II FINANCIAL 1 kriOLD, • sIIATER , , AM) El __ affeeted by the advance la gold. Bread...tuffs COUPON-8 are cdasidet ably ',idled and Waller. and the gah ,,, i, , ~r, sugars and coffees. Wlte'at Bought n , ~,, ‘,... i, 1,:‘ , .,drar.,..d . per wit hip airs •h at P r -P egt r Flee, , ...... ~- --,,, 10 , bld. attd" as thee . H' ( . ,--,.„,, there is a good demand, as there al - ' 1%'3 . ,. il with an advancing market. add but . . Pl-1. H. ALpi-pz , f.". sellers-dealers generally would rating •-' 1 1 J time 4..4 being apprehensive teat there o,ot- Led still f nrt lief appreciation. and if so. BANRER . . , ,bey would have to replace at a higher figure Cor.Wood St, and sth Ave.;:,h,,",l,:l;::,rl::reoft:.„gr,",l'i,,g„.„nidt!fi,rll LUZ: folly a rent. and no .11 1 Pmalt ion to uell even at 1 , as, T. Brady &, 0 the mit:mice, , . , C 0.., .. i .. , , rn i F. i . , L nt iiiitigt..yirioft soda ash, 4; ' ''."A.i.`'.',L'AV,r,,L.,l!l . aUI In litniteil i 4 l, , t „ .l4lp e ne b rlite, are firm but unchanged. at ; intt ioNlfitefitme prilies: Fapey. *t 451, i,,N,^„,,1 I. $4,,,, N $4; No. ;t, ia,bat 1.01:1111011. r-st.tr.i.t BEANS- $1.11101,75 per hush: I 111t0051 CO CORN-Is dull, Mtn cts. - ' 111- rTER-Ilut little offering anti with it areatly klabiling detlia • LI price: are steady but unchanged; 1 6 / 1 7 fo good and larttni fir prime..t 1 pit)II:AL-tc‘af I ler buslit I. CIIICKENS-t.ales of spring chickens at lOC tr,e per pair; 011,1 fall rows ''flea at '.ea pee pair ßO , as to size and ond mon. CARN 011,-Is du land lower and cannot Le quoted correctly. Cil ELLIE-Is quiet and unchanged at 12.. t, tie. the outside Inure for brittle Ohio Goshen. DRIED FRUIT -The market is adman bare and there is not much Inquiry for it. We con tinue to quote nominally at .1;-;6tel,41 for apples: - o,p; for fur quarter peaches and This for halves. EGGS-DWI but unchanged: gleale. FLOrlt-Is • strop nna considetably ex cited, and us alight bl expected the demand I s More active. and as a general thing dealers would rather hold I boa sell. We now quote fair to good Westel flours, at fitnie7. and choice :a Cl , , Rye mir lineaangrat at air W. • mnAm—There is a Retire milling demand 'for wheat. and-wit h bare still further adya cell: we aow quote red at sl,fii'd.l,..l). There Is t firmer feeling In oats, though there seems to eno demand for ex port at present, th e o era generally seem to be inanessed with elief that prices will be higher within a very short time, and hence t hey urn not disposed to sell at curreutattota- Maar; saleb could doubt! .be made at ' free 013 hoard, but holders enendly nab liVafiri, There is not much corn ere and but little In quiry for It: shelled may be quoted nominally at 5a , 2•14). Rye Is finuer iad in the absence of 'ales May be quoted at 400. No moymnent in Harley. GROCERIE4-The mar et has been. excited all day Oa sugars and entrees, nail it is diffi cult to give accurate lotations. Gold ad goodsigh points. and with it all classes of in sympathy with it. We give quota tions with premium at 311,f, sugary - rorl. Itico1014.11I2; Cuba, 10)SellS. Relined-Crush-. .L 1001104: ".h" coffee. iIK: - II" 13,14; ex- Ira C. fidit 0 _Yellow. 13. 1 Coffee-Itosting :kg fair to good, 214 - = prime to fancy, tfinieZfiti. 