The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 13, 1870, Image 1

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    T. 1 .11 GA7F.TTE
Corner Sixth Are—and Smithfield St.
T ! P. 110PSTON,
name of rnt lIAtLy
wall, per year
Deueemp by Perrier, per week
ls:kw Volts has some bey policemen.
TROY, N. Y. has a rag picker 103 years
old? - •
SILK NVOKIN aro fashionable California
pots. . .
!draw° Las produced a wonderful bunt
of Grist.
THE staple crop of the Connecticut val
ley is tobacco. -
''NAi'ORTI". Naughty, but stt Nice" is
the title of a late novel. •
Tirs. subject of public bathe• is now
Icing agitated in St. Louie.
NiATILIM LICIION will — begin her Lien.
nial farewell tour In the autumn.
ONE school house to eight base ball
clubs is.the ratio In Indiana tonne.
TUE Ilabie bay crop will, it is feared,
prore a failure on account of drought.
Tug great trouble with mine in that so
littla of It is enu-wine.---Loterf Courier.
11031E0 . 141 Louse iii'Verona is now , Ofc
object of senitutental• antiquarian _search.
• FOR twenty years. Dickens. received
$l5OO a year from his Oennan publishers.
Tag latest style of Paris hat Lithe same
which delighted the ancestresses 105 years
ago. • -
DOUGLAS JEISOLD'd son—not nephew
—is an engrnt - er on wood in New Or.
ON Sunday Anthony Robstein attempted
to airhu the Ohio at Cincinnati and per.
'rum's are a great many very large and
very healthy rattlesnakes thin year in
- than half •of *the work of the world is
• done by women.
IMAM and gold and maroon, and light
Mao are announced as the fashionable
contrasts this season.
LAKE Micunitx in said sow to be tiro
feet higher than it ever was before in the
memory of white men...
COMPANY, with a capital of $55,000,
has been established at \ Voicester for the
manufacture of carpets.
A ono. who held an auto da fe in her
stove with a few green of potato bugs was
poisoned by their tunics. • .
HON. A.1.1. - Rice, one of the Roston ex
cursion party,-had his pocket picked of
•251.000 by a Califqrnia thief.
froM the abundance of grapes
in France claret, burgundy and chtunpagno
will be very plenty in France.
Dcnom the present .season it is said
that 15,000,000 of brick will be manufac
tured at Terre Haute, Indiana.
REn.MAN mr.i.viLLE, author of 'Fypoe,
Omoo and other navels, has a position in
the New York Custom House.
TEE will of Robert 'West, which left
$25,000 to five .public charities in Phila
delphia is contested by a female relative.
ON Friday afternoon 'Charles Snyder
fell from the wheel house of a steamboat
he was . painting at Cincinnati and was
EDwIN DE0.013 will probably never be
decently rendered in German as' several
of the best translators' pronounce it be 7
yond thiir powers.'
"A CONTnOVERsY with a friend" is a
delicate term applied oat in Nevada to
getting one's skull fractured two or three
times with a brick.
Ott Saturday one white man was killed
and two Chinese shattered by the , explo
don of one of tbaHmildings of the Cali
fornia Powder }Yorks.
TIIE gangs of 'pickpockets anti murder
'murk all the &relines of travel to and from
New York:aro said to be now thoroughly
organised for the season. •
Ttre Chicago White Stockings are pro
nounced miserable trandain the East and
the Chicago papers more than halt ac.
knowledge that they are re. i
A GREEN waiter on a Pullman ear
drenched his paasengers lately by tined
visedly trying 'to 1111 the water tank
through one of the roof ventilators
MorirrtitiEn proponen to have a new
manufacturing company, with a capital of
$lOO,OOO, for the manufacture of all torts
of articles made - from wood, iron or steel. very fashionable just now at sum
mer resorts to attend church. The va
:ions houses of worship at Long Branch
and Newport were well filled on Sunday.
Jour; 1 1 .1c1Ne11arta, while swimming at
Cincinnati, on Sunday, suddenly shook
hands with his companions, said goodbye;
dove under the water and was drowned.
LADIES whose writings make us think
them always young do, however, grow
old; for instance, Fanny Fern ix eirty,
Mrs. Stowe fiftyair. and Alice Cary. forty.
ON the 6th instant Wesley W. Sanford,
of Ridgeway. 311thigan, blew out his
brains; and Thomas Wilson, living live
miles from ,Ridgeway, killed himself by
raking arsenic: -
\YUEN the gas accidentally went out at
a Chicago prayer meeting last week, Shoo
Fly was whistled and sung by apparently
many more voices thin had joined in the
hymn a few momenta before.
A Afrcracial: farmer anointed his 'note
to vines with rat poison; to destroy the
bugs, and the next morning- found his
herd of coals dead, having broken laps the
potato patch daring the night.
Cot.. PARAN.PTEVENS has . authorized
the School ComMittem of Claremont; N.
11.,,t0 draw on him senihannually for the
interest of $lO,OOO. This' makes his gift
to the Stevens High School $20,000.
Flax now talks of launching . a rows.
paper on the rail progreasion, a paper
without politics, but which, while driving
ahead at alxhorse speed; shall twirl
about and pirouette with every breath of
fickle fortune. ,
THE harness makers' strike in eincin.
nail has induced five manufacturers to ac
cede to their demands Four manufac.
'curers yet stand out. The makers can re
ceive under the new rates from $l2 to
$l5 per week.
ON Sunday, James Austin attempted to
drive some boys from his blackberry
patch neat. Springfield, 0., when a lad fil-
Uvo Team of - age. named Fred. Roth, shot
him through the lungs with a pistol,
wounding him fatally.
THE Boston Poe says: A Wisconsin
gentleman insisted upon putting himself
• on the free list of a circus by: crawling
tinder the canvass lately, and i n a debate
with the gentlemanly and urbaneproprie
tor was gathered to his fathers. .
A lIICIIICAN Lem wants information of
a person Who "sailed from somewhere on
a whaling voyage, between 1705 and 1805."
She supposed the port 'eltlfer New Bed.
ford, Nantucket or Newborn:gut. The
search would seem-almost impracticable.
Mu. W3l.;,DirtNE, a prominent manu
facturer of cotton and woolen goods and
proprietor of . the Kennebec Mills,died io
Philadelphia on Friday . night In his iftth
year from injuries received by being
thrown from his carriage several months
AT Baltimore, July 4, Policeman Mur
phy arrested one of three brotberrowdies
for insulting a lady. The brothers as
sailed the officer With clubs to rescue the
prisoner, but the oMeer clung to hie man,
took him to the watehbouse, and hi a few
minutes died of his woaada . ' .
As attorney presenting a copy of a writ.
to an auctioneer, apologized , for his un
friendly visit, as he was merely perform.
lug an unpiensant duty of 1K p ro f e w on.
••Certainly not,' said the attorney: "you
must attend to the duties of your p i a,
eon, and so must I to mine." and instant
V. knocked him down.
. ;Ir
is proposed to raise the sum of Co,.
000, to be given to the earporation - of
Yale College, to be expended in - obtaining
a imitable statue in bronze or President
Dielght, and placing the satneln the va
cant niche provided for such an - ornament
upon the beautiful edifice just erected for
the Theological Department.
Ar tiri recent fire in — Providence the
beat was so intense that a large .body of
cod In one of the bins on Hopkin's wharf
WIS Ignited, and when the supports were
burned away the whole bunting mass, es
timated at a hundred • tome, end Into the
Till a • - '
‘PI /C -11 1 )t, v - i
l'--- v L It • I IXi. , ii
` 4/ - 1 r) A
\ v&i,Z,C
dock, convening it into a, literal boiling
cauldron for motile few minutes. •
toss BitAxcir is to be enlivened this
summer with music of an operatic cast.
Among the artists engaged are MI.
Rosa Cook, Mine. Varian-Hoffman, Mr.
Bend Drayton, Sig. fiandolfi, Sig. Fosseti,
Miss Kellogg, Mute. biazzaniga, Mate.
Anna Bishop, Sig. Lefranc, and Sig.. Brig.
noli. Many instrumental soloists aro an.
SANIVIZI, NAPIER, n young unmarried
MAU' employed at the Bingham House in
Philadelphia, attempted to commit sui
cide with an. old jack knife or, Sunday.
Ile was discovered in the act of hacking
at his throat._ and carried to a hospital,
where he begged the surgeons to let him
die as.he was tired of living, hut his mod
,st petition was refused.
Song of the boarders at an ludianapo
lis_hotel went out the other eveniug, leas
ing their doors and 'windows open, that
the - spirit of the evening wind" might
wander in. and freshen things. When
they returned they found their moms
tightly closed and roaring coal fires . horn
ing. Fellow boarders, had been there.
POTATOE BCGSI in Illinois have nearly
all been killed, either by the application
of Paris green and wheat dour, in parts
of one to ten respectively, or through the
less expensive and more rapid process of
knocking them off on toxhe sand during •
the hot weather, where. they never foiled
to curl up and roast in less than it
AeconDixoto the report of the Ciuel
nati Board of Trade the manufactures of
-that city for the rear ISII9 amounted to
5119,140,089. Of this clothing is over
- S11,000,000: furniture nearly S 11,000000;.
$1 . 2,520,000; idoves and hol
low ware, $2.400,000; oils, soaps, and can
dles nearly $8,000,000; liquors, $12,000,000.
'ritts far this season Norwegian immi
giants have chiefly landed in Cantina, and
found their way to the States overcana
-.San lines of travel; hut a new steamship
'ins has Leen - chartered, and will coin
-ace running shortly between Bergen.
orway, and the port:of New York, and
hereafter u.'6 - may expect a Indira' eliallgO
in the Scandinavian tide of immigmtion.
PATEnsox, New. Jersey. had a new son.
:nation a few mornings ago. It was occa
sioned- by the visit of a swarm of bees,
which completely tilled the stre,t from
side to side. After various •expedienw to
collect them Mr. John C. Killou ru procured
a limb from a tree and 'going into the
middle of the strem he soon had them con.
qv:gated into one mass preparatory • to
A FARMER living near Elkhart, Indiana,
as refused for seven years to sell his
von!, because he could lot get the price
e demanded. His stock has, therefore,
tereased, Until the other day heconchs&
to come down, and bro . tight to town
or tivothousand pounds wo). cc
trading it at front thirty.tive to thirt,
eight cents per pound . For .a large pr
portion of this wool he %vas Song ago e
fered $1 per island and refused it.
