1 ITZTELICLAL. GOLD, 'SILVER, MEM COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, T-'l4. R. NLEI - rrZ, I BANKER, c s . Wood St. and sth Ave:. Jas. T. Brady & Co., =!r!ll=f1111119 o\)rner Fourth Avehoo . and Wood Street, BANKEIIS uism OF Gpvernmenl Seespritie.s, (;01,D, SILVER AND Mu paNs,, OS 310 ST FA YOU Alti.Y. TEILMM. , Interest Allowed on Deposits. loaucd I.lll.; , ,Crilment 11.nds at Wu ' Trit I.curn,lsm ur STOCKY, 11.,NDS 1,11 GOLD: lI=LEI THE DAILY GAZETTE. It. ./IttE.l3 Fltt:lT The Euarktt Is almost ban t bete Is out much lilqUirf for lt. We cue —nue to quote uoutianlly at AMlllttifor apple/ MONEY AND COMMERCE. Ire"r tar cud :htO to = • NEw YORK. July In, lsai. The unsettled feeling. caused by the uncer tainty whether war would be declared or not, has been succeeded by a quieter condition of affairs, and attention now in Wall street is entirely directed to the probable effect 'of the war on American finances. This will depend largely upon the amount of specie .ehlinuents, which In turn will tli•pend largely 'on the quantity of American securities - retur ned . from Europe. It is believed foreign .cahltal has will seek Investments in our hoods. while the deMand for breadstuffs and American products is likely to exert no important Influ ence on foreign exchange. The return of any considemble amount of American securities would perhaps. neutralize the Enropenit de mand for breadstii If s. The curliest sides of gold there at , Heti. after which time there was a decline to On a report. that England bad obtained suspension of hostilities for eight • days for egotiations, the price returned to 118 , 1, the fleet recorded sale in the room, mid adranced to 1111.1( on a dental of the above report. and dispatches haying - the hostilearmies were in motion and 'lOO were down to Mk: Id London. Subsequently the market fluctuated between Illeitalll6%. and Dually closed firm at lifiya litk• During the evening there weresoe light transactions at the Fifth Arenne Hote m l. . where. aver sonic , light fluctuations, It closed at 117. Car:Ting, rates edo per cent. Clear:ra ces .144,0i1d,05h, represent itto Yesteedn)'s boil netts; to-day's business will probably be as laras. Experts today hi.oN,lnd. and for the week tt..7tO,=. Of that toolay aunt Cho.ooo wits In silver. The bank statement Is most remarkable; showing enormous Increase of loans. speolu • and deposits. Loans, $2 . 4.777.310; increase, • 17441 3.7 091. Opeate, gll.l,6Sts: Increase, I:1,401,- , :'St ; circula r 10n.11.12.1e1'.715i; decrease. $1.U72,571: deposits, .g.et4..Te..555: increase, 51.1.00045,; le gal tender 0353,401,411; Increase, $112.:771. The cottbn movement for the weeks hows that the receipts at all ports were 9,474 bales, • and exports 18=1 bales. . Honey easy ut 4i..7 per cent. on call. Ster , ling quiet at 1.095:a1145• . In GM - crummy , t he teoilug Is decidedly bet ter and prices have advanced, closing very ' strong, though without mach activity. For eign bankers were buyers to some extent, and the home Investment demand was cod; while • the supply was quite mod-rate. Coupons 1 4 1, 13ta14; 9M449X:'01. 9:::Ct.90:: pi , : a 0 new, EINIZEN t( X: currency, 11 - ii,%Tas• ' State' ,securities quiet. Misiourls. 90N; old Tennessees. CO; new do. CIX; old Virginias. 05; new do. If; old North Carolinas. Li; new do, POW:, old Louisiana, 71';; new Levees, 11; Georgia fis. al/.0.7s;IlII•f• • ,; 'I Pacific Railroad bonds ore •iirmer. Union " stuck.. 73X; Drat railroad mortgage, tral de, liM• Stocks active and buoyaut on the theory trust the European war will •Indirectlv Inter fere brith trade. The receipts of leading rail roadit and the extremely favorable condi, ion of the banks made the market off a trifle after the Close of the Long Room, but It closed strong, especially Ohio and Northwest. The 'Rioted dealin La S ealing. In the afternoon were in New Fork Central. Luke Shore. flock Wand. Wab h and to. Paul. • Canton. 08; Cumberland . Western Union 31%; nickailver.4M: Mari0...04; preferred. Water Power, 15M; Adams Express, tri‘i; /5%; American. 43. , f; United States. 1.1‘; Pacific Hail. 42; New York Central, RE; Seely; Veit; Erin. =Si; preferred. fa; If arlem, Ulm; Headlug, tleA; Michigan Central. 118 M; Lake Shore; kW; Illinois Central. 1345; Pittsburgh, Wa - 'l';'lr.t.hd.";irse:rniie's;ierresfeeVrre&ntnl. Mg; Paul;64; do. preferred. 17.‘''; Wabash. L. do. preferred, II; Ft. Warne. 93; Terre Haute. X; do. Preferr ed GO; Chicago and Al ton.' IWO; do. referred, 11C; Ohio . and Mis alselppLlSS; C. C. and C.. el; Burlington, intl; Hartford and Erie. 3%. fkiston prices—Copper Falls, 0; Franklin, 3; • Quincy.Hi' Imports for the week—Dry Good 5...1445,75a; General Merchandise, $.177.04. Sub-Treasarc balance-bold, 571,443,45 G; cur reney, After alight fluctuations during the evening gold closed at the Fifth avenue Hotel to-night at 117. Orrice or tae Prrreurnau.7a7•Tv, • . . SATICTIDAT, July IC, 1670. t Clostn44 qunhatlons as received by Pb. 11 Mertz: (bold ' Ile Merchants O. Eo. Rei N. Y. Central 904 IEBI Bondi • 111 (Crafts . 