =ilea
to Vienna ,
atie to Strae•
300 Berlin
I :=M
A correspondent writing from Paris rays:
Prussian troops were passing thmiugh Black
Forest townros Beale. Several detachments
had been stoppest by the SWiftli authorities.
*hp have an observation corps of t went y-lit e
thousand soldiers.
Frened at %awl Defile.—Largr Vary. .t
A strong French force wag massing to pre
vent surprise through the Voss, defiles.
Troops were pouring into Strasbourg from
Ilesuncon, and everything Indicates that the
first great Wow will be struck In the vicinity
of Strasbourg. as a great force had already
arrived there. nil of wpieh had been trans
ported by railroad.
General Alagliabon's beadquartere were at
Strasbourg. - •
The Prussian forces are being withdrawn
fibm their adtanced position, anti the various
corps are being concentrated at the most de:
fenalble position, where they are evidently
awnltlng a French attack upon the. line of the
Rhine. - • • '
alias.. Eng
Esup,. Eugeeir el Elmtiourg.
The Empress Eugenie yesterday arrived at
the port of Cherbourg, and was received with
State honors. A royal salute wet deed. and
she was conveyed to the Sag ship• and, berg conducted to the deck, in a clear tone read the
Emperor's proclamation- to the fleet. At the
eAnclusion of the ceremony the yards -were
manned, salutes were demi. and the
m fleet went
through various evolutions. ammy re.
were very doe. lien Majesty woo then con
ducted to the shore.
the Ictel of
it cinchona
ell wan flint
n entirely
ird to eon
Preach libamben limed -thnelal SWAT*,
The iiMmild UJAciel this morning Pahllama a
decree closing the .es Tone of the Senate and
Corps Legisintlf. That journal Ints several
other ornelal declarations —one touching the
inviolability of the neutrality of neighboring
tin mem, and another with regard to the
strengthening of the fortifications of France.
j The Alabama Claims,
LONDON July 2.5.-1/11:ullotigh Torreon,
this week ask the to vent /neat whether
the statement. Is true recetred' by telegrnoli
from America that Lord Clarendon. replying.
to a communication from Motley. had declined
to reopen the Alabama* negotiations, had if
true, whether the gorertanent will produce
the correspondence.
Nestrality —England Too nefereo.
• dal to N•lkairON.
The tone In official eiriles rather too In
different about protecting Belgian neutrality.
English relations with Wrince stet ess strained
than they were s few days since.! Some fears
are expressed that the. Go.erntlient will be
found to have been too deferential to Napo
leon. It Is donbtfuf whether the whole. nor- -
resiaPadenee will be published. '
Denmark to be Evert-ea:
. •.
A speeial dispatch from Faris to the Daily
Mrs. dated dutuntay Inst. says that' France
has resolved to force Denmark Into hostilities
epithet Prussia, notwithstanding the deter
mination of, the Mulish Csbinet to nftnein
A French fleet will shortly appear -before
Copenhagen, and make a movement Li, over
throw the ministry and save the Danes from
Prussia In spite oLlhemselvms.
The lithabltante Of ,tiorder. 'Nay and other
islatelariehrouth of the Elbe have all
removed, otherd hi to leavelhe French fleet In
those waters without experienced pilots.
Premolar., far Herres,: •
The French War Office Is taking extmordi
nit,* Precautions topreserve secrecy. The
bureau chlefaare prohibited from holding In
tercourse with persons outside. All Instruc
tions proceed directly from the Ministemof
War, and notthrough subordinates.
Terms Between Fran., and Nyman.
Mankto. July al-The existence of a treaty
offensive end defensive between rtitaln and
France In deuled by the Mlninterial, swarms
hare; but rannserted by nu 'other , lirdatd4
Ireland In !sympathy with France.
Dentin. July Z.-The sytnnathy of Ireland
is almost-unanimously with France. Large
meetings were heard Dublin, coek . ..d
where in Ireland yesterday and w e n n , fiam _
can resolutions were adopted.
: banunary of News.
The Toulon fleet sailed to-day to relnfirce
that of Cherbourg. •
The gradual evacuation Of Houle has been
decided upon.. .••
The Rmeo!. of Metz state that the French
armies have taken forty prisoners thus far.
The Emperor r rudded •dbreouncli of
_The,nont of volunteers already enrolled
Its France In one hundred and ten thousand.
It 'snow tolerably certain that the Duke of
Palikao will he co , nutander4n4lief of the
. .
Arm of the Unitlc.
A 'French frigate had Wen iltsintiched to
the Scotch coact to recruit
..reoanen from the
The !Udine Chamber" pasied n law .nuthorii
loaf tto negotletiee et loam of Mx million";
livree. . 1.
. .
Visconte Prouillhard. the newly" eppointed'
Minister to }Vailtiagton. Luis been no tifi e d or
his appointmenktel 611 t he
t vacancy occastened . ;
by the dentirdrrrevos Pilradol. 1, ; ig
Information has been received that on Sun-
day n body. of German Grinner Lancers patted
the border near Fearbruck and tore up the
rail. for a long distance on the Metz rellroad;
duet, and returned to count,
The French are concentrating itt Dunkirk
on the coast, near the Belgian frontier.
' nuke fur the Conduct of dui WOr.
PAWN July :2-s.—ThuJ6llrnat ()Pr let cuntai.
he follpwitat declitmllow
.• • .
The French government has issued orders
toot in the prosecution of the war commandeni
Of French forces will scrupulously regard,
with respect to neutral powers. the :ndes of
international right, and that they are especi
ally to conform to the principles of the
declaration of the Paris Congress of issa,
as °dews: Privateericg Is abolished; a
neutral flag protects the iffemy's merchan
dlill, except contraband of •ar; merchandise
of a nest ral. except contraband of war. Is not.
seizable un•lern foreign nag; n blockude must
be effective. Although Spain and the rotted
tllateS did not adhere to the declaration Of
18.5 G. French vessels will not seize the property
ef an elleinV when the propene Is: the cargo
of n Spallial or American vessel, provided It
is. not contraband' of sear. Prance will 110
longer claim t he right to eondsente the found , nit
it merchant or Spaniard, found
Innint vessels of arCAmerican.
- • •
Dlpinumtle Interview—Cerllst Rlnlnn Feared,
• -r
?,tints, July 2 . s .—Beneral Prim vhttd a long
Interview yesterrlar with the British Ambas
Thi• signal for a Carlin Outbreak Is momen
tarily expected, and all needful preparations
have been made to meet It. The granter por
tion of the garrison at Valladolid has been
sent to the front to guard against a Car
list eruption. but as-Don Carlos has offered to
Terre in the - French anny, It It probable that
(he order for the rising, known to have been
Issued, has been countermanded. Carlin
chieftains are incensed against Don Cation,
and think tiP selecting us another candidate
for the throne his brother, who Is now serving.
as a Buntitical Zouave. .
American Ladles' Sanitary Countahadon.
psatte, July :15:--Americata ladles held
another Meeting yesterday to organize a San
itary Commission. Mrs. liariturrame was
chosen Prevident:•ltirs. Evans, Vice President;
Mrs. L. L. Wartl,--itecretary. stud Mrs. Koch,
Assistant Secretary. The 10/10leing eoeittlit
tee was appointed: Madames Paul,. Forbev,
Parnell, Dates,. Cam:Dino. Johnston, Liver
to:re:Merrill and Crain. andthi. Ilarwood
mil Benton. The bureau of h i enew eointals
ion is at 15 Rue de POI,
.The skirmish at Carling.
