The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 19, 1870, Image 1

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    THE DAILY G # zva:TE :
Corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St
. EinTvits AND PIiorRIETORS.
I , Y per . •
... ..reted by earlier. per week
• Ij.E.N.r(i'I.E.L.LI! , k at Nkirara.
MAC:OIt:fiELL another i 's mother.
- onoov.t who . lecture on
I , h; I
litLiiEnitAsu, the outlaw, in- tanning,
in Arkansan.
Ir costs expoomoo a year to sprinkle
New York streets.
SEVERAL papers announce that the he
ing skeleton is deed. are better than th ey were
ever known t be before.
'Smigosti illustrated with oil painting,.
am preached now in Kansas.
toga with Mrs. Commodore.
CIIASSEPOT TB. Needlegun, is the cast
which now' excites Meet ioterest'..
TIIE - Hawaiian language is taught in
the high school of New London. roan.
BRioirAm youmes subjects are beeofit•
lag daily less numerous on account of
desertion, . •
Wodohouse are the lions at Loag 'Brandi
jug now.
A FENIAN would probably refuse with
acorn any Orangeade which might be of.
fend hint.
MORLACCIII, the dansuese. has a farm
in 3litsiadiue.tte where she it. spending
the summer..
W3I. CULLEN BR ANI 571.11011 g 4
book or nnuinb3ents, t ,, lar publbibed al.
ter hie death.
THE Palmer Falls Men fac
tory was destroyed by lire. Lost t 20,0041;
no insurance. -•
CiuroicaA hogs are of the same
pest which has recently pros - `,.d so fatal to
Cantons's cattle.
TIIIIIII/-TWO Protestants and one liund•
red and forte-seven Roinan (+whence died
in Montreal 'last week. •
As engaged girl in Kosciusko. Ind., lute
j net sold her hair for 421.10, thiukipg that
she don't need it any more.
i \
VALL.I. , DICIFIAM is to be ' candidate for
the Democratic nomination for governor
of Ohio at the next election.
"TnE die Is cast" and -took the fate
plunge," - were sentences used in half au
daily papers in America lent week.
AT 31illbronli, lII_ Mr. 3.fargem Belt
ford was dosing a sick horse, when it fel
over on him, so crushing him that li
died. • !
TIM= thousand sis hundred water
mellow' arrived at Savannah film Florida
oue day Teat week and sold-for fifty cents
TUE Jewish reform party in the United
States owns thins. synagogues, while the
Orthodox Jewe Lavehundred and
seventy. `.
Min original beds ration of , ludepen•
fence, now in the Patent -Office at Wash ,
ington, is nearly illegible from the fad
ing of the ink.
eitANG. the; Chi iiew -giant, who is over
eight feet high, is Married, and became
the father of a son in San 'Francisco on
the 4th of July.
Tn.v. *heat - crop of Collin county,Texas,
.has been harvested, and that which has
been threshed averaged twelve to fifteen
bushels per acre.
OttatoE Pouratis,an old citizen living
near McKinney, Tense, wsa found dead
on the prarie in the northern • portion of
the county, last week. • •
Triz French-wine crop will be good;
also apples and turnips in New Jersey;
showing a probable reduction of the cost
of brandy and champagne.
Sr s smarts are all the rage now, and
the papers from every city have long lists
of them. Pittsburgh seems to have
fewer than any other place.
CALIFOIIIS7.I papers are regretting the
quarrel which recently resulteti in the
withdrawal of the Pullman palace cars
from the Centreil Pacific Railroad.
Two men were seriousty injured in
Louisville on Wednesday night by • the
fall of one of the walls of the Boone brew
ery during the heavy wind storm.
L.; an hillrotary at Cleveland there is n
man who for eighteen day refused to take
a bite or sup, and then suddenly became
hungry and ate a substantial snßpe . r.
.A.:s agent of the Australian Emi
gration Cpany ie in Portland, Ore
gon, seekin lands for a colony. le
wants lands r live hundred families.
AMERICA. should be proud that one of her
Congressmen ho at Saratoga a gambling
saloon that is said to surpass in magnifi
cence all the renowned hells of Europe.
GRASSHOPPERS are ruining the Erie
county crops. We know of ,no remedy
for this peat but turkeys, whose power of
yanking them off sweet potato vales in
widely known. I •
Trir. Itochester (S. T.) E.rpreas states
that Fred. Douglass is the ablest and most
_widely known man in that Congressional
district, and suggests that bI be • elected
to represent it.
THE other day, a cow near Knoxville,
lowa, pushed its tongue through the
crack of a log stable to steal some hay, a
horse was eating. The indignant equine
grabbed the tongue and bit Wolff.
• •
the $130,000 prize in the Henderson Land
lottery, is a Pennsylvanian by birth, and
was a soldier in the Mexican war. lie
Iva& a poor farmer the day before he drew
the money.
WinLi Napoleon . and Bismarck fight
their battle royal, that other one of the
three grey sisters, Von Beast will not
have hie eyes closed, but Will, donbtlesa,
manage. to pick up an advantage or two
for Austria. ' -
Juan JEREMIAH S. tbAcK has re
-turned home from Texat, where he has
been conducting a law suit for which he
received a fee of $l,OOO per day for every
day lie was engaged, which amounted to
about $30,000.
A MrLwArsics, German named Rudolph
Metter, while moving a dining table di&
covered $350 in hall eagles in one of the
logs A holohad been bored to admit the
coin, He purchased the table some eight
years ago of a second hand dealer.
BACTEELORS have • new dignity in
Georgia. The Supreme Court. of that
State has decided that a bachelor la a
"family," and, being no. he is, of course,
the "head of the family," and as such Is
entitled to the privileges of the Home
stead act.
FITIT soldiers went out from .Jackson.
bore Texas, last month, on an Indian
scoot. They got as far as the Wichita,
where they met with a urge body of red
skins, and were whipped and driven back
in confusion. Two damn' and a soldier
were killed.
..h...'smar fifty cent joke—chosp at half
the price—is the following from Punch-
Culto : "Where do you intend to cum.
'met.?" asked Jowler to Growler, one day
in the heated term "Summer ?" retorted
Growlar—"ls that whit you call it? I
rall It Simmer!!
boas hay. a eotlllettiOtl with literature
in aus. Alter the value of sheep
or Ely other animals killed by dogs has
been deducted from the proceeds of a dog
tai, the residue is need for the City Li
brary. Last year the net result thus dewy.
ted was 81,35X1.
ROB CST RAbCAL, charged with attempt.
tog to murder his wife by beating her
with rocks until . ithe was insensible, and
then attempting to throw be e the
river, was tried at Madison, Indiana, on
Wednesday and fined $lOO and tentertuted .
to the penitentiary for ten jean.'
• Tsz French declaration of war referred
to the battle of Jena, and Mates that the
victors still survive, This is a curious as.
section, as besides the lapse of time, thews.
hare - also Intervened . Lespalc and Water
loo, combination, quite sufficient. one
would think to have pruned off survivors
well. •
Tnit 'i.e Wert Ohio Be/lain says :'''A
few days ago, we met at the depot, (lon•
eral Coe, of Hoaglin township, this coun-
He Informed us that be was born "on
4 ,
. , ~2„.... . ._._ u ltr .„ 4 , azt I
(~. , , ~i • I Lie
, ,
.. ~,
•V/. 1 / 0
the Ith of July. 1176. and
in the
war of If3l2.engaging in several battles
and skirmisht,. For the first time in . his
this old hero woe almm to take 0 ride
dh a ntilrnud ear. •
OuniN6 the progress of u game of base •
ball at Milton tni the Fourth, Cheney, the
catcher. nod Newherry, the pitelter,•in cu•
deavoring to head oWn flying ball, came
together .with such, force as to prostrate
both. Then lay upon the ground• soul,
length of time insensible, Newberry bleed
ing at the mouth and nostrils from-au in
ternal infury. The accident stopped the
playing for half• an lout, when, their pla.
ces were tilled and the game Went on.
Tin: Chinese in California make gold
dust out of silver half-dollar pieces, by
cutting up the silver tvrin into . particles
which resembles in shape the gold duet
in the st - This is then colored to re
sembleTgold and is .inised with gunflint.
gold dust. Hock the yellow color is put
upon the silver is n Celestial secret. The
profit of the buiinese must be great ss
two silver half dollars make almotit an
outset of gold dust worth about eighteen
A 'RUNE attached to a barourbe in Cin
cinnati.' in which were ledge Headingt on
and two ladies, became terrified and ran
otr on Friday -evening. The Judge was
throwlytnit . itt the first plunge and kicked
twice Minn: head, fracturing his skull,
besides' seriously injured in the
chest, ',The barouche finally collided with
a buggy, -containing . x lariy..and gentle.
titan and b oth vehicles were overturned.
but the ly other person _injured was
Mrs. lfuntoo, of Baltimore. who Was badly'
bruised and had her left wrisi•bibifen.
Tor Portland Press gives rurrrmcyto
funny bleident tshielt occurred in that
city ; fe\ v days s io e c, I, - s'ecrus that as
Irishman. li'ving at the North Fait'. is
poSsi•ssed of a e whose fonduess for
the '; tiraythui - is inordinate. Ou the
morning in question she purchased s leg
of latulrlor dinner, and in the
oven to Wh .bake, alto -turned to get some
esd,en pussy, who had stood with
[ lont dney•yen on the meat, jumped into
the \open oven. The woman. nobpercei,
inglier -eat...closed the oven .door, and
proceeded in the discharge of her acfMs•
tometrdutlys. Tabby cried, but Biddy
could'ut find her, 'and during the fore.
noon theLivoman imbibed too freely of her
favorite. beverage-and became obliVious
to all ahout her. Pat came home to din.
nee: the, dinh df meat was et.ttefore hint,
which lie pronounced rohbir'llis wife
asserted it was lamb, but Pat turned it
over, and discovered, to his horror, the
Italy of - poor pussy. A scene ensued, in
which ißiddy was summarily. sobered. -
.l f',LEVEtt otrotstolt has 'at length
been exposed, as will be semi by the fol.
loWing notice,doted at Tunkhannock. Pa.,
Jul)k,fith ; .
