PINANCLAL (46th, COUPONS. Bought at Highest Price. _ PH. R. MERTZ, BANKER- qpr.Wood St. and sth Ave. Jai. T. Brady I Co., tdocaoiser. to 8. JONGS t M.I Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, DDT AND SELL ALL KINDS ov Government Securities, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST VAVORABLE Interest Allowed on Deposits • Prato.? loaned on Government Donna at low est muter ntce. . 11.1/ - Gamma FtXrcrry.nron . rnx MICHAS* ma) SALL or SToCKs. BONDs AN" GOLD. -JAMES T. BRADY & Co THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY an COMMERCE. na r Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Nave YOnts. July 11, 15 - .0. • The centre of . absorbing interest In war street to-day in the] gold market, which we thrown into an eacitement without pantile since the September panic, by warlike advice from Europe. The feeling changed as verying dispatehes were received. The prevailing opinion was that war. between France and Prussia was inevitable, and bean- purchases carried the price up to 115 E. The foreign banker. are taking tbalead In support of this view. There was a sharp decline in all secu rities In the foreign markets; console showed a decline of one per cent. from Saturday, and U.S. 5-911 a of le on extreme quot nt lone nearly four percent.. the highest price . n satuorty having been fie and the lowest nn.L,c 1-OS. Beaten are reported as low ng net% 5.k, against SM. 50e. on Saturday. later - therewas a change In the tone owing to a dispatch that England was going to attempt mediation be tween France and Prussia. which was attend ed with a decline to 113 E. • Before opening the afternoon sales between 111.14a15E, as first recorded. sales were made at 15E, between which and 13 all sales have since beds made. The excitement continued .• until the close of the day. and although there were some fluet'iations In the afternoon, they were not so wide no in the morning, yet they were frequent. There were not far front . seveutv-five changes in the price during the day. 'the gross clearings will not be made up until to-morrow. but those el Saturday were • over $87.(05.0U0. To-day th y will probably be over $100.000.060.' Carrying rates 5,4, 434, 2. 3 and 1 , 4 to.per cent to flat. • - The European steamer to-morrow- takes Mime specie. • - Money active and firm at 5146 per cent. on call. Sterling firm at VEC.4IO , i; on sight 10E 41410%. Governments dull and heavy. Coupons: 'el. 143C01414; Ctt, 10E010E: 'M. 10E6110E; 10% 50E. new do Igfaliti; '6l, 0%4110; Ma. 0.10: 10-40's. 73(ft6. Currency trs, 140514 E. Treaau b9light E 4375,000 at llft M-1000. • • State te bonde quitit,• Tennessee, very strong; Illissouris.9l34 . old Tenn.sees, ME: new do., • 417)4; new Tirginias, Si; old Ncirth Carolinas. 51141 new do, 35. ' Stock market dud at. the close, and in many canes the quotations were about the lowest of the day. The Increased activity in money d European new4Lave unsettled the mar- Canton, ME; Cumberland. 35: West ern Union Telegraph. 34E: Maroon. tit., preferred 15E; Adam. Express, 66E; .Wells Sloprees. 15E; American Express. it El 15 Express. MS; ' Feeble 'Mail. 414 ft N. T. c l am . eeeol Bode. IN; Erie.:t..E; preferred 45; Haem Mai Read . 