FINANCIAL GOLD, _ SILVER, COUPONS 'Bought at Higliest Price. ME ! RTZ, BAN 11-CER. Cor, Wood St and sth Ave. C0., -- Jas. T. Brady &,- C Iflufoossors u. H JONES k C 0..) ,_ Corner Fourth A%( ne and Wood Street, BAN ._}- , IIS, dl L'S AND & K L ALL KINDS Oti Co'vernme 1 Securities, GOLD, SIMI: I AND COUPONS, ON MOST TA °NADIA!. Timms. I. Interest All ed ou Deposits. ; e'lloner loaned .1 Government Rondo at lOW ma market rate. Le - ORTInt% ItrelßTlto POlt Tn. PmurnAsz A st3,3.nt.c Or STOCKS, BONDS AN N GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY .& CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COllld ERkE. illy Telegrapn to the Pittsburgh G.ette4 NEW Tons. July It, leN. There_ wan today a renewal of excitement in rho gold market ninon cable dispatches rep resent lag in unsettled feeling in the foreign markets. Dispatches are contradictory, one saving Napoleon declared that for the present war is postponed, and another that the diplo matic relations between Pelmet. and Prussia were terminated at the instance of Prussia. the French . Minister having received pais ports. A later dispatch pronounces this a canard. In the gold room, however, the pre vailing opinion he there will be war, funned on private advices •reCeived by the foreign tankers. Before the formai opening, sales were between 112,4,,it1Wii the tires' recorded transaction was at Ouse which then. has been an 'advance on large anon excited dealings to ipv, and a decline' to SITS; then the market advmced to 113! on the receipt of cable dispatches giving ine quotations of 'Mrs at Ed in London, and saying Kent. ..ere down to 67.4 f; these quotations, accompanied with n report teat the French Minister had withdrawn from Berlin because the King refused to accede to the demand-of Napoleon that Prussia should not interfere lu the settlement of the Spanish Throne. Suc cessive dispatches from Washington wer% re crived, saying that the Prussian Minister there received instructions from LW govern ment to ask whether the Called States would protect German Mnil Steamers plying between this country and German ports. The late telegrams were t lint the French Min ister thought that convocation of German -Parliament was imminent, and that Secretary .Fish at' Washington thought war invelta- We. These had a tendency to stiffen gold, but still later u better feeling was re ported in. London. and f•-al bonds were quoted. all the way from slit to 05M. Ont hese quota tions German bankers were sellers of gold. and the price dropped in 11354 at the close. Telegr tins from Paris quoted Preach Bentes at. Cf. Mc., the lowest point of the day. This started a war feeling once more, and the price railed to 1.1.3X411137:. of which It closed. Car . ports 1534,0 rying ratesoo. Clearances r 0.000,01%). Ex- Money easy at Olin per cent. Sterling quiet and steady at Pl.:rifle. Governments unsettled by European telegrams, but the market closed stron g. though oN: dud.'o4 'Coupons of 'Bl, 63, 115. Q , 10%; ,elo new. VkiF4Sh; 10 Uti 4' S. 061; /04111,.. - ?Ati; Currency, 10,q141‘. The Treasurynought t 2,003,00 u at 1405 71-10nelici IN 4400. • . State Donde quiet, stead.r. 3lissouris 9134. old Tennessees GON. new do GO. old North Car , ollnas IV, new do =1:. Pacific railroads heavy and lower. Stock market heavy and unsettled at the close, When the lowest Stares of the day were made. Ts,. European war excitement. In connection wick the railroad war here and the low rates .of fare and freight to the west. tend to de. , press prices. The market was led on the siownward tuna he the Rock Island and Wa bash: which stocks declined about two per tent-while the balance of the market was off per gent. Lake Shore his been In active boa rowing demand. and has lent tlat to 1-10 per neat. for borrowing. (,timberland, 55; Western Union TelegraPh, 345; Quicksilver. 61 Mariposa. 634: do. pre - ferrod. 14X; Adams Express, Wells, 1514: American Express. 4414; United States. 455 ; PaelllC :PaN; New York Central, WE: SeriP. 9l Nt Erle.: 2 3i: do. tweterred. 45: Har lem, "Ms; do. preferred. LW; Reading , 1015; Michigan Central. 1195; Lake Shore. teN; Illinois Central 133: Pittsbunt Itn; North western Ea; wed W.: Hock land 112.15; New Jersey Central LEIS; St. Paul 645; pretd 795; Wabash 555; pretd 74; Ft. Wayne 95; Terre Haute 34: pretd 03; Chicago and Alton 1165; prefd 117 . . Ohio and 111,,Issipplal?;,; Ilarttonl rod Erie 354; C. C. and 1.955; C. C. and C. K'S; intrilagton 167. , Sub-treasury balance: goid Cur. tenor' 122.778.e.i. = • Ornas or Firm - Dusan Cliasrris THURSDAY. July 14, 1470. • The markets, an general way, continue dull and there is not latch prospect of any Amine dlate Improvement. The demand for most of the leading articles continues dull and main ly local, while to regard to values there are no important changes. Country people are busily engaged in harvesting, and we need not look for much country trade until the grain crop bu been safely boueed. ASHES—rneltanged: common soda, ash, 4; retried. 4i(; PearlsWlnif; Pots :X. APPLIZ—In rteady demand and limited sup IT. sales reported at Pilo per bid forgood to choice. and $4 for common. LlCiTrElt—la quiet and unchanged; sales of - good acked, suitable for shipping , at lf.tallc, and d elm may be quoted at di. • 315—Store prices; Fancy, $5,1l N0..1, - N0...114; N 0.3, tax; Common. A FANS—DuII: gAi11e.1.76 per bush. • 11110011 0011 N—la dull. I=l3 eta CHICKENS—Bare of live chickens hy the coop. at tAls-75 cone per pair, according to size and condition. CH an denumiLis rather better,and we can report regular sales at . 124614, for Ohre, the outside figure for Closhen. Siveltzer, " Eft.ttiNOlL—is quiet and unchanged; . MM'illlte for staudard brands. (1114NMEAL—WilitS1 per bushel. DlllED.FRlTQuietandunchanged — stock griy well reduced. Apples 414C4c. Peaches for quarters. and "Hanfor halves: • OS—Continue rath er ' dull and with In creased arrivals. prices are weak, though un changed and Mete May still be regarded as the Sa.NICH—la quiet and unchauged. We con llageipuote western rimers. In store,. at gm [or . either winter or spring, and M , tore c hoice Wisconsin or Minnesota springS. Fancy SL Louie brands 17Miltil, and the de- Mend very light, as fanny flours are, to a com mon phrase.' - nearly played out in this mar- IlteL We are disposed to suspect sometimes , that about the only difference between fancy and the other Dour, is the fancy brand on the' bead of the barrel. but there are people who pry n dotrregVbgr when there not ,ra2 Par the quality of the flour. „ OHAlN.—There it a moderate millina Mud for wheat and the mills are taking ell that offers at quotaiions, g1,L5411:117 for red sad $1.30a1,35 for white. •Ontaelitarket more • active and stronger. occasioned by orders from the East; we can report sales of several' car loads. to go to Philadelphia. at 67e and cam car to go to New. York. at 54c. all, of course, delivered free on board, which costs, about a cent per bushel. Corn is quiet and unchanged; sale of one car at tic, and it was • subsequently sold at ere which was an outside figure. Eye Is dull' nd unchanged lit WiCBsc; Ate cu load at the outside figure. No snore maTillasa--There Is ta r sontinued steady demand for sugars and prldffs are firm though unchanged. Holders are gaining confidence with the war rumors from Europa, ae n lt was, thought that In the Crept of a rupture tween the leading powers now threatening' each other. the Cuban qnestion may assume such a form as to temporally shut 01l supplies. Coffees quiet. - Syrups dull Abough they are always dull In hot vleather. • • HAY—The market fs better, an the eats have fallen off ennslderably, and prices are a shade higher. We now linnete new at 11102,14, and oldat 115E91, action: Wig to quality and condition. HEMP—poles of undressed Kentucky Hemp at t 167. If 11111.14 Corn bilaks,ll2.3l( eta. LIME--Sales of Cleveland nt rg, per bbl. and eastern at 01.75. • - - LARD OlL—Extra No. I is quoted at /1,23 lil nePod ;'' f l or li b tl iunTs 4 .4 l l7,. t math Inanlry far sides Or shoulders. etionlders at l 3 !