CM E • - GOLD, SILVER, BOught at Highest Price. PH. R. AIERT, BANKER, Cor, Wood St. and sth Ave. ,Tas. T. Brady & Co. ; ifi.aaanum to V. ,JONLra a CO.l corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, - D LL -'4.i: . • UY AND kE Kl " 8 7, iloarnment securities,' 041, SILVER An COUPONS; "N 31061 TATORAZILE TERMS: • Interest Allowed on Deposits. ... , sezi.% mum! .. Goyeratoutt Bond, la 1 . 7 A eft: 1 .x 16- Rellibx n S F" LT. GOLD. I - JAR E$ T.:BRADY -& CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE. [By Yeteirrapa to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • Niter YO, /tarn 1070. The absehee of dslaitt U i news from Europe hue canned irrottetton In Vie log market: ••6101 maned Vary Wet sad comparatively tams. Vas morning gold opened at 1114.17:4,* dilratilair bettor' noon to 13IV:121N. Prom noon um:ll3 o'clotk thhs afternoon the market kanislited obmbaratlvely !toady. though pule transitive, as telegrams of a pending battle .art , sillectedi after 3 o'olook there vas a Shan q.7.eiraward movement. and prices de -0....1ted to HIM, but again rallied to MAN Clos ing at MR. There was considerable excite tient la the afternoon on the decline owing to reportel failure., and there were some bean oaf.. made by German banker,. 11/1!0.030 geld sold at auction today arriß. Clenrances to daleadi ba • k 110 tollo forl tiara' bli i .a e r r irerivere fde on S t 5L 103% RIM prime slept bills BON to 110%. unlit. of @peel° e 933,603, moo-y market malted active at 607 ou government. and curency to 7 gold on atonic.. Thl. afternoon it wu easier at the close of bank hoar.. • Money more plenty at 7 per cant. on stocky and ftf4 par cent. on Governments. In the gold room. however. mealy Is still sir neat. and capltall•Agetierally are efnld.W Watt at lull currency value on gold. GOVernmeht bougtit • one - million bonds to-day at 1074 107 20401 Government.. o A boaed heavy anti.r•Wdm4 tioslitg There tire "irvideneei of the return of any cCa r =rable -7: amounts from E . ,.... m .F.5.1103 .1744 quotation* were: ••••:.f • tif.teaLt.l2l(oll2X; 44 4 4447 do. '64, 1C41471110eX; do. 65,1068.10. X: do. new5:17446,071.0 do. ..-„ n . r=z ttET , , • State bones are lower : OldTeuncasees, 61}0 new do. 681 C old Virginias, 617 new: R`, Geor-• ga 7.. PJX; old North Carolinas, OR; new. 30; lasourts. Ler ner hot • Stock. opened firmer moderate adhere fluently thereat falfbneried busies. becemelows•withward turn. lid by Lake Shore,- suuttols,lloo therm being sold out, a prominent operator not being able to meet hisealPsgaMeatat latterstardeL the market became etronger with principal aeal lags In Lake Shore. Rock Island, New York Central and Hudson and Reading. 'Pacific Railroads .teadv. if; bk • Hortgatie • .. ntral • Ba . A m, b. Canton. dl cumberland bin 04 exte Ce ra l 34: I_4lcludiver,s; Mariposa. 13341 preferred. IN: Water Power. 15X; Adams Express. 65X; 14; American. 43X: United States. 44; Pacific Rail. 40X; New York Central &Boston, rtitdin ß elltif• w l ' ih A nt Er a t l e i ctatil l t t g . Shore, Si innols Control, 123; Pittsburgh. WS North. Weatalra. c}i; de. preferred. rat, Hoek Island , 1121,; - New Jersey Central 1017 St. Paid. oo.prelerred. Thvwabasb. olt: do. preferred. 03 Pt. Wi l ie. IdS; Terre Haute. 33 do , preferred , a s ago- and AP ton. 1.16 R: do. preferred, lilt .Ohio nod Mie ki.,34sl(.;.E;eCirtidriCia,B3l2f. Hartford and • igittailremony blesity.-oolcb Pune rivuoy. sl2,4ina,c; mtoo prices: Copper' tans.. fiX; Frankllo. 3X: Hancock. lit; HlntesOLa NI Want* . Orin= or rent Prrresonoir Gmrpr s r.: f Trrrnao4r. July 31 1873. Oozing quotation boo renewed by James 1' Brady & Co' • 4fld . . 20X S-33.104.2k Jr. 1064 2. 1 ( 13.11 e. S lag ssuJitak.l7.lBB7 . B. 540 SX SX 1 C. P. 8. ..11./ss. is .7 y. WA 87TX 11. B. 6.201265 ....- six C. P. IL R.. ... 11. .. . , ... .110- !rirrioUwm tWli='T _ • . Orrice or Pirreatraan Oszeizr, • Tarragoar. July - t. The market la without any mettlel change es compared with yesterday. though neva the whole the:eating Is rather better—operators are more hopeful. In reenact to the Imme diate inters of the oil trade, some dealers en tertaln the following view, viz fas petroleum Is net contraband!), wnr. and as all of the Efol: land and Belgium porta are declared to be neutral, and In all - probability will be per mitted to remain so, therefore no embargo wIII ensue as regards petroleum carrying venal', but on the contrary they will' be al lowed to move In theit accustomed ehannali without interfenmce trona - the belligerents. Again, ft:wk....the treaty of Ports of ilk* comma dities nor Contraband are allowed to float on the high seas and be landed at any port not under actual biookade, whether said. merchandise be found under a friendly flag or that of an enemy; In other words private property is to be respected on the bleb seas to regular transit and bythia means the oil trade will escape all interference and be respected by both nations at present threatening war. It is to be hoped that the oboes view, are correct, for It would be very cllaastrens to this large Pittsburgh la. tereetfor the( war to interfere with It, Id for only d helot perfod. - Bale 1=1:1.12.'811er thirty days at_ XIX; I,= snub August and Be ember at 10,14: /.0W salt . ; rita • pea t orivv . ot I.ooobbis.. any thee this year lee it iras reported that "several tales bad been made for sellerAngust at 1W and we . heard of MOO at 10X. In the afternoon. however. lt Iris reported aa WWI offered at 10X. It is said that there are but fee• sellers aside from the aborts. reapers tenensily being disposed to Wait ror later de vaiopments in regard to the war. . 111TINCD Bale 01 2.000 Obis July at 25. Later it woe quoted at MIX: August. at =Mal Haptamber ZADSEN: October, 251( November, 2S; Decem ber MX. buyer all year M. ou. wain= our nom mac - taxa Dinar . Brooke. B. & Go. TI bbla reezod 01l to Warden. F. & Co.. Phila. A. D. Maier 9btric;cf. to Tack, Dna . .k Phila. ' Hatchlima 011_10ga:daf t, Co. 164 bbl. maned to Wardea. Fraw & natoWason 011 108 zellaal ta'Wm. lialdwin & Co •• • It t aahlasoa 011 Rea 4 CO; ls 42s lB :reliaerl to one 1 Darla. zits.] . 1 .. • 00 balm,. • A Dates HA. on account 0C & AD F.; co.. mos Bellow 44114'0n acmnuat same: Vesta 011 Worts n. acoountpaccei A A Hills 74. on account . D IMF& .ft; 1014 on account j Kunkle:. F Bates MO. on account W Brought 488 same on account D C Herbst: kit= #4..Cgji. on account Goldrlck: War. account D C Herbst: Eagle 01C 4.14,148. op account C Darmyl: Fair 'view 011 Works 148. on account B Ooldrick. Total 2400 bbls. .1. M. 1/i ' ttt. 6 B l 76beet: l llYoilimh 1 ' 1;4 Co. Phila. • Faansett, Loan: Rockdale k Co., 813 tibia ref. NI to Logan Bro. k Co.. Phil'a. Belittler Bro. & 107 btu ref. oil to Lo gan Bro. tk Co. Phan. Lockhart. Frew* Co., 576 fade ratted oil to den. F. & Doaßtala. • bier K l . L it te & Co., 44S bbl,. ref. 01l to Waring. J Phils. beliTef. oil to War- . Mootzheinisr & Koehler, NO bbl. rot. oil to Waring. S. & Co. rail& • • Ms= & Warner all Obts regthodbil to War & Cb.. Phlisdeligloao Opt. bats. TZIONIDAY. July U. Mt Warden. Frew! Co.. Philadelphia. ha P. lc Co. 3.1) Ws refined to War. A. )lee 800 bbla rased oil to Logan Bros & Co.. Phila. Worm tPC . ta .. )Xl MU reape d oil to, N:rya bbl. refined ; to War stmer:k. & Co.. US bine. rel. ell , to Warinc_K. le Co.. Phil.. , . J. M. alter. CO bbd reined oitto+Lei Co.. Pella. • • . . J. A. McKee , 2(il Mils refined oil to Log 13ro. A. Co. Phil'. Lockhart. F. & Co., VW Weald:tett t c , War den.F3Co..Phila. Fulton. Marvin & Co. 106 bble- red. wi le 1 Loam. Jiro Ea Co.. Phil. McKelvey & Btu- 480 bbir relined. to Dreg.. Co. Philadelphia. • montteirner K. & Co. MO bbd refined to War. ing.ffnntppt..t .00. Phila. J. Yilirpatriok bbd . refined to Wu, Co. Phila_ alsenberter oxi Ws refined oil to War. den. - Prow a Co.: Philadelphia wotal E11=22 MtorwcuzeJJuly A.—Flour dull and lower; choice Witconsla 37. M Wheat dull et 51.3) tor No. 1. 3435 for So.