T. 1 .11 GA7F.TTE II Il f!UBLDHIED BY PENNIMAN, REED & Co., Corner Sixth Are—and Smithfield St. 1.7 D. PENNIAIAR. 'MILAN KING, T ! P. 110PSTON, E. P. REED, EDITO,ILS PUOPRIECTOTia. name of rnt lIAtLy wall, per year Deueemp by Perrier, per week GENERALITIES. ls:kw Volts has some bey policemen. TROY, N. Y. has a rag picker 103 years old? - • SILK NVOKIN aro fashionable California pots. . . !draw° Las produced a wonderful bunt of Grist. THE staple crop of the Connecticut val ley is tobacco. - . ''NAi'ORTI". Naughty, but stt Nice" is the title of a late novel. • Tirs. subject of public bathe• is now Icing agitated in St. Louie. NiATILIM LICIION will — begin her Lien. nial farewell tour In the autumn. ONE school house to eight base ball clubs is.the ratio In Indiana tonne. TUE Ilabie bay crop will, it is feared, prore a failure on account of drought. Tug great trouble with mine in that so littla of It is enu-wine.---Loterf Courier. 11031E0 . 141 Louse iii'Verona is now , Ofc object of senitutental• antiquarian _search. • FOR twenty years. Dickens. received $l5OO a year from his Oennan publishers. Tag latest style of Paris hat Lithe same which delighted the ancestresses 105 years ago. • - DOUGLAS JEISOLD'd son—not nephew —is an engrnt - er on wood in New Or. leans. ON Sunday Anthony Robstein attempted to airhu the Ohio at Cincinnati and per. • 'rum's are a great many very large and very healthy rattlesnakes thin year in Minnesota. .• SIBS. ROBERT DALE OWEN says more - than half •of *the work of the world is • done by women. IMAM and gold and maroon, and light Mao are announced as the fashionable contrasts this season. LAKE Micunitx in said sow to be tiro feet higher than it ever was before in the memory of white men... A. COMPANY, with a capital of $55,000, has been established at \ Voicester for the manufacture of carpets. A ono. who held an auto da fe in her stove with a few green of potato bugs was poisoned by their tunics. • . HON. A.1.1. - Rice, one of the Roston ex cursion party,-had his pocket picked of •251.000 by a Califqrnia thief. froM the abundance of grapes in France claret, burgundy and chtunpagno will be very plenty in France. Dcnom the present .season it is said that 15,000,000 of brick will be manufac tured at Terre Haute, Indiana. REn.MAN mr.i.viLLE, author of 'Fypoe, Omoo and other navels, has a position in the New York Custom House. TEE will of Robert 'West, which left $25,000 to five .public charities in Phila delphia is contested by a female relative. ON Friday afternoon 'Charles Snyder fell from the wheel house of a steamboat he was . painting at Cincinnati and was drowned. EDwIN DE0.013 will probably never be decently rendered in German as' several of the best translators' pronounce it be 7 yond thiir powers.' "A CONTnOVERsY with a friend" is a delicate term applied oat in Nevada to getting one's skull fractured two or three times with a brick. Ott Saturday one white man was killed and two Chinese shattered by the , explo don of one of tbaHmildings of the Cali fornia Powder }Yorks. TIIE gangs of 'pickpockets anti murder 'murk all the &relines of travel to and from New York:aro said to be now thoroughly organised for the season. • Ttre Chicago White Stockings are pro nounced miserable trandain the East and the Chicago papers more than halt ac. knowledge that they are re. i A GREEN waiter on a Pullman ear drenched his paasengers lately by tined visedly trying 'to 1111 the water tank through one of the roof ventilators MorirrtitiEn proponen to have a new manufacturing company, with a capital of $lOO,OOO, for the manufacture of all torts of articles made - from wood, iron or steel. Ir.is very fashionable just now at sum mer resorts to attend church. The va :ions houses of worship at Long Branch and Newport were well filled on Sunday. Jour; 1 1 .1c1Ne11arta, while swimming at Cincinnati, on Sunday, suddenly shook hands with his companions, said goodbye; dove under the water and was drowned. LADIES whose writings make us think them always young do, however, grow old; for instance, Fanny Fern ix eirty, Mrs. Stowe fiftyair. and Alice Cary. forty. eight. ON the 6th instant Wesley W. Sanford, of Ridgeway. 311thigan, blew out his brains; and Thomas Wilson, living live miles from ,Ridgeway, killed himself by raking arsenic: - \YUEN the gas accidentally went out at a Chicago prayer meeting last week, Shoo Fly was whistled and sung by apparently many more voices thin had joined in the hymn a few momenta before. A Afrcracial: farmer anointed his 'note to vines with rat poison; to destroy the bugs, and the next morning- found his herd of coals dead, having broken laps the potato patch daring the night. Cot.. PARAN.PTEVENS has . authorized the School ComMittem of Claremont; N. 11.,,t0 draw on him senihannually for the interest of $lO,OOO. This' makes his gift to the Stevens High School $20,000. Flax now talks of launching . a rows. paper on the rail progreasion, a paper without politics, but which, while driving ahead at alxhorse speed; shall twirl about and pirouette with every breath of fickle fortune. , THE harness makers' strike in eincin. nail has induced five manufacturers to ac cede to their demands Four manufac. 