TEE DAILY GAZETTE : - PUMMELED BY PENNIMAN, REED & CO., Corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St. /MIAS ZINU, T. P. NO171;201.1, N. P. REED, FDITOILS,AND PE.OpRiETORd. TiRKIJ 01 =I DAILY r!!Tatil, prl year jl.nrtd by cerrler. pet weak lIHE DAILY GAZETTE. GENERALMES. il EMS". IN popular. In Virginia Nltt.r.Aitu Fn.L . xdnt Its/ been at Sara toga. • TUE Vice Pres:dent Is at hie home in Indiana. rAiliCEt llostrxmoN has his "great show" in Montreal . Mnitott GEROLT attended the funeral of Mi Prevost Parallel. • Tog Lingarda have lingered all onto: • ruiw at Long Branch. i • portrait ofl.°AcruVf"atilio panting tiledo •' " Fps" thinks atayd are like 'mobs be rause they are a coarse.eek. CuINESE counterfei eradrive a thriving business on the Pacific coast. • THE New York IVoThif says Ouida in not 'a widall at all, but a spinster. • CIIICAOCiPEOPLE amuse themselves by shootingpigeons in the parks. • Stfaas B. ANTuosvis said to have lie abilities amounting to $lO,OOO. A. T. Srowela is said to have made a round million by the raise in gold. Mus. An MCFAIILANDis„to publish a volume composed of her magazine articles. .1 TuE negroes of Indienapahn have peti. (toned to have Berman taught in the pule ,lie schools. _ • IT is said that Logan end Anna Dickson are going to England on a mission • of their own. • Punch nays that in Greece it is not now the - golden age, or the stone age, or the • bronze age, but the brigand-age. 'nit Louisville C'ourier,Totirnal • etc., says at the theatre of war very few pert. pie care to be placed in a private box. Push ban a weak imitation of his (host famous joke, iu hie recent advice to per .. 5000 who-have "fallen in love"—fall out. TnE: latest , reported monster is n two headed child in San :Francisco. which has has had- one bead amputated and still lives. - PRESIDENT CiltANT's cottage at long Branch cost, including furniture and car. pets, $32,000, which came out of hinown pocket. 'AT Buckley ,station, Me., Robert Buck. ley's dog bit ,fr. Hermann Neivliotr 's dog, whereupon, Newhoff killed Buckley wit - h a shot gnn.. - • • A WOMAN in Indiana has a mania for. l keeping ganders, of which she has sev enty-five• and she herself is the only goose in the lot. — A strum fight was fought hust week between a herd of swine and a den of rat. tlesnakes near Colurobna. The former were victorious. COI,: JAS. FIBS, Jut., thinks of starting a line of European steamers and is negotia ting with the North Borman Lloyd for some of their ship'. MR. JAst-Eit A. LAwArAN gas painted a One portrait of Henry Ward Beecher, Amid to be the beet likencssvid that gentle man aver y e t produced. Tog two Frenchmen with the bear who frightened, horses. and pleased children here a short time-since are now delight ing the editor of the San in. Altoona. Mn.B Caini.Es KulIN, a daughter of Hon. Charles Francis Adams, was.thrown from her carriage and killed at the Bathe of Lucca In Italy on the 13th. 'Cite Rtissian Choral:a has sent 'to San Francisco a Bishop of America-and the Aleutian isles. 'His diocese, as far as size in concerned, is at least respectable'', Oet the 15th the Satre Tunnel was in 1,355 feet, and is still to blue clay and por phyry. - About-half an inch of water in running out of the month of the tunnel. VAX ANLIKAGE's lion tamer entered the cage at Woodilleld, Ohio. but CHllle out Immediately with alacrity, leaving the seat of his trousers to amose.the animals. A. MiSsOCRIAN who tried to live ht Min nesota conies back objecting that they have ninementhsof winter and that the rest of the year it is profanely late in the autumn. - Aic English journal maliciously states that it is rumored that 'PuncAls about to become a comic paper. No one has been bold enough to start each a rumor about Punchinello. 81)1E0Y HICKSONBACULT, recently mar ried to an estimable young lidy, at La port, Ind., hastily • rammed the other day to avoid:an unplealiant interview with Lila Ohio wife. Sec FBANasco received the news of the declaration of, war by France at 1:30 in the afternoon, whereas it. was not made in France until 1:50, which Is very quick:lnv:olllg. • . Tue. Bishop of Little Rock, Arkansas. was the only American Bishop ,who voted non place! at the promulgation of the in fallibility dogma. Where were •all the others who opposed it ? 17-vox's pupils have all left his studio in Paris on account of his condescending to paint and send to America such a pic ture es the one with which he filled Mr. A. T. Stewart's liberal order. IT is a significant fact that an appeal had been made to the Emperor of the French to seyer connection with Rome, on the ground that the papal iwetenaions are injurious to the (Janie church. TEE eociet7 for the prevention of ins . fanticide in New York has 'gotten into hot water and the police have their eyes on it, so that Its fate will probably be similar to that of the antilrambling society. Man. BURLINGAME has received a large stun of money from the Chineee govern ment, $6,000 for defraying the funeral extenses and ten thousand tads, equal to $1,),000„for a present to the wldow.• l • ALI. the "reliable -gentlemen" of our late war have gone over on a pleasure ex cursion up.and doirn the Rhine, and their "views are beginning to crop out in the European journals which They favor. • • LORD Autumn CLINTON is. said to be in America, and the "funeral of the ho. pulsive fiery youth," spoken of as so pri vate, wu nothing but • sham, and the youth was more. than thirty years of age. As exchange says:_ chasing an an- Doling dog, the other night, a Portland man ran foul of a clothesline', which wid ened his mouth and extracted two teeth without payin', and he didn't:catch the dog. . • SIMLAnn FILLMORE Is said to have pronounced the declaration bf Papal in fallibility to be the most abiurd creation of the nineteenth century wbbn Peter the first Pope had Ms. ears rut a for denying his Master. THE loot 'child or Sew Orleans, about whom Southern Democratic papers have gene into such elstades of indignation accusing negroes of having Biterifibed It in some Voodoo orgy, has turned hp all right in Canton, Mies. Tut Boston Rost =malt that au In diana journal is tiling to promote pedes• • trian exercise among the students of the State by urging a law to prohibit the sale of,liquor within three miles of any. insti• tUtion of learning? • No surprise should be felt at the evi dent sympathy felt by England for Prue• sia, for even in these days of divorce and Mortnonlem, it is but natural that the; Mother country should have a tender feel inglor the Fatherland, Tait. curious Wi g i s t the pipe. an speak of that Idly old ftanish Don Prim. And Napoleon objected R o h e ., zollern bemuse he was a German mid all thn time Prim is the real tiler of ,Spain and &born Prussian , sobJect A Tama Gnu, in NewJereey c h a g m ,,_ Absalom for the'cliatuplonshlp. lm wan. dering thmagh the woods she got bung up by her chignon to a branch and Wahl there two hours until a passerby, i me cruel than Icuib. unhitched her. MRS: SARALI ANDERBOR it the iierei, of the lest.young woman who was scraped up and gathered to her fathers and mothers in small pieces, merely because she attempted to till a lighted tang with petroleum Inliopldneville. Kentucky. Ostotns have been received - at the Ports mouth- Navy Yard to fit !United States Steamers California and Narragansett with all possible despatch.k Several hun- . I _ tt o r, I ,0 7 ,mi I. - ESTABLISHED IN 1786 ii 63 dyed men will have to be employed at once: s`llo have already been sent for. ' Tv. New You, Police vommissioner s luivFdecreed that every poli,man shall Arear n shirt collar, a necktie and gloves; a costume which leads one to fear the shirtless burlesques of the ththam stao, have produced tat deep a contempt ("or the contientionalities of costume. P Asqt:iN - improves -the occasion at Rome. 'This satirical statue, whirls may be called:the Roma n Poor?, Mir reference iniencli:d!to the fashionable ice of that. nainerll - ths translates into Italian the in. itials on the cross, I N. R. Ir. "TO Non Rietono,io !id 7 which no:ans; -1 (bo not rerognice 'lnc 4 1-. ) 1 Work says: The emu mander otf French. artillery- is General ShoUld that /inn of the service make a ly yety successful stroke in the nenditil campaign - everybody will be call ing it a root oh, play- on words i t NI 051' IMIS IMs hob weather as to make the idea not worth cnpyrighting., AT E uporia, Kansas:- lasi Wednesday, the Rel. li. C.ll\ lorse went doivo into' a tvell he was having dog on hitt lot•. Find ing it llitficatit to breathe, on'aciount of the pretten - re-oI foul air, he hit'llned' to he hauled Up. Those' on the gr4und hauled him up about twenty feet, when he fell hark, striking his bead in the well, break. ing his 4.111. and killing him alinisd in stantly. is aconttoling theory that every. Lady in an object of envy and admiration to somebody, and u London paper asserts that Catcraft. the hangman, is pestered whereve'r he goesby a Welslonan of good means and ..,luCation, Who is au enthsi ast alami punishuients and n namonumiac nhout haaging) nail whose desire io to be- IN.nue a worthy disciple - 1.1 - Jack Ketch," when •ve r a 'uteri. ft's m,mt le shall descend, - to him. Hi. nt:t.s. oI 'ollr silents (Inn, the . . press 1101 ll, '4 r will observe th a t OW the DemOcratic journals, eluding the Nes York Iliirld, 119ston Poet, Philadelphia Aye and Cincinnati Etwoirer,-are opposed to llermany. The trouble bee,ts to be that the inttiority of th e ‘J ermatts h are . 