II THE DAILY GAZETTE. HOME NEWS. -rergon• leaving the city for the glummer, 'l,K_ *tablet to have the GAzr.-irc:,ent to them, will please fiend their reldresgen to the Mace. Price by mall, 75 cents per month. The Councils meet this r, 31. Rogge b r. quit throWine Pols°. 0° th e streets for dogs. Sensible Hague. lasage.—Joseph Wright. an insane Otto. w a s committed to Jail Saturday, by Justice laud, of South Fayette Townsbin. moon a fa rg. rmer Leg Oroken.—SatnrdnY afte from s horrm ,. we while S pass in roul. residing thrgouh cot' St wan 3 broke his lei . He thrown front his wage. "°- wan then takenreceived medical attention. and taken home. larceny.—Victor Jones was arrested yes terday on a charge of larceny preferred by Otficei George Gurisoa. It Is allayed that Wthe seethed went Into Kcilar's saloon. on ater .s tr ee t. and abstracted *4 from the money drawer. Be was committed for n hearing. Igeraptared.—On •Dattirday vetting ,GMeer Peter Dresaler cantnred Davi Gilmore, who was convicted of larceny over a year ago, and sentenced to the Workhouse for two Tear , from which Institution he es aped about six Menthe elate. Ho WAR Inc ed up end will be removed to the Workhous to-day. —.Os,- igishing Excuraion.—The minbers of the "C. C. A." fishing club atarte off on their an nual excursion to the Deaver river on Satur day.. They were all dressed n the uniform of the club, and will camp out, taking servants along to “dirlf up" the meals We predict In the young gentlemen no enjoyable time. The "Lesder"'eame out yesterday inn full dress of new type, and would bare presented a very floe appearance If the new Bullock press, recently_put up, had been In good order for working. However time wilt soon remedy that evil. We congratulate Mr. Pittock on this fresh evidence of his business prosperltY. Anneencenient.—ln to-day's tiASCITL,MICir W. if. llope. of Allegheor eitY , la form ir announced as a candidate for the office of Coroner before the Republican Counts - Con vention In August. Ile Is widely and favor ably known throughout the cities and county. and earnest friends n re confident that he will receive the nomination. eerener's .Ineuest.—Ablerman Donaldson yesterday hild an inquest on the body of Na thaniel Sutton, who died at his residence Saturday night from injuries received Thurs day evening by falling down. stairs, an ac count of which we published Saturday. The lary found that he came to his delth by In juries received from the fall.- Progresstag.--The work on the extension of the track of theTittsburgh and Itlimingham Passenger Raliwny,from Its present terminus to the Intersection of Grant and Liberty streets. is Progressing rapidly. The work has been completed from the latter named point to the corner of Seventh avenue. and Smith geld street. dad within the next ten days the can will be running over the entire route. The Market Committee will make n report this afternoon to Councils online Fifth avenue market house, and willpresent plans and specifications together with tdds received foe the work. It is to be hoped that the Councils • will not hesitate to appropriate the money necessary to erect the building, for lt.will prove much more satisfactory for the city to build• than to entrust the work to nn outside .compaoy. The Equity Case.—ln the District Court, Saturday, Judge Kirkpatrick on the bench, the MI in equity filled by 'Sir. Barton, Tusking that the Qty Treasurer and ethers be restrain ed from collecting taxes levied under the re - cent appropriation ordinance, for the reason that said ordinance teas illegal. was celled for argument. At the request. of attorneys for respondents the argument Was postponed until Tuesday. • Obituary.—Mr. Thomas Kearns, a vet,' estimable gentleman,• - dRd at his Jane nt Oreentren, Allegheny county. Pa., on the 6th inst..' at the advanced ago of eighty years• He was born where he died, and preserved through his lona life a high character as man and Christian. lie was min of the oldest sub scribers to the GAztrre omoar hawks .and his survibing widow and friends hare our heart iest sympathy In this their hoar of sorrow and bereavement. • Might 'lave Been neriniti•—On Sntnnlny af ternoon. a lady passing; along Sixth •trees, happened to step on cellar door. in front of the Bt. Clair feted, the door overturned and the lady was partly precipitated.into the cel lar below, but was soon helped out by some gentlemen near by. fortunately sustaining-no Injury. but it might have resulted more seri ously iVe suggest to the ownen of the property to give the f urther edate atten tion. so as to prevent accident. Watch gtolen.—Saturday evening hut, 11. H. Willard. proprietor of a saloon on Wate street, lost a gold watch,'valued nt which he had reason to believe was stolen by Charles Forger. who had been about his establish ment. He made Information before. the Mayor yesterday charging Fowser with lar ceny . Meer Garrison arrested the accused and obtained from him , the pawn ticget he received for the watch. Fowzer was com mitted to Jail and will hav7 a hearing title morning. • Oar National Game.—in irkerestlng mime of base ball will be played at Union Park. Al leghely, this afternoon. between Ahe ...Ath letics' of Philadelphia and the -Atiantics - of this city. The game will commence at half past two o'clock. The Philadelphia boys. seventeen to number, arrived In this city yes , terday morning. and stopped at ,the 'Monon gahela House. They are a fine-baking set of men, and will doubtless playa good game. The *Atiantica," having Brosie to pitch for them feel confident of success, and mill not be mol ly vangulsbed. Prise Osts.—Mr. James It. Latimer left In our office on Saturday, when the curious in such matters may examine It, a small sheaf of oats; of the variety known as .. erize Outs.' grown by James F. Couch. of Scott township In this county. This sample Is remarkable for the length of straw (fully six feet) and the abun dant and large sired caring of the grain. Mr. Crawford sowed,one aml A half tnishela of seed, and harvested twenty and four-twelfths dozen heavy sheaves of oats, estimated to peld , at least twenty-II ve bushels of winnowed unfit: Can any one beat this? ••Company P." of the Dimumne Greys under command-Of our gallant fellow-citizeti. Capt. Hager, is making rapid headway. and daily new accessions are being made to the ranks. On the occasion Of the recent battalion parade, Company F. turned out the largest number of t e :e. " gl D presented a . Il j r e 4c. ' t ld m a n n t nl e pear- Neubert; the Lieutenants make most ex cellent °facers. There Is a large German element In the milks and we can promise that the military spirit which prompted the forma tion of the Company will not die out for many a year ato come In the keeping of the men in the organimition. =S Aged Samuel Is no more. He was a beaute ous creature, with a shaggy hide, plettresque. eadiverous Jaws, and a lengthy narrative. His abode for the hot two years was at the Allegheny Mayor's office, Where he sub sisted no one knew. Mat he, did soloist and • Few fat, and wasthn envy of lees favored When ant s nolle u c l o a rl n tl i inr tt;° ' "brd trate . ..private o ff ice. he was killing rats " : It WAS his weakness. iVoe to the rat that came near him. Many 'if than "wand." All the "drunks." and "disorderlies." and "rags" knew him, and he knew them sh in yut he is no mote. "Plsen" sealed nis d • "Old Sam" is dead, dead us a nail; Hushed is his harking, stilled Is his tail. - Alta*. alas t the pollee have now "no dorg to love. none to names." "After life's fitful fever he sleeps well"—Drobablv Inn sausage. Peace to