The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 15, 1870, Image 4

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rrbwas /baling the city 'for the summer.
nad wishing to - have the Gazrrre ecnt to
theta, will please send tbelr sidresses, to the
etre; PiiCe llYmatt. 75 cents per mouth.
The Duquesne Engine Home Is undergoing
filet:Wive repairs.
Work ham been commenced on the extension
of the Illrmlngram l'a.s.enare iththv.r.
Another, .—John nan It -
ted to the Work Muse • by 3tarer l MnL t
w duce, fe dare escaµed from . In stit u ti on
.resterdar. ,„
96r.1 00rorl.—Tbe ninon of fir*: last even•
log about six o'clock from box 37 Was ocen
*Word by the burning of 0 coal gibed on Try
street. D.unago Inonstcrlal. .
kale for 'Mats—Julius Kramer. who was
charged with assault and battery. on oath of
James Jamison. of the Twenty-Second ward,
was after a healing. featerdy; held to ball for
his appearance at court.
Tsturn la at Halm et Refaxe.—Patrick
Dreg. a boyabout ten years of axe. was seat
to t House of Refuge yasterday by the
)Layor.tor mtgraoo6,,lle had formerly been
no Inmate . of the C.atholic Orphan Asylum.
from where hesoen ran away. Officer Rivers
toot him to the refuse-
That Elegant Queensn art which is - a oboe
the pride and o)• of the Pittsburgh house
keeper, Is from the celebrated Keystone Pot
tery of Messrs. Kier &Co.. whose warehouse
to at '.ISo. MU Liberty !street, near the Enloe
Depot: Queen:mare and Uristol ware alike
at this establistnent, cannot be excelled. -
Assault and Dattcry.—Robert Little and a
man named Joyce got Into no altercation on
the street yesterday. when It Is alleged this.
former knocked the latter down. Olncer
- Chamber/I saw the tranmction and arrested
Little. who was brought berate the who tined
him fS and costa. Joyce subsequently made
Information betoro Alderman Taylor. charg
ing Little with annoult nod battery.
•A 44 to the Llat.—One mom has been added
to the list. Yesterday JO.e.rh Wend
ton. a reoldeat. or the. Fifth Ward,.Allenheay.
hat lately truant° of the Work House. became
tired of its sylvan quiet. and decamped. Jo
seph was working about the boiler and took
advantage of the absence of the others at din
ner to clear out. lie 'was obsened and yet - -
cued but offtmted his escape..
Base Bail—Thin aftemoon the match game
between the Allegheny and Osceola Base Ball
clubs will. take place at -Union Park. Ar
=ants have been made for the scram-
Ott of Indies and gentlemen spectators,
so that all may have a good view of the play.
both dabs are In excellent Mantle, and an
exciting contest is anticipated. Game will he
celled at 3i. o cluck.
The Athletics of Philadelphia will be here
on the nth, to play with the Allegheny.
CoMsactors are referred to the announce
ment in another cottn:l, giving notice that
Sealed propoplis will he received until thew
o'clock of Moonily. the sLith Inst.. for the
M'Pv pavingutle and
t urhin;; of 'ren‘nt'st.ee4l..
is a desirable contract, the ten. of •
being esueclally worthy
w hoattention.
world advise contractors wish to aeon
a aloe Job on the best or terutsto put In tin
bids, _ _
Peuniylrenla Patenlet,
The following Coiled States patents were
Issued to citizens ut Western Pennsylvania
during the week ending .July Lt. 1811:
No. 05.13. Mutoy saw hangings: Daniel
Cities, Osceola:Mills.
N 0.105,199. ' Rod coupling; Francis J. Han
rui.,Petroleum Centre. • .
—No. lig.„=. pucker-d coupling: JacobJacobOdell, Petroleum. Centre. ro
No. 195.881.- Knee lever for melodeon or or
gan swell: Orison C. Whitney. Meadville.
No: 105,1156. Envelope' opener; Leib. A.
Killer, Sevilekierville,
No. 74.15,352. Railway splice and not lock:
, John Minor lind 'idea 'Merrick. New Brighton.
)11.... i
No. 1.05.3151 Corn planter: James N. Piper.
sou City.
Design for kitchen boiler: Win. It. Soot!..
;Pittsburgh. . .
Election of Teacher..
The folio:mint teachers were re-elected
carve lathe Clerenth ward Public ttchoolgfor
the ensuing year John J. Taggart. Principal.
Asslstante—Misi H.N. Mathews. Miss Irenia
Rutledge. MissM.E.Erwln. Mrs. 'tattle Darts.
Wu Dale A. Laughlin. Illas Anna Moore.
Taggart, Miss 31..aegie ILarshat,
Mime Jennie Moffat, Miss Jenule L. Smith, Mies
A it '. l 'O ih r h
In in.
striet (Fourth ward) schools. h
gdeeted Mr. Logan as Principal. Udall his As--
sistants during the last year, to serve during
the ensuing school year.
Ate apecial meeting of the Forbes Dlitriet
(Sixth ward) School Board held last evening,
the following teachers were selected for the
.nauinHgg year.
Ann Strut School.—Principal--L. IL Eaton.
Mary D. Oarvin. Emma D. Wallaca R. W.
Limpre.' Amelia Withrow, A. J. Jackson, C.
.7. Burlap. C. 31. Hartley. Multi, McMaster.
Emma Neely. Liulo Met:lama. Jennie SIMI).
IleCrearr. Agnes McFadden. Ag
ile IL Lupton. Cornelia 'Randolph.
Steond Arenur School.-31. J. Proudfout. An
na X. Wetter, ~
Who that Is cooped up in the hot, dusty.
&Dated ellgyfforing the day. does not long
to shake its dust from the feet and retire to
the greett fields I.l.lbreathe the Pure'llfe Cit
ing atmosphere of a rural home. 'lO many
this boon is denied by reason of the scarcity
at eihiible sites within convenient distance of
the eity-swhich combines its advantages for
busi nessp anneds suburban
f oomufAorreta with
arhealth'adnhapfi sucla l plac y ; ohey-rlandnow
one which exactly tills the bill. Mr. John
theater has en elegant, double two story
brick. house et Witt:wood station on the
, ceerfiraula Railroad. a few mires from the
ram Depot. and aceeslble by trains nearly
- Mal bout' of the clay undermine. The house
contains fifteen rooms. with . a well of soft
water la the kitchen. and Is surrounded hi'
about threemeres of croon maternity laid out
and ornamented with tre s send lawns and
(lowan. It is veldt= such fine opportunity
-- is offered. whether in lima ion or terms, and
any who may he desirous f Investing In reel
estate should consult Mr. razier's advertise
ment, which will he lotted le another column.
- -
The Iron Cllr Mutual L e hunrance Corn:
pany of Ilenne ylrenie.
It cannot but bo gritlf7ing to the patrons
end friends aT4bls yonn r instituting as the
first and only one of the Mod established In
Use western part of our State, to know . of Um
yr:emeriti attending It iirid the general favor
It I receiving fro . oi the insuring community.
As an evidence c f this st refer our readers
to Useful that the Wasp any received through
one of its agent. nee applications front one of
our manufacturing establishments.. all of
which were examined at ne Visit b 11 phy
stolen of the Company and banded In y
by the
aiMistat the office of the Company.
Thus the good work of rendering protec
tion to men's families end relatives goes on.
The benefits and blessings -of life Insurance
are being extended to those - who ere stilling
to give it sufficient thought to know of the
real benefits of the combined elements of
protection an production these Institutions
afford. .„
The office of he Company Is No. 75 Federal
street: Alleghe City. ret -
Venous des! Ing to effect . Insurance on
their liven wU cheerfully have the advan
. tame e of Wel. reams explained by calling at
th cake of th . Company.
' :Mu B. 3.. H, who lost his leg an the ftti
Inst.. from an accident on the -Inclined Plane.
It is feared. -111 not survive the shook- He
has been grad ally sinking since the onfortu
natenecnrren Last evening his . physticlan
gave up all no sof saving his life.
Ma. FaAng . Cana. who tins Been danger
ously IIL wit brelo• fever. for some weeks
has so far recovered as to make hieeppear
. cane on the starret yesterday. .--
Rzw. 1116.0n0e P. Hata, of Allegheny Qty.
preached one liandny morning In the Park
church. and in the evening at the Pleat Pres
byterian church, at Erie,ya, to a large enm
ber-of people.
Min Joan SAVAGE Is lying dangerously ill. '
with Inflammation of the bowels, at bin resi
dence. on Wylie avenue. Poor hopes are en
tertained of his tecOeergi • - • .
KIM C. A. tionCosa. left I.eiterday for a
trip to the leashes., to recuperate her health.
We are sorry to learn this estimable lady his
been In very pan health for several months.
TBOXSCILMAitsostt. Esq, and family ere
spending the summer at Bedford Springs.
Waif= B. MCCOng, Esq.. a member of the
bar of this county and late Secretary of the
Pittsburgh Lew Association ban located to
Ironton, Ohio. where he proposes to, pursue
his profession. Mr. McCune Is a gnished
labeler and in able lawyer, as well es a pol
ished gentleman. and if Industry and close ap
plication coupled with his legal
attatemente r arilliensure seeress Walter Is sure
to succeed. .
• - Joins H. P.412E. Jr.. nt a meeting bold on
Wednesday ist• Mansfield. Ohio. was elected
one of the Directors of the Baltimore, Pitts
- burgh 4 Cunnellsville Itallroad. A good se
- - - _
limn* CoalvEt of Tn.? . D . thers- A Voidubli
yesterday afternoon the Eighth ward, Alle
gheny, was the locality of a most brutal case
of cruelty to animals, v-hieh hardly falls With
in 'the bounds of conception, Clue of the
drivers IflP/070 by Mi. Adam Match loaded
a viragos with lumber from a lot near Alder
• man Mice. office 011911 to street. The horse
attached to the vehicle moved along with It
until the grade going out from the lot to the
street waa reached, when be was uoable to go
further. Just then John Sadler came alOng
with his two horse team and stopped to ran
der assistance. The two drivers consulted
. en d then aaggtreeccd upon a plan. Sadler's war
- '...ouseasbaeholuu close to the -stalled" horse s
bead. and a strap timed ,to it with the
other end fastened around the lower
Jaw, of the horse. Sadler's 'team was
• then' started. and the strain on the strap
aCtuillY fOrmurnir heat Inc lower (or et tee
horse to which It woo attached. The two
men engaged In this transaction scented to
feel Indifferent to Its result. and when it was
accomplished the victim was taken out of the
wagon, and driven to Isis staple. Sobsequent-
IY 1t was shot after suffering terrible agony
for. several boars. Mr. Emrich was not at
'home et the time. and knew nothing of it until
evening. The affair occurred shortly before
three o'clOck., The bursa woe valued st three
hundred and twenty-are dollars, end was one
of the beet of Mr. Emrich's stock. What tors
tossed the drivers to act in mush a fiendish,
ernesmanner. It Is hard to conlex. 'Later
In the evening Information was against
them before Alderman Eggers. for orrusaty to
salmis. upon whigb they will Mute Orating
. _ ..
