The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 14, 1870, Image 1

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Corner Sixth Ate. and Smithfield S
T[lolllo/ TII. DAILY.
BY Mad, PCr jaar
Uwu•crea 43 . aWrier, per wnek
CLEVELAND talk? , :11.w five
licatme. ORLELEY is alum'. well again
Ith 9Trrir..gf4 graduated this year at
THERE are but two negro.' in ('gins
county. Illinois.
SIIOCKINO fruit—the electric current.—
{Con'. Bulletin.
Tim to generally slipposed to he Cape
May's (Met year.
--- WAntins: - Pa., is maid to be peculiarly
attractive this year.
NEW 'YORE', &triage institutions are
prosperous this year.
'boy. liorFstst.:, of New York; is at the
°Conn House, Newport.
0.000,000 hoops are manufactured year
ly in the Saginaw Valley.
• . CINCINNATI claims to have the secuutt•
highest spire in America.
NEARLY all the young negroes in Ite,'
troll are. joining the army.
Mao. fl. F. TRAIN 1:18 Rine horses, and
seven carriages at Newport.
TIIERF. arc ten Chinese Sunday Seind"'
in San Fiaucisco with 164
SECRETARY SOAR is noxious, says ru
mor, to get Senator Wilson's place.
'rue. newest western -ohampionship is
that of making tin pans against time. •
A ItENEVOLENT , burial association, with
$lOO,OOO capital non. exists in Chicago.
CLAM BANES are the. Rhode Island
method of celebrating the glorions bitath.
Tun agricultural Implements ,works
have been working double time recently.
CEN'IS per pound for the choice cuts
.is the price of beef in Blight - 111e, Illinois.
CROCODILES area darlyerouro disease in
Java Where 111,1 persons died of them last
Philadelphia AtMoth, detente.
the Chicago White Stockint, I 7 t. 12 on
'OUNG alligators, for pets. are hawked
about the atrects of New Orleans by ne.
gm boys.
00 a month and board is the lirive of a
cook in Colorado, but cooks are not numer
mis there.
'CUE Mormona are making kid gloves
from the skins of the youthful goats which
they rear. .
Tatcumir. have gotten among •
deer til i gkegon and venison is tattoo;] it
that StiM, ;
TEE 'parents of Bayard.. Taylor him
-•_ . •
called (or n visit to ;pine' relatives
Switzerland. - • .
STRAi9DEIUIIES in California are Said . to
be so large that they plug them to see if
they are ripe •
hi ten police districts of Boston there
are 1,083 tenement houses occupied with
81,.7311 persons.
DASA,.of the Son; is now said to be a'
lineal descendent of Dewar of golden
shower notoriety.
MILLET ts note sown in Wiswinsin to'
make up for the scarcity' of hay, the crop
of which has failed.
A BosTox paper silo the young ideas
of Chicago shot themselves quite proncto..
cuously.on, the Fourth
. •
Lautta BRIDG EN AN, the deaf and blind
mute, in spending the ' summer with her
,reinter at Nti u - poit, N. 11. •
, • PEACEFUL picnic parties are perpetual.
ly pelted with. paving, stones by penti
scions rowdies in Porkopolis.
-A PUBLIC croquet
,ground in formal,
. - . reserved Philadelphia wnizid lie a great
. joke but it has bee n be:so : At.
AN: inrentigator bus j net di..., nr. , l
that rheumatic liniment is abrsist itivari
•. ably purchased on join! account.
' DANIEL WECISTEWs Int in grammar,
which he used at Exeter, is in isissession
of a man out in Monroe, Michigan.
..TnE revisers of thii authorized version
• of the •New Testament in England are '
hard at work and making progress.
BRICE TEA iR a common Hessian bev
erage. It is made of the dust of .tbe to
.. • plant pressed in the form of bricks.
ma. C. F.. SPAM; Mk fatkalY 'of Pitts
, burgh-wereregistered at Drexel llarjra
& Cons banking house in Paris on June
28a. _ \ !
mu. E. E. DantvEr, of Dayton, 0., bas
given $25,1i00 to Dennison I.7nirersitv. in
• niamory -
'ok \. .'
his' dead daughter Marie-
LOuisi.. , . .
beam are very plenty iu
cousin nud blarit•berrlea that are as •
only red are plenty in theinountains
As. Italian iishemian, in San Francisco
lately run a fish hone into the palm of bit
hand, which produced lockjaw; resulting
in death.
DR WOLF, of Zurich, and other Euro.
- peen physicians are setting no foot a
movement in favor of the decimal divis
ion of time. •
M.R. 309Ern JEFFIAISON'S iNewJersey
country neat is called Paradise Valley,
and we haft alivaym supposed it was
Sleepy )follow. •
A LONG Bn.tsctl•.belle dresses eight
times a day, and dashes along the beach
behind four difterein teams during each
\ twenty-four hours.
Wong is to at once begin on the canals.
across the Isthmus of Corinth, in Greece.
$.B 000,000 have already been subscribed
for its construction„
IT is estimated that - there were 90,000
Chinese In this cot:fatty on the let of Janu
ary, 1870; 15,000 of whom are already
east of the Rocky Mountains.
SPONCiEII are becoming chenp:T in con
sequence of the introduction into general
use of diving machines, which greatly fa
cilitate the fishery for thi: article.
- • •
CYRUS MEWED' WWI seventy-fiv4: years
old,-but tlmt did 'not prevent him hum
hanging hitusulf line neck until he Alas
dead. laat Saturday at Augusta, Me. •
THE champion jnmpcz of America is
Loomis, of Jacksonville; Illinois. This I.
his score: Single jutuli, 18 feet,and rk inch.
es; Shree jumps, 40 fee l ; ten jumps, 140
lx Illinois the State Auditor has deci l '
ded that the asserisment of bank shares
for purposes of taxation must be at their
real market txtlue, rathvr than at their par
value. - • _ .
\ A MAN living in Bostonllighlands, by
suspendingli small silver bell to the neck
of his cat, prevents, by the sound, that
honiehold pet-from destroying the birds
in his garden.
A it r tsCotintzt
° paper claims that the
waterof the Inman wells in the town of
Sparta is No charged with electricity that
telegraph wizen.lnserted. In It need no
other battery, ,
• MISR: KILDUFFE. died% of heart disease
while aWimming in the Philadelphia Na
tatorium on Monday. She was not a min
ute under water. but wan quite dead when
brought out.
IN East Saginaw the Dock•Wellopers
areatriking. Chhtese might cure the evil.
but we are not thoroughly convinced a
heathen. Malaysian inCapable-1A being a
Dock-wolloper., '
Thu Democrats are to start a new paper
at Washington, It is to be called the
Patriot and to be edited by Welling;
formerly of the National Intedigencer and
Harvey, formerly Illoister to Portugal.
Attritot likLee says: 'There is a Sr
cret belief amongst some men that God i s
dipplemied with man's happiness; and i s ,
consequence they'', slink about creation,
ashamed and afraid to enjoy anything?'
A PLOCT of unfortunate pigeons flew
into a Malin of bee* the other day InVir.
gilds. The bees objected to the intenup.
tion, and went for 'tho gentle doves, sting.
log ntrmbers of them into pigeon paradise.
MERE ale more than forty thousand
Knights of Pythias to Pennsylvania, twd
they are quarreling like cats and dogs.
Perhaps it is because they are Knights of
Pytblas that They are Damon each other.
TILE Newark (N. . 1 3 ( . 4, urier °a ."'
"Avery College (Pennsyluania) has con.
(erred en honor upon itself, by conferring
the dogma of Doctor of Diiinimity ou the
Rev. Air. Thompson (colored), of this
;dr. Thompson ia one of the finest scholars.
.~A.. ~3h✓~. VLY ~r ~s~ ~c.'ti ti
`~ , .~,.t~.k ~J~ ~ ~~`s.:, .
L A.'
(4741 •
V fr
11l tt r I
c k Ztkti
white or black, in New Jensey, and his
ettbrtn in the ministry in thin city have not
been Nurpassed by any of kin brother tier-
A 1. 2 %1W seventy yearn of age, patriotic
to the fore, has erected a monument in
I:nion 11111 Cemetery, Springfield, Vt., lo
th.. memory of the Revolutionary soldiery
and paid for it in knitting with her own
A Nnw YORK lady received, among her
‘l,4llling presents, three sowing machines,
ix large family Bilden, and ten ice pitch
trs. A Boston lady had pairs
silvar salteellara among her bridal
Wis4l7.lSill • 111114.61, supposed to be
upper, has been found in large quantities
o the town of Maple Grove, Fond du.Lae
vino'. It is also relNlttlyl to have been
aural no the Neshoto river, in the town
tf Gibson.
Tnfus: are '287 incorporated svillegot in
Amerka. - if these could be consolidated
into about fifty, or if all future endow
moils could be added to the funds of •theSe
instead of to new institutions, the future'
would be brighter.
A court at Corning, - Illinois, went, the ,
other night, to serenade is man .named ;
John Burns. The recipient of the honor
was so 'delight...4l that he treated the ser-f
enadera to a dose of li - ticks's - it, wounding
two of theta stiverely. i
PIIII.ADELPIIIA sportsmen are in their ,
element now, wandering all over their
great fiats and marshes shooting wood
cock- and English snits..., and little boys
and rail, and each other, anti reed hints
and all those sorts of things.
Tut Grand Rapids Eau's says Dr. J. C.
Remind, of that city, has ollinxsi (t 20,000
to establish a Ilmmeopathic Department
in the State University, and will par the
money to - the Regents whenever they
shall decide the question affirmatively.
Al: Alexandria (Va.) ruffian the other
day. seeing twOlittle negro girls on the
opposite side of the street, eXclaimisl :
"Well, I'll kill a nigger. - and picking up
a ,•bitie tunic it with fatal aim, striking
OS, ' of the eltildrett, who died in two, ,
LAwi.Ess, residing nt Knowles'
X Honda. in Sussex county, Delaware, was
struck- by lightning oil Wednesday of last
week, and instantly killed. Be had just.
walked to the well to get a gloss of water,
and whilst in the act of drinking was
struck to the earth.
Tits census-takers in 'different parts of
the country are collecting some very cur.
ions information. They find - that the
highest age attained by unmarried wo,
men is twenty-six years. It is well. to
have the Sint at which they CCIISP •gruw
lug older definitely fixed.
OF the minstrel managers, Dooley. of
tile I 31”. kh'n Opera house, is reported to
be worth 4 . 300010; Dan Bryant's Wealth
is estimated at $200,000; Bernard. $OO.-
. •000; Birch and Backus. $lOO,OOO each;
Wamtiold, $50,000; Kelly and Leon .P50,-
fak . / each: and numemlis others own prop.
erty estimated Si from t. 10,001.1
WltiN tht."O rent Anieriean .Traveler,"
iiliax Daniel Pratt, was in Presque Isle
several years ago, he "took Aunts" with
Uncle Jerry. Aftei- lie had "hung round"
a week or so, without mentioning pity,
mine host askell him one afternoon what
he did fur a living. "I travel," he re—
plied. "Well" said . Vncle Jerry, "tiller
supper let's see you travel." •
SFCRETARY itonEsoN received a die.
pateli 'announcing the arrival on Monday
at Charleston, S. C., of the U, S. steamer
quinnebang from ail, de Janeiro, having
on board all the seltniade exiles from the
South to Brazil . They went there at the
close of (li. war for . the purpose of -en-n
-ine( n government - them, Sr., but it was n
'Hum, hod they have bows brought home
!he ..r.elme of the Government
Ifylvt reporter of a Sew -York
paper was cfremittilly mortified at
Presideni'S - manifest inaptitude for.
high piney and bin general innignifiennel
Can the nation Or Comm.. or .smtelsal
not do arimeihing for thin mortified man
It. -is dreadful to think of him without re.
