THE DAILY GAZETTE. HOME NEWS. Pane.. leaving the city for the runimer, •=d o, 4'6ing tcpEave the GAZZTrE lout to them, will please sand their addressee to the aka Prier by mall, 75 rhete per mouth. =I • " the old, Oa We Derllne—New Parts - !"" toell—The weather and the "Ring Organ editorials. Tana Allegheny and Oder°ln Bare Ball Clubs w in play a mxteb game at Union Park thin af- Two Mere• of very valuate real estate are edema for sale In to-day's paper. See adore [lament. • Important so Coal—Mrstrs. 7o & Co. advertise for proposals for coal. on our lirst mge today. eireeted has been broken fir the extension of the Birmingham Passenger Ilitilerne to the Union Depot—commencing et the depot, to connect with the line atigth mantle. • Joka Gilson complained to Deputy Mayor Nichols yesterday that Erna Hanle had beaten • younger member of the Union family. using an oar for the chastisement. The magistrate W invited Evan to call upon him and explalu matters. *eke Down.—Yesterday afternoon, a t w.. — horse carriage broke down on Ohio street. Al legheny. toe driver was thrown from his seat and en osid era LIT bruised. but not seri '. ti mate Injured. the vehicle was unoccupied nL '. the me. . members of Franklin 'Lodge. No. an requested to meet this afternoon at half east three o'clock. at )(amnia Hall. Fifth assearte r from thenceaeo' attend the funeral of the late Secretary of the Lodge. Ilse. Wm. S. Bell. A full turnout Is deelred. • ' •. Throws Jacob Render and his Con were driving along Ohio street, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon when one of the wheels of . the vehicle came They. were thrown . oat With violence and - ere cut in several .pleces but not dangerously Injured. Mary Melt/war, pmprletrese of a boordlog house In the Second weed, Allegheny, yesten day called orlon Aldermen Bowden, and hada warrant issued :for the arrest of - George Mackey, one of her boarders for etealltor the a coat of fellow boarder. valued et SS. ' The . Vire.—Tbs houße destroyed by fire an account of whi4h wan published resterday. was occupied DTI Mt. J. Gardner. The .too l. sad , houaehold [furniture wore totally de otroyet.. There tat on Intutnnee of - 41,M) on the stock and furniture which will corer the lost. • Mn. They Mink haubeen nunnyed fora few days past by Min Snyder. who persists In throwing stones , t her house, and smashing the gush In the windows.' The matter has. been put Into the hands of Deputy Mayor Nlebols.who Issued n warm yesterdny for the arrest at Max. Degleatlon. , —The John Ni e esley Chapel. Elev tottt ward, was dedicated to the worshipt God last Sabbath J at 11 o'clock, Bishop J. J . Clinton of:Mating. The house was cmaded to Its utmost capacity. After the dedication collection was taken up amounting to one hundred and one dollars: Camila aMpping.H-John Johnson WAR caught napping. in n field "In Fairview. During his snooze some considerate friend relieved him of Win the shape of a silver watch. 'John think, be knows the man and has embodied tits suspicion, In an information for larceny against Albert Liston. who was arrested by Alderman O'Donnell and held tons hearing. Serious Fharge.,Mary Trainor yesterday made Information before :Deputy Mayor Nichols against Patrick McConnell for assault and battery with Intent - to commit a rape. - The prosecutriz alleges the accused entered karbonars on Fourteenth street a few even lap ante at twelve o'clock and made the at tempt. In which he was defeated, she raising an alarm and frightening hinvaway. War n= Issued. Altered False Pretence.—YeeterdaY morn ing It. 3. Hothouse of the Itolshouse Hotel. Ohio street, Allegheny. mode Information be fore Alderman Bowden against Hugo Keehn for ,fuse pretence. The accused bought a bane Rom the prosecutor. valued nt flea. stelae is payment, It was alleged. order, so awrand partlea. all of which proved to worthless. Wnrrant Jsrued. "erecters ilox.—Johir Dymond made int e r- n:mann before the Mayor yesterday. charignir john Lesens with keeping feroCloo9 OR. Mr; L. was nrree iu and brought before the e t4C e e g close animal-lb was ellegal. bit son of ire prosecutor over e leg severely. Rio dogship rorai turned over to one of the officers, 'who to his existence by a shot from a re volver...end the case was dismissed. Yealal tasaalt„--Wlllimn.fottrrell was ar ' • rnted at his residence on Pike street, Sun . dav night; for heeding and abusing his wife. It is alleged that he knocked her Mown and • •-• kicked her, nod also stamped her with the • heel of his boot. The woman he - lying in a mery colt cal cendition; and her information ksMnit taken before the Mayor against hed.o for aggravated ntsault and bat terr,te was committed to jail to await the result of:her Injuries. ehtll Celehrating.—Some people In celebrat - Ing a holiday flioish up with the day, other, keep It up for several days. To the latter • ulnae belong Isaac lies - ware. and his wife. Theg base been celebrating the "Fourth" for • week much to the annoyance of theirnbigb bors In the Twelfth ward., Yesterday one of them. Martin Fisher, sought to put an end to it=orance and, made batortnation before :Maor Nichols a festive .—tuNMlgttills y orderly Conduga instct Wa the rman were fumed. . - = • Hots. Joni )(minnow. of Allegheny cite, I tot Minerounly 111 at hie iinlderice In All ■Rear. • - JOa. Y. 6ATSAII, Esq.: will leave for Cape May next week, where he lateral% spendlarr • • • Jotter O. finowerr, Ep.. formerly clerk of -the county court, etarted yesterday on a tour throaph the 'South. accompanied by hie stile, They to Best to Richmond. Vu, and from Comm to South Carolina. kir. 13roume stilt probably locate In the South during the com ing' year. I=Z=2 bitt„ ramp - certain bill 'ln the Fifth ward- duration cam wan triought before the 9aate.l.Juiy no the 96th of June and ignored, prompentor to pay the caste. Tile bill, of that dak Were titken ;Into court, but ibis bUt, for *scesseresson, was withheld until the bun dal still aside% ten sent n trite bill. We • - do Millf.*SOW or otherthere were any other •". - bills treated In the same Way or not. If this Is to continue, why should we but-then the comity with the expense of it Grand Jury. when their decisions are so ruthlessly exce -1 ridden) • . - JUSTICE. . . Robbery In Binalogioro. YellOrday morning the till in the tobacco . • • • • • . , mot air. Venuf, etrson street. Binning -. Lm, iota robbed of M.- The scamp who per , patrsted Lae .robbery Came into the more. • - , which we, attended by the wife of the pro • • . ptistor. And exhibited gaggles of cream and tobaeco. stating that he wits an agent for an easternboaae , and wanted to sell a bill of .goOda. - - Mrs. (I. left • Mott in- the More alone walla she went up stairs to see her husband relative to malting n purchase of some stock. wfien she returned the scamp _had gone, leaving his ninnies on the counter. but taking ••• , spithialgt about-go which had been left to the cash drawer. • I "White Cloud" and his tribe arrived at the Maseitur yesterday . morning and immediately appeared on exhibition, and, gavel their that pertdrmince at a P. rs, The 3fuseum"vres crowded with feshionable ladles, gentlemen and Obildren. Lent evening the rush was so Ftlke l e b LligTc7c a l ' g. "g ge t e o tjt c =rgi l l so intense to see this renowned tribe that frier performances arc riven daily, and the • best and most gnietj lure for ladles and chit . draft is in the morning or; afternoon. Their r exhibition is given to addition to the othe r enrkelties, on which no extra charge mad. = A steamboat eXcuralon 'up the Monougabeln • skier took , place from this city on Friday . Mat, which, with the exception of ti slight sc . etdirat that had a tendency 'to delay the ex ' earsloalsta for a shcirilme, was one of the racist delightful in of the season. The slain was sorisiectdd by Mr. George W. Fit took. who Is on the ere of departing from his satire city for California, and it might be Wend • ^famwell Ple.obt excursion." About tweet? Couples were Incited nod took pas se/re on the stcauner . 11turielt.” Intending to ratara the name night on the "down" boat. A Ina band of music was in attendance, and after p e pper the patty enjoyed thematic. by dancing, promenading, he., until 41b0Ot !WV.. 'welock, when it was announced that the down boat WIN coming. The boats ran along ' • Ode of each other and stopped until the en. muelosists stepped aboard the Franklin" sad darted on the return WIC They hod ..proceoded but a short dletnuce when the "Franklin!' broken wheel and wog compelled • to return for repairs. She eccordlnglr "pot .• about," and slowly made her way opine ricer, • SI at kirownertile they took passage on thir"Elector" and were brought enfe/Y • • ' - IfissUate Court Deetelooe. ID &wane Court of Pennolvaitia met M rldhadelphis lad week, for the purpose of = cemahltattlon and entry of Judgments, and glad opinions to the following Western caws. which haat. twee „received hp the Prothoun . Oolaman et. al. v.. Newt/. et. al. Error to . M i ttriloLi f b A tfi be'r. "dgm ' at 't itan, J. .• • Chwrt. °24"". Jod ig ninen W t:d A . P flp - 1:1 ' 1.. 1 4'Wt4 Central mid Duelr 01rek 011 Om , papri ti lll.Lewis u m. al. note° Cow. J J dement affirmed. Opin- Hoaktnioet-airs - Ettiott: . ..Erie Cowman • Piaui Coon. Record amended 1.1241 lodgment a.e,2=hirthe T:8173111 t, - , ti=ta.tf734l:"'"7,_ AL' wce:trameoc aint . F.P. ' OPW/00 hi a. Ti. 0 1.nirdbormith. Erie Com , ra ,na.d. J. Opin-, mom_ peon. V,J.. Wept& • ".1 0 1? . .fra et. IL' Yeastwo adtenlot .forioa **go a l nirckd, re = li 'l7:.:'.llCreharinMid., ME FIENDISH CRIME. A Desperate Va.Stet—A toraginells Struggle Is Preserre Her Usuor—Huestble Attempt at ostrage—The I lethal Lilt Almost Dead— The Alleged Perpetrator Arrested—Ll - orb law Threatened. one of the most crimes which now and then shock thapiabliemlid wea perpetra ted at Woods Alin. 