11E11P- Sales of undressed Keutucky ileum lit elm;. ILAV-New crop is selling from country wagging of poem, and old at S/5en.4•• HUSKS Corn busk., aftl;lf cps. LIME-Pales of Cleveland at V.1.!....1 per bbl, and eastern at s 1). LARD OIL-NO. 1 extra is quoted at sl.ffoe 1415, the outside figure for well rota Unshed we'd, it brands. PitOWlfitt4S--Strong and higher. :thrott le, at 1t3,11,j,1iX; Itilibtsl • Sides, IT; Clear Siticsola. Sugar Cured Rams. :lit:. Card. 11A n tes.Und ISS in kegs. PRAXUTS-Duil. Tennessee, 4419 POTATOES-Under Influence of Increased krrivals, prices have still further advanced, nd we now quote at M. 1 . 1 f Per bbis for nor r?!!: - , lOneeeanntx to S Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, trey AND igl.l. AM. RIND 9 OF Goverment Securities COLD ; SILVER AND 1101JANS ON MOST mronnui.x TRILLS~ Interest Allowed. n Deposits • :1 .Money loaaeif (lm et ament Doyle at lo •market nick. - okklkur Excetren run Tor Prurrr.t. , A s•Lt or EITOVMS, BONDS Avo • .JAMES T.. BRADY Sz Co. THE DAILY GAZETTE MONEY AND COMMERCE • On . zcz or isse Prrrsounnn G.szurry, I sMoNnsy. July 18, 16;0. i . Closing *quotations a. receli ed by Ph. B. Meru: • Gold la) Merchants U. Pc. Silver •11N N. P. Central Monde Ii (tending ....... Ekmds Ft. W. & C H4S 5....11 Bonds 10N... ON lhlo .0 Hlon MI 9 , :k1 Bonds 10115...1na Mich. Southern... 06+,; Comeoln 1W75 ICC 4 Clevelkod 91 Pt.. —. real Bonds 1N17...19 C. H. I. &I' ICE" 9-21 Bonds 18;8...119 Chicago SN. W. NII 10.40 Adams .E.iiiress.. O. Er 5, N. W. Pref.. 66% 0: ie . hove. Solon London Exchange per pilund . 5.14 • 640 Paris Exchange per Franc 2IX 25 Berlin Exchange per Thaler . Frankfort Exchlunre ocr Florin 51 56 Gantry Pacific It. It. Honda Union P. It. It.llonds b: /Cloxlng quotarlon, iv rc,eived by James T. tirady & Co • 0 old . . . 20% 5499.1.. &Jy.184... 8% IT. 8. Gs. 1891 IN 1-.IJ Jan. &jr.196; Nti U. 66.3 1 Ulric! U 5-.11 Jan. & Jy. Itldb Sli U. & 541 .... U 11. P. It. • KS C. B. 15-3) 1845 .... UK C. P. IL It C. 8 .1041.........6".1 Cy. Pachlcs .. .. . 12,4 ALLE47IIE:II' CATTLE 31AR146T. Orrice or me Pm:minion GlazgrrE. MoNoar, July la It.o . Carr Le. • Following shows the number of cattle or mile, the points at which thec were shipped. and the names of the shippers: M. Varner. Chicago & J. Sheinberg, Chicago - Zeigler & Hotbchilds, Chicago.. Sol. Bamberg. ceicato L. Keefer. Chscago 8. Marks & Bro.. Chicago . .. Fe Metz, Chicago S. Lowenstein, Chicago Traurman & Lobmnn. Chicago. S. Kraus, Chicago - Tranrmart & 1..1b131.. Crestline pbnwald & Kahn. Milford. i lta p ti r ! ,, f ir le •L tr a Wayne... F. Brown, &Inch:anti Geo. Emarick &Co.. Newark J.& 8. Needy, Newark P.M. Snyder. . IL B D . Taylor, Waterford . .. Llpspor, M• C. Trasher, Youngstown French & Bishop, do, Total Total last siert: • . 