El El Ell 51 D M U el 1 d HOME NEWS, Person: 'cueing. the city for the summer, sad- wishing to have the Guerra sent to them, will picase send their addresses to the °Lace. Price by moll, 11 cents per month. The Republican .ongressional conferees of the XXltt Dintrict oil! meet to-day at the Mononeahebt House. • Chief Ilsighe will not use poison In dealing with tin Is vsensou. and therein he shun . s his humanity and good sense. Aftaull and ttttt er).--Magair Hoffman mule information la.for,Juatice Darker st. terday. chargiar Mary ;Vaigana with airman. and muter•. Mary n.t. arrested And bald fur a hearing. . The subject or xtreet drinking fountains is being agitated In Allegheny. A plan MCI sub mittal to Council, tut was inid over until the next meeting. Penme...l.—John itaran. Esq., one of lb handsomest moo 10 our sister city,. left th city last evenine iin the Panhandle route, to on business. • last “(InG at eorge Nolan te arrested evening for tempt lag to pas • U. S. nee dollar note at Skerran's saloon 0 Diamond. Alleglipoy. Ite was taken to th. lock-up. Organ grimier* innitinenibleoccupy our streets end by day and by night MI the air with Brrlllll3 ton horrible to Went lon. We.pre_ some this b. one of the ri,liations which we cattnot escape. • Yesterday morning. nt the National Pipe Works, a man wan struck by the crane produ cing a Sellout And perlmps fatal fracture of the skull, while another in endeavoring to cheek Its progress had one of bin fingers taken off. Abased a Child. , A want was Issued for the arrest of Henry Levim yesterday by Jus tice Helsel, on a charge of assault and bat tery. made by George Fetchter, who alleges that the neenseil struck his (deponent's) daughter and knocked par down. ~.------ -...—_ Information Made. -Tile proprietor of the tavern referred to In yesterday's paper as the scene of a row. on Spring 'lank. oven Al . legheny, on Saturday night, appared for , Mayor Callow yesterday morning, an made information agativd Mae of the roughs. No arrests bare as yet been made. • . Malicious aibieblet--F. K eller wade Informa tion before Justice tinsel yesterday charging the driver of Fans' bread wagon :with mali cious mischief, lie alleges that the accused willfully and alien usly drove his , bread wagon against Ills bicrionent's) }rolled.amaing It seriohsly. A warrant wan , I ;The Lake on West Commons, when cam hinted. will be one of the prettiest features of tits Park. The run ic , bridge, the water Jets and other intended unlade' displays cannot prove Otherwise than attractiVe. The Commission hitt e eon- a new jet on trial, slnirh shows n pretty display of water. An Jall.—Ellen Yates and Mary Thomas, charged with infant wide. MI 3,0111 M of which wh eiblished on 31011Mly, Wm, arretted by the District AllMllere M•t•Cial detective, m or near Phillipsburgli, Clarion county. Satur day evening. They were brought to this city yesterday nod are now lujall :melting a bear tu. Itaelmden on thi , ftl , ev—Testerday evening quite a large crowd assembled an the Vie- 1 gheny wharf and SuspensiOn Bridge) to wit- nem. the starting of the Pittsburgh Marge Club's new boat, Alex. Nimick. - on au excur sion up the ricer. A select crew of he club 'had the boat In charge. and had un lamed a number of ladles. -.6. Uncles' on Nunday.—The Perrysvil S Plank por u-s Road purees to be a regular. race co eon the Sabbath day. A number of is enli vened the course on Sunday last. an of the number met with an accident by being ,hrowr out of the buggy and trampled upon. seriouslv injured about the brim, not learn his simile. Taken In.—.loccph McCormick a cheek dr...en on the Pecan passed for Stll on Net Mel:shim. Neal presented the cheek for payee informed that McCormick had nut: The Mayor 1,19 informed of the the request of McC4lllln booed the arrest...if McCormick. The New Market Illtmlniblun on the Inrket Must at the election on I-latentor. le nnanlmoue In Inter of a Market I swedes follower - • • • • First Precinct —For 112: Against ttecoad Prociact—For 1W: Again. Total—For 2.14; Against . _ Desertks.—Surah Ntella made fr before Justice Barkeryesterday charging her husband . Thos. 31r atiandonine and deserting her. was Issued and Themai arrested as ted to Ail for a hearing. His NN queen). relented and ut her request band woo released from Jail. Woolen's P.p.—Dem. Greno Is wanted at the Wild. of Justice Meisel. Joseph Mickle grAia t ird so t n o t r 4 he w J o n r s k tic r e or . (imo a lr e l hosing the benent of his labor for one meek. refased to pay font. The Justice said' this was obtaining labor 'unties lalse pretences and Issued a warrant for his arrest.. Poisoned Her Dacha— Annie School was once the possessor of a flock ot, ducks, seven of which she .alleges came to'their death from poison administered by Mary Montague. Alderman Shore was informed of the fact and Issued a warrant for the arrest of Mary on a charge of malicious mischief. After a hear. lag she was held to bail for herappearance at Court. Anlionest liervanr.—On Sunday Mrs. C. De- Roy, whiten on visit to Mr.Kenting's, Perryo silk, lost a ditonond ring valued at flee hun dred dollars. Yesterday her heart was glad with a call from Mr. Keating, who brought her the ring saying it was found by a servant girl In the dining room. We, hope before she dies she may be Able to wear her own , dia monds for her honesty. • Died from Excessive lirat.-,Thommt Sear don, at Shoenberser's mill, in the Ninth ward. vesterdaY, fell dead while at work before his furnace. Dr. E.l S.- llmbstautter, the well known physician, held a pot /la..rtem examin ation. and rostrum' excessive heat or sun stroke to have been the cause of death. Cor oner Clawson held an inquest, and a verdict In accordance with the facts of the case was rendered. Obsoraerly.—Maiy Fount nod Mrs. Mooch leg lire on Itobluson street. Fourth ward, Al twbeny. It appear:Alley 'hurt- been in the hithlt of quarreling with euch other. attract ing a crowd and disturbing the neighbort In the vicinity. Mr. W. K. McDonald preferred a charge of disorderly conduct . against them before Alderman Bowden. 'A warrant was . issued and the parties arrested. They mire ball fora hearing. Ernlesslement.—Michael Merger made In formation before' Alderman McMaster,. charting_ henry 31acckle, with etnbearle meat. The accused yea. elected Treasurer of . . .. . . . "Land Association No. 1." of Lawrenceville souse time since. in which the prosecutor w. a Stockholder and it is alleged that Mseckler appropriated $745 of the funds of said a... elation which belonged to the prosecutor. A warrant was issued. • Kicked by a Hone.--. 1 farmer corned Cyrus Junco met with nu accident yesterday morn ing, by which his leg ~as broken. lie was driving a tearn.of horses in the vicinity of Mo- Kee'. Mocks, when front some cause ur other 'they became frightened and :attended to run away. In his effort to quiet the animal. Mr. Jones was kicked with the result stated. The injured man was removed to his residence and proper medical assistance given. Disorderly.—Jacob Maier. a saloon keeper In Dirminghatn. made information Jus tice Sallsburvyesterdy. charging Hoary Wag ner. George ttobluson. itud George Hager with disorderly conduct. alleging the& they acted In •• disorder's - manner In his naloon. Wagner . then made information before the same Justlee 'charging Algler and his dausinter with assault and battery. The parties all assembled at the °Mee of Jtistice tiallsbury where a .cornpro mine was effected. Obltuary.—Mr. John Savace departed this life at his residence on Wylie eveellle last night, after a brief Illness. The deceased wag widely known and highly esteemed In this eommuulty. During the war be was host of the Savage Rouse, and in that capreity is popular landlord made tautly ends. He was genial, good natured .cl k i n d hearted. and bit death uill Cellse mach sorrow to • large circle of acquaintances._ lie leaves a wife and family to mourn his lose. Derr Wenzel, the German umalcian. will ere six exhibitions of his uresterions feats. The Invisible Ixtdy, Happy Pandly, Parlor Xesusier Glass !Honer, and thousands of curloOttes. ddmlesiun onlyZieents. Made, Mirth and Pleasare.—Next Thursday theladles connected with Grace Presbyterian church (colored) will bold a grand picnic at the charming and romantic Loudon Grove near Oakland. Arranacments at the most liberal character have been made to secure the enjoyment of all Who attend. An excel lent baud of ,ntildc will hoPresent todiscourse enlivening music. while nil the cooking. and tempting luxuries if the season will be found at the 'Miens bocl All ore invited to be, Present. - Held far Hearin j.