5-3) Dodds 15a —lO9 P. Ft. W. it C 5-20 Bonds 1864-109 Ohio & Miss .... 34N lao Bonds 18245-106 Mich. Southern..;. 03% Consols 106 Cleveland lc P - 5.23 Bonds 18174-109 C. R. 1. & P 6-00 Bonds 14468...109 Chicago 8: N. W. Icni 1040 -• lin C. lt 2, W. Pref.. 87 Adams Express.. 67M Brie I ' Lam Avneal London Excbtaute Per Poona INT , LSI Pula Exchange per Franc =hi 2:1 Berlin Exchange ger Thaler r..: KJ Frankfort Exchange perFlortn . I'lli 49 Central Pacific It. IL Bonds Union P.E. IL Banda ' ST ea Clo 4 lig quotations as rops.iyed Jame. T. Griady & CO : Gold 181,1 5-911 Jan. d. Jy.1047. \ D. 8.114. 1829 1011 bablau.Skdy. 16417 9 9g 5.39.14 n. &Jy. lea 9 , 1; D. 9.201804 9)( U. P. IL It— 873 U. S. WM 18C4 1% C. P. R. .„ . sCg C. 3. 10440 ..... .„.. OM (P. PoolaY4 12g fETROLEI:3I MARKET. • Orrice or Pirrentotau Onte7 t • BarTapas', July 18, lent The oil market was again badly drporrit iced to-day, Prentithwir nnntisfactery aMmarenCe, and what is worse still Is tht4rict that there Is not much prospect at pnweit Of any immediate impittrient. It Is genMally believed that. Trance .111 attempt to bloctride all the. German porn. Including Antwerp, Homburg., and BremeM and It is rumored that all foreign Orden hate: been withdrawn, that sxyoriera Instead of being boyars urn alluring to sell and that miracles were offered in New Yprk to-day at a sexy material decline. -The question very naturally raises, If the. export demand Is to be cut off, especially In TIONV of the large and constantly increasing produc tion, how will nil the oil be disposed of / and when will a market be foiled for it? If the supply was tally up to the demand with it liage'export trade, how will. It be If this ea r,* trade should be cut off, and it Is this that tuts. io badly demoralized the market and earned within the Lint two days such a big de th ee la prices. -Roan are entertained how, eier, that the dillimattes which are, now so certainly embarruslaa the oil troden - 111 be of short duration. and that. the dark clouds that now haog over the market will soon break and' atm Clyde - this week. etitati bide; inist week,.1.7.1116 Jammu - 1m to date, %Vail same time list ear SAW Bloods:of refined this week. Il.:lsl±isl.werilcs'a.l.l3: fromJonoora' let to date. same time lest year. 24741 . Sales this week. mama - bbls crude; WOO bids refined; last week, %MO bbls crude; 91,trq're fined.. . • I • . - Munn. . • IL`ouipared with iisterday priieshave declin ed mother-half-cent, and buyers .seem to think that the bOttom has nut yet been touch ed. gale a. bhis epot at ION; 1,000 seller July at 101(; 4100 seller - August at 10g; .100 spotst at 101, at 1010.•• Latest—July 100.10 g; and Au gu4lox. I= . Nn sale. re u Potteu. Jab* quoted at MN. and August at al. A telegram from N ew t or t carstes otterlapa Pkwlth a rumored sett!, meat at Zit. It. Is am Y necessary for any us who Uto doubt about the market be d moralized to take a glance at th e 000 .,. at . .sossl compare theca with the quetetione t hi days ago. RECIIITS Carp. OIL. I • . I Gallagher 444. an account patrlck & Leona 894. on acequnt A 'Gold rle Waring & King we. on mme; same msa on account LW Young; Peerleas On Worka 148, on account D 8 Duncan; PA Bates &A on account D C Herbst: E L Good velnrt. .0 , avant B Barbour, Brilliant Oil Works a*Oonnt Lockhart. F & Co; A 1t.111114 Fp, on co count W Bartle; Ereelsor Oil Co 148, on ac count W E Cotton. Total 1 Baltimore. BaLTDrOnit. July 16.—Flour taelted and Unsettled; accurate quotations cannot be Wen. Breadstuff* dearer. close and firm. wheat; new red #l,sol.ara whitesl.faßtl.Ult. water[ $1,31(0140. Corn; white Slatal.la. Ptaar $10461.07. prime do held at *1,07 el.lO. pats 112405 c. Mess pork firm. BM sides @Lao. Lied rib 1; ji; !Vag! hams 7{4;lliy it SLAB 1 ii ;t Omen Ms Prrritacanti tiarxrrx , t I SATURDAY. July l The war news within the past forty-eight' hours has put quite a different face on our markets, particularly fur tiur. wheat. sugars nnd coffee; - all of which are considerably' ex cited with, a stiff upward tendency. There has been quite a change in the situation. Loth present 3131 i prelim:olre within the lia,t reek. and. treat tin -sent 'appennence, there ill Lea still greater change during the week to come. Thiiiwur tens, as might be expect ed. lois 0 tendering tr. Rtl lisle SpeCUlStiOn. ho d o r oody a speculative feeling hits been in- I raged into the articles ntsive named, as well otherri not mentioned. and we should not Le .nrierr.rill to SRO quite a flurry in, commercial circlet within the neat week. or t ecu, Romeo thlng'ilmilar to that which' prevailed at the out break of the rebellion. Gold was up udg to-day, and will probably rise to ILY) within a very brief period, and with it we linty look for corresponding appreciation In nearly all of the lending commodities, excepting cotton nil pet talcum.. Some of time eastern houses ave instructed thuir agents here nut to offer ny sugars fur the present. :and %Odle our gto ery.lionseS ore supplying their ens. °niers at lilt or no advance.. yet, we sitm not believe but they would sell a round lot r.f either cog. .r conee nt present quulat tuns. ASllES—Lnetiangta; common soda ash. I; it‘litettris im.dUX: Pots 7,14. APPLEin llmituQ suPPly :and gem with eg War 4eles m WA per Phi tar good to IlltoOMS-•St ore prices; Fancy, /5,50; No. I. i 1.41; No. tt. ft; No. lb gd.is Cusstueln, REANS — (tuIt:C.SO4I,74 per both. LIROOSI CINN-1s dull. 1t1d.1.1 els. Itt'rrEic-- Custer the liable.... ul ,Ihniuhdt ed receipts the market is Orme, though prises ate uuchatigetl,l64l4) for fair to Ulu. , —choice might bring .. .a.. 1201iNSI N.A 1.