The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 16, 1870, Image 1

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, .
Corner Stith Aro. and Smithfield St.
T. P. BOONTON,. N. r. Rasa
Kinil.nts AND ritopaurromp.
Sy mil, per year
I,..iteen4l by canter, per weak
•EDMOFD is about to travel in
Tut . : Belgian arfisi - , Eugene. Simonin, is
dead. •
13anisu Honduras is in a state of rev
Pants lute nineteen comic papers. Lon
don has oily
Account:it to the recent census, Hun
guy lies 15,430.23 t inhabitants.
Tar British debt Is less now than it
has been at any time since 1613.
E.e.Pnwellatst . Jute= has escaped
from Costa Rio and arrived et Pension.
ALL the' - .Cuban markets have been
greatly, unsettled, in consequence of the
disturbed condition of affslrs in Europe.
Tat Senate of the United States'of Co:
losable has ratified the American canal
treaty. There is no doubt of Its passage
by the House.,
, Tar: last , Beiwation, the newly' dis
covered diamond fields of South Africa,
is six hundred and fifty miles northeast
- from Cape Town.
LETTERS from Munich state that the
War Department has received 10,000
needle . guns ordered two years ago for
the Bavarian army.
OVE of the sons of Count Von Below,
who was serving in the Prusnialtnavy, re
evenly committed suicide et San Francisco
by swallowing sulphuric acid.
A :!: EWLS' discovereCl.Chinese poem, Le
Sao, 'written MO veers . 1
hefore Christ, is
said to prove that theex'ence of Ameri
ca was known to the Chi dvse at that time.
• THE total value of th exports from
litattemala during 1861.1 amounted le
V2,-197,127 against *2,193, 7in PAIS. The
increase in one year amounted, therefore,
to $303,8811. - - . , ; y
PADRE Pact, a It:lsldt, ,f Panatua,late
ty,preaelted a semen there in irhich he
attacked the editors of : !the ...cbro. and
Herald, proclaiming tip• paper hell, and
the editor tile'devil.
Ic is estimated by some nattheinatiad
genius that it would require a canal five
miles long, fifty feet deep;.funl two hun
dred feet broad to hold the-bete annually
consumed In Europe. 1 .,
THE theatre of Braun, in Adatria, he
been entirely destroyed by fire. The lib
rary and the wardrobe alone were saved.
The flames broke out half an hour before
the time. for operling the doors.
A coLuxrlON has been taken. all among
the different city administrations of Ger
many, for the benefit of the second Ger
man polar expedition. The sum realized
Is sufficient to defray all expenses.
:Purger RADZIWILL and Count de
'limbed; looted upon as the leaders of the
f..tholic party in the eastern provinces of
Prussia. have given their adhesion to the
metuorandrucvagaimst Papal infallibility.
Tan news or the probable rapture be
' yereen 'Pent and Bolivia has canted a pro ,
towel sensation, and many natives of the
latter ccetntry are seriously thinking of
. Waving, in order to escape the Impending
LA's'? laxielncren.
the agitate fronrßerlin to the United
States of America, as compared with the
year -before; the value having been
006,073 <Wens against 2530;206 thalers
in 1868. - • • I
NrCABAGC.A. Wall visited on the 16th
instant by an earthquake, which waa par
ticularly severe at Leon. At Granada
alarming noises were beard about “Sluno
tombo," an extinct volcanoW - the neigh
A Bran..l:. =respondent says that
you were to hear the .Prusaiinis talk yoi
would think them all Americans in thou
progression and valor, and like our own
countrymen they believe themselves in.
'Tits: Swedish,
.fieet now ready for im.
mediate' nervice. is twelve vessels, with
sixty-five - guns, including four monitor.,
misting 7,870,000 itim.dalers, and eleven
coast vessels, with fifteen guns, and cost
ins; 1,17'2.000 rixdalers.
Tux Norwegian steamers now running
direct between Christiania and liavro are
bringing consignments of fine northern
fah, preserved 'in ice, w i ltich reach Paris
in perfect condition in three days from
The point of shipment.
TUE disgmeeful postal arrangement*
of the Republic of Colombia give rise to
much complaint. It is said that on one
.of the steamers the mall bags are thrust
into the cook's galley or uncki benches,
- as If they were of no account.
• IN Santiago the Italian opera lesson
has commenced under the management of
Signer Curti. The prima donna, Signora
Mello, Imo not treated a farore, but the
.contralto, Signorina Murauco, and the
tenor. Signor Recce'. are enthusiastically
epoken of. -
TttE Republic of Colombia has ceded to
the atate of P1:653311, as print of a debt
-duo by the nation...a /Dahl=
' known by the name of San rum de Dios,
nit uated in a street" of the same name.
'This building is destined to form a college
_for educational purposes.
A.GRICVLITRISTS In Chile complain - of
the extreme drought of the season, and
are fearful of their harvests. The winter
has made its appearance very early, it is
unusually cold, and there is a hoar frost
during the night and morning, covering
• the c ountry as with a white sheet.
A NEW organ ization has been started in
England. called the "Free Church of Eng
, land." It is modeled after the plan of The
• -EplecopalChtirch in the 'United States.
and claims to have -for Ito special object
a move against Romudsm and Ritualism,
which It regards as of very near kin:
A ocontrrrEE hue been formed at Con
stantineple, underthe presidency of Count
von Rayserling, the liorth-Oerman Am.
bassador, for the purpose of receiving and
distributing-money and other necessaries,
cent In aid of the. Gerananit and Swiss,
have lost their property bathe late fire at
' Pent:
TUE Omit ercio, a paper which las been
started in Sen.-lose, Costa Rica, to repre
sent commercial interests, speaks . of the
arrival of an 'agent of an English corn
mny i n t h at city for the;truhpose of treat
ing with the government for the con
*traction of an Internceartic • railroad
" across the liepubU:.
Tun Norwegian fisheries arc decreas
ing. They now employ 22,492 men. The
untidier of "cod taken in 1869 was 23,700,-
000, of which 12,000,000 were salted and
prepared as clip fish; or baccalan, and
. about-12,800,000 hung up to dry as round
fish_ The remaining 900.000 were cured
for home consumption.
limmuctlocx from Eli:Petersburg an.
flounces the death in that city of M. Ber-.
rulaki, the wealthy father-in. law of Barin
de Talleyrand-Perittord, formerly, French
Arnbaleador Ile leaves about
thirty rallikeis or francs, obtained, it is
, by termingfrom the Russian Gov
ernment the brandy monopoly.
AFlticeltratillit has invented a method
of preservimptadeontologlad specimens.
All feed' bodel: upon be exposed to
_ ail apt fall away into dust. To
prevent thls,it is proposed to form' over
them • solution of silicate of potash.
• The liquid is absorbed Immediately, and
thoroughly hardens the objects.
. .
" Tots gleat exten si on of the flax trade of
late yeast in Raids may be attributed to
the enormous rise in price, consequent
, upon the scarcity of cotton there. Priors
of flax have latterly been to the peasant es
much as three timer what • they. were
_fifteen years ago—the peasant; th et . e f ore ,
sow every availibloacre with firm,
' A DISPATCH from Paris says G. strike
in Maumee has extended total d r u fts o f
workinen. Even the_takers have cawedwork, and at least twenty thousand men
are now idle. Notwithaanding this unus
ual suspension of labor, good order has
been preserved, and neither the - police nor
the soldiers hare been called upon to in
Arian a sermon preached by a -Paris
priest in favor of Ireland, a woman passed
through the &monthly with an alms bag.
The sermon had been very eloqueat, the
emotions excited by it were tudversal.and
• Rifle mined into the bag. A worktuan east
in his watch, laying aloud, "One need not
1 . ,
, * . .
. , ~
_ - 6 01 11 I 1 mr
kil h e -11 14 itt ' ,____;:, b- ~, 1 1 111 , c6k
,l iov ie t t
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know the time of :due when a people ie
dying othunger.
Tut: Nfanchetter Uwerdiau of July Jud
saes: Jew—und a Roumanian Jew to
1,;“,t-4has received his exequator as
United Staten Consul at Buebareat. This
is not'inueli to be thankful for, but, never
the less, it will be some consolation to the
unforitmate Hebrews of the principalities
to find one of their race; awl faith step
piugloto such a position.• '
I}O Fnaiims OF assist, the en-hus
band of the en-Queen ilf,Spain, is now
leading the life of a bachelor in Paris,
having rented only three rooms in-a house
on the. Rue Entries d'Artois. Alter mak
ing a trip through 4 lemony this summer,
he intends to settle down in style In Paris,
for which his pension of $418,1101) annually
rilliirds hint Motile means. ,
M. DE KONTSKI, the famous Russian
violinist, and his daughter Wanda, the pi
anist, have had the honor of playing Le
-1 Ana the. Stilton, Dili 'Majesty was so de
lighted with the instrumentation of both
artists that he conferred the deeoration
of the Medjidie on thetather, and added
the substantial; donation of 10,000 f. for
the evening's entertainment.
WE are promised another addition to
the famous literary puzzle known as the
"Junius controversy." The London Ath
towiou states that there will shortly be
given to the World certain evident* re
specting.the authorship of the Junius let
ters, which the descendants of Sir Philip
Francis have hitherto withheld from pub
lication at the instigation el prudential
WHILE England and America are con
leading that 50111.1 of theirssespectively
discovered the practice of anientheaia for
surgical operations, we find that it was
adopted litany hundred years. ago. We
are assured that a Chinese physician,
named lina-tho, who lived between the
220th and 230th year of our era, gave to
his patients n preparation of ',Leutp by
which they became insensible.
Tut: - works of the Talcahuano and Chil
inn Railwnv, and the branch line from
Llnillai to. gat, Felipe are proceeding very
natisfactorily. The arrival of ' the loan
raised in England for the construction of
thc fonner hue, has enabled time Govern-
menet to provide for the requirements of
the latter, without recourse to the inane
of excite -finer bends us authorized by the
law of the 7th of January,
NICAItAOI:AN agitiCtlit.Uritti it is re
ported, has discovered a method. of ex
tracting an excellent black dye frets the
plant commonly known an "sacaatinta."