his ashes. "Old sam," --dr-- Slight Firm About ten o'clock Saturdaymorning. • fire - occurred -in the tenement house owned by John Rockeltion, on Forty-second street. An alarm vraiisounded from box 73, to which the Fire Department responded. bat did not go Into service. the are having been extinguished by the application of a few buckets of water. Between four and five o'clock, yesterday morning. there wes an alarm of are from box M, caus st re e t ssgt are in T hom a s on Dane ' teenth occupied by Muncie. • The house wasstoiy frame structure. and the fire originated under the stairway leading from the kitchen to the cellar. It was extinguished before any serious damage was • done. - , • A slight fire. sufficient to cause an alarm to ' be given from box m, occurred in a dwelling house on Third avenue, near Gnat street., about two o'clock yesterday morning. It au = t a b at so to u e rn w e ea r riniteaptiirnreel were, hetArs gulshed C l oreany Serious dames - eyes done. • • "Coup De • Cases of sunstroke or amp,kadlri. although not so nuaeroas in this city as In many others daring the present bested term, ere much more frequent than they would. be If people who are necessarily exposed to the heat of illy man wonld exercise a pramr amount of caution. A handkerchief or sponge saturated with water and worn In the hat is an excel lent preventative. Richard Powers. a laborer, While at work Ina stone quarry, neat Oakland, was prostrat ed with the heat on Saturday. Dr. Umbstact . ter was celiac to attend him. and afterwards the man was removed to his residence on Tunnel' street. lie will probably recover. A fetal case occurred yesterday at More land 1k Mitchell's livery stables on Liberty street.- Mr. Chisiett. one of the men employed at the stables, had been out with a errrlage and returned about three O'clock. He Lad put his Mines In the stable and wee removing the harness from them when he fell in the 1 sum and expired instantly. An inquest wilt be held on the body this moretog by Alder man Floyd. LODI Days Mrs. Alice Worst.., formerly s reildent of Indianapolis. called at the Mayor's office on Saturday in search of. two lost children. Nor man and Ensile Wooster. aged respectively fourteen and lee years. She lett Indianapolis some time Mega with her husband. on a tint to Philadelphia. where both were taken sick, • and the husband died. Mrs. W. wee taken to • hospital, where she remained several weeks. In the meantime the boys, who had been left with a friend in Indianapolis, being anxious to me their mother, aerated from Indinnapolis line.e fitit of June, having a ticket for Crest . where they arrived on the 7th. The fol lowing day a gentleman procured transporta tion for the boys, who had no mnney, to Mans geld. Ohio. As moon as Mrs. Worster recov ered istot made inquiry for her children. and ascertaining the facts. started in ■carch of them, but bas been unable to learn anything of their Whereabouts since they len Crestllne. • Any Information relative to the boys addres red to their mother at Philadelphia will be thankfully received. . • ' , • • • TM.GA alonthly Stepart--messwts al conduits .. Be ' " yea ru tfil- " Craca l". A 7o.. " *":" ` L't '7 14 The monthly mectirff of the 6un g . ("mist'.Association seas held at Itheir beau tiful rooms, corner of Perin and Sixth streets, s.tunnio . ~,teg, at eight o'cl wk. Them e large and deeply Interested • audience tine President Porter occupl the chair. Aster reading of Scriptures and singing the hymn commencing, "Awake my soul InJeryful bar," the tmening prayer was offered by -W. H. Knox. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. W. K. Jennings. Esq..Sec rettsr; of the Board of Directors, reported the action of the Board for the past month. T. K. Cree, Esq., rend the monthly report of the work of the several Committees of the Asso ciation. The following Ise brief synopsis: ' Cottage Prayer Meetings-Most of these 'tree op on account of the difficulty in hold ing thew during the heated term. The chair man of one committee reports twenty-one nerve. brought Into church connection through these meetings; another relierts two or three, anotherfive or six. besides the good done our own members and all others who attended them. We hone to carry on n much larger number of these meetings during the coming winter. home Prayer Meetings . enrried on at Young Men's Home every evening eta o'clock. This is one of the best and most profitable meet ings we hold. Nine O'clock Meeting In the parlor evert . evening (except Saturday and Sabbath.) Al ways a good meeting and generally well at tended. There has been a large number of conventions through this meeting. rlaturday night meeting at o'clock. in troduced by singing on the street and invit ing those attracted by the music to come into the meeting. Wu have had many good results od hopeful conversions from these meetings in the past, and we look for greater results In the future. Soldiers' Home Meeting.-Held every Thum.. dny evening. Have been productive of much good.. The Bible Class carried on during the winter has been given up for short time. Noonday Meeting.-Held• every day. Al ways interesting. Many requests for prayer presented. - Widows' Home.-A very Interesting meet ing with nu average attendance of about thirty. Held even' Friday evening end teat urdny afternoon. Open in Meetings.• The committee report ed a number of very interesting meetings held' during the month. Employumnt Bureau reported twenty-five men furnitthca with work during the month and a large number of applicatiom for slum tions'of various kinds. Free Library Valuable additions are being made daily. Mention sons made of a hand some and valuable donation of books from the generous Arm of Sloan, King & Co. This Is the third donation from this arm. After the singing of another hymn the fol lowing names were Presented for member ship, • Sustnining-lter. T.ll, Hanna, A. C. Wray. ASsocinte-J. M. Hanna. Active-E. H. Iloyd, C. B. Hatch, Thos. P. Henderson, D. M. Glass, Conner, It. O. Park, A. E. Luty, John Ileecroft, Charles Carson, G. H. Albertson, James Jones. . _ After the transaction of some other prelim inary. business. the President stated that the programme of the whoas to attendd dresses from the delegates had ed the Y. M. V.A. Convention held nt Indian apolis. Ile also stated that some of the gen tlemen who were-expected to be present and address the meeting were detained by un oavoidable circumstances. .He would hest call n one who has a great Interest in our Assik clation, and was present to-night—Major Wil lon Frew. The Major's address, throughout. was able and deeply Interesting. He referred to the F.cimiinical Council held at Rome, and believed that the Convention held nt Indiana polis would do snore good for that city and the-whole country. It has been often asked. What has been the effect of this convention? It has resulted In Miming new life into the young inen of thocountry and sending them forth to their several fields of labor with a - firmer resolve to do a nobler work In the M uir, by endeavoring to enfranchise den from the dominion of sin and to rescue them from endless death. and point them to on immortality beyond the grave. How much more noble is the most obscure worker for Chrlst • than the greatest politician and t.tatesman in the land. Let us 'then go on in our noble work. feeling that our reward is sore. The conventional. corn posed of earnest workers, consecrated ' . the cause of Christ—and many of them hate attained a national reputation. One grand ftnture of the meeting was the entire absence of sectarianism. Christian men from