$U for plata, and isueta for Sugar Creed: Sides 161(416% for 'Ribbed Bides; 17 for Short Itibbed. a nd 17,tf for Clear; Sugar Cured Hams CZ:3M; Breakfast 8a00n.19. Dried 8eeL.7,432.1a and very scaree. Lard 17 la tea, and 164.1614 in kegs and buckets. Mess Pork SM. PEANcTs—non. tenosssee,nsu eta. POTATOES—SaIes of new crop at $4,01101,4.60 'per bbl, and old at mew Pee bushel. SHEDD—No movement In Cover dr Timothy Seeds. Flaxseed la still quoted at though - there is not much Inquiry . for Ilisolocheat quOted at ff1e1.23 Per babel. IPICTROLEL , I MARKET . 4 4.1rrics Or Prrntapaort 11orettlasY, July 14, 1810. The oil markettcontlnues dull and unsettled, affected keenlylas It is by the war rumors, and at present the future course of war_ trade very fogir3 - . In the event of a foreign war, the perteral, impression seems to be that the foreign demand for oil would be very Ma terially reduced, and this, together with the largely increased productlon. Is not without Its. effect and Tarr naturally tends to male oPiratorshearlsh. Notwithstanding war has • not yet beendeolartskund probably will not be, yet these Tumuli of war are calculated to have sery deproseing MUM on the trade, atiani- . . .. •• , • , • ;.• ,s, • • .. 4,..;.„—.4• • • ••••-•.„ Y - • V,Y. . tlinithe market, presept as well as prospec tive, from the effeeta of which.' epee Vuotiria there will be no war, it will require some time to recover. Viewed In any went ? It is very unfortunate ; paiticolarly so at this sea ion of the year. but there Is no help for it Fffffi The market it quiet :mil without quotable chusuckas compared with yesterday. Spot or. selleruly.ll.36 to Ill3:hid and asked: seller li , e rtixd,llNi September. 12: October Or November. trit• 11.EPLVLID. • Dull and imsettled. Sale 1,0,10 each August nod September at 27X; and IMO each Septem r and October at 2 7X; July or August, 2O(; September =X; October to December, 27X; hover ail )ear,....UX.. There were quite a number of rumors afloat this afternoon, among others one that all orders from Antwerp had been withdrawn. uncErms CRUDE • Lockhart, &Co 752, on account same; A B Mills Ha, on account W Bartle; E„.l. Goodwin Me, on account J II Barbour; same . ITZ, on ac count nos King: Jan Wilkins 148,. on account W Candy;M D Biz &Co 74; on account 31 Per ry;Warring & on. on account Young. VI Oil T'ork let:, on account Hackett ; Stella Oil Works ::96, on account same; Citizens' Oil Works Zs: on account earns: Fisher Br° 74 on account Young. Total • OIL HIPPED NicKelry 111 0 . & S ; bblit ref. oil to Lo gan Bro. & Co. Phila. J. SI: niter, to bbla ref. oil to Logan tiro & Co. Phila. kockbart, Frew & Co.. 7 Ghia refined onto Warden. Frew dr. Co.. Philadelphia. Lyona & Co. 3711 bbla refined oil to Logan Bra & Co.. Phila.- Itrnunt & Wagner, ail Ibis reline , / to War lag. King & Co., Phlht. Fawett. Logan, Stoekdale S Co, Mu Lida ref. oi lto Logan lire. & Co., Phil'a. IL Koehler 5: Co., 150 bbls ref. nil to Waring, K. & Co„ Phila. , Pennock k iteeson 55 bbla lubrlcnting 01l to Sharp, Weise 8 Co.. Easley. Pa. Trani I•l'VTiikl9,llH CATTLIC 31ARILET EAST Lxnettry &root Smug?, THURSDAY, July lt, Ink • CATTLE. The arrivals of cattle this week were again large, unusually so, as were also the sales, footing up In the aggregate since the date of our last report (this day Week) over twenty fief hundred haul: This is the largest week'n business we have 'had to report for several months, and we chronicle the fact with coneld erabie satisfaction, Indicating, as It does, that the trade here is not played out as some be lieved about three mouths ago. The fact that Alexander in shipping by another route has not Injured trade here that we can discover, and while we do not now say that action In this matter had anything to du with it, bus- Mess has been better, considerably better, since thanit was. before. The Pennsylvenia Ilailroad 9013PArlY, as well as the owners of the yards. , may have lost something by the change, but see do not think that it has Injur- ed stook dealers In the least. Alexander nev er put any of his cattle on the market here: be merely made It a resting pltice to feed and • water. As already intimated, the market has been active this week, the operations being unusu ally heavy, but to-day prices were fully y. lower t hap during Tuesday and WeduesdaY• This was awing to rag fa ct that the eastern men had bought all they wanted. and after t hey and all beet supplied. there woo Con siderable number unsold. and wconsequeutly, to effect sales, holders were !obliged to make concessions or ship on furthe'r Cast on their own account, which they were not disposed to do. Prime shipping cattle sold at airePa. extra of excesu—ont. drone of fancy brought nets. Stock cattle sold firm at 4 , :blicts,. as to quality and condition. ii=ilREM II I. 15, to Eris:man. ....... ...14 19.5 u 535 Brittll4BB 4 3,140 575 'ledges .5: . 1' to Hedges & 'l'. .. N i 77: 1: . . , r1 i li ... - Ludwig Ward tc Zinghug IN 10,0.5) .7 40 .. Hedges & Tuylorls 18.3811 ) 895 M!=Ml , w 6.1 io illett & Co. 40 .0!1,570 05t) Erb . • :10,0K) /0.17 U 550 . 6tcGarver:. ... 411.14.33 11 00 11, L Co ao Scran 16 14.051 170 MONDAY. 11 . 1.1 - 11. Hoolowool& 1.1 to Zollo . .40 40.t1 45J 11 .1 Cunnioghnm . 41 34.700 101 " Shrives . . • • N) 16.510 551 fledges &T to Roth... ~, .17 17.1 W 7to Stiamberg to Blume . .19 21,190 7tu Bills to Kleenuna St A... • ...137 17:010 9YI Bose to Pottglger & W.... .19 19.094 7 tgl =TEMI - . L & Coto Mc(3luttl.e... ..1 14.—t6 •` `. Martin .—.. • . ..31 36.698 a 25 51cOluole.. . .11 , 10,170 60 &illett OCo 91 10.391 701 Mosses 19 19.0 6:i Ilatleu-oste.ll . l. 4 Vglett & Cot! Klemaus & A .16 15,!60 710 hedges & Taylor to Little ..21 19,1.01 6 ;LS rt .mbo .51 12,431 OU Drake to flume.... . . ..35 36.540 6 2.5 !lent to Kerr .. .10 8.010 500 Cuo to Duck. 34 37.576 700 hamberg to Llven/Ada WEDNESDAT, SULT 13. I L & Co to sl'r 17 17,i7. - 0 0.5 EvAandsle 10 IEO4O 470 " Mammas & :toll. 24 21.244 .5 05 '• _ ..24 17.450 510 ' Moses ...20 10,481) G Klemaa4 &.4. .45 24,2440 540 " " 31111er. .. an,eonB.4 •" Hartzell = 13..M0 0) Heller.7s: 19.431 S. II - • -•• Illeiler &Co 10.1444 ul2 ' linker .=. .10 15.900 11 50 :6 544790 s .14 31.00 0 111 .16 10.070 7:z .L 5 12.94) dUI 9 55.31 7OU H0u5em....31 MAO G 25 Hinds .... kial 550 '2O 1.4.775 575 Hedge.; & T. to Roth., 1I ~ .21 19,043 tr.: •• cArdle 17 15.793 - 7 12 11as) 787 .16 Li St 20.) .10 15.831 7,- - EVSII9 • • .M 37.131 725 Smith &B to McCall. SS :59=3 7 llorst to Kelley. 70 06,930 600 Carper & Bowman to MeArdle.33 MIX SOO 11c1rdy to Smith. ..... 30 36,7407 Cataterline to Lamb.. .. ....17 21.530 '6 G 5 .. 16,7711 731 Clark to McCain: . ..17 21,710 Elliott " Itambo 17 19.611 761 `floral to Pennock. 8 10.603 75 Mains .. .21 17.040 01 Gray to :McMahan. 15 16.130 30 Campbell to Llvensteln . . Id 19.740 BCu Friend to Kleraanus &A . 17 21.550 075 Patron . to fluntsberger -.10 7.90 517 3lelllnger to 31111er: . 17 :31.001:1 855 Robinson &C to Ke11y...-. ...31 .31.0 CU Ilash to Groff ...... . 17 17,330 700 . .34 44.53) . Clark to Kleomms..t A Hazelton a: 0 to Lamb Mc knit,. Mosses giartS to Miller Koses to Duffy. Word to 3toMarato 39 19.a0 95 3 4:-• 590 803 48 58,880 8 TIMMS/3AT, JULY Seedy to McFillen • • 31 4=20 BNu II L Co to Huntsberger • M.' 300 750 Knox • 38.810 760 . Clemson 1 17 7• 31X0 . m 174.1.1 500 Kurtz. Hopei = .11 . 10,133 .21 19.010 6 C.. 17 21.1111 790 75 94,631' 800 .10 18,870 .171 7 75 - .. 810 9,500 90 750 . 10 10,700 700 y . 