. . .
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and Semen.
• •
seleel Cov.rii.
Member present,' Callen . , Hall, Hucken
stloa L o n:, Megran - , J. C. Patterson..k, Pat
terson, Ilene, Wettach. told Presi
dent )lender.
The reading' of the minutes.was dispensed
Mr. Wetrach presented • a petition for the
grading and paring , of Church alley. Re
Mr. Caliery. a remonstrance against the
passage of the ordinance providing for the
asmisment un more avenue. No action.
kr-rola/1r mix WATER Cosnurrez.
Mr. Wettach. Chairman of the Water Com
inittee. submitted the folloaing report:
Grollcmen: Io rebdion to a better supply of
water above Ledlle street, to the Second ward,
your Comtnittee report that in a few weeks
the new pipe traversing the upper section of
the city will be told and an ample supply ut
water given.
In reiation to the petition for a large pipe
on Irwin avenue, your Committee recommend
that instead of .continuing the p ipe on Irwin
avenge ttint the six inch pipe ashington
street be continued from .'Paggart. street to
connect with the present pipe un Irwin are-
The prayer of petitioners - For water pipe on
Market street is granted from present termi
nus on Market street to the coMn factory.
near Bayard Street. and we submit the fol
io _
theHr.dmf; That Superintendent of Water
Works be and he is hereby authorized to lay
water pipe on Washington avenue' from Tag
gart street, to connect with the present pipe
on Irwin avenue, also on Market street trout
present terminus of pipe to calla factorynear
Ilayard street.
Mr. Hall, from the Committee' on Finance.
submitted a conummlcation Iron the Con
troller relative to the bill of Man dt How
ley and the bill of Hastings, for paving. .
Mr. idcHrier. to the their. stated that Coun
cils hadalready authorized the payment . of
the hill of Hastings, and the other had been
ur'ered twhe paid some time since.
The mister-was referred to the Finance
Committee.frith power to not in the matter of
Finns dt Howley 'ti hill.
Mr. liall•presented the report of the Finance
Committee, accompanying which wen the fol
lowing resolutions:
lice.tral That a warrant he drawn In favor
of T. IL Gibson fur $.13, being the difference
due him lu excess of . frontage tax paid on
Ned prick street sewer. -
Alto, the following rtsolutien:
itusgml, That the o:lntruder be and he Is
hereby authorized to employ, an anis:ant for
the ensuing three months, at the sum of 00
• •-
The report was receivedand the resolutio
do pt ed under suspension of tbeTules.
1. , M1102 1 GROUNPS.
'Mr. Long presented the report of the Com
mittee on Common Wounds. accompanying
which was the following revolution •. .
Besotted. That the boundaries of the public
parks of the city of Allegheny be extended to
embrace all that territory lying adjacent to
the Seminary purchase, and bounded and de
scribed Os follows. vie: !kenning at the cor
ner of South avenue and School streets, thence
by a line drawn in extension of School street
to blh water line on the Allegheny river:
by the high water line down sold river
to a p Ira opposite the mouth oL Allegheny
avenu • thence Ina direct line to South eve
nue• thence by South avenue to the place of
beginning. provided the same can be procured
oit terms to be approved by Councils.
"firAdred. That the Park Commissioners are
hereby Instructed to take the necessary ...-
.Rs for procuring the aboVe territory as pro
vided for In the supplement to the park Oct.
and they, are further instructed in case any
amounts are agreed on or are assessed as to
be paid in extituruishment of Lay alleged
claims to any motion of acid territory, to re
port the same for the approval of Councils be
fore any anal action Is taken.
On motion of Hr. Hall the matter was laid
over tor the present.
corrratmszala REPORT.
Mr. Mall, Chairman ofthe Finance Commit
tee, presented the report of the Controller,
giving in detail the - expenditures of the city
for the month of June, of which the follow
ing is a
No. 1. Salaries
No. 3. Fire Engin.and Hose
No. 4. Printing
No. 5. Streets and Midges--
No. 6. Wharves. .....
N 0.7. Surveys
No. S. Pollee '
No. 9. Oontingent Fund
No.ll. Water Works
No. 15. Gas
No.lo. cite Property
Of the :lboie amount $314:16.16 Is for water
in=ma ipe now being laid. leaving the remain
ing epenses for the month, V 4.411 1 ,16.
Report approvedd warrants ordered fo
the payment of the bite.
Mr. J. C. Patterson. chairman of the Street
Committee, presented the report of the com
mittee, from which we extract the following:
The committee authorize. a slight change
in the grade of Union avenue. They also
favor the. construction of the Ohio avenue
sewer. and report adversely to the paving of
Vista street; a supplemental ordinance. RU-'
t hOliZilag e the construction of a piece of
sewer three hundred feet long an an out-let
for the Spring Garden avenue sewer.
Thefollowing. ordinances accompanied the
report: For grading end paving Union allrC
for grading and paving laurel alley: for grad
ing and paving Rash _Street: far sewer on
Union alley; for grading and oaring Pasture
alley; for opening an alley is the First ward.
The report wan received and the ordinances
referred to were passed under a suspension
of the rules.
The matter of the change of grade on Ir
win avenue was laid on the the table.
Mr. Riddle, chairman of the Committee on
City Property. presented the following re
port! -
GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on City Pro
perty respectful y report that with the com
pletion of the fence enclosing the Second
ward Square. some steps should be taken to.
ward the Improvement of the grounds en
closed. Your Committee have no plans to
propose. but suggest that the matter be re
(erred to the Park Commissioners. with the
request that they beautify the same itt n man
ner alike creditable to the city and them
selves, and therefore oferthe following 1,40-
Lt sired. That the Park Commissioncat be
and they are hereby requested to Improve the
ground In the Second ward
,Square as soon as
The report was received.
Mr. Long amended the resolution by direct
ing the amount to be . expended to be two
bemired &Mars. , •
Mr. Hall called for the yeas aad - nays. and
the amendment was lost by a vote of 5 yeas
to 0 nays.
Mr..Megraw moved that the resolution be
referred back to the Committee to renort a
clan and probable cost of the Improvement.
3fr.itiddie submitted a plan for a drinking
fountain for the First ward Square.
On motion of Mr. Mearew the matter was
laid over.
Also, a resolution auttonising the Coo
troller to transfer SUIX) from the Contingent
Food to City Property. Adopted.
Also a resolution instructing the Committee
on 'Markets to report an ordinance providing
n suitable place for,venicics on market day..
Hr. Hall offered tke following revolution!
&solace. That the Controller's report and
the bills approval!' by the aPprOtohste Commit
tees. to be paid. be prepared and submitted to
the Finance Committee prior to the meeting
of C ined foonnellr a .,
pproval. at 'which the same shall be sub
Considerable discussion ensued. and timid
ly the adoption of the resolution Connell ad
Consassist Council.
President 'Warner tilled this branch t
der at eight o'clock. At the call of the roll
by Clerk Dilworth the following members
answered to their names: •
- -
Messrs. Ashworth. Brown. Bohm. Comley.
balsa, OBmore. Hanna, lionitcr. Bastian.
Iterehearociber.. McNeill, Howbottam, Black.
Tatman, Thompson. Voestly, and President
The misnates of last meeting were read and
. .
Mr. Voegtly presenteda petition eating
that the grading of. Vista Greet' be com
Referred to the Street Committee. .. "
Mr. Brown.. petition for water pipe
School Street. Third scud.
Referred to the Committee on 'Prater.
Mr. ltowbottom. petition for paving of
Chartiell Greet, between .Washington and -
Nixon streets.
Referred to Street Committee.
.Mr. Hanna, petition from citizens on Ann
and Corry streets asking fora reduction of
Mx for constructkm of sewer on those thor
omht.f=.heißteelerred to
e Street Committee.the
paring of Rush
Sixth ward, fo are r
the rea
son that the tax for other street improve
meets had been as much as the citizens could
pay during the - present year. Referred to
Street Committee.
Mr. Dalsell, petition for gas lamp on Good
rich street, midway between Looock and
Rotdmon%treets. Referred to Gas Commit
tee with power ... pact. ...a '
pr M s r e .
n ß t o ed wb a o r t e t p o o m f r r e o mmhme Com
n m g i t t h te e e erectio n
of gas lamps as follows: on Led'le street, be
tween Federal and Beaver streets; Corner of
Lialtbill and Ridge avenue; corner of Bel
mont street and Bridge avenue. and on Rt.
Clair street, provided there is a main. The
report was ales, accompanied by tbe corres
pondence between the Committee and the
Ban Company in relation to the laying of
mains on streets where gas lamps were now
needed but could. not be erected for want of
mains. The . Committee cited the localities
where the mains have not been laid, and asked
that the Company take Immediate action.
In reply the Company state that some of the
localities named hare
end males, and that they
ear= to supply the want in othervec-
Mons as rapidly im possible.
The port was received, resolutions-adopt
ed an re d
correspondence Med.
Mr. Comley. Chairinan of the Joint Commit
tee on Orritnanees and Market. reported that
they had under consideration the petition of
large number of citizens saltine lor a repeal
of section 11. chap. 12. of the City Code, or at
least a modilication of the alone that would
permit them to buyourd sell M all times with-
Commng =bleated to hoe or penalty. The
ttee had decided to recommend no
change and reported accordingly adversely to
granting the prayer of the petitioners.
arm report Was feed.
Mr. Hastings movedto refer the report back
to the committee with tturtructions to report.
the change as desired by the petitioners. He
contended that the section was Mind to
u t o pormpers as It prevented them from pill
ing in market hours anything brought to their
oresby the *wintry M o le. or boug h t. in the
market doling market hours.
