The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 18, 1870, Image 1

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6rter Sixth Ave. and Smlthield St.
Twos or tut Dan. Yr.
Icy 0,01. per. year 08.00.
Ir.ll l / 4 .1 re 4 by culler. Dor Nork
IiEN . :LEE is at Ssnitoo.
NDIANA. htut `oopoCktinhabitatite. •
Joug. O. Witrritrit is at Rye
Mae- l.rwcow: Is at Teplitz, in Bolteruia.
Jr:v¢ hug soup tickles the Rorfolk
palate. '
QEEEN ISABELLA garnhlem on the green
A TEN POOND bull frog is a Ciu einuati
- T-HE Worcester Spy was . loQ years old
on ti'aturclay. . • „ f •
CALiroasiA is going to -raise led of a
Lood quality.
TUE City of Charleston is to he fold at
Slim-Bra sale!
EASTHAMPTON, Mass; 11. - become a
summer resort.
Tug Galaxy Is to Late a new serial
American story. • , .
HOG CHOLERA IS decimating Southern.
Illinois pig pens. • . .
Ittoif 9=631130AT:4 are to he introauced
on the
IN lowa 'a widoW 115' vears. obi Las
married a lad of 87. • •
CLA - vg.LAND does deeply desire delieions
baths for the public. ,
the'nodorti chaucer is a manu
facturer of wail:paper: ,-
- Tire • Black Crook is 'going to take
another turn in New. Ystrk.
25 TENTS a tioien' was the price for
peaches in georgic ; last week.
Tar, e:rispins ate. Buhl to be always
down on . tht• kewe the Chinese.' . • •
Hors and sahnon are the chief articles
of production in British Colombia.
• PItEhIDENT klcCosli, of Princeton, has
a now treatise Ott Logetuovin prenv.
ARE kNsAG has nary one more daily
newspaper titan has John V.. Forney:
IN Newark, N. Y., a fast Loy of eigh
teen mouths died of delerinut tremens.
IN Boston it is fashionable to eat pul
-verized ice - instead of cream - with berries.
' A FRENCH idea is that 7 per cent, of all
lunatics are made ,so by the use of Lair
dyes., ,
OLIVE LOOAN'S late Husband, H. A:
Defile, in agent of the Associated Prep: at
, - ' •' 1 •
Tunrat persons, all foreigners, were
stricken by the eon iu Sew Vork:eity on
Friday. •
•k stir year old boy named liryson woe
killed by 4-street car in Philadelphia on
Friday, •
shipped more than 780,000
boxes of strawberries thin season to Phil.
JEROME' . CIIAEFEE in to Republican
nominee for Coogressimfal delegate front
Colorado. •
OcT west the ‘o, Lent crop is said to be
immense, and the dour mills are looming
day and night.
LOS ANGELIS COUNTr, California will
produce uTote theft. a pillion gallons of
wine this year.
500 Coolies arrived at. Chi its nocepi on'
Friday to work. on the Alabama and Chat
tanooga railroad.
ON Thursday the iron steamer Clyde,
of 1,500 tons burden. was successfully
launched in Philadelphia.
'BOSTON boot and shoe clerks are form
ing an association fur moral, sociaLand
. intellectual improvement.
licaon says Canning is guidon stock
- the new Coleman Theater with second
band aceniry from Niblo's.
LING Wws,-a Chinese I,l,2,sieisti with
SOO raarvelouit Chinese medicines. adver
tises in the New York papers.,
THE Mayor oe'Donaldsonvi Ile, receives
his salary by vote of the city council 'and
this year it amounts to one dollar. r
'MASSACHUSETTS BAT swarms with.fisli
and the markets are glutted with them.
but the price keeps up very high.
, ANNA DICKINSON and the Red Stocking
Base Ball Club are among taw attractions
promised at the State Fair io Kansas. I ,
THE N. Y. World says "the Emperor
of France his hitherto warn only one ring,
but he now proposes to try military tour
ing, in Prussian territory.
A max in s ]feign county, Tenn., while
aLoOping over to bind tip some wheat was
struck on the forhead by a rattle 'lninke
and was buried the next day.
- A WOILAS living near Fort Wayne, pro.
poses to get rid of a worthies* husband
by a lottery of her effects, he to be one of
the second or third rate prizes.
NEw free bath houses have Leen put
up in Alaska street, in the vile Bedford
street district in Philadelphia, and are al
. rattly accomplishing a good work.
Lv SEnaecene, the other day, a citizen
eonibled one of Charles Dickens' mourn.
erstirith the remarkthat he left"a mighty
smart daughter—that Anna Dickinson."
iirinorr has a' boat club of young
ladies, whttgo oat rowing twice -a week.
and are put through a regular course , of
training by a lucky oarsman of that city.
A NEw oinsesi blacksmith struck
with the iron when Lot the other day, but
his employer who was the striker, found it
impossible to bear calmly and so he died
THE lamp explosion accident woe varied
in Philadelphia on Wednesday, by using
-alcohol instead of. petroleum. Hannah
Haley, a laundress, was the roasted vie
Tnz Prince of Wales will not rinit Ire
land this year, It being supposed to be
peraintally dangerona, and If he should
get killed how could England bear the
blow? . • ;iti.!.
IT la stated that, except for a tangle
mile, there is an unlnterramthi water
mane from the mouth of the Hudson
river to the mouth of the Columbia, on
the Pacifie.
WAR mges ori the scat coast of Africa,
atm Ako Jumbo has registered an oath
that he will lower the haughty head of
the Ohobo King, or miserably, perial, in
the attempt.
Tat birthday .of .John Ikea, the mar
tyr, was commemorated on Wednesday of
last week, near lowir City, -by a large
gathering of people,. with, speeches, music
and a banquet. 3 ' . • .
A MART ten year old girl at Prince
William, Va., lately fell into a well twen
ty-eight feet deep, with twelve feet of
water in it, end clambered out again with
out assistance. - - •
Tits Haverhill Ornate "'aye: "Trying
to do business without , advertising le like
winking through a pair of greet goggles
..—you may know that you an deli* it, but
D°!!C4i e/ie does
AN experieithel - Yankee, says: A visi
tor at Cape May reeently missed his pil
low • In the morning, and after searching
a while found It isid up over his mir, like
a bit of lead petrel):
Tunßoston Post 'pioppheefed that Sec
relary -Fish would resign a short time
before Congress adjourned, The proph
ecy wan as geodes most of, the modem
Delphian predictions,
Tim at. Ckindllmer chronicles the ar
rival of seventy Red River carti. They
were loadedchielly._with . buffalo robes
and wolf skies, though there was a con
siderable lot of Ste fun:
THE wife of a western prisoner wanted
him let - off, as, thereat she bad been
worsted In three fights with. hl ebe
thought the-could vanquish him in once
more trying. He WIIS released: . •
2000 ARRESTS in one . week •
York's quota, .nnd -yet her .chiefexcel
lence lies in the.fact that there are more
. people there that ought to be sp ri t e ,'
that are not, than in any other city--
THE Chinaman looms up as- a minter.
leiter In Ban Francisco. TWO of the al
mondeyoxi race have been arrested there
for counterfeiting notes of the chartered
bank of India, Australia and China.
Boma &molly fellows fired into a party
of negroea who were bolding a jubilee on
the Fretrth In a hall at Lebanon.KentunkY.
and mused a general breakage of legs
and. arms in the panic which ensued.
Nan, lefilutuoncut, the -hack driver;
implioned In the Conspiracy to murder
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rwanid• detective Brook:: 'in Ner.York,
:none tiwe ago, died on Wednesday, of
ronmunptinn In the Plaihidelphin Penne!,
mini.: are 12,000 windmills in ennatant
ow in Holland at the' present day for the
simple purism., of drainage. They tire al.
hum of rolossal size, each lifting front to 50,004000 gallonS ,f water
e.tyry twentc•four flours.
EsEpicfs are being i ma,be among the
friends' of Williams College to raise in'
addition to scholarship's for uoderTmdu
steS, #lO,OOO, to establish a fellowship,
and to also establish a"university course"
of is , sl.%raduate study.
Wutis the mercury points to Nil de.
gre4 at midnight it cannot be properly
called Point Conifint,nor is Bleep aw easily
accomplished fact, for even the members
of anti.gambling societies play at pitch
and Inns Much of the night.
A Aunts ',LIST Who has been tudink
a fortnight in the White Montan 5, says
Le has enjoyed himself very mush, bay
ing fallen into six risers. •spmined 'hitt
ankle t skinned his face and neck, and
broken three ribs the first nine days.
Tni.:.canad around the falls at - Louis-
Ile will positively be closed cm the 23th
the present month, and it 10 not likely
re.*iti before the Ist of December,
during which time 2,0011 nr ..:,500 hands
.will be required to complete the work.
THE New York Tfurbl sous: Stock-
lugs are. going out of fashion for ladies'
street .wear in Paris, and bare feet and
sandals are to be generally introduced.
In such a mode Venus may still need
wine, but she will dispense. with corn. 11
A MAK.ACII CSETTS hen mistook a large
stied' torpedo for nu egg and thought that
the chicken in It wanted out Impressed
with this idea rho begun to peek, and
continued the motion, several seconds
A ITEVOLCTIONA IV hero, unwed Wm
P. Chapman. aged 04. Luc recently mar.
rind a virgin Of 72. 'rho objection mode
by the lady's trims a to the diaparity of
ag4 waS - roverruled o the ground that as
they-Loth grow ride the ditrerenre rill
a.onn less.
-V S , AFFOLD jaSt b low the cornier of,
the new synagogue bu lding in Columbus
fell on Thursday, fling ng two men to the
ground and badly juju hug them; a third
nun at work on the EMI=
cornice and succeeded. u hauling ltituself
up to the roof.