'llse plant is said to oiler many advaUta
ges for successful — cultivation, compaied
with the indigo, amongst which may be
mentioned that it is more easily and
chesple raised, and that it producer
much larger quautity of dye. in propor
tion, than does the indigo plant
GREAT ertitemeut prevails at Cobija,
Bolivia, owing to the discovery of some
rich silver :nines distant about dve leagues
from ,the little settlement of Calama,
about twenty. lye leagues away from the
seaboard. The place where these reputed
fabulously rich veins of silver exist is
called Sierra del Limon Verde. The pre
fecture 'has Tssued above one
hundred and fifty mining licenses, mud'
nothing else is talked about but etarfg
off to the mines.
TUE North German Comespenthe says:
Orders have been given for the construe-
Orin of a new iron-clad frigate with fear
'Aimee' of 10. inch rifled cannon in two re
volving turrets, and three rifled l 4 pound
ers„ two at the bows and one at the stern.
Slie-is to be furnished with machines of
000 nominal horse *vier, and will draw
24 feet orwater. After the completion
of the Arbidne in the Dautzic dock-yard,
anew corvette will be laid doom as a com
panion ship to the latter. The' iron-clad
frigate is to be called the lioroussia, and
the new corvette the' Louisa.
AROTE, the heroine of a new
Parisian novel, is an Ministerial being
evoked from all sorts of lover glees by
the combined ecienta of two alchemists.
She la an infenml spirit. Her eyes shed
electrical lightning, she indulges in devil
ish sneers, else has at 'cornmeal . all the
powers of the ;salient/nand world, and
the work of her life in to bring evil upon
all who approach her—upon all who love
her. The romance Is intended expressly
for summer reading, no it makes every
body's blood run cold, and sends little di
abolical shivers careering about.
THE Tcheques are at this momenimak
tug great efforts; to reconcile themselves
with the Germane established in Bohemia
and are convoking numerous meetings
with the object of persuading the latter
that they also should consider themselves
na ;'citizens of the same kingdom, and seek
to 'obtain the recognition of its public
right.. These attempts have up to the
present time been completely ineffectual.
The Bohemian Germans persist in their
incredulity with regard to the rights of
the crown of St. Wenceslas, and do not
even attend the meetings to which they I
■re. invited.
Mn. MEtoue, the'-great riilroad con•
tractor Irks forwarded to Government the
report, plans and tatimated tof the
lino from Team to the frontiers of Bolivia
and also for that from 110 to llfoquehua.
The Hoven:anent has given notice that
tenders will be received op to the Itts of
July, for the construction of the above
lines, and that the lined convenient will
be accepted, in view of the guarantee and
security tendered for the speedy snd cer
tain construction of acid Brief.. Orden;
have been hawed for the purpose of estab
lishing another line which, starting from
Jeep', may reach the" city of Ayacucho,
and from the latter be extended to Ica.
THE Amajgamited Society of Engineers
ham been frequently quotid as the most
powerful of trades unions existing in Eng.
land, or, possibly, in any other part of the
world. , According to a late statcu u •ut to
the Votemporarg Rerkw, by Mr. George
Potter, it comprises more than 39,000
members. Its income is nearly £115,000
($413,000 'gold.) "During the 'nineteen
years of Its existence, It has paid to mem
bers out of work £481,824; to sick went ,
'bers, £179,163; for accidents and funerals,
• .1:73,450; in superannuations, .4.'33027; in
benevolent grants and assistance to other
trades, E 25,302; making in all the prince.
iy sum of £817,008 (44,083,340 Old.) and
leaving a balance in hand of £.70,130."
• A <maim who was discharged from the
British Admiralty for misconduct inlB6l,
and-of courge without a pension, lately
wrote to the department, as if atilt in of
fice, offering to accept a commutation of
pension. Apparently uu inquiry war
made by the officials to whom the appli
cation was addressed. They seem to have
assumed froplicitly that the pension was
really due, and to have proceeded in the
ordinary course with the calculations' for
commuting it. The result was that on
'the 14th of June, Ifillh the clerk received
£2OOO from the admiralty for consenting
to retire-from a service (rani which be
bad bren dismissed in diegrace nine years'
before; and to accept a commutation eta
pension to which be had - no title whatev
er. The clerk started at once on a visit
to the United States. •
A mon revolting and almOst inesplica
ble crime Is reported from the Rhenish
factory town of Gladdbach, in Germany.
A young factory hand met a' handsome
boy nine years of age, who had just taken
dinner to his father, in the vicinity of the
factory. By some means or other he in
duced the little follow to accompany .him_
to a neighboring field, where the tall grain
stalks concealed Ahem effectually from all
'eyes, and then thiew him on the ground
and struck him repeatedly on the head
with Ida shoe till the boy lost conscious
ness. Now he) bared his belly and ripped
,it open, so that the entrails gushed forth.
Thinking hie victim dead, he went. away.
some schoolboys going by chance through
the field. (mid the poor child in this hor
rible condition, and they giving the
alma, it was 'at once transported to the
hospital. There he was laid in a must de
plorable state, the Moll is . crushed. the
neck showing the tracer of the fingers of
the monster male tried to strangle the
boy, and the-belly bearing n wound nine
, inches in length. The inhuman wretch,
who had been designated by the mutilated
eldld,war•working quietly in the factory
when he was smeared, and did not deny
the deed. although he was unable to ex
plain whist had induced him to commit it.
lie remained perfectly calm on being con
fronted with his victim, and seemed reas
onable and sans.
CALIVOILNLA has • Chinese lawyer.
Teti population of Boston in 220,:ti0.
„Evansville, Intl., is to have a now hotel.
SliiNoll Flhrrz in summering In Massa
Itteerore.s favorite , -41111181 M plain.--EN
0. Times.
COUNTRY Neat—A . milking st.,l.—hrt
Free Press.
TUE Oregon fruit crop haw been injur
ed by wet weather.
TuF. salt :mines of West Virginia
threaten to give out. '
Tut: flat crop of England and Ireland
promises well this year.
A. PEN•stIliN fund—un editor's vacation
inoney.—Lo TM Courier.
. WHAT Spain in nutlering from—an A•
King void.-J..V. 0. Time.. • ,
1 .I'l4 Alodern llelf-it,Ontele—Fortune
'telling in tea-cups.—Pos.
-A 11110N7.1 , . STATUE of Uen. Ilnwtins is to
be.erected in Washington.
New JEnsEr la Imginniug to Klink of
sweet potatoes and water melons.
Tim in.eftler.the foot and ankle, die
easier it gets up stares.- 7 N. U. Times.
THE Chi ago ladies now want women.
policemen to care for female prisoners.
Tile b e inn of Infallibility will be of
i a
tidally p itulgated in.Roine tomiorrow.
' A
FITTI M Opportunity—When yon see
getting m - tired for, a suit of clothes.
I - I.lnd,y. . '
A VELOCIPEDE Thief out West has ton
acquitted on the ground of 11111DifCtO
Tilt Y. !Jerald wnots Senator
succeed Mr. Motley at the Court iof .
SOUTII AFRICAN finder of: n ,uperb
turquoise nutshell see what the in
Side looked like.
GovEItNOR 1.441A1111 and family ore at
liedfuH, where there are about tbtee
hundred visitors, exclusive of n camp of
lab number of persons bitten by .mad
doge seems to 10 unusually large• this
year and a greater lin fl of them
are fatally bitten.
MottrumE in soda water is the fashion.
able suicidal instrument down South. and
if yoit can go to the den shore to Mk.. it,
co tuuch.the better.
Now BEDFOUD prop eees to have drink
ing fountains provided with an automatic
counter-balance weight, to stop he How
of water when the trough in full.
To soak a dog in kerosene and Oyu net
him on fire in said to be fine sport. It is
favorite amusement ;of New England
boys they havinit inherited the taste. •
M. PREVOS.T PABAIK.4. was 'very much
taken aback by the newt; 'of European
events during* him vovege: He left Eu.
Tope in profound peace and clans very
near 'finding her involved in n terrible
Tut: Loniatille Courier.Jearnoi.ete..
but attacksthe noble Senator from Ma.
.ICllllSet t . ...Suumvr has a violent anti•
+ally to etT,rything white. Ile hates
"ugiatl bt. CA I lOW her , thalk riiß. are not
. COltltEhl'l.lNltE.t.l: of the Cincinnati
L'tmintercial says in speaking of little
tentle,`taltich he thinks come front tat high
in the min: "Several times in , nty ,hurt
life have I seen them fall, not only all
mound tar, but on my head:'
IT must be delightfitl to nit in the open
air at , Vincenued, Indiana. and listen to
the dulcet strains of the braes:lam' which
the local papers beasts is canposed en
tirely of young men nho' have no
.knowledge whatever of music,
Tur. Uniontown (]mina says : John L.
Rush killed a rattlmmake on the lilt iusi.
oidchtnennured fire fret in heigth and
had fourteen mules and n button. It an,
the largest and olchst one that has been
killed in the mountain fora long time.
Tnt: editor of the .9.vitherit Church Mde
makes the following extraordinary threat
to the ltitruallsts: - - I- or it is evident if some
of us are going to eau copes, and ether of
us nothing but surplices, others of its
will dhseard the use of all garments
witataoever !"
A coLonED man in kleuiphis, who used
a keg of powder as candle stick- for Lin
roman candles when he ert them off on
the 4th, has not. since been heard from,
and his friends would he thankful for.any
light thrown upon thin mysterious dinap
warance, of suy
pieces. -
Tn ertesiu flouring mill of Thomas &
Tucker, at Galveston, Indiana, was blown
up on Friday morning. Mi. Tucker was
killed, Mr. Thomas was considerably
hurt, and a Mr. Grislier, who wan riding
along tke street, badly injured. The
mill, building and machinery, IC a total
IT to reported that a colored bard t.
