The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 18, 1870, Image 4

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Person. tenting the cItY for the' ' , mow .,
t..ul vrt,hlot to time the OA%Fere Kent to
them, will phoune send their oddreoPeog to the
Mlle*. Pelee LT mtlll, :r. cent per ..till.
The alarm from bra No. 6. shortly before
Veeterder,sens catmed elheta.fir e
the root of Stotler & bisekneltla
abop, corner of Penn street and Cecil alley.
Tim damage leaf sllght•
New—Mr-Charlotte llhour. al Fifth
aveue. sends nu "My Ifesirp,-. 'err pretty
song, by Pnif..J. Wm. Pope. the well-
minimiser, and dedicated tn .r.
The front laplere has a fait brut lit hogmhh
trait of the author.
11/roster .—John Long• s resident or South
Pittsburgh. was drowned In the Monongahela
river nt the (not of Third street. South 19tts
burgh.lssterening. The body Ur recovered
and the Coftner notified. lie will hold nn in
quest owl( thlo morning.
=The authorities of both cities doubt insist
upon the enforcemect or the o liesnees re
biting to tha practice of lothln in daylight
especially on Sabbath Any and I. close pros
lathy to the various bridges. Is is an outran
upon dectlngy and should not be permitted.
- -
A Voting hiee's (7brisilan Association. ha
been fortned In that part of our oily forinerl
krown Si Lawrenceville. This evening
Union Meeting In to be held In the U. I
Church. Iter.W. 11. Andrews, corner of.. Our
ler and Forty-third streets, in the Intemt
thin Assoollation. We hope 4atscretwerll ,
will appreciate and support the movement.
The .A4ufbeny - 'live Ball Club contem
plate therfortnntion ;of n Library nnd Rending
Room_ In- oonnectlon with their-11:1Se Ball
orgenlretion. They , meet to -night . .to make
the prelltrilanry nrrangementß. It Ic propos
ed to rent the tided story of the “Aocond
National Dank" lialldlng for said hurpone.
The idea to a good une, and in the h ends of the
Allegheny L'lntLAViii proven 1411 tee,,.
The "Senca-.
Hall Club of rent City
will arrive In t h e city during tne week, fo
tte . purpose of pk , tring a return CAL. Witt
tfeeltiteternt.rof ‘ flaialtlt ' e f" )l3trx i lint t at tl eT
the Allegheny hoot them an ti.
fourth Instant. To do thia they tall bare t
do tome tall playing . . The mach trill be play
eat tot Union Park.
Nrariv Comp!c.a.—The new nose reel onler
sd by.the Park Commissioners Is nearly cam-
Meted. The Iron work wns constructed by
the boon of Fulton & Co, and the wheels and
frame work by. Davis, V 1 orknum & C0...1t Is
req ingenious mechanical contrivance and
aalit prove a great Imurovement on the presentl
method of dragging the how over the gronnd.l
Tile reel bits- enrich° . for n section of twol
hundred feet of - hose. and can be, removed
tram place to place, and tmerAted readily: It
will Faye Rd cost by reducing . the recu r a nd
tear of the hose.
The glaacbester Ilalitany ea*: were pia.
struced a short time on Saturday afternoon.
in the vicinity of Irwin avenue, by the pros
-1.11111011 of n butte attached to a heavily loaded
coal wagon, on their track. The team evi
dently was overburdened.. which together
with the great bent woo Sittlinient court tor
t e prostration of the naltnal. There .donald
• be some law to resell persons grainy or Stich
Crue bea lt. Animals are an much affected by
' . the yt
ea human beings, and deserve more
eamaideration:than is generally Fives them by
~ e.. the worse than brutal drivers___
•- i , . (J The Park thammtealon tout on the East Com
mon last evening to consider the 01,
, • ellatiglag the atte for the prn fountain la
. • —that section of the Park. he present plan
of the fountain was designed es tally for
i• ' the oral plat about midway bets ten Ohio
street and Church avenue. and the nestion is
arbether4beachange ran be made nd at the
i same tbiednalt the design of the fountain.
The objection to the locality in h. the tona
-1 lain cannot be 'teen on the line of any of the
parallel streets. It is deemed a d itleratum
that It wined be located with a lest to Its
being seen from Washington ktreei . As am
a suit of the visit. Engineer Davis wits hutrue
a • led to report what changes are nee FOnteli and
? the matter will be determined by the Park
. Commission on Tneednyeeetling nest.
.. ----
Modem! curiosity':
New 6ttrtge Plimo—A,beautlfeil new
ha. just been constructed by Ernest filthier,
New 'York. which. from it: diminutive size,
stylish exterior and cheap cost, Is most desir
able and cannot fail to become popular. It Is
only fire feet long and less than (tiff e feet
wide: has full scorn octave and In on elegant
ly carved rosewood axe.'.cThe lone it clear
and brilliant, and the whole instrument .0
iZecThigTiu:leshillenoleeltl3'. e ri e nte " s e ee e n d tr 1 1 1.
Bieber k Bros. on Wood sit .t, where is also
the headquarter* of the la out Burdett (Ir
gnat—the champion reed or ns of our day.
• . , reenlature 0 etsy.
. . The new drinking fount: in, designed and
exPettted by Isaac Itroosne, q., for the . Park
Commission. and located In be vicinity of the
" . northwestern corner of ,lbe PenitentiarY, ,
~1 . bears the Winsss of pre More decay. AI
I though - In position but 10 a few weeks. the
figure li cracked Ida nut Ler of places and.
looks oonablet4, trots fur. ,Illinewear..• JO
t bar fate end traits, Irtmpreasions putt
1 l ' art ' tirt i d . y i n: 'l'..°.!'‘ ",;&:;11: 1 "Vi • •U'.
.i • • 1=7,,,.", will not.,lAk:,\°":glgler:en.`7"
4 -several of the limb , We ate
sorry for the , .
Lemmas tbe design is pretty, creditable alike
-tote e Cennollsgion and the artist. and for On
. ii ...Ate of the latter we trust that our fears
. u . '"
11 not be reallmd, ..
Mayer Vane • •• Cases.
Visitors number of cues were before Mayor
• '
Callow, on Sunday umming. Prineihelly for
drunkeonesa and d isorditiy es:lnduct, and Wittt
the exception of James Creely, Infested by
Market Constable Steirt,lfor boisterous
ermduct - in the market, rare dUcigreed and
paid their - fines. James !sinking funn was not
sufficieutvairtia-defimiti he was escorted to
jail by officer Lafferty. there to remain int
period of ten days.
John Raab add James lingers were arrested
on,Saturday evening by °Ulcers Bratilgarrand
Long. and lodged in the lock-up. They , ` , re
engaged in the laudable enterprise of batter
ing each other. ensnlums Nvhenarrested. Ills
Honor gave them a hearing, and Imposed it
floe. which was paid.
James Mcemnbs was arrested by officer
Emus for Misbehavior, in violating the rules
the Park, and was discharged on condition of
his future good behavior.
Row up Spring Varien Avenue.
Quite a disturbance occurred up Spring Gar
den atoms% Allegheny, on Saturday night.
about tertriclock, by the entrance of n party
of roasts into a lager beer saloon and dance
house formerly kept by a man foamed Michael
Helbling. it seeing that. this house is luau
rim, for Rs disorderly 'character, mid on Sat
urday nights especially, when it is converted
Into a dance house, where young girls of easy
virtue. it is alleged assemble, and with tousle.
lager beer and incidental broils mate night
hideous with disorder. .Mayor Callow's police
have been awaiting nu opportunity to break
the institution - up. but Unfortunately at tbe
time of the row they were in another
parCof the city. Slung glasses and
other weapons were !retie used. and the pro
prietor, his tar keeper rand another inmate of
.the house. at the time are among the injred.
The rowdies evidently did what the police
failed to do; they demolished the bar and
shattered the furniture. so that even if the
lathoritior were disposed. to let the the thing
KO on, It will be some time before the wreck
can be cleared.. The names of a number of
the rowdies are known, nod informatlonsstill
be made waled them this morning, and they
will doubtless Le arrested to-day. .
disturbance was over. the police appeared
upon the scene and closed the house.
The nested Teem.,
We have bad erre& successive days of the
hottest weather known to ltdsclitonte
season of the year. the thermometer ranging
Irons ninety-tight degrees to one hundred and
.two degrees In the shade. The thermometer
of Dunseathiott klfth avenue, oe Feinday after
noon at half-mult.two o'clock. iudicated the
latter figure. It was decidedly hot. and
everythlog and body perspired profanely.
The shade was a greht frolic( indwas eagerly
sought; tout was of tittle prod ns can , effort to
keep cool. To keep tool was oat of the quer
y°ettal“tioadliotaht rtsi:e"atV
standing the intert,:iheati hownver , we hare
very fete cue's of sun stroke. It was perhaps
a good thing that the hottest of the hot days
came on Sunay. or else we might have had a
bugs lumber d
of fatalities to note.
Withink the spell has been temporarily
broken. Sunday evening at dank developed
Oise of the severest wind "toms witnessed
far long time. this vity the ivied
lifted the dust and the atmosphere wad thick
with the particles. The shingles. wood and
state, and branches of trees were burled
about In dangerous pro . ..tinny to pedestrian ,
• lints and bonnets went op Injdter. disregard
of ownershp t h ro nge de streets. it few Minutes
previously with people. were soon
meted, and the stone wmileft alone to 'abate
its airy. HappUy rain fell nod lola the dust
and cooled the atmosphere and occasions a
feeling Of eel et.
OnTherada evening, the wit of June, about
seven o'clock the only daughter of Thomas
Dishy, Mold!. g on TIOWMNI street. near Soy
- drag..New' i ease. was 4thlen by two color
ed women.
- The little ri was•seVeuteett mato Old on
the lithArd• /A dune. • She had 'tither k thin
.. lane and delleate features, small mouth. fair
i eruablminst, reined blare:Tee, which she bud a
'. trick of TOtlng. She had very llghtheir, Which
• •
did not Curl, and n bald epot on one side
of the basin of her !tend. produced hi e boll.
•'which wll4 remain so - for many months be-•
; . - fore tbe bale will grow on it. She answers to
=ovum= of lion, or Monle, end called her.
sidr•Deda"-trYlogto Imbue her father. eebn
al be au
her daughter. She run en z a fete
lca 'loans: - Perm. - - riy. • .Net...
. not yet put words together in a
a... . She walks well, and men dances.
A r e w ..ei of • 11,50) will .be paid for her re.
• arvittl. s 1 ,4,•
• i Ste wa en rby alba= =Waitress. about
, I . baresdpils of age. eery tall =0 thi
- . with. face and strnlght failures. at:
I wet like &white woman's. She had on a setb
• , Mileks‘trlmused with brown ribbon. She was
1 hoeompauled by oldrt thick set black
I sum rjr•ailr the: the mulattressh
ilit o kadscil. iTneflree:YrtilaTttutrahltiet ';11:
boatba. •
, ta. railroad men. yeDlleemen,
tali:Tire req ue sted
een .h to try
i and remember
Were =wing at the time they took the chid.
if those who took her are afraid to bring her
back to her father's house, let them leave her
, r o r church, °rid
t ee door of any respee.
k ' Uttar with he name of her father
li , -. Mi on her. The money will be sent to any
. , ,
~":';: i
~~ ~
THE . "UNF.N.PENDED BALANCE." urer shall keep the public money. is not re
pealed or supplied by the art of lets.
It follows. therefore. that the writ asked
The City la the Treasurer -The Mandamus
s.uoe_Meetstou In leaser or the CM-Judge r " . ' hnuld 1 .... • , -
Stowe (Mom. from the
_Derision of .the ' And _ .
._ , :1a ,4 . ...P , ; S t lTßum - T . . 3'. J.
Vet. Oplatom-The Result- The End oos• • .ittil 15 h. O• . als rouse rater
Is et Vet. . on to be heard , and was argued by counsel.