25 keri-hve carAwads 13 bead to tue car, would make 810 . bead, and. add to this at least one hundred driven In from the Rd . Joining - country-, which would make a total of nine hundred and ten head, and we presume their were several small straggling lot; of which we had no account which would In all probability increase the number to fat. f these twenty-four car loads were from Chica go. twenty.one cars from Ohio land the balance from this Suite; the quality a. a genera/ thing was not goal, ro.lNflng of thin, 'seer n”.l belfer..lllnsflyju.st from 11, pa•ltire ecia— really L-ood cattle were scarce and sold reodl ly at full prices: but the common nud medium grads. were very sluggish and it looked 01 10 w. X.. as if there would be quite n number of I this kind left over unsold. Considering the extreme bat weather we have had for the last week, the hatchet, bought an freely as could ' be expected. mad all the good cattle were sob] early In the day, and that, too, us already In timated. at last week's prices, say bdrBi(c. 3(sdlrtm cattle may be quoted at 7 , 27,1'. Com mon at COI n : ad stokers at ta t d. An might be expect c ed. the ho ucather has restricted considerably the detuand for frech meat, as consumers generally have reduced their purchases. nod , indeed. the masses are obliged to do su. as meat canuot be kept long with the mercu at 100 deg.. and upward in the shade. off Ice, and but a 'very small pro. pou of the people get Ice. Those butchers who ; kill common and medium stock have probably reduced their prices for fresh meat, as this grade of cattle Is down In price con siderably within the past few weeks; but the best bfitchers paid as much almost for cattle this week as they did last week, nod within Y . a cent of What the prices were three or four weeks ago. ...51111ch cows dull though unchanged, may be quoted at s.3sede per head as to quality and conditions. Sol. bhamburg sold 30 hold, from Chicago. at .41-ggaaKatz cold 47 head of talked stock. from Chi head of fair Inn extra Ohio steers, at 6.2,31 c. Hallevrood Mackstock sold head of steers and cows, from Ohlo, for Barnes & Co.. ut fait 19 head from Ohio; for Taylor, at fiSe, 7; 33 from Ohln. for Funk. at 62.71‘. Greenwald & Kahn 65 head from Ohio, at 6 1 42 :41 . ;-ks di Bro. 19 from Ohio, 90 from China ,L./ Nhtaburgllo, all from Chi b lag7X. sago, sold at am. eAlil.ter sold IS head eteersand cows, for IV, C. Thrasher, at 7)‘. fresh cows at tar t to, altos` bead foe Bishop k French, at , 6ia Holmes. Lafferty & Co. sold 61 head mixed stock at 014 . 073. Emerick &Co. sold 36 head of Ohio stork nt It C. Cram sold 40 head from Washington county. for Davis, at Ofe6V. Chas Borer sold 3) head of mixed Chicago stock for flothebilds &- Zeiglar at SeX6IM. Stouffer It Si/attain:wale had 31 head of alli ed Butler Co. mock at 11447.6.1 f- . • Jonathan Davis sold 10 head of Washington steers ANd heifers tor Frazee at 5 417. - Hartman tt Reefer sold 10 head of common- Bb stock from Chicago at 68.. • - Sato Lorenstien head medium grades stock from Chicago nt OX. Rothchild & Zelgiar sold A l 9 mixed stock, all from ch tear.. UMW. M.Rrans 40 head fair to good Chicago stock at age& Schumaker & Horner wholesaled El fairlsoh f.7l44,ctgil,aie.ll7:4!.rom Belmont Co., Ohio, t Varner sold 18 hood 'Washington Co. steers at an average of 734; 18 head. from Chicago, al '.)66x. Tram:lan & Lohman. IV) frdm Chicago and Ohio; about half left orey. sold at &NW.' EOM AND 143/14. There Tres a very full supply on sale to-day about seventeen hundred bead.. and as in the ease o rde r the s he e p wre mosY of the "neat ewerr good beingtl comparative-. ly scarce, and the indications