— Oats lower at 53q tut No. t. Freights era at 55td to Buffalo end Oswego. PITTSBURGH CATTLE. MARIke; EAsT - LlBMrrSrotx Tint 4, TIIVNiziAT. JPIY 1279. 11AZZOJITS- The nneaeiness which was manifested among stock meta some weeks MO 111 regard to heights has pretty well subsided, and the general feeling now is that there will be no Ohmage aeon. that the reduction made some time since wall he adherd to. It is intima ted that the blichtgen Southern and Northern Ceetial would like to put freight. up, but the Pennsylvania. Ceutral, we understand. do not. for the .pretest at least, propose to make any change: the -latter company was, in a manner, forced to make the reduction h$ the two former tour pealed. and it Is now contemplated to give them the benefit of cheap freights— to use a common phrase.. make them sick of It. The rate on cattle is hl5 per car to New York, nen HO to Philadelphia. The notelets of cattle continue large, very lark, but with a' continued active demand, the cube. have again been large. and notwith standing the large aralvals, there was not ttl day a very large number in the pens unsold. The sales since this day week toot up over thrte thousand heed against twenty-five bund ,,d beet ..veek. the largest number e pwe have htid to record to any given sleek for ear Or ' L e iser. Com Pared with laoti Week, Pric are i l CoTn e a r l ' o f nli-Q C :ii ! cent &Ott t o l d e rentt ascent 63 u t ht hey goyin Wive bought to-day at a eediscius of X. , ,;earne fen droves ee , ..eztrd :shipp 610011501 d at ShietiN; but as will be seen. %bare were but very row sold above 8 and only a smell eortlun even at that. • .• • . some t wenty-tive or thirty ear loads were %old for Coomanlpaw, inelud_ nal the following: Marvin to McMahon. - la at gbB per head; Mar ano to Game. Zrl;•at $62, Pasterline sold 49 to-Kletuau at gPl;_Kelly bought 7 car loads, of which part reported to have .brought tIIS. Briggs bought id at ,un average of about Rh; cut par lb. The shipmcuts, to Phila delphia were also large. iIICRSDAY, JULY No. WO. Price Musser SH to McFilicu..... .33 37,700 775 Needy •• .46 erd-000 Holmes. LS Co to Callitt d C 0.,) 31=3 665 •' • Kurt L.. „. ; : p mow _5 00 =MEI " Ullletl & L 073 8.1606 CO ' Laudls _...-19 16.1X.10 6 Oil Ilszlewood & 11-to Duffy. . IS aham 7Si 11cOnn.y. 21=0 4Z) lUTCRDAT. July 16. L&Co to 5eitz....;113,160 ltO ••• •• " Landes. 5 3.9t0 lleibaoood &II toNuelletoan...! 17.600 6 LI, . . 110122e0 r Lunde,. _24 15.49 i 2.0 TCLIWAT, July 19. " " 31111er .. 30.0921 '3 25 " " Pottelgrer. . _44 . 36,220 5 .25 Itotb . .. . ...Is 12.500 0.w., Holmes. L Cu to Feller.. 51 1e.500 159 " " • liitoSe. 111 19.680 13 .. • " " 5 asto 5.15 liaziwood & to and! 11 20.440 -- Shamherjo to Merman .11 .6. 46 40.730 6 rio Forbha to Klemm:is & A 21 18.01.1 550 -11olmea L & to Bate; &I 75.650 020 Steam 44 34.030 512 " " Hower M 15,80 533 Karl .. 14 .16,43) 701 Marks to Zokti • . 1.12 13,10 500 WEDNESDAY. liazlewood & to McMatio UL a. 33 39,4100 7 10 McMahon. 7A 55.170 551 " Hartzell.. ..24 19.850 510 • " Black 61 66,03 575 g ate . .10.0.410 40 Ora t. . Hartzell -50 17,h30 5 IX) 60 hitgart .. .24 24.6 MI • wattles .10 15.10) 746 Evans & L 43.533 575 " ' , tackl7,l2o 6 2.5 Cooties+ . .:01.• 37.260 710 80yd.16,450 5 0 0 5 " " Enricht r 10.000 5 " Wlghtcultn .15 14.850 373 Mitchell 13 2.2,1510 625 10 10,430 725 adems to Evans :. 17 19,000 7 11111 s to Kelley • 51 M 1711 525 Cairns to Boer • • g 8.770 ga • a; 76 gg.Boo 2 2.070. 15 11.900 r. 5 Cochran toMartle • On 30A0 703 Rubinson iii!.l7/41314berger 34 07.033 7 : 23 Erato 104,10011 " 10340 4 73 - W 0014133 0' ... .17 . 13.10) 0.! '914 1 4 0 Pwr!rr . • aa ? 3 .7± 0 &! McArdle. I=Za Smith to Mart 3.5111 8 Ilaer - 40 a1.,000 550 • Holtennteln al 18,070 sal Holmes, L 5, Lomb 10 :72.11X1 8 271 " likintsberger.lo 18,140 • " Kelley as.ra) liazlewood &D. to Miller 24 !LIM 535 Marks. ..... . 40 40.440 575 Zolat 41 33.4130 5 5 - • 10 8 .4 6 0 6 ledges aT. to Lamb 31 L 0.941 tc 77 -.• Kelleg.-.• ....._ " 318166 18 18.550 tiw " - do:— ........18 18.870 6 2 Ble.i.rdle 17 18.0:10 700 -.. • l+.:510 McCurdy t .5D 54.7.10 3 507 :51 One, " Ilyesly. 11.2:61 535 Greenly - Lutensteln :1).6:33 , Keyes " I)aff v... . . 19.110 515 Tranartn. ttieblnond .t 5 11.110 6tO Holmes, L tilemna6S d.BO :3% 575 -141.4:-. IKI7 5 75 11Aker Ia 4.360 ann " • Markle 36 38.290 7,170 6 Z. 5 Means 15.110. 615 -100 5 ri.) fled, tol9 111:T-1) 7 1a " • Marr•ln 51 51.= 650 Olmun k 1....19 • 55.1190 769 • g 'FA . . . . 21.01 OW Orr SW. to liuutnbtrger. 10.5.50 700 Smith to Olinus S L . •• Nis 9.11 , 11 50Zr The arrivals were reported -. unusually - . light, and mostly of an Inferior grade, and thhs be lag the case, the market was conaiderably stronger than last - week and, prices a shade higher. Prime to extra sheep sold at SXQ,6c— there were but two mar loads sold at the out side figure, though more 'of the same html could hare been sold at the same •priee. Mediate to good sold at 4fe.5 sad commoe,at 3}‘?..t. Stock sheep may be smoted at per head. One prominent New' York shipper gate It as his opinion to-day that twenty addi tional car loads could be sold within the next wenty-four boon, remarking at the same time that he had been only able to buy thus far thirteen car loads against thirty ears last week. Hog market !troy and higher. with only n limited supply and an increased demand: Prices as compared with last week, have ad vanoed from Xto 3 a cent oer pound. Phila delphia hogs are now quoted at new god York hogs at 9X419X. • I= Orncc or Prrlostauns Gazarrs. i TEttaeDair. July =. 1870. { The excitement lathe markets, particularly bread/toffs, continue unabated, and Is likely ly to oantlisue so long as the news from Eu rota Is so decidedly war like. Speculation is up to fever beat. the feeling being as . wild as at anytime during the walla this country, and as remarked yesterday. this movement like all others that have preceded It will be over done. and go as It 'may. somebody will be badly hurt. So wild has the feeling been In Chicago that It is said there is not sufficient whiust In the country to eettle the contragt4 now out for _August delivery. Outsider" should be very careful how they operate, while the- markets are In such feverish condition, as there is no tell ing what' may happen in a few hours. The Tact that a Large amount ..f wheat In the dirvaiore at Chicago hag beeme "heated" has, as might be est:eared. created quite a ee,n satiort thire particttlarly among those who advanced money with this wheat's collater al. -Every-elan Is being made to have the the immense stock in that market moved, and the sooner It Is done the better. as the longer ' It remains the worse it will be. A Chicago paper of-Wednesday says: It is understood that the extreme depression In cash lots Is Partially sine to tan refusal of capitalistsSo al low their money to be usbd any longer In car rying property which seems to be precarious. The .. .posted wheel,' or the "red hot" article. as some jocular ones called It, yvaiavoided tit ate lathe session, then sold sparingingly et at um and settled down to 21.15. at which nste large quantities were takea—principally In small lots. There 'true thus the anomaly of an advance of 31" c on the average prices 'of wilier AelfUlt. drool yesterday a decline of le no regalia : deliveries, and a still greater drot; in thequotations on suspected lots." . ALMW—Uncbangol: common 'oda aah. 1: rcamed.SifiTearls, 921.0.14; Pots TM.:, : . ,• A PPL.--la steady demand but unchanged; shtMitie . ..per Dais There is an Improved demand for prime, hut common is quiet and unchanged; , maybe quoted at. 15Q.19 for fair. In% for I good. and TIQZ2 for choice. BROOMS—Store Wiese; Fano'. 