The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 20, 1870, Image 1

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eviller Sixth Are. and S
T. P. HOUSTON, N. P. azza.
ut..v• n^r rent .............
• t• Lyn . ler, per week
Bi. Aux tire stmn, atf.r.tog.•
PRE VONT 61111111,0; r
; Pori.
Tnr N. -1,1. c k berry cr.()
114111,17110 U,
Brews Cot.:4Y. P hue four htindrr
Tut; Lot:Ufa-We (',,u rig, .Jug r nrrtrte.
hay!. Nap. mean, Bib,
Titr. Fifth Avenue Theatre is to revive
Moliere's dramas nett winter.
Ttr oaks of Virginia are dying out and
are being auto by poplars:
AN arttsia well noteboring at (*oboes,
' N. Y., is sire s 2,1)00 feet deer,.
STIENWAY, he piano man, bits bought a
residence at' . storia for $127,000.
tVitutof is heaper now' in Home, . Oa.;
thou it has been for ten yearn before.
Lt otiAtin 'I -.Julio:Wes daUghter Clara,
'is about to marry the Marquis de *Yawl
.'notlyt is tie now. of a very diligent
Japanese stud nt in a school VI orcester,
3.115 S STMEII,II wealthy Cariadienne, has
calls,' on the J'ope, and given aprenent of
FIGHTING Indians With negro troops on
the plains, has been-called the Atnerican
Rougc et noir.
Jogs" W. Fonstv's eldest son, Philip
E., died on the 14th lost., at New Orieans,
in Ilia HOtli year.
.1 $lOO,OOO opera houne, with watt( for
11,000 persona, is to be erected ill Kansas
City in September. •
• (iiillicothe. children with the whoo.
- tog cough aru dent tothe gas works to n it
and inhale the I tunes.
Mont than 3,000 itutuigrants wero
added to the population of Wisconsin
during the first week in July.
THE eicursion of Red Cloud and Spot
ted Tail cont the liovernment $(.(0.000 and
probably savisl au Indian war.
AM English wag saps we ought never
to be frightened at the arrival of a ghost,
becinse it in quite Immaterial!
• A COUPLE in Indiana. who hat enjoyed
forty. years of matrimonial bliss, has
just separated inn . quarrel over a cow.
Jen - En:sus ILts:ln (colored) has been ac
cured of untruth with intent to kill by one
Adam Lincoln, in a 311ssinnippi court.
AN Albany man has sold $2,000 worth
of strawberries this year off a piece of
land for which lie paid $1:10 three years
1.. .... ,
. :i..i .
--.: i
- .
. . . .
Sottz cuterprining bookseller—Lan r
'printed "The Dadrythan's Daughter,
disguised as ." Wild Life Among th
TRINITY COLLEGE, Hartford, has eon
ferred the degree of . .1../.l).'en the Rev.
William- lindth.r,:of St Stephens, Phila
delphia. s • •
A cot.ormi, man who killed a white tuna
is Beaufort, S. C.. Men been found guilty
of murder by a jury compon . ed entirely of
Cuntts is unusually brilliant in th
Easy Chair of the August flaryce and hi
depaitment,is unusual]' better than al
the meet. • •
, .NEvEr.. Aim milk. A lady in ilebron,
Wisconsin, was. instantly killed by a
stroke of lightning last week while sklnt
ming milk.
Sostg German gentlemen in Chi ago
have rained a purse of s s +oo in gold for
the first Gentler' soldier who captures a
French flag..
WO.ILAN is the only female in creation
that sings, also the only one that sues for
divorces, buys bonnets 'or beats her bus
band with a broom.
sarrErt of tOeorgeto a. Ey..
went but on his mote by' mining his
throat with a piece of glass. He was
ninety-four years old.
Two men wore stabbed at a ball near
,Cincirmati on 'Saturday by a desperado
named Dirs. Tire ball broke up amid
shiieks and great excitement.
THOUSANDS of prospective continental
tourists have backed out and the steam
ships will many of them go over with
sprat passenger lists on account of the
CAIIRIAOE containing four persons
was struck by an express train at Wood
bbry. N. J.,on Saturday nod a Mr. Greg
ory, his wife and niece, all from Ohio,
• were killed. •
SIT -is reported that 'the New York au
thorities have forbidden,the Oneida Com
munity to remain 'that State,
and that they will soon Min their friends
in!Wallingford, Conn.
41 - PROSIINENT manufacturing house 'of
- New York, it Is understood, has quletl
made arrangements to employ , oue thou-
sand Chinese hands. They are expected
to begin work in the fall.
A German poet In Chicago has avenged
hie country's wrongs by writing a poem
In Which he speaks of the Emperor of the
French as Buonaparte, while every one
knows hu objects to the u. •
THE Shattiburg' Literary and Social
Union debated last Thursday upon the
question "Is It wrong to pump oil wells
on the Sabbath T' The decision was de.
ferred until next Thursday. !
LN Lima, Michigan, a boy rim away
from school, "played book," went 'flshing,
and got drowned; which climax seems to
be the only means truant schoril boys
have of getting into print and smiing as
seaming*. '
G., P DoDGE, of New York, has Pre.
sentd $lOO,OOO to the theolov 4 - - •
.mological Vein' in
ary'of the
_Splecopal Church at Alexan.
dzia, Va. W. H. Aspinwall, of NeW York,
gave, before the war; *2OOOO to the same
institution. .
Minoltas to new clerk : "Well, SuiP
flee, have you posted the ledgerr New
clerk : "Yeti, thir. Vre pothted the led
ger; but, lor, thir, It wath big for the
letter-box, and I bad to take It inthide the
_potht oflith."
A Sr. LOMB woman, wim kept a 'small
store; catching a till tapper at his tjcke a
few days ago, collared and. Clot him
till he spit out the money, which he Lad
hid in his Month, and then marched him
to the station house. '
GRABBAVOIMIe Lave made their ap
pearance in Guadalupe and Gonzales
counties, 'Texas,' in immense numbers.
_The Southwestern Index says they have
destroyed all the' grass and stripped oft'
'the fodder from the corn.
TOE New York World expects the pop.
'elation of that city and its environs to be
17.337,1:134 in 1000: Wo do not believe it;
we protest against it,,• we might be
brought to admit the 17,337,000 but we
will run subnift to the extra 54.
Tor New York &ening Foot says that
ei fourth unmarried daughter in good
health, and with a wish to go out in the
evening, Is a great'soclal problem, If the
nineteenth century solvee it, its time will
not have been passed in vain."
Two New York "mit:acre quarrelled
over the body of Alderman Stannell, one
claiming the right to hold the inquest be.
tense he was tint on the attend, and the
other because of political affiliation with
the deceased. The latter triumphed. -
o s.Saturder evening on the luvitatien
of the Commode e, James H. Ferguson,
- the - representatives of the Philadelphia
-daily papers weretnet e d to a boating ex
cursion and supper Ly the. Schuylkill
Nav; eight bargee 41ting pert in the ex
A LARGE Florida phinter, Demoam ,
`who has some four hundred negro hands
employed, constituting s Inslority of the
VOWS in his county, lies agreed with his
laborers to support one of than k for Rep.
resentative, they in turn to sapp,m, hba
for Resistor.
Wahace been told that the coalman
house tfris an insect of remarkably deli.
cate and sensitire organisation, but • w e
doubt it as-we hare frequently hit cm.
fly half a dozen times with 150 pounds
of weight and the delicate insect l,ae
gone of singing.„
Tug yacht Red Hot, of New Bedford,
was attacked by an enraged swordfish
Thursday morning, about twenty miles
; -
south of 'No Man's land. The fish nu, its
sword through the . how'of the vessel.
canning her to leak badly. Her crew• was
taken otfnnd , roc towed into l'utty.
hunk. -
A tdAts iu Ohio recently killed I;I, 7tI
sunken in twenty acres .of woods, on his
farm, and I r suss • there are three times
nn mane left. Ile is trying to rent out
the waxen for picnic parties and Sunday
school relelnat inns, hot the.people of the
neighborhood have hardly any enthuni
aeon furthe !dac e .
ON Saturday night a shot •
cinnati named Alortimer
ed another, named Peter Dil l l
nide he wits.working.t, with
and almost hacked hint to pl
him across the arms, breast 1,
personal dispute was the
escaped; and Dillon will prole
Tut: Philadelphia Fountai
put up neventl additional, c
drinking. fountains during t
That this noble, work is app
be gathered front the State
CUIRMS gentleman who ootm
live horses and mules drinkill
a remote portion of the city
Captain of the - brig Wm. Mason.
which arrived at Boston tin Saturday,
picketrup a boat containing eight starving
teatnen without food or water, nn dune
30th, in latitude 88' N. longitude
35 degrees 13 minutes. -As thee could not
speak English, the Captain could learn no
particulars but brought them to -Boston
where they ran doubtless tell their tale.
Tug editor of Erery .tillardoy lowan,
',iced a note from a gentleman. whose
name he mereifully abstains Inuit print•
lug, but wbo dates. of course. from New
York, ofliwing io cmnplete . The Mcatery
of Edwin Drood, - and to furnish the Hann.
script in time, no that there should lie no
break .in the serial publication of • the
novel. The applicant enclose - 1i a story of
his own to show his qualifications for the
task. ,
Trig Brooklyn Union thee compliments
its Chief magistrate: "It is not generally.