Th e e„ee a th e commonw„ th
ref., the Ai i n h i! ,. tim e ittt h it'ttj . .i , ttl e o h n u tkere i r , i , l A i , i ,e urt e i t or t e n d e
City of Pittsburgh it. Andrew J. Cochran. plaintiff:and the defendant. Andrew J. Corti-
City Trtntsitrtir, an application for a writ rat ran. Treasurer of . the city of Pittsburgh, is
mandamus to etanpel thel l reasonir in round,. ' i l i r , v ,',..' in: „ ,',•7l'P.,,Zn i Z,.,‘.'r n *',':..‘;',ni d ,, :,','„`,!..:, 1 ,1r,: .
with the proeisiOnn Of I he. "ILart on” Dili- me.titile or mintrol. and all money , obi t
l imy ,
"nre. which provides for the elec . " "" at err- t..o.7t'r'i'lntl"t"l'i‘er i i% l Tir ' Zi ' ll ' :.?:i . tril ' it . il ‘ , n il
lain banks ;Is clty depositories. and that the Pittsburgh: the Allegheny Nation.' Bank , and
Trensurer shall deposit the city fonds in the t ute National Trust' Company,
in accordance
,ante, nod that the Interest on oil stoned{ so ts:,t,li..!.ll,e.,,,trtlit,rointitn,t,l.
, tiw n =ns iu. lif ti t o it . e .. o n r , d , I- ,
deposited dull inure to the benefit of t lie cit y, i ordered that the defendant sty the cost of
which was argued come timeslay, Was de- I his proceeding. Ile THE COI' lIT
ended Saturday. The .01 . WWI one of consiil. , it this 'Minion ithige l'oltierenneurc•
ruble importance; as the tat imYers on one
I side and the Treastmw on the other, were itp
ferest ed to the moonlit of about Vti.IJIU mint,
ihe opinion of the l'aurt tuns d lircred by
Judge terrett, Judge Collier concurring iuul
Judge Stowe dinsenting. It Is ng folloiec
0,11110111,T41/01 4, rd. tic lily .. Wniryll
..1.101,r J. Owitrvi Jtair l'rrtn. 1370. ..No.
Tho petition in thli case sets forth, in sub 7
lance, that in the exercise of the powe coos
erred by the city charter, the Selec r t
Anmon Councils passed an ordinanceprow id
log for the selection of Intuits or savings. in
stitutions In Whickthe moneys of the corpora
tion should be deposited by the Tremower.
That pursuant to this ordinance cortaiu banks
were selected and notice thereof giseo 10 the
Treasurer. and that he refused to .deposit Ott
these banks ns required by the ortibmnee.
we are asked to issue a uumdamus command
lug Mai to compl r y with the. terins or ordi
In his return t he Trensurer does not travels(
any of these allegations:excefit the right .1
the Councils to pass the mile:ince In !pies.
thin. Ile lames hls to comply With
It on the ground that the Councils have no
power to direct ichere and lour he shall keep
the funds of the city; that, ender the citY
charter. It Is evade his duty -to.receive
safely keep."' In such piece as his own judg
ment ;old not that oc- the Councils may die
tate, all moneys accruing to the city corpora
tion, until he pays out the stone on warrants
drawn by the Mayor and countersigned hv
the Controller. In ,thus refusing to comply
with the provisions of the ordinance the
Treasurer lias.acted under lepal nacho!. and
with the view of having n deciaunof thin ques
tion at Lou, It ,cannot be so 'posed that he
has any pecuniary ; interest in the matter.
other aunt the protection of his official bond:
any inkiest. Norms or 'dynamic , • which hr
might receive as it consideration for he de
posit: ofthe public_
funds in tiny hank or hank,
ing institution. would of course belong to the
city and not to him. •Be would be bound.
both morally and legally. Li . account to the
city for every cent thus c ived. whether In
the stuspe of interest or °then ,ise.
The only question'at Issue between the city'
nod the treasurer Is whether the Councils had
the power to direct hint white to depot the
fangs of the corporation. Fora solution of
this question resort must Le had to the city
(dinner. if it confers on the Councils the
prover which thee claim to exercise. he Is
humid to comply with the , urovlsions of the
ordinance. •
tbe act of May it,, ISI7, entitled - an net
.upplefuentary to au act to incorporate the
city of Pittsburgh: * is still in force, so far :u
retate . rl to the treasurer, there can be no doubt
s to t believer of Councils to designate the,
banks in which the city funds are to be dr:-
posited. The third section of the bo nd pro vides that the Treasurer shall give to
the city in such elan asthe Councils may f rot.
time to time direct, conditioned for the Nate
.ful perfortnance of the duties of his- office:
that before he enters upon these duties he
shnll take and subscribe math affirma
tion. -honestly to keep and account for all
public looney% and propert) entrusted to hi.
care:" that he •ohnlt keep the public neaten iii
witch pieced data biotin, as Councils Mill dirwris
I and shall TinesLi , wish acontof of least mire
nnf ninlith to the seiti.ldelion of the Fitnture
Committer:* The same section further pro
ides. in case of default. for his suspenslou
from office. and the entry forthwith of jurlgL
meet on his official bond, and points out per
titularly the mode of proCeeding thereoh. It
provides also that If he shall knoWltiely Tho
lute his oath of oftice.', he shall be eolith if
perjury. Slide's Digest. page la.
But it is claluied by the Treasurer that this
nct, or at least theproVisions above quoted.
relating to his official duties, hove been site
plied or repealed by the amt approved April
Oth, BC. the Wal section of which declares
-It shall Le the duty of the City TrtatAllrer to
Icor - kr and 'elicit; keep all moneys accruing
the city corp Oration,• and shall per out the
same cm warrants dratrit by the Mayor and
countersigned by the Ountroller, and not nth
erWire; and shell keep accounts thereof and
make such reports In relation thereto, to the
Controller, as the Councils any by ordinance
direct." Slagle's Digest, page ail. it has been
suggest.' tied t hls net should be regarded as
an entirely new ettnrter. IneOrporating new
city, by it different mune, anti ent Indy übrisga
i lug nil the provisions of the out charter.
Souse of its provisions inlaid teen, nt trot
sight. to fav,v this ciggestlein, b-ts ing
the act as a whole, In the light 01 eti.lieg eir
ellinstanees, we cant ot' for a MOM,' e
that such was the Intention of the legislature:
.In the Trustees of the Erie Academe vs. the
City of F.ria : Casey. Da. it Lae said - there-is
no doctrine better settled than that a cluing..
in the form. et government of a community
does not,- Les, facto, 'Area:tie pre-existllig
laws. tither written or unwritten." Tills is
rue in regard to '.what Is strictly numicipal
law, even where , the change is Id' conqnest.
The act, of Asseffibly convertlng•th e • borough
of Erie into a city did not therefore. of Itself.
and In the atoence of express provisions to
that effect. either repeal former acts of As
! sembly relative to the borough. or annul ex
isting ordinance, It was only a change of
the original lase cot be futurei und let cunnf
reeled the thorough statutes ',precisely rot a
change of a State constitntlon•llerres undis
turbed nil prior acts of Assembly. Were it
not so. the new municipal organization would
' have been without law until its local leglobs
, tare could re-sunset. publish end put In force a
Again. the title of the act Itself sufficiently
it was not intended to 'abrogate
all pre-existing lases relating to the city. It
is enatied, ••A further supplement to the acts
ncorporeal:lg the city of Pittsburgh, extend
ing Its boundaries. enlarging Its corporate
powers. and perfecting It. Municipal °Tenni
attinn. ands übmitting the proposed consoli
dation ton vote of the people.' It contains
no repealing clause, and rag TlTLElndientes
that It Into be Liken end construed In cannot- ,
tion with the several acte'to which It IF deo
°tared to be a .turther supplement. - Since
the object. of an act Is required to be distinct
ly set forth in Ile title.the hitter Is of more im
portance now thimit War tOrllleril In ascer
tainlngthe legislative Intention. But we will
not dwell longer on this point.
In order. therefore. to ascertain the respec
tive posters and duties Lf the Councils and
Treasurer. resort , must be had to all the acts
relating to the subject, and they must be SO
construen gold give force and effect, an far
possible. tenhe several proviri ms. as was said
in Davis re. Fitlrbitirni-3•1 Howard. p. 61.1. -It
is not sufficient to establish that a subsequeut
law, covers some or evenall of the matters
provided for la the former enactments, for it
may be merely nffinnatlve or cumulative or
auxiliary. But there met be a positive repug
nancy between tPe prOVllions of the new
law, and thOre of th old, and even then, the
old low Is repented e
by implication only pro ,
fanfo. to the extent - of the repngnancy:
Assuming for the present—what we by 110
Means admit—that under the out of VD; alone,
the Conners have not the power claimed for
them, does this act supplyOr by Implication
repeal the third section of the act tit leg,
I above referred to, relating to the duties of the
I Treasurer?' • •
As we have already seem there is no repeal
ing clause itt the act of tams, and Implied re
pods are not favored by the law. A-stntute
not_be repealed by tine of later date, un
less thrßatter is couched in negative terms,
or that the matter Is so clenrly repugnant as
to Imply the trgid's! , Dwar. on Statutes,
In Brown vs. County Commissioners. 9 Harris
66.-It is said that - when two statut. are so
flatly repugnant thnt bath cannot be execu
ted, nod we are obliged to choose between
theta the tAggit I. 'away* deemed a repeal of
the LARUE"- But whenever they ems be
, made to stand together. It Is the duty of the
I Court to give both of them full effect-even
while they are fieernlnglv repuguant they,
must, If possible, have such a construction as
that one may nut ben repeal of the other, un
less the latter one contains negritive words,
or the Intention to repeal Is made manifest
by some telligible form of•
this be so In
as giro distinct and separateexpression:.
with still greater reason and propriety. per
, lums. should the rule be applied to a supple
' meat to seVeral prior net, 9
lathe case last cited It Is said by Chief .1.-
ace Blaek and this principle prevails
when statute. are penal, and when the lop
cannity of the law would plead for another
Construction. With much stronger reason it
nOPllegth 'haute, which give poorer to dif
ferent persons. If the powers cuu animist to;
tether, the grant of One hi note withrtrewal
of the other. These nuthoaties have !Always
'been Billowed In Pennsylvania' One act of
- Assembly is held to repeal another by impli
cation only In cases of very strong repugnan
cy or Irreconcilable Inconsistency. V. 4: S.
3 , 49,,and cages there cited. 10, Barr atd. To
the time effect are .Daris cu. Fairborn, ta
rred; cited, and Denies vs. Hale, Ith Howard
Tested bythete Principles then to there such
INOONNINTGYCY NAV:TeIt the provisions of the
Act of PM which makes it the duty of•the
Treasurer "to receive arid wifely keep all
money twenties . to the city." and that clause
of the Act of 1851% which provides that "he ,
chub horiestly,keep said money s lo such place ;
nods: meaner afi , the .Counclis shall direct."
keep l47 h e
silent as to [
certainly nd how
he shall he money. It wan
not contemplated that he shnuld retain the
netual custody of it all the time. According
to the usual course of boldness it would be
expected that he would deposit from dnr to
dm - , either In cafe provided and kept In bin
°nice or bank. We have already referred to
the other provisions of the act of 1h57 reint•
irag to the treuurer, which are not supplied
by the net of 1171-simeh an the ditty enloined
of 'verifying his cash ncconnt at loot once
every month tot,. eat Infection of the Finance
[ Comm—the provision for entering 1.14-
went coGo Ws ntlicial bond in case of demut.