AN Indiana man attaclied his lightning.
rod to the IVestern I.7ni'n telegraph wire,
••in order.' he said, "t, relieve the rod
should it become eic ssivelv charged
with electricity:* and su . ceedea in reliev
ing theline of a numbe of dispatches be
fore the cause was discAD, ered.
I , t vE',ruilktneu have beit convicted in
.lodge Doa•ling's' Court • . New Yorb, ,of
catering the milk they were rielling
listmuero. Two of them the Judgesen
eneed to the penitentiary and three loth.
•r+ to the eiiy prison for twenty days. all
with lines or *5O each and cost's.
A TE.p.AI mivishing to explain to a lit
tle girl the manlier in which a lobster
casts its shell when it had outgrown it,
said: "What do you do when you lave
outgrown your clothes': You throw them
aside. don't you!" "Oh, no, - reline the
little our, "we let out the tricks."
IT costs three cents less to raise& and
of cotton now than it did before e ci
•pation was proclaimed. There is & ll
profit of 431,50 4 ,per bale of 450 pounds,
nr sllo,ooo,oooiti a crop of 1,000,000
This is exclusive of transportation to the
seaboard and the charges of middlemen.
Tile Consul of the Ntirth German Con
federation has been notified to elution
German vessels against French naval
ships.- Several of - the latter ' are now
between Panama and San Francis..
Three German ships are now at Portland.
oregon, and one in New York. e'
ay Ten are'
'also on the it :: vto this port.
'tills' Ylt/III:TIIIS is a I iuriumai thea
tre, known' to to' insecure, and conse
quently when on Wednesday night , a
shutter was blown from its binges down
among the audience, a fearful panic en
sued and though • none were killed. the
rush was e-ITilic and the performance
Male ton s udden Termination. !."
,Iv is ret died that a proposal has been
forwarded o Prince 1..p01d of Holten-
ille, b a distinguish. American
showman, - o give up the "bubble ambi
tion," and 1 lieu thereof come - to this
country ott xhibition, assuring him that
.it would b ,an infinitely better paying
!peculation than the Spanish throne.
A r.Erry.n from White Sulphur Springs.
Virginia, well known as a fashionable
wavering place, says that the proprietors
have exteded invitations 1.0 °mauls Lee
nerd , Johnston, George - ll.' P;kdleton,
Ilomee Greeley, and bey. Henry'. Ward
Beecher to visit the Spring; during the
-Brescia, and the most of them Lave been
accepted. ..
A g.toirNE has been iuventa by .Mr.
U. Wt.:Grader, of !demphix, called the
.4.inter," and by it the waste from the
cotton, gin known as "motet." and here,'
tnfore of no use except as a fertilizer, um
dergoet a cleansing process, by which- it
in freed from its impurities anu made into
a hood brdinary cotton suitable for batting
or stroarse article of goods..
AN Indiana Maiden eloped with her
luvr at midnight. After going a few
agonies the youth left her on the street
renter while he should search for a livery
stable. During his absence along came
lover. No. 2, who, ou learning the circum
stances, proposed to Miss Indiana, was ac
cepted, and. the new couple started for
Louisville, leaving lover to. 1 to mourn
ou his return the inconsistmacy of woman.
A Bosros merchant on Tuesday went
Into the office of Brevrathr, Sweet A
to purchase some United States bonds,
and ordered $4,000 of a clerk. Thebonds
were Landed out and the gentleman to.
gan,to fill his check; when a well-dressed
,stranger called Lis attention to the . fact
'that he Lad dropped Some money on the
Ile stoopeddown and picked up a
twenty-five centAractional currency, and
went on filling outhis check. When he
had finished'ho looked for his bonds, but
they welr gone. •
Tun Iron .Moulders' Union has adopted
the following resolutions In addition to
those _recently pubbnlo4 on Coolie Inter:
Resolved, That the capitalist of Masai.
rbustits, by introducing cattle labor into
their workshops, an well an those who are
now. contracting for conlie labor on rail.
roads and In their industrial avocations.°
taking the first steps towards the estab.
lishment of a new system of slavery, and
that they are, by their action in this re.
aliect; inaugurating an order of thinga
which will result in the overthrow of all
right and privilegen which working men
of every nationality, color and creed enjoy
this country. Adopted.
'Calmat*lei of the
;The mono enumerator, in the die
ciiarge of their duties, come aerate Com.
curlew items now and then.
An Irish woman,ioreuty.three yearn of
promo and unible to read, or write., triliwe'
perty WSlOnmertainexl to 'l)e worth
4105, was lonnd by one of them living in
the third story of a tenement.hntwe in the
Eighteenth ward.
'feu peraons,of thirteen years, and. up
ward,-were found In one house iu the six
teenth Ward who could neither read nor
Seven families, con slat' ng of Gre women
and two men, each occupying a. single
room in a email house, in the Sixteenth
ward, were found the other day, each lone
woman and man were house-keeping on
their own account, and were aged respec
tively fifty-tire, sixty, sixty-three, sixty.
five,,seventy and eighty years.
One of the number is gmvel blind, and Is
assisted In her household affairs. by tho
others. •
Census takers find the most momentous
qai-stion in their schedule to be the one
relating to female ages.—X.
A NT:MISER „Of Laborem In Killarney
Ireland, are in jail for having made an at
tack on some mowing. machines, with in
tent to seize and destroy them, on the the
bry that the inventions were "taking th
lweiul.out of their mouths."
- . worn on the arm . % our atreeM: rapt .1.
EAcU DA V "a" Potul.ritkittr thtt though their Main am different fronroum,
moat wholesome of drinta. Pier,' ulna.. yet I can not olierve they are aktrard In
& Clo.'s Cream Ale. . r-- appearance 'or akwardly handled.
10RFIG 1
Duut.tx has now four comic • jukprrs
Tut: order of Prince All,e'rt boo been
conferred upon M. de Leseeps.
N.exlaition of nll kinds of -:trotnan's
trod: Is to be held at Florence in Novell]
fuelity of Mae:Al, Fr11111!e, io to put
up a. bronze statute of Laulartille ‘vbirli
will.cost $lO.OOO.
Tut Prussian public debt is one tenth
us mochas much as that of the United
States, but is uou- in a liar war to in.
crease it.- •
Tun Egyptian Viceroy La's pretimitvd
o Oxford Eniveraity a complete yam ,
Lion of oriental literati.e in one lmialrvd
and forty volumes • •
TI E Papal env. at Paris was said t••
i ,
havt. lyar leil the. French government that
the talia 1 party of action waq meditating
a tort 1174 ,Oig at Home.
Tu ' Ausfriatn War Minister, Burial Wid
mann. resigned and the portfolio of that
depart omit Was provisionally entrusted to
Count Potocki. the Presid••ni of th e ..c n bi.
— .+l nii..0 . 4 . 11 font-Unit, says the Tern
that th • Egyptian troops had landed at
the 13• y of • Ashah. and - captured the
Italian trading station Chore, is officially .
- F ItTY.FOIIt prisoners were awaiting
exec dims In the prisons of North (ler.
man Confederation when the new point
code was adopted by the North Uertunn
Parliament. their lives will now be
Tue. London City Mission has in its
emplo• :3:5 missionaries, who made over
two million visits lust year. leclaithed 505
drunkards:vestormi 0711 fallen women
their homes or pitt them in asylums. and
induced 104 shopkeepent to give up Sun
day trading.
Tae Dissenters - of Liverpool,-Englund,
knee taken eNcOption to the Views tanner
sled Ity Balton (launder ties in his public
addresses .on the COIIVOII4OII of India to
Christianity. (In Sunday the SLthieet yvas
referred to from several pulpits. one Pre y
byterian , miinister going.. far an to nay
“that "Nlationto' wni= tnnn•-n! n rhristiail
than .Svn.” •
AT the beginning of this century there
were not one hundred natire.Protestants
Mall India mud Burinah. Nnw there are
not far trots eighty thimsand choral
members. The whole number of mission
tines in India in sin hundred, and there
are two thousand nativelneachefs. About
,soomoo are exprnded in this field by
ewemptive'societies. t
THE principal candidates for the Presi.
decoy of the British Association, nu the
expiration of Prof. Boxier's term in 1871,
were Prof. Tyndall and Sir W. TitMinton,
, of Glasgow. rniversity. Objection wo.s.
'pm& to Tyndall on the ground of his ton e
lerialist le tendencies. whereupon Sir Win.
Thomson withdrew, on the ground that. If
l'endall . was not good cough he sass not
thither. .
A PATENT bas , i•Pell Applied for in Eug
and for n hollow iron curb, of the snine
ekternal shape 624 the stone one, nuts' it
for the -reception, repair and initiate
mince of telegraph wires. - , This simple
device renders it easy to repair the uir,
without displacing thefotltruent , nod i
introduced here would 65. n great improve.
Meta /11.1 t the tinhight posts Itich
figure our streets,
A PI , TINOUViIED Prittvg.r.
time sinee,advOrilltqa 110 t 011., elertmu
of women to Parliament; hat e- right of
Peeretums to lake thi . ir f.eats. speak and
vote in the' 110l181• of - Peer., where , they
upon the throne: and lie was by my.meana
satiatied with the ungallant add imperth
sent remark that there were old ,wintien
enough in the IlintAe of. Lord% already.
INK Ililnlns are 4ubjecto.l t,s ninny t 4
urgent' is imtuediately seized and trie.
s a drumhead ',tat-martial; condemn',
tut shot without delay. During the his
veek :17 courts of this summary 'lame
er were held in Cienfuegos Alone
twenty-two per,ons uere . condemned
en rear: imprisonment mid fifteen if
Tut a1.., , t clweritig-intAligenie of bit
for the Cubans has been the victory..i
tained in the Once Villas liet'apote and
Gonzales over the Goias de Ittslas, of
whom twenty were killed. The . Span.'