--tt:rdA.l per bu..hel. MIN:KENS of spring clad:ens ut egra. 65e, per pate; and lull grown "nes at litteld.Sl per pair, as to size natal euuddion. ' CA NM IN OIL-1s dull but wittteut quotable Chang, ''..ttiCtt:,ite for standard brhuds. In n jubbtug stay. • CHEEN--Tue dentaud seems to be (untrue log settle Whitt . thnttglt prlees oreunehnelleth sales 01 Ohio Factory' nt sad Ohio ',Whiten ILGUS -Continue' dull and drooping, NV It b a ipply considerately In excevt of the demand; We 110 W quote at giCIX=. FLOUlt—The tioirXet lr strong nd consid erably excited, nod prices are blotter and lend ing upward, and, an always Is the cast' whe prwes are looking up. dealers generally WOllll ratter hold than sell. being apprehensive Ilia Mc!' tsar have to replace at a higher Hadrr than they are now selling at. Good to outlet western flours may uow be quoted. la store and choice XVlSconsla anti .Minesestoe. . • . . • ',prows at $l. Itye Hour *No tilt-ON—There is an active milling denoted for wheat and. willt only limited offerings. paces are higher and tending upward: We now otiose at sl.lstohls for good tie prime end— rude tour cam at O,Z. Outs antler but not quo tably higher; we can report soles to go Ewa at NI, I ree on board, and In store dealers are not ing Ufa& Quito a number of car loads have been sold to go to Philadelphia within the mutt few nays at. an—no more. Cons continues very dull: there is no marglo to soh , lsod on ' local Inquiry. as feeder, do nut 'went to be .....llug n; now be tooted in the absence of sales at e.IOON. It Is but proper to remark. however. that there is not touch uttering. Rye is stronger stud higher- sale of 1 1 / 1 1 banks at cd—nary be quoted at Katm. No movement to burley. 0 lIIKERIES—Tbe supermarket is consider evidentd and much stronger. which Is ev from the fact that some of the brokers received orders from their principals not to notice for the prenent any often , in sell. As yet there Is no material advance in this ar- Net. that Is to regular customers, but. as s al ready intimated, a round lot could not be libucht unless at a Pretty stiff Increusq in price. Bard sugars mar be quoted at 14...,014Ne. Coffees also Muter and higher In sympathy with gold. Syrups dull. It bl3lP—Oaleit of undressed Kentucky Ilemp . 11.11 —New crop is selling front country *P'4l:4 and old at 11 .shr. (On, husks. ad.:DI LlNlE—Niles of Clevelaud at getgi per bbl, and eastern ate 1.75. LARD OIL—No. 1 extra is quoted at Eistida LT.:, the outside Sgure for well established Westeiu brands. PROVISIONS—Market trot but quiet, with the exception of hams. for which there is an active demand. Shoulders at Vets for plain. and 151,;aid fur Sugar Cured: tildes: 1155 1:){ for Bibbed Sides:l74l,l:U for Short Ribbed. 1:34661S for Clear, , Sugar Cured Hams LSS.iy.24. for fancy brands. Breakfast Bacon.lo. Mesa Pork $41./441.31. Lard. 11 in: too, and . 1 , 411 IS‘‘ hike., and buckets. PEANUTS—DuII. Tenuessee.SZO I'OTATOES—The arrivals are increasing, nod prices tor both old and new are lower. We now quote the former at 504f55 per bushel, :ted the latter at. 5.3,50e4 per bbl. SEEDS—We can report a sale of flax seed at and it is dull, notwithstanding the star :Let is almost bare. mmuiezni TELKOR 11.11 New York,,. • , NEW Youtio Julrld.-- . Cout;u dull' and Ousel tled: 'sales of C.lO bales at, for utiddlior up lands. Flour receipts 4,71 r; bbls: flour active and er.lnted and 233511' higher; sales of r.noo .bbla including bills for shipping eriuts. forward delivery, chiefly State at $8,28; , 15.77 , for superfine western and State; 15,75,a ==l gond to choice do; tellrorteidll for white ss bent wastern estragi if:LK:at:3n fur extra 01:10i 26.3 , 447.1 ,1 (..0 good to choice ibi: fii•Cgix.fo Tor extra St'. Lonif: market closing. Urn,. its. dour 10115 c higher; sales of Vii.ai bbl. at-I:.C. ;464:3. Corn meal; gale. of Uflo bids at T:g3itix 0.51 for former' western. and 95.9tra6,u0 for Brandywine. Whiskey . inlet Of 33U blits at /I.oo).fel,ulSu. Whmtl: receipts 44.311 bosh: wheat active and excited and Salk higher; gales • of "M1.5(t1 Muth at for No. 1 spring; 11,35111.41 for Na. 2 Mil waukee. latter prime choice; /1.2531.3:. fur So._ Chicago: 91..tNt1.25 . for No. 3 pring 11 hoe choice: T1:.1131.T1 for Na 2 Chicago; 1 , 1-730.1.25 for' Nog sqwing: ea.4l.te for ae jecttul and tnix'cul spring; 91.47a31.hr.fur winter red and anther:wester= eLrozet.s4 for amber. *LfalCsl.6s f red nd amber State: sit.l.7 for Whites:si or nglet - a: a 11.74 - ....1.es for white Le btate.. Rye dull. Corn acute and Xr...be higher: re ceipts. 