Kentucky has -written a poem of two
thousand-verses. which is in the charac
ter of a history of the rebellion, and en
titled "Columbiana, or the North Star.''
Ito is daily traveling about, singing parts
of it to procure money wherewith to pub.
lish it complete.
Tit E Educatiwtal Chtzett,, which is typo
graphically a thing of beauty, has re
duced Itself about one-half in sire, and
now appears liebdotnidally instead of
monthly. It would he as handsome as
ever to any one admires miniature
port raga of some well remembered beauty
as much as the beauty itself. .
Lin Nr
Monday, a boy -In llmington,
Delaware, threw a lighted tire cracker
through the Ming hole of an empty al.
cobol barrel.. A neat wig hider the
scorched hairless scalp -of that boy, but
adhesive plaster and poultices have
scarcely had time to reduce_ the innumer
ableabraaious and inflamatinns 2n his
periled. .
THE Cincinnati Uuminercial says Colo.
nel OMEN Flalstead read the account of
Lis death and burial in- yesterday's arr.
retie at about the time the &gni ref had
announced for the' inqueiit, and .was an
noyed. He' remained in doubt as to his
existence for some moments, since here.
tofore he has had. great faith in the tam
nip of.theetatements Made by-one of the
above named journals.: -
II 111 said that immediately after the re
cent earthquake, in the middle of the road,
on Chalybeate Mountain, about twenty-flee
miles front Arkadelphia, Arkanias, where
it was alincist as hard as a rock before,
there appeared a quagmire, and seer-rat
persona attempting to-ride over il before
being acquainted with its character,' r ed
I their horses to mists no that they ha d to
be pried oat. Tito shock is said to brave
been very severe In that locality.
' THE annual ceremonies of the believers
in the African superstition of vondoulato
and the celebration of the Fetish rites
generally, were duly observed : in—Louta
iamiern St. John's Day, at a secluded spot
on the. shore of Lake Pancliartrain, where
numerous ll nties wore constructed, with
print prii e in the centre, under cover_
ce ll
of whi the voudon orgies were per
' formed. The rites this year " bete not
clissacterized by each extravagant and
cruel performances as cm former occasions.
Tim Cincinnati Coinmescial hat •a free
e l l
et correspondent ,
freert's I regular; ' tddeebuttnewspaper' " 1 -
!e l 1 in . g cor. hi t m sporuea sti n l d f
p t s ra i.n d g
who does not as soon as he adopts that
line, descend at onee_to -vile personal
abuse and a vulgar style.
.Th.i. D. p, as
cleperal Farnsworth and Judge. Kcal
ley, In the case of the latter gentleman
going back tldrty, ytaN to accuse hi n t or
ma togs 4ircialayery: speech and' Using
freely, tinder tho shield of the anonymous,
such as would in the days of
the duello have insured' D. P.'s - instants.
nexus flight to.a place of safety. .
As Austrian jotithal says that the dia.
missal of Father Augustine Theiner, the
keeper of the privy archives of the Vali
oan. from his past, haacaused much talk
in Rome. lie was the author of the Life
of. Clement xrv.,• book written-by order
of Pius IX., at the period when the pres
ent Pope was opposed to the Jesuits. The
work was directed again! the Order, who
have accordingly long .viewed its writer
with dislike. - I r he canto of Father Thal
ner's removal is said to be the feet of his
hiving furnished the Oerman bishops with
some documents frourrhe Papal archives,
which were not calculated to IMVpiat the
theory of the infallibility of the Pope.
The Iron Moulders' Union on
AT the meeting of the Ifon Moulders'
Union, on Weduesday, at Philadelphia,
the Committee on Coolie Labor, W. C.
Bladley, No. 3, Chairman, presented the
following report: Whereto; there has of
late years arisen an emigration of a new,.
and so far as our country is concerned of
au unprecedented kind and intended, as
•we believe, to reduce to poverty and bar
barism the working men of this country
by introdaCing a system of labor utterly
servile and degrading, and hitherto, un-
I known in this country, and whereas it is
important in view of recent events that an
evpression of opinion should be had from
our organization relative to the question
of coolie labor, it is therefore resolved,
That the International Union of Iron
Moulders, in convention assetubled,hereby
enter their most earnest protest against
the further introduction of Coolie labor
into this country, And present a portion
of the reasons which actuate them in so
- The introduction of coolie labor into
this. cotintry Is calculated to reduce the
wagon of mechanics and laboring men to
C rate elf compensation upon which no
American working man can possibly sub
sist. 2d. It will still further lower the
social status of those who arc now socially
low enough. 3d. It :Wines& to a state of
pauperism, dependence and . crime. 4th.
It will impenl the safety of our republi
can institutions. sth. It will inevitably
degrade the morals of all those with whom
Norse Chinese serfs are brought Into con
tact , and the children not only of the poor,
but of the rich is well, cannot avoid being
contaminated by'their customs and exam
ple. Ith. It will diecourage- r emigmtion
to our shores of the hardy and virtuous
sour of toil. who have aided in building
op -our country, and elevating berm a '
proud position among the nations of the '
earth. :th. It will ! add to our population ,
a elan , a petple• who do not desire citi• • wh o do not intend to remain '
penuane,utly in our midst, and who can- '
not, therefore, in any Sense be considered
as un addition to the wealth and prosperity
of our ~U tutry. Sth. It will virtually a d
to all ip , euts and purposes reApstab ' li
the shty • trade in onemidst, with all i s
attendai t. horrors. Pub. It will have 11 o
effect o destroying. finally, every pri l
-1:,,,, t
ege the .iegro has gained by thitwar, a d.
by au quent Congressional enactmen e,
and of placing him in a worse conditi n
' than he was in before the war, beam
the importation of Coolies into the coun
try will siicheapen his price of labor colts
entirely deprive the negro of his means of
livelihood, and thereby take froth him
every advantage that hr might otherwise
guin from citizenship and suffrage.
Reaolred, That, believing an we do that
oil these and many more evils will result
front this horrible traffic, and feeling
deeply the necessity of evety trade or.
gunization taking action in the mhtter,
we do hereby pledge oarselveti to uoite
with any other organizations in any Aw
ful and honorable effort to check and sup
press this inhuman traffic. . . .
Ilesarcd, That we are not opposed to
yoldritateralts; salon. bit will extend ',the
hand of welcome to thr emigrant from•
every clime, who romp, to share...lle
privileges and benefita 'sinter's,' upon us
by our Innlitt4iona. y
The clothe referring to the netcroe'a
privileges raid Molie labor upon them
wan referred bucl. to the committee for
autnudnent.. The rumairing portions of
the report were unanimously adopted.—
P. 4 /lode/phut Ledge.
Fatima' Gaya=le has errik 01 in Paris
te to the I: . niteo Staten to sttend the Y.
. .
. . . ... .
Fire hundred cwileo for-Alabaluti arriNed
Chattanooga.. yeeterday, the tirm.+lw4u.ll
- of tu•o tbouvanti.
A divatch fromll.4tte. N. 1...xt
In the t ...e. t e Wltlbeck, {hr entl.ree
Kht It •terilict of not guilty.
cirt , ateatlfitactlFl, l!txp . r , e62.,eAl .!!.
roads, regarding . the the result of thi
•Wau trials at CAnaeletigua. N. Y.
--Chief Justice Chase and daughter arrived
at St. Paul. Thunder event.[.
lonia In Minnesota several weeks.
—The colored citizens et Cincinnati are
aGout to petition for employment on city work
In proportion to their manners In the popula
--rho woolen factory of the Pelmet . falls
Company. In Corinth. N. T. was burned
Thursday afternoon,. Loss 1110.1.0 k no Izmir-
-From parent indication., the contemplat
ed strike of the miners In th Scnton dls-
trict. iu favor of eight h o u rs' ra
labor, will
prove an entire tenure.
—The rentals of Senator Norton. of Min
nerota, arrived at Baltimore vesterday and
were quietly taken to Green Mountain Centot
tern end deposited In • vault.
—A negro man condued in Jell at Franklin,
Tenn., charged with committing a. rape on a
white woman, was taken out on Thursday
night by disguised marauders and hanged.
—While a number of men were scrubbing
the wheel house of the steamboat Northwest
hrote - a ‘i nnTer ferrn . tl h tt r e 'd riVer t . he io la uVO;
them were drowned.
—The heavy rains throughout linos. late- 7
iv wilisecure an extraordinary yield of cont.
Fall wheat has been harvested, and in in fine
condition. There will be nc failure of the
crops I 5 Emmy this vear..:
a dlitance of live miles on the North
western Railroad, between Elgin and Gilbert
Station. , twenty telegraph Doles were ghat--
tenni 'by lightning .Thursdal night.. 'The
*ins were Welted In several instances. The
thunder was terrine.
--A remarkable accident to the Chi s cago En
press to Cincinnati occurred during a storm
the other night. The train, In utter darkness,
ran upon a heavy tree blown across the
track. It jumped the rails and landed in very
protniscnou s heaps Ina ditch without causing
on; serious injury.
—Parties who have traveled user the - whole
of south-western lowa. say that everywhere
the crops an maniticent. The wheat:being
ant is unusually- large and plump, and Is the .
Lest ,tuality of wheat grown for several years.
The same is also true of Central lowa. and In'
fact of the whole State.
—News of the war between France and
Prussia created. intense exattemeist In tbs
German postlon of Cincinnati yesterday.
Numbers of penonal eneountent have. occur
red between French and Germans. growing
out of the disouselons the:Pettier , I . ll no
excitement prevailed at Pt. Louis.
igtuipstan as i Paafli.heana, aged,
eisentythree yews. wag found dead In kis
black wilth shop In nhabbana„ Dekalb county.i
Thursday..nith stabs in bbi neck nod ,
through his heart, and his skull broken. boa
olden taste upon a man named Grover as the'
murderer, and he has been arrested. • • ,
earn belonging to the Troy and Lan-.
slngharg hone railroad company, at Len.
slogburg. destroyed -by Ors on.