103 Si Michigan Central, 119:Lake Shore. INE; L C. 140 L Pittebnrgh.lo9S. N. W. lEV: preferred, ILSE; Hoek Island, 116 E: New Jer sey Central, 104; St- Paul. 65E; Preferred, RN: - Wabash, 5514; frceferred.M,• Ft. - Wayne, 5534; preferred, 63; Chicago and Alton, 117: prefer red. 117; Ohio and Mississippi, 714 . C. C. Si C.. 62)Gf~; Burlington. lel; St. J. preferred, LIF.;: Hartford - ntel Erie, 3E . Boston prices: Calumet, 15; Copper Falls. • Franklin. 244; Quincy. 19. Import of specie last week nab-Treasury balance—gold 41r...uottAnt; ma , • riniCr Ornat or TTlEJlrrmuranti .Glearrrr., MONDAY; .1111 T 11, Mi. Cosbiir quotations as received by Pb. R. Me= ' , Bold 113 Merchants 11. Ex. -- Myer - 100 N. Y. Central IME, . 1.881 Bonds 111 Rending_ ....... 103% '• O.IEI Bonds 1.860-110 P. Pt. W. fr. C 061: 641 Bonds 1861.. .110 Ohio & Mime My &El Bonds 1005-110 Mich. Southern...lW Consols PM 100 Cleveland tr. P... LEI Bonds 1937-103 C. IL 1. A: P ÜBE 6.93 Bond. 1608-110 Chicago at N. W. ICE 10-10 . 107 C. ..t N. W. Pref... 68 Adana Express. 68E . Erie —. • . Lave. Swat. London Exchange per pound 5,56 5.65 Paris Exchange pee Franc EN El • Berlin Exchange per Thaler le 83 ..Yrankfort Exchange per Florin 41% 40 - Central Pacific IL B. Bonds Ilnion P. E. B. Bonds .a; Et- Closing quotations am received by .1 - arneo T. ,Brady di Co :. Bold .. —.. ... 13.1( S-31 Jan.& 1y.1886 12% 11. B. ei . . Bill 14% 6.91Jan.,t .Iy. 1601 Off, 8.8.541181 x: 10% -6,ElJam.g./y. 1666 10 17. S. 0-2) 1604 .... lON- a. P. R. IL ME 11. 8, 5-E. PM ....10E C. P. 11...11 - CCM IL 8.1040. 7E, Cy. realties....... 11 =7 Orncc or Pnrsinrson GArerre, MONDAY. JUIT 11. ISM .I"heie is no improvement to note to business and It is not likely there n - 111 be for thirty darn to come, or until harvesting has been completed, and the min crops safely housed. Mere tea general cOmplaint . being made in regard to /he difficulty in making collections. and from this it mould appear that money Is tight, unusually an, and It Is well :mown, thla always has a very bad Influence on trade. The credit saystent has been considerably re duced In Pittsbrirth within the past Few years, and it It were possible, It would be • good tltlng U it could be abolished altogether. Our merclusets hare to par cash for their goods, arid as might be expected they do not like to sell on three or four months time, without any good collateral, and it Is almost impossible to do business without making bad debts• Then, again, this kind of trading la un- pleasant as it frequently terminates la - I.loa and not infrequently It takes the full • amount of the bill to pay tho coats" of suit, , • sad sometimes the creditor has to Wens this antra. etxpense without being able to collect a cent,. 'Cash on /deliseii" la the safest, and most satistactorY way of doing business. but i in the present condition of affairs this cannot - always be adhered to. .1n Some branchesof 'trade If a man was to strictly adhere to the Cash system, he would he unable 14 in any business at all, though after ell marls a man has been suede bankrupt by selling on time. no his strict has been run down. and lathe end he has nothing hut a long list of bad debts. ASHES—Unchanged; common such ash, 4; reaped. 