'McClure township. on Sunday evening. The details of •he cave re real a fiendish cruelty and satanic evil which it aeems alinost Impossible to conceive. , .Sorturtew, weeks AO, Mrs. Junes, residing eear'the city line. in McClure township. enca sed Mary Ryan as domestic in her family. The maiden was about eighteen years of age. rather prepossessing, of irreproachable char acterandperformedherdutiesl n manner In win the confidence and esteem of the entire family. ' • . Last Sunday night, for the first time. she mining from her home at bed time; and the fact elicited some surprise. Search was made for her around among the neighbors but her whereabouts.. could not be ascertained. and the family at last retired without her. Monday morning she failed to put in an ap pearance. alla the search was then renewed In earnest. Shortly before reakfast Mrs. Jones' son happened to go Into the cellar of the hnnw. which is not_much used, when be discovered the o Being desirous of billowing out this clue he procured a light mud proceeded to explore the subterranean apartment. After making the circuit of the place. in n remote corner be dis covered a drygoods box which had evidently been dragged tram another part of the cellar. The open side was turned to the wall, every thing Indicating that it had been done in a burry. The floor of the cellar also gave evi dence that thnra struggle or some sort had been going on. An the light was thrown upon the box young Jones ohse:ved a piece of a dress protruding from underneath its edge. It was but a.Moutent's work to throw the boxover. when underneath it was found the body of the missing girl. which exhibited • =I The clothing was' all torn, and the hands, face and body bruised, as though the girl had passed through a terrible contlict. The In sensible form was taken into the house and physicians sent for, Drs. Buchanan and Croft answering the summons.. Justice Kerr, of McClure township, was also In attendance. while quite a crowd of people. excited with eager curiosity, gathered around the dwell ing. The physicians, when they arrived, after ex.' ainination, thought life not yet extinct. end immediately Inaugurated efforts at recusita- Bon. Their efforts were of no avail apparent ly, and after a long and discouraging trial, the attendant.: were about to give up when a faint Buttering in the hitherto inanimate form Induced them to continue and redouble their exertions. -Life came hack slowly and feebly, yet sufficient to indicate Its presence. Finally. after more than an hour had Zeen spent in this manner, the girl was so far . 111TOOKED TO CONPCIOMOCO. As to be able to hold a. brief conversation With those about her. ; She then explained her mysterious disnp pearance, , by stating that Sunday evening about eleven o'clock sbenans ' , ageing near the batlike intending to come In, when she was ac costed by James Burke, a young Irishman employed in the blast furnace in the vicinity. The man she says tirat Insulted her with Inde cent proposals and then before she could es cape or raise annlartn, held her mouth, and endeavored to violate her person. Becoming free from his hand over her mouth she called (or assistance when he knocked her down and choked her, beyond the power of 'meek log. lie then dragged her into the cellar through the door, and renewed his attempt there but was resisted by her until all her strength had failed. During the struxule she 'wog fearfully beaten, and nanny for the second time knocked down. After that she had no recollection of anything . until restored to consciousnesa the next morning. It was evident from the subsequent actions of the inhuman mattilanithat he had become alarmed at his course. and desisted from the terrible design in which he had been battled. Finding his victim insenaible. and probably thinking he had murdered her, it Is thought he planed the body lu the dry goods box In the condition it was found the next morning. lle was unsuccessful in his satanic.- efforts up to the time the girl became Insenalble. and after that certainly, for some reason. 'me anest his intent loon nn further. Upon hearing the girl's statement, Justice Kerr at once made out =I against Burke for felonious assault and bat tery. with intent to ravish and kill. Armed with a revolver, the magistrate then under took the duty of arresting the man himself. Burke was found In his place at the blast fur nace. Before be had time to consider any plan at escape, a revolver at ; h bead and a demand for instant surrender rem the official. reminded him forciblypf his Bien. Natur ally be yielded without any ado. and • was taken to the realderre of Mrs. Jones, where his victim lay, almost dead. As soon as he was takee_before her. • =I as•her assailant- This fact became known the crowd outside. and the excitement be came intense. Threats of lynching him were freely made, and this method of procedure seemed determined upon, when the monist rat e interfered and • wiser counsel prevailed. Burke, however. was quickly removed front, the place and brought to jail. being commit ted for trial. The people were in such amine!. that if he had remained long his - tads 'would have been dangling from the nearest tree. He had little to say about the case. hut professed to be anxious .to marry the Of course • he denied the crime, but the fact of the ready l'lctltV;!'n'thert him hrenhtil'hidritaT pout( nothing• • Last evening the girl was still living. and al though her nervous system la terribly shatter ed by the desperate ordeal through which she passed. It is tut she will recover. Fhe Is receiving every ho at gh tention that medical skil l or .Mends can sagrest. - and wilt certainly be about again If auddlous care can avail any thing. The case Is one of the moat horrible we have recorded for a long time, and when the Court-s take action. it tato be hoped it will be such a+ Is merited by the villlain who perpetrated the fiendish crime. ~ THE COURTS Quarter Seseleas---JuaLte MONDAY, July.ll.—ln the CUE of the Coln monweelth us. Tony Snyder. indicted for fAr. or., rt cot., Hammel Verner, prosecutrix, pre viously reported, the jury returned a YenliCt of not guilty. L. It. Lindsay:Alderman of the Third ward. Allegheny, clowned with committing an molt and battery upon Jos. Caldwell. was .next placed on trial. The jury found a Yee, dirt of not guilty, bat directed defendant to pay . the costs, Annie Ernest AVM chargedwith resisting fficer Jeremiah Smith In the discharge of bis duties. The jury found a verdict of guilty, and divided the costs between the parties. - Charles Menno was charged with stealing nine define from the meat chop of 'Samuel Long.', The jury found a verdict of guilty. • Sentence deferred. . In the CM of the Commonwealth no. Fred crick Pfor, indicted for Assault and battery. a nate prom. was entered on payment- of costs, by permbudon of the Court. -Commonwealth vs. Archr Tailor. Indicted for malicious mischief. W. C. McCarthy. pros , senor.! The proaecutor, ander the direction of the Beard of 'Health, has a boat moored at or near the Point. for the pumose Of dumping night WI, which, it is alleged, the defendant cu g= e g:ll t hla im ilenP l T'istlMer, Indict- ed for assaalt and battery, Robert C. J olinson prosecutor. The parties had come difficulty about a watch, which the defendant was ac cused of stealing. and it In altered that he q'nplaid the prosecutor and beat him with a 0 o ut. TRIAL LIST TOR TUESDAY. COM. TS. Thai. George. =I. Coro. vi. I'. RosensteeL 408. " Micheal Bower% . Wm. Orrell. WC. John Moretti. Fleckencteln. j nreph Samuel; et al. a Louis R. Lin dray, John Little. Ig!! : John Schmidt. .ChnriecEdwardr. too, 7. tWO .IEII . Ino. Boron. Laois Cm e* lbonnelly . mod. • Martin Spy. 2.75. " " Simon BMWS. 30. Samuel Richards. TRIAL LIST TOR TVENDAT. .154 Com. vs. Charles Incl. 106 John Anth. NG" •' James Drlghtmore. 83 " • " James Illakelr, 001 " Delta McFartaod. " John C. Kelehler. " Chas. It. Strain, et al. TA. " IL A. Clark. ass,Joseph ' " Thomas Steel. " Robert Steel, et. al. George Sherland. EN =1 Some time ranee as informatirin was made before the Mayor. charging certain pensms with riot for interferingsvith the °Meets of the election at the Fifth 'want polls, at .a special election held In that ward for council man. The information was retuned to court nod last week came , before the Grand Jury. The witneesee. Means all, were ,Pcmeot but the jury alter examining two 11/ISOCSieft. said they-did not Went tobeartiny more testimony. so we are Informed. Thursday the bill came down marked a true bill and the ease was pet on the trial list for trial by the District Attor ney. Prior to this a report had been circu lated that the Grand Ja' had Ignored the bill, and the defendants and their friends were surprised to see the case marked "for trial." thou made inquiry about the matter and, all 7 . .,.....,011t0T1Ped, learned from the members A..n n'em4 Jury and the Ansistsat District ttorney nb , that the bill had been ignored, Hons- it care inn. returned to court is a twee eon. which will Pehably he explained when the ease in colic foe. trial; but there Is yet another Inquire whic h ...els noise , explana tion re that elf the facts ore .se at bed and the i bill gnod. Haw was it thatM4limnd Jury ignored the bill after hearing. t ' , queues only ~_when there were MIT= Ot ern Is the room waiting to be called. Media ensile nee how a jury might Cud a true bill on the teal. moot' of two or one witness for that matter and refuse to hear any more. w the witnesses examined might testify to all that. was neces sary, but bv what process of reasoning they refuse to hear seven, who, Perhaps, might make out a case, because the testimony of. two witnesses did not do so is a mystery. It la a matter for the Courts. however. and not for ue, and we give the repo jest as It brae been ne. - - Gaseraeleat Tel :he We are indebted to the' co rteey of C. 0. Howe, Soh Superintendent f the Western Caton- Telegraph :..Compaq - I thie.cltr, for a nest.pamphiet oflity- tw o 1. embattles ! i h i e ut asnorr‘of Mon. Willi Orton