FINANCIAL WLD, COUPONS Bought, at Highest. Price. ` PIE. R: MERTZ: - BANKER, Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave. Jas. T. Brady & Co., leloctess,. 4, a C 0.,) Cornet Fourth Avenue and Wood SUM, BA.KERS, =I Government Securities, coLD, - SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST VATORANLY. TERMS. Interest Allowed on Deposits. LiTatortay loaned on Goven.rocot UOnds at low artjauket Rtes. OIUMILIS B O N DS on Tilt Pt7RCHASI ANN tiaLk or STOCI AST, GOLD. JAMES T. BRAD)" ti CO THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AN!) COMMERCE • [By Telegraph' to Thu Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEIC rOOO. July 12. IS7II. The affairs In Irell street were comparative- ly quiet during the forenoon, although gold was extremely sensitive to cable reports con , cerning the prospect of war. London tele ,‘. grams at the opening of business reported So \ Improved feeling and a general recovery in \ prices, 3-Ms of 'fa being quoted at 88X. This was owing to n London report that Leopold had declined the Spanish throne. A later tel egram, dated two o'cloCk, dented this report, and Mild an unsettled feeling again prevailed, bal. of '0 having declined to 1371 i. Foreign bankers. whose transaction. now control a premium, Were telers on early dispatches and buyers on the later. Before the formal opening of the gold sold at 114 to 113. The first recorded transaction was at 1134, after which there . Wag an advance to 1134, a decline to 1134 and return to 113%. la the afternoon the excitement in the gold room tvaslntense, and the fluctuations wide and frequent. At one time private cable tele gram. reported a peak on the Berlin Bourse with sympathy and a decline In securities at Frankfort. The gold room immediately ac cepted thin an tnenalog war. and the result . was a rise to 114.4, with enormous deatinge. At this juncture a report urns received that Leopold had withdrawn; this caused a tumble to 113. when the downward coursear rested by the announcement from Wa shine ' ton that tpe Funding bill had been defeated in the House. Under this news y the market quivered for time between 113a113X, but -anon the report came final the difliculties be . tween France and Pruesla bad been amicably adjusted and the wildest excitement follow ed. Thb market plunged downwards under heavy sales by the frantic operators. nod did not stop until 112 had been reached. At the close n recovery to 112%, with a strong mar- ket. Caming rates PZ, , .5 per cent. Clearances SIT-,000,000; exports Itlllkooo. Money is good on demand at +ad on call. - sterling arm at 9tiktlo. Government. opened heavy and lower; elated higher end strong. - Couians el, 14'447. Be. 10.44110 U; 64e, 10 4111.104: als. 10.44110.; new. P.SEMIX: 670, des. di.C94; 10-40 e. 1138 k; eurrenclee. 140.14 X: State securities quiet; Missouri, Pk old Tenntarsee._ 6sy, new MN k; old Virginia, 67, new. 6; old orth Caro line, 60, new, 84. Stock market during the morning In the mein heavy with principal dealings in Long Island. Reading. Rock !eland, New York Central and Hudson River. Ohio a: Mlselesippl. Northwestern preferred. and Wabash. In the afternoon, the market Aran strong and active an the entire list, the im proved feeling bovine been due to the Euro . peas newt and the defeat of the funding bill in the House. Prices nee about up to the bigheet of the day. t 00.6% Cumberland. 3% Western Union UM: QeiCke , iver.634:Mariposa.64; preferred. 1014; 4,,r eme tkpi, wells, 13X; Ameri can, 44; United Mates. 404; Pacific six; New York Central. 1 1 74; n Erie.' preferred. 41; Harlon, B eading. 102 , c, Michigan Cent mi. 11P: Lake Shore. lAN; 11l in 4 ois Central. 140; Pittsburgh. Itr.) , : North \ Western, preferred. S 7 ,;• Hoek Intact. 114.74; New Jersey Central, 1014; Si. Paul. tros: preferred, 804; Wabash. 00%; preferred. 74: \ Tort Warne, ii3X: Terre Haute. 33; preferred. Chicago 6: Albin, 1185: Preferred• L 3l '. - Ohio & Mississippi. 30%; Hudson k Erie. 3'.,; Clereland Colutribue Sr:Cincinnati. RN; Bur- , 1 1.1 ,e urt . .0 . 4 18 s 1Oletto m cvl Columbus Balance,a iiiodg...a;l.4.Cen: 164 currency. 11,612,75. OrgiCe. Of Mtn Prrrsnraon GAzerrE, t ThesDAY. JUIT 12. 1870. gamer onotatlons al receirml by Ph. R. Mart. Gold . 112 Merchants if. Es. Enver 106 N. Y. Cent ral 974 UM Bonds. . :111 Rending 112!.i 640 Bowls 1861...110 P. Ft. W. & C - 9534 i 6-33 Bonds 1864-110 Ohio.o Muss 3414 653 Bonds 1865...110 . Mlch. Southern._ . Consols 1805.. ....100 Clefeland A P... 620 Bonds 1811...109 C. IL L &P.. .4. 101 1 34 15.10 Bonds 124.1...106 , Chicago & i 23.1 10.40 - ... ',Dr: C. &N. W. PreLl. 93% Adams Express . 1 .1 68 Erie -Lary Small. London Exchange per pound 6 5 5 6,05 Paris Exchange per Franc Berlin Exchange per Thaler IL' 83 Frankfort Exchange perPlorin 473 g 49 Control 11. R. Bonds tintou P. IL IL Bonds 157 88 Closing quotations as received by games T. Brady &Co • • • Gold 121( 5-.21 Jan. k.1y.186.1 U 9.65.18131 - 14 5-3)Jan. 5c.7y. 85( Cf. S. 1812 10 &Alfa n. Jy. 1865 1 1 34 G. 13.118 M) 1884 10 U. P. IL It. 675 f 11..{L15-M118135 ... 10 C. P. IL R. 0 3 34 U. S. 1040 ..... 734 CT. Pacifies IP: I=l= Omen Or Prrmunmon GAZETTE. • .Tor.enAY, Jule 12, 1810. • . The oil market was weak and somewhat panicky to-day, and compared with Teeter. day price, are lower. This was owing in part to the war rumors but mainly to the report of the Titusville Herald, showing a material In crease ha the production. And we may here remark that the increase In much larger than was generally anticipated. as there were but comparatively few strikes reported in" June as compared with May, and there aro those who aungdispOsed Pa:doubt th 4 correctness of ,the rFfeirokre report. Later In the day. however, the foreign diapatches being of a more pacific character had a tendency to produce a better feeling. although It came too late to have any perceMible Influence on the course of the mar ket. There is no getting overlain faCt,' how weer, hot what the Increased production la a bitter pill for those whey. have been calcula ting onbetter prices, and will he a full offsett egaitiat the pence news even. If it should rum ont 'to be well founded. • count. • • . Spot or seller this month boa declined a quarter of a cent as compared with yester day, and even at the decline there were but few buyers. its the latter are impressed with the belief that the bottom has not been touch ed. Sale In two lots of LOU) each at 11)'; 1.000 at 11W. August was offering at 11%: and Sep tember may be fairly goofed at it. • . - iirsasign. Sale of 2,001 July at 27N: 2,000 August at .me figure: it wail reported that 50)0 bbls July had been sold In Philadelphia at 271‘. • August ma O c tober uoted at 21N. September KM to 27)4: and November at 2.7X0-U3. • , accurra CRUDE Olt.. J A 'McKee on Recoup Gold rich: War ing' &Co 118, on account L lIV Young: F A 13rates MO, on account DC He Citla.s' 011 Works 145. on account T Hackett: Same 74; on 0 C Goldrich; Tareritnm Oil Works 74, on ac count 8 D Karas: B L OoldwinlZO, on account Barbour A It Mills =, on account W Bart le; D illy & Co 51. on account S A Hull; Cos mos 011 Werke Ski, on accouno C.