ADP:ling:the role! of construction already
in tic so as to give force and effect. ns far
ns poll:Whin, to these prOVINRIFOL of the two
nem we can see Ma difficulty in coming to the
conclusion that 04eiReOe of the *CV of led% in •
V.:Wont It netther repealed. not supplied DT
.t of Itrin—thnt there is no such strong
repugnancy or irreconcilable inconsisteuer
requires es to say that they cannot stand
tlnZt."l.4r we. hate not. notiee it 9 provision n
the act of DM whtch, as it appears to us. mut!
not be hnrmonired with any other view ut the
question. The twenty-fourth section of this
act, cleaning the powers of the Counciln, de
•lares. jamang other tillers. that "they shall
have the control nod management of the fi
nance 'and of all the property, Teal and per.
s oon'. ,belonging to the POTPorNf ION." The
word Anante properly eignilles revenue —ln:
come—funds in the public treasury. The
other terms employed—CONTßOL AND RAN
AGRITICIT—ROTe a Very wide signification. and
It would bee very restricted and unwarrant
ed construction to hold that they refer only
to the power of the Councils to tie the rate of
taxatioa and direct tbe application of theca,.
imretithinds to the payMent Of debts, de. It
ppears to us that new ru
bonstctlan wool
be far more eonetrained than the one we have
If there should he doubt as to the
right which the city Millais to exorcise in thui
, case, in view of the providers, In the original
' act of incorporation requiring all courts of
law and equity to construe the act most fa.
notably for the corporation, we should per
• haps be instilled in reviving, such doubt in
• favor of the city.
Withoutptumtleg the luquiry any farther,
r we are of the opinion as already intimmed,
that the clause of the act of 1657, giving the
Councils the power to direct where the Trent,
teseLVlnty, oPtx
Judge Lit •owe di.. ten t to? froins.t lie opinion of
the ra us deliveeed by Judge Stern:lt. and
in deli, crow:ills uptown said
I regret that I :,111 unable 1., agree vie it the
majority of the court In reglicti to thkiense.
There is no et ont rovers)" in regot.l to he con
ed rota ion of I he net of tall- I lie.differenee is as
to whether it is In force in whole or In part on.
no to affect this cunt roversv. I ain decidedly
of the opinion that it Is not. '
The act of Pall entitled arther stfiffile
tneut to the act Incorpornt ing tile Cit s• of
Plttolottrell. - At... when II took effect in the
central dist act • composed of the City ill Pitt ,
burgh. the borough ot, Lawrenceville. and the
townships of Pitt. thiklanol. Collin,. y
tool Peebles. by reason of the f tetanal pro
vided for by it, restilting in lhita/ thst riot - for
e 1111.01111311011 \llll 31/.olllle repeal,
polo. of all :Wt., out ordinances at the old
illy of Pit t sliorgh, as 'well its the borough Loot
Lim ip,. reor aact,s I notch of them lly. Asti I he
Within oh! town t
bunts ii? the newly cretited no
rile., Were 'Cos. -
Int i• ly destroyed and annihilated.
Th, hid 1110111 the Lille of the
act of 10 0 . Is, it seems . to nie.llll.lllllCl3l. It
oljainly needs no finthowity to prove tbnt
the tit le of.tio not is
110 part of it, and can
title he resorted 0. Sihet . . consistent with It ,
nrovioitons. and olonto rase, to show the
intent of-the act itself. Hut lids art sltows
upon it s.f.tee. and t laroough all its parts. that
ho city intended to he created by It was a
new di - cation. complete in all its arrange
ments and not desoendent upon any loreecollng
coriourat ion for any of its corporate pouters.
Under its .1 COllll ,Clikohle0Vh11111( (Or a NOI I.
Oil '4:O/I,lllidiitiOn, sees possible Linder the
clause declaring tied the vote oof each of the
three tlist ricts stoned be separately vomited,
:Ind that If a majority In ant. one of whom
should he ag stain vonsollMition inlet. tits
thet• shall nut
pm or. hi.
Inelnoted the said city 'of nor -
11111411, toe the dist !Het including I he,
old city of Pitt stairgh • t have ytdett
against clolitlation mto
ot either r hot h the
other diotr Is for consolidation. Iti such case
provided for lot - Abe act one or
both of omit? dist I ices if ht have been ere
vin)' of Pittsburgh created by thel act of Pool::
nod the old city as It had pre yioletly oxiolett
woald have Peen In no way. so far.. 110 legal
existence and corporate ptovers' were 111111-
....reed, effected by it. flow then ran this net
tie properly vatted tt - supplement" m hen II
ro, ides for that 0 hich absolutely repelo its
being Ire:wed as such' To tie It seems:to clear
as anything can possiblc it, ie that the act of
Itiff: is in the proper legs t . nse a supplement
to nothing! • It is an original 'creative
act. Which proposed on certain conditions to
make 11 IllWe city with the name 91' ma old one,
pnd he ruins oft nil the romie
rat folio 0 upon
Ohio its tiropeosed limits, t
'drawing no life or power from them. and
which might have resulted in the ere:aqui of
city. which. instead of being an enlargement
or the otd city of Pit ISlalrgh. W011111113%11 betel
a new:did Met am? rival corporation Ding on
both'sides of it and bearing the same unine.
Toe i•eoult of t lie elect ion prevent eti t liabanoe
malt'. tool 41oem not Change the 1111 , If ouch
bad been lie case, w.ati,l he, e .. 11 lieu
claimed that the not of logi: wail a part of the
charter of the new tity."l'lle suggeot loot ear
ries absurdity ton its front. And yet it it the
,ery . essence of the proposition [halt !tenet of
limit n supplement to the act of t hat lht•
latter go mud Lake effect wherever and when
eVer it doe., because nu act and ihe supple
ment are treated :old interpreted it• one and
the RAM! net.
Haying tilts, 30 I think. disposed of the ar.
gument dem oel front Ihe title, I will go a ep
further toll asinine. 00/1-V.11131 11110 Oil 11l
is :t supolement tea the a., Inr'7perttt ng
i he ells of Pittsburgh.
it un's estate, I n
Wrignt; saiot
by ,%C J wni..l.. I bat subsequent Ma ntle
revising the whole sublect matter of it former
tondo and evidently intended as a substitute
for it. although It coontaino no ex pre.s Wordo
to that effect. must on the principles of law,
no well as in stn and common sense. tope
rate to repeal the I onto,. citing Bartlett y.,
King. 12 COMIZIOnWt . aIt i•••
Cnonley, I Ash.. PI. and much 1
front Libby den that hits 11 hearing on tt,io cllo,ase,
to the saint. end.
It is Islip:Ole to the 1110 , 1 ..oveefiej,,l
that 1 he act of IN.:contains a complete systepi
.of muttirlpyl government. having n )layer.
Cont dotter. Treasurer and City At tenet, with
City Councils vested with large. anti in tome
re•pect, extraordinary powers. 'petal:Pally
tiro, o rot in detail. sliffleitall to enable the entree
it holsl rertertlell e 1 any to her tel in the
t•o and yarn' on 11 large
end 1./ erre! e/1, oeel lesion, A more com
plete charter iI lon fay feet Pit ,111111.1
turd hard to canin'lii'i II
SOW if we applA the rote la,' to I, by Mr
Just ice Woodward, 1511114 , / 1 .11141 :reel 1 h ec,
of Wit'. ills it alt,ellefait 1.1.111111 e re, ism): the
whole ...object natterl of Ihe hitter act. and
'.evidently iutended hs a sidost little for it, and
it is ttereforc wholly repealed.
11111 .1,0.1111410 still narrower grounds. and
nllowing the net of Pk; not to be repealed ex
cept so ear tto.lhe provitlons of the act of lop
are op... Musty inconsistent with It. I tint
driven to the same rqnclusion In regard to the
ease lit
'the third section of the net of Pir. pro, ides,
"That the Treasurer shall give I.i . outl to the
said cite In mien sum nal he City Councils 4114
Item time tot mete direct; contiltien for the
faithful performance of the duties of. hts
lice. and shall. before he enters upon said dit
ties: tate nee stibscribe An oath before the
".tlayor of said city, honestly w keen and an
foot all public moneys and toroperXY en
trusted to his cote. • • • • The said
.Treasurer shall keep the public money in suet
place and manner as the Councils shall direct,
mid shall verify his account :it lelllll once
month, In the sat Wert lon of the nuance
Committee of Connelly. - ;cc.
The thin y,econol sect ion or the act ofllard
roy shall Le the duty of the City
Preaourer to receive and oafely keep all
moneys accruing, Jo the city morporat ion. and
shall pay out the same on the warrants drawn
by the )foyer and countersigned by the Con
troller,and not otberwhe: and he hall keen
accurate accounts thereof, and make such rd
'ports in relation thereto to the Controller as
Councils leer be ordinance direfl•
The twenty-brie section declares "All el ,
fleets elected lir appointed In the corporation
shall, before entering upon the ditties of their
Mike, take an oath or allinnat ion to support
the Constitution of the United State', and of
peons ylvania. and t o faithfull, i
piny iochurge t lie
duties of their "Mee; and Hui) Councils
by orditiance require from sac officer its they
may t htnk proper. n bond. wit h'proper penalty
and turety.tepr Ihe faithful discharge of tLe
duties of thir °Mee. itnd theY shall have
inlyeer to declare vacant the ofilee of tuff' Pvt
.-on elected or appointed to) anY otlke wet ,
shall fail to take the oath of odlee or to give
bond when rettnired. toe ten days after he
shall hove :men notified of Ws election or ale
ooluttuent and to proceed to aMmint as
other casessof yacnneY•
St is oloyeitiol that the nut of Po: created, a
new system different from he act of .185:.
The litter tel provides that the Treasurer
shall give bond. The former makes It depend
ent upon - Councils whether he shall or not.
The latter mars before he enters upon the du
ties of his office. lie Xhall take and subscribe:in
oath or nffirtmition before the Mayor honestly
to keep ell liCeollet for all public moneys en
trusted to his care oath makes Its violation
perjury - . The former that he shall take nn
oath or affirination flu .1111(1011 the COll5lllll
- of the United:l4M , and of Pennsylva
nia. and to faithfully - discharge the duties of
his office. The latter makes it his 11111 f to,
keep the money in such place and manner as
Connell. may direot. and his nOh is,
that he will keep it honestly In such
dace :mil manner. The act of lint, nukes
It his duty and he is required to
swear "that he tell? receive and safely keep all
money accruing to the city Intosolutely anti
without qualification) and tacitut the stinte:'•
The latter requires to y his account
at least once every month to the satisfaction
of the Finance Committee. The flintier to
make such reports of his recounts to the Con
, troller as Connelly. may direct. The system
created by the act of PIM places much' more
power in the hands of ("miens in regard to settle
I things than the act of Pied. while In others
they hove less. In the 011 e cane, the Trixtsto - er
TIM give ileeurity, In the other it depends
I upon the Cornelis. In the One, he 1111114
-0011111 to the Finance Committee, at lemt
ellee'llllllllll I, in I Ile other. I o:the Controller.
seldom or as often as Councils require leav
ing the 11111 e to he fixed toy them: tont the COn
troller, in them:tuner prescribed by unl Mann,
shall have rite supervislok and control of the
!Pent affairs, which before could be placed hi
the hands of.the Pittance Committee. 'rile not
of 102.7 gave the Colleas complete control
over the renounce and the moneys in Ms
nnntis, anti I herel ore made no provision for
the tlobes of the Controller,
other than he
should perform such duties on the Councils
shonM torn time to time prescribe. The net
of NM defines the dillies of the Controller,
only requiring It tube exercised In the manner
Prescribed by ,Couriell. T r eas ur erclare What
shall be the duty of the, but falls to
give the.Conncils any power over hltn except
to nuthnelee them In make directions In re.
gard to bin reports to the Controller. "Er
prrmfo mans. nil
The Inst ignition, I assume. Is, that the pro
vision of the teL of thnt the Treasnrer
shall safely keep the public funds, is so incon
sistent with the tenon of the net of 1817, that
rite shod' "honestly keep. - in seek place and
ointments Connell. 'Mali direct, as that the
two cannot possibly stnnil together.
The net of Inn is that the 'treasurer st hull
receive and ante?? keep the moneys of the city .