410 Pearls9e,ii; Pots T. APPLW , —The estivate 'continue light and wlthiesteadYdelesisdrprirs ace maintained. ra tral . firler jfit i res r ; pansy, $4,60. N .1, pI.SO; N 0.., f 4; No. d. Sa.b , S Common, BIIOO]I COB~~~ Is dull; aaaou~ to realize—they are desirous of work bag off their old stock before the new make Its appearance. We continue to smote at 1.90 latent,. ~ 11117=11-11 In steady demand, for ship . mad and we can report regular sales of good yaeked, at 10@,71, mid choice may be quoted at ' ffe• CARBO — NI Olt, le WA meth demand for job lots. We coo. lojnote standard brands at =tem CHICKENB—BeIe of live chickens by the coop, or 0M75 cts per mar. according to sloe apA' Cardi3E—to ' I nman Ohio is dull at LYOI4 Ms. There Is a fair demand for bush e l. Swelzer at Mille. IM3L " D Villere r lslittle no stock thls market, end besldeat here isnot much Inqtdry for It as the sateen is about over. t ires at ad etc Peaches: QS for quarters e market Is hard . as strong as It . wax lath week, and we SOW [eructs as the ralog VOtatlou , though t ere were some sagest .1 and th, At this season of the year, the artist will not stand long if the arrivals Sre et MI large, and It would be well perhaps for shippers to bear this In mind. ._ FrlATWlrdS — Qulet and unchanged, nt U 1 1 1 $5 eta to the trade. FLOUR— quiet and devoid of - anythleg !Rectally new or Important; the re pews Ornitatte liht, but the e s pT full)" up to the deemed and price remain un changed • We %MAIMS to quote sremd ens noun at SC% and choice baker's brands " OnantirEß W sympathy wittt Th ad=gsll7, tto ro ug n g there is no tloota...ble el nee. Crashed . end A Mem. rs• CollOr also pricer, owing to same Mae, ar lief:Ml.6am (Wined =tauten- GRAIN—The grain market : Was • unusually • quiet, as we were unab l e b heat tr. , sale of hed at StAin ts :nd ‘ 4. 1 411te at 111,4. Oats qet and unchansieditly=th max, 1 1 nn t b""S' ta iw r itt there le Ilertafg'oll - 1111 ever.% trill , we es . expo small sntoe of shelled at ' • ,AY—Sales from newer' , wager's MMUS f ore e end o 114f:17 . 1 . 0 2 r i = Kentucky Kemp - . . OSh.B .Corn husks,ll6o( eta • LLICE—Sales a Cleveland at SSX Per bbl, • and eastern at $1.15. LARD Oar-Extra No.llx quoted at ES; Wags! gat - VISONS Sugar cured harm armee', eni — higher, catheterise Isie.s e4=s , - unchanged. Shoulder al . 13X(1141 for plain. nmik.l6 for Sugar C.uredt =a, MS' for Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams laMff.l6llC for Ribbed Sides: 17 for Short Ribbed. In 17m for Clear: Breakfast Bacon. 10. Lard, In tcs.l: and IF,41185( in. kegs and buckets. Ness Pork gal. Dried Beef. PEANUTS—DoII. Tennessee. ant eta. POTATOES—BaIes of new crop at g.3.:51ZP1L.U1 per bid. mad in^irood demand. SEEDS—No movement In Clover or Timothy Seeds. Flaxseed la still quoted at C.42.i though there is not much inquiry for It. Buckwheat quoted at 5ie,1.2.1 per bushel. = • ilynct: or Tut Prrrsutryton o,trorrc. MONDAY, July 11,1870. - • CATTLE. rotiOWing . Sh(PW4 the number of cattle on Kale, the points at which thee were chipped, and the :names of the chipper.: It. Varner. Chicago ' 2 care 1.. &J. Shamberg, Chicago •• ' • ....... 3 car. Zeigler & Rothchild., Chi cami " care Zeigler Sr. Shamberg, Chicago 1 car L. Keefer. Callow° 1 car S. Mark. & Jiro., Chicago 4 cant F.. Katz, Chicago 2 cars eittlA. liana. Chicago ' car S. Lowensteen, Chicago 1 car Trunrman & Lobinan. Chicago ti ea & T. Hays, Chicago " ea Greenwald & Kohn. Milford -. I ea . . Geo. Emeriek &Co., Newark J.J S. Needy. Newark • ... M. Monis: Loudonville John Ault. Orrvllle It. O. Catitpbell, K. 11. Taylor, Waterford Prepaid • . . .... .. • Toadlest eek Thirty-eight car loads averaging 18 head to the car would make an aggregate of 1181 head, and add to this number about 75 driven in from the count ryomil we have In all 711k1 head. or fully VA head more than. Intl week. Not withstanding the offerings were larger than for some weeks past, thedemand seemed to be fully up to the supply, and by 10 .s. w. about ail the kraut cattle wore sold, and the pens were being rapidly cleared of stockers, as there wax a very good attendance of stock buyers. 