1.,,ra11y voted '11,6 Republican ticket here tofore, and therefore deserve the punish ment whidit is tads meted out to them by the apposition pores. A NEw iiA'C'ES gentleman 111.111 e very near losing% a -valUableVorse a few days back by mistaking a cistern for a post and [ring the animal ito It While 'he absented himself for a short time - upon a tender mission. dodgepf his astonishment on returning to find thepoor beast unhitched front the Wagon and swiinming about in the cistern' Thelmemory of his lady love did not continue is, haunt hint long after he had seeit how masters stood. A SPOMEa . advertisement rout es from a Forest illy, Nevada, paper. A I toothier, th ilk fn. for the restoration of a daughter - rove he . •ngur, - publishes the fact, and give, credit tolisedy. t , Bit_ ters.'She s4ys: "My daughter, Sarah Ann, whip; if I do say it, la the handsomest girl In Holt cotinty,. km. been troubled with chills. and fever fdr going on sic months, and the dOctors couldn't .do her any good. - A bottle t f the bitters wee . not half . gotie when tit t - chills quit on her." . , •• chills A mtsatt6ll.l: Man drawn up with in. flammatory irhedMatism and about asking costributiohs in a miserable old chaise almost as .far gone us .its. master, half probably all Meted the attention of most of oar !Aryl readers. The• Poston Post thus !refers to him: ''S Pittsburg beggar solicits Ill ' lllt, in a. splendid me tinge." NtWv;if the Poet mast . misrepre sent our bekgars, 'us it alSo necessary to spell our name vri bout our leol hr lf this continues, to shall retaliate hr speakineof the 'lb. • * - - Timnug is no \\'is , ansin,i and murderer of Mrs. children, naur, Mc there Was slot. A or 7/1114,. 'Olen- punishment in taken' Thompesm, the Hagerty and her four irrgnr, Inttt fall, knew no: Kaye the Mdiregt it a feeling of iiiitinfor- Irurolizitt .for days u safe place to eXt•CM, 'le actually. though un cle within the jurindir. if Town, and thus wan e punishment intlicf,d ISEMENII find his hellish plans, 1 , wittingly, eaMe ba Lion of the; tate I made liable to : tll by the, laws' of los . ONE Sunday oni of the negro hands on board the Creole, running to Biloxi. Miss.. began to sing a nt!mberorsongs in which the words I• . rebel " and "traitors" were I used; the song be ng intended to illus. Irate the manner n which the confeder. ate, ran when Mt ter mite, and how the negro regiMents whipped the rebels. The mate ordered him to stop it: the ne. gel cursed; A mot mger struck the negro, who cut at[hint With a ranor, and imme. diately three , shot.l, were fi r ,' .by parties i. unknown, killing wo negroes 14 . 110.5t00d near - the one who did the shooting, nod who Was arrested The Picoyunc says of the affair: j"Thou'gh we, deeply deplore the tragedy, , we, most 'regard it as the legitimate 4 , ons4stuence of tha ideas with which the negroes hale been imbued. So:mint tlMm.serin to think they can with Itmrunity i:nsult !tulles and gentlemen, and rarely lose an opportunity of being insolent." . BRIEF TELEGRAMS . —Gen. Silti ., rutan and family have gone to Berkeley Sp 'rms. ; —Jas. Kean. aged 70. died from nunstroke at Louisville yesterday. • =The steamship Caledonia, from New York, arrived at Bristol Faturday. —The steamship china. from New York, ar rived et Queenstown Saturday. —The deaths last week iw New York were 1.t.C1, mor than the week previous. Thomas. tgrk and commission mer chant of Cincinnati. died at Yellow errings yesterday. —The lash of the !prelates who bate been iu attendance, at thi Ecumenical Council left home Saturday. —The Grunizot lot Terre' Haute. Ind, are rattlers c onsiderable fund for sanitary uses of the Prtisslan army. • —At Terre Haute, Indiana. Saturday night, n drunken!man named Norton WIN run over and cut to pieces by a freight train. —Coln lathe treeisur.r at Washington Safer der. amounted togICCIA,OOQ: coin certificates, g4fi4700,000; Mtrreticy balance ClO,5rA —The Republican County Convention ateln cinnati inuiheen flied for August 17. The colored vote Is to be counted in apportioning delegates. r. —The Neu- Orimins firemen returned borne Sunday atternood frorn their Northern" tour atut were received by a larger delegation of ftrculen end cltizt. --The sitars City of London: which allied from New tork Fatnrdny. took made for New' York which were to have been dis patched by the TAtifm. —The treuble between the Flee: mature.. tureen and Ft.- Cris'. of Lynn..l6litsanchn tette. hare been sett led will be resumed g;.-day. —The mardererpf,Col. !Oen, at Port Leaven worth. Friday air. In suuponed to be a sol dier named lelone. A large reward In is offered for his_atture. —A Paris dintlateh states that nothwlth standing i thewithdrawal of the counsel for the accenedi the trial before the Ifigh Court of Janitor at Blois continues.. —The rill of the late George WI Whistler, American Railway Engineer, who died at St. Louie several months ago, leaving property property t o the amount £lOO,OOOl was proven t week. ..I —The Secretary of War has received the nth nial copy Of the law , re-organizing the army. The number of :men now In the service Is about 34,500. Thn number la to be reduced to. 30,000. ' I — Enubardt fc Co.. agents or Hamburg and American 'line of ateamers, New Turk. re ceiredorders 1,31 mail Saturday morning to atop the departure of; the Hamburg ettamithips (ruin New Y'ork.l A fire broke put ih the second story of the Simon flock. Cincinnati., Saturday night, In a room occupied by J.P.Lindsay, manufacturer of address bags. Prompt discovery brought the engines in time to prevent heavy logs. —A Havana dispatch airs that the state meat that forty-two citizens of Remedios were assassinated and women obliged th" work In the chain gong, is false. The Cap tain General haideclined reinforcements from Spain. • , The proprietors of Willard*. hotel, Wash ington City. hare reduced the price of board to two dollars and a half a day until the re assembling of Cougress. Hotel-keepers say this Is the dolleit season, by all odds, In ten • —l 4 lle Cleveland boiler plate company's roll ing mill. at Cleveland.as 'destroyed by ere last Saturday night. The w loss Is estimated at thirty to fifty thousand dollars. The On is locom auPPo sotiveed to have caught from the spark of a . —The Near Yodt Gold• itAom has appointed • committee to ascertain the author of She Ideas London telegratn which reported Amer. teen bonds there at 70)f. A reward of three nared dollars ill offered for the detection of the nd scoundrel.• • —Wm. barley. con 'of Mr: Darter, naperia tendent of an Ir on work. in South Bt. Lout.. and formerly of Pennsylvania. accidentally 'shot himself Saturday, while handling a pistol.' brae. Ea Head - bat hou pe rs the ball entering. ins face and netrating the NECfill EDITION. FOU Ft O'CLOCII 11AtNEWS. FROtEttOPE . . . Mu i.ments ur the Armies—Prussia S trprised Nevertheless Prepared-, (len. Von Moltke Will Not be Bur ) ted—Consuls Instructed to Fadli• B i te the Return or Bernians in For. • Ogn Ports—Martial Law ., in Rhine end Other Oerman Provinces—Pro eiamation by Napoleon to the French I i Nat r ion—.l Pledge Not to Disturb i t: , imanir Nationality -- Prussians B ow up the Eastern Abutment ;or • (lie Kehl Railway Bridge.—Report . Ilia( Denmark Has Deelarvsl war-- Russia, Austria and tidy Certainly Neutral—Farewell or the P ' russiai Queen to the Rhine Provinees—A I Prussian Repulse and Alit aiwe or t he I . French iteeonnoissattee —Cohlentr. the Base of Prussian Operatiots— Pals Convention Not to be Re spaled--Fenlan Demonstrations at Du din in Favor or France. I Ity Telegraph to the Pitt sburgh ft:vette.] Army Hinetarrots. Priissix 'raki, It, Surprise, Lyistiwits.July 22. II o. ;v.—The a rinytnote meats Lin both ides are slow. A speciAl cor restionilent writes front Berlin, on 'WO Mtb inst., that Prussia was actually take - by sur prise I Nobody contemplated war., (fence the concentration of forces Is less advaueed than with the French; nor will Vim 31oltke be bnirieil. Thera are two niethcals of mobili zing the Prosslan army, The quicker one It, who j n r wiments march as thee are , nut wait ing for resolves, which follow when ready. Them re regular method is when regiments await theirsent, Ulna their rants are 111 ed full . Thy latter itui slower riaithoil has now- been niiiipleil. showing that Prussia is in nu dread of threatimed immedi ate 1.36400. No soldier of the fatuous corps it -- --- 4 — itartl4 has yet left Berlin. The t, were analog un Tuesday, WiltlPlll.6 are expected to The lontbusiatml and coon-. '(iv. The feeling through \\ cutup:Amble to that of the wer o - as attacked. Still, pinercial distress Is terii lunitu,ble ailres of old It is perfec t ly understood any. If vietttriiins. will :totry test, r e, Kra umber areh Fridet heereaset: ti etteany ie uni t . , N 6 when Fort :!u the fin:hit:ha 411 ! 1, 0 ; hie end there ere ie. e In • orrearendeuis, or'tilisrte anti Lot !sted.' tine dif them was ching the fdrtlfientions, detected tn . reason. of his ... both with Is Gentian accent. They were both silbsequentle released. rile correspondent asted ,yesterday at Met: is now reported t rre Wm. II: Itpssell. journeying toward Idr.i•la. Altheu r fh the Jahn/al Ufficirt reiterates Lebaura order that journallets shall he admitted If, the French artily. it is reported that Our pads was issued to the correspondent ofau Eagllah..llonapar nist paper. In Frau, only tirrnY meta is to be allowed. • Report Denied. I p The Five, denies the lvtiort the Ctencri ' /gnaw is dead. snit stater that information be contrary has been received. Retinae of Army .lilotrok.nts. LoapoN, July The tows Ibis morn ing publish. lengthy disiettches from its spoetal correspondents in hots ot the err.- ' ing anal. of France and 'rte. •!,..