—Alderman Bolster. of Al lathed, yesterday morning held Catharine Jartck to bail ou a charge of dtoult and bat- Sem! preferred by krona tjardlon. The • trouble had Ito grain In one of the many ware Incident to the Mot occupancy of abode. d=rent parties. Toe two families had a mint about - game trilling wetter, and 11 b alleged by:Frank. that Catharine went to tar as to choke bit ilvinlibiwife. The parties reside on Yining Garden avenue, Seventh ward. kicked by a Were. -Mr. Isaac Kahn. a cattle dealer: doing hualness at the Allegheny drove yards received yesterdaY a serer. kick from a steer that be was driving. The Injury was very painful but lt Is not likely to permanently disable him. his fellow dealers manifested deep sympathy and consideration for him ID his angeringa. It Is indeedsurprising that among those concerned iu the handling of cattle Mire are not dang er!ln 118 they are per. fectly reckless of nnd the cattle are • sotnellmrs quite vicious.ger False Protease,—John A. Lippert, of East Dinalngbam, was victimised yesterday to the sum of and In circler to get square hawed° Information before Justice Helsel, chanang Christ Moss with obtaining money under false pratessees. He alleges that Hose mime to him mind represented that he had Just purchased a jot of cattle for g4OO, and had not .mosey enough tr. pay for them by e 2,, whereupon Unmet loaned him the ! . .3. He afterward,, aseertalued that Host bad not catt/e. A wa r n ens leaned. lieuceirs Agaseem, open from 9 In the morn. lag entitle o'clock at night. White pond his troupe of Ladhuis give four startling inerformenoos dilly of their 1,110118 damns, ceremonies, &r. e!! , : I T. IN. C. A • Lawrencesillie Mean Christian Aro. elation—Permanent Org•aleatlon—Elertion of OMeess—lnteresttog Sleeting Last Even. lag—Elcament . ddddd ues, etc. ' There Is no better Index a the spirit of the ' ege than the great Increase of late years of as-. aoclatlons of the young and active workers in the different branches of the great Christian work. A .I.v 'years ago. , and Young Men's Christian Associasions. Conientions, Sabbath School Associations and Institutes were ai ost unbeuni of, but now they ire numbered by thousands all over the land. Our own city can boast of one of the most flourishing nasa. elation% in the land. anti in the Oast years sev eral excellent associations have been formal In the suburbs of the city. Lawrenceville Is never behind In any good or noble work. fler time . T his .a w e a n ful earlpy toe m e n sp rare-t oa fehe weeks ago, when the yotuis men of Lawrence ville held a union meeting, at which were present representatives of all the evangelical I denomination., In order to organize a Young Men's Christian Association. At this meet ing, which was held In the M. E. church 1R... Mr. Hickman s), a permanent organization was effected. by the election of the following officers : president. W. 11. Chilton[; Vice-President, Chas. Parkins; Recording Secretare. J. 11. Stewart: Corresponding Secretory, W; Asdniet Treasurer, N. T. Tenner. ' A 4 this meeting a large number of young men signed the roll of membership. since which time it has largely Increased. • • Last evening n very Interesting ninientliu elastic meeting was held in the Lawrenceville United Presbyterian church, under the nos- nice, of the newly formed association. At eight o'clock the meeting was coiled to order by the President. After the psalm commenc ing lands to God in joyful sounds" was sung, the opening prayer was offered by lter. Dr. Andrews. . . The arst address of the evening was dell, coed by Mr. C. It. hatch, who commenced by saying that they oung men who constitute this. Association, In whose interest we are hero met hove to ask of the Christian public a friendly recognition. Their reeniest Is mod emte. They ask not for money so much, is for true, constant and devoted friends. Thee need sympathy . Their work is such that the y need the truest and deepest sympethr. Error and Truth are charging fur the conflict. Are we content to be silent witnesses ? Shall we be inactive ? Let each one give his hand and heart to this noble work, and bid the mem bers of this. Association . liod-speed." In addition to this they need your fellow ship. They need your ClMlpilny. Show your selves friendly by associating In their work and give them your wholehearted support and co-operation. To the young men this ASSOCIII - offers plenty of work, and by this they alone can show the genuineness of their mu (mini,. Let your work ever he to visit the sick comfort the sortowing. cheer the des lsiring, and point the wandering to eternal ife. The psalm commencing: "Debi"ld. hose good a thing it is, • And boss becoming well. • Together ouch as brethren nee In unity to dwell." was then sung after which Rev. Dr. Andrews of Lnwrencviie, made an eloquent addr.s. lie stated that he came here to hear nut to speak. Ile still felt yourg enough to be a member of the Young Mens Christian .Aisoci ation although well advanced hi years. end to heartily sympathize in its great and noble name. The object Of this association is known advance nII. It ladle to elevate humanity and the Kingdom of Jesds Christ. Ile twt en the cherrh and Sixth street the number of infamous dens are legion. To you is colli mated the was k of breaking up these dens of infamy, and savior; the young men.of the city. I have often . seeu young men of the Pitts burgh .tmation going lute these gyVii haunts and oozier liken to give .up their wicked troth, I ask tor the, association life cloistian sympathy of I Is, community. Young men Imo, homed home influence*. nail come to the great ci c ity where they are atom:ern and feel lost- They are then easily. led into evil associalbans and to places of sin and 'death.. Who in to go after_ these young men. but our Christian young men and Ins ite them to the prayer meeting and the house of God? Our Christian sees,- digit:ins have in this manner saved thousands oI young men to society and the world. Dr. Guthrie relates of a British tuanof-war. when near the coast of Portugal descried nn old hulk drifting before - the wind. Wile cap tain fearing sonic one might be ooljo.l the hulk - ordered two seamen to lower a boat and pull for the wreck. They found a man wast ed ton skeleton and all but dead. When able to speak; his first words were. "There's &bother man." Saved himself he wish ed to save his companion. Let this be the spirit of the young men of this Association. There are many young Medan our city wandering on the broad way to death, none caring for their souls. Young men: go where there are weeping ones and dry their team go•where 'there are wwiryi burdened ones and help bear their bur ens go where the moral lepers herd and waft on( the air the name - of Jesus. I look on the Young lien's Christian Associations as co workers with the Church of Christ. mid my prayer shall ever be. "God bless the Young Men's Christian Associations of our beloved land." • • Mc. J. English then followed in a brief and able address. reviewing the history of Young Men's Associations In the mot. and the good they have accomplished over the world. - Aber singing the hymn, Ittond up my soul. shake off thy fears. - the Bee. Mr. Close made a short address. re ferring to the great net and ardor of . ..be young men. and was glad to see _the old men being stirred up." As a citizen o Laver core vine be was proud of the Young Merir. Chris tian Association. In It are the der nents of Union. which will soon bring fffirlrglans to gether. The reverend gentleman closed by an eloquent appeal to the young men to join the Association and to the mothers and sisters to bear a-band In the great work. After a few parting words Arum the' Presi dent the meeting adjourned selth benediction by Rev. Mr. Close. 12=M • We were much gratified with a call or, Mon day from Mr. Thomas Arnold, whom our read en will remember as ellignied extensively in the slating business Ia this city from 1815 to nce, when he relinquished the roofing business and engaged in tuintng the slate quarries of Lancaster and York counties, Pennsylvania. In the past year Mr. Arnold became exten sively interested with a number of wealthy Philadelphians, stockholders in toe Lase Su periorit nnd• dl M ate, sup ississippi Railway Company In a depose poud to he In the United States. discovered onthe thelargest line of the above Railway at a. point M miles west of Duluth, and IM miles east of St. Paul; for the development of these slate mines, a company has been Incorpo rated, under the name of the "Great Western Mining Company, of Minne sota." A town has been laid out at the mines and Is called Thomps,n In honor of one of Its projectors Edgar A. Thompson. EN., of Philadelphia. This town Is made the coun ty seat of Carlton county, Minnesota, ut this rt i t n ct !O h n e with N'h t e hT r;Te ine St= d a f n o d r' 3lls! sissippl Road , and uses its track: thence to Duluth—Lot. in the Infant town of Thompson covered with the primeval forest are selling as high as /JO per foot front—from this point the ortharn Pacific Railway pursues its way through the Red Riversettlements and along our northeraborder in close proximity to the Pembina settlements in Brlttish Columbia. to Its western terminus at regents Sound on the Pacific. • The Lake Superior and Mississippi Da'Dray extends from Duluth on Lake Superior to one hundred - and fifty-four miles west of the Miladssippl at St.. Paul. There remotes but eight or ten miles of this road unnaished. It .1s expected to celebrate Its Opening about the middle of August. Mr. Arnold describes the slate at Thelon. ion as of very superior quality, ' and as the supply Is p ra ctically Inexhaustible he ex pects to employ several hundred hands In the quarries and to supply all the cities and towns along the lakes, to the east, nod en the Mississipci and Missouri rivers and their tributaries to the south and west; 'llls large experience in this branch of busbies, and his well known energy and perseverance render 'his selection as Managlog Director of the Company, the best that could be made. We shall hear as him, we doubt not, within a few years. as the largest operator in elate mliduk in the world. May It be even so. Eterroar Reccfris. • The following,.as shown by the books at the C. S. Assessor's office, are • the gross receipts from bridges. railroads and amusements dur ing the month of Joan, too . nittuttia. Allegheny Su pension. Monongahela. Hand Street. =! Citizens' Passenger Ital twee 13,1/13 (M Allegheny sad Manchester (three 1111inINgham Passenger Ilallway Centr•A'Paasenger Hallway Oakland Pasenger ltalltrav =am ltaimaikol.g. Pittsburgh ancient:tiellsvllle. i 15,41: tikl Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago Z12...1".3 CO Allegheny Valley Railroad 82.851 Ott AMVSEXENI, Dan Bryant'. Minstrels (seven per formances) 3.574.0 • Burnell's Museum 7/)1.00 Dupre. k Benedict's Minstrels lave performances/ • 1,026 00 Skiff & Gaylord's Minstrels (seven performances) ill 90 On the above the tax is two and a half per cent., with the exception of amusements, which pay two and u half per cent. on the gross receipts. Base Ban. The game of Base Bali played at Union Park on Saturday, July 16th. between the Anneal.. of this city, and the Coal City, of Allegheny. resulted In a decided victory for the former. The Coal City boys were unable to bat Brusay's balls. his pitching being very swift cod effec tive. as the following score will show: stopste ll ;i t"' "' enii T. " 2 0 i Howe, e 4 0 tirummone, 2 B farts dre • 4 0 11 It 1 , 17 . 