'lards at Villa Clara have not left their In.
trenchments since their last defeat .1k
Callejas and Guillermo Loran. at Fort,
itarenbas. on which occasion a large num
ber of the lannivro(t it, men' of Havana
were killed
A STEAM ixiving-mac ins has ten-oily
been introduced in Paris; and made Use of
by the municipality fort the repair of the
streets there. This machine Calibi tfl Zif a
small steam engine on wheels, drawn ho
sirehome, to the rear of which is attached
ohe "pavior," width( in ,tairced upon the
ground with great Imre by a blow from
the pinion and Bibles du a bar stone six
feet long, and can thus lie directed by the
driver to any stone I:hich requires forcing
home. The amebic' is now at work 'in
the Rue de ti mingle. St. Germain. and is
eousidered a miecenn. .•.
, A lIF.IDELBERO rorrespondent writes:
"Among tile nuolentß. the emaciated type
;if scholarship is not largely represented:
and even from among the Professors tif
awiltien'and hermits of erudition are said
to le&e mostly. disappeared. We have
discoiered but one countenance 'nicklied:
o'er with the pale cast of thought,' and
that proved to be the property of a home
sick American, whet in studying the Dm
Mittel economy. NO wonder; the task of
making ore an econominal nation might
appall tire bravest. For this rest, it would
be malice to assert that the brewers of
Leer or the drivers of drosehkien aro het
ter patronized than the dispensers of
ideas: but to uninstructed eyes it looks--
if/such a word could breathe in the learned
atinenpliere of a university—an maxim
inouly jolly thing to be it:student. It is
agreeable to our national pride to be its
gored that while Prussians are the most
• retentiour, Americau• ,ntudents are ilia
bent exarninatiotin, and intinguish them
neleta by thormighne it of schnlarnhip.
This is no judginent ofpartiality, but
the opinion of 7nlierma Professor. fie
did not add, what our odor turret admit,
that a voyagetnt three bousand Miles in
quest of instruction may , prove the zeal
of the appliaint, and" ti 7 the incompe
tent or careless . So that merlean schol.
amide, rut represented in ermaq,:inar be
*ennewlett above the evens .at home."
- - Japanene Carpe 'ern. •
The Japanese Carpente flee Ingenloue
workmen, and their work is done with
marvellous neatness. A en lons feature
of their houses in that they do not con•
lain a nail, all of the joints and timbers
being dovetailed together by many in.
genionn devices; and the hobs work,
even to the rafters, Is as NM II as If it
tad been polished down wit t Rand-paper.
And the Japanese area neat people,. for.
they ruin no paint to hide an • blemishes'
of construction or ornamentation—no file:
grey work or plaster of Paris gewgaws,
but every stick in the building in exponed.
Every morning, an regularly as she cooks
the breakfast or sweeps tit floor, the Jap
anese housewife taken a bet cloth and
WOW'S the whole interior 0 the dwelling,
leaving no part untouched, nano stain or
dirt spot to- mar its clean v appearance.
Then the Japaaese do t count i nto,
the house 'with muddy tn. after tire
style of the American sorer him but hav
ing covered the door with neat' matting;
always remove the dirty sandals before
steping upon it. I stood and watched
the Japanese carpenters at their work noose
minutes, and noted the peculiarity' of their
Movements.. • The Japanese carpenter
works towards him; that 111 instead of
shoving a piano from him: he reaches
• out, sets tire plane upon the...board: at
arrn'alength, and pulls it towards him;
and he cuts, sawn and chops in the name
way. His sawn are fixed on. handles, like
a butcher's cleaver, and the teeth slant or
. rake towards the handle. The planes are
. constructed like ours, but the wooden por
tion is very thin and wide, Thel atlLei is
fastened to the end of a braved stick, lik
the handle of one of the crooked -
I It,. eraoh to lhe Pitt sburgh - Gai,ette.l
WwsnINUTON. D. C.. J111%1111.18711. '
Precast Parritini mat ITCoiVrli toAO - I V the
President as French Minister. Dertheme, the
retiring . Anittasstolor.:preiented his lietter of
recall, and • .o ‘ oinolltnentary :tddre4le.t were
wade P iradnLand the President.
• Mrs. Li rant (' . tick anti under the charge of a
• • • l'i . St•F• yc THE . T111:,11.11tS.
The,ln in the Trensuri amount to $113..
1.111,i011.' Coin ciortificaltem, 4•411.71111,100. eurreti.
(W I 1:11,0tY1.1.1.
N Y RK •('ET Y.
Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh finzette.l .lull' It, Prak
Collector !durphe Conk the oath of office to. *
The PIIISSiaII consul here says no n in
formation relative to German vessels has been
received front his Government. excepting a
caution that they avoid French men - of war.
if possible. The North Geintan stennAlp
Hermann has seen detained by orders front
her (+Warta in Germany. The Hamburg
+(Amer will sail as ritual next Tuesday..
A Gorman Mass mesh lag will be held . here
nest Wednesday. •
The German Mail Steamship Company base
asked for protection for their vessels front the
United Mates, and will dotain their vessels
...tit protect Mu Is afforded them:
All the European steamers have atiranc.M
Ir•lrjbtc (111 breadst offs. '
It is statist upders Were received leMizir at
the nary yard to 111 out—imined Int fly 'all Hie
iavailable veuselu for thy reinforcement of the
Cuban •:411.1 , 11,11.
Mail Ste3lllNbill Company are fir
ranting to el art 3 line to Europe forthwith.
(me to-slay sold nearly three million
dollurs• noel Is of gold at between Ills and
I [nisi. •
To-tinv tear one id th..hotten of the sea.
son, the thetmouteter ranging above ninety
three in the %bade. Twelve cases of sun
stroke arc reported. t fatal. Deaths du
i the week 09, a large proportion infanta
A large number of passengers left to-day for
Europe. including Rev. Drs. Newman, of Chi
'mom. and Wilson, of Pittsburgh.
General Jeff. C. Robinson Meckshl Lancing
as emanianiler of the Grand Anny of the Re
public of this deportment.
Arrived. steamier n lowa and Frankfort.
front Plenum.. •
Severed preacher+ to-flay referral to tee
European war. Messier reviewed the warn
of the present century. complitneuted Rug ,
land and sr-Mo.:fared his synumthy for , Pntssia
in the present war. bet said it was' a war Of
despots. for no principle of right or instimf.
:mil called upon the I tilted Staten to stand .a
pacific obsert er of he conflict.
The (lentos. of Newark, at a mass Meeting
to-day. pledged their support to Prussia with
money, nod if necessary with men. A resolu
tion Wall passed calling for a special session
of Congress to form a defensive and offensive
alliance between Germany and America. The
resolution will be forwarded to lien. Grant
and the Prussian Government.
Eight uses of sun stroke. two • fatal, 0,
Irra.,l 0.41aV
nolrileginno - Isnond in Comanders of Gun
boat. Empleyrd In Prolr m rlln. Canadian
i lie 'l••legrapb to tine Pit 'burgh Garotte. I
nnrrdu Jnly lt. The frillolving is an extract
Irn, the in , trucc lista,' hi the Govern
ment to r.nmrnanders ot gun hoat s and on tier
officers. similloyed in protecting the Canadian
Ine Ihnits svithla. which you will, in the no
teary exerel.e of your power, exclude
united Slams fishermen or detain tubing yea
st or heats. are for the present to he excep
t' nal. Difficulties have arisen in farmer
tines in respect to the question whether the
erw re elusive limits should be measured as lines:
awn parallel everyhe to the coast,
iscribing its sinuosities, or on lines produced'
from headland to headland across the ent ranee
bays • creel:. and harbor,
c's inoverioneht I. clearly of tine
rit.t tht. .'“aVeati..ll trf isle the
I oiled Stal, ruse 11/OTIROL of
not 4.1111 V a Rhin titrenTalles of the co.
paUal Lit within thud Idles of n line
drawn across anytnny. or creels. It is, how
ever, the wish of Iler Majesty's Government
.neit her io comiale, nor tar the present' en
hirer, !my rights in this reSpret, which are In
their nature Instructions.
'rheref ore, Ton will not 'interfere with soy
American Usher:nen unless found within
three miles of the sl ....• or within three miles
of a line drawn across tau, mouth of a hay or
creek sviilch is less than ten geographical
liailes in width. - In I'M.e or any other hay. as
,t he hay of Des Challeurs, for example, you
`will not admit any United States tubing ves
sel ar host, or nny American lishernien, inside
of a line drawn across nt that part of such
hay where its - ,width does not •sreed ten
• The «I e.tmer Berlin. from calm armed
Baltimore nn Sat urday.
—The thermometer nt Saturday
three o'clock Indicated till deerreg; at Mr.
'clock 9d.
- fico liohinsoo. charged with committing
a murder at Paris. Ky., has been arrested at
C.ncinnat I.
, About thrge hundred and fifty more till
nese arrived at St. Louis yesterday , and left
for Tennessee.
Johot.,lMJ,luss leak fatally stabbed by
li co. 3. Wltraegan.astring a right inn St. Innis
sulamSatbrils ,, t morning.
i 4 -I ,..3 lfte , e e n ,
) c .,s :
t e , o rd z y f : P
1 n k t r ‘ D v .
e k
r e
o rt Le t t I n f i r ea i
n ercuty (rota la. N. to .1 P. al. s lO O4 et K.
--Julian 'Wei not, charity passenger on the
eilll.l . Exchange. from Cimminnt l, Jumped
it 4, the river at St. Louis and was drowned.
1- c -A. J. Fletcher, late Secretary of state of
T nnes‘te, dieston Saturday :.t his residence
to Bradley county, after several days' Illness.
e , , t. A. Magimi's cotton seed out manatee
tor .' at New Orleans. was destrovedi by Ore
Sdn ay morning: lass f10a,11.0, imairrd for
eri,,, i. ,
.' ', : ' , ' .• 1.
s ..