47 56,503 7a .36 40= BUT " •' Ertdrls,. Scott to Lamb !lead &Graham to Wallock Ward to Mains - ltrlcaa •• Huncenberger. Alexander to Smith... Farrah to Maus.... Needy to 31cFallan ,„ R & It to Black .... .13 10,700 550 .18 19,400 t; 37210 700 . • . Blair H SM to Miller Kauffman • - SHEEP The sheep market has only been .falr this week, nothing to brag about. The animals were pretty nearly up to the usual standard, but they - were mainly of the lower grades,— the supply of thin kind was somewhat In ex cess bf the demand, while of prime fat sheep there were not enough, and .the latter kind consequently cold quicker, and at relatively better prices than the former, say 53(0,534e, and extra moult. probably bare' brought ea. There hi some Inquiry for stock cheep and but very little offering. ' The market has been moderately active this week. and the mat Important featnre we have to notice Is the fact that. there Is less dif ference being made between common and good bogs, and theatricals of the latter are larger than of the termer. Philatlalphlehop may be booted at 0,4P,1Nc and Yorkers at 'MARKETS DV TILLEAMAPH ; • ?fry Toth. NEW YORK, July IL--Cotton firmer; male. 13,503 bales; 931(e tor mlddlinguplands. Flour, receipts 575 bbln; opened a shade. firmer for shipping grades; demand limited; sales RAM bids; $4.85135,15 for .upertine western and State, 85,3745,66 for extra do, is,'"Ar M for good to choice, $5,66136,50 for white wheat western extra. $6,4521,5,70 for extra Ohio. $5.75 op for extra St. Louis, the market' closing quiet. Rye dour steady; .ales bbls $5.06 40.40. s o res quiet. Whiskey lower; tales 533 Obis western at glat.ol. chiefly al. Wheat: receipt. 42.4 0 3 bush; opened a shade armor with a fair demand. and closed fiat, a. me. R 2- MO bush; $1.34e1.37 for sprier, $1.2912,1.31 for No 2 slllwaukee—chiefly $1.3.) In store, ISLINa. 1.23 for No 9 Chlcago,_ FIX for (Rolm Bay spring...l.lo4l,M for No 3 spring. 9121,11,16 for rejected. CAMAS: for winter red and sa ber western 111.478.1.50 for. amber State , $1.75 for white State. Rya nominal. Corn: receipts 70,0;9 bush: cord Zr better ou medium and active; closed tame. with sales 67.033 bush at teoMILM for new western mixed and $l.OB 01.10 for yellow. Oats: receipts 17.263 bush; oats dull and heavy, with sales 31,200 bush at ONFAgic for westorn and 684171 c for Ohio and sate. liar quiet at $20375 for shipment. Hopi IR demand at fair prices and firm. Cof fee steady and jpialr demand. Sugar steady. with gales 550 hhda at 9Xolllte for Cuba and Porto Rico. Molasses dull. Rice steady. with sales 22.073 bats la bond at 3.1. c gold, and 123 tee Carolina at alf C. Fetrolotim: Crude quiet at 641.0.600; maned in moderate de mead at 1riXe..27)00. Pork nominal at 959.370 29,50 fur mess; sales MO bbls at szamen for choice extra prime. ri. r o2ri • for oily mess, and l r r r i b o si p ßeef dull. wit • sales of I lbs 19e for e M xtra mess: Beef bur d m ull ea at n; 2963, 993.6 e. Tierce beet pomlnal at $9941- ° 9: prime mess 130N,31. India mess middles in better demand witb sales of 50 Dm city long clear at 14340; 500 bus winter short rib at 15mo 15N0. Lard dull and heavy with sales Of MO tierces at 154.151f6 for city; 1045161 f for west ern; steady at 16X8165( for kettle. Butter steady and quiet at 'PHASIC Cheese flat at Turpentine steady 41r0:1il,;.1fi.ot.reonl fi rm : et) a by Steam: whet bd by team, 43 3)3 by sail. Laical—floats closed firm. Wheat firm but Inactive.. stets . du and heavy, co. the beat hid for western Corn tRm and quiet. Pork [ and lard quiet sad drooping. Beef dull. Ra i Oa n brim.; short rib 15...0.15X, F.gfp. Arm at NKMI. I OR. Louts. • ' Sr. Lout... Only IL—Tobacco steady and en chanted...l....Roo nominal et 19251934 c. Hemp dull at $1,011.7a ; machine rope arm at 850050 r, hemt .3o log 304. Flour dull; fall superfine X St/Band XX 9wheat: MI Irregular and lower; old N ot PAO • 1.10; new do $1.150,1.17; No 1 do 01.2101.=, and choice S. ."....ita.1.30. Corn upsettled and lower, with ' small sales mixed and yellow at ine.o7c and strictly choice white at &Leo. Oats opened pretty firm at 5.l.Z.Ste and closed at 4WitS3c. Whisky: nothing done. Sugar doll at Mired2.l(c for prime to choice. Colfea dull at 19 , 421);c. Molasses unchanged. Pro- ViNiOLIS quiet. Pork $3O. Loose. Dry Salt Shoulders 123(c. Bacon. jobbing sales of shoulders at 14c; clear rib 171(c: clear sides 16c. Sugar Cured Hama Ste. Lard nominal at Idc. Cattle steady at tird.s.l2 for fair to PrUne y and Sag af4;;.:.50 for choice to extra. Hogs stead at . 1:2=1 July H.—Exchange unchanged. Flour is fairly active at 80.60'14,75 fur spring extras. Wheat firmer and lc higher, closing at 81.tleXs11.00; for Nu. 2 . ' this afternoon the market was unsettled at PLUG cash. and 81.07 seller last half July. Corn firmer and 1 if.d.l l ‘c higher, cloning at 783‘67133(c for No. 2; this af ternoon the market Neal nrm at 70„ seller last half Jule. Oats is k'.Qoic higher, closing at 45)4e. Rye quiet and lc lower. closing at 75a, for No. 2, Barley quiet and nominal at too for N 0.2. High wines steady and limn at aSe for-Iron bound. Provisions steady and un changed. The receipts for the past twenty four hours were 2.4101 bills pour, 43.484 hush ' , cheat, sa.tnu bush corn, 41,684 bush unto. 2,152 bush rye. 350 burin barley, 8,391 hogs Ship ments: 1.674 labia flour, Zi,Oril bush wheat, 12.1.- 669 bush corn. 110.575 bush oats. are bosh rfc.. I,oft. hogs. Freights armor. Live Steck Market, NEW Yong.. July IL—The mid week mar ket at 100th street has been changed to Fri day. Freights Mire gone even the Ede Road to thirty-eight dollars per car. Receipts of cattle to-day were fourteen hundred head, but only the fifty six can et Weehawhen were. welting; market active and prices well sus tained: a car of extra eight and half coat. Illinois steers sold at seventeen cents; fifty head seven and three-fourth cwt. at sixteen carts, and two Cars of flee and three-fourths, cwt. thin, at thirteen and fourteen cents. Sheep are scarce; lambi abundant; arrivals of both 6.000: to-day fat sheep are higher; selling 63,fa7c; Nonce extras at :he: Thin sheep are no better: a lot of very poor Ohio, 60 pound Scallawags, gold nt a deck of State shep, 10G pound, Bold at 7c. Lambs are nearly 2c lower; prime selling at lOrd.lo.lic: fair at 9,1; c, and poor nt 761.,8c; car of tine, at pound. State sold at 40.1./c; a lot of 12 putted at tic. flogs have advanced Co 12c, net, it h 24 can received to-day. after 11 can yester day; market Very tint , CUICG. Jule 14.- Hogs active at SiVire for common to choice. Cattle quiet at 43,5, for atnekere to choice shipping. ' Dry Goode. MEI @MEM New Coot. July 14.—Went bet hot; trade dull and depressed. Amoskeag A and C dark. brown shootings Mc; less 25 per cent; for Starks :13 loch do 11c do A 31 loch drilling 143ir: do 'lf 13: C dark 14c; less 5 percent; stark A :r; inch do. Imo.: net; do shoe do do 35c net: do 51K inch do 2.1 c net: do bleach-. ed 80 loch 15e; do H do 13,4 e: do A bloc loch 20c; do H do 10X0., less f. do iht 50 nch 35e net:. doubl e e duck 23 f inch; 21 do ' 4d loch net: do. 513 f Inch 31; do. 513 inch net. Stark seamless bags-2 bushel 45X; do. 23S bushel 49; do. 3 buithel 505, all net. Stark lair bleach dd linen crash to. do. X do. 105; do. blenched o. 115; do. half bleached 18K; du. XX bleached do. 1356; do. AA half do. lON. dn. bleached do. 15!4; do. 17 Inch twilled half do. do. al inch do. 1516, allies, 5 per cent.. Dam ask ginghams ttl Inch wide la: less 5 per cent.. and Amoskeag A seamless 2 bushel bags 375 net. =I CLEVELAND, July 14.—Flones Ilrm and utt', changed. Wheat: demand fair at a shade lower. In the range of prices; No. 1 red sold at at outside rate; No. 2. red at f 1.27. Corn: nu transactions reported but market arm nail nominally unchanged at led for No. I mined: title fur No. 2 do. Oat, In good request and steady at fine for No. I State. Barley entirely nominal. Petroleum market very dull and lower: crude, $4.10 per ,hl/1: re fined, ale per gallon. I=l=2 Ilkuruionat. July 14.—Flour firm; westeru superfine Oda, extra et"'Sa ' 71. fltmllY $ 6,75 .47.2 a. Wheat; more business; new red, kt.I.OUI. white k1,f41it1.70. western /I.akihi.:ll. Corn dull; irreptiar white $1.17N41.14. yellow Rye%Stsatt. is4t,f Is pork quiet (.10.711 11. thteou Arm; rib si 70 117.4 e. clear rib 17%,e. shoulders IPie. hams fsliet Lard .1. lei: 10.4147 e. WM. ey s ery quiet, ktirl,m, =I PIIILAUCLPHIA. July 14.