59-1 , 3 bush: saleg 113.4140 bush at Weis 01.111 for new western mixed: i1.hb 1 1. 1,3 for yellow; 11.1$ for whit... flat:: better: re ceipt. ..e -.: bush: gaits lit II hugli, It teraatc for WeSterli: inhale for olio" amt Crate, ling in fair requegt at larti.ll. Coffee nous r and srm at sll.ll Sugar a 'Am.', (Inner. cairn l:X0 lapis; Cuba and P.M, Ili, Na 1.11: 1.110 Loxes Ilacann at laii i itlio,•.. Mohhne, brio, gale. 311 1:14: .Slaseiit.la Yi - U,3lc.i . Turpen tine nutter at atif:L.:. • Hier no _. , , .i ad. 40 , Petroleum heavy and luwer:-ti nned 23isare. Pork dull at gales Mt tails at 029.11 fur Jut, lot mess. tie for eSt l',l h . sale. of gab 1.1.10 July del ire, at u - hbla August deflect,. at 1;21,;.1. • - "r"'' , Id at higher. sales of fin titil4 Cl $l2 WWII 0) for plain mess and 914 toottlil tot for cilia, meta. Tierce beef very quiet and nee. see hue,. dull at 214423 r. Middles Mortice. Lard firm and quiet: sales of Vol kegs at 1.44619 , 1‘ for city; itztrAi for common western; 16)S for prime. nutter stead at INC.= for western. X.2= for State. Cheese eat at 710141 i• Freights firmerto Liverpool: wheat by steam iisi; London by sail ad: Glastowity steam Id. Flour 3. (kit to Cork and 'orders fis ed per quarter. Metals--sheeting copper gale and unchanged: hight firm and moderateir Awl lee it 332149/.4; Baltimore 210. Lake if Iron firmer and quoted at InitlSlli for and 1111,33 for American. Bar quiet at II for relined. Sheet dull at 1101,11 X gold for flutist. Nails Arm. baled—}}'lour closed at If/Q.:nr higher Pipet change and wanted. Wheat held at ataie higher and In good speculative demand. Rye dull. Oats held at 1320 higher. Corn held at1. , ?3,3c higher and unsettled. Pork and lard Ann and quiet. Beet firmer and wanted; lain mesa gltald; extra Inn,. Bacon dr " :ititg Valet . I=3 C:FIICA(3O, July 16.—Exchange anvivintri Flour active at ft:Q.6.50 for caring 4.xt Wheat active and eltited and :41,5X,c high . with sales of Nu. 2 at $14(01,51ca.h, and 641=1 seller for July. g1.1.1rd.1.M.3.1. seller for ingest, the market closing easy at $1.17X cosh, mad El= seller for August. This after noon the market was active, at $1,19X0M..11 seller for July. W... 40 X4IIIX, seller fur August. Corn active and higher, with males No. 2 at 823114 c cash and seller fort all, and strong seller for - August. the market closing strong at o f rash, and frie.We seller for August. This afternoon the market was Irregular, at tc13(0.11 , 4c. seller for July for N 0.2. Oats Ne higher. market closing at 4Bc east, for No. 2. MY. Witte higher, closing at 4e for N 0.2. Mar ley inactive and held firmer. Ilighwinea ac tive and le higher. closing strong at Sec for Iron bound. Provisions active -and higher, closing at IMI for .mess Pork; Me for lAN; 12..Ve for drysalted shoulders; I.We for short rib middles, loose. Freights a m firm and lc higher. - at tic for corn to Buffalo. The receipts for the past twenty-four boon IVerO3,M3 bar rels flour. 6,1478 bushels wheat, 160.1711. bashal• care, 2. - 104 bustle. oats, 2.1/Mbmthela rye. 1.166 bushels barley. and 3,406 head of hogs. Tim shipments were 3,474 barrels fit ur.21,575 basks wheat; tes,44s`busto corn, 1M.11311 bush, oats. 1.00 busks rye, Mlobushe barley, and 3.74 head of Loge. Hogs are 2:o.4fic higher, at fil,:1109,611 for fair to choice. Cattle are lees active at to.7sreAri) for common cows to choice steers. 4fittelnuad. • • Cfa*CigNATl,July 10.—Flonr active and tfie higher. with sales 11.1910 bids family at taa11;...6; extra $.5,16066,00. Wheat 36114 e higher, but the demand was light; red, winter was generally held at *1.15e Lao for Nos. and 1: a lot sold br Weber, - at. $lO, not quite No. 1. Corn,. Weber, With sales artl.c for round Inca: genes: ally - held at 1 11 , 395 c. Oats firm at 666161 c; de mand lair: ady at $l.l 1,6 8 for new fall. Cotton en 114e quiet at neagill. 'Barley ste t irely nomina awith no demand. Whisky sold to a fair extend at 46,401.06 c and the feel lag was rather better at the close. There is a stronger feeling to Provisions, thongla no de mand for Mesa Pork or Lard. Bola Manta . = lower and held at 121.‘4 1 .16415M431 6 c; there la not much offered sett/cap odes. There was a good demand for bacon and 160 hhds sold at 134'e for shoulders, 16X4 - 417e for clear rib oldest and 17,14alitc for clear: all held rather higher nt the cloth. say 14417416c..ami these rat u es were fll offered buyer Augilst. Sager cured llama ad y vanced t V. 1% and are held at 24c. Butternod Cheese unchanged. Gold 116 buy ing.• Exchange dull at WO discount bT -- ' log. QOM ST. LOUIS; July leth..