i Pres cor t repo je st Union el _p nr:Lou the bill to establish mciegeePh delivered before the Committee - of the Mouse orkepresentatl . -The pamph let also contains the statemets and corms mmdenee of other distill:nix ed parties In to the provislow of t bill and to the subject of 'telegraphy generally. Mr. Orton Is a gentleman of rare executive abill tiet and on the the subject of teleirsaphy la all fie aspects is probably the beet Informed man In tile mane country. His argument will well renaT careful ourniand will be toned exhaus tive snd conclueles agaiat. the absorption of all tbe lines by the General Postollee Depart ment. . -- . I PITTSBURGH DAILY GALE THE CITY TAXES. , • , I ---• Hare Ire a City Government I—A BIM Equity to Restrain the City Treasurer from . ollert- Ina Cur Taaes—The Approptiatio Graf - stance Pronounced Null and , Noid Where Will It End 1 That we have a city and nne wfllch e Mi., no mall influence in the financial no welras the manufacturing world. i•• a tact t at . will it scarcely he ,lisputed. hat that we liar'. :ray government it a quectinn not sn cl., rly ile fined, and nne upon which there it at least a diversity of opinion. We have what :Wit...s to he a government and the regularly elected, official. requisite to administer it, bnt schen, ever It so happen. that the official act; of mar city authoritieta enme before the Courts we are informed that they barn no authority of taw for their act lon. cnnsequently their acts are il legal and the Gmrte Cannot sustain them. The muddle over the - Barton' ordinance." or the ordinance ps oviding for the safe keep ing of tfi -unexpended balance," which cre ated such n stir among the sotthorit les. has not vet keen determined. and we are about to get into another of equal If not greater Import-. :Mee to the tan payers, in the shuns of a bill in equity to restrain the City Treasurer and Finance Committee from collecting the city taxes. John Barton, a gentleman .whose legal opinions hare considerable weight. has pre pared a bill for the purposes set forth above, which will be tiled in the Dist riot Court and probably come of for argument before Judge Kirkpatrick io a few days. _. The following is a brief synopsis of the bill: Oil the Ilist day of January the Appropria tion bill passed estimating the current ex len sea of the year at $.40.700. The receipts ;nun markets, wharves, 4e., were estimated at Vils,- 70). To make up the detielency. a special J. was levied on real estate of 1 istAto, and on business of tialti,eoo. It is held that there ova. at line time o band in the city Treasury an unexpended bsls inner of $4 - I,ONJ, which could have been made available for the current expenses, and which would inner been ample without the addition al tax levied. and that Counelld had no right to levy the extra tax. until the inane) . on hand was used; that keeping such it large unei pentied futal was it nest for 'Oatromptionists7 and 'lines - mnong the unity GM ids. cl! Again, by the act of. Assembly under which the ordinance was passed. It in ',tared thud no ordinance shall be valid hat contains more then one subjeet, and that subject must be clearly expressed in the title. The appro-, print ion ordinance of the aist of January con=, tains two subjects: one making an aPProPriai levy i n g d the other tmtking an assessment and levy 'a Special and additional ten on thn citicens. The lint ter of these subjects was not eXpressed In the title of the bill. On botb 'these grounds, therefore, he asks it to Ile de , ' dared Illegal, null ttnd void. Another Act of Assembly declares that al: ordinances for appropriating money, waking 'contracts, .ke.s shall he fully and distinctly read. on three different days, unless three, fourths of each branch or councils shall vote to suspend the ruletcand tims them. This or: dlnance of the 3lst df J :try was read three times on the Caine day, and passed by the he,,. lent Council. When it came into the Coalmen Connell, Mr. Barton and others objected to Its passage. and Mr. Barton offered tat amend,. ment. The President ruled them out of or! der. lborton,.G.xam, McKelvy, and others, appealed from this deelsitm. and it was Sus tained by it vote n( ;et yeas to t.ti nays, there being siVlYstwo members of the • Connell present out of an, tint tieing the whole num ber. Dr. )'Candles then raised the objection that as three-fourths of Council had not voted, the bill had only passed to n second reading. but the President ruled that It had passed and had beton... in law. Mr. Barton's bill in equity asks that the court declare the passage of the ordinace illegal and that all iteneeedinits n under It to. stognaal. If, as liar beets st Med...not Otte half I he not l- Dunces In the City Digest will hold water," and as contended by the Treasurer, in the "unexpended balance - affair. ,Councils' have no right under existing laws to provide for the sate-keeping of the city rands. and place them where the city will secure the benefft.nt them, it L. time that the city charter should be remodeled and the laws relative to the city forme clearly defined, and that Council then Bonne a new code of ordinances• for the protection of property and presiervation of peace and gond order. If the ordinance, ns Mr. Barton holds, is ill, gal and has no binding force, how many more of the same kind may be found? How the Court Ml' a see this mat ter we do not pretend i 0 say - . and as It is a legal ques tion. depending upon the facts hi the case, ice do not propose to express au opinion upon it. We cans ay, howei er, that the movement will take with the masses. who ha . e the tax,to PaY• A FEARFUL LEAP. From .Le Roof su the Siams/IL Lousy: 'Man Set{unary Injurrd, This morning about two o'clock a young man named Henry Heckman. Wa9 seriously If not fatally injured, at hiehoarding house No. li. :Ilion rid -trees. He had been drinking diming t iie evening and returned home : Monty after midnight. flit bed chamber was the at tic of tile him., where be retired immediate /y upon entering t he ' A tweit the time staled he climbed out of the .I..rmar window to the roof, and from thence either ten ors em , w ed to the sidealk. The house it three In height. The most probable suppwiition In that he jumped from the roof. es be wascked up lying Moterside the curb stone. When.picked up Dr. Gallagher nes summoned. who upon examinatioh found that his right thigh was broken. He Inn bleeding at the nose but seemed elsewhere:to be unin jured. He was perfectly insensible and the physician thinks be srill die from the conceit- Mon of the brain. The victim %MP a barber. employed in Kre mer's shop on dmithneld street. He wan un married and bad no relations in thin vicinity. He Nem, stilt living. at, last nccomit...:- • Grand Annual Literary Entertainment. The avidity and earnestness with which our colored citizens emmge iii anything tending to their educational advancement. Is the surest Indication of their progress. A forcible 'and commendable ll'lntention of this spirit -van Riven loot evening In a gland literary enter tainment by the pupil% of the High Sch.! Department of the Webeter street S.choola Allegheny. Prof. S; A. Neale. the accom plished and very - efficient Principal of I the schools. has been indefat 'gable in his efforts to advance his pupils in oratory nod mutate, outside the regular course of study. That his labors here have been attended with Imre cese, this entertainment fully attested. Excelsior Mall was secured • for the cwt.,- sion and a pro - gramme prepared embracing selections as varied as they were interesting. In essay7"tleclamntion, dialogue and recita tion, the performers displayed careful train ing, and. In I. many Instances, genina for the exercise, more than ordinary. Vocal and instrumental triode Interspersed. the programme and enlivened the perform .k/11011r SO many it mar seem Ment ions to intrtienlarize. but the vocal selection be —Miss Mary .I.ltile Johnson. nastated by Hesse. Robert Bell and Fred London. wits especially well rendered. The recitatkma Masters Milton 'Fitch and Willie Gwyn. r - ceived.rta they deserved. hearty applause. The dialogue of - Wanted. a Male Cook." was cry humorously and correctly performed' by v the Messrs. Lyle. Dorsey. Hawkins and Stin son. All the performances, Indeed, which want of space prevents ua mentioning, were very Interesting, unit reflected great credit upon the performers and into, aThere was a good nudlence in attendance, comprising a wordier of white ylsitorsdadies rind gentlemen, who 'were no enthusiast le in their prahms as any others present. The hail. however, wna not as full as the character of the enterf ainmeoemerited, and as It should be to-night, when the second entertainment will be given. The programme is a rich one—it comprises a literary entertainment by , vocal Late and speakers, and n great variety of choruses and longs, of recitations, colimmy, dialogues and addressea. The songs are well selected and comprise sentimental. rondo and patriotic. The entertalmnent last 'evening was rapturously applauded and the pert arm tomes this evening will he still more Inter esting and tonuaingt Prof. S. A. Neale has the directlon'Mt - the entertainment, and having tate!, much puma to train his pupils and held several rehearials, the audience this evening may count upon an elegant and en joyable entertainment. well deserving. the liberal patronage of nn Intelligent community, • Real Estate Tratesters. ' , wen/Unclog deeds were 'admitted of re.. • cord In the °lt" . .. qkomas H. Hunter, Esq., Recorder for Allegheny _ll G o im, July lith, 1870: C. Beringer to T. H. Shot°. et al., June 7. int9e Int No.^As In C. Berlngen's pion of lots at Glendale, Ohio township. . . ..$lllO Joseph Haigh toll . Ilepplenhlte. April I, 197te 1 acre In Felon township. Allegheny county James Knox to Robert Wood, Ju1y9.1970: ll acres, 3 roods nod 7 perches In Klibuck township, with buildings I tea/ M.S. Brown to It. and W. Ilepplenhile, June 7.1970 tits Nos. 121.11 and 123 In ttrown's plan of village of Mansfield, with buildings J. end L. Mackev Michael ityntbirrh. ISM; 48 acres In N'entailles township, with buildings. .. . I . 