25.1:0; No. . J. NO, N 0.2.14; NashNash ll3.2k Common. r....a , :: : TITANS—DuII; $1.50:41.75 per bush. BROSOM.OORN—Is dull. pats cts. •CEIEESS—Ttus, demand le rather better thsugb the market Is not active and there Is no change In 'prices. Sales at MIA for Ohio Pottery and Goshen. liweitzer,l2-019 and in good demand. CHICKENS—SaIe' of spring chlokeneat On 650 per pain and full. grown ones ISM:Qat per pair, as to sire and condition. • - • -: . CO bush scarce and. - higher. SLUM I'AIS per bush. CARBON OlL—Market ratherarmer, though there is no Improvement ID the demand; we quote nominal's. at it.l2c. In slabbing way: DRIED PI/LlT—Peaches are Irmer la con eara7polrtraltitukb,tX:s allspostall halve, at_fllfQo_ c._ Quarter. dull at ti Apples SQL &604-40ontinue d ull and In consequence of the l a arti ly bot weather. mast*,[ the re tie:pare. in had oondithin; we tuns * quote at LOIIB—As might be expected, the market :continue' strong and considerably excited, rind with a good consumptive - demand: and wand Inquiry for soeculaticm, price" are Torn or and higher. We LIOW quoteolod choice western doors at SlMatti. 7 Bye flour , • . GRAlN—There is no abatement ML tement in the deL Viand for wheat and with_ continued light arrivals, the market is strong and tending UP, ward; we are reported rale, of good red - at , ilAnand white at 11.50. Oats scarce and lino w considerably inquiry and dealers ener al are still impressed with the - belief that re.are likely to go higher and, consequent-. ions Indifferent about selling. We can re. rt. sales of round lota at h - l—ssoor beld at WI . for small lots in s tore. Corn Is scarce and In demand for home consumption and ship ment, and there are no sellers of good shelled ~, . .110 c o m b z h e . dollar and we heard ol h : t Bale of very Una ear in market. Although there l" only a moderate demand for rye,. It Is held very ty with but were' few sellers below $l. If Mus _gotain aqs . in barley .O li licAßTF.antinuilii:y firm and at the =XII atl4ance there is an notice demand for • ‘Coe:iarung t n°4 e of frogs arfitic, to. to quality. New Orleanc.runutaten scarce and firm at 85210. dYrupe dull and unchanged. 'Teas higher. at - olr ll t. sl P—Lialeti of unUre!med Nei:aura y Hemp • HAY—New crop Pt selling from country wagons at SIO Xl5. and old at f15421a). it CSlati Corn busxs.3, eta LUlS—inks of Cleveland at I.Z per bbl, and eastern nt $1.77. LARD OIL—No. 1 extra is quoted at $.l,Ms I.*, the outside figure for well established Western brands. PROVlelONS—Market continues strong and Shoulders are firmer with an upward tendency. Shoulders ribbed sides 17. clear do le. Sugar cored hams 25; Breakfast Baton 20. Lard 1714 to tea and 11.7.15 ii In kegs and buck ets. Mess Pork firm at tai. POTATOESL-Cuder • induence of Increased arrivals, very dull and prices are lower. *2.50 4 1 00 Per bbl. for new' crop. Old crop about exhausted. - PEANDTS—DuII. Tennessee. 6,39 et, SEEDS—No movement In Clover ur timothy seeds. Flaxseed Is also dull notwlthitandlng the arrivals are light, and cannot be quoted above r 2.20. SALT—Allegheny river brands mar be quo ted at 5.1.01 by the ear load and $l, -,, 1i11.75 for small luts in store. lIARRETS nr TELEGRArIi New York. , NEW VOILE. July 21.—Cotton nominal: sates of 703 bales at Lqlc for middlings. Flour less 'active and Mlsettled..lol33)c lower with free offerings: better grades unchanged; sales 11.-' bbls at $5.5020.40 for annertine • Aeesternand State, 1 6 X-Fad,l6 for common, to. g. 04 extra western and State, $6,75ea,00 for good to choice do.. tti,15¢7.50 for common to choice white wheat western extras. $0.40g6.75 for common to choice extra Ohio and $0.60a0.75 a l . ho o r u c r o tr l m m . o s n y t t o b eh s o a l i e , extra ,thl S s t. L,r 5, 11 5. 11.3 5 - e. Whiskey dull and Machanged. vlth . sales of 300 bbls at $1.0n1.01; latter for Ad. Wheat: t ee 115,1= bush; wheat less Mire at the close and tage lower, with ;mice COO bush at a . t !1.% for - No I . sp o r r i u;_ . C./..a n uke., ii 1 0 4 1 6: Chicago, o l d .' nether weste u. 11.05 for new amber Itollana. sod $l. 1.05 for old white Indiana. 11Y0 dal!. Co : receipts 129=7 bush; corn doll and 1Q.,2c lower, with sales 40.000 busk at ClaCts,Lite. for ew western mixed, closing at $1.(11B.1.07 for rime. Oats: receipts 21.034 bush: oats lc lower, with sales 30,030 bush at 645;450 for western and - 705372 c for Ohio and State. Coffee firm abet In better demand, with sales 717 bags Itfo. doll. Sugar nominal, with sales 00 boxes sa tans at Iltic. Mice more active, with sales of 500 bags . Rangoon at %547 (c; also .ales of 256 bags in bond at lilac for good; sales 75 tee Carolftsa at Stic. Hops Immo, Ins. Frio ;sieve—Hess pork dull and nominal. but closed with sellers at 530,5_54and buyers 933. Z: prime mess firmer; sales bids at tal, but het& at g3O; also. 74n bble mos seller Au gust at $3.1.50. Beef in fair demand and firm; sales 400 lib's at 8/..1Z16 for plaln: 1 $16Q10 for extra. Beef hams.neglected.' . Tierce beef nominal. Lard dull at 17q,17Xc for western steam; 17Se for kettle rendered: - roles 5330 tea for September at17...W. Middles steady; sales 25 ban at 15e. .Butter steady at 10.4.17 e for western; Ard..V...c for State. • Cheese dull and - heavy at 721131 c. Freights quiet and steady; 15.000 bush of wheat to Liverpool per steam , at 12. Ed; 1000 bbis Four 3. 3d. Lattvt.—Flour doll and declining fur ship ping grades: - sales at 54,7546.05 fore xtra State. Wheat heavy at i 11.1021.42 far No. 2 hillwau-. kee: 11,4132.1.38.1 , 40.2 Chicago and $1.502t1,51k1. wlnter ten and amber western.. 11ye nominal. Oats dull at 04.t65c for western; 70e. Chlo. Corn dull et 9142.1,07 for mixed 'vesture: Pork dull and beery at C30.24'....V.45. Lard dull at 17521:1[4. Bacon is Nal& steady but toilet. Beef Ural. Chicago. l ' ' CHICAGO. July :N.—Flour fairly active. le;s arm rod unchanged. 'Wheat active and 32 alia lower, closing at51.21N61.2.1 for No 2; I tale, afteruoon dull at td.W,1,A1.); seller Au- gust. Corn activennd 1r2.3,15c lower. closing at ealic cash: this afternoon Sec seller July.! Sac s eller quiet and 2e lower; 010 fqr, 'a 2.. Barley dull and nOmitutL Righwines a tive: Ka for woodAgmud and 9Elc for iron-bo tul. Provis.. lons steady and firm. Mess $3O. lard luNc. Dry salt shoulders 13e , short rib mid dles 154 C. Beceipta for the p t 24 hours: 2,819 NA,: ffoue, 46,183 bush wheat. la9oo bush cam fat% Walt oats. 2.8..1 bush_cFe. I.:du bush barley, 6,175 hogs. „Shibuients,,S= bbla flour. 151,2 , 5: bush wba5t..44.651 hash born. 8.170 bush - oats. Mien bush rye. ni bails barley. 5,333 hogs. Freights flememllic for oats and h form - Mat tcs Buffalo. .IStoltataltscbangeji, Cnicaoo. July 2i.—dogs retire and iyrt2o,.. higher, $931),F.,P,e0 for common to extra. Pal.-- tie more tietivets3,l2 for .one to choice, smooth steers. l'iocinnati . . -- • ..... ...., , ' =MI CINCINNATI. July l.;-1. OW anti lower, with sales of gunily id.: 31a, the soar het closing gat. Wheat it lower and nominal. and red sold at F 1.33. for O. I. but at the dose was offered at (1.33. without onsets. Corn lower. and closed dull at.337.03e. Rye held td0...14L01, Barley #1.10Z1.1 U. Cotton is nominally uncranged. Tobacco is inle madd with sales of 130 blids at Va. x'l,6o' for frosted trash to choice leaf. Whiskey Is-I at itle.l.ol. Lard sold et 1.31ic, and the market closed quiet.' Butt meats are held at at 13Xe. but 13 as the best offer: rib, sides bold at 1310. but w 151( wins the best over clear rib held at UV,. but 16 was the best offer; clear saleable at 16Ise. hat held \ bicker. Bacon Snot r elN , ul.frrs ...,:id at UNA.. and deur rib shim at 17%, c. elear belt] at but 181., trms the best ogee. Esc, 1.2,17 c. N. change In oils. Lite brook Man es. New YonX. Jsil,2l.—We had 1.019 never to: dap; 71 cars at Weehawken and S,. at One If urtdredtti.street: :Rod, mostly poor and ji . rices weaker. • Fit Cattle no lower. Nu naanangd no Vehrue Cattle ofiered.l.