In the affair it Carling Satitrday, where tilt
Pru.i. reconnoitering' Pane • crossed the
frontier and *ere encountered mod rePUlsed
er the French, Paris papers, claim 'the Prus
sians Met two killed . and fifteen wounded,
while Clumseury had only live slightly
wounded. The two Prussian soldiers who
were killed were left on the Saki
'pie Peace Party In red.—freak Intermit:
• The peace party or Parts le nuinerically di
tal msbing et ery hour. The smell number re
maining it ore not show t heinselves in the
streets. It Is. anticipated that the banks of
England and Franee further siltedle the
rite of interest this Sleek. buoy think the
dist'eunt rate will be flee per cent, itiboth In
stitutions be Saturday.
The Detemies or Paris.
The J 011.41, 01/flri mmounces the Minister
of liar bas given intimations to commence
putting in n State of defense and reldlness
for active sentice the old fortifications of
Paris, nod forts beyond the present line of
wet ks.
EnII Inform.lsis Premised.
The French Government promlseg to publish
he dispatch of The Nenedetti reporting
a lief al I the CirCIMIPt MCPII or the nomination
if Prince Hohenzollern for the Spanish throne
ant rear and the rHaavosral of the same by the
'moll. King and Ministers.
Commander In rortldrationa.
Gen. Ilaragony D'Hilliers has been placed
in command of the Paris tmops gobri Into
sarelson la the fortlfkatlon of Paris,
XINDON,Iv 24.—Th° peopl e of Prusitin
Wedneidny next as n vof (mating and
Yer to propitiate Divine Providence and
oke n bleastalf on their ulna. _
" •
Paula. July 25. - .ltochfort'a Journal, tie
Marx - Woo, appearn agal to-day. It ad inn
article announcing the ces n
sation trt the h publi
c.ition on account of the menswear serently
taken be the Gocertiment against the tires,
French Fleet Head, to iirll .
liftman:no, July 25. he French idea In
ready for teL and is expected will tall
tight or to-morros . Admiral Willlanmer hat
hed - MI fling o the Survelllinte. Eight
thousand marinen, under ('.en. Derartorktiv.
di accompany thit northern bound heel. -
• • •
• Item. or flrltleh Nene.
LonPon. July 2...—The COMPIoOS to-ulitt
rejected the prripusni abolluh the aineuur
or the Prier Seal.' The !rupee
Lnolo conerdered . the Education bill• and t h
inch Land W. The amendments :nide t
lb, latter by thy t'utnenotas Were not eon
uttered In. •
arr. Ilr. I.ater..tte. the eeiebthithd African
Isrtionayy.ha• nrrived from thecapeOf 4i,onA
Tproltret of I he.tittr, rot In .rnglaud I
r,!ror luf
thruellun to b. Itlirstmotdr.l 44 I Inns. •‘l.
lIONO KunO, July li. ads Pointe De Dail.
and Ilombay.- The firitiob gunboat's (typo.-
ned and Dwarf,. have go. to Tientsen. the
-port of Pekin. to demand antinfactkin for the
recent outrage on forelguerii.• The foreign
volunteer offo Sr
tanr ighxnp e W d iv tieo nbr w h irl. e h d
.nicwieStlnatlian. and the French killsend n
town! and iollit are force trout Saigon. War
is int, liable
= greening"; nialitlers for "'ranee In troaada.
Tonnarrtl. July 2 - 4.-- , The Montreal corres•
'midden? thr torn t ookma who
mrrive.l tately front France an °Mee in
St. Jam. street and has within a few day.
been actively recruiting for the French arum.
-Itecritits have their passage paid to Ent,*
where they are proltiLsed bounty.' lam, of the
recruits so far are Irishmen. fbe recruiting
seems to have money. an he opened
credit with a bank to thfs ationuit of rifialisi.
Cannon foe Turkey train America. .klanania
. -
Intatmx, July rll.-It lir reported Ct the
Turkish Government ban contracted 1.111. par.
glen In .Imerica for two hundred cannon. "
Mr. NicCialloujet Torrent lan given potter In
Parliament that he will sok for the prOduet ion
of the corrusimmlentin Containing the'refugal
of ford Clarendon to reopen 'the Abilinala
Entire Tranquility in Portugal.
line... July n crisis on ae.
count of the reldreutent f Maidanha from
the Ifluistr7..nee untrue. Enxins tramplUßY
prevails.: : •
Paragoay and Brant!.
Lowtoso July in.- Adclee, from Itiu Janeiro
to the Ott, inst. tittle that the treaty of peace
between Paniguay 191 104 t. yet
/dirtied., General Jentatels 1.; 111 In Ent rd !talc
iltcw Diamond Firing; Dineoverea.
.1. tamp, Jule :Z.- Ach ices from
anntlitner the dincovery of new diamond
• T. Yipltrilsti Cones.
31 A41 1 .16..1ta1yf....1.—The sessions of the Wryet
will be reaufnedln November.
Austria 'and Papal Infallibility.
V masa. July 25. =Austria will probably
prohibit the prottanzation. of Yana! Infaill-
01,rarterovrarJuly heuteatexhip•
win. Nevada and City of limmuelu. from New
York. arrived this morninK.
- 141•LC.NATOWN. July 2.5.-1 be utenmer Cite Of
London, front'Llierpool on.the :Ist, for Neer
York, irau detained here by a heavy foe.
. , - • • • •
7inirisi.l. July .%.--Consola foemonerbs.4.
Anuoienty securities dna Five-Twenty bonds
at London: .6.1,.111!4, '67 01: 10-40's,
Oil. Stocks dull; Erie, 10X; Illinois, .1113;
!untie .4 Great AVestern, 21.
•• LIVP.RPOOL, July 25.4C0tt0n nt
for middling uplands, and for. Nose Orlenua
sales of 14.0 M lades. California white wheat
Ile 6delliathd, red irestetti No. alOs 2410/01 3d.
winter 100 Ile. Western flour 20. Gd. Corn:
No. mixed ass. 0010..2s Barley
Pena - da. Pork lAls. fleet Ilan 61. Lard
ed. Chemin 03s. Bacon: Cumberland cut 681.
round diddles 6111. Praline steady and ma
LONDON . ..IIIIy Z.—Tallow 4.51. Common .rosin
• 6054'00. Calcutta 'hoisted tri.Q.6lo 6d. Lin
seed oil heavy at alit:
An-natio., July - 2.5...-,Pdttroletimdull and de
clining. at 40f. ; • .
PARIS. 3017 niumed arm.
. . .
Ft Kr n7.Juis 24.—Five-Tweittlet llteady
t tel`i447l. y •
irAVUR, July 25. 7 Otttoti 9penad !Inn M talf.
ByTelegretph t!:r.,Lb);.:P tt,idgatkluGin=
Itoeslng, - Consul Generator tlstlliorth
German'Confederatlon, wlsbei It knew* that.
the European telegram that. the Prussian on.
thorltles had lasued inetnictloneitcv Console
abroad Lo IStrulsb dee outfit 'to all Germane
who wish to return home to volunteer in the
anor, is untrue in every'. particular.! Hr. Boo
sing .1e feiritrull down by people to-dayder
1111 . 0U11 of Information or to. volunteer.
,Twenty thousand Germans are said to be
ready to fro from title Ity: and the name of
General bigel le 'freely talked Of In that con
nection. ntatltiier .
Wm. to d ay
, to e lt t n e K r z , house di
° of
Re ire thr,:o. b „llangiZital.h i eg,"Aiter,Ptedi
on the girl's clothlngandignited it. The gi rl
was saved by passers:hr, who eltingulehed
the ere, but atm Is probably fatally. burned.