.A man by the uunte . of E. if, Warner,
professing to be a minister, a physician
and a dentist, late from Texas,having fled
therefrom with his family to save their
lives, the 'wife and Children stopping at
Aleiandria, while he came Worth to get
means to bring them north, has been
`traveling through parts of the East• Gen
e and Wyoming Conference professedly
-endorsed by s number of our niinister4
lecturing, preaching, practising
lord dentistry, and raising money there
by. Ile is a well dressed and good look
ing man of about fifty years of ago, and
well skilled in tile several arts Kar l
lbw& an to be able to deceive -the very
elect.", After syeareful churl to secure oP
Methodist ministers in Texas Informal if/11
etincerning said \Varner, 104 is word,
~gmleing the existence of ouch n man,
has been obtained. And from other ref
deuce which has recently conte to us. tic
are forced to believe that We have been
most grossly imposed upon, that the said
man is one of the best executed counter.
fellers out of State Prison. Ilia power to
deceive is bevond description: he can
pray or }veep, h< , a saint or martvr„ jest
bestas suits his' pSITOSr. i\ e 'believe
Lima deceiver and n verilang , rotis loan,
whose wont is (ids, It d..sign,
dark, and men and w 011101 eveualipre
are warmed against him an no lISSITSIIII
- villain. Pe Witt C. Olmstead ; P. E.
Wyoming district; Samuel F. Brown,
ester M. E. Church, Tunkltannock.
OFFENBAcit in snaking an
Lady CiOdscin.
licnsTx doestif nay touch. bit her
491 new breech-loaders and 'her half it
million I,artrlages per day factors . , entitle
her thitiiting to importance.
IT in-thought that 'ilia amplonive ballet
luny giCe France an much advantage over
Prasniu t , an the needle gun gave •tba lat
ter pother over Austria in MO).
DIE: poet Freiligratli celebrated bit
sixtieth 'birthday on the 17th of Jane.
Ile in at present w ith his family in Bre
gen., on Lake Constinien, and in
. prepar.
log a collected edition of his svorlus for
A eLlffliT fire recently took place in the
clock-tower of the Parliament House in
Gordon, calmed by the ignition of the
quantity of comanut fibre, four tons, kot
on for floor “to deaden the fall of the
clock-*eights, if s u ch an accident should
. .
. .
THE governor of the workhouse
Pleanington. England, recently ordered a
rowed Sohn Baring to be "ducked"
for.soiling bin clothe, lle won docket'
no thoroughly that he IvaK drowntA, or, no
the coroner'n jury both it,r met -death
by tuinadventure.
_ FRANCE ban 1141 fort' MC!, of which
eight are of the lirot runk: Paris, Ly - ona.
Stranbourg, Metz, Lille. Toulon, Brent and
UherbOurg.. The forfiticatioun of Parma
ore ntaled to have cOtt *40,000,000, and
up to 18971. there had .been I" 1.1•111ii'd on
(:herboUrg N. 44,01.10,000.
BY a Roman Catholic authority we are
informed, 131,8 the I.oraliin ' bully Nate,
-July 2, that 'Cardinal Antonelli has just
married one of his nephews to a
lady of fortune, and Ins -proved himself
equal to the occasion by hes : Awing on the
happy pair the sum of s,ooTOY)'franmeir
_UMW sterling.
WHEN Marshal Saldnnha was Porte.
guese — Ambassador at Rome, Cardinal An.
tonelli'made some inquiries about the state
of iffnins in Portugal. Snldanha frankly
replied: "Eminence, it is not to tlatter
you and me, but Lam the Antonelli of my
kingdom, and when lam absent every
thing goes wrong."
A 'YOUNG man in London, named Blyth,
who has just attained his majority, in.
dulgod, a year or more ago, all estrum.
gent propensity for buying expensive
jewelry. and purchased about 442000
worth on credit. After one.half had been
paid it occurred to him that the rest I
might be lowed by pleading "infancy" nt I
the time the goods wore procured: 1
Upon referring to the items, however. ;
the court and he were nut of one mind, ,
and .a complete discharge - of the debt I
with costs of action added is to be the re- . '
`ward of his dishonesty.
Ttik French army is divided into reven .
army corps. The headquarters are Ufa
lows : 1. Paris; Commander-in-Chief,
Marshal Canrobert, 2. Lille; Common
derin-Chief, General of Division De Lad
=lnu Senator. 3. Nancy; C'ommander
itiChief, Marshal Bazalne. 1. Lyons;
General of Mt - taint Cousin 3lontauban,
Count de Palikao. 5. Tours; CoMmander
in-Chief, .3farahal Count Baraguey d'llll
- 6. Toulouse: Contununierin-Chiet,
vacant. 7. Algiers; Comuntuderin-Chlef,
Marshal McMahon, Duke of Magenta
LE GAL:Lois announces that Christine
Nilsson has lusther• voice' Before she
left Paris she. noticed painful defects in
that exquisite organ; it oven only with the
greatest effort that she attained to the ele•
voted notes of denude clarity which have
made her distinguished. Thu fatiguing
trip to England developed the germs of
her malady. For a fortnight her hoarse
nese was thought to be simply a transient
thing.. But she rapidly grew worse, And
the beet plirsiclu6s of London have been
forced to confess that the Swedish night
ingale will sing DO more.
• Cargouce are excited over the concur
...k.An St. Petersburg, to.the Orthodox
Greek Church of ,an American Catholic,
Father likwring, one, professor of theolce
rti .!. the college at Baltimore . Baton)
ie .
.v ill this country.he protested Ina very
remarkable letter, against the council and
the doctrin e Infalibility. Upon
his arrival In Ruin a he applied for admit-
4 2" . ,
lance to the pale .if fhe Ureek eloirch,
was regularly :ordained: and will so on
found a yongiegat ion in New _York_ :lie
recently sTelabrated mass in the Ecclesias.
tical Scridenty before an assembhige of
th:!inost distinguished Russian nobles,
A stosr singular will has just 'been 4
opened it. Vellirl.. A rich old bachelor
has bequeathed his elitirV fortune to is
distant relative, it Very. it young lady:
19 rears of itge, and . not left - a shilling Ass I
all his nearer relations. So far 'liters is
nothing singular nixsut it. • But it Imp
petted-that the testator-had been endowed
with a fearful hump on his back hint a
clump foot. Now he - puts the condition
that alto mast marry It man endowed with
similar ornaments if she wishes to touch
the estate. The rightful heirs are con
tenting the validity- of the :will, saying
that ny . saute man cmild put such IL C9ll-
ditilig •
THE arrival fief the auditor of Lothair at
Windsor C l imb, 1m the occasion of the
late State breakfast. is thus .sp»ken of by
a newspaper onrespotalent • - poor Mr
Disraeli and. Isis wife. the Countess of
Baconstield. w i fre 11111014 r the not to an
rive, a nd laid to pm op with a small Open
hock carriage, whirls loot but a very sorry
laical over it. : risrt smately, the author' of
Lothair shy die way. Whitt a illittltritti tillt,
Ctiiitclillt what a socissl blunder that beak
hats been—his best friends hate him for
it lint with-hint A large water proof
smut, by which his wife and himself
cate red themselves front the min as well
as they could!'
Tut: director of a French provincial the.
litre has dispeusq with the ehoim• the
ldred applauders so necessary in a Eretwls
theatre, although' very expensii.e. By
means of a most ingenious pieee.of mech
anism he has constructt;d a meelssitsitMl
el Igoe under the that of the Parquet.
there are four iota of hammers, which its.
irate the 110hir made by mars .d.' gentle
fo .
men, and at distances there are pal . l
ato?. lee, that produce at exact Unit lion
of the clapping of hands, when they a Ike
together by means of a spring,., The lip-
paratus is set in motion by a-cord termi• :
totting in tilt, 1.111 . 1, et the manager, and
the nob* enters the hall by means of
openinds under the chairs. It - h e n h e
deems airoper, the manager can applaud
the pied:. very conveniently, and carry the
audience along. - .
A WHITER in n s 'ologne Iliennany I
newspaper attentions a curious change in
the population of Bohemia, which he sav - s
has been partly caused by the Coutinually
increasing immigration of the tteriunn4
to America. The tierman element is di,
appearing from allparts of Bohemia, and
the Czecros ar rapidly taking the place of
the tlerinamli. From year to year less
tierman is to be heard in Preigus• and in
many villages where a Bohemian worst
was not to be heard twenty years ago, the
Slavonic has now all but supplanted the
lianas:ln idiom. Th., same 'writer re.
marks that a similar phenomenon tour be
witnessed in the Southern Tv tol, where
tile Italian element is advancing every
year, and the I;ertnan' is receding or he . -
coming halianized. It wou ld seem that,
is impressing himself sm American life,
the tiertuan is losing Isis f)Keltold in scone
parts of aernsan3 _
the whole of Th mislay ,sys
' the London 11,7 y July tit, tti, in nu
curly hoer' yesterday morning. gy•-at
leif at Woinwell, bear
litansley, awing to un ititident which took
place at the Deerfield Main CollicrY,'
which the . whole of the men. i;tai in nom.
her, were eolallistl in the pit for tips - aril.
of •
,eventeen hours. lt uppear, thug shim!
nine a'clis:k oil - flotrislity morning the
tlt grit in the colliery came into collison in
the shaft, so that 110 person could ascend
or descend. On some of the the
top 'going down to where the.. obstruction
tookplace they found the clhair broken
and the conductors smashed to latices to
the extent of some twenty or thirty yards.
A number of them were. at oboe set to
work. to clear de. iihottruntion, Log it, was
not until About 10 o'cliadi at bight that the
Itrelien otottoetl moth .1 nes.
too; got re:oy, w hen the !lin were safely
thrown tin the top, n distance of Ifil t yards
from the bottom.
—Three :101en of eon stroke itccurreil at
Louisville. yesterday, one fatal.
—Six cases of sun stroke have occurred a
Chlctuto *Rhin the last twenty-fout hours.
—Gen. McClellan halo accepted the appoint
pint of Chief Engineer of the Docks of New
'irk city.
—John Moran and Andrew Nemm were
clowned while bathing in tlie:Lake at Chicago
caterday aftSnoon.