• Prices salad from 11,4 c tor tk:•wt. Minute .I.r cows to 13V411!...c Go - thin 6 6 cwt. steers...a 16c for best :It cwt. r.tattle on sald. elheep— Arrivals 240. i. mortirState lambs. Go change in fat sheep, and choice lots were sold at with (air At fie; poor are lower I car 70 , ound Ohio coils belling at 3%c to o Cornier. other poor lots to nett at Iltrz prime fault. are doing better and quick as 1611.00 for choice ~ : ate;old. ,54 , 3:10.: for ordmarY 40,4 tvu.totti end C 4114013,; ACM' of ell .iKnind Ohio shoji* sold at Clic; a carol Canada Lambs 64.potindf. - GO nod one deck choice. Co rounds. /Olic.lilioas steady at r 2. net, for me-. Muni and light weights; arrival to cars. Dry Goods Harker. , NEW Tone , July inactire. ano Effie or no change to notice In prices: It Is apprehended that war-in Europe will cut off t he export dernand for cotton to some extent. and that prices for this staple must decline. helm tguyers of goods are In no burry to stock up. although many staple fabrics are selling far below the present cost prodoction.t.rb sa heavy brown slitetirirs, delalnes. ac. Cleveland. • CLXVLI-loa, July =L—Flour in tl.rn. sod 50.: better. lebeat firm and Se betterosules tot' EI J 3 for for No do: t osin[ leas . :t bet ter: No. - mixed Asig4.6e: No. lat Mc. Oats arm and better. No. I - btate sold at Sic: elms lot steady. Petroleum—Prices unsettled and lower at Ml:d3c. I , Baltimore. BA LTatußr.. July 21.—Flour quiet and fine: superfine OVA7S. do. extra reaa. do .faardly tnaso, western superfine $162.4.75. do extra 75 $.3U,7.50. do :foully $7.5OaS. %Teat active; vales of red et u - hits $/.60314 , . Pennsylvania nominal at SI.W.I.Ett. Cora-- White $1,3) Yellow $1.15. yats Ca - We. Whiekey quiet at 11.0=1.03. Lorisynkx. July XL—Bagging firm at afro 30)(c. Cotton firmer: mlddlirix at Inc. Flour active; extra family at 15.50. Rye at We. Provisions I active sad higher. Pork 01.50. Bacon 152,18e15m bulk meats lia.l74llre. Lard Inge. Hares: sugar cured 54) r. Whiskey Mdladelptal. Parr..arreunni, Jab- 21.—Trade In bread stuffs tuts fallen off. Floor-10erflue_$5.7' extras RI; spring wheat do 1.6.50 , 37.50. Whea t quiet; Penna. red WO. Rye advancing; West ern $1.12: Penna. #1.14. Petroleum excited; crude 17c; refined ?...bc. Whisky quint: western In bond MS. 17=1, ToLxod,Jul7lll.—klour quiet. Wheat quiet. and fade lower; No. 1 white Wabash *144; amber Mictdran 11.40; No. 1 red Wabash /I:40 41.17 X; No. ! do. $1,40; amber DllllOll 1140. Corn dull and 4Ko lower: N 0.2 Ece. pan dull and .'ec lower; No. 1 Lac. ' • Memphis.' Mratruts..76,2s - 2L—aatton nominal; receipt. 112: bales, exports 77. Flour firm and adran& Inc superfine Id. Cora $l.lO. Oats 00c. limy Bil=. Bran 21e. Pork S:C.SO. Bacon Maui ehoalders I.5Xe, elde. 1416ia1eXe...• New 0ct..,.. Nicw OwrzAmu. July 21.—Cotton le quiet and steady. with Wen of mlddllus nt 1:4:147,1(e. Seden app bales: exports, 1,087 ;404 on band. 54.1)01 bales, • I]] = my ND PITTEIU 14441LROAD COUPANT. Jl-8 cars I core . Shosuberger, B & Co; do do, Jones &122 do do. Chess. 41.14 Co' 2 do d 0.3 Painter &lion:6 do do.Mcifillght &Co; 10 do pfg Iron.l car bloorucHlrnick & Co; 1000 ft lumber, Cromlow & doz brooms. Volgt, M A OT 50 bribe shovels, J WoodwellA Co; 2 cars Ice, Wm Scott 41: CO; 11,003 ft lumbar, It C Clarke & Co; 1 car stone, J 1, L Knox, 111 6 Rio floor. Schomaker & L; 5 Pkgs olgars6l o `• lac t ltl o cist bbl., bills. szer; 3do la, k oars y Lynch; 8 boo cheese-8 &J Kerr; 10 bbdo shoulders. X X Pried; 1 bbl eggs. /1 Rea. Jr; 1 do do. 11 Poet:, 30 bdis chair. (1 0 Hammer & Son; 10 bbls dour. P Duff A Nom 21 boo cheese, Watt...l.. & Co; 16 do do, Coe ut Co: 1 bz. sausage. Ca rter, .11cOrew A bbl. potatoes, Volgt, & Co; Son ; rs. T 111 Young & Co:1 bbl eggs, P Duff A 18 bzscheese. Wll , Klrtpittrick. prrnocoNom Pony WAT 'AN CllwAorl Maniman. July :3.—.100 tibia lllD door, TJenklos Jiro; 1 r iron, T"Maloney; 131 bbls flour. Culp dr 8 ; 100 do do. Schornaker & L: 1 car scrap Iron, A Halle. 15aki tia, B L Lovestock K 1 car oats, Ban 6211 C. 64 Cmansks ram Frio zler, MA Cu; bbl. dour, 0 W McClure; 3) do ttino ° ll;: a r r AvtTi 110 boo cheese. Watt. L & Cot 35 do do. Jlll Dil worth & Co; M du do, Carter. 51c13 & Co:'so do do, Dilworth HA Co' 21 slug MOM*. °Pilau= 1 4 baler tow. hauler A Oka rye, McCul , lough B & Co; 335 u bbl, E C Burk. l P rrummuni= CIUMASAYI AND CT: . LODI. i 4 ,,Ml t t&July Tl.-100 bbls, flour. &gaffer & y i n a ln a dt 0 Prance; 1 1 car graln. d oe. Stoll Jr . 2o , 4 . cf.42 . 4 P E St i hi m d; 10 eases 3 odo. J P depia9 sks oass. 4 do TANI. H Hes Jr. 2 churns 34 W Rankin firm 24 boas stool. oill & 50 Ho y Doper. PO Paper Mast co. 24 clot o ts 8 Hood; .1 bbls d twer. Daizell as T:2l d n O 4, es E Owens; al tcs lard, WEI ° - _ ALM/DENY VALIJCY IiAILIIOAD. July IX. mdse. J Munhal. 1 de do. Morgaustern & Co; 450 rally Rlt Iron. C & P ft It; 2 cars I storm, Bboenberger BA Co: 1 bbl. butter, 1 do egg., L J Illancherd: 1 cur outs.. W McKee & Ca ; do f brick, Hussey, W & Co; 50 cars coal, Kier,. A K; 40 dodo, Armstrong. D & Co:1 car tar, L °peahen:fen ' - !Aiggrirry STATION July 21.-10 boa tnbac e% W- If Park: 0 bbls apples, J Herbert:34 sits , 0 Blair, 6 bbl. apples, W C Armstrong; 12 sks rags.. ? 13 Jones: lot a - wars. Jos Craig: do do, ft et A Carson: 1.11 sts oats.ll do rye, S C McMaster& 40 bbl. dour. Adams a Knox: 24 hides. lerckcamp A Co:2 cars cooperage, .1 M - Hemphill: 4 do lea, 51 Kreps. PLIABLE; P. STIIIMIT, %_1 • Carpenter and Builder, ya l t g o zzc ay .ttend ry ! g.. v0 . b 1 b 4 . 4 , „ Vztn . .... twar ,r.M bete! PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1870 RIVER NEWS: The" river wan about stationary last evening with 'J feet f inches in the chan nel. Weather close and cloudy, with . . .every appearance of more rain. . The Belle arrived and 'departed as unci al. She WHO sonufortunate as to knock her chinineYa down by coming. in, contact, with the bridge at Williamsport. It did not prevent her from leaving ion time, , however. 't The Mary Davage is loading for St. Louis, and will leave on the first water. I —A - special from St. Louis to the. Cin cinnati UuzeUe rays: On Sunday last F. M. Clayton and Mart.Burnhani, pilots of the steamer Nstchez,published-a card de. u...,iag John Kay, who was on the steamer Natchez as correspondent of the liepubliain during the bite race as a •ftvill. ful falsifier, a pad ured scamp, and not worthy the confidence of a cur dog." This card grew out of certain strictures by. Mr. flay on the piloting of the Natchez. Mr. Kay yesterday Sled a petition in court for twenty thousand dollars' damages against Clayton and Burnham. i His petition us tans that he wrote acdhing willful or nialiclouily false against the defendants, and then reeitek a number of 'instances (1 Where the )f, ilets lost time by stops, backs., rennhig ii own wheel, groandleg, dm., all of which noted ignorehce of the river, or was th result of carelessness. Kay asserts tinl he does not wish to make tummy out of this atilt, his sole purpose being to vindicate his character, and, Ho an earnest of ithis, ho his appointed John B. Weaver to receive 'lie amount of any judgment which may be rendered In his favor, and appropriate it to the bene fit of .the orphan children of deceased steamboatmen of tit. Louis. —The St. Louis Demvcrist •sayo: The transportation of Iron ore from cerondelet to points ma the Ohio above ',New -Albany 6 ending for the present, aura will not be resumed until the enlarged canal at Louise rifle shall be opened for trifthro The steamers INV ild Duck and beiges,' Fair Play and barges; and. Exchange, : wilNall leave the Carondelet to4tty by the hour of noon with ore, the last to g o through the canal before . IX le closed, and in order to get there before the • closing -they will snake no ' unnecessary halt on the way. —The St. Louis.Dentecrat says.: Capt. Tom Calhoon of tthe steamer Sallie, we are Informed, has gone to Pittsburgh to assume Otutuand of the large aide wheel steamer building for Capt. Stockdale of the St. Votis and New Orleans trade, and which will be completed in October. flu. morn to the contrary, the Sallie- has not hero sold the $20,0f10 or $25,000,. nor any , °Wel' .11.11. St. Louis telegram says the Natchez n.rrived Ittire this morning. Her run to Natchez was made lu 19 hours and 80 minutes with . 20 landings. She made 50 landings betwcen New Orleans and St. Louis, dud arrived here in.