- treehes enatain a generat onto. of the of, t ale.:, di ender:Own upon, the Rhine and the.anangenients allele for Hlence and defence by both parties. vs The rime, as from data thzit the ar rgpfdifr g gue with Whiets the Prussians m had rallied, and t tie celerity Of their , conctattra- Ron upon the Rhine at the critical points, have defeated Napideon's Plans for the con tuest of th theftßhne provinees an dl the dish,. fel/ration at erfnan Stat.. It ,says that the plan, upon ' hick Napoleon paoposed to wage sariflict Iraq bv rapid morments to hurilbeous corr. , l'orlocts win 'h concen trated at the camp OF Chalons into Chntral tier. many. thus dividing the North and South Ger man States through tilt eery centre. The won derful rapidity of the Prussians incoming to the exposed points b. foiled him in thin matteuvie. Prussia now has a po,Werful army arraved upon the Rhine. bettaWn Mayence and Pulogne, with powerful force occupying the hine fortresses. She also has a strong farce In Southern Germany, to, re ei assault upon that quarter. - The dy of the French am 19 di-. tribntedbetweenen Chalons end Met r a. y and Thin 000111e. in the Province of the Moselle, with a considerable number of troops at the fort Inca thins of the formercity. .loather army is formingln the French province of the Lower Rhine, and la being distributed between Strasbourg and Ritchie. adjoining Rhenish thwart., In!=!!! • fignun. July 2.3:—The river Rhine Instill open to public travel. /tailrond freight traffic has yenned and 'pas senger traffic closes 00 the 3th. Gottingen University is elimed, and all the students have enlisted. From Roan three hundred are ex pected. All the' Universities will soon close. The. Prussian headquarters are now at Kreurenaohy, eight miles south of .itingen. on the river .tahe. • The government hae Issued circulars to all Consuls of North German)", In foreign IlOrts• requiring them to forward Immediately an Germans liable to military duty, paying their P.l.se to the Fatherland, and to famish them with.such articles as are necessary on the parsage. Theyare also empowered to for ward on the same terms tarvolitoteers who stray wish to tight for Germany. The sailors or G erMan ships who are la Eng ish ports are returning to Prossinho enlist in be armies. and the English dorIC-yartla are mptiei to man the German nary. • Martial Limn In Rhine Protium's. Martial low has been proclaimed in the Rhenish Provinces of l'russla.- as well as In fleas°, Hanover. Schleswig. Pomerania and Eastern Prussia. The port of Ran:thorn h sLill open. nod traffic Is not disturbed. • ====ifM • Pant, July —The Journal ()reit! pub lights the following proclamation from the Emperor to thepeople of France: Frenchmen: There are in the life of a pm . , ple solemn moments. when the national honor. violeutly excited, presses itself irresistibly shore all other interests. and applies Itself with the single purpose of directing the destinies of the - nation. One of those decisive hours hos now arrived for France.. Prussia, to whom we havOgiven evidence, during and since the war of into, of the most conciliatory disposition.,has held our good will of no acconuttutd has rewarded our forbearance by encroachments. She has aroused distrust in nil quarters, necessitating exaggerated armament, and has made" of Europe a camp where reign distrust and fear of the morrow. A anal Incident has disclosed the Instability of the internationalundentand log. sad shows the gravity of the situatiou In the presence of the new pretension, l'ruseia was male to understand our claims: they were evaded mid followed with contempt.. treatment. Our cotton,- manifested profound displeasure at this action. and .plickly a war Cr' resound ed from one end of France to the ot her. There remains for Os nothing but to coolide our des tinies to the. chance of arms.. We do not make war upon Germany. whose indepen dence we respect. We pledge ourselves thnt t h e Peel. shall d composing the great Germanic rationality isse free their tiles. As As for us, we po demand ly the establish ment of 'astats •of thin. guarantee ing our security and assuring- the fu ture. We wish to conquer a durable peace based on the free Interest of 'the people. and insist In abellshing the precarious condi tion of things where all notions are forced to employ their resources in arming against each other. The glorious deg of France, which Is once. more unfurled it, the face of our chal lenger, is the same which has borne over Europe the civilizing ideas of our great revo lution. It represents the same principles: It will inspire the same deletion. Frenchmen. Igo to place myseit at the head of a valiant tinny, whicipis animated by love of country and devotion to' duty. The army knows Its worth. for it has seen victory follow Its foot steps In the four quarters of the globe. I take with me my son. despite his tender Penn. He knows the dont. his name imposes, and he Is proud to bear his part in the thinners of those who light for our country. slay God bless our efforts. A great peciple defending o kid cause Is invincible. Naeoumx. Movements of the German Army -Denmark Declares for Woe. Parma, July n—The. army of South Ger many. has been ordered north, and - the Prus sian army iroes,outb. Detanark has decided for war. She will wait until the French fleet enters the Baltic. Hungers* Is also for France. • The Emperor's proclamation. to the people 'nmadea profound Impression. gaining preparing to Put nee AM] 00 • War rooting. • • ' I Logoon, July IL—ln consequence of the at titude of Austria toward Unvaria and the renewed rumors rif the warlike Atttltride of Husain, England has resolvqd to Mike prepa 'rations for putting her army on a war footing. Thu Channel squadron has received orders - to get ready to proceed to sea to unite with the M editerranean squadron at Gibraltar. to forms , flying squadron under command of Ad m i ni ft Lomb'', who has been telegraphed PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1870 kty to return to Etglond Inmietlt- .Peelal from ' D.ritn to-day aunounc that passenger traflic on the rat wars rear to-morrow. The Rei•erves and Landwher being noshed forward. The army Is in ene: lent. spirits and full of confidence. Peale Inehe French tamp—The French !Ilith Ing at illetz. n.rtMettoCßO, Julyineurired here tine 'homing, oreationed be the report of a loud explosion. The YrUssiann blown up the -abutment of the Kehl railtvat' ! bridge. . . Marshal McMahon.. expected hera to-mo row. Toe Enoperur Is expect.: at Nance. TI French troop., are massing at Meta and TIM) stile. = 11r...tx, July —Prince Frederick William commands the • left Of the Prussian artily- Prin. Frederick chitties the center, and Iler wart h VIM itittentlehlthe right. The defences of the coast will: be entrusted to Gen. von Falkenstein. bruit officers will he the pante as in the war aglinst the Austrians in POI. Dreysedavill lead the advance . over the riaarbrucken will be the center of operatic.. More than one hundred thcusaull volunteer, have been enrolled. Question of Terneity in the North German Parliament, lasteven ing. Count vonJlismarek, denied the assertion of Duke de Grammont. that Germany had eonfessnd the ToossildMy of the Prince. of .11ohenzollern's andidaer. He asserted that from the - tune fi Government first knew. of the•yrojeet nothing Personal or ofneial woe tail about it. French War Minister and Carreepandent, Pettis. July ea. tenure, Lebtionf..in reply to a committee of the preen who petitioutd tit accompany the army, said that he would only consent remove restrictions on. condition that correspondents .would promise to print not Mug. untrue. Neutral Pourers. V I ENN A, July ea. —ltis believed here that 111 neutrality of Ruse'. and AUNtria has bee agreed upon. The deutrallty of Spain Is re tatn. fevaria. In Paris • PARIS, Jule 23.—The Swiss Legation at Psis has been eluiTeed with the urotentlOn of the interests of littenrinn citizens. The Dutch. Consul will protect French citizens in Prus ia. Steamer Timely Warned. • • 'flu. steamship Holntim. which arrived at Plymouth yeFterdny. was discovered by hi English Pilot Vide to to a fog. The pilot In forawd the captain of the declaration of wa to make Plymouth with all possible dispatch Iv Welt was dune. Ru.ln Will Brm.la lirtatrall PAltls,...lilly 23. La Patric. this afternoon says a dispatch has Jost been received front St. Petersburg containing the following In telligence: The czar addressed a note to the French Government- to-day. He regrets the precipitate meastwe's taken on both sides and that opportunity was not allowed Russia and the other poWerg of Europe to act in favor of pence. The Czar.while regretting the calamity of War. Will rentals neutral, SO lung as' the interests of Russia vlo not suffer. He adds that he I' ready to do all tu .lltuit host Mlles and mitigate the horrors of ever. Count •Denenberg, Minister of Hesse. in Paris, has requested Mr. Washburne, by order of the Grand Duke of Hesse, to protect fleS- Aan, provided the French Government gives lice consent. Mr. Washburn° accented to the rC•pleSt. BE== srit,uorno, July 23.—Yesierility afternoou a Prussian force ou• the Baden side of the tax er blew up the eastero tilde of the bridge co:meeting this city with Kehl. Froo - ell ArroN from Alrg SLticimv.i..cs, Jule :ht.—Yesterday. a large part of the army which has been operating in Algeria arrived here. They were accom pauied by numerous volunteers. They were greeted with the greatest enthusiasm or they marched through the streets of the sots- on their way to the front. 