1adr. N. Y.... 2 3 Macias. I. 3 111111md. 2. 4 0 • Ilars.L.Y. .5 I Imm.ree. 24 0 1 I rame c lot ... .1 4 Campbell. C. ... 3 Boyle.. Id 1 5 Broatt.3.l II 3 0 Noose. t:. Y 2 2 lament, S. ..... 2 1 ; F 7 13 iN • / 1 2 3 4 5 G 11 At/antic. 0 0 0 0 3 I 0 .1 I Curl City I 0 1 100 I 0 0--i Umpire—E. Still. Allegheny 11. 11. C. Scorers--Cal. Hai burn. Atlantic: Y. Peas, CBS'. Time of game, 2M boors. Monday The At ul luitics will play the Athletics on , July Zth. =2 The Ogre A 1•1113 Telegraph The moilcltor of the Lectonis Automatic Fire Mina Telelfralki Company has carved a notice on the AllealienT auttowitimi almller to that earned on this city relating to the Ilse of the Are whim. claiming that It ban In (vinyl:nest of his clients' patent. We under stand that %hia is a retaliatory• move upon Gamowell , tr, Kennard. for their proceeding against said company In Cleveland. The mat ter In any event is of no mat concern to the elutes. as that have contracts with Kennard tkinlianY. which will amply protect them. lanntelre Ifneenin.—White amid and his troupe—four performances daily. Two after noon exhibitions. at if to 3 and half pant 4, for the especialaccommodation of ladies. TEE COURTS Qouter Einstein-4.4 e Collier. • • • MONDAY, Jule lit.—Commonwealth vs. Si mon Schuck indicted for selling liquor 'with out licenie was the first case taken up. It. appears that Schuck and Albert icoir, who Jc cupiedudJoinlng houses entered tarn partner ship to keep a tavern. and took out a license to sell litho, Subsequently the partnership was dissOlved, and the business was con darted bt siebuck In his portion of the house. Moir then made Information charging Schuck with selling liquor without license. The defense claimed that the partnership li cense would protect them until the expira tion of the time for which it had been taketi, .out. Turn, were three indictments and the jury returned verdict of guilty on one and not guilty on the others. Commonwealth vs It. 1.. Wilson indicted for selling liquor without license was then taken up. The defentladt dot, IWminem In - this City as wholeintle liquor dealer's purchasing agent. And won returned by the' constAble of the loon h.wanl. The District Attorney did not claim a conviction and the jury returned R verdict of not guilty. Tbe nest vine I Risen up was that of the Commonwealth vs. Mary Jimmies. Indicted for larceny, .1. Itillou prosecutor. The defendant was employed by the promentor to do wilahs Ins. and after she had gone a number of ar ticles of clothing were missed, some of which were afterwards found in a teas pool on the . p O m nn s o o w t e h a e l t d h e f v e s n . d Matilda Ditmore. in dietedfor forcible entry and detainer. The proSecutbr, Mr. Evans, it appears, rented a house from a Mr. Finch, who subsequentlY sold the house to the defendant, who. It is al leged, took forcible possession of the . prem ises. TRIM. LIST Mit ITESIINT. "G 8 Corn. vs. Michael Rower, 0 Wm. Until. lIC7 7 ..Larnes I! , r , rich . tmrre. et nl. ntknettock. ). 57.117, Rllkulin. 'nt ." John Utile, Jr: ;Mt '• ~ tleorge Pennington. • MC. James Mason et al.. " ilieinCliti;ifford et al. :te ••r Itiehardeuti. . • 267 Juba JIcR Illiama et 141 " 't Clintles Knoll. 24 :innate] Evans.. Sarah M. Nichols a sit. Arsoss_l!..l2attersou, 2 ease, John I%lctlarren. Feed. Vierheller. Mars Duncan. „ George F ar m. Robert Henshue. Patrick Gallagher. Ihwe Martz. George Phllbr. John - Limegrover. Jeremiah Marts. ' ' . illnrln=th. - James Sands. David,Lynch. Catharine Moon. I. tan YOH WEDNESDAY osepit Christ. , ugh Bann, a cases. t h ... r x l l str i k=r Zug et. at. I orian Pri ' cli. - ;Matt:Hail. Tomas Stanley. :114? Leal so :[74 •• • I. • •• • TAL ACL'IDiNT IL O=BE2 Dt et by a Wigan and leneetly ErffilE , if it was not n pirce of care reed in Birmingham yesterday he death of Mrs. Fisher, so el le sne s, c resit Ring In derh Ind) re half-paw on •~ croft %Oft I Wink on the South Side. A tn.; o'clock Mrs. Fisher attempted. street near Corwin, when an e owned by Cbnrleit Ilaumbaugt; = came down he street at a rapid rate. thus t, the horses P rock 'Mn. Fisher and knocked , her dow* a' d before the driver could check , his horses. o a of the wheels paired over her head, killing her instantly. Accidents f this character are becoming A too frequent currence, and we know of no more speedy . ay of preventing or putting I stop to them han by making an example of some of the croons through whose negligence or carelessn ss they are. .Drivers In many in stances, if w are to judge from thew manner of driviog, ap ear to think that they have an. undisputed ri ht to the street tothe exclusion of all podest ans. and go thundering along our crowded thoroughfares at rich a rate of speed that persons on foot are lin Imminent danger of life and Ilinti almost, every time they attempted to cross the street. It is the duty of a driver to see that be does no injury to either file or property • ith his, team., His brains Is to watch the street In front Of him. und to see that he rues over nu one, and he is responsible comerehe In the nal or .4,11 court, and in cases bot r h•• m of them, fir any neglect of this duty, where no cident l'W injury to life or property oceurs. We vv , ere umible to ascertain any particu lars In this case. bu t t speak of the matter gen eiallr. If the Larsen were not umnanagenble and running away. there can be ho excuse or pallation for his conduct, for no man has n , right to drive a'lenzn of huMei through n public thoroug h fare whereeople n, mo s ,. tog and recrossing continua lly, at no great a rate of speed as to be unable to check them it need be to prevent accidents of such a 'theme. ter. r ' . The coroner we learn has been notified and will hold an Inquest on the body of Mrs. Fish er to-day. The Drinking Fanninln in Allegheny, Designed and executed by the artist. Mr. Isaac Broome, of which it was stated In Mon day'. Claxerrst that It exhibited : signs of pre mature decay. is defended by the artist him self to the annexed card, which in Justice to his professional career we gladly publish. EDerong GAZETTE: Dear Sirs—l exeunt. an justice to myself. pass over your remarks an reference to my Drinking Foun tain, without some reply, particularly as those rem.). have mine before the public and ore calculated to create a very injurious impression towards my work nod myself, which I am very sure yon did not intend. The cracks you speak of In the figure hove been in from the ern anal what are called lee cracks, they are only superficial anal not the result of decay. The material of which the statue is composed In a species of porcelain and no decay can take place, being more du ruble than granite and will last longer than the pyramid, • Those defects which are to o s great degree firing unavoidable in the of large a piece wlll not develop themselves . more than they have done, and Indeed so little concern did they give me that I thought it unnecessary to conceal them from the public eye, which might .easily- be dune. None of the many works I have executed here hare failed ,to bring me credit, and I hove no fears of this on, This statue is handled by as many an four or are thousand people some days. and Indeed it is Impossible to keep it clear; one thing I can nssure you. that twenty thousand people per day cannot wear it out. The Park Commissioners .arentitled to credit for encouraging the enterprise of pro ducing the first work of thin kind in .the United States. . Fused slllicates are the only material hich will 'withstand the action of our at moephere. marble, bronze and Most qualitie of sand Mane being subject to the same In nuences which affect chose material. In th . English citlee. I hope these remarks will have the effect o MudifYine poor views and that you will Me. Joey. the same publicityns those expressed I your Journal of the lath lost; Respectfullyyours. DA.IIC Ilnoone. Ai.f.minear Crrr.JulY.lo, I Cleetloo of Teacher. The Third ward Allegheny School Hoard elected the following tenehers to serve dur ing the etisuing year: Principal, J. N. Odd well; WritingTeacher r E. .1. Bennett; _First Assistant H. S, 3fary Oglesby; Second Azsis tant H.S., Anna B. Frmst-; Fifth Grammar. Ma Black: Fourth Graitimar, 11..3. Jones; Third Grammar, ',utile V. Getman; Seedud Grammar. Mary McQuigg; Pint - Grammar, Lydia G. Tile; Said Medium, Anna H. Ilrown: Fifth Medium. Anna H. Hunter; Fourth • Me dium. ' , rends lion - land., Third Medium, S. .1. Medium,d Medium, Jennie M. Dallas; First Linde A. flemmil; Mere:2th Prim ary. Issurn M. Lo_gan; Tenth Primary, Tillie Jamison; Ninth Pri mary. Mollie K trooper. Eighth PrimalT, M. E. Galbraith • Serenth Priumry. Anme Smith; Sixth ?Ornery, G. Neely: Fifth Primary, Smite C. Sample; Fourth Prlentry, Jennie Adair; Third Prim my. Mary H int erd n;ma Second Primary. Lingle Lizzie Peet:: Substitute, F 4 AC 11l 2.4 M OU 1.341 W oo 8.57:1 au .00 , 101) 4.4.3 CO The following are the teachers elected In the sub-districts named for the ensuing year Mlnerssille, (Thirteenth womb—Principal. James L. Harrison. Grammar Department, Mies It. Anna .McCutcheon. Intermediate 1)e- Mertinent, Misses Elizabeth M. Wakeham and. ary V. McMullen.. Primary Department, Miss Annie Borland, Mrs.Genelvleve M. Park