all branches of the Christian Church were there, —regiment aftergegiment came, making one ;rand Marty for st—brit there waa no dis cord there. I had the honor to be the first oresident of the old Pittsburgh Association, and I feared that sectarianism a-ould. be In troduced and destroy our - work. lint in this I seas happily disappointed. The utmost har mony has ever characterized our Associa tion's work. The morning, noon and evening prayer meetings held In connection with our Convention were a very Interesting feature of the work.' -Men who never before spoke for Christ. stood up there and pro claimed the name of Jesus. The work "of evairgelizing the young men of the land Is committed to our Young Men's Associations and that they are competent for the work has been demonstrated by,..our NationarConven- Una. That Convention has sent forth young torn all over the land, baptized from on high. prepared to shed .forth light and truth, and - I to prepare our land for a grander revival than we have ever witnessed. The world is not going backward. as some hten suppose. The -Missionary of the Croon as permeated Into almost every land under the sun. Tan bible Is being translated into every language and mattered broadcast from pole to pole. After a while we shall have the rich and golden harvest. In the winter time the fields look bleak and barren, but when the springtime comes. and the gentle winds blow and the rain fells, soon a mantle of beauty and loveliness adorns universal Nature. As inn Nature so in Grace. Now Is our weeping time and sewing time, but the golden harvest shall wave ere long. Our work Is going on quietly and secretly, but soon the world shall be possessed for Jens. Young men: lend a hand la the glorious work and share in the grand consummation. After singing a part of the Psalm commenc ing. "0, my soul. bless thou Jehovah." Wm. Jeanine, q.. made a few pointed and earnes reirutrks. H Ese learned the grand truth om this Convention that the men engaged in the work end who scent fame are ordinary mortals like ourselves. It has been asked again and again, What la the secret of the success of these men ? Where do they obtain their great power f It is not from high mhol- Reship. for none of them are men of profound erudition. But it ircontained Inn few words. They are thoroughly In earnest and entirely consecrated to their work. T. K. Cree believed the Indianapolis Conven tion would have a lasting effect for good on us as an association. The good did not con sist alone in the great amount of business done and disc...mut questions, but in team ing more of our great common work, and In becoming Individually mare consecrated to the worked our Master. That mighty conven- - lion crave hundred delegates, from all parts of the Union accomplished mutts that crurnot. be estimated. Oar own Association has al-. rtndy. caught the dame, and is now doing a; work never thought of before. After %Meter the hymn "Must Jesus bear the cross alone," Mr. Logan followed In a brief and scholarly address. He went to the Convention to learn something new. to find dut new plans of work. In this he had been isappointed. He listened to Moody and Stewart. and others, but heard nothing new. Their work wen just anch a work as our own. Grand results are not accomplished so much by plans of work as by work Itself. OrbrAsso elation shall fulfil Its noble mission when each Individual member consecrates himself to the service of Christ. President Porter 'said be was pleased with the great sent manifested by all the delegates to theconvention. He was alsopleased with the kind and courteous manner In which they were received and the princely hospitality extended to them. In the Academy of Mu sic where the convention was held the motto . adopted for the occasion was a grand and ap ropriate one: "The Churches of the Lord J.. Christ salute you." This united appro val of the churches at once, dignified and en nobled the work. And that salutation an bountiful was the ruling feeling of all. All the reports of delegates over the land were highly gratifying. These reports gave each one a new atimulous ' The convention at In dinapolls may Itoon be forgotten by all bat its blessed results shall be recorded In bea ten. We there felt the unspeakable dignity of our work and were encouraged to more earnest effort. But after all the great secret of success In the work is earnest Individual effort and earnest every day work. At the conclusion of the President's address a letter was read from P. It. Brunet. Esq.,ex pressing his sorrow at his unavoidable ab sence. Re,. Mr.Stuckenberg having arrived, the President Invited bins to address the meeting„ but owing! M. the lateness of the hour he de- Mined. ; . After some unimportant business had been transacted this delightful and profitable meet ing adjourned with benediction by Rev-Stuck •nberif. I The ciemi-monde in one of 4t, upper wards are agitated. It seems a large number have located to that partiZulor section of the city, much to tie &whit and annoyance of the re , • spectabie class of the community. An effort accordingly Is being made to dispose of them by legal process. A few days ago the propri etresses of the various blouses were notified by the Alderman of the ward. to eithercease from their evil practices or vacate. ander nen, badof being ejected by law. The action has bad the e ff ect of arousing the parties. who of course tense to go. Many of them own the property which they occupy and will not be to summarily pnt - out. 1 1 , • Saturday night they eld a consultation. when It was resolved to mild the demand. upon the grounds that an their houses were out disorderly they could not he molested. To have the matter properly tested they at once secured a fund of $1,..M0 and decided to LlThWc t it!ts e o g gi:2`ll,";llPlr.T' l tgettll n r tae affair will come to court remains yet to be seen. The rteexpereled Balance... The Finance Committee ofCouncils held a in ecting Saturday relative to the : transfer by the City Treasurer of 'the city fonds to the banks designated by Cotancibi u city depos itories. The Treasurei !informed the Councils that he was ready to make the transfer as noon as the proper credits were entered upon the books of the Controller, which won done, and the mom* will be transferred as soon as the banks are opened (tor tit* transaction of business. Thl4,-Part he presebt, ends the 4. 1411, expended belodsce” question, at least until such time as a decision of the Supreme Court can be bad npon it,,and the city under their contract with the banks will be entitled to the interest on the money so long as they hare possession of It. = - Yesterday morality about halt Put six o'- clock. the and smoke were observed Issuing from a stable on Anderson street, near the Columbia Engine House. Fourth ward, Alle gheny. The Fire - Department were called nut, and the namea In a short time subdued. (Inc of the Minks In the toe of a howls oc cupied by Wacker & Donner, shoeuudecnt. bad fallen out. and as It was adjoining the stable. the beak communicated from the chimney to the hel p ' canned the tire. The loss ems about fully covered bp in surance. Messrs. B. 