-'foloicco doll and un changed., Cotton nominal. Hemp unchanged. Rope and hanging unchanged. Flour firmer; fall aupergnes42.l4ts4.l4: X at $4.:5; XX at r.:.5. %Cheat firm and higher; newfall. at {; No. 1 do. at $; ohoice gia1.14Z4g1.41). Corn firm and unchanged: trilfc;. ed at Kg; yellow at Bfic: If Lite itlair,S. Oats firmer at 49,47.4."''c. nye steady 'at 77Ctaie• Whiskey doll and lower at U60117e. Groceries unehangtvl. Pork firm at Woe: order lots held at Rite. Moon firm at 10/14X; shoulders, clear rib at 1;ge; clear nt Manic. Lard: roun d IMs sold at Ifo.fc: Jobbing lots, at la.tl eine. Cattle and hogs unchanged. • - Dry Howls al . • NEW Youx, and oretaal business continues Inert, and pricessettling down to a level that must ere long glee Impetus to trade. Canton flannels are opening at a low settle of priors. Amoskeng A brown 28 Intel reduced to ire , do AA Z 3 do bleached 80. Eller ' fon brown adli=Xe, do bleached =Me. do T bleaohed,Ple,Oo N brown Tic: worsted braids, PITTSBURGH DAILY both In c immon and high colors. are selling 'damn to 52Xc1.55C. Prices of printed calicoes are itbout being fixed for fall styles at 11XC far. tinners. Pacific, American and Merrimac: 12xe for Merrimac W fancy. 12c for Cache., fancy and 13c for Ilobe4le Chambres. . Cleveland. Cm:vm-txu, July la.-}lour firm -with an upward tesider. Wheat firm mid 2c better: No. 1 red sl,:.tf: - No.-2 t 1.30. closed VerY strong. Corn better: No. I mixed Wm No. t. do held at Plie. tints dull and nominally unchanged: No. 1 State held at 118 e. Parley entirely nominal. Petroleum-nothing doing and it In dIITICUIt to give quotations: oriole nominally $.ll, nominally . ..Xlc per gallon. Philadelphia. Pllll-1.1)13.P1Z1A, lair 10,-Floor firmer; in pertine era'. eZtr,.ll7 north Western Wheat advanced nc: Inrilann mgt *1.41)41.M. live steady. Corn dull; tolled western flert Oayi held firmly. Provislow. acareC 'And' nricectinn. Moen r , ork tacan,r,o. Lard 11;1(a Petroleum nominal; crude 1674 e; refined 2:ri!....n , je. Whisky very dull but unelme.i. • 4.).‘, coo. Onmtho. July in. - - Flour 'in Kock! ilvinalul and Sile higher: with suing of 2:00 eltwing nt t 7 for No 1 spring. 17.75 tor amber winter, #.84',5 for white and $9 for extett. Wheat hittit er and exelted.'with saes 2i1,001 Itawb; clotting nt $1,35 for So 1 noting. Corn eadv and quiet, with Rale?. hush Not:saw', Loultortile. .1 - An'n , sql•LE..3ulk firm utakt. 81 e. 11. our active: family 411,50. Grain glutei. Wheat sl.lnat.:%). Corn t..1,h1.- ltye 1,111. Oats ate. Provislonn quiet but higher. Pork noe; tmeoall.Wi.trY44.l.lnik. Hulk meats 1:P.41644 - 1.17's e; hams: sugar earssl, Ault re. Wht.kr 9ne. I=l * Nor Oni.r.aah.Juls . bl.—Flour. lowed :su pertlne '4:X3i: double extra ss,:re treble ex tra tI. Corn Urtner NV Ith ulixed ni alorttl; yellow and white $l,lO. Bran tra4l.lC. BaY 'timer at teltiZl: choice t 25. Other ankles unchanged. Sterling I. MEMO • MILWACKKE,Iv U.—Flour mere 11.1% Wheatunsett led nt QI 2.1 tor No. I; 4.1 Ito to N0.\,.2... . ttat4 hiFher at for N 0..! quiet at for No. 2. Detroli. DErROIT. July 111.--110111 . bail 1414E1188g ed, with choir. ,t 1 1. 14 - 47.50. Wheat excli..4 anti Lc higher, kit h v‘lnt 01 $1. 40 11 ,1 • 17 . $1.58, nniber 51,44. 0410 (Inner; St al , 57, 1313==! NEw Ottl.r.snsi . .loly irrettulit it entirely 1111 l iinitl; initiling , : 1;•,r; Saii . 11,..ita • 1~. exhorts and lick nlll.Ol. 1311.0111 S BY RAILROAD CLEV9l..ead Asld 1-trrstutnou 1101000 tn. C•aIiPAKS. .fair Id—d cars lake stip ore, Mc - Knight. & Co; I dodo, lit,, burger, P & Co. 2do do,Voioo Iron Mills; 2do J do, Brown & & ..3; 2do C do, Clark & l'o; Ido SLdb, J Polo ter & Som 1 110 do, Chess, S & Co; 4 do blooms. Nisolck & Co; 3 Cars p Iron, Heed, G & Ido do. talon Iron Mills; 25 has starch, 111 hhd do, 2 crates do, Dllwortb. 11 - &"Co;I5o Las starch. Arbockle„.o Co; 22 has do. 2 crates. S Escort; 25 do starch, Carter, McCI 4kCo; :LI do starch, M 11. Rankin Jiro; 35.01.1011th*. Slack & 1 4 ; 65,1041 shingle, II A Mardort; Ft sks c lime, C Pemble ton; 45 case, W Ml Ilormlep; I car ice, W Scott & Co:2 kegs t °tme°, 1 bx cigars I. Straus & 0: 11.54 ft saw. Lippincott & Co; 10 cases tobac co. 1.7 Blanchard: u haildleese,.l Pauli; 610 0— ash* J lisonplartus; able shoi/der,Dall aell & T; 4 bxs, 1 bbl bottles, Kramer & II; 1 sks coffee. Rinehart & 8; 00 ban cheese, J It Thom ' us: 2001 ntc, Z Wainwright; 8 cmpt bbl 241 do: - Spencer. MILK: 21 LAD! bottles. J C Buffutu &Co; 11 roll's leather. I) Fitspatrlck & Soo; 1 keg c wheat, I do o meal. W McClure; 54 Mrs, wheat, Js w p.. Pine. Addy & W . ; keg , batter, Day Si Co: hO sits a atuff, kaiaks wheat: Kell & II; ell bbls. B D Moore: 8 do eggs. W 11,Ur012 &Co. 4 bo rno.r.. I !MI Nor, Houck, J & Co; Ido eggs. Ibx dn. 11 Ilea Jr, bbls, 231; dodo. Head & it; II Ott butter. W It Grail & 40,; 2 bbls egg, S Drcol; 1 do. I do. do, blend & chair, 3do apple 4do cider. Voir. M.O. 72 s 24 c s do s. . N Whiting: lot hhd goods (1 11 , Prrrsucitait CINCIN&ATI AND or. 1.01 , 10 RAILROAD. July 110-2 ears wheat, Kennedy & tiro; ado blares. limit & Oro; 1 do iron. Dar bough & Co; Id bp; wheat; .1 S Leggitt & C0:25 lads h wines, Rodleheint & A; 25 do do; Stan ton & Wallace; 100 do flour. Shunakerd & L; 100 do do Dan Wallace;l cur oats, Robb & II: I .10 .1, .1 C Sell:11114W Co; 12 pkg.: tobacco. ll' 31iller; 22 bcs wheat, Si Henry & 1100 d; 2 bbl, eggs, 1 . Craighead; 2 b gg 0060. J 0 Graff; 10 pkgs,tobacco. Carter, McGrew & Co: :41 tea der h.,. 