I know - 11,71nd we almost shrink front pub
lirle confessing, it. that one of the most
vulgar, profane, and sometimes besotted
nom in _Brooklyn is Martin Kalbflelisch,
the Mayor. No oaths are too vile for his
lips, no impiety ton sacrilegious for his
Orgies. Respectabl e nien tremble at bin
bla4lenties.. •
PtlTurt Coortut offers fifty thousand.
dollars to the New York Department of
Docks toward the construction of stone
Wharves. Ills avowed object into furnish
means of employment to laborers in get.
ting out stone, and he rays: "If in this'
way I contribute to the rtlllef of a suffer. I
ing class of our fellowmen, I shall con.
sole myself with the belief that I have I
not lived entirely in vain. l
Tug -Springlidd Reiniblicon draws-a .
cmitrast between civilised and savage
ways of mourning-, by instancing the sale
by auction at (lad's Hill of the articles of
taste and -venue collected by Charles l
Dickens ffuring his life, and the action of
Spotted 'tail in. burving his mane twee- 1
rats Dick h e lan k y, oi his'disceased
The eniheire are , avoid,. and could
do well without the pnice,Tds 'of such I
sale. *The Indian deemed the giving tip '
of his choicest 'treasurers as a small ex•
premien of his grief. .
A COTEIiroIIARY slip, the use of the
expresoion - had_better" is a low vulgar.
istu tinite as laid no la o , ur yoara. To
this we:object. for. ailthou t O t we admit
that hut/ hrfr, r. is 1 1111 , 111A1111}V, .1- have,
ouch high authority us (lancer, Speneer.
Shakespeare, Ben. Junsoit. Tbackeray
and[Dickens for the use of it, whereas no
one ;of those persons would have used
//fan. Besides this the expression is in
such universal use among the most culti.
rated and thoroughly educated people of
all parts of England and Amer-ita at trY
pw•setit time, that it becomes ohnply
sord to call it a '.ltvis. vulgarism."
- -
rfrrrEit from .I. , ilkit. 1.. it,,. N. I
~..,ni,q 4°,4 imitnins the tolletsiug : _
The were several elegant turnouts on
the bench yesterday. One wagon decor.
i f .
abed with a white awning came Ithin the
other side of the island. A second was
noticedinear the beach; it hail only one
wheel, he diulting proprietorpropelling
it befor • him by mean, of two handles.
The thing
i t
' eo ' st r it i t 3 Z at this ellen],
iug if nOt aristocratic resort present many
tioveltiew this season. I was particularly
struck With a perforated straw hat worn
by one of the ladies, the crown high, al
most approaching to a noint, .with the
brim drooping on each side over the
cheeks. 1 Trimming plain, one bit of sea
weed and a shoestring. - The charming
simplicity of this hit rendered it worthy
of a Spartan matron.
' . A new style of jacket for gentlemen is
much:admired. It is of - blue flannel,
without sleeves, and a bettor - thick twine
around the waist compressing it into
graceful folds. Light canvas :,trousers'
that reach to the knee's complete this
graceful costume. . i
For elderly ladies, I noticed a lug Han.
uelgon, reaching from the nee to the
feet, fastened about the middle v a rich
sash of cord. On emerging fm the
i ,
water,the.picturesque effect of thin cos
tume IS most striking, an it h rigs in
damp and graceful folds. •
So much for bathingeuits. Of alking
dresses there are not a few. I o served
on a lady of one of the first f ilies of
;Hoboken a lovely green calico d as en
-train, with . scarlet trimmings. Paper
. i .
cuffs set off the sleeves to great van
tage, a bonnet trimmed with yello ; and
bearing artificial daisies, violets, roses,
peonies, daldias and swallowers aim leted
this dust*: outtume. Of others I must
; speak hurtiedly. MSS P., of .100 , ..e • City,
wore a white muslin, more antiqu : than
would be readily !summed. Her 1 retail
was much admired. It was of b Tiara
black silk, and Hashed in the snail it like
Mies Q---, of (lreenpoint, wore a buff
dress and a collar. A string of rate and
valuable Imitation pearls. encircled her
neck., She was in excellent spititi and
ate dams with the most thanning rerre
and vivacity:
3117, F—, a \Velowken lady, is really
one o the most prominent ('onoy eland
belles. She has - brought here in It r otr
pet bag 'some of the richest dres s yet
even on the Oland. Iler exquisite pink
gingham cost at least two and six ice a
yard, and is cut bias, with a yoke en . OW-
I padoriT, and with
. a lovely retelir. Ido not,
however, think xt . opals a muslin robe,
trimmed with purple dove rea' and-deco
rated withporrecror. dr &iron placed ding.
acidly amiss the skirt, that Is worn by
Miss Bit of Avenud C: -'
A sweet thing idtrowsers has just been
Introduced by Mr. Patrick O'--n, &Com.
moo i Councilman, well known as a Trader
of fashion in this vicinity. The'pattern is
deftly, formed of black and purple bar on
a light gray ground. , This, with a claret
cost and ono of the new silver gray hats
in vokue, is considered the neatest thing
on Coney Island. - 1 ,
1 , L1T1. PEAtIT.
°Uri meta fashionable food, here, is the
bounding clam. Ladies arc very fond of
clams 'and lemonade., There is talk of
building a church here, and the ladies are
up to their eyes in the prPject of a clam
festival. Cold ham and gingersnaps will
form part of the banquet, but the ladies
have decided to exclude peanuts. There
la a division's, if opinion ou'rles subject 'of
'cheering-gait), the younger ladies being
unanimetusly in its favor ; and the older
ones opposed to it. It in possible that a
compromise may be made 'on caramels.
The local poetess, Miss a Tebbe?. in with
us as usual during the season. Fier ode
to the sea beginning— :
Ob'seat tiltli beach! Ob belch! Ob seal
I see the bead:, the sea I see:
• [banding along the beach I dee,
Übe Sappho. cry. e/ come to thee:"
. And. from Um steep declivity
Of beacb.l leap Into the sea:
The sea, where the sea eerPente be -
Where eels and lobsters hungrily
Will shortlY gourmandlte on me-
—ltas bean much admired. One of our
local crltica--hirnself a poet of no mean
repute- 7 says that . 'in this poem we taste
the brine Itself, and feel ourselves face to
face with hoary Thalatta."; '
PIEn. DANNALR it CO'S. Onzact
Myr is on Stevenson street, near
l'aula avenue. They manufactO
of ti ale there; bnt never
mach for their customers. • • •
4 .
\ • • 7.
4 :knalAN rentnui - luits now' u
napkins. "
OLIVE 14H; N . .: Nina.! Celia 11118 ari
It novelette.
.1 l • IIIN ESE
C0N, 7 1 . 1. ih to residt. it
Emidi: Hoi.r playing ut the Strand
Theatre in London. .
14.3 . n0t.r.t:5r Ima Peen . discovered in
New ;tooth Wales.
EAIiT INDIAN merchants are getting
It a testimonial to Baron de 'Jesse's..
THE London Tinley suggests that Pull
nuin count orer to England and show them
how to run excursions.
THE New York ...sninthird .says His
'smock has transformed the Prussia of his
youth a poor imitation of n second•rute
power, into 'the controlling State of the
most pOwerfol European oofederatiott of
modern days. .
/maker in On.
Ilion, by whose
a allot knife
'feces, cutting
lind groin. A
use. Webb
ably die.
I Society has
t iron public
e pant. Week.
'ciateil may
lent of one
ed seventy.gat one. In
n one morn- 1
LORD CLAM:NOON was.a constant hard
worker and a constant hard smoker. Of
course it was the smoking that killed him
and impaired-his faculties, as-lie was
the clearest headed diplomatist in Europe
only until lie was seient . when he died
of dysentery.. • .
--- fß and Micr.r.ini have to sucl.
an extent disagreed that the latter speaks
of the late disturbaures in Italy • as "Mar.
Zinion puerilities." The ineledramatit
revolutionist is anxious to explod e the
Italian kingdom before marching on
Rome, whereas the romantic author of the
"Rule of the Monk" II ims nt upsetting the
Pope Only. •
Tile journey of thr King of Prime:in
from Ems toilerliu.was an overwhelming
ovation. - At every station thousands of
people greeted him, and on arriving at
Berlin fully one hundred thousand per
sons awaited him about the station and
marched.. through Oita. den Lindell
shouthig, cheering and singing national
songs, and after reaching the palace it
teas not - until rater he. had repeatedly
come upon 0 balcony 1411(1 stiluted them
that the crowd Withdrew. • 4
PIIOFES:9I/t EMIL K i t.. a well
V ie:known
collector of literary curiosities nt nna,
has just published In'o letters, addressed
by throttle to Prince iMettentich, when lie
' was Chancellor of State.. One of them it
dated 1817, and in it Goethe thanks the
Austrian fiovernment for the - munificent
assistance" it had given to the restoration
of an ancient cot - tarot. in Thuringia. The
other, dated 1825, is a petition (vritich was
at once acceded tot asking that 44oethe'e
works may not in future be reprillted in
'the Austrian Empire without his pennis.
alai Both letters, are written in n tone
onfllsome adttlatian not 'very creditable
to tiorthe's character _
A I.IT of the prideipal crimes width
the late Dictator -Lopez, of Paraguay, in,
mid to have committed. is' published iu a
Chilian paper. The indictment embraces
the following counts: I. He useassinated
the. Bishop of Paraguay, Manuel Antoni o
Palacie The Dean
Ca of flamingo,
wide. 3 111 2.
1 , 1 4. The nons Corvalan and
barrios, and ten priests. Besides. lie
caused to be shot his hretbers Benigno
and Venantio Lopez; his brother-in-law,
14.11. Vicentp 13arrion and flaturnino Be
dogn ; two 31inisters of Foreign A :
ton Ministers of . War, and it good nom
ber of tieneralS-weM likewise slim by his
orders. Twn physicians rat Paraguay and
three 0113olivia; who were. over iu Pam.
gutty serving the country. 'wen. al so sh o t,
.1 list of the ladies and oonsol s WIM suf
fered death at,,the orders of the late. Die
tater is also given. •
Tut: annual report of the state of edn.
cation in Ireland shOws a very encoura.
ging degree Or progress. The increase
of children nn the rolls is as high as 23,.