& A It It; Lockhart. P.& Co 226, 00 account same. Total tibia Ott. antrinantv Mt A. V. a. tt. G Kirkpatrick & Co., 158 bpi: ref. oil to 9rang.y. K & Co.. 'Phila. John g'tear & Co. lao bbl, refined to Tack Ben., Phil& ystone Oil Co.. 33 bbls ref. oil to Warden. F. h e y Phila. • ' Montzhelmer & Koehler, 400 bbls ref. oil to Wart., K. & Co.. Phila. 1 Lockhart. Frew & Co.• 451 hbla refined ollto Warden-Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner 400 Ws refined oil to War. lug: King & Co.. Philadelphia. Lyons & Co. 196 bbl., regaed oil to Logan Bro &Co. Phila. Wormser, Breve oo.SlObbla refined oil to Leg =& Co, Phila. S. -A. 31cKee =Fhb. refined 'oil to Logan . Bros & Co. Phila. Total .. bblr. 13TATC.IMST Or MODE 0 11.43111F113; BY P. Ft 11. AND A. V. A. It. OIL LVIZ, ammo RISK. r..1)007 JOLT 9. HMI. lly Parkar-*& __TbM 9 ,9inan • from Parker in Josiah afacY3 a' 803, sew York; 241) bbls. • By o Parker a: Thompson from Parker to ;Malcolm Lloyd, PhiladelPh..l.lll9 bbls. Br Fisher Bros from Parker to M. Lloyd, Philadelphia, 478 bbls. Fisher Brim. fika Parker to Oleophlne Oil Cu, New Tort, • bbis. By 11..0. D n from Parker to W. p. Logan & Co.. Philadelphia. 551 By D. C. Herbst from Parker, to Potiltney & Baltimore, 390 bbls. • • • Total 4.072 bbls. of 45 gals. Total to Piffle *9Bl. Total to Baltimore 39D ht.'s. ,Total to New York .721 bbls: Grfimi total • • 4.0721.1 s Dry Gaols . . Nr.• You, sub- 1-".—Dry Goods market oontimies .very quiet yet steady for etude makes.: We quote best brands heavy Drown Sheeting . * at 1NP.,133E Augusta do 1.921125 E Broadway 11E; Nasemetinsetta ems IZ Pepper ell 812 X; Tremont E BOY yttlL Dieu - bed Munn lie Bops 13; Fruit of Loom Iv Bates Juin 10701:11; Naumkeng Satellite 14; Print.. 11; Arnold's* Freeman's 9. and la row illieglints lA =iii=iiiMil - PITrettURG II etARKET, oreecs or Y'rrranClloll °strum. l Trg9DaY. July 1. WO. There was n stronger feeling In soincorn mod Wen. tududing Hour and wheat, under the influence of the war rumors, but as Yet it doer not amount to Muth; people haee be aoo:+ee 14e11111t Orlled • to hear rumors of Ode chatecter. that as yet they are not disposed to get very much excited In regard to the mat ter; and While It Is possible that there may be war. the geaend feelinginst now in that there will be nothing of the kind. There are those who would like to see a foreign war as they are impressed with the belief that It would Improve business. and there is no doubt but what it would tend to revive speculation. and It :night help come emulators in grain who are now In • it pre:AM-Imm condition. 'and It would Just as likely cripple and • ruin' others. . , le the present attitude of France and Prussia slould result in war.l It would array on the - one side France, England, Italy and Austria. • and on the other Pitied., Spain, Bessie and possibly Belgium, aid though all of the coun tries might not be actually engaged in the lighting. acre would be preparations for war in NM'S (hat would largely affect the business and finances orthis country. The prices of brendstuffs, gold, and of enemy articles of for eign manufacture would advance largely. - lA, yet, however the prospect Of war is ten re tante to influence prices. • ASHES—Uttebaufted; common coda ash, 4; relined. 45e; Pearlsteleil Pots 7% , APPLES--We can report regular sales at +et qv; per bbl as to quality, Arrivals light. lIROOMS- 44 Store prices; Fancy. $5.5l No. e 4 ~Fse I,bNet 2; No. 3. P.c 50: Common, 111.-1—Du11; per bush., e2,00ta,3 BUTTER—Quiet and unebangedt good ship ping grades may he quoted at ifi2l7; sales of :OH I its at I7l‘. Choice pocked BROOM CORN—Is dull. 111/1.13 eta. • CHICKENS--Sole or live chickens by the coop. or H1C8.05 cts per pair. according to else and condition. CHEESE—SaIes of Ohioeheese at Leff.ll, the outside attire for prime Goehen. Swietzer In good demand with mles ntleff,l9. CARBON OIL— Quiet nnd unchanged; we con.inue to quote standard brands at M)1044 CORNMEAL-956Mper bushel. DitlEll FRUlT—Quiet and unchanged—stock pretty well' reduced. Applest.latie. Peaches for quarters, and r e for hnlves. EGGS—The arrivals are increasing slightly, tint the stock as yet is not large, and prices M 1 maintained. =filet. FEATHEILS—QuIet and unchanged, at WO coa.lo the trade. FLOUR—Market mtnewhat stronger for reasons already given, bnt there is 120 excite ment unit no Outage In prices. Good western nom. eeli, and choice Mindecota spring. 541%. The inquiry for the latter-tuade of flour is re etricted mainly to the bakers, no for family use winter wheat flour has the preference. GRAIN—The wheat market is firmer under the influence of the advice, from Chicago and New York, though as yet t here le no advance bete; we matinee to quote, red at 51.15eeLle), and white td. 51,441.33. Gate continue rather dull, in the absence' of an export demand of May consequence, though holders generally ale stiff being pretty confident that the mar ket will improve I within the next week or two, and then they argue tryst It will he some time yet before the- newroe Is ready to move. which Is true. The meartant question 1 ,, holders of Oat v, is this: will ail the old crop to i, anted befeneerbe the time the crop is ready for maiketl if so, they are all right and will doubtless be enabled to put prices up; but if not. it Is, to any the least, a little mixed. Dealers arc paying 48:550 in first hands: sales in store at f, t r e e one cur load, reported to go east, at fiffe, free on Want. which is cotmid ered big price. Corn continues dull and un changed; prime shelled cannot be quoted shove mrs-tri. Rye, also Is dull, as none of the diStillers are buying: dealer's are paying from :skips. Nothing doing In Barley, and no established quotations. GROCERIES—Sugars continue firm and the demand for both. raw and rained is more active, but there is no change in 'wk.; herds are still quoted at 14% cis. Coffees also, firmer lett unchanged. Syrups dull. HAY--Sales from country wagons at 510314 fur new and 51141.3.1 for old. HEMP—Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp a: 067. II USKS Corn hunks, 311,31( etc Ll.llE—Sules of Cleveland at V,,Z per bbl. and eastern at t 1.75. • _LARD OlL—Extra No.l is emoted nt $1.% 01.115 and No._ at Ha. PROVISONS Sugar cured hams firmer, end higher, outherwise prices remain unchanged. Shoulder at laVell for plain. and 15 , eet,Iti for Sugar. Cured: =ff. effsf for Consumed Sugar Cored Harm whaleN for Ribbed Sides; 17 for Short Itil,bed. and Eli for Clear; Breaking Bacon. 19. Lard. In tes, 17 and 18,3164' in beit. and buckets. Mess Pork 5.11. Dried Beef.t....smccal. - Teunessee. cis. POTATOES--Sales of newcroriat 14,003 CW per 1,131; and In good demand. Prime Old Peach Blows quoted at 1301P11 ems. per bushel. SEEDS—No movement In Clover or Tpnothy Seeds. Flaxseed Is still quoted at. V,Z. hough there is not much Inquiry for R. " Awbent quoted at $1411.3 per bushel. MARKETS DV TELEGR AYH New York. Stw Yong, July 12.