—Hon George C. King. a inembet of Con
green (ruin Rhode Inland from to 7.1.
in New York on Sunday. -
—The malt house belonging to lobo P.
brewery, it Sterling,lnori. was bnrn
cil Sunday. I..cosa filtAbOtal.
Jiab. White, of Hoboken. N. V..
has been sentenced I o three moot ha in bill and
fined OW for cleating n watch. '
—Twelve or fifteen eaves of sunstroke have
occurred in Baltimore within the past two
days. five of which wore fatal..
- -Joseph tionitirs. foreman of the Germtn
newspaper office at Cedar Rapids, lowa. was
drowned Sunday, while bathing.
—George Wilkes' libel suit against the edi
tors of the Turf, Pith! and Farm. has been ad
journed two weeks by Judge .Carduzu.
—Judge Barnard at Ness York, ryesterdny,
sentenced Jno. Kelly. repeater at the last
election, to one year In the State Prison.
Three other repeaters were acquitted.
-A has Francisco dispatch statev that
Webb's line of Australian steamers-will com
mence service immediately. regardless of the
action of Congress on the subsidy question.
—Thomas tlit en. of the flrm of lillsvu
Co, Philadelphia. Who absconded to Europe.
has been Intercepted at Liverpool and a com
promise effected, he paying over part of the
tornails irisiled Oshkosh, Wlse o mda,
Sunday morning. doing serious damage. The
Skating Rink was blown Gown and the roofs
of houses carried away. No lives ore report
ed • ,
—lke Barry, it noted desperado. who mur
dered Deputy Sheriff l'ratt In Luzern coun
t'., ills.. some months %ince nod wax neat to
the State Penitentiary for life. died In prison
on Saturday last.
I —American Consul Diddle, at Havana. who
has been down with yellow fever, Is recover
ing. His wife died of the disease on Sunday.
Consul Hall of Matanzas Is In temporary
charge of the Coagulate. •
, -:-Howard and Weston, crintractoni, have
. commenced suit at Bloomington. ills., for
fain.LCM agel.t the Lafayette. Bloomington
and Mississippi Railroad. for the balance
claimed to he due them under a contract and
for damages.
—President Grant him accepted an Invita
tion to visit Providence. R. September 14th.
• • • .
ut the inauguretionrof the soldiers' moment.
He wilt be the guest of Gen. Burnside and Iva
efterwerd stop et WesterlT. the guest of lion
N. F. Dixon.
—The eight Frenchmen. who were picked up
lt sea and taken to Boston by the brig Wil
iam Mason, state that they were emigrants
boned from Marseilles for Parmambuco od
. .
the bark Fell:, which vessel sprang a leak
mid was abandoned. -
—Sult has been instituted in the Saperiut ,
Court at Baltimore. by the State of Maryland.
against the Baltimore is Ohio Railroad to re-i
cover $250,000, one-efth of the receipts from
Passenger travel on the Washington branch
from January 1 f l u July 1, lam. .
—The family o Martin lfells, consisting
of five persons. kAI
ing live miles east of Gale
na,llllnois. whl re s eated at the breakfast ta
ble Saturday m lug. we struck by light
ning. I The elde daughter was Instantly kill
ed and some othtra seriously injured.
—T4e Wayne House, at Northatuptour
Mass., with ten stores and saloons adjacent.
were burned early yesterday morning. The
Inmates of the hotel barely escaped. The to
tallest Is about 5124.000; insured tor MOO%
mostly in New York and Hartford Maces.
—The banrand hay sheds of John Landin.
in the town of Lagrange, N. Y.., were struck
by lightning on Saturday night, and totally
destroyed, together with their' content., con
stating of entire crop
of hey and agricul.
total Implements. Lose,' /4.001 k Insurance,
--Hor. Austin. of Minn.. has .tendered the
teginot:ello 011 t. u tbe. S. v t . 3 , grattuy to lion. Wm.
death of Mr. 'Norton. win c o l ,citur st
rict the
tat!. in Congress peti t the dist°rlClTl:d
was Norton's competior at line a , his
I'eooewell, at Norwalk.. Ohio, yes
terday refused en injunction to the case of the
Toledo' nd Woodvit e Railroad contract.boid
lag that the act of the Legislature authorizing
the city of Toledo to build ouch m con
stitutional and the action of thT ru stys and
City Council legal.
—.Bunco F. Ballantine. far several yearn
commercial editor of the Chicago Tribunr.and
afterward managing editor .of the Chicago
fitmddiron, died at Nan Diego, Cala on the
Rana The Chicago Board of grade passed
resolutions In commemoration of MS many
estimable qualities.
—A tornado passed over Ottawa. Illinois,
Sunday. tearing down-chimneys, fences, itc.
On Main street a plank sidewalk was raised
from Its foundation and whirled in the air.
Mr. I.,ynch, dry good merchant. Henry Fred
enburgh, and two young girls, Misses O'Brien
and Bock. were all on or near the walk at the
time. While Fredeaburgb was trying to as
sist the young Indies from danger, part of the
walk struck them. so injuring Fredenburgh
that he died In two hours. bliss O'Brien was
no badly hurt that she could not long survive.
and the other two were slightly hurt.
itv Telegraph to the Vittshurgh Onzettc.l
: WM:HIM/To:C. July IS, MO.
I,tltllkOtt Malta crorrrp.
\ All the North German steamship lines
rennet running.. Our foreign malls are stoimed
In Mil amore and New. York. Postmaster
General errs. w w well lo no engaged in effecting
a temporary Image:tient with the Cunard
and Inman lit e of stein:secs to carry our ntalls•
Several Aines'iCan parties have put in priumsi.
tions to carry it In vessels under our ,flag.
These will receive proper considerationat
otter. In the meanwhile it is thought certain
that our molls will be carried by Engliahlines.
Bunters Schwab, managing member of the
Northillertliau I.loyds steamship line, has ar
rived here to consult with the authorities as
to whether some steps Cannot betaken to
prevent.frie interrapfrOn'Ot commerce between
this country end North German ports. Schwab
had an Interview with Secretary Boutwell.
among otiel . s. and endeavored to Impress the
the necess ity of urging upon the President the
propriety , Of. calling an extra session
or tongress,' with us view to meet the emerge!,
yr by some appropriate legislation. Schwab
also had an Interview with Baron Gerolt.
Prussian Minister. but that transpired has
mit leaked out. ' It is understood, however.
that the Baron succeeded in persuading Sec
retary Fish to send a dispatch to Minister
Washburn°, instructing the latter to ask the
French Government to permit German steam
ers earrylng llnited States malls to proceed
on their voyages free fruits attack. and to
stop at one polls notunder actual blockade.
'Secretary Fish has, in fact, sent ts strong note
of this kind to Minister Wis./Mimeo. but It is
brlies,l that it wilt have but little effect noon
The got ernment should have statie,younger
and nicer rigorOUtl.represontntive than Baron
tlerolt sent to this country during the present
crisis. II stoic Is regarded as too slow and
feeble for etch no emergency or the Present •
It Is sold that Secretary Fish also instructed
Minister Washliiirne to offer protection to the
Prussians In France. for the reason that many
of Mu naturalited citizens cause from Prussia,
and that the PrUSSIals •inverntuent tans no
representative in Paris. ~1
The Government will be 'urged to provide
for the tragstawtatlon. under a neutral fl ag. of
the Brest and 2.9thamPtut , mall, which
ltas3i eccentiv been harried by the steamers of
I helm t h German tioyds,llatnburg-American
Company. and the Coutpecne Generale Trans-
Atlantic. . •
Very few dispatches • hove been ceised
here from Europe by gentlemen In Diplomatic
sod Ainerimui onteinl circles, and therefore
reliance is chiefly made on those of the Press
relative to Wm. The new French Minister hns
received no cable telegram since his arrival In
thls country. The :inziety for Intelligence
. .
hel.urope. Is mvticularlf manifest among
he Iliplornht lc torus, some of whom await
ith linpatience•oMcini advice," by. malt from
heir r, , t , CCLC r.overcutiesits, which It is told
'ill itot - te trusted to the ocean cables, fearing
hat eseh cypher messages may find their way
nto unfriendly hands.
union have been reaelve4 troni New York
int elsewhere as to the truth of.telegrun
cut hence to private parties. one of them no
. crfing thut admiral Porter recommends th•
allstment of ls.oll senmenand the-limumilat
lacing of the - navy on
suchog. It is err
:Ala i that he has male no recummendatio.
. .
to tither the President or Secretary. of the
Nary. nor hto he even suggested to them such
. ..Al. In vim? of European events. Equally
untrue the dispatch that the Prealdent Is
I.eing urged to convenr , Coocrrs4 at an early
try to legielate accordingly.
otNvitat. tamper.. W.lll. •
•rotary F • lah and Secretary Itoul.well had
. . - .
I:it et rt.: ts ; with the Prentdent hut eveolnE.,
ntree that there will he :t general Eht - 0-,'
I tt;te A, ut. Bout well it, ,tf the ttuinloo that
~ . .
.. . • • . •
lit be.prrarlialated on us. The President r
1, noun. to be aver, to ceiling ihmutress tie ,
gel her. hut said lAA evening that It lookr
ouite,probuble that contingencies might,.
art. , that would netersitate hitn to do no.
. The.Suiniry Civil nen ice Appropriiiitiou
ae reported from the Conference Committee
isnd passed both }louse. contains proeleinin!
. fhat the public lands which bane been with
drawn for any mason and afterward restored
shall thereafter be subject only to homestead
and preemption entry. 1 •
Tilt trrwr or Tilt WAR.
It - due. not appear that any one 4iinuecte
with our government fears any dtmister
happoin to our errantry 'apart from the 4g..
the %Vat Itiwn itor shillrinC• , ‘t: that We
nIViCIVnii European a or, the
log nothing to ex elte.such .
tt.tlLO IT VIE (.I:N.titO
po.m.terJoue., has reCAIVeII A telegra
nut Postmaster General Creentrell Inatruc
g him to 'rani the German mile by the C
Aid line. and all mails until further mai.
I be taken In the nettle manner.
Telegraph to the Pittsburgh , Gurettr.l
DESIRE TO nEtrier.
...`7iEw Tonic ...111ti . la. IMP.