The villains are unknown and have not been
••• • . ,•
At a meeting of the German Patrfiltio Ald
Sumety this evening It was stinted that 11=007
LW Lean .uworibea for the purposes of the
•society within the first twenty-four hounraf
ter Its formation.-
. weather I. still Intensely hot.; thereto
nieter MN. Among the numerous cane or
aunstroke I. that ot Conrad Frecterlch, a
cinnati merchant. who died lu Hoboken ln
lean than an hour. otter his family had sailed
.for Europe.
case pronounced by physicians genuine
Ailatic cholera occurred In Jersey aty on
Sender. tbirlistient dying in p hour ,.
i SFnranote 47Ui. Tb,rewereimnteet 1 101. to.
stroke the M , y to-day. '
The ateamen Cit...r of ParlsOilaniilitlan sud
Itcy arriVed from Llrenaol to-41nr.
alp.. :~lL?:i€2ib-i. =r
SIKH!' Offin.
, THE WAR,.'
Later Intelligence.
British Indignation Over the Proposed
Treaty Dereloped—Another Skir
.4nish on French Soil—French Cos.
tong' Moose Captured—Another Ac
e'iitnit of an • Intkrview With Napo.
leori—To Longer Hole France Ile
ANA . Have WO—French Base of
' OPei•ations—A Billie Not Expected
for a l om e DaysLtifilroadtorn tip and
Viaduct Destroyer - 14 "Prussians—
Fro l ch Fl.44lleady to Sail—Account
of tl eFiituation at Metz—Great Pre.
tiara lons—Departure of the Haw..
1-or to the Frontßelayed by Ills Ill
ness. Manifesto of King William.
Illy Tel. graph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] •
Kerne . nt In Hualandponeenting the Traaty
- P •posed by Nepoteon to Prinslts ,
Loans Is, July 24.—Thi secret treaty which
was on posed between France and I.russlt
mono'n lzes the attent On
. hrre Of the public
press n: d Pnrliantent. ntntiVe indlgnat ion ii
nutnife led at the dill:licit? of the power:
Conner ed. The acting of Napoleon is con.
x Were, as insulting to inglimil, Complete lg.
, • .
110 tape of the negotiat on I. proisissed at the
' , reacts embassy here.. , . I•
A divine/eh front lira/Wile Writes that the
countiit: the treaty proJected between Prance
and ,B
NA, which witoltrintod In the London
Taw* this morning . , is atithentic..
In thin House of Lords. - Granville, In reply to
n question from lie Redellife, said he was itu
ebbd tidal° where the Tin. obtnined the
text of he treaty.
.lours 11. In the Counnone , afterliquestion
ing the 'oreign Odice in regard to4e report
ed treat, denounced the Government for
trithholding the correspondence. . Ile declar
ed England could never hare entertained the
propositi m. The eat Welkin of the Klngdeni
tk .
of Detain would be a calamity to F:urope.
Ile hoped the Government would give all the
part icula ..
eildenush one Meeneh Grolong—The Needle Bun
ass the Chesoevet.
Lostems, July =.—The frllowing dispatch,
ICA, race{ d from Seartietick via Berlin.: On
Sunday a body of Prussians crossed the;
frontier near Snerbruck. They penetrated ,
the enuntry.iseveral mile. and at length found
the French In considerable force near Gens
welter. Sh rp skinrilShlng ensued and the
French anon retired:
o rg ten killed and
four vrou ded. less on Frusta.
side. This, action has demonstrated the
needle gun as sidierior to.lhe chassepot.
French Custom
compSt a oner Captured.
Subsequent. of trusslan
Ilth regiment lr
of a
the Line n c apture d
al' Fretiell
clittont bon., at Schreckllngen. The races
of the Mainm honw inngg A smut rotillitgaleo
ata wertiill ell lier. killed or captured. One.
Prussian officer was slightly wounded.
French Deserting.
li , terties Born. the Trench army are 1 ory
numerousand cnntinuellY ruining into the
Prussian line,.
:tootle., Aresiont of an Sweeties. loth Nam.:
leon , -In Order IV Ride Ile Meat Intro War.
LON In.n. .I,ily tq. 'Tote. Maillino grirgolph
print... eimaminicati,n twilit. a recent in
firm:en wt., iiie. Eiirt.etor . ...1 fort
night ago ow kaupern , le tirtharst, s.'-•
veer with runus. -He s 'aft unrendr.
but Franco was to ,fettin his hands Plki
in onler to rule he must lead France to
"sent. The Emperor (elated ii he con
0 4 7
of distintehes bolgertz himself and
ii.onstrek, claiming -the latter named
to, 'tooth 0101 01,...,1 It 1,1•• ..1011. 'rim
Emperor demanded Lusewbourg in Ingtin. air
equindent inc ; i neutrality In hatssin's tsar
with Au.ria., Bismarck nitlimi by deinand-.1
lag lloUsel as an equivalent tor Luxembourg.
The Emperor replied to this demand of Bis
marck. that should the Independence of tint.
land be attacked by Prussia. It .mold tx..ri - -
KR nth!, SS ali declaration of sear._ ratan( Hems.
drill - WV a grlent nt the inierrletv when
these facts were elicited. -.
- Vernet. Base of Operations.
Love/sat. July ZS-4 e. sr. --The : Frenen base
of sitesrat ions extends from id rasbaurg to Thl
online. a fete miles north ofThe cen
tre is belaneen fliehey and Steroid. The sec.
nod line et Metz Is capable Of expansion to
the centre and to Thionvllle. :No report of
ally general engagement has been received.
No Battle- Now Itsperted for Daye.
l' eau. July 11.- NW Tried% a of battle it yet
received. and not:minden! expected for some
'hits yet.
Francis beinpeshy Meeting a Flash,
=fatale - in July n.- A meeting at Galway to
sympathise with the French—announced for
Tgbterdny. proved •lalluns. Only three Om,
dtrti people were "present. . .
- . All Quiet oa. the. Frostier.
Telegraphic news front Paris to-slay repre
sents somtiaratire .mlet tdoeg the Inutile,
, - latbro to she Frost. :• . .
. •
The Emperor, with hit son: It la Stated, M
111p4it ]rely leave for the front Tneeda.v ter W W ral•
English Bearers In 11.4. Pruselan anus:
..• great many Ekittilsti id:Rivera or none go
Into the Prussian atty. • . .
"Actlrliseir Penaslanot- Railroad ,flatnagril. .
. C010.3%‘-re
(need`.l-2.V.--At two O'clOck Sunilety
morning a of three Omits:Anil l'russinna
Tossed the line near Snarguentinis. four miles
f 601:11: Hid.. After ennr , entering bni/lll•ltCnt
tgrgittigrties trf -.French 4. nesseurt. the Pro,-
slant took tip a poititifie and sent not 'dying
detachments along the railroad uniting St rat
hours' and St. Arock. Which tore up rails,
blew. up a viaduct and ilia considerable other
damage.. The l'russian force then returned to
Ihntegnem lids. -
Preach Sleet
It is expected the French fleet will attack
Niel. ifieven Fn•net, frigates, steering coot,
passed Mastlnert to-day.
Asenthrint'ootuaties and Morreses* of Troops.'
• . Preparations for llomillites.
LONDON. July :..—A special correspondent
writes from -Metz op the Alth, doecrlblng the
movements of the- that day
there were 10.0%) soldier. at Purbeck. Lech
et tit Avolt and 2.llWat Aturgueininis. There
Is a large cavalry camp nt Thionville.
which . protects the lett of the French
any. This force will is Increased to
forty thousand. The first • divialon of
the third corps Is commanded by General
Aymande, and comprised of the 18th battel
ion of Chamthrs and :oth, Mkt, Olst and Path
regiments of line. The third division rulathh.
out CM the morning of the.'2,l4. nod by this
time Is at Boehm , on the road to Einarloula
The Imperial Omani Is reported ou the way to
- Metz, but their ondiable deatination is Nancy.