er. Mrs. Hannah Wilson. Lawrence (Fifteenth wardi—Principal,Saml. E. Patterson. Grammar Department, Mies lonise C. Milburn. Intermediate Department, Misses Recluse Ewing_ and Si. C. liner. Pr imary Department. Misses Maggie Garrett, Maggie Croml lab and Sophie Boyer. Howard (Sixteenth wardl—Princlpal, Jamb J. Rockwell. Grammar Department. Miss Charlotte M. Carry. Intermediate Depart ment. Thaw. Bella J. McCandless, Christina McClarren. Primary Department, 3113(ses Elizabeth Bamford. Agnes Bartberger, Mary IL Putts. Cry of ••M•1 Dog.. Considerable alarm prevailed on Ohio street, la the vicinity of the Dianiond, yesterday, over what was considered the freaks of a mad dog. There Is no doubt but that the dog be haved strangely, running backwards and for wards In a wild and unusual manner, but be showed no signs of madness.. The cry of "mad dog" was raised arab the streets were cleared In a twinkling. Officer McKnight let fly a shot at him: but strange to nay, the dug passed through the fiery ordeal unhurt. A volley of stones followed the dog In his me andering., striking blm Stunt and rear, but he heeded them not. Althougs we believe In the muzzling. or better still, In the annihilation of ail dogs, why select John Clark's dog for a sacrifice sooner than any other man's.' The Secret of the matter,' that the dog was only a little hilarious, only a little exulted. lie had been fighting a coon all morning and was only out hunting for the same ol d coon for another -encounter. tiameheill a Doggy Yesterday. the Wilson Brothers. PrdPriam' of la livery ',table. Allegheny. hired a hone and boggy to two men. Maned Fusno Baster and Henry Lafferty. It a alleged that the parties got too big n load on, and of coons proved unfit to manage the bursa. They drove out to Lawrenceville pretty rapid'''. and In their endeavor to turn a corner abrupt- I •. the buggy even .P.t, and the Inmates tilted out, and whet proved more seems. smashed the boggy, net attlemed tbe legs and side. of the animal. The Hefty.. HUM" got word of the tuistap..and made an Informa tion against. the parties before Alderman Bowden. on a charge or Tioihtt hs the prods lons of the livery act. A"warrnut wax issued and an officer dispatched. who had not pro ceeded far when be met the parties Winging the dilapidated buggy home. The matter we. fixed. the pertlee giving ball to pay the cost. and repair all damages. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETT CONFLAGRATION Extensive Flee lo Allegheny—Tbr WOrk of On Monday morning, between three and four o'clock, a tire was discovered in n stable belonging to Jene% B. Jones. on the south side of liabella street. near :Sliders. strind, Allegheny. The lire originated in the hay loft. and had obtained considerable headway before being discovered. Owing to the 'com bustible character of the building. the dames weric not lung communicating to n building used for storing rags, on the west side, and the adjacent frame buildings forming what Is known as the Fourth wardtavern on the cast 1 ide. The tavern was also Owned by Mr. 1 Jones, aril Iran Wilt in the shape of n double 1., with the main front on Anderson Street nnd the sides fadeg on River avenue and lea bella,treet. The extreme ends 'of the wing on Isabella street were occupied to tenants and bMrs. Gould rin Mrs.- Ross, n en t ail building ndjoining d the tavern on the River avenue wtensng Ne. occupied by Mrs. Robins.. As SIKIIIII., the Mimes communicated to ,the house occupied by Mrs. Gould, they spread with the rapidity of lightning, and as the tavern unit tenements were all under one roof, the entire building term enveloped In tunes. In lean than eight minutes after amnia.n bad been given, the entire lire department W. iil servicscbut so rapid wan the progress of the datoes, that it was feared that the efforts of the firemen would be ineffectunl in extinguish ing them until the building was entirely de stroyed. The well directed efforts, howe ver; soon manifested themselves, and the main portion of the tavern bnildleg wits saved. ml though the roof was burned and the wings entirely destroyed. mere awakened inmates of Mrs. Goulds house anokened by the Mimes bursting through the rear windows, and hail barely time to escape. The furniture of the tureen and other tene ments Anne nil removed. although Inn dAttlllg, ell condition. At the time the lire broke out therewita a pony, two mules and a cow in the The ' stable. The Ines and the cow were roasted alive; hot th pony was rescue after hitting been nerere• • scorched. 'All the building. of well as the tales and sow belonged to Mr. Jones. Th caner is at present nbsent in the country, a nu we could not ascertain bin loss. He is insure for a consider:stile amount., The tire was undoubtedly be en work incendiary mine person had been In the s t able since last evening. SOne nix weeks since an effort wan innde to lire the .1111,p1,11inS. Hut for the efficient services id the firemen a most disnstrous conflagration might have lo wed or tloyle's lumber vand is inintedintely adjoining the stable on tie west side. • The Nevi Water Main In Allegheny._ Fur a number of years mist the citizens and owners of property. on the upper side of the Second and Third wards. Allegheny, have ronittlitined of the Insufficient supply Of water In that section of the city. Being assessed the usual rate for water purposes, with only an Inconsiderable share of Its advantages, they had korY great reason to complain. Incase of tire. their property wietiat 'the mercy of the Ilery element, anti even for ordinary and do mestic purposes. a large number. are com pelled to carry their wider for over a square. The Councils, recognizing •the Nett., of the claim for water, have hail the matter before them to 'consider the best method of remedying' the evil, and the differences of opinion on the subject have delayed action fru:Wiltme to time, and it is only within the present year that definite ;te ther has been taken. In August of last year the Water Committee repotted a resolution. which was adopted by , Councils, which antherized the tapping of Tthe basin on the northskim-sand the laying of twenty' and twelve inch.pipe from the b.lll along Villa street to Spring Garden as rune. along said avenue to li'Nara street. along I rliara street to North a v mute. along North armorer Joules street. no James ntreet to Ilendoc street. Thd along Hemlock atreet to Federal street. e taring of this pipe, it wan thought, would accomplish temporarily the object for which It was designed. namely. tare au lokreased sapply of water to the citizens, but seas nut regarded as a permanent relief. Work was not the ycommened until late In the spring. on account of delay•occasionOd by the grading of Villa street, but when once under war has been carried forward with the tcharacteristic energy annul to all mutters en ruste‘to the superintendence of Wm. Paul Jr., the present Superintendent of the water works. The pipet with the exception of point. between IleckelmaWs brewery. and Spring h ash, e, front Feder stet to the top of 11111, has already h er olaid. It Is thought that the work will he nearly, if not altogether completed, thin week, and the citizens general!, have reason to rejoice at the near approach to the fultilithent of their wishes. The costof this Improvement will not fall short of MOW. but In view of the ne cessity and importance of the worth, that sum in only nominal. County Sabbath School Abassiailun. In acconlance with a widely circulated call. a meeting was held yesterday at 12, o'clock r. 35.. In the rooms of the Young Metes Chris tian A.l.lloClittioll. to ion;rder the formation of Sabbath School Association for Allegheny county. Some of our most noted Sabbath Schootworkerit were present, and a good deal of earnestness In the matter was manifested. On motion of T. K. Ow: Ile, Mr. `cowl was enlled to the chair. Mr. Scoyel. on taking the chnlr, stated briefly the object of the meeting. He referred to the old ornantrntion, whlch Itwas now thing of the past, anti at oibuted s weal of success to a superficial and impro per organisation. The whole country ought to he districted Into appropriate die is ions. correspondence opened up with nil the schools and all necessars statistics obtained. The' gentleman cloned by urging Wenrent import ance Ma county organization. Stated . that his Y. M. C. A.. that this proposed countyMrxanliation had originated at We last State lonSention at Hanisburgh, but that no dentate plans had 1r been au gated and the meeting to-day was held In order to perfect plans for a successful county organization. Hue. Mr. Sloan moved that a committee or permanent organization be appointed front emit of the evangelical denominations. The following named gentlemen were appointed: Thos. Ilakewell. Rey. Alexander Clark. Thos. H. Rabe, Her. Geo. P. Hays Professor 1..11. Eaton, Ilex. E. T. Garrette. O. 0.1 Philips, ltobt. Carr. Hey. T. H. W. Stuckenberg, it. Wolf. Jr.. H. K. Porter, Hey. A. McLaughlin and Jas. IL Carlisle. The Chair suggested to the Committee the propriety of rending circulars to all the Sab bath schools in the county, and to appoint a Convention or Institute in the Spring, Her. Mr. McLaughlin said that as a renre-• sentntive of a country di.ttrict he believed some organUatlon of this kind tuna essential to the success of the schools-in the country. He believed In going to work at once In effect- Pn tensor Eaton. Mr. F. LPoods. nod other Prominent Sabbath School workers made brief and pointed remarks. urging the claims of the Association for the meeting, after which the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the Committee. • James Crllly and Henry Ward, charged-b, fore the Mayor with forgery, on oath of J. I/. Scully, Cashier of the First National Sank, nn account of which we published yesterday morning. were before the Mayor yesterday for a hearing. The information also Includes the name of Juhu Hun)", who boo not yet been ar rested. John C. Harr, Esq.. appeared for the pros, cation. and Messrs. John Coyle Ind J. C. Mc- Carthy for defendants. There were two Informations. one for forg ing the mane of Hobert Coward to the Slob eh k, and the other for the SLOW check. Daniel Barr, paying teller of the .bank. was sworn, and as we have already published 'his statement in substance It Is unnecessary to repeat It. - Mr. Scully. the cashier sworn. and Isink, Chief Hague were also sworn. and after hear ing all the testimony the Mayor announced that he would require each of the prisoners to glee bail for Coon. In the sum of itt,Oun on the Eloo check and p.m on the check. The counsel talked of baring the ball reduced in Court. The prisoners were committed. Morimmy Report. The following itre_the ',timber of deaths that occurred In the city of PlMsburgh. during the week ending. July 17th; as Mort ed Mr. J. fitly McCandless, Physician of Board of Health; Accident, I: Cancer of the 33333 Itch: I: Cholera Infantum, Ith Consumidlon. 