-1 days 9 hours and -27 zubMites. She left new Orleans with -over 100 passengers. which number was increased to 150 ou the way, and she brought nearly 100 here. ' —The new barge J. T. Burdeau is at New Orleans tier dimensions are as fol. lows : Length 209 feet 4 inches, breadth of beam 40 feet, and had a depth of hold ii feet 0 inch.. Her Custom-house measfire ment Is Ign 73.100 Was, bash° will be able to carry 1,700 tons of frtight. —A duck hand named Simoon Love on 'lewd the United Stated snagbost J. J. Abate:via killed tie sun-strtike at Mound - tittYlitst Sattaxasi. The thermometer wee 99 degrees In the shade: —lt was rumored on the ertreete in >fern phis t•i' itarria,y that Mat 31214, Frink flicks, :Cat Green, Larry Irmeistud and Dick I..ightliouse had bought the erteaniers C. IS. Church and M. J. Wicks. • —..-V":barge' of coal in tow of . the J. 31 r.,:barp, going tip Red River. struck an ob otruetion and sunk a few' days ago.., —Mr. 11. C. McCann bought tbo Golden Era at United States Marshal's sale, Saturday, at New Orleans for $l,lOO. The. Wheeling packet IL It. iludisau lee; laid up on account of low water.. ntrowiro Ow luvait Pisiestreatl. Biowarruzg an, Unties Ptcerr tknesserr. July 18.-70 eke oats. EN Stepbees; 3 bb la whiekey, C Roberts; 11 buckets berries. A T Crosdale; 136 bugwheat. 10 biro out. W & Co; 21 eke oats. 0 B Floyd .Co; 16 ski oats. Ern yk H: 6 bre rye.' 3teCul. lotgb Bs Co: bbiserkleky. J-91 U; MO eka oats. LH Colmar; 43 *beep. 16 — CoCos; 22 ska wbest, P Du ff & :ion; 22 bee w e.. 0 , Sclantrtr,ll6.6 better. IP. 31 each. ',heat.l3/ oats. McCracken. Mak Co; 590 Ell .ctoeurare. 11 E Rregiumen; 19 aka ' , sliest. J' Litrettt a Ca 33 bble whisker. Si do flour. A H.Carltole. I 0 r.c'Evc eon Etrixs. July 21. -43 eke oat., Grebes: it 31: 2 Les c. McCrseken. (1 & Co:1 ta mdse. P Sbriver* Co: Mt gen* 4tOtlecAre. J H Paktterscat:=l du do, Muore 140: 5 2 eke wheat, 15 du oats, do erooL.W jtWelch & Cu: HA do oats . J H Cel/11 2 Was eggS. W Raskin:olog E N Ptepbees; 1 Mal whiakey. R Elwood. 71 boots vegetables. It ..McKeett. RIVER PAC TS MVEII TUE FLEET STEAMER E „,4l=p e BELLS, t r. tikl' c a Cosamaader. Gest. Independent Pittibargh, Brownsville and Gentta Packet. I_s y 7 " 1. tSITY B . 711 I.i .9 t " t ri " a m ' t VA' RDA ii r7 "Art - ~c any Fneleit lee Pwsoment el pacts°. agr.o ir bowti....t vnr9 WM. IicELROY .1 CO. Avant. •sThauffinaps. CULN_L-X.IRD • LINE. Thol3tlttah uld North Asnottean florid Mon Btoonohlp, bemoan Now Tolima.] Llrortaol. =lnn( at Cork Harbor. f SCOTIA. ITEDNEBDAT..Vy 7: tiIiRIA.II.II:BEDAY. 1/L - - IB RIA. 1 ~ NATIONAL LINE. 6 1.A.r . .gic; ralLgica p a . Fßt . NCE: T d Ir; oiler Ihter.ior . . , P" Irlal Y : ' rCOBIlICII. WA) Pat= storitt ' d SlAtMotio. "1"0 LIVERPOOL AND .QUEENS JL TOWN.—TIM INMAN NAIL ST EA sutre. raombertneartattp elan vane* szoom tlipm the oelebt. .tatl CITYS T NI.EItz. CITY dr R. EVERY gATI:44I/1/, from rior43l( ork- /or promo or rorlbor Worms- WILLIAM I3INGINAM, Jr., 143 4;111L11.1Y1113.1.35TR337. LEGAL TN THE COURT OF QUARTER SE* • MONS of Allyttutny county. N 0.14. Deeiznber Tam; 11970 Notice le Imirebre•eisthnttbereport in Vt.. en in the abOy• csm. Fit piwented to Coart Sad tiled 701 y 7. ID7O. nail - 0,117=0 NW.b bowebs +Deplete .I , eas azeoptlooi ive died thereto within tm thuo J. Oa WiIItREAS UTTERS TESTAMEN. TART to the Estate of WILLIAM MM. RIOS'. We of Ipf.b ward of the city of.PiUeburah., deo 0, baring been mated to the eubeeribers. = h it= U P: "l et7=l: h" Vr ad eani thaw deinatuts against the estate of the Wu deoodant wale known the tame without delay to • MARGAIIZT_MIERRQN. Zuwentrix, W. C. AVO N ULNIV Diamond IL Executor. o. 7 meet. Prrrearkon. Jew S. 187 . Ica:fa:Pm TY THE MATTER OF OPENING AIKEN(' LABE. In the City of 'Plttabutab• taloa Is hendayelven thattheassessatentemd• by tbe viewers. In tbe opening of Maw . 6, lee modified by the Chem.) Is now la toy hands for t1166410n, aid that the wane be not P•l4 wlthie hirty day. from the data hereof liens will be hied therefor modest the properties guessed. with to. termt. Opel mad feat; sad - the same oelleeted hf leoi • . I. r. 'MAULS, City Attorney'. • Juir 1%11470. .1.13 A DMINISTRATOR'S 'NOTICE.- 1.1.. Where.. Lettere of Adonnirteetion to the estate of IJAVID KuTT.late of the Borough heof litruanottetn, deceased, hove been granted to t' hobeorlbor.ell persons Indebted to the meld e.tato .15 - requentao to make hornentatn.wymenfn nod those bihrtng Clangs Or flinnande ihrillnet Moneta** of the 6.,,wwt, wol•nteheitnoon the wane :without dotty to iCREIIAN Adult t • .1113 I.,7mon.l4..Bleintultbam. F.XECUTOR'S , ItOTICE. Letters tenementary . p 10,2 the Meets of 11BER. AIIDT 6LLWANGVER.. late of Alleallao.7.Cnt. dee'll. nee Iter been granted to the tridetelipted nu persona 0014 entsteimorootwit t a to make I.:medial* mid end an Demons he ding claim. wawa *state tO present the same. duly atnnentlatted fur settlement. to WRITE a SLAGLE, Attorneys. N 0.106 fif th avenue, put. blg, wat. T. ISLLWANOER. Executor. - IThRIED PEACHES.-4 bblo for mile br . • 1. p. carrntuo.. t .~?~z:i.~ ter' $ <„, _...~.[, ry~~iu~.E< d ~~u~ ~„~ ~fy `r ~ r :~ ~ .~ SPECIAL NOTICES. . . _ a`DOCTOR WHITTIER CONTIN. WM TO TAZAT ALL PRIVATZ Di& MAW& That numerms class of ma. nadir./ from eettsdouse, producing thonardnesa. nervous en:prom seminal sonimionat Mad Madly tmpotener permanently cured. Persona alllictad with delipme. Intricate politelyc. Manding conatttutional oomplithata invited is, Wirer ommultatlon. which rude nothing. Eric dance. the , beet of teachers, has enabled him to Perfect remedies M. once ofildent. YU, permanent. . and which ha most Wet can be need without hind rance to holiness. Medicines prepared to the es tablishment. which embrace' office, reception and waiting Toot= also boarding and sleeping spar meats Tor parmate rworxxxx deli &Moir Mut. and vapor and chemical baths, thus comma =the tuned Mineral eicthis. No matter who a/led. state your save. Mead what be astys his pamphlet of My pxxxe, sent to any addresa for two stamps In sealed enveloPe. Thouands of masa aurally, at offs. and MI over the country. Conssi person:ol7 . ot by mall. Office No. W vl3trect, mar Court !louse) Plttehunch Pa. m. r • x. runuy. ix x. m ,y, Pimp et 'ant Lo any Adm.. for Two ma...rat [Cf . DYSPEPSIA-NEW MODE OF TREAT*V:T.. PROFY.SSOR WALKER. the dlstlnguilthed Eng lish 13otanlet.diocovered In A nteulhi ux. excellent Botanic Lever effectual cure for Indigestion, wd omPlalet.. end ...womb.' the name to the 2hil.delphis Botanic Institute. The Secretary will, en application, forward free to 11 this Ite t form l itclety who Makes this an nouncement will not Make any Charge bit this recipe, the object being to deninnetrate the on riority of &Mini° over every practice medicine. but in return request th ose who benciltted to forward to the Society a atateme of their case, and thua nid with facts tho prow t movet In medical reform. , Endo. a dire ct O entel men wa to the - SECRETARY OF TIIE TANIC INSTITUTE. - 818 Lionthl 15th street. Pidiadelnhia. letiya - 11r.ILLSHOOD .'HOW LOST! 110 W RESTORED -Just Pnbllahed In a sealed NATURAL Prlce,six cents. A LECTUREON TILE NATURAL TLLKATISENT.ond Radical Cure of SPermatorrhont, or Seminal Wcalutem. and Inapedi- MOMS to Marriage generally; _Nerrousnese. Cot.- ..mutton, sod Fits; Monte/ and Phytthel lecupadte. ff., by ROLM. J. CULVERWEIA., Li. O. author of the ''Oreen Wok," .tc. i'A SOON TO THOUSANDS OF surrisitExs.“. Kent roller seal. Ina plain envelope. to we addle.., imattld.. on meelpt of Mx cents. Or two postage wimps, to CIIAS:J. C. KLINE A CO.. 111 :Bowery. Now York, Fo•toedvarbox 45Sli. Also Dr. Cutverwelle "" . illarnage Guide." Guide __' — BATCHELOR'S IIAIIt HTE.-- •ort'd. Thl. l::l; n .4l„T. l ,fgr, e It? contain lead. nor wy vreAtiC Pelmo to Prod.. Pmmlysie or death. Avoid the vaunted and dein‘fitrorirt.tht.'.ll=ol9serle:4' V;tO",Z. had 30 years untarniihed reputation b. imbold Re. Integrity w the only Perfect lbw Dye-Mach or , Prow... Sold by all Druggists. Applied at .16 Bond street. N_ 's_ fur rr.7-AvoAD 31211h.