Fort some titne notices have , ,
been dr ,
culated through. the difreient frontier
posts to the etli.Sl that a MN. Dorothy
Field had been abducted by' the Indiana
from Menard county, nn the ,San Saba
River. four miles below MeKarel!, State
otTexas. and .meting a reward of VW in
gold for her safe return to any faint in
the United States. It has been ascertain
ed that she was shot, scalped, and tied to
a tree, where elle was left to starve.
Mom s people are killed by lightning
thou in commonly suppwwd. • According
to some recently publiniwd statistics more
than ten thousand - people have been smlo ten by the electric thud within the pant
thirty years; of Whom two thousand two
hundred and fifty:two were Allied out:
right. 'The fiery bolts, however, neon to
tuake a distinction on account of sex, for
of the eight hundred and eighty killed
within the last 'ten years, only two hut,
tlnsi and forty•three were females.
TOE New York 111 - arld say.: As there
are Some pious folks who think it sinful
to cure diseases or assuage loins which
are sent an punishment for sin, it in per
haps not right for this medicine men to
discover that the new anwsthetic, hydrate
of chloral, is an übm><st miraculous rent
edy in ildirintro Omen.. Dr. th4;rge
Balfour, of Edinburg, has tried_ it in a
tv'eich was, one of "maniacal vio.
lence.' Two 111dr-drachm &men at one
hour's interval produced sleep, and cured
the patient:
A rmar of : Americana at Zurich
Switzerland, haVintr, Income pnajudie,
IlgUlLlst the country for some reat.on; de
(ermined to wreak a terrible vengeance
MI the unotrending Swiss: S.o they organ
ized among themselves a base - ball club,
with two - nines, and placed a Match - game.
The_puttch excited great interest among
the natives, and our countrymen retired
over the Alps, their faces lighted with a
glimmer of sardonic satisfaction. Their
devilish revenge 'has Worked, and now
Ivor Switzerland is cursed and inundated
with a passion for base ball.
Tuts is what the New York amanertitil
Adrretiser nays: "Italy honors the memo.
ry of her lions who fell at Solferino, with
monament erected ou the brittle field.
America honors her crippled and dismem•
beret veterans, finst by vouchsafing them
the privilege of a monkey, and a hand.
organ, and then by taxing hidh the ani
mal and the instrument." Whereas, any
paper that wished to be just and patriotic.-
and ordinarily decent, would have said:
America honors the memory of her sons
who fell, by a monument on every battle
field and upon every village green." Italy
honors the survivors of Solferino by cell.
in g thyrn the privilege of a tnonkey and
band drgan, and then letting them loose
in this country to have the, animal, and
torture box taxed:
A NEW YORK letter says: 'Our admit.--
thuris appealed to at seeing Pmzident
Bergh these scorching tinya walking up
rind down Broadway and other, thorough
faren, keeping a sharp lookout for cruel
Stage drivers and carmen, and spotting
and arresting a delinquent wherever seen.
Truly; this man, in his quiet, unassuming'
dignity and determination, is winning for
hitifself a nation's gratitude. Every ha.
man brute fairly hates this benefactor of
the brute creation, and hundreds would
take a great deal of satisfaction in inflict.
ing phyaleal violence upon him. , Bat un
moved by, and indifferent to, warnings and
threats, he keeps'riglit on from day to
.lay, while the influenc e o f hi„ ex„,,,,,h, in
being felt all over the country.. should
have added' at he has an amide fortune,
and is a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman."
Ca°Ws, which-n re frequently so great a
source of terror to farmers and owners of
corn fields, are not altogether so deestrue
tire of the corn as may be supposed.
That they protect the wheat field instead
of despoiling will not readily Ise believed
by the average of farmers, but - the expe
rience of many will prove this.' A. corms
pendent of an'English paper, ndrocating
the protection of the crow, atatea that
having , shot crows In n corn field, lie
opened their stomachs. expecting to find
theta fUll 'of wheat. Ou the contrary, be
discovered that they contained a large
number of catterpillurs..whose ravages ou
'the crops Were quite evident. Before
farmers heroine perfectly ruthlekulin their
.destruction of the birds round - their firins,
it might be well for them to repeat this
experiment, and ascertain which are their
friends and which their enemies. In the
Barbadoes the tiegrroes call the crow the
"blessing of Itod," from the aid which
give') in destroying cockroaches. .
PROF. lioessbr.n, sent out by the Pe•
parttnent of the Interior to examine Into
the mineral wealth of Texas, lately arrived
at Waco from the .frontier. Ile and bin
escort were surprised by Indians near thO
mouth of the Little WiChita, May 31.
,Two citizens of Collin county, in the mil
ploy of the Professor were killed and
scalped, and he wan no bespattered with
their blood an to eon le him to feign
death, The Waco KM lore, which gives
-us these facteoidds : .• 'though punched
and pricked by the In sticks
fans with stic
and arrows while lying immovable in the
bottom of the wagon, 0 to Professor still
kept still, and by so do t g saved his scalp,
The escort at this me eat came rapidly
to the rescue and dmv them oft, ono SOL
diet being killed lath in . action, The In.
diens rallied a second time, but were again
driven off, and finally leappeared In a
northwesterly direction, - Their number
was estinutted to be forty or fifty, and ell
were armed with rifles, tsowe and arrows,
and decorated in a veil- hideous' manner."
Objections to Don Alfonso..lsabella',
Abdication... The Scene.. The Ex.
Queen's Speech-4[er Will.. The Po
pal Blessing.
[From N. Y. World Corremondeld.l
• • P.A.11 ts, Jane 27,1070.
When on, remembera 'the cogent.,
with which the Duke of Genoa 'vu
pressed to accept the Spanish crown, some
surprise is felt that Don Altonso shonk
not he et:Molly acceptable. He. like the
former, is a child of KWh tender yearn
that he Must - make a model constitutional
king, for he would be a mere puppet in
the hands of his constitutional advisers.
It is, however. feared (palace revolutions
are common in Spaia,i that be would soon
'become n mere puppk in the hands of his
mother . and grandmoilter (Queen Marie
Christine,l who are themselves mere pup
pets in the hands of priests; and that as
the reign of Queen Isabella wan bnt the
counterpart of Queen Marie christine's
reign, an the reign of Alfon,n would be
so distinguishable from dons. of his twei
immediate predeCesso. 'rime will re-.
veal the value of Don Alfonso's meter,
Invitations were issued a few days since
to all the Spaniards who have remained
faithful to the, Queen, rerluesting , t heir
tendance at Basilewski Mansion last
Saturday at 2 P. M. They - were enjoined
to keep the invitations secret. At Val r.
it. precisely the Queen entered the draw
ing room. She was nttired in rose-colored
silk, covered with lace. She wore spleralid
pearls in her hair, her. ears,. and around
her neck. On her breast scan a magnift•
cent diamond breed. She was calm and
wellaatistied. On her right were Prince
Don Alfonso, her eldest son, (ho wore a
black velvet roundabout and pantaloons).
and Infanta Don Sebastian, the youngrat
and sole surviving 84111 of Charles IV On
her left were QIIPPII Marie Christine. her
mother. the Infant:is, and Count d•Aquila
tof - Naples).
Don Francisco d'Atisisas, the Queen's
hushand, had been invited to attend, but
he came not. Neither came the ]hike de
Seville (Prince Henry de Bourbon's son)
although in Paristhe excuse alleged
for i.el absence wait that, having taken
service in:the Spanish - army, he could not
well appear at - such a ceremony ).-nor
Count Ourowski (Infanta Inabellit's hus
band, mater of Doe Francisco ir.tasisas.t
:tor Don (inely-Rene', (husband of Infan•
to Josephine.) 'Dere were present. each
seated according to the Spanish order of
precedence, Dukes de Medituweli. de !li
ras Saavedra, de Seat, (\hne. de Monty's
hush and,) Entice de Las Delhi., d'Arco,
do Ripalda, Marquises de Belmar. dr
Casalrujo. Bagaraga, Vella Florida, de
.11 int MA3F.STY
When silence was restored the Queen
said she had resolved to abdicat e her
throne, and to make known her reasons
far doing so to all Spaniards. She.
unfolded a Ftper site held in her hind;
awl read her. pnwlamation. lit it' 'hr
gave a brief summary of her reign:. she
reminded Spaniards that she had been
summoned to reign over them abed
was scarcely morn' than a baby in the
entitle;-she had grown up without its.
hour's truce amid the civil db.cords which
rent Spain asunder; she had lemn ht the
cradle, eVell as a young girl. stilt Starr as
IrOlaaa, been in AeolltillaalCOldliCl with
political parties or political factions which
fought for power: and. absorbed by three•
linrassing conflicts, she was made imp,.
tent to do all the good to the country she
had desired to do. Nevertheleas, averse
from - erimitutting anybody, she forgave all
theme who had wronged 'her, and she con
tided her son to the nobility of the Span
ish nation.
This prwlintation was lb,ened to amid
thedrepest Iler Maj.:sly tltrli
read her abdication. which ual sOniewhat
as follows: "I, di, declare
that of thy own free will and consent, and
without yielding to any instijalt ion, advice
o r COMP.! Willlt.4lo•Ver. I do ado and do
transfei u n to my son Abfoluto all nit la,
litical rights, retaining for myself over
only ' Inv civil rights, of
mother and guardian:' She then signed
: the abdication. and after lior ,very per•
sou present signed it.
Queen Isabella then fell weeping in her
mother's 611111. 'warrant of
ninny a dream and mane a fetish illusion
was signed! When she grew clam.
Prince Iton Alfonso mond in her place,
and his gmudmnther. Queen Marie Chris
tine. Infant Dna Saliastian. his grand
uncle, and the Infant., his sister 4, loosed
his hand, The royal family resumed
their places. Prince, thtn Alfenim now ne
copying the place of honor. All the com
pany present then. filed in front of them,
and as they 'aimed eachls - medals! kissed
Don Altman, and Queen Isabella's hand.