A large nut:abet or gentians lately arrh
In this emitntry. who. not •boing citizen+
liable to :military duty in their own cou:
y. have called4l' the °Mee of the Prussia.
insul and estires.ed. their willingnema t
torn. Ilistnarck has been teleirrnbhed It
The agents of the Hambarg-Americ
Steamship Company announce they wilt dl
path the steam Silesia to-morrow at h
usual hoar. The er
Silesia will too touch at sou
point i❑ Ireland or'Gr;nit tirtta ln
dispatch [rum WanbingtOn says Admiral
tarter recommends the enlistment of woo
amen. and the immediate placing of the
aw on n woe footing. The President In being
tired to convene Congress at an early day to
gislide accordingly.
The Political VatpaliT: littf.l- Ad.
Trlerroph to rite Pittsburgh Gazette.]
IND.. July le.—The first im
portant Republican meeting In this Kate
campaign Was held at the nest wigwam in
thin city tu-night. told addressed by Senn
ti,r Murton.- Re spoke extemporaneously,
having had no time fur Preitaw Mace his
return from!' Wtohluirtun. Ills lipteeli wan.
Inaluly a review of the Republican paste tut;
der rait's administration.ns coniparcif with
the iitliniiiintration of President Johnson
—slowing the Increased of of the
revenue service, the greater amount collected
under the same lawn, and the efforts
of Congress and the administration .to
lighten the burdens ~ f taxation by n lurge-re
duction of the. tariff and Internal Revenue.
lie niso alluded to the noinagement of Rate
nffairs. showing how. successfully the Repub.
Henn patty had conducted the fl.nees and
!Meld:Wed the debt. There was a very large
audience present. Including Governor Baker.
the officers of the State, and .many Meths
guisbed eltize. from various localities.
The Republicans regard the meeting and the
speech as i most successful inanguratiun of
the campaign..
Trout/Ir In North Carotins—Armors by Ih
State Militia.
Lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] •
RALEIGH, N. C. July 18,- Ik m:wander Kirk.
of the State Militia. arrested Friday several
citizens of Allamanla county,and on Saturday
Chief Justice Pearson granted a writ of hu.,
bens corpus on behalf of the prisoners. which
was served on Kirk. lie, however. refused
to obey. saying. "That sort of thing is played
out." The charges against the persons under
"arrest have not been made known: there,
no warrants sworn out aga them:
They are milong the first citizen s ofinst
this eoun
•iy.- 'Trouble Is antlelPated.
An Injunction will be sued out today-for
bidding the Treasurer to pay money from the
Treasury for the 'State troop.. There in no
Insurrection or resistance to civil law In the
Bum Ball at Clnrlnnffill—The Harvard* vs.
fled tvleeklnga, '
Inv Telegruph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CIFCtiDArt. July 18.—The game of Bette.
Ball between the .kfarvards and Red , Stuck=,
inns excited much interest. But for. the
Jury to Goodwin. the Harvard “pitcher. "in the
last Inning, it is probable the Red Stockings
would have been defeated. Goodwin was
struck by u and knocked down. He,
pitched through the . Inning and then fainted.
He is not seriously hurt. Score:
Harrards-3. 0. 4.3. 7.0. O. o.—Total 17.
Red Stockings—X.—T0ta120.
The Harvard. will remain and play the Mu
tual. on Wednesday.
TheG.rgla Les4l.l6nr,
Dy Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.)
ATLANTA. Ga., July 16.-111 the House *to
day a communication. in *titling, was receiv
ed from the Governor; elating that unefliclal
information bad been received to the effect
that Congress bad passed a bill ad
mitting Georgia to remseotation In
c oax ,„ • and that until the Meets
lug of 1:70OftfC1111 1111 December the - Mote
would remain under the aupervislon of mili
tary. but that General Terry would allow the
Legislature to go on with the enactment of
laws. The majority and minority reports of
the Dullock-Angler Committee were reported
and laid on the table. It it 'the general be
lief of oil parties that election will be held
this fall.
sew Orleans.
New Gio..e.tes. July 01. -- Flour flrulgrl 9u
perllue double extra Pk triple extra
.25124.59. Oats alQroc. 131191195 c. Oar 929
fur prime. Pork bold nt tJ14.11.75. Bacon
—lobbing saleaktpc for oboe err; maimo
for clear rib sides: 190 for clear sides.' llama
.24X825c. Lard druler; tierce Il1017c: ll ama
18).(c. Sugar—prime 111tio. Mobuseli—c,ity re
belled 50'675c. Coffee lirm nt 171(617)(c. Gold
apper Rivera
[By P. & A. Teletranhl
Ont,CdYY. July, 18 .—Rivetet a Mend with
etteen Mathes water ha the channel. Weather
cloudy; thermometer ee et e r. a. -
German Niceties to Espress ti)etspathy Milt
Prefabs—Address and licsobitions Adopted. -
81.000,000 to be; flaked in the oas of
Piactirel Sympathy--Strong Letter mane 11.
Grail Weise.
I Ily Teleiraph to the Pittsburgh 1 +azette..l
Sr. Louis, July ls.- The German meeting to
express *lineally with Prussia in the strug
gle abont to commence betwmai In, 1111 , 1
Prance was one of the largest ever held here.
National airs were playetPhy the bands, I a
donut songs. ung by the ilitiwd and the ent it
shit= warvery great. Al, speeches In' r.
Hanauer. Emile Preterite!. , Carl Deenger I nd
several others, which obmitidest in lenun ix-
Ulm of Napoleon end probe,' of liiug Will m,
ll:suatick and the Hertel it 'nation gene Ply',
the following athliess s as interned to 'i.e
llernutti notion:
'•The desperate gitutb i ler on the P clich
throne, under cuntemPtible pretest. Int ,
commenced a war' of Suppression an eon_
'sliest against GerintaY. The times of .lelac
and Na oleo thC.Flist are threatening once
more. Tonri inn strtiggle for the indepen
dence of all along mentor year assn national
life. Your d feat would dismember the Ler
man fllllltTinll l l anti make it a dependency of
France.. Your victors . secures Germany's
unite, and' with that, her liberty. Your tri
nutpli Wl/111d oven liberate France. It 111 %V 1111
pride and joy that wn hear of the tiernain
mottle north and south rushing to anus (or
their country as one wan. 'Firmly eotabling
in your patriotis, your , strength and your
perseveranc. we expect glad tidings of vic
tory for the holy canoe of the Innil of our
..,-eolutlons ;vets: unanimously adopted that
to t Uterllll. thu rutted States, hi OttICT.IO
Sies, their sympathy In a pmetimil way,
•lirritiee n fund of one million dollars for ;he
s apport of Invalid soldiers and urchin chil
dren of fallen totem' that the Germans of St.
bottle tdedge themselves to contribute
b 501110.1 to this fund; that the address soot
ponseeslinips of tills sheeting are telegraphed to
President of the North German Pltrlktnent.
leith the request that they he presented to
King William and published to the German
Mi ned Committee was quieted to rake
(untie nod to co-operate with t Germans of
other cities in the ( - aired Stott, in carrying
out this project.
Ex-rnitml Staten Senator. 11. ,;rate Brown
sent a letter to the meeting, in which be says:
-With the dynasty Interests that appear to he
the excuse for a declaration of war on the
tart of the Emperor of Prance; no American
can have any sympathy. We, as citirens of a
HO can rightfully sympathire only with
the people of R foreign country in the defence
of their nationality, their right of homogenous
des eloptlient and their laudable wish to
drove within a cOuatlon league all et kindred
deseCat, or speech. or affiliation. that a united
faith may make them one nation, either for
defence or organitatlon.".= He' thinks that
hawever much we may Condemn the authors
of this war. startling Impulse .1.11 given
to many latent Democratic tendencies.
Whether France with Ws Napoleonic dy
nasty. or Hermany • with its federal
unity, shall henceforth be the controlling force.
In Europe. involves also the imestion whether
civil order that appeals only to central au
thority for support, or a civil society elabora
ted oaths basis of local self-control, shall ob
tain mastery for , the future In Anotilding the
destinies of the ' continent. The of
the latter • lie believes redound
equally to the benefit of the FrenTh t0..14,
Hernitm nation. lie also bellevei that Ger
man unity will In the cud work out German
Republicanism and a federation of all that
great brotherhood of people in the heart of
thes ct he o s n u l traW log o s
n th at ,
to ur;
the lead of Prussia. I.N.t. all events. If
the only. Kate under a kingly
of government that has adrultbed point
nal progress and local autonomy as an ele
ment of its social organization. that of Napo
leon. itwill be long years before env foot
hold for liberal advance will be found under
the shadow of his rashly eatended baleful la-
IluenCe_ flat aside from all these comildern
thaw, Mr. Brown says. ...Who can forgot the
time of our own extretnest peril. While
the cordial Roy will of, the. Herman
popttlacto of ihtntpe wan giving to tie
imiterial encouragement of the most, vi
' tat kind. and whilst a united German
support was o tllllng the ranks of our armies in
the field, the Emperor of France waliiotting
ith the traitors at liichtnund for th el. pa
• lion of _the Chesapeake at a French La ,t 1 *du
lion and orgthHang English arri.spanish ex
peditions to Mexico to blockade nited
States. o hy laud and) repare the way for perma
nent support of the Southern Empire: .
4 . This letter wal received with .100 , 1 ap
plause: The meting eonOnued until a late
hour and teal largely attiM4ed by people of ail
Nlttettng of Germany inl4mpstlile 1%111.
Prostnn—lttspatrh In ktna ‘Vtlittott t -
um to Gernosn• 10 right to , 11,4 Moth.,
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.;
l'4u:ahtl.Jalp 11 .-. 1
large meetlag of Ger
notas was held at Turner Hall yesterday with
reference to the war In Europe. Casper Butt
oresidal. and speeches were made by Cal.Ju.
sett. Collector of Internal Revenue. Herman
Ilaster,cclitor. of Shoes Zrittingblio‘. Salumou.
of Washington Territory. and other pronithent
Germans. Resolutions of sympathy for the
German cause were passed . unanimously.
Three thousand dollar: were at once contrite
ated to aid the Geruian.cause.