(lint In, gold, sllcor, or their represent-olives,
not, of course, that Ise shall keep It In his
pocketsitut that either blMltelf or some one
noting by Ids authority shall have the tactual
physical custody of It, and nett he is to lir re.
so4ustble for Ito safety. Ills bond, when ono
IN required, is. Inn peunityi cuntiltioned,that he,
the Treasurer, shall safelY keep - the the money
because the net declares tied shall be his duty,
stud n bond Is for hla discharge of
the duties of Ids °lnce." Now, how in he
keeping the 'honey. when the Councils .have
compelled blm to pot It Into the Itntida of some
other person? Physically. he Is not keeping
It, but that. Is not absolutely required,
cause late toed prr Witte, Molt irrise,,ltion
structively) It Is not In his keepine, - becaose la
that ense such person Is net his agent, but that
of the Councils, and the Councils are keeping'
the • money and not the Treasurer.
The Treasurer Would , be merely the col
lector of public moneys. and ant the ens
lodine. Of course', if the City Councils bare
' the mallet - 11y claimed It would release the
I ball of the Try Barer , Incase of lag, from the
I delmsitory designated. They would net be
required to demand security from the deposi
tory. whether a bank or the keeper of a con.•
ner grocery; and we might have the very sing
ularease of the Trpnvorer giving ball'ln one,
five or ten thousand dollen to safely keep the
I public money for three years when lb case or
Imo, by the failure or defalca tion of the
I /tory chosen by the Councils. the bail would
prove of no account. To toy mind. it is. per.
uty of
IL I :,: e h i no t V td.h : t ail r C .
I r bt f :t r o dl m onl v r no. hat
fectly clear that the act of 1567 entirelY
it ' e t :a:s ht
to hheeedc
er (leer the custody
cted by hint during his teem It
ink in the
manner claimed in this case. I think the rule
should"bit disakarged.
At tltCoonclusion of Judge Stowe's dissent
hlonggopon, Fred. Magee:Esq.. moved for
“b ay ,, h aaa,, why the proceedings un
der the decision should not be stayed. on the
ground that a writ of error had been taken to
the Supreme Court. • •
The Court seemed to be of,t he opinion that
1...' '
the writ Dr errord
cut ion of the writ
matter under tidy I.
Tide allow; the •
City Treasurer to I
depositories desigt
quired to the Col
staved hi' the C"ii
formed. will eon of the writ ad on
nuttier witted in
401arter lien.. _.l;e o!toiller.
16, In the mater ot 'the
'quit the bonnty Recounts Of the Elev
ant ii3t6 Seven 0). the Court appointed
Itro,e, Michael Haniaha and John 11.
au ditor, wit It power to mirror Wit -
id Papers.
of the Cononouwealt h ts. Chu,.
d for t he larceny of route money
-shop of Samuel Long. a verdlef
render d. The defendant, who
boy. t 33 cent to the lions,. of
h 'nk was found guilt). of YUI
ruled., and was
ic mem Of the court. was sot
Itonric n inept or one year in thi
tctxlnn .
i Ise" ease Of the C h r=. Jamrn
Wilkon. :nu officer at t I e Colon Depot, indicted,
for aannault nun batter on oath of niokePit. -4 .
beef. a ,Vllikt not y WWI renderen,
defendant o pot the r ads.
The ea, of the ConnoonWernlth
Zrunneldrook, indicted for selling a bedstead
yeptenentred to he Walnut; and which 'reinvent
not to be walnut. touch 11,, niound wood, wa ,
aeXl. taken up, and n verdict of not kalif Y trx
rennernai. The costs wore divided between
the rroaireutor: Patrick Valleley, and the. de
Followingwas the cake_ of the Cot/nano
wealth vs. Isabella Reed and Anthony . Deck
indicted for forcible entry and 'detainer;
wlth of John Foster. The defendants we
charged with unlawfully taking 110SEMS 4 1011 I
21, IWO ktort' Irwin dwelling in East Ito,
townehlp. A verdict of guilty was render
and the defendants we sentenced to pay
one of ten dollars and costs each.
Ittitin Lydon. against whom I here we
two indictments of larceny, one of 3. pock ,
book vont alning trill dollars and malt her ot
pocket-book containing .1 lave dollars. n
idayed on trial and found guilt no both car
Sentence deferred.
; •
met. eon 111r,I1•N'
tala Clan. it. Michael Hower,
•2;tl " Wun. /been. •
•• Jame , : 'Bright toot, ( 7 1 1,1
•Edt - • Joseph Beck.
•• George Sherland
Est •• ..10i111 Scully et al.
211 , , •• sne. Shook, a ease.. v
" Mary Hunter
tat '• •• 11. 11. Fahnestock.
Ekt • John Kann.
John Little, Jr.
.171; •• •• tbearge Penningtdo
1•71 , " " Matilda Dinner. •
et! •• •• James 3ltuton et at
tS4 W. A..\datus.
kta •• )lii el lhatdfor , l el :.I
&It •' An st Bellefelt.
Cr+" •• F.. Ichardeon. •
267 John Mt:William ,
olio - ••• I•harle. , Knoll.
'294. It. I.
2`.+4 Salt net Evans.
I\l. AST .1111 V.
Sar. h M. Nichnlk et al.
An a It. Pat [evict...! race
Jot a Sten:area.
Ma • Duncan.
tert Ittastbuc.
Pil rick
r t e.
IL. . r Martz.
John I.tolencr , “ ,
Henry t kleyer.
John M. Elting.
W tn. %V taFcrot h.' •
Jame. Santis.
['avid LYnCh •
Vat hartnn Mot.. "
• John Iticloton.
I. InJunrlluu Probable.
lact but recent •
y hern ilevelotniii, it appenr4 that we are
bonrlit pet int 0 AOllll. I rouble on account of
he use ofitWe present fire Alarm I ele t traphie
esteni. it that there hair been twit
tittints . issurit for n hat i 4 tentted hr untie
ten is nee ithirtn shot tit Lt.. The nrAt wn•
lied ton Mi. Allen: h tan I• now repres.eiried hr
The Atli halal to Fire Alarm •Co,. cat hettintia.
°lda, "and about toVent ern tt,tvg atter a putont
On Ilse Same•, , tonii we , t,..'11 to Crane and
itoiliriirv. Mac 3, . rOurenont in' by i iiihie
trill and V.l..olNew Yiirl:. h hi, it.'wlll to; re
niendeired, coo , . nicled cur Ore 3131,11 tolo.
graliii. The Ohio iiihmianY rim.. that tio .
I'mile andßodger. ;Aleut i+an .infringe
toent tspon the .Metpnthnt. which they
own. mid reiggiritny the Mitt orreceived a let
ter (him dobtetbliutt, Eivq., air Clinton. Ohm.
Qi al icitcir for the :Lilthaint lc ilre Alarm ronigin-
Os . .1 liccioni.t, t hr.. nic its tag the day Hu
th.t,tte. chit they Avvro infringing itliviii the
r i g hts o f ...aid 4,.‘,,,,v. anal hh,hestiug that
the rit i iliiiiiiit at "lice frith It, i i , of the
. .
Bath patro• t.. Mr. A 1 1 401 refer ,
were i•• 3100 11/ Ant!ro. ...yr rely,: rapi,
canst meted ert.veral Tea , Pro , that titer:
We are of opinion that hr tat...riot< um:et' 3
nitetake.• -it rnv pos.lble. I . ev rr that
no patent. had 14.ert kerma on the automatic
hos when our telegraph wag corral rutted. mull
that 1 he Allen patent covers the ..yetern In u,
here. The Mayor will refer the matter In the
are not they will. of endear. re
quire the Antllll3lllie Colt , PnnY of Ohio Web.w
t bat they knot the patent 3113 that we are In
fringing. nu their before taking any 4,
lori In the weir
.alicchseV• Itruc
L •
CHANGE 01 , QUAIATiIIs. -During to heateu
term, and doubtleus until unme , , provision is
made be Councils: Engineer Darts will occupy
the Select Council chamber. In connection
with his regular office:"
ksts critAc , for painting :tnd white
washing the market howl, nave oven Com
pleted, The painting was done under the
superintendence of Mr. John Huffily', and it is
regarded nu n
insidel Job. The building in
ill new Ault and outside present. 3D
Le tractive ari earance•
SLIGHTLY Beitt.-Aienrge DilWorth. infant
no of Robert Dilworth. EM.. clerk of Cum
non Council. fell over an embankment x 'lir
mice of eight or ten feet the other day. but
:ortunntely received only slight iniitfies•
THAT IlioNSlan FLAG. proffered by Joe. W. ,
['Mock. Esq., to the Farb Conunietion, w ill•
Ire formnlly presented as coon as -the Com
mission determines a location for a Perinanmit
pole. and the pole Is prepared. Seminary Hill.
will doubtless be tee locality, and the stag
imilar to that nt the arsenal.
THE HEATH 'AWAY.", undercollutmild of
Captain Batchelder :Hid Lieut. Si'litrtut. had
attractive stmet drill on Fridair °Vetting
'Art - forming creditably several attract Me mili
tary evolutions.
ItLL vino A Su tNo. - A young woo. n,
whose name we (Riled to learn. fell from
swing last evening. in the Third Ward. raid
was severely.. though not dangerously' bud.
She" was eared to her home in the Second
Ward. in en insen..U.le condition. nod medical
assistance rendered.
ItUNTICATING. -COI. A. M. II ustlebnughovell
known, as the gentlemanly and polite inec,
roger of Councils, will leave to-day no a visit
to some relatives in Butler county, where he
w a ina tar a short weld of relaxat
frm hisarduus labor.
Sep STitgea.-David kladden..ii conductor
on the Rebecca Street PAAAenger hallway
Jlne, sons prostrated by the beat no Saturday
afternoon. He tan s making an up trip with
his car and was on Eacock street. when pros
trated. He arms renewed to boarding
house in the Fifth- Ward and medic:it mood
nee rendered. He will recover.
Tue. COMMON Cot NCII. evidently think It un
lecessary to take action. looking to the int
movement of thesidewalk in front of the
Dort Wayne Rallimad Depot, Federal street,
udging their action at the Inst. Ccutwil
neeting, indennitely, :t resole
ilm thereto,. .
MIMS= CTlMmtsgdstAlif Mffititair, hat
met eninideted much needed improvement,
n the shape of a street crossing at
teeth,. of Dbio.Cheet nut and Libertystreets.
ft Is the longest continuous line .of crossing
in the city, ',distance of one hundred feet.
litmot,autopm.- Officer Thomas, on Sunday
morning early, arrested a man naMeti•Joseph
Cook, while In the act of enterin horse by
It •window. The officer's attention was at
tracted by the screaum of a woman, and pro- '
et:riling to Melina succeeded In making the
arrest as noted. He Is 'dill In the mock-up,
waiting a hearing. -
DEA•nt AT THE POOH 1101JSY.-An old man.
an inmate of the Poor House for the last three
years. died on Friday morning last and WWI
buried on Sitturday• Ile wet over eighty
years of age. mid his death was not, unlooked
for, baying lived inner than the tialtal period
allotted to frail morality. over four score
years. He wan well cared for by the Warden
Mr. Johnson. who spared no kindness during
his inner, He had no relatives in this mum
SCALIMM—A little girl, .whose parents re
de off Rebecca ',street. near thud urenue, ,
First - Ward. w. severely scalded on !Odor
dry nfternoon, by upsetting n kettle of
Loy wider 'upon herself. Although hadlY
scalded, she It not considered dungerons.
Beal Estate Transient.
The following deetin . were admitted of
cord In the ulnae of Thomas 11. Hunter' Eno,.
Itesordert !or Alleonen)'• routtly::Tharsdlt.P."
July 10,1870: , • .
Georgia Kt - miter to W. T. Shyder. • 141tY 4, INTO:
of lot No. ill In Rlcluird pinn
Mt. Washington. wills baildinon t2.00n. ,
Elisabeth Mehan In Deo. %%Smith. July 12,
liqh 2 acres to Ohio tow Ishii), with bulld
111, G. Sproul to Margate Schneider; !quill
20. 1270; .51 of lot No. ?.lin Lorimer plan of
Intl, Collins township; a no, lot tin. In Jon.