Thursday 111070101 t: BOVenty-fOUr ..borses,
sixty ears, - one harpe tons of hay and a
qu of other"' rip Isere burned.,
Lass DA coveted
warfare.: .
—TKureday night a platform car ins plac'ed,
on the railroad tract near Dayton. Ohio., In:
bUCh a way as to be caught by_the train rom..t
lag in from Indlanap is. The car kept the
track and so avoided throwing the train off
the bridge. The ears more badly broken and
two or three employes were Injured.
In the United States District Court at bale,
Lake City, yesterday, Ina suit of Gotibe and
company vs. Brigham Young, of Jesus. Christ
of Latter • Day Saints. for ten thousand dol
lar, with five years Interest, the jury gave
Judgment for plaintiff. This Is the best salt
against Brigham as trustee and others are
—A terrible tornado pulled over the town
of Grand Island, Nebraska. Thursday after
. noon. blowirfif down several buildings and un
roofing a ntmber of others. The roof of the
Round House of the U. P. R. IL. was blown
off: The loss is estimated at from ten to fif
teen tboukand 'dollars. No loss of life. The
same storm passed aver Omaha: and although
the cried was terrible no serious damage was
done.; • •
--A:special front natation*. • Neb., !hides
that a letter recelved from York county re
ports that a tarty of busters bad_ run Co.
gggqag of
dleguiaed flltratt . :.l"LelrnitargenTor=
diers raptured ten of the villain, and hung
t l . i h e rm [At o ll
t tle . he u rs c r m. cm i p,4g l ll- .
lions along the froutiar of Nebresraloveome
time. A large party of soldiers, some of
whom psv0•lO10 "minable, anlm4s, etc en
-•. ' ;
Lospon, July 15.—Ircola0.r-The excitement
arising from the situation Is Intense here, mid
Prices *re re nominal. mid busbies* 1. at •
sterid WIC American emeriti. are Nat and
nemlnd. ' lifk 85X;10-4thi. 05
Cries itIN; Illinois, On:at Western. ?A.
Lxvirripool.dalrlL -- Volina market to-day
heavy and iryesmiar: middlles uplands Old;
Orleans etid: sales 7400 bales; sales of the
week WADS export 70ARIk_ speculation WM
stock /91131ise American =AM receipts of the
work - cati 73.l4°4 " ll . leri ltec n eirrl 37 l. 43 Cll W 'ricat heat f li o L ; j it
Ut t t awoffl i ft.%ll.
red western No. Yeu Waits winter% Indilpir
WextentFlourZNl Od: Ocan;NO,llmixed
32e: Oats -ra 114. Barley Sa. Peas 3lia
Provisionii—Pork Orin at Illta 00. Beef nag
Lard 31111 d. Cheese heavy Bum
NW for enroberland and es for short rite.
Leetietr,-Joy Ma 3d.
nte Lin steady. Lieed Oil; extra 3111(r
a i
dtdlis Tad.
v Milan NEW/.
Qualiaardwir,Yall ls . :- Tbe
from'New.Yorii, has arrived.
1 -
, , •
K. fcZ
„ I *4.4444 UVWS4OII4IVATAtO ‘ ; 4 4WR:4O - W**S-OK A IV4 .O 3I3Pata S • ;: iYI,4'") .
- -
Franeo-Pyrussian CI
erventioa by 01 het.. Powers
Ineffectual. ,
Text of the War Detlaration
Telegraph to the Pittsburgh rinckte.l
'ARM. July 15— Noon.--There Is great nem
. here. and many demonstrations In fart r
war were elude by the people during the
ght. Crbwds of students and 'ethers earn
sl the streets and boulevards shouting "Aye
ar. dui. with Prussia:* U. Soon person
ho protested a ere hissed auti io.oited. The
lice did not Interfere. The mod ;topped
at the Prussian embassy and shouted in. all
lnjly. It 1$ a.ertell that th.• Prussian Do n ,
sadur leaves Paris tuAns.
The dissension In the'French Cabinet hive
ended In unanimity on the question of ern,
The Emperor will hold a permanent council of
bin Marshals and Ministers at the Tutlieries.
It Is reported on the best he that au
away interview occurred yvderday between
the Emperor and Prime .Mint ter Meier.
growing oat at - the latters known disposition
tor Dame. The Ecuperur violently denounced
01brier's etude to this direction.
NOS cments of troopstoWard the Rhine
frontier are incessant. Eastern Prance Is nb
'whitely alive with soldiers. Troops which
have hitherto garrisoned • Paris have goue.
and ',raw levies are slowly - replacing them.
Ambulances and caissons throng the streets
of the city on their route to the East. The
Preparations lathe different naval stritions ore
on a signilarlr-large scale.
Nntes declined. to ea Stocks luwer.
Unit a ed Eaates bonds declined u Ler dun. •
ISAR rufaLtor Dia-ABED
te Corps Legisintlf decanted war
siu at ten minutes before too to-
mtZnal - P
The ton
nuence Of
ocpb , the
at noun, sal. In cost
be Insult to Uctinedettl, France s •
Or which Prussia offers.
crew COCNCII..
After its etiuncil at the Toillerles the Mu
istert=mpanied the PAnperor to St. Cloud
last nigh . where the Connell was,
m resued
tat teteTtM night- """
IL In asatitelltiostalaronWertber was 6u the
Point at emoting again for Ems yesterday.
when a l i susslan messenger arrived here n ith
rounte order.,
,The fididLois says4te Minister of A nstria to
Herne Is' now In Pa and had an lutersiew
with thel Emperor.; s • •
It is reported the :tuiperor rvetivt,f •Its.
patch !rem Queen Alatorta this morning. mak
nlnstAppstil for tre.sce. and o f til die
ptch 1.1.4 also sear to the King Protein.
It It .aid a proetautatlou, ifigued by Nal.-
WOO. It bolug prepart4l for dibtributlon
throughout the flutulau State" t toot ot the
French troop. cross the frostier. ft 101.1r1 . 1
Ih, nerbfau Iteoplit.that.44au, 05
riwawougulat and
with at, Idea of conque , t.' enoraving
number of topics are already belated.
Tll It F.X , rf C?T—tu orp OIITIJ, TO TILT, 0.50
Ecenit).--The excitement 1., ‘ery great.
here is no opposition to Ivor snanifentell hs
ny class.
[Reales advanced to tie franc..
(treat bodies of troops were mot an mold
slight for the frontier, and the towel
• Ili soon take the field in person.
Vcc.a yore OF me was PROCLANIATIOr eV
riIANCE. ..
L .,„„..... is the text of the declare
ion made br Dake - De Ommment belore the
nate to-day:
Mcaskurs: The manner in which the country
w ed our deciarntion of the Cab of Jnly
led us to commence negotiations with Frus
ta to encore her recognition of onr griev
es. We did not treat with grain. whose
I dependence we have no wish to trammel;
e e H
with.the Prince of nzollern...hoot
Wonehler te be under t ohe he shadow of the
King; • nor have we advanced nay other
'Virienvenenc'efo:hairtelb4atc3r:Jdidg,neo.f Vire
Prussian Minister of Foreign Affairs oPlmscd
to us a determination to receive no represen
tation. pretending to Ignore the affair. We
then addressed ourselves to the King, who
notintsiined that he was a stranger to the af
fair, and that he could not interfere. except
as t he head of the family. but he avowed that
he burl instructed llismarek. We could net
accept that answer and we demanded that the
King should Influence the Prince of liohenrol
leen. Desistance in the project came from the
quarter whence it was lout expected.
We then demanded that the King should
‘give a Promise for the future. This moderate
'demand. made ittruoderatetcnns, we titicipred
to be without, any resenatiou. The Mpg de
clined to say Abut he would relate lle the
future to interfere with the candidature. and
he refused to authorize us to give to you the
declaration that he would In future oppose
the candhlai are. He declared that he revert - -
led to himself the data td conceder the dccc.-
, etaeces. ' • • \
' Even after this refusal wo did not break off
,the negotiations, but adjourned our openstiona
until this date. Yesterday we Were apprised
that the King of Prussia had notified our Km
bassador that he would uu longer receive him.
and to render the rupture more obvious he
gave notice of his .netion to the cabinets of
Europe at the same time he announced that
we then might take leave. and that the
arming& Prussia had condnenced. On . our
part we yesterday milled out the reserve
and we have taken suctLrher measures 11.1
the .Internsla of the reran demanded.
'A copy of this declarat On has been pre
: tented to the Corps Legislatiff try the Keeper
111 S"l es aZid . t T h h e e cal e rju m a m enret nt of as a k eel t a o s t s e e:o r s ." vin r g.
" nitans i llces
bee-Thee;relit'tlff ? te l) hin ' e
detuunds otheiosemun thlkretlne
in the Dcgativ".
i\ , , : ...'.. Tilt Refilling N
CO t•Pllt.t . roHe. .
Z. ' Plats. July 15.—The pereolni awraping trial
; a charge of conspiracY against the State
! !an Emperor, have been transferred to Mots.
•°-• 'where the high Court of Justice will open or
0 . Monday. unless orders are Issued to the cur
oh, trary. - ' ..
es, •
llematt. July 15.—The North Gerourn
i:UIo hest dispatch fromir to-ony. airing
, pataktilses orthe with 'nil of Iko..edetti.
appears that . he notod.ed the King While
thelatter was drinking venter. demanding per
emptordy ate irdeutlons tut.,the peuding lin
turAll3. .Ite wee therefore dismissed home-
The saute paper says thetv much act , eity
et.Prnsslan porta, which arta being' put In, a
.tlte of "defame. Fourteen iron-elads arid
'frigates are heady to dert from Brent and
Cherbourg. •
The King rated,' here to-day. Orem ex.
ell ement here.
a r. P. ii:—llostllltlee have eareadv hen.,
MIMI/LAB iniOm nasm.tuch
Count Bismarck has Issued 0 circular, which
has been telegraphed in all directions, nutlty..
leg tlermou vessel. to hasten to ports of the
tlhellt. The notlemstion of course applies to
I4Carlin strains/DI kelonirlilt,ttsgenimports .