The following dispatch was ...era la . cable:
—To King Irdllam. of Prussia The Berm ans
of Chicago tender to you and tb the German
Patton their heartfelt symPatby in the War
against the perfidious traitor. lianolrOn. and
against all enemies uf German I.listress and
The excitement aiming the Germans Is even
greater t-ahan at any Gum sce th
declaratio o n o f d
war t was made. All the in places e
of resort are thronged and the situation is
discussed with great vehemence. The hatred
for Frenchmen is remarkably intense. Over
into hundred Germans departed hr train to
day for Fatherland to Mkt- eervtre In th
Prussian army, and more will follow. Th
Influence of the Prominent leaders has bee
exerted In vain to dissuade theft from such I
Ily Tetelmtpl: to the IltteburKlt Guiette.)
New Vonn.:July le, Ito.
The excitement In the Gold Room NI
glad to eny since the September poole. a•
he Drier ntnged between ltir. and 112.
!Foreign bankern have been baying -on A.,
ruin thg other side. which seem to hive
men given in ant 'Ovation of a general Euro
pean war—reports to-day • brina that
linsSlit has Joined Prussia. . and that
tustria will nuw probably take sides
with France. Extreme agitation lu Eu
upean money centres is reflected in decline
lu Lon don of Consols total,aalfn sofMI to BE4
lint.'. On the street early oak"n were between
the first recorded tale nt at
.:trhich there yßits n steady advance to
from which point there wie+ p pimp to 1 . 22!:.
nod a deillne to Y.Xl:4tliN. The ranee of the
pimp wine report that there was sorb a pan
ic In London that it WAS Impossible to obtain
quotations for United States Jr other securi
ties. and that the Dank of England trill
ball nn extra meeting . to advance
ank rate to. higher figures. There was a
perceptible abatement In the excitement
late in the due and the price declined to Dn.:.
Thin was on the receipt of a cable telegram
g iving higher quotations lu the foreign mar
kets. Closing quotation EXlts. The day
closed with a calmer feeling, and there was
a commendable abatement in the speculative
excitement. The recent panics In Frankfort.
Donne and London Stock Exchange were
engineered by the Germans to sustain
the. hull movement in the gold room.
The German element inour midst, It
estimated. . now hold at least
523,000.000, and ore short ofgovernment
bonds to the extend of P1i,000.000. Viewing the
.'situation from this standpoint: It is easy to
see that Wall street Is banging over n volcano.
The situation turns upon the point of a short
or long war In Europe. If a lung war. then
the Germans are likely to come out triumph
het in case of a short war.
then they are likely to pass through the
most disastrous financial defeat in their his
tory as operators In Wall street. Carrying
rates fan per cent. The clefiralleCs were V 151.-
The specie shipment by English steamers it
Wednesday Is expected to . he very large; the
amount now predicted is $5,000.000 to 17.0gid.
Foreign Exchange held firmly at Ilr! , 104 - .
Money more active at MLT Percent.
fiovernments opened excited and prices de
cilned. • The decline, however, was
cant compared with the fall in the foreign
market. which was offset by the adeene e In
gold premium here. Late in the day the mar
ket was steadier. German bankers have been
heavy sellers of bonds and other large
sales were made. It Is believed on speculative professional operates. Investment
bulginess seemed to be confined to purchasers.
Comma 'el 12NR.11N; VINOPIti Pt PNOPiii
flya,U; new SSW'S; 'fa aOl3
'sX; '6B
10-Yin'. !Naafi; yummy 12X4112X.
State securities dull; Mlsnourts Cl; Ohl Ten
ne”ees 04X; New nt,,i; Old North Carolina
bfkNew '
During the early part Of the day the stock
market was atones• but after the sudden rise.
In gold became weak and the adviince of the
morning was more than lost. Dealings were
large on the entire list. but the heaviest was
In Facific Mall. which was exceptionally
•strong on the report that a European line
would be established. After this stock the
chief interest was In New York Central,
Reading. Lake Shore, hock Inland and St.
The Ektmk market was dell and steady at
the close. with some recurely from the lowest
point of the day. Lake Shore loaned Cat and
es MO as 14:1 Kos paid for the Use of North-
Canton. OS; Cumberiand.4o: Weeteris Colon
3174; Quicksilver.4l:: Marione:4Bs; pr e f erre d.
12.7;; Water Power, 15X; Adams Express. fah;
Wells. 15; American. 41: Called Stet/m.46N;
Pacille Mail, 43; New York Centlal. M 11
k; ,dp,
.14?:; Erie, 2.2%; preferred. 43; Harlem.. 133 M;
Rending, 9144; Michigan Central, 118 k; Lake
Shors..9ll; Illinois Central. 131; Pittsburgh,
101; North Western. 84; do. preferred, 87;
Rock Island, 112 M; New Jersey Central.
163; St. Paul. iek; do. preferred, 78k; Wabash.
53; do. preferred. 81; Pt. Wayne. 94; Terre
Haute, M; do. preferred, Gl; Chicago and Al
ton. nem do. preferred. 118; Ohio and tills
elssiplk3sk; C. C. and C. 8114; 'fanfold end
Erie, : St. Joe
Gold, 111.891.-
( H ICAG ).•
New Verk Mener Markti
no)-1 3 russin
lie Sit nation al Kiehl, on the Border
French ConiluUndera Gone to the
Front-.. Prawn Demands a Decision
From South fiervian, StUtes-
England's Aux let y Cotwerithic llol•
lamt 7 Cemorahlp of the Pres4—M.
Speerh Supprevaal—Crecn n
prince of Prussia in the Fletil—
Prem.,' Fleet in Pursuit or the Pros-
Squad rim --The ItrportNl Bat
Ily a Skirini-h—Prt.slan.
fret or Pr0...601411.1mi1l
.vael. in British Port. 111..11andr‘l
Denunciation of Sonulron 1 / 1 tla•
ri 1 11 11 morol Derlora
on or R too,iu 111 . 1 . 0 or of Prit,..lll--
Ext.itemen4 lii Finance and Produce
31arlets--sweden and Switzerland
Remain Neutral.
Telegraph to the rittsbilrCh!/..lrelle I
FAno,lilly -Thu Prussian gnu. at Kehi
are leveled at the French Custom House
while the French gnu., are seriously threaten
ing the .Frtislan CitstOnis. All the troop,
I rem the ChalOn, ramp are bet weenAlets and
Marshal.. ..tol Csoiobett ha.e 'elf
Part. for the twat.
Th.:: French genht..its tr
the French in ;lotion on the Itlntie. •
r. nt.-The trupeter and the Prince' leo
jetloh are cape, teeto leave vnAVe.inenday
for the front. The Empress Eugenie will act
A? Recent during the absence of Napoleon.
France denl/11,16 .r decision from the South
German State., by 130011 to-day.
Don Carlos has Lien expelled .from }ranee.
Marshal Canrobert commands the' First
Army Corps. the Duke of Falikao the Second.
leuetal Frossard the Third. Marshal .Mclia
huh the Yount, and General Force, the Fifth;
Marshal listable will command the Imperial
float& and Resents.
The French evacuation of Dome in again
The French nien-of-war are watching the
departure of. the Prussian irorociath. from
The Utintool says the •Euglish.fioierinuent
has Ontitucteil Loot Lyons to communicate
iMth tiraminont on the subject - of the. neu
trality of Holland. w !cosh England wishes
coSsoltsil t or . itir macs - st.lll sregeit
NI,. Polio. Jute 10:-The tiortbS
pondrot telegraphs: Nut nee wocd of Thiers'
temarkatue speech was allowed to reach
Contend by telegraph. are
has hero a so
tonoffr erliron. elloot to dream -
Europe about
rjy lent nalitcr resisiCtlng an?, and
F'rrinte about the °pinhole of Lumps.
Telegnuns to the English papers during the
past week have misrepresented the tone of
tbe French independent press and suppressed
dl ,stench
against the war. The
dess censorship was never more active lied
or:crapulous. In spite of its first wavering,
.he English press now. without axceptiou,
:barges France with the respohalblllty for
war. lit appears Clint after firmament's d
laration d deemed wasmade for the din
011ielor. after refusing to give
tiles,, wan compelled. to :admit that France
had finally declared war on account of the
Prussian dispatch. communicating to the Eu
ropean courts the King's refusal to receive
the French Ambassador. and that this dis
patch, thus made the basis of war. had not
linen seen by any French Minister. The Go,
eminent had in fact declaredwar on what
purported to be an obstruct of that dispatch
supplied by two French spies whose names
were withheld. When the war was announced
the Lett refused to juin in the shunts of the
majority. When the majority voted on eaten
war credit of 560.0W.0Utt francs. the Left again
sat silent.
M. 'niers. after declaring his loss for his
country and• his patriotic determination.
when war should be declared, to grant to the
Goverment the means of conquering, said/
"Our duty is to reflect: the resolution sun
have just adopted Is the death of thousands
or men in one instant. I beseech von for re
flection. Ikditink you of May. Held. You re
f used then to hear no, when I sought to %hon .
too What was about to happen. Let that re
ollect ion persuade you to listen. Now that
the principal demand of the Government has
been conceded. my conscience tells me I ful
fill a duty is rusistitor Imprudent passim., and
eriresew leg soberly the counter's interests.
la this a time fur you to brook the peace on u
mere question of susceptibility 7 You are
•heddiag torrents of blood fur a question of
tuna 1 If I hail the honor to govern My aeon
try.Orwitilti have wished to give it time fur
re tie,. ion. I regard this as an imprudence.
and ift, eta:anion an ill chosen."