—Flour very dull: superfine extras Vi.ttka..l,:rit extra family *4.3J Std.:s. Wheat: more :doing for western at lice steady: western at. Corn dull: mixed Oat. in good de mand at Gligarie. Provision• atia petroleum unchanged. Whisky steady: sales of ttatil bbl. patent at tstil.few. IMEEITE CI SCl.l; ,, ert. July 1.4.-11 our and grain quiet ud unchanged. Pdtton dull and prices arc oudnal. Whiskey Wail:, Provisions don but owed dud price: wtetlllllted. Butter mud Urto al full price*. Gold 1124' buying. Exchange dull at MO discount ttoiltia. OM! Tina - pc, July 14.—Flour steady; 11 - heal quiet and a shade totter; NV I White 111irhigan sl.3d. ember Michi val. No 1 Cr.! Wah.“h held at M. 31. No 2do gan sl,llanad NO 3 do Corn dull and iichangsal: Nu 1 S.l, and veito‘e liNc. Oats dull and unchanged: No 157 sic IMMO 1.4. - rtuAT,July 11.--Fleur ',no:Ads - will a mod ' rat.' demand: elaoleer s c. - .: u. NV beat tut weak; tra * N. regula amber ea CM. dull nt est,. ru I larley wmker e ut *1.90 per ceal I o Nio. 'tate. MSC Cl= M41.w.t . t...a.c.Ju1y 14 -FlouraCiatittai. quiet at 41.16 for. No I,_and 41.09 for No Coarse grain, nominal. rretght 5 dale and un changed. , ==l Nate 011.1.E.A2111.3tais 14.--Cotton steady. and fair demand; midditna bite, sale+ Lau bale, receipts:al. ttnek I El= CLEVELLICiI A ND 1 L.. Couraur. July It —4, cars 101.0 sup u Mc- Knight, P Sr Co; lu do Sin , Shnenbers-er. rr. a Co; 2 do .3 do. Bron - n k Cis; 5 do bloomy. Itilsulek CO: Sdo pig Iron. 12:sloe Iron Mills; 1 dodo. Rees, G 1); um bbls flour, Schonsaker & L.; 100 do se• lime. C Meddle's: HI ceder Po'ds. Union Pialoltur Milk 13.0110 ft lumber. Cromlow C` ; RAO ft do, Fuller A 6 bus scales. Fair. banks; MA Co; Lbls tobacco . , Wli Kirkpat rick; lb bbls c shoulders. E H Myers; 4 toss e hams.° ter shoulders, 3 H Parker; 1 tea shoul ders. Reese Owens, lOW+ I beer, J Kessler; 1 car ICe. W Scutt A: Cr.; 5.0111) ft sralait. lum ber, Woodworth Sr luta, cheese, W - 11 Kirk patrick Co:1 car/umber, .1 C Patterson A Co: 4 b014,414, 4 4,H Rea Jr: 2 bads sogir..l Magee: 39 As rye, 31 defouts.lNfeliane 1 A; 3bbts pota toes. Volta. M Co; 1 bill circa. II Rea Jr:l car balk brat. Bricker & Co; 2 bbls dna cut tobac co, W C Fleming 5 casks stone ware. E M. Jack sou; 13 bbls knobs. Moorhead s , A; 2 casks h %rare, Morgan &F;2 do do. W Cooper: 2d dn. CA Vetter. 2 cads tobacco, 4 Iran cheese Drape &11. Prrranmion. Four Wafice •Nt., 'Crtn . ;soo Itstuloao. July 11.-51 case, b powder. 1 do s cards. Rinehart & S: 5 bbls Spints..l Frolich; I do glue, Goer & Kellr, 1 do grease..l Header s&Dm; 1 do grea,e, 11 E Sellers & Co, 5 do alcohol. 12 bds twine, 13 1. Fanestock & Co; 12 tee hams. Reece Owens; 12 bra h nails, 4 do hinges, Logan. Gregg & Co; 93 h Dbio ash. Wm °Doper .k C0:25 do do do, 'lll hie ees, C," do do. Dilworth & Co; 13 do g ' cak cakes.. Rey trier & Bro; 1 do do cakes. W Hacloge; Ido do cakes. IV. G McClure: 1 do do cakes. IV D Cooper & Co: I. do do cakes Watt. Lang & Co; 1 cask hinges. 4 beg do, Joe i Woodwell & Co. i d bes yeast, Hayworth & D; 4 bog hinges. Park & Dean; 13 bag eggs, Volgt. )d & Co; 195 tads bides, G:g Holfstot: 10 bales wool seks. Wm Baker, Jr & Co; 1 car stave s CC Burke; Ido do It D Moore; cars f brick, Kier. Glover & Co; 4 bales twine, H Gerreig & Co; 50 beg cheese. N J Brmlen;.% doz brooms. Wm Miller• & Co; 10 bbls dour, S S Martln; la bars .rc. Bricker .1r Co; I WA, vinegar. BO kegsnails, Head & M: sks feathers. 1 be bacon. Woodworth & 1); al As husks, E Edmund S& Co: beg eggs, Kap. phaus Gobber; lb sks potatoes. Vangorder & 8; WO bdls p Gals, nail it. Spear; 21 do do BIM) & Garner. • PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI AND OT. IoGGIN ILAILBGAD. July 14.-49 bga wheat, Henry" All; 14 do oats, S Hood; 10 aka rags. C P Markle A Co; 1 car grain, .1 d &towline: 39sks oats, Ken & It; 30 bbls flour, C A Boucher; 10 do doll Ste-• wart; 10 do whisky, Addler Jr (b; 9 bales cot ton, ado wool, 1 Dickey & Co: 1 bale b corn, J COMI.Or; 50 tibia potatoes, Van Border &S; 5 cases, 2 tubs tobacco, W L &Mt.; 1 had do, tt & W Jenkinson; 4 do. box samples. 51 He 3 bag cheese. J Spencer; 4 bbl. eggx, Mica Jr: k 4 caddies tobacco, A T Gilmore; 2 do do, P Smith; 20 bast cMdlea. B C&J H Sawyer. AI,LEGHT.NT BraTios July 13. 1 car of stoneware. HI Lens: 2 cora lumber. Joho Neuz; 5 eke meal. It A A Carson; 156 aka oats, Adams A K; 17 bide*. 1 bbl tallow. A Holstein; 10 hides, A A 3 Groetzlager. 170 bap oats, It Knox &Son,3 cars metal. Lindsay & Mee: 2 do do, ',awls. B & D;1 car cooperage; M Hemp hll%; 30 belle hides. Luckcarop &K; bbls whis key. P Andriessen; ado do, ltedenback, Iho cigars; It & W Jenkloson: 70 able TiOnr, 67 bags milifeed,.3l Steel .t.,Son; 1 bucket tobacco, W 11 Park. ItMNEI ALLEM:LiIIy TALLEY ILULROAD. July 14.- 4 can 1 stone, Sboenberger & 13; 1 bx mdse, 0 A Relley t s sks 0nta.,50 do rye, 1 car grain, Robb & 11; bbls scrap Iron. Coale:nay:Rahn/ & Cot?, cars Hendenon & Bre; 1 carrian 11 & 0 / calf 7 sheep, .7 Hoffman; 7 calves 10 lambs, ht Hoffman; 4 bxs butter 3 bbl eggs, C Der. marketing, J Kllngeranaltle3pkgs lard, Ido butter, I do eggs, L J Blanchard; 38 Aka wheat, 211 do oats,/ I%' Thereby; 41 can e rmstrong. D & Co; 53 do do Kier, F & R. = Prrnatraou. DROWNWILLS AND GENEVA PACKET CDIAPANT. July 14.-14 eke pate, IV do . feed. Cam pbell Coulson:ls bbl. dour J 5 Dil worth Co; 87 hogs. Yerty:..., b Co;m. H C Schmertz; M. sks wool, Clarke, & o 2 Obis eggs, 89 sks wheat. 33 do oats. McCracken, 0 & Co; 50 eke oats. McHenry & Hood; I bbl eggs. 9 jars butter..l Bee:Tart; 24 eke wheat, Kenne dy A Fero; 5 bbis whisky. .1 Gallagher: 5 do do. F McLaughlin: M. eke corn..JC Schauppe Co; 112 do 18 Conway; 18 do wool W Clarke & Co; tO hogs. BalloY. Gears, rim BELLE. July 11.--544 Is aeon e. et are. J W Dunn & Dro; 783 do do M 'Henkell & Co; afl do do IV D Cooper & Co: 1.550 do. do . Philip Eller 177 eke oats, Ornhanl & Harebell; 2 to do, I b i d. eggs. S B Floyd K . Co; 7 pkgs Cggs. /1 do honey. McCracken, 0 & Co; 4 pkgs otter. 4 sits wool. F Flenniken; 155 Ike wheat, .0 do mite, Delano t Anger; 10 sks Wool, McOlnniss; 1 keg Dgga, 3 Reppart, 12 bgs ats, O N Kramer & Bro; 167 galls stoneware. J Bldgleyt2al do do, C & Co; 87 do do. .1 B Dunlap; =9 eke eats 03 do wheat. Jos Hamer, 16 eke outs, Campbell & Coulson; al baskets Potatoes, .1 5 McKean. PACIFIC PEN PACIFIC PEN ! Try Them I Try Them For sale at tbe Miro of the DIG GOLD PEN, 73 Wood Street. ALLAN C. BAKEI+ELL & CO Fine Watches & Chains AT WATftES & SHEAFEWS = All the latest styles of aIAINFIend PINE JEW EMT oci hand end WANE prim.. New fichek of far weddlnelw luta jest received. • • = PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE RIVER NEWS Tne river rose considerably - at this point yesterday. and last evening the Mononga. hela marks indicated 4 feet 6 inches. Weather unsettled and oppressively hot, 'with strong indications, at times, of rain. The Belle, from Genera, arrived with an excellent freight list, and departed as usual. She is much lighter since she came off the dock, and, consequently.- is tatich better condition for business. Tlig ten: steamer Carrie Converse .is 'announced to depart for Nets Orleans on Saturday., .Capt. M. A. Cot hae another new boat under coutraci for the Arkansas river The Mollie Moore, Capt. if D, Moore 's iv hoot, tirrapigly approiching comple. Capt. Ab. Shaw, of the Arkansas, i 5 here on a sirit after au absence of several months. The Granite State, Capt. Wash Kerr, is the regular packet for Portsmouth and Cincinnati to-day. leaving promptly at . 4 •She is in all respects one of the kttlit boat's that comes to this port, and being of light draft, can take a large amount of freight on the present water. Mr. John- - sign still retains charge of the mike: '—We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Conantectiat A party named Uriab McCloud, residing in Portsmouth, Ohio, is continually making complaint against steamers carrying combustible materiaL He has thus far bad the commanders of . . the Annie Laurie, Spray, R. R. Unclean and Major 4uderson Indicted in U. S. Couri, but 1 each case has failed to make bin range if complaint -good. 