at 10 a.ll were that there would be a number of the former kind left over unsold. Prime fat sheep were la good demand and sold q readily at full prices. -and the re can on o but the Is not much be sold at t o w prices.wTgher scalaas, y former sold at 531.315ets per pound and extra et fl. whieh. taking the eastern markets as n basis, Is a blg price here. Lambs sold at $Ol2. Of Per !toad, the last named figures being an outside price. and , it takes unusually good to bring it. The drovers allege that this kind of stook is relatively higher in the country than bore, and it would seem that farmers end stock growers were working off the com mon and holding their best grades. , (3. Ilelghler CO she and lamb at R" )f for latter and former at an average of ei,oo. &eke!, Bro seld 103 lambs at 11,7351.3,3 m IA sheep at an average of $3. . B..LBadger had sheep uncold it 10 o'clock. Stouffer k Blieltemantle had in all 300. Adam Koller, sold 04 lambs at 5351.3,4: two st o ck hooks V i erg"ts2l!obrtd r ate 5 ea c h , 1 b I gtonCO sheep at n average of r. 76 per head. John Drum sheep and iambs from Alle pens Co, sold) sheep at IL lambs at $l fflinner sold fel sheep and lambs at $3l) 13( for latter, and 11-0,81( for former. lamb, at PMCSIN Jacob Emmet but Clc sold sheep at is_ns, and . Garwto Co bad 030. T. M. Twigs= head sheep from 3fahoulog Co Ohio, at 1C.03. 57. Hume. 30 head sheep from Beaver Co. at 9 4 „t i. fferley sold 87 head sheep and lambs from Armstrong Co. _ CM 'There Is hnt little inquiry fur hops. no much to be expected, as ocoplerp not want pork in Ulla kind of weather. with th e th _ mometer ranking from 90 to 100 la the eh ed i'. a very small number Is now sufficient to e e t: demand, and prices are ENE!! -Sr. LOPIS. July 18.—Tobacco steady. Cotton nominal. Flour 250 higher and unsettled: so perdue u.scecon..% 0.00, and 1.. X ssmes.ou. Meat excited nod blither: Irregular new No: 2 red $1.2:424,3; No 1 d 0 23 1..=.32: choke #l.a47,lekt No 2 white new $1.% No 1 113 A ritc i ejige , 1A2 m 1, 1 4 . 2 e 11. 4 1.47. ; ? , :tr i naz demand and mixed, yellow and sacked at annum anlrprimel to choice white sit 1114/1.02. Oats driller and le higher at 413151d0 for prime to chOl2e. Whisky steady at SW. P isi ns buoyant and exalted. Mess port gala, with some packen holding at DrY oar . " cmiders . MY. ugs: pulsed /3Xe, but bold generaNY moan— active and higher; shoulders . Mama lib. 111:e: clear sides ISZEIBNe. '.."- --:,.......-,-----:.,,... •- • . •.)... -,- : . ..` 4, -, , ,, :... - i: .' , . . ... ...:„.„: ' ... - . 7: !r - .; • : - ... -- .':::: - '7 , ., .. : . ----.....- "-----...,...-•----,...z.-eay,-.z.i.k.p...1.a..,,4:.t-,-- . ... , ... , -1.... , --- - . , .. MARK l.l ' l 'l'rOl'llU 11 ET OFFICE GAZETTE. July 18. MIL I • There leas aCalu con,iderable excitement in - the Luarheilp-dny • e.pcclnlly le thane articles • - SEEDS—.Wo can report *sale of flax see, and It Is dull, notwithstanding t het ket it almost bare. • PETROLEUM MAUERF. • OFriCC OP PereSEDYNOU co July 18. 