—.1 V iCtiM 'Ur early Ind lom ction.cen.lnp nervous debility. premature dewy. itc.. haying tried In von every dvertised remedy, has discovered wimple lawns of gelfoure. width he . id rend free to hi. sufferers. J. K. ILL/EVES. JellVeaT 78 :000au amt. New York City. FINANCIAL. Allegheny Savings Bank, =9 ORGANIZED IN Its4s FITOCICITOLIIEIL9 INDIVIDUA.IYABLY. Deposits received and Oyer cent. al t oed tm tlme deposits. Pan IMAM' tate lotion given lueoilections. and proceed. promptly remitted. • Discount days: MONDAY and YHVH , DA Y. • . Jame. 1.. tinturn. Jahn Ben, A. Moore, Welot-oh. - D. DeLlnven. ' Andrew c4lO. S. II Oelrer. • JAMES L. OHAIIAM, l'njAtleut. JOHN lE. RIDDLE. ale DIAMOND SAVING RANK, No. II DIALIO.IsIL Prrut 'Ron. CAPITAL. SIOCK.BoyDnis ItiLIVIDUALL LIA LE. Deposit. to anon of 111...1 up Pr& nrcolved Intuott allowed OP Wm do;x4lte. Particular at trilol 11. m Oren to P ootlattlour. pro .m of which w to atted rOMPL I 3 , ••• • • IntLicTOna: JiMM. M . . Coppfor. t ....brxh ru liarri.e. Lutes J. 11.1111.4, , Andre L. Itobitsc.on, is. 1 Ind.. 1 I. Wid thela. I li. P. - twler, .1 ~. . .. V.. I),Cooper. tcrktl.Wfil.4lMll , . i Tradesmen's National Bank, WOODS STREET, fORNE6 SECOND AVE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Gold, Coupon Boob to Mork =1 M7:411 ALLEGI-IE , TY NATIONAL . ANK, or patsbui.,,, ,i„. LE. F . l - 1 , 141 .A. , - E.:1%. ; 1:1;.. Vapiini 5t , rek....... - 00,000. Ar I. ~ COOL .. ti C i E. W. .M.ACILEY. aahlosi eaku. W. MoCIALNDLE Ann. Oatl:Wrir. • NEW YoltK'.3 rf"E),!1 1 E 1 4k2 1 .1T4112 1 ... ea bay. day tuned 11 • %larger the naiad of Y14()Ii. & (' o. 5 Br-ou traingetlon ot a ',corral rantial button, negotiating •11' MR. JOHN Br Al special partner:having einto to the common stock. We tate this opportantly of timer, of the eh:terra for lr pu r of soliciting a eentinoilhace of their We *Le Offer oar sere.. to till, • 11 licit their bashiess In the perci so ssentlttes dealt In at the Net Gold Exchange. foopens and Irtvldends collected. Intent allowed on deposts. Under, by Wall or Trlcyreph pliteloilly executed . TAYLOR. PElt JOHN MEV. • • Refer b Itemise ~to: to Pint Nattonel Bank, Pittebargh. CENTRAL No. 35 Ban r= 112333 Bank of Discount STOCKHOLDERS INDIC Interest Allowed on Collections ed. In all the • United Meter and Caikadea. mgrmsq: 4 JAM * Elloetas. t. JULI A LEH. JA 1M WAL TE JA BROW R. PAN. J.l. • JA IV. 6 tttiVA 11UNNINOn. A aptlreatterr 'WHOLESALE GROG; B. &o. ESTABLISHED BY A. k T. BODILY, 151?. _ _ .... - W. M. GORMLY, Wholesale Grocer, 271 LIBERTY STREET, Mimesis opposite rattle notel.) _ FlTTsEtUtti)ll. ' PA. ;ii.. STEila, - lA. FTELLE. _ 'IN.L STEELE Sr, SON, • Commission Mercluu!ts, , - 7 zrotro WritTeßiar"i egllritt -_-''.7. -c-iir_____...:______ .___ Meanor & Harper, VLOULL DRAIN AND PRODUCE Commiegion Merdhants, No. 3919 LIBERTY ff 7 / 1 1:i17. , ossiismoseste solicited. '''' se? 9LAGLB,- : ay AtUrstey W. C.. Armstrong, (Seopmbe to ToUfa ArontroorJ PRODUCII COMIIIIBBION. MERCILINT, gotta, No. 23 iIARICKT STREET. L. J. BLANCHARD, I , , Wholesale and Mall Grocer, N°96 PENN, STILE ET. ..pts • I AlenTLE_,_ _ BAIRD & PATTON, Whole. SALE san.oczunCoansdaldcn Xerehdata and a In Produos , hoar. Bacon. Cnassaanakt. ,111 and lard OH, Iron. Nails, Glam. fm, Tarns and alj 'Munoz/a Manufac , nrea truansllr. 111% and 114 SZOOND STIINET. Piti.b • h. - MIN T. N. //CUSS. _TORN 1. HOUSE &BROS., Successors to .10112( 1 ROCHE Wh01...1e aryl Comattation )(Amhara., roma of jr. arel.Water rT[TT.t.uraft. 701121 • J. WALLACJI. HIPTON Thol WALLACE '4I§(NIMBUS AND PRODUCE( DEA D , N o . lzth avenue. Plttebunth. 50Q Ilb.'4Lat'rePtle "Tdranit. Pint tn.. SVPAII;:WoI4I.rtIn 1191111111. ..1-nceaqoua... • AIIERICAN BANK, 1.70. so -Fourth Averse, • NITTSBURGII CASH CAPITAL 1100.000 Stoikbelders Individually Liable. BANE OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FIOYD, WM.? Mat President 'Has. Id. Yank W . ww7ll, M. Mattland. Wet. T. Shannsi. • , Arelillald Wallace. James W. AMU. . Jas. D. Kai. Ctas. B. 1.4.00111. Wm. IL - 10),s. John nay& Collecthms madeon WI points hi the Vetted States and Canada. Prompt attatallon paid to cot re9poodatutiL • CITY BANK, 112 FIFTH AVENUE. PITTSBURGH. PA. • CAPITAL ' • 1100.000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEpOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, bought and sold. and madedesired remitted ill Emmy.. Collections made on all and In all the peincipd Niels of the titltedittates . and Constlat.. • •PrHldeal. .lAXES 11cCABE. pe,,,gek a a, W. N. hl ROAN. Caahler. I , lltErrollu It. Mute, ' Ja mes cthibe. Thomas Math Keating. patriot Kane. . Terence (.I.tupbell. Chas. B. Barr. James Mel., Ct.. Muth', . 11. A.Freyvegle, FL J. (Aram Thomas thanes. N. Miner. • DIAS • JOS. M. GAZZAM. Sollcttou FREEHOLD BANK ANI) BUILDING ASSOCIATION, No, leo Fourth Ave.. Pittsburgh. PRITII.EU E. • 1483:828: DEPOSITORS SECURED BT REAL ESTATE AND INTEREST ALLOWED OR TIME DE POSITS. President—EDWAßD HOVSE. tike Presldentwl. & CRAFT. ADAM J ACOBS. ,11M770101 . EDWARD DOUSE, WILLIAM JAMES S. CRAFT. RODE. W. MA.CMET, THOMAS STEEL. JARED 31. BRUSH. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Seer Mary end Tromarter—TlEJMAS STEEL. AsAlstant llashier—LAMAS P. SPEER. Office hours from o'clock a. ... to 4 o'clock P.M. WT. and ov cry Saturday evenlog Iron. 7 to 10. „nivlive3l • ('OAINIERUIAL • . _ BANKING COMPANY, No. N Fourth Ave.. Pittsburgh. • CAPITAL . • 4200,000 • Stockholders Individuallaiable.. W. U. EVERSON, W. C. MACRUM. President. L lob Cashlor. ninkCVO AEX I ANDER BATES, JOHN LLWBAL. A. IL ENGLISH. D. S. MACRE!! W. U. EVERSON v oinatos. W. cr.n co wad. F.l4,A:ug . JACOB KI.EE. ' Collections made on all accoseblo point. of the Dulled States and. Caned.. • INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS. Prompt ettentlon Elven to all bestow...of coma. Emden.. TH E THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Of Pittsburgh: volt TITS =MI Safe Keeping of Valuable, =I Fire atil Burglar-Proof Vaults, :No. 83 Fourth Ave. Mil m =l - Waloc ialte 111= • %%Item Bent, Lloyd, William Be., • Genes. Blnek. RUB= M. 14tt.., ' Curtis U. Itusaay. Jos. I. M. exld F. VON BONNMBLVT. 1. 1 715..u.1.9 4 ?..1. 4, FlAit'r, CA UCTHEY & ca. =ICUr;MMM W. C#XBIItL. PI IYpid•n4 CT HES CLA It IC E. J. CANLICI, CORNER FORT!! AND . WOOD STREETS. =1 ExChange, Coin, Coupons, And partisan, attention pattl to the purchase tad sale of "ritiVri a utttal poannt, and • Ite4 partnanann ' ..)()PEII a government Bonds Litt Draughts on London. .41 all N. Holmes & Sons , B kIN KEE _ . 5'7 Market Street, PITTSI,3IJ t RGII, PA. I pa , u , VZ . Kalil. of STOW, TAOS AND OTHER SECURITIES, /100_11r1 . ANI Nll.l, ON IOMMI2BION. MEE UM • Led $3O Ono . &e i king the en.. gv o ngiate and 11 , -d=l :l 3 'ft rk Nark Yad.lculnr attention road t•. M. onechlue and Went United Stites Sectd•ities JaX/34 NK ck, B 1 MORGAN, KEENE & MARVIN, W all Streot, $lOO.OOO T •n 6 De sit. UALLY LIABLE. 'me De oils: . • (Third door huto Ehadisar. , !SEW TORE. ISOCVNWMIZrier—I ' VoII.M numest • • A Gener al ßanking Business. THEO. It. MORGAN. - SAMUEL 8.• KEINE, BELDES E. MARVIN. Masa ParmaartGeneral and Adjutant General of thalltete of New Yoral Helm. ID Metre mediate vicinity of the Stook Ex change and the Gold Board iandmembers of mull. unarm ars elrehrpl with the greatsat small:de des. mash. Herellanto and Inve•tore, Hyingat e - diatance, can rely upon cur attention to their 'smalleat largest orders, with eq ual care and promptness. .10 As to ream put. eeal *almi, so trussed businerm of frhtiOnal Bank. red CorporoUone on the mokt favorable terms. entrt Cifies the 1;IP011 . lIENNIi t 01 Rua S op _AN. Elre t c'ei` • • • Proftdont. • ier. I 1. bier. • •• • • Itsual and Trust CovaPanits. onntemplating • ins• In their •ecurltlee. or desiring to make Input , " ramosening any elnameMO tattoo.. Nei I:%nays to this elty are Invited to aossannedeste in commonly or by letter. Soterance—blossra. Jay Csvolvo Co„ C, New Yoe,. 