No, while the actual tiveragerlti.p6da me
has increased by 3,707. The th.sur istinds-r
of children now o n tan i'l,gisters in
',land is marl, ene In ism; it
only 107.0-Q. The r g , a i...5i11a111.1.
I , in Elk,. PrOVillf`•••lf >ter.whe st
r, Ibe num
bers are 347.1,19. Th, next in I"M' of
numbers is .Munster„ where the - scholars
amount to 21;7.093. number of chi!. '
dun owing allegiammto @ti Established
Church is, in Ulster, 50,611, against 178,- 1
751 'Roman Catholics.. In Munster there
, I
are 5,019' children of the Entabliehed
Churcli,l against 260,978 Catholic.; in I
Leinster;'6,7Bo. against 204.732, and in
Connaught, 4142, against 158,548. • There
are 104,709 Pienbyterian children in El
nter, and scarcely any in the prov
inces. The total percentage of. Catholien
in the whole country is nearly 81.
Forn men were suffocated inn gas tube:
at the North Staftbrdshire Coal and Irani
Company'n Works, Talke, Statiiirdshire,
July Int. The tube, which is fifty pads'
long and five feet in distorter, is need to-,
convey waste gas from the blast furnaces I
to heat the furnace boilers. The works
were stopped on that morning for the I
purpose of clearing out the tube. and only
11111110 trifling repairs remained to be'ilone
beton: the commenceruencof work. Three
of the men, one of \them being the inane
ger and the otliet' his &Bahamas, wenti
into the tube to do these repairs,
when they had remained there au unusu
ally long time, the fourth 'man folloWed
to look after them. On
.his failing tore.
turn, a more careful search was made.
The three men who fret entered were
found dead near the middle of the tube,
and the other was lying dead at about fill
yards from the entrance. All appeared io
have died instantly, and without the least
struggle. There was ino:e gas in the
tube than was supposed, and the manager
had neglected to have it all n3MOrell.
SOCIETY hours in London are a good
deal worse thaw& New Toth. The rule
for reunions, bulls, ruotemblies,"at homes,"
Am., until recently, wan that pAiple should
gut to the houses, when they were asked,
about an hour after midnight. Thu late
ness of the dinner hour—say 8:30 I% or,—
and the (irnaginary) necessity of English
ladies whij . have been at a dinner party,
changing their dress before they go to a
ball, render it almost imposaible for peo
ple to meet in the bathroom before 'the
small hours have commenced. Now peo
ple begin to see that enjoyment at 11, ball
at these bourn is out of the question', but
nociety says you cannot make the dinner
-hour earlier, an It would interfere with
the five r. M. tea, and the cosy chat of in:
timatalriendii at that hour. • If you anti
cipated the five o'clock tea, what, would
become of the luncheon hour? And noon
od infinifum. Koine genies proposes to
cut the knot by commencing at the other
end, and having afternoon parties, and Jo
dance by daylight, thus relieving some lif
the pressure upon the evening tinie.l
Lady Holland has commenced aftertmen
parties once a week, to which 601110 tiVO
- 'illintBlllllloi the cream of society are in•
Viteel:' Other ladies begin to find that
they can dance „more, get to their weirk•
much fresher, at 4 or 5 T. at. than ut I
.3. M. and so approve of the novelty, and
afternoon dances are now gradually be
corning the rule more than the exception
In London. Last year, and again on Fri
day, Jane 24, this year, queen Vijitoria
added to the fashionable stamp of these
parties by giving one herself
- - •
Advantages and Disadvantage% of
Military _Government.
Not long ago three sailors escaped from
their ehip.wrecked vessels on one of those
berm tales so common In the Carribean
Seas. The only thing saved wan a load
ed musket, of which one of them had
i Possesslnn. Sittin g on a more elevated
part of the barren soil, with the musket',
that emblem of ?ewer In- one hand, he
said : gn along and bunt up
some Ittood aqd .get up a tire; and you
Jack, 'iro along .shore in search of itheli
fish, and see about getting them rooked!,
And what am you to do? "Me! ' why I I
am PreSidaat with a paMOMMIe 210(i to
the musket in hitt potutessiou. nonfat
once was out of the question : there xaa
nothing:for It hut obey. While going
along one observed to the other, "Well
Joe has the upper hand of us; but be
can't do without sleep and then"—and no
it happened, Joe continued his armed
vigilance as long as he could; but at last
was caught napping and the gun taken
from him. The luck7possessor of course
was commander-in-chief next day. And
no from time to time the musket changed
hands, until a passing ship relieved them
from this primitWe mode of life and gov
eminent. Sadder yet wiser men from the
experience they had had as to the theory
and practbm of a military government.
1 ~-rs-.tom ~,~ ,-...~. ~' ^, r :- ~ i.:.* ~ -~--•- -_. _ ~,:..._
Tut; hay i:rop of England is very small.
waists are out of fashion 111 Pliri•
---..--- . .
Tlni Ins esu((atlmi 'of the rompalttee In the
• Cases of Governoi Bullock mid the mate
Treasurer—lteporla 'of the 1111sinelly seed
illyffelegrapb-to the Pittsburgh Gmette.l
Th• • ATLA I'A. GA.. Jr.l3 4 11 r.
e majority of the committee un the in:
testlgation of charges against Governor Itul
lock, conclude their report as follows:
“Ilarlngione thoroughly through with the
Investlgatlen of all 'direct and Indirect
charges against the GoVernor. your commit
iceleel if Is due Ills Excellency for us to
date that nothing has been disclosed or estab
lished which tends In any manner to Impugn
his motives or his personal and official integ
rity, and we Invite attention to the evidence
to sustain us In this opinion." .
The minority say: It Is just to say that In
the instance of traascending lars , hereinbe-
fore dLteussed. the evidence fella tf, 'idlow that
the Governor ham been peetinlarily benentted."
Upon the 'charges against the Treasurer.
the majority of the Committee. on the charge
of having accepted a bribe, after reviewing
the evidence .) say:' "Your. Committee feel that
it, would lmproper to express our
opinion upon this charge. In view., of the
Strong probability that one or more f
us may Lei called upon to act upon it
In a Judie I capacity.' The majority
du not expre s an opinion, but repeat the opin
ion given hy Chief Justice Brown, that the
(location of roof depends upon the motive
under which the money was received by the
Treatturer. The majority conclude their re
port by saying it Is due the Treasurer to atate
that so far ' they have been able to discover.
which have gone Into
N i e t k:n P d u s b e li f c he Treasurer have been accoun
ted for.
The minority say: "We nrenable to ex
plain why the T reasurer ' s books u did nut show
exactly what had become of the balance of
$537,674 Mb. which appeared to, have been on
hand June lath. MO.'
In the Senate to-day a resolution providing
for two sessions per day was defeated. A
resolution ws• offered to appoint a committee
to report a relief bill and was lodefinitely post-
POned—yeas lib heroes 10. The reports of the
committee on againet the Gov
ernor and Treasurer were laid on the table.
In the /lonic next Friday was set apart for.
eulogies of the late B. W. Flournoy. The
House conctirred In Senate resolution of
condolence with the family -of Senator
Adkems. killed Hay '
10th. Teen, and adjourned.
The War Isellienarata from King
eheridan Going to the !Keene
of Conflict.
(Dy Telegraph to the . Pittsburgh Gazottal
cameo°, July IP.—lntelligence front the
seat of the impending conflict continues to
excite a lively Interest la title city. particular-
Iv among the German poptilatlon. The va
rious daily Journals have to !employ their ut
niost capacity to supply the demand fort heir
Large number; crowd around the bul
letin boards to gain the latest intelligence.
The Interest and excitement 'ariscarcely less
than during the inauglaratiog and progress of
OUr. ar.
In micron's to a dispatch sent by the Ger
maneof Chicago On Sunday hut to King Wil
liam of Prussia the following telegram was
received last even) g .
Humus, July IE, lfert—ab Edmund Jamul
cool Wenn I thank !roe and feel convinced
that Germany will mower the hopes of her
cotautrymen beyond the eon.
Wlrxxxx, Rex.
mission ?rg e :t; SLIT. barairt`4,bet:tV
Europe and observe military ounu tou " ln
profuse them...lll leave this city to-suonow
evening and proceed to the teat of war with
glgeistterlgitiwsilitat; ttl e d ° :Tlr_v i l ed it b7 bo ti n :ra
enmeh and Pntulaa armies. nie.t..tetatenant
General will pay bit barn expiesei during the
—The Gertrians of New York city , anit Cin
cinnati held meetings Monday night and ma
ifested the smut Intense sympathy. In New
York a committee stated that the worklnifineit
would ol!er a prize of 1130.020 sad a du to the
Ent Prussian regiment that dlstinichihed it,
sell to an onsunment.
Prussia and France Will Respect the
Treaty of Paris—The Ocean Nulls—
The Expected' Rupture 'Between
France and England—German Meet
ing ire Sympathy With Prissia—
Calif; et Session—lndian *profit.
innsl -Assignment of Recruits.
fly Tel. • raph to Pittsburgh Gazette.)
baton Gerolt has ofncially communicated
the Secretary of State the following by telt
graph :-
Brain, July IP, IBlll—To Bacon (lend?. Wash
ington': For your guidance I say that
private property on the high seas will be ex
empted front seizure by His Majesty's ships.
without regard to reciprocity.
[Signed.] BIMARCK.