Many arrests are made daily. A correspeo.
dent of the 'London Mandan' wm •rrested.
Ile entered the
without leave, telling
the sentinel that hie British passport wag an
order front headquarters.
The nuthotities prohibit the sale of military
maps to CM/Dann c•Mcen only can buy them.
No goods are permitted to come hymn except
by_quartarmitatenr orders.
Tne factories. are tumble to obtain coal and
will he obliged to close.
Marshal Regains Is sending everywhere for
maps of Bavaria..
' The organization of postal service for the
army has commenced. Military chests ar
rived this morning.' All the money lien gold,
which show, that the French Intend to quit
the territory Immediately, and carry on the
campaign where French notes will not be
aken. . , •
Great Importakee is aed :Mire. to the
gunboat., which will he usedas'in the Amerl
an war, and act on the hine and Moselle,
nod possiblpin the Haar. s h ould. he Premium
defend that-.cream. Each gunboat carries
one heavy mom trumped by twelve men, It Is
believed therPrumialls have no gunboats.
Everything Is quiet In; Luxembourg. Com
mbnication with Germany Is cosy.
The Very Lades' Reports.
Pure, Jut Z. -: Mhihtelit'.. , -The Minister of
France d ttgart ulna Insulted before 'his
departure by the populace.
Many privity have • volunteered, to go or
'chaplains with the artily. - •
The Cent thirties left Paris to-day ' •
Tee Erenlou Journal:says the Minister of
tile Interior hoe suldressed xcirculer to all
prefects, assuring there that whenever Info,
linationreacbes thrgoverninent front. the seat
'of war, It will be furnlihed to 't
graph. add that In the absence of Ruch ad
.rlces they may consider that no new. of im-
Pdriance has been received and take no notice
of rumors which prevail.
The tßideter WEL ale d turd Med the Prefiels
to make ample preparntiena for the reeeption
and care of wounded.
Austria has, tattled a proclamation of Cen
trality similar to' Russia's.
31enlfrale of King William.
. • ,
Hemmer. Jaly oftej.l Journal pnb.•
lishese ntellifer oaf King- w illiarri, thanking
the people for the Innumerable exprmsieea
favor of German unity and Independence re
ceived from all parts of Germany. and
even from America. The King pledges
himself to met In accOrdanee with
the expressed wishes of the people for the
benefit of the entire Fatherland, and for the
elevation of Ito Princes and people, thus eon_
OHM lag all opposition.
The Emperor Napoleon—He I.
A Pads correapondent writes on the
The Emperor was expected to leave quietly
for the front hut night but he did note°. His
departure certa i n t hat
be delayed Bohm days.
It Is certain that be in 111.11
Csusa.,Treile Falleres.
LontoM, July :A—Additional failures have
taken place in the Liverpool cotton trade.
Names are not given.
1. 4" Nkoonlon.) Tilegraph after plot
•ing rin article front the N. V. Tribune
• which amens the American sympathy to
be very generally., the aide of Prussia,
So far as your section of the ruion i
concerned, you may be right. but tve. o
the South are a unit in favor' of France.
not only for the reasons you hurl given.
- bat (or the additional reoson that in the
great Revolution tie:manv took the side
of Ifreat Britain, and Franc e net only
sympathized with but actually fought - for
us. Ilad it not been for her powerful aid,
that war would have terminated dithe•-
More Or tens descendants of France,
including much of their mercurial bon.
perament, their polite manners, their
chivalry and their :men frankness, the
people of the South naturally go with:her
in her ware.. The lineations at hettlft are
merely nothing in this as in all other
struggles which have occurred on the cou•
tinent of Europe (or five lamdred years,
and; we,•therefore, rare an lithe about the
cause of the quarrel as the nations at war
do themware% and that in nothing at all.
True, Ftillek did not help as in our late
terrible trials; , :but then sloe was, polite
when,deelining, and really had
,not the•
least objections to seeing us thrash the
Yankees. There were no French lief:orals
and regiments on the other nide. We can
not llst' so much ;for Cierman3L-either
181 i- or - 1 Mi.
Tut: . A rm.. gild Xary .botrhal,of the
he 2411,, makes the following assertion:
"As Von Moltke was hardly known to
:enders out of Prussia anterior to the
4plentlid campaign which ended at Slt-
Joan, the ninn to whose bruin will lie der
whatever of succeseful strategy . shall
characterize the French arms in the com,
inn.' war is an yet; unnamed. General
Louis Jules Troche in to-day undeniably
the best soldier of France. .lie is now
fiftyrive years of age. A graduate of the
Stair School of St. Cyr, he was made
Lieutenant in 1840, suit promoted to a
(Itptaini7 in 184:1. His find staff service
wan with Hutt fine soldier- Butreautl in , Al.
geria. Chef ifenradron and :Nlajor, in
11140, and Lietirenant.Colonel in 1853, his
first European. service was In the Italian
eampaigm. At the commencement of 411'
(1111111111 war he wax made Chief of, the
tikonal Stall', and by reference to King
lake's History, it will be ,en that in all
eonfereneen with Lord Raglan, Trochu,
rather that. St. Armandpr t'aurobert, was
spokesman on the part Of .Fmnce.
Throughout the cauipatign. having been
made (lettere' of Brigade fu IBA!, l - i' or.
envied this position of confidential stall'
officer of the . Comma der-in C 1111
!AMP analogous to that if tinetsenatt un
der Blucher, given in. ji st recognition of
his military ability and skill. In 1844 he
reached his grade of lieneral of Division.
'rico yearn after he was charged with the
preparation of a plan to reorgartire the
army, Instead of, an hail been suggested,
lacking the Imperial confidence, he has it
in the most flattering degree. Ills essay
'IP.. organization. '..1.' A rimy Franr,ii..r.
published in 1'5417, .ran through ten .eili..
tiOllli. Trwltu is known to have antici
paten the event of tr war with Prussia.
A recent pamphlet ft leis pen, Which
unfortunately cannot be obtained in . this
country, develops an intmense deal of
study of the Rhenish fruitier 1/11 a fight
ing tielci. and palpably indicates the tut
tional impulse 11..1 occupying the strate-
Vit , eir haillll. , Sittruld the war slat-rive its
first !rattle n fortnight, and promise. 11,
....1. very ! iikcdy, to he a long one,
Trocliu'ic name may chance to appear at
the head °lithe Freud, armies."