3 lea dry beer 15 tads oil J 11 Parker; LI.) oil bldg. J 31 Itli et; 3 ton beef. W It Hors & Son; 4 Lads eggs,-31 IMIs potatoes, Bruggerman & O'Brien; 31 do do, II Ilea. Jr; al pkgs toluscco. C I) Arosthal; 30a10 candles. Watt, L & Co; 8 do tobacco, It M Allen; 39 d., d 0.41 W Jenkinson. 2 cks shoulders, Rees Owens; S bits oats. Kell & Bitchart; 3 kegs butter, J.l Pettit. 4 bids eggs, Volgt. M & Co; 1 130,1 sugar, Miller & Co; ass 001 0 . hf do wheat. Mesnor & Harper. 40 les lard, 51 do .00100. F Sellers & Co; 154 hides. Popp & Baker; 166 Ogs barley, I Dickey & Co; 3 pkgs meat, .1 P Manna & Co; 16 pkgs tobacco, W & 17 Blue hart; tear wheat, B Wallace; 1 car Mayo. C Eberly; IS bbls potatoes, It Fee & Co; 2 tcs baton, 1 , 1 llceson; 4 tea dry beef. E 11 Myers. Z: , Co; hide tobacco. Wertitun & Rem Ido meat. Dnlzell & T: kU Ibis dour. owner:1110 pc, %etre, 12 do bile notatoes..l II I.lnolncott • PITTSBURGH. FORT %V.IIIWL ARO Cmc.too Itall.noko. July 16.--15 hides. Pitts Tannery Co; In too haans..l 1' Hanna Se Co; A bblo st2ing. 2 do grease, Harris & Ewing; 50 do alcohol. I lostetter & Smith. bbls dour. owners; 100 do do, Seglttnyer .t 100 do do, Watt, I. & Co; 12 oho. 1 bhl pearls. .1 0 Canfield; •11 elks tags. Ii Chri ,, ty; 15 bblo apple.. 3) boo cheese. t'oigt. M & Co; ''- cars Ice J Snyder; kl bso cbeeie. Dliwortn. - 11 & Co. 10Utlour, John Por terfield:lS:: bon so glass. C Ihtnneu .t Son: the rags, McCullough, Smith k Co; Ma bbls dour. owner:2o bdb , broom hdlo, Mel:troy .t • ALLTIRIANY V. 01.01 RAILROAD. Jule hldes.ll) bbln tallow'. 3 Hammett & Son: 3 rolls leather, Graham & 4; 711 mks rags. Mc- Cullough. $.4 Co: 150 aka oats. IMn Wallace: 4 Nils salted bld ff entelpi , c ll Anderson; t. rolls i & k .tion: l ' ear ru L e terl ‘ .C e e: 4 mltlf. d f car grain. Hingham C & 1;o:.'. pkg. butter. 2 A L .1 lu.inen.rd. . ALLTA/ItNT STATION July 10,-1 Ltd cogs. Knobltm & Co:I car C Patterson; 22 As flour. 39 do middlings. Hlppley & 13: 25 bill! il. Bermes. B & Co: I oar lumber. Dark. P & Co; 10 bids apples. 10 do potatoes, Fred Owens; 2 can lee. 9'. Krebs: 4 rolls 1 ll & A 'Friend; I car lima Johnston & Co: a 7 hides. D Mutant 11 oks wool, M D & 1 II Fullerton: 1= Mike.' J Stoehr:lth: 40 bon cheese. J Ii Stoddard:2 cars reheat, Kennedy & Ilro. I= PITTMiIEMOB. ISNOWNSYILLN AND GENEVA PArtgrr COMPANY. Jule 10.-54 skswept A El Owlisle: sks oats. pkgs butter. Repsrt; alert outs. I pkg butter; Ilcersekek. fr p Co; 10 bge oats. Hitchcock. , kferrerry es Co; :1 pkgs butter. 4 dr. W3I. MeKLROT Ageul- = la lillEELINI:. t 1t1.2. .2. ETTA, PA RKER PR HLONTON AND PORTSMOUTH.. - Lettres Pittsburgh EVERT T-4 P. Leaves Portsmouth EVERS MONTAT-10 The new and splendid pusenitai reamer - C L JIANITE STATE, W. H. Ems wilt Imre as announced. For !retain to parasite apply on bestra or to I= Low ea miwitifiirm. FtTE C OI I I I S I O: I I : U I IE.MataFt . ANT, RED RIVICIL,Tbe two, rte tor C..t RHIN CONVERSE ..... ....Cant.Exo.)tet, Wilt tenet, for the i.More end Intermediate port TItIS DAV. the lsth thee ; O r t l❑nt t rl=4' ' . l 4. l. t. tir, Ot Jul` to FLACE . R COI.I.LNLVWCiOu. Arent*. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND //PEENS TOWN.—TILE INMAN MALT. sTICAMS/111 . A.Ittenbetingetsteen clase reeeehl, Vows thee:. the 4'131 y EMIEEM L.H. FULTON YOITON & MUNN, Practical Plumbers, MLR AND STleAlt 1171 . 1013, Fifth-Seen. near Illgh Street, Manumit, P. Lead Pipe, er Mee. Gas Finned, Sinks, Bath Tabs and AN as Stando, Iron Pipe Me Tutnea end Beer Pumps, and Steam Coca. always en band. Ala Public and Meals • Manna* etula low wltia WSIAIi MI6 SWIM ii/114.1111 Arrallaqi, Jobbing IRON AND STEEL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. ,I,EII, BAIN NA KIN, WICK: So. 339 I.lbelly Street, orr-ttru; PITTAWKOR. PA. DUQUESNE WORKS. Col eman,-Rahm I=l IRON, NAILS; STEEL, Axels and . Springs RugrEssE,.i. I AND JUNIATA. TI.AT EAR. ROUND AND S(LtA r liK IRON, RAND, HOOP,SII EET ANTI TANK IRON, lIIIILKR PLANKS AND II PIAIW, GUARD IRON. DRAG AND DROPPER EARS. FLA NOKS, CUTTER RARS.CTLI ri DKR IRON. 1' AND FLAT RAIL. for Cool R.ath+, I'lto WDA W EDO ES and HARROW TEETIL SPRING, PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEM. STRKI, WINGS AND MOULDS, rat to pottem. sTrEwri at r.S,STV:ELSIIAFTINtIi A Is Krim., r05)11, WAIIIIN SPRINGS mold I'ol' NAILS AND SPIN ES. All Gone lm Class anti Warrank4l OFFICP:ti AND WORKS-16th stre.l. and Alla shoe Veer, a1..1 77 %Vaster atrvel, Pittsburgh Steel Works. K,TA 111.ISTIEN IN tits. ANDERSON & 'WOODS, I=l Best Relined Cast tee] OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. ALSO.. Best Refined German Plow IL Spring Steel. CORNER RU>l9 AND FIRST AVENULille bulgh. PITTSBURGH .7Voveity Works. FOUNDED A. D. 1833 Ii . IOORTIEAD . , ADAMS & CO "111'7=1;VJ1}:EREYINV,11011ri • . SCALES. Janos Faccd Patent Door Locks and Latches Paint and Matte ROM, tc.. Corner of FIRST ACCRUE itud GRANT ST& Pittsburgh. Pa. _ . Sheffield Steel Works, SINGER, NIMICK & Co., = =1 Cast and German Steel, RAILWAY SPRINGS. ' l ' . ELLWTIC AND PLATEOIt 9PRINO9. AXLES, STEEL IEIE, Sr., Sc. WAREFIOUSE—S3 Wat:erand 10 First streets. BLACK DIAL. OND . - w - STEEL. R 185.