'curers yet stand out. The makers can re ceive under the new rates from $l2 to $l5 per week. ON Sunday, James Austin attempted to drive some boys from his blackberry patch neat. Springfield, 0., when a lad fil- Uvo Team of - age. named Fred. Roth, shot him through the lungs with a pistol, wounding him fatally. THE Boston Poe says: A Wisconsin gentleman insisted upon putting himself • on the free list of a circus by: crawling tinder the canvass lately, and i n a debate with the gentlemanly and urbaneproprie tor was gathered to his fathers. . A lIICIIICAN Lem wants information of a person Who "sailed from somewhere on a whaling voyage, between 1705 and 1805." She supposed the port 'eltlfer New Bed. ford, Nantucket or Newborn:gut. The search would seem-almost impracticable. Mu. W3l.;,DirtNE, a prominent manu facturer of cotton and woolen goods and proprietor of . the Kennebec Mills,died io Philadelphia on Friday . night In his iftth year from injuries received by being thrown from his carriage several months • AT Baltimore, July 4, Policeman Mur phy arrested one of three brotberrowdies for insulting a lady. The brothers as sailed the officer With clubs to rescue the prisoner, but the oMeer clung to hie man, took him to the watehbouse, and hi a few minutes died of his woaada . ' . As attorney presenting a copy of a writ. to an auctioneer, apologized , for his un friendly visit, as he was merely perform. lug an unpiensant duty of 1K p ro f e w on. ••Certainly not,' said the attorney: "you must attend to the duties of your p i a, eon, and so must I to mine." and instant V. knocked him down. . ;Ir is proposed to raise the sum of Co,. 000, to be given to the earporation - of Yale College, to be expended in - obtaining a imitable statue in bronze or President Dielght, and placing the satneln the va cant niche provided for such an - ornament upon the beautiful edifice just erected for the Theological Department. Ar tiri recent fire in — Providence the beat was so intense that a large .body of cod In one of the bins on Hopkin's wharf WIS Ignited, and when the supports were burned away the whole bunting mass, es timated at a hundred • tome, end Into the 1 Till a • - ' ‘PI /C -11 1 )t, v - i l'--- v L It • I IXi. , ii ` 4/ - 1 r) A \ v&i,Z,C - ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ug dock, convening it into a, literal boiling cauldron for motile few minutes. • toss BitAxcir is to be enlivened this summer with music of an operatic cast. Among the artists engaged are MI. Rosa Cook, Mine. Varian-Hoffman, Mr. Bend Drayton, Sig. fiandolfi, Sig. Fosseti, Miss Kellogg, Mute. biazzaniga, Mate. Anna Bishop, Sig. Lefranc, and Sig.. Brig. noli. Many instrumental soloists aro an. flounced, • SANIVIZI, NAPIER, n young unmarried MAU' employed at the Bingham House in Philadelphia, attempted to commit sui cide with an. old jack knife or, Sunday. Ile was discovered in the act of hacking at his throat._ and carried to a hospital, where he begged the surgeons to let him die as.he was tired of living, hut his mod ,st petition was refused. Song of the boarders at an ludianapo lis_hotel went out the other eveniug, leas ing their doors and 'windows open, that the - spirit of the evening wind" might wander in. and freshen things. When they returned they found their moms tightly closed and roaring coal fires . horn ing. Fellow boarders, had been there. POTATOE BCGSI in Illinois have nearly all been killed, either by the application of Paris green and wheat dour, in parts of one to ten respectively, or through the less expensive and more rapid process of knocking them off on toxhe sand during • the hot weather, where. they never foiled to curl up and roast in less than it AeconDixoto the report of the Ciuel . nati Board of Trade the manufactures of -that city for the rear ISII9 amounted to 5119,140,089. Of this clothing is over - S11,000,000: furniture nearly S 11,000000;. $1 . 2,520,000; idoves and hol low ware, $2.400,000; oils, soaps, and can dles nearly $8,000,000; liquors, $12,000,000. 'ritts far this season Norwegian immi giants have chiefly landed in Cantina, and found their way to the States overcana -.San lines of travel; hut a new steamship 'ins has Leen - chartered, and will coin -ace running shortly between Bergen. orway, and the port:of New York, and hereafter u.'6 - may expect a Indira' eliallgO in the Scandinavian tide of immigmtion. PATEnsox, New. Jersey. had a new son. :nation a few mornings ago. It was occa sioned- by the visit of a swarm of bees, which completely tilled the stre,t from side to side. After various •expedienw to collect them Mr. John C. Killou ru procured a limb from a tree and 'going into the middle of the strem he soon had them con. qv:gated into one mass preparatory • to A FARMER living near Elkhart, Indiana, as refused for seven years to sell his von!, because he could lot get the price e demanded. His stock has, therefore, tereased, Until the other day heconchs& to come down, and bro . tight to town or tivothousand pounds wo). cc trading it at front thirty.tive to thirt, eight cents per pound . For .a large pr portion of this wool he %vas Song ago e fered $1 per island and refused it. • Fort some titne notices have , , been dr , culated through. the difreient frontier posts to the etli.Sl that a MN. Dorothy Field had been abducted by' the Indiana from Menard county, nn the ,San Saba River. four miles below MeKarel!, State otTexas. and .meting a reward of VW in gold for her safe return to any faint in the United States. It has been ascertain ed that she was shot, scalped, and tied to a tree, where elle was left to starve. • Mom s people are killed by lightning thou in commonly suppwwd. • According to some recently publiniwd statistics more than ten thousand - people have been smlo ten by the electric thud within the pant thirty years; of Whom two thousand two hundred and fifty:two were Allied out: right. 'The fiery bolts, however, neon to tuake a distinction on account of sex, for of the eight hundred and eighty killed within the last 'ten years, only two hut, tlnsi and forty•three were females. TOE New York 111 - arld say.: As there are Some pious folks who think it sinful to cure diseases or assuage loins which are sent an punishment for sin, it in per haps not right for this medicine men to discover that the new anwsthetic, hydrate of chloral, is an übm>