- lief, and it must make every loyal man
falter to reflect upon his President's in
aptitude for his general irtaigniranee.
InnittnEE affair occurred near Pit
mouth, Sheboy,tmn county, Wilieonliin, re
cently.- Charles Crum was hitching his
horses to a reaper. when they beatme
frightened at a sharp clap of thunder and
tln-ew him down, dragging tit:, reaper
over him. Ue was terribly mangled, and
died on the following day. A few- bourn
previous- to the funeral. of Mr. K.,
his widow disappeared, and upon search,
her body was found in the Woods banging
from the limb of a She had coin.
milted suicide. -
\\'F learn from ti n '
that Mrs. Sarah Reardon wan
badly sating about the neck and face by a
'tomtit, on the afternoon of the :led The
',theta had fonned a nest in the gisrden,
and coming upon them unawares, Mrs.
-ardor was stung. In about a doze.
placeS. Site immediately took a cold
hatlrAnd, two or three days afterwards,
exhibited symptoms of poisoning. She
suffered the most agonizing pain until the
7th instant, when death relieved her. She
was about 56 years of age-
A NEW HaTEN man advises people to
Ilse snow hereafter instead of la:, for-re
frigerating parpinws in summer. Pro
vide, setys.he, a square box, say 12 to 18
inches square, till it with pure snow,
stamping it together with a smooth block
of convenient form. have the box made
very little taper, just the slightest flare
toward the open aide. On emptying it
you will have a block of snow sufficiently
solidified, and ready, after one real cold
night, for packing into your ice hot. He
says this will
keep as long as Ice, will, of
course, be cheaper, and dean,
and •
ON Thursday evening week, Mrs. Dit
tler, of Easton, Pa., retired to bed with
her child when the little ono said she felt
something crawling under the pillow of
her bed, The mother took no notice of
the remark, thinking the child only im
agined such a thing. Nextinonilng how
ever, Mrs. Dittler discovered something
lying on the floor, opposite her bed, re
fiembling a rope, which she stooped and
licked up, but imagine her horror and
surprise when she found that within her
grump she held a copperheul snake about
a foot in - length. How the mother and
child escaped being bitten Sy the reptile,
and how the venomous creature ever gain.
ed admission into the house, is a niyatery.
Tuc Now York Tribune tells the fol
'Owing A few days ago, while a boy
named Ryan, about ten years old, whose
! parents reside in this city, Was bathing in
'fen Mile Inver, at Dover Malmo, Dutchess
county: where he was visiting, he got
into a lisle and was drowning. Ilezekialt
Smith, a resident of Dover plains, who
had been bathing near by. sprang rawthe
water to rescue the little fellow. The lat.
ter clung to Smith's neck with such te
nacity as to thwart Lis efforts to get
ashore, and both would have been drowned
but fur the assistance given by another
Man, whose name was not learned. He
seized the boy and carried him ashore,
supposing that Mr. Smith would then be
able to take rare of himself, but he sunk
In the hole, as it Is believed, front exhaus
tion, and was drowned. Mr. Smith leases
a young widow and one child unprovided
for. hmployes of the Harlem Railroad - at
Dover Plains and Chathani defrayed the
funeral expenses.
TIIE' Wrenn., Ansebsor of the Third
Pennsylvania - kitatrict received the follow
ing reply to a note of his referring to the
tai do yanr
TO:4,JuIy 9, 1870—Sir,: In your letter
of July 8 you state that "A. B.;'
facturer 'of woolen yarns which he sells,
and makes quarterly returns of his vales,
and that he also recelvestfrom weavers of
woolen fabrics wool winch be spins Into
Tarn and n-turns it to his owners, making
no returns for salea.lle-isiniply receiving
pay for spinning. You further state that
A. B." wishes to know whether he is liable
to t ax on o ne yarn whicladic simply spins
for others, and does not sell. In answer
I have to say that where a rio sales are
made no tax accrues under section 4 of the
net of Maich, 31, 1808. ''A. B." is not
liable to tax on yarn which he Spins and
does not sell, and which la not sold to him.
Very respectfully,. \
• .1. W. Bovol.ass, Attitig Com r.
k. - '
ril E PITA-1.
The Funding. Bill as Passeti--Nowitm•
nous aud Continuations—Extruded
Executive SOSI;11111 or the Senate--
Contest Ov'er the N.Uninn Hon of
Judge ildai, also that of lien. Pot Is.
us Successor of Gob. Ashley—Three
A pprOpriitt Set J' inlisposed
or, ,te.,
TeleKrnpli t•. the Pitt bargh
1111: 1 , 1,111NG niti, PASFEIo.
Tlie following is a spoild,: of the Fundi ng
bill. as passed by Congress:
Section first provides for the I,OOle of Iwo
hundred million live per cent. bonds, dire•
hundred million four Sind one-half tier cent.
bondsdand one rhoUSond million four perrrur.
Loud,. ritiming re , peetivelv ten. fifteen And
thirty s.earm.
Section cond eretur- to
sell told bo se nds at par for cointtuthorizesthe
und Se to apply the
imoceells to the redemption of
5.20,4 nt t heir par value, or may exchange new
for old bonds at par for par. but the new
bonds shall be is tied for no other purpose. A
sum not exceeding one-half perc.f. Is al
lowed for commissions ht negotiating new
Sect ion three is unimportant.
Section four provides for the redemption of
Vents, now or hereafter tailing flue, al imr, be
ginning with the brat numbered and Issued,
Interest to Cease three months after proper
notice has been given. •
Section rive authorizes two and a half per
cent. Interest on Kohl deposits: twenty-live
per cent. of such , deposits must be retained in
the 'United States Treasury. the balance Mite
used hr the redemption of under the
pros ision of
Fix provide: for 1 he enneel I int: of .01
bonds mot' livid or hereafter purelneted
count of the sinking fund.
Seel kin seven woo stricken our.
The following nominations were made to
lay; Wm. C. M ASAOCiaIY Justice Su
mettle Court of Idaho; Wales Hubbard. Regis
ter, Lewiston, Idaho.
Consuls—Wm. Hutchinson, of Arkllllql,lli
Santa Crux; it. (1. W. Jewell, of Missouri, at
Pernambuco; Lorenzo W. Johnson. of Text..
Consul General at lienilt.
Surveyors of Customs-- John E. Woodward
l aducah, Kentucky; Thos. Foster, Duluth. ,
Minnesota: Jas. - M. Humphrey. CAAileetor or
Customs at Richmond, ca.
Navy — Commodore Henry Walker, In he
tear Admiral: Captain Roger N. S. Tinzbell to
he Commodore; Commander 31., Jeffers to be
3Aptain; Lieut. Commander Itobt..L. Pythian
to be Commander; Lieutenant 0. , E. Wingate to
be Lieutenant Commander. '
Postmasters.--W. Pierce, , • 0;
W. 11. Chapman, Conneaut, 0; CGarretsville. N. Cronneell.
Prl.; C. M. Wiseman,
. ,La ;
J uc a o s-
O . rr t , e
LMlng inW H ;
ero.. A. Oberlin , Hurdich l ) Cas,.
Iowa; V. P. Ripley, Aklev, 0; N. S. Brady.
Millersville, Pa; David Phillios, Mahonoy City.
PAL; Margaret Sillyman. Pottsville. Pa.; Mary
LAwrence..3linersville, Pa.
The Senate to-day'ronOrnied the following
nominations: Hugh tr. Itond.Cireult Judge of
Fourth Judicial Court; J. If. Pierce.U.o. Star
shal Northern District of 31i0bAxippi; Cowin.
dore Wm. Heynoids to he Chief or Human .if
EqUiPtllClth. :trail for Recruiting' Elisabeth
Trask' Puscloinr,,4 at Emporia. Kansas; Lo
renzo ' SI. Johns.. of Texas. Consul General
at lisrult; 11.1. P. Potts, Governor of Mon-
Dom Territory, vice James M. Ashler.
The count-mat ions to-night were Joseph NI.
Humphreys, Collector of 'Customs at Etch-
mond. Vu.; Adam Wolf. Servey. of Customs
at Nashville, Tenn.; Thos. Foster. Surveyor. of
(Alston. ;it Duluth, Minnesota; Ilin. Glen
unison. of Wisconsin.'Consul at Ancona, rice
Hose, withdrawn; James 51.1'eeblex. Consul at
at Trehisond: 11.411itchisou, of Arkansas.
Consul at Santa Crux, vice' Perkins rt-calletl;
William C. White, son of- the Associate Jus
tice of the Supremo Court, vice Kelley
moved:Net-min H. Vaughn. , of Alahatnr.e
retury of Utah; Henry Walker. Rear Admiral
vice Dahlgren. deceased: Roger M. Ramble.
Commodore; William N, Petters. Captain;
ltobt. L Phythian. Conituander; E. Wingate,
Lieut. Commander, also a ...nolo, lif ta her
naval and military proolni
l'o , ome.ter+- J. I rlnk Hanna,
izao .1 11, Win.
our. l i on nraut, 0: Chas. M. I. W...tunu.1.411-
~,,r, 0; ('has. r,n1,0,11. NeConnelo.
vine, Pa.
The executive session I fisted viz itnut, The
consideration of Judge Wind's nomination oc
cupied about two hours. lie was tinily con
tinued by four or five majority.. Nearly all
the rest of the time 'van consumed in the con
test over the nomination or Mr. Potts. Sir.
Sumner. in behalf of the 'll,tellt.l. lif Gov.
Ashley, strenuously opposed confirming' the
nomination, and Mr. Sherman as earnestly led
the other side. .1 number of brief speeches
were made by other Senators, :Cud after a it,
My of more than an hour I u seeuritor a quo
rum, Mr. Potts stint CUlatirl.l3 to 13.
Tho Indian attire to-day received a telegram
from Whetstone Agency, Dakota, reporting
that the chiefs who lately visited Washing
ton arc eXerclsing a good Int:Menee and pre
venting war Parties - leasing that At(ertry.
Spotted Tail reports larg umber of North
ern Sioux crnattlaks the Platt .ria 4.141it1144
The Secretary of the Navy has ordered the
usual honors to Admiral Dahlgren at all. the
Navy Yards on Friday, the day of the funeral.
Capt. Patterson takos temporary command at
the Washington Nary Yard. Admiral Smith
will prohaidy be Daldirren's successor.
There are now only three ireneral
ation hills in Conference Committees. name
Indian. Army and, Sundry thil raven
The Commitee on the
bill bad a Conference
meeting to-day. t but trere unable Georgia
come to an agreement.