'Captain Multleman, f the Anderson, was acquit .' of the charge yenterdt.y. The informer is awarded one half the penalty imposed, but in the rase of :McCloud, an it don't pay, be will noon play. nut. —Mr. T. S. Kunkle, a painter in New Albany. on Lower Second street, in gild ing a line pair of borzoi to be presented to the steamer R. E. Lee. with an inscription on them giving a history of the horns, which is, that they were originally, awarded to the J. M. White for her -fart trip front New Oriental° Cairo, and nubs. quently to-the A. L. Sliotwell; and now the Lee. bay' beat all tier predecessors, bating elite the horns. The St. Paul Pm* ears The bill the imnrovetneut of the Fox and Wis. consin rivers, which has been before Con gress 'for some time past, passed the House by a vote of 109 to 57. The, bill alio passed the Senates few days age, and the greet point in now settled that the Itu. prevenient is to be made at the expense of the'Onvernment. —The question of, a malls on the Ten. nesttee River, between London ind down e river: is still unratified. There being tile inforinnlity in tbe ci - intrael awarded e Porker rom - pany. the rontotTice De .rtment tins determined to advertlie for .wropomln. —The Nlagenta is laid up at Paducah, where she will "undrrgo a thorough over. hauling and la• put lu complete onler fot the COltrlll trade this enm,ug season lw tween Memphiri-und New Orleans. • -rTho LAt us No. 2 litua•been ehartered by Capt. Van fiunnison to take Alto place of the Emma No. 2. in Alabama River. while I. lamer ie utitirrgang —The Arkansas Rivet hitil Ilitur. 22 to Little Rork, mot 1-1 to Fort Smith nn Tookittiy. I=l:==== lib on )Vednesdar, br thr Little itbck rtilmul Cu, fur Of) —Alto Carrie. V. gorintx war sn.woi Lint twelve yartin teivirtla Ow riser When the dnri v Core• quit her. Int t•o!lier Lae 1,51 X) bills cement !en. gaged nt Irmiacitl.• RIVER PACKETS. NIONORG tHELA RIVER. THE FLErT STEAMER :ma r mo t BELLE, J. 1 . • . 5 4 1 1 - TT - 1 • J. Independent Pittsburgh, Brownsville and tirrtrrit Farb!. Leas. tab.( Eats above Mobonsakrig BrUge at o TI.; . ES Ilk T. TIMIEIDAY and hATlEttliAli u Wilt carry Freight .d Passenger, 4 , 11 U (~tuts pp tho M.nongshebs Ever_ gor fret. s peonage Ara. on board, or st Wharf. boat,. root of brunt strops, suss NM. Moir , k shlo Agent. POE 11SUIsst 111 P %FREI% VO it ETTA. l• A lIEISSLILIIIti, o.rrro:r ArEts K Leaves Pittsburgh EVERT TRIDAT-4 P. C. laaveal'ortsmouth se - rnr MONTSAT-10 S. The new .4 splendid tasnikievs..usi Glt A N ITF, STATE': w..H. WEER .Commander, Will leave a. ILISZIOLItiChI. FOIr Ihriabt Or tamge uPP4 of: baked or to O. E. GUM Ild3T A surf Agents. H • 'W ORLGSb AND IL sutra.- - rbe antandld new summer CARRIE CONVERSE. ....Cant. to. R.. WIII leara for the. above and Lotarmodlab prat. ATI; TWAT. the I ea, lain. feitridcbeo 0 tir& I IMMT n a" " LYO 1.j 2 FLACK a CV — LEINGWOOb. Menu. STEAMSHIPS TO,rowEgo?I,.A:4tS.TuiquEENS sTRALS/11,111,•usaberisti.trtsan arat-Ala 644611..15, sakometbsot the *WWI, toti CITY Of PARIS, CITY OF mervnutr,_,.• CITY or BOSTO N CITY OF lIALTIMOLLS . (ITYYIF LONDON. Nal EV_FRY SA TONNA T, iinto Pier 4a Nnrtb rork. PooosNo or forth... Informa— l.. apply to WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr., *43 intiTnneLD mum. Tack, Bro. ok Co. PERRY BUILDING, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh MC/a:NM IN. Crude ,Sr, Refined Petroleum .TACICBROS., JeD Philadelphia. WARING & KING C mmission Merchants and Broken In Pettolaum and its` Products DALZBIJ.I4 BLOCK, DOQUEBBI WAY. =I WARrN(3-,KIN G &CO% sp_ll_ 109 WALNUT STREW. ECLIPSE PETROLPM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Twedd* ILANDFACTDREII or Lubricating and High Tett Burning Olia - Eg i l2ll3 RAILROAD AlliL=. gad ategrAhlassiettrifi +TlME SHOP. EtAfitlVatra MARINO MILL OILS, FIPi d brIV.V I ,I4,A2EIIGHT OIL, eis_N Fl R tfall OI:HARNESS OIL. PaßAHellia. ARKOR FAHNLVII to psi Bright hen Wert arid Machinery from Met. . Them products aio mensilectured under Dr. 'Twaddle's patentfriy Superheated Steam In Eaccii. 'Th e Lehrhmung OM are alamet oderleta, perfectly hire, uniform. and mostly light 0010114, Ilit.trl • gh temperature urichanged.•agg derive extreme cold. Tbe - Hallreed Oils are ust. quailed. and am In Oenstasil use upoo ...ay of the . Priaclpal Railroad. Smote., gap be examined and galms left at 174 WOOD HERBST. Wefts at limpsbarg Urldge... REMOVA.LS REMOVAL, B — , P. SHRIVER & CO. n- ILlFlVAllegttl4lll.iffntr." 0%. 459 nod !Si Liberty Rt., .• Above the heed of WOOD STREET, where thee will be pleeeed to see all their old friends and et... &ovum S~jl'. SHRIVER ,ar li=3 ICU/ Fifth Avonue.' SPECIAL NOTICES IWROCTOR WHITTIER CONTIN UES TO iTILIAT ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES. That numerous class of cues 7 . ..DMA from nett-abuse, prod..; ummaltnens. nervous debility. Immunity, eruenlone.- mminal miss i ons, and anall, impmmee permanesetly eared. Perm. saluted wish deity ad long stead.. ...utnuon.a wul I. M. 4 all for consultation. which cm co Max. stance, the beet' of teuhers, has enabled Win to PePerfect nmenten at onvherdelent, sale, permanent. whic b u si ne s s. cases cap be 'mai without bled. ranee Le llvlldnes prepared la the eV tabllalsaralcs, whl i cl . h o rlarbrsZs Ocw. remdlon and ticag rroom alor patfentsrvirldrar ;14 r=S ' = clo d , emical bath, thrtavramvh trallhe the famed mln ral cellar, vera, wae bate failed, state Tour se. need what he earl 14 hlf m e, Sara to arty addraSS tor two aaaalya. Mika an ',tom boa, treated aabaalir, at ulllec and al t over the counitT. rel n a7ll ` alge r l ' ea r T• ,Vthlfr ` r:Vri ' i l hr.VrE al Trg: na. 0 r. Stindaysl. 'Pamphlet emu to any adores. for soso PTA hi,. EIT'DYSPEPSIA—NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. PRONIMAOR WALKER, the disUntrutehed Ens hall Botanist, distuivered to Australia as ei.lient botanic remedy, an erected' cure for Indigestion . , Milieus and Liver c0mpi..1.14. end tVeleintinicated Vh% ~cretan will, W:Talialße'forgittelety who makes title Sc. ' ;• ‘ :elpe n Nl e rob . lMt Ve t haTn e da r ne c tinirtiffeir i. charity of Botanic over every other practlee P :i medicine, but In return reltueet those who are benrlllted to forward to the Society a statemeat of their case, and Odle aid with 'recta tho present movement in medical reform. Eueloso.a directed T n AVlTlATVUTinfli A lgth ' lLsT4 l :l `k t. Philadelphia. 1.,y2 rre.MANHOOD: 110 W LOST! HO ' ids , RESTORED —Jost PublOped in a waded velope. Price, si cents. A LEUruu ON THE en NATURAL TRHATMEET. and Reeled Cure at Spermatorrhosi. or Seminal Weakness, and ItnPidl many to F aso gener s allyi_Nerrousnesli. Con. t tilymtatr,frti. ...A author of the 'Green Ike. - A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under sesl. In a plain envelope, to any address , postpeld, onvecelpt of Or Pentikar P.Leleo sattelw, to CHAS. J. C. K LING .. 117 Bwery. Now York. Pustnallee boa 4 Alan Dr. CulverireWs ”Maniedra Guide.”.prlee eonU. tay3,w2o arRATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.— m t . splendid Ilea Dye Is the best In the world. Harmless, reliable, Instentancous.dma not contain load. nor my TIT/ale poison to produce paralysis or death. Avoid the vaunted and dean ace.. 761•=11,MVEI's i ggli% Ps ' e ll ITy t e, 9 ll . had 30 years untarnished replitatiOn toe phold It. Integrity as the only Perfect Itsir Dye—Black or ,Brown. Sold by all Druggists. Applied at le Bond street. N. Y. • tel ireATOID ItUACks..- . A victim of U.S early Indlsmetion, musing nervous debility'. lin f mature deCay, baying tried In vain Mar oadvertised remedy. has discovered a simple means elf-cure. which he will mud free to bis fellow. tattoos._' BEEFY* 1735364 7$ Nassau Streei::l7sw — folti 'ea) , t WHOLESALE GROCERS. &c 66iiii - 131116 BY A. & T. GOB6ILY, 1814. W. M. GORMLY, Wholesale Grocer 271 LIBERTY STREET, =I ' PITTSBURGH. la._ 11. BTECI.n J. A. lITL:ELF.. M. STEELE & SON , Commbision Merchants; Awl Deal tAk i ll ic .t r lf!t n . e U w lt.LlN ,. . N 0.93 Oro then] City.. ,ffeanor & Harper I=l ozunli:-;:ior A.terehant.H Connymplep sollottad. •' 6,7 \V. C. Armstrong, (Sooonsor to Vetoer .1 Artostroai.) PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT,. No. 23 MARKiT ~•.1..:13L:-VNCII.A:RD Whol6ale anti Retail Gtocer N 0.396 PENN STREET =ll I ITT LE, HAI ill) A: PITTO7i, Whole s.ra.r: Ilarehanta and 11.1,n In Pr .Anna. il , nsr. P.E. 