Mr. limas said thls was hot the manning of
the ordinance. It simply was &missed to
II revent storekeepers:from baying up market-
Mg and retailing it out again to the people;
The effect would be to close the market house
The debate which followed developed some
Interesting Information In relation to Amok
' attiring and Da k, and prone.
vote will dintliT tar ns when Mr. Riot,
Ing's molten erns loot. and the report ' , flat TO.
calved and filed.
Mr. Hanna. from the Committee Otagarkets.
reported the following receipts for June:
Duncan Dallas, clerk of markets $1.4.55 1M
G. B. McNulty. Diamond scales ni 110
H. T. White. Second Ward scale, ...
Received add flied
was then taken up.f
The resolution recalling the report of views
ers on Onion street: Seventh Ward, was con
sidered In C. C.. June 9th. and adopted. S. C.
non-concurred June 14th: C. C., July Itch. ad
hered to their action,' end appointed Messrs.
Comley, Slack and Brown a Committee of Con
Ordinance for contraction of sewers on
Ohio avenue, ill 8. C. June Zith. Passed. In
C. C.. July Inn. rules suspended and ordi
nance passed, finally.
Resolution Instructing Street Commissioner
to confer with °filters of Fort Wayne Rail-
road Company In relation to laying a flagstone
crossing nt the entrance to the cartway on
Federal street. .
In S.C. Jane sth. read and adopted. In C.
C. June Z.lrd laid over, and July 14th laid over
Mrr. VoeghlY called 111) the plan of the pro
posed sewer on Federal street from the Dia
mond to Montgomery avenue.
Quite a lengthy discussion ensued upon the
question of adopting the plan.
Mr. Slack contended teat n few property
holders hnd rushed the ordinance for the
sewer through the Council, and that others
iubsequently remonstrated against the build
ng. of themewer. The Committee had never
reported In relation to this remonstrance. and
he thought no action should be taken until the
remonntrants had a fair hearing.
Mr. Hanna thought the Fewer should be
built. One of the Property owners along the
line, 'MRS erecting a handsome building ‘vbielt
would be an ornament to the city. and it was I
necessary for himself end others to have the
sex er so as to have their property properly
Mr. 'deck contended that as other propertY
holders said it was not necessary. it was
nothing but just that both Adept bare a fair
- hearing,
neatly a motion was made to postpone the
matter indefinetly. which was carried.
Mr. Hastings presented a petition for thee.
tablishrilent of a gde on Steep Street. Re-
ferred to City Engin ra eer with instructions to
report a grade at nest meeting of Councils.
Mr. Fomley, a 'resolution authorising the
erection of a gas !amp corner West and First
strvets.. Adopted. -
ettila falls from the I,YIQ ea Blolotreek c dl.,
lance of Three Hnsolren feet, aka meopm
with • Broken Ann.
Verily "truth 15 s[i-sneer thnn [talon
novel writer who would attempt to throw h
hero or heroine over a precipice three ho.
died feet In height. nod tell his renders OM ,
the fail resulted Or uothing more serious th'n •
a broken arm, would b charged with hunaY
yet something equally Improbable occurs
in the Wands of this city yesterday.
In the Sixth Want is located Boyd's
the summit of which reaches no nltitude
over three hundred feet•above the level of the
Monongahela river. which flows along its
south side. At the base of the hill runs the
track of the Pittsburgh and Connellsville
Railroad. and along , the brow of the cliff,
fully three hundred feet above is Bluff street.
The dement In many places is perpendiculni
while in others. the cliff nt the top juts ores
like a massive cornice as It were. to tll
while for narly the entire length hehi ol
the hill Its e face —is covered with
projecting and shelving rucks. About eleven
o'clock yesterday morning Martin Crossman.
four years of age. son of Bev. James Cross
man, with a number of other boys, most of
them a little older than he. weresitting on
one of the projecting . rocks at the head of
an Braam street, at which point the cliff
reaches its highest altitude and the descent
almost If not quite perpendicular to the
railroad track, it distance of three hundred
feet. One' of the larger boys discovered
somethitig at the edge of the rock which
pleased his fincy,quid requested Martin to
get It for hint. In obedience to the request.
the little fellow
tooledover to secure the
coveted article, and, losing hls balance, fell
headlong down the precipice, striking bead
foremost on the .railn,ad track below. A
gentleman at work a short distance from the
spot saw him, fall , and at the same instant
saw the express train uo the railroad rapidly
approaching the spot where the burly._ was
tying. Seeing the Impending danger he nilibed
to the spot, nod at the risk of his life, sprang
upon the track in front of the train, which.
came thundering along at lightning speed but
a few yards distnnt, and seising the insensi
ble body of the child, bad barely time to
spring - to the side of . the track next
to the hill. where. laying . closely to the
racks, he remained until the train
had passed. brushing his clothes In its
rapid night. so narrow
turns between
it met the rock. He then ed his attention
to the child in his arias. to his otter notate
went he found it alive. but I.ensible from the
severe shock. He quickly had it conveyed to
the residence of its parents on Patrick's alley
and Drv. Balten and Greenwalt were Xtim
ml. lin examination It woo found that
the little fellow bad reccid severe Injuries:,
though so far as could be ascertained' none of'
them are neces.rily fatal. ;His right arid was
fractured in two places and there were two
punctured wounds on the head. but the skull
as not fractured. There were quite a moo
s her of cottushins on different parts of the
body none of which were of a serious Char
other w ounds
fractures were reduced and the
Th nds properly dressed and at a late
boor last evening the child was In alair war
to recover. , -
That the little fellow was not killed instant
ly is certainly but little less than a miracle,
and that accidents are not more frequent at
this place is a great wonder. alYe. on the oc
casion o an accident which occurred at or
ca rer
this f
place over a year since. urged not
only the propriety but the absolute neceasity
of having a fence erected long the brow of
the hill. no It Is beyond do u bt one of the most
dangerous places in the city. Nothing has as
yet been done in the matter and we presume
will not be until two or three fatal accidents
occur. A few hundred dollars would stake
to place a substantial iron fence from one end
of the bluff to the other, and for what pur
pose are the people taxed if not for thestro
- teetiOn of their lives and property. Bluff
street Is one of the most delightful prome
nades In or atamt the city and would be much
more frequented by persons in search
of a spot w - here they could breathe
the pure air. if It as not for the dan
gers to - be apprehended. Who will attend to
the matter? •
$1,1333 Ob
2,730 33
501 03
133 04
39.010 17
367 23
5.l{U 74
THE pounTs.
Qsarter tii4itiior.—ica4e Center
THiItWAY, Jrvi itth.--ln the case of the
Commonwealth •1. C.ll. Strain. a 1. pre
viously reported. the joy failed to spree and
were discharged. We were Informed that
they stood eleven for acquital and one for
Commonwealth vs. John .tuth. Indicted for
assault and battery. James Oldham prosecu
tor. The defendant it apppears Is manager of
a glass house on the ttouth side, and some
days since a number of boys were playing in
a pile of sand; In order to drive them
away he threw a stone agalrod a Obe i d. and It Is
V e t t.:
9 that t htosrtoniellt r‘ ure ti c IV . e .a boll e o r. t.
diet of not guilty and the deferulant to pay
the costs.
Emma Cmdwell...the "female detective,"
who was committed to jail some day. - since.
on a chute of assault and battery. was
brought Into Court and released on ball. J. C.
Umith, of the Twenty-nrst ward, becoming
responsible In the sum of MO for net appear-
COMMonweallb O. Thomas Williams. In
dicted for larceny; James Pearsall prosecutor.
'The prosecutor cnom to the city on the let of
July', and sometime during the day it la alleged
that Williams took nine dollars out of bhi
pocket. The Jury retunted a verdict of guilty
nod the defendant was monocled for
in .
Commonwealth ye. itathat. T. Kunkle, in
dicted for perjury. Samuel Long, prosecutor.
The defendant, It appears, was an agent for
the sale of Wheeler and
ha t
he Sewing Ma
ch and It Is
f or a alled that he fraodoleotlY
nixedexecuted lease o Samoa ) ne. ttl which be
the name of Long. the prose
cutor, to whom he owed a bill for meat. The
lease, It apoeare, was turned over to Mr. Gib
son. the agent in this city. by whom the de
fendant was employed. and that. when Mr.
Long was called upon for the monthly rent he
denied having. executed any lease, and said
I that his name was forged to the Instrument.
The case was on trial when Court adjourned.
307 Corn. vs. John_ Little.
• Henry Lhitz.
Simeon Brown.
JO Samuel lliehards. two cases. •
Ite .1 - Jam. Brightmore. et isi.
Fib " Joseph Beek.
nny, George Sheri:Led. •
321 " . Michael Hover,.
300 " " James Wilson.
161 . Charles Knott.
300 " John Schmidt. •
.657 " Hartle Lydon, two case:.
377 " " Hugh Gallagher, et al.
.3111 Thomu Steel. •
105 " It. L. Wilson. •
ft) .Anna B. Patterson, two cues..
Simon Shook. three cues.
XXI " Jame. Wilson.
" . Christopher Zug, et al.
375 " George Pennington._
361 " W. A. Adams.
:PO .. Peter Baker.
3110 ' ' Michael Bradford, et al.
330 •• August Bellefelt.
104 Wm. Zithmebrock.
373 " Thomu Devito.
221 " James Huey.
•• - Isabella Heed, et al.
The following liquor cases will be taken up
on Saturday . , and all parties interested must
be on band. Constables who have returned
env of the parties must be prepared :
Corn. vs. Job, Ellppaer.
Phillip Heater.
1:1 " John Con.
113 Fred. Vlerbeller.
216 " Wellington Stewart, three cases.
=3" . " " Wm. If. Sheib.
661 " " F. Brans. throe cases.
' " Samuel Evans. •
376 " L. WUws.
! 290 • " Wm.Mackeown. et al, two ens..
; It. E. Sellers. et al.
I 315 " " James Wllliates.
I = ••John M. Ewing.
• S9l John Doughty, et el, three eases
The military spirit 1s aroused in the Twelfth
ward, and active efforts are being made to
ward the organization of a company of Ton
ere.. At the prellmiwil7 meeting held a few
evenings Once. thirty-nine ware enrolled.
and from the entbuslaum manifested It was
Kept that no dlincnitY. would be expert-
MUle completing the rill. Another meet
ing will be held to-morrow night In ft/dame.
tience Hall, to which all favorable to the ott•
lent are invited. In the meantime those
' , Melilla' to ego the roll can do so by cOiing
upon 'gamma Tomtit No. BM Pearl "treat.