The Fandhar and Tax Bills Finally
Hassel—Reports of the Ins estiga
lion In the Case of Gen. Howard—
Conference Conwnitteoi on the lie.
ntainlme Appropriation Bills.
lII' Trictrach to the Pittsburgh finzet let
Wannvitrron, .Iply IT, 1.17. - ).
Mr. I) %Yti int rcaluce.t' a bill to s ettle and
adjust all claims of the Choctaw nation against
the United ntates. Referred.
Mr. POMEROY presented a !emeriti] front
citizens or the western port of Knnsas.for a
land grant In old of a railroad through that
The ;so mud post mate bill was amended and
Also, a resolution to print 87,11011 additional
copies of the bill to enforce the Fifteenth
Amendment.. :
Mr. SHERMAN from the Conference Com
mittee on the tax and tariff bill. Introduced a
"port_ which was adopted.
The most important Senate amendments had
been agreed to by the House. The mincipal
question referred to the Conference Commit
tee was relative to the tariff on sugar, In re
ideation which the Committee reported a class
an follows.: On molasses five cents
Per nation; on 'wive of sugar, on concentrat
ed Meted,' and concentrated molasses, one and
a half Cents per gallon; on ail new and Mus
covado sugar, nut below No. 7 that.; stand
poundn color, one and three-fourth cents per
, and not above No. 10 duties standard
lo color, two cents per pound, above No. to
and below la, two and One - fourth cents per
pound: on all other sugars. above No. 10 and
not above No. :f0 duties standard In color,
three and one-fourth cents per pound; on WI
sugar,' above No. 3), four cents per pound.
The duties on barks and IlesSetner steel re
mained as passed by the Senate. All Assist
ant Assessors now engaged In assessing taxes
Which are stricken out by the bill are to tie
Immediately discharged and Supervisors of
Districts are to be consolidated. The gross
receipts and tonnage taxes are both repeated.
Mr. 81 1Elt3fAN subinftted the Confer
e.t.a Committee repOrt on the Funding bill,
which was adopted.
stltedritit to an Inquiry, Mr. SHERMAN
the on the basis of year receipts
... .len of tax to be of cted by the too
bill would amount to $76,000,
The Defielener approprlatleu bill was re
ported back from the Committee on Appropri
ations, with amendra. at ,,
Mr. Sr3fNER offered nit - solution instniet
lug the Military Committee To Inquire tato the
treatment of J. W. Smith,colored cadet. nt
West Point, with power to sit during recess.
Objected to and the resolution went over
until to-morrow.
The bill establishing a port of delivery at
CI „V. Mo.. Passed.
K' lirr ' . u' WitSON introduced a tilt
bounty - to soldiers honorably discharged who
entered the service between the Ith of May
and =id of JUly, 1561. and to the widow. chil
dren or father nod mother of a soldier killed
or who died In the service, having enlisted for
less than one year. He thought it should cost
about ten millions.
Bills were passe Vicksb ur g } ohe New Orleann,
Baton Rouge and ailroad, for the
relief the Kentucky University, and making
an appropriation to pay (or the destruction of
buildings during the war.
Thecredentials of Mn-. Hamilton, of Texas,
re-elected Senator for the term commencing
March 0, next, were presented.
The bill to grant a pension to Mrs Lincoln,
was briefly ebnoldered, and an amendment to
glee her $15,00U. In lieu of a pension, was re
At two o'clock the Senate went into,Execti
tire Seddon.
The executive session continued till 8 o'-
clock, when the doors were reopened, and
the &junta took up the Deficiency Appropria
tion bill.
The amendmente reported from the Commit
ee . ApPmptietlo., Including $15,000 for
the annual repair of Treasure building, and
012.0 for the support of primary nehoole RI
the District of Columbia outside of Washing
ton and Georgetown. were adopted.
Amendments were proposed nod ...feed
approiniating $57.000 In coin topari.the Pero
,rlan hoe on the claim ofiqeltixen ot
that Government named Mont.a. and $.311,...
101 for compensation of 'employe, at A ioke .
Offlce. New York.
The Senate during the evening Passed the
bill exempting pink packers, lard rendeters
:did persons engaged in smoking hams froM
tax . mantifecturers. • .
At II: 15 Senate went into Executive Session
tor a few minutes and adjourned.
Ste But ter's resointiou direct lug the Ificluse
visitor, to West Point to Investigate the Air
-1110. a, to ill t thatineut of a colored_ende at
the milli/Iry aradeuty. was adopted. The iD
ili. are Mi.., Schenck, Logan and Blocii.
Nfr. SLOCC ru
M moved to suspend the les o
in take trout she Speaker's table the Senate
foet dment to the House bill to fix the time
r then election of Representative, In CM.
gress. tie anclonneed Ills Intention to nurse to
non-concor in the amendment and ask a cok
mit tee of. yonfereme. The Senate ninerld
tarn! hicreaidts [lmmuniser of itepreeentatiiies
to three hundred.
Th. , mot Inn was rejected-yens IN: nays KS '
'llly, Senate ame m
ndents to the miscella.
°epos approprlat ion tall were non-concurred
In to I and referred 1.0-a ConferenCe
Commit lee. ..
A •13 inf r eace Committee writ also ordered
(il ie Army Appropriation bill.
' 31 '. SToisES moved to sits Pend the rules
and pass' a nt theolut ilordering jttlia,ol)o of
he lantionit appropriate, In the Hirer anti
Ala jam bill tor Improvement of sthe Ten
nestle. river to be exceeded for the' repair
and site of the works hetweete Kum
vitt, mei Chattanooga • and for the yOntinua
t inn of Works note' In progress below iChatta.
nootra. ineludieg Blusele Shoals. Agrked tn.
Mr. Fl NKELN HERO, from the Committee
on Commerc. 1 etiortild a bill to create a port
of deltvery .11 Houston. Texas. Passed.
NI, W.NSII BURN E. Moss., from Committee
on Cialme. remit - tell it hilt for the settletneut
of the aeconats of Richard It. Peebles. late
Collector. lit 'Q., Port or (iaivcm.. 1..,.1.
. Mr. INGER ,i 1.1., trent the Committee on
Commerce. reirrted a resolution instructing'
the Sub-Comt Intel: on Commerce 10 make
an investigation doting ref,. into tariffs
and rho exclusive rights of ocean telegraph
a n d connected with the rliited Stales
and of hind lints cotmected therewith, with
power 1 o send for persons. paperii..te.
Mr: SCI/1 , 11.1 objected to the g„a mg iti ee
sitting during G t r recess. The country had
enotigh of t hilt Iclet yea,.
Mr. INI IEIISIJLI, moved to suspend the
rule-. but 1 he House refused.
Mr. SCHENCK. from Conference Committee
on Tux and Tariff bill. made n report.
Having been read, Mr. SCHENCK proceed-
NI to explain it J The bill, he • said, sras not
jest wietuiericip, any member desired. He
could very frankly cite for himself there were
I tnimber of thing , that dill not command his
emit Ire assent. Trying the bill by the complete
returns for tie Plat fiscal year lie calculated it
would reduce the Internal tax lifty Inlaid.
custom receipt+ twenty-seven mlllione.
lie would not hesonte to fay the reductiou to
e , effected was over kilMlll,lfal. He regretted
be House asseutesi to the
.firat amendment of
he Senate. which struck 'nut seventy
iv e - pages. more than half of the flips,.
Jill, iiicliziling ipeelal tar on brokers and
sinker, and their gales. Hereafter ell Wall
(rem operations.wottlit be free front bunion
mil a sourer of revenue' front which ntillioes
night be obtained without interteeing with
oly fair. legitimate industry of the connt ry.
ens sweet awaye
in. He
th a at lways atter sho art.s
relieve the Hous M
d somewhat hastily. Perhaps it • wns
mtly his own (null, in linving moved
he previous queetiom and t hus tatt
ing himself Ina condition where he had
nly four or five minutes to explain the met
eor: 101 l lie thought It more l ed hu or
take of tile gentremen who the Home
10 thin illreetlOn.r. It had been geld by
gentleman fn. Pennsylvani a g ree Sco
tield. that the HollSe ought to to the
ninenilmenl. leg( the Chairotati of the Com
mittee of Ways aini Means be Si, "i•Stintite
that probably the bill weuld fall altogether.
Ile Mil not think the gentleman front Pehs
,Ylvania COOl.l eonelet hint before the liteige
if bele,. it
pie - -Imii•il obstructlorthd ~:r• , •
•,..itn„,, , ~i ,J.,ri, 1 0 ~,,,t,,l i ..,,hin g the.
might 'le , presented for eonsidereilou.
:Veer some discdvsion the report wits agrees .
11l -yeo , 4 ICI, nays.
Mr. ROA JPEltoi. the Conant Gee of Way. ,
01111 Merin, reportvii 'a joint resolution ad
I horl.thie the Secretary of the Treasury ti
trine and adjust the neecallits of the late
Dlleetor of the Thin! and Syrtis Colleetim
Districts. Passed.
Mr. SCHENCK, from the Cortimittee of Con.
Terence on the funding bill. made a report,
stating it was preelsely the Faroe as that made
yesterday. except . to the seventh section,
requiring nati on al to depotit new temds
no. n guarantee fur their eiTiatlon. which
..eetion was 'now unlined. Tie. report wit, ajjreeti to v., 177. 1111" .n.
Tro. r..i100 in, ~inferenre V,IIIIIIIItt,• wet,-
int lie. elhoteoto. A ppropria non hilt -
Nit..., I 1311. e... ilea anti t , drvelitt.
lon :truly Appropriation bile Messrs. Wel:-
y. Loe - nt.i and Archer.. i
31, 310 YNARD, front Cotrithit tee of 'Ways
ml Mean, report.l n joint j,tolittlilit .us
pendinK whisks , ' metres at distilleries till
MI her action of Conthquirgre.h...
liir. GARFIELD ed of 31r. Maynard
whether there was any purpsise to raise the
duty on spirits this session'
Sir. NI.NSNAItEI molted, in tern i'alive
term% thatoll such preipotiitlim hod Mom , or
would be enter:tailed by the Committee of
Wars and tneioo.
Mr. DICKEY till "rated t lie mini resolution
. being intended In get rid of a first dim/
humbug nue fraud.
The joint restin g ion Sen 9 pilliSed.
Ste. FAIIIiSWOUTI! Moved to Suspend the
rules and 111031 1 lie ',m00,: glnneity bill, ex
cluding from Its helmet. graduate, 07, aill/ -
to fir naval nendenties, members of Con
gress: heads of department', Si,.. who b ait
aid told cOtrifort to tile rebellion.
3fassechtiselts, remaked
it was nie the from Minnie who r l
charge of the retort of the Committee.
The Itint hin oeni re.h.OL.l -ye. 7C nays 101.
Sir, SCHENCK a lli e d to suspend :lie ules
In order to take from the Speaker's toile r the
isouthern Pacitte'lleitromi bill.
Mr. MA YNARD appenled to the members
to give the friends .f the Southern Pacific
Itmirmil bill a henrtig.