This ceremony ended, the Queen went up
to each pertinny'rernt and exchanged a
few friendly, kied•words with him. ,
Friday :tight the .Queen made and-pub
'hilted her will. She doedriA to make it
while still. iu possession of all herll , l,llly.
prerogatives.. She had nt first .letermin.
.1 to make and publish her will at the
wile time she alp:Heated: but as it was
desirable that several French pt,rispos witnesses to her will, and as It
might irritate the Spaniiti goinrouleat to
hear that French fonetionaries had been
present at her abdication, she resolved to
make the will on the Mil of the 111Xlica.
lion. Among the persons. present nt the
making and publication of the will were.
Marahal Ilazaine.Judge Bebolt Campy, M.
Allow, the lawyer, and others. The
Queen.sent a telegram to the Pope, to in
form him of her abdication, and . to nsk
him to bless her son, his moue and.-Spalta
The Pope hmuedintely returned a tote•
grain ronveylog the desired benedictions.
d,euse . l.kost. 1
The Highest ,- Flight .Ever Made by
'lle most remarkable halloon n.scenslon
on record was made in 19.04. be Bird and
.ony-Lussae, In Park. -By limb enterprise
'thee endowed science with a series of new
anti important !sets, questionable hcfore
flint time; an they carried with them a
complete Oct'of suitable apparatus, and,
nierever, an unsurpassed - knowledge of
observation and experiment. Thes , 'oh.
eentle,l to a height of 13.000 feet, and id;
served that at the height of 14,000 to 0,000
feet the animals they had taken with
them, in order to observe the effect of
earifietj, air and cold Upoo them, did net .
appear brisuffer any *convenience. fl, the
meantime the pulses of the two experi.
menterx Were much accelerated; that of
tiny-Lunt:Lc; etherwixe alwave' slow, 82
bents per minute, won 80; and that of Riot,
naturally rapid; 79 hen* per minute, watt
111. At a height of 11,000 feet a pigeon
was liberated; it dropped down whirling
through the sir as if it had been a stone.
'llio air was too thin. too much milled,
to enable it to fly. Three weeks later,
Orty•Lutou t e went up alone, and attained
the, height of 22,000 feet, four and one'.
sixth miles, or 2,000 feet higher than the
top of Chitaborazo Mountain. TIM barn
meter watt.* thirteen • inches high, the
thermometer eighteen degrees Fahrenheit
below the freezing point, while at the of the ground wax eighty de...
green. He lefktho court-yard of the Con
Aereatoire den Arts - ct Metiers,* Paris,.
and, after an aerial voyage of 1.1): 1101155..
descepded near Rouen, ono hundred milee
distant. The result of this ascension on
etty.leussac's health was very injurious,
partially by the want of air for respira.
lion, combined with sudden cold, but
chiefly by the absence of the accustomed
prensure. At the extreme height of
22,000 feet Ids face and neck were swollen
enormously, his eyes protruded from hie
head, blood 'ran front Ids eyelids, 11050
and earn, and.alitti came front his lunge;
by vomiting:in short, Ids system received
a shock from which ho never. fully re
covered the rest of WA life.
'run. East India • trade with Boaton •in
quite brisk thin season. Ono mercantile
lirm has now four ships discharging
there, which have recently arrived with
valuable cargoes of coirce, pepper, spices,
&cti The dales on one article alone
brought by one of these vessels will
amount to $104,000 in gold.
The Crisis iii Eurc.ii)e
'Fred Military Preparations by Both
Parties—Peaceful Reports—Report
ed Withdrawal of Prince Leopoldo,'
- a Candidate for the Spanish Throne
—Probable Demand of Fartherliner.
antles—Enapress Enzenia Reported
Anxious Inc War. in the Interest of
Don Alfonzo.
[fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Pants. July I2. — The French note to Prussi
makes two demands, one for the dt.nvow•a
of Prince Leopold's candidacy by Prussia, and
the other for the withdrawal of the Prince's
name In connection with the Spanish throne.
Prussia's answer to France is expected to
Special Euglish envoys have gone to Enl
Paris and Madrid,.
The Queen of Prutotia has nrrived at Rion
o use her Influence for the preset-ratio:rot
rltENyn MILITARY . ./k ItßANninteNT,
The'aruly at Paris has received orders t
lifarch to Moselle, and nix tninvortm nt Totdn
hare 0100:11 op, real - to watil to A Iglery Ii
bring back troops. .
The Special (luny& nye to constitute th
am corps intruile, which will be cononandei
by Marshal Baraille- With lienenil Control D
tinsel us chief of Stall nod headquarters a
Melt. .
ne)ehno tins been ordered froni
Ugerie to take t eon - inland he army which
Ia to noeTnte Ott the Rhine. General Lebrun
will it. stitlT and Generals Frovinit end Boor
t:ilk i will steels with him.
. .
Count 1 , 0 htlikno. wait ChanFrintler nd
t ,t her it..era', Will net On the opanish fron
tlet. 4 inior< bane nine been snot to the ('her
boorg to prepnre it fleet to tt?noport-al,ixtl
t mops, %Otto:, lest tent ton Is Itantbargand'the
Yorth Sen.
P. L.—The political develonments are if
more peacefal nature. An Informal reply. o
King la%Main, of Prussia. to the protest
Prance has been received. Ile ecaulenis
wit hdraw Root Prince Leopold the &audio
of his claims an the herd of the (molly of II
lomsollern. but nor ris King of Prussia, Tb
Preach Cabinet intimate t hat this sdneessio •
. . .
Lettle.itl tilluaelf tvlthdruu, from the c
Mature of the throne of SrMill.' -
A peaceful aolut ion la nott• . pcetalble nal.
'mere Letit a the execution dl lisp treaty
7111 Now ',VENTS Or MUMMA—WO./ VMS°, to
s The evening. journal. puldish the following
ut Prussian movements its received
from Erni:
'The Krug Of Prussia had several audience.
with Baron DeMalt ke. The brat Pruhalan
- oryn d'artne had received orders to tuarch to
the fortresses of the Rhine. The, corps at
Cashel, Hanover. and In Elbe province, were
to be reinforced nottied lately and ;Odd/troops
to be nn t he line of the Rhine.
An extract front a letter written by general
Prim on the lith inst. in 'published. Ile says:
never supposed France could be soino
ressed in this mat sere but Spain eagnot s it h
out .home draw bock. So ro 00011 et ros
pont," It. It reported that the mienn
lawn:es are mitive in the llohotrollerti ea ii
lldlit 'lmre Charm., hmt I he Conuten* of
l - lanilersnips( llohenzollern To the
Countehn acting under t !in advice of Chartres.
orthorrrdi sr.ll - 1-CSEXT r. Tor titrvictitA V.
• It Is redorted the queetlene at issue between
Prnme and Prussia hovet been artomility od
led. -
dente§ opened et Oaf 40e, and are now active
and firm at lid lAc.
VOCNO.ttirts or The In:AC[III,MM.
The newe that the dilliculty with Pruisia
would probably he arranged is founded on the
announcement that Prince Charles of /lobe:I
-to:tern, father ni. Leopold. through Senor
Ologaga no intermedlere i ban telegraphed
tren. Prim he should reline the crown for
Id. son even detected by the Spanolt people.
M !brag;. lett afternoon the fori.t
int at thin. had conferene
with flrommont and thr Pru..inn nlntna.adu
and rt•tprn--.1. it ac ne expected the
t: liorerib
ctarowould make another declaration In the
chambers toislay. AU the ambaataclore were
invited to attend hut, none wait made. Darer.
mdn aubmitted an intemmilatlon Po the flora
rmat a. (u what guarantee. would now be
demanded to prevent falnre riurnollottlons.
ta. which anew, will be returned at the pro
le, time.
The panic on the litouc ae b ia laa wag c , ao .d
td the forced 'aim of iifiectilatora.
Ititt'ltitrter to irMaioa la IttaltilA
Pnisiiiati Journal. has. report. o f an mi.
manse inorecnent-of trimps in (iermany. They
refirmient the tel the frontier encumbered
with men nod horse.. Eren la linden the
military activity It remarkable,. Trunaporta
lion tot. been no arranged Ibex nriatit) Infant m
dm! 5.101 cavalry can reach the frontier in one
ay. Secret exercise. of artillery have been
going on In the frontier of itaiiadt and o n
ri.nitnon • rode in !Neaten! Proof, Ttie
gergeanis of the render l`rutetan arum are
drilling gong• in the handling .f
LA Lit., to. En Minding . ' to ale report that
‘bectat en , oy had been sent to Pruslia, aaya
it in in:orrect. but mi....neer has roue to
Vif 1111 A to brotwite 1/17 , n1./se and defensive
alliance betereen Prato, and A nstrin. The
latter , name, not vet known._ The same
paper oat/mates that the ,K tag. of N. mild ref nae the ettinf of the haute of !lobe°.
7ollern hls •mmort to tae candldattire of
Leopold, but at Kinff of Prussia he must give
htc eoment.
S' (.11!itTNTRAT-
Iyo-- •
, LONOON.J 12.—Thpre In no doubt Pray
an troopn Sr.,. cancrutrattna 11./ Bade
d Mayenn,
NET, M. , 11,11 . 1EN surrnr-imcb
The Parit correepondent nf the Pad Mot
Gazette %rate.; •tbat now, 'tlitbatchet
Iron; Park t. the rnited :dates have been
lelaref or - altered - because they contained
details of tile gmEmmtloo. mak Inc for war.
TILE VEVell tV rn.tacc.
Ile adds the regiment al bonds ate !toady
pract king the - Marsellinise," and reprodocea
the report of the Gottiols that the F.truiertir'a
hones, after specialtraining to accustom then,
cc, artillery, are being sent tot he frontier.
Garribetta intends to make a speech In the
Corps in which he will demand that .he goy
ernment insist on the fultillownt of the treaty
of Prague. Ire will he opposed In the inter
est of Pence. 1 ' •
Tilt SrreATION AM hißePri - N -
FLAME-NTT, Jule 12—In the Chnoilser
yeaterdity. NintAt er Ventetta being tines
tinned on the general sltuat ion.? the Europe
no-Snitninit question and the relations or
Italy thereto. sold the finnan Government co
dte other power, In their efforts to
maintain neater. hut he declined to make any
full her explanntions. Ire n still hopeful.
however. Ma favorable result 'a.
of the endeav
ors of the noseers. Ile considered any Ala
cu.sion ns to the occupation of Rome under
the lotegeta eireurulit lances Inopportune. • •
31.—A rumor in rut ,
rent here that. Prince Hohenzollern haa with
drawn bin acceptance of the nomination for
the Spaniel therms , . jr It prone. true. a rapid
reaction will.ha looked for In the 'dock market
Ed-Morrow. The eounce of. the' rumor can
not: be digcovered at thin hour and tb.
nn?x should be received with caution.