'Thompson t Co.. car penters, on Anderson street, were the owners of the stable. • , I PITT SB A PARE SCENE , . The Woman In Bharat—An Attempt to ••fiihrt e. —The Design . Frames ted—Mystedous ro. reeding.. Tne Allegheny Park Was the scene if a rather singular episode on Saturday even at. A few minutes before sea•en o'clock a yo mg woman neatly:arrayed In black clothing an of a prepoptessing aPpearatice, entered the en, closure east of Federal it ter and took 0 e of the ladies nears, not far from the entr. .cr. There was an air of mystery about th fe-j turtle's movements which attracted the a•ten- I tion of Come young men who - ••ere setting near by. They kept a le , tch upon her for, a short time, when she was observed to take a tarn o nee vial out of her Docket. glance furtively a . Id and raise It tuber lion. thne of the young men at this instant, suspectinl r the truth, ro Ad ano mi quickly and knocked, the vial from her hand. She at first Jfppea eta indignant, and seas about to create a breeze. when the ark policeman arrived and was-made amino sled with the facts. The vial by this time sr se, cured and found to be marked 'laud:men ;! hi the fall the contents had been spilled i j iii . Ifi crab evident the woman meditated 911 na die but she refused to nice her me or con verse' In regard to the affair. 'The officer or met Ingly escorted her out of the Park. concht -j lag that' if she wished th "shuttle o this mortal coil. - she could do the situol rag in some other locality. The affair was •t 1 ne of mystery. but was all over In such short time that no large crowdras attracted to the Vince. ~ 1 The European War It has been naked why our French • Rim,oe are so silent on the EnrOpean War q cotton. The 'best reason to be given 'perlinti Is that we have not enough renresentatives of that nationality among us. Wel venture tar opin ion that there are not more than one hundred 7 • ~ Franco-dmerisan citizens n these ton cities. an( we scarcely believe tl) at there hre that many. The following en 1 from ' French lady of education and posllor , rend with interest i Stevens. ElilTollS.—Let no shadow the setiments held by citizens on the war struggle M / That. we sympathize with al who in Paris protested againSt I That all workingmen, be they man. English. Spanish or MI should be brothers. . That the Interests of the pool where the same. That in all. khten have to throw of/ the don . . of dependance and misery; that In tend n lighting among themselves, they un to thel. efforts to attain their ennimunanitle 6. ent VIM That the war b .f the eokle against Kings, that of work against in - tril.ge to itt times Just and necessary; but - ,w raised be n despot, for agrandicing hi. terri trY, or in the Interest of labs own d. nasty, be the worst scourge indicted on the Mu• an race. We hare always considered Mr. Carl Schurn member of Congress from Missouri, a is stout Republican. nod it was with great i stonish meet that we heard him praise King William • • • . ,t Prussia nt the meeting of the Ile mans in teluway 11n11, N ess York. lust klon ixy, and et forwnrd non necessity the estals Ishment tf II grand empire In the centre e his . seems a very strange way to u the enfranchisement of the old win 11 , With much less noise, much more nn Mull , the the French Republican Union met tie sal vening, grader the presidency of 3 f. Ci e stant, and voted the following drainer sloe "We, the members of the Republica Union of the French Language. with non to the pending war bet agrau France and Pru sin, dek. crave that we call and wish from ou heart. 4. the fall of dynasties. monarchies. ml the abolition of permanent armies, th .se causes of war and ruin for the Kuhr,: " Lastly. and especially, we protest al those who. be they French or German divide in America the working clao, citing them for the strife of the delis. old world. On the free soil of Arne are neither French nor German: we an and workmen. When despots Work t - 119 by war. our duty is clear. Let on This seems to any sensible pots, more to the point than all t he Teutonh alistic declamations of Mr. Schurz. Wkw Personal. J. W. Stsissos is lying very low at deice on Lincoln nCenue, iAlleghe friends nre almost without hope of cdvery. the case of Mr. Washington Mal we hove no encouraging informatit has an Internal tumor. supposed to rand the reach of sue-,..ere or me Painful apprehensions of the helpless his caee fill the minds of his many frim JOll% S.Dttwoiern, Rot.; whit now In the East. Is in town among bin I whom he may count PY thousands. We. had a plen.nt call Saturday IV+ Th for C. Robb. amoat efficient onicer 9n lb. Second Auditor's Department of the l'encra Postortice at Washington. lie Inn ing !MUM, visit to his borne and friends in this. county. from U4l of 101.00 be receives t e ror dial welcome due to his high elmrac r nod genial manners. W. M. Pourxn. Eol.. Cm able and e elent Controller of Allegheny - city. lots folly tee., ered from his recent Illness Imd h • L. PEAte 4 ON, and Judge •r. tether with their families. leave for -Long Branch to-day. Ora - very worthy legal frbmd. John Lam bin. Esq., was married last week to no necorn plished young lady of this city. MB. SOWN JOIINATMI. the wkll t nown druggist. was In London on the 10th jolt., in the enjoyment of excellent health. D. o*Nnti.l., Esq.. Is home from Cope May, looking well and hearty. W. C. Sgrrirr. of the Dinwiteh. lens ' day to visit the watering places. We nnaterr to announce that Capl who preside.s with so much grace. ju and determination over the tombs. to NI for several days. Ills place Is no, Oiled by the gallant Lieutenant David bell. Heal Karate Transfers. Tbetellewing deeds were admitte. cord in the office of Thomas H. Hoot Recorder for Allegteny .county. July 2.1.1 M): Amos W. Ewing to Gustavus Stay: lily 22. IM); 03 lots In Am. W. Ewing's pl n. teenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, wl h build ings Pio,llol Fanny Gordon to David D. Bruce. Ma Les.lS7l); 1 mere to Twenty-second want city f Pitts burgh, with buildings • tii.o3o David D. Bruce to Fan. - Gordon. Jan.!. INTO; Iscre in Twenty-second word, city o ' Pitts burgh. with buildings Thomas D. Updike to David W. tell, .1 liGo; lot 463 by 210 feet, - -Marla nor borough of Mount Washington. Milt. Bradford to John B. Hall. Deism 13, 121 acres and IC perches to Shelle analn shipJaal Thomas Wilson to F. "c: Lang. April ri, t l , 4;u: tot 100 by IS: feet on Perryirrillu. and ward, Allegheny city, with billidings /.1.3.10 Samuel J. Taylor to Taylor, March 31, lii7o; PI acres in Wilkins • township, with buildings .. 1.5,1X10 Serious .aceigeht; • Shortly after One o'clock Saturday after noon an accident occurred at the corner of Smithfield street and Second avenue, by which Mr. John Free, an old man . engaged in tearing down a building at that place, wan PCHOWIY .injuredj The building formerly occupied by Shriveras a grocery store is being removed to make room for a new structure as an addi tion to the Merchant's Hotel, and Free. it up p.m, was on the interior wall that runs along Second avenue, when a Joist gave way precipitating him Into the cellar of the build ing, a distance of forty feet. A large piece of the wall was broken out and went down with him. He was taken up immediately and car ried to his house In Kelley's Court. off Grant street, near Second avenue. Dr. Robert. was called In and on examination found that the old man had five ribs broken on the left side. and severe cute In the left aide of the bead, one of them several Inches In length. Al though very severely he is not dangerously hurt, and the doctor entertains strong hopes o his recoverY. Am Explosion • An explosion occurred gaturday evening, nbouthalf past titre o'clock, In the cellar un der McCiarrna 8 bicKennan's drug store, at fhe corner of Fifth avenue and Tunnel! street. .by which one man was slightly injured. Charles Kane, a colored man employed at the store, was In the cellar charging the intsgen erstor for the soda fountain. Ile made the charge too strong. and the consequence was the generator exploded, scattering