13=1=15 The laimion_Satiostay Monte dorm not t blab the freedom of trill be affected one scat fir - another be the European complication., The duty of tho pets, in these war times. the 'zone piper sass. is difficult. -The 'Dow sharply criticises the language used by the French Emperor in the recent cir cular to diplomatic agents. Ills plea-that war urged with' Use .unanimous Itplll . ollll llf - the people must be right. is untrue. Hollann particularly begs fur sllence about tie disposition of Dutch troops. The instriat Reichstag has been 'convened far un calm session. its to fake 4 111 . , nceessiry to preserve nentrailt, The departure of the Emperor for the trout has been postponed for few days. French agents In tile South German Staten have demanded their-pito-snorts. correspondent of the Independence. Beige. strltihg from Metz. Fumes, says the whole 131 tt tt try swarms with Prussian spies. Prussia eagerto pay for all information touch ing the movements or the French. Emote, bow - ever. not through pride, but because she ....Maui to Irish to maintain t be frank character of war. Issnoony with this nldeet declines o ktil her”.lf of ass .000 11 . 10 ronientnlity. " r h• if, say.; that the liovernmeiil :s in eipt of important now from Copenhagen rec el.tt lye to the neutrality of Denmark. This 13 ewe is contrary to recent reports on the sub ject. Couriers have been sent to Denmark to ads - ise the Cabinet to take no steps until the arrival.in those waters of a trench fleet. It Is not likely that It battle still occur fur some dues. Both armies are in splendid con dition. tht7Ffench base the best position ton General Moltke will await an assault on the Prussian lines by the French, eons to gain the initial triumph if possible. It Is reported that the Popp is imposed to the war policy of the Emperor and it Is proba ble that the F ranch troops will be withdrawn from Borne. • A French Ministerial decree forbids the pub liCation In any journal of any account of the movements of the French army or nary. The Bank of France has raised the'culaimum rate of discount to four Der cent. The plate arid je‘rels of Prince Leopold hare been reeehi'bd In England. • . • - ' Insurance Paten are slowly nod steadily - ad-. vancing at Isoriden. The German vessel Car low. from Philadelphia forAmsternam. is In sured at forty per cent. A veer gloomy feel ing prevailed at the Stock Exchange this af ternoon after the clo,c of , biotin,a at r . o'clock. Th 7 ; - Nntiunal Reartrrhip Cun , Pans• nre ranging' for a week Ir line between New YOrk and . • . An intrl;,un between Benne and' Franca In t:th sunlit. The Imperial Guard arririd at Nancy ran Sat order. Later Intelligence, • No Engagement Vet —Pramlan demelt Cent. lag in the EngMb Channel and North hea. fAtNuns, .luly 24, 4 r.3l.—Cu to this hour no -•' ' • ' nvw h:t berl.r.ceeived of any engagement at the beat of war.' . Prussian vessels are cruising in the Channel :Ind North Sea to interrupt the shipping of coal for the French fleets. The flank of Frankfort has loaned five Mil lion tinders on the deposit of American stock as security: Moe. About the Diplomacy of leopoleon.. BERLIN. July via LDON. J uly 24,--The only written document ON which Prussia re cetera front France since the beginning of the quarrel reached Ilerlin at tar P. et. Tuesday, and wati a declaration of war. It declares that the Emperor of the French is obliged to consider toe proposal to elevate to Yruptian Prince to the throne of and no an attack on the security of France. and he desires Prussia to disavow the scheme. This Prussia refused to do, reserving her right to be governed by eircuartstances.•:. • The Emperor says he Is forced to consider this determination as equally menacing to France end the European equilibrium, and particularly us It was red-, (lured the more significant by the communion thin made by Prussia to the cabinets of Eu rope, giving_ an account of the refusal to •re eir•-e the French Ambassador. The paper .oncludes: ••The Frarich Government Is tak ing steps for the defense of its honor and in 'll,d Interest, and having adopted nil mean res which circumstances render necessary, madders itself at tenor with Profile:. • Austria and Russia Certainly Neutral. sayssl,T official journelit of Austria the Government having exhaust ed all means of mollifying Nap:Aeon and pre- Venting war, has resolved to observe strict neutrality. bat at the same time keep op a careful watch for chances of peaceful settle ment. I . Russiajannounees her detertainetiou to use ..••• • • • • il tt l , lx ri a d l ei f . l d i t. iti t n i g o. t . he theatre of ty . ar and Farewell of the Prussian Queen to the Rhine Provinces. Provinceslen of Prussia. on leing the Rhine for Berlin, a farewell ad dress Cu the luhabltants. She say" the has lived ,twenty years among them, and has' ex perienced nothing but their attachment and devotion for the King, his children, mull her self. She would willingly stay, but sacred du ties call her elsewhere.. The enthusiasm of Gerthany in the voice of Clod. Her sufferings in the past, and the blessing.' which have follow ed them for half it century, warrant continued trust in :Ulm for time and eternity. • A Pritlen Repulse—Advance by the Preach. Lonr4in, July N.—The following dispatch has bee received from Paris: • Fort eh. Department of Moselle. July W.— The Pr seines have been repulsed at Carding and a reconnoissance on Prussian soil has been made by French:Jrnops," M== r • Braids, July St.—A proclamation announ cing t atrict ocutrallts of Italy wan homed to-day at Florence. Demonatnalona were made in 3(llrtn and Genoa in favor of P vela. - Phmatches from St. Peteniburg, date' yes terday. declare REINA* hill maintain h. neu trality. . • The-Paris Consinilon Not to he Re insist s Lora on adhering to the policy pre announced. of treating neutral shine s:irno a! in 15.54. Na regard will be pal .1 t. rts Convention. A Brick Iskirmish—lateetien of .the p • in. Cont,EM July Penman! force front Saar Louis crossed the French .border on Saturday to umke a reconnoisance In the di rection of St. Avolt and Mete. After ern needing some distance they encounte d an outpost Of the enemyand had a briskskir mish with a rorcepf French chasseu . 'The Prussian, retired, leaving two men a the ileld. It is believed the French lost en or twelve killed. • It is confidently. stated the. Pro r strengthening Cobleau only With the lion of making It n base of of operatlo they Intend to throw a force down the Il the. Saar and carry an offensive we- Pltltatl Densommtrattons foe p eace , DuaLLN, sfWp24.—(3reat. domoust were made here last Melt in favor of the rreneh. A meeting of live thnoisand persons was addressed hy. prominent Fenian, 'Mini Napoleon will du In Case of 'a Coall- Onn Airalnal • -..-- . Th., _New York' ll'orid says - . As il att- . Lion, we have, an interest in it only so fur as it May atiesi our coinnwro, and the rights of our citizens on the ocean or its. foreign lands. If, in . the Volt roe of hos• tilitiea. either belligerent should commit i f I re TiaSbeS which the hon,r of our govern. nn it would Iry bound to resent. it Would be very awkward for r nn to have given our prrvious sympathies . to the side front w nigh we had received the wrung. Our g ',Totem. sliduld3teep itself in a posi t ens demand imonipt redress and en. force;, wouipt reparation froth either par ty. ifNdiher party sleuthd fail to respect our rights. All our merchant ships are subject to deli:ll6M and search :for contra bald of war, and to capture for alleged violations of blockade ; and in the exercise of this belligerent right, Frame or Prus sia mav become trespassers by the .Era] or imoraence of its officers, or'the arrogance of its government. If American vessels should be captured and unjustly coutlmun - eel by either belligerent. stir government will bt• hound to resent the iajnry , and as nobody can ..e from which side such injuries may 11111 e, it is til,:plaill date of our government to keep-itself Soar of all entanglements with either, and )111.1,erVa. lit,' IlloSt Milipleti, fruedOnt Of•aCtIOD in whatever emergencies mar arise. "As one of our tuatesmen said in a mentom hie elpoeli,•mar party differences. cease ut the water's edge. - It would embarrass our government and imperiblie national honor fur Our political partiss to diVide on a question. like the prestnit scar, in which the success of sillier belligerent is the some thing to un , and in, which' We Inv, m,l-other national interest than the protection_ and security of ooh commerce. Patriotic citizens will tolerati?lllie utmost. freedom of individual opinion In nd sympa. thy, but no citizen who in enlightened as •Well as Patriotic will' wish to sway the government a. hair's-breadth front that perfect nentralitv whiCh will leave it 'at 'equal liberty to &naiad redress of France or of 'Prussia, if either shall abuse its rights as a belligerent. • • If . it is unde'rstood by COnllll4.ll . COntollt thus bath pOlitical 'parties will equally support t.leneral (lentil in that policy of strict neutrality front which nolaxly ex. poets, hint to depart, our . press may safely indulge in ti Utmost freedom of cam.' tent . m the g ountlN, events, and prospects of . Ihe war. l i "e should regret to see n tome ..ir,mits ~1 opinion on a subject NO encitin, AS, tint el tig,nt judgment Can he formed only by comparison of diverse views and loOking at the subject trout different -StlittlipOilitS, and every journal . Wilial ably iqesents any side of the linea tion: and supports it by an iaballstiVe. Pt rot)' of fact's and arguments.' will render ir.ise,rvice lik that received i t a judge f it from-able co n est, or_ by pirliantentary Lady from skillful .debate. Let us mutuallytig ce to .tolerate the utmost In latitude of , inion and discussion; but at the male tine . gWs a united simper! to the governs eat In that policy of. honor able neutral ty which is - impty..4 upon i' by all our national' traditions • and by statesmanlike perception of ear nation: ititeli,lff... . ! . • . • ' . The Executive Contralti,: of the rut. (From the N. Y. Trthanr.l .eagne meets at Long Brant:lron Friday• • •e• NEvr tiong.duly Paris special to the Ilerald says it It predicted the Emperor will proclaim 6 republic throughout Eurotie:ir coalition Is formed agulust hm. Prussia is threatening Denmark. Luny are being plaCed upon the to rt.iti ea t otos of Paris. MAROI6 NEWs gel:Esn - rviwN •July. Citv of Baltimore. trvim Nett.' York. arrived. FINANCIAL COMMERCIAL fA , NOON. July =.