'artm.a awl Lard WI. Iron, Non, tits., ColOn Von, a... 1 311 VrilAct.ti Manolartures gen•talli I 111 •n.l l I 1 nMIND gTHISKT.I,IOLanitt. JOlO I:1101:SE BitOS, Suirers%or. In JOIIN I. 110lISR CO., IVholemlo agree. and C. , 41111111Y0 Merchants, 6011itt of Stuithfkila and Weler Imt.lntrgh. )01111 II'.,11101amITO• . N WA i5.....i' I: IV itOCFRS AND PIM 1.1:11.4. Y. tirth •teme. Pltt•ures. FINANCIAL. THE DIAMOND SAVINGS ,BANK No 6 MAYO:, D, rlrrentuoli. CAPITAL.— ...... . • 541 0 . 000 ei(a - Cuot.passa let reppr a Lei' uAuls. DeWelt. In Maria Cr 81 am] cowards received. Interest allowed do time riemmite. Particular at tention given to ;collectlime. proceeds of which will be IV2lllled promptly. tirilte . COltie • ti ' ir t i d ' rtel, G . Rebinton. r f ' W ei. a i Widetheld. Jos. 0. 1 N...hvenerer, Pr”lde rift Willi! ' • ; Cashler—JONN K. 90.11.1.. C. A LLE G I-I EN. Y N : A.TIONAL BANik. , .• Of Pit tsbiirgli. pio. FFIFTHIL.I7Eavine.. Capital Stock .......$100,000.. . .I. W. 000 g. President; IL W. MACKEY. 0 ...Ww. W. McCANDLESS. Asti. Cashier. NEW YORE N. yßd._llB7o. THE FIRM OF T. L. TAILOR & COOPER 1. dissolved by mutual consent, and we bate this del formed a Molted partnership under fhe name of TAYLOR & COOPER, • No. .Broad St., - . for the transaction of • general•Brolterege and gl um..l business, n.gotlatlng Loans. Ic.: MR. JOHN BAILEY As peat. partuer,lis, Ina oontrlbuted 33 0.0 to the common stock. We oft this for of thanking Um cus tomer the old firm for their past pattooligwand of solicitig roar ocanco o tool)ir favors. We also od.rvioes , and reepectfitlii their bllllllOl4l In the parch.. and W . of aemottles dealt in at the New Tort 91.0 or Gold Exchange Coupon. and Dividend. ordlected. Interest. allowed on deposit. . Onlets by Mali or Telegraph promptly executed • - THOR. 1.. TATI.OR, • WM. COOPER. JOHN BAILEY. Refer by permisOun to Filet National Rank, Pittsburgh. NJOTN OILS JON, M: 0.4.[AM...1CMV 111AN1.07 , 1..wm. U. laWr. Jos: M. Gazzam & Co • ATTORNY§ ASD COW:SELLERS AT LA t r anliettoro In Knott IWO aankrUpley. 01111 Cr. O.• be FIFTH A UE.Pitlsburgb. 1111.1:7HD ARCHIBALD BLAKELY, Attorney-at-Law, G .-. W. DeCANP, Arrousy. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, lln Tent_Q • eedto No. 57 GRANT STRICICT, Pate. burgh. will praeUeelo Na U. ii.Ctreultand Dtstett Courts.lo the litate Supneue and all the Courts of Altmhney eeeety, aro taste oollaelenee to moot: uf the • went outtalk. • - ha-V,ItT3 MeCORMICK, Attorney-at-Ld.w, No, 68 GRANT STREET. bErZTOt &nautical glvon to tit tiodiVirl WM.II. NEEPER, ALLlfinaleili AND XX-OFFICio JUSTICE Olr • TAE PEACE. • • Office, 112 Fifth avenue. gpadal attannon man to oonveran° lna ran`ol. lacftona, Deeds. Honda sad atoning. nup ma all 1•01 burtnaMi attended U , prutupt/r and aw f. O. AUNPTITAL. ARNSTHAL & SON, =I Tirginia and Louisville Tobacco dgency, Fiue Cat Chewing and . Smoking Marto& 7J HIII7II7IICLD iTHICKT PHUbtirgb pßovosiui FOR COAL—healed • ProlO.dn Ulb ometred tt len. am NT TLIE STREET; matt] July 6th. IEI7O. for from .Is 1e.009) to ten (10.010) •Monzand bushels of SOW LUMP COAL. to IM dollrere• at the Grant Ikhoot RIDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1870 I= PROFESSIONAL I= =21:21 ' SEGF.A.RS FINANCIAL AMERICAN BANK, No. SO Fourth - Averiue, PITTSBURGH 11100000 =I Stockholders Individually Liable BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOsIT. JOFIN FLOTD, ITU. FLOYD. ..--• 11 . P.C . P0.•15: IS. IC afar..ll. John M. MIMI=Id, a T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace tM NV. AryNt J. D./addl. l.anh, Wm. Floyd. o Floyd. n action. mane o all pa n nte to the tined and Cautimica prompt attention Pahl N .. ' viir . • John Rate. Tradesmen's National Bank, WOODD STREET, CORNER SECOND AVE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupon Bonds and Stock BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. BRADLEY, President, W. YANK IttL,_Vlce President, PVItUn Cushier. oc9 d.; CITY BANK, 11•? Ffrr.ll AVENTTE. PITTSBURGH. PA. CAPITAL 8100.000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID UN DEPOSITS. 11/REIGN EXCHANGE bonaht and W, and alien esired remitted to Iturope. Coil/intone made an all and In all the principal potato of the United States and Canada. STIEItifcTEME',ILPPIZItt. W. N. af ROAN. Caahler. OrlittT011)1: D. Dman, James llerSti.e, Thomas Rourke, MOM Keeling, Patrick Kane, iTerence Oacgmell, Chas. B. BAIT, James Phelan Ch H. FrelvogLa. B- J. Once, Thomas ftrnes. N. SIMPI , jelltS JOB. M. GAZZA/d. Solicitor. FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, No. 100 Fourth Ave, Plttlburgh. CAPITAL..... PRIYILICUE DEPOSITORS SECURED •BY REAL ESTATE op INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIRE DIP Prat r ant-EDWARD ROUSE. . EDWARD liOOBE, WILLIAM PITILLIPS, j IM 9. kTa O cT. RJ217,1:11877. TM THAAS W. DAVIS. 6I_ Secretary atso Treeret , or . llo3l . AS STEEL. Attestant Cechler—JAMES P. SPEER. Moe Geer from 9 o'clock 4 o'clock P.M 'deity, endy Settutley averting from 7 to 10. COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY, No. 92 Fourth Ave., Pittztogiuh. CAINTAI. Stockholders Individually Liable. W. 11. EVERSON, W. H. MACHUM, PrcsidenC. flashier. Prawn, rAI..EXANDEIt HATES, 'JOHN u n ytwa A. H. 1IN(.1.1:411. -Fr.A ILACRUM, W.ll. NV NILNON, JOHN O. PHILLIPiI, W. O.IIIIORA WC„ U. F. W ILSON, JACON.KLICE. C. 414,0114.. made aU aecaaelble Points or the United INaca. and CaNatto. INTEREST alloarod Am TIME DEPOSITS. Prom n ut altintaal Oven to all business or aortas- • • dt. TILE SAFE DERISIT 00, Of Pittsburgh, Safe Keeping of Valuables, Undar ruarantse. and M. renting of nab.. In Its Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults. No. 83 Fourth Ave Pree Pr tte entden, nt—WlL HlSN RV F 4IA4 PHI L OLLIP& M DiStIPCMILS, . fl,ron .1!w. S. Curtis William I'billipa Henry William Rea. , Willi.lll. Loma J.. 1.11 mm.. Neer and Teme..—B. R. VON TIONNHONST. °yea daily tn. 9 .Velaet A. N. to 4 o'clock P. U. .I PamLer a Bleak, tri a U. Hassey HART, CA uonEy & co Bankers and Brokers, ORIER FOI RTII AND WOOD STRF.ETS. Pi rt:=l-ntrgh tnLiCE:66-olia To IiANNt. HART ♦ C0..1 Exchange, Coin Coupons, Aza panithar auentl m paid (I tbe . porebuoutd Wu at Government Bonds fm London Sight -Draughts we N. Holmes & Sons BA I\ l E - ER S, 57 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA Cobactiotts nude on all the p=l potpie of the United Stat. nett C ea. . , TOCKS. BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES. 11900EIT AND 80E1) ON COMMIBSION PsrSl cuter altentl nu pale to the purchase and sale of , United States Securities. 11,s 1 MORGAN, KEENE it MARV! , - Wall Street, (Third door s. horn Broadway,) NNW SMTINII2g.' seiTtitiMMYßoL7.l's.d 112.11141e1 A General Banking Business, TIIIICO. Y. /MORGAN, HAMMEL 8 KEENE, I= ot ~... P---tr,:rxn r.a.str---- .