After the dispatches on which the declaraA
t lon Was made had been frequently demanded.
and ah often refused. M. 011ivier said: "I will
readNo dispatches, but not ;he signatures.,
tor, r agents would he sent away. - He then
read t clone dispatch confirusirg the re-I,
fusel of King William to receive the French I
AuttatssadTjr. tend two dispatches tram the'
French 3,Vitib abroad giving the substance of
Ilisnoteck , s circular. The circular Itself M.l
°Meier did nut pretend to produce. He con
chided by saying: "We gu to use with a light
heartlatitt confident in oar army. We Will tell
the whole truth. What see could not endure'
was the semi-official. etnumunication to tell
Europe of the rejection of oar Ambassador:
:lithe more significant because done In the,
moat courteous terms." '
PC Thicrs replied to filthier: "It is to a
blunder that we owe the war. Prussia ought
to have bent attacked when she desired to
unite the German Staten. Then war would
havelmen legitimate snit we would have been
sustained. I blamed tiadOWtt at the time. To-,
day the world demands of us legitimate cum
plaints. Prussia also has committed a great
fault in negotiating with Spain. Yet Prussia
wished peace, and we has, 'sear. If we had
still to require the renunciation of the Hohen
zolleru candidature I should still be with you..
hat now that we hays obtained that. we de
mantlaomething else You have not only ob
tained your result in 'forte and substatce, but
yet you say Prussia has not yielded in
and ice hare bees insulted. Public. epinlon
turn against its—the journals of Europe
will be against us. Prussia neverwould have
recanted the candidature. It would have.bcen
tienuN. July H.—France has sent a threat
ening' message to the Governments e 1 the
South German' Confederation, demanding of
'them, Within twenty-four hours.a declaration
whether or nut. thee will remain neutral. In
the approaching Straggle.
The Crown Prince of Prussia-bas taken the
veld and is In command of the Prussian
The French iron-clad fleet is chasing the
Prussian squadron towards the Baltic.
The Official press asserts that Benedetti, the
French Alithamador to this country. courted
insult by repeatedly witylaylug and address
ing Mug, William. after he had received Pros.
sla's ultimate .stint, and renewing his insis
tent demands. It is said that Benedetti Wits
not recalled by the French Government. but.
and n imtve of absetice granted hint on a nett
:er altogether foreign 03 the question at Issue.
Lustre•, July Itl:—The French accounts
mat that an ebspigement occurred near Thion-
Mile. between the }tench and Prussian., In
which the tatter were repulsed. The affair le
said to hare been merely a skirmish.
The 31 °mirky ut has a double leaded ettl r
oonteluing the following: "Any clolatlon
of Belgian ter r itory ends England's, neutral
The steamship Leipsig, of North Gensian
Lloyds. will not sail for Baltimore as adver
tised. She is detained now at Southampton
00111 further orders 'front Germany. All the
Prussian merchant vessels non in British
ports will remain. -The crews have disbanded
and are returning home. There are in our
ports many German colliers; these have
to remain lest their cargoes fall Into
the hands of the French.
The Mont expects to be obliged to chronicle
Prussian reverses at ant, owing to the super
ior preparations and effieleney of the Preach
army. Prussia Dente at least another fart
night tg)get altogether In readiness. The VI/re
also says France. without a shadow of excuse.
or Justification. plunges Europe in a war of
which nu person living may sec the end.
A panic arises from the rumor that the Em
peror of Russia pronounces in favor of Pres
, sin and mobilizes the Russian army:
Thu stock markets In London and Liverpool
are purely nominal. There have been no gen
uine transactions. •
P. B.—There are exciting rumors on the
Stock Exchange that Bassin has joined Prus
sia as Really. Everything is declining. Bonds
have decreased to teg, a frill of 3.X. Censors
1:10 r.The Oily Is gmtly excited end
business Is nt Al stand still. United States se
curities are the only ones saleable, end they
at a great sacrifice. United States bonds are
quoted at aatitin: commis amaisigli. A large
advanee in the price of corn has taken place.
The French Of/V.I9ONA IC 00 , P enlace.
LNIXN.V.-- 1) - )
VOL.I ' •
tug rt oyelyibltion a ghinit rode !Id cypher
words tfftgrams.
A violent thunder storm hiss 4 over the
doing Ouch Ilan
:e prep,' .
at. PETERSBURG. July 17. — Isater and au
thentic advices from 'Tientsin. by telegraph
through Siberia. confirm previous reports of
the massacre of foreigners in China. The
outrage, were committed on the 10th of JUlle..
The natives set on are and destroyed' the
French establishments. but left those of the
acrnians untouched. The representatives of
foreign powers at Pekin had addressed n
joint note to tne Chinese Government de
manding the punishment of the rioters and
indetunif, fur losses sustained.
COPWOIAOLX. July IS.—The ileutraliti of
Sweden bite just been officially announced. the
government having previously communicated
with France.
Zr awn. July h+.—Sw itzeriand w ill maintain'
an armed neutrality. The Chambers Toted
plenary lancets to the State Connell to Caine
money and troops.
Later Intelligence,
Titans on the Frontier Wearied by Prussians.
l'Aine, July r. M.—At 11t100 the Prus
ulan forces deettpled the followlnir
Sam: ieh, In Rhenish Prnssia."-and Neutierg,
Itliett.ii Itacaria. Both these towns are di
I ectly on the frontier. Thee sits, had a form
eoneentrated at Linden. in florte Dllllllsl.lillt
' Matslx litiotainx
It littlV generally Inlit, ell here that Ruh
xaxtainx Prutsla.
The War Vilthont Pretext.
.. •
The. toriot. lied Iteoublidan organ. hold the
Emperor answerable for war without protest.
Franc.. Dl•trosto Belgium
'rile rival.. in onler to show oily France
gllstrost..l4lgiuto. invidious the fact 61 lien.
Briohnent appointment to the command of
une Of the coin , and of ('hazel to anothee.
Tar ("mm served In the French anti; many
sears ago and held other offices of taut under
Lie French government. lint tviigned on ac
count of illlticultica with his superiors and
left tiro conntry. lieu. Chime' has recently
I.eee conspicuous i u urging'conformitr of the
calibre of Belgian eaouou with that of limas!.
Itith of these Generals command on the
French frontier.
The Atlantic Cable CutupAules base nr bead their foreign bslnes.isla line.
.dutaide of France.
PwMeu Bill Join Denmark and France.
The Ganl,4 says that Sweden. according to
disp.ltches received here yesterday. is ready
to Join Denmark and France, If the Peet ope
rates In the North and Ilaltlc Seas. It Is re,
soanolv certain Itansia will be Mrletly nee•
P. News rtToilVeti direct front the seal
or wal to "111., o'clock this afternoon states
t hat flit re has I.ceit no blood shed. •
The Prefect of Police has. Issued a procla
nu more on requesting demonstrations.
nt. citizens of Paris to
inak w
No Formal Declaration of War es Vet —Each
Power Hesitates to Assume the Aggressive.
Pant... July 1..-According to the statement
in Let Liberfe this mooing. neither France nor
Prussia have. yet fontal Proclama
tion or committed tt technical act of war.
Each power hesitates to appear the siCreS
-1.-. shows that both Bendetti and
Von Werther withdrew front their respective
Poste of their own accord. and contradicts the
.report that passports had been sent to Count
Pe Solo., charge d'affitirs of Prussian Lega
tion, who no to land night remained at the
embassy In Paris.
The Situation Explained.
IA fdl . trte looks on this fact as one of much
signinclinev and explain. it as follows: The
Count de Sloss declares that his goverment
does not desire to begin t hewer. that It does not
wish to assume the responsibility and stilt re
lies on the wisdom and cormillat ory spirit of the
trperor. lu accordance with this the Prussian
barge admits that he has been Instructed not
ask for his passport..bat If the Court of
Tuillertes goes to take the initiatory and
steads him passports, be will. consider it an
slut of expulsion and will withdraw' with the
entire keen..
The Eitipeter •tlll 1.484 Fllplon.atlc May:
This situation. however. cannot last. I mtg.
The Chamber!, expect to receive to-morrow
it proclamation by the Emperor declaring war,
which of course will put an sod to all Mole
matte delay.
isileation of Military Operations to be Pr.
'The .Ministry hare submitted to tlge.Corg:
t i liL l : ' tat f 4; h i e n To r tginis P oT i go lt rMat t ion
regarding the movement of troops and
military operations. Violations of the tow
are to be punishable by a fine of from ff re to
ten thou.:lel francs, and a second offence will
roomier the journal liable to suspension.
Sopplrmental Credit De•lred,
le Minister of Finantat has asked of the
.p ;
t supiiltenental credit on the year
~U offour hundred million francs for the
er budget, sixty million francs for ,the
:dry five million for the Minister°, Finances.
and ..four hundred thousand francs for the
Ministry of the Interior. It is asserted that
ofsoon as the Corps Legislatiff has dispoecd
the above business, together with the
budget of Faris, It will adjourn for the muni
bipal elections. utter which the session will
e resumed, and any additional legislation
necessary to sustain the Government to the
emergency will be attended to.
Patriotic liubserlptlues rousing In.
Patriotic subscriptions for the army col-
Moue to be taken up throughout the countrY,
and large sums of money have been received:
The journalists of Paris and the provinces
have appointed a committee to receive suhr
script ions. with. Anile De Gemrdin Presi
dent. The Prefect of the Seine has placed all
y litre in the public buildings at the service of
the committee for the collection Of subserin
I ions.
Council of War at the Tollerlea.
Ecroinp.—A Committee of Nth:asters and
Council of war were held at the Tuileries to
day. at both of which the Emperor presided.
Prase's. Amer Belted. Prepared for War.
LON Dos. July le.-tjeneral 3initka ?dated in
the Prussian_Cabinet Council that Prussia was
never better prepared fur war than nt the
prescot time.
The French Artily rise Deye.Aheed
According to private Information received
la this city, the French army has a start of
five days on that of Prussia. _There is a rumor
In circulation that the French troops have
commenced bumbnrdlog the town of Saar
Crown Prince, Frederick William, has de
parted from Munich. The chief command of
the South Gernmu armies.has been conferred
mma him. His cousin, Prince Frederick
Charles, is to command ..the troops of the
North. Prussian troops' are passing west
ward. Smite have received counter orders,
which is perhapcon .account of apprehen
sions respecting Austria.
LONIIONIA:ItRY. July 111.-,-Thesbeamshi•
Scandinavien. front Quebec fur LlrerPool.h
been slguale•l. • •
QuEr.swroirs. July ls.—The steamship Cl!
o Cork. of the.lnman line. and the Siberia, o
the Cunard roe. arrived here yesterday.
LAINDON. July 11.-2 T. x.—Como 90;
account Pc American securities are flat and
nominal; Vs. 03; 'as. tai; E 3: 10-10 s. 91.