11111's plan, ntlJolninF h fri,otto
Ilugh B.lllllemlng toll enfant POOOO. 11. and 1..
Association of Allegheny City. June 17,
106th lot No. P. In additional plan of lots laid
nut by It. 8. Cassett, In Third Word,
!Thous . City. . . /2.300 -
Pollute' Realty to Robert Steel. July 2, - IST%
acres,3 roodnandAlperchen,Patton town
ship, with buildings.. . $2,1111
Itottert anti laarf,Cluoston;io Samuel Beatty;
:id norm,. 3 roods add 20 perches, Patton tp.
-• • $1,11.0
George C. St rather, LOX/arid J. Durand. July
11, Ira: part of lots N0:133 and 2011 n Rich
ard Cowan'. plan of pert of aft Washing
ton • iiiLts oo
• Adam Weidman to Andrew p. Storeeer:
et td. July 5, WM DI I,y NO feet. Carson at.,
borough of Itirminghnin, with hulldinr.
. ......... ..,.... ..... . $7..50
Thomas t Griftlth to Jan). Dillon. JulyT. 10.
PM lot N 0.2 In plan of lout Inlet out hr heirs .
of Joseph Allen. In Lower St. Clair town
ship, with Imildings.. . .$lOO
H. M. Lari(). Req., member of Select Council
from the First hard, Allegheny'. positively
denier Wrenn laspeschmhnt that he le a can
didate for the Mayoralty of Alleghenk city
neat term. • . • , Preel,
dent of theMlegheny city Common Council.
have strong hopes of placing that gentleman
on the Legislative ticket to be. nominated nt
the coming Republican Convention In August.
THE FEMALE REGATTA. . liepublican Newspaper Read Out
. o the Party . for I. ree . Trade Pro.
How It Terminated—lts Tendencies,. .cl cities.
boat 'race which took place between At the Lancaster County Afeubl
11. ienn
two female.. on Saturday , over the upper .Convention, held on Monday, July
Monongalieln enure, vraN, lOU, nigiCipated, I Ziegler. of Mount. Joe borough. submitted
attended by a large- number of:persons. :old the following resolutions: The journal
the affair in a cert.'. sone, gd the AVUId wan a referred to is lit.. l.neaSter ' Elp ,. ...:
••1L1•i.4... The hanks of the river on 1.0) Bides V ItEnEab:Tite doctrine of protection
l'or nearly the entire length or the edam . were to merican products and American Abbot
lion-ane tim with nersonit: aul the crowd at , inst foreign competition . . by menn74 - of
Iwo. m have been oninbered by the thorrands. a p Iperly_adjusted taritT on itutiorts, has
nt „. f i ne „,, n n i n .,. on total in large n u m be•rs; alw ys been a cardinal doctrine of the Pe•.
the d, ode t0.i...,W0 , Out in full force, and thr put limn arty of Pennsylvania :
pet blackguard , and roughs it:rmed .ASID IV iitnit:A , : The settlement of the
no , 111• L I I la,rl ion of Ibe I . • gilt• tiOnfl wowing out of the contest lie
111,1 r ii,i,e of Setif
siren a de- Me II 4111VI.ry and freedom, by the ad' , l ,-
script ion
ihe Coldest:lM, • d tunny other tiroO of thP tntlt amendment to the
dot tint tit I lii• nice. it 1 , . tinneetnrY tt, enter Nat i , tni) I l'onstitutiontd,has apin bronght
Into ti.,:to ac ,in. '_
__ _ „! , , ,
the i tication of protection prominently lie.
fore the people of the country ..
• '
AND WllE.lifi.,• , . A profeggetily Idepult
limn Monad of ibis eousitY lots recently
heen persistently opposing, the policy of
protection ; therefore,
Itrkployd. 'Mat, a:.; the only remesentn
fives of tlu party organization in this
county, we pent it our duty to publicly
proclaim 11 e doctrine of protection to
American i alustry no the well-established
principle , f the itepublicans of the "Old
Guard." ..
Requhe I, That the doctrine of tree trade
is hoatile to America) labor, and nt war
with.the growth. prosperity and develop
ment of our country.
'rt.,e reSol talon,. we're 111M111 0101181 V
nth )pted - .
tereetle the exc
iting, but held the
am ordering. the
limners to the
he Opineits ns re
required,' unless
teltran, me are In
the requirements
mosey to have the
• • . .
In con.:,ineene of being unntile to nrcoatre .
good boat Miss Whitten withdrew from the
contest and left the field to Miss McAlice and
Mini Lew, Mtn, ai iiliont four o'clock weir
conducted to starting. point from thepicnic
grounds. and the boats being launched In the
placid sirup they donned their rowing cos
tumes and prepared for the••race: Miss MC-
Alien wore it loath: white skirt extending to
t he knee:
)ticsaekL white Crocking , and
highinfots. Lew n as attired In a scar
, let skirt and while jacket. At halfdiast four
the preliminarleil having been urranged. Thds.,
Hughes being appointed referee anti tine nun
eta:oils pitch lotte selected a Judge then em
barked In their frail Frill: nod were ready for
A tier eousidsaMble trouble the dronLen rab
ble. and the mime quiet mid orderly as well.
wh lo
n bloeoted the einir4e, were induced t
clear the track. and a few minutes before fie
o'clock the female gentler' cot their boo , in
o taut lon und 'ltr word WOO MI,
Mt:Alice. by a quick dekterous stroke
shot 'ahead 0.1 her competitor over o Intl
length, and illAtie of the tirst quarter in. - ea:fa
the dist Lowe I cover lice lengths, which ad
viint age was maintained throngliont the rare
The distauee palled he these:l.lllcm Amazons
early a mile and a half, which they
mule in about eighteen minutes. the winner".
Miss MeAlice, fanning in Mend tort vsni e seel•
onds in advance of Miss hew. •
This, wicipresutoe. will he the endof tenni),
6.m fi
-racing in this etioniinit "'Pr .
ries. to soy the least„ are of fi denifirawin
character. itswits striking)?-alitclreni•• no
nal) before and during the rice. alter I
liner. If young Indies are desirous of be
coining proficient in the use of . the ''spritee'
t hey Tan do so. hot we hope there will be n
more '•fetnale regal las” in I'll 'shut,. h.
the WM. wl •It Infant Fowl.' In •rd
'rannahli. -The Mother and lller - Sister
Charged nha. Infanticide- Inane.,
The :II ir vas of Forward 1 hWnship In the air
• • •
..„....... .
nits of Pleasant View IWhotil (louse were a
few day, ~g et brown into a state. '
,- ite ent by the Iry pints.. oecorrehei• in that
tar. dint rict of the finding id the &mil bd/V
of on infant. under canalized:Wl. , • indwating
that it had not - shunted of this mortal coa t "
in the neutral atty. kit that death Lind wen
con,ll by s tolence. (rain t tie tact lint tirounill.
the neck of Ihe child was tight roilsd_n rag
and a Mind of limos timothy. , • . I
Th,. dismivery aas made by a Mr. Jairnit
Ablad t while at •work iti his •
gat den, who
fon. I loi body lying in a bunch of weels
along his garden . Mile, lie einnumnicatel
the fact to his wife and neighbors; and abo
in , Justice Roger, who held tint Monett on t 1 e
bialy.Sus dition at t ;wiled to Ellen fates. wi it
li c
lived wit I.•r titter, Mary Thttniart: at , bei g
the Mott .r of the child, and the test intotty t•
the idin •st'pointed directly to the ,misters t.
the kullt y parties in the trantaet ion. lnfo
inat ion was made betrtre tkr .tallier Its 1, yr .
-{Moll, charging Ellen 1 ates • and Ma 'a ,
Thomas vett h Infanticide. but before the wttr•
laid Lad been reveleil they wore rmii ..t. aka
.0 far ii, ace can ascertain Ids.; init vet' to• •i• I
arr.-ad!. • 1
Prirgek Clisek• ....Arrest of the I
Purger tinustn. • 1
t in ',pant:to morning an effort a as imiii- by !
awo notorious Ode, et n3ed Janie , CrAley
and Henry. alias -Coelsev. in " Wart to ha a• a
check of {.l.ilk• cashed at the flat Nat i anti
Ilank. Tiffinavenue. ine cheek. oat u lade
payable to Jame* Thompson. and bore the l sig.
nat tirt ,- of Hobert Coo aril. the well ktiktvi
brick manufacturer. 'The ga diet/Chat e
pros ed successfill Mit fat the fa me d
that only a
few d:‘,t previous the same parties bail tat.-
..Idel a elsiwit aMI tbe ''sanie sign:date tot
tie 1111114[rd dollars. an Melt was dish al nib i
Sa n botaptentlt afeert.ained to be 3 ford•TY•
The cheek wilt pri•sented to Mr. flare. who
aas not i.ane in detecting lts character. and
with the Cie,. "(detaining erillv. ladled Wm
to toma,n as he o Inbeit to speak with' hint.
Thin was enough for Crllly, wh.• made ton the
door folio, ell by Mr. (tare. Mr. Stunme and Mr.
Scully. The f °gat ve ran up Fifth avenue and
disappeared in the hall beside the %%esteem
Union 'Telegraph ..thee. Ile anal afterwards
arreattal in the ...Liar iif tine slew saloon of Mr.
Rennet , on. :Milt likelti street. by ;!bee r
Mown. Wtred. who Mid •acciiiiipanied CrillY
into I he- bank. had quietly disappeared. but
Ills a here:at/Mit I were simn ascertained, and I
oer. , Hook and •
Couples ntleceeded In ar••!
"...ling hint in the rear or gate Itatiev's home"
on Tin Ihit alley. where he had herd en dew '
dieing to weape Inn the hack card. Hlto I.
prirenen were tew•.aro It locked up.
. Mr. Jo hn ',dully. (ashler nit, the Rank. made
fnrormatlon doerging Crilley and Ward With
forget - v.3.a a hearing n di tot It la 1 hi. merit
ing. .....
• After the arrest of the part et, it Ir.“ dr ,, .1 ,
apedt hat a printer named Israel .1. Harry.-it
t h•• rent forger. unit the parties arrested were
only completing t tin work. It 14 an maven:tin
ed tact that r either (Settler or Ward In capa
ble of ezecti Ling the forgeries. which In both
are prraittunced tO he ettetednltallont of
Mr. Coward's signature. It In el. known
that Barry In Mt expert and assoclotrirwit h
t ant dart.
warrant was issued for the arrest hi
llama' and pi.ta ins he hands of nflicers LOnIT
and breanler, who have been oh the lookout
for him ever sinee.-but atvet the only trait.
(nand tete, that on Saturdrey kvelong a person
Answering hit 'description had Porch:mei( a
ticket at Wood. Hun for f•lewiltkley. 'The tall
er, went as far in Sewicklt y. tint not hint
,traimpired to indicate that abet' were on he.
track. and they • rsturned. liarry is av ell
knot , n, however. and it is scarcely postbie
that he will eAraila• arrest.
--as- -
Rine, Pilim Gans, Itevoice Pistols. Am
'Flunk 1.11 material at all klnit. at re
doted ttt ices. at..l. 11. Johns. to Great West
ern Gun Work<l79 Switheeld street. Repair
Inir neatly done.. Gnus for hl...Army (tines
Carblnes• and :Revolvers tean lit or taken
• exchanka , fall and see or w it e fora PriC •
Henry G. Mak, Merchant :doe. lit t
received a lark.. assort men: ni linens and al
I\kr, a COIIIOOO assort went of karat
for !milliner wear : keneralle, corner • Pen
11V elUle and Sixth street. .
polorup .
inoOtuol of I.III• • co , tiot foil. • • prom o•alt
If ogloly e ern!.•. 'l '
It. Fold It' 001 l olroggioitg.