C mien' Tbama. It.•Prir. It yen.'" prowl
-1....:::0 rid well it loosen citizen of Missemri,dled
of hi residence in Jefferson City, Saturday
' ,• St Inlay was the hottest day of. theieuson.
nt P ladelphia. The mercury rose as Iglcas
ever known there, ranging from Uff, to' It*: Ist
the shade. ' •. i '-..
—The contract for labor in the United Slates
pubill . ,:ores. at New lark, was nwarded'at
MOM ocean:sum. or .EaI,USI less than to the
laseco tractors. .
, . . ._ .
=The Main factory building of the Meriden
o.sann.i Hrlttannia company was ahnost; total
,ly destroyed by are nn Saturday. tans - - fida,-
OW; insurance O-Tffi 3 OOO. . . .
-o• Glance) . shot Janie. Casey in a Ciriclos
nail saloon on Sunday during a drunken fight.
rt. mil penetrated his neck. inflicting a se
ll° . lf sot flttahvgfflarL . i .. :' - . , • ,
1 .,
.- ise"isteamee , lldrriet' sails .10-ila] from'
. WI Ington. N.C., loaded with naval. MOM,.
unde command of Captain Moffitt, late of the
Confi. ierate States Navy.
the setill-annual Meeting of the Li mod
finny of the ltepublie of California last week.
nt I'elleiri It was decided to erect nmonu
ment toil:Merit Faf.illi, krt.: • - ' ' ' -
:-Judge Allison. of Plalladelphm. nes steel
ied the removal of Lowry as Grand Chancel
lor of the Knights of Pythias was Illegal and
enJobindStOtkel (torn acting in that cantina].
—The schooner Jeanette urnved at New
Orleans on Saturday from port-nu-Prlnce, elm
St. Mimi. Hayti, with eighty-nitte Mg..' for
plantatlngs. St it' staled the' rho Oner :will
rent ra fOr another cargo; , - - , • a
-Mrs. Sarah i Hour, wife of S. P. Hough.
ticket rtgent of Lit eon Mountain liallrond ,
emnroltted nulaide n Ft- GwU on Saturday
by Inkling arsenic. - !Meuse suffering from n
ehronie.alluient is supposed to be the cause.
-It .in currently . reported that Juarez do.
cKnee tb be a onadidato for re-election to the
Prolidencynor Mexico...lnd will one his Mph- .
epee In favor of Lerde de Teyndn. The most
prominent opposition candidate PI Porfirio
Mu. . •
.. . ~ .
—At% Cliteinnal.l; Mortimer C. Webb goat
led with Peter 'Dillon, with wheat he was
• orklng at it pbeertiaker's beach, and cut Win
a terrible ruantierwltb a elan knife. Webb
ivound a will probably be
enj ed
- Geo. Aslnalmila• 'Eid:i/mistiest. politician.
died at Springfield, Haas.; on Mindttr. Ho was
Speaker of the State House In IMI member of
•Ikmaress for the terms from 1845-61, and chair
map of the Chiengn Convention that nOmi
noted Lincoln.
—Mawr K 9 her, nod John Prencotl. re
cently arrested,ln Philadelphia for robbing
the house of Mayor Herdic of Williamsport.
Pa., escaped frompill betweon. one and three
o'clock yesterday morning . . 'they released
Men other prisonern
-- , /s mass meeting . 'a( nernillne her been
culled for' to-night nt the court. holm In
St. Louis, to express their sympnthr for their
brethren now In the geld mildest Prance, and
approving the course of Prlnain.
J. B. Bennett Iratemanaging agent of the
/Eine Insurance ComVoir, at Cincinnati, has
cued that. oompany Mr two hundred thousand
Alotlfm.. One-half he claim. as demote s for
breach of contract and the other AC( as his
c0MM151119491:1406 Fspep Profits,
,—At tbe meetl4 of the Ban Francisco Labor
Association on FMdapialt the President was
Instructed to inform lb°
that It mss considered "unsafe. for Chinamen
to come to the United States. and request
them to ohtity the authoritiee of the Chinese
empire. - , • •
—The Cincinnati .Board of Trade en dater
dor Libled a resolution on the report of *com
mittee recommending the calling of an Indus
trial concretion during the coming Industrial
exposition. Tetras conceded the convention
wns desirable, but the Board did not see how
t could eend out the call without becoming
itesneesible for too large an- amount of el,
I -
f- - .
MONDAY, rl.l
FrancoTrpsian IVai
PrUeeedin,2;s in the Corps
NOrs from Prussia l Meagre
OF A BATrli LE. •
French Territory lorad 1-, Troops
Hurried to the Borih4—Napoleon
Called I poll by Senators—Address
by M. Bripher—The Empress to As.
snMe the Duties of Slat e—Enigland's
Anxiety .Conierning Belgium—Co
pular Deni4 , usdrationAgalnst France
in. Italy—llmigary 16 Sympathy
With Napoleon—Hatredl of Prussia
.in Delintarfi and tht.-Ituehies—Ar
mies In Sall hero Genitally Under
Inv Trieimph to the Pittelbor • (7alet tr.)
Psits, July Ile -ifte prOcoedings in the
Chatithers. yesterday. on the question of war.
were'interesting and important. In the Corps
LegiSlat if. Thieve, in a long speech pronounced
monist the declaration by.-the government.
Ile found after nil said that France Avid
received satisfaction front Prussia, and war
..hould not be made on her fora mere formal
y. Prime 31inister °dieter responded to M.
Thieves Re said it was impossible for the
governmenr to do otherwise than 11 had done.
7131,5 - 4:tin took the door. Ilerecalled Mel-.
and Sadown. and .aid that the gov
ernment 1114 etde a new blandmi Many
interrupted the speaker, Cat he pro
ceeded anods: the greatest agitation.
- When silence was restored Gaintalt ea de
manded that all t to , corresPoeSetwe bad faith
Prussia tw laid before the Corps liegislatif.
dittos "4'it .t cntided Me . motion in a long
9 , 51'.. ners . ll.l . ate that Pram's- could not make
war on the nuthoritp•of telegraphic die.
patches. The Minister of Foreign Affairs re
plied that it was necessary to make tear. and'
t.,.1.. so Immediately, ill order in rise Prlt:±ll
Ito time to arm, it any ot her emirs, per ,
seed Le eouldnut_ecolain shy Ministry,
'lire gueq ion was then put to a votee Mid Min
demand fur the correspondence was reJectod
by 164 against he The Corps then ndloureed
until eight In the evening.
On reassembling the followlngiwoJects of
lanr were brought forward: I. To call the
Gascrd Mobile into active service; 2. To on-
Unwire the enlistment of volunteers for the
war: It. To issue a demand for a loan of fifty
mini..n trims in aid of the artily and sixteen
Million frolics in aid of they navy. After a
short debate all these propositions were ear
ried by the following rote: For. two hun
dred and forty-six; against. ten- 111 the Sen
ate yesterday, utter the Duke of Grammont
had finished his declaration, itouher ached If
one Senator wished to Speak. Loud Cries of
...140, me - followed. St. (tanker then said:
- As President of the Senate. I trill state that
the. Senate in responding for the nation ap
proves of the conduct of the. government.
Nee must place our hope:-in Providence. and
rely upon our COttrage for the triumph of our
rights. '
P. al.—The French Chambers at their see
sine t outlay, voted an appropriation' of !lily
million francs for the-army. and sixteen mil
lions for the nary. bill was adopted to call
out the Garde Mobile and for the enrollment
of volunteers. The- military enthusiasm of
the people Is unabated.
Journals assert that the French government
a. soon as the result of a rote on the Infalli
bility dogma was known here, Signed an order
for the recall of troops from Home . .
. .
. ,
Lord Lyons, the English Illniqer. it still en
deavoring to get his colleagues here to pre
sent a collective request for a t'ongres,‘ ta
Eurouean powers to settle the question be
,tween France and Prussia..
. . .
PARIF, July 16.—Limt evening the nnttts or.
die various pleasure Kardenii received pertuis
lon to sing the Marseitalse. The audience in
11l cases Joined in amid intense excitement
nd enthusiasm.
. . • .
Llnt night ninny Mutton cnngratilinted the
iinverai chili Inning. were
All the bridges nn the frontier between I'M
/limn and France have been dest rayed, so that
the territory of the frontier F hall be respected.
there is a Council of Ministers nt St:
Every preparation is being pushed in ill di
rections. There le great euthivilasm'by both
the army and the people. Many regltnents
havealready marched to the frontier.,
It is positively nsserted • that -t ho Emperor
will start for the field of active onernt lops.
The Senate trill vote to-day on the measures
voted yestenlny by the Corps Legidet if. after
which the declaration of war will he edit:fail
transmitted to all the governments in Mole.
mane relations with France.
• Efforts will be made to locate the war be
tween France and Praise', Germany out being
a perty the question at Issue. •
Before the tlenarture of Baron IN miter yes
terday the htlnister of Foreign Affairs ex
nressed regret on account of the conduct of
Prussia and the course Wenner himself had
chosen to take before the Dual runtime of
friendly relations. It is mid that when he re
turned here (rum Ems. a few days ago. be neg
lected to tall upon be Oratomont. until the
littler sent for him, and even then said he bad
nothing to communicate. -This coldness cres
ted great sartirise.
The Golf:oh, announces the 01,0italt of a MI6.
scription by the untrlutic fur the wininded
nd other sufferers lu the comingstruggle.
Olrardln'S name heads the list fur ten
thousand frame.
The journals this morning publish the ntate-
Inent thateight days ago Count insuinrck cent,
by a npeclal messenger, to Baron Weather,
Ambassador from North Germany, an order
to make no conce”inits to the French Govern
ment. "tin not be too much impreneed," Ms.
merck 'continues in his dispatch. "we arc
ready to proleac the situation If possible to
the Bah of Jun'. • The Journals argue from
this that Prussia meant war from the begin
ning and sought only to gain time.