VlELlurria , :unt DIE POPS BATILNAL 'utile/km.
BERLIN, July Ifs—Thu ilundesinth of the
North German Confederation met • here to
day. The Prussian Diet Is alreadyln erosion.
The chiefs of all partlee assure,. the King of
the approval of his dlirtithed and energetic at
titude. itesolutlone were adopted according
unlimltederadit far national defence.
(1111 SAT 81111TAIN.
Finnan . 111' 111 g OnZAT gORIStra.
Umtata, inlylh, 5 A. M.—lt is reported that
the Sanborn portent will unite in a protest
against the implacability at Prussia.
The Titers Monks that unless the neutrals can
interseue, the prospect of peace was never
less favorable.
The press of this ell)* generally unite in de
nouncing what thee term the deliberate pro
vocations of Prance ogainSt Driltutik .
reerrites el arisen rowans. •
Mr. Disraeli iq LEO Cututuons esked thegov
eminent Jerkin impression of Widen grn the
Ountinentat.ilsturce, could 'net:be
lieve t hat In the nineteenth century a war of
auccessioe possible. in Ore of our elevated
tendencies and wide kyintrathtes. Many.
•eaascs of lealonsy, disetrattent and dlaet
bud risen between two powers and they we re
now bronsist ton precipitate delirium
Mr. Gladstone denied there was any tura
cleat ground tot trouble. and added the causes
were unlit for discussion&
Holland remains neutral. The belligerents
are to respect neutrelity. yet troops are rapid
ly concentrating at Antwerp and other
straiegtc points. The 'mere and bullion of
the Dank of Antwerp hare bee. removed to
the citadel. is to be toed by
Holland. Ia
qii=lit'retrargstsola P ro r rklafgVllL la
said she will sbatid on it if a tbirdiotrer should
c St - Petersburg theri: is a strong feeling
_part of the. H 11551. Cloverument
neatest France. It In believed DOW that the
Emperor Napoleon is bent on an aggressive
veer to destroy the balance of power 'n
rope, and by seizing an overmastering. pota
tion will. force the restoration of the Bour
bons on the throne of Spain by ATMS.
The Bavarian Government announces that
it will remain neutral, but the King and his
people would not separste themselves from
the rest of Gennauy.
The intervention of the Great Powers , for
peace was Ineffectual. Napoleon stillßif
nounce the rupture of relations' be
tween France and Predate and the declaration
The French decliiilition of none Is based on.
the following causes: -
Flist—The insult offered at Ems to Count
Benedetti,' and Its approval by the Prussian
Second-The refusal of the King of Prussia
to compel the withdrawal of Prince Leopold's
name.. a candidate for the Spanish throne.
Third—The fact that the King - persisted to
gin log the;Prinee liberty to 'weeept the crown.
The declaration continues; he xrtru con
riantienal basinm Prompt r urN.eo Mr slum
!wring rciollrollornn ISM Lrt r resort thn
Rhino • eel (mew Mr awaits p,-,,,f,c•
The excitement In Paris Is intense,
VlLana. July 15.—The governments al Ats , ,.
E pi n ,S l e n n u t d V I k a a eP ari d s
V rek F nown to
against war.
LoXpox. July 15. reported
the Pnissian . gocertmient Itself dentandedtif
Prance the recall of Betiedetti nod that the
test powers yesterday united In a pro
against the volley Of Pnissia, hut Without
effect. '•
w T ai he
n ex e c niteemnrtr
c .f roßm
s t in h e e
sss itluatoa
stand still sand n
commercial quotations quite
OSI . of the tiesslon—Message . . from
the Freshlent Concerning Indian
Appropriations and Necessity for
Legislation lielot in. to the Merchant
Marine—Compromise on the Indian
qUestion—Session Extended for Fire
Hours to Consider the Shipping In. Adjournment Sine Pie.
111. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
WAntlitt(litle. July. -it.
The Lyeentase ',melon of the previous even
• leg was continued until three o'clock this
morning. The Senate again met at nine
clock, and at half past nine went into Execu
tive cession.
Without opeunig the doors the time fur ad-
JoUrtunent stur Olt was extended flip noon
until two o'clock. And then also. in bantion
dog open session. the third and last Conference
en the Indian Appropriation bill was 'ton.:
concurred in. it :itlupts the substitute of
the Senate for the Rouse bill. making the ap
propriations read by the Svmate, with a pro
un that nothing contained in the bill shall be
either to affirm or deny the validity
or the treaties made by the Indiaapeeco Com-
At 2:40 doors were 'opened and message
teceived from the
t earPresid calling attention.
to the breaking out of fu Europe and the
necessity of sonic action on the tort of Con
- cress relative to shipping Interests.
.The message was read and subsequently a
bill to eneonrace the buil. hag of ships for
foreign trade and for of el purposes was
Variou up. s
amendment. iv re offered 'to the
bill, among than one by Mi. MORRILL (Vt.,
restricting the time during w itch American
registers tinny be issued to foreign: built veS
sets to three months instead‘ of eight.
Mr. WILSON favored flog the period at
live. months. by which OM Congress rauld
extend It if necessary.
After ion.; discussion by lideuerti.
itayard..Wson. linikling. Shen...Cameron.
, Me il .!-and Chandler. the bill Mel laid
aside Informa ll y.
Mr. STEWART. on 'Uncle. presented . the
credentials of Richard U. Whitely and Henry
C. Farrow.. Senators elect from 0 oral..
Laid on ate table. •
Meanie. Willa:mend Casserty were apt ...toted
- in conjunction with a Committee of the House
to inform OA President Coagrese wan ready
to :Wont,
They 64b.1"01Cntly rep° te4 that the Pr...1-deals
deals land no further communlcatennt MUM..
hale passed apprOprinting the Chattahotiche
Arsenal to Florida tar educational purposes.
' nod to enlarge the jurisdintlon of the Probate
Court of Idaho Teeritorri •
Mr. CH. NDLER made sit Ineffectual effort
to get up bill witich had h been discussed. but
Mr. BAT. RD, who bad the floor. declined to
.tt five t clock the senate adjourned Ate din.
- •
The 110 se met at nine o'clOck.
A mess. was receleed from the Senate an
metering t bad passed the bill eppropriating
t.5.0110.1i00 oethe Indian service with a substi
tute. being the Semite Appropriation bill.
After discussion, the blouse refused to con
cur In the
.appointed amendment. and Messrs.
Allison d Holman were ppointed a Com
mittee of c
Majority and minority relunts Iw - the Ms
sourloontested election case of Shields against
Van Horn were trade, and 1,131411 , 1. d till
next session.
Mr. CESSNA called op the Indiana content
ed election case, the majority rcvoluti. be
ing that Julian, flitting member, wen entitled
to the scatotud that Held. contestant, be paid
*LAWfew his expenses.
After din usnion the revolution wf.atiopted,
njth aniendmentv allowing V.SOII to Joseph
forina, and 1-1.30 respects Uratton. of
Texits. prosecuting their ve claims
to 4.t.'
rb' l 'n i t gTI u t r i n g th !
hour oh tl • tiaeon
.. . _
nand In.
Mr. BINGHAM moved to suspend the rules 41
ud puss the Senatobill appropriating sloo,ooil
for the erection of a postorlice and court house
building In Trenton, N.. 1. Hejected—yeas 100,
nays 00, less than n twtkthirds rote In the i
affi iv
rmate. li
Various propositions looking to the pay
ment et clerks durtug recess were voted
down. amid much confusion, and then the
House took recess, after which .
Mr. DAWES offered t resolution postponing
the House' adjortrummir until tire o clock.
Mr. I)AM't... , . Irvin :Ouferenee Committee
ou Indian aPprupriatiou bill. made a report,'
recommending concurrence In the Senate
amendment, with the condition that it be not
construed into affirmative or disaffirm/dive;
r any forms of the Senate user the subject.
He stated the House vrantedahothing ban;
transference of the question untilnext ses
sion. Ile submitted the report wlthont argil.
ment. i•
Mr. SARGENT sought the door. hot met
with shouts of ••vote. 'Notation." &e.
The report wits agreed to.
After the vote Mr. SARGENT remarked the
lionse.bad by Its action lost the Whole prin
ciple it fought for for the last three sessions.
It was n surrender of everything on principle
find fact. ISheuts of "Not at all. "1
Mr. DA ES renewettnis concurrent resolu
tion, detniulug; the session until five o'clock.
Mr. ELDHIDOE sought the floor and was
notified by the Speak
er -that if he persisted
there would nut be no adjournment to-day. to
which he replied Man excited manner. that
the action of toe 'peak r woo outrageous.
(Loud calls to order.]
The Speaker put the on slim, on turstpon-
Ing the House adporromet t end declared it
A mo ve btr on the Dem erotic side called
fur the ns and nays. •
Mr. ELDHIDOE mut to adiourn and
the yeas and oars, s ying be had done so
because his rights had been overridden by the
r:FiTrir7 - - -
The 'Pp ker. evinclugjnaCh earnestness,
remarks o ne motion to jeans scat in order
1113 d had een put, but that there was just
time to . ve a mech.:date adjournment as
against f Miens action. •
Via ye s and nays were not ordered, the
Hourest fused to adjourn and the resolution
was ado Le d.