Hurler Iloinphre)'. \Clock mud
Squeerk. •
Th..uragio of Ilicken,' hwLLruuc chit
.tern at ill attract a great deal at attentint
London, and ,011.1.. interesting facts art
li,tgers. I. I. It., xstritet. Its follows to
A:rig '•ln ISM, itt the certit?te of
Mir, I ;mired nt the town of Barnard
'oat le. in the ...minty. of Dorloon. late on
~winter evening, and toil np at the min
ipill hotel, a -large, old fashioned mote
lire, fronting the principal street. At
weak fast the tollinvi lig- morning 1
.1.11t1,..4 tii notice on the opposite. Side of
he street • large clock fiicv, with tin,
name iif Humphrey sormunding It, most
[linstileitimsly. exhihited in front of a
watch and clock Maker's . shop. —How
,all; I exclalmeit tire gentleman landed
near me: 'here is` Master Ilunnihrey's
clock'; •Of cottnie,'. said the gentleman,
•and din) you know that Dickens resided
here for some.. wanks • when lie Av. SOL
lerting indterials forliTO NirloAut Nieldr:
fig, and that he chow. him title for his next
work by observing that big clock face
from this.. window" After breakfast I
stepped errors .to the watclunaker, and
asked hint whether I hid been correetly
inform.' respecting Mr. Inckenn and the
dock.. 'Eh, worthy horologist entered
into ow-Oculars. 'My clock: said he.
'suggested to "Mr. Inckenn • the title of
his • book of that name. I have.
a letter from - hunt stating thin; And a copy
. of the work, inscribed with his own hand.
. For sonic years ivsl eorrespotuled.' ' I. got
acquainted with. him- just by_lile coming
across froM the hotel no you have done
thin morning, •and his asking me' to in
form hint about the state of the neighbor
ing hoarding echnols: Mr. Humphrey
*lien enter.' into 1111111' padienlars re
specting the condition of these schools.
Incidentally, he raid he had directed. Mr.
Dick:ow , 'and his friend ' Phi.' to the
school which flit' twit trovelors atorwaril
render. il iirfaminio byOmit-lieu and pen
cil; but it was, lmßaid, by no .meano the
worst , . those institutions. The salmi
master hod been very successful in ob
taining pupils. and hail become very ty
rannical, and even insolentjto strongoro.•
Ile reiwired Mr. Dickson and Ids com
panion with extreme hauteur, and die nut
so mueli no withdraw his -oyes . from -the
operation of pen-making during their in
terview, :But 'Plat' sketched him on his
nail, and reproduce - a hint so)exactly, that
noon after the appearanee of the novel
the school fill oft and was ultimately de
serted. Since that period the ' Do-the
boys' iliikeription of school lied altogether
ceased in the district." ' .
"+.,...:. ~.n - wui. + rx x_~S-. S:c%~a .?~s.:a: 7 ..Yn..,ib_i:i
1/1111,titbullt morning; .laly 17111.11 tit;
. trltadt, ATE S.. yttangettt 0111111 of Jame,. 11. and
Mart yrt; aged 11 ninnth‘ and 7 day,
'l'ho fotkerat all! take ttlat . tt mat time Parent..
rotddttn....l 19. Roast,. t.trttet.
111+: Nn.t..t t t ri t.t,t‘tt. at 5 o'clnek.
17t trt Itte fatuity :ire ritspartiollt invi
ted t.. attend.
:+aloliattl ellorninP, July 17111, :tt
g0...t0r t,,,r,,re 7 ALICE, Infant thstavliter
.4 undite.wphilli• A.\l'll• „ n.
Van oral Into rc•ldrnce tin Mreltar Iv, 1111 ,
I 11,r11 , 0 , tit 3 •
• .
NICIIAS/I . Eit.•Standnv Ant, 17th,
at LI
r. 11.. JANE danenternf ling! , Me.
Mits., In the 1 1th "'per of nee nee.
IN I , iNT 10 DE
N 1.1• 1, with pore A 81101.16.: Al9lt, anion In I f mcd
by direction of Fin Went Plum Clan,
haa Orem' nroveifitaell in lie the innid•iiirifi, and
co e Tor an Malignant Fore,. and Inger,
and for itti6r. Wounda.and all Stln I litienieii
no e , 111:4 1 N 1 a Rapid Curnlive Aaron lieen
I.lllllt. CENT- ,
Tux irorkl'A Kingston \ correspondent
writes that they have been having heavy
reins in Jamaica, such as they have not
experienced for over forty years. In
Westmoreland a whole slip of laud; with
all its houses and tree - S. Blipped 63 "' n
hillaide into another parish, without do
ing much damage to either the houses or
grounds thus displaced. Some important
questions of title arc likely to arise out
of this somewhat novel change. In the
parish of Hanover an Inland lake has been
formed, with water deep enough to float
the largest.frigates!. In .another place, e
fine large pmvisionsjore,heavlly atockeil;
Is coin pletely . below the water, and • o • y
the tops of large mango trees . are to
seen rising above the surface of the wet .
Henry's Insect Powder,
Patent Medicine Depot,
140 smuriiFlELD ST
Ali. lhor t•I 11,10.1. ..... e
rioted Brycekis,
Mrs. S. C. ROBB'S.
N. 91 Federal Si..
,lio tnd helL,vr coil I, 30 dor,
Bell and Brass dmuders,
rim, Locoman r MILLING HILL
• 1 4:4
o Order
"I'A I
Made Promptly
BABBirrs 3
Mad and Kept
.roprf•ton a . nd INricif
rtioper's Improved
IV ' Ir si t
It 7:170 8 2 TA
Fifty Dollars Reward!
The above toward will be paid ny the Park Com.
minion of the City of Allegqny, for the MIK. ,
heniton unit ronvictlon of nay of the heron.
found guilty of dm - riling thlerark . Grounds on
the mUrnlng of July A number of the plants,
flower and roe. were uprooted. in addition to a
violation ill the rifles at the Part In other re -
•perts. and the Cotamirlon are determined to
mem e nn expense In bringing the offender to Ur
fa, and putilatang them to the torthest eatrnt
Ibe hie. ay order of the Park Cominlxalun.
J. lI,OXLV:T. Secretary.
Sl.7lll\lEll RES()11 T.
bp1111. ( 2:S.
Thix Summer 110.141 Ie mile+ Inuit Crenaon.
Airantagex unexcelled. Excuralon Tickets by the
Penna. It. IL. Co. run be had dering the summer.
Tern. ter moderate. For Circular and full in for
mance, addrva•
I'. A. (31-111341 N.
WINE OF LIFE.--The rrent.Blood
l'imitier and !tendon, IVAIDINWS
Vithal VITA:, OR WINK. OP LIFIC. In tree from
any poiNuttom drug, or lummitien. being PrePeree
for tn.. who require e AtA:bllentd,ll
:r=re..l7tlfjltiteih:nbt2le. I 1 . 15 thniumt
alit and delicious article over offer:: to the public,
x;:vr.fg,:f!hrtll l ;:n7. l ertl4.l7.. i b A`,llhcel[ L V.
Both male and female, young or 0 down Mee the
Wine of Ills. It in In feet, a life presemer.
Those who wish to enjoy good health and a free
elm of lively spirits, will do well to Mee the Wine
of Life, It is different Irma anything ever before
In UPC. It la sold by dr11011100: also at all respect
able saloon. • Prim , VI .00,1 n quart bottle,
ii j
1 ) AC IFL ( ' PEN I
`Pry Them ! ry Them !
For,xle at nie sign of th BIG UOl.ll PEN.
7:7, Wood ' tree t .
,„,, .
LtViOSIO '& . Co., .
. afenufacterer oi LI AT OOZY IRON
CA-ST' ' NGS• '
n't!;ltt"i:,,T6lrtar.._, W s h i **ll_l4 04.Vid 8 .11,:i :
articles of Bellitera. linninern emu" no hoed.
d i ire v erid g o i . .t ad oca: , tinter _ %rt., 4i . t initeny
buridul'it. • . —4,;,1,-
Cl V. EATON, front No 1313 Chn.not Oise..
Philadelphia, who. sue se In the env. of lition
tVinitVg'id •U r l ltae e , ' WlT gra n grn=l . this
city. and Will give • attention to the cure nf
'flii!litlttuc.=',:r f.lV".4"ard.l.l.ollli7T•t:
ouch,. in the relief and itre of persons Om. af
flicted. Prof. EATON ybp
_consulted. for the
premed, at the office of LOAN, NINO 3 CO.. No.
90 Vommu Ml:l4yr. 1 tUburith• pond f. , f ir '
F2'.1.22',...—_—. Orenela
_L----- —.___
13011011011 OF 1311KROSSUlt(L—The en
deralithed, ppointed viewers to MSC. denim..
• nn ^g..i. Mr ultiening North Canal street, In
the Borough of Woanehntu. will meet on the
braluiste..lllll 11414.10 0 abet A. attend
t., the Cloth. of Hie n. ater z datninti mAwm,
J. O. voioTocie.
_.a....,, THOMAS H. GIBSON. thole..
i. cis A. %%rot. Beerea.l7. 11' ."' 2
t)1•8 0 0 . --4) N /I' n -
inijr!gel r iin n altr:e .01 =
Vona., nth. 1.11 and eellm., stable tor tic horses.
f.;r7l74::eriu=i - neny= a giva
feet deep On —mi. otreertoi 1 feet Slier. one
some from centre avenue en.. 1.0. M.. Poe.
In cane and half cans, foot in season for the
ton table. foyle by'
i:ttwriT and ?!Inth
. .
Carpenter and Builder.
Will prtnnvtly Wend to all kinds of lobbing goat. h
Oil and water tankgmengto order- NG.171 Nort
a=prnor Webster street, Allegheny. Pe.
18, -1870
l'lTTsartiott, July 13, Is7o.
thin Jay declared n Ifieidend. No. 3S. of - •
on the Cupi!al Stock. payable 310 N OA C. 1 StO innt.
john: A. P. Itea, SeeretS.
. • 11FrICT. Or Tit
.11, VII .0.1,11V1.11111,,1
• I IS7 0
hinie this isVdisclatan.l Dividend
It ynr payabl.• 114 cash on and alter
.lull 11. 1 N7ll
Insm, II 11. It neeretnrs.
,:trim or TIM CASH
50. I S 7
1)11 - I DENO:- -The Board or 1/1.
' Errons hay., thin any tli•ehred a 11.
Jena Of TEN PEIL CENT out of Ili,
the 1:4 month, pnyul,le on dtax ..f
j::::;':.10, , E1 . 11 T..lollN,,,N.SveretarY•
EITT,IE al It. Ed.. July A. 11711.
declared a Illre.lend er FIVE 19.11
('ENT. rd tEI earittnira all the Ittel •tim.lntly
payuble on - domaed.
%\ n! N. NI,IIiGAN, ashivr.
9e(1,1 , N." It, At.
The Three:Arse( this %el: have this Our stecter t r i d 4
.11vIdend . of SIX l'Elt t'ENT.etit ef ere
IA the lan MI Month, pityablo
.1. N. IIAVII)SIIN. aAhner.
—The Board of . Director. of Itos 11.0.
have ddristred it dividend of FIT n.511'01 , 1.11 , 11'
out of the profits of the past sit ip , •dt It 4 01 rad,
on and eft/T./WV uit
• • Itt/DEler .1. avhod.
Dyers nt •unIC.I.I F 1. Ib7 O.
gy-mAsoNtc nErosrr sATININ
BANK. , -The Interiom ot thln think have.
thi , nay th,lared It Dividend nr FIVE i3l DER
CENT.aI . the Capital Stock, pn, side nn and ni
the 11.1 th invv. (rot la tax.
13 Kll. C. NIeI.F.AN. , 'ashler.
itnn..hily tad, IS7 O. Jullni;
in.ll, duly 3. Intlll.
lab NOTIC}:.--The Directors or this
Bonk have thin day derlanrat • Dividend
of FOUR I•KR CENT. on the Capital Stock, tatYs
able In SUN•tholder , . ou and utter the 13th Inst. 0 !o. -T. 1' A N DDR EN. Cashier.
3,ll3tritnt,s k fIrI, I I TAI . , I I . O III I.