The Emperor lenses Paris baby for the seat
of war, the Prince Imperial accompanying
him. The Emperor desired this, and theeklui-
Press does not object. The military attend
ants of the Prince ore in readiness. . •
_Prince Napoleon. an soon as he arrives from
Norway. will be charged with all important
mission to Italy. •
Th. Breech army Is condentrat Mg at Mete.
Napoleon leaves to-dny for the border and
'will crone Gm Rhine Immediately,
Marshals McMahon, Ilazaitte and Canrobert
command divisions.
A French gunboat flotilla is on the Rhine.
AdmiralXiettouilly vrho commode the ital. I
tic Beet, will itrimodintely bombard the Prise.
Manports no the Battle. French gunboats
ore already In Prueninn river, The army and
navy wilt attack simultaneously. The Trench I
fleet is watching the Prussian fleets In the
Brltieh channel and IS awaiting orders to 01-
: tuck. - . ,
Sweden will remain neutral; Denmark,the
key of the Battle °fiery to join France; Austria
will remain neutral if Mullein remains neutral:
Italy Is friendly to France and has written n
letter to the Emperor; Spain will be friendly,
Prim hns written a letter to Napoleon; Eng
land will be neutral: Itunie, the key of the
Mediterranean, isunder French control, •
The French army Is singing the Marsellittiee.
Universal enthnelasm nrevaHn.
Prance will oppose to the Prussian rifled
mullion a revolving cannon shooting forty
balls per minute. PerhapS Lyman'n American
dispatch front" Sittban, on the
about twenty..even MHO from Stramhourg.
receive& this afterneon, says the Prueeinne
entered France by umy of Forbseh, la
partment of Roselle, on tbe•Wereyand R an _
helm Beltway a bu
t t as the 'Pruselan force Is
mill said to a dtached come. little impor
tance attached to the movement.
Thee - french tercel near the frontier are now
ret 'mated at One hundred and thirtythounand
it le believed theYrunnlnns will !Black the
moot orl Icy of Mole, cspltnl• of the Depart
went gi Roselle, nod an Important milwaY
center, moving on it from two directions, one
body Tin Theonvilic and another via Kehl. •
It la said the French force. are thronging a
bridge over the Rhine near Kehl.
La /Abrrte says that Benedetti'. dispatch
• was not communicated to the Chambers yes
terday becnnee It contained. beside. matters
from Count Bismarck, Projects looking to cer
- I.q; 1870:
twin allegianeei with France and which may
be realized to•morrow.
. .
In the Corps - Legislatif loot evening many
members of the . party of the Left refused to
*vole on the Protects of law submitted by the
government. •
BrittiN. July 16.—The Government is In
liontly receipt of dispatches front all intrin of
Germany offering men. money, arms. horses,
'Sc., in support of the national cause. ngtl
serting that no sacridce that can be Ina e will
be deemed too great for the cause of Germany.
Toe Government recommends Bremen h. a
port of refuge for German shippers.
The Eliot arrived here late last evening from
Ems. tits journey . wa.s 11 complete ovation
front the start. At Coblento he was surronnd
ed by an immense throng, ehn
with cheers. when he came forward end said,
"I tirntd
tliVeased with this starprisc; see in it [t a t
Ton behave 35 bely elsewhere: ' During:the entire night hundreds tho
ands of persons were laund,ing the streets.
chairing and Singing the national anthem: All
the pro:nen:ldes were illuminated'. ll'olunteer-
In; is ell raordinary. 'rite entire population is
detnanding antis.
• Even iou..--The Immediate mobllizat Irmo( the
ent in' P 5055133 nem; has been ordered.
The meet Inc of the Reichstag in 13 , IV bxed
for Titesday next. owing In t he urgeney of the
Rumors are in cirenlat ion - that mania and
Prussia are in strict accord in the struggle
nsainst France. .
Rolland declines the offer made Prnssia
of an tinny to defend her frontier. -
• 'FhoSouth German States in regioniling to
Fot slot a notice of the declarttlon tat scar, are
land. Polit teal differences are l nbllterateßhP
thraegressions of France. Columns of Frits
clan fro
'lie moving In the direction of the
Rhine and the north coast.
The German shipping will stay at home; the
French will find no charters, and the h witless
will fall to neutral llags. Rosiness willhe nc
tireluthrnrulralurirls of Antwerp .ttJ lint •
tertian ,
Lonnosa, July Id.- The neutrality•of Eng
land will be difficult., and pertains initn sible
and uishonorable,sllolll , l Holland and Itel , rum
become Involved. .
7'irovrs, in Its lender this morning, •tig ,
mat izes the French declarat ion of wat: n. t he
greatest national crime that hag bee
the since the First Empire. It Wan the no- Ina carefully' premeditated ant of ',hae
man—the ultimate result personal rule.
Many will back German steadfastness against
French imuctitosit P. The World . . 1000 R
p in With 'Prussia. Emperor must
ntrike soon If he would strike hard; woe to
him If the ardor of his' troops has time to
abate. He eau only Tann, on conqueror upon
the scale of Austerlitz and Waltrain•
The Shipping titactle feel. certain Of the
recognition of the doctrines of the Paris Con
ference on orienteering and bit.k." 4 m " 1
IhAsibly the Animunity of private Prol.rtg
allow. It nl h U thinks England nbUllid ronuun
uelitSlll, even if-Prance takes Holland and Bel-
A wgricultufal show Is In progress 0.-
rd. Many A therwato umwerr and reaper ,
re oil enlolbil tun. Premiums will be dwarded
Toe .Spinfator predict 00. as the result of the
ar. that the tkumpartee will be bound to have
haunted fleas eu's pat Ora.. • . '
The Hann of Harvey and Hudson, at. Nor-
Melo. was mopped to-day. Great crowds of
:cited people collected about the building.
IC s.olu Harvey riled tiudar.
The (silly ,Yeas expressen sorrow at the re
al! of Mr. Motley, arid says. Mr. FrellitgbuSseo
ill hod the, English government ismity to
tile all disputes with Atlierie.. 01 any time.
PARIS July Id.—The Pope wishes to pro
!WM the infallibility &gum on Sunday, the
'4th Inst. Leave of obscure for three months
rill then he granted - to Fathers desiring It
ad those who choose to leare the yllegtloll
lions. July Liberal uprising
Ject ed here, and frees are apprehended of fiu
attack on the city. • . • ,
HUME, July 17.—1 n the anunenleal Council
ast reek n piadest tram rend by the presiding
ath r agalust the calumnies of the public
,e,ar and utuudniously approved by the B
.pe, he fowl h public coll./Treat ion trill be
,chl to-day. Toe session of . the Council will
tot be -suns entled atter tbc, promulgation of
no 111, - dogma, but stouly Bishops will be per
hated to return home. Cardinals lteuscher.
chwartrenburg. Mathieu, and Arcliblabopeot
'aria and Lyons voted slimiest Infelllbilaty.
'wetity.tlee French Bishop. voted stale , t
he doe= and tru voted coodttlonally.,
IlLttie , BE.L., July let.-:-The 1.30.1 sey:
he Itelgian Goventruent ha. received eatte
actor). advice, trout the connA at Berlin
...don and Parts concerning, the inhinte
mire of Ittleban neutrality: •
CONSIANTINI,PI..E. .1111 V 1f.. -- ThsNtee . oy of
-I.7ytypt has trivet. forty thousand Turll4l
pounds to t Its sullesers by the late continent-
VIENNA. July Emperor 6%4 n tire.l
viva nrmy of: obserrnt lou to go into rump on
hr Pritiisinu I rontior. •
prlt.xerlanki has asked I be
tceto_ preserve oeatrality.
Chambers far pn
ExA.Nuic. .
, 1tt . 11014 BATI,I.F. ::EAR FCIIIIIACH. '.
PARet, A. II July iii.—There Is ti rutnnr of au
engagement ttII I en place near Forbach.
resulting in . i ' loss t \ the Prussians of three
thousand biped. The French 10, Pi placed at
two thousand killed. As Yet the report is
traced to not:citable 901 me . .
The Emperor will iss e a manifesto to the
States of South Germs v. assuring them of
the gootravill of France.
The 'war feeling took otire control of the
people yesterday, Duk. . Grammont, after
leaving the Senate Charn er. was greeted by
crowds upon -the strer s with cheers and
plaudits amounting to an ovation. A demon
stration was tnade In front of the residence
of 1 Tillers to express dissatisfaction at his
course in the Corps Legisl\tilt. • This seas fol.
lotVed by a demonstration in bin favor, The
latr,er. the Journof do Ffine t ! Say, Was not re
spectable supported tool was the work of un
known creatures.
Account s ' front Prot infs.° were received'
yesterday of anti-Prussian demonstrations,
participated in by al aPes and classes with
the greatest euthusinsm.
TeOOPIICOT negAdat.n TROY nour.
I,e, Przipleo , lllo(ale, ministerial organ. con
tradicts the report flint the French troops
have been recalled fr Bon, and denies
any Intention to recall th e etn.
The Governments of flatland and Italy will
maintain absolute neutrality as between
France and Prussia. 1
The report that bridgCs on the Belffirnd
frontier had been destroyed in contradicted. Ni
' The Moniker says England Is much con
cerned for the safety of Belgium. France de
sires the neutrality of Ilelgium to he main
tained. but trill ...wire that Prussia be. held
to equal responsibility. The Monticer thinks,
after all, that England Is more uneasy regard
ing the attitude of Prussia than of France In
regnrd to Belgian neutrality. The same Jour
nal uses friendly Inswing. totrarda Spain. It
Intimates that France trill be willing to sun-
Sort the fatiacrof the King of Poi-turd forthe
panish throne.
Genend Chaltornier trill be 'appointed to
command the French reserves, and be named
a Marshal of France.
A Secretary of Einbaasy will start to-night
or Berlin to deliver to the F russian govern
mot the official copy of the French aeclara. ,
lon of war.
• • .