A Car&
Wm. SelBlo.lBo awl Rd Federal street, Al
legheny, gratefully thank. his numerous cue
foment for their Tory liberal patronage, and
would noectfully Inform them that instil
further notice her flora will be closed on Bat
urriml i mat 8 o'clock.
Moseys." Cathartic Syrup is u se d l a all
cases instead of Oh. easter oil, amour eau,
de. Highly' Simons:. Trreaty.hre mt.. T r y
it. Sold t 7 pU drahlitts, • Sim
• --
Guaira Teotdn—The Infant
` Grande
nt's Ittgapsaille•—Mhteed by tbe
Census Taker.
The dignified and urbane genius who pre
sides over the columns of a morning contempo
rary was serenely seated upon his editorial
tripod the other day, with his benignant
gaze fixed upon the kaladeosomic throng of
humanity which passed In review before his
sanctum, when suddenly his pleasant summer
reverie was Interrupted. Au animated human
form. "long as wide. and deco as it was lone. -
filled the doorway and obstructed his view. A
smile of ecstatic bliss rested upon the super
ttion's countenance, great beads of presplrn
tlon rolled from its classic brow, a bass drum
apparently. but which closer inspection re
vealed tohe.a component part of the body,
urns borne In front, the light of Joyous inspir
ation twinkled from diminutive eyes like'
gaslights in a foggY morning. Hatless and
coatles. a tel bandanna floated gully from
the right hand. the left grasped a money wal
let plethoric w•ith greenbacks, while the
nethers exhibited state of lively emotion
as though possessed of the spirit of Teruel-
chore. -• •
Accustomed as the editorial vision was t.
Amu, nights and scenes, this was yet suf
lieitalt to engage Immediate and earliest at
' The figure paused a umment. and thenbolill)
advancing poised itself upon its drumsticks i
front of the journalist.
"rah," wildly. joyously, rapturously. Ilk.
the mute of many waters, issued from
chm which would have been the admimtlo
of any dentist.
"Well," WPJ the only response which could
be 6ummound by the men of the pen.
“Cash is dish blocs," sonorously resounded
'through the apartment.
The -reply Was given, with a statement of
the circulation and _advertising rates of the
"Tab, yah; vere lab de editure man. all de
eller' was the next enthusiastic inquiry'
The individual referred to 'humbly slgnitled
his presents by a wave of the band nnd a pen- .
Oneßooko Into the editnrinl countenance.
one clutch at the wallet. a 1 crisp greenback
being abstracted -therefrom, a wild wave of
the red bandanna, and then—St. Anthony
himself would have hiddenlhis head in shame
and given the palm of victory to the animated
beer barrel which gyrated lover the editorial
matting. I
On went the dance, the jot• was unconfined..
Editors looked un in amateinent. reporters
for the moment laid aside note book and pen
cil. the click, click of the coMpositorint room
was hushed, presminn and pressboys were
Impressed with the Ine,dent. and Inc nn in
terval Journalistic responsibility and toll were
forgotten nx one and all grouped around the
terpsichorean scene,
At length the fleet footed child of three
score years exhausted its exuberant ecstacy
and the dance emitted as suddenly as it- bad
- commenced.
"Baldish de neush. Here's de monish,"
broke the stillness.
"What newer" Reportorial faculties we
a ire.
"De frau, de twins, last night. De frau, de
leetle pgoodays."
"313' man." replied the editor upon
whom began' to dawn the truth, ' . en
he your
self a moment and tonne all."
"Yah, listrts.and Katrina. mine daughter.
married Hals. bubblish. send mine home
to Shermany, tell do beoples Jere about lions.
Katrina and de leetle pays."
The enthusiastic grandparent of "de leetle
poys." for so he now appeared. again essay.'
a terpsichorean feat and concluded by laying
greenback In front of "do
etilture man
with "yahs," ntlave. winkings blink
:4 sufficient to have made his time
tal as a facial contortionist.
His desire being than clear. the pencil de
molisher. quickly recorded in fitting language
the news of flans and Katrina 's prosperity. for
The announcement was read to the aged re
lative. whose lineaments during the ceremony
pawned through all the stages from grave mcd•
Ration to bliss unalloyed.
"Tail yah dash Is sheet right" was the em
phatic endorsement.
DM one remained to enlists . his joyous
soul. Being interpreted it resulted in the
formation of the procession, dignified editor
and rancerous Teuton at the hood. grave re
porters and sedate compositors iu the,center,
vivacious office and press boys bringing up the
rear. -The saloon keeper oven that lu all his
calender of bright prosperous cloys one are
More pleasant to recall than that which wit
nessed this gathering at his fount.
A few evenings since many nedestriar
alongone of our principal thoroughfart
paused in their stem: to enjoy the melody e
popular brass band. Out upon the still ev
air floated the tender, touching cede,
. --
Zhw F9y:' intenninßlnl wtth the V 1
and the ,intiant asicrtion, "We won't go il(
till morning:* together with '•rhe t
tipangled Kanner," and many patriu
sentimental and sublime creations of the
ten. find inquiry been made, it wUnid
ascertained that thin - grand oration wa.
honor of liana and Katrina. and nomment
tine of the auspicious and happy-adven
two strangers missed by the census tak ,
the oarents'Aclight, the grandsirs's Joy,
110MICI DI:.
The %{ a.hluatua . Contity Monier—Ea
Particular. of the taw —The l'onstilr
Reeder. of the GArlerrE .111 retortntr, th
crount-of the munter of Samuel Itroten, n eel
red eitizets of Wm:thinly-ton couuty; which o
Reporter has thr folloh : ithr trtrt
igition. held bears Esquire Mellor, ill
even! occasions Bross - Wo wife and he
pecial paramour. (John Fulhajrn'i con,vl
to alike away with ilrown,./ They had' 'e
gone so far as to procure the strychnine .
some whiskey given to him, amt le 'vatic
other ways . sought to! put him .
of the rand. It ',ems !Oust in all these
attempts the daughter lot Brown and
the colored . man, Jerry Knight. now
in Jail, were either active or cassis e partici
pants, Rs was also another black man named
data Hall, srho figures occasionally during the
Investigation. In the last set of drama,
Brown. his.wife and daughter. were In Mid
dletown tin the. Saturday believed to be the
day of hisldeath: The mother and &welter
left town together, before Brown. but were
overtaken by the latter in the neighborhood
of Pleasant 11111 Seininary. Their course tens
directed. toward the residence of a family
named Woods. with whom it apnea'' , they
were all accustomed to lodge at night.
In the vicinity] of n ford across the creek
between the Seminary and the house in gars
!Von the deed was perpetrated. although tha
enact spot has' not been aseertained. It.
1 .
would seem be bad a doubt. front all the cit . .
cumstances, th t the mother and daughter
decoyed the Ism nit and father to the spot foe:
the purpose of having him murdered. The
daughter la her testimony before the Justice
declares that w en they reached the vicinity
of the ford,of t i creak. her mother told her '
SO wait Willy' S e and Brawn went to A Co .01
spring at mnedfsutnce to get a drink; that her
mother returned without Brown. and on De
ing asked wh re he wan said be had gone to
Wm. Leggit's to buy some cider: that her !
mother naked er if ahe had heard any noise. ,
and ou her re dying that she did bear loud
words. she as !Wahl triterrOßßSed as to
whether she had . seen John Fulham; upon her ,
answering In the negative, the mother point
la the direction of some trees and said,
- there he 'roe. through the woods."
This, according to bar account, .11 all
s he s,
knowi of the • matter. The evi
.dence elicited during the investig.ation
shows, however, that she had been present
at many meeting. of her mother with Ful
ham. Hall and Knight, In which the means
to compass Brown's death were discassvi.
She Is Ilkesvise,ti womad of abandostui
chametor awl of •notoriously had toralurt.
From other testimony it appears that Jerry
Knight started from the Seminary about the
time the parties assembled In the woody
near the ford. and went In 'the direction In
which the Murder Is supposed. to have I.rten
It is proved. however, we be
lieve, that he turned back after reaching the
ed ge,
of the woods. The natural presumption
Is that he was In the plot to kill Brown, but
being a terrible coward his heart . had fulled
him at the last moment. We havenot Stmce
_to enumerate the burden of evidende taken,
but all the circumstances, en far RA they can
be reached.polot directly to Fulham. Browns
wife and dtmghter as the guilty parties.
"One thing him become clearly established
by the crime and its Investigation, viz.: That
sog of - loaless end unpriucipled eoltrted
people had ben kept for years abKint. Pleasant
Hill Seminary. and that their headquarters
had become throughout the Inter period of the
.nstitution a den of every kind of Infamy.
Brief Deserted.. of* the Proposed Bawl ling.
It was a wise act no the part of the Market
Committee of Council. to select as architect,
Mr. Samuel W. Richards, for the eroPoried new
market house to be erected on. the property
recently purchased by the city at the comer of
Fifth avenue and :Miltenberger street. Me
has, in conjunction with the chairman' and
members of the Committee, labored dory ...l
onely to furnish a complete and model plan,
and one which when carried Into execution' '
wit furnish a market building which will
prove an ornament and credit to the city. It I
will be built of plain brick, fronting on Fifth
avenue.= feet 6M.inehee and runnier back
along Miltenberger street 119 feet 5M Inches.
On Fifth avenue It will hove three projections
of 5 feet 7 Inches each, crowned with a pedi
ment whichilvlll form part of the main roof.
On each corner of the building on tbeavenue
will-be commodious and well lighted store
rooms, while restaurants are arranged far to
the rear. The store. will be supplied with"
front and side entrances and will have nine
large windows. 'Cellars will be put under all
At the lower end of the market a comfortable"
room will beat for the oMee of the Superin
tendent. The luterlorof the market will be
large, airy and commodious. It will contain
seventy-two meat stalls for butchers each
ten feet long, and ten vegetable stands In the
centre, each thirty feet long. In addition to
the latter, vegetable stands will be ilrmniresi
for along the walls and about the entrance
ways. The astratarket will be located at the
upper end of the market In a Passage way
twenty-two feet wide. giving Imlllelent room.
fora team to pales from front to rear, and this
will he covered' by a broad projecting rect.