--Cottou steady' and quiet, with sales . of IXO bales at ".Ac for mid dling unloads. Flour—receipts 12.876 tads: dour heavy, Irith sales 11,003 bids at 1.4.042 5.211 for superfine western and State, $.5.40(4. 5.75 for common to good extra western and StAte. 8.5.70Ccti.20',f0r good to ohoice do. 8.5.75 t ti,GO for common 'l2 choice white wheat west ern extra, 8.5.W.r.5.9) for common to good ex tra Otto, and $.1.7.49 for common to choice extra Sr. Louis. rhb marks: closing In favor of buyer:. live Flour in Itculand. wit II sales II) L.bla at $3.1t11.0.31). Corn Meat steady. Whisky:l shade firmer. with sales of fai Man w.,tern at 11:a.1.01. Whent—rerelpts 122.1b3 bush; wheat active, With sales 1%.1.1100 busk at $1.36 far No.l spring, t/,2:33.1,30 for N 0.2 Milwaukee3l.l73l.23 for N 0.2 Chicago. 311Xl :yO,lO for N 0.3 spring. g1e.1.a.1 for relented spring. gra:x - 41.4a for winter rednnd amber western, $1,4521,4d fur amber State, sl,:itkibl.n.: . _ . for white western. :Se for white State: closed hen for spring and heavy for winter. Rye quiet. Corn—receipts 53,100 bush: Cons sound and unchanged: lower grades clic:men sales Gii.ttfi) hush at for new western mixed. T'ithle for yellow. 04.i.7c far old. for white. Oats—receipts 21.52.1; Oats heavy and a shade lower, sales 48.051 bush at rexq, 6.1 h, c for western, GOG.X72c for Ohio. 74.1.73 c for State. Hap quiet and unchanged. Hops In better demand and very 1.1 ern at active and steady: ia,wo Legs Rio sold. Sugar grin: sales 1.6...50 hints of tiSO,lO,Sf for Cuba and Porto Rico, Re boxes Havana; at 9QIO. Sin lasses uncl7nged. Rice unchanged. Petro leum—Crud quiet at 11.1.(611Xc; reamed active at 27.5af.?..e.. Pork dull and heavy; sales X.X'i ibis at g.9.37e...21.1.75 fur mess, 1c.71 for western .'7, ;mime mess, • t! ,75p for uniuspected city; also 500 bbla mess for August at Mrk. Beef quiet and steady; les gal bbls at 'ma. 15 for - plain mess; $15.51e18 for extra mess. Beef hams qQuiet at 152draal. Tierce titer nom inal at for ;mime mess; 235Zt.31 for In dia mess. Middles quiet. at 1410a,15c for city long clear. Lard a shade lower; sales of 450 les at IGELI6IO for western strum: 107(C41G):c, for kettle rendered; 1577'git15%;c for city; also, WA tee for July at Ulric. Butter steady at liKe Vlc for .vrestern. eneese in better demand and steads' at 741111(c. Freights a shade firm er end more active. . . Cutest—}lour heavy And a shade sailer. Wheat: firm in spring, heavy in winter and in fair demand. Rye dull. Oats heavy at1C3641 filc for western and 07372.3 for State and Ohio. Corn heavy at 914i.$1,1.11fornew mixed. Pork steady acd quiet. Lard dull and weak at lelic for prime steam. Beef dull and unchanged. Bacon nominal. P.m quiet and steady. 171=211 CINUNNATI..TuIy 12. - Floor inn and higher: family /s.7sCafi. Wheat dull at $1,..1e1.Z for N 09.2 and 1 rather more offering. Corn in light supply and the market tine; it is diffi cult to buy below 901., for minedear, and leak Me for shelled mined and white. Oat. Seat . . . and in good demand at Week and higher rates asked in Some cases. Bye Is steady at IgiertfAl. cocoa nominally unchanged and nu demand. Whiskey advanced to li7e4e.c_, the latter rate, fu: Iron bound cooperage. Mess Pork Is en. changed and held firmly at Sal. lord held at ICa, end MI tee sold at this rote. but there were more sellers than buyers at it. There Is a good demand for Bulk Meats at Mtar.. but tie higher was asked and a lot of SWAIM II of shouldeni sold at 12ke buyers this morning. Bacon In good demand and prices tend up ward • sales 14) hhds at lakc shoulders, and ..a..1 . 7ke clear rib and clear sides. Sugar cured hems advanced to:Je, and stock light. Butter • "adac higher et Mi.. 1% for fresh. Egan advanced tolare,l7c the latter for recounted. (laid 1113,4 buying. Exchange Is dull I-10 dis count buying. =I critc.soO. July 12.—Exchange unchanged. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat active and 1.!4 , a1Nc higher, closing at g1, 6 8M for No sel ler laat. half of July; this afternoon the market was irregular, with free sellers of No ^ at sl,l2eltiaM seller last half. Corn I?iiret lower: closing at 78C4783(c for NO 2; th is af ternoon the market was heavy at 77)f e seller July. Oats Mc lower, closing with seller. at 473(c. Bye very dull and nominally 78c for No 2. Barley quiet an nominal at 90c for No 2. Illghwlnes firm at Sic for Iron bound. Pro visions firm. Mess pork $21,11442945. Lard 155.G116c. Rough sides 11M015c. ',Receipts for the tutst 24 boors: 4468 bbls flour, 52,123 hush wheat. 101.300 bush corn, 24,750 hush oats, 3IBC bush rye. 16,096 bush barley, MC hogs. Ship ments: 2189 Ghia flour, 37,851 bush wheat, 53.343 bush corn, 35.815 bush oat.. 1766 hush rye,' 880 bush barley. 2774 hogs. Freights more active,- at 3c for oats, fc for corn and 430 s for wheat to Buffalo. . . . . CHICAGO, July 12.-1100 active at t&LOga9,ls for fair to extra. Cattle quiet at IlVip for common cows to choice otters. QM! ST. Louts. July 12.—Tobacco steady. Cot ton nominally lower at 16518Hc: Hemp cry : changed at $1.40P„,11.75 rope ; undressed at hemp bagging at 30c. Flour, low grad • Urm and wanted; other qualities quiet; choice X sold at 84.75; XX at $5.04.5,12; XXX at ts.s o oeto. Spring wheat dull and lower at 85 20/c; No. S tall declined at lie.Se; No. 2 at $3,1.257,81,18: No. I do. at 21.nn1'.25; choice to fancy at $1.30a.51,10. New corn weak and not quotably changed; Choice mixed at 90c; Tallow 004225 c; white 47041,05. Oats dull and lower at 55(04c. nye doll at'lliebbc. Whisky dull at Pl. Groceries, dull and unchanged. Provisions firm. Pork Pl. Bacon stiff at He for shoulder; clear ribs 17Y0.217,4e; clear- 15c. Lard dull and unchanged. CAW. arm ex t ra. for fair to prime: 64t7He tor choice to Hogs firm at 7. 1 .1 , Z1 ,2 c. Cleveland. -, ddly 12.—Flour firm tritb a steady and Upward tendency. Wheat firmer and 7d.3c better; sales of No 1 red winter at 1.1.31; No 2 do at 1138. Cola Petady, arm and unchanged; No 1 mixed hold at tac. No 2 do at We. Oats quiet and atm and to higher, No 1 State Mk. use quiet but arm at 1304 troc. as to quality. Barley nombsal. Petroleum quiet and steady at $5.25 per barrci for crude; re land M,lic per gallon. lE=l2 LOutsvit.lX., July 12.--Bagging firm and heavy. hemp and Bag 01:14.1014c. Cotton dun: Wes 100 bales; assorted middling Inc. Flour tirm and scarce extra Dimity $5,50. Wheat: new $1.101g,1.31 on arrival. Corn $l.lO. ()ate (4 c. Ilse el. Including sacks. Hay: choice $l9 inStore. Provisions closed active and arm. Pork sou. Bacon 1441170518 c. Bulk meats l li elelll7c. Laralikrc. Whiskey: raw P9BgTc. EEO Toczoo.Julsl2.—Flourerm. Wbeat stead', No : *bite Wabash °tiered at 1' 1 49; No 2 wbite Wabash $1.34; No 1 while P 3 l a r r elllV3r Au. it -4.00,0:wri. 81.81%; No B do Core quist: No 870; PITTSBURGH = DAILY GAZETTE : 'WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1870. No 2 Mo. Oats a shade better,No 158 c; No 2 5531 c; Wehtgan 57c. Philadelphia. P PRILADELPHIA, July 12.