- Mr. IT WES then muted recess till font and
a ornate o'clock. Negatived: . '
Mr. WILKINSON mused to suspeno the
rules and adopt a resolution reciting the Im
minence of war in Europe, the insurrection
In Cuba and the probability of Spain's losing
all control over the island/sad its being seized
and held by France, and authorizing the Pres
ident, if It became necessary during the re
cess. to recognize the revolutionary govern
ment of Cohn as a dr facto goveramentA.,
take such other steps as In his jurignient
present any fo re ign government taking pos
session I the•-island or any other. Island in
Arneric n seas.
The le e were hot suspended.
Mr. X sought the door to offer a resole
lion rel dive to tree ships.
Mr. f AM moved to suspend the rules and
pass th joint emulation for the relief of cer
tain c [rectors for constructing vessels of
None 2111 steam MUTbillerY. Rejected.
Pend ng the vote. u moesaree tsws melted
frau t e President urging the necessity of
PLSR)I3 the Indian appropriation bill, and re
ferring to•the prospects of a European ear
ned the necessity of increasing the American
commercial tontine by the purchase, of ships
abroad, trel ' •
Mr:I:SCHENCK mused that the message be
referred to the Committee ofys and
Means, with Instructions-to consider It and
report at the earliest moment practicable.
Agreed to. ,
eeVETuI resolutions fur free ships offered by
Messrs. Cox. Butler Mass.?: Ingersoll. Potter.
Mungen and Corur were also referred.
The House at :t., Ir. as. took a recess fur ari
On the Ilon4eresmidirg session. Mr.BLAIIt.
from the Committee of Ways and Means, re
torted the folluutng resolution:
Rosary!. That ill the opinion of the House
It Is not expedient to further extend the pres
mt session of Congiress to take farther action
at this time on the President's message.
Mr. SCHENCK, from the minority of the
Committee, re ed a hill authorizing fora
limited time the gistration of foreign built
Iron veneer.
After a long ebate a motion to. lay the
whole project on he table was made by Mr.
CLEVELAND an negatived—yeas:2, nate irs.
A committee. Isfessrs. Dawes, Schenck and
Cos, appointed to/ wait on the President, re
pented there would be no farther courniuni
p to make.
th Th e S idu ke jo h
e re ' rd a s lv ed k. cl•
.. . . .
. .
i .
. .
liessage from the Pre , ,,ldeut on the
Subject of Indian Antra and Com
mercial Marine—The War in Europe
—lied Cloud Endeavoring to Secure
Indian I'4v,
fry Telegraph to the.Pittaborgh tinLette.)
WASHINGTON. July 13, ht %
To the .Samar nod home of I:comnoiatircr:
Your attention• is respectfullr called to the
necessity of passing nn Indian Appropriation
bill before the members of Congress separate.
Without such appropriations hostilities are
siire to ensue, and with them suffering, loss
life aud - expenditure. , rwn a‘. compared
with the amount ashed. • •
The latest Intelligence from Europe indi
cates the lumance f war betweennce
and North Germin o
any.—ln view of this ' . F ound
policy Indicates the importance of some legis
lation. tending to enlarge the commercial
marine of this country. The vessels of this
country at the present time are Insufficient to
meet the Increase which the existence of war '
In Eiropc.will Impose noon the commerce of
the United States. and I submit to the con—
sideration of Congress that the in
terests of the country will be ad
vanced by the opportunity afforded to
our citizens to purchase vessels of foreign
coustruCtion for the foreign trade of the
l ' illt! ' s t t r ?e % v isi t ao o n at to t ) o t t n h e i e s t er ge " l ' m ‘ m " e!garl t z i
gency. The foreign mall service of the United
States is Ina large degree dependent unclothe
Breen... and Hamburg lines of steainers. The
Denartineut has entered into con
tracts in writiug with the two companies
above mnied, and with the Williams and
q.t.n line, respectively. for a regular and
continuous service of two .years. The only
arrangements that could be made with the
finnan and Cunard lines Is temporary. and
may be broken off at any time. The North
Getman lines are first-class in point of speed
and equivalent, their steamers usually making
the trip across the Atlantic In from twenty
four to thirty.. hours in advance of
Williams ned.guion. Should the North
num steamers: he blockaded or Impeded by
France, our postal interests with foreign na
tions will be greatly embarrassed, unless Con
gress interpose fur Its relief.
I slimiest to Congress the propriety of fur
ther postponing the time Inc wilournment,
with view of considering. the question
herein communicated. C. N. On set.
A special says: Secretary Fish had several
long cornaltatlinni with the President In re
fcrentui to diplomatic changes and the threat
ened war In Edrope. In reference to the lat
ter. Secretary Fish Is still of the opinion that
war Is inevitable. and says that there as no
question in hismind that France means near
under any cir cecumstan
pulated b s; that the telegrams
were all maniy the French ageista.
and as proof .of this states that the foreign
Ministers here are unable to obtain any dis
patches, and Llano they have been receiving
have berm verv.much confused. lie does not
give much credence to the statement In the•
London telegrams that France Avill send a
fleet to capture Cuba.. The remark that Oil
Government might have something to sac Is
regarded as signiammt. coining aa lt does
front the Secretary of State. Fears are enter
. tainml that a general European war may he
cannot blast before the. summer is over. We
ire bow It car. he avoided. lie has
nut received auy dispatches of Importance on
dollubject from onr(Ministers at
or Madrid. but 'cot them telegraphic
instructions to observe strict neutrality, etc.,
and expects important advises from Minister
Sickles to-day. The' Prussian' Minister mat
night received a cable dispatch from Berlin
aneommiug the.depurtgreettbe French fleet
ma blockade' the Frites - tin ports. The Infor
mtion was at - ericti ..00mmunicated to the
PreSident and the Cabinet.
THE INDLANS-11c113 CLOUD rOft react.
The Indian Bureau has receßed the follow
inft.!Al./Icr'n/T1e7:.".;i4.1'1.—/ted Coed and sixty
lodges of the :Mous came here yesterday and
left to-day with a determination of Inducing
all the Indians In the 'country to make peace.
Ile goes Iron. here direct' to the Cheyennes
and Araphoes.
siitaterrra TO isNowarn.
The 'senate- euntliened. after ei long debate,
Fred. F. Fteltuthurwn. ot New Jertev,
tnvoy Estr..t.artinsry Lort....Mlaister Flenlyis
tentiary to London. viee.Lathrop Motley re
called. The rote was forty atpinst three
namely., ltobertson. Ruin and S. ' , mime. Mr
Stunner did not vote.
The Senate ' continued Arthur
Wisconsisi...ll:auCiate Justice of the Supreme
Court of the District of Columbia; Ambrose
C. Diem of Virginia.. Consul General at Flo
The lun bill continues the Penee Commis-
Aoners unether year. The Senate has affirmed
the act of the Pre ildent In the removal of old
Indian Agents with soot and supply
ing their places Meers. -
Tbe hills pru4ented fur signature were
Army and Indian Aro-
ristions billsincludin e ,
the latter within five mi nutes
I adjournment.
At last half the members of Congress left
Witshleittou for their homes to-night. •
The President has dined the Georgie bil
• --••41.--
Ity:Yelityraph to the Pittsburgh Oazette.l
• New'Yonit. rub• 15. leln.
Police Superintendent Jourdan Is about to
resigd. lie complains that his endeavors to
improve the pollee force have not been
seconded by tubordlontesAtte captains are de;
void of ilbscipline.the pett‘lmen display great
apathy. and be Is disheutned. -' .
One Jas. Rand, convicted of robbery of u
returned Otliforulan. has escaped sentence to
the State prison by the capture of the really'
guilty person. ad adroit thief known es Red
Joe who be strikingly resembles.
A. Frauds Weals. the Orangetutnt. waa
buriedpearef ally to-day: Ifix.hundred
tutu eteorted the corpse, and there were no
demonstrations along the route. -
Thu Eurnpean • news invited commotion
among the Yenions, and report sari prepare_
dons- are making to assist on anticipated
livid liold to-night at 'Fifth avenue 'a4 big'
nx 116 , 1, and cloietkat 111,V.
C.onmerellsl Convention ReehMer. N,
--Tromportmeseq, QIN•11011.
• ,
illy TelegraplEto the PUG:burgh Gazette.).
itialata.TEls. July IL—The Commercial
['sloe COM:cation organized this morning.
Several Nundred delegates were present, in
cluding many prominent men, °Deemer Fair
Vizild. of Wiscousin, Governor Merrell, lowa,
and Ex-Governor Seymour amiestiabe number.
Nathaniel Sands. of New York, -was chosen
President, and addressed the delegates on the
object of the'Couventioa. Ship trausporta the Erie Canal, - the lakes, Fox Int
end Missouri River, and Pacific Railroad we
demanded. Mr. Sands explained the drat -
back put on one businesa prosperity by t e
Iniquitous fogyism that prevails In the me
',gement of WIT great Inland marine.
argued ably for the extension of the Er e
Count, rolarged and perfected. to the Edissi
slim' river and the grand renters of weste
- lion. Peter Ciroper. of New York, followed.
lie advocated the speedy-introduction Of
steam upon the canal, and gave his views 41
certain plans which met his approval. I
' Letters were received &rpm Gov. Hoffman
Comptroller Connelly,,
of New York, re
gretting their Inability to attend and appryv
ing the ohjoetaot tbe-Goevention.
Gov. Fairchild, OfWliconsin. read a lengthy'
address. setting forth the estimated advan
tages of the proposed Improvement weeis
,cdngin and Fox rivers. The address to
with statistics amd: Nome In mil.-
port of his position. The excessive charges
for, transirrtatlon hecomplained_ Of so the
great evil that alllluted tit weal. lie lobked
upon the Fox RIVET Improvement as of great
national importance and should be 'made by
the general Govermhent.. A free canal from
the Mississippi to the Lakes was to rent en a
great obstacle to "cheap transportation. He
was emphatic.. in , the" expression of the belief
that thaErit,camalthould be free tocomulerce
and that; the State would and itself richer for
granting inch freedom. This:declaration was
received with cheers.