311. I MVP NK,
The Dirrctor% of this Bank hare this dnr dr
dared it Ittridend of FIVE 1•1,It I yin the
earl.' stock tdtt o rod
r the p.. Ilf tho It. SIX
P.m.". Pa r. ''' . " II " .;;TX, ' ,:t f-r Z . l ! , ' .l t ::. ' . u t't . trb ler.
wrier or LIM Ittra.Lltti . It:MIAS , .
Uh. 7 rill.
Iri-'DIVIDEND N his .he Board
a (was, of ColnpAAY tine OA!
thly dechared dividend At Ynt It IA 11.1, Its per
.hare. free tor (pre, ttut of the e.trntp, tho
.tr pptptlpt. an
after the I I 111
.Ant.. :In 'rot, 'lNdlors per rbare
und Two !milt,' per ' , hare to tia shedited in A RIM Flt. Secretary
l'Hlt II /MT. MI the Vapital Stock, oat of
theeotrolroOt the Inat six month, payable I twill
wltts, tree of All tax
NV. Mcf:ANI/1.1:A 4 .
A,nlStAn , t Cr!.ler.
Illate Pittaburgh Trust ( I i adiany.l .. i
1 he 'meet.. s of this Built have Still ' day tic
iillmil n gut rierly . dividend of THREE PKIt, iie capital block of of the priJita of
the last Orr nionths. payable forthwith, free of
State and Goy irnnient To s.
J. II- ScUI.I.V, Cashier.
Jr I.e iiii, I.SCYO.
r,.: Juliai
I,E CO.. i
, Pirrtencitnif, July Ist, 11474.1. i
la In V 1? ENl).— . l lw President and
111 a Yen 'of the Company for 'erect
ing a Bridge over the AlleehenY Meer, otiPosite
Pithinurgh. In the county of Allegheny. hare this
FIFTYd a Dividend of iniiii. DOLLAR Arils
VENTS on each share or the CePwal Rod ,
of the Company. payable by the Treasurer to
iitialchniders or their legal rebrceentatiJes forth.
jata:i, wat,itosEnuito. Treasurer.
Diree,ers ef ltd.. Bank have this day declared
Dive:teed ..e NIX PER CENT. 1,411. of the I , o ool a ,
the lest lit °loath, free 01 Government tax. pa:
•hie demand.
PrI,IOII . RIIII. -NIT U. 1 S2O. _ Jul
• Asltatli 11.4 Vis.
Prrozuriluu July lia:lS7o-1
Ea — THE BoAlti) oP initEcToits
„,I.lto bank have Ole day declared a
s.Unltal tllvldt•nd 14 SIX 1 , 1 - .lt pasethl,..l”
St.el.htdder. o . oo and of ter the 110 swd. •
WM. 1 , 1.0 V D. l'ant.ler.
MEI 11,11, NATI., ‘1.11.0a,d,
I IrrnM u.: li.l m 1 1. IS7O.
VENT'. TEI ..f Taxi , •. will be 1 - ;,1,1
.”..- IF
Ju, NI IVAN. Cullkier
F.61,111/A 11E1.0., N 11 t
P1,1` , 1.1•11.11 3111 V 1. 111111. 4.1
o 1 01+ Lunt asap dlCAred n diti.lond of
six i•En CENT., nut 01 the proUts the Is.l
month.. payable forthwith, free of lax.
Jut sIY F. 1.. sTicritENSON, lean
PEEK PAVING. PANIC 0? tad.r.ntrre - V.)
Currier of Fediral and FACirdt etreets„..
J cut Il3d. 1200.
Bank have this day declared a dlrldend of
FITE PElt CENT. out of the prolits of the haat
etc htrintha. hateable on and after July let. IS7O.
free .1 tan. E. P. VtIUNG.
111\ 1111:511 NOTICE.— The Di
RUN ILA li.ltONl/ 41.. have thls day declared a
dividend of FIVE l'Elt cENT. clear of Govern
ment Tax: out of the earninrs of the part Mn
monthe, payable to the Stockhulders or their leant
representat ICC% and alter duly let. at the odic
In lT' e lffrAlllgl l \ : . Pre j s3e , tA.
17tH. '
orrtr,tr nit ENSCIIMUSE
titer ' VC. 1 S 7 0
iforr.l-innuul dtvldena of
free of tthrernment T.x,k4geble .1 the oat,
So 4Z3 Peon otreet .nn all et lalv 1. IS7
imilersigned have
'chartered the Steam Ferry Boat. Capt. W.
I'. I/ENS V. and will ran her 115 a Ferry nu and
atter duly Iµlt tram Sisarcebura In Cittnburali
until the Sharidliatra 'Britian in rebuilt.
WM. II Cl.Ad:inV.
. • W. A. SPROUL.
orerec FrerstieNon .ANn BOST,' MINTNO Co.,
silt be a special meet
•lng of the Ntnekhollters 110 the ••Prrrsnuittni
817111:11,” hbld at the °Mee of the Cominny. In
the Cite PlNetatroll, at 2 o'eloek e. M., on
WEDNESDAY, .17th Day of July. proiimo
By order of the Doado( loirrothot
$lOO Bounty Collected
• .
Far ail wild ter, a ho enflaied between May 4th and
lel y 21d. I eitif , who weee dlsehmwed for disabil
dr before Nerving two Seats, and who here hereto
.' we renetred no bonntg. .
The undersigned has re owed Ida Lill. to 0A-
ErITC hlki:4llllC.Ottherthithh,rollllBalift Scull:Weld
tract. and le Milt prepared collect °lath. speed.
II y and at moderate eaten!, Vali omfiroddress, re dlt
...ea.[ U. F. BROWN,
Claim Agunt tiAggrrn Budding,
Corner 01.11111.Tenee nd Smithfield street,
W . PUBLIC liOTlCE.—llaylng'been
appointed GAN uld GAB mninn INSPEC
TOR. for Allegheny county. notice Is heron/ Oren
Wet until the necessary °Moe and MechanlplTest
hut Meehinery out be provided: I will be found
AND PIPE WORKS, Taenty.third eireet, 'near ,
Penn. Pittsburgh. It.
tekknkl (Ma end Ou Meter ..pecto.r.
ri.,),NK.—Noricx—The 1.1.. will be
gl. , I for Pass•iimaNnt end Freight bustneeselKkMllV
Mu 104159 at 5 o'clock, end .011 dose at 11•Y.d.,
coinectiOn wall tbo Init ear from inlenbureh on
tb Iltteintegh ood Illendaslnau Pereenger Rail
or s;;, .üblen titm. dec .. '
the Unien• Republican , r
Of Indians lairsiship-; tee candidate for Count?
Comrtilssloner. In subordination to Ous decision of
the Rapubllcan Convention. list rood. In rob..
CAPITALISTS l—Partlenlarly
TtprhiPlats P.Mlima
eoumnir MEN.
An e
eellectnodnpeub tt n u nltrtyu s for a,pbrottable invest
tbotteand dollars tall-ral/urgand L r l it tgrie t lVA
la'ruhral.'4..rifulttllosTA•rEfrl.:enetnbuildlosristod con.
ttrootlona as ate on the eroundrivtleFe al. of
locreulniF the embank of capital rtoa one
hone', thoomind Pollan, as per charter. Stock
holder', exempt from personal Itabillt7 flatbed the
dont Investment. For full perimeters adore.* or
cation J. P. 1t6.1501t. -
• 1F1:.%'711:6117.1'
!in. 411 emobri.
The - Empire Mutual
totcet alte.n...t enpitrelleteht In the
4.1 I.iio Inotimur
Volt TIM 1,111,1'
kynl . nt ' T,Anl
AC011.1! Instin OktntAttntn , V- 49
ror every 8100 I.lAbilitle• the Etnnite ha.. VII
Aventne Antonia Al 41.196
, Tntni A sAet• 4330.090
81011.0011 Cantu,' depostted with the
Stnte an d the Latun et. 'entirely invested. -
t iler A. lt n i:l.l.l.:lt.
°the 1 1-;lWlT f il " ttl7 . ei r M:, ' l T ltt n a a tt ' u t' rg " h ‘ll;:e.
Ci , l7o l llt AGENT?, both rattle and telltale:
Ranted • 7e31
_ •- .
v Pit CSII F.
.i I I,l.Elt.Seerrtnry.
Federal Insurance Co.
OFFICE : Car. reitentl and I.ttrotle Streets
EdA a 4.1 4; reg., W .9
..Sl3ellaby. w It. Anue,,L.
""""r•-". •It Sti vdar, •
-""Y". ..11imes ~,, .
. ,
I'. M. Generul Agent
DVINCE 133 AND .131 ,111:,TNI1T STREET.
Avvetv on Jell. 1.1. EN7(O. 51.1543,734 67. I
Capital. J. 33
00.. Acented Surplus
'in and
varteny onlAboral Teruo, The t ' 'ornPany also
epolicies upon IR
n . lientiof all lilndA of Build.
Gen. NV. filehards. Inure Lea. GOO. rale, Alfred
Fitter. Spark, NVIn. S. Grant. 'Choate , S.
Elite, (111eliVen 14. Uneven.
A EFILINv G. 144 K cu. President,
• DEO. FA Alen President.
Jar. W. NreAllestor, Secretary.
T. El. Roger, Asceraut
ann., Cur. Third Avenue and Wood UR
wr:sTuN INSIIIIANVE • (11,11-P'Y
Of Pit tsluvtirgli.
. • .
A I.FIXANDITt I:resident.
• W Meal. II EItRICILT, Ice I residesiL
. • vial. P. It ElilthlitT,Secretexy-
CAPT. Li Eti.NEEI,D. Cameral Agent.
Ohm 92 Witter street, Wang &Co.'s \ V &rehouse,
'VtiViii=-•aa'rit'i`ifall'aii kinds 02 Fire and Marine
Mats. A tmnir innt it utinn. manhand by Director.
who are Well known to tho community , . nnd who
ara detertntnnd by Pronspinenn cod liberality to
maintain the character aided they hare assumed,
me offering the best protection to those echo desire
to be insured.
Alexender Maack. John It.Cune.
It. Miller JP. . Chew J. Clarke.
Janice hicAnley. IL Kraus,
Alexander Speer, Joacpb Kirkpatrick.
Andrew Ackley, . Chlillp.KcYhter.
David M. Long. Morrison.
D. llaten. . •
l'helan;s Iding,
NO.' *2l Flll.l,,ALlTiliiNrill gr . ONI,
CAPIT/1;44;,P,10 UP .
ie Floyd: 8 '
rapt. M.
Iforttunn, A. C4l.tcobers.
1 1 allncc. 5.
31e 5. C1ue.19,n.. Jae. M.llal el.
NINE, 1l
EN I :144W: ! 1 : Vi de "'
)1' Pit tsbitvgli
tea noniron. all Linde Eird ton, SI
3011 N IRWIN, .In., l'ref.l.let.t.
T. J. 1105 INSON, Vico ProtiJaut.
Ht 1t trivm r.. - Fithneptock,
lluph S. Fleming
11 . aT , tockaale
sievl - •
ahwo., anS Marl
le 111 CT 011,
I:git •l \4Wr .
John E. Park, - • clusrles Arbuekle.
.11. tore, , Jared M. Ilmstt
Wm. Vali Kirk. i -Wet
James I/. Verner, 11,11}0el Alct S rickart. •
WM. 1.1111.1.1P3, President, .
10110 FATT Y Vice President
. W. GAILIKCEII. Secretary .
2flclthe SECOND
.ii r l T , „ .
~I MP. S
'I:.ST;t:: t • sdanL
Dittr.v.rotta: •
Jahn A. Alyler, Jas. Lockhart; .Ios. Mrers—
Jas. 1.. askant, Itabert 1.09, t'. Boyle.
at No, 107 Market M
b,..ut tn unentrpasaed in th '\V C' Al t r. ' ;r f r r r APEI :
iee no. Otter ep 0,0
PRb"' R e
embracing nll the tic e' "
In FRYnc.L .