—floor quiet; sll rtille M.5.12X. Wheat dull; Indiana red E1.3at,130. Itye unchanged. Carn less active; reflux-Western $1.07; -mixed 3141101. Oats dull. Provision.: steads. Mese pork Lard inainXe. Petroleum dull: crude LSife ldnc; refined 1'.7..kg1Z7?•;. . Whiskey nominal and unchanged. IME=SI BALTIMORE. July 12.—}lourulel.. and fir. western superfine ss.ati o tn. Wheat: receipts light eV/1.1.'52.1X western. Corn steady: $1.15 01.20 white: $1,V661.09 yellow, Oats 6 3c. Mess Pork quiet $30.7431. Bacon Scare 173tre rib sides: clear rib 17Xe; shouldefs' I:Nc. sod hams2lX4l- 9 4c. Lard quietl6l‘ol7c. Whieker Bern at I. = Mawr... 3., July 12.--Cottou dull at 17,SCsila, recelprobaleA; exportn Md. Flour .1;51.11eul *4,7544.9 0. Corn sl.lolor White In ;tore. Oats 60c. $2O. Bran steady at $l9. Lard lalarlge. Fork $3l. Bacon;eltoul der. 143•11 , 4 c; rides 181.02.18;4e. • Osseeco. Oswroti..luly 12.—Flour stead,' and unchan ged: sales SOO bids. Wheat dull: sales tile) be Nu 1 Milwaukee club at $13:: No 2 red winter Indiana held et $1,40. Caret dull and steady: sales WOO bu No 2nt 9de. Oats held at 8.5 c. =2! DVMOIT. tilrl2.—Wheat Is le lower: extra No.l sl,t9. Corn quiet atOats E.lO State; western. Barter at fLiMt .2,(6 per rental. . I=l NEW Ottr.wra, July It —Cotton nominal ar 12r 19Xc for middlings; sales OM. receipts lita. exports Mat and stack 12.153 balers Mixwatircr:Julytt —flour nominal. Wheat unsettled at $l,lO for No 1 and .1.11 for N - 0 2. Coarse grains tonduall • - iiIPORTs RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND 1,41.11E11011 RAILROAD COMPANY. July 1,.."-6 ears ;alto sup ore, Mc- Knight. P & Co; 1 car ti do. W Clark A Co. I do blooms, Nintick & Co:' 2 do pig Iron. Culon Iron Mills; 2 do do. Rdese, O A D; 8.001 ft lum ber, It A Clark & Co; PI, AO ft lumber, W W Rig don; /LOCO ft lumber. Slack k MOM ft lumber, McQuesran & 1); PLOD it do. Field.. L & It; CA/ Iron. Moorhead A Co; 70.114 X) shingles; It A Clark A Co; 4 bdts . machines, 4 tables, Smith & 1'; 15 bbls hams, E lI Myers & C; 2 dozen table' rungs, Fackinqr & I; 15 casks potash. Bake well, P Co; 10 tilbs tobacco,.llsworth & D; 1 plow, & S; 10 kgs o meal. 3 do p bar ley. \V France; P 1 bra cheese, Polgt, M & Co; 1 car stone. J L Knox: a coils rope, Jas K King; I do do, Job Mowers; lot s ware. T .1 Fowler, 5216 ft pop lumber,J Italdenger; Nils sacks. Graham &1d 40 slot oats, W Miller; bbls Ash, Atwell A I.; DI do flour, Moues. J & Co; 15 sits scraps, W Flamm Jo Son; 2 bbls eggs; Ar buckle. & Co; J n bbls. C A Wormcastle; CO e a chairs, Myer & Son; 50 bbls lab oil, L Oppen heimer; 2 Dbl. eggs. Woodworth & lb I sks wool, W Darker Jr &Co; 18 bbls vinegar, Sam Devol; 2 bbls eggs, P Duff A Son; 17 'gas wool. W Barker Jr & Co. Prrranunoft CINCINNATI AND DT. jtAILTIS RAILROAD. July 12..-1 car wheat, Kennedy flroi 1 mtr cooperage. Struts &Benslng;:do do. L Walters; 1 do lumber. 3 0 Dell; 1 du do, John. Nano; I ear barns, F Sellers & Co; 40 pkg. to bacco, Stenger A Co; 25 tee buns, E 11. Myers & Co; 25 bbls whisks . , Dillinger & Stevenson; 21i . ' bgs barley. Isaiah Dickey &.' Cm 9 hints rob. & D Rinehart; 5 bbl, oil R L Fahnestock A Co; 77 pkgs tobacco, 10 t. Jonas; 17 tea barn,, J I' Hanna A co; 5 bbls whisky, N Cruses; RD buckets t. r. rtes dry' beef.Dalze • • s • • • • .0,.4N: .I n.. key 1:1 pkge tobacco. IV A 51cCunc; 13 do do. 51111ar; 15 bble wax, Arbor) , les & Co: 6 Melee cotton. E Hyde .5 Son; S tee dry lkef. Hay,: & Son; 33 bble potatoee, NV .1 Steel flro; 140 bble flour, MO togs do, G Stewart: 3 care staves, .1 Painter; 31 bbla flour. Jobs Wilson: bge meal 43 do oats, 37 do wheat. SO do corn. Meanor & Harper: 10 bbls flour. J Murdocb: 7 ken butter, 5t4 bpi feed. Scbomaker & Langen. helm; H bite 0010, P • Duff &Sou: S bales cot ton, Eagle Cotton 3101 s. Prrreurnon. FORT *ATM(r AND CIOC.AOO RAILROAD. July- soot, NV 31 GOOD ley: 15 eke FOOL S Bradley & Sons; :610 bdls aper, C I' Markle & Soon; 31 bun nottdbex J Vilson & Sons: 50 bas balilng nowder,lai do cheese. Arbuckles 5: Co; 50 bbls lob oil, G E Palmer & CO: 1 car prow beams and hd10..1 C Bidwell: 218 has w glass. C Ihmsen & Son: CO dor buckets. Dilworth. 11 & Co; 31 bas cheese. II Graff; 25 do do. 5 kegs lord, Volgt, Ma hood & Co; 50 hos cheese.T C Jenkins Bro; 15 do do, Head & Metzger; 2 bbls bacon, Haworth & Devrhurst; 13 boa Ijars, Atlantic Glass Co; Et hes oats. Bricker & Co; 12 hza bittors, Steel ['roe: 13 do do, .1 Henderson Ur& 53 bps corn, do wheat.Schnelbach & nevi 11 sky rag, Dilworth, 11 & Co: Iba bees silt 2 bbls eggs, Day & Co; 1 car loather. J J Gillespie; 4 do shoulder, J P Hanna &Co. ALLIMUIVT,EMATION July 12.-5 cars metal. Lewis, B&' D;...150 bdls hides, J Lecke:ono. 3 cars metal. Pgh Iron & Forge Co, 2 do do. dad say &.5(cC: 1 car wheat. Kennedy Bro: 35 bbls flour, Adams &Knox; 1 bbl eggs. 3 . l in Herber , : 1 car Ice. Gilmore. S & Co. • AILZONMKT VALLEY R.A.ll.noArb. July 12. 50 xks'whent. Llnrett Co:: bril pot M, JAMeR Mitchell; 24 •ks corn. Atinni..t K; 24 11 oats Bricker dt Co;2 rolla leather. -Seibert 1-4 bl butter. I do egirn, Druggernmn m CVO. RIVER PACKETS MONONGAIIELA RIVER THE FLEET STEAMER. BIATLEE, C samand r, .........Clem J. P. 3MITn. J. v. srurr udependent Pittsburgh, Brownsville any Geneva Packet. l ; 4 T ß il Abv"3l'""n '9I IrnI7IEIDV,it7irDAI . tladSlltq arm'.=..: n Fr.l.-hI .na I....encer. a, eu Le M..n ~nfh&* nn•r. • For trelsta or yaemsge apply OP b,ard,or et Wharf ont s at rout of Grant 'aro.. WM. IicELROY CO.. Agent- = FOR WHEELING, MARI ET'PA, PA RE ERSIDGRG. ROSTON AND PORTS-ROUTH. Leaves PilMburslt EVERY FRIDAY-4 P. SI: Lesvos Portsmouth EVERY MONDAY-10 .4,1 The now end sulondld passenger Osamu, GRANITE STATE: WM leave les ennon eed. Per lenient or pe e apply on boar! or n a. U. CO. Avmt.. =I FOR CAIRO, MEMPHIS. VICKSBURD. NKW AND_ RED RIVER .— The sole QM tut+ torsoner CARRIE CONVERSE Card. Cro, EWA, WIII 140,e for the Chore and. Intermediate ports KATUIWAY. the 16th Inst. sm 4-' l l gL P T Hill 4VV. °"^ NIS FLACK & COLL.LNOVFOOD. Agent, • Crude & Refined Petroleum! TACKBROS:. WARII\ T G & KING, .toststssion MarcherHti and Brokers In Petroleum and its .Products, DAIIELI.I3 BLOCK. DVQliNartg WAY. WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr., I Philadelphia Address. STEAMSHIPS 'TO LIVERPOOL ..1) TOWN,IIIN INMAN • MAII. 4 NTEAMBIIIPA AtimboNnAsi Om clam vemels, moot them the oftlebesr • CITY OF PARIS, p ('ITT OF ANTWERP, (ITT OF DOSTON,_ CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF LONDON. SVERY SATURDAY. from Pier 43 North Irer.New.l'ork. For plulas,e or further !Moro:m on spIAY to 13===1 TAX NOTICE U . S. ISTEIA TWV M .. R . D'EN W , T atum COLLECTOR'S NOTICE 011rICS COI.L.Ce. . a or larras...E. Ray - Orr.. I JI3G Coilectlnf I>Wrist of Pct ala4 No. 6Water street ALLionVer ( MT, War llfith, 1870. Notice Is hereby given that the sonnet Usts of tree Tseee ' form termed Listens, and of the Tares on Incomes, Carriages, Watches Silver Plate, &0., Are now In this ord., mberi Payment will be re mind thereon by the Collector. on and after the rizarr DAY OR 3UNt.197 O. Those taxes bay ing become due, most be paid before thit43th dal