Gov. Seymour addrumed the Convention.
He said the reform Inaugurated by the cora
"ls‘ Clote l ns t spring , . b);
r;;;t of the Slate . --
mending lower tolls u better syslem of re
pairs. and canal policy came just at a time
whoa business was depressed ossified infused
new life into Internakvomnierce. Tbe pulley
begun should be fully carded out. For - the
',resent. It would cease more expenditures and
oar. The canals ebould not ebe used as 'mere
tools to extort taxes. If the revenues of the
State are lessened: so ere tares onthe people.
articles the - poor by - enamoringhe
value of that . arc to De used In thein
terests of Commerce, Industly and labor, and
not as mere tax gatherers.
The Connolttce on Itesolutions reported a
long series witich,were read. They. declare
the purpOse of the union to be to abrogate
canal contracts and punish ally canal commis
sioners or canal °dicer who shall be toned
with canalcontracton for the non
comMalmo, of contts. They UM the speedy
letion of th e m Wisconsin and Fox river
improvements, the — largeir and Putting
in repair of the Erie Canal. and ient
reduction of
tolls. and introduction of stem towage on
One resolution advocates annulling
tolls :fon boats. The resolutions were
nd trier ilia costume
the officer. of the Co?: I ve e rtia b on t lii " h t t haaks an i ff
Common Council of the city , the d - Oon a iratiou
adjourned sine 11IC.
• • UPP , ' R
illy P. aid A. Line.]
Riser stationary.
of water In the
hermumetcr &int
Ottr.E.NslloBo. .1111 r EL
orlth twentv-ttace luehe
channel. Weather clear.
r. W.
Om Cum, 'July 15.....f1iv
with eighteen incite.: of
Weather cloudy.• Then - not
IttiowNsvu.Lt.. July 15.
1 r falling sdo' IF.
er In the channel.
eter Sli at II P. 34.
Ip E
River stationary
In the channel
er IS at 4 P. M.
e li c i i l ., e n r n s , rtZul a g
• 14 P. 31. -...
,rlth three feet of uote
Weather Clear. Thermome,
3lono.t. , rOwN. July Li.
'with one foot of wetter lot
er clear. Thermometer 89 i
New York. has
ed States Rhttrict
'ity Railroad Com
, cense the plaint aft
tar. lie bad refused
endered Gee cent...
egal amount. The
It . l o ' n on t ws;g7 , sess.
h the right to col
itrl each inumenger•
gth and taken un-
—Philip R. Dedrick.
brought suit to the rni
roan against the Chicago I
tinny. to recover damages •
was ejected from a Street
to par sir cents fare,' but
which he claimed was the
defendant pleaded an act
la t two and a half per COTS
of the compose,
loci an additional sum fra
The case was argued nt
der advisement.
—Thursdity. while a passenger train was
approaching Louptork bridge. ninety-nye
miles west of Omaha. a prisoner that had
born arrested at Lone True Station for an Itt
taeritflootbrug ' :h ' e, ° ‘74t i :C d c e l h os is cr. o a r itTa t l t tTo 'u nit
haudcurted alighted all riltht and rolled down
It bank Into the weeds. The talfer charge
of the prisoner nut dlscuverhug ca
the espe
until some time afterwards. then Jumped ff
to recaptore the prisoner. It was out hoewn
a lib wbut success.
—On the second day (yesterday) of the tte
gatta of the Northwestern Amateur Boating
Association, the tour oared race, three miles.
was sees be the Toledo club in 21:4I,:,•sari
new club - next. The barge tiler, four and a
half miles. was won by the Excelsiors of De
troit In 11:45. The review by Capt. Juvett,
tt. N.. was Wilne spectacle. Thirty boats
seer In line. Thymic , : for the heat appear
ance was.awarded to the Excelsior, of De
troit. The nest antmal regatta will probably
be at Erie, Pa. •
-.A freight train was wrecked on the Ken
yan Pacific Railroad at two o'clock Thursday
toorning,A few miles from Hays City. The
engineer. Reynolds. and fireman, Wills. were
Instantly killed. .1 brakeman was fatally
Mat, and the conductor. Calmer, seriously in
Mred. Five earn were wrecked and the ea-
Mne disabled. The accident occurred from
the washing away of a culvert by heavy atlas. ''..
tllglierattl street. nest Itnitut,) 1 . 7 v. immu-
ToV, Ps. . S. F. CHOWTHER. Past., Matching
ggitßl Ott IMAM at lir: A. , t• and 735 t•.!.
Public comiltilly Invite,).l
elii. !It'll nano. tanurtm 010 lan reoorned
Sl' 01101 NEXT. at 10 ~,b van A. in. servifreA
xlll be ta aolutnitat by lir. lellgtoinin et 3 o'rlooli P.
0.. by Rev. nd Por Third Chunde at 715 in. 0. hyltev.illiATTl' eidel
lA.. corner ()entree Stria 011,1 JieulS•
en Cli
end% P. 31.
spate entirely few end carrnitul Invitation to all.
uonas ut f) 0.
frpLioti)urli. CONGHEGATION
., eIIURVII. Rev. K. ealtilETTX.
}stator. prefteldng morning, and
ring at let.
end 7)) o'clock. In PlXtbil.SlOlt comer of
Leurnek and Ferlenal 'Marna. Allegheny.
Flouts ere frry and a menterlarelonometnoll.
ANDEOPO): J. lIAGAN, of Pittsuh. stilton
, rept derthe Aet•of Gungrest o f f /larch 0,1
ISo7,having applied fora 1/latherge from all
hla debt". ed all other vision provable ender
mid act. by order of the Court. notice Is hereby
glace to, ell creditors aria here proved tbetpdol t hs.
" a n il l th 1;1 ' Y Wir o l7ll.V. ' l ' l . 4;. l lnti yl r Xtrel:TA.l4
before SAMLiEL 11/tittle:lt. Eon Itegnster In
flenkrnetry. at Menne:lee, Zio-03 Diamond
o h?
PittSittlfgh. 010 s council any they hove. oh?
n Jetseherge should nAI bO. greeted to tine Cann
of IMMO 9,11r2.1... - said In•faitt.
All env Savivs Bank
• n,
Al.l.EtiliEN V, PA. •
012,0 _-11 , ..TIZED
Deposits received and 8 per feel. allowed ci t time
details. Particalsrattentineriventoeotierum ,
end prime& uniptly remitted.
ittionntnt du e. MONDAY end TVIURSDA f. '
atari I—Graham. .3..0hn Bann. '
(1. WeGarb:
D. IVellareu. . Andrew Ackluy.'
JAME 4 hler Pr pah l r a a n i t.
T O ., S.k t l' i lTALl or ‘.11., 'S I—Particularly
rouNoor atop.
An excellent opportunity-for g profitable invest
ment in . Foundry basin... establlsbed for thirty
rears. in a &atters) city. Is offered by a Company
charmed under State lane. Capital Rock forty
thousand Millers )all pa ld up) and the priv il ege or
purchasing the gest Estate. in ...Mile, at half
what It would COat tow for such bulldinsnand eon
ttructlons as are on the groundprivilege hi
the amount of capital stook toone
hundred thousand dollars. as per charter. • Stock
holders exempt from personal liability be , and the
stock investment. For full partteulare address or
call on J. P. BEENE/R.
No. 141 Seventh Street.
or X. D. tiAZZAII.
No. •111 Calabria Street.
l4.dit F' Philadelphia.
Wattles & Sheafer
Have fort renereed e new dock of SILVER MA,
TED{FARE of the Lest nualllTanS new , . MIL.,
tonne, wblnh we will eeU e) the wont reasonable:
Also. t fine awsuriniont of WATCIIES
Chains. Chain firseelatn.hoLs of Jewsli7.l)lsosomil
Minn, Seal Rings. Sleeve Bottom. Studs, Gold'
and Saver Bend Canes. Patten Marble Boil Fancy
Goods. etc.. etc.. all at tho lowest miens. Jolt
. , •
rt±mplota a?ftatrcut
Summer. Cruderivear
JAALEO.4 P114•;,L A
Cin Ur ' ;; TTIAWf. J a I;; ; 111;I. ;
Toy, Sewer Contractors
The 'eener thenttneeem et the City of Allegheny
ere prepered regelre pthousals for the contlyno
tton of the following evolve.. with then . erratic
nnthne, hJele. menbele.. he.
. ("mil raict - 1 , 1 0. 1. . '
cornet - Wag +Wert 400 1 . feet ,I 0:, teat Gria
Sewer on Seri tie Garden Arenue,tran Adele armor
to cdtruert nith the eld str e dna= en sald need..
. ~. ... t N ' o. 2: - . "
Comprising 53U feveof 13.1 n eh, Circular
Pipe Sewer... Ohio 'venue. fntm Fulton stmt. to
connect with the Frasier. street Sewer. -
,Drawings end Specltlestinas eon be seen end 1 all
information obi-M.4,45M" oaten.
Bids most be endorsed . Sewer Proposals. Con-
Suet No. tor 2. geossthe case ins) be.) and de.
livered on or before 3 P.M.T'llUlitiDAY.Julf.2l.
• '
of Broken's. on which' forms alone bids
will be received wUI be furnished et this oak*.
The Commission du_t bind themselves to se
*at the lowest or any bi no d.
.0.,, . • ..: - • '
i order of the Compilation. '
. . .
Law Publications,
Abbott ., ' , Meet of the Law Of Cornora- ,
Bor. .11,10.11111
Angell ou the Law of Common Oartlers,..
Atwell & Ames cm Corporations /40
Boarlers Law DletiosaiT.lll sots. • IVA!
Broom's Leal Maxims • . 7411
. . .