The great advantage of having the fish
stalls separated from, the market proper
with heavy Miele walls Is a good feature In
the plan. Thelnterior of the market wilt be ,
amply lighted and abundantly ventilated, 1
being supplied with open truss work and en
memos windows moveable on pivots attach
ed to cords and eaelly controlled at pleasure..
There are many Other res In the plan
worthy of notice. but twi ll suMce to nay
that our nelghbors In the mad, to .be
beneatted by the new market will have
no reason to complain Of it. arrange
ments and accommodation. It is es
timated that the building cost from
twenty to twenty-ave thousand dolrs. Fro
posaltare now being received for its la erection
at the °Mee of the accomplished architect,
- Mr. S. W. Richards, No. J 5 Dank Block. Fifth
avenue. Work will be commenced about the
first of August, and It is confidently expected
that the building, will be ready to occupy
about the first of next December..
. Rides, Shot Guns, Barr:oars. Pistols, Am
munition and Gun material of all Mud, at re
duced prices,at J. H. Johnston's Great West
ern Gun Wo4tailligusittineld street. Repair
ing g,eatly done. , Guns for hire. Army Rides.
Carbines and fterroltarn bought or taken in
exchange. Cell and eetl or write for a
ref Criee
List, .
. .
- I
A Frozen Lake in the Ttopiei—The
Stone Adzes of the Natives.
Dr. 11eratz, a Gentian natatalist, who
ie visitio r g the Sandwich hshuute, thus sle
scribes what he saw on the top of Melina
On our ascent to the top of Mauna Kea
we visited the little lake of Waiau, situa
ted at an elevation of twelve thousand
feet,'in a depression formed by the nu
merous snow-cowered peaks of the man
min. The lake was covered over with a
cruet of ice two or three inches thick, but
not strong enough to skate, upon. To
find ice in the tropics strikes thotniveler
with surprise, and here we feel-inclined
to play with it like children. ,About a
mile below that w,i found a large cave,
where the Hawaiians in older tunes man
ufactured their stone implements for cut
ting down trees and excavating - canoes.
fin our second visit to these mountain
regions we discovered a number of - cave 4
all formerly used for similar purposes:
These caves were undoubtedly inhabited
in former days. In every onewe founds:
fireillace near the entrance, showing iliat
the hands of men had complete& what
nature had Jett unfinished. Where the
natural entrance to a cave was too large
we found- rocks piled up like a wall, and
the fissures and openings between thent
tilled up with chips and small stone*.
other - caves again, where the entrance
bad proved too steep or too rough to
be comfortable, there flat stones f•-had
been placed" like steps,titian
which we descended into these little
Imountain habitations. This part of the
mountain—when, these caves and the
quarries from which the material for the
adze mantifitieture was procured are situ.
sted—ls destitute of vegetation. On ex-
Itminiug the interior of the caves; we
found pieces of kapa of various texture
and color; bones of dogs and pigs, cocoa.
nut- *belle, banana stems, pieces of awn
root, and sugar cane, old mats, firewood
Anti heaps of Opihi shells. Outside of
the cavefi, the ready-made stone adzes
were pita up in large heaps on both sides
of the t trance. - Thu most striking thing
)of this whole stone adze manufacture, and
which at the name time gives Ile some.
hat of an, idea of the extent to which it
Wan carried on, the nUmber of ages dur
ing which . .it was continued, and the
amount of people working constantly at
it—are the large mounds of little chips,
thin and sharply pointed,•in front of every
cave, twenty to thirty feet , iq height and
thickness. In faM, these wonderful
, p t ounds, visible for some distance, led to
the discovery of other caves, It in only a
short time since the ''stone age - of . these
islands closed, and the first iron tools and
metal Instruments were imported by for.
eigners. until then the Hawaiians
worked like the Aborigines of other parte
of the world, and. like our own Indo3.
tierman forefathers, with stone imple
ments. Flint arrow.heads and spear-
Made, stone knives - and war clubs are'
found In Europe and America, !sometimes
buried deep in the ground, with hunum
bones and those of extinct animals. The
more peaceful Hawaiians had only stone
A Deeperate Struggle With Mad.
Ddlt-A Deg Catcher Rieke his Life
to "are the - Liven of Others. I
[From the St. !Astltnernocntt.l
Iln NVednestlay lint a rtbill dog appear
etl on Leap,. l i ne,. street, unit after biting
'several other Clogs and. a
` eon• Made se,
oral attempts to bite the pedestrians on
the street:. Louis Strumberg, one of the
dog catchers. bearing of it, anti knowing
the street to be full of eltildren‘several of
whiau would probably have• baen bitten
but for him, took his noire noose and pm ,
anal the animal, Coming up With him,
Lo succet, gutting the loop over big
Lead, and a desperate struggle en'' , "- 41
The dog, a large hound, at mice endea
vored to fasten his foaming Sawa upon
Struudterg, who fur a time, with conaid
amble difficulty, held him' off with the
wire. The 11001 C, however, finally broke
before the other:dog catchers could tense
up with and wasn't him, and the animal
springing. upon the man, caught his hand
in his mouth and tore it in a shocking
Manner. Ile then ran down the' street,
. .
hh the foam 'dripping front his jaw..
nd getting into the rank
. weeds growing
i.,11 the Hata near the river WAN lost to
Ile. nee found after a lii Vl' bourn'
and shot by 11,1 e of the other nien.. l
Th,, ii.• Strumberg's hand were
once cauterized, but the hand began to
indammand on Saturday he eahibited an.
mistitkable algre..ilf hydrophobia. •
Ilia friends. learning that Dr. Schmidt,
of Carondelet. was said to be possessed of
a mad stone, had him taken there ' when
the atone was applied to the wound. The
atone certaiuleldrese from them a greenish
fluid raid to l;e' poison, but whether the
man'. life cnn . lm'aied by it remains to
be seen. At'last - accounts he was rapidly
growing Sternberg deliberately
periled hit own life to rare the berm of
other., and it,in a manner that few would
Lace attempted.
Vivisection and Netaivorpifitis.
!FrOm tbe.:New York Times, Jab: ead
A whirnalcal uproar ha. lately ,been
ited in London by an incident that a f -
. . ~ .. .. . .
years ago would have-made the tribe 1 ' . .1,
mOuthisrater. They are doing all Man •er
of odd things in France just. now, d
among the resit aM. Rererdin has en
detaching pieces of skin from a h ean
subject and aplying them to the ~ w
surface ,of a b urn, so as, to make a new
skin. Fired by•a natural spirit of emu.
lotion, Mr.-ileorge Pollock, of SLOeorge's
Hospital, London. has been essaying to do
the same thing. A white child had been
accidentally burned, and Mr. Pollock ook
a bit of akin from the shoulder of a ne
gro and applied it to the injured part.
The surgical operation was successful.
but its moral effect appears to have been
unfortunate. It was straiglitway, repor
ted. first, that the poor bltick man \ had
been flayed against his will; and, second.
Iv; that the design of the %umter was to
ii)tange the child into A negm, in total die;
regard of the wishes of the parties chiefly
can corned. A - good many Door people
were justly indignant at the tda of aci as
tounding and improper a inetsyemphomis„
believing, perhaps, with a not unusual
pride of race, that if any change of the
sort were attempted; It alimild,be to the
tpe which is dominant vth In undo f
have , actually , found it necesea
ry to explain that the experiment was
mode in order to show what part of the
covering tissue it is which is concerned.
a the development of the neW skin: that
the negro received a sovereign for the bit
*of skin•taken from him, and cheerfully
I ,
reed with the treasure for that consid
-13 Lion, and that Mr. Oeorge Polloek.htgl
idea of changiug his little patient Into
a l tioloredthild, except to the extent of a
- s - Pot of lens than a pea in else, and in or.
der that the palpable difference in color
and texture might assist in defining the.
steps:of the experiment. The Loneet de
clares the proceeding 'to be one of the
safest, humanest, and most interesting.
within the range of physiological science.
it must. lei admitted, to ever, that the
miular outcry seems to hove bad some
plausible grounds for its justification,
and supposing his first trial to have been
surceseful, his colored man willing, and
hie supply of sovereigns unlimited, would
not the temptation to go on and make his
job a and symmetrical one have
beerather hard for Mr. Pollock to resist?
The experiment opens the deor for not a
little carious Speculation, audit Suggests
a form of "miscegenation" not hitherto
thought of by even the most ingenious of
our American political physiologists.
The Ntratsgy of Lovers.
A good story is told of two Detruiters,
whooviane time gene, cultivated attach
ments for two wealthy young ladles who
reside In one of opr sister cities. The
ladies visited this dty a short time since,
were token to Put-in-Bay, and subsequent,
ly. the gentlemen escorted them , lame
distance by rail and -steamer, on their
way to the place of their residence. The
Detwiler' took a round-about way and
dropped in at Chicago, where they Imme
diatelyenteredlupon a worse of convivail
, ity which vtould_ undoubtedly have
shocked.. the Worst sense of their beat
friends, They dined, supped and drank,
especially the latter, and while in the
height of their enjoyment. their merry
making wee disturbed by the advent of
the bretherof the ladies in question, who
had bean sent there by his anxioun
ther to 'look after the lovers before re
ferred to, and ascertain their habita.
Apologies were in vain... The young man
amounted his determination to report at
home, what he bad wow and fora time
the blur prospects-of blighted love fatted
scrolls the eyes of our gay Detrolters.
Many they determined Upon a Coup
;which settled the whole matter'. The
unexpected visitor was himself inveigled,
made "tight," brought to Detroit, then
sent home after be had solemnly pro ,
raised never to reveal what he bad felt
or heard alrall:Detraii Thou.
N o more lee... Use teed water.
the Editor of the Pell Mai; Cazote
Sir I notice in your columns of ,yester
day a proposal to cheapen ice as a cure
for drunkenness. I shall not enter on
the question of the probable results in a
sanitary point of view, but desire to point
out that the great desideratum islnot ice,
but water cooled to .10 deg. or ,ffi deg.
Fahrenheit.- To cool London water to
this _temperature is & simple and com.,
partitively inexpensive process. It is the
production and storing of ice that with
tut is attended with great difficulties.
During the . past year I have occasion to
study. this question practically. with
view to insuring at any season, and in
any country, that meats, to be preserved
fresh might ,be cooled to tit them for the
iffis9rption of antiseptic '
, - gases.' My ex
periments have mainly been ina)le 1,11
ether machine, constructed b MOsers.