The French 31inister called upon the Sem
txry of State to-day and verbally Informed
him that his Government would also respect
the treaty of Paris.
Beneral Griersou writes from Fort Sill,
lian Territorv,Zune 24th, that a small putout
Mow. and Cheyenne Indians made au attack
treating' ral parties, killing One man, hut ne ,
when encountering well armed par
ties. They escaped the pursuit of Grierson's
force, sent after them. A party of whit
thieves 'attempted ;to steal horses from Grier -bUtt'S squad, butwere. foiled and es
caped. General Grlerson recommends a
strong force be sent to the Plains
between- the Salt and North Forks
of bled River. where the Kiowas and Chey
ennes nrj) encamped, in order to protect In
diaa whb desire to be separate from war par
t b.s. Many young men of the Cheyennes, I:J
-oints, Canianches and Sioux are absent from
their reservations, the object of the Chey
ennes w h itesg rovoke all tribes th e hubtility
with this but it is believed lndians
in the Fort Sill reservation Will remain Peace
ful. General Grienton says it Is Intended to
prevent as far as possible depredations and to
punish the guilty parties, pursuing such a
policy to break cuMblnatloON and to avoid
bringing On • general Indian war.
.c.tutXtr st.sBloN.
The cabinet session to-day, which was the
last for tw'p weeks, unless some extraordi
nary emergency should arise, was attended
t,y all the M embers, and was ant extended be
yond the u ual hour. The Postmaster General
remained na me time after the other mernbete
lef t, engag d in transacting business with the
President. It appears that to the conversa
tion referenceas made. to the European
complication. The °oven:mm:li had. no fu,
ther itdorniation concerning the situatior
than is contained in the cable' iltspatcheq ti
the Press . ....l_, •
vile stew ritLetis kbreet.
The dinner of the Secretary of State. In
compliment to the new French Ilinister. takes
piece to-morrow- evening, and will he attend
i be not more than ten persons. Incinding
Parndol and the Secretary and his son.
Very few •of the foreign nilnisten6 are In
Washington.. Hr. Thornton will not be prevent
~ w ing to 11114,4 nor-will Baron erolt be one
of the guestk. Senator Sumner. Representa
tive Schenck, the Postmaster General, the
Attorney Generaland Secretary of Interior
and t others Will compose the party.
Mr. lionlmrdt.r agent of the Hamburg line
t ~ teaniero.arrived here this morning, and
bad an intervle with Baron Genii!, and auh
sequently with I Postmaster General Cm.'
well, who. he Informed that It was proposed
tuttisputch toe steamer Sileaia to-day with
the l'olted States mails. The I'ostplaster
General:minted. and advised the poottitaster
~6,,Nwpw York neetkilingly.
ANNUrry nom.,
The Cosuitilinilotier of Indian Affairs Is took
ig nraligetrientfrfor the purchase and trans
tttlun "r Indian annuity goods for the Ben
e will India n
New t o on Monday
Otto meet Mr.l Dodge and ther me mb e r,
the Board of Indian Commissioners to
nine puroba3rs.
Tbe ltotiduanding authorized the Division of
•Flissouri has been to assign the
recruits, accumulating nt Fort Leavenworth;
to the Third Infantry at Fort J.yon,
t'ulur do, and Camp Supply; Indian Terri Core.
until the companies are filled to aft y men each.
IMA NOEMENT. ' you A stgrrtst: orI.A.NS.
• .% prtznar rto.i.4lllK I .al'held ht., to-dar
4 ;,.nna10, to oink , .arraagt men, for
hohltrog ine.ell tag. •Intrlsltly WiLballd is dui
:or Pruesla• r,1. , •011[117.. Aft cr spruk hag NeW
York to benalf of the same CHM, will :liidress
the (lerunm ,s Ltaitimure ou Friday, return
ing to Washington 00 Faturday.
• •
acme nt RETWEEN FRANCE ANI , EtiNol . 6..
Diplomatic c * ire]. here lan evening were
r.rcatly agitated over advice,. received yester
day by the thitish Minister ng
extretuudiinger ot a rupture between France
and Engle id on the question. or thooccupis
ion of Betellllll.
The Secretary of the Treasury has directed
the release of the *Mantles fourteen hun
dred bath's of whiskey seized in California
nearly .t 3 Cll. ago by an Internal Revenue of
At six oiclock this afternoon toe President,
In compney with t i eeretaryFish, . visited the
tiehutzenlest, where they were received with
cheers. -
The commission of Mr. Frelloghoysen. as
.Minister to England. was not signed by the
Presidentlmtil to-day. 50 111 re ,, eistolt to
mnrrow. '
Secretary flsb has not, contrary to . report,
telegraphed to'our SAl'll3ll5 tend - one to ob.
to. rve neutrality in the. pending .war, nor any
Its.tructionn whatsoever.
FOR 0 7 CE0( IC
Hostilities About to romilence
Situation Conaidered in tiu. British
Tarliantent--Preservation' of 'Sell
trality—Tlie Position of Russia—
Austria and Hungary Declared to
be in Sympathy With Prussia--hing
William Denies Responsibility for
the War—The Situation as Respects
Holland, Switzerland and. Spain—
ttinilt.on Gives a Grand Dinner to
Ills 011icers-}'ranee Will. :Viol t'sp.
the Explosive Bullet, if Prussia
Doe., Not—The Pollen, Will Make a
'nited Effort for Peace After the
'lnd Battle is Fought- -South tilr
tian Ambassadors Ordered. to LtiliC
[ll3Telegialh to the Pittsburgh Otizette 1
• IlMvtgatlon Guldew Itemord,
Lomito.v, July 114,—The Prussian government
announce, the removal of all lights, Gimp , and
othm . gulites of, navlg-at lon from tho Geringh
Belgium to be Occupied by British Troop,
The Globe has'an article (D-day furtslitiot
tug the occupation of Belgium by. Eturli
troops. A British frigate has liken dispatch,
to Copenhagen to bring hack Princess.%
irla, n vii on a visit to the Royal tiro pen., f
%uterine Legion to Aid Prance.
'All N. July I.B.—The American organ 'here
Ts 'a legion of American volunteers Is organ/
Air . all Prance. The qatement i. nal
found4d. •
Th.. V4rllsts I:oohed After, bermied Arno* file.
The Prefects of the i.Departments on the
Spaslsis border have rineimul orders to watch
the frontier and allow no Carlists to pas.
Tho best feeling exlete between . f ho Frond
tool etionnlsh authorities along the line. Tin
oilmen at Perpignan discovered a secret de of AU gam. Intended fur the use of Car
lists. The anus were seized tipl several sus
- iiicieus Deratins, minims.' to •be Cyrtists
The News •t lymnion.
I.ivoisc. July:W.3 A. ft.—The French 'rut
clic Is 'an e crolsing On the Dogger banks In tt,
North Sea to pick Hp German vessels.
The German press Is tilled 101111 seeming])
.thinffected coMigaints of falsehood and trick.
ery. by which trance . seeks to place the r e .
sponsibility of beginning the war on Germany.
T e gunboat flotilla designed to assist the
toil itry operations of the French anny on the
JIM e has sailed.
Sr retlestructions have hero given to tine
Fr, ch ottlyers that. the troop. .1,311 life ill('
iii the lauds that; uott.. l lcr.
01,patchex fmu the Cunt term retort that
l'ilix , ola had reemsed the formal declaration
of . to:Fau France.
' Clic retina Chambers hare granted the
(love meat n credit of twenty-seven million
florin/ . .
The rench Minister of War has asked the
, e
Ctorps Dre
latif for an incase of the mins ,
n- vies ir of in from ninety to one hundred
and for y thousand teen. and that the contin
gent un y be called out to serve till .Innuary
Ist, 167 .
The CI y of Strasbourg has been placed under
martial law.
Binge nt addresses to the,Crown huy e bi
_at Berlin 'Dim thelumnlclpallt lei
the Kingdom. r ' ,'
Fran, mngil Great Brltilti—l•iesperi or sled,
Privet. letters from Paris of the leth
present • hat there Is e prospe_ct of serious
F trouble • tweet, Entice and (treat Britain.
The pre , ill Government is furious at the tone
of the E• ,uh journals, and strong represen
tations bee already been made through M
ph/matte channels. It is threatened' that all
aPPllcati ins from Englishmen for p • to
the arms will be refused.
he reeling Against Insure'.
A meet
id ng will crtain Members of the House
Comm esbe held to-day to consult as
to the pr priety of holding x great meeting to
express s month,. with Prussia. and letters
have bet received trout prominent members
improvin of the project. The workingmen
propose P (ding a meeting, for the samc ob
ject. The feeling here against France is unit
venal and intense. and It is now thought that
the troops recently caned home from the Eng
lish colonies have been concentrated here in
aeticipation of has no
Great Britain has now at . her liGnichlepots
ninety-ore thousand regulars, and by - dining
out the'reserves she conid muster nearly three
hundred thousand men.
Great activity in the navy is reported.
Mutation fillscured lu Parliament-1P
line of Artursitty. •
In the Rouse of lords . to-night .Lord
sell inquired what were the views and mai
-1 poses of the Government In tile present situa
tion on the Continent, and Lord Cairns asked
especially If steps bad been taken to enforce'
the neutrality laws. Earl Granville promised
that the document's concerning the war would
he laid before the Rouse as soon as ciaded.
After the of local business the lienne
In the House of Commons Lord illurcoutt
made Inquiry touching measures fur the pre
servation of English °entrains.. Mr. Glad
stone said the inquiry:eak premature, coming
before a declaration of war had been made.