Mr. ELDRI D O Is. 1 1 10,131 to adj.iltrit. Nee:i
-f...N1-34 Sllll3.
ay The rule, were
.not snspetided- yeas ;g,N,
' 31, A itNEI.I.. from the Committee on &lo
cation amt Labor made a report in the case of
the investigation of time charges against Gen.
Howard acti asked that the mnjurity and mi
nority resolutions be read .d the reports
- mitered printed.
The Speaker intimated it would be well
nigh impossible to have a illileusslon on the
taken oil er to - morrow. and that netion could be
the leyidittlon: non' as well . to-
After ,one ipggest lona. la the'rtildst of s
disorder the)majority and minority reeolis
t ions were read. The majority resolution de
clares the policy pursued be the Fatted p e o
pl ette
tOWard fpur anti atalf millions of e
mltleuly enfr.ellise by the events of the
great el vil.nor. In seeking to proelde for their
education. to relater them independent and
self-supPortine. anti in extending to them
esril and politim/ equallly, is the grairce of
just notional prde. Mill:that Lbo jotisc ..-
.its Maple Goeral 0. 0. •flots d of the
ilthundless lind hauselees charges Intel; tire;
!erred against bIP. sad deelares and records
its Judgment that lu suoee;=fl.lllY ortranlsing
noel thincleistering with Odelity and Integrity ..
the Freeduien , s - liureau, which contributed FO
Untch to the accomplishment or the Orel two
of those great ends, he Is deserving of the
mitt Rode of the - American peop
The report wet ch a r r ed by the Chairman, NI,
Arnett. and Sleietra. Hearty. Hoar, Towletend.
Hamilton. Burdett and Tyler.
The resolution reported direct
Messrs. McNeely and Rogers. coppof
the testimony be referred to the Secretary of
War. with directions to order a court martial
for the trial of Getr.lloward.and recommends
the passage of a )trint resolution directing the
Secretary of 1% ar to take the necessary
measure* to secure tha Interest of the (rotten
ment hi Howard rniversitY. Its G1111(11110 and
grounds and lands held by that corporation,
which were paid far by the publio fund., unit
dlreeting the Secretary of the Treasury to
take the necessary measures to feet - net-nor
moneys drawn he General Hnvrerti from the
Fnited State* 'treasury as Comminsioner of
the Freedmen's Iturenti and disbursed in aid of
churches, religious associations and educa
tional hettittalons not In pursuanec•of bor.
Both report. atur the eritienero ertvertrag
meal?. four thousand pages, were ordered in
beAe rn su
t i ed e4ion being rn the integument
to-morrow for the consideration of the
ter. much opposition wag made thereto, ani
without disposing of the 'matter !tug 1104/11
ny Telegraph to the lattnburgb Gazette:l
NEw Yong, JOY 1 3.1 8 7 0 .
, - ianiaar4atigSlimerl 'urn.
Francis Wood, another victim . -
of the riot
Yesterday. died thin morningat icUecue , from
the injuries received. Ile' was thirty-11v
Years of age.
The number of. Injured persons taken In
Bellevue was seventeen. &.Veral of these
were only slightly offer their
wounds had been dressed depa ed for their
homes:. There are still eleven in e hospital
under treatment, and some of these received
snob serious Injuries that they will inall prob
ability die. It. Is asserted that:lf proper pre
icrtation had been taken by the police, the ttrri
.ble affair might Aare. been prevented, nr at
least the consequenceS would not have been
so scants.. Coptain Killeen, of the Tiventr
"second precinct, it Is mid, was Infonped at it
o'clock in 'the morning that some trouble
might be expected, and that some thus after
that hour laborers on' the boulevard quitted
work and proceeded to Elm Park. No Inti
mation of this was sent to solice headquar
ters, nor does it appear VW. the Captain
deemed it necessary to adopt any precaution
, ore measures. -
I hastier orricras Amuzintn.
The "facers of the Eogitstt steamer Saladim
were arrested and held leave hundred dollars
ball, for attempting to discharge
a cargo of coffee contrary to the permit of
Quarantine Commissioners.
• Kopgte d c on
n •m o D lu e t m io c ra en c o u C n o c m in m t t t h e e e
Chinese Coolie labor. nod Endorsing the eight
hour law. • •
Judge Brady to-deg doubled the boll 10-the
ca, o f Dr. walg, alleged abort loalet. making
The President has Pardoned Lorenzn I)
\lucent, eonvlcted cd counterfeiting,
The France•Prnssia 111 broglto ; -With
drawn! of Prince Leopold,—treat
. Britain Defines er _PoMilan—The
Excitement and fitiltary Activity
In France—Napoleon Ridiculed -
The Eeril y ni Berlin—T p filtua-
Won Still 1 7 netirtaiit, Sotui hatan&
ing the Apparent Coneessi n in the
Declination of Leop
Aolutio'n in .the French thinet—
Spain and Belgium Prep* ing for
War—Rumored Carlist
_ test Report—Resignation of French
MinhitersL.Exciting Scene in the
French Corps Legfslatlff—Fronce
Evidentlyllesitatlng Whit Further
to Demand of Prussia.
'6.legrolil to . Pitt sloirgh
K. July
. 13: 1s;
A cable special dared Itusdoit, July - 12, sops
that a formal withdrawal of Prince Leopold
has been telegraphed to Ills action
Is bated tolety no the ground that, In conse
quence of the insult whielt has been offered to
Spanish honor, the Cortes would be guided In
their vote by a detenninstlon •to uphold the
Independence of. the tuition, and therefore the
election would not lie a spontaneous and sin
cere exprehtion in favor of the Prince, with
out which he would not be trilling to ascend
the. throne. Prittsla maintains her dignity
and yield,: not out i deli to the Freneledemand.
tailor note to its representatives abroad. de
dning Its ttosition In Spanish affairs. The not
depreentel the discourtesy of Spaltign eon
crMing. from a friendly ismer the negot ia
runs With 0 fnrign orifice In entineetio
with tbe Spanish throne. It regrets tb
threatening tone of Entree, which is enlcula
ted to obstruct explanations and nnalculd
settlement. and approvs, IA the Prussian p
git ion. in the absence of proof of her iennuill
city In the Intrigue. While the ,hlectiorYti
Prince Leopold would be destitute of NMI
cal importance, Englandwill do all In be
power to induce hint to withdraw, In order tt
preserve the peace of Europe.
Another special, dated Polly. Ju I y ft, gays:
k i
The excitement here over the 41‘tarre with
Prussia In treMenittnet. On the tioneg and ,
llouleenrds, and In yofen and clubs, kited
, illseusslans ace are going on, and perso I en,
counters are not Infrequent. sMlnigtetial
agents are exciting the people against Prussia.
They charge that the mangling of Conn! ns
M en
ne/IMP, telegrams and the decent aof rai
yesterday were Prussian tricks to gain t line.
The military netivlty Ix usmbated. A neet
its under °Mery for the. Hattie. It will tre nom
wouled by Admin. De LI Groverne. General
-Dos..ty I. ready to march on Luxemburg
wish sot army of tatty thoumnsl men.
The al Int:tern of War, of Ihe "Marine and
Finance. had a protracted interview with tilt
emperor to-tirt.7. The opposition charge that
the violent tpevebet of Duke firanatoont
ad °Meier were made by the capress direc
tion of the Emperor, who it devoted to the
interests of the Prince of Attach°. They alto
tiny the Emperor's motive is personal ambi
tion, and ridleule timid. of a decrepld Invalid
litillit_san army, with a child of foarteen as
liiint.te..Fitlc 12. The people are iinlt H i in
fa..rot the et and tali, U . ) I hi ,
Th.eigh ere declining he Lein n gi-c
-ralL Lit :wave Le pr •rtl , ' • A ' , mew
Lifted that Prim, Leopold is shout t.. addre,
Metter to the Miankh government declining
the crown. it tk mid that the letter reflect..
severely on the Conduct of France, and the
Prince declines tweause he Mime willing
initruineutal koloviik ing `vain and Eitrime In
. .
anus' 13.—The re re thus - .ti treat the situ
:01011 In language at one. , serious and ener
getic. Its article clooes with the following
sentence: '47.rniany indignantly revels the
ninaaureless 4.r..ance .rmnce.. prince
Leopold returns the:utdid:dare because he is
unable to rbconelle the chats ol or of a tier
mon soldier with an ast Int:doing (lerwany
and Spain in witc? Bismarck has returned to
this city.
. ..•
Pant Job' - -The ree). the
ministerial organ. has 1 he fo Co
llowing:titatiormi The Gov
ernment has testimony that the candidat are of
Prince Hohenzollern I• 1 withdrawn and the
Peach of I;nrone will not be distorbed. We
ore math:tied that Holieltrollern will not
reign In 9141111. demand 11,411111, wore,
and rejoice at this wine solution of the ques
A questionable I.ll,p:itch from Onsiel•lorf
t his mond:lg says Prince Leopold :teelpth the
Spanish crown , in condition of an inunta "ite
declaration of war against. France, mho. Jr
latter attack Gennany.
, .
. . U. 111 a. ii.---Warliktu pre
parations still ColltillEte 111 France. not with
standing the wit hdrawal it Prince Leopold.
and there is uniVerr•ii (Mr of war.
The' d kliat eh. dated tierlin, noon,
has Just burn recoil spite of Go, with
drawal of Prince Ilitheneellern. France main.
tains an alarmingly provoking loth. aile to.
wards Prussia. The personal :object lonlwas,
therefore, a mere pretest.• France wants Mill.'
dell ann derisive war, in order to escape in
terior troubles and to efface the Dies lean
1 4 11 4 1.40 N IN 14..4,4:. rAILINET.
LANDO:4 July st. — Theni are mom,
/ 4 . 4444 Puri, 44 1 44 . 1 .4 4 .4. 44 011142nt in the iFrenel
Cabinet. ft It unclerstonl.4 hat M. Qlthief fa
roes pence, while soine of hie tninlst r'y :Ire .111
disigiced to press inafters.
The tone of the lied in kens. which Ens bee •
:and during the mind ink &widen
lts tone and become defiant.
The tiorentment ndarte monopolizes all the
cables leading to the Continent with dis
hatches MI 4.4 4 Sp. is lll.h question. can'',...•
garner, business deranged and news di ,
la) ell
L - tanon, July l7.—The floe in NI
Heiden last night of wren. and In Italian
Jour per cent., repnrted In the d
poll:beg yeglrrdelg , eretlig, on ,t be ass ran
that the anal reply of. w. friend!
bag been confirmed.
A large order for
pnrebago of Unit
State tiTe-t Went les wan dlngatallind to Ala
Inn by partici who Were early Intl/ruled of th
r. sl. -There Is a Letter feeling on tift
Stock Ezchango.
- United State, bomb ore gaanted
Para. Hewes closed NO nigid ni 70 franc:
10 centime,
. .
P. Exchangeis boor
s a t uotations on the
Stock are mUnited
States aso quoted
ePa rts Itentor again advanced to n francs 50
PARIS. JO' 13-3 P.M.—The Hoarse(melted_
arm; Rent. 70 francs SO centimes. - There
tbetter feeling everywhere. It is aerthln
hat several Interpeliatians will be made In
the Corps Leglalatlff to-day touching the
Spanish question. It Is. believed that same
parties In the Chamber wish to force the Gov
ernment Into a declaration of war with Prus
' 4111.1011 P-D CARLIST RISING.