(...) 1 ,, PARK,BROTIIE & CO. ) manuractums of all Pe rlptlono of STEEL erzNttACIIFE-th, 31s and Railroad I. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o COOK sTovEs. Get the Best! BISSELL- &. CO'S TERTMPIT; For Bituminous Coal: Warrantee to 000 K. BARR or ROAST as Fell re any other Stove in the Union. BISSELL & Co., No. 235 Liberty Street. Also. ON RAND AND FOR SALE PARLOR STOVES. . HEATING STOVER, ORATE MONTS. FENDERS. COOKING/ RANGER, Sc. GRAFF, HUGIJS & CO, lilainufitcturert or gem v . artety of STOYFS Boston(looking Range "THE FIERY FIIRWE" • FOR WARMING HU I ...Q. . '7 , - - 4- -, ,. c, TR@ NEW ANTI-DUST WITUVE. - REGULATOR, - COLUMBI A !WOVE. VANN (ClodortaLl Pattaml PO AB . )( ANON, CAST lIION MANTLES. WEL VE' EFLEC- Tolt ORATES. fires from dirt VI ii a writ FRONTS. ERNI/KR:4.M. . 206 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBURG% PA. A .BRA_DLEY& CO. No. 20 Wood Street Manufacturars of the amitteat Variety of MOIL PARLOR and MUTING STOVFN to be found. M I A%To MAW \'EII6NTtI, and will teriSrt n, f;AT: Urn of our Steam Is each tint any one In want of flegitV6t e tattlberrl b irtieTrorrhT=Tri : cable an wen al economical. Would twit particula r attention to our new VOLCANO STOVE. for churches, hall, and atom.. Over 300 sold lit three f . tott. v. in n izdir= a p rgt=n t it m uLitriz io, .% azArinttnd far cheaper , . Band foes etateueand WO WINES, LIQUORS, &c. , ..... IVAGNFIVS FRI'NH COLORIX The Very Best is the United Rata, ANUTACTURED BY WM. 9NI North Smooth Street, 4 Mits!cia—All tbs . leadim tio=otn.Pbll•- Schmidt & Friday II PORTERS WINES, BRANDIES GINS, &e ROLESALE DEALERS 'IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos. 384 and 386 Penn Cor. of ELETENTB ST. formerly Coo JOS. S. FINCH & CO =NE=XM STONE WEST COllOlOll Machine Stone Woiks Ifortimost owner of WesiklonamokroLtlephoP7.. MUM ATVATZR CO. !Uwe oP P.P4 Pre ii ‘ on short polka Muth Ip . t h *MB= . Bldawsl i t .11mm, Gen rwonabl, Onus RAILROADS 13 EN SS I Ll' AIN Li CENTRAL „1:A1L.... .1_ . ROAD.-Alter J.,. 12th. 1870. Teal wlllaiiri arrive and depart a. f Winery: ' s.. ggartvattlt Irtallenjtit Through Tralna i 77)rough Trains .- • Leave Unlan litre). , Arrive at Union De I. Paean Kx 11:30 ant Ilan Train... _11:4 am IMall Train S.lO am gam Line li:1 . ant Minton A c.... 11.1.10 am fledinnatl Ex.l 0 ant elncln t tl Es ...10,33 pm Intob•gh Ka.. • ..1 poi nu. Nem. 3.30 pin ractelc Ex 10. opm TRW Line. - 7:40 pin Way Newer-10 , opm I.OfAL.i ocal.. Warm No. 1..- 8:31 nm • Walls N 0.1.. 0,44) ant liValr ../ e N0...11 :0 am Brlrin Anti...l 7:.10 ace . Wall's No. 3.. 311. Pm. Wall's no. gl.. 8:30 an. 1 j 0 b e ,,,,,,,,, An, 4:03 pm Jahrtatown Ac. 9.40 am Wairallo. 3... 813 Pm Wain ) N.,. 3.. t , 0 Ina Wall's No. 4.. 3: OPm Wtol t e.n. 4. • : 0 Pa , Wiltloshlt AP. 1.40 Pm . Walt. 1.4 .• 0 .• i , O P. Walls No. 8 -1/110 pia Hellen Achlo.o YII fou .8111rtalig Ac.lo: 0 Pin Vinclnnall Enpreea and Patine Expect. leave daily. AI) other Mins daily. except Sunday. Tho (floret; retina leaves Walla ittatlon ever! SumlAy at 9:30 a. m.. nischlng Ilidtabilnin at it A 0 a. ro. Returnin. Knes PUtatunth at t 1.3.30 p. m. and &Nivea g at Wa l la Station at 810 P. groor. further Information -,10 w. Ir. 4 SCKWITIT,Agent. The Pennnlvanta Ralletiad ComPan7YINI nob at some til, fat for Ilaggage cYPIX Wel, and nun their reviewed I.to =M dred 0010. In value. All B a gg age Y eAceedlns that :Attu.* In 'aloe win be at the rlm. of the owner, .... b en by alwital contract. A. J. CASSATT, Icl7 ((antral Superintendent Alto°. Ira . . Til FFTSBFRO IF, FORT WAYNE & A. CHICAGO R. W. a n linT;VIO! °. ''rralla ns 1' 1321 a From Jona 13,-1870, north tr a in. will Imre from nd arrive at tttel:M D on .P.. , map, cum burgh city Una, as follow.: I 11-11Ars. aitatia. Fast Line 13:231a m,Fast. I.lns ..... 1343 a m Pi. It Wleg N11.6•322i a m • lnheollna Es.llFais a us ( 24a1=1. 6 ini:IT t:llr.,""' - iil 2 2:: Chi Ex....10t a noCletetatEx..l32.•p us CL a ICS's 1d5..1: Pi p m•Erle Il g as Ka :43 put ear Fs 3. S p mlel. A%V a ta.ps, p w W • IMMIIe Ke..4,13 pmC. h St. 1.3... :131 pto .. t KO Expreas••.•lt IS p Oil Erns Its rem.l t'llts p m ni l ART FROM /11.1.1 . .0 • 7 . 0111101,. 1.: ALIAUWATIIi. Ilea 't Falls Ar..M.324 a mile:els/In A e-. 11 1 ,23 a m Lee:Waif - 11.1.13 a m'lleter 2 , is - ..PLOM'a to " Sam 11:1 anon '•• 24,31 a •nt New erode - 1. 3 p n:New Caste - 1 U:tS3 am Ent. •• _3:. hpm laddadal " F n .. ~..,...... 