Erica. It ; Illinois. 100: Great Western. 21.
Stocks eat and nominal.
Laregroca, July 10.—Cotton market flat
and Irregular, with middling uplands at 9111
and Orleans at sales 6.300 bales. Bread
'stuffs excited. California white wheat 10.;
red western W. 2. 10s Melds itd red win
ter 114/11s 211 Western dour Dise.Dile2d. Corn:
No 2 mixed 35... Oats 2s sd. Berle) , Os. Peal
395. Pork 106 s. Beef 113 s Gcl. Lard 725 611.
Cheese SD. Bacon Ode for Cumberland and 63a
for short rib. • Common Itniin Oa 3d; fine do.
13s 3d. Spirits of Petroleum ltd; refined Is
7.1. Tallow Hs 3d. Turpentine 29s 640309 2d.
Linseed 011 33s Jod. Linseed Cake 1111.
LONDON, Julji !S.—Tallow active at ilds Gd.
Sperm 011 905. Pleagar illeo.lo3ls 911. Turoen
tine firmer at.os Oct. Whale 011 37e. Linseed
Cake quiet and steady at lie sd. Calcutta
Linseed firmer at 11.354G1s 6d.
AntwlßT, July 19.—Petroleum opened de
clining and quiet nt 5iX. •
II cAlltt.l.s.tairJtes
178 Io,: niernucds k...I.3teCTIYE Commirrxt
July Itlth. 1870. .7
NOTICE.—There will hen meet
ING of the above Cent tulttee,aL the room
.4 the Creed Word Grunt Club. Nu. 66 Smith
Cele Greet, on
On Tuesday, the 19th ins
OW. F. Noun AN.
*.eret try.
- HAMS.--10 Tierces
neletn brand, Sugar Cured llama and Dried
Peet received and for tele by the tiered or
tall by
.!'o. A. RENSHAW.
Ilor.l.lbn;rt.r. •nd Ninth st,
WILLISTON PEPIIN A Itg.-1.1a• log ragelvad
from Its fonndor, lion. S. Williston. on endowment
of ellee.ooU. oers the vary bell advantages to
students destring a thorough:roPgintlon for Be.
O at nes, or for admt•slon to (lnimical College.
Huard post. and Tuition freo to the indigent,
gor catalitana address the print pat; MAHEIHALL
BENsltAiv. Hut pton. Have. Jo ta3uie
MONOGRAMS ruluneasn.
75 Wood Street
MUK..per..doe+..~.. , ~..~ , aub~vrve~(~.-y. a:
e 7 #
G...AFF.,. ' -. Y
..I-It:1: . -1. - .;$ : :...
. , - .. &-..f,'..0..,
Manufacturers of
Conking: and lleating:
uc (irate Vroltt,
I ,onlidene - e Cook Stove,
Fli B )•tOll
1)1.111,E MEN IMPRo‘ ED
Cooking Range.
Nile's linproied Star Range,
.. , •
906 and 20S
'Lib ert NT St) . eet.
A N ORDINANCE—To Anthorize the
J - 31. Construction of a Lateral sewer on Union
A Huy. Eighth ward.
be, 1. lie V. ordained end enacted by the Select
nod con,now Councils of. the City of Allegheny.
and It to hereby ordained and enacteet, ha the
theye same. That the Sewer Contrulsalou
be. and are hereby authorised and directed to
int Ha and receive proposals for the construction of
a Sewer. crated a• follows: .t 1 accordlne
to plan to Ire approved by Councils: _ On Union
Alley. from Sislis street., line of property of West
ream. Railroad. and to ouutruct therefor with the
lowest And brit bidder or bidder, at their dist,-
SW.2. That the co:A deXpenses of
nald Sever 'Mall he fully Itseertanted, the same
shall he levied, assessed and rollected as provided
for, by an net of Anselobly of the commonwealth
f Pennsylvania. nuttiest ^asupplement to a MP
Flentent of the fourth section of an act,entltled an
i iitthltheny Clty...approvedhfarelt
2 ttg" . . 4..Thg l t. ' en ;ouch nf totT nollnotten ns toPY
conflict with. or On supplied bY fovolloloht
and Um urue Is hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted Into n lan. thut the 14th
day of July. Ante, I thousand elget hun
dred nod seventy.
1N11 , .. 4 MeHRIER.
Allen It.
Clerk of Select Council.
Prekldent of Common f7ouncil
Attett . It. DILWORTH.
Clerk of Commou Pannell. :71
A N ORDINANCE—To authorize the
ConetructiOu eta Lateral - Fewer on Olalo
SEC. 1. Be lt ordained and ensued' by the Select
and Common Councils of the City of A11 , 0..1-
thd it is hereby ordained end enacted by the au
ority of the same. That the Sewer Commtesion
be. and they are hereby Ikultiorautt and directed
to Men mi
Mena and receive pring'. for the e on yc cge gh.g,
hewer. 10Cated us follow!. and ecconling
to plan to be approved be Connell, On Ohio
avenue, front ulton etreet eounett with
Frasier street Sewer. and to contract. therefor
Wlth the lowest and beet 1,.14.1 der 9r their
Sec. el. Thatea soon a• tho cunt and omenses of
said Sewer shall be fully ascertained. the same
shall he levied, assented and collected . provided
for by an act of Agreeably of the Commonwaelth
of Pennsylvania. entitled ite supplement. to sup
plement of the fourth section of un net. entitled
an - Act relating to Allegheny City.' approved Meath
Sce. S. That so much of any ordinance as real
conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing be
and the state Is hereby repealud.
• Ordainedend enacted low a law. this the Lith
toy of July. A. D. unegleCtu.nd eight bultdred and
Presidentof Select Council.
Attest J. K. Ilk LEY.
Clerk of Select Council.
lIENRY WARY: 1:11.
President of Common Council.
• Attest: R. DILWORTH.
Clerk ef Conine. Connell. 1:11P
A N OltDlNANCE—Authoriztor, the
Grading. mai Pasqua id Pastime alley.
sire. I. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select
and Common COIRICHR of the Cill id .thegitenri
and it. is hereby ontalned and imactedhy the am
thority o a t h e name. That the Commltteeen Streets
be. and are hereby authorised and
Invite and revolve onnamils for the wending and
paving of Pasture alley between feint amens and
ties alley. and tocontraet therefor with the lowest
and best Milder or bidden, at their discretion.
Ste. 2. That for defraying the mist and expenses
of the same. there IN hereb levied a %pedal as
sessment. said assessment lobe made and ciliated
im provided by the Act of Assembly. endued an
- Art relative to Streets In the City of AlleithenTj .
aproved Aprlllist. 1370.
don 3. Tha her e witha bar. of ordinances
I b e at/
and they are hereby re
()tled and enacted Into a 'gm, this the 14th
day of July. AMR, 1/91111111, one thousand eight
hundred ant seventy.
President of detect. Pound
Attest: .1. It. CM Ltai.
Clerk of select Council.
l'inninlent of Commncil
Atto4: /1.11/tt.ternertt.
Clerk cif Common Connell.
A N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the
Grading dtld Paring of Laurel AlieL -
NM'. I. Ho It ordained and enacted by this Select
and Common Council. of the City of Allegheny.'
and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the au.
thority of the same; That the Committee on Streets
be.and they are hereby authorised bad directed. to
Invite and receive prop/wile for the Gridlng and
('eying of laurel alley from Walnut street to
Spruce street. sea to mutantet therefor with the
lowest and best bidder m bidders attheir dineretion.
II sr. 2. That fur defraying the cunt and expenses
tho wane, there is hereby.levleti special sum.
Peet, sald assemment to be made and collected. as
ovided by the Act oLAnneaoniy. entitled en - Act
LsUve Street. in the CitY AlieghetiL . w4P
proved April Ist. 1870.,
rhat all ortlinftnren and parts of oull
meresinconslrtent herewith he and are hereby it.
Ordained and enacted into is law. this the 14th
day of July. Anno one thousand eight
hundred nun seventy.
President of Select Council
Afloat. J. It 03.1. LY.
Clerk of Velect 1:4311001.
Proxldent of Common Comm
Attest: J.ll.
Clork of M. Come,.
ORDINANCE—To Authorize an
ix. addition to Sewer on Spring Garden Avenue.
SW. I. Be It ordained and enacted by the Select
and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny.
end it le hereby ordained and enacted by the au
thority ef the same, That the Sewer Commission
be. sa
tey are hereby autho r ized and directed
to Inv arid receive proposals for th An gl ension
of Spring Garden Averse Sewer from Street
westwardly to connect with the titan brewer eras
ing Spring Garden Avenue about three hundred
and fifty feet. bidde r, contract therefor with the
lowest and beat or biddeni. at their Macre
Six. 2. That as wren. th e cost and expenses of
said dower shall be follyascertained. the same
shall be levied, assessed and collected so provided
for, by enact of Assembly of the Commonwealth
Cennsylvante. entitled - 5 supplement to a sup.
piement of the fourth Kelton of an act, entitled
an . Art relaline to Alit:4:ll.Y eitr.approved March
tun, A. P. 18411. -
SM. 3. That so much of steyordittance as may
condict with. or be supplied by the forename. a
and tbo same Is hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted into a law. this the 14th
day of July. AnnoDomint onetlsousandeight ho"
deed and seventy.
Provident of Select Council.
A""t‘ H.
Pre.Went of Common CounctL
A""" tlgt ' :; ° C ' o r sit i nton Conn;nl. 1.19
A lat y h t o o ri t tl e nt; ., th o si
eift street, First ward. -
Sty. 1. De It ordained d oroirted the MUM.
ud COMITIOD Councils of im
the City of by
TlVtlity to
ff b tfu'grtnco'n: '4III7WT d ar:- c. Pe. 7 "12:4, -
d In the rear of Park street. Float Ward, oc &moan
n uniform width of thirty lent from °nun IMO.
but to Allegheny avenue. and that Samuel
Gray, - e. W. 11(cifiAntu se' and Simon Dram.