While the Premier was thus speaking a dis
patch from Lord Lyons was handed to Min,
announcing that a formal declaration of war
beet, had sent by the French Government to
Mr. Gladstone then replied that all the
papers would be submitted an soon as hotel-
Ide, and that a ate:lsere looking to the pre
seri:akin uf neutrality Win preParnt fun , and
that particular attention .would. Pahl In
the measure tti the status of belligerent ships
In With& ports.
After adisenssion on the strength of the
lam Y. during which Mr. Osborne asserted
that the Government was unable to put tiny
thouennd tutu lit the nod. the Counnona ad
The Pavillon of Russia. •
Humor. of Itussia'ssparticlpatfonln a war
between Prussia and France clue agitation.
trout which the stock market had not recov
ered at the Wove of the day. The report has
not yet received conllnnatiou. A panic . per
vaded all the markets in Liverpool also, and
many failures of cotton dealer, are appre
hended to-morrow. .
English and French Press Details.
The English newspapen, coutinnv their. de
nnticiations of the French pellet.
The Telegraph anticipates au Immediate
hostile reply! on the part of the South (ler
man States to the French ultimatum.
The Thera of this morning abandons all hope
of mediation; and says the sword, octet now
The ide. . -
is morning journals say that the Pennines
Fence !will out Ir. expelled from the
„ninny if they observe strict. neutrellti.
1,“ Loco, Thlers' party organ, gives the
following as the French programme. Thu
army will ant enter Hesse to neutrulize the
Southern States of Gennaoy, thou occupy and
fortify Frankfurt; from this point they o 111
sweep all the Prins!. ton - ltury to the left of
the Rhine, theo enter Prussia by wny of %YE:gl
obe/in and the reconstruction of the /thermal
Confederation will follow.
The joerool S.llr sum, that Mr. Wash
burn,. the Ainertoan Minister, has found to
protect Promise subjects now Lana:ice, nod
eddy that Mr. Washburrie hes certainly not
made such a promise without having ant
obtained the consent of the French flor•ern
Tho Patric says that Napoleon's eddress to
the people will not be published ,mitil ha h:w
degr , t/a n, for t ron •
n at h iffiefel t annuunce. that the Em
,ed not, :uonriVT4ll l ,`,,h_ en!
/int °facers, any volunteer or foreign °Meer,
or noy one not belmoring to the Fren c h
M. 'Mon publishes, this morning, an i n n',
nett denial of basing received, es stated by
the F rY. n letter from the )Clog of thank ng6 bin, fur aPn.""
The Berlin coMespoodent in the wee
rim. says: The declaretion of Wee by France
took Gerruany by surprise. Tb• French gov
ennuunt has for long time beim secretly
armies, and was ready sooner than was ex
ecuted to Invade the German frontier In sev
eral columns before a sufficient delouse had
beta prepared. Thanks to the excellent or
ganization of the Garman arMY this edvan
lase did not last long.
The specie) correspondent - of the Tin;ca
Festh. Hungary ,deeleres that the popular .
sympathy of Austria la with Russia. Austria
and Hungary unanimously demand peace and
no interference.
mei et.....der..•
rat WcllMunea will t a k 4
a command cif
the Frenclideet.
i 1 he Rhine I...iluts
.: 13Eit LIN. July
',mind the Germ
The Lloyds ex
iel Germ. ihit,
/ King %%Mt
illtni.iti. July
int,theCelinell 1.,
kauwe I min not
demands sent at
Jed." -
and .ddmiind Do TAghoren of
—Prince Ad:Albert will coin
ni Dente* Iftrapon•lblllts.
9.--King William. on address
Prussia, F aid feelingly, — God
nawerable fur thin war. The
such as I was furred to re
nuilmn In Party.
Nit,. July 191
the ToMerles
Cloud. he was
cheered be the p
The Emperor
lion of officers of
and In response t
he relied upon
Ithem de, olved
during the war.
Atnerlean Flag and German I•thimiing.
LoNnoS, July 'l9.—The Slappirip Gfutftt
thinks t tiermns fortunate becans
many of their merchant Vessels were bo right
from Americans do, ing the recent rebellion,
which rnay now be covered by the American
when the Emperor quitted
today - . to return to St.
.outlly mot enthuslasticallY
G•teislay received a depoa
i the National Guard or Par t k.
• t heir congratulations said.
the National Guard. Upon
the protection of the Gipital
\eq• of Dutob,ll.l Cha.reele,
• • •
The - London Fat is sceptical touching the
news received (fool France and Russia. It
ascribes the bulk - of the dispatches to specu
King Wllllnnt Speaks to the People of Berlin.
11Entas..1 lily IP.—Last evening
m King Wil
made a speech tu a great nuber uf the
rf, o n p i e lie of sa ll i rli e /l , ly n h , o nni Tin r : n t ; o nn t , r t nt ,:.4 !g e e
war Avitich had .not broken out. Ile might
personally be pasbive under the outrage. but
Germany. even from beyond tine sea. had
spoken. Sacrifices were sure. Prussia had
been spoiled by her rapid victories in two
warg, and perbvps worse fate awaited her
now. fie. however. knew weal to hope Irons(iad, fjod. the Amoy - and the people.
. French Proclamations In nano. er.
French proelantations for the purpose ilt et_
rising the nem - drip revolt have been dish i hot-.
No Fightlog rt.
P.t his. 2:30 r. M.-14, to this tour no sir
idyll hoe occurred bet worm the hostile fore,
French 311nItOor of 1%e..
Thu (Rs rt robliii
feet that Urn. Cita
appiinted Minister
command in t •
•I fiterinein A
tles,e Dartostiiti t
:Peels to-dc!..
hes. a . att Nova to thp of
armor %rill probably Ix
:( war, vie.. I ebroof %rho
he field.
ent Withdrann.
withdrow hoe agent from
There Is nothing t
orture of the Entp
t i, not likely' It,
nth nxerythlng Is
V el et the l rani.
rtitin yet about the d
et for the scene of ro
rill act Out fur the fret
aty' there for act! Vp 'lf
gent. Arrested.
gents Iu this citt . , who
dotting and distributing
..I.;everal Prussian
. vra sa,sPected of
aravy, have tieea a .
•• .li/1 moo I lad
Again Seined.
.1 at
eared k t s h . i
T s , Irt
The lion, ilfoi, aI
the first time invest.
IS seized.
Pittner Aapoleut
PrinCe Napoleon
rooty, It Is said he IA
Taal of IteQ
l'Ants, July IP.—I
title yesterda. at
Proceeding.: 31 1 ..{r;
the approach of tear
r orlon of the count
- Mmed of cOnsplrltCY
utter consideration.
the trial, rtroceeded.
ron Hot
her e of the juhr yAchilds.
of th
tend. and was fined It
to iln,e • Command.
expected• here to-mor
-11 teceive a'command.
ride Conspirator,
the Illtth Court of Jun
the commencement of
o moved that. in view of
and the congetment agi
, the trial of person. ac
epogtponed. The Court.
enied the motin, and
Who Was dran m
e High Court. w did not nie at
re thousand francs.
• -
The Journal cilticirl to-dav has aaigainCant ,
article on the attitude of Holland. with which
P. professes to be.pleased.anilcontinue, "But
no eCatil;norei the ambitious designs of
Pre six agnapit the. Independence of Holland.
Illsi arekievished to make that generous and
inns nous:Mt/a nation submit. on the Hanish
line les viAire to submit. He wished
to r nder Holland n naval State rit the North
Gen 'in Confederidlim..ll under the pretext
of est bFstillig a Closer commercial relation
td pl. • Prnsslitti Customs tinkers at Amster
dam. The parti. emotion aroused in the
Netherlimils at the! time of the Luxembourg
artair mill also be renieuitterial; .r will it he
f ... i , rrgi;:... , t , i4 , ll E r e t sigi ,s lt i. l b l i c i oi fLr 3 ut
, sgn a d d taken'
hiol results:fat/11 tolthe independence and tut
, tononif of the Netherlands. The Cabinet of
the Hague lgon Its guard and will not fall to
maintain the real interests of the country."
Shltierhind and France.
• the same paper his the following rin the re
lations of Switzerla d to France . . "We learn
from several Sul. 'auto., alltillarliellatrls
frum NeufChatel. th it the military measures
of the Federal Govenintentare ttut directed
torainst.France. lot are Inspired by friendly
neutrality. Switrerland tenons she has not 11-
on: to km, Ironi Frani, her natural ally mid
nem friend.. theus taken by Switzer
land to secure hrespect tit Prussia. nor her
neutralize. nie In our favor, . by 'her ger,-
,ri node. position she protects an important
portion of our frontier.'"
. •
The friendly testing of the ..epanWipeople
toward France is also' pointed' out by the
Jeurnuf. which says e hear from .pain
that all notice how carefully in our present
conflict our Dover:llama :Ifni Chamber" have
avoided any acts or ex ressluu of
aess tenant than pow r. This results from
the feeli . nge of symtia by between the two
- nations.
Stobscriptio; to r aritahle
The public a pri ate soltscriptlons to
reelect charita IC Floiccta Weide. , to the
wee are eery liberal in all parts of the cons
, try. The Duke Its Mortemart has given one
hundred thousand francs -tip one of these
fund.. Mans- persons 'nave tiffot•ed to paY cer
tain culls daily during the continuance of the
maruf r and others to pay double taxes. Many
actumx continue the axges of their
employes who enlist.
Dellrement of 311 Mires Demanded.
A large numberof the constituents of M.
Thiers. who voted for hlnt.iit the last eleittlon.
demand his retirement from the Corps begin
lat if, on the 'coned thatihe has outraged the
patriotic sentiment of the country hr his re
cent speech against war. .
Deming, neeklng Commissions.