The Mendeur opens a list for .National sub
solutions to provide a fund lentil
ro the golera
went In prosecuting the war.
All the Parts Journals will send special cor
respondents to points where military opera
tions are likely to he of Interest.
Last night, by order of the Prussian anther-
Ries. railway end tele_graphle communication
between Frei co and Prussia cons destroyed.
The °pinto e ARM:tale, Prince Napoleon's
organ, says: learn from good authority,
that Italy It tendered to France the bitten(
option eithe her friendly neutrality or un
conditional id." It adds: "Prussia has of-.
(erred n prat Ince to Austria In exchan for
an alliance.
reg. or vegan:Wm tNVADCD.
Last night M. Rouher announced t the
Senate that uke de (Imminent had Info ed
him of the vision of French Write ;by
the Prnsslan . A force of the enemy ha nl
- wife ns Merck, In the province of
Moselle, for the purpose of destroying the
railroad ail at WM. but returned_precipi
tately. •
There Is ft eat netlolty In the fortresses of
Ilastiult. The soldier* of Baden. commanded
by Prussian °Meer*. man the
Front this morning all communication by
the pew bridges between the right and left
banks of the Rhine Is Interdicted.
Demonstrations of • the most enthusiastic
character continue In favor of war against
Prussia. •
The Sournal Oglelel denies the statement
that the Prussian troops have entered France.
Telegrams on the subject are contradictory
the latest reports being that no force of Pros
slaw has crowd the Rhine.
A decree . IR published Calling upon all mem
bers of the-Garde Nationnie and Garde Mobile
f the Met three corps of the AMY to report
innuedinteir nt the chief towns of their .le.
Pertinent,. In readiness for active service.
It is 'reported thii meeting of the High Court
of Justice hos been indefinitely postponed
and general amnesty will be nroolaimmi to
corer nit eases (before that Court. eAcept
those for 'conspiracy modest the lite or the
Emperor.. • 1
The .11 - onitcur i nserts that the Spanish Conn
ell has notified the deputies there will be no
necessity for a electing of the Cortes on the
10th toot. lu consequence of the withdrawal
of - Leopold,trom the candidature.
After the se4lon Tett enter. the Senate pro
ceeded In a bode to Sr. Cloud, where they
were received tu the Emperor and EmPres ,
NI. 'twitter. President, said the Senate thanked
the Emperor for the permission of expressing
to the throne its patriotic sentiment ,
monarchial combination Injurious to the pre,
lige and security of France had been myste
riously favored by Prussia., On our represen
tat ions Prince Inalpnill renounced the throne
of rp,tio. who retains our friendship
by ernouncing a candidature so wounding
tone. Without doubt immediate danger sins'
avoided. lint our legitimate complaint re
mains. Was not it evident that a foreign
puwer, to the prejudice of our honor and
interests, wished list orb the balance of
power in Fatropel• Ilad we not the right -to
demand of I hat power guarantee: against
a. possible ttecurrence of such attempts?.
This is refused. • and I Itedignity of
France is intitited.' .I - our, majesty draws
the sword and t heuntry is
trill. von. eager for the occasion you have
WitlloEl SEI long. It Eliirllig the time vou
raised to perfection the milibtry organization
ol France. Ity your rare crrance is prepared.
I er entbusiasiti' proves .that, like your Ma
jesty, she will. 111/: tulerateWrong. Let
lur august Empress Ilelbttle ng7llll the
depository lif Imperial bower. The ,
great bmlies of state - stemmed her
Majesty with absolute devotion. The nation
ha.: faith in her wisdom. and energy. Let'
your• Majesty resume with noble confidence
the command of the legions he led - at Mogen.
to and Suffering. If peril has come the bone
of victory Istnear, and soon nattefill cotint7
trill deg ce to her children the honors of tri
umph. Soon (lennany will Ile freed from the '
domination which has oppressed her, and
peace NV 111 be restored to Europe through the
glory of our tinny. Your MaJestY, who re
cently received proof of the national good
will, may then once more devote yourself
to reforms. t he leall:Ent ion Of which ie only re
The Emperor ivarinly thanked the Presi
dent and eitelnln.l.s Olt he Senate.
itnivA I. or Till: Expars,:.
. _
FArninp.—'rlre Empresarirrived In Park to
day trem St . Cloud, and received a popular
welranne or a moatanthuslagtie &Janet er.
The Emperor leate, for the field an Weil
- • •
lithhioP LOAN TAIVEN. •
A loon or Alt month.; tn.:le-Im.y Lunde of live
hundred million franc. \Nag taken lip in n few
ilOlllO. The Credit and Book of
Cm nee Illrote eirort• toonOpoliZe the entire
Passport , have been sent vj Count de . Soletrnb
'in chart, nf air atrs.of the Prttssinn legation.
TROC.II,I ON Tilt. 1161t0i.1t.. •
The =meta the news sin, received that the
Presslah truups had violated the frontier, gad.-
Mu French mops were to cross Into
Germany. The zimaven Irony Africa are dis
embarking at Marseille, •
lu R M. 7 ltegiinent, are passing through the
streets to-night on their way. to the frontier.
Great crowds gathered on the - side walks
wildly cheering as they passed. No opposi
tion. to the war is in:ntested. The press de
nounce the speech of Tillers.
The Tottrnal Dtslr publishes the following
official reports of decrees 'which halve been
issued: ('relating a fourth bat Milton for each
regiment or infant, and a Ninth Aqua rata for
r,i g iolentF of cavalry.
General ' Anton:are. who 'commanded the
titttioual Guard of Paris. has been appointed
Commandertn-Chief of the Imperial Guard
regiments in the barracks alt Ecule
and has received orders to march Monday.
The military . posts - In Parts made vacant by
the departure of troops have been occupied
he luiperlat 1011111 N.
All the-troops in garrison in the Central
Departent of France have received orders
to depar m t for the frontier.
A council of Ministers, the Emperor Presid
ing. IVIIN held at St. Cloud to-day. The Chain.
her will probably dissolve - at the end of the
present week, atter voting the budget.
La Patric says the newt from. Denmark and
the Duchies It excellent. Hatred against
Prussia k mat. If their goVernments hesi
tate to take part in the present conflict, the
people will rise against them. In Hanover
there is great :triton inil, and the Prussian Gen.
.ernl commanding that Province has asked for
TOE FITAII FM& 'LAILATIOrt ticatuats.'
The Prltts ri Government bilVitifertilten
cent orders Nt to permit t th e e ireulattop of
the Vreuels Uroclarmttlon to Glereqsa pop
nlntion. Great numbers of French „journals
were being illotrlbuted throughout: the Ger
man Stmeg. • • •
. .
Private so toscriptiong for the Inns are now
opened all over 1. ranee, and money and other
lofts are pouring In. The etlthiodalan in over
1 . 11 M), INDER Or .00T1I, GERMANY
1.4.,N005, Jolt . 17.—Advicea from Ireland
represent that Prince .1-loyal Frederick Wil
liam will take command of the armies of the
St at ea of South (lermatiy.
nrndana - DECLAid'A FOR FRANCE.
.tt-ielegram from Reath states that oh • •
different panics in Hangar,' had met t.
and edam tni ,r0xe.4447.11064-4ilinjulr
. • . .
France and declarni,r taut every victory of
France be a victor, for liannarY•
:VrtirroAßDT, July I. cln London.—The annv
W4rtcmberk ha+ been ordered to take the
field and the Chambers have been convoked.
Mt . Nicn. duly' 17.—The Bavarian army. in
lading the reserve corn, has been - ordered tt
,Ake the field.
11.t.tfueno..Inir WlMain sent to
the Chamber of Cowartco of this city a crate•
Int acknotrietlement of the patriotic address
of that body. fie regret the sacrifice which
the honor of 0• . mane exact, but rill do hia
dot, it, ring et eats in the bands of God.
'\T 13111TAIN.
.—The British Foreign Of
ectived nrilcial.not ice 1 , 1 the
or Letwern France and Prus.
LONtiOn. Juit
flee has not yet
declaration of
the Yrutslan
Italy and Ihmmark as u rea the nowera of an
intent ion to treserve n ntrality.
McMahon. araine n Canrobert will com
mand the three eon v o the trench army.
The troops of Saxony are In motion. Thii
Dutch Reserves have b entered out to pm.
t rot the frontier.
The North "German-P. liatnent meets on the
2Oth to vote the 131...,C,1 credits for war por
night rota the French Senate
•nya t ?Sett the frontier of
Belgium relies upon British. French and
Prussian assurances of neutrality for the Im
munity of her teryltoro:
The - vrar euthusiapn i France is very great
The people offer to pa double taxes. Th.
police are obliged to p tort tho residences n
fhlurs and raver, who lade speeches :trains.
t he war.
Pni,4a prop
..ten.t for.,
FLons.:Sec, .1;
ill - Minn m
Crowds collect,
and German Et'
with France: V
t raltly."
great pcipular demon
o-day against France.
.t of the Foreign Mace
and obouted ”Down
sala and Italian Neu-
h• 1:.-`A
In rum
basso. a
,vt Pnt-
ATHENA. July 1. VIII Pmus. July It—There
Is a crisis In the (I ieek Cdbinet In consequence
of quarrels among the ministers.
- ,
uronosal Is under dls
cusaion Lem to unrer for three yearn soya
attrlbutei on It nt Serrano. General Polo
u• 111 go to Vichy •
HAVRE, July r.—The Da'fluter has arrived
tram idontevide. and means hnving passed
no the Seth of 511 e • a black vessel, about one.
thousand tons burden,' on tire from stem to
stern. She bad a cargo.apparcutly petroleum.
LONDON, .1111 i 19.—...4 yacht, showing blue
lights, end mimeos.' toshe the Dauntless, cent
passedop the Bth lust.. in latitude forty-nine
degrees, longitude elg teen degreea, by. the
Deverena.hich. has arrived at Liverpool
from Charle ston.
has Que g.egred. owc,July 18. 7
arriv I
PErstOtrrn; July . 10.— I
pin, from New York. li ~.