- Ilkiiiii IdieThltactelphia N. eft, Antencan.i
-. Stmt'Stmt'9l our .Ametieat c.
endeavor ito co :to-tact tin overwhelwing
sytopatli,' for the (term In side In this
--contest by . Oaring that
.Frince, although
mbitiona and egg ressi t e }cas really been
Oery moderate in her ettuie. after the sus,,
eessfid wars touter the p,-sent Emperor,
while Prnssia is vastly more ambiti o u s ,
aggressive anti greedy cif territory and
,billion. BO there i• all the difference
in the world between the, Moving canoe,
The French rice in uot expluwitze. Even '
"I the territory 10105 included in the 111, '; ,
pin. tips race Las ottiv 'wen able t o demi :'
nate a part with its language and customs. '"
W e here already alluded to Alitare and '
Lorraine, a itirit after the lapse of one'
Ault:aired b, lid seventy yeaof I. tench rule, ".;
- RN still German to the Iva •kbrine. Coral ''''
ea is still Italian. So are _'b.and Savoy, .
and NO .trig in the British element in "
Brittany, that the language is a distinct bal
dialed. The French race does not show ", 1 ..'
the sante inert/tea. as those aromul it, In t ,'"
tired it is almost stationary, and hence I "'
there does not seem to be any prospect of r '''
Its assimilating these conquered races. ,
On the other-hand. the Orman "race is "
the most numerous and powerful in Eu• :i
rope., counting nearly 80001,000 puerile—
, nliont I wice an much as ran be counted of
any other race than the English. But by
thee-cupidity of thp great Power. of En
rope this intelligent and progressivt ruse
has been preventi"4l from obtaining a me
Ilona] organization. Two of Its provier
re s lie in France, two In Maeda, one in
' itelgiutn, one in .1Iollaud; and the whole
of Switzerland And one third of Austria
are iiennan. For lack of a strong tuition. 1
al 'government over the whole of the
German race, the French have been able
• to overrun and distract l ' iernaany for gen
, emtionapast; and these humiliations have '
not been suffered alone upiM s the Rhine, '
but even by powerful : AuStrin. c,
'lime aggrelnlve ambition , of Prussia, ll '
'then, of whieli 110 much is nosy said, la o ,':
simply to put a soup to all. fdrther Innuib "",
bitlon of the Denman race ; and no it does
not do to stand upon the - [defensive in a " it '
contest.wlth the French, Bismarck is con, l i lt
I [ells, by the form. of .the situation , to l i :! . ',
I make combinations of a shame. elm- *""
I ter. Th.. Rhine boundary is a historic I v "".
legacy In France, dating back :so far that, ,
In examining the quentienJ one I. amazed T r
'to see how long this nod ens has raged 'T i nt
and bow many human belegaihave fallen r " . l
victims to it. It Is still nto eurprising e ''''
to refer to a map and nee ItOw 'r tat is the r
annexation included in thin demand, for ii
the Rhine Ininndary would give to France
tho whole kingdom of Belgium, one•third an. '
of Holland, the duchy of , xembourg, a oft,
portion of:Primate larger:H La iatt Belgium, a sh u t
part of Hesse Darmstadt and the whole mkt
of Rhenish Bavaria. I plea.
. _
- . [From the Enqulr4rl
. 1 )0 the
The revenub of France I t year was. Rat
In round numbers..s42s,ooo l .l .of which . nan ,
there were in : • - and
Direct taxes .. I .•1 41 5,903.7= Anf
IteVstratton, Mattes and Manna tta,lB9=o de
. ~. 1 , ...,,,, , ; :v n deu n ,
...atom and snit dutlea. .—. . . •, -, _ , ...7,1 , Di a
Department and communal t . . whom,
Wine and Writ dutlea I 4d,943,8 16. 11
l v
Tobacco monopoly 49,631400 the e
Fratice has an immerthe national debt of 8, the
$2,700.00046/0. It takes 474,000,000 an- borg,
tinnily the interest. , • - the 11
The - revenue and expenditures of Pros. forma
ala are only, In Humor peace about *125 ; Nir.
000.0(6), or not onathlrd I those of Weis
'France. The debt is triflin for no great Wald
1 1 .,
a nation, being only 4188,000,000. The Vein
financial credit of Primula is, therefore, Detuu
very high. It is alai • g in France, and ii
from the, enormous resource of that no. bit. to
Hon. Her loam are taken b the people, Tiu
and not by capitalists, The . fif th loan, for alone,
instance, which was .olferwl in 1850, and slam
Issued at 00 franca, 30m, oaring 8 per were
cant, interest, was received ith the oilier, and I
on tiso.part of a half milli° of persons. Wort,
of 4 ,487,000,000 franca, or 'iteen times Pruss
the amount required: Hoch. the policy Deno,
of free trade her commerce. N very pros- victor
perous. The imports and ex rte in 1860 Prom
and 1868 contrast an follows: 70[1111
Ise° 1ta.adia:.83 . 411".188 Drew,'
1100 679.711,[00 smass,ouo imalurA4oo ; req ..
!Prom the Philadelphia Aire.] - (Fehr.
At the beginning of all the meniorabla Loon
Ivan of Europe, some idea of their probe- I belle
ble termination could be gained-front cur- , ,Darla
rounding circumstances. Not no now. emonr
The combatants am well matched in all the rai
particulars. In numbers they are nearly Etogru
equal. If the Prussian alliances expected as for'
are consummated, that power will be able Of the, !
to bring a few mom men into the field FM.'
than cant gathered under the banner of in
Napoleon: But not enough to affect the
war in a serious manner The• armies
will face each other on a fair footing. In
unity of sentiment the countries are also
•••• • • -
well matched. " Tire la France," at Paris
is no more enthusiastically shouted, than
la . "Ood and Fatherland" at Berlin. The
Fronchnins drinks success to Napoleon in
his .wine. the (lemma pledges King Wit
lieun in lager. The alma's in Franco are
ready- to shoulder the Musket and march
to the Rhine, and heather toilers in (eep
enany will meet them there find die de.'
fending the soil of their native land. Both
armies are in tile highest state of military
perfection. Each branch of the service is
armed with irons of long range, ready use
and fatal precision. - France has the
Chassepet titles. Pruieeia her cel
ebrated needle gone,. which snowed
down the Austrians at Saloon like sum
mer grass. A new breach loading cannon
will be introduced by Napoleon. This
will hie matched by °Milani, of peculiar
eileetiVellemi .lu . the pmt of Prussia: The
cavalry of Prussia he counted the best isi
Europe, and the numbers are unnsually
large When compared with the foot forces
in this arm Vmoce is by' no means deb
cielit. The. arinies;of Prussia will be
marshalled and letiiity Moltke,: Manteuf.
fel, Falkenstein. I . oll — Booll, Steinmetz,
Bittonfeld sad others, theist of. France be
ti .1111m3labou, ()lambert, Changamie, Bi
niiite, Palikao,Beimguay dtilliers,Forey,
rainy, ,Frossarel and others. eiCapoltion
and the Prince Imperial will take the
field for the honor and glory of France.
"Fatherland - will be represented by King
William and the Crown Prince of Prussia.
In the matter of transporting troops both
tuitions are equal. The railroads have been
constructed with a view eetei this math)
genet', and
can be used in such a
manlier as to "taw whole divisions of
met in the shortest possible time. Th..
Nets show the Magnitude of the struggle
at hand.,and how nearly matched are the
opposing nations. The fight will be a
desperate eine, lint HO 1111111 fAll even pre
diet the Meollt, with a reasonable amount
of probability.
I.min the (level:nut Lender.]
Tin. 0,,, in Enrope will he a. fight be
tween n amen. The commanders on both
sides ari old enough 14, be grandfathers
of the [..1 1 / 1 11t young fellows who led the
charges in our war. .NteNfalion. the •gers
eml.ineliitif, is 62; Caurobert is 61 (it took
him 20 y'.ape to work up to a colonelcy )
Maine is fit; Valliant is 90; Baruguey ie
16: Fore , . is 66; Bandon is over 71ii Chan.
gamier i 77; ',lurid in (It, and Palikao
is 74. .11611kee, the- commander-in-chief of
the Prusidans, may- also be supposed to,
have Mal rye teeth all cut (and 'come
lignite' being three score and ten, It may
be that it is owing to the caution and
reverence l for rules which conies with old
age, that ve leave s een the ten , armies
hovering licitionst lighting for 'a week al
need will in sight of each other, a week
which is !noire reale-ens-4o France than
mouths will;lee hereafter. Napoleon it is
certain, hickP confidence and lseieitates to
strike. 1 I doing so, he has lost an op
partiality which cannot return.
I Prom the Chicturq Republican.]
The Democtatic'press as naturally sides
with despotism as 11,duck takes to water .