(funeral I deputlea to
has to
are seeking for COIIIIIIISSIMIR the :truly: M.
Don emu's has applied ter a command in the
'ordnance corps.
Later intelligence,
Itepart Contradicted
Paul, July IP.—Ereeled.—The report Dub•
lished in thecrrnlng Jarnals that Earl
G ranellle had an interview with the Emperor
ye,terday wits untrue. Lord Granville has
lipt been In the city.
lAbeillit, of Eugenio. . .
TheErnoreol his sent 50,000 francs to the so:
etet7.9l alit for , the wounded.
Corp. D'Armee for Prince Napoleon.
Prince Napoleon has arrived and had a long
interview witht he Emperor. It is understood
that a, Corp. D'Ariure will be immediately
(wined and plak•ed tinder the command of the
. .
.1 grand dinner was given by the Enuicrog
lit Sit: Cloud yesterday after the council of
war. The principal oaken: of regitnenti of
the line and imperial Guard, who are on the
eve of leaving Parjs, were present. They t co
tilled in the most enthusiastic inanner their
devotion to the Emperor. This Noel ' , hoed
the iiMarsellinisn.7
Itenleets of Lam Adopted
.andrtiredits med.
The Corps Legisintif yesterday adopted the
projects of law submitted end credits asked I
by the Government, and -to-day the Senate
concurred in the action of the Canis. _Many
lourrials protest against the act for the ' rept
mien of the press in time of war.
- Rumors Conerrubig Other Miners. ..
111110 M prevail that Denmark Is giving way
the intluence of England. Russia has
at shown no signs ofsheering front M
y. Al
fl -
Mount German Aninentadore.
It is reported the Ihnbassadorn of - Haden.
Saxony, Hesse, Bavaria arid Wurtemburg ha ve
been ordered to quit MTH.
The Medal War Declaration.
La MalehayA the off cial declaration of
war will not be potanannlc tted to the Cham
bers until an:tower h. been returned front
notice o l f
d h ela b a i nteotu o .
f D Be ePiin
y b oDoineg
t r t e e c . elt!y d
told. Intends to move that the Chambers due
usr the Wile may be repro; nted hr a Derlllll-
Int committee of lienato and Deputies.
Don Carl. Ordered co 11A4tver France.
"Wile announces the the French goy
has Corn Dun Car on 'orders to leave
;try. •
Lc I
• °Metal Notice
_oltidal notice at the dee
go r t c %o o exV o ni:4l r . .rumila too •
Intntlod pt ‘sur by
` neat yeeterday t p
The kixiilwive
Frnneo hue notified
built not tine the enfilonine built
xis 014 Rite will
t, if PrusNla will
United Effort for Pear '
After the !Wet battle
the powora of Europe will
atop the conflict.
The Mouth ()remota
The Clitholl co of the Moo
ore rePortett opioard to I'
Prnesino Orneerel
Eight reunion emetic ore
boure. ne solos.
e to tw.31.11e.
I thullay.
Onnnnn s(,ft
l e seized hi Stni.
Volunteering In limner.
One dd thousand 'manta', have en
rolled the ir ' names In Paris and departments.
IVentrnilty of Holland and Belgium Atutort-d.
Bntseri.s. July 10.—Fnume has cutumenloa
ted to the pod - ers notification that she has
enteral into Ireolprocal engagements with
Belgium and nolland a c tiv e n egotia tio n
ly. Prance e l s o li In active negotiation with
Russia to obtain her remind promise of neu
Amerlee,n Protection to Pratolane In Parts.
WatutIMITON, July D.—Meister Witehburne
leiegraphed taßeeretary. Flab to-day he had
Just returned to Purl.. The Semetat7 tele-
Graphed to him, at the renuret f the North
etman Government, asking the consent
the French Government to permit our legs-
t ion to extend to subjects of the fi'rmer the
MUIR' degrees of i , erlomal protection in France
wt, extended to French subJects to Mexico
by our legation In that,llenublie. the' reqUest
at that tunehoming from Baron Moonier.
31inkter of Foreign Affairs. It Is regarded
as sonletrhat singular' that this request of
North Germany %cos made on the same day of
the slime month. July nth. as the request of
the French to nor government in
or nossruAtroN of. WORKINOME.N.
3lntirtrn. July w or/Linkmen made a
demonstration vest crday. They marched
through the street, btaritig!lannerm. on which
wa written The people are dying of hun
ger." hi frOnt of the Ministry of the Interior .
and other public depart toeing they halted and
demanded employment. Their conduct W.
orderlr. and the manifestation ended without
disturbance.. ' .
Don Cade, 'the Spanish agitator, is in
HUME aris 9.--The Counl held a
public ses e slon to
-day, at which nre ci hundred
and thirty-eight fathers were present. The
Srf,r,sa Ik E*tirAia Chrlatt was adopted by 538
to and was apprUred as a Constitution or
the Church by the •Pope, who pronounced
short ollucut k/n.
ri.T:PcrEnsimitc. ;poly 19.—Advices from the
agricultural districts of Northern and Central
Itimsta represent the crops looking well end
Rrun a yield above the avernge. •
; •
flasterno , ,
Jnly l9.—The steamship t Ile
mania, from New York; "la Plymouth, or
rived yesterday afternoon. •
The Cambria left Havre un bntkrdv fo
New York. _
PLYstom - n. hilt. M.—The steamship New
Y0rk...4 the North Germ. Lloyds, front New
York. arrived hero safely this morning. 7t to
not yet derided whether she will attempt to
reach Bremen.
The steamer Cniun, of the North German
Lloyds Line, is at • Fireinen,:and will not leave
until further orders.
SOUTHAMPTON, July le.—The North German
steamer Maw. from New York. for Breinen:
arrived safely this forenoon.
• ~ 4.72:EN5T6.1,N, July 111.-7'he steruners4l.ep
ivd- City of liro.dtlyn arrived from
Loxpox: July 19.-5 e. p.—Consull MON
Atnerican securities eat and nominal
bonds 95,. old PI; 'Mi. $1; 10-40 s. 79
Stocks nal: the, 15: 1111uuir.AU1; Or.
Jule 10.-11oUrse: routes opened at
and clushd at 05.0.5. and shade nrmer.
LIVERPOOL. July 10.-5 P o.—Cotton entirely
nominal and tou irregular to quote; sales 5J X:4l
b x a p le o s r ta;l l
more e !a t l r lu ad re e announced. eWaetao nl bedalls
3d for red winter, 1241 M 3d fur Call
orals and 10v Oil for red. Western Flour 3
: 11. Corn 3as.
LONDON. July 19.--h r. rt. The pack which
outtnenced In the markets here and at Liver
oor y,Pn - d.iy continues to.chly, and was In
t ceased •by a rumor. to which some credit is
teen, that there is an understanding between
ranee and Ntv.tria. Linseed Cakes firm.
' ' O l - Pelllloo allow easie
11 r
111 at ies. Calcutta Linseed firm.
1. -
Or Trlegnlph to Pitt.bur—gl.oazette.]
NEW YORK. Jut' IR, 1670.
The steamships France. from Liverpool.
Westphalia and Scotia, from Dude; have ar
rived. The agent of the French Steamship
Line here states that the steamers of that
line will continue their tiles as usual.
tiA11..1.M.; Or SAE. 91LE1+Lt.
- -
The hteainehli. Sileja •ailed this afternoon
for Hamburg., ith the Prussian flag flying.
She carries two hundred passesu‘ers. Including
Feveral Prussian uMcers. Shp took one hun
dred and forty-nine bugs of road matter.
It I, reported that the i'ruestaii Government
hale made proposals-for the :tete. ttery.
.w completing at' Hoboken under Venetal
rm.; or rag MAT, •
lir 11113 -eight Carta ofmin stroke yenterdey
eighteen were fatal, nod thirty-three fetid
cased were reported to-day.
Igeventy -one caste occurred
- • - ••
A tilaSS meeting of Germans in favor
ti , sia win 'be held In Tumpklus park t
urro%, es ening- • . . •
rnice or pulp.
GOl,l tit-niaht at the Fifth Avenue Hut
r+l at 1"',%.
[serious Trouble in North Carolina - Cltil Au
thority Hefted by the Golernor and Militia.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette.l
itaurtou, N. ,C., July or
citizens errs in Aintuaucecounty by e Kir f k,
who, by order of Gov. Holden, refused to re
gard the writs of habeas corpus Issued In their
behalf, trr,rsted the strutter before the Chief
Justice tu.clay. The issue revolved seems to
ter whether an rsttautonent shall be issued
:wain st t Ire G overnor or Kirk. The Governor's
counsel wilt close the argntnent to-morrow
tour - alum The feeling is most tutees° on the
subject, and the people await with the deepest
at the decision of the Chief . Justice.
Neiva received here this afternoon states
that Graham, thecounty seat of Abonance.
hos been pieced under martial law- by Kirk.
The court house ryas seized and the whole
town strictly guarded. A military commie
slue has been organized; consisting mainly of
Kirk and.his incers. to try the citizens
antler arrest. M Additional news has been now
ceived that lion. John Kerr, Hon. P. Hill,
sheritrGrillith and several other prominent
coeservat Ire citizens of Casswell county, were
arrested• at Yancyrille yesterday by Kirk.