72517 M FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Burlingto 1, Cedar Rapids & Minn sota R. L Co, We are 'WI ul!ferlan a limited yawtlt7 for gab At 90 and Interest. latermt payable Nlejarid November. INMAN TISIMIPSION.) OLIABLEs 'moor. • i - lble at lb eop d tfi Y ir a r Ida the '' of t etu C lirtroZAlN tfitt&Tqlg P=, venlblllty prlvll at bed to *se boo& m eet fall to muse t am at no distant day to poem. semsd • market psi tionsiderebly stare Der. b edeesltaf lad ebeitt .per cent. correper. futereet tae . S. !Ivo-twenties at proient pride. only morn qpt. , and we reward the The equally IP , greeterpart nodthe Wane. of Tbe establiehed Y It does tbrongh Petted mot richest lowa. together etl Dort and buss sere inlay Deeeninionir In every reipect, lIENR Y DORM 6. CO., S. MeCLCAR phuao KURTZ & VARD,PboAlelphia. DARKER, H & CO., Phllader DeRAVEN.& RO., TOWDRIDD, CLEM& CO.,PA d i eledv. JIM • Bankers and Brokers, Pittebargh. I'a 7 Per Cent. Gold Coupon r Registered, =1 =3==l.l EIXIMM the road is aireadyeampliddd he work Ls rirlf PrOaisaalvia. • ander of t la road. ranntog he heart of the most thickly portion of the great State of its preset advanced condi ! CZ bend. i ri 1 170: "" V, heidnebted silianrity. CLEWS bc CO., It 'Wall ,trtet, New York ,:': ENGPTES, FORT Boiler, - Sti WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER =I • • BOX CYI Oa. STILLS AND OIL TANKS; 44 . 17. ' 172 . 1 1 1 , 17.8 1 ,E? 'A LM . PL Y D A- n :c DEMERS, STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IR ON LINDX:E.N, PRISON DOORS AND COAL SIIIITM. OFI'leG AND WAAL:IIOI29E l iv, Per. 2d. 3d, Short and berty Streeta, P HOHOU . PA. N251T1142971A tt! "la_ = HUGH M. BO I. E & CO, ('or. Point Alley and aqueitte St., Ivo addrwm till b 0.1015:143 NEAR TILE ALNIT.) Engine Builder c Folinders Am) MACHINISTS. Manutertnro STEAMBOAT ENOiNEB we STA TIONERY FNUINES of ell Alen. Special ottrotion Invited o our net. !MATSON- Ally OIL WELL EI•It/INE AND ORTAELE BOILER of J 5 bone Prover. CASTING 8f every kind, made to older./ our Fovendry,ou TI ro MID STEEL r, belovr Mork/ MOB for OS Weis. !WAFTING. INTIJ .58. HANDERS. HOUSE and — OI3ACCO SCR WS. end IRON TOBACCO PIILIIEM ot, ban One mnde to order, et Um • • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, r Il) rr=nir rd. Au.gbe r Hirer. nal. th e *Ma, r{TAll order; promptly Bed. TRY VS. , • Riesicic. i -, BTo:, iI L FIRE Ala. DUI AM-PROOF SAFES iAN c VAULTS, . . NG DAMP. MOULD. ENGINES AND ACHINEItY . BREWERY WORK, REPAIRING imd_PITYTING LIP MACHINERY, HYDRAULIC CEMENT. Co. nerl7th wad PIKE STREY.TB, PlttaburEb, P. nolE4r O'HARA BOII,ItR.WORKS F. REPHAN. & CO., ISsnotactuters ni STEAM BO ILERBOTI, TANKS. STILLS. A y GIT, SALT yANFLGABOYE EIKT N - rRISON DOORS, • eIf.L.MNEI - 8. B “RE BEDS. for: of Serond Avenue and Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. Ho 4 °." rqmpur. emery to the promptly attensent ex, lonnerly Idesager at CAILBOLL a °also. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS: NATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe Works. Corner Carroll sad Smallman Sreets INtNIIIVIARDJ , Prrnounon, PA. - WA/. SMITH MANUFACTURER OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, GAS AND HATER WORKS. ". hill issaartment of canon.' . Castings for Gas and Water Works would aloovalltheattention ettperlntendenta 01 G. Wm. to rny mate of HILTONS& W. J ANDERSOII U. A. YRETTOOLS. MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO., )11...fikat i m 144.11TdistnIC FRO ILLS. gs. Castings of all Deoriptions. eiNT'As"ll,%"`: (r . 4.'r ac iita r 2l. Rouses. OrrICZ AST FOUNDRY—NO. ]SO' WATER BT.. Pittabuegb. ROBINSON, REA & CO. Romfiwrs to Born ow. M!XIS MILLI! WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS St MACHINISTS. PITTSBUHOEL anuforers of Boat an4 S 11,...f b n a . act Wan Itary Stein" n.- of aUdeantronaMintra Office No. lAT,E=Firlt ` " tv iv id:. 74 6 t a z t... i g r ar, mars PATI 441:63 THOS. CARLIN & COi { • Fourth Wird Foundry & Machine Works fIaNDUBICT ST4 w7.I.IiI3HENY CITY. PA. Zdanufatinrera of. Stationary . and Portabtggans lOngtoso., _0 Pr.., Pulleys. Eth= dat i and sag Mil Work. RoUbmg MB and Grata Bata. Walghts. Wagon Hamm do. IInUM order and Mom on hand Ka:Low of WI Mash Phee l / 1 1/X_ Roll Foundry. LIBERTY. AND 94711 61*. BOLLMAN & BAGALEY. ' Maradactassra of flaroertor Chill Rolls, Sand ,Rolls and Pinions. BRASS OASTtNGSr urany GUSTAV)! &ASCU Henry Bier & Co., (Ouncooaors t, JOHN It. OGOPPER & CO.. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Brass Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. BIALXM..II gir o IRON MigitEt SA . /lAD YA.LYRS. ALL Otte_tfg PA way IRO 8 ... a RVZRY DRSCHUTION for frivdra y T c= p i t t? A l/IPROVZD AIIiNTS of DRRYFV9 . PATZNIC OILERS. like Imot In the mutat. OFFICE ARTWORK!! Comm Thirteenth and Pike Streets. ATWOOD & McCAFFREY Corner Linnyry Manse and Tiono . Avenri. Pitteburge, Pe.. BRASS FOUNDERS mid IRON PIPE FITTERS sad AORNin for A;.S. CAMEISON 0011 STEAM PUMPS AND BLOWER& ' U .k, a=3 p EARL STEAM FLOUROG M. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO., =I Mannfantarer• a the following walebratad brands ot a gig YuriaVATionVg P " ab l Var• Punt y r that etyma entire aauslaction. Enmity, - ;llL . a of tyw warran rrs ted an represented '. A1.111211' 1870. '• • • p,`, $:1 I____LLSta.,l-pityy2.4;tl L. H. 71..F0N . ' • FULTON & - Itt'GANTI • i ~ ... . , .. Pyactical Pli:pciibers,. , • exiisTrast I-m=4' ' : ' • Futi ..,e4.. Dear Wjb Bt . t. Plitaintrelo4. lwed: a lt d ..t Hern(ilas Pl:tam. Kinks. A i r: ISTab= uts 13tolds= Ms:l b at eue lel agar mud .v .1. oa. Mu stal /imam. IMBS promotaitttanded el , . . RON,IIND. STEEL. CRESCENT Tank STEEL WORKS. MILLE; BARR &PARKIN, OFFICE: No. 339 I.llserty street. tur.•&.‘4 , PI CTII3LIIGII PA. DUQUESNE WORKS, Coleman, Rabth &Co., I=l IRON, NAILIi, STEEL. Axel acid Springs DUqUESNE, L IAND JUNIATA • PLAT BAIL DOVND AND SQUARE IRON, BAND 1100P,_SHEET AND TANK IRON, BOlLiflt PLATES AND HEADS, GOA D IRON, DRAG AND DRuPPER BARS. FLANGES, CUTTER BARS, CYLINDER IRON, T AND FLAT RAlA.,tpr Cool Fl..cad,, CROISBAIDLWEDGIagiaIIAII.ROW TEETH, SPRING. PLONY_ANDC ULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL tITLNGS AND 31 ULUS,cut to ptarn, STEELTIRKS, STEEL SHAFTING, A /3 STEEL, COACIL• BUGGY. cod WAGON eramos una /ULM, CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. 111 Goods First Class and Warranted den A.ND WORKS-10th street end Alla Oen, hives. sad 77 Water street_ Pittsburgh. rshb Pittsburgh Steel Works, E§TABLIeIIED IN IF4 3. ANDERSON WOODS, I=l Best Refined Cast Steel OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. ALSO. Best Refined German Plow S Spring Steel. b,r4.11, "656 AND FIRST AVILNU,E,..,Mita.. .Novelly WorkB. F0UNDED...L.1).1833: MOORHEAD yams & co , I=I7I=O7I,BIOIMATTIP4' SCALES. Janus Nuant Patent Door Loeb and Latchaa. Paint and Coffee NUb Owner of FIRST AV.ENUR and GRANT ESTEI., Ptttabonth. Pa. Sheffield Steel Wcirks, SINGH, NIMICK _& CO., rirrsnutuan, PA, ' • . Manufactwers ter every deterlpo , 3liVl Cast and German Steel, RAILWAY SPRINGS,.; KLLIVTIC AND PLATVuItAIIiPRLYGE, AXLES. STEEL TIRE, Ac., WA 11E110E8E-03 Water end 10010.W.Attatc BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & Manufacturers of all Descriptions of STEEL. • DEVICE and WAREHOUSE-30UL 31.1 and Retread streets. Pittsburee. • STOVES, CASTINGS, Ao COOK STOVES. Get the Best BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMP-H., For liitumiuou's Coal Warranted to COOK. BASE et BOAST *AI re ani other Stove In the thtlOn. - BISSELL & C0.,.pr0.. 235 Liberty Street. ALSO. ON ISLAND AND FOR SALE: 7pAlmo6 frrovra. REATINO From', ORATE FRONTS. FENDERS, COOKING RANGES. A. BRADLEY & CO, • No. 30 Wood , Street, Manufacturers of the Oreatest Vari o COOS. PARLOR and HEATING STOVES to t e found. VSZSUI.V.IMIV6L'TgA!" the t i re . ta T A: Itort of our Stores Is loch that any one In want a • gots] ankle should purchase none but Ltrusantam. Mack:red br as they will fonnd the met du. Mole as well as eonnomlmd. Would mil particular 1.1{012t14111 to our new VOLCANO STOVE, fur thurchea,halls and stores. Over 100 sold months. Intended for with or without oaMos. All who have mad them pronounceor them superi - to any Pies Lundo far cheaper. Bend forCaL eXI losneand . J WINES, LIQUORS. 