of Jane. 1870. othenvlse additional expenses will be Incurred by the tax popes. , E. DCFPINGTON. Esc.. Deputy Collector for the County of Armstrong. and EDWIN LYON. Esq. Deputy Collector for the county of !Sutler. wlll be reedy to receive after the Ist of June. for their respective counties. and will post notices designs. tine the thee and {Jams when and where they will be prepared S. receive the taxes collectable by them. Taxer paid only to preenbacks or national currency. Mee bourn from 9 A.m. to 3 P. m. JOHN M. SULLIVAN MID CITY Tittetirglio a Orin 7o A) 1 /4 1 TV&Ifil l if e T l at ;11tONEI R ot the City Meet. uotire It hereby . • te it. ToO Payers of the Mg of Pittsburgh, tim the seteuesountg of City, City Building, Special, Poor, Bust ness, City School and Ward Schoo Taxes and City Water Rents For the year Iffre have. In aneordenibe with law, been dile day returned to • in100110(11QA. • dedprtlon of Flee per annum .111 be allowed nn an Taxes and Water Banta pale on or b.t or .th. Prat oar or August...and Tee per ...tnm ir pa p between the end dein of doted and prpr o ap day of September. =I ROBERT I[ PATrlligirg.74; Livery, Sale and COMMISSION STABLES, Cur, Seventh Avenue and Liberty St. PITTS/191MT, PA. , 5p2,11.4 A DMINISTRATOIII4 NOTICE. .EL Whereas. Letters of Adteintstsvelon .hsve Cl bo gdn ' J t ratrt h llt e olig LeMs u L: Tt e go t elltfl township. all mat e bled to WO estate me tenor notlastt Meat. and elf tene ampule elatets to present Ulna. dolaautbsotlcated for ""I nallinlTil d ttr)Wellallotainttor. n*"'" .l re elltraik " 1 Aar WEB RIVER NEWS The river wia swelling slowly last' Rvening with 3 feet 11 inches in the chan nel hr_ the Monongahela- oaarks.' The weather continues cloudy and warm with occasional showers. There hoe been no 'arrivals or depar. tures since the dateofncir last report ex cepting the Monongahela ricer packets. TLe Belle after being on tlie dora for over a week undergoing repairs, left for Brownsville 'and Geneva last ovning SL.• will Le commanded by Capt furmerly of the Pittsburgh Wheeling slid Parkersburg trade. here .al ter. Capt. H. is a very clover Steam. boatman, and will soon make plenty of friends along the Monongahela alley. The new steamer, Carrie Converse, is .announced to depart for New Orleans on Saturday. —A late Marietta paper says: It is ru. aimed that the coalboatmen of Pittsburgh arc endeavoring to induce the ,engineer having in charge the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio river to throw a dam adross the Ohio chinnel at the head of Kerr'o islabd. The City Council and the Board of !Crude have ap pointed a Joint corinnittOe t 6 prevent tide being done. A dam would blockade and destroy the har bor at Marietta. Why do these. coalmen want a dam 'across there? There never was a time when a coal harge could leave Pittsburgh that 'there was not water enough for. it to pass on either aide of lierr's Island. • That is not the Atleklng point. In low water we seldom hear of boats getting agrmind at the head of the Island, on either side; and for.years there hart been Ipso and .lean difficulty in the channel . at the head of the Mt;kingum. No such obntruction will be permitted. The people of Washington county have rights an well an Pittsburgh coalmen. and the know how to dofeend them, tom —The CI ncitmat I Enquirer in responsible for the following: There is a strong pro. .bability that the Cineinwiti awl Pittsburgh Packet line, instead of three, as during the pant season, will comprise six, and perhaps seven fine passengers steamers. A number of prominent boatmen have the project in charge. and bare strong hopes of making it n success. They are firmly of the opinion that a.daily line between this port and Pittsburgh will' pay. The St. Charles.. Juniata, Arlington and St. Marys will form part of the line, and the Major Anderson,Potomar and (Ado No. 4 hare been suggested as steamers that might enter It. ..—Portions of the wrecks of the Ouidon. Hobert ,Moore and Emma No. Ilwere sold at auction At Cincinnati on Saturday. Capt. 11. U. Mart purchased the Ouldon's ma chinery entire for $OOO, and the 'yawl of the Rat Moore for $l.l C. C. 'Dumont . bid in the life-boat at $lO. Capt. John Rhodea made fast to the anchor of the Robt. Moore, and Capt Jno. Kyle purchare ed the chain cable of the Emma. —lt is said Captain Leathers la atilt as confident that the Natchez "I s• a faster boat than the Lee as if no race laid 'eves been run. This confidence Is probably well founded, but it las very unfokunate circumstance for his 'friends, Who bet their thousands on it, that he did not take more pains to, prove it on the recent trial. —Captain Devinney. who. owned 'and commanded. the Grace Darling over a tenth of a century ago. in the St. Louis and Illinois trade, and has since •parsed his time In cultivating the Emil of his ex tensive Illinois farm. has a craving to re turn to the _river. fie will shortly be master or pilot of some St. 141111.1 boat. —Letters of administration were - grant ed on Friday in the Probate Court at St. Lads Ott the estate of the late Richard J. Lockwood to Geo. It. Robinson and Angel ida P. Lockwood. The estate is valuedlat $270.000, and bond was given in the slim of $1501100; —The tititbers of the wreck of P. G. o:Riley's old General Lafayette are about one foot out of the water. and there is no dry sand ruff the top of the bar uncovered vet. Thislindicates that the big is wadi lag off atOually—getting lower every. --A Cllird, telegram under date of Son day sap.: IL Jones, pilot, tiled Ler vefiterday, from Injuries received by fal ling "into the hold of the tog Alms, sehil. piloting her toSt. lmtis. lie leaves it ;Of In needy --A- St Tenni telegt.nn ...ap+ The -team, Stoleimilt line, made a trill trip yeaterday, and will enter the NeW Orleans trade, leaving here Wednys, day neat. —The Governor Allen hnn laid up to repainted-. to take the place of the J. F Pargond in the New Orleans and Vick!, rg trade.• —The Collier wet: expected to arrive Cincinnati on - Monday. Slit. tool: on 160 tons at Wheeling. - —The St. 31nrys has ' goe.