• Bela, tbe larunadiala vicinity of the Bloat Xs thane* md the Gold Board (and members of each), ohner en eardented with thegreateat poUlhle dw Merchants and !Overton, hying at a distance, ean rely upon our attantlon to their anndlest or Lunn orders. with equal ears and promptuosa. Aq In year pad, ire atoll continue to transact on all the hoetnele favorable Liof riatlobal Bank* anti Corporations snort ma. Indirldvals sou Trust Commutes, contemplating • change In their securities, or desiring to make Inquiry concerning any rinanclel buslnees they Nulty lave In this city ere Invitee to eornainalcate Ira ne personal!, by letter. m erence—Messre. ley Cooke Co., New York. I 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Coupon oißegistered, (FREE or tr. I. TAX) EC= urlington, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota R. R. Co. We are .1411' offering a limited quantity for sale At 90 and Interest Intareat payable May and Noelomber. .I. EDGAR 1110111`SON,1 [MARLIN L. YEAST. Them bonds hare 30 ,years to ran, aro convert ible at the option of tba holder into the mock of. L'APTP:44ireri4ll:_Ategri'ar '4ll°:,tt: LTlrrottiglThtliTtt t dli h Tdir= Wand • market price fonsidambly &hose Pm. eted an T d h goTil r iur grn i ggnig tit ' bt r arcV.l Work Is rapidly progressing. wa The present advanced oondition aful lame earn. Immo( the road warrant na in unDesitatlngd ) rec ommend!respect,. these bonds to I:mestere... bites.) an undoubted security. U.S. Flre-tveutlee, at present prices, only return five per cont. interest, while these my eight and -one-quarter per mot. to Ovid, .4 we regard the warty equally... Thu ne theprint reserve th e right, without notice, to adran. • HENRY CLEWS & CO it Wall Street, New Turk. N. Ma:LEAN & CO., Pittsburgh, Ps BOWED & BOX, PhDs'slptaii. KURTZ & HOWARD, Phlisiielpids. BARKER, SRO& i CO., DeRAYER di BRO., PLEadelpha. 'rOWNEEND,WiIEILEN‘ CO, Phq.e.iPhi ENGINES, BOILERS, &o FORT PITT Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS. CARROLL & SiNYDER, MEM =I T arn- kli U A.:4D iilAN!ira EClrtnißX_ TUrtui, kcI OIL LN T O ANDA II I•A\9. SALT PANE 6AND STEANI ii.%. , OMETENN AND IRON .I.ND COAI.6III:ITEN. - I. ICE ANT, WARCLIOUSE. C4ll. 2d, Rd, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBUtiaII, PA. lilr'Ordene' sent to the above Wards Ell le promptly attended tn. mh&lel HUGH M. BOLE & CO., Con Point Alley and Duquesne St, (NEAR THE POINT) • Engine Builders, Founders, AND MACHINISTS. Manntartnre.STEAMßOAT F-NOI NAB and STA TIONED.: rNairin4 of all alsea. Sopclid attention invited to our pen STATION ARI WELL ENGINE AND 01.1 A BIZ n g L sitsi f is l f h e ' vert P lgtli . made ha o der itt oar Pot ndIT, I TitD 17._ M ATI L .E..y HAWSERS. u01.1151t and TODA(XO SCREriti . , and IRON TOBACCO PRMISEB, on hand and made to order, at the . INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River ; near the Point, Pittaboryth, u - An order. promptly Plied. THY Da Riesick & Bro., FMB AND BM:MAE-PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS. EIEEE2 ENGINES AND MACHINERY, BREWERY WORN, REPAIRING Said FUMY° UP MACHINEttY,iIYDRAULIC CEMENT. tits , tier 17th said PIK K STREETS, Pittsburgh. P. bold • • O'HARA BOILER WORKS, F. REPHAN & CO. Manufeethren of STEAM BOILERS OIL TANKS, wrams, AGITATORS, SALT PARS _GASOME TERS, SETTLING PANE P IKON DOORS. BRICIIEN SUSS BEDS. Se, Corr of_ Second Avenue and Liberty Street. • . PITTSBURGH. PA. Repairing done promptly. Orden sent to th e above address sill be promptly attended tn. F. REPTIAN. nortllol . l7 2.1.1.gbr at CARROLL . 8. StiYosltS. ocle yed FOUNDERS, IVIAOHINISTS. NATIONAL FOUNDRY • Atilt_ Pipe Works. Corner Carroll and Smallnian Sreets, 11:1Zrat WARD./ PITTSBURGII. PA. WM. SMITH, aNDFACTORER OP Cast. Iron. Bowl Pipe, GAS SAND WATER WORKS. 'rjlt.'ll;r46l=SAW'cllf *mend Castings fur Gas and Water Works 011 W. J. ANDEILS.ti ... FRICYVOOLE. MONONGA IFELA: FOUNDRY. W. J. A_NDERSONIL C 01 1 "'l3,3TtiMiTs r anrd.r.Z.P . - 71N 7 Castings of u all Descriptions. ctMVontalt IfMI T e. r at ur ., Houses. Urncr. ANfl Fos:Noisy—No. 150 WATER BT.. Ylltaburph. ROBINSON, REA Sz, CO, Ow:Gem:re w Bancronnt. MQna t Mains WASHINGTON WORKS TOIINDXFII4 Z 111AMMISTS. PITTHBoILGH. Mannfuturara of Boat and Stationary Stemain §=4l,allpttpiriu 21111 ftathinez iuk. Mina. UMW magnet go Ofina No. 1.4. onnier *lnd and Smithfield streets. f aT i ta u tiq r, l . YFAßD'S PATENT INJEW e Ior THOS. CARLIN &, Fourth Ward Foundry & Nadine Works. =1 ...hear." of tnnUonary and PO 00b* O. krllWlrCariltlior=o a" Gone Barn Weisita. Bon en kn. Bunt to ordor .4 ha. on funn4 of on slum.. Phoenix Roll Foundry. Cot. LIBERTY AND 21TH 13T9. BOLLMAN & BAGALEY =I Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions. BRASS CASTINGS. • riersiii niiiii --- - Niirliesai Henry Bier & Co., Woman,. to JOHN M. COOPER a CA .1 BELL AND -BRASS FOUNDER& Brass Castings , MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. wookic AN wp r gr a IRON FITTINGS. THROTTLE SAFETY AlteincIALVES. LNI, ALL GLOBE PA , ERN I , st IIRAI3 o. 4 . tiim & SIVERI . •legearPTlON for a A ITAIZIVNiti: inerPalED "'PROVED AGENTS of DILE% tl9 . PATENT AIIXIte. s the beet In the market OFFICE worms, Corner Thirtee h and Pike Streets. . _ ATWOOD McCAFFIL' EY Corner unbar S as= AWL TUW.O AVSTVI, PfttAlmrsh. Pa.. S FOUNDERS ALA IRON PIPE FITTERS... GENTAtorA.S.CAMERON ECOI.STEAN • AND. BLOWERS. FLOUR iE pELiiiiiii — ifinriliiiiiiiii: R. T. KE ' DY & BRO. ALL= NT &TY, PA" Mem Winger, cf the following eelebritted Windt of Menu, • 3 ther Grcen Brand tat uqocr=l,DmilsVioar. 2 &sr 32. Bran, _A fie. h tlint_gtwna entire estianictinn, r 1. ht. fled Brand,* whin 1. welly flour, to tigT of the whine gran* la the martin: I 113 28 0 . iimr . ifen represc . Mod. I • PLUMBEAS, GAS FITTERS FULTON & M'OANN, PracEcal Plumbbrs GAS AND STEAM FITT/Mt Fifth Ammo. near Kati sere.s. Pfttaborah, • Load Pim Wash.Un Hoss,tan Elstarsa Malta Bs • • Tubs tad tdt Iron MO and Maw. •Is Wafer Pusspa sad tits= Cock:B.lmm coaxal Otte and •Priatte Buttanp Sues la with Gas star and _saws Hews; Apparatus. Jobbing 9...stliationctss co. • • 11=iiiill IRON AND STEEL CRESCENT STEEL 1V ORKS. lit,LEft. BARB . k. PARK-IN OFF Liih•rt) Str.4.l, PITTSBUH6II. PA. OUQUESNE • WORKS. =C3 Coleman, Balm & Co., IRON, NAILS, STEEL, Axels ansl .Springs. DUQUESNE, I. X AND JUNIATA • FIAT RA_ ~ Ft ROUNIVAND SQUARE IRON. RAND, NIINVI . AND TANK IRON. RottNtl PLATES AND 11.6ADN„ . GUARD IRON, DRAG AND DIioPPER BART. FLANOr..S. CUTTER BARSXYLINDEIt IRON. T AND FLAT RAIL. 1.1 Coal BoadA CRGWRA RS.WLDIIk9 and II ARROW TENTH. SPRING, PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. STEEL NVINGS AND MOULDS. cut to mttarn. STEEL TIiticsSTRELSILArTIND,,Ap POK_ AL , DLOo and WAGON SODDE; an CUT . AILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Claw and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS-14Rn meat and Alla. gnan lo y River. and 77 Water street, yittaburgh. m • Pittsburgh Steel Works, ESTABLISHED IN 18430 ANDERSON & WOODS,, Best Refined Cast Steel NO MOULD. OF EVERT DIA:SCRIPTION. ALSO, Bed Refined German Plow ir, Spina Steel. b ark ROSS A. D FIRST AVSNI:T a Fir t PITT: JV'ovelt FOUNDED A. D. 1833. MOO/MEAD / ADAMS & CO. , ILT'""ZirLINTITESLINDIMIVRIPW. Janus Faced Patent Door Lock. and Latches Paint and Coffee and do c.iurner of FIRST AVENUE and GRANT STS. Pittsburgb. Pa. Sheffield Steel Works, SINGER; NLMICK & =1 Cast and Gini-rnan St-eel RAILWAT SEILINGS, ELLI AILLV :MC, S, STE IC AND rt,LAT F TIR O E, .tc.. RAI BNIINUA. .tc. WAIIETIOUSE—.B3 Waterann 100 First streets. DIAMOND • STEEL WORKS. PARK BROTHER & CO., Manuficturers of all DeAeriptilonk d STEEL. occice and wArtEnouss-aoth. 31.1 and ItaUrna4 Putsbur,h. STOVES; CASTINGS,_&c._ COOK STOVES. (het the Best BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, For .Bitiminous Coal. Warrente4 to COOK. BAKE or ROAST ea yea ~ 1.7 W.: Stove In tne BISSEII & CO ., No. 235 tiberty Street. ALSO, ON BAND AND FOR SALE: PARLOR STOVES, HEATINGIRTOVES, ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS. MOWING RANGES. Ae.. ke. GRAFF, HUGUS Co., Idamtattaters of every varlet, of STOVES, Boston Cooking Range "THE FIERY FURNACE" roit WARMING BUILDINGS. THE NEW- ANTI-DEBT COOKING STOVE, REGULATOR: . OOLOMBLA MOE t3TOVE. VAN'S (c . B.etnnall Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE, CAST I KON MANTLES. WELLEAWS RENLIIC TOWAMfree from dirt sad dust; (Max 206. and 208 Liberty Street, A.BRADLEY&CO, No. 30 Wood Street. Ilattufsetuners of the GreaterA Varlet, of COOK. PARLOR iutd lIRAVING STOVER to Iss found. Ron of our Mof and ono Is ma that any aee want of tr•fr `"l6. b, ,==strithe mm do- Mils ea well o ur lOga. WOOld alt atuddlou us new VOLCANO OVV., for aturehschails and storm Over 300 sold Irati:vet heed rasodetd,;for em rth og=t ,iL t= r Aiß . w c a r. r t,. .ll far chessper. Rood for Catslogusaod WINES, LIQUORS, &o WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, The Very Beet is the Visited Stahl, KANOVACTIMID Iflt WM. WA.GNER, 9SI Forth Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. the Nadia& Do wer le IPh • • le. ielkeerWrn. Schmidt & Friday, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &e., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos. 384 and 386 Penn, Cor. of ELEVENTH NT., formal Canal JOS. S. FINCH & CO., 110.. 