' evvnrrw 'Mit AVAIa.
Mums, July 12.—The Patin co en
of the Prowl. Croat Gazette sty. tier Elmore , .
.Eogeole in an promoter of war to
defeat Hohenzollern and place Alton.° on the
Snanhat throne. Of the claim. of the latter
she le a. strong a parLlsan as of.lhe fatal un
dertaking of Haxlmlllaff In Mexico.
LONDON, July 12.—The formal opening of the
Tharneaembankment will take place to-nor
row.. It to exPecteti the Queen will take part
In the ccremonlen.
Clasper. noted oarsman and boat
died to-day at Kew• Castle-on-Tyne.
The .Shlpp tali Gautle denounces American
life Insurance agencies in England. It shows
they are Irresponsible and Kfteiturnnaecuri-.
ties here for the performatfee Of. vontracts
rwe with Enell.h eompun oio . th.
O n ats t iu ' llerkuhisea r ro i r:l74 ub
re Sheep ure
' Xrrennirth f :,Aeldu of growicg barley to
In the House of Lords to-day the bill to fa
cilitate therrctirement of Church incumbents
Woe passed.
-The Mouse of Commons received the amend
;nests to the Irish Land. bill from the Howse
,of Lord.. Mr. Gladstone said the . changes
Made were generally aczeptahle to the Gov
.E.rnment. and then proceeded to point out
- t no he should counsel the 'lonise to dissent .
Boreal-votes were taketkon the Lords'
ttenernithents arfHvarlous results.
Xund.troPm"r.'ri3"lY.l2 .1 T rrrLT •
rM7 4e Igutis.Vl
The y srike l
In Milhous° extends to all
classes of Workmen: even the bake. ceased
work. and at leam MAX) men are Idle. Goal
order has been preserved. and neither pollee
nor soldiers exiled upon to Interfere. •
THE tmouurn'irr nutalcz.
The drought In France continues. No rain
bad fallen for ten weeks prior ta July 4th.
and *Moe then there have bee n only a few
a li g h t .horers, which were not sufholent to
revive the drooping ovine.
PA.tus. July EL—According - to pteseot np-
Pontonces halt tho grain crop will be lost.
. . .
HevneraTjtilir.l2—ut meeting of prominent
slave holden a the western section of Cuba.
Presided over •bv the Captain General. ay-
pointed . committee to report • plan for the
. abolition of slavery throughout the Inland.
I:lle.tneet ng was harmonic.. .
Menlo it In the departmedt of Cuba for the
f.ipanish .hrtes have been ordered and will
come atf before the end of August.
Cubans in theChamagrey distriet have re.-
turned to their allegiance and are working on
plantations. Arms have been furnished theta.
by the gov'ernment. and they are organizing
for protection againid roving bands of incur-
Coked Statee (
the yellow fever.
. .
NiAOllllO. - July t 2. —A COII9II
iracy has been
discovered hem the • object of which was to
declare a republic. The leaders have been at.
Test oil.
QUEENS . rowy. July 12.—The steamer Tariffa
arrived yesterday.
SOgrrlA It MON. July ft.--The steamer fMnan
arrived thin evening.
19.—The titeamer Sidonean,
from Now York . . has arrived.
lalsocra : July 1 2 .—Nrenitar-Consols"
American Securities flat ; 3:20 bonds: .(ch.,
tdh:lr2g.:7.4; ' 6 7s. t;'i: MP:. 85,4: Erica.
17 Illinols'111; (ir rn t Western 2.5: Siockn flat.
LlVE:we:ola Jule 12.—Pott on dull and irreg
ular; middlinctipfands nyzoh,d; 0 r h. an „1,,.. 4 ( ,
‘OlOO 8,1101) tales. lireadbtulTs Una. Ile-
Ceipts of wheat, for the toast I broil days 40.021
qt arters;3'..;)o Aaterhaor.. .C.oltfornla white
wheat 104 ad; red oral:ern: No. a tra Pd: winter
Pa ad. Western Frour tharn—Nn. mixed
:Da M.' Oats 245.1. Harley to. Peas:lls Dd.
Pork arm at 10,:e6.1. Reef 112 s 6d. Lard tlnn
:;t. Sic Od. 61s. liacon.26s. Conine,
lands 62:. 6d. 'Turpentine and ..tend:- at
r -
LONDoN. Jule l_'.—Tallow 45.: 3.1; sugar
active at 21's ihiii27 , o.lallintt. Linseed nil lirtn
cr, at 314
ANaarmtp..latle 12
-Petroleum Urn,
11,1 E. dole 12.—cot ton flat.
Frt.lNKFORT..Itily I_".--Market for bond. re
acted and closed linnet: 3291. of 112 quoted ul
A Serino+ Biol. Atuonc Irikdinnia--
Oranxemen Attacked and a Itattip
Ensueq—Se‘eral Killed- and Malay
Wontuipd—Oliter City Items.
lly TekgrAilil 10 the Pitt eurgh t i
NEW I , 4:mK, July 12, 1h2114.
'R111111.; Mira - AZSACICK.SU-st
The Orangemen eelebrating the anniver
sary of the battle of Boyne at Elm Pack te-
Way were nttncked by three hundred hid!, la
borers. whose auger bad been 101114.!li by ex
pressions by the . friangreinen lam Wog to their
nationality and faith.. Tie itssailants used
stones and the Implements with which they
had Levu working. The Orangemen defended
themselves with their pistols. Thus. Grady
- •
smis shot its the Lead and lustantly billed
ov alto John Brody, fourteen scar;
settler with a nom name unknown. You
others. Patrick Carr. Th.. Ilurphy, Th.
'Adams and Samuel Smith. were fatally inJur
ed and a large nuniger of others severer,
wounded. A force. uf policemen were sum
moned to the spot who succeeded, by the
itortll . oll4 use of club., in imelllng the riot
Subsequently the ears which conveyed fit
rirangeinen were attorked, veverol persons
wounded and. the cars badly damaged. Thok.
Kane was tort in Central Park he orange
metvand fatally stAblied. The affair created
the minima confusion In the'. neighborhortif of
Its occurrence.
Lido. —From accountt received at polio
heoiligunrters to midnight. It appeorx the rio
assumed inure serious proportions than Wn
at first nupposed. There nre two sernitin
.if the nriyln. Seperintendent Jourdan state
the °tangent , / Placed party Innen, used In
suiting itnli uppntlirlOto epithets. and
liitt•ty , tt,tit.t. at the worknien and tired sec
and hosts before any attack wa• toad,' tiho
then,. the workinen Inca assaulted tin
orsingemen with xpailen. shovel,. sold ere,
ullahlowitapon,, The Orangemenunsol re
entre, with which ncnrir :Whom were anti
ed. Captain licline states the workmen seer
the n•sailants. owl after two cir three bun
tired of them had stormed therark nod drivel
the three flit...out Orangemen out, the fight
log wasCorricd tin Ina stoittered .manner al
ince t.e. c,iint re.
During these skirmish
Leallindreits . %ere wiotneled and eer
eral killed. but fall ptirelmilanir or
not yet nacennined. Tire+ workme
are known to to. killed and lire take
lbolsyne hospital . no
rom t. ilt , ,n. :The . - ,•n.t..1
taln from the hell s . ekinll,l iage
and It hi therefore iutpo•tthie alrerta,t
their number, but no far, t is believed ni
trongeuicti were killed.
Collector Murphy. Irtth caber neer. Federal
Pl•tlnteee of t Ate city. , rlll qualify nett
reek, General :Merritt Intl. , meantime acting
4 Collrctor. A,aittant Tn•aauter Ibillt.oter
• tit I.e requited to glee fon, attest rest thou..
and 11411 are
. .
Win. Sf. crinde ,s(shmwnt in the
Cowl 'Ai. fr,rn:o; lament of ill..
4 0iVirli Judge ItnenneWs loiuncefon In the re
ghorn`lon of certain Erie 'ban. In the tl3ll,
Of Ilemb, Itaiiroil it Co.
ATTY., 14 ••KkA
Frlnk U. Tott t. n porter in the Central a
onal sank,at:err:pled to toot Stoma) rn
listed to dellrer 1.1 the Eahrrat Coto
ny tor shipment to Akrtm, Stktop
ere recovered.
Thelon:4 , !a the Isrenk ern . Navy Isbnl lut
tele been Ineren,ql Lee. m and en.
led n thontana more e :II be en,
natted Qurinq
The tTrangeettert celebrated the Rattle
I the Ill: rip bi' r nrove+Alon.
Sit ve.gek qusruntlae n - 1:51 . 4,lleste
vver on Ward.
to f st: Cti‘ I,twren I'rro mud
.-The IMO4h steamer Ecuador tons deetror
ed the PACiiitl by the eggliAkoft of a Miler.
*vend liver were 1115,
—The foundation 'tone of the Davithon
Vonntain at Cincinnati 44 - as laid gesterday._
o It nPidok Mate oemnonielb,
-jelfemin Dar 14 I, In New York. in come
0i1k.1.0 Cilium°. deleendant of the
crest :total. C rtOlon. ittntemmti.
-A pickAgn of band. amounting to $4.0110
sena swim" fo.tordar afternoon front the office
of Ilrete4ter. Street Co.. of IMAM.
Mce...). during. a , Inattrbance In his
•ntionn at St Lout, Monday night, Wall acct.
dnatally anti I !3liXtrollAiy WI/14116.1ed.
- • •
venial Montana hare been quite
ilia:eneon. one !Inn at Ilelunn
ehnnlng !.' MAN N, worth of troll dust list
- It 11 reported there lire itve hundred tone
of silver ore now 01 Lit tle Cottonwood Canon.
tutor Salt Lake Clt e. welting shipment to Nero
Jersey for .melt
-Salt Lake valley and moat nf • the country
through the great interior twin hav coffered
veverely front grattohnunerv. but IL It ornha-
Ole that +Wilt:lout grain trill he harvested for
Immo use.