PlabilAli and (ateci u°'
unor 3" .
pApri t t .,:t 4 Tll . NS, TIN 0 and GILTrAI ""
th R""Rdt"R ttet
and 111.—W ° —
111..drign herrha i '
; t
Market SL, lint Fifth Await
JOS. E. HUGHES 13110.
SPRING. 140.
40 INMIES. aide Milli at 75e per roil.
011.7-- great variety at Sue per roil. •
kinds at llsc per roll. -
KlitgiAlliT French and American paper Hang
Rs, not specified above. superior to any assort
ent in the country. For sale at
• •
••••w. rP. MARSHALL'S
WhOIPPI4e and Retail Slim 191 Lir h r
street. Pittsburgh. •
This Inviwite resort has been enlarged and im
proved Nillee lest season. Will be iiperilor guests
I y the Pennsylvania Railroad. nt New York. Phil
adelphia, Ilarrisburs gild Pittsburgh. All trains
shirr •t Cresson., ROOMS may be secured Insults
or Nestle.
been engaged for the sen.n•
For further Inforotetton. add re., •
G. W. MULLIN, Proprietor
__l/NE RNISITE n COTTAGE to rent- lettlY
ED: BARKER, Proprietor,
or. Penn St:and Ilth, formerly old Eau
gEra i r , i ,
34g:gr:lia:LIV",ZuerV,:siio. j:;;liim;e.
n mwpar.4 . • :!:o. 3 do, all sizes of spiekasies; lake
if.liquo — hal. and quarter barrels; Mate
Vialf.balf barrels; Labrador Denims' barrels and
amities: Salmon In kits: Holland Berri g,lOO gm.
R‘r sale
".". 14"_A l g e itA. &
cart) 172 and tll
361 River Ave.;-All gheny.
• (,'..BARN .. S
Sealer of Weifilits-.aial ) easures,
No. 5 FOURTH ATE., Pittqlnirgh.
COAT. pIIIOV tuova.
laSkt4 140
_rant street
Al) gaeot'or Indle Rubbcr Tubing, ennstanal
nn hand. st .
• , •••. , • - •4 0 .7% , ; -- •
v s , r tn tot J ACOU
111 . 1t111'1.1 , 7 And 119 Your. ave.c. was ad
mitted tt. ., commencing Jno.rl 1,
1.571.)... ,ty in of the tine here...W.lllb*
JACOB 8. -- lIUBLEY & CO.,
.J . 417. 11 B. “rIII.V.V
Jacob B. Bubley &
Dealer In Mole° .k naurlmrs and Frvnelk 0u...L
-em Frnlts, POre ertalna. Nita,
17 and ?}FOURTH - RENEE, Pithbutgh.
war rartlculu attention Siren tnturnl.Nn,
tl¢,C4laldinllP. SM.. In rI Iso.Nleals
nrctured to order, der end ermine._
The Prat of JAMES YOUNG and i:tiltkik: A.
BELL dine business, nder the W lf in' name or
YOUNG A. BELL. blurry Stables. doing boldness
at No. lion street. Is dissolved by shede•th of
Bebree A. Bell- All cialrottUsalnst. the above nem
aro to be Presented to Japnen Yoh. and Robert
Bell for settlement. who hare entered Int. , a Co.
Pnrtnerlthip to carry on th¢ Irmo business. 'All
debts due James Young anltleor.rts Bell wil l l ha
be paid by the new Urn. of James Young nd
Robert Bell. JAMES YOUSII.
I Pie. . A 41111,44 8e0..t. Bell.
PIISSOLUTION.—The . l'o-Partiaer•
bi o heretofore exiAtinir bet%een tho
‘ e:4111 " nr ". 7 . .. d. '47
1a.% 31 ' AIFIANS,nt she old 511111 J. 17,11 ' 11, 4P/ Wood
(111 i Wnier street, "hero the 1...c010
will he fettled, either partner tvglii. lo:113.1tra, of
the Orel in erstlionient. mr,L.
l'ln , m , lititl.. llo 7 l st,',Mt°.
. (Flueeessur ?I ICA Ns
holesale Gr'
Conley Nunn and WATER STREynk I%lw.
ISSOLUTION; , The rip.VII duel ,
.hip brceinfOre exlatlnF LelNeell JoLIN
spr.Ell. end t%11.1.1.A31 StsEhlt. and r the Hem
R e ne
k n
n rt:o=
Wethe ad e inst 7 Tb:business will be ‘ tvu tinued at
the old•stund wtd ull senteut4 id the hit urn set:
Lied by William SPeon
NO. 013. September Tern, 18150.
Motto Hinlet, by her next friend. floury Stn. ,
vs. James P. D. Billet. In Dlvorre.
And not, Jude 11th. 1570. on nudi//n of John
P. fenny. lay.. the eonn appoint 11. It. if EIVItON.
Conammotoner to tote testlmumy on belief
of hbellint In the nbove ruse.
NT Tii E cotna..
From the Record:
At le el: 3.1(1)II H. WALTY.N.
Ni/IICC Is hereby given that the undersigned i all
attend to the di les of his apivaltitnient at his of
BM NO:00 G t street. oiv I . I.IIfrADA V. Julfll9l
1870.ntligo'e ork M., where all leartit.s late est
ed may attood. i ,
Jula.s2.ft M. 11. lIIMIRON, Conelsvioner.
SHINS of l i gileitheny county:
No. 14. DeeeWiher Term. 1870. 1 I
Notice is hereby given that the report o f View.
. . .. ~,.
the above ease : wan prevented to reurt and
sled .1017 7, 1870, and confirmed .:1%4, to become
loolitte union ereeitlnn+uro illet!thWeto within
. . . .
JuisaiS_ _ .
,Vity Attorney,._
.a. AIKENS LANE. lathe City O of Pittsburgh.
Notice le hereby Oven that the usemnients made 1
by the viewers, lii the opening of Athens' D... 1
las modified hy t h a t Co. Is now in my hands
collection, and lf the airue he not p.m within
thirty days from the date hereof liens silt weld
therefor :limiest the priMmtlipyassessetto ,
Wrest, cost ..di fees. and the sume collected by
legal Process. l
. .1. F. SLAGLE, (Ili AttOrney.
JPI.T 12.1079_ .. ! i I 113
- p.xEcu TOR'S NOTICE.—A II persons,,,pd4. Indebted VNblIl2ll flgLirtirgehida:l;
Township. fillesheuy county. I's.. decoused i M
notified to settle the same with the tinders ,
Aduilnlstrator, with 1011 annexed of the sal Qt. i
cedent, at hlsi.Mce, So.l 90 Fourth usentie,Pltts..
jelly •A ARON/FLOYD. i
NOTlCE—Whereas, InJters of Ad.
MINISTRATION nn the Ps tote sot ISAAC
McKS ROTC. late of Baldwin township, deceased.
have been granted to the sobsetiber. ail permit.
Indebted to the said estate are requested to mum
immediate payment. and those having , rialms or do
mends against the estate of the said pendent
make known the smaciinthout delay.
IL W. MOHNItiIIT. Administrator,
mg/tril Lebanon.Albwhenr
- fiI . XECCTOR , 'S NOTICE. -- Letters
te.t...enuesi upon the estate =ER
HARDT ELLWANOtitt. late or Allegheny city,
dee'd. having been granted to the underalgoed,*ll
=lts =lrpaymen t . nd all parsonsl rah/
thecla~i~msapa Inat said estate In present -ri
Attoroara,o. FOR kltto emit, , Pitt.
hury h.
WM. F. ELLWANOSit. Executor.
Fifth Avenue Market House.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bia received until
FRIDAY ETNNIND. July .22d. INTL fur the
erecting of the Fifth ATCSIIIe Market Bogie.
on the comer of Fifth Stencil and Miltenberger
street. Pittsburgh.
Piens PM be seen end printed specifications ran
be had et the nMce of SAML LI. W. MCNABB&
Architect. No. 35 Bank Block. third door. Firth
The bl
erkett Committee reserves the right to ',-
feet MI Olds.
Security will be requirel for f °liniment of eon
The proposals will ho leAMELoll i timt iar.
mintendent of Merkel s_fYty Ralf.
juEnti Pal
Prrrs o unit. July 10.1970.
.ANOTICE. — The Assessments for the
Airedlngr,Pselng and Curbing of MULBERRY -
ALLEY. horn 2141 h street to 29th street, and ter
the Grading. luring and Curbing of DIAMOND
STREET, from Union street to Liberty etreet.
now ready Zro emonlnation. end run be seen*. MOS
°thee unt il MONDAY. JUly 114111, when It wtn be
return. to the City .I`ressurue• l. °M
MO ee [(wean..
.I. OBE.
Cltr Fninuner.
et I
en, ttsiontiXtl'o fiertost.
ClOO 00 ALLEGIixt , , Jaly 13. 11910.5
NOTICE.—The assessment for the
Construction of the VENTER Illddle &ley.
from North Avenue to Sompeon street, is now
ready for examination and the be seen at Ms
o i l nntll FRIDAY. July 7W, 1870, When it
oil be placed In the hands of the Cite IMAM!.
City idastineer.
Artnourcr. July Al. 11510.
Atsegionent for • e
matruetion Of the DOAUDWAL K on the
utter Plank Read. Is non ready for eramLnatlop
''an onn d ho aren at this °fern until TIICULSDAT.
,July 1!170. w hen It will be returned to the
City Controller to servo notice for payment Of the
CHAS. DAVIS. Clty FOitineer.
1 4 : 5 14 ItF i ltAS
EETY AVE.IIIR, kriAsanoxii i,,,,,.
ruissnAY EVENING. July 8 o'clock.
by order of 'Thomas X. Mazatlan. Esq., Assignee
of James P. Johnson. Esq.. will be sold the
second Wm, of Mellsrains'a Auction Rooms, No.
106 Smithtield war d. o .25 acres of Land,
situate In the 40th City of Pittaburgh...
fronting 200 feet on Liberty avenue. betw ee n
hady Side and lioup's Stations. of Pennsylvania
Maimed, adjoining the residence or lion.Tbottuis
lloward,and pro ..
pert? of A. M. Brown. Msg
hereorr erectts3 no •legant frame dwelling
house. frame stable and carriage house. and other
huh' cements.
/his Woven,. situated In n very deMrable local
ity. homes.. all that Is necessary fora destrable
and beautlfal residence.
Trvin—One4hird cash. balance, in elm end two
/curs. with' interest, secured or mortgage on the
F remises.
Intl .A.h_j9.l..l,LAlN_FL_Auctloneer.
l - 1 GA %V BENCE
-L-1- "Lid' ' N " A l °
.11.12. r.
Johneton. LW1..001 blt eat
en 'the premises. to Seventeenth ward. tat, of
11". f t et r el , ; , = • glii 'd tr 12 : :1"g;g1':
St. llt 'a arsenal ~
" (pat in depth along Porty-tlflb atm% to •
SO Wit alley.
Thy.. .opening jots, each .43 feet front on Bat.
ler street and 143 feet In gepth I n
feet Altai.
Tstillk—One-thlrd cub. balance In one and two
pe u g th •
i r
WbyA bnEg
.A d
c s e n loero.
Keeps constantly on Yana CLOT 119,
MtV d ESTltilla;
IHO G091)13.
No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St:,
prrrsßustait PA.,,
Gent's Clothing wade t order la the Lthost ,
_Was, .111
• -•
lexgra 487 0
mox. t . MU111.11.311/70 1
m.,•ehi..T.n.,„?;11. 10 811111 sister, Liao
et. Mak) We hare remised • large end=
lecied SW* of the best and moat Ism
floods In otu. Um a me. WM= of ate , •n!"'
eomM:tent of our ability to stye ye=
sailsfscooe, we resmal
entsoinattou of our stock of flue Croths.
4 No.lll Birth stsest,
A oplenald no 4 et.Ck pt
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c,
tai • Ilarcbust T. 11.7, 73 Ssaltllll•l4.itrest.