The Congressional candidates in that. district
were speaking Maul court house whed Kirk
surrounded it with soldiers and made the ar
Terrible Ilnyegely or smell Pox Among the
,Uy •
Telegr4Ph to Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Vaunt, July IR—Advises were received
here to-day from the vicinity of Milk River
giving theparticulars of the terrible ravages
or the small -pox among the Grosveutres
diftll-4. An Indian died .wlth this disease nod
the Indians dug him up toget his blanket. lo-
Lorca:Sion spread through their camps and
within a few days seven hundred and fifty
out of nineteen hundred Indians died. A shirt
Infected,was left un the trail of the Plegan
Indians by a moo named Deruche, which
caused f 'raves among thht tribe. The
robes in mulc hthese Indians were burled
were exhumed and sold to traders, and report,
say, a ear load of these small pox robes are
at Quintah Ration. on the Colon Pacific Rail
road, awaiting. inspection before being for
warded East.
—There were twenty cases ut sunstroke In
Baltimore un Monday—four fatal.
—There were thirty-seven cases of sunstroke
In New York on Monday—seven fatal.
•—The stennishifi!Citv of Washington. from
Liverpool. arrivedzat New York yesterday.
—General Schenck has fully Ilaterizilued
refuse to make to racefor Cungrens, and will
publish n card of withdrawal lu a few days.
—Robert It. Barkley. finold farmer living
near Jefferstdi Barracks. Missouri. was taw(
and hided 00 Monday by a neighbor rimmed
-At Richmo mo rt a l lyeseay. liar
trd shot and wounded B. F. Lind..
S. hie eon -tomes. for the seduction of Hay
ard's daughter. Bath keep hotels.
—Much activity - has been infused in Feel.
drains in New 1 urk. Gen. Dennis Burke
me Issued a call fur a special meeting of the
military orgautzathiu of the Brotherhood.
meeting EVtnsv (GermanA large and entimains
tie of was held last night.
They pledged their money mad sympathy to a
united Germany against it tyrillMl
telegCMl YranCe.ra
from M
econ Mondhed
Berlin th a t ncro
the f t, essities o ay f
holders p had
-thrown a large amount of American securities
on the market: hot communicated no other
-- g e State printin
amoun Th ts to about g.S.Oliti Per of Ohio, which
year, let Ye.
terday for the nest two years at rates which
will save the State about IC,CIOO yearly when
compared withlhe last contract. .
—The New Orleans firemen have been *un
nide to make arrangetnents for trial of speed
with the trinclunati steam lire department-•
They will leave for the South by a special
train today. stopping perhaps at the Mam
moth Cave.
-;-The St. Louis Merchants Exchauge Yes
:.erilay voted to entertain the lowa editors.
who will make no excursion to Louis on
the irdh Inst.. on the ocuenion Of-the coral/te
flon Of the North Missouri Railroad to. Cedar
Rapids, lows.
—Colonel Mayer. President of the Police
Commislonere. informs the Board of Health
that there are about nine hundred prostitutee
In St. Loui, and that the new regulations
goveruing them will drive a large number of
the worst class from the city.
—The steamboat. night of Way exploded on
Monday morning nearThibadeaux, Bayou La
fourche,'loulsiana, and sunk almost hunted&
etely. Killed: Leon Critneaux,of Ammo-
Bon, harkeePer. Mike Smith, of St. Louis,
first engineer. and woven colored deck hand..
--At Nashville. Teen., Albert Turner. his
wife and two other female members Of his
faculty, Nero suddenly taken ill come days
ago, supposed to be accidentally polyorml
eoulething they had eaten. MrakTurner died
to-day. The others are convalescent. Turner
is an obi citizen, well known to turf men.
the steamer Natchez having
iVi l' sge P d i t jt c ' tini
correspondent of the tt. Louis ffrproxicon
during the recent race between that boat and
the Itol*rt H. Lee,for remarks made in hie let
ter about the bad piloting of the Natchez,
calling him a perjured scamp. ttc., that gentle
rnma has
them for slander, - laying his
damages at VA/818.
Lo7lits•Tit:s n' M e :i ti ti n a g y *f e pe zettVg n . ., ' Tte a so l l ' gtog
ware adopted to the effect turd 40,C0D Ger
mans of Louisville express their admiration
of Count Bismarck for the anneal be huller
oPitoling French usurpation. A Com
mittee; to receive donations to aid Prussia
fll emote% $3,510 rut..ersgirTr collented In the
largely attended grateentsn gevil- •
[cfr9lt SES ATE
Subject to the deemuu of the curutng tltouti It
publican l'i.nry I'..nacnti.•n
There 1.111..1 rn,tlng of thl, Cur:truly hid
on every
Tit /LULA V I'VENINt...A7'
A t the enter of thl County 'l'rea•ure
until flintier n•'tir•c.'
1129.7 , J. It. eLAI Seey.
Al.i.touga I . Ctrs ,IS•itilNEkat'S
July INtla. I„0.
NOTICE—'!he assessment for the
a - roc:ling of OTItEET Imm
Western ovenue to }rut/kiln alley IS now rood y tor
examiexamination. and eon he seen at this ogles until
Y. July 30th, 1070. when It will he
Placed In the hand , of the City Controller to serve
not lees opayment of same.
• CHAS. DA Vlit.•
rum City Engineer.
. Loretto Springs
Tb 14 hummer ltenort to .1 . adios Irnm Cresson.
Advantages onexcelled. Excursion Tickets by the
Penn.. It. It. Co. can be had during the almoner.
Terrug very rood.rnin ',lair and fun Infor
mation. address
A t _c UCtICL.
A. Lotrrgte nrl nob at 111, An& Ronai, 130
redmel atreet.itnrhenr. to FRIDAY. JULY
22d. at 2r. •
13 t ASF.: LiVl:lll,4‘ll.. Itm ,, ilNlai.A3l AM)
VELUM" WARE. the Cask.
11 . .thout reseryt, the liighebthltider.
Grocers mind de..lerft ore speelally t , ” tied t” M
d this rate 0000,0 for bezzals,
The Urinal:and Nurtb American Royal Mal
litentneldret. between New York and Liverpool
callink at (lurk Barb°,
3COM, WZON.ICSDA y..7T:L1(47.
CUBA. A I7G. 3.
. •'
TI;11 . ! SDA V.
`AMA lt, A . ••
INIA. every Suturdny. booted by
her Hoe,. or
By virtue of the proceedings of the Orphans'
Court of Allegheny County. the mblemlened ad
ministrator (.40 no 0,10 to the estate of Ann
Jane AlcCreadr.doe'd.willoler . at Public Sale, on
lie prnmlw,. In tho 1 71 k
1870. at lit burgh. iorcleck . A. .. all those two •certeln
lots of ground Br ock
in the 17th 'trawl lit the
CPT ifrghetlY niunty. marked and
numbered 3 W i no 4. In plan of !ate laid
P 11. Willer.nod and described mi s:
Nes:inning, II it:told formerly Washington s Weer.
at' the dlstancs of 280 /eel trim Forty-Muth
street. formerly Lathrop client; thence IV trthWeS4
Imle4Oly jart i lglTZlO n l l rfgarni f i e r e al,t t ab a tZfrlg
with itelleld street along the line of said lot No.
33.100 Irma to alley—fact millet tinier along
the place of begionlng. Terms 111.0 U 1.1101 , 11 on
day of rale. or on p;. c all , 010 • W.P.AILNMINHA
Jrgralw." Administrator S ALE.
Estate of James S. Neel& iDec'd.
ray AnneOf an order of Ihw r ir ptrn i:
(1r of Na`7'lll"'oLseeeTll'TePl,T.,.tie4.goedoerTi pub<sele.on the pre11.6,3 reraST.CLAIR
1870. fill o'clock r.
?.?.. T afftl,llLgri;i"EW'Ori
tract.? land In told township. of which thesold
Jas. S. Neeld lately died wised. eteaaintug shoot
87 Acres. bounded by limos of I itay..o, Me:
Millen. Jr., Wilson Lesnett, and other , mid about'
one-half mile from Sheller of the Chanters
road. The whole). underlaid with
.led ten mile. of Pittsburgh.
Ithititre trAl.):- Your Thousand Ileums tor
reifecient tu trey debt, uf tlecedent and co attn.,
s.e.; be paid ,re mmermation of the sole. One
third of the remainder to . paid at the decease
..f 3lrs.Parala J. Lyda.and to remain charged on
the land. the Interest thereof paTable to her semi
a Paid The. three equal payments,. the children or
sold decedent sr at twantr-one, say on Aprtl
I. 1871. 1876 read 1884. The unpaid •hare motetr to be securod by hood and mortgage
of the
acs, the purchtaer to pay ; for deed,
tore - tango
and atemps.
Fur further particular!, Inquire of the under
signe. at his °Mae. Nu. 134 Fourth avenue. Pitts
C. HASBROUCK. Trustee.
r'lltaburgh..lulr 20.17170. Prelha.7.resai,
ustries & Commerce.
jroviih and Present Prosper
frreirnlntivr Monnfortiiring !Wmls
.)1 7 PITTS
Leading Hot&
AIWIVAM I 4I=7 I I4 , M I ;:T I.'lll l o
not hlthertu attempted to this Mt,. A tanned
.pees be. been
Assigned to Advertisers.
For their. Favors
E. A. USERS, Publishers.
Jui9 75 Wood Street
riILLVITONSISM/NARY.—Havlog resolved
bunt Its rounder. lton. 8 Will nan
of 8131111.00 u. otters th e . verg i b t eilt . .Z• ll, ": ll
students desiring a thorough prepared. for Ma
rine. or admission to • Cts." l C 4 ' ll .Sh•
Spent at eost..el Taltion fnes to the innwaer.
For addrees the Pd.... MARSHALL
H ENS!! W. East H1101,40/4 Meng Jeurpag
Wert brande darer aired Ham and Dried
Beet received sod for sale by the' tierce or at re
tell by
eau. TJbarta and Yalta Ma.