the pieces I every direction. Kane was struck by three or four - of the hying pieces, cutting ugly gashes about his head and breast. One cut on the right eye wasparticularly severe. Time report of the explosion, which could be heard Some distance. brought the clerks In the store to the cellar. where they found the injured Man lying. He was conveyed to Ur. Wishart's Once ' on Fifth avenne. where his wounds weredressed. after which he was taken to his home on the hill. Ills injuries are not serious. Lareeny of a Draggy Heroes, The stable of Dr. tire. In the rearof 176 Fed , end street Allegheny, was forced open on the morning of the 14th Inst.. and a set of single breast-strap boggy hamess stolen. From the manner In which the robbery war committed a suspicion ernes that the thief was familiar with the locality. He come on horseback, rid ing a bright bay. and was men by a neighbor. who supposed that the man had been sent by the Doctor, and of course made no alarm. The inert/rod hone are thus described: The man appeared of middle age. and tens of medium stature. The bone woe a bright bny, very stiff In Its limbs. and acted like an animal used for hauling purposes. The Doctor offers a re ward of any dollars, for, the arrest end' con viction of. the thief. , • The Prettiest Woman In Now- York. Miss K—. well known in our fashionable society for her dip/Input appearance and beautiful Complexion, was once a sallow. rough-skinned girl, chagrined at her red, freckled face. She pitched into Ilagan's 3agrielia Rahn. and U now I nm pr ne yi n Th o sar eX cl m o r o e :ckmechaecm . les, tan, sallowness, mothoptitches.ring-m arks, et and makes one lout ten years younger tenet they are. Magnolia Balm for a trans parent complexion, and Lyen's Kethairon to make the hair plentiful, luxuriant. soft and delicate, have no rivals. The Kathalron pre vents the hair from turning gray. eradicate dandruff, and is the best and cheapest dres sing Ui the world. U. Hale, Merchant Tailor. nal lust 1. • large assortment of Haws and :d -eism a complete assortmant of tootle ..mmer wear genendly, corner Penn ; and Sixth Meet.. tf Iles recelv paces for asenu LeEwe' and 4 3 , 11.1rense Cotton Hate In greit variety at reasennble prices; at the new e nod Stocking stare. No. 3) Fifth RTC - Due. Jso. DpatamAN & CO. To BC "SUORT OF (John" a week ago was ery bad. but the only thing worse tiaa to be short of Pler, Denials & Cu.'s creani ale. , i. ME= IS• D A :. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 1870. FOREIGN. PIF.IIIIE. Can3lE, the French billiard Inlayer. is reported tp Lave been robbed rand murdered in fe‘xien. near San Lain' Potosi. Cumr Kerctird.F.FP, the Russian mil ionaire, recently deceased, spent $60,000 in an original PiCaMbollt, which was to utstrip the world, but which couldn't be pride to move when finished: THE French steam packets will not stop running in consequence of the war They have nothing to fear from Prussian war vessels, and WI privateering is abolished. they will not he molested by cruisers. A rmut ha been picked up on Sable !gland beating the 'name of Dr., F. Schreyer, Menu this . Tenn,. and.written in a cramped hand are the words, !!Wd are going down ;to Dr. .Inp u t Locker." i fthe card has been forwarded In the-Miniater of Marine. Ottawa, and is ',lmposed in be = Boston.' ~ . Alt. Urine s' visit to Atnertre, often Iked over.' is now resolwd ow: Ills . . tour, as at present arranged, will include Nev England and the Middle States, and . on much of the Weld an may he seen nn the road to Kansas, but he trill probably not make the overland journey to Califor nia. nnr go. further South than Harper's Ferry, which he wishes' to visit as the ene of John Brown'xixerole effort: . • Tyr. Emperor hafylecided. on the pro mition of the Minister of Foreign Af the States allied with Primsia, flow in France or the French colonies, shall be perinitted to remain so long as their con duct furnishes no cause for complent. Admission from this date to the territory of France of Subjects of Prussia or tIo4 allied States will be subject to special permiwion, given nly exceptionally. • ME Guotois HIM mores the successful completion of one if those undertaltin. which recallihe , st rprising labors of th .flenedictlnes of old. Monseigneur Ferny pt to tench Gcr- Imd evert, 4, th Vicar Ainnoolic in the Celestial Empire, ban just presented the Emperor with the first volume of a French and Chinese dic tionary. Thig is a wonderful monument of linguistic skill and of conquered - -. • The intellectual -eertkon == but the author had also to orerrnme the mechanical difficulties that were nearly in :superable. Ile had to Lana moulds for the 84)00 characters comprising , the Chi. nese language, to run the type, acid-to net up the work with hls own hand: And all tin in a little cell at the establishment for mien mis.ionn: Europe: orotund TILE WAR IN NEW YORK r itENtur.,t,xsitlents me raining; a Lospita uml foitransinission of Francs. Tut: lack of a battle up to. Saturd , isroncerted the gold bulls auumingly. -LEA DING German merchante , have rah!: sl $611,000 and intend-tn make it $7.1,000 unit' of PrnsAa- ' . - Itt.t n't try ti hr of the 'rat hundred and fifty (len:inns have who,' for n free passage to the old coun ry to join the tierearte armies, 'ritE tiermans of ❑olstken held n mass carting in Hoboken on Thursday; at elite!, fiery iqweches were made, senile, hetic resolutions passed and 1.1,110 ti sub, crilied on the spot. . . ettllenx dial unite! n melt tmi eri- Two associations of Germans have been organized, one in the 111th and one in the 17th Ward..whose object it it to assist the widows and orphans of those who fall in the rattling war On the German side. Tut: t•tramlinavians have called 11..1111+1, iog, and the roll cid - Andes with an appeal to all Americans. native or nuetralized. to /nen,: in the erection of a government on European soil similar to our own, to he known as the United States of Europe._ = Tut: Tribune says: It was at kiln in Lad tapir. to display a picture of rut French Emperor -suspended front ngibbet at nutwting participated in lw an Amer'. Call Senator, all American ex•dettentl. and an American ex.flovernor. The American people nre not ai war with the. French • Emperor. Our more excitable citixere: of i canon birth nest not make any mistakes which will injure their own moor in America.. Ai a mooting of the SLJPatriiik Logion It Wits among - well that 'the Login hail been lininght I.,gethei fiir the imno of preparing for Ow coroint.r. geney in Ireland, and in might leave thin imifigry 'At n 1t1.411 notice. it MIS necevsa7 tint .311Ie arrang Aleuts should he lidide to svoi.l loin = to I.turtatul, but tto-ir 4ympatltiot ==lTlM=tl== t Reed, d nt been at ably 1 tmp- was England'. defeat. Berman organization for t furtherance of the canae of tiermany the tierman•French war and eapecialir for aiding the wounded FoldlerN and wido,Wel - h and orphans,amadopted' - the name of lits tierman Patriotic Aid Society rind elected inventor SalamoWchairman of the Extien. tire Committem. All aid aocietiell of lie city and neighborhood are called 0 to r E1 ,7 1 - n Any. send delegated to the, meeting to.ni dtt 4 Committee of Correspondence has hers appointed to communicate with siniiln xxieties in all the large cities for the Our pose of uniting them all in one central nn Tonal argarkizativm. Thir rOCirtV Ir have Astiped $2.5,i)(X) already. While Brnss. At the lant meeting of the civil eng .n+ in London, Mr. l'n,./tis, well know A. his labors in the improvement of ortli• tnemshowtsi samples of his white brass. is unlike Ilabbitt's" - or