To make a caserlhe Times flounders
through a column of absurdity upon the
reasons for the war in Europe, and
throughout the article excludes the only
reason that France officially assigns far
it. Napoleon gives 'an the chief excuse
for his contemplated crime, that his {fin.
ister WWI rillStlit,l --it:II tin. nnia is feeble
enough ti, let Out the true reason—that
the unity, of fiermany tenet be destroyed,
and it jnatitiesit. The right of Prussia
to give to Spain a king, was just equal
to the right of France to do. the mute
tiling. But no Spain proposea to elect her
tiny, what right - bad France to interpose?
f Tut: NLEiILE
' A writer in the Chicago Tribune 'give ' s
this deseriptissn of the toiedlo
.gun, which
will probably play au important part In
the. rt until - a - Um tlea of En
range of the needle gun is from
ono thousand two hundred to one thous
and four hundred yards.
. . .
..!. ' OW IllilVetllolltA of loading are exc.
..“od with the tight hand, as follows: An
okiv_trd stroke with the palm of the right
I;silir against the ch.:mils, knob opens the
111,4, the cartridge is Inserted into the
c.tvite of the barrel, a push forward and u
downivanl stroke of the chamber knob
with he right hazel choes the breech.
and 4mther push on the needle chamber
• with!, its spiral spring) rompleten the load.
lig : 4n.1 the rifle is ready for' Fire: Dur.
Tug t so whole movement the gun in held
ith the left hand, at a 'ready.'
-3 The gun its never loaded or reloaded
'I at 'aim.' simply because it in impos. so. -
•"•1 The powder 'ix •not ignited at the
air tid of the cartridge, but next to the
tll,vliere the igniting matter Is placed
a • Ind of •nocket-of papier mache; and
what given more power to the ball,
, miler - burning (Mtn the front to the
The cartrike, is made up—ball in
A , ball suckeOwith igniting matter,
t er.
.71,, shape of the ball resembles
thelmpe of a cucumber, and is called
loos lead (Noll Wei.)
i•tf The recoil of the gun is only felt
wl s 'in it becomes i - ery much heated and
tit air chamber tilled with the refuse of
po ' der.
When clean, no _recoil is felt at
• . In case the needle should break or
be ' or otherwise become useless, a new
teleran be inserted in less than five see
enil'• each soldier carries an extra supply
of a I tut sit needles.
"I I is not touch tint superiority of the
need •gun over other • breechloaders
whit's has secured, uml, in all probability
trill, the present struggle, secure suc
cess 1 the Prussian army, as It is in th
lit, i (et education of , each individn
oldit' l
nail Ids perfect familiarity with
is W, stun. '
'•T ',e needlugun was first used in Prus.
1 in i 8-18 and 1849, in linden and Bchlen
g. 1111 not having been deemed' effect
: al bout an entire change of tactics,
il r, pecially of skirmish instructions
t. n 1 aunt reeiteinned.
•TII Prussian army has but one calibre
all small arms, so that infantry or
trim omens can be supplied with cart
ges in any Aviary, pistol, or carbine
irk! e Wag... .
trete tog to the battle. of 1812.1814.
1 18 I; in 'which the Pruasiane, were
en e dueively pitted against the French
no. an to afford teat trial. of the
dive fighting pmwese of there mo
t, a ell Informed European writer in
Ci 'innuti Comniereird, Mr. Daniel
,mer nape
'hen were ten great battles in 1812.
eeir. Lutzen, May 2; Bautzen, May 20
I. Luekmen, Jnne 3; linfee•Beren,
rust ; - Katzbacii, Auguet 20; Drea
,Au at 23 and 27; Kulm; Annual 30;
inewi , September 6; Leipzig, October
18 an 19; Ilanott. 29 and 30. beside
en entente of Wortenberg, October
le cm bat of Moeckem ; near Itfagde-
Ap 16, not to he - confounded with
ladtl of Nloeckern, October 16, which;
red at episode in the battle of Left' ,
The ombate of Konigewarthe and
seig,. ay 13; the combat Am Goerder
d, Se tether 16; the combat near
mer b tweon Tetterhorn and Lo - Fevre
mune whose. dates I have forgotten,
inuun :rabic smaller fightsimposal.
tuber. 0 rein
, .
to on t battle in which Prussians
,), wit!' ut being encumbered by Rust
t or 'tourism', fought the French,
t Mal t Mut, 0 onot-Beeren, Katzbach,
C'ennt vim, and the engagement of
lenber ' . and in all five of which the
aians i ere victorious. The battle of
who 1 mereovertlfe most. glorious
'Ortof. his century, Forty - thousand
sinus..' oiler Below utterly.' routed
10 Fre hmen under Ney. No nation
show Itch a glorious victory in the
t ot 0, ury. In the year 7814 there
six i portant. battles; La Rothler
runty II ) Ear surAube (February 27,)
(Marc ' 0, 10.) Montereau (March IS.
love.) I is our Aube (March, 20,) and
(Mare 30;) then the engagement of
to, 01 t It 8, if I remember right,)
,ffi1,,,,r,t1,1 Champaubert. Vandrampa,
'O. filo mirail. b‘sidea minor fightse
- a :Fere Champennise.
inn alone engaged the
tgoes and Montmirall;
tvlv, in the two latter
In 1813 there were
and Waterloo, and
at Quatrebae and
smsdler fights. .Of
night alone at Ligny
former they were
the) w.
two bat
two . r
these tl
O. liq
Ihreeton ..t thh, Hank ktlllre held 01. the
Bunking llown. 1 . 1 , 1.:5DA V. .Inen.l 141. be
tween the hone..( eleven and 4.vp.
Jt . l.l' 19, IN7O. .1. W. DA VITT,
JuM:nl.s ('ashler.
Prol: D. Ala voi
Begs to In(srm his friends and the public In gen - -
end, that he ha , . engaged Turner's Halt for his
Dancing School. which will be opened for the re
cepLlon of pupils on Alto 'tarot October. Circular.
will he read, in Sent...the ,
. - titt. t ratt
SO dawn DM; MUZZLES, aasorted, suitable
fur all site nu . 'Those haring a valuable don
should pnrehaso one. For sale at
.1 A)1 Y. 14 BOW N'S,
136 Worklst reef
Wlthlng elate ant nly entire stock of the
above soantlontql good, I wt!l moll oh,' of the sets
I have on band below co.t, Ott
1 AMP:4 BOWS' S.
137 NVond stret.
11..,..w.ii ......atment of HAS% UAL!
on lean.:. Any party Ay-club. wanting the nho
eno4s nn putti.l4. ihn "Arno bele. tat, at a
JA..141:3 1 1 0Whrth
____._._ _ ; 138 Wood sireet.
And au mod. tit rotlery ground and repaired
In tho haat windier. Alan STEEL
Mitsui% and eahrellina Stamp• shade and repaired
136 Wood street.
Leitdded to the former list ot valuable stocks ti
Le sold Tit IS ITUATGAY, ErEAINti, JULY 26
t 8 o'clock on second floor of Otclitrsine's Ant-
Itomus..loo Smi th field street.
10 thane. Cillsena.National Bank:
10 •.• Peon!.
YII buralLttruto Elevator CO.
'WE • • Auctioneer.
. .
s Opening of Hamlett Street,
my of Plttwiash.
Notice Is hereby even that the fume...eta
:bade by the vieteenn tee mrelltled by the,Coorp It
the above rate are net. In my handelor collection
and that If the eltelle he,ot petl.l within thin, day..
(nom tint dern here,. lien. 0111 he Meet far thew,
I. l, lnnoe•mtnentn wdlt Itarre.. curl. and fe..and
the ettthe collected loy
.1. F. SI:At: It, rlfy, Attorney.