LONDON, July It —2 P.
American securities ant en I
'Ur" 85: 'O7O. 85; 10-40 s. 84; t
154: (treat Illestern. 22. St 1
LtvalteoOz July 16.—Cott n market heavy:
middling apt Mita, illid; Or cans. iltid,• sales
7.800 bales. California whit . wheat lis We
'lls lid: red 3V tern W e t Ps re Mb red win
ter las tkiE4lo. 9d. ter, our tss. ' Corn:
No 2 mixed R. Oats 21 01. Denier 15, Pens
Mts. Pork I ts. Deer 1135 . Lard ;Is Iki.
Cheese Wm. aeon 585 for C mberiand enditia
for shorten, Produce unch aged.
Lospos, sly 10.—Tallow 455 fit. Sugar 31. s
6410.31, 9d.
illevar.' July 17.—Cotton market closed
heavy yesterday at itilf. foe 1 - es ordinate° on
spot. , _ •
-There we cousiderable rivalry at Cincin
nati yesterdnbetween the Enquirer and Coins
mercial to dl tribute their Sundae issue along
the railroads. The Enquirer sent a special
train nt 1110 to Dayton. T e Commercial Cent
a special at 1:90 e. tn. to -Se la. thence to Day
ton. connecting 'NUR don . MID, reaching the
city nt 1230, thus dlstribu
roods tl g the Commercial
on both ods In advance o the Enquirer.
The steamship Idsla
I . e ,, st i T , eg i nslilp Allem&
M.—Consols 91%.
nominal; 8%
cite flat and nom
—The Content of the brig in.lfason. Which
milted at Boston rerterds from Soriano,
report, that on June M. In In Rude 68 dexreee '
North nod loettliude f.sdegreenls rrt Melee: he,,:
Picked op a boat cm:dinning eight men • in n
ererriog condition, trithoub food or tenter,
• Tho . cou ld ro n tweak Tingliett. They. omenp•
posed to he French seamen. \ • • .
—A carriage containing i,family ;lamed
Gregory. from lowa, Was crushed between
the depot platform and tour o'clock train from
Camden and Cape Stay, at Woodbury station,
on Saturday afternoon. The husband, wife
and niece were killed. The remaining occu
pant had botniegs cut off. •
--Frederick Drucktunn. or Comm
was stabbed seriously Satutday night while
attemptingjo eject Otto Darr and others front
a saloon. Derr and party hadintritded them
selves upon the premises where a dance lOU
in pr•uereel. In the melee Derr alsomut listed'
Fred Debert. •
< <
,XXXV.-- NO. 1:55.
The sante want of adaptation of the
dress to the iweasion, exhibited in
female church costume, is shown by the!
habit prevalent among our dames of pit!
ling on their showiest izarnients when
ever going out. eVen should'it be for the
performance 'only of 'the! most ordinary
dui,: 1.01411(11M With the'
it is to the draper's slurp loiter
a dozen kitchen towels, to the grocer's to
dabble in butter. ar ui the butcher's to
dribble in the- of 'a sirloin, She is
tire same finely dressed personage. - Sire .
more .frequentiy, however, amino the in
consistency of performing hinnble duties
in lofty attire by .11ifting them to the
lowlier and more soberly clad shoulders
of her husband. This is one. and•not - the
leasi, of the - ill effects of - this, habit of
female ovM-dress.' It unfits Women for
the simple' and - •unordentatious - duties of
household life. (Mr unmarried girls ate
entirely overilresed. They are Allowed
td' ear such snits as are never worn by
modest 4112141 Ni,, in Europe, and are hard
Is seen in piddle by 'the most matronly
persons. The yetieg lairs, dauntingly
turned, is sure to attmct n notice in
streets which should • apt be agree.
to. nod. is hardly safe for., virgin .
• ty. Our cistudry "women;" M
s., nor conntrymen, are recognized
immediately on the. highways of travel
by the finery of their 'dress. The glis
tening black coat and satin waistcoat, and
the,silk gown anti 'flimsy .bonnet;ash ;
ion, are discerned at once-amidst the dust
of the railway and smoke of the steamer
S. American national peculiarities. Apart
from the obvimisndvantage 401 the. score
of iTonomw of .ndapting the the
occasion, there are certain moral effects of
higher importance which might be e . N.:
',voted from n satin.' reruns in this par
fielder. Overdress. leads' p, false expec
tations. and confirms a dt , ,veifful sanity.
which pronupts to a pretence of svenitit,
and thwiniquitous means iw w Web it may
be supported. It has more to do thanany
other single cause with the fall of sonatas,
114 bankruptcy of hashatubiand the ruin
of }families. fto effect in destroying •fe..
male reserve, especiallythattif the young,
Writ SIMS takes away, one of :the:l3eat
safeguards of virtuM,maltes 'lt Very per
nicious. The excess - .of dress is certainly
the cause of much of the characteristic
vice of the day:. and with. the general
adoption of n MON' 1111.411,t attire there
wuulrl b 0 lee!s temptation to that part, nt
least, of 'the.prevailing ill.tlaing for which
women are respousilde.—The Ifvaurr
Bark of D rt. r to f i (al rrer.l
• July 18th. 1870...)
NOTICE.—There will hen meet
ING of the above the room
tho eecothl Werra Grant Club. No. 68 Surlth
nehl street. ,a 4
On Tuesday, the 19th inst:
W. e. PIL/RVIAN,:ff.
• Secretary.
Horn Its founder. Hon. S. WIIII/tan.en endowment
ofUdents 8230.000, offer the g very h best adrantncel. to
st deStrin 11 thoroug for Cu.
spiels or •for adnalestan to tt prepa rull on
Hatton at putt. and Tuition free to the itangent.
Far Stuntovue address the Prlnrlpal. MARSHALL
I( EN SHAW. East Itempton, Mare. Juladit,
o ,!Nly
. . . . . . ..
TIJESDAY EV ENINO.• July 19th. at 19 Weinek,
'ill be knhl on recond none of Mcilnalne , A nekton
Ihnanc. lOU timithtlehl ctrcel._. _ '
171 shares (Athens Sittli4llll Bank.
1 alumna B.& M. bintional Bank.
.1 has Keystone national Bank.
) , haren Weltelli hoeing* ILYnk.
J. OU slicres /inlston 011 Company: • .
Juin , A. SICILWAINE. Auctioneer.
Allegheny-Savings Bank
Deposits received end 0 percent.dilo wed nn time
depoelts. Particulernttentinn given toColleetione.
and emcee& promptly remitted.
I decount days. MOMIDAY and THU RSMA I.
4 limes 1.. Gra . imanY E John Been.
A. Moore. ii. Wetted,
D. Denaren. ' Andrew Ackfey,
C. 11. Beyer.
• .1 AM 1.. GRAHAM, Preildent.
MAIN W. RIDDLE. Candler. JrilettlO
11. AMY'S LOVER. A Sion, by Florence
• TO ME. .A POEM. B Ilocrara Olyndon.
r Profusely Mounded. By Uttar.* A.
VI. 3IIE °LB 11001i-ellitlPS. , ol . LONDON
AND PARIS. Br Edward Borland. •
- 'WAITE: A linrer. Part. IV. By An
thony Tmllope.
. . • .
Paul . By Prof. Edward R. Cpe.
IX. OCR cAspLts. By Edward Spencer.
. . .
NEXATIO. tan ,
For Sale t all the Look and Nees NtOree.
TEntse—Temly Subtertption, $1 : Single Num
hoc 35 cent., •
SPECIMEN NUMBER. with Prentlom List and
Club Itatee`sent thanp midterm on receipt Of
Twenle-tive crag,. Addreee'
'SLOTS. Y acre (web a Orchard of large beer..
log tpplo. react and Pear Tree..
9 2,1 0 0;rarg rgine clew of the elites. Priem.
1 HOUSE AN1:71.0 - T, full of NW. bettinglgalt.
?doe 1111173.
1 LAR G E . NSW cirrriGE. 9p. :armwlda hagl
f mat sod side portloosAll tellers. M /arm. Osherow . ,
Moat well of water at tool door, carriage holomwha -
VaVlnrar th g - ?"'"`"" ° " ° "
" a nd river, owpoelia month of
treet. Mt. tvashlngloo, with l_armo.
00. Or M scree more of kw/caftan:. Osage
he with It. Wittda Slam =Wales end), of Mn.
• cline. Enquire of
• W..LINTIART, ou the premises.
S FO - It SALE.—
715 and 717 . Marhet St.,.Philadelphia.
American Organs
Are made of carefully chosen mate
rials,by well-tralued mechanics, with
the aid of ingenims machinery: are
constructed in accordance with acous
tic, principles, with the dictates of
long experience, nd with the sugges
tions of reflnetttinstral taste:.
The =Rau( acturer. Intend In secure
AFriend inlveryNcha.§eir
singe they not the sante thorough wort int° arerl
Instrument—each being perfect, of Its Wad. and
sob at a prlco cOrie.pOnd log with IU aetnafralue.
Besides a lams varlets of sweet toned
Inen ts ter the Parlor. the alartufaitorers agora.
sprigs of powerful Organs stint
Pedal Bass and Double Manuals
For etivitcrtxs. uusicAL SOCIETIES. sod
other puhtle WOO.. Fell " oRGAIi
An Maturated Circular, containing full dcecrlp•
tions and prince. win be cent poet-paid, on applica
tion. •
S. D. & W.
Boston, Masa
No. 136 Smithfield Street.
WILLISTON 801INARY basburteceisad
an its Ina der. Ron. an endow
ment of 117.4.1)00 effete the Veer beet advaii-
MlgrVtrl e r_ra:jo h inl?? . i . 7rPtit
late. Mani at oost.atal Tuition reo
addrebe the refetepal, 1 -
11Z•etthe, ihtst llamOton. Maas.