186.187.189:191.193 awl 195 Irak. warty, ritubunm._ Manafsetarm of DOPE= DISTILL= PUBIC RYE WHISKT: 2120.d0010n 10 towns and Lt • nom Worn. • • cOINON , - Machine Stone works. Marline. , Corner of Wort routmOndknorinrur. FRZEPIC ATVATInt a VO.. I - InorOnnonan orsi oo stcoAont nloo.llarn eZa b. =r_Vnt=a Mors promptly ay. n tan op rooksoosh. WOW • =MEM ti.: I VLLANIA CENTRAL . RAH.. p ' Via, 11470. ' nril " 3"e ps arrive and depart as follows . T N vlu,s 'r l ' i tra *m lns • 1 Th w ro W'r uiti. "D Tralba Louse 1 olon Delpot. • Arrive as Llnion Do 4 Pacific E5.,...12 . 30 awl Stall Train ....11:3 ISM 31•11 Train 1,10 am!rast Line 12: am Ms Lon Ac.... 111410 am.Cinclonatl les.). : am mews, bbv.-:. 1243 pm Pittsb . sin its.. z pea fibilis. Exprvss 3 . 3b-Plis racIPS Na. 1 D— ruid Llne. .... 740 pen Troy Pasant..4o, ii; •1.. Walis 630 AID Walla N 0.1.. ti: um Wall's N0.:5..11:31 am, Ilrin`n Ac1c,.. l .. Wall's No. .3 • 33/3 pm Walfs No.:J.. i r Johr.sioira Ac. 4:03 pm Johnston A 4 : Wolfs NJ.3.. 11:03 pm Walfs No. 3.. . pm W.lllllNu. 4 3:0 poi we r . NO. V.. . Vpm Willinst'i Ac. :4430 pm Wall 4 No. 3.. 1 opm Walls No. 0-11 , 00 pm. Brinli AeNo.9 . 0 the Wlllenth'e Ac.l 00 pm Ci.7/1111{/1 Ent.. and Paclllo Kapress !MVO J. ,, i , All Lithos trains daily, except SundaY. :11.p Cnnicb Trains lime* Walls Sun. eth:th r at 8110 a. m., reanniag rlttennT kl. II 30 .m. Ketunslng, 1111.0• Yittatmor at 12 . 30 an as. and Attires al Walls Malan at , 13 P Fin further informatlOn aPri_to W. 11. NClCWolll,_Asent. The PennskPranta Railroad Company trot not is some any to for Baggage. oscupt for wonting. MO . • =l l, ssflll Inz i o: C t . l2::: gulf .021011117 . 1 1 =far t amount In value will bets gilt= of the °wow. unless taken by special tontrake. ASSATT, L Jell General Paperintecident. AILOOna. Fa. p ITTSBURGII, FORT WAYNE & CITICAGO R. andff ilagig g @ CIirVELAND & N?JuBURG L ne 12. 1810, Leann. will leave Team and arrive at the Union nepotrTorth side, MO. burin cite time, am fllow, . • mu, a. Alm Fast tips 111.5 a os'f_ast Lina _ 1,14.3 la i . • A tif t am " p h laf i l: 3 :: Pl e i t . ;g: 1 Mielft . cirr a m:Chlengo man.. :sms pas Chimp Ca., . Clesetan4 1.=.. :314 p m (I. 3 \nee 'U..' -3 p m Res aSO EP :43 pla rwmc Ita 3:4.1 pm' ca. & Via II it. l . : r P 11, VO'allemlla C1..4.1 4y p m,C. a Si. /a 1:.• • : 1p p m Erie Slapress...4:4 p so. MU PMprssa.l : SS pm IMPART sawsf.l.lp*T.lamaiTSlN A It IMT. Omer Faits 4c., 3!II • m I.esetsdahr Ac.. 11: •as Loettdala •1 f :13 a m'tlas . s. Falls" ..: z• m 1 1::14:41t3. : i t g: Baal. rails " 1 r 48. pria,'Ltre . ...pale .. PM Leetsdale " 1043 D t.' " 7: 1 , 3 1 110 r Oats Sos. Trait Oaks Pao. • . .... .. . . . .. .. .. dAs rri.b. i al.3z Lt n. :...LSk i ltra...W boat arrives thdly. Fut a r re'res dAlly,. Alooda.” ucoptcl, Fut lAlu azrtru daily. Mondays 4knopin.l. Ail azoo other u lulu will • leave' and arriVo (LUIS: Sanctus ut F. R. MVISICS --- .. J. N. mccui,Lctuau, Genl. Pea. a Tim* /Want 6•111 Illaucti. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA .9sP TV= A gj• ',mina on the Waste Penneylvania Railroad will arrive at =I depart. front Me I , edaral Street Depot. Aliases.] MY. as follws: • ' • (AI.L/3111LNT TIME.) . „1049 ?gem - mt .: Nal .St e ian • =reimport No. V. a m Expre m et i .....l MClaremotag . ..... t am =port No. . Op= igul. • g. PM Springere t rams . MlSPrinad en°. • Op ut Abuve trams run muly exempt ender. - The Chez= Freurt A n ll . /teteg A ttuttion Mgt 11 ' ..3 0 fia Returning. =mule A.l4.hrt; City at 12 , OP. N. and emirs at Allegalm7 ....- non at 3' P. Y. Throu,o tickets to Butler and3Tannaketo= may be pm itaed at Walkers MANS Mere, No. 31= Clair otreet. t u t zte n t i. he Sett A ll:mme ,. Z . Bridge, Put= " F r ee= applj JAMEST eral fitnem=l.. Lu u mi emegete to an Importa Fed nt Sta ff onf Be the mate line of the Penuoyireals Central Nall led. A.. 1. • Generst Superintendent.CASSATT Altorm=_Me. NOBERT NBILSON. mylo Superintendent. Pittsburg . BURGH Works. SCALES ArLI.EO HEN I' VALLEY RAILROAD. 1.1:011 TO BUFFALO 77IIROOGLI TT& OIL TrainadellyierreptSunder yr leave Pittsburgh Depot, rernerrqf Woven sod Pike drivel, tor Franklin. 011 OW. ltnekith and ell point. in the Oil Realms. • •• . . . . . . . . - LEAVE ARILIT2 AT PtTeentritoll. PITIVIIVROII. Day Express Night /express i15.t...:: tut:: Way T Pas ain ager....... : OA. M. Mall se Bradi's Bend amen.. l H a M. P. M. ' 1 . A.Y. Soda Worlu . ' : P. M. pJt liulton unan : fli P. . . AX. hull o. 11: P.S. . P. 11 . .11.1711.1112111. i 1: A. M. : P. bi. Clutch I: 0 P. M. 1 : A. IL Express trains stop only at principal pants. Ao *TlVlPaternagreergaWg . :r riiilt R TrAina, NHL Kays between Pittsburgh saaa " 117.,=.. jai/k,.144... Cl= p ITTSBURGH• AND CONFELL MANOPOF T1ei9f16 1 ; — . N . 121.30141r , wad after WIRDNSHDAI P July 0. 11970.TreJna errlye et nod 4.96lf:rant Depo. corner of Urnot sod Water etotetnote Day lowy—olty Uwe: tharf... AOnITL 3161Tr60... 630 A.h. 16 McKean. G.eneood Ac 7.1.066. port Ae .4111.3.31. inny Pneener 993 A.m. , Glenwood Ao SAO A.M.. st McKee.- West Newton mot Ao 11136 •Ao Eames Tenlu 3:13P al repro. Tr' 4.6118.31 . Weld Newton • • 12e1 McKee:- _ 4,30 P.M.I port Ao tft Phl. D A % O Way Pusen'r • Cal• Ac 3.90 P.M ,3161 Train... • •rm. 0,4 ratld oohs 9d McHaes . 6.90PAL1 3d Ao ..McKee.. Timmy. _por3 A0....10,40PALt West p ei to ellurat. went Newton Church Ten•l2:ll6 PALlCharch TenelftlllA.M. 13.0,15, only. All other Trains owl sem* Banda). D. D. ANUM.L. Masted of Transpartallo6 ICIPITTSBURGII, CINCINNATI AND A Err. LOUIS RAILWAY.E g cggmg PAN RAIIIILE.IteIIr. CIIANONDF TIIIM-01A And Mier SUNDAY. dune 11, 1570. MD. 11111 aAtILNp6 . piTl”.. , of the Union Depot, Plttanursh. as Plite bnith HT AUT. •aft Etereta tm. 1 t . Scout Mut Line Southern Express p.m.l Mixed AecommodAtlon.• : • nu p.m. McDonald Aocommod'n. 1-• a. to. 7. •t• Stentmollle - Arounmod. ;t1 p.m. i t am. McDonald A MOS 1112. 1 •111. to 03. • P.S. Biltany Cbutch Tndn.•• • 1' '6 The 10:401A. M. Put Une Ileava Y The 12:13 noon '.llqApea arrluea Maly. All Other Milne run dully taeupt Itnndei. w. 01111.11 M - General O&M Agent Columba...D. ' W. W. CAllo.Snlet.. Denulauts. Ohto. PIITEIBIAGES, Pd, STONE - - - RAILROADS REGIioN9 HARDWARE & CUTLERY Pittsburgh Utility Works, , WEAVER k JONES, • Corner of /Rahn and FORA Streets, - Sixth Ward, 'Allegheny, Manufacturers qf EIARDWAMM sada/ kinds LIGHT OUMT IRON 41.UTIIMAL • We unbar our Goods sad soreares to thaTrada as •We Unease Prima anal warrsnt. aft our wort naished. Orders whetted. • • ,• orMakell3V rien'Aitlagilluiritir" WEAVER t lOM'S. A.d&ss: Pittsburgh Poatoglos. mslgagg EgTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & HARDWARE, No. 52 Wood Strek, PIITSBUTIGH. PA. 'Spring Goods, HON, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Snaths, &e. -• Iterehanti are. Invited to examine our stock when in the city. Orders by mall will have prompt at tention. " - BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO, No. 70 Wood Street, 1=2:1 Table Knives & Forks. Pocket Kniveis, - Butcher,KniveS, Bread Knives, Carving Knives, Scissors, Razcirs. Putty Knives, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY* LOW PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery Co., No. 70 WOOD STREET, Frrriouneas; PAINITNG, GRAINING, JOHN - T. GRAY. HOUSE LTD SIGH pinrrn, onAorrath - t. AND G N. 54 NINTH grrasrr, ilaker; (Labe Mad w.. 0 Pittatrir.aii. _ . MARSHALL'S 'ELIXIR: GRAHALI:B AiLIIIII WILL MLR IHARMIALL'II HI-WU WILL MU r AM. Divas. ) 4trl " li i t afAELLWilat a : StIMML . a CIL D.I SIMAIRAC I3.I B .bi r GMAIL. T. ti.ublanrlk• .........7..• SEI EMI