• on tlie Ma tine Ways at Cincinnati ' i --The Exchange left Cineinnaii for Si. t Louis on Satnrday, . OILS 'Tack; Bro. & Co. PERRY BUILDING, 1 0 m1u..... Way. Pittrthurg =I WAKING, KIN G & CO M=:=M ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Tweddle, MANUFACTURER OP Lubricating and High Teat Burning OHL Ectures RAILROAD AXLE OIL. Stand. great. beat *Rheas abeam rsmakm p 1 4 at lowest tempera we tures. Spetial on far trot& set or hot ather. LOIXPARYPIVE, ENGINE, MACHINE PROP. Will cut sewn. SAW MILL: ANDPLANING MILL 01L8, . . . . IPI LTANNER . STOP-11110L I OIL. SING and FINISHINO.GA Lih i t OM HARR , —MS OIL. IPA IT . ARMOR ARISH. to preserve Reda lan Wort and Marttnary from rust. fleas products are marnsfactunalunder IN. Twaddle'r• patent by Irtathealon !Nam in V ..... Lobrtoatagars an alma °dolma parte"? E'47.414:„Te.V1,4r.".4 7 ,..1 i " .r=n11131: dorta earrorte tol d . Th e Ra ilr oa d OIL are utua palled. and an In ocartant as upon nay of the principal %%V a - .1 Shar7sburs Mdse. • PROFESSIONAL. JO.. N. fOl/1141.03r..1VU. U. WWI Jos, M. Gazzam & Co. M=ll AND COUNKELLEAS AT T.Ar ItoHelton iti Equity and Bankrupts?. o 98 Finn AVENUE. Pittsburgh. PM: ABCIIIBALB BLAKELY, Attorney-at-Law, = W. DeCAMP, In ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, lllas humoves to NO. 57 GRANT STRNST, man. will {motto In the U. Oman and Markt Conn', In Oa elate lin mama and all the Courts of Allegheny county. and mate collections In moot or the ed went counties. WMO9 H.ll. MeCORMICK, ICo, 08 ORANT STRICKT. ==M rv-p rompt otroo to an MIL 11,1aal WM. B. NEEPFX, . ALDERMAN AND FS-OFFICID MEIER or MIR PEACE. . Office, 112 Fifth avenue. speutontlenUon mien to.eqp•annelfur and col funtlans.l,o.4l.. Bond. ana umwu up and=ira &KS trusinau Wounded to promptly and so tely. M lIEGARAI INSTITUTF te IRE/ andl229 SPRUCE STREW. Phil. della.. PA blogilsh and French. for ynunn reopend Mlastejloardlns .11 Da 1 y P0011a...111 the on MONDAY, Soplanabar lirenon la CO""" 317 MADAM EZ 1.111.17,7010 PrIELOPILL SPECIAL NOTICES.- -DOCTOR WILITTIER CONTIN m; TO TRZAT ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES. That numerous Mass of mese reanlanit I from •elf-abeie, ?inducing unmanliness. osseous , detdilty,lrritabill Y. ertilaßPtia. deallle,..__ eirdsabana. I aAd neatly impotencY Pormanento carve. Pentacle aßlicterLwith delicate. Intrimte and long standing constitutionel erimPlaints are politely Invited to • miji for consultation. whlch poets nothli V ag.T Expo- r P l iPrel ' s h e e n , gin. at ore 171111= a:l ' 7. b P b I teX. 1 sad whith to most an. an be abed without hind- ranee to Moines , . Mernifines prepared In the esz tehlyomesnt, whichbisces laince. Tenet/Ron mie waiting spent,: also bo em ardingantaleeping apart ' o, mon for patients requiring dull personal Mien tin.end Tama and chonacal ba s. thus cuncen• Lnattlig the Waal mineral spring.; No h.,„orer e h o have felled, slate, your eve. Read what he mys le his pamphlet of MO Pages. item to any address for two stamps invested envelope. TaoUmatal of cases f treated annually, at oftlee end al l ser the counts - Y. con o olhoion f,,.. personelly er b mall. °M .N.. 0 Wylie stmet, Mew Court-1(0U I Plll s oofaa. l'a. liners fli A. but, "a r. v. Sunda . 11.1 u. to :I P. 11. Pamphlet tent to .) address f o Db . ° b 1.03100. .P 2 la -DYSPEPSIA-NEW 3101)1:. OF TREAT3IENT. , PROFESSOR WA LE ER, the O/Isaiah ed Eng :lob limaniat, discovered la Aus ndia ea excellent ilidanic reused!, nn effectual c ot t a for Indigestion, Itillious and Liver.ct i t i np d lans. ad commu ideated !Ph e org o lfo.Pe e ilr, on ' elfprieltiot foga l grg t erti. ' , ll itt U e d ;l in dreld ri ttefiTg P bo ' clety who make s this an nouncement will nut make ant charge for thin recipe, the object being to dem nstrete the sup° sloth, of Downie over every veer practice I , ofMedicine. but In return regnant those who then. to forwent to the Soblety statem) of then. case, and thus add with Isms the pro movement in medioal reflood. Enclose a dire envelope to the "SEPRET,AItY OF Tli E TA NIC INSTITUTE." biltl South 15th sti Phllsdelphla. le' ii - 31,VillOOD: ' 110 W LOST! HOW .-^-0 R TOILED —.lust Pubhohed In a Booted enelope. _Flee. a.W_enui. A 1.}..e . r1111. - E (IF TILE .NATUItAL TREATED:NT, and Radical Chee of Spennutorrhcen. or Seminal Weak - nem. and hoped I t to moriinge uenerallyi _liereouonOßM. eon sumptimi. EVIspPT, and }Ito; Sfental nod Pby Meal , 1 , Incapacity. Sr., be 11011 T. J. CULVERWE .1., D. D. wain., of the ''Green 11i.0k, 0 Sc. ...ti DO 3. 'PI) Till/I:HANDS OF SUFFERERS. - Sent under mini. In a plain envelp% r tit any add roue. po Ipold. rll7Z i r . 11.111 '3 1: . A (NI? nivir.:: P ltle t i ' ; Turk, POStOIII.4 boo 45Slt. Alan Dr. Colon coll . , }torrfaine Guide... Price 25 eon.. niyAsear. __.— --.____ 1:2 F — TIATCIIEI.Oit'S ' HAIR DYE.— phis splendid lisle Dye to the beat In the world. Its less, reliable, Instantaneous, does not paralysis lend. nor 11.11 J MAUL' kn. to onidune paralysis or death. Avoid tho vaunted and dell, 51,0 , p 7g . :7:anrtvggi ^ „I l rga ' ?, ^ , t „ w hZs . Jusd 31) years untarnished reputation to t oe It. hnteeeitv as the only Perfect Hair Dye—Bleck nr (Brown. Sold by . all Druggist& Applied et IS Bond street. N. 1! : __ _ ve. h—e•A VOID' Ittl ACKN.—A victim of early Ind Ise, etlon. eau sine nervous debility. Premature delay. Sc., bat Ina tried in vain every advertised remedy. has discovered a simple mettle of self-cum. rt.. which he will send tree to his fellow sufferers. ' J. K. REEVES. Je7.buwv . 7S Nassau Street, New York CUT-. WHOLESALE GROCERS. &o. ESTABLISHED BY A. B T. COURT, 1812. W. M. (4 OR . MLY; Wholesale Grocer, 271 LIBERTY STREET, (Pima] oPocAl Ea4oo 11.61.1 M. triitt.n.. A. EITESLE. M: STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants, And 15 ). ,1 3 t WriciATLlLL'ali FEED. M. ehenT CM). - Meaner & Harper, FLOUR. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Commission Alorehants, N 0.310 LIBERTY lITRBET. CMINITIIII4IIII4aII4ted. WO C. Armstfong, Riscesssor a nat..% Arsairong.) PRODUCE . COMMISSION MERCUANT, ottxs No. 13 MARKET STREET J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, N0..._ . :390 PE LITTLE, BAIR] PALL G WyntllB . , *1 eon. Po r tto s44-6 ;y: I.t n an n ri ' rel ritubtrel?4,tomttag u ez. ,. ;, mutt Sr:CONA T x mt,e,c....rnw. PM. notra. OH I. HOUSE kIIROS., Silfeea Apra tIZ JO UN I. llouslc a co. Whnlesnln 101 IN wALlaort. QII I l"flIN A IP.ILLACE, Wholesale OROCEIN A ND I'ItODC.CE 11)CALEIV?, No. 6 SSrth Avenue. Pluthurgi, - FINANCIAL. TIIE DIAMOND SAVINGS BANK, . 1, U III.1310::P. 1 . 171 , 111r110t1. CAPITAL S'2ll/.000 dTOCK1101.01:1.1 INT.Is"1131, lA, Deposita In corns of Si nal optreatts recervett. Interert allowed ou lame deposit.. Particular et tenth,. oven to bollectitatv. Pr oo o o ttis of which will be revotted prompt's. 11•MICTORS • inre s t f'r.fn... ILIP4VI. D .Pj=',;., Wet. Winds. WlPerbela, J.. Elena.. N. P. Sant or. Witt. D. Cooper. • ' Pierldent—N. P. SAWYER. • liable/v.—JOSS S. W1:U.1% te9.3t JILLE GHENT NATIONAL -BANK. 01' Pittsburgh. • tia FIFTH .S.VX:a‘i Capital Stock ...••• •.$5 1 10,000. • • J.. w. (FOOL President. ' H. W. SLAOKEY, (»abler. .eratztl W. McOANDLESS. Asst. Oaahlar. NEW TORII, ! la r 2d ,1N70.• THE FIRM OF T. L. TAVLOR4 INN)PEII dissolved by limit ed pommel, ind eire hare thih day formed • partuership nder the name of TAYLOR & COOPER • No. 5 Broad St., tot the tranoutlon of .