81.0._" Schmidt & IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &e., WHOLESALE DEALERS' IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos, 384 and 386 Tenn, Car. of ELEVENTH ST., formerly Coiil. JO& S. FINCH & CO., Naa -1,1.103.a 163 nitaT Errft.arr. pito muit. . tsfmcri 0I mil LI • MA" 110 PROFESSIONAL. Y. umaut..rmix murNo.4. : irts. H. tows. Jos. M. Gazzain & Co., ATTORNEYS AND CONNSELLZRS AT LAW tr ' "lr.:3l ! lthrpt:l7l7 . °MEW G. W. DeCk3LP, "ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR IT LAW, naa W N°.57 , d BiltEL'% &rt. artatigptoianrellho rt. . make Og mogt of the adJamot =Wise. . I;luck, Attorney-at-Law. U • • No, 68 GRANT STREET, EV - Promptattontion gives tivall kinds , AVI IntahMl4. ARCHIBALD BLAKELY, . Attorney-at-Law, N 0.1116 WEPEE AVENUE. D. B. NEEPEIt • • 41451:11X.A.1t AND ra.owriczo JUSTICE OP TUE PEACE. - • Office, 112 Fifth avenue. _Epdat , Ettdntloo 111 n to oon wtootair. And at& mum., Deed.. Boo& and , Mont:test ammo op dad MI lewd business sttdaded to motardip sad so: essettelly: , N , OTICE—The Fluid widelLilcidid MIESUALL , S . EITXII4 ..- - at kast 1.4ba1/t7 and canted **lra on July bait:NULL% SLIM ' Cruz 4th. was ht 4 WEIhr.IIIIERGSIt'S , KEIIitTONE KaUSHALL'a /MAIM - ial m iP alr ' ii' VELL AC4l"..t - FLlrlD,•bith hi 441. by LEMTHEIL a pr iti , o , bumulAw. m axi . al:1MM: • Price ot alasubatra .itUaillitifiar_ _botua._ 2,,,,. au taatutualu 'ittieut s but another artleiL ' ' .a LL Than a.. haa Leta au? exolooon of the HUT , ", 1 I 6 7.—_-. 1. " & Moue nail, 1 . . Witt tu .. 4 ~.,,,,, , 6)< ti <.:•1 .7.7 AL --RAIEbROADS: -- ZERNRYLTANLA CENTRAL RAIL; itOrAltor Jane orr O. Tnans arrhs sad par.. /0110 in w wrAno • 'Mr> Vrtev: Tbru 903 Mau ArO n ne , ]l.lllY.fa tp. II aeolluitt L 1124 Betntpa.4l. • S. NA: Pt ,xll ...0ntai10.... - 11 i ......, tii , , ..n . r i r : lll . ? Clatinn . ll Ex... 1• 1. pm: 1... t, . B. .. Vast Line :LI pm w., LOCAL. i Walls No. 1.. 6.31) no . Well'. No. ocAL. 1.. ,40 ato WidCe Nu. V.. 1141 111.19. Brto'n A c litnl :11•0 Mallet:o. 3.. 31th Pre WWII. No. It.. A itai Johnstown A. 4113 pm Ji:taltnymko. : ant ranit: 3 4:: 29= rra:l , ' l'. - . 1:: ':.: F: 1 PirtlklmeNti A. nl. Vpm Wen's No. .. .- Ipm Wall. No. 6...11:00 par BritiMA.NoM r pm .. Pi ilkinstin A.l . pm Cincinnati Erprent and ruclfle dlloread kayo Jolly. All other trains daily. excepedundise. The Count TTILI2III lean,. wall. Suakin evert, ;110 ". . t . CM% lA . i. Tervet.. Iggitun a , 11.1)41 p. mi. sod miner at I:alle Sial.101:1 at All, wh itSoB4;.,, Tha enne,leanta Itaitnnen , tattor any irk for Ragoir....glit•V,Tanug pur%ond Intl% their reponel Sven ttollars In ♦atap. A ll /WW2 Lt, wner . 0/ 1 10.1. In VW. be at the it o o • unites taken by soectal contract. MIMItSIM2I EITTSBITEGII, FORT WAYNE & ' CHR4GO . and ft'&ll.l.' &R. 11 17 "allaaSIVE Flvm Juno 12..1E00, taulna.lll leaae Rom 'Lod:arrive at th e Lawn vaunt. Dunn aide. ratan ..beret city Um*. s• full°, ; LIA , i rasti.A . nn T.V. • m'Fss. L 1471431 m gl a FafirO b 2lo l ... .4 ' : io n ra b et e l:Ze t' : i.• tg : mt. ' ‘" ;Ile . a l'o ,. . z... 7. • mic•leto Makil..aub • •,,,, Egt,,,lg.. kr: I.Leaela?d.Ra... , Vet tan 1.... r. • • ..4ca 1 puleticr :1 , awnil V Lag W'ellarllle ltr.. : Dm aSC L. Rs— :Ile ple Fine h,troreea... :. p m e Explass.l : 7 1.1,HT YHOM 41.1.1t4 . 1r. MiILIVI re , AL.I.LOI, y. I Beer Falls Ael r m Leeladale it . e.. • lam Leettlale :: I f :: . Elets Falls .. :lt New Casale •. • • p rota Gestle:l AID tretdale .. Ni.:.:W.7 . 1 1 1. - 1 . i 1:: Beer Falb - tt: 0 p en,Leestisle .. p m Ls-ease/Me .' lu:nej pm" - 74 Dm Fair Oaks Ban- . ,Fair Oafsßo 41hn, sirda Choreb..l:l 3p m day • m ctLleeau Exert.. leaves Sally. raqtle le:pm. arrive. dug., Fast lane leaves dully. Mondays .cepted. net Line velvet, daily. BiOnolayll eiCepLlll_, All other Leans pill leave sae arrive eau). 9 7 1 1. 7 111W1:9, .l. ikr.McCFLLOOC/El. Gent. P as. a Ticket Agent. (hell. Keay ____ STERN PENNS 1 LTANTA 26: si 1 k " t t".. 14A ." otl ttat WeAr r,travirgr.zin d'r D.i.t. Atlteghllo: Aam 4LL . IXII.IENT TI 1 ' lVOirt 'e rro ' . / 1 .418: ri f t port No 1. fir ragmen SOH • mairement Jae.' arm Claremont An_.. p .... o p Freeport No. YU: p tine tarns No. 1. • 0 alai' 4 . 1), Op m} sport No.• trU p m Pedaled's ar Portage'. No. arl • :30 p •"1* 'JO722' : 1 14, - „rG, "1:1 ! "fir 11 frZ . ; )t Q 3 l anU Allegheny anne.i . Throngh Mtn; tea Defer mdalialgahrtogn may tl.4":= ° .'"lV"",,,l s "."l o .°,Trwoltr - .. burgh, and at the De At e ...meg/Leaf For farther pertarnlare apply*, jAlq3 L odcrul TB, t. Legal **eta to ail Important Staines on main line et the Penneylranhs Cealtrel Raltroad. . •VAI39AT, • • General Superintandeuat' Altoona_ P. SOBNIteNICItAkiN, corgi Superintendent. Pittsburgh. A LLEGHENI VALLEY frAILBOAD. tit v UNE TO BUFFALO THROiMa TEE Ott REGIONS. On and attnr MONDAY. 4 . 2n t s i l 570.3 Vienne, 1 1 11eave ' Mtellen ‘ unpin. corner gt Eleventh end Pike Went. for Franklin. Oil City. Baikal% end .11 point. In, the Oil Regions. 1-Esvl • AVZ 4? Prrtcnrlloll. Prag . Cp•011t. NI b& 113 t: it TZ8 nal t Z.' ra 1 1.. 1 ... pa., .... L. 1 4 . : it nmag o le t ric. 7 n.. k . r, :.. . .... 1n... 't. t.:,::: 0. :1.. CELT u. it .1:::t i r... cbtirch . P. M. I . ' .1. IL prtrains stop only at principal points. Aeu corazoodation trains stop at ILL stat.gui. Sliver Palace Slospinir Cars on Milt bulb an=. Tr laill L.Wth 7 . -Ail l't liFil. n /L 44 l..MiltliCit4 - - ITTSBITEGH AND CONNELL:S. E varI94BIAD.-amazgaw Depot. a_IIDN6IMP ly G. ISM Truths sin szTilr, ma arid dEart. boa eon., a Grant o 4 te{n+ee+s,.. r Lo ka loon—c4ty Uwe: Alcarvi. Ac Stal/ Trala... LLA 100 A.3l)lAt McNe e,4= 9113 / ..triCargl g 1 g 811: 1. McKee*. .WeaSewtoo port Ac 11,00 A.X.:Ac • ntL • P.ror's Train 3:16 P.a.!Exoreas Ten.Atiaa LI. West Newton 24 McKee.' Ac .11:30 PALI _port AOHil P.M. Way Bradd.ock:a I Paaacla'r : a Tat. Ac 540 PALrall TWA,. :al P.M. 24-McKee. • Brad el acts 3rrldg eee 15:20 r.x. 34 tc ii.,4 .. IMO ex., ea r t e c .4 . ,; .10:4 0 P-m.ccr i to t 0,.. 940 r.3ii. - ,Criorcit Tr'rPl9,lls Parkto:rchSll.lo:lllA.4l. .flodupa onlr. JUL o ar Tralos doll Pllalle Bandar .1./. D. ARO , 11.,. jegt Master of 'Pronaportatlap. TIITTSBDUGH. CINCINNAtI AND r Er?, LOUN RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE ON TIME.—CM and after SUNDAY. Jun. 11, =, Vtgt wit. 27:8:41 -A- g • pi,...0 T. 1 ,, 11. ... v .. 41 ... u. .....,::-........ : ... . ~. sp. MeDaaalA Amommod . a. 1 . a- as. • t.m. Steabearlila Aocammod.. p.m. . a.m. MCDonARI A 000aanal . D. . P.. : P.m: B "fi t a lg h 4rir_Aii - Li:: . .16. cave 7. TM 1• a ' . It - from ant's. daily . All otbar Was : nOOll . run daily exeop S.A./. W. L. 01311.1121,: ' . Genera/ Ticket Agrat, Colmatiaa. O. W. W. CARD, Sapl.,Dannlaoo. Ohl. 1•11 HARDWARE & CUTLERY Pittsburgh Utility Works,' • • WEAVER Sr, JONES, Corner of Juniata and Fulton Streets, • Sixth Ward, Allegheny. Manultiettuters qtATAPLE lIARDWARS and all kinds LIMIT OBEY IRON CASTIN G We Wader oar Goads and services to the Trado at the Lowest Prices. and warrant all our work sk i igu2Llbilstiod. Orders solicited. . our tato orign a im p rria l ri cniTtg.. l " t° wawa* * mind* Address: Pittsburgh Postobbee. makr.agi ESTABLISHED 1831. . Logan, Gregg & Co., DEALIIIB HARDWARE, No. 52 Wood Street ' , PITTEIBORtiII. Spring Goods, Hoes, Bakes, Forks, Scythes, Smiths, ice. Merchants aro turned to examine our stock when In the city. Orders by tall wlll'hare prompt at -tention. BEAVER FALLS CUTLERYCO • No. 70 Wood Street, OFTEN Table Knives & Forks, Pocket Knives, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, Carving Knives, • „. Scissors, ' Razors, • Putty Knives, MALL OMER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY Al LOW-PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery Co., No. 70. WOOD STREET, Jet - PrinunagatrA. PAENTENG, GILA/MING, &o. JOHN EQUBE AID 8101, Lunn, • .• Azar o.x..,A2mint. Na 34 wurrn fanuaLT, 7Mr -(L4 Ehtrut Mew Plet•barett.