• •
mAnn,, July 13.—Hamorl are circulated
that Qtrllsts were Keen In considerable npm
her In the Ihtsque Province and that Don Car , .
log had embarked at Ilordeaux to make a de
cent on the Spanish coast. The report tuna
Investinted and proves unfounded.
Minister Soganta had a conference yester
day with the Ministers of. Prance, England
and the United States.
Prince Charles of Hohenzollern has sent to
Pariscopy of the dispatch he addressed
Gets. P rim withdrawing his sotrs• name 311 n
candidate for t he throne.
Warlike prennratione have been couluieuced
here. Orders have been signed calling nut.
the first military refierres.
CONTINUED rcELINg alrlmaratas-r--a0 ABATE
Isesnom, July M.—Telegram. from Paris
confirm the reports that n feeling of distrust
.d Insecurity prevails on the Bourse. not
withstanding the withdrawal of Leopold.
Troops are moving through Paris for the iron..
tier, and there seems to ba pu abatement of
military activity in otherounere of Prance.
It Is said the Belgian government is provi
ding ter war-like contingencies. All leaves
of ltbsonee are Penciled and troops ordered to
the frontier, with • instructions to ~destroy railways and telegraphs In case of Invasion
by a foretell army.
Nine,. P. x. The Constlfeffnnecl is pacifiC
to-day, but the otherJournall continue:to nil
I. cOhrems with detnils of war-like pre ern.
The Bourse to-night is agitated, ntes
have fallen to 69,.75.
nr-RIONATION Or TOO FRENCH onntant_r_r_
aitaRIOY or VIC [pars Lsolta.ATTtr•.
P.titia, July I3.—The ereulatiournala report
01) the ministers resigned.'
Th e corns - day
held au excited
session to-day. Jerome David submit
ted interpelletlons to the yolnlstry, which
Grammont refused to answer until Friday.
David thereupon pointed out the Ilegrautcon
trast between the ',Torii)ns haste and prelent
slowness of the ministry to declare Itself.
Hesitation was now redmuloUs in a ministry
which at and made mica hold speeches, and
wzt ,t . z)
leng of Pro
:01 th chits To the mloan
Warlike News.
. ter BRITAIN.
Losnue. ly —There iv much indigna
tion express I here end on the Continent at
the false story of ilfe Massacre In China. Ar
ran/N.1611a will be made at once to ferret out
author of the telegrams.
opening of the Thames col bank
ce to-tiat, The: pi - imam:ion was
tropolitan Board of Work'', rind
Prince of Whiles nmi Princess
7 romil coach. dignitaries of Court
:he. municipal bodies, civic shci
y *antis of Monk. The prone,
row the Westminster Bridge to
Bridge, Where a large-I.:m.lllcm
cted. The buildings along. the
tthre profusely decorated .vii h
Queen was unable to be pre,
hence of illness..
trouich t
The formal
spent tork ri
led by the 5V
ineladt I the the
In full e
(lies and 1.1,
:lon tOO% ed
Charm ( to.
had In tr.
lint. • I mates
Lnnnenr Tin
ent in t nae
premel I m nt
prnle t again'
I her hare din
Iv 13.--The Orangemen had a
Gist on yesterday n Tnestinyo as a
t the party proeessl•ms act, and
rlblited nue hundred thousand
- • - •
cop', •.r hal.
Um: British lio
mi.tory speretteg ;lenoul.eing
GLA to.nll'. .T
from N.•.m F.
47 . tmbrri at Ito
A. '0 10ng...
btanding IS.
reeze. Th.
411 - I:AN rActIT BACk:
v Sidonian.
•rk, reports havink passed the
on on the oth Inst.. In latitude
ule:/i. The rnultria tiaq
W., and had a light easterly
'auntie:sot wag not seen.
)PLE. July 13.—Another disns.
erred here day before yester
ales mind nine hours. Oyer
ri houses Were destroyed,
niorer class° .
loNsr NTI%
troll! fire occ
doe. The fh
fifteen hood
toronly of the
1.001,00. .11
America seer
112, , , , 1Grent
Middling imlal
12.0/11.. halee.
white It'llent I ,
winter Is 1N14191
No. '2 'mixed .
Peas 07,1 I>.i.Pork en/.
(Meese Ws. IL
I Int , 291
leum quiet.
1111' and afloat
11. j. AM/ 113M1
0 - M... steady: '
rt I es , . t 17 5 ,,, Er
uly- I3.—Cotton
ols at Orlea
• II,1; red sve.ter
Pd. Weatern Ito
1.. Oat., 20 &I:
Irorislon. lift't ,
Iteef(Wl. 1.,
foi, 'Callow II
13.--'ra11.,44. 44 , . Caientta
7d. Lingeod (id rm. Porn-
3:--Cot lon Orme =llll
fair openedAt iseille VPS
agY CO ePetit h ,e.
arndol.tte new Prench Min
New York reqterdny.
-The tobacc.
mini - . with II
N. Prevost
Wier, arrived a
Canada tigen
—The lllintel
mimeo have 4.
Springfield, Sei
—A little girl
of Mr. Eivette:
wits bitten by
— The CCU.,
completed end
need six hundrm
in relebented peril y generally the Doinlnion
. -
11cpulltic,n C nt lal I . . , 111-
Illed Stale Col newton at
aged thirteen yearn. danglnt en
Icing near Getiessee, I Ilanoin,
rind dog on Tuesday.
t Bloomington, Ills.. has lieen
fontsup fourteen thounand
, alout double what It rent In
—AI . fronton
storm. llghtnt
Law.. and k I
4.610, Tuesday, during fOk
struck the house of a. r.
of James If. Drury, aof old
. Es-Senator Frelingbuysen.. of New Jer-
Is bromine ly mentioned as the succes
sor of Mr. Mott y as Minister at the court of
St. Jnums.
— Adylces fro: I ahnst every paint In the
northwest repr 'sent n the wheat harvest as
progressing Inv, rabid . and the yield of grain
unusually good.
--Thomas lilln hemd of the firm of Mil
ten & Caswall, broker., In Pall:Wed/Ida. it Is
reported hits disappeared with tandoil belong
ing to fhe.firm. It is stated he has gone to
Ilaxter Smith, late, Colonel In the rebel
artnyehas withdrawnm the Congressional
race In the Nashville ITe fro nni District, because
Congress has failed to. remove his political
-A stringent law against
flashed TT the CITIOMOU Council of Omaha
some weeks - agodwitS repeated at a eel in
'Tuesday night, as the law seemed to 11.-
in its areCti..
- John Nicolay, formerly private Secretary
to I • resldent Lincoln. and late Cnited States
Consul at. Purls. has been tcmlerett +pd has its'
cepted the position of manag tig editor of th.
Chicago flepahlicurt. -
The Iteitalted Preowterlan t , a nod of
models wt. •.esslott at Ault:bits. tilde
yesterday, to itli lien. E. Morris, of Lase
Seminary, as klatrrator. The Synod was sub
divided into Presbyteries. '
-At Port Jervis. N. Y.. a Miss Jillson died
front corrosive sublimate. voluntarily taken
on the _'d. Tao poison hod eaten all through
her body. and .tia preiteutell' frightful no
pearance. She persistently refused
fused TO take
:anything to alleviate her pain. • • .
— Jain, little and roße Won , shot a TOW
day; ago ht Jacksou VOMIT y: Tenn., 'A hitst go-
Mg TO'. To IT oh tb •ir Little was killed
instantly and hi trite mortally wounded.
I The numb, er is 5 queued to he tt ulna maned
Woe, wt. deem 1.0,1 I' after the',
-deed was done.
-The Plc/torte an arim.l of Cincinnati di
vided it; territor, , comprising about one-fifth
of the of 0 10, anal the Southwestern
portion, into lour 'realiyterirs called respect
ively Chilliocot It , Cluchinat'L Barton and
Poti °Mout h , Thu Synod adjourned to inert
October 201 it IteCineluttat I.
- The President Yuri paritone,l Coo. Hold ii
son.ryhotnat Poet* and Hobert Burns. eon
(OKA to 1%9. at. Baltimore. of mutinous co n
duct at Sc:.. The President h. alsitreniitted
[treaties 'lmposed Mein Gen. Denby and Win.
Calvert. convicted at the `llllll, time or f rand .
in bounty imptiept F.
--Erie and Pennsylvania railroads yesterdaY
again reduced freights to the West slightly
below the rates adopted yesterday by the fast
freight- lines operation over the New York
Central and Hudson River railroad, The
tariff to. Caning. is mor eighty cents per
hundred. ..I reduction of :Li cents.
-Yesterday morning- another disgraceful
row occurred aut.,- the Philadelphia tire
couipanitis. line of the partlelmint it 50110 the
Columbia Mw. Company and the other 14 .1.
posed to have the Shinier Hose. Bettis, spa:l
-nas and knives were freely used and two
men of the Colombia were badly cut.
-The Cincinnati Connie re al of yesterday
Itrving spoken of Itiuhard Smith, of the Go
tette. ILs the itrpublican candidate for Congress 1
In the Second Ohio Dist riot, pledging him ::;
hearty PuppQrt U .r"!'!:::: - ., Br. Small ... will
Pllbilq: a Card in the 0.1.. fir to-day declining '
the nomination positively, and taring alma
under no circumstances will he content to be a
. min...hilts.
-The jury in the ease of °Muni StarT.t tried
at Cananillagua, N. V.. for violet it of nen
t ralitY laws In being connected w h the re
cent Penlau raid. brought in a •erdict of
guilty on I,on counts of the Indic ent, with
n recommendation to mercy. no case- of
Col. 'PtintilptOlii, slinilarly charged. occupied
the rest of the der and resulted in n similar
verdict. The trial of Sfautiln begins to-day.
-The St. !.outs Board of Health baring
adopted sanitary and other regulations re
garding the social evil. the Police Board s
engaged putting t heir machinery. In work in l g
order to carry out the law recently passed by
the city Councils. The mince throughout the
city are making !Ms of all feted molten they
can Bled nut. It will take several weeks to
.unk6 a FOMPlete reglstßit ion and perfect the
new rystcni.
—A collitlon occurred yesteninv morni
g .
near Lawler station, on dhe lThicago,
ton and Quince itaßrond, between Ir west
bound passenger train of the Toledo, Widiath
nod Westerli Railroad, and an *Um freight.
train of the Chicago, lturlingtonnnd Quincy,
retaining In killing Barry liainel, news agent,
on the passenger train, and It mauling Marsh.
engineer, and his fireman. A number of pas
sengers and freight cars and one locomotive
were demolished.
—A duel fout yestday on
near St. Louis was
between gh :Major er henry afterno
formerly of ;he alst. Nose York:regiment, soh
sequently on the stnlf of General Calvin E.