—Tho trial of the Fenian Ocneral Starr
commenced at ltanandalfrun yet:teal:lv. The
evidence was pot rere strong except from
Canadian Nelincvseo. One of the witnovveo
has keen arreded, charged with sorrjury.
ItalAtend. the father of Muria Hal
stead. of the Cincinnati Cornewrcfni. died on
Monday at his home in Bailer county.. Ohio.
(mot injuries received several loin aennt the
hands of Lnwrenre Drown. Mr. Halstead
war n fanner, eighty yearn of age.
—Thoite %cholera holding the nowhere re
commended for re-examination are requested
to appear at the High School building, Friday
the 15th, ult., at U o'clock. a. m.: and none
holding the card numbers admitted to the
school will report to the Principal of the High
School daring the present week. •
Synod of Cincinnati, convoyed of the
Presbyteries le southwestern Ohio, met at
Cincinnati yesterday, and organized by the
election Of it, Thomas E. Thom. for Moiler
tor, Rev. Joseph Chester. hunted Clerk. and
T. P. Cortelypit, Permanent Clerk. tieing the
first meeting since the reunion, its principal
business will he fixing the boundaries of Pres
byteries. •
Gregory,a rigor dealer in New
York, has boon :wrested an the person who
entered the room of Senor Cnrios. (sumo,
special agent and Treasnrer of the Cuban mis
sion, and carried off tiftr.,ooo of United States
bonds, a few thousands in Cuban. bonds nod
valuable papers. In his possession were
found 4 , 10,000 In U. S. bonds, which he bad nt
tempted to negotiate.
—The that noniversary of the organization
of the Knights of Pythias In Indianapolis WAR
celebrated yesterday. The grand lodge of the
State convened; and the number In attendance
showed the order rapidly Worcester:. A dele
Ration f the brotherhood from Cincinnati ar
rived n noon and were met at the depot by
Glean) lodges and escorted to their hall and,
, ndd use of welcome delivered by Grand
, ncellor Cavern.
-oil nA
—A Member of prominent Germans of St.
Louistild a labeling Monday night to discuss
the p prlety of sending to the people of
Genoa y an address expressing their arm
nathy n d the enenumge providinghe German
Ameele op or bit. Louie. ' a declara
tion of War be made between Germany and
France and urging the people of Germany to
[mite .0 stand• together against the power
of Ira ce. Several adPresses were Made
them tine adJourned with the un derstend
lag the In vase war Is declared the addresa
will he .repareanod lent at once.
—Th negro convict force. one hundred in
Mambo under the contractors of the Chesa
peake end Ohio Railroad, near Mlllhore, Book
bridge ounty, Va., made a simultaneous as to escape Monday afternoon by rah
the guards. One of the fellows
seized a gunof the guards and shot Lewis
F. Sava ts. wh ite, killing blot. after which
several shots were fired, wounding 'tour con
victs, but none mortally. All were arrested
except: twoAsho are now at large, Great
excitement 0116valls ammo`` the eitisens. The
supposed convict. who Bred the fatal shot is
wounded and In custody. It was with Ml
culty the citizens were_ prevented from exe
cuting the prisoners. This was the second at
tempt made br the convicts to escape.
The European ComplfratiOn—Nomfna
Hons. Confirmed—A Denmeyatie En
dorsement. ‘te: •
[By Telerniph ti, the Pittsburgh t..)
• WASIIINOVIN, July 12, ls;11.
- - .
The Diplomatic circles In thin city iii,,,,,,,
to be pretty well shaken. by the war rii.
mors from Europil. These tuition( are the
subject of conversation hourly among them,
and it Is easy to perceive that the general i.e.
lief Is t Lett iniStilitie ' s will speedily. follow the
threatening attitude of France .d Prussia.
Many foreign representatives. who at ere MT
raistlcating, bare returned here in no little
agitation. Baron Lederer, Austrian Minister,
and liar. Gerolt, Prussian Minister. had an
interview with Secretary Fish to-ilay, and en-
COuntflitod each Oilier amicably in the anti
room of the State Department. lierthetny,
the French Minister. shrugs his shoulders. and
says very latletin the subject.
A special says: Boutwell, Robeson and Gen.
Sherman had consultations with the Presi
dent to-day. lle conversed with all as to the
aspect of war in Europe. mid wasi of the spin
ton flint it was inevitable. Gen. Sherman was
of th.initte opinion, ancl, t !links it may lead'
to a EVoeral Europeau war. but he, es :et
tennoniwity Dili Government should be age,
ted in !any way. • Seecetary Robeson says if
they fight Ice twist keep them off our oast. 1
and perhaps out of this continent ent i r ely-. j
'Ph, Secretary of the Treasury does not
think there' wilt be any very protraeted strug
gle. If one :WM - • . count of the poverty of
all the nations nvolre the (Ina,.
Admiral Po r, e also, t• ks war certain.
and that Feat it. bo b been prepnring for It for
ayear past. le t hinks t hat it ovrnMnt as
the b e s t nosy i t h e h world, wit It it e tllan seam e h en
well drilled MI jlisciplthed. and as many mud
an good tenets as the English. Prnasinn and
Spanish m len A...bitted. Ile say, she can
blockade it I the Prussian and S.M. ports,
eke 11 avm A and Other Cumin ports, free the
'ultann. nod in three mooths have them fight. ,
ig nu her a Je. In t ha tpini. England will
comin net rat, and no Napoleon means
ar, • - Its now got a good excuse. ho will
not wait for diplomacy.
It appears that much Interest in felt in the
mrt ni atter at the tear. Navy and Treasury De-
Paent ... t ;ion Inquiring at the State De
pattmeht , nothing hod I , eeti received (non ,
Pori, Loudon or Maitre( on Os' 5t1k1... - 1. 111111
sateen( the ofilcialn sf t hat grave lost it utloll
' , co:tile:l astonished at such a thing as war be
ing t bought of.
The Senate ha+ coaanned Charles F. ttr
han.t.f 51in Miran, Minh:ter Iterident nt litigate:,
Porter C. 111 is-.
Secretary of Legatt inn to 31e.r
ko. Charlea Brayton. of Rhode
141-11111, at Cork: Attolph Ilarlitter. at Rocha
riot. and 11. U. Idintutt, of Rhode Wand. at LL—
bon. J. W. Wanton. Sorreyor General of A rl
rona. John Ropier, Postmaster at Ildrynt.
Gbh, Anirt+ Cutler . . Regiater of Land Gat+,
Republica:l Land Markt. Kansas. Thomas
.1. mernherg, Ilt•eelver of Polak Hones. It,
nutria-no Land InGriet. Ka Ira., David War
ner Wat to-dit3' nominated nt.M4rvernr of I'u.-
toms nt (Sodom.
01:401'11.MIC EnLicift.SMAM:T.
The Dtanocrafie noonbera of the House ha
h n e
in effen t he a ed - n paper add ringrelNCthe li Ifl P
name hp f o re H idon: n
t t.
meth : l4 Indiana, has been mention.
a connection with the Berlin mission. lb
.1;111,1 the hope that he mat re.telt r the a
eontutent. •
1111: lA, ill, Tlll,l. lteprr+a•ntal I'.. •
iteeldipi to nal up tr.-
the colitc.rd election Cll.e f Heed
¢nitrvt Jul inn, front Indiana. Tlik n - 111 be the
eneej iil the kind oorwidered this eeeklon.
• REND 5:7,11,1 111(01:EN
Orders hnve been issued front the. Navy De
arttneut Iltree rine the rendezvous for mon
tiOn at New Otte:nen to be brokenup. The
essebt will be tossed to League Island.
Geo. 0. Willi:111mo( Inillnnn. lair Supeev Ivor
I Infernal Revenue, win. to-day
•.eirnd Deputy Comm Intoner of Intermit
revenue vice Parnell. resigned. .
Clait•le frit:l:Morn welbkmy., rt a - get°, wtt
etnil •.• t the %Vllllr nemr the En
.1 , 14...t0tt 4Way. It is utppostal
each xn. oYra , ion.l by apoplYlY..,
• .Nt.L sttixr.b.
Ttir Pre.knt /114 Pled LogtslAt 3.1 Etecutive approprtation 644.
Tri,rll , ll I+, the l'ilt•burch fintettr.)
• irAmnvqrp,..lnly 12. Is7o
The foil. .lox bill* were passed.
Continuing the CI. Paul 4nll Sinning r 11 II
nuid across flakoln to Yankton. rind nine .
land rrant irt'uld of the carne.
it number of private bills were pawed. to
chid Inir one for the inert], of pension to v.'
11100111 to the widow of General Illy,
killed at the bottle of the Wilderness in lani
nn !notion or lir. WILSON. the Senate in
I inte.llll.oe lIR .1111.1lilliellt, to the anal - NI
Pr.prinOon bill and uppolnted n Committee o
Conferencevonsistitur of Wessel:. Wilson.
Cameron tot.l Warp°, •
The report of the Conference Committee
the far compensation of Grand and Petit
Jurors tire United States and
Courts and for other purposes was adopted.
The SI/IllirV Ci,ii AlqinnitiAtitill hill was
proceeded with.'
Amendments were adopted empowering t he
corporation of Washington, min means of env
lug off the Punting debt. to I<sue - certincAtee
of indebtedness for the years, not to exceed
in amountflisP.d.l% also dividing the expense
of paving P Purisyli aide avenue between the
Government 71 corporation.
• Additional amendments were adopted malt
ing at•Propri %lions for public buildings of
f 1t51.00.1 at Li tie Itoek. Arke'Vsmiert at St.