Liebe Brothers, which in itself has work
ed admirably, but until lately the best
means of utilizing and saving the cold
produced by such a machine w a mys
tery. There are two successful instances
of reaping the full benefit to b derived
from the use of either mead es. The
. . ... .
one now widely known, is I
Messrs. Truniau,nanltury A Co.'
where, insl
ead of attempting to
cheaper pan of abstracting -15
20 degree of heat from Loud° ,
resorted o, and the second is t
Paris gl 'eres. I have recentl
the skill with which, the econ.
cold producing is provided for
telligea superintendent of thi
Talent, a d with the same mac .
working-twelve iiistead . of t
hours daily, he none produces ,
ties of ice water against 1,174)
two or three years since. CAldi
can be had with certainty at a cheap rate,
and the greater (the improvements in
strain hollers the Cheaper will that cold
be. It is one of the necessaries of the
'day, and the deficiency will be supplied in
most 1-ountries be the artificial. roduction
of the amouhi of cold required:in liquids
or air, rather than by the empeneive car
riage and storage of unweahly and ;per
ishable mountains of ice. I remain, sir,
your obdient servant, Jonx
Paris, June 11,1870.
A PAIRS CABLEGRAM of the 12th says:
The London Pdef recently published a
Short telegram : from Tientsin, China,
dated June 25, announcing the massacre
of the French Secretary of Legation and
other French residents by the native Chi
nese at Pekin on the 21st of that month.
Nothing whatever confirmatory of this
dispatch has since been received. The
Government has nothing on the subject,
and no dispatch treathig of the matter
other than this special to the fast, - has as
-yet been made public anywhere in Eu
rope. Today, however, a private dispatch
was received by a gentleman in this city
from Pekin direct, dated June 22, a day
jaier than that on- which the reported
missitcre occurred—in which nothing at
all is said concerning a matter of ito gine
importance to France, an well as to tit
whole world. It is, therefore, quite prob
able . that the Poxr* special .telegfam
a hoax. •
Henry G. Hale, Merchant Tailor, tom just
received a large assortment of linens andal
t.:am, also a complete assortment of Rands
for canister wear generally, corner Pena
avenue and Sixth street. • If
Bond Mortgagesums to salt,
by . raos e
cod sal,Grant street.
Oawreio. July 14.—Flour good demand at2Se
lower on white winter, and Braes uf 2,100.bb1x.
it for No. I spring; $7.00 , 47.11 for amber
winter; V. 75 fur white. for double
extra. Wheat qtdet and lower: I,COO bblx No.
I Milwaukee: Club at Corn quiet and
lower. No. t In round lots held at ?tr. Oats
--oil , -
BFFALO. Julv 11.- Cattle dull : cets
weak Pal cars; eaten prime Ohto a n d In ip diana of
Leers $62a..W. Sheep brisk Canada sX 4 ellc.
I.austos elea/i7isc for fair to good; choke tic:
western 1 1 / 2 4t51.i. llog In ragging and
receipt/. light, no, antes; store and butchers at
13th. 157 U. or Her. 6. A. B. Rubinson. Mr.
J.. 61103 FILIEL,of Temper...vs.lltn.l4,.snd Miss
KATE A. KEItIL of e! , tiers Townehlp, All,
Ktterty county. •
rtil'E It..AOS- on * fl .veniflp t 10
o'clort. GORMLY.o Jennie s M. and
Law. Petelw.n, 3r.
Ift.l.w.e of I uneral In evening papers.
I.ollsllS—cin Tbursdßy morp.a.
Mrs. DWIli 1.00311, 1 , neo so y.a,
M. eith pore CARBOLIC A ..bled le need
In Hospitals by direction of nent
has already proved Itself to be e ntostererds and
rfraeril caret for all Mallgnan Sores aid Ulcers.
and for Sarum, Cott. Wounds, d all Skin Dleseues
no resat as a Rapid Curative at Das fel been
dbeorrred, PRICK, RR CIL
Henry's .Insect: Potvder
• 1
For the Destraelion" of ROACHEB. ROD BUGS.
ARTS. lc. PRICK. 13 CENTS. at
Patent Medicine Depot,
140 -SMITHF'I.
Plated. Bracelets,
Mrs.-S. C. ROBB'S
No; 91 Federal St., Allegheny
Bell and Brass Founders,
Made Promptly to Order
.. 5.
Made and Kep on Hand.
.Toptietnrs mid Km of
J. M. Cooper's Improv Balance When
01166—RNS PENN STREET. Foundry—Cornet
..nd RAILROAD STREETS. Plttabstesh
Wlla OF LIFL—The gnat Blood
vtluttlin. and Ivißrirrlifin,vilin"R's
r ees from
ierZ;A:Vgalr:o2=r; Delve Dreested
appetiser end tonic, and the !West um
world for purifying the blood. It is tho most plea:
tott and delicious article ever uttered to the public
ptor to brandy. 'nky, wine bitten. or mm
eroth mticie. It in more healthy _end cheaper.
Toth male end female. young or ont. can lake the
Wine of Life. It la In Met, a Me preserver.
Those who wish to enjo good health arid free
low of lively Writs. will do well to take the brine
of Life, It Is different from anything ever before
nse. It ta sold by druggists: also at all moment
able ealoon. Prim 51.00.10 quart bottles.
Livillgsto n -&. Co.,
Light .ork ovr p•cfalt
Shutter and Gab Maim ~
_toles of Buildors'llard
°moo Sad Work. emu.
a , .rkk. Pa. f4.lofEco
I,il a tagOlWroni 1.143 1 1 . 3 t p , :igizut afree....t.
Larlag and :11 other ose lin imentiof spgerM
been so remarkable.
~,t ,M, ,z,,u oefil d a few weelieln this
dif• and will Idea e attenUon to the cure of
all defects In the ale of the vocal nom. The
published aft/Scales amelY MUM bin efdllif nod
rawer In the rfdlet end ours Of persons thus af
flicted. Prof EATON may be °unsuited. for the
peat, at the aloe of SLOAN. JUNO A. CO., No.
' IroUnfll .AVENre.Pttsbnoth. bend Ja for dr.
' . anall
Of hvo t ot towohly. li • . esadidato for Coml.,
Coo==loner. to aubordlnition to the dedston of
to. Moabite= Convoottos. Ed • mod. to tottua.
S PICED DAMSON, oaktoMel/ItT __=---________—
= aod half cans, tun In sews for Oa
! I V
In eh
. .
- -
ten WI% for We DY •
Car. LibeTif
c0P.4:4.-9 bitaxgroiciy.r.o.r
Prrr6IWASII. July I .1870.
MD day declared a Dividend, Nn. 35.1 -
on the Capital Hoek. payable MONDAM I Sth inst.
A. P. siecretary.
Orme. or nit
BIS FRANKus Pa+MANCtdr..r. l
• No-41 Ohlo_Stre .- PO et.
AtbadMEN V. P A.. Puly !Sal, IS7Of
ts.. have Ws day declared a Dividend of ONE
DOLLAft per share. payable in rush mined atter
July 12,11870. .
.—T ,
• Prrrsucunit. July Sth. 18711, , i
lir DIVIDENDhe Board or Di- ,
'RECTORS have this day declared ~ ri
dend id 'PEN PER CENT . out of the pro d of
the last Az months. payable on clemand.fn e of
hrim72 JOSEPH T. JOllOOOO. Secret , ry.
PI4I7SUCILGH. PA.. July 3. 1 sr,. t i
declared a Dividend of FIVE 154 PER
CENT. out of the earning . % of the last stun mtbv.
payable on demand.
Jett . W. N r oypitGA:l;,.l. , .
THE swoon NATIONAL . BANK 3r ,, , , , i14 .: Ei41 0. v., . I
Thu DlTCCtfin of this hank have this day dpntnred
• dividend of SIX PER CENT. out of the !Pro.e
of.the last ale month,. payable forthwith. i
'JD 4 6 ' J. 0. DAVIDSON. Cashier.
Ithat of
brewery, I
mem., the
I ,.egreca or
water In
!at of the
sizing of
Iby the
,ine., and
enty four
6,000 bet
' produced
—The Board of Directors of this Reek
have declared a dividend of FIVE 131 PER CENT
out of-the Fronts of the pant nix nroeths•
on And after July 11th. •
'OBERT J. GREER . , Cashier . ,
Dressurnda. July 1.1870. t
BANK. The Directors PI thin Bank hive I
this - day declared a Dividend (of FIVE IS/ PER
CENT. on the Capital Stock. pat able on and otter
the 14th Inst.. tree of tax.'
GEO..C. NI LEAN. ambler.
.lulylkS.4l4lo. 1uk14 4
Prrrellaellfal.,Cly 3. 1510..1'
&NOTICE.—The Dirfttors of this
Bank bare this day dtlared Dividend
it FOUR PER CENT. on the *Pilsd Stdok. PST-
Ide W Stockholders on end «PIA. the 13th Inst.
7uti.6l GEO. T. VAN.II(I,_/REN. Cashier.
Ath . NAT'L
1870. HANK.
The Director. of this Bank have this day de.
elared a Dividend of FIVY. E'ER CENT. on the
capital stock out of the profits of the lam. Mx
months. payable on demand. T of taxes. •
JOHN vCt rr. J.. Cashier.__
• °?'" " P r r i gnagifl. ; •
g DIVIDEN 12he Board
of Directors of this Company have this
dny'declare.i n dividend of vliun DOLLARS r
share. free of tare, cut ion
the earnings of the
last nix months. onyable on suid atter the 1 11. th
lest.. an follows: Two Dollars per share in rash.
and Two Dollar, per share hl be credited on Thick
jueullf.' WM. F. GAUDICEII, Fecretarl.
. - •.
...... Dank here thß,Our declared n its-Mend of
WIVE PER CENT. on the Capital
payableou of
the ...mons of theism Mx months, foAR .
urtth. free of un toe.
' • Gate Pittsburgh Trust Company./
The Directors of thin Bank have thin day de-
Stared a quarterly dividend of TIIIIEE PERCENT.
CENT. or. the Capital Stuck out of the proem of
State an
the last d
thream rnment onths. POl
x ya b I u roithwith. free. of
Gove Ta.