Pratt, and now on the reportorial staff of the
St. fouls Tim.", and Captnin L. D. Van, said
to have once served in the French arum The
weapons were cavalry sabres. Kel le re
ceived a slight wound on the forehead' and a
trilling cut in the right hand. One of Van's
ere. Wereput out by-a throat. The WhOle af
fair ix Involved In considerable niystelT. The
seconds are not known, and the principals are
extremely reticent. The fight is said to have
groutn out of reflections east on the fighting
qualities of the Yankees by Captain Van.
—The yacht Fannie' Brow ,t! which left the
coast of? dalne s h out it year ago In command
of Capt. Carpenter, formerly 1 1 , S. Naval. of
ficer, has arrived at St. Loots from New Or
leans In tow of the tug Mary Alice. The .
litany Brown has travelled about twenty-six
thousand miles since starting, and visited qnd
surveyed the covas and Wets of various
countries. She will leayeln n der
elvero for
the headwaters of the Mississippi cross
to Lake Superior by (jmnd Portage thence go
by lakes and rivers St. Lawrence, ( t o the °Ng!.
nal starting point. Cep'. Carpenter is making
private survey. with a view to publishing a
book. His yacht in only al; Tenn burden and
he has hut one tnnn as companion anti assist
The Iron Moulders* Contention.
PUff.dingl.Prits, June 13.—d portion of the
session to-day wns devoted to the discussion
of the report of the Committee in opposition
to Coolie Inbar. There seemed t o o he a unani
mous sentiment with reference to the report,
except the portion referring to the effect or
this kind of labor upon the negro in the South.
d report WRSI apted establishing .n
benencial feature Inthe organization. nem
PiSmanst.grtiw, July 13 Flour very %Wet:
spring wheat extra family $5,1 - Sea,72. .1N heat
Quist; red western $1,38d1,13; Indiana white
Cons dull; yellow mlzed
WeStern Itieo
11.1 r. Oat, steady. Provisions held firmly;
demand moderate and unchanged. Whisker
Owner tor. Pennsylvania wood nt
Nen' Orlean..
NtwOnLgANS, Julyl3.—Flour: lower PIMP
scarce and firm; others plenty and dull; super
tinny: double extra S S.;A;
treble extra
rebus.ttiN Bran
P ( PT " tlff 4 n%l. YW. t 2e. t irt ull and unchanged.
Sterling 2.2scqzw.
• ' 1.1.4 a. - ,
Burgai.o. July la.—Catt lo le: receipte for the
week 5.018 head. Market moderately active;
nal. to-atay or "0
Kentucky Sa-40 for Ohlo
steers to .9.373( for goo. .
George Cruikshatak aud , laio Engin the
10 the works of I ieorge Critikshank
Therli is a curiont+ instance In proof of the
filet that artists haverictell prrslnrel the'r
finest ettects by pure nerident.twhen
attempt to obtain the desired oltiet't liy
care nod toil have failed. When LK. Brent
ileorge brought forth his - rentarkable fig
ure of Fagin in the t - ondettund cell. where
the Jew - nuilefactor is represented biting
Isis etii . giit , tmils in the tortures of remorse .
:old chagrin, Horace 3laybew took an op
tiortitnitst .of asking, him - by what mental
InueitetS he hair yottleeiVeil such an idea,
am) his answer watt that lie had been it,
boring' at the , tubjeet for .everal 'lays lint
had not sue - ceded in getting the effect he
desired. At length, beginning th think
the task wow tans - Ist hopeless. he was Sit
ling-up in lied one morning with his hand
coveridg his elan. and the tips of his lin
gers between his lips, the .whole attitude
expressive of disappointment and despair.
when he raw his fare in a cheval glass
which 'stod on the floor opposite ,
- That's it !" he involuntarily exclaimed;
"that's just the I, pressinn t tennt !" and
by this accidental petiet,s the picture won
farmed idhis naiad. •
TUE birthplace of Lindley .Murruy. t hi.
grlonmarialL has been froptently a tont
ter of rontrosersey, but it LOW Berms cer
tain that he wan born near Dixon'. Ford
ing. at the Innuth of Bow Rim within
the pre gent bounds . of Dauphin county,
- .SVW: it9,;',
ill Ith
c 1%11: Al
. .
Pt rroarao It,ly 13. 1/40.
Ittla day Aevht•ed a Dividend. No. 3S, of
Calif(' n 1;
\ ....... I i,
rXI I n.nift''.ll.„l'v..
rd I 6.1
. Tuir,en
nn the Cennal Stec., ettyntJe MONDA T. ISth Inat:
.111Ilata A. I'. dIeMtEW. Seeretner.
Er ATTENTION !--THE ItEfi 1..1 It
rotorterly meeting of th s e DUQUESNE
UNFITS lIATTA 1.1(IN will be held at the Armory
TIIUUNDA V. 13th inst.. at N n elnelt P. NI. The
Colinnotee en reviling the rnnetitutlnn and 111.
Lana tilt make a rep.rl.
lull .1. J. AJ.IIEITZ, Secretary.
• -• _
Qll/1 '-0 N 1;41 AI, F cam',
wi•vvy• remainder In ono and twos ears
rail, porch:tee at good d'art:Wog bout° of flare.•
wide hull and cull, stable fur slx burs.,
grape !ma euaal adatal. aataen..te.. with
oat 11 rept I Mohr, 10.01 on 11111 am, 01103
feet do, tan , taaaara a 'trey,. to 111) fent
.nuar stl a: a from 'OOl re 010100,0;?. Immediate pus
Apply II)
, 1r11111:ItT 405.
- 39 SLAW avenue.
N 0000r/in OF SO.ARP,BVI4O.—The
del - melted. app,Anted viewer• ul nAboss ii4/11:11.
end benent, I.n. widening Sorth canal went, in
the llor..toa, of Shari...T. will. meet on the
Menlo, July' 1001..10 o clock A. Nt. to attend
to the dull., of them Anty!ihtntent. _
TIIDAIA, IL lIIBSON. lierge Fr ts.
s Nits A. Rms.:tem..., Jultne
at 3tovlock. by order is( Themes 11. Marshall..
A.lgned. id James
P. Johnnon, Eau., will lea sold
on the premises. In Seventeeuth ward, City n(
Pittsburgh. ifortnerly Lawrenceville,' the follow-
Ins four Valuable building lots, at comer of Dot
i, and Fort !.t...llary 's avnu:
On. 10t of 23 feet. front on Butler street,
13lePl et, and
133 feet In depth along Forty-tlttli Street to a
Three lots.
23 feet front on Rut ,
ler corset s 133 feet In depth to 20 feet alley.
Tvitaw—Doestliird twit. indanee to one and two
years .with Interest. secured hr bond and mortgage.
RID . A. WILD/AIRE. Auction.,
ALLEfair --
Lew.. Wald A Arnold Wid e ner, Rumen, as Lewis
Dig Co.. ems,
Amount 111 0.141
LOA% Prop. Coil'
.%/11..i111 ..... 1110.5144 45
n now, to.wd. Juno I Ith. Is7o , the feel.'
feel.'. t•:. 11. TODD. FY.. Auditor, to distribute
the funds in Court. MI t he Rbnrr writ.
• —. PE't erlibtM.
Sdal of, nweord
• Inst. • ACtill 11. WALTER.
I'art Prothonotary.
All ner.ons ntere,tea plea., take notice
that the tuber:ll.4.r will attend. for the purpose of
far appointment. el his office. N 0.144 VOURSII
A V 4:11'Y., Pittentirelt om TUESDAY, the 9th 0",
of A l't;t:rT. A. it 1970. itt 1U o'clock A. 31.
. Ulaito
JuiV 1•10/:1.47t1. 1.114.24...
For Material to be Supplied
to the N - tivy Yards - Under .
the Co nuance of the Bu
reau' of Coristruction and
Sr Brat' rONiiiiit3Tl ASPDE PART:VI:S2.i
WAPIII3OIO3. D. 0...101; 14, is7o. I
Staled proposals to furnish Timber and other
material for tin , . Nark for the fiscal year end
• ing JOOlO 30. IS7I. will be received tit this Be
rend uut h e'elnelt ft. on the lath of August
oext, at wide!: t Ihe proposals hill be
The prat:orals must IW:intlressed to the Chief
of the Bureau 01 C.:aa ruction and Itepalr,
Navy latiartinent. It'ashingitin, and must be
indorse.l 'Tr:morals Inc Timber, ho.. for the
Narr.".illat they 103; be distinguished from
otP r hs , a. business letter, •
inted sehedules for such classes as parties
deal in and Ihtcud t 1 bid for, together with
insiracram s li,, bidders, giving the forms of
proposals of gooranlye.• mid of con ifirat e of
guar:tutors. Si printed frairet of otter. will
be furnished to such phrt3ll., as 00,40 to bid,
00 apPlirat ion to Inv Commandants of the re
spectire Navy Yards, and those of nil the
yards on application to the Rtirenn.
Tine Cotionnutlant of eau; - ; aye Yhtai hen)
thepurchasinu paymaster far each •statiim.
wit! hove a cops of the schecitileof the other
yards, fur examination only, hi order that pc,
VA. 'rho intend to hid now judge whether it
01,11ThhIP to make opplienthlit for nor of the
curse, of those yards.
The proposals must be for the whole of a
thed all iraplicat ions for Information nr
• for examination of 4010[003. MUST h 0
to the commandants of the 10100011 re sards.
• The
certitic proposals rom must be ccoaie b a
ate f the C'ollecto A
rof internal !ter for te Oct in w the bder re-
sides. thath hedist
has a licensehich
to deal In id the ar
ticles for which lie proposes - 404 hp direction
the Jrcylirtntrnt.hhtsur I ter. rmired
:eau from parties oho are hum Ade deniers fa
inunufactlit rr "I, floe "dick.. they infer 10
furnish. Tine guarantors must be certed by
the AS9O9Sor of Internal Revenue for the dis
trict in which they reside.
The contract trill be awarded to the person
who makes the lowest bla end gives the
gearalitee required he 10, the Navy Depart
ment. hOWOrar, reeerving the right to reject
tho JOOO,O 100• or our which It in:vat:rat ex-
Sure( le, in the fall amount trill lie required
to sign the contract, and their responsibility
must be eurtllled to the satisfaction of the
Navy Department.
An mirth lonal security twenty per contain
will be withheld from the amount of the bills
math the contracts shall have beedeompleted.
and eighty per canton: of the amount of enelf
bill.:lf:en:red In triplicate by the Commandant
f th respective yards.will beraild by the Pay
toaster of the gtotloll deslgnated the con
tract within ten days after the warrant for
the same shall have been passed by the Secre
tary of the Treasury. '
The classes of this Dureau are numbered
and designated as follows:
No. 1. White (bd. LO Fs; N 0.3, White Oak
Curved Timber; No. 4, 11 bite Oak Plank: No.
, -Yellow Pine Legs,' No. V 5l /otr Pine
!teams; No. 0, Yellow pine Mast Timber: No.
11, White Pine Lo; No. L ; • White Pine Mast.