• Linen] and metal business...V.l.MS ItIL.,JOHN BAILEY t: th irretal m r:4l.ocr l, h . flying oontriboLe • These bonds have 30 nate to run. are convert ible at the option of the holder Into the stork of the Com g l ued v. byeis mirment of the prin cipal is oinking fund. The cam. VerUbility privlltke ottactled to these bands can not fall to cause them ni no distant day to com mand a market price 00rudderubly abOre pal. t Jd he e 701 'N ' grgr oa ort I d t e'''= :3'41 work is rapidly progressitud' • The present advanctal condition and largo earn- Inks of the road warrant en In nnheeltattogly rec ommending these bonds to Investors. as. In everl RlPen undoubted security. • U. el. Plvedwentlesod present prices. onlytetorn tee per rent. Interest. while these Par eight and one-quarter per Cont. to Gold , end we regard we Security equally good. The Company reserve th e right , without notice. to advanoe the price. HENRY cLEws & 41 Wall Street, New York. H. MeI:LI:CANA CO, Plibbargh, Pa & PDX, Pdaladelphia. KURTZ & HOWARD, Philadelphia. BARRER, BROS. & CO., P►lldclphla, DeHAVEN & BRO.. Philadelphia. TONIIIIIEATI,WHELEN& CO., Philadelphia. ENGINES, BOILERS, &o F RT PITT Boiler, Still andjank WORKB., $200.000 )ARROLL & SNYDER, I=lll ing l lll,l4lll .EInIANG PANS, SALT PANS ANID CON . . . tiTkAM rires, GASOMETERS A-ND IRON =I OFFICE AND WAREIIOOBE Car. 2d, 3d, Short and Liberty treets, .... - . Ile Orders stmt. to t 0 .co.. uldrctes will be promptly attoml.l to. HUGH M. BOLE & CO • • Car. Point. Alley and Duquesne St., (NEAR TIIE POINT,I Engine Builders, Founders, ' AND • • Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONERY ENGINES of all MICA. Special attention Invited to our naa STATION. ARE Oil. WELL ENGINE AND ORTA SLR BOILER of 15 hone power. CASTINGS, of every kind do top der at our Foundry, on THIRD STREET. below Market. _ RIGS for Oil Well, H SAFTING, PULLEYS, NuEltS, llothir. and TOBACCO SCII.EWS, and IRON TOBACCO PRESS/La, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Frooling on the Allegheny River, near the Point. Plttoboegh, Pa. Ur All onion promptly Mind. TRY• US. - 0100,000 Ries - Idt & Bro., FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS. NO DAMP. NO MOULD. • ENGINES AND MACHINERY, BREWERS' WORK, REPAIRING mid PUTTING •UP MACIIINERT, HYDRAULIC CEMENT. Cor ner VHS and PIKE STREETS. Plttsburs. P. nolfilsS :1113.333 O'HARA BOILER WORKS," F. REPHAN & C0.,1 Manufacturers of STEAM 'BOILERS OIL TANIS STILLS, AGITATORS, SALT _p r tris,GASOUT..: CHIMNEYS TLING PANS, P ISON DOORS. , BRICIIEN FIRE BEDS. he... Core of SetoOd Arrone and Liberty Street'. i.mrsnur.ori. PA. • Repairing done promptly. Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. F. REPIIAN, formerly Manager at CARROLL EINYDERI3. 048:10 .$2OO 000 FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. NATIONAL FOUNDRY, AND Pipe Works. Corner Carroll' and Smallman Sreets, (NINTH WARD.) PITTSBURGH, PA. WM. SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF, Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. Castings for Gas and Water Works m uc Tren a t r .tae.n.lifoiltgnariVendents W. J. AI:DEMO/14 11. A. FRILITO4II.6. MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY. • W. J, ANDERSON & CO., it"^f - rm ,!•Ri'..H.7,° !!OUSE Dastings of all Descriptions. • ,:t71VG4 4 11,7't: &Ist ' tor WOo T dow H r?l esn Fotrrnonx—No. 150 WATER. BT_ Pit• moth. Pa. ROBINSON, REA & CO., Sonoefintar• to ItOIirSSON. 11 1 / 1 3.21319 WASHINGTON WORKS, = Mannfactorersof Ems end Statlenory Memo En- Binst Engines. Mill Machinery Gearing, furls. casslngs elf demnirsions,Ou 'gangs.. Stills, noper ona Sheet Inns M mrS. beet; ito. l• 1 miner First Red SLlthileld streets. eti vj ge O t lFAßD'S PATENT , !NJ ESINL , I4.or f THOS, CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry & Machine Work.. I=l Manufacturers of Eitathioary and Portable Steam Engines, 011 Preases, Palley, dbaltlng, Grist and Raw NM Work, Itolllng_Tdill and biathlon Castings. Grata and Webta, Wagon Boxes, de. 110111 to order and have o il band irines of all Musa. m 714 q 5 flicenix Roll Foundry. LIMINITT AND 24111 BOLLMAN & BAGALEY Menufactorere of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and MOBS. BRASS CASTINGS. • 6USTAVE BASCH Henry Bier & Co., ISuocossory to JOIIN M. COOPER & C 0..) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Castingsßrass MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. MALSARLE AND GREY IRON ITPPINOR GAS PIPEiND TURING. TIIROTTL SAFETY AND CHECK YALVIZI, ALL GLOB PATTERN IRON COCKS. BRASS WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for ElLeam.Water and 011. Idanufactorersof J.M.Cooper ACA'r IMPROVED BALANCE.WIIREL STRAY PIMP. AGENTS ot DREYFUS' PATILNT OILERS. as best 15 the miner. • amen AND WORKS; Corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. ATWOOD & McOAFFREY Corner Unseal -- Srnzrr and 'Man Ailntarn. Pitteburen. P.. BRASS YOWDBIIB and IRON PIPE TITTER/34nd AGICEIIsforA.S. CAMERON COR STEAM PUMPS AND BLOWERS. p4A•isr;l ilk - EARL STEAM FLOURING MILLS. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO AI,LEGIISI7I CITY, PA. Manufacturers of the folio:eine celebrated Ganda 'l/2 1 ruYfireen Brand an nn anted Pastry Flog. . Star Blue Brand. A No. Matra Family Flour Net dyes enitre aallsfaction. I Pier Ilmt Brand. a good Fondly Fl auyartm tO .7 of the mune Freda In the market. AVe.t 1 11. brandelo:cremated. IS7O.- • us: $ ; FULTON & M'GANN, Practical Plumbers, OAS AND STEAM FITTNES. - Fifth Amt., near Mob Pittaburgb, P. Lantlllpa, Guru llosejlas Fixtures. Illak..Bath Tub. and Wadi Stands, ritit nit AZ dbr,•avalx.BStr mad "1 141. ras. Water !Ind Steam *vaunt?. Jolablur .I.9luptly Wanda.] la • IRON AND STEEL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, . 1 f . . . I UFi No. ilfi I.ltiert, street, EOM OUQUESNE WORKS, =! - Colemim, ROin & Co., IRON, NAILS, STEEL, A.xels and Springs. DIWESNE, I. X AND JUNIATA WksUlaragSBAVAW . PLA cES AND HEADS GUANO IltoN. DRAG AND DROPPER BARS. rIANGES. CUTTER BARS.CI LINDER IRON, T AND FLAT RAIL, for Cnal Roads. CROWRARSWEDGES and TEETH. SPRING,' PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. STEEL WINOS AND.AIoULDS. rot to Warm STEEL TINNS,STKELSIIA rri NU, A B STEEL ' , COACH, EINIIIT and WAGON serniNas mud 1 - 71MNALLS AND SPINES. All Goods First Class find Warranted OFFICES AND WORKS-10th etr.t .d Alle hhta River. and 77 Water Street, Illtsburati. ittsburut 'Steel Works. ESTABLISTIEDIN 1E46. ANDERSON - Sc WOODS, Best, Refitiecl: Cast Steel OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, Bed Refined German Plow & Spring Steel. CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENUE, Pltu. burgh. Pe. sultkoll PITTSBURGH Novelty works. FOUND= A. D 1833 • _ 01110 RHEAD,ADAIS & Co., ilionufsetorters of KEYSTONE FITRINDAREAFaIr tionles Pstootl PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. Janne Faced Patent Roof Locks and Welles. Paint and Coffee Stals,dc. Gonna. of FIRST AVENUZ and GRANT STS. Pittabtuall,Pa. Sheffield Steel . Works. SINGER, NIMICK & CO ., PITTSIMItOrf. hlensifectorefs of eserf description of • Cast and German Steel, I a i iVY Pn tr,ii,ria TV9R3 SPRI N GS. __ STEEL TIRE, An. dc WAREHOUSE—BS Water add I 00 Find "mem BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Mannfactnrera of all Dek:rlpllons of STEy.L. (r Z FIt 7 / 1 1=1 : 78-30th. 91st and .i.t411.,, STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. COOK STOVES Get the Best! , BISSELL &,.. TRIUMPH,. For Biturniridus Coal. Herniated to COOK. BAKE or ROAST as Bell ve spy other Stove In the Union. • BISSELL & 00., No. 935 'Liberty Street. ALSO, ON RAND AND FOR SALE: PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES, GRATE FRONTS. FENDERS. COOKING RANGES, Se.. tn. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO. =ll STOVES, Boston Cooking Range "THE FIERY FURNACE" BLIILDINCM TUE NEW ANTLDUST coolanqa STOVE. REGULATOR." COLUMBIA CCIQK JITOVE. VAN'S (PIRGs_ saLl PatternlTAßLE ARM. CAST IRON MANTLES. SM.I.MANS TOR, GRATES,_ five_ from dirt and dust; GRATE FRONTS. FENDERS AR 206 and, 208 Liberty Street, A.BRADLEY& CO. , No. 20 Wood Street. Ilanufacturen Of the OMNest Varlet, ot COOK. PARLOR and KEATING STOVEO to be found. In our assortment will bf foßad all the latest PAT TERNS and IlfintovESlSTS, and the repot.. a lion of on, stove., is such that any one In want of =Uri re should b PerAr4nl;".ep i d'":o7, 2 ,'lr ruble as welt as swoon:mai. Would c attention to our now VOLCANO STOVE, for ehurches.halls and stores. Over 400 sold In three months. , Intended for with or without =slag. All who have used them pronounce them eupertorta Mother and tar cheaper. fond for Catalogue lout MOO Llst. 1e3:1 WINES_, LIQUORS. &o. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORLN The Very Best In the United States, WM. 981 North Seventh Street, Birsawcw—All the landloh house. In thhhaD-Tras Schmidt & Friday IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &e WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. ‘)s. 384 and 386 Penn Cor. of ELEVIVIII ST., formerly Coital JOSS. S. - FINCH & CO No.. 183, 191'. 199.191, 193 2114193 PTRtYT EITHWIT. FTRYbuRIR. - Iforoxfoottoore of OOPP'SII . DMILLID MIN ay , wmoK Abo,dieddan la FORMA WLVIIM, smol Lt. nom MP, T010131.5R O. J . AVOILNN. EST • CONXO3 . .• • achurt' e Stone Works. Northwest Oman. Of. Wat Common Allegheny. • YRZWY.ATVATKIt a ca., Him ea hand oe pre% It t lin2VZ n i na 1147rea. — a" M promptly oa reesoaelge lame -t)ENNSYLTANIA CENTRAL RAIL• ROAD.-After Jo. in.g ' .; = lo%Wilicglis ... . . r...frMARD , irilTrAllp Throcorb Train, ' Through Train/ 4 D. 1. :non Depot- I Arrive at MOT De Punk Ex 111:30 am Flan Train__ 11:3 arn Mall Train.— La Oars:Fast Lbw. 11: am Brlnlon Ae....10:' 0 anuctnellanall Dz. 1: a m Cinch:Al Ex... 1 - 3 Tat , Attab)o Da- ' : pea rti11a...E.1.... 3 : 0 P.P. O " . 1 p''' raja Una TAU p= , Way Paasn't-lea 0 Pl. CAL. ? Wall's N 0.1.. 640 asul Wall's Nal.. • D am Wall's Noll , ll an, Drln'n An No.l : as Wan's Nu. 3 . 3:0 yin Wall's No.ll. • am Johnstown /1". 4:0. pin Johnstcnr :.., 11 PD:W. II :* Wall's No. 4.. a: 0.1:03 Wall s ho. .. W alls N o' . An. 61: If pm; Wall's NO. • • ... Pw. Walls No. 6. 11. I/ paa BrlenAdto-11 IWllklrtsb'w . .. IN= , oahenall EXpflu ~04 Paden "•*',• all "them:Una daily. awn* Qnnd.r. _ i . I .T . ; : g.,:rch vans Irma= rAllo b n wet! , I : l l 34l'B, lr 'n' i n s: i it 1 1 / 1 711 " 1:1 XIV n• 111 • - For further laus uan u • Wit P ricisvrr,As.. , ..srennsylwalany irqd c om p.., arm Dot MP. 'n'ne ." :11,15s1: liTillp__ 4iii.: I9. men _ .5 up m,r - nation. Nit . p m ElprinipTe N 0.11.6. X p milliprlngiCeNo. . •ti in Above trent rim dxcept &MAIO. The Church Traives Allheny Action. every Sunday .t., eo n n. Id.. ree.log alicelietty City at fiti A. X Heitman:4G leave. City,t 1' : oc. K. and antra at Aillegbini A l= lion at X: P. X. Til=a-vol.it_r,tir_ re ' gale Motet, near the El Ilitage, ' lltlei burgh, and at the Depot. Allesheny. . Tor farther particatara apply to_ JAMES LETTil.Aillint. Finland Street Depot. .., Local Tickets to all important Ration. CM the main line of the Patmayirarila Central Railroad. A. J. CA=T vn General somilvAlta. rarT , Sapertatenthent..7lUTA'k" = A LLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. gew LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH THE OIL a REGIONS. On sod Juneeth .. .Nre A r ND" amingg i Trento uattylenartnUnndny will leave Pittneurnt, Depot, coiner of IMUt and Dike stre mine Pranldin, OU uld WA points 011 Betion. • ... D., Etr.yre... ... prrinurnan. Traorit .— s. NISIbt ill t: t : ril p,. all . r .," . : 4. 8. . P. M. 1 : / 1 4 !trade, Elrod Awls.. lit P. M. . . 4.. 9. Sods Works 'et Holton Holton Sttl .k.r . .. & A. M . .. trohoo - i / P.M. . P.M. us Church 1. P.M. 1 • A.m. , Ihrpress trolos stop only st . fint=Phint. Ak... traLos 4.9 at ""ki,,°": ± r"..1... Sleeping OM oh . hatht 309050 Togo., both . I.l .t.nracatka.ri t tps. . J•l3 JAI/MIL BRAY, 21ciwt Ana% I:PITTSBURGH AND CON MI& eriA lal i' l "' "VinA 7 %; Ariallaffiaa July.aftat W RDNESAY 6. IEI7O, Tralus /MI are/Taal sad trona Depot, comet of Grant and W.f. s SS Ed- lons—tity Dote: • . Mall Train " ... 8:30 A.m.' In Mdte r itr thenataxl Ao 4:10 A..U. , port Ao 040 AM. Ws? PuYeMer 9115 4.m.,olenerood Ar Fkolo let McKee.. A I Wees Newton linge. j 4ntha l kitt4 . R.Cp 'a rese Ten INS 4.11 West Newton 94 11r[eee- Ar 4:30 P.M. po rt Ac HID P.M. 'llraddockl W T rammer • SIPA. Ac 040 r-v. Mud Traln.... : OPm 24 McKee. Brad 4 o ens . a rdyg .... 1320P.M. 3 41.14 i.. .... 71/4 P.M. 1 , px 4:f _ ... ;, 10,4 e 1..m . .i xt r ,. ........1t1MP.31. Church Tr'n•l2:4l3 P.m.;Church Teel 4Dift Sunday. only. All other Trulne dant_ Bandar.. ' D. D. APll3=l.. PIM ' Muster of Trunsport•Unen PITTI . ILM_I_OIg, PA. WAGNER, STONE . . RAILROADS M=l=lo , l=± l:= l2ol' PITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI - AND ST.LOI.7IH RAILWAY.F ac amia PAN HANDLE 11011 TE. CHANGE OF TIME.-0n and after SUNDAY. June 11. 1870. teeth. will lave and arrive at the Union Depot. reader. I ttmbetdl limp • DEPAUT. Alithlvt. Mthresa. Fast I n 1 ; tlit: i r rg. Southern Mthreas •• p.m. 1 : mid. Mixed Accommodation.. . am. . p.m. McDonald Aocommairti. 1 a. m. • am. Steubenville AccommeeL . p.m. . am. McDonald Accomme4'n. . p.m. : p.m. Pundits Church Tniln. 1 • • am. The I was A. M. Mai I.lne leave dalThe . Express 113 noon Expre arrive:: dolly. All other . MM. th e dads except Sissider. w. " C. 1.. o , Bluw it General 11thilt Meml.mbamb; I .W. W. Com. Sept. Dennison. Ohio. late HARDWARE & CUTLERY Pittsburgh Utility Works, WEAVER& Corner of Juniata and Fulton Streets, Sixth Ward, Allegheny. Masutfaottiores of STAPLE nARDWABIud .II kinds LIMIT GREY IRON CABTINGN We tender our Goods nue eel - tire& athe nada at the Lowest .Prices. and warrant WI our Wet skillfully llolsbed. Orders widt... O; 9 g.r.TINDofANtrIZARVA I EirI t . o WEAVER k JOE= Allidoess: rlttsburit Postolloe. .I, ESTABLISHED 1831, ` Logan, Gregg & Co„' DEALIBB IX HARDWARE, • No. 52 Wood Street PA: Spring Goods, Hoes, Bakery Forks, Scythes, Snatbs, Le. . Merchants are halted to eimahm our stock when in the city. - Orders by mall will hare prompt at tention. BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO: No. 70 Wood Street, CURER Table Kniven• Rt Poks, Pocket Knives, Butcher KniveL, Bread 'Knives. Carving Knives, 'Scissors, Raors, j . Putty ICnive - s. • AND ALL OTHER AITICLES OP CUTLERY Al LOW PRICES): Beaver Falls Cutlery Co; No. 70 WOOD STREET;, „ pa' PrITS31:111,08. PA. PMNTUiG, GRAINUTG- JOHN T. GRAY, HOUSE. LID 5101 MITE% qrsAnchn.,44*?l,- lams: .I.l.lPittabonits. itiriltSliktatS amtiniTrat.miu. • Is =sus was, c•tax utionow.4.• •"1111117 * •• ,• • . sow