.11 . :v.2 . 2. D).
For We by SCALE, ke., Ac. . Se.
j. „,; - 75 Wood Street. :-
Laing & McKallip
Dave removed to 347 Liberty et, lately occupied
by Culp .4 Shepard, where they will byl Pieluled to
meet their Wend* and the public generally. They
ha.o constantly on hand a rbolco aswortduent of
Y yob, Flour. 1l(110. Feet. I,lnd and Calcined
jNatter. White Lime, Foundry Flour. haled nay..
he. They are aldo'geheril actuate for tbe celebrat
ed Johnstown Ifydratlftc and I.oularlUe Cantata
INA s T n E f
AI OUR e T C ,OFy . No.UA TEchcession. 1 871.Mluellaneoua Docket.
In the matter of the opening of Miltenberger al.
ley. city of Pittsburgh.
And now. 7 . 1 78:111870.on motion of I.F. Slagle
the Coact appoint AV. W.ltionsson.lnicA .to take Le.
a mon, oed by the p.n., fntercate the abare
Ca.o in rulation to the minters at Dime therein.
and report the nose to Hilt Chun with his opinion
thereon am to such modifications of the report of
viewers as should bosonde, if any, and the form
of an order to be made by the Court. Ten days
notice of the time and place of hearing. be given
rtrit'n th e tecon3 or their !attorney e end
by iss three tin., in kite y DAVE
. Attest: Joarkin DuCiwkir. Clerk. .
Panics Interest.] are hereby flouted that I will
attend for the Perin., id liwidurriff tag : , d ] d4r o .
Talla IZATIM:VIa;!t‘t,ItD;rIIII6II.,
101. b day ou ch ug A. D., 1870. at o'clock r.
e. and at su other times ag may be axed by ad.
'VI, 23„1870
• • CoNTROLLant Corner.
Orr or AL xrcorks r. July 25
SmIPA properals :lii be received t this nell•
w ar all 3 o'clock P. m.; FRIDAY. 28th Or JULY
I ,050 FEET
°able Invited Leather Hose
F or a, '''''''
pr our. me/ vemnt.e their hors.
Also, for 150, 13allerias-Zink.
For furtbr Information Inquire at the M
Or Chief Engineer of the :Fire Departraral'at'Cie
The CoremMee do not bled tpenotelyee to wept
the 1.1111.4 or any bid.
1% . W. d. PpirrEll,Coutroder.
At _A:pc tion .
WIII be enlil on 7USSUA . V. July 010111, 11 . 10
W. 5..11, .473 Allegheny avenue. Fifth ward,
AJlenhe ay, consisting of a set of f/dusialr. Covered
Parlor Fanntuse. Walnut Burgse, Lledatead.
IY.bstand, Lounge, lira esels and ln.....carpets,
Mattress, En.•tinie...Seat Chairs and Morl
ey. Refrigerator, Kitchen Furniture, also n veri
fl. Mast.le Aquarium.
The furniture IS all nearly all now.
A: I.ECI 6 ATE, Auct loneer
We °Nur for the fell trade, among many stn.
Item. ton numerous to mention,
11 30,01X/ENVELOPEB.
.1300 . IrRt3IS RIMED PAPER,
30,000 SLATS. soApirnixr: •
10,000 ELATE PEZWILN.Gsnx...s, •
00 (moss BONNET BOARD.
- 343 GROSS STEM; NOM. ...
SOD cmoss cm/mit MA YON.
93 .1443rket atreet, Pittsburgh.
Rave on hand a/I
Pieces Weld novelties in
aitT: also glive and ttiva Bladed HOO 08
11 7:47:rvolt i r . tvoyjeddint .. .,
niter ow
o n. Both Hey and Polt - Zina...
armyy oo NlUsrvaterthelriageg
orneen.43lool., Pornmpooo, *NM. ,
WO atli atteotkat to our fattles fur
repairing .4 vegulasour One Watches. To that
branch of o ur
ag epathd car..
Ortiors by nma al
=Oa. BOALIgoo of in,'
goods sent In drawing , by mail at requen.
/AA able Cleveland White Mile.M
NJI/ 14111ttle Fremont:- ••. z." . . -
fi,r mi• b 7 • . J. I. CANII2LD.
nu 141 Vint avrtme,
DE — NUTIi.-2G'Baga no* landing
'l.'" "'"* " th ' iftiiarnirilt l lar co.
Clithniertial and Paidly NQVSIXIIrtI
ruectianle. of marcbant •h..uld
without ti.!
- .
Sweets so teserthers
Clubs of, dye
Clubs of.
A copy 11 famished srstatt.ensly to tho 'chiles-op
of a (lob of tore_ 'Postmasters ono . rognostel 10
acts. Agent.' Addeo'.,
/le -"41; , ./.3t." "For ,.
Want,- •• Firt•rl. ,.. l3srrdirou.. 4, a.a exerntim
}t'i'll LINVS, 'rill lr Inverted 01 111 . 4 r0..iu0u1511114 . 4.
. _ • _
%AT A A toutiolll by a loon;
' m pg'
WANTED—A ltt'SlltEss
2.ll,l2 irA j f . e 4 g n s:l=VPC! . . 4 Zfr o 'g h :
York vitt.. A gentleman Well Ondineu can reenre
Important territory and n valuabhy contract by ad
flresslng. with Information anti references. 4
Life Company, 11.. , 611 . 1. Yostopy x . p,f t . k
T A NTETI.—.V Housekeeper to go a
willingtae Into that unlry. Moat b e
able and to tin worln a Italic
three. Reference reunited. "Addree• t : .
Li AZ rTT to.
NiNT A— •
School Teachers.
For the Stow.. Town Peh..ol fift,_ 7 1_
llontit of 1/irroions will moot •t 11.EVEl i t .
KIIOOI. 1101, sold towe!bip.oo` July h:
301.11 o'rlook U.
Junal.l.AT ' Sevry.t..amar 11marA...
TAT.i NTED--S het t Iron adutal,Y, 2tl
v v to 30 Marie diameter. end ta NI feet
nnyylro x asra . d p =.4.d . dreae, statimLe,
WANTED. — lmmodlately,a
NIAKICH at llhn. 33 MINI Meat. None
but an experuaNual band namd apply. • •7-Is
NyANTED—AGENTS--For to sell
the 110 N g BEIINIMAC ppIy gt0V(14!"""1".44P4,,,,
T..= abl ehri h ' : l ll,VitTit MOM'
DIVIJICINE GRESS. This PO ut Ls onn of the
bent the Etuttalion. Al una ann. of
Foot of 41*/
lAANTED.—SereraI Nen for Farm
on.eoZi.P4rlt'g=s roi. D att'kr. A ti
0.1‘111.r. Cbsurberwork..l)tothinami !Tpft_ an . sl,
IM-7041411 !.Mttit . :amg1.7Z=
thumndon Bridae
, 30.000 to Loan In large or small amounts
al • lair rata of Intorott.
818. Boise mat 'lest Estate Draw.
' Nu. 179 eutithtlehlEssret
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
!loco c.r small ACIOLLII/S On property In Allanbent
toot, at a fair ...of Interest. •
CI( AttLltti JEREMY,
Eatata Anent,
OS Grant street.
T. OST. — CIIECK.—On the 12th or
_Li Ith Inst. Is for $ 4.24, No ~13111.
dated lth Jul'_ e Inst.drawn by Wm. MeColty •
I Q . e t" tln ' tre n ; r w o lrl ph:Z.7424V tft PJ. d iggra
Wood Street. A. payment he been stopped It b
of no value to toy one.