Timber; No. 13. White Pine Plank, Hoards;
No. 15, White Ash. Elm, Beech: No. 10, White
Ash Matta; N 0.17, Hickory; No. 1,11 (back Wal
nut, Mahogany. Maple. Cherry; AO. %Locust
Treenalls;.No::g Cypress, Cedar; No. Black
Spruce; Nu. 04, White (Mk Staves and Held
loos; N 0.35, Lignumvitre; No. W, P.•
Imo Ingot CO
In. No
I .w. Wrought Iron, i•ound d 'square;
Steal; Nn.
Wr a ought Nails; No, Mt, Iron Cut Mills: No. 45%
Le. I.,ipipe..S.hent;NP. Zinc:No.44,Thu No.
45, ha der; No. 43. Locks. Hinges, Bolts, of
brass end Iron; No. El, Screws, of brass and
iron; No,-to, neg.; No. , Augers; No. re,
Tools for ship stores, No. 53, Tools for use In
in yard and shops; No. 51. Hardware; NO.
Whit o.Lenil; N 0.57. Zinc Paints; N 0.58, Colored
IPaint i a . drveraf No. 58 , Llnneed 011: No. 00,,
nntrlll;dBBlll ; "%7 YZ e Ta i' ll e„' w, N katT;V r tlT.
Glass; No. 00. handles; No. 711. fray floous for
Upholstering; No. 71. Stationery] No.::, Ship
CCnide handlery ; No. 74. Acids; No. 75, Bain. Pitch,
Turpentine; Nd. Eery, Pa4 o kit
Junk: No. 88, "
The following are the classes. by the num.
beta, required at the respective nary yards:
2;09. E, 13, 15, H. 17. ltl. 35. 39.'41. ck
19,59; 51. 53,51, 56. 59, GO, 83;69,.69, •a, 75 •
55. , 71, 1)1,
ix 15, 16,15. 24, M. M. 83, 34 55, 37 39,' ,
20, 42, 43, 41, 48, 48.50, 51, 52., M. 54. 58, 57 , . 58,
59, 60,03.64. 68.49, 70, 71 , 73.74, 75, 77, 78, 88.
No.. 1,0, 10.15, 16, 17, 18. ES, :4.25, a!,
37, 39, 42.11. 44, 49, 49. 50.51. 52, 63, 54, 69, GI, V.
16, 60, 62, 61. 68, 60, 70, 71. 74 74, 76, 77, 86, 82.
N o .. 4. 7,9. 11. 15.18. 31, 30, 49.:1.
No , 1 ,3, 7.11, 12.13. 17. 8.1.42, 22,
34.35, 37, 30. 43. 41. 43, 48, 45, 30 , 51.31, 54. 67, 55,
.545 00, 44 04. 61589,70. 71, 73, 71. 77, 70.86.
Sox. 1f 13 . 1 5. 18. 22. KL 30. 42, 44, 48. 4
53 . 54, 47 . 5 8. O, 90. CO, 7. 71: 73. 78. 0,
Nom. 15. 18. W. 33,34, M. 88.39, 42. 4.1. 44. 48, 49,
80, M. 54 Id. r 47 M. 80. 94 Gam vi.u. 73. 74,
- 17.e.5.n. • juu
Slaniped Envelopes and
Newspaper Wrappers,
rtkiluet UEl . 3.ltiMl.Nr..luo it. Is;0.
SEALED PEOPOSA 1.5 will he received until
- o'eloek M.. on the llt h DAY DP AUGUST.
MO. for furnishing • all the - Stamped Envel-
Ipes" and - Newspaper Wrappers. - which this
nLaartmenl may require Turing a {per iod four years. commencing- oh the Di any of
I let ober. I 5 4). viz.:
: No. ::. trilinary letter iVize. 1.1,1 hl
tnelo, -three ounlit
No. Full. let ter .12e.:1.'; be r. inrhec
three quitlitle,
:VOA. Full letter <IZe. i for• rircularit.l un
tanned on nap. 3%, by lichen-one quality.
No. O. Extra levier silt.. IV : lathes --
hree . tin:tilde,
No. 11. "Ext ra let ter Size, Ws: inches.
for clretilars.fungumtneil on nap- one quality.
No. ;. lhiirial i'lre.3 rein by inches- t
wont len.
No. N. Ext ra I'. by In:, inehr
.one quality. - •
Six and n (M. 4401014 by 96; inrhr,•trnutn
All of the above Envelopes and Wrappers
mum be• embossed with p stage stomps. of
such denominations. styles and colors. must
hove such watermarks or other devices to pre
vent imitation, and bear 'Such printing and
ruling as the Postmaster General may direct.
The envelopes must be made in the most thor
ough manner, equal In every respect to the
samples furnished' to bidders by the Depart
ment. 'The paper must be of approved qual
ity. specially manufactured for the purpose.
Whenever envelopesordered of the
styles known...Black-lin are
ed" “tielf-ruled."
dines printed inside ornticd on the face) the
Caine shall be furnished without additional
cost. the goutraclor to pay all charges for
rovalty In the use of patented 'lnventions for
said lined or ruled envelopes.
The dies for embossing the postage stamps
on the envelopes and wrappers are to be exe
cuted to the satisfaction of. the Postmaster
General. In the best style. and they are to hr
provided. renewed, and kept in order at the
expense of the contractor. The Depart tnent
reserves the right of rednivins new dies; ru
any stand, or di:nominal Irani of stamps ot
nifiv and any changes Of ilk: iir colors .
snail made wit h o ot coin, charge;
Itefore closing a C 4 bin raerthomiec'essful bid
der no s y hr required to prepare and submit
new dies for the iiiitirsival of the Department.
The nse Of the present dies may nr may not be
The dies - shall be safely and .erureiy kept by
the vontnivtor, and should the use of pity of
them he temporrily or permanently MA.III-
ued, they shall lie promptly turned over to the
Department. tlr its agent. MA the Postmaster
Orneral may direct.
. The envelope 4 1110 it be thoroughly and per
fectly gtotoned. the gumming tine dap of
h a nd s not
fpr cir r.cula° [inch tint on hY
hand not less , than half an the entire
length; the wrappers to he also hand-gummed
not legs t halt three-lour[ Irs of tin Inch In 'width
screw the end.
Bidders are notified that the Department
will require, as a condition of the contract,
that the envelopes and wranPera shell beman
ufactured and stored in such a manner as to
Mir,. security against loss by lire Or tLeft..
The munufartory must at all V,Tnea beast,.
cot to the losPealolt of a!Rent or the De.
mrtmeet. whO Wit! require the stipulations
if the contract to Le faithfully
PAcKINE. • •
111 envelopes and wrappers tonal be band
ed In parcels of t went - live, and tracked
strong pasteboard or straw boxes, securely
bound on
all tile edges and corners with cot
ton or linen cloth glumd on, each to ronta I
not Wag tbun two hundred and fifty of the
to and totter sixes, and one hundred each o
t e,
or extra °Metal site, separately.
newspaper wrtpper.n to be packed In
boxes, to contain ant less than two hundred
and fifty each. The boxes are to be IVellppeli
and securely. fastened In strong manilla pa
per, ant sealed, so as to e/Iteiy bear transpor
tat no by mall for delivery to postmasters.
When two thousand or more enrelopesgre re
quired to fill the order of a postmaster, the
straw or pasteboard boxes containing the
same meet be packed in at mix wocmum cues,
welt sinspped with hoof -Iron. and addressed:
but when ie.a than t thonsand are requlr
' ed. proper labels of direction, to be furnished
tor an agent of the Department, must be
[deceit upon each package try the contractor.
Wooden cases, containing envelopes or wrap
per, to bo transported by ,cater routes, must
provided with. suitable water-proofing.
Tho whole to be done under the Ittypeellon
and direction of an agent cyr ;he Department.
The envelopes and trappers must be fur
nistied and delivered with all reasonable dis
patth. complete in all respects ready for use.
:Lad. stich Tomtit ley Fr may be required to
MI the daitv orders of post toasters: the deli,
putries to be made either at the Postettlice De
rtment, Washington. D. or at the of-
Hee of o agent duly authorized do inspect
be at the opt ian of the Postmaster General.
and the east of delivering. as well no all ex.
penile of storing. packing. addressing, labeling
anal water-prontlng to be paid bv the COllltrae- I
Ali 10h 13
. 41 Op
of the envelopes and wrappers
for which proposals are invited. showing the
different qualities and colors of paper re
quired. the ruts. and style of gumming, with
blank (mins of hide, mar be- had mi applica
tion to the Thief Assistant Posinnister (ten-
This advert isement and a specimen of the
aple envelopes and wrapper tarnished by
hr Depart ment must he attached In and made
.art of each 111.
.No proposal v: tie eo” . 'olered unless of
6:red by, a ttiaalltartTrer of envelope*, and ar
eonilirlei! :17- a
satisfactory guarantee signed
by least two responsiLle battler.
Al% AltD-ZAG
The contract will be awarded to the lowest
responsible bidder for nil the envelopes and
wrappers, the prices to be calculated on. the
basin or the number used of the sever:dirt - ad.;
daring the last fiscal year. Whiell tins no fol
lows : •
Note 'size
..... ........
Letter size. first quality.... .
Letter We. second quality. ..'.
Letter size, second "Art -
101 , 1110.1) ........... ..
' 3 '"""
Er trn letter itize, fin it qunlif ....
Extra • letter. size st c ott a y ,
osnr,...d, . ' . '''''' 4 "' llt .' . 45i,060
Official size '
- . wool)
News n
Ex ln , t o nn lll
I t i i itt I size .
per wrapper-, • • . 4.triti. U lo 4l
W es. itain ten days utter the contract h. b een
awarded the successful bldderslutil enter into
Gea, , cment, in nriang with the
neral to relthfully observe and keep the
Inconditions, and requirements.set forth
In this advertisement,.. ort
ci tog to their true
intent and flowing, and shall make, execute,
and deliver, subject to the approval :inn ac
ceptance of the Postmaster General, bonds
with ;plod and sufficient sureties in the gun] of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollar. i(:.ha1,11.15) as
forfeiture for the Lillian( performance of
said agreement or contract necording to the
broviAions and subject to the liabilities of the
seventeenth section of an net of Congreits en
titled .. .an not .legaii2ing and reeking appm
pi-lotions- for such necessary objects as have
been usually included in the general appropri
ation bills, without authority of law, expert
fix and provide for certain incidental ses of the Detainment, and •odices of the
Government. and for other purposes.” trni.
ted States Statutes at Large, vol. 5, page raid
approVed August ZS, 1842; which prOVides
that in cane the contractor Omit fall to com
ply with the terms of his contract, 'lie and
his sureties shall be liable for' the forfeiture
entwined in such contract he liquidated dama
ges, to be sued for in 'be name of the United
States, in tiny court harinejurisilictlou there-
The Pest master General reserves' to himself
the following rights,. •
, I. To reject any abd all bids, If. in his judg
mnt, the intervste of the Government re
2. To annul the contract whenever the same.
or any part thereof is offered for sale for the
purpose of speculation; and under no circum
stances will a transfer of the contract he al
lowed or aanctinned to any parry who shall
be: in the opinion of the Postmaster General,
less able to fulfill the conditions thereof than
the original contractor s . h ereonanni the contrat, if, in hls !Mho:tent.