- , Consols for mono so. American securities Oiet and At Twenty bonds at Loudon V- Kt. 'Go, ESL 117. r&d; 10-40*5.81; Erie. 1)1K; Illinois, IPS; Atlantic .t 1; rent Western, 21. Stocks steady. Lir Eupool... July EL—Cotton firm at 81,t1 for middling uplands: 87:d for Now Orleans: salesof IEOOO bales for speculation and ex port. Breadstuffs easier. California white cheat. lls lidfllts 10d, red western NO. 2 10s 2d 3.1. winter 10011d211s. Western flour ;]is Corn: No. 2 mixed 351,43:4 2d. Oats 3s rid. Barley ss. Peas do. .P011,117'0 Od. Beef 11S, Lard excited at 73s ad. Cheese Eli. Ba eum-Cutnberland cut b7s; ills fur round mid dles. Common rosin 5s akar. 6tl; flue 13s :kl. Petroleum Ild; maned Is [NIL Tallow lit 3d. Turpen os. tine 31s. Linseed oil :15164. Liocecd cakes 1 LOS4II. July 21—Tallow 'Sperm 01l Sugar Ms ild(r.3ls Dd.,Whale oil :ris. Calcutta linseed ad„Sortunon rosin- buoyant. fin irs 5.24... sd. • P.sntkJui3 : ::l- 5 9,11. -Bourse elipted flrm. ltentes air 10c. Ilitss ... ms. July d+r-1 , tart:lean: yesterday 9::ened and closed quiet and steady at d that e 9 grdats. 11.tmarno, July 4.--Petrnleunt Yesterday °palled quiet and steady at II mare haneos. PARN, Jab Sl. -Roane cloned firm at atf ' FRAN Krlntr, July 4--riVe-Twenties steady at 77K. • H Valk: July r3.--(kottun quiet :it Kt. ANTwzni., July fl—Petroleum quiet at r. thuleretl groats. Fitkairoier. July I!l.—Flrelwenty bond, 02; quoted at 77; market et rang.: .• rill: I'ITA [By 'Veleieraph to the Pittsburgh I;3n:tie.) ) WASH pitittis, July 24, TKO. ) CHIN, Official iispistehes front 4 %het give Ihe cot , respotidencelletweett Minister Lowe to Prince Krona. of )Plilnib - relative to tier death of Mr. Itarlingartie. Great rearet was expressed by the Chines3.o2lo4llK at the event. It in stated that Mr. ) 11111.1. - illes been gratifyingly euecessfat, soil that the po..thi t .. mous rank 'conferred ppon hint WM! the high ef t that cohld be gleen one our outside the uerlal etincids rlfiattMlti The direct tines of German steamers here tofore plying bet went New York and Braman and Hamburg, respectively. having sugpended their trips to those pinta, ih eOnlieepieline of the Freedland Prussian war.tbe reduced rates. of postage chargeable under the es Isting,Pos tal convention with North Ger:fmy on letters and other correspondence for North German Colon and eontittlen beyond forwarded by the direct routes arc for the present inoperat All corresplindence for North Gentian( ' conscqnently. until direct steamship servlee Is resumed. be' forwarded br closet, mail via Englandombject to the rata of International Postage established for that route, rig for tot Icel.( en'bents per each half ounce sat undl, prepartnent optional. or fraction thereof. prepayment compulsory for books; packets and patterns or samples of merchandise. eight cents each four ounces ur fraction, Prepayment dimPairiorY; letter.. /rwuftwiently Paid by the above rates will be charged for on delivery with postage for ittuudd letters; after deduction of amount prepaid. NEW. YORK CI .T Y.. Iy Trolegraph to he Vlttstkurkh Clarette.l N inv 1 - I,thi. July 24, = 'The yucht,..ll4gle, differ, igadtline, I'Lau• um. t'kur Itembler. and others' are eriO•oor 36 , 10 , rle Rook on the look-out hir the arrival of the Daunt lesx or invuthrlit. 115th are lively here at nee hundred to fifty on the Lau ntlees. • Ex-emmodnre Kidd, od the New York Yacht Cita, 10 at , the flock, with a large parte on bla yacht, awaiting he arrival of the con icstapte.. It is the grotital belief moor old' salts that ticithor will MTh., before' .! , londar or Taesdkr• .11Apairkz from London pny..4 Ibe yig4-1. Y un( lets .t., .ken on the 13th ti. Lit Itild I ilegrin, north anti luitiotude 3n, ,leg.r,c -G F.VANQELICAL LLIAINVX. , . . Theeneral Conference of the Ey - angelica lianed will not beyostponed on account. the wnr In Europe. The European delegate unable to attend will send their papers to b read. = General Sheridan made a rapid visit to Long ranch yesterday. had a protracted inter. lew wits the President. and at !the close of took the first train for Washin*ton. I= A fire broke not to-night at :1: Broadway. which canoed heave damage to Major Knapp, extensive lifhogrinhing work, =2! A private dispatch states .that the dermal ,="llV'ufb'stena=ilredeastet!gautkggi.l'm ==! Nearly all the youlits In this harboi went t Sandy Hook to , :fluy to be ready, to .weleurn the Dauntless and Cambria. • , , • The ;ternship America; from Bremen. h . trotted. The Sabine. from ,Liverpool. arrive, corners lIM There were fifteen ounstrtikee yesterchro, chleh fire were fetal. 'rite heat to-day i. ntenpe. THE WAR FEELING Mesa Meeting . of Gems.. al 3111.•nkee: Dl•patch la Ithanarek. : Iy Telegraph to Pitt shurgh.thrzel te.l MILWAUKEE. July 21.—The Germans favor able to the Prussian war held a mug meeting last night and directed the following cable dispatch:. .1111truuker. July 23, IP7O.—To the Chancellor of the North German Confederatiot, Count Bismarck: The 501.1.01) Germans of Wisconsin enthusiastically Join their.voices with those of oil civilized nations of the globe la con demning the cotiardly blow which 'wounded ambition and despair have suffered: Napoleon to elm against the peaceful and majestic de velopment of Germany. We heartily tender our humble support towards the triumph of the holy came 'of Germany to itstruggle that ' must end with the utter defeat of the aggres sor and the completeand gigantic structure of German union. In behalf of the meeting, signed, , ,Hr null Scnos'Lalt, • President. England'a leMbrollment Ireland•. Opposition y. Mgmrula, July- 24.—At the Irish meeting last night Aldermau %Mit presided. Speeches were mode by Messrs. Mulvehill. Mitchell, Philn and others. Itesolutiens were adopted to the effect that the Irish should not take part litho present near unless Instead became then a united effort should be made to free Ireland. Au Executive Committee was appointed. to carry out the spirit of the resolutions. Endin/wile German 'keeling. nt - Imetastaromel. July 24.—A large and en thusiastic meeting of the Germans wax held at the Academy of Music Saturday night. Re solutions of sympathy with the Prutisians were passed. The meeting was addressed by In number of tile prominent Germans of this eitv, by Governor Raker and ex -Senator Hen- Janke. =Chicago society is much eicited ever- the hymeneal event which is to transpire on Thursday next, in the celebration of tne nup tials of Potter Palmer. Esq.. a well known Chicago millionaire, and Miss Bertha }tenor°, H daughter of Henry onore. Esq. Mr. Palmer is probably the wealthiest gentleman west of New York, being rated at ten millions. The marriage settlement is reported at a round Million, and the whole affair promises 'to - be conducted ou a stile corresponding with the wealth and generosity of the bridegroom. --The Chicago Concordia Maednerehor. as sisted hy singer.. from Milwaukee, gave a patridic and summer night - festival at Ogden Grove, north of.Chlcagn, yesterday .afternoon and evening for the - benefit of the German cause in Fatherland. Fully ten thousand people were present and some 'two or three thousand dollars were realized: The Finan cial Committee Is engaged in soliciting and bare !teen quite succ.sful, and will he able In a few days to report the result of their anon, 1! AO. —The match game of base ball, at "Dexter Park, Chicago. Saturday, between the Mu tuals, of New York, and the White Stockrngs, of Chicago, resulted in the svorlL defeat to the .Chicago club, that It ever experienced, and In part the most decided defeat ever in. Meted on any club with any reputation which extended beyond the timite Of the • town whence It balled from. The score stood; For the Minuets,'9 for the White Stocking., 0.. L whitewashed nine times In succession. • aria ment• toasty .g the to the . —A dispatch from Feld York statea that at n meeting there, Including the representatives of the Lake Shore. Cleveland and Columba. railroads, amutgementa were concluded for the speeds• construction of a short line from Dayton to Cincinnati. Contracts have been made with the Cincinnati and Baltimore rood for the me , of. Its track coven miles out. and with the Indiana Central Railroad for the use of Its depot. It. ill expected that the road will be completed Within a year. I me laten t and lue of Into —Deputy Commissioner Douninss haw ap pointed nbout one thousand surveyors for Ms tillerie. for the various revenue districts. the largest number of WPM are for the acrothern States. Theirdutiev are toaltrVeY the whisky and. other distilleriti. and draft. a plan of them all. and forward the piss to the depart ment. DROPPINU,S FKO3I THE PRESS The war 'ssv rot beteeu France and Prussia! N .filter ix it beiweeriNapoleon and King AN intern. It is a war•ttet weal: . the pcolite f Prussia and the Napoleonic .Iyinatity, for Le integrity of the Prue:dun nationality. lit. Prussia the Ring counts for very litil.. lie in old: - is soon to pass ttrlty. 