any other Metal ill not clog the file. and has In practice moved very elfin-five. 6 dilliqs froth al• Soya known an white metal, being:4ller, stronger and sitherour. It is, In fact, Its name implies, 11 species of titans, and, be- haves like it under .4he tool when bored or burned, and is—misceptible of a very high:polish; at the same time it fusers at a lower temperature than ordinary bruin, and can be melted in an iron tinter ladle over an ordinary fire. Thin renderk it useful tor fitting up engines and cuachiren where first cost is an object, as it cat be run into the plummer blocks or fthnting to form Pie bearing!, bushes, soc Nets, etc., without the expense of fitting or boring _them, or it cait be cast in in tal mounds In sand or loam. : The white brans has been found, by mirefullY condu cted experiments, to surpass in durability all other anti-friction metals against which It has been testtnl, and to prevent heating of the journals: Petroleum as Fuel A few weeks ago we noticed innttempt d.burnpetroleumas fuel on engine No. 41, at the upper routed house, which did not prove Successful on account 'of the giving away of sonic gum hose which was used for conveying the oil to the re ceiver. This morning the experiment ;was repeated-on the Caine engine, with Improved pipe, and proved eminently succeSsful. The engine was thoroughly. chilled throughout, and in one - hour and ten Minutes front lighting the fire there Was Meant enough generated to run the engine to its utmost capacity. The en.' gine was subsequently takenup the mountain on n trial trip, Mr. Tithe Carr acting an engineer, and this method of using petioleum an fuel will thus be' nub. jetted to the SUverent test.' The ,petro leum itself does not come In contact with the fire, ljut by s system of tubing a vapor is generated which passes into the fur nace and makes an intense lint easily con trolled fire. We expect -to furnish our readers with a detailed description of the invention in Monday's Immo from the pen of Mr. Whipple, one of the proprietors. Altoona Son., . . . A Da/I pe ratr Fight with a Burglar [Prom the New York Time,.] Theresidekce of Mr. Levi Decker, in North Belleville, was entered by a bur. glar, about twelve o'clock Wednesday night, and before he could be securia he became very desperate. Thomas It. law..' less, an employe of Mr. Decker, who slept' 'in the house, first heard noises, being awakened by the Barking of dogs. He felt for billionth, but it had been removed, lie then gave the alarm, and heard the thief inn from the house to the yard and cry, as for assistance. Here Lawless seized hint, audio return ho was severely stabbed in several places. Lawless picked up a club and dealt the villain such a blow that he immediately yielded, and with the help of Mr. Decker was secured. lie gave first the name of tleorg6 Jones, No. 70 Houston street, New York, but af terward stated that his real name was Jenne Maloney; and that lie lived in New York:. He is it stout, vigorous man, about fortyyears of age. He was locked up to answer. • A 81.714AL0 lined thus compliment!! Chicago:' ' I've been to the North, I've been to the Waith; ilul:man may travel and afar go Tn the Jumping-art place ere ever he will On, . A town to compare. with Chicago. fl IM=l3 Sodom was some, and Gomorrah _was irbil'eulce each man's an , the beautiful town that raker 'am idl down the elesaut rtUalaiehirkio. • ME w,;cz ,-.., :,a:,i,..5.~..'~.r.i~."~."-~~v:...,~,trotter an enormously large local tragic. and Pi t t s burgh ra and ateady Inemmae. Na Li on has command of TerritOrY o rich matertala for prof table railway trate. • It Connects l'lttaburgh and Baltimore—two of the MI. important Cities of the Union. be road Is now earning the Interest - It will be eompleie influence a and ought to command the aid and of the citizens of Pitteburgli. Bonds may be had at FIRST NATIONAL BANK. PITTSBURGH ( - 03131Klit lAL BANKING FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ALLEGIIEN CITY. Ju2liall.TTßAS OrC/CE AND IMMTOr MINIM - 0 CO. / Pte argue. J une 2:W.1 . 1470. SPECIA L MEETING OF STOCK. 1101.DERS.—There will hen special meet ing of the Stockholders Of the ”PITTSIII.7IIGII AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY OF PITTS ounGir,.. held at the oelee of the Company, In the City of Pittsburgh. a:2 o'clock P. *EDNESDAY, 27th Day of• July,-proximo By order of the Chinni of Director, ei=lll IZIM jBOU\TT. • $lOO Bounty Collected • Torah soldiers who enlisted between May 4th and July 2 . 4d.1561, who were discharged for dlsabtl hy before anteing two years, and who bare beret, ore received no bounty. The undersigned hat removed bin omen to. GA rrri Building. cornerfil sth avenue and Smlthdeld treat. and Is now prepared 10 collect claims speed Iy-end AL moderate nines. Call on.or addreloi.wlth tamp. • •U. e. BROWN. . Claim Agent. owzrrrt Carrier Myth avenue and Ned thdeld street. • Pittsburgh. Pa. DT..PUBLIC NOTICE.—HaTIng been - appointed (JAB and (JAB METER INSPEC TOR for Al tertian,. county. notice Is hereby even that until the necessary ?Sane and Mechanic:lll:en- , Ing usuhinery can be provided. I will be found at the OFFICE OF THE: NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Twentr-thlrU street. near Penn. Pittsburgh. . felitnsß Gas and G. Meier ...tor. NOTICE.-- , The undersigned have chartered the Swim Ferry Bost. Pt. W. C. DENNY: and will run her as a Ferry on and after J uly nth Prom Shetersburtstnrittaburgh side. until the Sharpsbunt Midge is rebuilt. W.11.1i. CLANGS, I ut W. A. SPROUT. arNONONGAIIELA- INCLINE PLANK—NOTICE—The Plane will be upwn fur Passengers and Freight business EVERY MORNING at 3 o'clock. uld'iorilreluse at I 1 r. connecting with the bat tar from Pittsburgh un the PM...burgh and Birmingham Passenger Ilan way. Jeuld POLITICAL. FOit PItO-THO-30TA1tI, N. G. COREY, late Captain Co. 0. tad P.. role. Subject to the decialon of the twitting Vnlyn publican County Con , ennui , jrZl:inotir FOR SENATE. GEORGE II; ANDERSON, Pet,Jeet to the decition of the enoulne Union Re Vonventloa_ [cr FOR COUNTY COMMISSIOAER. GEORGE NEELEY, Of )(Anhui' TounsbSp. yubject to the deelszon of the Union Hopubl!can County Canuention. raTah.d Er FOR COUNT V COMMISSIONER. BEND MIN DOUTHETT,. Of Indbins Vintstilp, Is • estolifiste for County Conionl”toner,in subordtnation to the deetrion of thslteonblicuit Convention. Est tnisliss In rebus. solteil.s4lT WALL PAPERS. NEW WALL PAPER; FOR SPREgia SALES, - at No t 107 Market St., NEAR, FIFTH AVE. We now neer to the public stOck ot PAPER lIANGINGS B=l,lllTel:weed In the West ITT variety and besot! of st les. erebniceng afi the Nevelt. RESIGNCO MOSAIC. PERSIAN and GRECIAN S in plain end bright colors. foe Hells. Dining._ Bootee, Ac. Al., WOODend MARBLE DECORATIONS. TINTED and GILT PARLOR PAPERS. with an elm. catietY of CHEAP SATIN PAPERS. WHITE Ind BROWN BLANKS tor Chambers, the Allowesto which we pro p,. to sell at low. as the ln the market. Call and acm at o. 107 Market St., near Fifth Avenue JOS. B. HUGHES & BRO. • h12..Z WALL PAPERS. • SPRING, 1870. PRICES REDUCED. 40 IN(111S8 wide tints rt/Se Per roll. GlLT—is great variety at afile per roll. GLAZED—AII kinds at %Se per roll. ELEGANT French nod American Paper Hang du not specified above. superior to any Amory • sot in the country. For side at W P. MARSHALL'S New Wholesale and Retail Store. 