Lp.iti.„, Ito., a el flis)Uist -at Trenton. N: d•:
antitoriplue tip • ap,pointment of a tannin Usk,a
to make' an es dor:ddn and surrey of 0011e0
of TelorintepT and Nicaragua to ascertain
the prectirabi sty of a ship &tont bet wyerit he
Atlantic and ',mine uepans. and appropria
ting *IMO) toi t he purees,
A...mimeo , were agreed to maklnguppro-
Petal ions of } isl,10) for a,rissupoicm e, e'o
and mint:ill reconizolennces in ten' ones
eat of the 1, ississliqd; f7.7illjor comp sting
the publlcatlon of the report In hydro rapt.,
lairs , cs and geographical distribution a ant
inos and plants of M Ilkts' Coiled State, ex
ploring expedition: 410.800 to pay surtme to
be galloped nt alternate sections on the er
sey coast for the purpose of saving life mai
properly frortslwreek, -.
Aii . amend:omit by Hr. RICE, providing for
the issue of hotels to the $1 , 1101.t of over PI;
sul.ilita in fullisatirniet ion of the claim of
Cboetaw Indians, gave rise ton lengthy dis-
CUSSIMI 111K,11 seueral merits and the his ore
of Os elitinis. I Nleser, Rice, Davis, Trent pull.
Wal rant end Valets favoring Its payment 4an
equitable debt. devolving upon the Goa du
ant by existing. treaties. Sir. She an
unposed the chitin end Mr. Stewart interic tea
a provielois which would seem« money a, In
dians and prevent it. railing Into band of
Tim amendment. after discussiuu, vas
intell Lied to provide for placing the Hiroo!, to
the credit of the elitectow tuition mid cliti/V
-leg the. interest to be e spendped for t heir n
ein. in such manner an said
ry Indians, with the
I+ Mi
t .
assent of the Secreta of the Interior, l
It wns objected to the amendment that Its
incorporation In the 1,111 would endanger be
whole mensure. In view of the enutrove4sy
between the House mil Senate respecting np
propriations to carry out Indian treaties; also
that the Choctaw Indians had engaged in the
Mr. RICE'S ainendnient Was finally rejected
—yens 24. eats Ua.
Mr. WILLIAMS MOMd nn amendment
allotting the exchange at any 'Jetted States
mint or branch mint of unrefined or imparted
bullion for relined or parted bullion, finder
regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury.
and providing that the 'privileges of dePOsitors
of bullion shall not be interfered with.
Agreed to. 7
Evening SeMioll-11fr. sAwy - Eic offered an
amendment providing for the compen”t ion
of United States- officials who.hnit not taken
the test dilth fur services rendered the govern
meet 111 Itilifp and Iteld.
Mr. SUMNER mild the hattles should prop
sent their bills against Hugh McCulloch and
Andrew JOhneon, and that their services were
perforeled in Violation of law. Ile t
the point of order that the claim wets a private
one, and therefore not adatiginble In at an-
Propriatioa 1111 -
The chide sustained the point of decision
Mr. SAWYER appealed trout the of
the chair fur the purnose orshowing these
offieers held commissions front the President
and Were recognised b the United States as
properly performing their officinl functions
until they mune to be paid heir salaries. He
held If they had not acted awfully, then the
millions of revenue collect by them were
improperly in the trensury and the govern
ment confessedly the midi rof stolen goods.
Mr. SAWYER then wit rew his app
hut subsequently renewed is atnendment Inn
different Form. when the air referred_ to n
deelsion by a vote of the Se ate upon a And-
Inrquestionat n former set on, in accordance
with which he ruled the tun mlntent In order.
Mr. SHEItMAN moved to limit the scope of
the amendment, by providing merely forcom
pensation of 'Assistant Assessors of Internal
Revenue In the late rebel States prior to Au
gust let, IWO. Rejected-1G to :ti. • .
The amendment was by
Warner, Williams, Morrillfavored
(VO.' Drake s and
Harlan, and opposed by Messrs. Sumner and
Cameron. It was argued that the adoption of
the amendment would nullify the statute im,
posing the test oath. which exptessly pro
hibited the payment otrialary where the onth
bad not been taken. On the other band, It
was claimed the statute refiirred to had .been
practically repealed in the filteoltiltonut In
office of former rebels, and . that the services
for which compensation was asked: had been
fairly rendered. • . I
The nmendtnent wan adopted—yeas 03, nays
APPrOnriatlona of f=5,000 were Inserted to
eonet stet n Ater In Delaware Jur near Lewes;
$lO,OOO for;elerke In the °Mee of Se' .tar} of
the Treasury; tPktXM for repaint and refurnish
ing President's house.
The bill as atnundgd teas reported to the
senate and the amendments concurred in.
Mr..ROSS offered and advocated an amend
ment making nor appropriation to enable the
Secretary of the Interior to extinguish Indian
titles to land known as Black Bob Indian
ft. ...erratic.. in Kansas. and nnakinglprovlsiou
tor the purchase nu I nidian Territory' of Inifnes
for the band. Adopted. . I •
The bill juSsent and the Senate adjourned.
Mr. DICKEY reported from the Committee
AphrOilthlt i 111144 the Senate ante:idiot-us to
the Army Appropriation bill, with the recom
mend:it b.,n that the bill to reduce the number
of army °dicers, as agreed to by the Senate,
by total Rated for the proposition of th e
Senate on tied subject. After brief espial.-
ions by Mr. Dickey and Ste. Dawes,
31r. CUBA N. chairman of the Military COI,
mit tee. stated the V31'10119 points of difference
between the Senate nmendtnent for the re
duction of thearniv and that reported by the
Committee on Appnairiatlons, the latter be
ing .ib:itintitilly thro bill agreed upon by the
Conference Committee and approved by the
House. flu objected St ruinous' rto that pert
or the Senate amendment millet] COutittites
the Present system of commutations instead
of having lam( eaten of salaries. lie charnc
let ized it as it double concern, which nobody
email understand, and called upon the House
to adopt the substitute as reported by the
committee on Appropriations.
Mr. VAN WYCK deprecated the defeat of
ia Important MC11%11114 on account of a mere
matter of the puy Of n few general °Ricers.
31r. LOGAN repelled the Insinuation that,
he would defeat a great measure for the par.
of n fee - :Veers. That seas pot Hie great
point 44i difference. He would ' , refer to have
any amount fixed in the way of salary rather
than have 'the system of commutation con
Mr. VANI i•clainted making nny In
..itottion, :Ind was surprised at t he gentleman
from I Owl. supposing he was reflecting on
his conduct. Ile had risen simply to protest
againQt Any effort to reduce by legislation the
tety or salary of ;oil- :took ollleer.',Ad not
necessary to strike at the die not Of
Generals Sherman or Sheridan, and the people
111.1 not think it necessary.
After Outlier discussion by Messrs. Logan,
Lawrence. Ilidler. iMitss.. and Dickey. the
sobilitute ws agreed to.
On motion of Mr. SC:RENCK, the sizreenth
nod seventeenth rules. which prohibit hills
being sent to either House or to the Preel
(lent in the last three 'days of the session.
were suspended.
Mr. SCHENCK, fouls Committee on Ways
and Means. reported back the Senate Joint
resolution In relieve insurance companies
from liability twineome tan from undistribu
ted smile carried to their .contingent fond.
with as 11111011111011( applyillk It also to some
held by mutual life insurance companies for
their pc holders.
The nm olieny
timent suns%greed to and the joint
resolution passed. .
Mr. SCHENCFCC front. the Conference Com
mittee on the funding bill. motion report. the
substance of iv hlch loin been already pub
The retmrt was opreted by Messrs. Judd
Wilson. 11 Plillo Con. Mar.ball, Siblack, Gar
field. Benjamin and Morgan. and was rejected
Veak ist nays lid.
'rho main objectiiiit urged by the speaker?
unfairness toward t lie n National
IcoiLs cmnpeill trg them to kis., the proposed
new bond , : an their bads of el
I tit motion of Mr., BUTLER. of Mass., a
Conferee, Committee was ordered on the
Georgia bill, and Messrs. limier, Farnsworth
and Paine appointed.
Cln motion of Mr. IJARPIELD.'. another
Conferee, Conunittee on the funding bill was
ordered, and the prerMusCommittee . reap
pointed, Messrs. Schenck. !farther and Mar
shall. I
The Hon, went to business of the morning
hour, tieing t he call of the Committee on Put,
Ile Lands toe report.
Mr. WISSON. 'Minnesota. reported Lack
with substitute the Senate joint resolution
extending the t lute to construa railroad
from St. Croix River, or Lake. t the treat end
of Lake
the Satter', and to Mafield.
h obfect of using y
up the time of the
Committee no Public Lands. Mr. BENJAMIN
made Ihe point of order that the report was
not authorized by the Committee.
The Mute decided-140 to 17—the report
WWI nut horized.
Mr. W I f-SUN Proceeded to expltilit the sub
stitute, which proposes to extend for seven
veer, the privtlege of the original grant of
laud to Wisconsin for the nit and benefit of
the railroast.compattlee designated by that
State In MM. • •
Mr. w2slipuroz. ni Wisconsin. urged th •
passage of the bill as a perfectly honest me •
u re. a Terre renewal of a grant.
Mr. JUDD. Chairman of the Committee,
al.n advocated the hill. .
niove,ito'lny the bill on tb.
Mr. VAS wyrK moved adjournment, and
railed:for the yeas mid nays.
The House refused to adjourn, but In the
meantime, the morning hour having expired,
the bill went over.
Mr. LA MU:, from the C.:mutate.: on Prent•
log. mooned a rerolatton for illintleig the fa
des of the Crongrerslonal Globe la one volume
tilt- per Po‘loll. claiming the change ,resit
effe to raving of between are and ten thou
sand dollars per Congress. Adopted.
Mr. BUTLER. Mars. moved to suspend the
ruler and adopt a resolution instructing the
elation, to West Point.' no a committee of
!louse, to inquire into the complaint of the ill
treatment of a colored cadet. with power to
send for perrons and Ropers.
Mr. J1:013 moved to go to business on the
Speaker', table, saving be made the motion
for the purpose -of getting nt the apportion
menr bill.
the Speaker ruled Mr. Butler's motion to
suapend the ruler took precedence.
Mr, COX mort,l to adjourn. eat-'M
le to XL
Adjourned. •
sands, eietioul Esetaretnn Train Accident
( lir Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.)