0.030 Michael Scan to John Mackey, yeb,l9, 1870 ts acres In Versailles township, with buildings „ . ...... . ... • ... _ . 00 IfflElizabethF. Denny to . .Alke r.[Jun a2o 1870; lot IA by 144 feet on boundary street. Sixteenth ward, Pittsburgh . .. •. . . .8417ri Elizabeth F. Denny to William Burke/Jr., lot El by 119 feet on Bedford avenue. Eighth ward. Pittsburgh. ..... .. . Vika Hein of - E. Harding to C oo pe r Blacksmith, Jan. 7, 1879; lot NI/. V.:lin Harding and Sny der'. plan, Shafer ... :A .$3.10 Catharine Quinn to Mary Quinn, July, 9. 1870; Int 93 by 81 feet on Ross street. and lt :M by lts feet on Pennsylvania ',venue, with build- Frederick ri Laninger to George . White' - ut al., June 14,187 M lots Nos. M..91._27 and 93 in it. F. and Annie C Fox9(plan, Chowders town ship MOO Robert Shandom to William liugnes. - rony 9, 19719, lot 18 by 111 feet on Neville street , bor ough of Itirotinginon, with buildings .g 2,1100 Coming Through the Rye. James D. if ylands. F.sq., left In Our office yesterday a few stocks of rye to prove what ,otherwise might not be credited, that,Mr. James Crawford. in - Kilbuck township, has n held of rye quite ex trponlinary for ill growth and sire. The specimen a now at our office Is eight feet ...height and very full-headed with beautiful anevery sound and perfect white rye. undeomind that contiguous Mr.Crnirford Ina nett of rye belonging to Rob , '" Dnizell • Esq., of this city, which he clatms to be even morn gignetlc than that of Mr. Crawford. We knew thatour friend had a weakness for no, the prodom of his native land, but were not swamthat he Indulged In it so lannely r rhis reentry. lirthe way, it is ;Wedged th t Mr. Dalzeir a wonderful success Is ascr i bed o his pieties of a mode of culture ,described a letter or .instructions. written. by GaVeTal Washington. during the itesolutionary to his farmer, and consists of early plowing and sowing with buckwheat, nod when this it crop sowing h icro p bloom, plo.wityr It In and tmother •of buckwocat, and also plowing this second crop In tura pi•w , paretion for the crop of Me. it Is allege& that this method Is cheaper and quite 113 sentient as to WM:dents!, the 101 l with cloven its will customary. 'lf this be so. our fanners will be debtors to Mr. Dairen for his success ful example. ' Henry te: Bale Merehosst Tailor, has Just received a large assortment of listens andal =also a complete assortment of comb; unser wear geuerally, corner Penn avenue and Sixth street. • tt OHIO BITER NAVIGATION Meeting of ' the Coat Exchange—a Amendment to the Ohio Ricer Bridge Bill - -Our congressmen Endorsed. The directors of the Pittsburgh Coal change held a meeting Saturday afternoon at the office of Joseph Walton, Egg.. on Water street. . 'Jhe President, Mt. John Dravo, was in - t e chair. .1A letter from senator Scott to Mr. Walton. accompanied by an amendment to the oAr propriatlon 11111," was read. The amendment reads as follows; Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Scott to the bill anthills appropriations for the repair. preservntion, and completion of certain public works on riven and harbors, and for other pulToses, for the fiscal year ending June alan. And to it tura, rtiorted, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and required to detail three'engineers, whose duty it shall De'lo examine all bridges now erected, o r in process of erection, across the lth in River, and to report whether, In their opinion, such bridges, or any of them. as now constructed , or proposed to be constructed. do or will interfere with the free nod sae navigation of sold river; and if they do or will so:interfere, to report also whatextent• of span and elevation above water will be re quieed to prevent obstruction to navigation. ; t em their estimate a the cost required to change such bridges now built. or being built. to such width of span and elevation abovethe water as will prevent obstruct ion to naviga tion; such report to be made and communica ted to the next session of Congress. The amendment tint passed In Committee of t he Whine and then in the Senate. . . . . . . . Telegrams were also read front Represent a 'tires Negley. Donley :mil Chops. announcing the passage of the amendment. The Directors, In behalf of the Coal Ex change, then adopted the following: !trmgnd, That the thanks of the Cool Ex change he tendered to Senators Scott and Cameron for their energy and tart in Prom.- ing the massage of mild amendment. A vote of thanks W. Mao tendered to our Eepresentatives for the interest they have taken in the treenail unobstructed navigation of the Onto and other Western rivers. . The meeting then adjourned. liebboth School Teachers' talus, The regular monthly meeting "of the Pitts burgh United and .Reformed Presbyterian Sabbath School Teachers' Union sins held last evening In the Second U. church, Sixth avenue. The ntiendance of teachers was Inge, and the interest manifested great T homas Habe. Esq., President of the Aseo dal ion. occutsied the chair. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. J. S. hands. After rending of minutes and other [mental -nary business had been transacted, the Prsi d •nt announced on the subject for discussion "klxnerience In. soda advantages of the Uni form Lesson System." The subject was dis cussed at great length and in nn earnest and lucid manner by Her. W. J. Held. tier. S. 11. Held, and Messrs. J. Montgomery nod T. J. Gillespie. After which T. K. Cree. Eau., Sept. Young Men's Christian Association. by special Invitation. addressed the meeting . in an contest. and practical manner. rhe a last address of 'the evening was delivered by Major William Frew, who spoke warmly in favor of the "Uniform Lesson Sys tem," and urgsui its adoption upon all the schools which had not adopted it as yet. Ile also referred to the great old the teacher re ceived by a course of published lessons. tints affording the tenchersthe benefit of the best thoughts Sour deepest thinkens, also extracts from our best commentaries and appropriate. Illustrations and junction! suggestions. At the close of th is edam. Rev. T. 11. Hanna moved that "this Association adopt the Uni form Lesson System In all the schools. tak HS a basis the series of lessons to be published in the I 'hristnin Worher of Nest York." The notion Was carried unanimously. Het. Sands, of the !liminess Consnuttee, reported that the Association was somewhat in debt, and moved that a committee of two be appointed from each church to attend to the matter. Motion carried And said committee appointed by the President. The chairman then an nounced us the subject for next meeting: "Hon can the Sabbath school render more etncient service to' the Churelr , The Masada. tics then ndjoorned. with prayer and' bene diction by Iles'. S. It. held. The Madison Atrtme Affair. Yesterday morning the rowdyism which was exhibited at the residence of Mrs. :Muhl fire, Madison avenue. Allegheny, on Sundae evening, came within the rouge of official ob servation. Officer John Wills. of the Alle gheny detective force. made 'information be fore Aillernout Ildwden agaloti Mrs. Stahl fire for maintaining a - sotto:ton bawdy Idinne. About au hour after, a sitnitar Information wan made before Mayor Callow. The accused tree, arrested and taken before the May . or, who, after a hearing; committed her to tad for trial. In default of $1.01 , 0 bail. Alderman Bowden also lodged a commitment 00010.4 her. Anna Seville. one of the satellites, becaln iolne . .rhnt rniittingeons damn,the proceed ng4. and Sons Ineonneotienre inticialir re Luke) and In default hay lair to accompany her superior to jail. EOM t , enile.lild and Pt! Federal street. Al lygheari Lynilefully thank rbi nunierou• yin tulpers fir thi'ir very liberal patrunage. am nwa re,iert roily Inform theta that anti Fartheenotice blr .tare mill be el/i•nl in Su: unlay everdor at , July nth. - • at The Preitiett Woman in New fork. Mlsa IC—. well known In our fashionalor PLOCIrtr (or her dislinow appearance and beautiful complexion, was once n .ORn-skinned girl, chagrined at her red, freckled face. Si. pitched into liagan's Magnolia Mann, and is now an pretty' In complexion as she is charm ing In manners. This ankle overcomes (nick' lee, tan. sallownesit, moth-Vat ches,ring-marks etc.. and' makes °helot* ten years younge 'nm they are. -Magnolia Balm for a trawl parent complexion, and Icon's KlitilltirOft If make the hair plentiful. luxuriant, soft an, delicate, have no rivals. The Kathairon pre rents the hair from turtling gray. eradicate, dandruff, and is the best and cheapest dre• ring in the world. , imws Gun, Revolvers. Pistos. Ato munition Rod Gun mater/al of all kind, at It ductal priers. at .1. 11. Johoston's Great West slat bud Works. IT Smithfield fit reef. Repair log neatly dnnr Guns for hire. Army Curblnet and Rey°Wert bought or taken I/ exchange. Call and tee or write for it Pries blot. YRr Herker's Vance forow a very .agreeable untritlse foodlu superior article ft puddirign and Jellies, nd la' blehle ree. mended by physician for invalid% and chi dren. Sold by all, grokere. CREAM ALE brewed at the °reg.. Brewery. Stephenson street. near Pero sylvania nrenw•. Address tell etonenten cations to Pier. Dannals' St t'o...Pitt burgle II • A St. Johns. N. F. correspondent says this delicious crustacean abounds around our maids. and rumen •in along with-the salmon. morning I bought three good sized lobsters for eight cents the whole lot. Seven persons partook of them at tea, and had more than they (=Mills. vise of. in London the lot would sell for three or four shillings sterling. The Londoners demos two millions and a half bf • lobsters and crabs annually.. FrOm TieTand. Norway, the north .r. 4 Scotland and other localities, the lobsters are. brought to London alive in smacks fitted up with' with wells. Norway sends till,. 