Chanoory Practice: 3 rots 2230
Troulash& Entre rein. Pnictice; 3 vols:• 2230
Wharton's 4112elie•OCrtratuaki Lau; 3 volt 2330
lircenlcaLsseErldenne.3.,vgla 2%30
Redfield en hallways: ta'vels 13041
Regibeld's Bang/ray Coo '7:30
Ward en Neu .740
Pence. un Contracts, 3 vols. ..... , - :rue
Taylor*. Landlord nod Tenant '1.30
Washburn on Elisensente TAO
nbearnlan & Redlleld on NeQhtmta...r... 1.30
Sergeant & Rattles' dtat6 Ileport,ll vol! ..• •
Platt% on Evidence .... . . . •. .• 2:30
Ite•qpel Criminal Evidence
SedgeWletvn Dannurre ... , ..
yon sALM
6.5 -Wood Stroet,
11 . vial and Family Newspaper i.
morbezLz. er, morrlvlnt phoul be
Single subberibere
Clubs of nee ° t •
Club. of len .1 P 3.
A copy la fondant/A grAtultoutly to the isttet.uP
• Club of len. Postmasters ere nlq.caK An
ct at Agent. AdAres. • •
P 101011131.01, REED Ik'CO.
1 xorl IRP/NY* j
II 114.1 ertweittO
Fut I: L./.% innotra in them [Amon. ono.
!to . I is' i;Nir-ri C4NTS: inch ..adit..lline
• I
iATANT CI ENT S—For to sell
v the HOW ESIIGIVIAStiEW lAYI 31A002116
r "" "rry ' . " Pi zr.4 l 4 ".
L'gt , FMN.S,I.-:! .. --rr,'Tu.-I° , u~
root of 4va *Writ.-
WANTEll.—Sereral Nen tor y Farm
Wort. ()interline iral MM.*. A lor
IlrlotTord Work. Several war; roe t
Cookhot. Chataborboric. Dining-mom wet ‘pall
11,411 t wort of all dosertkAloo. U
Apply st xmrtA)r- r
bt Kyr orricK.Nu. StlV•ngla dtxxr !MS A
r ANTED—SUM* TO i p,ooo.- 3
-17.`Za, 1 1 0.1,b fr•4:ill'Xittrt b
6 ran, u p
for a man whiting to embark la ;
P. A. It- InttAtotrek Oltirra I
oboe, .ttating rral name and grim an I=l, I
ran be Led. for tbroo dna !
' 1
30.00* to Loon In lame or mill amount*.
al a fair rite of laden.
Bill. Bond .cl Iteel letate Proker,
. No. 170 Smithfield PtreeL
. Thirty Thousand Dollars 11/ LORI
rim or smell amounts on property In
ti at a fair rate of interval.
LtOST.--4.1111:01i.---On the Itthl or
lalh lust-a fur 1414../.),Froift d 1
d 11th July lost- drawn by Wm. McCutly
Co. m favotnf Mourn: &mho' & nwu sr bora.
rho Under will ;dean, lea'. It .1 No. 10
Wood Wept. AS parent has bees vtoppedill
of no value tu any use.
lal , ;:slt A/I BAUMAN, -
1 4'° =7- 4 1 ) 11ij i ttl y uw eve . a I mg A lk
Itd lbje"ulT/•LiTn7fil
W7llO Area,'" 1-1)
Ithun lxard. , Euqutrgrat 164 FOUI3II
IN Ir.
Tburge, Third StPri
FROST IWIIN, oollatie for Lodgers
ut 279 Peon street. !. far
TO-LET.—ICo. 36 Espl#nade-street,
Illegheur. HOUSE of 7 joatertuldll,loed
uttlic; gus throughout: hut and Cohl •111101 . In
kitchen. Por , se.lun glVen StittglUther /et. Avor
on prerlsee.or to Jotpl 671:ItHETT.Dizokond.
A Orat-clans STORE ROOS! and ciillsr.lll,
1232 Liberty street. wairAIRISE MEI wit
shelving and counian. • be routed che.p
tolled tor strori. Ehgolre st
No. 4 V111.01„N ALLEY
Country iltesidened:
Al EdgeetA. , ll 'Rebel. A I•rae FODU ,TWO
STORY BRICK HOUSE and n.•rlr 3 atfNdl
ground. T 6• booze boatel.. 13 roaar. •Yo •
f soft water In Walla. Any ono I 'motor
splendid house will do well to All sad exudate
tills property. WIII take Cat Pre heal th Pin
Marmot If soluble. For farther IwtorazaLlop All
it the place. opposite PAiwurtb Otathre.oa the
w edliell
. 76 Ylret alma. well leaded twes
ake/house. Tenor e.derate. 73
r 4 011. SALL—A BRICK - ROUSE, cot ,
A tom of Loren and Hazel street, seven room.
Ith MIMI yard tn front. The bast Meth le t
'I I. th ward. 10111 will tow. as wish so s. tot a
melon . . • Apply at 00 IANIAN SflltEhr;or -
.ILes sos. M. I. tl : No. IMP I.noo street. . T . -1/ t.
. _ •
Several Searnd-hand WAGONS. ' ' .
ititS o i mell24l ' . ' la ip.w.d order.
. Ar, • JOIIN DYER. -
Coracif South Alum' street and-.llls Court.
Aliewbeny. o . fol.-IThs
• V OR SALE.—Englnes. and *tien t
-.- , New .ad Second hand. of all kinds. Oetiitlatly
um hand.
1 Orders from an parts of the Conatri prnsokillldw•
tended to.
Corner -Marion Avenue and Pt. Vt. W. &C. U. W..
dhow, Ps.
Fog SALE—wroci - ?ARIL—Coo..
TAINS %JO ACUES.tme hundred and OW'
awes under enthralon. belanoo woods. latemores
ment-51 dwelt**,vw7 large kern ..
and sheep homes. o -Mahn and wasted and Male
nosh meek playing Minas* the *see, *lusted*
Jenningo want,. Malan. ,K mike from Veviset
and Louisville Railroad:ln thrlvtns nelabburhood
near to willatorwit e na shanthew The farm eau ter
P " ''' ll. 4 l . letsAllrif.= . 7l , l *P lrg. U ;svorth All.
SALE C HEO - 11EXC - 11 — ATIA
lESIMENCM, smitalntent4o Items with 3 leases
wa une. a line, sttoothartable art nonvealeat
hoses'v rood ter, and one of the Leaf water pow
ers In Western Itesinsylranla for a Lettliew
/own the altf on the waters of Turtle Coo. Wes
N of ts mile Mtn StewarVa Station. Contra 1110
rued. . Also , several good Mums in sued bellow
end houses for oat. Satontre of
18 LOTS. acre each In orchard alas*
ttsg..l=andZeir, Trees.
New of the titles. Pu ce
eiwarn.l,47** f nll Of choke ties**fralt.
PT M? it SW COTTAU M. • votam. wide Mill.
front and Ma portkvw. - • veltanhil lame viaorne
vierswell of weter at Came 4 -=st=e
H E st
ftrarcites Alton, °mst* wasoof
ana street. Mt. Washlntilo . l4 with 1 maw. Prim
be ooo
e& IN/11Ln rftne walk of ,1%!
ells*. Masan. of
W. LINMAU.T.'en the preatims.
leityl-sTru .
A' kundsonatt premed Brick lairollp tiro
stories. contatning Trooess. Lot 48 by 7 .oltu.
ate on 44th street. near .Butlar street. be lot to
pelt supplied with grape elate, shrabbery: Be..
while on the row to • tine Hata. Geo all thmegli
the house. Thls to - wetly is pertain], O. moot de
sirable in the 1711. waid. Pricemodereaed
long time given.
_ r T. IL MILL
(7o nn
ON MAIN STRIBItY.—AII elegant. ViumoCisttese
situate on Italk street. near the '
rcti eurg•
, Pi =nl ke contelal v insonsm ..4.ol.4. 1.4 ;v: 31 17 17
0 17 4
I. ON 44111 STREET.—A beautiful Nut war Beller •
street.. 1110Py 108. dose to the tit-Imes' P. IL p/,
Any one wishing • t sod on Pilled to bow
cannot be better set:T. '' T. It. SILL It SON. .
$3OO .111 purchase one fans near the Panto.
It. It. $1 as cash gad balanceln four oensdannent
payments. Worth:when should not let OM gmed
opportanity ally by. They will an d avesnother
SO advantageous. T. IL & BUN
_B2l l2trerpcno_and ,
The tlro 'dory double house, the revamp= of
B. gseecdy, adjulnlng the maddens*
Memo. Wm end - flay 7/01kor and WlMPardier.
• - -
ta i McClave township. on the New Iltlghidai toad,
.twat 3 milt. from the city.. The houte co tell
• •
14 rooms; alto. lee home and cooling rota , area:
sile, kitchen and laAndry end oat-bottic, , eur nllOt
the main )alittleselghe hangs ts supplied 01th
outer and ges. The /Moods, complaint about
10X acres, are Motel oily held out end are siectell
anti an abundance of fruit mid binaidenteffeaes.
"mill tialts,ae. Juthe prembleeare alarjriZW.
~OW swam Vet atentes end earSenies koala di
ember Station, nn the, 1., rt. w..ier.
iifi• •it•to a few minutes• walk ot the house:
vue forma, enquire at the YltAltL MILL. Atte.
. ,
-1 1 1:y Them 1 Try "Them
Eer sale al the ANN et the Dl* GOLD
75 Wood Street: -
i. UtJ
11 mebe* a sood a...ans. home of rye
mama. alas ball wad cellar. I, tar Mx bon.:
r1711:4 1 11X=1=1::7 12 1 . 11 " •=t41 1 47
feet deep on arias Waal to'a 16 feel a11.1.0/al
maws Irma Celan ammo !al. laaaedlata pm.
ato ' - s2ogslivirwr
_1.116 all Sixth airenaa..
I _ _ Means awl halt Math Plat la rum (or thrn
. ,
ten LOW, far siai es SllO. arats.o sw
WT.1.111017 sad P4Anth