11114 to bv, 'succeeded by a lib era l heir. He is tow, absolutist and believer id his own_itis ine right ait he' is; merrily the represent - t ive.of the demands of the (lemma loop! fora complete nationality, end of the iu tined% e resentment width all (tenni/its, Whether Prussians, Bavar ians. citizens of tile smaller tierman States, or ever Austrians, feel against the (reran the N. Y. Times.] French scgre mien. Napolt.on: tot the The considerations which have contrib., other hem), in it 11;.,11,1itt,... n.l,,,,eutnth, ot:ed to the.wtherst of Gerntan feeling in of t h e Freto it oseple. Be skill fill muni t s all 4,111: large cities. do not imply partisan elation, he ii a 4 sot:Teed ill arousing pop. adherence I the reellt. policy of the oder pride ant, etimulating national re- Prussian Goverianeut. Not Bismarck or sentinel:as to i Itch .a pitch 'that Prunes King William evokes thin enthusiasm, may ultimately support him; but hi the lan the grand' idea of German unity. outset he was moldy the persistent gaud, Whether Prussia hes been right or wrong ter he has always been—driven; however, in its treatment' of smaller States, is not into sore sttaitse-and is playing, in it des, the question which the Germans now iterate etnergerdw. his last card. What- pause to discuss. It is enough that, in ever else may happen, it is itupessible the enemy! with France, Prussia repre that the Atillrrie4ll people can Symputhize seats tiiertuan nationality. The designs with hint', If the question wet . e belween of Bismarck, the temper of the King, him :end King William. thee ould scut. are as nothing elttnipared With a. struggle pathize . with neither. As it is, cherishing begun by France for the achievement of no ill-will to the French ail :earnestly ends whirl. every German has learned to %Visiting theta the deliveranct i which is detest : and, on the,.other hand, maintained hitt& to come from the presetit eiltuplica. by Prussia as the central figure in a great 1 itol4, the .America. nevertheless are Germanic Confederation, every. part of likely to give the symptithies' of their which :scents likely . to render her the whole hearted° the cause of the Prussian heartiest possible support,': The entltu .people, with 'which is bound tip no much ;einem witnessed here should, then, not of hope, progress, and the possibility of be mintaken for admiration of all the freedom and undone' growth, not merely - processes by which Prussian power Las for, Prtat - sia, ant even for the true France been promoted. It represeLts, rather, of...thefuture. . the cause of Bermansolidarity, whose l ,s- . . ' [From the N. I'. Trlleine:l basis it an idea l uppermoxt in every tier . The Berlin st etisticien Who ; estimates man mind.: I t • that the declinei n the number of German lYrout the N. sr. Yritallted t emigrants to America this sitar, on account The • result of the plrbescjenot taught Af-the war, will .Miich full's. 200,1.140, is not Napoleon' several important) things, but very well acquain'ted will; the xiatistics alieny these two: that he wee strong of tier:man emigretion to America. The enough to make a sear upon Prussia lios- decline in German emigration cannot very table. and weak' enough to make it 'de- well be greater than its entire . toady-, if Nimble. Ile found that, with the usual the war should continue for threo months, manipulation, he could command about the decline in Germen mnigretien, as corn. as large a vote na Ire had in 1832;' so he pared with the gient movement of the was still enough to fight. But Ire lost few years, will be abOut 3(1,000, .11 found, on the other hand,' that, while Iris the war should 6tntinue. through the party was at best stationary, the opposi. present year, which in extremely improbe. lion was steadily increasing. lie found LW, the decline will be about 7:1.000. that the large :cities and the intelligent • [From the N. Y. Ylems:l • dames generally were strongly againnt There are reilroad and otherenterprises him. Most important of all, he found a dangerous opposition in the arniyhow whose early prosecution is .contingent upon their ability iti lloat their bonds In dangerous only those can know who un. E l urope. Some of 'them are meritorious dengand the dif fi culty . which a soldier and of great impothuare. Against these voting "No"had to encounter. The only the door of hope il is eueanw tile closed, way, of checking this opposition was bi• While the war lasts their Chance of obtain- a foreign wur,land if there was to be any war it lutist of course be against Prussia, ing the assietance they need is gone. The I lt vote of lest May was therefore virtual faa HMV not euggeit additional financial Iv a deelaratioil of hostflities. . . dilliculty, littlAt unquestionably. involves ;•I the stoppage of works that are associated TIM' dorrori• cern. AND Ton inre4-r arc Witl! the process of national development ;. • -. w.lte oN corm:v.. • , . [Fren] the Boston post.) ••• {From ttie Financial Chronicled - I I . Wiiir.E. the German population in this The• weather thieughout the cotton country ere holding meetinge for eynrpa- -growing States Iraq, With *cry limited en tity for Prussia; the German bankers are 7..eptions, been extremely favorable the working with might acid main, and too putt week. Planters are therefore making successfally, to depress Government bonds good progress in clearing out the fields, and rundown our national credit abroad. which were overrun with grass during this They bell gold and bear bonds, spreading wet weather, and the plant is developing ell sot& of eemiational rumors to compel rapidly.' Wel hear some rumors of the the, return of our Minds from Europe, appearance of caterpillars, but do not at. which gives them) their coveted chance to tech any impdrtince to them . as vet, and if cover short wiles( of bonds here. They the weather !continues dry, little injury also take pains -to report that there is will be done by these pests of cptton in danger of the Government's running the ffiture. t.'onsitletable cotton Las un. short of gold iii .flonnequeuce of an an. dmilitedly been abandoned the past month; ticipated falling oil' in impolite. This but there is enough left, all - that. ens be practical mauifestation of German regard be cultiveted.;.cir, if cultivated,plcked, for this country is but cheap . embroidery It does lug seem probable that the for the Prussia. feeling in fat-or of monarchial] French end Prussian war will hare any • . Il ‘ very materiel effect on the prices of • Tlitire is true courage iu Denmark and cotton, and yet so far as it may exert any th e Danes. Promptly the. plucky little influence. we should be - incllned to think kindom declares itself for France and that tine tendency—after the first shriek enters all facilities for the punishment of has passed away—would not be unfavore ite oppressor, Prussia. The manlinens of iris- To be stare, the disturbed state lof this ponition is particularly commendable the tontinent might interfere with le when we reflect upon the fate in store for naturul,counie of constanntlon, and alo g her If Franco should be discomfitted, war would ingioverieh the people so th t Her course, too, is in pleasant contrast their parehertee would necessarily with that ofEngland, a nation she Ines no more limited:. But: there is very lift o great reason to Admire, having been left danger that! the war will he long, it d by her to sutler disgrace and loss of terri. the increased constouptioh for army p s tory in the Schlenwig.liaistein war. Eng- poses--for an army is very wasteful land's servility to Prussia, us indlatted by will more than tnake good any dispositi n the Isindon Times, may be the result of io eeonomine among the people, Th . an elevated sympathy, but it looks re- too, war on the continent will probab y markabty like mistaken prudence. make all Industrial more active In En - I . • [From the Cincinnati Gazette.] land, giving the laboring classes the 1 The apparent apathy of the French citi- larger profits to Spend In clothing„ Fpr I woe oftho United States ia In striking these reasons, a d for the farther one contrast with the enthusiasm and zeal that a higher r lige' In gold premiuin displayed by th e Germans While the here, aff things wing equal, give. Psi a cannot - fir Germans are holding meetings in all the higher cern.,...ncy, price, nerb large cities, pledging men and, money to Spell this p an , i. t ." trade. ne "'! s ' n. carry On the war, and sending wastages favorable to:the I..ii ton of empathy and - promises of materiel aid tran?e, to Bing William, the French Lave not. to %\ - ]rat the Pm:Miring are going fi , e in our knowledge, held as yet a single meet- the lande Blame I for the defence of t elr ing, nor sent a dollar to Napoleon. We future great naval station. lande, re 11l know that it. will be said that the Ger- to be errs. ' This : spot was originally,: d mans are much 'more numerous in l , tills a „, ~e n lyllslBll, selected by Napilleo. I, country than the French. but the fact is fora navel station, he being then in as hardly tire less striking on that account- session and controlling the whole of at Te French are numerous in New York. p ar t of Gerinanycoastrand he had if opt but no meeting has' been held there.• In only surveyed fo ilthat purpose, but tad this city they have a society organizedfor alreedy erected me fortifications en mutual support and assistance, but no his downfall put an end to the sehem meeting: has been. celled here,, In Bt. Prussia =alone to create 'a navy, Louis, the other night, a mting... en. without a soitibl e *. o t o f b ar owa,bed i this name lithde JOSH, on the alai) nouneed, bat less than a b aker s dozen. were preaelit, and au adjournment : was of the old French leurreys (the naps ' . . • VOL. LXXXV.