I shall he failure to perform faithfully
any of its stip datlona.or in case of a Willful
attempt to Impose upon the Department En
velopes or Wrappers inferior to sample.
1. If the contractor to whom the first sward
may be made should fall to enter Into agree.
meta and give satisfactory bonds, as herein
provided, then the award may' be annulled
and the contract let to the next lowest
sponslble bidder, and so on until the required
ageeement and bonds are exkutedt and each
next lowest bidder sPall be requiredto
every stipulation embraced herein as If he
were the original party to whoin the contract
was awarded.
Should bo ilecurely ßl e nveloped and &wiled.
marked "Proposals for Stamped Szvelooes
a Newspaper Wrappers:" awl addresred to
th, Thin!
.Assletant Postmaster Dozers'.
Washington. D. C.
Jill. A. J. CUES% ELL,
Postmaster General
Isom WAND, rzarsnynoil, ON un
}iry AVENUE, AT AggIONNY 8 SALE...-.
TUESDAY NNE:JINN. July 41 "'clunk.
bt OrOor of Thom*. M. llarsb.. gsq.,
or James P. John..., E. g., will be on
Avempt hoar et Alietion Rama, No.
105 Smlthgent mond.
pitman In thnittlth want el. IT Or PlttabOal..l.4
mnunF 90p Irrt nn 1, 4 :11,%. 711 10. between
" Ita u fl u rt Y .a ' .l.ldtolnhlc the rt.ldenct.,.°l Itonn".7beornal
Ho.. .4 Property or A. 8r0.% F.op..
adlenton aro orected on elegant frame dwelling
house. fr.. venble ant earttage house. Mrtor
ItT.h. properly,altbsted In a Very d4mb'. local.
Mt:t t r u l ;gat : Us . n gents rt . t o rn dealisble
Tantin — One-thard cash, balance In we and two
goat , . with Intarept. secured by
1014 A. NteILIVAINE. Autnlonagt.
Commercial and Fandl) Newspapri
No farmer, mechanic. or mer Chant should on
without it:
SiMOO outiecribere
Clubs of ere
'lnn.el ten
A copy 14 furnish.] pull:Monet] to the (after-ui
of a Club nit ten. rostmaittere are rettneetail to
set es Agen4e.
n - x , rricES--- To:Let."'
• - Thantirg.7:tr.. excrolln4
LINES, will be insrrfeaCin these roltanso4ol,,
r t rENTV-r/ VE CENTS; ratk lbw
VirAlgyrg .
• _
NVANTEI).--Tlio tatuLs to sort
IU US. Apply at ra -3 tVat i g:
i1!.1.2.;!°:1—.A0 .rierr.„TilVlTennn_tielna
bitten. from isisrt Room. Very cosorru u sur'i s h u t ‘ k _ •
non.• 7.13'
1 1 :C l o. " HIT: s7i bounden ran be r2:n"
V rind at the oyster Ocean. turner of. Elmiltabsid.
h nvenno•.
_ .
V l V r ANTED—lunnedlately, at No:
slockion avenue, a SRN thaI•REAS. one who
is t u du t e nine a Sings?. tsewingAsSilnis. •
Tzrz t t , tt,Tr a t
WV,"r,!!!; - .
a- bodied men.istirominenutalke, .
too waisted th
ICIYH (I inA lyl ,ne :ha FUJAPASI
INiTy ' a ' rtt
Jamsslt A. B. lIICICBON, •
Foot of 41130 straw{ • •
IVANTIEIt.-Sereral Men for Fano
y v orig. riardening and Pricing,. Aleel, fur
iirickvard Werk. Second gin. Girls Melted fee
nookisig. cliatitherwork. Inning-room work
ilgist work of all dracription. Apply at ZkilleiV.
al ENT OFFlCli s ho. I sixth street. int Moor chant
riuspension Bridge
TO 85,000.
on e to= 1,,'.:l Zntii ve ..l=iio!a n . 1: 7 1:11
ten!. Thenboveanaliont required to -extend
business, which can be done indennily. This is
rare opportunity for a man wishing to embark In
business.. Address r. A. It.. Pitlaburgh GAZCTIT
other, stating real name Rod where an inbarehob -
can be had. ror three
• •
30.000 to Loan Itt laree or mall &Noma,
t a fair rate or Intereat.
MR Bond lad Real Ritataßetkor.
N 0.1179 SVhaald Newt
Thirty TIIOOIIIIII Dollars to Loan
!arse or smell tanunte on protterlr In ktiog
wing at a !nitrate oft nterest.
(71 ARLES Y.
, • Itcsiststro trekt,t.
.. . •
L'OL' , iln.—Tnentlay night, on Federal.
J. street. Allegheny. u RTRAY ROUSE. Hatt
'_y color, with white spoi on forehead and slight
ly lune la tho loft tang font., The owner. by ball
ing at tho A I.l.i . litYlEN Y MAYOR'S . OFFICE.
proving property and Paying dharttes...
Add. .
,I,MIIND.—On Saturday evening, a
n_ COCK NT-HOOIC, contalnlas tanned'. Le.
The owner can hare Itoy calling at 243 Sandusky
street. Alleghiny. and Identifying It.
i OST—On Monday evenkg, last. 0
MI:MORAN num HOOK e,,nlatnlng a *mail
amount of Portal Currency, A liberal craned wilt
ire paid to the pets.. f.trartilart It to ' •
Gm c,r.
47th and Smallatan dla.lflth ward.
B .
OARDISG—To-let o vith Boarding,
at 103 Fauna avenue.
r][lo-LET.—FURNISIIED Rooll.with
X l l O-LET. R
,__r_ F- ejpelut !man!. Enquire at 134 MICR7-0=
, O
r IPO-CET.—.I. large. Thhd Story
FRONT ROOM, saltabla roe top e .,. 47
ply at 278 Penn meet.
flour 1,10 q ßom, on
zur.Pl,ete — oom PTELuili ?
et,l µµlllB 00001. 4'o tempi, he., : d ait a.
TO.L . F.T.—No. 36 Esplanade street,
Allegheny. ROUSE of 7 ecome mid ilnlabed
gale; goo throughout: hrs end cold water In
kitchen. Pnoodoslotigtvghllagtemberl4. Apply.
nn ammtaar.or 301 IN ATEFlRlClT.Dtaine'rell;
A llkt-riers STORE ROOM and cellar. Net.
td Liberty street, comPieteir Sited bp nit
shelving and counters. Will be rented cheap
called for soon, j Enquire at
7.7 J • N 0.4 VIIGIN ALLEM
b b h
a. iM
iunt. Apply islnglriditAN akg.t:e.
dress ilee. AI. 1.. Ivo. 60 Least "Taft. 741
- 174`011 SA Furnished
Il i a. St 76 Find mem, wen !Dated fee e
adjji t e Imus. Terms irediemte. 74
a 1.11,61 if adinaGA HIGAGF. In Annd nrd , o,
Coe orTwo 1101 DIES.
A pplY tq
Cotner of ttotith Canal Street and *arr. Cout,
AIlo:lohy. 1.12322:11n
SALE:— That . will•ktioivri
ta Ha.
o a proper person desirin g to Peep •ho
ts!. !.saw Is
rare opportunity. ii.u.e4.l7,lttitop.auvrr
No. 4 Bank Cupsemejalvildtrig,
rirocoupation lamedlate On Yle. Joa.lll
FOR SALE.—Engines and Bailers,
Now and Second Hand, of all kin da, occataatlT
on bawl.
G 4487410
Orden from CI parts cf the country promptly at-
Lauded fa,
Cornerfe rio.2t j Are i n g ul i all., r e 'f f. ' "W: C. B.
AlLeetteny. ru.
.a : TAINS lago A CHM 0.10 hundred finA.alafg
RM. Lind.. 4,I IIAVAUOII. Want* canny •••pryve•
lile.s .-- 3. dwellings• cery ni large barn and atafeta,
. vl ift' ,7 :k h =r , „_ - ffAlah% ° 44la-nr u = b l
Jerlnge off e ttugl . upt i . 3§ tulles from Vernon
near i t ' .VlTage_e at 4 ehbreher, lit erri.thb'iVie
P—h- IV
LT...24 Yg4V,... ) , .....
. _._.._.____
thereon: one. a One, comfortable and conviadent,
t Tlillnir:;?e y nir riirr d l ; 11'ff t...r.11,_
_."lr PI:
, tom the
le the ' losters of T urtle greet ' Alt
x of a tulle from rilevrartle Mallon. Cauttalliarb:
road. Alp, several 01.nd ranne In good matinee '
and bow. for kale. Ha 111 .1 ,0 l‘g
m7ll , No. I grant Elt7o 1L RD plookete --'
I .llai.V..rjtirattr i°
vo .) 4 s amv h en . e vto. at the ernes, re,e e
44411 • Ar i TOT. full of eh Mee beari u tram
eIRIV corrAGE,
frotzg:te porumg. collar. e elee='
. Fr : rtz- peek 4..":erlem
00 , 0,0 4 n , h1V • nir Mime bowler=
th..711f sn
giaggor J i 174.°A mi'SAV= 1 r u t
, 00,0„.0, AV. UNIIART, ne the iewele ee .
I —.—
:17144.4,,hanxtdronitnntetnr,rerd100m; Lot 4N D7IOO. Lot.
well •4DDib4 16%1 , 1 , grope ehrabbamktZ.
the bonen. Thle r p 17 num
a N the 17th —4-7.7.v1rem.-...-
„N lhet -
flog HAIN irraoo4,r 2)Ar se
xeontuate an Main Meet. peer the firee."
417 L ' IWZIO ;' 3 .
:V "' Itttg 41174
whg 4
ne vir7,4l43teom
a.. nILL SON.
etreet. 60 bKloe - 51 . 0 - to the r gt i tiet%. Pl a r
iritraVre l
R$3 -O ra
rg - nizmiTzfra-wwt.7l:=2:::ffla:
1.11 avantageous.. NlLk s t AON
-• moa t double bon., the reekleunlitif
11,01 s. IC•ooddy. Es,.. adjoining the restrlinw.
of Moser. Wm. and 11. Walker and Wta. Co:4m L .
In IfeClure trorodtap. on the New 111144. Laud.
about 3 miles from the eat,. Thu holt* MIMI=
SA mould: also. the house natl tooling tuntuenod..., 4
inerkilehenthOlannOry and out-Itosse.l...
to the math bulldina the house Is sui*teihnillit
outer and inim The ithandile. - d-lettiOdeth3..l44::
10,1; acres. al. tastefully laid out and art "6o , ll//a/k
nith en abundance offruit and onisanehtel
small fruits. /e. On thaboottntolnt •W a,
S ef ddd arapery, out tmid, and tardeneenboitho
3 Dams,. Verner Station. on 'the - 1 . ., rt. VI:
IL j. donna . .. Ica moaner' welt of the
For icons, on ' quito at the PEARL MILL, Al l
BARLEY 144 Gaga to arrive, for
exer & ;
ISA 1111 in
TV - 001.-4 sacks, on eandenntent
• T by :I4MAII D Err
IC a
_ re.s~.r .z..., g a~;K. _