191 LTV, atredurtstabergid,, MERCHANT TAILORS. P.I7:;MC.ABIDLR, Fashionable MERCHANT, TAILOR, i'inf,EUTZP,ifet4Wiii e nagie No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St, PITTSBURGH, PA. tir' deal Clotbthlt mat. to O d ' 2 ' 2 ' o 1 ..." tyles. apt 9 SPRING AND SUbIIVER_STYLES 1870. J. C. le CIILTUMN. C. L. lICALANIMIXO. II'HIERSON k MVIILANBRING, Merchant TEI , No. XlO skxxii tiTREEPT. data Pt. Clair.) We have received a large and well se lected Stock of the best and most fashiormble bloods Ineurline. a great Portion of W h irl ow ow own Importation. Feeling confident of oar ability to give peeled satisfaction. ws respectly aolleit from _fork mlearly examination of our stock of Fine Cloths. Coast mere*, Wettings: dc. McPligllSON S MIIIILANBRINO, rahlo No. 10 Sloth street. NEW SPRING tiOODS. A splendid new stock of Cloths, Cassimeres,- Just rejel.d by IMMSEEM3 ..3 Merchant Tellor.l2 Smithfield staved. REMOVALS REMOVAL S. P. SURIVER .& CO, Have removed from/her OM stand. Not M 7 sad OMIT/IFIEL% to their Marabou/el, Nos. 259 eud tit Liberty-St., Above the bead at lirMal BTllltrr. where they will Le pleased to ilea all their our trtend. and eo. S. P. SIIRIVER & CO., sm. IMMI niVELLINGIHOUSES FOR SALE.— On Hill street, .Crastfordstreet. Ma hon street, Elm street. Grunt street. Isabella street. lab Wt.'. Ferry street, rinstlis 1.1.1,5 t. Second arenas, Third street. Chestnut street. Sp:amine street. Stllektell R 1 .... Woods Run. dopester Street. Howl street, Franklin street, Anderson Street. ktobtnsonstreet, Craid street. Charles street, Oakland, East LibestrAlalwell etmet, cuff street. Binh street. Alleerenr. 44th street. Penn street sad other twenties. CUTIIBERT & SON. SO Snob aeenue. • 0 4FAP v r iz e rn TINWARE. B VIMRONS. sa ars., • RUBBER TUBING. All olus of India Robber tObloif.lifliffoal.l7 On 11•21q1111 J. R H. nftmars , • L,,e.--hi-sp.,-,-.IVA&Uz-ciltal.- INSURANCE CRITERION OF _X. SUCCESS IRE The Empire Mutual .• flu soblar . ed a IMMO. 6112ing 1/13 , .. M. 1 . 4 I nthe history of Late Inez] room. ORGANI7,,ED APRIL. 3.11-869. - Business of theCompartv =I IST,.Ie NurraN4c7f POlcire lAPuMT 3.340 Total _l`.r.emlumg. • .1,111:1117141 A..iniantl:::!•:nl;il • $77;0r1ii0 . 0 . .6 0 Ratio of.: alma snit Kiip. to Trial Income-07.. 1 3Q • 11 A.erane I. atio of all Commune , 31. • Ynr aver) $lOO Liabilities the Emelt. n.lOlO 1 Or ASPC,,P. Avarme Amount of tiolicies... . irtAl gtl l .-. .. Wanr.rw;nr]; --- ' with. 8100.1.1011 Crah Capital detaotted with. the State and the balance eecuret y invented. WM. A. FULLER. Mellower for Weetere Pertn,rivani.. OMNI 7S FlMatTil A' EN FE. thltsburnh 1%1. 717'GOOD AGS'NTS. both wale and fenntle. wanted. McrAFLLATI 13, . • 1.117,11)EN-r. W MILLER qtereutry Federal - Insurance Co. OF ALLF.GIIF.NY CITY. PA. _ OFFICE : Cor. Federal and Incoek Streeli. 011.170.: Ednalll Gregg. W. W. 1.. Gibson. Valentino Baker. .1. Kohen, Famuel 13. Smith. 3!;,sl. ll ittlro. WI II Su dam n . . 13. Wm. "h").". I I James re'i7:ji7l'"fin." F. H. 'MVP:. t:enerei Agent CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO. OF 1`111LADKLI•111A. OFFICE 433 A :10 437 CIiESTNI3T STRENT. Assets on Jan. Ist , IS7O. 6 . 4.Pe23.734 67. CaPl. , . 114i0.000 00. Accrued Surplus and Premium... 2.423.73 1 07. bosees geld 'elnee 18 . 28, over 5.500.000. l'ernerna , ATIdT..r nary Po li cies Ltberal Terms. The Company a sO Iseues pollelea upon the ilenta a all lands of Untid ier', Ground Hen. and 31ort4ands. DIILECTMLS—AIfred G. Baker. Samuel Grant, Geo. W. Rlcharda, Ina. Lea, Geo. Isles, Alfred Thos. Sparks, Wm. S. Grant, Thum. S. Gustavus S. Benson. . . • ALYRED G. BAKER, President. GEO. PALMS. The President Jet. W. McAllister. BecrelAry. T. 11. Keller. Assistant Seer Cu/hlt A KELLOGG.. • ItoM cor:Th ird Avenue and Wsunl at WESTERN INSURANCE COMFY. Of Pittsburgh ALISXANDEIt NIMICH. Preeident. WM. P. HERBERT. Vice President WM. P. lIERSKItT, Secretary. ' CAPT. GO. NE.EI.D. tleneral AT eat. plnre 82 Water Street. Spa ng &Co.'s Warehtmee. up stairs, Pittsburgh. IVA' Insure against all kinds or Fire and Marina ((lake. A borne Institution. mansged by Mom. alto are well known to the community. and wha are determined by prom ptnesa and libandity to maintain the chance, ...eh they hare d. as uttering the beat protection.to those who desert to be insured. - • • • ••• • . . miircrons: • • •• • Alerander :arnica John H. McCune. R. Miller Jr.. Chas.J. Clarke, - • - J1,171e1l SICAI2IO. Jollllam S. Kerma Alexander Speer. Joseph Kirkpatrick.. Andrew Ackley. Phillip lileymer, • DAVICI M. Long. Wm. Morrison. D. itreaseni.r mat CASH • I SURANCE COMPANY Phelan's Building, NO. 24 FIFTIA AV B EM )LOON, • • , • • CAPITAL ALL PAID UP tit - Racemes: N.J. Staley. 'Juba Floyd. 'Capt. M.. Salley. Dual Wallace, Y. U. Hartman. A. Chamber. Jake Hill. • '4. McChokao. 'Jas. M. 'Salley. Thumaa Smith."'.au. S. Willeock,i • ROBERT 11. KING. Prealderit. JNO. P.JENNINOO, flee Pretldekt • JOB. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. 1• • Ca t . It. J. GRACE. General Arreal- INSURVIS ON LIBERAL. MARIN TE RISKRMS ON A 11. 1 ,1118 AND E S. aip2ao7 • ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO Of Pittsburgh. OFFICE. NO. 67 FOURTH AVENUIL Insures against AU kinds ef Fire slid Ids.rin tisks. JOILVIRWIN„In., President. T:J.IIOSKINSON. Vise President. C.O. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. nuinTons:• L. Fstinestoek. rtai,ll7,;gc.. Pne e lh. T. NI. Nevin. John Insm. Jr.. CC. J. Ilosklnarlo, . G. Hussar. Hamer Charles liars. • Cant. Wm. Dean 'ETibLES' INSIMINCE COMP'Y OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOW) Al FIFTH STS. A Hums Corneanr. taking Fire and Marine lUW nrasrroluc Wm. Phillip.. CapL John L. 'Moe.] John W. Samuel P. Shriver, John K. Parke, . Charles Arbuckle, ' N . i.', l l:lln . l . Zirir, • ; t r;ed o, James IL Verner, Pionnel 3ietAckart. WIL PIIILI.IO. President JOIIN WATT, Vice Pre.tde . nt. -W. F. GARDNRIL Secretary,. NATIONAL INSURANCE-COMP:Y.. CUR FEDERAL Stage.. DIAMOND. ALL - • Office, In the SECOND NATIONAL SANE W. W. MARTIN. Presldeme, JOHN BROWN, Jo.. Vice President. ' JAMES B. STIGCHNSON. Seeretao. DIICDCZOILD: John A. Myler. Jam. Lochhart. Joe. HYre, as. L. Grabsoa.,Robert Dee. t e. C. Bole. Joho Boorn...HJGeorge Geret. ..Iseob !Wye. o.ll.P.WllltelovJoo. Thompson'J..McNsugtoo. TAX NOTICES CITY 0171C2, PrrrsnrltOrLinne 1 1890. IN \ vi glalß o p ti, lNge. WITH TnE Pli 0. .117e=irlio`ul``''''417411417"'Ir• Pity, City Building, Special, Poor,Bus ness, City School and Ward School Taxes and City Water Rents For the year 1S71) have, in accordance with law. been this dayrettirried to me. fur mllention. A dediletion , hl Fire per contain - will be allowed on it Taxes and Water Rente paid on or before the of dna day August. and Tan per centrum If paid between the drat days of August and fifteenth day of September. A. J. (70CIIRAlf. Kin STONE Machine Stone Workg, Northwest comer of Wast. Common, Allegheny. FREDIE ATWATER & CO., Hir S t epd or pre or( short notice. Ilearth and Stones, S for Sidewalks. Itrewen Vaults. he. Head andomb Stones. he. son , m prip ere...ed on reasonabl• term. DISTRICT COURT 00 TILE UNI TED STATES FOR TILE WESTERN DM , Tater OP PENNSYLVANIA:IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of Robert Dixon end Cuthbert Dixon, partners as Dixon Brother,, bankrupts. 111strrn District t Pootrigninin, A warrant In B s. nkruptcy has been issued by nid Court against the Estate of Robert Dixon and Cuthbert Illson. pertners as Dixon Brothers. Of the Count of Allegheny. State of Pennsylva nia. in said district, who have been duly adlujilittSl bankrupts neon petition of their credit.on. - and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any Proven) belonging to aid bankrupts. to them. or for their use. nod the transferof any property by them. an forbidden by law., meeting of the creditors of said A s s ign ee . v their debts end ehoose one or more of their estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy 10 be holden et Ni,. 