J. D. 5C1.71.1.1 - . Cashier.
JCI.V.4th. 18,0. jar
PrrtioiCßGH,.lialv IS7O. f
DIVIDEN D.—The President and
i Managers of the Company Ibreefect-
Ina n Bridge over the Allegheny River
of Allen teat opposite
.uee thin
Oe ' llne ' l r Mi t t_it "r gi;;Tegir of
FIFTY CEN'Es on much share of tbe Capital Stock
of the Company. payable by the Treasurer to
Stockholders or their legal reprementattves fonIL
JuhaLl ROSEBURG. Treanor,.
- et/OD STREET Able eirrii AVENUE.—The
- .o of this Rank have this day declared n
of. SIX PEA CENT.trut of the proms of
Hsu months, free of GovermuNt Lai. par
I nrecto
the but
able on
Prf . eretitToil. PA.. Jule 2.1E+70. Jul
efteeteNN BANK. /
Perrenc*Olt. July I et. 1870 .,
.."•—• of this Bank have,this day declarnt a metal
:wed dendend of SIX T
ER CENT., payable to
S/at/oilers Fn and otter the ll th Inst. •
n2a.4 WM. FLOYD. Cushier. .
l I ITYKUrnaII, July 1, 1870. i
.'"*"." free of Taxes. will he pant to the
Stockholders of Oil, Bank, on net utter TCES
-0.7. July 12th inst. •
.0427.41: JORN MARTI:Y.l7.liter.
/Atom.larr NATIoNAI. Hawn.
Julv I. 1870. e
0- ir
of this Hank have deritrtwl a dividend of
NIX l'Elt CENT., out of the pronto of the lent ilk
month... Parable forthwith, free of tae.
jalan l Y. L STECIIENSON; Cashier.
- . .
Pkoetvi Savors•s DANK olr
• Owner or Federal and Leroek'trees.
JrOct ßS 43d, I O N7 F O.
TH 8i
Hank have LION day declared a dividend of
FIVE PER CENT. out or the profits thatast
six months, payable on and after Juivin O .ISTO.
tree of 1.11.1. LP. OUN. '
_Head • Cashier.
RUN RAILROAD CO: hare this day declared a
dividend of FIVE PER CENT. char of (lover.-
went Tax. out •ot the earnlnrs of the past six
math.. payable to the stockholders or their legal
relireeen4thes on and niter July let. at the omoe
of the Co.PenY In
ESPY. President.
Jess Olt!, 1870. • Jerx.%
Of TICK or rut rs - rtitrittas lINCII.Mong
Jic 14.1t00.
day doelsevl sosoi-sormal dlvldea of
No. 413 POno.troot,Oo and4l ter July 1..1870
EXOTICS.—The undendgned have
chartered the Steam Perry Boat, CaPt. W.
C. DENNY. and .111 rob her as a Ferry ou and
after July OM from Sharpaburs to Pittsburgh slde,
until the Pharpaburg Bridge Is rebuilt.
al: w. A. SPROUL.
Orem: prrninutioti AND notraiN MINING Co., t
Pirreecoon. Jane JMd.Th7O. I
11OLDER8.—Therewill. he • special meet.'
leg of the theekholders pf the .. PITTBBUROII
BURGH," held, no the °Mee of the Company, In
the City of PluAborgh, at '2 o'clock on '
VEDNESDAY, lith Day of July, proximo
By order of the Board of Director.
$/00 Bounty Collected
Cor all soldiers In bo . olAiltOd between May 4th and
July 824. 1801. wbo were disebssfied Car dthatab
By before sorting two rem, and who tier eßiroto
:are rebsived no bonnbr.
The undersigned Les rumored Ms Oka to Oa
arrri ButidlmaournerSirtharentie md Smitblield
meet, and ls now prepared to collect claims apee4k"
fly and at modem, riles. Cell on, or addreas. with
stamp, B. T. BROWN.
Claim Stant, 000000 e. tirfibllng.
Corner Sloth avenue and Smithfield street..
. Plusbarstb•Pa.
Er PUBLIC NOTlC.—Haring been
TOR for Allegheny COullty. notice IS hereby given
that until the necessary office and Mechanical Teel.
Mg Machinery_ can be provided.'l will he found at
AND PIPE WORKS. Twenty-third street. near
Pea.. Pitlaboma.
Gas and Gas Meter tospector.
Prru , ut , non Cossatutro.t.c RAILROAD COl
Prrrsninion.Juna /Mb. POO. t
-COUPON No. a, Irina Morupespe Roods of
this thontett 7. due Jail lot neat. will he PAM On
d alter that date on plementatiOn and delDreg
11 1 A at LT = 1241 4 ORE- JOHN H. ' ssare ' r..
PLANE.j-NOTICF—Tbe Plane frill be
open for Paaannaars and Fnslght business. Eirpll3"
MOILN7NO at 3 o'clock, and will elonataf 11
sonnectlurt with the_hust rag from 'Pittsburgh us
the Pittsburgh end Illnultrithem Psassuger BAt , "
usg. jrurld I
Of Mandan Town.hlo.oubieet to the doch;o of
the Union Republic. County Convention.
Lome Joint Hotta,
b fanners, mei other
ninon on band.
Carpenter and Blinder,
win promptly attrod to all ItWU otiota work.
Oil =filmier tankgromlnto :to. 17 North
.regaa ooroOr We ter amt. Allogbonyl .
11 s achieve
hi .a n of I I
Whole . 3
Total Premiums • ling ' 1.
Amount In.
Itallis of Chains and Esp. to 'eider Income.. ft 8
A verame Haim. of all Companiem ..... . .4
For envl4o Liabilities the Empire taus bail
of Aromas.
Total Amount of Policies t)496
Total Asts. *3 0.0.30
$lOll.OOO faith Capital deremited `fah th e
Stele mad the balance securely invested.
13nt- 7 in,
Ilatutner for Western rennaTirartna
0112nd 78 FOGRTII AVENGE, Pittaburah. Ea.
wa 7:IIrGOOD AGENTS. both 'male and female.t2__ntod. r 4
A. McrARLAND, • \ S.'ll. HARTMAN,
Ettaatctir,r. TICE Ptwatuarrr.
W. tiletittfi MlLLER.Secrrtarr.
Federal Insurance Co.
OFFICE : Cor..Fetirrul and Larock Street!.
Ilwara Gregg.
Valnatine Baker.
M. Shenab,.
Jos. 11. Borland,
Wm. Sehoyer.
W. J. Langn. , ..
e17:77:3 F. 31.
Assets tin Jun. Ist. 17476. 62.623.734 67.
Capital, 6400.000 00. , Accrued Surplua and
162P.r ' rv ' er ti.4o/121111."P'e rlie ' g ' r A rag'
many Put iclos4)n Liheral Terms. VI :Comp. y auto
Mimes policies upon the Rent" ot all kinds of Build.
In MllZr m o d u i .4 l" Ngi Z1.°"'1,17.7. - .iamel Grant.
Gnu. W. Richard., Isaac Lou. 000. F.., Alfred
Filler. Thos. Smirks. Wra. 11. Gm.. Thom. M.
Ellis, Gustavus N. Bentoll.
. . ALFRED G. RAKER. President.
GEO. VALES, Floe President.,
.fria. W. McAllister. Becre.ry..
T. IL Reger. Assistant Sgi in ,
. 5
net Cur. Third Avenue KEI. tOO0 1
• Of Pittsburgh.
WDL P. HERBERT. Vine President.
WM. P. II ERDERT t gemOuT.
CAPT. GEO. NICELD. °viers! Agent.
Odire fri Water street. Spent s Wsrldlonse.
u gAn1 1 1171e2e=.1 ,. .. 11 kinds of Fire and Marine
insks. A boom e Institution, managed hr Directors
who ere well known to the community. and who
ere determined by promotes. and liberality to
maintain the Character which they have assumed,
as offering the hest protection to those who desire
to be insured.
Alexander 'Snatch. , ;
John R. McCune.
IL Miller Jr.. Chao.. J. Clurte.
Mores McAuley. ; William S. Evens.
Alexander Speer. ic h eedgh LIAMOMCA.
Andrew Anklet.
David M. Long, Etorylsono..
D. lhm,en
Phelan's Building,
Assistant Canine
Sake MIL *K. McClartss. Rus. Balls 7.
T"'""mrdllkrill,M,ZuldVre. sidsoL
J ( NO.P.3ENNINGs, Presldoot
Joy. T. JOIINSTON,Seeretery. •
Capt. R. J. KILACE. rilne_nat l y V I i t .
!estates ON I,IBERAL. TRIMS oN
Of Pittsburgh. •
OFFICE. NO. 1.17 FOURTIi Asw.Num
Insures against all kinds of Flys and Marine
/ I . N MD " RIMUII i tt C'reli e geliden .
otrA N ELL, itecretarT.
CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Ageit.'
John Irwin. - B. 1.. gabnestzl.
T. J. Ileskinson. W.II. Every
C. U. Massey. Robert U. ROW'
Unreelceua. Ilugh S. F:eral.,
Charles Rays. Capt. 3. T. Striekdale.
Capt. Wm. Dean. ) T. 11. Nevin. ' •
A lien. Company. tratUs Fire arid Marine It
J h Rboad
•• e
nn, st, o .
Win. MUDD, uel P. Shrives.
John o John u ' e Penske." u r b r s r b k. , . d •
S"':sy ?terkkart. .
rh11.1.1 President.
SOILS WATT, Ice President.
• W, 17. G Alain Elli.Seereterv,
a t!,111, 74 4 . lb. SP.CONE NATIONAL. PANE
W. W. MARTIN. President,
JOIIN BROWN, Jit, Vice Presdent.
JA-1.1.E5 STEVF- , dON. neeretar7
. .
Jobs A. War. pas. Lockhart, JOE. Myer..
Jac L. Graham., Robert C., C. Boyle.
Jobb Brown. Jr. , :alo e Jacob KoPP.
o.ll.P.Rl.lllaraa,J Tho n, p.o n 3. Moblaullber
at No. 107 Mallet St.,
We now en v i the public stock of PAP.ER
lIANGENGS :roused in the West ft, varlet/
and . beiselpof attics. embracing !US the Novelties
,DMIGNS 1 . 0 plain and bright colors. for Walls,
,Dining BOOMS ; SC. Alivi L _WOOD and WARBLE
'PAPERS, with an almost endierariety of
BLANKS for Chambers. he All of which we pro.
wee to sell as low as the lowest la the Market.