Freeholders. Did th ey are heeehr appointed
viewers. to view tho premises. smithee tits dam
ages. and make assessments of bonents, as broil.
dad by Act of Assembly. +ports - eel the Snit o f
1111711, entitled "An Act relative to Streets
id the City of Allegheny" •
Ordained and enacted into a law this 14th day
ol July. A. D. one thousand oight ndd
Smith:lca of =
Attest, 3.1 E.
VlCrilnieet Cooncit
PresMatta C01..= Counca.
Attest: R. InLwomu.
Clerk olComman Covncll. 3,l*
' SNCOND.NArIoYALs will he added
U. former ilin of valuable seance 10 be sold TIUB
TUESDAY NUNNING.JuIy 19th. at 8 o'clock, on
antacid Moor cif lidiantineli Atietinn Hamm 104
Smithfield etrear
r attar. Third National Bank: ' ' • ;
II ^ Second National
o n
o consuibla 011 Co.
/70 Auctioneer.'
COTTON. -30 ballseAsilAnnSglafolical.e
Commercial and Family Newspaym
No farmer. mechantr. or merchant .b• . aid be
about It.
It i s e N 'b :tr b'".',
.1)5 at ten . -1.13:
A copy furnlshetteratalhanaly W tart rerter.up
of a Cab of ten. Postmaster are•requettad to
act at Agents. Aggress,
Se., not rave:l,ll%2
, tt 'lt LINES. tritt be inserted an lbw toltnttne once
- rive:NlT-F/I'A CENTS: each atbllltonett User
• .
but an ezppnmml Lnnd ureil apply. •-B
t‘ gat ( ll j t 2 i
iho iL :K 3(lnl
. in i t i t=l.l4inAtt utr uttd. Country. Ant
t! ) %74lll } Te l o t kfT,%—Se veral
e ti n A l
arc wanted to Oil up the 1 , 011,..T11 mu% ra,
DUQUE:3NY Glth VS. This company Is she ul the
beat la the Battallou. Apply at A tb• or of
101 4 :e.!, Foot .4 411 d street.
WANTED.—Sevend Mem for Farm
Work, Gardenia, an trivia". Also. for
Bile/ward Work. Several Elfin GLYN Wantod for
Croat.. Cbdrilbervrork. work add
lists work of ad description. Stidif .4r-it/UAW
/LENT OFFICE.No..I sixth atreat, drat &tor from
Suspension Bridge
NITANTED-83,000 TO, *MOO.—
v A Spears! or Attire Parts:sale musufs.
bialitess siready..ettablished, pw7lng
iwr cent. The straee among reelulreribraiStendlt
business. which an be done indefinitely. This
rare opportwilty far men whales to *retort In
4.111P65. Adder. B. A. It., Pittsburgh (Istr.Tre
orrice. slitting real 6161 e raid where on interview
ran be had. for three date.
30.000 to Loan to Ism or mall amounts.
at It fair rate of toterlst.•
THOMAS L. PlrTrlr.
' 0111. Bond cod Heal iudate Broker.
N 0.170 Brolthltald Bunt.
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
me or small enerunts on property InAllegbene
• ty at a fair rule ttt Interest.
itol &Kate Agent.
6tl Grant stare.
T. OST,-CHECK.---41n the 12th or
I_4 lath inM, a CHECK for Sdo2o, No.llll.
doted lath July Inst.. drawn by Wm.McCally
ru: In favor of Mows. Bridles At Dud, or hearse.
The finder will please leave It at No.lB and 211
Wood street.' At payment has been Mopped
of ho value to toy one.
. Julantit A.ll. BAGMAN.
VOU?in.—On Saturday evening,'
POCKET-BOOK. nuntaloina newsy. Ike.
The owner can have It by online at 143 Banenear
street, Aileshany. and leen alma
}MOW!: COW. El or 9 years old. Owner VOI
. O h i o y° r ba t rg , n ear
n Ed
a ta s l C e L haern a.
w 7 - 9-5X,191
mr ANTED.— ibA EIDERS. —A few
at No. ATlV;il7:ttr e !' `"°
e t r. thoot. bound. Enquire at 134 FEIIIIII
TO•LET.—A . large. Third Story
FRONT ROOM. suitable for Ledger. AU
ply at 279 Penn street.
rro•LET.—\o. 86 Esplanade street,
Allegheny. HOUSE of 7 rooms anditolsbed
attic; gas throughout: hot and cold wits! in
kitchen. Possession giTen September tai. Arid,
tin meal/won to . JOHN STERRETT. titaroond.
Allegheny. • • Matt
A ftrzt-cla. PTOILE ROOM and cellar, No
pa Liberty etreet..completeir nttea up wit
sliclrinp and counters: Will Pa rented cheap
called for son.. Enquire at,
Country Residenee.
At EdgeWeud Station. A ler. DOUBLE TWO
13TO1Y BRICK /LOUSE and nearly 3 awes of
;found. The house . contains 13 mom's: also •
ell ot Awn water In kitchen. Any use in want Of
splendid house will do well to tall and enuallnir
t , lis property: . Will take city propene In part
yment if suitable. For further Information call
a the place. opposite Edgwerth Station. on th•
P. IL It.
VOR SILF HOUSE 7 Faridshed
7elmoderate Wetted for &
boardlnff hour.. Ter6ll , . 74
net of Logan and lintel street, sew. rooms
with grass yard in front. The bait loindlon in the
cat ward: Willa t' a* I wish lose to the
country; Apply 6O LOOLilit STHEGT. ur ad
great Mt.. I.
1.. H., No. 60 L. • street. • 1,14
F°!' SALE CHEAP.--1V,500 will
t 1,2.741747 t with, PlorirrAirdgt:Vlt
etabling, trlmtlne on a tort feet pima, .ene-hnit
equere back
East ennsylvania avenue. Twentieth
wara,.near lAberl7 APO] tel 174 Grant
street. near Seventh avenue. Julltwria
Ferend Second-hand 'WAGONS.
: , ,, , , :!.. , !,1 . ..t.,a11441111t1A131:, In good order
APO) to
Corner of South &anal street a j n O d i f r e N A D V TE l r m " rl
FOB KALE.—Engines and Boilers,
nor and Swoon aunt of anklnds.oonstantly
on hand. _
Orden from an puts of the COMIL7 nsonsPor
tended to.
JA.116 . 4 WILL t
tomer Marlon Avenue nnfl P. Pt. W. C. R. W..
Allegheny. P..
RESIDENCE. containing MO acres with 3 houses
thereon; one. a Pon comfortable and convenient
westerni. and one of the best water pow.
trot. We Pennsylvania for a rulli; 16 miles
from the atty. on the waters of Turtle Creek Road.
Yof a mile from Stewart's Mallon, Centre! Italt.
mud. Also. several good
gloom/ in good locations
ous fur sale. En of
mill No. 110 Grant St., opposite Cathedral.
18 LOTS. k .cre rachlo orchard of loot. bro.
4 ar Trees.
t.m.strArlltura view ofthe .cities. Primo .
0 to 0000 each.
110286 AND LOT. full of abates bearlagfnilt. •
A c itt il lVirkW COTTA2 S. 9 Main.,u
{mot and sid• hurtle.. 2 cellars. 2 lama otateras•
amp,' well of water at back door. rarrlakkhousa
table.grapea bearthityounsoreltanl bakring.flemat
view of the cities and Mani, oppoatto malty ofT
ilan street. Waahlnaton, wit ° 1 um. r prick
.100. Or 2 acres more *l4m orchard cm be
ad with h.. Within Unreel raldutes walk of la.
cline. Enquire of
W. LINUATIT, on the praidses.
.L'OR S. Ll.—An elerait frame eat
room..a hansit.
Oe rt rs've attiVe?Ntion e : ;714 . 1" * :
yonlergeo and resoonabokprite. Any ono desiring
do,ltoblo bows "DOI= not Intl to Attars IWO
A largo end beautifully Masted lot, at feat on 44th street. near Butter. nut be at
;present for • very reanotiable ecnisiderslioe.
will make • pretty spot for a handsome feebleness
On Boundary street—A frets. dwel? Meryl
rontainine 10 ammo. ;low renting for 0. Lot
24 by 100. /11.000 will b➢ this. - teh4llo
below Ito value.
tonne 100 each. pleasantly Otte.'
ted near the ylvania Railroad. can be per
ripased Out by bbbiyibabt. the. corner of PO= dad
33d street. 1119
The two storn double house, the resltlittan of
Roberts.Sennedy, adJolnlng the rthldenee
of Messrs. Wes. thdHey IValthr and Wm. Cooper. ,
In McClure thwushlp4m the New thightOn Road.
shorn . 3
miles from the city. The house contains
14 rooms; also. ice hoose and cooling room. NUm•
methitthen end laundrjandout-house.thnsthilent
to the main bulldiu4 the hone hisupplied
-water end gas... The grenade, Cornprlstng theist
I . olf acres. are tastathlly laid out and athitothell
with an abundance of fruit and cthameetal Ueda,.
small °Tithe prenilsesen elute stable,
cold gtheeth, out bonies and gardener's ben* 01'
3 rooms. Verner Ration. on the P.:Ft. Itt.'fitt.,
ft R. Is within • iew mlnutes. walk of the berths.
IFor terms, enquire at the PEARY.. HILL. Alle
Cl! /N 1864.
at i alrieekracttrAfinVoligigi
Is.. fro= to 0 ololosit..nd frlxo Noveber, l/ i rate ale 4
foliar 1...• to o gook. Interest p. 4.1 at t
P.osot.. free of tat, awl tt potwit
anwn , ompoonds ;Rancr ftno
Jol3 , 800. Of By-Lenn. tc, forolsbed u tha
Board of Winagers—tou A. Item, Prustelant; S.
If. lawman. Jas. PVC Jr Tice Fresidents; D. E.
with:day, tiserebal and Treasurp._
A. Bradley. .1. !Drawn. 61. , Dell. Wm N.
Maack, John N. Dilworth, F. Baken, G. loll:m01W:
Joshua Rhodes, Jr. Scott , Rohl. C. 13thwatt ,
Christopher 2+W_
D. W. Jr A. 8. nail sas:Dom - -
-I . 7l7Mlatteir'eland ithle -
NJ 1.1 101 e bbh
low " Vastam
New eters. for eslo7 :
L.) OKAC-1181)
to MU*. to,
ass Tenn
• ... ground