'The market upon the whale, was an active one. and prices for all the different grades fully sustained: prime but chers stock w. in active demand. and a larger number of this kind could hove been sold, and that. too. at full prices, while common and medium sold about the Fame thrum current last- week. As will be seen by reference to the report of sales. prime to extra fat steers sold at 8.1.84, some few fancy at Sse..Bkg, and two very .fine steers brought 9 cts, but this is an extreme figure, and can only be realised for something un....4 Yen' goad cattle sold at ea SIS, and medium at 741.7!f• t 4 0 .1, Mee" brought 4X.1111 and, as already Intimated, the supply of this kind was unusually large. The number of Chicago cattle on sale to-day was unusually large, twenty-thus car loads, mainly stockers; and the balance were from Ohlo and Pennslyvania. Drovers allege_ that they, cannot buy fat cat tle In Chleaga for this market, as prices are relatively higher there than here, and. owing to the Irregularity In freights,. New York can pay just about as much for stock as Alle gheny. as it costs no more to ship to the form er than the latter, notwithstanding Alle gheny le only about one half the distance: and this Iwcounts for the fact that cattle are al most as cheap In New York us here. It stay all be attributed to the Irregularity In freights. Stouffer Sheitentantle 17 head of toiled !littler Co. stock, at Nally. • Jacob Entree sold head of common' Wash- Melon Co. stock. at 5•1..d.t0, Jas. Hanlin sold LI bend of mixed ty_ashing t on CO. stock, nt 51.5e.7 cis. Kraus .1 11.8 sold Ti head of fair to prime Ohio steers. Sam. Lowenstelne sold 7 fiend Butler Co. stock, at 51.151 X: hi head from Chicago, at 71ie. Bti. Chan. Matz wholesaled 17 head of good Washington Co. steers, to go east, nt 71i• C. Yana sold 18 head of good to prime Chl- CARO steers. at Ttitil.SV..• Itothchllds 3: Zeigler sold 65 head from Chi cago. aESIiQSYi 15 from Washington Co.. at 5,127.4. Needy sold 80 head of. fair to extra ' Ohio steer. at 634@,81:. Peter Hartman sold bead of mixed, Ohio' stock. at I/00417.25. 31. Varner MO head of fair to prime steers, fmm Chicago. at GU& L. Keefer 19 head of good to mime Chicago steers, at MS. Greenwald & Kahn 80 head, all from Ohlo, at nNE 3larks Uro. sold 87 head of Chicago stock and 11 head from Ohio, at BNECISX. L. &. J. Romberg 85 head; sold stockers at 11;01.411i: fat cattle at 7e..71:• Ilasletrood & Ulackstock sold le head for Shomaker, at 7.50a,R; 13 for E. 11. Taylor at 51: 4171; 19 for R. 0. Campbell. at 0,55. E. Katz sold 38 head from .Chicago at Traunnan Lohman 130 all from efliC3lto: sold stoc.kers at SN; fat cattle, at 781..85‘. /Jas. MiA{lister sold 90 head.for }Danes, at 8 C.47k. Jacob Rothehilds sold 17 bead good to prime. at_7eli Ms. Holmes. Lafferty & Co. sold It head mixed stock. The supply w,as unusually small to-day. about eleven hundred head. which was scarcely suf ficient th supply the retail demand, that is, to' give the butchers an opportunity to make se lections. When