1,1841. Vi•
/00 b it eTitle2:ll4, White LIMN
for uae by J. n. CANIPTELD,
Nis l4l rust. arenas.
, 7- .lllli ThiagYille Hydraulic.
vutr lIENT, the be e i %li" .
IN.• 141 ptnt
!ommoreial •and. Family Newsppri
Nu farmer. oleehaute, tnereiAnt 00410 to
Mout It. •
Single oubscribsil
Club• or tire '
Plebe of ten 1.12,
A ropy is furnished gratultou.i7 to the letter•up
a a - club of lon. Postmasters are requeeted In
rt as Agents. JIM rem.
1lEk:11 & 111., ..*
At.. not etterslino
/.INrS;lral tr 1 , 1.'1 3 In 1,... " .. "" n '
C{:A ; tact. dotal/i.e.' line
/11" E (4:NTs.
.• • _
Al 7 AN'rED—.II4ENTS—For to sell
to I.,onstntaAlott In city alai • ,aaat tt , Apply at No.
7U l:m~tLllrld strerr.
AN'FEI). - -REt'lllllTn.--sorerst
m.n . .
Q u,,N v GREYS. Tlint company Is °mut th•.
1..e,1 In thy Hattolipit. MAY at N flrfnie of
N. .
Jog , r 2, }}rat Of •11 1 10 attna.
' •
.11/'.lSTEl).—Ser6rill Mon for Fain t .
r work. lardrolorf Drfrlng._ . Alto., for
Brlrtrord Work. treveral Otis (arts ‘lsate‘l for
Cooking, Chitintierseitirk. Dining-minalint* snit
light work tit description. APPIT st
1 :11th strvnt, drat dm* [rum
A A N S T e E ri l u i l — orVetice l'en T n ° cr In B e s manufs — n•
lie " r " r ' c 'g ni:Vl=Dir i retTegnq Wi le " n ‘ ii. l elim "'( dgie r,
business. which can •be done Milne ultely. Thiele
n rare importunity for amen vrtlaktn, to embark to
business. Address A. R. Putsbereh
°Mew stiatr.s reel name end where en Irderstent
ran be had, three days.
30.00010 Lose In lame or smell .moons.,
rte fills rite Of Interest. •
hill. hand and Reel Ratite Renter.
No. 1711Rialtbfleld filmset.
Thirty Thousand ;Dollars to Loan
large ar mall amount. on prop.iy Alliwhaal
MILT talr rate ..1 Uaareat. '
• ; RO.d_qAtiFit. Amt.
UN. Omni /UV*,
• . 1" osT.—CHECK.—fin the 12th or
Li 13th Inst., n fee 1134.2*, No. .9.
listed 12th July WM...drawn by Wm. McCully a
co. favor of Messrs. Bradley It DnII, a. bower.
Thu nnner please leave If at fin. l ' S and 20
Wood street. AS payment bat bee n
Itionrant It Is
of nn •altse to any one.
Juta.stli A. H. BAUMAN.
OU:SIL-011 Saturday evening, a
POCKET-BOOK, containingntoneY. an.
T e °vinare= have it by nailing 24 3 tianantlry
Street. Allegheny. and lokitif ling tL
f it r ANTEIL BOA BOERS. A ter
rl l . O-LET.--FUIM!SHED ILOOPkywith
A .k ., gr a vAllsout board. Malvin, at 134 FOUITI
lar^,e. Third Story
JL FRONT ROOM.ltable for Lodgers.
yl7 at 279 Venn .treat. et. au
T °•LET.—No. 36 Esplanade street,
Allegheny. itOUS6 of 7 rootosand finished
idle: gee throughout: hot and cold water In
kitchen. ros!iession gtien September Ist. Apply
prominesoir to JOHN STERRETT, Mumma,
41.sheriz. ,
A arst-chos STORE ROOll and oast. No.
Ihrli Liberty. street, sompletel/ fitted up sit
shelving .0 wasters. Will bt, footed Weap
exiled far soon. Enquire at
Ckanni-v Residence
At Edgewood 'Station; A lame DOUBLE TWO
STORY MUCK HOUSE and nearly J . acme of
ground. The house contain. le -roma; also •
well of &nil wator In anthem. Any one in want of
.pleadld Louie will do well to call and owning.
lhle Linirdil7. Will Sato city property to PM •
payment If .nimble. Sur frirth•r Information call.
at the place. opposite Edgworth Staticio,on ther
5.1 i. It.
-., .3011 N GRAZIMIL
NR SALE.—HOUSE. Yarn • •
well, et 76 - First street. well Waled for it
Wardteeeose. Tere etiXterater.
[.. 4 "01t SALE.—A. BRICK HOUSE, cm-
Ito t agr f7p n gt ' ggal,lll74:MT:
76. word! Will n seir ws 1 wish toj_o torte
countei. Apply at go uortAN EITSZY:e. or ale -
c!. 6U k,P5. 4 r.f!-.... 74 1
1 1 0
Seeerul scam-handLiV4ooNti.
One or
( 0 100 it
01010 CAllRtAtilt. to good order.
rwoliollitFA. •
,Apply to •
Corner of gunth .cruel street' iiiirillar-i's r itort,
Allegheny. ;
IOR SALE.—Engines and Bonita,
- New end Second Hand, of all klogi,eonstortly
, on . hand. '
I Orders from all parts of the country prom:M.l7AI
waded to. •
Cnmei Marlon A vMeaIRS. n
and, w. aC.R. W.
'FO T IkU i t ut LE.—STOCK FAX.M.en•
acre]der mit/I L LY ''' . ealllcel ' ls n'th l d . kar t'
no so
Louses, nrarnrd mod well n ° 4 " 7 " . U .
small meet P 31.111, through the ulnas. 01[4144 in
' ltrikggiirka r gZi. 3 l.V.7Zl=4,l
ellustchel. The rum ma Ds
purcLasß StaTAISTYCO...No.74Voutth Ave.
lIRPIDENCE, arm:a/hang '2O acres with 3 hews
thereon; onr.• floe. comfortable and concenisat
houselifmad water. and one of the best water pow
er, In Weldon Deunrylvents for • milli 11E1 = lles
from the ally. on the waters of Terlle Creek Dowd,
of a mile from Stewart's Station, Centred
road. Also. several wad FarVII - araaf location!
ana boyars for sale. DemErre
ill No. Ilol3rariV/1-. oppeAtcrlajhedrel.
VOR VEA RS' itifiTl-•
. .
A handsome jeessed Brhot 70wa Itog two
stories. omtalitine 7 rooms. Lot 43 by 1941.. 0 %f
ate on 414th street. near Bettor meet. The
well with pe vines, obrobbei7. - /ta.
while on the rear is On e stable. Ossell throve* ,
the house. This property l• otetaltehthe 4 S
olcable in the 17th ward. Price sail
:one thin given, T. R. SI
ON MAIN STRE—in elee Coe tt i lese Cottle*
Mese, situate on Main street. near the rinnity
thew Rita n 004151011 3 mom.: Lot 30 by
nits lo a beautiful pia.% and one within road. of.
sit of moderate maths. T. It.LL WIN.
ON 4e th STRRICT.—A besuere sa l
er, MOW.
AnyGO by 108, close to the aeon. P. IL W . ,.
Any one whiling it ineesent spot on which to hew -
cannot be better petal. T. R. SILL a, n/:l , i
111300 will purchase Ono Lot. near the
R. IL In oe cash eadbehmoo in rour_oqual
lleYthents. Worklaeusen shoald not, WOW greed ,
~,,,wirmity slip by. They eel nevorreatiothe
110 11411r1111 r,
12geous. T. IL BIL BON -
ICI COMM Pow and
The two Atoll doable boast. the Reidnaeo 4!
Robert FL Rotondo. Ilse.. edJoining therilateenee:.
of Rom. IP.. awl Ilay Welker end lirma.Catenor..:,
le Ureters loess/et/. on the New Ifriebton Itt•34
aitent3 miles from the eity. The bOnse .s c . entejuni...
14. 1 . 0.1.1; sloa;the house sad mating room, nth , .
me kitchen andlaundry .dont.honic,COntwohlut
to the mama Whitler: the hen." Is itheelLilot 11 . 1 .
sneer and gas. The' ground', oteti*Whe
1 OK iteres.few tunefully laid out end en
with an abuntlenco or fruit sod emerges.. WM,/
smell fruits, Ac. °tithe pronitoelliith gismo
eon irthlerronit bailees and sardainbous of
3 rooms. Venter the P., It. WAte: " •
IL IL i within a few minutes' watt of the
Fos terms. enquire at the mum
CITY brALLLOYt Y.Jot? glinw,•(T , '
To Sewer Contractors:
Tim Senor Commission of the CityrissMST ;.,
ant prepsessi to wets. Dropouts for consums...
tinp of th e following 'Linen. WWI egossams. -, .
osnoss, mists. so zonal.. kc. . . _. .
- • • • • . . . .
• " Contract No. 1.
6topttillo, shoat 400 fmt or fig to►' Infir
- with theolti.totmllowitronialtlfieVielk,....
Contract No. 2
• liostprtatne about 3313 feet of 154nch.
Pipe Seweron Otto a”nne. fres retiree KM; •
connect with the Frasier West Sewer.
Draennies and wee.eo-•tons crat he eeen 404 fat ,. •
Informatlon obtained at this calm • : •
Side meet be endorsed . Sewer Pro
tract No. 1... for 2.•5.. asthe caletneer werde-"
rerr i e on or before P.N. THU ItSDA all2l. j'
ramie of Proposals, on 'Ado forme Woe* bide
will be received. will be furnished at Mb oiler.
The Comadealon do not bend themelvea W ee
neat lb* leveed or my bid. •
Br order of the ComndariCer.. •
I Idcm.