McMinn), lair 12.—t0-night an eucurslon
train on Ihe Richmond and Fredericksburg
Itnilrosd. hat log on board the Sandar. School
of Union Station Methcdist Church, 'return- -
ins to this cite from a picnic at Ashland. was
thrown doon an embankment twelve miles
from the cite Or a tree Mown across the
track. cars and the engine and tender
were smashed. Donslass McClelland' lens
killed instantly and John Glands had both
lei, torn rill. A number of others were
'tightly wounded. The track wa• torn up for
cue hundred rani
Hr Pacific and At [antic Telegraph:l'
OIL CRT, 3t1it . 12.--The river ia alowlv rising
oth-• inche, .rater la the channel. Weather
loony and raining. Thermometer 72 at
tethrtrohillt,', Pa.. July Itt.—The rivet
stationary with^ feet water in the channe
Weather :lontly. Thermometer:s at 7r, m.,
Ilnowtrsvtu.tx July 12,—The rivet , It nt
lonnry With three feet water In the elmurie
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 72 at 7P. 34.
:tined.% Arson •nd
ply Telegraph to the Pittsburgh OaretteST
Lute. PA.. July 12. —At Conneaut, Ohio, thin
morning. 'Ralph 'Wright. a farmer. sixty yenrs
nf age. murdered his wife hy splitting her
head nyen with on age. net fire to his dwelling
house and then bung himself In the stable.
11e In 511pl.c.ed 10 1.14 W beell
Coniter'• Challenge Accepted. '
113 . Telegraph to the Pink;Urgh Ortzettea
tloano...loly 14—Wolter Brown accept. th
hallow° of Henry Coulter. Ho will rot
:flutter a the utile race at Springteld,
or £2.000 or more.
I.lle - gtoett. •
CAMBILLI,I]. July 10.= 7, 171f receipts of beef
cattle wen, 2.lun demand goad for best grades
and email eatt le are
selling:at " . ..So to $1 tower. with sales of extra.
at gt.u.n'tt brst quality. $12.56a13 for
second muddy. $1.1, , x12 for third qualitY.
Sheep and Walls—receipts, 4,91.5—are iu good
supply. with no change In rate; spring lambs
ore in fair demand, with sales in lots at PO
tab each, extra $11.5(141.9.
• NEW OItIIIAN9. Job'- I . l—Flour ItTerular;
.nDcrfine tt•tq•Zili.oo; giouble extra t.,s,rjo s vo
trlble .extra t5.7,?,6-15. Corn 11 mtged
f1.m. 1 / 2 1.15: white $1,t1e.12(1. OA P
Bran Ono oral $1.07,447,11.10. Hams 21' "c.. G V?ti
firmer; rennet' 1 1 ;5641,16!.;r; keg l&'4 . Sugar
Ono at 12Wc. Mohmes 60C. Whls Co owe
$l.Ol. Other article, unchanged. gterling
. .
Perils of an Atlantic Vo age.
'Ehe truth is that, notwithsta ding the
extraordinary degree of exempt on front
disaster and calamity vellich has • n at
tained In the navigation of the .otthern
Atlantic, through the vast advan • a tali ell
have been made in modern times • luta-
Heal science mot skill, there is probably
no other great thoroughfare of mmerce•
iur of human iutercommunicatio on the
; globe so beset with. danger and difficul
ties as the voyages from New York to
Livertmol. The Gulf Stream ringit a
current of warm water fifty miles wide
and a thdusand feet deep—and lldwing at
the ordinary rate of the current ate river
front the tropical seas, and :pears It out
In no- ast expanding mans i'bVer and be
ondihe flanks of Newfoundland, where
it turns off to; the -eastward, and finally
loses itself In tile northern Seas; while,
to the westward of it., a coaster current
coming down front I , fitifin's Bay.--a cur
rent of nearly equal magnitude and force.
—pours into it a stream of Icebergs, ice
floes, and ire-cold water. )The 'elects of
this confluence arc, ibeneath the water.
the accumulation of vast dpoßits of sand
end rocky debris brought down by the
ice, and in the atmosphere . above, an al
most perpetual succession of fogs and
mists and driving rains, accompanied by
gales and squalls ; and every other pos..
Bible meteorological commotion.
The region most disturbed by the con
tact between there opposing forces and
temperatures is on the Mai r side the
Atlantic, and affects chiefly t.e first half
of the voyage: and the dange , moreover,
is tile greatest at the season • f the year
which would on other acce.nts be • the
most convenient, and the mo: agreeable
time for making the trip--na the
early mouths of summer. e ice-floes
break up. and iceberg.-. ar detached
VOL. LX.XXV.--- NO. 151.
from the groat reenland glaciers crow&
ing out from the land. in the early sum
mer of one season; and no •they require
about - a year Inc their twelve or fifteen
hundr el miles!•voyage.they do not reach
the track of tire 00111 steamers until the
early summer of the next. They drift
very slowly at last. and melt Very gratin.
ally under feeble radiation of even
June and July suns in the latitude of
Labrador. Some portions both of the
floes and of the icetti•rgs reach as far
South a 3 the Banks of New Foundlund,
but tow go much farther south than this.
Their. advance ceases hire; partly be,
rause thelorceof the current by Which
they are brought lowa becomes well.
nigh exhaust - art... And partly becanse the
masses of ice become by this time
al ili
minishtvl and on-weakened by the increas.
nag heat. both of, the latitude and the sea
son, that they . are easily beatett to pieces
by the watt's and dissolved. Sometimes,
however. mountains of Ire mime down of
surh prodigious silo that it is lung before
they entirely diaappettr. Captain Price
informed us that en one of 'his voyages be
passed two immense icebergs, and on his
return voyage, after sailing nearly fifteen
hundred miles to and fro, and making the
usual stay in port, lie-passed them again.
They had drifted during the interim about
forty miles. They hairdinthoshed some
what in size, but they were of such mag
nitude still, and their forms - so peculiar,
that their identity could not be mistaken.
—From "'Thu Ocean Steamer," by - Jacob, nit Harp, „I/4(1,7:i he Ar •MY:
a..s died recently. in the Hue levier,
in Paris. who had lalanred for more than
fifty years on on humph:lnks. Ile
was a wealthy. independent hachelor.with
an iron constitution, end the singular num
had spared no sacrifice, had braved dan
ger and fatigue, to gather the hummern.
ble observations he had gathered in his
gigantic work. When his heirs were
looking fora Will, they found the immensie
manuscript which he had left. It con
prises two thousand sheets with the moat
exact drawings of Innumerable humps,
and calcniations and obsqvations on the
same.. The roan had traveled all over the
world, through Europe,- data, Africa and
America; he had been in Hindoiistan and
Japan, in 'Nubia and AbYssinia, jnst for
the porpese of studying line humpbacks
of tin.. countries. In t h e tn;mperane
7.0110 in Europe he fonmsi, tine moat of them.
The most singular observation made by
this eccentric explorer. wain the - fact that
tine humps have a sort of connection with
tine formation of the surface of tine coon.
try where they are found. So the Lamp.
backs in the Pyrenees showed the angn.
tar.. jagged 'Alain° of their mountains,
whnle the linmphacks on the sea roast
showed 'on one side a gentle desceat. in
the humpbacks of tine plains tine lumps
smooth 'down gradually on all.sides.
.Ink reports have been received
front miners scattered along Snake Inver.
Idaho. It Is said that meet of the hurt sing
the entire length of the riverwill pay well.
Four hundred men are now of work within
a distance of 'about fifty niUer and tacking on
average of six to eight dollars per day.
quarterly meeting of the DUQUESNE
GREYS DATTAMON will by hold at the Armory
THURSDA Y. 14th Inst.. at 8 o'elotic C. P. The
Committee .on revising the Vomit Ption nod D 7.
Lawn Will make a report
J. J. A1.13/aTZ,Seeratary.
derslcued solicit Proposal for theirsapply of
Coal. Int the ensuing year, Cone to be delivered
at their Works, hymn urrlyer.. Amount required.
2.000 to 2.300 bushels daily. Proposals re
ceived until August
ZUG & CO..
A A IKENS LANE. In the City of Pittsburgh.
Notre* ls hereby alrenthst the asimesmants made
by the viewers. in the opening of Aliens' Lane,
Inedlllsil by the Court,) Is now In My hands for
reflection. min that If the same be not paid within
thirty dare Ram the dateb °roof Ilene will be tiled
therefor against
_the ppertlea assessed, with In
lintel process. I
t. Cost and fem. an ro d the mime oollectod
e d. F. BLAGI.F. City Attorney.
Loretto Springs,
C A A 1713 RI A CO., PA.
This Summar Resort I. .1 luiles from Cresson.
Advantatras unexcelled. Excursion Ticked by the
Penns. R. R. Co. run ye had during the' summer.
Terms very =Moretti. Foe Circular and full tutors
man., elide,.
' A. G 11313 Si.
. PE T l' ICIFIC !
Try Them I Try•Theula !
Tor side al the stin ol the RIG . 1101.11
75 NVZ - 3o(1 rye,- I .
.1 , 11.3
feet t
nt eta
the Be
. ele
!We: ,
is " '.
o Jul
t Jul
Fine, Medium and Common
Our Stock la the lamest we have
ever offered to the trada
13ovdrd, ROse & Co.,
WINE OF LIFE.--Tho ..ratat Blood
Purifier tadDo/Ulnas On WARNRIPs
Titan! VIT.R, OR WINE OF . it (nu., from
any pols dregs or I mantilla.. Walt /011.•r•4
tor those who equire • ottrouleat It IA a Aplendld
APPOO2OO and Wale, sad tile Vilest thlwr the
wo r ld f of purifying the blood. It hale most pleas
ant l
end dellciont article e'er offered to the tubule.
far superior to brandy, wale tyt ulna bitters, Meer
other article. It Is more healthy and cheerer
Roth node and fmae. PAruf or old mud fayerthp
wird. of Life. It Is In led. .1 preSergrdr.
Thom, who with to enjoy good hott th and a free
O to take the
.§+ () V r f E Ir,.tit,WINWARYS
YIRR IRONB. yp, de.,el.
—New Potomac ./terreut .112 barrear_arl
h f
o C
t e
r e
t p o
v ee e
bealit 4 J7 74ll3 ;rgf ub"-4 . ' 0.
d eV4l:llrnfirirkenibit
Dish. Owe Darrell. tatonader karrell and
Wore: Salmon 10 . k1,4 Holland rierrene, 104 ter.