-- NO. 41;0 • tarried brf ,, re - a resolutipil was pagel lir ,perch made. The . reason for this French apathy is not that the Frenchmen are nut patriotic. They bear toward France the came warm affection that i.tt;rinans feel toward Ger many.' In her pastlsuccesses they glory, and ot.herposition 'among the nations of the world they are prank But tires du' not love Louis Napolt,in. ' The 2 .- believe the the present war is undertaken, not for the good of France,l but to gratify the present ambition of the Emperor. • The Emperor:to them is a 'selfish, relentles, ), implacable despot. . II o 011ie motive it. undertaking the war,hey believe, is to secure his line io the mssession of the titian... Why should hey.fight for - any such end as - tio4'; Ito • are dory , to he itenefitted IT riveting n .themselees the .eltains they have been no long - wearing': tnle let it be assured o them that it in France that rails her Firms, that it is the nation that asks for Ptiptectton, that it is France thatlis fightiag against Prussian aggrandizement, and they would rise with an enthusiasm Mon, thall “erlllall AO lb, fend their native land. , trruirl the Chicago Tribune.) It is some, time since two nations have gone to win', with each other purely ttr see which could . whip. The history of the prize ring is made up of scientific maul. lags which the lower order of bullies have inflicted en each other simply to Trove their ability to maul each oilier. School-trot's Occasionally tiad it necessary . to determitte by a game of fisticuffs which of them is hest entitled to4ord it over the smaller boysi The usual diplomatic-cure. mono in such cases is for the challenger to knock a lip the shoulder of the challenged. Hsi any other act answers as well if its motive is mutually understood. One may make faces at the other's sister, or kick his Marbles oat .of the ring, or throw his ball into the pond, or knock off his hat: :11toulcon is fighting on the tonne high principles. What he wants is the champion's belt—the right to bully all the smaller powers of Europe without being questioned. Here is Spain,. one of the lesser powers, who is looking for a Ring, and, lik'e little I3opeep, who had lost her sheep. she don't know where to thal him. She ought, of course. to MR. sult.Frunee, but she did not. Quite the reverse, she consulted, Prussia. Thin is an assumption, on its face, that... Prussia is a first.class power, which, of course, is an insult to France. Says the Irishman It FM, brook. •• Will some kind friend he fliotigli to Hound on the tips of me toilet ' , These ere the terms on p e idil e h n or i i rii tight whose. “empire is peace." 11= . Almost the only .rawly significant piece of Information vouchsafed- to its concern ing the European' war [ochry is contained in the circular of the French government to its consular agents abroad. in this document it is explicitly stated that the question of the candidacy of the Prince Lepold of Hohenzollern for the Spanish throne was brought into discussion be tween the Cabinets 'of Paris and Berlin 111,1' than an rear ago—namely, in March, Iw;9—nod that it teas then fu ll} - agreed upon ba•twrou 'ltbinet4 that the Prince should not 'be candidate in nay cir cumstances whatever. Tlxis.statement, officially made.) puts the recent issue taken tut this point between France and Prussia in an entirely- new light, and in a light eminently the reverse of favorable to to tee goal faith of the government of Merlin. - From the tittle being this is unite ititer interesting than important. for Alen the snordlhas bens drawn in an in. emotional quarrel that gnerrel-passes be paid the controll of public opinion. But such points tegisin their importance when the plov , :ions of the day liner cooled and the ointliet4 of aralies have - ho-come his tory. I t _, V _.. _..__,. liw~3'~~r~'~~~ 4m then in existence). for ibe - strui of :010.00 0 _thole,. from the liberty of Oldenburg to which it then belonged. .‘fter thorough and e‘hausting surveys Prusida about font- years later tin 15i9.1 commenc• vd to build and fortify a marine harbor on the large6t.ecale, and has ever since, and in - vit.% of the greatest difficulties pushed Let Ivor!: forlvani so that it is now very near completion. • The ',basins are large and capable of floating a. fleet of the largest ironclads. The fortifications are extensive, and the barracks already built • and buildMg Will comfortably 'accommodate a respectable army. Two of the greatetit drawbacks of this establiShment are the lima of good water, and the cirmimstance that the ebb tide fills folly twelve feet, thus prevent. ing the largest size tnen.otwar front en: tering.tlse harbor at all except at high tide. The channel is also difficult. but that, in time of war abd as an additional Means of defence, is rather desirable than otherwise. Frnuee will make her fleet, blockading the mouth of the Weser and that of the Elbe neur by. strong enough not only to effect this imrpose, but also to keep iu check any number of war vessels the Prussiztun may have available in the neighborifig Bay of lande to raise the blockade. And Prussia, if she wants to give relief to her Atlantic tenet, must scud her navy from the Baltic. Therefore, unless a de: cided movement of Prussia's nary from her Baltie ports iS heard front, a naval engagement on a large scale is •not to be expected. It is of course probable that France will attempt to take possession of the harbor of lande; but .the defence of Prussia will then be shut& by means of her forts, for the waiers of the basin or bay are - far too shallow and the .channel too narrow, to admit the manonvering of war vessels. ' • Lady Franklin at Siika. . . This lady arrived here per steamer Newbern, on the 12th listing hi r sojourn she was the recipient of that kind ness and courtesy and ministration to her wants which' her age and melancholy his tory entitle Ler. She visited every place of interest, mining freely in conversation with everyone who tendered her any in formation about its history, past and pres ent uses, &e: The Russian and American grave-yards possessed a melancholy inter eat for her-. With, an almost child like inquisiti-eness; slit had n•pentcd to her the 'lames, history. awl canes of testis. of their sd,,,t: hambitAfits. 'that careworn sail anxious face, the agate land and stricken heart still yearning ,for some tidings of the lost one, flirty here have cherished tlfe hope that among the voiceless dead around her, some name fa miliar to her youthful years might have spoken of the land there all that is tin mortal' of Lim she loved so well, still • waits her coming.—Cerrerpoident .9an Fr . anciano If fff still. ' •, ;ray's Ferri Printing Ink Works , Philadelphia. C. E. Robinson do Brother. After thoro . oghly muting. your Ink, both on Job and Newspaper' Presses, we can strongly recommend, it, to the printers of Ontario, ns a cheap and serviceable ar ticle, superior in every way , to the stock for which we have been paying au exor bitant price during the past few years, It Is an excellent black, clear, flows free iv. distributes easily on rollers ; while on poster work itidries So mulch faster, us to render it an inunellse proventent uO the oily ha m been in nee heretofore. We consider it the chespeat and hest" article in tilt' mark set.—Pros, the Port Hope Times, Provil;t•eqt Ontario. Cantata. .. NEW .ADITER.TISS r t stwenAt. BANK, Pgertinettrill. ir7•9'HE•ANNUAL ELECTION FOR • Directors of this Batik will he held at the Banking :louse on TUE:SIM Y, August 2d. lus tre. Um hours of slur.= and one. Jet, 10,197 0. J. W.1./A PITT, • Cashier. 10 — • DANCING. •• • Prof. D. Ma Vey Begs to Inform his friends and the public in pen. erul. that he has engaged Turner's Hull for Ms Dancing School. which will be OP.Cd for the re ception of paling on the lot of October. Circulars will be ready In September. ' Jul:Baal Or rJrt: Or comey,:y..l •Xe. 205 Liberty street. '. I%rrnut•uon. July 21-1870.! Meeting. or Stork ••••• holders of the TrlmnOpsgOAPUs ifg p) " , urp A i g3rti o.eLfng :in male of the g • lease Jam3•lom9 WILLIwyt attSSLEß.Seleret•ry. la --FOR CORONER, MAJ. W. 11. HOPE, I Late of the Oth Penns: itoserogs.) Subject to the decision of the ensuing Union Be i:P[16110! jTALUABLE RANK STOCKS-COM MERCIAL BA Nb:ING COMPANY. E. BALL A. Co. REAPKR ANDSIOWER. 1116CDA Y EVENING, July 26t1i. at 14 o'clock, sold on Second Vows of Mollyraine-,-Aus— lien Rooms. 106 licalthgeld street. 23 shares 31. and 31. National Bank. 20 shares Keystone Bank. 10 shares Allegheny National Bank: - Also. by order of administrator, - 30 shares Commercial Banning Clll,llp2ny. shares E. Ball A Co. Reap and Mower Co: juMl A. MCII.WA L)E, Auctioneer. • CITY or Abf...nr - 2.4 . 1 1 : L JT:2 . 17,7r, 870, NOTICE TO DEALERS IN HOSE. un 30c 0.. . w.i,l l FRIDAYr2edB tn t OF I JU LY for 1,050 FEET Doable Rivited Leather title, For the ass of Firo Department. bidden WI State the pressure 1174. = tee Melt - hose. ty l g for '3° POitTElt. Controller. P THE MATTER (*VIE Opening of Haslett Street =I Notice Is hereby given that thu essessinents made by the viewers pis :manned by the Comtl to the starve' ettetare now in my hands fur collection, and that If the came bu out paid oithinthlrty days from the date hereof. liens will be sled for the un paid esseuniente with interest, costs and fees, and the same collected by legal process. BLAGLE, CRY Attorney. Jticy.22.ltlllB. 