01t1 If MEM ttie beet In nee rue ettleb
~: ~_ _ ,:.
l'ommefeial and F'amily . Newspam
tnernanlc. wercLent sn , ,chl be
without It.
Sunda subscrltnne
of ten. .
1I 1.11
A copy Is fernlShed gralultonsly In the ~tt et. c p,
o(a Club et tea. Post.ntastent are requested
act as Agents. Address.
P63N1,11.(N: nr:En et. c 0.,.
r."'NOT 1;
ICES— .. cLet... For ”1.,05t. ^11 ",
licutrac," At.. not. arceni
I , 'lt LINES. I. 102411.1 4, fArmm 04.i.(1.5 very
rIVESTr-ft 17E CENTS; ougA dd,ht.nnli IMa
‘7/: CENT'S.
l iTlfreii7 l 4" n ig i t t .ar; a 7.)=
but an exponencou'a -- " p 7.110_
1, T;ll' Si l t ' r c t t,itwl . Vi Ni t Aili B l l l!
4". ( irgIFILIZ'N"...V. 7 ""•"""`"' "Pitt,Z".
- 140111..11A, bodied mer,..11,.4..
are wanted t.!.ndi s h e u k
g Ul m 'lt
e<%?111 tho Unlyl ion: A 1.1.4 et the Idhic`ei , t
r00t,,,t VAA Street.
W.VT.ED—Sereral Nen for Farm
7;12,11;1:%.24 for
rat i g . .. ( 7,r:1117.74 yr; za„A°
SI ENT OFFICIC.NO. 1 alttlinreetrent doo, vow
ftepenslon iOddye
30,000 to Loam In Ism or stnellaseannin.
t• fair rate of Interest.
Bitt. Bond enryteel Lute Broker.
No. 179 Bonthesld Meow: •
Thirty Thousand Dollars to loan
!time ur amounts en vropertibattlkithiny
muly at a fair rate uf Interest.
N./lasts:* Anti t.
68 ursat
.L OST.--1;111ECK.---Un the Ith or
13th 1n0t... • • CITECK for No. NIP,
tkated..l2th July lost- drawn by was. ale Cull y
t O. In favor of Blesses. BerrNar se. Dull or bearer.
Tao ender please lease It at No. kg and 110
'Nona street. AS psyneeisl nn been pPed Is
1/0 s ire t. MT.!.
VOUSIL—On Satnrdar °Toting,
POCK ET-BOOK. contritritng money. inc.
Tile owner am butte It by celltng nt. 243 bantlnak7'
et rent...Ulegbenltt and Identtlying n.
BROWN - COW. bl or ill TM. old. Owner pdi
fings°,l,l r=7=plgttiv."if-IVggi
TO•LET.--:-N.a. 36 Esplanade street,
Allegheny. 110Lidt of 7 roam► .ad dabbed
attic. gas throughunt: hot and cold miter Ie!
kitchen. Po•eeeeion given September lit: Anal
on eremitic, or to .101. IN tiTERRETT. Dimodd,
Country Residence..
Edwiwood Station. A Wien DOUBLE TWO
STORY BRICK 17008 E end. nearly 3 acres of
•rontid. The house contains 13 roomsrelso •
well of soft tester to kitchen. Any ono In want of
e splendid house will do welt to Pall end 11.110110/1
talc protroftY. WRi toile cttl ttOAMII in WO
IWYstli. It sensible. For farther efortnstion tell
at the Fluee , PPostto RdlOwsti• 'lftetlation the
P. R. IL
Ivon SAIIL-110VbiTr w ....F o lin t, p s h r ed .
. "teflon 7U First street,. t
bolirdlegeoose. T<ll2l/1 moderato.
tierlC of Leitrim sod Ifs:silt lei en rooms
with rhos 'ant In front. TOO test 'option lk tbe
7th hard. Will Pint lOWVI IN II mint,. :NO
Vat k :
7- IV' .
FOR SALE CHEAP ,500' wil l
tour lute 24 I: i te h rrig: ni b t .
stabling. fronting on a forty feet trees, onsi.tull
minaret back, of Pentuylrarila are se ,Twentieth
* near East 14berty. Apply 1174 Grant
treel. near Perentb avenue. Jullkhrills„
TAINS 240 ACHE& one bun d and tinny
acres under cultivation. balance w s. improve
ariala dwentg A very large ba and
(beep bonse A orchard rug weal watered bra
Jetting. roans }ndiaat•.7) 7, Ilea in.l B ntVE t Tilt i ;
and Louisville hadroad; In wrilling •nehdlbUrhooor
bear to Tillages and chordies. The lam can be
parcbasrM VenTlMAT . PlP'fil r iTo
nit A IT,
Vrn v eef.VoZlMP"."
iio i tt lktlllAGE. In 0,4 ardor.
Apply to
Cornet of South Canal Weal add glar DYEß es Cowl /
VOIL SALE:Llngliiin and Boilers.
New and new.d Hand. of all kinds, conaton
on hand.
(h . dere from eh pugs of the tountry prow ptlyet
heed to.
c m:00 .11p LATenue AEA I. Ft. IF, a C. It.
ItESIDEN, containing MO acres with 3 botrale
thereon; one, • tine. comfortable and convenient ..!
lioneatgood wane. and one of the best water pow. I
Cr, In Westent Pennsylvania fora mill; 110
from the lefty. on the waters of Turt/e Creek , bad, ;
Cof fella from Stewart's Plettlon.'Central Halle
toad. Also. several good Farms In good loraftloo.
an houses for sale. Enquire of
II No.llolinult opponte Cathedral ,
SALE. - -- OS 8 1%, '- fIiS , CRID — Tf;
to 117 L. r ... l , :h acre d e p eh In T l4relnurl pt hula beat
j Uitl . . l3 :vin c erVnne ., r ' lcw of flee
0 1 1 11111 1 1.:A.ZD LOT,i full of choice beatinsfrult.
'P l i iAltatriEW c6TrAOn 9 proms , in a
front and side porticos. 3 ceil,rar..2,
good well of water at back door, carrtatia - oene ee e
stable. ralr b e a nng.youngorchanabearlng.nn eat
VA74,„e, m'elrabf.lgg' grrlg . '"Vng
90.300. Or Macre ee mute a ope oiglflard'Olto._oa
had with It. Within fifteen initiates WY% Of fe.
cline. • Nnoulte of
W. LLNILA MT/ on the breathes.
rt ' Oß SALE.—An elegani, frame coi:
Ie oNlf".l°Z.Zr4rg?enTe.,-,dbt,T",'4:
arty O very draftable. both on account lts P eone ! •
Arnlenor and reasonable price. Anyono desiring
oralrable house should not fall to weary ibis I
A large and I.eantlinlly Filtrated lot. MO by 308
teat on 44th street. norm !Butler, can ha balfght ;
of°rent fora very reasonable conylderatlon.
will make pretty spot for a handsome 'undone..
On Hound."' atreet—A•frame dwell log (3 story , •-• e
t , Terf! l Tlro. lo 4ll . T rn' t ' ;7llr btrtljr WV:I ' I . IBW
below value. ' BO
, 1300—Lots 90 br 100 each, pleasantly antra. I
tell nazi. the Pentoylvanta Railroad, can be mfr. •hwd
.11 by applying at the raffles of Penn end •
3.7c1 street.
• • • MO
The two Flom double bon., the residence of
Robert S. Kennedy. lace.. &divining the realer..
of )Mown. WuCendllity Walker .4 Wm.thiciper,
in McClure township.. the New lertshicm hoed.
&hum 3 'miles from the Ott. The house contains
14 rooms; also. lac house and cooling roma, sum
iner kitchen and litundry.d unt.hume.convenient
to the mein building: the hu¢sola suppUed with
'rotor end gas. The grounds. complisinir ROMA
10S acres. meslastetully l.ld out msd are stocked :It
with an abundance ot:t telt end urnetatintsil tame.
smell frults,le. On thelirentisesare alsroestale. •
d F.POII. out Daum, and rardeaar's haw or
3moms. Verner 9IJItiOO.. the P. 11; W.L C.
It. It. I. atilda a few tab:dates' walk of the hohse..allac
For tertne.erdialre at the PEARL )(ILL. Alla-
11. AMY'S LOVER. A Stoat. By Fkmum
IV.. TTII .Mtlß(l‘,,7l-,,Londßigg."'PliP°lll:
1 1..ra b. rusely Illustrated. By Edward A.
. -
AR 800R, 1 110P14 OF LONDON
VII. Silf eArtltY h t.l .IV %; ilt 3 ' IV b7l I •
WAITE: A N TEL. Part IV. By An.
VIII. ONf h illiC T IVM.Ii ERIE (./F E v iOLVT/ON.
IX. TUE PA l.7\ 4 .1 14. 1
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XII. 1
.11S I NWIs T 1124 .. 1411NAr rn' . '''''
Xll4 MERMAN° or Tim E. . • Pk •
Vor bale at all the Book and New. Storel,
Tausses—Taarly Butetrlptlon. 64. mane Num.
bilPielrlg4.Nl.lMßEß.srttti Prendnan 'Llat and
clue 1F 1 . 1 e......t to any arldroas on oftelpt of
Twenty-Eve cents. Adnrens
& . 00 '1 •
715 and 717 Market . $t Philadelphia.
Meet. Cra.lolll street. Yalta*
street. Elm areal. Grum Nowt. Labial. moot,
RIO most, Fnistreat. Barth& Wen, Sewall
avenue. Third Vr. C.b4eut. rot Spaamonl
acZto .th an &Iv 42
A l=
=I : 0 H=.lo. t s. W i ebtinmtrz,,
street, street. A 1 1.10.7. 44 th ~ ,n etr P ft.
Jul) • 31, an