3: IN, Diarrhoea, 3: Disease of the lireia, J: Dise”e of the Spine. I: Motheri. 1: Brupsy, fleneral..2; Scarlet Fever, I; Tvi , bold Fever, 1; Infinmation of Bowles. 2; Intimation of Brain and Meningitis. Inflamatiou of Lung., I; Inflamation of Peritoneum, .Maraartme. 1: Beattie. 2: Neglect 1; Premature Birth, 1: Scrofula, I; Whooping Cough. Still Births' a. If She above there were under 1 year, 1,0 . from Ito 2. n; 2 to 6, eh to 10.1; 10 to B.. 1; 1.5 to Al. I; Alto 30. t; ao to to, 40 to 30, 1:30 tom, 1; nOto7o,s;tintontl,l: Ma1e....; femslex. 29; White, 52; "colored. I. Total. 50. lie•atlfel Mimele Chroinoe. W. G. Dunsenth, the jeweller, No. CA Fifth avenue, pittsburgh, has been oppoleted agent for the side of the chaste and beautiful chrome entitled “Washington presiding over a meet ing of the Lodge" at Alexandrin, convened preparatory to the laying of the corner stone th National Cispitol. The conspicuous figure. that of the Father of his country. in full regalia, is brought out boldly, and , is In Itself a very correct And faithful portrait. In the back-ground are fall likenesses of It. H. Lee, Milton White.of Pennsylvania, Ben. Franklin, Robert Morris, JoFri Mounts, Reel. Harrison. Roger, Sherman, Thomas Jefferson, George Whythe nod James Thompatut. The chrome will Und admirers among all members of the Masonic Order,and it will become pop ular. inasmuch as it Is sold at a very reason able price. Call and see this beautiful chrome. le.ekre.v, vv. evv.vki Ruche! lirowskl and Mary Eckman each re present the maternal heed of families, who have mi Interest in mamma with each other. Broteski has no rights that &base Is bound to respect an rice rasa.. Cress sults were pre. fentsl before His Honor, Mayor Brush yester day. Mary Eckman made tedormation against M—Browski for surety of the peace. al leging that the accused threatened to kill her. Rachel Browski preferred a charge of assault and battery against Mary Eckman. alleging that the accused hit her with a piece of coar. Also another similar charge against the same deponent, alleging that she pushed and haul. ed her about. H. llrowski also preferred a charge of assault and battery against Henry Eckman, alleging that the accused struck Rachel Itrowski. The parties live on Wylie street. The accused all gave ball for &heating. Ova young and esteemed friend, Mr. Geo. W. Plttock, will leave the city to-day for Port land, Oregon, where be will take up his resi dence to •push hir fortune." George bin a whole host of friend. In this, his native city. who will noxiously watch his career In his new sphere of action. Helms our best wishes and we hope he may meet with that success be Is so eminently deserving. AO2O. JAMES Ul.Ac.YDat Is not an agplrant for Congressional honors at the hands iai the Democracy. He proposes to ruu ea an. lade. pendent candidate to succeed Mayor Drugh. . Reneeila Almantes—The or..y place of *Mose- Tent In the city. • •-• . , ;M. ME “Lbstee to the Modifies RIM” eo More. Our neighbor, firing on Tunnel street. wai last spring presented with a mocking bird. Which proved to be a delightful ringer. and Persistent `lri his efforts. Early in the morn ing, during the day and In the evening he would delight all those who heard hint, with his sweet-singing. In the midst of his war bling on Sunday morning last. . a discordant note was heard, and the owner ho had been all attention, looked toward the cao to as certain the eause of the discord. The bird Was on its back. fluttering in its death throes, and In an instant life was extinct. Anxious to learn what caused the death of his bird, he repaired to a surgeons office, When upon ex amination the physician ascertained that the heart had bursted, and gave hie opinion that it was caused by over exertions and a rush of blood to the heart. The loss In •evere. - the owner having declined an offer of one hun dred and fifty dollars for him on Saturday last. ===l The first engagement between Hance and Prussia, ot which we have any reliable Infor mation, took piece' yesterday afternoon and resulted In the defeat of the Fiench, notwith standing they had the numerical advniango of two Co one in the engagement. The battle to which lye allude occurred In a salrinn en Prnithfield street, yesterday, between n Prus sian and too Frenchmen. It appears they wont in the saloon and undertook to discuss the situation of affairs in. Europe. and the discussion resulted In a hand . to hand conflict. both making an attack upon the Prus sian. The latter by a piece of strategy or some other means compered his antagonist and held the field. battle between the same opposing nn Boys took place In Birmingham under similli circumstnaces and resulted favtir of th Prssian. Congressional Conference. The Republican . Congressional confers from the several counties composing the 2lst District, will meet at the Monongahela House to-day for thy purpose of piecing In nominl.. Bun n candidate for Congress forthnt dletrt t. The district eMbruces Fayette, Wmdmorela d and Indiana counties, and each county p - scuts a candidate. The following named ge - Benton cdmpose the coy formica Fayet Jacob It. Miller, Esq., Wm, Parallel!, Feel., d Caleb Iliginbothatn. . Westmorel.d 2 Ge C. P. Markle. Cot, A. A; Johnson, and• J. W. Moorhend. ludinna—floe. J. R. Thcsitpson, J. P. Illair. Esq., unit :Mantel M. Hazlett: Eau. The aspirants for this trositlon.nowillied by lion. John Co ado, are G. W. K. Minor, Esq., of Fayette:l. A. damson. Esq., of Westmore land, and A.. W. Taylor. of Indiana. The llftic girl named O'Brien. seriously scaldedon Sanaslay, notice of which alastur ed In Monday's Issue, Ilagered in great agony until yesterday. tw•hen death ended'the polo of the little sufferer. • . James Iturke. who fell over a wall on Grant avenue. Al.egheny. on the sth Instant. died yesterday morning .at his residence on Bar nettC alley from the effects of the Injuries re celv.l. • It.' Newell dires to inform the ule lie that he has env es severed his connection with toe Newell Institute. Ile designee to have the Institute chattered. awl to furnish every facility fur obtaining liberal and I lo.rmult education. • EDISMIS GAz.krre: !leave insert, Lhig uxTrow: • The well-known missionary Afelfurd Hern don. from West Africa. is in the city to close his mission lu the United elates. He bat under taken to raise MIMI, of which he hai deposit ed Pittsburgh Nw Yrk and Philadelphia #1.10.1, and In SIM AA he must get ready to sail for the burning shtfies of Africa by the first of November. he has more business than he can attend to. Ile calls on all who are friends to the pour natives of Africa to Id h h a i ve . se l n e t f h ee nt s sehva n kul to saynnMd uot ntew to ot le, man UAL Any num. front une penny to ode hundred will be gladly received at the bantk nore. NO. to Fourth avenue. Pittehtirsh, Burnell's !Mowers—White Cloud add his Troupe of Ludisus will give four perform ances daily there;.at quarter to three and half pt four fur the especial accommodation of Litil as les and Children. ' The Prettiest , Woniffin in New• York. Miss K—, well known la our fashionable society for her ' , Winger appearance and beautiful °maples lon, in ele °nee a sanOne, rough-skinned girl, chagrined at her red, freckled face.- She pitched into Hagan'e Magnolia Balm. and Is now us pretty in complexion as she In charm ing lu manners. This article overcomes freck les. tan, sallowness, moth-patches,rlng-marks, etc.. and makes one look ten year. younger than they are. Magnolia Balm for a trans parent colatilexion, and Lion's Kathalron to make the hair plentiful, luxuriant, soft and delicate, have no rivals. The Kittlialron pre vents the hair from turning gray, eradicates dandruff, and Is the best and cheapest dres sing la the world. • ' A nharper.—lsadore Groves. Pr a young marrtravelling under that mune, who for some days past has been boarding at the St. Clair Hotel, left town. suddenly forgetting to settle his board bill. Ilefore leaving he went to Mr. Young, of the firm of Young .t Hell, and stat ing that the proprietor of the, hotel had sent' him to borrOw n horse and wagon. They were given to him., and he abused the borne in a shameful nianner. Mr. Young ma la informa tion before Alderman, McMaster* 1 ..7°1::.V. ton.linrexccounty.y.a. Fencral will lota place from the residence of . 17M. Nbefidan,'Sherldan Station, Pan Handle TCCSII/1 Y, the 19th, at 3 0. 