000 a year to England. One day there will he n splendid trade in 'this edible crustacean between this country. Canada 'widths United States. For the lobsters I have a warm regard ass` luxury of the table; but in a philosophic point of view, I contemplate :lie creature with ceaseless wonder. The animal inn Using absurdity. a walking or rather crawling joke.' Think of a creatitre whose flesh is entirely in its Jail and legs, whose hair is in the inside of its stomach is in its . head, and changira rear for -a neW - rme. which new one Wore— w i t h d i ,. roaring the old. Such is the - ctisc-ni, w . ally with. the. lobster. lint these are only a small part of its abstirditimeand anoma lies. It belongs to. the clam of being. named by the Sol itrday “other. wise minded" existences, reniiirknide for their contradictions,. The; lobster does .nothing like any other tßiiinen of the deep. It carries Its eggs within its body till they become fruitful. and then carries them outwardly uMler Its tail. When It happens to break a leg it kicks it off and quickly grows a new one. What would not some:poor rhellinatie - "human" give to possess such' faculty It has very sharp oysno, placed n movable horns, and when grooving it throws off its sheit every six weeks duringthe- drat year. that It may get a new onel, hiding in shel. while its new mitt is [rowing. We should net eat Oda "otherwise mindetreustomer without meditating a little on the won ders•oLits structure: It is' the standing romance of the sea. - • ." • 1 A Wise Pedler. - L . .._ 'flie Lewistown .11, , ernal says there L, a ,teep bill in Greene, not far front the river, traversed by a road, now uaused, concerning which a very amusing story is told. A Dutch miler, traveling ttwough the town with a one-horse team, rolling laces, ribbons, top! and knick-knacks gen erally, arriving nt\ its summit one day, and oreiiookingthe \valley below, thought his horse hardly strong - enough to bold boa the load down so• steep n hill. But bia ingenious Dutch intellect noon raa. eeivcd how to do it. Unharnessing th e annimal, be led him gently down the do clivity, and returned to. draw the cart down himself I . Getting between the shafts, and with nee grasped in each hand, he started on the deseent—elowly and cautiously at first, but the heavy load soon gaining impetus, mid impelling him forward, lie furnished no more restraint . to its progress than a feather before the wind.: Down it asme-,vfalter. and !curter, and faster dew the Dutilimun's feet, keep ing time with one of the liveliest quick steps ever compOsed, till finally, oat of breath, and 'family exharisted, he fell, the I nazi iiesing , rmlesaly 'over him in its unchecked ii and plunging with fear. ful velocity la the valley - below, where it brought op a demoralized °audition. Its contents Pi itered abtitd In the utmost confusion.:: E: TUESD ' ADVERSITY An Oration Delivered on Thnr.d . , July 7th, 1870, by Mr. Moses Hopkins, Student, at the Coin. mencement Exeriise. of Avery Cbl. lage,Allegheny, Pa. At the commencement exercises iof i t d Avery College. last week. them was ne oration delivered by n young coin man. Mr. Moses A. ; Hopkins, w ich warmed the large and intelligent , uli eure B , ..ll:ibleti into enthusiasm. 'le vttnjki Mall, Of 11.. prOdlllll.ll 1.1, 1 S .1 illilliyi I oiy. pla together, and the Arie of dAivt.ry ,r inapterly and elogornt. that the nadiein••• were I'harin,l intopcstacies, and on the conclusion of his etihrt, the twenntplialged student received hearty coti• gratulations from all •sides. Atitbe re. queNt . of a number . of prominent, gentle. men wh . o heard the oration. and /in order to show how. well Avery College trains and tend es the young mind how tothiiiii, =EMI GEE rite an oration in ifr. PrtxirGn7 tad fOrral, nerd: Fur better 'than I can deeeribe. many of you know the painful embarrasi. mem experienced by a beginner on bus •first essay at oratory before a large audi• eliCe, but, most worthy President. influ enced by your order s ,of the day---Avery' expeets every %twilit to do ItLs duty- , -- arn constrained to attempt to address you, feeling that it is my dilly and that I hare m, more right Id evade it titan i any one else. Indeed. were I not' impoilled 1 ;Y a sense of duty, I could no , open my mouth in the presence of so many distinguished philosophers and orators ns t riee in tlllll audience. . "It in better to go to the house (If mourn. log, than to go in the house of feastingi fiir that is the end of all men:land the living will lay it-tohis heart. Sorrow is letter titan laughter; for by . the sadness of the countenance the heart is made bet. tee." The corrupting tendency of tinned prosperity has always 1 admitted. Men •nre then • apt proud and forgetful of themsel Login, like Reltaboam, to reran low creatures no heingsof inferi whom they may oppress and us =9 M==Ern have conferred benefits upon their (lark dncri of adversity. ten. Swelled with pro'sporfty. trample the 111014 wwr d mina foot But (Mil, in ilk Wi;4110111. Lnn ALIVVroIt V OM a remedy (or the d'. genderisi by prosperity. Adversit ~whir Mr. 17 two' 'Mils "relentless powi r" an "tamer of the li MIMI{ breast, - sign lies 01 rlONitillll, affliction,' calamity. Otis Muni .We learn froin the Scriptures t lot Alt . .. versity . is one . of the instrument of our. salvation; that It to our soulsovhat medicine in to our bodies; saint Are is to the worker ill metals, or - What n witinoW• ing null is to the farmer. It is intendl4l to purge nod reline and purify us, and make us !Opt! subjects of the King of hea ven and fit associates for angels. • A bird mn rls,. only against the wind ; so a man can rise to &unity and 'useful. tress. only through Adversity. If tiir Isaac. Newton had not fled from the plague, he poilinbly would not .hare seen the ripple fall front its stern. and those won.: denial astronomical discoveries and cal. culations. suggested to Ida mind by it. would not have heen made. No one knows Mil own worth. till he Lax measured it by the extent of the Mt - lividly he can overcome. If a mamneet and vanquish . the opposition of enemies, pati e ntly sutler the pains and agonies of disease, and re signedly bear the loss of friends and goads. praying. -0 Lord nit best desire fulfil. And help toe to resign Life. heilth and esotrort to thy will, And make Tilt - pleasures mine." The world must justl y decide that lie is made of the nutterial that deer-lops into true Lentism. What - is true of uuliMid• nab+. in likewise true. of communities ire' nations, yea, were it not for. the two ail verse forces it, earli planetary body, lioWs universe itself would hasten to ruin. Potter the sickly influence it,. all the virtues langui;ll and die; hi UL r i , U., a hile constant exertion is 11e.... y to man's complete development , Ma •hei g naturally prone to linen... will do not I• jag useful unless compelled by mire 1. cirenmatances. On the 'contrary. adrers• ity making exertion alixolutely neceipsarly. brings nut all the native vigr 'of human character. We unavoiaably become.selfish 'nail st the locuriea and blandiahMentgpr4 • perity. The spirit grows ulna on . 011 are completely hardenja. But let na r 4, petit-nee the in,wns of advervity, and We Aoon realize that -we are only mortal nfti.r all. and subject to the name sorrowa and affliction as other turn. Our sorrows and afflictions teach to what are the aorta and afflictions of the greater number . f ,ur fellow Creatures: and. feeling the our... Ayes. our ears nrr always open to II e cry of distress, and our hearts tilled with sympathy for others' ' WO,. Thus many a hardened, unfeeling man ban been converted into humanity by adversity. who would etherwise liner gone to the eud of. life in impent'aable RelflBll - of which heivas trit.; ‘ ,,lly unconscious, and on that amount a !elfishness of the worst kind. Adversity is the gift diVir.Re that en able. us to see ourselves as others see' us. Like our shadow, ninny of our supposed friends disappear when. the sun of our prosperity is obscured by the clouds of adVersity. "prosperity makes friends and adversity tries thetn." , Iu Prosr-ritj we are apt to see things in a false {gilt. Men have an interest In deceiving-us, and It _la only with the 111111061- care nod watch ruiner,s we avoid being dehived. Bat when the storms of adversity blow and heat upon us, ilverything is presented, to no in its true, unflattering reality. Then we are enabled to Seo the selfishness, if not the heartlessness of men generally. and bow little true merit of them, if they have not a fair prospect of making something by it. We leap t not to take things at their first fair appearance; to pause to examine them closely Itefore up. proving. We thus soon learn to eels' with the cleverest in all worldly matters. Save Solomon, "If thud faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small." _And in "the day of adversity" many do find their strength small indeed. • Sometimes men try to Imo: the tioatingdnad of the'. own muds in 'the intoxicating cup, but the corpse rises. We nee their faces In the bubbles. Tbe intoxication of drink Bets the world whirllng.agsin, and the pulses to playing musk, and the thoughts to galloping, but the faster the clock lies sooner it runs down, anti unnatural Minn.