"e l °. & CO, •
/ 44.11,4 Weed arreat.,
C. 3-7 :I..A.RNES
Sealer of # r eikrhts,aud Measures,
No. 5 FOP itT11 " 11714 Pittsburgh.
DEIED 'APPLES-10 bbls extra
rrenrurca. tat rina....•.
Commercial and Family Newspapm
No lamer, mechanic, or merchant should he
washout It.
, •
Singl submibers
Clubs e
of ay., 1 1:11:
Clubs of ten 133.
A csipy is furnished ifnauttously to the getter-up
or it Club of ten. Postmasters we requested to
act us Agents. Address,
: 1-- Nvrtt•Es-- "Fvr 54 4, "
F"" , Lzsl:• , ..,itt be inierted in Owe oplu ns. owe
rivENTr-rz , E CENTn; rain additional IMr
rrrj c'ESTS.
_ •
W A tiregrneji
square , from Court ouse. Very OonytMeuelons
y`TA NTED.— BOARDERS.— p few
n , rn
roleon bonnier. ran be OCCOMMOCIVWCI
at . t tVe
v v nt the Oyster Ocean, corner of fleaßh!leld,
101 slttb aren . ,oe.
ViT.A:N , EiD — .,o l4triledlat i f i l . 4: at No. jp . .
v 2 TorvVe tis a Singer LT in; Madan. 17
\La VLEa.:e T al nel l r ir• Button
. to Tr " ff.] b o di ed men.
DI:14 UP:tiN d ir Glt FaN. This company lambeof the
beet In the Battalion. Apply at Om ofllas of . •
! • A. (.1, fII6BON.
JeS:s2l Foot of 494 street.
WANTED.—Several Nen for Fanii
Work. Oardoningd Driving. Alm , . for
itriekniril Work. Several no
Wa4 40 for
Coollne. Chembianvork..l,lnlng.l,o6l .fflir
l ;t'ATl` , l3cl l .K oß rEaltsa r t y ggilitt Pl igia .
r , umpenplon Midge
Ntr ANTED-83.000 TO 8,50X0.--
7 A thireisior Active Partner in a MIZE
luring buriness aireadyl established, pa IN
percent. TheabOtoastionnt required to•
businesnorhich can be dente indebnltely. Tbla la
uglie npportunity for a man wishing tri eeobark la
ness. Address e. on it., Pittsburgh GAUT=
ogler, stating real naps, and where au Interview
ran be had, hie 0.4 , 2 Wys.: A‘a.l
~ .
T . .
30.010 In Lean In Wee nr small amounts
to fair ride of interim.
BIM Bond snd Ilealßstste Broker:
No 179 Smithfield Street
IV •
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
Icountyn !arge
at or small
te amoufntslnterm on property In Aliagbooy
fair ra oit.
- lienlattto /rat.
j. •
r 4 OUNTIOn Saturday erenlng, a
I he tte - ner cub here IL
cal In set e .
tt Sab net„‘llegbeny. and Intlmget eoe
r Monday vetting - last, a
bIe3IOIUNDU3I BO* . containing a
amount at Powal Currency, A liberal reward will
be paid to the Weikel returning It to
Cor. 21th and fimallman Sta.lslllti ward.'
BOARDING— To- I e with Board!
ar. 103 Fourth avenue.
Tj „hout boar R"q k with
};. ,, t7 .. Einotre at 134 unili
0 17Q,LET.-:a lirge. Th I 'Rory
FRONT ROOM. 'eatable for 4..firoust. Ap•
jp____Oll7l)Peon street.
'7 l O-7:ET-j-noons, with BOARDING:
—A Nolte of Porn/RUN Thorns on gerund
nom, 100 Third aTenne. - . 141
rrtlgT.—A 'complete DISELLING.
atrd on %IL sVela B ,, u3 7i.
TO.LET.No. 86 . Esplanade street,*
Allegheny.. ROUSE of . 7 roonis.,l4 tolaiwid
att. notig gas thliont: hot and cold water in
kitchen. Pommel. given September let. Apply
. premises,or t JOHN STERRETT, Diaroond,"
A nist-chiss STORE 80031 .4 °ell. RA._
120 Liberty street. couiPletair . 4thg4 op lit
shelving and counters. rented
calle4forsvesn. Enquire et
Ete (On veral Second-b CARRIAGE,., to good ord er;
une or Two RUIt9E.`I.
Apply to . .
Cornet or South Canal anent 004 41 Ma •
FOR . SALE.—HOUSE. Furnished
Well. et 76 First street well lorate4 Ice
boardlny!!nuae. Terms mocleate. 74
- von SALE CHEAP.-82,500 will
I. a house erlth Zoe moms and hall, artth
lone 10t564 feet front by 106 feet, in depth. halt
ntabling, front) ns on a forty feet Weal. emesthaU
Nome bath of Ponnaylvanta atemukTheaLlath
hard, near East Liberty. Apply at 174 °mint
street, nes! Seventh avenue. laumrtu
T'OR SALE.— That well-knows
KtiiVilf,tl;Pr k .ll;l, L El 'd it lA r r o .e rtr'risl TßM
To a proper perami desiring to keep abate). Is opportunity. - .For terms, call oratiAress
No. 4 Bank of Cowmen. B
Uon ho •
toR SALE.-Engines and Boners,
Second Hand, or MI IMlLM,ammtatttly .
on hand.
Ordori from .11 par{. of Um aountrl yrompU 7 U .
funded to. .
Corner Marion Avenue and FL W.& C. IL W.
the widening
sh Intersection
lab e
of forty (40)
and s
s a p nd benefi ov ts for
let. in the Borough
TA IN.1:140 ACRES. one hundred nod Mall .
scree under cultivation., balance woods. humor.
.ment-2 dwellings, very hum. bun and
and sheep bonne, orchsrd and well watere el m s
mull creek petaled through Ups ping. gltaatedli
Jennings onunsy Indians, 3 mlles from yeast,'
idol Louisville Il albond; In [brisl i ng neighborhood
near to ylnamss and churches. • farm ma be
Purcbs.ea at $26 pee acre. OP.) M
klatAIN CA/wilgo. 104 Fourth Ave. .
Wined by the But
ngh of Sharp!
ca enactedret by.l
lbCanal tu
u.nyomi.-I_/th 0
Co . n3stuyk . . free
REBID ICNCE. containing 20 acres 'Mb board
one. • dna. comfol be
prood waterrana on• tithe best water Dow
er, In Womem Cooney 'rants for • twill 16 ;Abu
Z o T• th r... e .WEAT.V. , =gfuTl,T e =tra
Also. mversi good Munn In . good location.
and boom, for sale. Eminigr i f ,m
mill No. 110 Grant St.. opposite Cathadmi.
Ong •
Is LOTS. N acre each to orchard of large heart
ttn; . .' , .'=. o '4 l 6 . TleTirilh e cities. 'Price .
00 tolled') AND
.1 HOUlig AND LOT. (allot choice beating Malt.
Prioa 0910.
1 LA RUE NEW COTTAGE. 0 roma, Idea_ hall
front and Mile porticos. 2 oellars,2 lard ondocne
fool well of water at back door , carriage s oll
mable,rapea boarimr.young orchard trnsing.
Efi g iil ".l . l ircet% ‘ 7il h ar i hr mor=" . r
had with IL Yllthin liftean m Me; waiki
cline. Enquire of •
I•CyLerrif W. I.INIIART,
• •
appoln,ad eleven
: h p% d TlAMTit:g.
! . to 0 13 1 t 14 7;IrlikO
law Rirtlegiinlbiro7e.•
. ...
A hanesome sireesed lirldt Ihrisle tiro
etudes. containing 7 mum Lot 4Yi by .eltia.
wte on 44th Motet. near Butler etreeC loth,
well supplied with grape vines. shrubbee7,.lte..
while on the rear Is a One stable. Oms ail
the house. This property I. °plainly th e s
sirable in Um 17th ward. price inodorete end
long time given. .Cor. Penn and T. IL HIL43d A 8011, ,
ON MAIN STRIIRT.—AII elegant Freese Chitty..
fluese_, Moats on Melo street.... tha 0
berg Pike enntainlint 0 rooms: Lot 3 by -
This Is a beautiful place, end one wishes of .
all of tonderate meant. T. It. BILL A 3 .
ON 44th tiTRRErr.—A beautUril lot hew MP, '
street. elo br 10$. close to the ettlesne . P. IL lie_ ,
Any gazt , , C r ira t iZrari t str l TAttash , to belle
" aolEt 0111 purchasie One Lot., near eltitta.'
R. IL 9100 man sad be/amain fourequalennilla I
Pertnents. Workingmen sholld not lot thhifTwidl
ifi.Tdl= 7 g rfsW.r, Thy
w it ' Ira 11VA/r" 1 _ . ''
Pal . Coiner Penn and 334 Mee& ' ''.•
FOR - :4ALE-PROPERTY:. - T - 7
The two str47 double house, the resttlettee . l4
Robert P. Kehttedl. Esq., adJoining the residence '
of /deem. Wm. and liar Witter arid
In McClure . township, on the New Brighton Bee'd. :44
about S'atiles from the city. The booth eoeWhe ''
14 Krona; abw, lee WM.* and gadflg roe.: sem- , '"f
der Illtdom end terthdrymuloutturese.convialmit
to the min betiding: the houseis mippihed whir; •
rester sad ass. The monste r chinpriniej
101 f sere, are withal/ bald out and ale theeteit,.,
wrLb an abondem of fruit had ertimbeerthi UMW
mill fruits. oo the hreirdset; sei•IMS• farth4
cold 0n.P.7. out houses and ahrdentire Wen
'3 room, Verner Rehm', on - the P., Ft. W. *C: '
R. B. I. within • few'eltholefeentikofthe boas.
For • ternag,eacialre 4 the PEARL intl4 Ana
lamer j
„Leisl . lved.• lam mad ea. mmixoest ot . Mil”
001.0 N.
, .
. . ..
sotrcnomo. ..,
EckTen are invited to tall and examine the limit.
le quality and price will be fey, tin letetiet of pa,
Meow: r 0.... .. a lerg r abel monad eieoramen,
'•oARRe•P Nn.'Ji/s•aCH ~ ..
I 2