there Is a foil supply the butchers are very anxious to make their own selectloris, undells. too, at their own prices. but [oday the market wee pretty well rerun,- ed, and drovers finding . they were owlet . * of the situation were not backward 'about mat tes the beat Possible use 0rit,..1 we pre ' some that every man who had sheep on sale te eny made money—ln fact they all admitted that It was a good market. but they did not want the country people to And out lent they might want to put prices upon them title week. Sheep may be quoted at 52 per head to acts per pound. and lambs at 51iz.431 per bead. lburn Garwin sold• 124 tombs at t.t.nit i.or head. Stouffer & Shut lemant le sold AM sheep at ;Ws, . . 5 per head; lambs at &b . - .1.3 . 4 John Walters 101 sheep at SIII.IX per head; lambs at SI.SOZOY" Fink Haffner 85 sheep and lambs to Adam Eckert at $.2...00 per bend. Adam Eckert sold 24 sheep at t3Z64M ;1 33 Itw e b o sla47 4: ll4. sold 3) commoalsh lambs atl2 per head. M. Belghley 79; sold sheep at an average of VY , and lambs at same figure. Stakely & Tiro 131; sold sheep at 1.1.5 ,1 aCra1: lambs at VASZt.;I,SO. . Jiicob Frazee sold 21 head scalawag sheep at 121(. Juhn F. Seeley sold 109 Butler Co. lamb. at Jotathan Davis sold 13 sheep at. paA.9O; 40 lambs at $2,75a3,50. Market dull, the retail demand being very limited, and there Is not much prospect of any Immediate Improvement. We continue to quote. In a retail way, at SOZ,IO per cwt. Ornce or Prmarronan OAZAZYIL. • MONDAY. July_ It. letO. 1 The oil market was very weak during the early part of the day In consionence of the war like rumors from Europe. balloter in the day, the advices being of a more pacific character, the feeling was better and considerable activi ty Wasreported In New York. However these startling war tumors have produced a panicky feeling. and fromthe effects of which if will Lake the market several days to recover--; Nut a single sale to remort, 1.0)0 bias (40 to 47 ;rarity) at 11(4. Seller July (tor gravity oil) may be quoted at 11N; Reiter garnet 11N to it September= and October or November 12111. But a single sale reported, 1,000 bbls July at ffThi. Aaron quoted at 27.4; September July October or November. or October to D11.131-i ber, 83. Considerable spot MI Is reported ad having been sold In New York this afternoon at 2 3.--,27h" wait!e best offer to the forenoon. Vester Oil works 389, on account. A. V. RR.; Lockhed. Frew k Co. 610. on account A. B. 3 e lllls 14.. ou account W. Bartle; same E. 14. ; Goodwin 74, on account •J. U., Barbour; J. Wilkins 448. on account P6oa. k B. Pet Co., F. A. Rates 446. on. account R. Danglll: F. A. Rater Ile,on =client Tac kerbst Fisher Ow US. on account same; Bros. 442, on count Goldrick Total 00. elutingrent no A. v. n: I.Siekhart, Frew & Co. KB bbis refined oU to Warden. Frew & Co. Philadelphia. -P. Weisenberger 19J bbis refined oil to War den, Frew & Cu.. Philadelphia. • J. A. -McKee, :Jo bble refined oil to'Logan OW. k Co.. Phil'. McKelvey 0 19 bble refined to Logan Bros. & Philadehia. B. W. Morgan 210 bble refined oil to Warden. Frew & Braun & Wagner flit bids relined oil to War i, King Sr Co.. Philadelphia. J• C. Kirkpatrick 190 Obis refined to Tack Bros.. Philadelphia. J.C. Kirkpatrick & Co., 1011 bbls ref. oil to Waring. K & Co.. M. Pennock & 'Beeson 53 bble lubricating oil to J. C. Bond, Philadelphia. Total and ikolder Now YORK, Job' 11.