0. Car rie+ wl 11 leave W.ll. Decore Co'o., 1111% Grant atneet. at IX P. m. Friends of the family are Im qumitc.l to. attune. .CARBOLIC SALVE, • Made with alma CARBOLIC ACID, which In need In liosaltais by direction of Eminent Physicians, ha. already or for o be the most sorrily and end .dust cure for all Malignant Sores and Ulcers. anal for Burnd Patt i Wounds,and all Skin Diseases no Mama as a Rapid Curative Agent hits yet been al./erased, PRICE, 23 CENTS. ALSO, Henry 's 'lnsect Powder, , . Fur thy Destruction of ROACIIKS. BED BUDS, ARTS. cc. VIBICE. 23 CENTS. at L.II.ROSENBACH'S Patent Medicins DepotA. 140 SMITHFIELD ST. SPECIAL NOTICES. ffrNOTICE.-.The undersigned have char4•red the Steam Furry Burst. Copt W. C. LIMNISY, mid .111 ho her gs a Perry on und oiler July 11th 1 ram Sharpsburg to Pittsburgh Me, until the Sharpe burg Bridge Is rebuilt. WM. 11. CLAN W. A. SPROUT.. orncx PlTtSlir.4oll •NO BOSTUM' MIMI. CO..)' , • —PnTsmniaq,June *J6,15741 . 11 i [Cr SPECI.LL MEETING OF ST li• 11OLDBM1K—There will he a special m et-. . 1.7 In/ of the nthethelders of the - PCITSBCI/ GII AND BO3TO( MLNINO COMPANY OF PI 8- 11LIRGIL'' held at th e olllce of th e Conthan ,In the City of Plttabumb. at / o'clock r. Y.. on ') WEDNESDAY, filth Day of July, proximo, By order of the, Board of larectora.' • .. Julreti THOS.' L. HOW K. evereterv. Er BOUNTY. • $lOO Bounty Collected gor all soldiers sho satiated Detentes; litsr 4th and Jalrilid. 1841. who were discharged for disabil ity before *erring wiry...re. and .ho hare hereto :3m received no boant.l. The andervigned has remierad hle refe. to oa. tem Bet:ding. comer 8411' a remoaand elmMoleld meet. and It now - prepered to collect claims speed. 14 lord at moderate rates. CoD iox.. or address, eirlth stamp. ' • B. 1. BROWN. anis+ ADM. Warr= Budding. Corner Sixth •venue sal Smithfield Meet, Plttsbornh. Fla ErI'UBLIC NOTICE.--Haring bask .ppoint.4 cue ana GAS METER INSPECk. TOR Mr Alleetww mans,. Imtke U baretry [Neal that until the nenweary Mlla and aleehableallent ibis alublnery can be nenvkled. 1 be Mend at the OFFICE ON TRY NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Twenty-MM street. 111/. Penn. PUtabulleb•: 121Z=21 taktie • Oas and Gam Meter Inspector. freql ON 0 AHEL A INCLINE PLANE.—NOTICA—The Plane sill be open for Patenders and F • • bastnessa EVERY MOANING at 3 otßata. and .1151... at 11 T. A., coax:tang with the tat as I • Piltsburilt an the Pittsburgh and Atrialnam • Paamearer 11411. 007. Jerytt poLrrxcya... a:TFOR,COVSTY CONILISSIONEIL GEORGE NEELEY; Of Moshell Toernabin. soldect Ad the decision of She Union Repobtlon County COonintloa .oozdaa Er FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN DOUTIIETII Of Indiana township. 1 a candidate {or County Commluloher. In suboolloatlea to the decisive of the Republican Conventlon. St geode. hievbes. aoakerOde.T JUST ARRIVED. Another Lot of those Mmes.-eve Plated Bracelets, AT $3 PER PAIR,, Mrs. S. C. ROBB'S, No. 9L Fe4leral St., Allegheny MILLLNZRY 900DS wad TIUMMINGB will be 6014 61,191 d boy., tost for dm. 16211 JOHN M. COOPER Sr, CO. Bell and Brass Fouiders,. ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE ill!) MOWN MILL BRASSES. Made Promptly to Order BABBFITS METAL Made and Kept on Hand ^roprlstms and llanufactanni of J. g. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel • ( STEAM P OE& in' 1 •.y• f that i• o 3u e wed U.. tes4tb u t • 0111o•-56.15 PCNN ffnustr. 1 . 5711 witt RAILROAD 5761 _ rgies .''Vtlatourgh NOTICE TO milli, Penn Avenue " tension. elith.7l3 PfUiPOBALB y . t sysired on= a:fir.gai treteat"ff that I rße f i: areaue. jytne between Ito o Torly-1111b ej17 .4".1. , ta''ribitt:iibbelbilital loa= rstiitiit r t rggr a ==tigial . th admires= of Ploot =owing the snout extent of the wstedone. wlll be found t the =lee of the City eer, to whose eve =pow= =voted to the ot COminiulonere ybe set. i, Tart= Will be ash. or 7 pe Mot. Sty bon= payable 18 years afteir date Mud free from tuta.: uoir, ea • Ibe agreed epos. The neer= the Mea t . refe r ?. all bidir. By =tie of th e Baud of Corumiselonere for int. provenien of Pe. avenue, from ellißli to Butler axe , . ' Pt" E ____lrrOW76. Beaelary. 1 __ 'no. W y e the Buro • rnr.vitt CULL STREET IN THE UGH or 511ARPSBuso.—Th• • • • Wad Throws to amine ur widening Nogg n i itez iri p ripnao.„ A. X. to att.: ". ?COA& • THOUlte .1.131111801 f, gLiMINC.M.I7. vilf i l s tucvr . Ass. co 4 r. soxra, 1711.15 IRONS, A.. da., at • P. C. D urrre, Fri == . , . , . . 7::: -, .. - :i - .1:- . .r,5 , . - ,g...'',: , -.!1"..,..:1-' 5 ,.: , ..- ..i-1.,.. - t -,, , , 4 t,-,:f..-: , ..,&!,- 4 -4- t.....7=,, ,. ..3iir0,e , " ,,, E.c4 , .. - , , ,..• eki.w r ,„_,-,.,„..,-....... . ,:f.....422: , ..45 - . e 'O.-pg.:Y:4 ..'-. , .. 41,1114-„-: , ,,.? . ,...: ez..4.y.:.Lg7..2..i.p.z . 5.,,- , :!-V."--- - -....'. 4-4.",..... ,,, ix:-;.:.43 , - , tTw --- ..-via:Q-zr5,:, , .,.1_, ,,,, n .,- ,f7ai. , a , L,F . A.wwf..l„;i:. -- , , , , ,, , _ ---- , .. ,- .41, 5 4.,4-u,..7 i . PROPOSALS. p ROPOSALS FOR Stamped Envelopes and Newspaper Wrappe,Ps. Poirrorricr. DEPART VEST. July SEALED PROPOSALS will be received anti! 12 o'clock M., on the 11th DAY OF .11:G17ST, KV. for furnishing all the — Stamped , &mei .Pee' and Newspaper Wrapper." whlich this csepartinent may require during 1 period of four IO •ears. commencing no the Ist day of October, Inn. STAMPED ENVELOPES. No. 1. Note size.:l'. by Zit.o inehei; —t wo goal ties. NO. 2. Ordinary letter site, 3 1 1 16 bY nebes—three N 0.3. Full letter size, 3'; by inches— three qualities. No. t. Full letter size. for circulars./ un- Plumed on Ilan, :P . • be 5t 2 inehex—une quality. N 0.5. Extra letter Flxe3X by I. italics . — :hive qualities. No.& Extra letter sizei3v • Extra letter dizeifify by inches. (for circular,,, ungunnitetlon flap—one quality. No. Official Rinc73 17.16 by Eitra tilltelal by 10y inches —one quality: STAMPED NEWSpAPER. WRAPPERS. Si'x' and a five-eighths by t, inches (ro.nd cut.)—one EMEOSSING. WATER MARKS, PIONTINt RULING. PAPEIt, STYLE OF .MANIiFACTUItE. • All of the above Envelopes and Wrappers must be embossed with postage stamps. or such denominations. styles and color 4 . must have such watermarks or other devices to pre vent Imitation, and bear suchprinting nod ruling as the Postmaster General may direct. The envelopes noist be made In the must thor ough manner. equal In. every respect to the samples furnished to bidders by the Depart .meat. The paper must be of approved qual. manufact ured Whenever etlo envelopes ref for the e t . he styles k new u as "Black-lined — ur (lines printed ins(de or ruled on the face) the sante shall be furnished without additional coat. the contractor to pay all charges for euvalty In the use of patented inventions for said Heed or ruled envelopes. 101132 The ilk, for embossing the. postage stainits on the envelopes and wrappers are to be exe-.. noted to the satisfaction of the Postmaster' General. In the best style, and they are tit be provided. renewed, and keut in order at the expense of the contractor. The Department reserves the right of requiring new dies for any stamps or denominations of stamps not now used, and any changes of dies or colors shall be made without taint charge. Before closing a contract the successful der may Ile required to prepare ;old new dies for the approval of the Depart The use of the present dies 11111771/1,114 not he continued. '. • The die, OM! be safely :Ind stmo,ply kept by the contractor. and 1,111111/11 . use at any o f them he temtroyarily or permnaeath. db uron . amt. they ..han. be PromPt turned over to the Pettriment. or It. aKe..at, as the Ibv.lnno.t...e tienernl'amy direct, IBM The envelopes must be thoroughly and per fectly "attuned, the gumming on Alm gap of esoh (except for eh - colors/ to be put on by hand not less than half an loch the entire length; the wrappers to be also hand-gummed not less than three-fourths of an inch in width scrum the eud. SECURITY ruo r m FIRE AND THEFT. • 'Adders are notified that e Departrne.nt requireots a condition oftlie contract. that the envelopes and wrappers shall be man cifactursql and stored la such a tawnier as to 'lnsure security against loss by flre - or theft. The manufactory joust at all times be sub- Jest to the inspection of 'an agent. of the De partment. who will require the stipulations of the contract to be faithfully observed.. IZEBEI All envelopes and wrappers must be band ed in parcels of twenty-Eve, and packed in e l d g o e r s and st raw e r rs ', acth c"oltS ton or linen cloth glued on, each to contain not less thin two hundred and tiny of the note and letter tliZeS, and one hundred each of the official or extra omolul size, separately. The newspaper wrappers to be packed In boxes, to contain not I.s than twolorntired and fifty each. The boxes are to be wrapped and securely fastened instrong pa per. and sealed, so us to safely bear transpor tation by mail fur delivery to postmasters. When two thousand ormore envelopes are re quired to MI the order of a postmaater, the straw mr pasteboard boa.. containing the same must be packed In strung wmxten came, well strapped with hoop-irun, and addressed: but when less than two thousand are regal, ed, Pro Per labels of direction, to be furnlihed by an agent of the Department, mtn,t. be placed upon each trackage by the cont:actor. Wooden cases, containing envelopes or wrap pen,' to be transported by water rouses, must bePrrrrlded with suitable ~watenproonng. The whole to be done under thr.. inspection and direction of an agent of the, Department. • DELIVERY, The envelopes and wrappers mutt be f ur althed and delivered w.th all reasonable dis patch. complete In all respects ready for ace, and In such quantit . ,es ns may be required to Gil the dily orders of postmaster,; the deliv eries tolbo made either at the Postotlice De me t, Washington. D. C.. or at the of ace of of n agent duly authorized to inspect and ree •ive the Caine; the place of delivery- to be at the optionof the Postmaster General. and the cost of delivering. as well as all ex pense of storing. Pita lag, addressing, labeling and waterprooting to be paid by the Contnic tor. COMM - -• Specimens of the entelopes and %creepers for which proposals ore Invited , showing. the different qualities and colon; of paper re quired. the cutr.and style .of gumming. with blank tonna of bide, tone be had, on applica tion to the - Third Aseistant Poetouteter Gen eral, This advertisement and a specimen of the sample envelopes and wrapper furnished by the Department must be attached to andmade part of each bid. . GVARANiEE. No proposal will be considered unless of fend by a manufacturer of envelopes. and ac companied by a satisfactory guarantee signed by at least two responsible parties. AWARD — AGREEMENT—BONDS. The continet will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder for all the envelopes and wrappers. the prices to be calculated on the basis or the number used of the several grades during the last final year, which was - us fol. loves; Note sizei 1.488.274) Letter size. first quality ' tX1.467.500 Letter size. second quality ' e, ;0 Letter size, second quality .