- .. n t `ays-the house in the wildest rev. elry, more itileut,Tiltrrii--..4....inori!,reirerv. ed. dead. There is line stimulant that never intoxicates—Doty. Duty Mils R chine sky ever man, into which the sky . lark—itappint•its.alwaysgoeit singing, We must contend intuit ully against. minfort IMP and vanquish her by bearing lire so lo with fortitude. NV lint a noble estimpt,4 this has been left by the Apostle p.,„1, that greatest of all heroes. Writing to the ( . orintlilans, be says Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice wits I beaten. with 'reds, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered ship. Wreck, a . night awl a day 'MVO 1 been in of ih aster s, the deep ; ,jo; r r i n l e s of ylogi..lbber,, to perils oiten. in perils tiwn countrymen, in perils of the heatbltnj A perils in the city, in perils in the wiliferuess. In perils in the sea, in per- Pis among false brethren, in weariness and painfulness, in wateltings often. In hun ger andithirst, in fastings, often, in cold rind nakedness. Besides those things (bat are without, that which cometh urn me daily. the nue of the churates ho is weak And 1 ani"not torah 1 Who is of feuded and I-burn not r • • A short time before his execution . , Writing from Rome to his beleved 'pinto thy, he says: lam now ready; to be offer,. ed, sad the time of my departure la at hand. have fought a good fight, I hive finished my course, I hive kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for tee a mown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous . judge, shall, give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all of them • also that love his appearing. 'lf then, adversity and afflictions:lto ellected the mind of the great apostle, may we not hope that seminar results will be pro duced -in our mind, if we but yield our selves to a similar course of discipline 7-- Clod and Angels, and the genius of Watery answers yes; then let storms-gath er in blackness ovilbur heads—let the thunders roll and the lightnings flash -mid storms and tempests--if God be :,With us, the opposition of the wicked and 'cruel will be but no dui!' before the wind. TUIS WEATIIFIC not, the beet for brewing ale. but it is excellent for drink ing It. Pier, Danuals IcCo. are sending Mat great quantities of cream ale for con gumption. —digestive, not pulmonary. ~ Y..~.:~. ~.. -.-.}~ a:.=~?i~ Y ?i~:fi3~n }N. x e`~ l atil,'ca Yasv. Su.KYw. .S.n~.-. ?s.~.' +.~...:.1+x' . ~ _. ... ~:~H a~u~..vf H I '.. J MORNING, JULY 1 DIED ANNAN—At hie madam:oln Nee Tork.Sabbath morning. Jane 96th. MeV. .10)LN N... ANN , late pastor of the 4ldth acmes Pre re rep of that city. - Greatly beloved. greatly lamented."—Am s . Fth chap. v. 2. wEsT—o n Monday morning. July 11th, at nine icaloce.. motherw nsT, emsort. of Mathew H. Waat and of J. G. Wen. of Deldoln town- Allottbeur county, aged 37 rears. Funeral an Tr Etit,,, at 2 P.M. Catrlagea trill leery leiter', livery stable. Canon street; RN, minitham, at 1 P; et. Primly of the tardily arti re spectfully Invited to attend. i DELL-Monday. July 11 th. at 4 WM• S. BELL. aged 16 ream. Funeral from hta late resld _nee, Allegheny are nue,near Ohio arenne. rut iThvoilqr nok. as 3 n'elock. The friends of the fatuity. member , . of Franklin ide. No. i Jl. H. R. , . N o. 103 . and }ter lodge.. and chapters sire 11.11 pert! Ullf Invited attend. DIAMOND—OIt MondSky Jul,' 11 th, 1070, at I olluct P. " Yea. EMMA DIA MOND, second daeghter 'of AJP.I. and Clementine Short. in the 324 year of her age. ' Funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 174 Ohio avenue, Allegheny rity. on W tsAT, 13th Inst., at 10 o'clock A. M. Friends of the hind'," are respectfully invited to attend. (Virginia City. Nev.. PaDeri please cocci CARBOLIC SALVE, Made with pure CARBOLIC ACLU, welch It M.l tu 'lnsultsls by dlreettun of Eminent Physicians. hee Ore., proved itself to be the moat sway .d rffrcluat cure tor all hlglignant Sores mid Ulcers. and fir Berne. Cutt. Wounds.and all Shin En... no equal Rapid Curative Agent h. yet twin .diaenvered. 1411 CENTS. T • Henry's insect Powder, For the Iteetntettnn of ' ItoAt'illte, BElt ANTS, Ike. PRICK.I3 CENTS. at .11. ROSENBA(I - I'S Patent Medicine Depot, 140 SMITHFIELD ST JOHN M.. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE. AND ROLLING MILL BRASSES tong ton en fully to gz e t s v r their ft i Jr nature. 1 for their may die who may them in re forgot. l en often ;Ira under Made Promptly to Order BABBITTS METAL Made and Kept on Hand .rovrietory and Manufacturers or .1. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Vhee STEAM PUMP. tin RIP,' BFPM ell Otaco-711111 . P117114 STRICer. Yoand.7 - 17dnr , 17111 and HaII.ILOAD •VTREICTS, Pirtsburan P. - . U• 4. INTERNAL REVENUE, TWENTT.IIII.IID DISTRIVT. • COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Orrtra Cortarma loogr InzLiANAL CRea va7M 1. 21d Co N 67 Waf cf lret, nt... l . AStOBENT IT 20th. IS7II. Nntlee to hereof . Veen that the anneal I.lets of hmelel Tare* formerly termed License...we of the Mew on • Incomes, Carriages, Watches Silver Plate, B'o4 • Are now this onica, where payment will be re ceived thereon by tie Collector, on and after the TIENT DAY OF JUNE, 1870. These taxes har ing heroine due, must be paid before t e 23th day Of June.' 1870, otherwise addition I expenses WM be Incurred by she tea payer. E. BUFFINGTON. Esq.. Depute ehhphth , for the County of Annstrond, And EDWIN I TON. Req. Deputy Collector for the county of Biler, will be wady to nicely. after the let of Jthie. for their respective mu:slier and Will post notices demigrui tine the time and places when and whdre they will be prepared to receive the tare. aiiiectable by them. Tenet Aid only to incenbacia or national currency .01Ithe hour. from 9 A. n. 1.13 r. Y. JOHN X. SULLIVAN', =MD VT ITTL AHr[Ju O l r B7 0.1 'TN AII.:ORDANCEMITH THE PILO VISIONS of tbe Mr Motet. wawa I. here., tittln to the To.l Paver. of the Ole of Pittsburgh hat the aateraantenta of CM City, City Building, Special, Poor, Bus nets, City School and Ward _School Taxes . and City Water Rents roll the year, 1,470 have, In •ttordanne srltti la, been this day maenad In me far collection. A deductn of nee r assault ml alloed ne all Tar io ts and waterpa il be Rent. paid an or befo w re the Met day at Antest.and Two per centuto If paid betweee the dna days of August Lod fifteenth day of 60114011104. r. • J%RNSTHAL & SON Virginia and Louisville Tobacco ✓lgency, SEGA.R.S Fine Cut Chewing and hmoittng Tobaccos, 7111 SMITHFIELD STREET PitUbarpb. sayt7 tf. rro CAPITALISTS I—Particularly "" bw "grl7,llo l MEN. An exellent opportunity for • pingtabie invest ment In a Foundry business, established for thirty rears. in &Southern city. is offered bY a CWIIIJIwor chartered under State Me". Capital stock forty til=l.4ldollsn (all var.! , 4.".31P.1.'"=f what It would east now for such bulheings and eon itroctions as are on She ground—privilege also of ncreasing the amount or espied stock to our hundred thousand dollar, as Per Olort. , Strlch holders exempt from personal 11/Minty beyond the mock investment. For full particultwe address or tall on J. P. HENZOR, . . No. 121 . street NoftriTg:NArraitlet. CM= OctOr OF TRY. f:(l~Tpnu.ra or 1.41411 4 11 . 1,..74 . :.'caT t r i 4 7 P 0 A . ..'; NOTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSORS. The Book. for the Iteglatration of Voters are [tow reedy for delivery at: the notice of the Count, Commlssiottere. Return,/ will be required within the time pfeseribed by taw, and on payment will be made unless the tarok. of the law are literally complied with. fly direetton of County •Commisshmarn.. CM= GEORGE BEATEN, MANUFACTURES OF Citain Candies and Taffies, And Penler In Fnrolgnmul4Dosnef tic Fl Pict Sallies, Bailees. entny Man. An : NO. 112 FEDERAL STREET, ,lablyB2 & Co., itozolactwor of Miler GRIST IRON O STINGS. .a r gt r:.7 . our special" Loose =Mt, .psticloo or larlois l NlM wo mosys, on band. arMitrilriainr..°C4 =UMW. • P. WM. .. KREBs , ICE DEALER , 351 River .Ave., • Allegheny. - VOTICE—The, Fluid which exploded East Llberty end maned the Oro on July 4th,-was rot WitinTIBERGEII'S HEISTONN erltleb - ts wed by kOllrtikk k TTPON, leo. 141 Sallthtlelkl street, but seethes erttele. There never has been wty erplottleb of the stone Flute. leTts76 a l e CHEGARAT INBT I de oat! '""113 / 9 4Pini I dles oo lkileZLA n d Dy reopen on MonuAr, 'k r :IL tig k =al ti t i llo c t•eopy and Is emu. 1021.114mA 11 ! "11. ' d 1 al'a Prl Nn tpil. --. - 7 . 41 feet free' V tiVre"' 111 roma • le i t VAST LIBERTY. - 1 8 feet fr ont on it-,4 Irendclirf tialSif UN 13 UtTa t trzig.vbz,,tvg,..-417:.tivxdtra m",. wash mom, well of cTllrWitkeo.q 139.1"' B. II N il BO N . liv ' entie." a SPICED SALMON; caas, Jul In mason foiqm tea table. for We by mo. A...11111:7131t41, mmmr= RUIIBtR TUBING, All she, of Indla Itobbff 11.14 0. • c""a"/ I=ll3 1870: DIVIDENDS. times o r 11. Bt - FRANKLIN INsCRANCE Pio. 41 WOO Street. ALLLORKNY. PA.. JullBth. 1810 THE BOARD OF , DIRFCTORS •"-, amyl, this day declared a Dividend of ONE DOLLA it yeir share. payable in nob on And niter JOl7 12. IS7O OrrlCt or Tilt CASH IA Al . lu\l . F COMP.% NY. ; PITTABCIIOII. July ath. I M7O. i [ r . y. DIY I DEN D.—The Board - DI RECTORS hare this day doelnred a DM. demi of TEN PER CENT. not .of the ornitts.of the last of ionnths. payable oh demand. PT. or tax. JOSEPH T. JOITNIitoN. Secretart: 12V RANK. f PrTrnnrucu. PA.. July I S7O. UTHIS BANK HAS THIS DAY declared a Dividend of IeIVE ‘ll. PER ces . r. out "f the ...tine, et the lan .ixmnnufl.. Payable an demand. W. .....3.14111:11:,.1'rt..41ier. Irr1)1V I I/EN I) NOT ICE. TIM Sn'OVI. ittiNA I. HANK Oh "" " " • July S 7. The Director, of this Bank have this l a y derlared dividend of SIX PER CENT. out of tile Prnet , of the last air months. payable forthwith. J. S. Ds VlltwoN. Cashier. ' ,NATIONAI. TRUST COMPANY. —The Board of Dirrolora of this Bank hare declared a dividend of FIVE i3II'ER CENT . ont of the profits Of the mot sin month, payable on and after July 11th. ROBERT J. GREER, ctiNtiipr. Prrrsnurtalt. July 1. ISTII. MASONIC DEPOSIT SYVINGS 'BANE.—The Directors of this Rank hare shim day declared a Dividend of FIVE ill PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable on and after the llth pot., free of tax. 0110. C. 11c1.11AN, Cashier. PliTsbrutGO. July 94.1.570. . -1136.r.0; KEYSTONE 11.555. Pirranction. July 3. 11.10. re'NOTICE.