1870. I . The oil market ntinues dill] and depress ed, and it seems to be growing worse and worse no the war news becomes more - complicated. The heavy decline within the pekt few days . IS severe on those who'itte rying large stocks, bought before the trouble commenced, while those who are •Nliort wilt. to a use n common expression. make “dead-loads - of money. Faint hopes are still entertained, however, that there will be a re action soon; that the war, if does come to that, will be of short duration, though the neves to=day - is not favorable for thin view of the ma . ter. as it looks. nt this writing, at if it would not be confined to France and Prussia, but that Rants and perhaps . Enland and other nations would become involv g ed in It. and if so it Is likely that it trill continue for some time. • As noted on .i•kiturclay It is almost certain that France Will Immediately blockade all our lending foreign markets, nod this, of nec te essity, will cut down very serlo•ly the capon demand for nil. S care 4 cars 1-car 2 cars 4 cars 4 ears a can. 2 cars 1 car 1 car 1 car EMI re, ' Ste early In the day of 1.000 seller August at 104; subsequently two lots of I,eoo each same month ana option. at ph and LIM July at la; Setae:ober Is quoted at lOU', and October nd Surember-at 10 $10,4'. Tun days aco. at In cents there would harobeen a heavy Ppeeli int Ire demand, but to.,lnY it was hard to find Layers at this Ilgure. for while It might be good cinch nt that price, people are afraid of it. Thn re!ln.,ll,lrket and Paaick pre, Lave. Krill fur:her Sul 3011 at quoted August nominal an 'X, hepttanl., hi t tuber 26.,11Y.X. . itteLlgrEi CIIPDE OIL. Wilkins 94. on account Phila S Ti Pet C E L Goodwin M 4, on account .1 D Barbour 'Poring, K A Co 110, on account 0 S Goltlrlek Peerless Oil Works DA, un account it a Dun; • can; F A Bides 370, on account D C Herbst; Ex Oil Works 71, on account W C Cotton; Con di. Ref. 71. no nteodat .1 V 13. it; .1 71; on account W Bartle. — OIL SHIPPED EAST eliCat tit:outs:in DEPOT. 'trunks. 11. & Co. 202 hilt relined oil to Warden, F. & Co., Phila. II utchlnson Oil Waning- . Co. 570 bbls relined to Warden. Frew & CO.. Philadelphia. D. flip & Co, Li kilt ref. oil to D. Bly 5: Co, Philo. Total - 047 bit.. or catiDE OIL RIIIPPPL. or P. II II AND A. r It. IL Ott. Lige, DLIIL•ill WEEK ENDLSO JULY 10. Int. lip li. S. Duncan from Parker to. W. P. Logun Co.. Philadelphia. USA bbls. By Fisher Bros. .from Parker to Malcohn• Lloyd. Philadelphia 2.102 bbls. By T. ales,: front Franklin to Wanner. Cur tiss Philadelphla, bbls. FIS from tirandon to Stone .t llPl l a P rt i 4 -4 .r e l P h h o l g;p 6 2o b n from l Parker to War den, Fran- & Co.. Heston's - 111, Ikll bbl.. By I). C. Herbst. from Parker, to Poultnry A :dolle. Baltimore. I,7tri Total 7,ol6bbis. of 15 gals. Total to Phlla kilt. Total to Baltimore ............. Total to llestonvllle On kilt. Grand toil] 7.010 bids MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH: Nen -. York. • • SEW YORK. July t&—Cotton nominal, with ales 1.3:.5 wk., at 19Nc for middling uplands. Flour—recelpts 0,270 bbls; floor higher and active, with sales 39,500 bbis, Including 21,000 bids for forward delivery, at 15,1,5024f..1 for superfine western State. $628,73 for com mon to good extra western State. $6,0k37.15 for good to choice do. $6.50917:41 for common to choice white whhat wester!, eitrrt. $6.20 e 475 for common to good extra Ohio, $6,10 2410 for common to choice extra St. Louis; market closing quint but Orin and little offer lug. Rye floor more active and firmer; sales of SW barrels at. , 457,09. Cora meal scarce and firm. hisky more urn, ean higher. sales of 50) barrels at 51.612.,51.111 closing at SLWX. Receipts of wheat 149,62$ bushels; when 5 to ge higher; sales of ROW bushels et 51.55251,5 d; for spring. the latter price extreme; 51,4523.53 for No. 2 Mil waukee; $1,3521A7 for No. 2 Chicago:l.ra 51.35 for N 0.3 Spring; 51,1501 :. 