Call and see. at
No. 107 Narita St., near Fifth Avenue
SPRING, 1870.
.40 INCHES ertdotleta eire per mil
GLAZILT—a treat variety a OC Per roll:
ED—All kinds ' a per roll.
. .
. .• .
OLLEGANT French and AlDelit. Paper llea
' meat
oat apeefiled bove, aupetior to any ort
meat In the cvante7. For sale at
) W.. P. lIIRSHAIL's
4.V.W:grd'ar° R"LI l9l /4,11
Mountain Howrc,
Thls fivorite'resert has been enlarged and un
proved .loco lain season. Will be open for guests
Ib7 the Pennsylvania Railroad. at blew Took. Plat.
*Wahl. lianieburg end Pittsburgh. All Gals,
atop at Cutsson. 11.00.1i8 Me be petered in salts
'or elnghs. ' •
been engaged for the season.
For farther Information. address
ED. BARKER, Proprietor,
Cor. Penn Si. and Ilth. formerly old Canal
64.7Z,7.2,=% and
IlarAorol. slzoo of Imam.; Ao. 2 no " . All It/
FAdom i l7:l do. all :Is t eli . l . klowlowaVAts
rtih.bah tares* arjor 111,4114. Ca WIZ
halveclitslmon 1n Ws; 11011046 llorring. 100 MP
choke. Vor 0010 low to the trwls.
mild 172 and 174 Wood 01.1. e .
861 River Ave., Allegheny
Sealer of Weights and Reasons,
No. 5 FOURTH ATE, Pittsburgh.
318.1041101 , 113.11 e..,
P. C. Dawns.
sawn 146 Gram moot
C HEEBE.-100 boxes prime Goshen,
I° ""VII.C4I,.NFIEL : D. 141 Mr{ illeou••
OF EX At • T
paralleled Let Ihe
Saturday, July 16,
WM De elTered nt moue .4elle. en ObtervstorY 411 1
Second ward. Allegheny.
Three Good Building Lots
FronUng on tbo rerrynville Plant llMad. Tb!hls
a very dectrable lotation. comn”nding, ii• It doer,.
RM. TiOW of both only..
k /OTH WARD. rivr5n.030.1...,0N
.Vig r AT Ir
by order or Thomas X. Mannall. MD, he
of James P. Johnson, Reg.. be mild on the
• utl'.gioancrilTirttt'3;
situate In the 20th city 01 CHtsbargh. end
frontlPF .100 feet on I.lbertY avenue, betgeen
Shady bide and Routi's Stations. 01 1.C111115 , 11,10 1 8
Railroad. adjoining the ...Monello( 110 n. thornae
'toward and property of A. ) i. 0001“1. Red..
whereon are erected n elegant (rums &SOHO'
house. frame stable un itcarnage house. and other
1 his property, situated Ins rerT detint , de
"'°"" 'or
I bea u tiful
TV.lolX—OhC•third Cash. one ond
Yew , elth Interest. secured by niortmige On the •
W. 0. Gibson:
J. Kohpn.
!JIVE. Z; Agent
:4 A. vILLE LOTS. Cobra:a•.isn .13y•
kv - A—TUE by oESOA T rder oFf
M Julry
J I'. Asengnee of Jame, Johnston, sq
, E.. wtll be sold
the premises, In Seventeenth I. Clly of
Pittsburgh. (formerly LawreneCTl 11,1 the follow
lug font valuable building lots, at eerier of Dirt-
I' Tivi: a l& " 4 - 41 th fg r :lk , ;t• 9L Sluff a AT:tl.l.l
133 feet In depth along Forty•lif tit edreet. to a
20 feet alley.
Thrge adjoining into, each 23 feet f runt On Hui-
Ice street aud)33 feet In depth to alOfeet
TEnws—_onehthird cash. balance i n 110 C and two
years,.rl[ll Intenr,secored by hood and mort•SOS.
lull l A. McIIATAIN C. Austliineer.
V 4142 e '217 ea In the 6uuse of
TgiV, Tte l °, the nrm ncrentter wilt De
G. W. MU,LLIN, Proprieto
A. LEG-.(4 _•11:E
Ito 7111 continue the old ttutt trell.knutwn stand
6 heretofore. -
aeob B. Robley & Co.,
Dealer In Oudot American, tine French Confection
ery. Fruits. Pure led Creamy. Water Ices. d.d. de.
arid 29 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh.
lIW - Partlealar attention given ln I urulviiiiiir Par-
VieviWeddinga.d.e.. rind-class Alva Meals
prepared to order. day and evening. 1117
The firm of JAMES YOUNG and GEORGE A.
BELL. doing business under the firm mime of
YOUNG A BELL. Livery Stables. doing business
at No. Penn street. is dissolved hi the death of
George A. Bell. AlLelulmr against the above dna
are to be presented to James young and Ruben
Bell for settlement...lto have entered Into a Co.
partnership to CUM en the same business. All
debts due James Titling and George Bell will he
be paid by the now firm of James Young and
Robert Bed. JAMES YOUNG.
MemrS Admit . of i.e.. A. Bf 11.
issoLuTiox.—The Co•Vartner—
ehlp pheretoforexisting between the aro•
T hiss Oven Ibis day dissolved by molest
consent he business en
be anuned by WIL
LIAM MEANS, at the old mend. contor of Wood
and Water streets, whore the honks of the erg
nal be settled, either partner nelaß the ham ., at
the firm Is settlement.
lIA 14.11proN A. COFFIN.
Prt - rsncitott, felt let. ISTO.
19neeeseur to DEANS S COFFIN.)
Wholesale Grocer, •
Corner WOOD and WATER STREETS. Pitt.
enroll. Pa. ' 1n2.41
DISSOLUTION. The etrpartner
w h
erctofore exls.[lnf between - 30116
SPEElt b and WILLIAM SPEER. ender the brut
name of 3: & W. SPEER. retail grocers. SUSI
ward. Alleaheny,_wae dissolved by mutual consent
the 3d Met. The boldness will be continued at
the old stand end all ...vomits of the late Wm set
tard by William Speer.
MONS of Allegbenr con.q. •
No. :14. Deeember Tern, 1870
In the ablve caae..was preeme Led lo Court &MI
Med July 7,1870, end eunllrmed :CIAw boutns•
ototolute unless exceptions ore Meet thereto within
.1. F. SLAGLE.
- City Attoeeoy.
J. AIKENS LANE. la the City of Pittsburgh.
Notice is hereby given that theassessaienis undo
by the opeuing of Athens'
ias modified by th e Court.) is now in illy bands for
collection. and that tf the wade be not paid within
thirty days front the data hereof liens will be bled
therefor Baldest the propeitles Awessed.with
tercet. cost. and fees, snd the mine colleelsid by
legal process.
J. P. SLAGLE. City Attongg
.ICl.w Ibl7o. :
TOTlCE.—Wheireasy Letters of Ad.
15TATION en the estate ot ISAAC
IICVIGILT. late of Baldwin township. deoesaed,
have bei granted to the subscriber...ll persona
indebted t o the aid estate are 'equated to maks
immediate payment. and those having claims or
rands salmi the instate of the said decedent will
make known the same without delay.
D. W. Berth: GILT. Administrator.
rortniall• Mt. Lebanon. AllethOnT Pe
teatettentary norm the estate of EDER.-
t:RUT ELLW ANGER. late of Allegheny CUT,
sonsving been vented to the undersigned, an
per Indebted to said estate are requested t o
to botnedlate payme es nt. and a ll persons holding
claims against said tate to present the MM.
dal TA= laro Se ttlement,
Je^3a7 WIL F. FLLWANGER. Executor.
Fifth Avenue Market House.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until
FRIDAY EVENING. July trza. 1570. for the
erection of the Fifth Avenue , blarket House.
on the comer of Filth Avenue Mid Miltenberger
street. Pittsburgh.
Plans an be smin and
be bad at the Mike of W. RICHARD'S,
Architect. No. HO Bank Block. third door. Filth
The Market Committee reserves the right bo re•
Jae. all bids.
Security will be requh'ed for fulfilment of con
VAlterlfllr A : . I,ltE.
.sintandeat of Markets. My Mag.
uf , AST tin
.• • -
Prrrascnou. July oth.
xp PROPOSALS for the construction of an
1.8.1NC11 PIPE SEWER on DI amend Street. from
drulthlield street to CherrV:.llry, will he received
this odic, untli v. n. PRIY.
July 13th. The Com:1,111e , , r.,,ve the ri Otto
reject any Or all be and blsittai
for bidding ma be had union .ace. No bids will
be reached unions made upou blanks furnished by
this orate.. :
Jet ll. J. MOORE. city Ensi
PiTisatlialL July 7th. 11070.
-ATOTICE.--The Assemments for. the
finding. rating mid Curbing of MELDIRRY
LEY. Irma %Nth street to Meth street, and - Mc
the tiradlng..Pating and Curbins of DIAMOND
STREET, from Union •stoset to LlbertY sltgt. Is
now ready for exaruinaltion. apslptia _OO se. St OM
Mhos rmtil MONDAY. July lid , ponen it will be
ob Caw Thtsillurer • °Mee tor ordleo-
Roo. • 11. J. Mt:ORE,.
City Enameef.
Aki...zoist.4x.i.July 11. 1670.
iNOTICE.--The Assemment for
W.W.I-lon 01 the BOARDWALK tio the
lecPlank Road. trnow Toady too rumination
anti do be Man at this ollice until THURSDAY,
Jell 21.11470.1 then It *III be returoml to We
City Controller to acne notice for polnincit of the
HILMS CIIAS. DAVIS. Cit . .'y Emelocer.
Bea etenUr nn bond CI.OTTt rAgnmEnss
Nt i vag i ttitl: also ti FLANIIIII -
No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St..
IN - Olutt's Clotho], nook. to order [nabs West
a. C. IIePTIZIWC.I. C. mtraworxitmo
Asotha.vrak u ".No. io STlCELn l alate
Clalr.) We bare realred a large md eau re
leeted Mock of the beast and moat fashionable
Greila to our floe, a groat oonloo of which are our
01,12 Importation. a
oorradent of our ability to ere prat
utilisation. Ire respeetly fromyuln
eartalrodlos of ou; stook of line •
'en".-Ve iraktitBol .l A 31t111ANORENGI.
tahlo ff 0.. 10 Myth our)._
A orlendld new Inner of It
Cloths, Cassimeres,