(ou irtunmed) ' 3.618,0110 Extra letter size, ann. quality ' .5,815,;(0 Extra letter size. second 'quality (ungumed) Citadel size 64,01X0 5 4 6n,t0) Extra oMcial size • 3.100 Newspaper wrappers • 4.45.104.M0 • • rota ' W.Va. ~50U Within ten days after the contract has been awarded the successful bidder shall enter Into no Agreement In writing with the Postmaster General to faithfully observe and keep the terms. conditions, and reqllll,llCllttl set forth In this advertisement, according to their true Intent and Meaning, and shall make, execute. anddeliver. subject to the approval and ac ceptance of the Postmaster General, bonds with good and sufficient sureties In the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (1=),0(13) a forfeiture for the faithful performance of s A d v l =arl t su o ljec ' et ' :fte a fi c a o b r i?i i t ' lfs t o o f seventeenth section of an act of Congress en titled "An act legalizing and making imam priations for stitch necessary objects as have been usually Included In the general appropri ation Mils, without authority of law, and to ax and provide for Certain Incidental expen ses of the Departments and offices of the Government. and for other purposes." tell States Statutes at Large, vol. page irki.) I th a t August 1842; which net provides that In case the contractor shall fail to com ply with the terms of his contract. "he and his sureties shall be liable for the forfeiture specified in such contract as liquidated danm ges. to be sued fur In the saute of the United Plates, In any wart havimtjutisd kitten there- I= • • The Ft/Ammeter Goners' reveri . es to,hltneelf the following rights: 1. To ect any and all bide,: If, In Ide judg ment, the Interest. of the Government re quire It. . 2. To annul the - contract whenever the same or any part thereof is offered for sale for the purloin of speculation; and under no circum stances will a transfer of the contract be al lowed or eanctioned to .13 . party who shall be. In the opinion of the Poetratuter General, less able to rule the conditions thereof than the original contractor. 3. To annul the contract, if, In his Judgment. there shall be s failure- to perform faithfully auy of Itifidip lotions, or in case of a willful attempt to impose upon the Department En 'elm** or Wrolmers Inferior to snmple. 4. II the contractor to whom the fret award may be made should fall to enter into agree ment and giro entlefactoi7 bonds, as herein reprovided, then the award may be annulled ad the orntract let to the next lowest re sponsible bidder, and so on until the required. agreement and bonds are executed; and such next lowest bidder shall be required to fulfill every stipulation embraced herein as if he were the original party to whom the contract WWI 'warded. QM Should be severely enveloped and settleil, marked 'Proposals for Stamped Envelopes a Newspaper Wrappers:" and addressed to the Third Assistant Postmaster) General, Washington, D. C. JNO. A. J. CREJSWELL, Postmaster General. =EI 1 1 0 CAYITALIiTS I—Partlenlurly msehhalsta or Prue cal Er= Ari 41oopoul ooportoMty tort profitable invest ment In. !foundry business, established for thert7 Team in 4.Bonthom city. le offered by a ConerndE admired under State ism, tXpltal eittietra tirr:hinrgirtti? 1, 3 4 1 :1V,Valfg:, heU what twould cost noir for nob binidlness= letnectiOns as are en the groundarvan o on . r=ct e —dr.,."l=lfLo u t--, ty , r z.„„ uuu. ,, , sgo u t holders imstopt from Dom, oddrtss or b lock torestment. For fill , all on .40 1:11 Seventh Street. • • , p. tiAZZA-11. No. 411 egurl4rpql, J 716441, & Co., 3,i...um. of LI4IIIT (11SEY IRON • CASTINGS. ugh i wor. our .uututuity. lamith Joint Butts. abutter the Oath Monk nosh Peterson:ld other snoop of Builders' lialdwan always on band. Om an Worts, near Older Depot AlhSira../ asy. Poatoalos addres, Loot thsa . 301 A Mts. WO. Pas VALUABLE BAMIC STOCKS—RAL. C HARLE S r P. STRIOHT, BMX OIL COMPANY. Am ITESDAY le'VM:llO3, inly.lolll, at tl o'nhiek NJ . • • • gill be mid on Inwood Mao of nellwaine's Auctinr . Boom.. 10111 andthtle . l „ d street. L . . Carpenter and Builder, azr. 11 &r. la i thmal Bank. . ' r . l i . h . K .,,,..., N ., jo w Beek. . 7 WIII pramptly attend to all kinds of Jobtet work. ' , harm Western &wins. Sauk ii, •. ohms Higdon oil Company. 1 6 ,0 order. sa 17 North U llmann.. corner Webner lean Allegheny. A. kenum,kirg.. Auctloneer. Oi ap " : 77 """'ln''''' INSURANCE SUCCESS THE CRITERION OF EX CELL.LNCE. The Empire Mutual hie[achieveda •Int,' almost ehimmilleleil the history of Life Insurance. ORGANIZED APRIL 11. 1869 Busint.?As of tlic CompanV THE rinsT risrm. YEAR. Whole Num trer. , f ro , . es Issaed. 3.34 P Tuui 11.36p.7.12.4:3 AnTunv ,f7241.J.5R.1.9,2 At-c7,-;;nd Exp. to T.thainrottit ' lVlll Axentxe pho..f all Compihttes For every 9100 Liabilities the Empire has 91991 of Assetlx. Average Amount of Mitt-les 01.190 • „ Cash Capt.! dew', ,r;;Vrtice Sutte and the balance accuroly Intented. W3t. A. VILI.T.Int, . . OfilcuTar=WAU?slWl4=l'n. 11 - 00011 AGENTS. both wale and Sensate slanted • • , Jam A. 11cFARLAND, S. H. HARTMAN, r. VIcEI`II.IDENT Glli}(Ei MILLER. eereStry. Federal Insurance Co OF ALLECIIIENY CITY, PA. OFFICE: Cor. Federal and Lind Strerio G.. F.d rd Joe . lr G.b ,„ . N. Sh ß. h Imith V , A, yr ; B. SuTr W m. Schuler. ir 5 . Alli CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAI FRANKLIN FIRE INSTR. CO OF PHILADELPHIA. 0 11.101433 AND 487 CHESTNUT TIIIEET. lime. on J.'. IS7O. 8 . 2.!..028,734 07. lhe 049p.000 00. Acerved Herplus and : : ', f1.3 . . 4 .413 3 1 1 0 0 % " a7..., 1 74 ."3,7 rary Ponder on Liberal Tcrrna. ron.nadin... Lunen pollelea tr.). Om }tents of WI Winds of Build. 'T . l57.4MET:."..kir= 50.0.1 Geo. Ny. Imams I.ea, 'Geo. Pales. Alfred Iltler.Thom. twigs. on 8 Grant. Thomas S. Ent, lint..., H. Demon.. BAK Elt, President. W. )l 61/. EALE r e, Vico President. ter, %emey. seal KCI Ere. Third Avenue Weed $L WESTERN INSURANVE I.OIIP'Y Pi ttsb ALEZAMDER NIMICK. Prestdent. W3l. P. HERBERT, Vice Prcoldento WM. P. deeretary. CAPT. GM. NKKLI). (.Dios!Agent. Whim the Water street. SpeAg.hCo.lNiferighouesi u p aim, Pittsburgh. moure 110•11:15t all kinds of Floe end Marine Itlsko. A Mime Inotitution. managed by Litreetors who am Ira kr:P.1421 to thu conontUr.ity. and who are determined by prowl:ante, ithendtty to maintain the character which thtiy have assumed. to be pit altering the beet protection to those who desire insured. . - Derealms: Alexander elcalck, , J o h n R. hr o c onn , R. Miller Jr., - . Char. J. Clarke. Durex McAuley, Willem S. Evans, Ale:Ander sew. , Jnec u ph KlzkoatriaL Annan.. 'Ankle/. David 34. Lane.. ; I Pb i l L.flo n = 0 : D. flatiron 1 . nolT .• - _ CAST ' INSURANCE COMPANY, Phelan 's Building, NO. El MTH AYES UE SECOND HAMM. PITTSBURGH, PA. • • CAPITAL ALL PAID 1141;1'011&.,'John }'told. .Ca pL mo balls Jake 11111. S. oo. cC S. lorkan. Wiliso Jas. AL Raney. JNo. F. JENNINGS. :ice l' resident JOS. T. JoHNEToN. Secretary. Capt. GRACE. General Agent. INSURES ON LIBERAL TERMS ON ALL FIRE AND MARINE RISES. ef a4,37 ALLEGHENY INSURANCE • CO. • Qt . Pittsburgh'. • • MEFICE. NO. (17 FOURTH AVENUE. .11 . ngyea stralint all 11011 of and Marine JOHN IRWIN, Jo, President. I T.J. 1108KINFON, Tic. President. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. I CAPT. W.M. DEAN. General Agent. DILLXCIIOII4I. . John Irwin. Jr.. B. L. Fahnestock. . Ti. l ( oskinum. R'.ll.Even.. C. G. Home). Robert U. Darla, Carrel Childs. Hugh S. Fleming T.ll. Ne T.Mt ale. • PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMPLY. orvicz.N..r..ColtNEK WOOD & Fll7ll ITS. A Home Comiinny. taking Vire and Ilartne I Wm. ph ' C.Mt. lob], L. Rimed. John ee _el. Osten.. P. burlier, John r. e l; e . rke . I (Merle. Arbuckle. Jared bt..Brueb. Wm. Von Kirk. Jame. D. Verner la cUr ch. WM. Mill ura wni.r Vicc. " l4" l ,7d n _e_ L • W. F. AItDgR . R. neerelevn.t. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY. COIL. FEDERAL 8 .5 ..:11 , 10 . DIAMOND. ALLS- Office. Itt the hECOND NATIONAL RANH BIaI.DLNO. W. W. MARTIN., Prrn!dent. JOHN BROWN, JR.. Vice PrhuldenL JAMES E. STEVENSON. Secretary. 11111LCI01121: Johe A. Nylon, Ja n . Lockhart , Jas. L. Orsharn, Robert Le. ;C. John Brown. Jr.,George Gerd, -Jahns_ Nopp. o . ll .P.Wllllnros,Jno. Thompson J. MeNahhher. ton - WALL PAPERS. ' i NEW WALL PAPER. FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 107 Market! St., NEAR FIFTH AVE. We now slier to the Nubian a stock of PAPER /lANUINGS unsurpassed the West ft...variety radtelt ar .3l% V.XTC 7l.4 MUN 'i na e trilYta e rl DESIGNS. In plain and brteht colont for Itails. b n aliA ß Prrid:ri•lNTDlV",;il,l PAPERS. with lmost endless variety of CIREAP SATIN PAPERS. WHITE and BROWN BLANKS for Chambers, Be.. All of which we pee- Call 10 11.11, ma low ns the lowest In lb market. and we, at No. 107 Marka NI:. near Fifth . mle. • JOS. IL .111_,TGIIES . 