7 for re ected SPriagi $1482;1.65 fur Red and Amber Westerh; 51,01d.1.65 for • lted and - ber State. 111,11.12.140 for White WeAsmt ern; $1,752130 for white State; closing - quiet and less firm. Rye dull and nominal. Corn — receipts, 53,503 bush—lx 2c higher and -more active, with sales of HOMO bush at 1/2c2. $llO for new nielsed western, $1,1*.1,15 for rifg li he w r, „tit7oTireZ P a.olo ° bush b l= l" western. 02,73 for Ohlo som State. Mar far quiet at rUrir,,,7ls for shippi. Ilops quiet ant! 11 m, Coffee eyelet and tlrm _.Yo a higher. with noire r SplarActlee and ;21 rid l'Orto RICO at DX3IOXC. and :,flea b 4 Havana at 9 I-16210 Me. Molasses imehangetl. !Turpenne timer at 99439 e. Klee firm and mllet. Petroleum lowerand dull; crude we 13,i‘c. refined 252,25Mc. Pork: mess quiet 'and steady at $29.50230 for prime mess, $5B for , western; also raXi bids mess, seller July. at 5421,85. Beef steady and quiet at 11/015 for 'pl western mess. arid $l9 , for extra torn'. Tierce beef nominal but firm. Beef Rams Inactive at 8 2 9 , 435. 'Middles dull. Lard a shade firmer. with sales 300 tcs at 16X2,17c for western steam. Butter eteody at l3it27c for western and :KIS. for State. Cheese quiet at 7e1436e. Freights higher and active; Liverpool. 55.000 bush of wisest, chiefly at 12.1; to London 7,251/ bids flour sail at =s titlQ 9134:19,000 bosh wheat at Wend: to Glasgow I.sollbbls dour steam 3s 6.1; to Cork and orders 24,503 qtmrters wheat at Os :klB7s, closing at hi .f!Ls !t t. s —Trou n i : firm nod quiet with very email stock. Wheat quiet and held firmly at $1.510:01A2. for N 0.2 Milsraultee spring; $l,OO GISt for linker winter. Corn firm arid quiet. Oats strotg and wanted at 61c for western to store, and 65c afloat. Rye nominal. Pork la moderate demand at 530 for western mess. Lard strong and wanted at 16ketlfiNc for prime steam. Orman Amehanged. Eggs no. need • 130:1=1 • NEW Yona,Jaly 18 .Ttaireceipts of Imre, for the week, 6,49); fnr S t cars nt One Hun dredth street. eU at Weehawken and Vat COM munipatr, 4=o. Quality and prices extremely variable: from poor 5 cot Texans at Sc up to rood Texans at 14c, and extra Ohio, Kentutkr and Illinois trades at 17e; like qualities nearly nll unchanged. rind but little easio r Two c for thin. Stock fair and about all sold. am choice 9 cot. all sold; two cars choice 9 cwt. Illinois sold at 17c.; 14 rood Ohio 7.1 f cwt. IC 16Mc.; 75 Missouri 5 cwt. 12.11f8Mhfc,: r the cline week laou'dts74.3tfoPV.c.uVaget°°/f.l.gd the fat. sheep and bad for thin stock; choice tSheep sell at 71.57Mc; t;ood at 0456)(c; poor at , 11 , w. Lambs vary II non 7C to tOXO,'InOst of 7 ltVgiro , (7ll'..."="*.ac t a g rlflj 8 2TOTIos sheep nt 4.4 c. uogs number 17.030 for the tire:inktaw.t.,:dhz..l„.tr.sorntno..