93 Diamond street. In the City of -Pitts burgh. In said district, on the TOTH DAY OF A INIUST, 0. D. 1870, at 10 o'clock A.m., en the ortnefilf:SAMUlCl, HARPER. Esq.. one of the Regljters In Bentraptey of said District. n.V A. MURDOCH. U. S. Marshal As M'essenger. TEAS! TEAS! TEAR! Just recelsed.o lame and tine assortment N Tea...lnsisting ot YOUNG ItYSON. mmsm • BOUCIIONG. Buyers are Invited to call and .analne the stock s quality and price will be for the Interest of t purch as. Also, on hand. • large and excellent assortment of choice linverles. For W. 07 - .00ws-V . No, 29 nod 30 Diamond SPECIALTIES :FOR LADIES . FINE NOTE PAPER. ALL COLORN WHITE AND . Tuvrso VISITING CARDS. MOROCCO CARD CASES. CALF CARDCASEB '''CALF POCKET BOOKS. STAMPING IN PLAIN A COLORS. - MONOGRAMS FURNISHED. ALLAN C. BAKEWELL & CO. 75 WOod Street W.Nt. KREBS, . ICE DEALER, 361 River Ave., Allegheny. Jetx C BARNES, Sealer of Weights .aud Measures, • - Orncim Nod% FOURTH AYE., Pittabargh. fl CHARLES P. STRIGHT, Carpenter and ,Builder Will promptly attend to MI kin& of Jobbly . relt. On anderatertanks,madato ceder. No. 1/ North ar=orner We intent. Allegheny, I=l I CINCINNATI HAXS-10 Tierces ..abet bran& Sugar Cured Hams and Dried Beef reeetred sod for uale by the tierce or at re tell by Aats for this sits _LEGAL, THE COVET OF COMMON PLEAS F ALLEGHENY COUNTY. •erii Ul3. itepteintior Teriii. 1869. . • bigots Millet. by her next [Mei:M.llyear mon, e. Jean... P. D. 'block. in Divorce. .•.. . • • . Alid no...Jun..llth. IS7O. nn motion of John P. Penny. Esq.. the covet Appoint 11. B. HERRON. Eenj.Corntnlsaloner t. tat.. teatlmouy behelr et linellent In the eb;.re Case.. atom the neon Auer:JACOB It. WALTRIL PiOtßOßOtalli Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned w 0 Wend to the Unties of hie appointment at hie of are. NO. 60 Grant etreet. on TCEIDAT. July 19 1870.5 t 191 o'clock. M.. where all perms. eel may attend. .Judias2-st 11__B. 11 E 1 IntRi.Cotv.s.unnr. N THE COURT OF qUARTER Sts. 6IONS of Allegheny .1 , 11;11 , • N.Y. 11. December Term. 18711. N o tic e is hereby given that the ripen ct View be above Case; wen presented to Court and - S. EL HARTMAN, ~•lc c Nt.ums.r. filed July Y. 1870. and CO gi ruled - NI.. to heroine nnlepo eaceptions Iwo filed theret. within =ffi WvIIEREAS UTTERS TESTAMEN. TAUT to the. Estate of WILLIAM TIER. M.N. late ofl3th ward of the City of Pittsburgh deed. bevies been granted to the subitc e Indebted 41 the said estate ere eribrA, to make immediate ;Payment. e d tbe leS maim or detnands against the. estate of the 4- deeed•nt will make known the same without delay to MARGAILST ItEßßON..Execttria. t. W.(, AIitSMNBALTiII. Executor. • Yo. t 7 Diamond street. 1.1 .urxov. Lune N. 1140. • leiey:ll-2H THE MATTER OF lAI • ENS LANE. In the City of ['Mature. Notice iiiherebigleen that that...mono made by the viewer, In the claming of Aiken.' Lane. (as modified b i the Court.) la now In , my hand. , for collection. and that the same be not Pahl within thlrtyirlayt from the data hereof liens will De bled theralcgalier ea - IMM. the properties sesemeil. with tn teres mot and fere. end the same collected ha winos. J. F. @LA G I.N. Cit.rA t.torner, J 1.4 FA. 11.470. InU ECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters lestan.erstaryatrium the estate of EGER AGM' ELLWANGEIt, late ad Allegheny City, deeld,,baslng been granted to the undersigned, all pers. , Indebted to said estate ate requested to maks Immediate payment. and all persons holding Cilkims against said estate to present Gm same. duly autheatleated for settlement, to WHITE & SLAGLE. Attorneya.No.loB th areoue;Pltta htalto XECE TOR'S NOTICE.-A 11 persons JE.4 Indebted toor baring claims against thr es tate uf NANCY ANN PHILLIPS. late of linowden Township. Allegheny county. Pa.. deceased. are in:Mined to settle the lame wi th the underairrnini Adeolnlatnitor. with will annexed of the wild de pedant,. his orate, N 0.198 Foxittb TM.. PM. burgh. IVERY & SALE STABLES. obt. H. Patterson &Co., Seventh Avenue and Liberty .Street VIII ON EVERY ELATURDAYIIOLD AN AUCTION SALE rses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, • And everything appertaining to the Home. Peelle. desiring to sell will pleame leave their en' toe of oonsianment on or before Thursday of ea& ebb. In order for advertleing. Prompt attention • • good care will be given all Stock left for sate. • JOHN H. STEWART, Et..ZWAILS ROW. H. PATrUterr. 'BERT H. PATTERSON & CO. Livery Sale and; NEESSION STABLES, Cor. Seventh Avenue and Liberty St. PITTSMIRGII. pV1:111 ,TOTICE TO CONTR.ICTORS enn Avenue Extension. SEALED PHOPOBALS will be recelval until 3 oclock P. th of MONDAY. the .13th Ist., for be Guiding and Curbing of all that part o f Penn venue, ging between Butler and Forty-fifth u T ' i?e Curntone h. tonst be of Freeport each, den otherd not less than 3feet to length and espects comply with the requirements of 4e. city Urdinadoes. relative thereto. Plans skewing the amount and orient of the orb to be done. till be found at the office of the ity Phislneer. to *hose cure all proposals directed the Board of Commisioer. may be MOM Terms will be mill, or 7 per cent. city bonds. Table 12 yaw after date and free from toas t n, as shall be agreed upon. e Board reserve the right to reject all blds. 1 order of the Board of Cominlesionere for Im o tomcat of Peon avenue, Dom 43th to Butler "17A tks_ PROPOSALS FOR COAL--The top denduned ludlett Prot...ls for their supply of Net. for the ensuing yearounne to be deneered at *heir Works, by mil or river. Amount required, %AKIO to 2.300 bottles ashy , ProPonehs re ceived until August lat. Ptrrs [triton, July 12.1t170 DAY BOOKS, Journals, Ledgers, CASH BOOKS, Order Books, • Receipt Books. Check Books, LEE= LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Miniature Blank Books, . invoke Files, <, Adhesive Letter Files, Bill Books, Nemoranduim Books, Counting House Stationery; Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, and Business Cards, And el other Mercantile Printina executed In the best style. KAY• Sr... COMPANY, 65 Wood Street. in= LA FA V /IT re Btl - 11.1.11240. - r - STONE' WATER PIPES Chimney TOps, l HOT AIR &CHIMNEY FLUIpS,&c. OEM A large and NU meortment constantly on hand, HENRY H. COLLINS, _ _ BNCOND A MN 1111. Bakery, Confeetio ery , 9 AND ICE CREAN The undentimed has eetabllsbed the above te; In th e very conventent location, No. WESTERN AVIENTN. Allegheny, one-half from the Park. where he Is prepared to supply ail orders In hls ills gal°. Is handeemely fitted up for the consumers of lee cream. who will and It sert e. so=t , te S p a r tlete 00.. et , l i fil ; t rar . : he p.t..116. is solicited. WM. A. 71.7ADDEL mylfugg E=l PILE REMEDY. wAnaisirs PILE REMEDY has two., felled pot even In one oral to care the very wont mos Of Blind. Itehisit 0 Bleeding Piles. Those who ere should immediately WI on their artioxia and get WARNER'S PILE REMEDY. IL 'le or. Prealy for the Piles. end le not recommended to any other disown. It bas oared many eeneeof over thirty Tenn stemling. pare IL . Ear We by drug Meta cirerywhera Annlrnm HOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON HILLS, lisaulietarsis of lINAVY XIIMUji and MGM ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting QIIII.AC-180 Bags Tanneasee grinuid 14-7 t " 4 " .. ' f "" le 16AIAH I;tha3T a co. 1= : DRIED PEACHES— a. i tes for silo E=l I= J. V. SLAULE. MWtn=lll7= = MEC= I=l a==lll PROPOSALS Zto & CO. Ju13.44 Dray Books, , WARNER'S