6; mh12:•35 WALL PAPERS, 1870. PRICES _;•13. Es wide tint. ,t 3, per roll. popregr. ELEGANT French and American Paper Ramp fokt. not epeclded abore, superior to 111,111.011. meat In the country. Yor sale at W. P. - MARSIIALL'S New Wltulessle and Heist! attire. 181 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. • HOTELS. Aloft,',tali', .floiese, CRESSON SPRINGS. PA. TAIs favorite resort his been enhowad and .lm. proved sltico List season. WIII be open for guests JUNE 13t11.18711. EXCURSION TICKETS told by the Pennsylvania linilroad. at New York. Phil. &dolphin. Ilantsberg and INtlsborkb. All trains stop aeCresson. ROOMS may be secured In molts or sleek, FEELING'S CELEBRATED - 011CLIESTRA has been ..Intend for the season. Fur further Infortnatton. eddy.. G. W. MU IN, Proprietor. ONE FURNISHED COTTAGE to rent. jeltyll ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Coy. Penn !land lith. formerly old Canal. Filty Dollars Rewaid! The ats.Ml reward will ba paid by the Park Com mission of the Ply of Allegheny. for the etude botulism and conaletron of any of the persons g o nna tufty of despoiling the Part Grounds ou t h e morning of July 3d. A number of the pleats. dowers and trees were uprooted. m addlUou to • oast/Won of the roles of the Park in other re spects, and the Commission are determined to ware no ...Pens. in bringing the offenders to Joe. Noe and foundling item to the furthest extent of the law. By order of the Park COMELlidei.. lull J. It. OXLEY. Secretary. I§TANMEILING CURED—Prof. N. V. EATON. trona No. 1313 Chestnut street iladelphle. whose success In the curs of Stam mering and ell other Iropedlieente of speec l h, bee e b ir e s n " d " 47lll=l7l7amg it r i e tVetril all Y 4eZeCia In the toe of the eocal onsang The Published cortludnes amply attest hie ability and encase In the relief and core of polio. thee at- Plaid. Poor EATON may be conenited, for the ONom a m h A rc c g ot P L tOsAuNg K /NSen k CO.. cNiro . culars. lOO 5 ROBBER All slue Of ladla Rubber Tubing, mutual/ El= J. AC IL PUILLLPS. Asrants for yy eltrA BUSINESS CHANGES. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE, Mr. ALEXARIiEII RAY, } ormanynear% enaNcott in the 13.atoe of JACOB ItUBLEV.I7 ahl '29 I,•urth at,nre. w...9_ t1.7k1;;TiV17:;;17 1t !: JACOB 13.: ILUBLEI tV who am:methane the uhf MO wen-known .1.91 es heretofore. A LEA, Ns... I.:71711". Jacob B. Hablev & Co • Denier In Choice A Merle. end French C....teen.- ery. Pure I en . ("reams, Mist or lees. Se, de.. 27 and ForRTII AyENIT. Pittsburgh. ti — Parlleular uttentton totem... Mug par. tles.WeddlcuntAte.. In Om-class st 7 le. Also. Nlet.ls pe,p.tred (a. order, day In nd ere n 7u. DiSSOLITTI()Ne The aria of JAMES youNG nod A. DEL.!.. iiain business under the no, bario of YOUYG A lIELL. Livery Stables, 00 , , Oil Ines, Pennisfreet. Is dissolved by the iiepree A. Ben. 'All 'claims against abort, .na are (0 be presented to James Young an .1 ltr.beet Bell for settlement. coo have entered Into a Co partnership to lorry en the came be,nioss. All debts due James Young and , ;e.`ri , be paid by the.,npr arm of Jamey loon and Ik. bezi 80 . 3.1 YOUNP. '• 3. N.A.:: utntn,N, Anni'r ot A. hell. _ Dl , ..;soLuTioN._The Co4',lrt nen. hip heretofore 'uxlsting bern It Lho Un dersigned. ban been thin day dr.s.dved y 1111/tual e0n.... The busine, t.f. d by WIL LIAM al KANS. ut the old Aland, ,Flna r • f Wood and Water streets, where the laa.lc the enn the wlll bent be sett settleruent. led. elthe.r . partner using the runts of In ~._ . WILLIAM Ned]., .1 AItRI T ,QN l'"1' YIN Pit - ism:at:ll,3oY IN7O. M=l/IMall tatiaseasor la MEANS 3. 1 V1tole:,:ale G roc f eon. , %Vt../1, and wAnat ..11trn: eats. burgh. P. a?.:111 The eti-partner• ef o fFat b liViitZNl`'iliqrfun4l=ibWgi o.me J• hW. HPEtilt. arheera. Sixth lailtr , [3rbtlr.!.::"LlVl r.:.",:;.;; ry ;;;Mr?,t t i tle old stand and all asso:filla of the la t ' e firma let tied by William niece. MEI LEGAL. THE COURT OP QUARTER SES OION . S of AllON!. OnT f,,ntf No. 14. December Term. IEOO Nutlet; Is hereby given that the reerrt vt there I!MMIMEM filed July 7, 1870, amd ccuftrme,l almtute unltm. exceptinu , mt . ; Mein 13=121 J. F. FL City THE MATTER OF Of ENING AIICENS LANE. In the City of Pit .rburgh. otlce Is berebyglren that the wiser, /lento mad* by the viewer's:ln the opening of Alkens' Lane, (as modified by the Court.) IC now In my band. for collection. and that If the woe he not paid within thlrty daya from the date hereof (lento Ili he fled therefor against the prop - cities striLeraed. arlth Ina term. cost and fee, , and the same,collected by legal proem. MEMI6II=I2I AOTlCL—Whereag, Letters of Ad. MINISTRATION on tho estate of HAAC NIGHT. late of Baldwin township. deceased. have been granted to the subserther. all persons Indebted to the said estate ure requested to Mak. Immediate paynt, and those lute log Ha Iros or de mands against th e estate L.( the said decedent wilt nuke known the sane without &atty. D. W. McKNIGHT. Administrntor. m, b: Mt. Lebanon. Allegheny Pe. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —.Letters If RWPgi.T.IfiVN Tn. 2t e e 7f te ntle‘t . En eT'f, deeid, having hen grunted to the undersigned, all parsons Indebted to said extele are requested to mate Immediate pnyment.ana po rno.. holding dahlia atinst itald estate to piepent the same. !infra. I t t=ll!..L.Tatri e flti:4rll . trg 'MS Ma=a=ME ESTATE OF THUM .1 S II 311L TVV. DECEASEIL—Letters testamentary unhe estate of TEO:RAS IL itAmthrus.de fealled, baring' bawl dul grunted v. under. signed. all persons Indebted to the said estate are requaated to make Immediate pevment. same ose having claims or demands sgalnst the to make them known vilthent delay to Mrs:CAROLINE II A )lILToN, ter. Or to 11. T. NIORRItt. No. 11115 anemia OFFICIAL. p Rorosns. _ Fifth Avenue Market Rouse, SEALED PROPOSAL3 wiII be ,Celred untll FRIDAY. RYERIND. July ZIA. 1870. for. tha t erection Of the Iclfth Avenue Margot Douse. on the corner of Fifth Avenue nod Illltenbenter street, Pittsburgh. be n l74 Tie 117 teen rfdtiZ.,7lVl,,Ntilrlll74 Architect, No. ...7 01 11.1nic albeit, mire floor, Fi fth e Th e marketTh Committee retertee the right to re. left ell bids. Mil=l The Proposals selll be 1.9 A. t i llo L op c l i eAl m.:. Jaitsfq Superiniend.nt of Marketf.SJELllall • CI7•I•E.VOIN Cyr.' or ALL 01/EOl. July 15. 11370.5 NOTICE—The nosessment for the Construction of the SEWER on :diddle aliey. from North Avenue to Sampson street. la now ready fur examination and be peen at OD Mho. until /11IDAY. July 22d. 11e70. when It mill be plaeed In the hand. of the City Controller to gene notices foe payment of the tame. . CHARLES DAVIS. . City Engineer. EMI . CITY I:Nome:in'. Denet. ALI.IIIMICCY. July 11,-1b70.i NOTICE.—TiIe Assessment !bk. the I. einistructlawrot the BOARDWALK en the Butler Plank 'Weill Is now ready for e.mlnallon andcon be wen at Ibis ohlre until THURSDAY . July 1111.1570. when It will be returned to the City Contzuller to Pena notice for payment of the " 1.11;ral CHAS. DAVIS. City F./winter. AUCTION. BUTT AVENGE, AT ASSIGNEE'S SALE.— TUESDAY EVENING. July 19th. ut 9 o l eloa. S der of of Jaurs P. T iorntlu M , 4:!! ' l.f S bores .f Lind wopein the lo6 e MOth warn. City ot ld Street. 'Plusburith.ana g 200 feet on Elbert, avenue. between hadySie end Ramis Stations. of Pennvania Eadmed, adjoin!. the residence of lionciThoinaa Howard and property of. A_ M. /Kowa' r. 0., whereon am ereeted an elegant frame daelling house, Initneatable and ounosge b case. and other iniaruyernents. Thls pmperty. situated In very desirable loads My. possesses all that is necessary for a dein/aide and beautiful residence. Trish's—One-third cash. balsa& cp ou•”d two yPremises.ear.. with Interest, steered by tea .'nab on tha A. McHAVAINM. Auctioneer RI fFSSA , kt --I LA W R ESC& . rrThlar. 0111 1 . nt .7 'clunk. 07 meet Ant df m •lehree'T-lutte T tt;! * Cd. l . l ;•lll .- be ."14 R th r ur , ,, , , i. ;., ; o ll ,. l 4, ti n enteenth weed.; Cute ° ol Ing e rour emluehle buddirre r l.r:i ll e r ogg r! . 111;r w- Ir t rl h: d lc ll°r :/T h l::l ` lgn[ S orV7 l 47 Y e 't s u t "* . ' he t. gi ellt i g depth Slung repu.d t r i t . ... erPrei . , Three adjol nI ne lets each 23 ler meet •nd 133 feta la de, feet rr..°l or '°V. Tehme-Une-thint cash. baldn 'th ye l tra.rdth lettere'. twerp red bt te r ald th o ' d ° ¢l , 7 *a ten A. MelLWAl3l:.*Auctleneer.e. MERCHANT TAILORS. P. McARDLE, Fashionable MERCK ANT • i',11.1,011, Eeecon.t.rtly qa Land V? 6.cA MfaIICRITI ma M i ra; a 150.01114 4.KM/Lki k takki/1311. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St., • PITTEIBV .111. PA. terGent's Clothing made to ardor styles. SPRING AND SUMMER S 1870 J. C. 1117IISIVION. C. 1.. NvaLANtsoXSO. k 11111LINBMG, Merchant Tlin". No. 10 SIXTH STAET. 044 C"driljMereg e :tt nTol Goods too ur f10e... W.f. portion of watch .T: our own Leoportatlon. • - Mono)! roolldent of our aplntrir-tO ere period raft= 7 ; 47, l7 , 4"l'LLVlgrara.7. V'lrTl.larritS,X.l Mel tottlO No. 1 S i n d We N__ EIY SPRIN66OODS. • splendid new stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., LIENRY 311 Mg. Joyt waived b glea Iterehun rnor. 73 Einptbekald 1: 1 IALTIMOREITIEtimo,sIF4D,&e: —New P04.11111C Honing In bornlA d yen; new_ do rihnEl In Lurie], and halreig No en .l pe ll e ll nad nnct qunittr oz,le; Lat. RO, half tmrrelK Letbrndor =LT 10.0 VATTNANG m 170 • 7.1 and 114 Wood t!reet,_ :WM. :KREBS , - ICE DEALE.E? • 351 River Ave., Allegheny At.= BARNES,.C. Sealer of Wei ) ll.and Measures, No. 5 FOURTH AVE., Pittsbnroli. 500 reit,L3,, 1 1 ::11 1 .e..t 13 4212 Ce . JIY 14/ First avenue. IN EC= EIMMI ! GI E. !Att. nisi L iiMM II