3:13 p m•Bent Fa ls . • : pm Ilea r Valls.. 6,33 tt ru,l.netrdste - 3p m Leetsdale , 16:43 P.' " " 1 , 33 pat Fins Oaks Sun- ,Fatr OW Sun: ~. • day eburch..l:l3 p m day Chturh...9-32.1ii on js - Chicago Mrpress Massa dully. Parilla a:sprain. ales daily. . Pam Line lemma daily. Monday% az.pted. FOAL Lino arrives daily. Mondays exande4. All other trains wilt low and anise dolly, aundma aMTPI: 44 . MYERS, 4. N. MeCULLOU 1 Noel. Pm. 3 Ticked Admit. : Meal. Malll4 nage, XVEl o iTEß tle N PENNSTO . ANIA R.U. IA 1,407 tt:o4lt.`PanZt' a and depai inns the Yedend kreot Depoj. , All t elftwal as follows: - . . (ALLEGHENY TIME.I • Annlv it. naPART. t P Zi g x d ribrif i M X . Zinirt No. 1 841: Eop,om..X ?frit a to Claremont Ac.tro em Claremont Ae.• P m _• r pm Freeport No. 11.1.33 p nen eno. 1. Sp m S " p u ri l recd'eNo.lk.34ll;:intuliVelt n et.li . Pin Above trains ru . n daily except Sunday. The Church Trent leaves Allegheny 3unetien Pity Sunday at 13,00 A. W.. retathit.Alleithany Pig :1 741G L A. 1:..,T:41 1 ,7:, 74,:g; 'Pa p . non at 3:00 P. m. Through Belau to Butler andaiannaltstegn may be purchased at Virsikers Stage Mice, No. 3 K. Clair strtel, near the Eitiepension Bring% Pitts burgh, and at the Dena. Allegheny. For further particulars epple m JAMES L TEL. AA. t. /1 , Signet Depot. Local Tickets to all Impottanl Mangos on the =inf.. of the Penneyliraniti Grant Railroad. A. . CASSATT. Benenil Buyetintende Annetta, Ht. (COB T NEILSON, gym : Superintend nt. Plushunch. A LLIFAIIIENY PALLET RAILROAD. *Alt LINE TO BUFFALO TIT 00011 THE 011: EUUM On and atier ritONDAY, , M m i .100= 0 0 . .lane Uth, l E4o. 3 throulrb dattlytereopt Sunday nt : will Warr Pittsburgh De .., =imr f tl y. and Plke Wei., for and all pants in the 011 I.[An Allllllll a . . r. t?4l A. pc A. N. Dar Express.. I WriFtirmWritiiii Malt Train . iiirMil P. at. Bed) Band Men.. 3 : ,... g P. N. i 1v? ... t . z .. .0,..„.. 1..10 P. N. diS A. , la A.N. id i Mit ' : * d Halton -11111 1 . ... ti . . 1 . 1 P. N Y. . Parnassus 1111e1 A. x. . 13.. I.:11: Church Exprom train. stop ouly at ptincipal points._ Ac commodation toil,. atop at all Math.. - Sllvor Palace Sleeping Cara on SIAM and Rappers Tmlna. Linn nays between Pittsburgh Pi Mg• ..I. J. LAWRENCE, Goal Supt. Jet? J AM ICS IL /MAP. Iletet Aaiun T)ITTEIDUEGII AND CONNELLS. 4,1 er il4ll,lin%ac ItragEW an ft WADNILNDA Y July 6. 18,0. Grant and at and depart of Doyen. rorner Of Grant and Watw streets. as for. lows—cur time: LEAVE- Mall Train... 1350 A.M. Ist McKee. Gpnwood A r 7:10 A.m. port Aa .... . tip A.M. Way Paes'ecr 903 AN. Glenwood Ac 61:011 . A.11. let McK nos- , West Newton pert Ac 11:00 A.M. Aa3s A. Expr's Train 3:15 Prs.EspressTr'n.lt A, tio A Ai. West Xca ton 13 • 3.1 McKee. A c Bra dd o ck's °" 'lligyltatenT 1412 ' 1 . ; Ac 04:3 r.m.,Mau Train... tad McKee. 'Breed ones 3 sortig .... Sap eee -713111P.Y. Viy7sTetifinn i 7.M. k4erll ' ily toe 1"1".'" Church Ten2:43 PALA:hutch Tr . r..14:10 Aar. Yeundetre only. All other Trains dehr_eaept Smdey. IL ANGELL. Irseter ,or Tranzporlathrt. PITTSBURGH. C1N0ri.4,71,11 EtT.LDVIS IttatWAY.g e lig ht: PAN HANDL& BUTE. r MANOR' OF T1d1e...15n and later SUNDAY. June 11. IS7O. will leave and antral at Ne Uatoo Depot, mishmash, as folkner . . . .. ntrAirr. ARUM. Mthress. Fart Use 111:1Aa.m. 14:11 coon Southern Exam. 9.1, 231;:t. 14 ! tt: ) i Miserl Acoommodation.. - 1 3.m. • lir , p.m. ateDramld Acoommod'n. I r a- so. 7 - a.m. Steubenville Accommod. :. p.m. I: a.m. McDonald Accommodh, 111 p.m.' : p.m. Sunday Church Train—. "I.' :3 . .• a. ca. 7be 10:48 A.M. Fan I.lne Ileave dal y. The V= noon McKean arrives daily.' All other tall.. ~00 daily atthet Sonde!. . ••• • . - Genetlva Maid AVM , . Col*Mb.. O . W. W. C.Ro. Dermlacat, Ohio, Ulf HARDWARE &. CUTLERY• Pittsburgh Utility W,EAlifrit & JONES, orate of Juniata and Fallon lamb, Sixth Ward, Allegheny. . Menufeetnn6 of STAPLE lIARDWARE and Ends LIGHT GREY IRON CASTINGN We tender our Goode and maracas to . the Trade at the lowest Aloes. and warrant all our won ANDnured. Orders wdlelted. • • nu T r b r e uate te o t i IRO ° r. LAcr PittiTtlfrittk° • . . WEAVER ar. JONES. AdlOress: Attaburgh PostotOce. Tag*tin ESTABLISHED 1831, Logan i Gregg Sc Co., =EI HARDWARE, No. 5f2 Wood Street, rirpusuitaa. PA. Spring Hoods, Hoes, Rakes, Yorks, Scythes, Snaths, &c. Merchants are 1nv1414 to examine our stock niuM In the elty. I Orders by mail Will have tention. VER FALLS ERY Oth, No. 70 Wood Street, 1:32:13 Table Knives & F-Or. Pocket Knives, Buteler Knives. Bread Knives, Carving Knives. Scissors, Razors, Pnity Knives, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES OF Until AV LOW PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery Co., No., 70 WOOD STREET: PAINTING GRAINITT4I, Sic. JOHN T. GRAY; NOME AID EU PIIITEI cn . tipmrs snip GILA.3IIIM, bajkai•: (tote Hand writ.) PIWISina.Pa. MCI _ Atve zurnil,;TZ V"" 1 1111.=1,1"n•WmiLl= "1"' peke of Illisrabwa• 1171,11trn: reeset. - a t fiui- • b1,.42AM4; El II 11 i~ MO PITT) 408. : PA. RES