10.1444 REMOVAL. Laing & NeKallip llawYremored to 347 Liberty et, lately demuded by Culp t Ithepard. where, they will be PD..: 10 meet their friends end the public geneially. They bare constantly on hand • choice assortment of Family Flour. Grain. Feed. Land and Calcined Plaster. White Lime, Foundry Flour. Baled Ham dc. ['bey tweetso general atteu ta for the celebrat ed Johnstown hydraulic and Lunisetlie Cement and A alkalosis Coal. NO ADVANCE IQ PRICES - & Wattles Sh.ealer, .101 FIFTII AVENUE, We ,ee ielllng our WATCHER. GOLD CHAIN% DIAMott Ds. JEWELR at Missions prig ae before The Advance In Gold: gyerytblog In Our btu. a ere selling cheaper than any other boosc in the rtty. Please give us • call. • 1774 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, At A.uctiori. wwoe~aao, TUESDAY. July 28thjut io to'cleek. the entire houtelthld taralture ot the late W. B. Bell. at 273 Idieghetly avathua, Plait ward. A lleaheny.oonslating of area of Damask Cosenull Parlor Fruulcure. Walnut (flossaa. ' Bedstead. wastistaaa.Lonntv. Brussels Inn Ther.MICImPOW. Mattress. EX-tsble, chairs mot Rooks era. liefilireralar. Eltsbanyaraluart. also a.rery fine Marble Aquarium. • The furniture M all nrarlyall Anstioneer. [and Qii bbln Cleveland White Lim , ght e. v lfflp bpi Tram= • , gth b?" t " t A` ,t. n. CANFIELD. one ins 141 Flnt &vane •, I THE WEEKLY GAZETTE IS TN F”BV.ST AND CHIMPS:ST Commercial and Family Newspipta I' Mt IN VSTEILN r LN,lsyLv NIA N , farmer. mechanic. er merchant should b without it. lob.cribcrs Club.; of eve • Cl . übs of ten A copy is furnished irustinhirtair W the Setter-id if s Club of tun. Postmaster. are regulated to et as .A.sents. Address. PENNIMAN, REEP r I I u ll .. .. pno S. 11 , LOf• "For Sk. - • Lo .” “FAnsn.t.• • - 11..irdlne. - ,tc., not r teainj rut•lt .NES, will he turrtfd in the. roluMn‘onc. I'IrENTy-FIVE C.5.3.7:1: each m 1,11101.1 line I'll' WANTS . . • NITANTED—A BUSINESS MAL— • T general a..c.nt /5 required be one of the C 0... lenttell n,slitlpante, Of New ed can serum I.mortant terrtt..ry tad n valua q ble contract by ad end references , , ae 8.. 604. New . Tort city.• ,I . lm . ketiter to go u able and willing to do the work t ' n r t y k . fam ' lry or . three. Iteterewor rewolred. Addreas r... OA' :TIT Oak,. AN T A NtElt— I Schaal Teacher*, For the Stowe Township . School Ut.ttict. TEa Doan'. tilreetore will meet at CLEVER'S ton RPM. in sal3 towtmllip. on July the 3Uth nt2 0 . 1 . 111til I. M. 71. H. ITRASE. juttiraMin.T Se...stare of S.W. t N ;l l. (M! , 7 s l e r. t e i , r° 2. l d ( lOt n a'r.. 24 s ottaaaadlaaand.paltess, staatinkaatto, LUCKIII. X :gb.a. Ittabura.n. Stalin 1 - NrANTEDs—lnunedlately, a Dreils y • MAKER 33 Third West. Nora Ont tia exponanood hand rend apt.r. 7-19 -AGENTS—For ` . 4771121:4'1' and ""'"'47. ,1 .. ADDU at NO. A,VANTED. RECRUITS.—Sovena • y *WM. anle bodied men. of gond reputation, usur s anted to nil urr the FOURTLI COMPANY DCOUILMN It GREYS. This contently Is one MO.) best In the Mimallon. Apply at A t . b ( 1 . 17,11,4,.: leMetr Pout of .42d street. • S?vera!, ?In ; for A ;Farp ., M W prick yard ork. Several Ririe lilrlAVanied . for emoklng. Chauieerwork. Intilnso4romwork and light work of on description. Apply al EMPLOY MENT OFFICE,Nu. 1 Sloth Watt, first door from dospenvion Bridge . IWANTED-MORTGAGES.. • ; 30.000 to Lom lm large or small amount. at a fair rate of Interest. , THOMAS X, PETTY. Biß. Bond cod Beal Estate Broker. • No. 179 'Smithfield Suet. MTANTED 7 — . 3IORTGAGES. Thirtrrlibusand Dollars to Loon In !Area or small amounts oaproporty In Altercate, county at a fair rate of Interest. • , CHARLES JEREMY, Katt Estate Agent. 88 Grant Street. 'LOST 'AND, rotrism..:...c I OST:'—(3llECti.—(hl the 12th •or 141 1 1'11, 1 'AV tar. go F f r or 6, B lMtigalri Cu. In tavoC4,l Siessrs. Brschet E. Dull,. or bearer. The tinder trill please lease It at No. 180nd %V ethl street. As payusent has been stopped It la of no value to tar one. jaKal I _ 'A. M. BAUMAN. h _ )UND.-011 Saturday ereulug, a vocKET-11001C, eGalulalagmare.), Am. I'lle owner can bare II or calling at 243 enaduake street. Al/egbray..and identifying It. :4 i • . J. MAIIAFFEY. ______ r i , Ol ND.-JULY Gth,' ,A LIGHT BROWN COW. Nor 9 yenr• old. Owner wlll TO-LET TO-LET.—NO. 36 Esplanade street; Allezheny. 1101.75 E of Irooms.dtaratighed sttim gas throughout: hot sod .cold wutar Is kitchen. newest!lon litre'? September Ist. Apply JOIIN STEllltETT.plasuond, juSitl A 11 egheny FOR SALE FOR Country ReSidence At kidgearcitof Illation, A lame 1../ÜBLE TWO STORY BUICK. /ft/USE nod nearly 3 acre. of around. The house e oontaing 13 room.: alto • well of loft water In kitchen. Any one In want of 6 •plendld house Wrlll du wall tq call and emwszlho this property.. Will take. :ally', property Ist 1 . 66, went if eel , Fat further inthrenetloo7l nt the place, um - Welts Ediwurth Station. ell P. It. M==l SALIi OR IE,- 1 1101USE. r a k i lllM it.,11411. 4 u . te r g:=Ze. 7-7 FOR SALE.-4 BRICK 110111 SE, troy .ner of I.l%qui and lintel street. seven 'pones with grass yard In front. The best location In the 7th ward. Will sell low, az 1 wish t0 .. ,0 to the country. Apply et 60 I.OtIAN BTREET, or ad dress 1tr5,31,1.. 6111.cseaastreet. 744 FOR SALE 1 CliEll%—fr,',soo will buy a house will, nee rooms nod with or lots 94 feet front by 106 feet In depth, Wltn sledding, fronting on a forty feet street. one-half square back Of Pennsylvania avenue. Twentieth nearFeetLiberty. Apply at 174 Grant street, near Seventh avenue. • luil/-Wrze FOR SALE.4STOCK' FARM.—ton. TAINS %AO ACRES, one hundred and aluty acres under cultivation. balance woods.' Improver:lent-2 dwelling., very large barn and stable. W sheep house.. orchard and well watered b a .I=l=u 9 rt trig IX " ro ß s.o 'b t tL" carveuisville italiroach in turivin7 new/ad:who:l villain.. and churches. The hum cast be parchased at s2lSper acre. Apply . to . B. )1c LAIN A CO., No : 104 Conn!. Ave. FOR •SALE.L • . . , Served Second:heed WAGONS. Ono Light GONE CARRIAGE. le .Rood order. Apply Ono Li Tyro HORSES. _ to • - • • JOHN HYMN. Corner of N.outh Canal otreel. and Idarr_oCourt Allegheny. Jat2:Oß-rren F OR SAlM—Englues end Dollen, New and Sewed Hand, of ollklnds, °mutat:US on hand. Orders from all parts of the country prompUy at. tended to. • JAMES laud, a co. Corner Marion Avenue and P. Ft. W. d P. it. W.. All hen Pa. : KORSALE CHEAP, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPRRT ace.e COUNTRY t SID ENCIC. containing 20 with 3 bowies thereon; one, a fine , comfortable and convenient teteeeLgetel water. and one of the best water pow. fromiVestern Pennsylvania for • mill; 10 mile. from the eity. on the water. of Turtle Creek Read. k ora mile from Stewart's Station , Central Ilan roa Also. admiral typed Farms In imod lonations mid houses for sale. Enquire of . WILLIAM WARM, will No. 110 Grant AL. opposite Cathedral FOE SALE-ON 8 YEARS' CREDIT ~ is LOTS, h acre elicit Lit orchard of large bear- I"g I.U Pl 4 3'. . ll llll,:pz , rle l :Tirthe 'Pete. 8 1 9 1V1P13:6 -- LOT.fug of ebelee beating !Yule. Price 9975. l' LARGE NEVI COTTAI/ g: 9 mem., wide hall, front and elde porticos, cellars, 2 large cisterns . Pool well of water sit beta door. Caning° hoasentod stable. grapes bearing. ytd2tg orchard bearing. fineet view of the eilien and riven, with month ur teen street. M . t., Washington, with 1 Nero. Price e morn of lige orchardten be $ll 500. r l;;llfrit =teen =dates walk of le. cline. Enquire of Iv. LINILt ItT. on the pramum. Jel:yl4mra ; Olt elecant frameCZ L F, .' s iil l, 77_;tri d B l ,7ltoG"grt.nob i lgrVpt erty la ramdcatrablo. both on account of 14 nom. 'madam and nsasonable price. Any one dotting bdesirable house should not fall to rectire this argain. A large and beautlfully MtnMed lot, GU by IUG feet on 44th street. near Butler.pn be bought Pt present fur a very InuOnableaonalderstion. Thiti MD main a Pretty spot for a buldsome rettldenee. lid Boundary etreat—A frame divellinu IGetoryi rirb . thiro lo .iilzirlerthor,„ll,r4, Lot , w thin. efar 1350-124 1 .i0 bl . 100 mood . led near the Pennsylvaniafan g Do pur chased .tilt by applylng at the corner of Item and 33d street. von - SALE—PROPERTY. Tbs two story double house, the residence of ibben B.lremsedY. Ese.:llllJolning the neldesee of Messrs. Wm:sod Hay Walker msd Wm-Cooper. In Mipore Winship. on the New Brighton BOW, shoot; 3 mile, from the city.. The bons* confabs 14 vloms; also : lee house end cooling room. mar idtehen md laundry and out-house,cOnvenleut to the maln bollding: the honer le supplied with .. wate ' and was The urounde, witaprisirot about 10.4 noise, sretantof oily l a id out end ere Melted erith o nbutighOnce of troll andornamental Woe. mid fruits. do: On the premises aro stanretitabite; eoki Papery, out houses and gardener'. house Of 0 run is. VenMs Minim, on the I'.. Ft. iy.&c. ,tt..IL n within !st few minutes' walk of the howler Fur t rms. onions et the PEARL MILLn Allen ghen ' • ' .._ ___ Ault:loj N STEVENSON'S SONS ' & CO., JEWhLERS, arket street, Pittsburgh. ammo DOOR num nave , n hand ell the latent novelties In Pine Zoe. elm aim, Miser Piece. and enter Plated wen of designs. suitable for wedding gifte. W . taatit• of all the American tuatara In g4l and silver eases. bo th Key end Pendant 'AU ma. dandy. on hand ea well as • full rariety of the finer (wee of the (win Watch. includthe J 141.... n. Janet Pa and others. . • ' We'call part/eular attention to our fainlitthe for revelries and. leithlaUng Sae Watehes. To ,that branch of our Mimes. we givezeend Orden by mall prtiethaf Deldithe of ditY (node mint In drawings or at et nconeet. , mithwie • . , - MI