—The Directors of flits Rank have this day. declared • Divideod of FOUR PER CENT:on the Capital Stock. Par able to Stockholdem on and atter the 131 h Inst. Jo6o GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Caahler: ay . DIVIDEND 'NOTICE. &DEWTIAN, & MANl•StArirttlattl NAT'L BASK. t • Ptrntattllttit. July sth. 1 S7O. The Directom of this Bank have this day de clared lr" Dividend of •VI CM PER CENT. on the capital .tact out of theblita of the lan Ali months. payable on deman d . free of tu.ree. JytnlD , . JOHN uCOrT. Jo.. Cushier. =MIZEIM - . . Prrrenruon. July 3th. 1870. i DJ - DIVIDEND No. 12.—The Board of Director* of this Company hare thin day declared a dividend of FOUR DOLLARS per Advara. free of taxen.out of the earnings of the 'last nix months, payabie n on and after the 11th " t ur te 'r on et " h i; Dollar, per 14 c re dited NjgVl' ALLY:Gnat, NATIoNAL BANE. PrVITHPIIOII../Ilytl. INTO. arTHE i DIRECTORS OF S Bank.have this Hat declared a livlden v of FIV *amino*T on the (Napltal Stork, oat of the of the last Me months, payablo to h with, free of all lam . . ' =I TQUARTERIY r I DIyIDE2II Finn . IVAT. BANK. rrrs ,PA - . (late Pit s sibdritti Trust Comnany.) The Directors Of this Rank have this day de- Clared n quarterly dividend 11 THREE PER ENT. oh the Capital Stock out of the profits of Mute Mo t three month., payable forthwith, free of and Government lax. M3l=! bract ALLEGOENT Benno: C 11..( Pirfaurnoll,July Isl. - Into. I DI V I E N 11.—Th e President and 31ftnnaer, of the Company (or erect ing a Bridge over the Allmtheny River, oPPoado Pittsburgh, In the meaty of Allegheny. 1111. day declared a Dividend of ONE DOI.LAJt AND PIETY CENTS on each abate of the Capital Stllek of the OnnpanY• payable by the Tremturer to Stockholdens or their legal relmemsde plea fort h. •Ith. Jut:ssa WM. ROSEBURG. Treasurer. TSBUR 'l4 H NATIONAL ;iion PgArt 9 vAl,cgmtilaftEAf2:Tri'l T O bt Directors of this Bank bay, that of declared Dividend of NIX PER CENT. out of the profits of the last sin months, free of Government ten. pay able nu demand. JOSE PI I HILL. IL PA.. July 'J. 12470. tut Pkrranrilotf,Ja 1et.4840.( • IrrTIIE -MART/ OF DIRECTORS of this Bank have this day devistrod a mend annual dividend of SIX PER CENT., payable to Stockholders., and after the 11th inn. ]mall W3l. FLOYD. Cashier. MECHANICS HATIONAE HANK, , Prrimuntidn i SHIT 1. IS7O. DawA " DIVIDEND OF SEVEN CENT : i II . . of will be pall to th , lieweltbrilders of this Bank, on and after TIIN— DAY, Juir Pith Inst. Wald JOHN G. MARTIN, Cashier. ' FARMERS DEPOSES NATIDNAI. BASK.) Niro['PßOD. July 1. 7570. g 10.TIIE BOARD DE S DIRECTOR . of this Dank 115,0 deekred a dividend of SIX PER CENT., nut of the proetx al the last sir months. PaYutile forthwith. tree of tar. hash, F. 1.. STEPXIENSON. Cashier. = va SAVINGS DANK OS ALLZOVILNY Corner of Federal and I.acock nivel,. • JUNK ..13d.11470. ayTliE .I)IRECTORS OF Tills FIVE F n CENT. 1 , 1;1.7 declared a dividend Of allo.nomiha. Parable oa an s 4 tlicr.grl o l l kA7o. In, tree or tax. Y. ' Volliall. Jedesd ' Cashier. 03r DIVIDENI) NOTICE.--The Di RECTOILii OF THE LITTLE RAW Alll.l RON RAILROAD CO. have this day declared dividend of FIVE PEE CENT. clear of Govern mant Tan, out of the earnings of the past ft months. point:JO co the stockholders or their legs of on and after Jul) let. at the um " th Z : 7ll2itlgh. President. 'Jose 171. h. IST°. I= orrICE °V VIZ ENGEMMING INPACIt.OOIC. Co. • Of •Ptifshund. rsilt 14. 1870. '1 ME= E=MMS a y THE DIRECTORS HAVE THIS day declared a wal.nnual divlder;d TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE tree of Government Tex,' payable at the 0121. =1 1= SPECIAL NOTICES giOTICE.—The inderslaned hate chartered the Steam Ferry Beat. cat. W. C. DENNY:and will run her as a Perry on and atter July 5112 tram S o hargsburst to Pittsburgh Side. notil the Shargiebtirg Midge It rebuilt. °incr. Prrrouraost icurror . Mlxixo PrcrasvaGll.June 211 , 1,1t470. i 11:r OPECIAIeMEETING OF STOCK 1401.0ERS.—There wtU ha • .yerial meat Ins of the Stoekholden of the "PITTSDUROTI AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY OF PPFTS BURGH," held at the Mace of the Company, the City of Plttaborat, •t 7 &cloak F. tr. on WEDNESDAY, lith Day of July. prolimo Dr order of the Baird of Director., 66X=1 I=l nouNTt. $lOO Dimity Collected For all wean., .bn in:Meted between May 4th and July IS6I, wbo were el...bowed for disabil ity banes serving two FWD. end who hare hereto ! ore reeelred uo bounty. I WEN RY LALI3JRT, . 174;ntrolle, The undersigned has reamed bls cake to Oa- gene Onfldlreacornerßlath avenue and Smithfield and la cow Premed to collect clalma aimed: If end at moderate rate. on.oraddreea,R ltb, *lamp, ' B. F. 1111 OWN. Halm Adant, GazITTIL Budding. . 4.11111/ Sixth ayenua and 13m1inned atreat, - PlLtsbnrah, Pa OTTUBLIC ligYFlCE.—linving been annotated GAS and GAS ItItTICR INSPFK , TOIL tur Allegheny comity. notloe in bent, divan that until the a:message office and Mechanical Teat. Ind Machinery ma be provided. I will be found at the uTFICR OM THE NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, Twenty-thin': street. nest' =I I===! MEI i'ms"""ntenl,ll . V.l=lVi,Tll4g... r ••NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS.- -COUPON N 0.4, Find Mortgage Bonds of this Cuomo T, due Jail let next. will be Paid on and after that date on presentation HANK very at t t he MICRCIIANTS NATIO N AL OF u tesflt mffiuL joilK n,PAGE.IB„ Tressurer. OSONGA E L INCLINE PI.ANE.—NOTICK—The None 5111 ho Open for Passengers an d Freight bullpens NUMBLY MOICYINti at O o'clock. and wUI close 50 11 P.m., amounting with the Inst oar from Pittsburgh on the Pittsburgh and Birmingham Pasteruuir .1e:10 . POLITICAL. [Cr FORCOUNTY COMMISSIONER , GEORGE NEELEY, Of hisrstnill Township. sutiNet to the Midmost oi the tlnkin ItoptibUcwil Count, ap:10:del ' MO s BTREKT. rtu.- 'Der 'JI Pp t~ .nd I. amnt.ntly • ag.FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN DOUTHETT Or tu a„.„..„,„,hip. I. • candidate for Counts Commissioner, in subordination to the decision of the Ratinblicen Convention. Yet modes lo mean CHARLES P. STRIGHT, Carpenter - and: Builder, WUI promptly' attend to all kind. of jobbing wort_ thie order. Na * sallkytf A.EN., • BUSINESS OF ALL KINDS to to transacted in P6lladalpl4, Now ark Iletimore. ts. b t dmoded to bf WM. M. Doer mew. Phliadelphia. Good Mamma id 60 If amine. ' ' 101L•Y21 CHEESE. -100 boxes prime itiosbea) r""" JICANITKLD,I4I rim moue. .1. Is.rl nuaes apt_ le r iltta city. VINEGAR. • TILE PITTSBURGH • VINEGAR • • Wu R ,K • S , . . Al), „ri \l7 M.. - ADAM 6' 9 167, 168, 169 and 170 SE CO IN — ' z t) A YEN UE. ten„. preparot to futol9lt VIN Farm .a_ the . LOWEST AfAnKET ttATE. Attention pArtlen. WIT (wiled to his Extra ;Wine Vinegar, InOltli , r4M:=== • i,ArccEss THE CRITERION OF EX. k VELLENCE.. The Ellipire Mutua his, achieved a nueeetd alluoat unparalleled In th hlntnii nr Idta lnanrance. Blisiness t lie Clompany • FOR TIER VIItST T EAII. Whole Number of I.o.lcter lerved.l.3l% Total Prertiltona 830t7 Amount Insured 87141 . 0. hallo of rialto% and Eel, to Total Ineomell.o Average Ratio of nll Coullanler 1. 40 For every 8100 'Antall tl es the Empire hes 8831 of Assetts. Average Amount of Policies $3 13 : 4148 Total AIL•PIP $lOO.OOO Cash • Capital depovlted vrEth the flair and the balance reenrelglnvetted. W3l. A. YULLIIR. • . tinnager•tor Western PermsYlemoS. °glee IS FOU 'VIII AT ENVY. Pittsburgh. Pa. m er - 000r, AGENTS, both meld and female.lawolted. •'.pp,nhl,xl4.nn' - r A. HicrARLAND., r,Tl,r.s-r. 611,1 , ecrelnr> Federal Insurance Co. = ALI.F.GIIENY CITY, PA. OFFICE : Cor. Federal And Lauri Streets MUM - TWIN . nirrstrd Gregg. • , 7. Mt 0 d ... , 0g11, 00. Valentine Rater, ..11.1 R. Stulth, Cl.'l""bY. ' tV. H. Anderson, JO.. It Borland, Wrzi. Schteyer.- . 31. 13. Stud... Allison. mos W. J. Lenglitt, 1.., . .. _ Agent Je17:773 P. 31. LOVE. Gen. ra SCULLS. -1u135.1 ARTER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSTIR. CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE 433 AND 437 ,lIESTRUT STREET. Assets n Jan. let. 1570. A 420.734 67. Caylw, 84 0.000 00. Arcroea' . Premiums., 67. Losses paid sWee 181411. over 3340.044. Pcrpesus) Tv/wo re:7 Policies on Linens! Term, The Comeau also mutt policies upon the Itentaof all kinds of WM , inatere-rod„..r= Arend • Geo. W. Richards, LILAC i.e.. Geo. ules. Alfred Filler osar. Wm. S. Grant. Thomas S. Ellis, Gust a v u sS..tenson. . . . , • .• o ALFRED 0.. RARER, Preeldent, OEO. FALML , Tim Preeldent. Du. NV. McAllister. Seeretarr. T. U. Roger, AnOttaint COFFIN & KELLOGG; &phi Cor. Third Avenue and Wood tit. =OMNI WESTERN INSURANCE CORP'Y ALEXANDER NIMICE, Preeldent. WM. I'. HERBERT, Vice President. w3t. P. II ItilliEßT,.deereffirg CA PT. GEO. NWEI.D. General Agent. Office 92 Water street, Spend& Co.'s Warehouse, '%stairs, Pittsburgh. :ai insure astalast all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. w ell Institution. suanaged by Directere who are known td the community. and. who are determined by promptness and liberaiitY maintain the character witich they hale usumed. as offering the Lest proteetion to those who 'desire to be Insured. • . . . . Ibtaccrolts• Maunder Mallet, • ' Jahn it; Itlcear:•, It. hillier Jr.. . Chas. J. Chute. James 31cAuler. -Williams. Emma. Alommder Starer, Jesaph Klrkeataiet. Andre. Artier, . l'hillipilermez, David Bt. Long. 1 Wm. Manisa:an. D. Dammam _ e • 1 --- rm 27 CASH - INSURANCE COMPANY elPholan'sr Building. NO. 21 Flllll AVENUE, SECOND FLOOR. PA. plArcpeler. N.J.•Bl3le;John Mord. ;Capt. 31. !»11. 7. Mu1l Wallace,l A. 11.11arttenn. .A. Chambers. Jake 11111. IS. bletilorkan. N. Dailey. Thomas D Smith o ., ;no. E P. RRT 11. KING, 1 1 ro.Idanl J NO. F. JENNINGs, glee Pregidel. th' itf(nril INSURTS Pm It. J. DEIUSYON ALk 011111 AND MANLNEIIIEIIie. aplict37 • ALLEGIIENY •INSURANCE CO OFFICE. No. 87 FOURTH AVENUE. Inenre• naninst all kinds of Fire and liar Risks. JOUN IRWIN, In.. President. T.. 1. 110SKINOON. Vice President. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. ('APT. Wit. DEAN. General Agent. • Dirtrcions: • =II Johui Jr.. T. J. Itosklneon, C. 0. linemy. Ibirvey Charleslleyn. (pt. Wm. Dew] PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMP'Y OFFICE. N. E. COILNER WOOD &FIFTH UT& A Dome Company, taking Fire and Marine mans. WM. 11. CLANKY W. A. SPROUL. nrnsrrora, W. Phillips, • • pt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt, Oi essinuel John E. Parte, i Charles Arbuckle, C. H. Loss,. Jsrell M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk. : Vern. P. tang, James 0. 'Verner, ' • Samuel Mettirtart. WM. PHILLIPS, Prestdont, JOHN wArr, Vies Plosident. W. F. GARDNER. Secretes, NATIONAL INSURANCE COMP'Y =3:I=E:IIMMI Oftlee In the SECOND NATIONAL MANY BUILDING. r= W. W. MARTIN, Prealden,t JOILN BROWN, J.., Vic. Mos Wont. JAMES E. STEVENSON, Retretary. DIRECToRA: Jul Graham ',Robert Les, I, C . C . Boylo. John A. A BA,. I, n. '.l:o*MbK 7 7:;. O. ll.P.Wlllinwm;Jno. Tbowps9RJ.MeNsugher. MERCHANT TAILORS. IF. .McARDLE, Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, seep;olist en tly an hand FLOTML.dAY4mitinas eaeed 233M15; also, Uti.Y.TL.KMKis S Ultrilldffs QiU No. 93 . 1-2 Smithfield St., PVPISZIROII, PA. 111-fiente Clothing made to order In the latest SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES! 1870. J. C. aCcernsow. C. 6 artirotweluNd. NITERSON & anitriV. tr,',.9 ) .ilii," M er i t w . SIS I n ei leered Meek nf gh e e best and most luntovable thiodrin our line, a aria portion of which ere oar ow n Importation.. reelin g confident of nye ability to Mu perfect eatisfactuu, geepoetty fromgoo attriy ermultuulon of our Alt4Nit of blue ClOths, lust- Y 'VeThittiSON mumimuN r a. thio . No. o Birth Meese. NEW SPRING-,GOODS. A splendid new sloth Of . Cloths, .oa.§siineres t &0., . Jut received by . HENRY ItTER. awl Merchant Talton 73 Smithfield stetted. MEM Chu •nd asa Yaw iaspecto HOTELS. • Mountam - HL? Ise, CRESSON SPRINGS,PA. , Thin' hsvorde resort. has been enlaripsd and be. proved Men last season. Will be open for guests /EINE 13tb,1ft170. EXCCRSION TI CH EM sold by the Fennsylranla itallreed. at Now York. Mill. adelptda. Ilarrlabere and Plttsburab. • Alt Mina stop at Cresson. ROOMS may be secured In salts or angle. CELEIIIIATED 011CUESTRA has been °needed for the season. For further information. address • • G, W. MULLIN, Proprietor. ONE FURNISHED COTTA64Z to rent. jeureit ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Cor. Pena St. itad Ilth, formerly old Can INSURANCE ORGANIZED APRIL 3, IMO S. H. HARTMAN, \'t, Of Pitt-=burgh 111 . ' ,- J . ' ,, lJ Of Pittsburgh 7.. R . Fehneitoek. W o . ber . t Ee D n, s T. I. Nevin. AMUSEMENTS _ - THE ANNUAL LITERARY EN TERTAINMENT of the •' PUPILS OF THE Allegheny Colored Public School§ will take Wad In EXCKI.SIOR I L tLI. consent Federal and Laewcit etreeta;Alleitheny. tatat.l4oX- Y and TIl&wIt EVENINGS: llth and rith. Every effort AY tow been nitwit. Jul to y wake thin enhibltlon worthy of the patronage or the people, literal eneonretrantent the peat mertta . i ,.‘pii‘wirew the grater 111 renelleetion or the Pliant- • • PR. Reserved Reel Tickets, with book. .12 cents each oemoevy Ticketc26 cent*: children. 20 cents. newer/ S. A. SF.A.LE. Director. AUCTION AUCTION SALE LOTS`! Saturday, July 16, be offered at t`nbllc hale. en Y WU 'Second Irv& Allegheny. Three 'Good Building Lots Frentleg on the Perrysville Meek Road. This II very destrable locatlon. cilium:waling. as IL dole. a fine view Of both eltles. ' LEGrGAT., IMIMETI! VIRST NATIONAL OF' BLAIRS. 111 AX, ONONUAIIELA NAV/GAT/082m. TV/158AT STENINO. July . 12111. at 8 Welook. will be sold on second floor of Mellgaine's Auction Nialtes. 106 Smithfield street. . 40 shares Mononinhela Navigation ' abAnsa Bankmf Pittebergh. . 10 shares fortune National Hank. 50 shores That National M . Binnaville. The First National /tank of Bleinville line de c/nred 19 per cent, per annum . Steer ila organ/an tion. and its surplus fund is 10 per cent. lull . A. McILIVAINE. AncUonear. EXCHANGE NATIONAL, M. A: M. NATIONAL BANKS. THIS LlSfesday) EVENING. July ligth. at SI 'cloce, second goof of Meßolduc', Auctio n ßooms. 100 lomltbdold .treat. will to added to formerlhUfge of &Cr= Bank: Ka shapes Exchange Notional Back; lul2 A. JeIcILWAL%E. Auclicuar. BUSINESS ORANGES. DISSOLUTION. The arm of JAMES YOUNG and filtußGE A. BELL. dotnir loudness under the firm mime of YOUNG d BELL;Livery Stables. doing business at No.— Penn street. is dissolved by the death of George A. Roll. All elaltoragainst We obflre firm are to be Presented to James Toone and Robert Bell for settlement, who have entered Into a Co partnership to carry on the same loudness. All debts due James l'hung end George 801 l will be be paid by the new'firto of James Young and Robert Bell. JAMES YOUNG. J. N. ANDERSON. lkdst'r of Geo. A. Bell QM DISSOLUTION.—The co-Partner ship heretofore' existing betwcon the tin donigned, has bmn this day dissolved by mutvg consent. The business will bo continued by WIL LIAM MEANS. at the old stand. comer of Wood end Water streets, where the bads Of the Mtn will be settled, either partner uelng the name of the firm In settlement. r iiAlAEA lalel A.fiele. FTPormatl, Spry let, 187 0. WILLIAM MEANS , ISneceasor to MEANS A. COFFIN.) Wholesale Grocer, Comer WOOD and WATER STREETS. Pitts borsch. Pa. 10341 TNISSOLUTION.— The co-partner !WEEßA.; heretnfore astral g betnee sod WILLLtIi SPAII. undePthe ° lllTo 141 . .11 Ith e .l isa t W. Elf , 'Zlgl i t, rail grocers. Sloth on the 3d fost. y lte bnelnoee TeMl=l.l ‘ ged nt the old stnrol and all account. of the late firm set tled IT Wllltsra Speer. JelgyW JOHN SPEEIL WV SPEER. WALL PAPERS NEW WALL PAPER, FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 107 Market St., NEAR. FIFTII AVE We now yhr to the pub/le a itock of PAPER lIANcaIISO unsesp~ Um Weerfer variety ell the NoseMee In FitaarntigAte, P b EWUN and etRECIAN OBSICINS hi phdn mid brlt t o ceom a flan lnd GMB PABLS ' It. PAPERS, with an almost dless variety of CHEAP SATIN PAPERS. W en HITE and BROWN BLANKS for Chamber.. Am All of which Co pro. pose to sell as low to the Immo In the mutat. CIMI and am. ar. No. 107 Market St., near Fifth , iteue 'JOS. R. BOWIES & BRO. mh12:•1.5 WALL PAPER& SPRING, 1870. • . PRICES REDUCED. MUNCHES wide Mats at 73c per roil. smamm wxunrkz- • ELEGANT Frencb end American Paper Hang- Inn. not epeudied above. superior to any same mt in Me Country. Nor sale at W. P. MARSHALL'S New Wbolosale AM , Retail Btore.-191 uccr f ts sweet, Pitlstaanxh. M! IX THE COURT OF QUARTER gE.S SIOW of Allegheny counts. I=l=l I=l ins In the above ease. nes. presented to Coast and finid July 7, 1870, and confirmed Xtri,to bin:cam absolute ultras exceptions are bled thereto wlthle 1:071 .1. F. SLAGLE. City Atta = S TATE OF THOMAS IL HAMIL• TON. DECEASED . —Letters lostameetary on s estate of TIIOMAS , II. HAMILTON. dsc. owed, having been duly granted to the Mier signed. all persons Indebted to the said estate an scummiest to make Unmet:het. pa t. and thMe baste claims or demand. iteelnut the Mae to mete them !men without delay to Mrs. CAM.OI.INE HAMILTON, Executrix, ' or to 11. T. MORRIS. No. 98 Firth amuse 7e7y17., OTlCL—Whereas, Letters or Ad• MISTIIATI on tbe estate of ISAAC ../CNIGIIIT.Iste of Baldwin township. deceased, have been granted to the sutmeriber, all indebted the said estate are petitioned 1= L1M13.115141 payment. and those having claims or de mend, molest the ankle of the sold decedent lOU make known the IMMO without dolor. . D. W. kIeKNIGIIT. Admlnldrator, nmlll.m2l AIL Alleshenv Co., P. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary open the Mate or Ell@B• MARDI' MIALWANGRA, lato of Allegheny Clty, dee'd. having beam granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to male estate aro requested to make Immediate payment, mg all persons holding Maims agalnat sale mato to present the .amas. IVIO * L11: . 2=.7o.rarrigt.t;ggigt bur WY. F. ELLWANG* @senator. OFF/CIA.L.. PROPOSALS. Fifth Avenue Market House. • sNALMTIV:POSAjt y IL i bo i rg? got , . 111.1 . 1 t t of arab Avorta Market arm., Oa • the owner of 1.111. h pveuf. luta Millanborser sinet, Piusbutzti. Plus m bo seen and 'Tallied swift:Won! eau be bad at the nee. or RA XII= Arebibeel, No. d 3 „Raab Bleed Wed HICIIAIUX. neer, Fifth avenue. The Menet Committee reuerreethe right to re eet all bide. Security will he required for fulfillment of cent . et. Tbe propoeals will be lett tat o i lllce.ot ßit. lekort Surdlintendeertt Yarketi.City PrrrenUßOlL July 6th, 1870. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.--Seat. KT, PROPOSALS for the coneirnolion of eO it RCH PiPEISEW RR oh Manama Street, mhlteld Itireet to Ch. elle,. will be real 9 et this olnee 00111 3 ce • 0 1, M. on FIUDA . July 13111. .The Comrol . retsina the ritho !elect any or all 0144. S. • Rona an 4 for bidding ento be had at hla ofOro, No Ws be received miles. made•• . Manes furnished he thla office. . _IL .1.• 31. r RR. City Engineer. . • Preen. .0, July Tth 111.7.• NgA:: ....:ments for the _LI Gralling,Pavengand • leg of MULBERRY ALLEY, front atAtt street • :MO .tree[. and De 0 . 0 . 41 .1. Paving end t • • of DIAMOND STREIT. from Union . to a • • y 'treat. Is now reedy foreraininetton, , • nen be seen at Ms omen until MONDAY. July - 011 . 0 I o reran:ea to the City Tram rare Mos forcollse. R IL CR . MOO E.. RE,. Julu • . PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the eteritnf City Water Amt. on . /11l the :01141Z1V4,;._ 7 111:171a11 4 .1. Lnei. ..p.stamti.....mateart at th e Otem at 7 """ir W°"" ' M." 4 iftli lg7iNit raleccu._ . .1M &merle/enema Plo*. Water WortL Crrr = /mummer. Jury 11. 211701 0 rISTOTICE.—The A nt for erntsweetlon of the BOARDWALK on the wjarlsnak Bawl. le wad? Myireattion 177711870. v.= ertrirretnroell to the GtiV Caetroller to winTe 6.20* for melon of the MM. • • 1711-4111 can.. DAVIL Car Snaineer. . D EM APPLES.-10 !Ms extis rl3. " WarniLD. 1141 Thst wren.. DINED PEACUES.-5 bbl e tor sae J. IL WOULD. - T 7: i;js,olWai• E