I A. 11.11A11.1LAN.
11U Saturday evening, a
IW)C.SCETASOOK, rortalolng money. SO.
: owner en here It by cantos et 2 , 135M/ulna/Q .
stfeet. Allegheny. and Igen tlfmng It.. •
F° uNDJ E Lr
llROirst ••••^
_. DROWN COW. or year. old. Owner
rotor nrol oar charge. and tale horarror. EG
HEM, Ohio 'Mel. 0 elt East lao.. 7.1.5-ndw
TO-LET.—No. 31: I:sitintm.le street,
Allegheny. 110118 E cf 7 r.dang and halghed
•ttim n. thrimahnot. hnt and colt stater In
kitchen. Possession given September I.t. Apply
on preemses,or to JOAN STEItIiETT, Divalolad,
Alia/shiny. JaLgAl
sAi-E _
Country Resitlence..
Al Ihtgewood Ctatlon. A lure DOUBLE-TWO. •
810111. DRICI CaILOIDBR - azurneasi,All iwres of
ground. The house Onrltalinl 13 1.0001:
tt went a.
well of soft water In kitchen. Any ou wlof
a eplendld benuo will do well to ettrifid wfarnlne
thin property. Will take city pruperty In yen
payment If !suitable. For further Information
et:the Pince. opposite Edyworth Station. on the
P.2lt. ft.
:ronN ORAZIgIi
..l.' 16 Fleet street, well lomted tor a
?aiLmaaeyouge.• Term. modem., 7-:
.... _ _
13411( i 9E HOUSE,
4111. ieTt=i7thl
tirixtu . A NVI P IFILY. trlfg
___________ --
4 Olt SALE --CHEAP.-80400 ill 1
r bay a
_beers with-Ste rooms Ind bell, s . AR "1
oar NU 04 feet front. by 106 feet In depth. with • '
stabling. frebtirs on a forty feet street. tine-1.01
wpore bask of Pylvents avenue. Twentieth • I
Ward, near East libe rty. Apply at 174 Grant
street, veer Seventh avenue. . - 6.10.Wral . '
1: TAINS 240 ACRES. one hundred end AWE . .
mgt. under mil Oration. balance wood,. Reprove-
ruent-S1 dwellings , vary large barn and staid.. '
and sheep houses. orchard and wall watered by a ,
small creek gasslno !prone, th e plane.' Sitaatainci
telrlaVs%ll'etLliklttl..34l,l%_,l.",== ,
• 1
nett/ to villegea l and dodles- as f arm no be • •
Pt"'" lr.ll l ettri r ta,NO t T l ia ' i
• ourtkAire.
.. . .
Several Second-hand WAGONS.
5?... , _ l ; ;9skt
,!ip,t,3.3,c,,F.Lazat Aux, m 5OO4 otter.
• • ri DYric, •
(Jr ue o i r , g , Mouth Coal Arida and/Ivy'. .Clan . .
lur2.le-rrila -
---- • :
'pole SALE.--Engines and . Boilers,
tv01...3 a.c0a4111.10, of all kiwis, mut. tit
.3.. Land. . •
Orden from WI parte of dui 000ntry promptly et-
= X ff M_
..~► T.m - ~,.
IDISNCE, contain'. 20 *era with 3 haws
thOMI.In one, me . condorlabl• and 000•61:11eni
t47:=7l7:llLlVl:lliVe,tb,r,iliwnr= )
from the city. an the waters of Turtle Lavek Rana_ I
n of atone from Stea•rt's Station, Cenl.rat klall. t
rued, AI., nevenk.lnnan Panne In good locations i
end houses for sale. Enquire of
....pni_yo. 110 ammo Btu appalls Cathedral. . ,
ISLOTB. Seeere evert L onthard of Luxe twist ,
401,141.,oistri'roili‘J.,%4111s7 Peal
of ire Trial
LOT, f nil of cholas besrtoglnalt.
I. 2 " TA I WItifEW COTTAOII. flrotens:witle .ktd: '
front cod side porticos, ti enlists, Ik large elsterng
in well of water at bees door, earrisge hove wed - - •
stshie.gnitsia bearing. young orchard bestring.nnewt • ,
view or the cities and rivers, oppotato month of
Penn street, Mt
0f .;.: . now. Peso
$0,300 Or I) urn more of dyewith I
oft/wird am •
tool with to. Within One. minutes walk of • I
cline. /enquire of
' Jetyl-NTTE W. EINHART, on the Prandatix
FORSAIE.--An el rot e cot.
....Isle:t,trt ' egilevz.Atga.- --,
arty la ear, &affable. both on amount of Ha ono.'
venlenoe and realsonatite prior,. 'Any ono deldrhse -
• destmble boast should not fell to octave tttle - - I
batsman. • •
A laded beinsUlab, Minuted 'lnt./Nib, I ' i 1
feet on 44 t h street.. .I.r Realer, Ann b• MVO, at .. .
will for a TOT re s t nnahlaonnstaalno. This __ will mate a pretty spot for a handsome sodden °. ,
grOn Bounslar o y4treetV: filing 0•71111,4114.be1.—. .1
itt,ll , 11 , 86 , 4 , 11 , .,°&,:!-L o taw •
be In, ITA vital,.
A3OO—LOOl5/0 by 100 each, pleimantlyretins-• -: ,f,
5, 04 pear the
,11;ropbsyljannnt babrand. am ini par- r ; ;
sleettl ab . P 111 . gat he cornet of end
The 'tiro mory double holm , * the realdatei of
RobertB. Kennedy, Eaq., adlotelog the residence: ,
of -Yours. Wm. and Bay Walter and Pete.Coeper....7,lleClere town.thlp, ea the New Brighton, flaed•,,l,
etent 3 tallest:oat the city. Theban'. comal!et
14 routes; alto, lee boom and cooling . roote. sate. •
toortilehen end laundry wel oot4!aaae,eolrfeeleat
to, the faabf building: tee honaatr eoppile4wttlt
traterinegai. The grOliods, Ceatorlalief aiitlt ..'-
ig)iefree, are t.iefefullilaid eat and are *toehold' •
with en'abohdanee of frets :ad ornamental treeel."'±l:
ehWl halts, to: fie rarrierecalsesarealeresati4l4,;'-r=
hot.e. eff ' d gardeners timid* '
777 6
3 fats. „- ` nerner Station, Orr flee r.. Pt. 4f43 C. • . .1
to amble a few telantea. walk of the D 7
eese. -
ardr tome, enquire at the PEARL MILL. AlLe-•• •,
PUTSBURGII _ ..- ' ,:-'.' ... •A
NO. Si FOURTH A NUMB/C. PrrrinViau.' ',. - I
sin • ~. , .....,,
..46 -- t,' Ai' EL"-Alrnomf I to .I ItLD 'l...folocit.ind tatßAT.7''''.-.
1 1 : 1 1 . 1 1 i tiyetr, o %t 114 , 11 . 1: lit to
rage of eix per cent., fare of tax. oral rat 4 Irtib , - • '. . a f k o o ncu o r
B r: =nit!! y tro . tr . ea:
Board of
°n—Geo. A. Berry. Pandelent; le " 1.1
II: Hartan. Jas. Park...le,. Vice l'readeata; Lt. IL
htiOnley, Secretary and Trassunr. .
A. Bradley. J. 1.. Graham. A. S. Bell' Wan. X— ".
Nltolek, John B. Dllserth. Y. Itahm. O. irollanalbee:'
Joebrus Moats. Jao. la
Scott. Bo- I. -,,
&Samna ,
- •,-
C V ' . 4 1. P 1A. Z
tnoll. Solicitors. ' . i