—Cotton nominal; sales 110 bales at 19N090 for middling uplands. flour, receipts 18,1111 ibis; active end MOW higher on shipping grades; sales 10408 bids. part forward delivery. at 148505,151 for super flne western and State; ssasamo for extra do; #5,0504.9) for good to choice do; 05,700 6,1) for white wheat western extra; 15,4505,75 for extra Ohio; 15T:00 for extra St. Louis: Included in the sales were 7=o Mks shipping eaten. chiefly State, July and August part, at $5.75. aye dour firmer; sales !Cabbie at 15.10 .0433. Corn meal In moderate demand; salsa BYO bids at a= for western. Wheat—rec c h sto 197,013 bush, 9330 higher, but quiet: sales ilk. mo bush at $1 ,78 0b 1 . 30, chiefly $ l l ,ir lf 4 j. 7l7 l ,tor .cNIACybi#W to i ltio , l l.3 ! f ;1A 1 . 30 fdr " Nr I epring; 410413,10 tor No 3 spring; $1.4.981.48 for winter red and amber western, chielly 1,4 7 f or saggillofiolfhle i'ltArir,rl3s"l:4 white western; $1,75 white State market closed fiat. Harley dull. 8,000 Infario! w_estern. at 67c. Eye nominal. receipts corn i ,1.855; mar ket quiet and closed heavy; sales, 40M) hush els at ideal new western rased: Sim. priaTen-41(201.111; western yellow; $l.llO. 1,51 white. Oats receipts: 183.1.... - • moderato de mend, and steady, Wee : / ..,501 . 1 3 bushels at i oN , awe; western, et 701112 c or hlo and jt o 1 . Whiskey Orme ,r sales 3ikl barrels, tat #l. .0 i Haysloo. Turpentine lower at xxiitzsc. Hay quiet and steady. Hops Ores. Coffee quiet and steady. Sugar active and firm, sale. 310 Mid. at liNkseige; for Cuba.9Xolorie; Ports received 000 boxes Havana, 03010140. .1(0- ' lasses dull. Klee strong at BXOBNe for Carolina. Petroleum quiet at 14%0 147 e; erode; at in, (o,=o far reflood. Freights quiet and • arm. Provisions pork dull and heavy; sales of .TO barrels at $0 5603.1 00 for men: Skil 75 for prime men. Also, sales of 1..Z4 barrels mess July, Aug ust and first half ofaSeptember at $ 3 9 50; also, sales of =0 barrels to 15th of Aprl , 1071, .at 23 CO. Beef quiet and steady; sales of 00 barrels at Ell 01011 15 'for plata men and $10(4018 00 for extra mess. Beef hams steady; sales of 2,101 tieroes. Beef nenninal at IBS Ole 28 OS for prime melts and po COBH OD for In dla meer lddies datla Lard a shade firmer andctie ie goingc. for puma steam and mg la for kettle rendered; also, sales of 740 t rims others July and September at Mc. Batter—orlme steady; other kinds dull, • west era at wpm. Cheese irregular at BOHM°. 121=1 firmer, tbouj ME FreAl o lts to Ltverpocil quiet: 5d per' steamer: aX . by NW. est—Flour strong; shipping breads want ed- . Wheat quiet and steady at It L.N1.41 n for good No. 5 5111waukee opting; $1.45del 47 for ember winter. Corn heart at Wee!, 46 for new mixed. Oats dull at tllattlXe. for west ern at 7e472c. for Ohio. Pork and. lord un changed. Bacon nominal. Eggs unchanged. YORE.. July 11. —Total beeves 1%940: on sale to-dal: Ittleurs at Weehawken. la canal one Hundredth street and IG earn at Comma- ninasr. making 4,31 A In all. Rood cattle are selling at nearly the rates 1.1 but week. but ordinary and medium go slowly at cline to-night, and some Texans hold over. There are too many thin cattle-1N Texans for the week. They are of lair quality for breeding, and none selling below lie, with some good Texans at 140. The best Kentucky and Intents sell at UN e. with thin skim Ming 12 i 1 80 of tik; at at 133441.14 c; 225; . doe Ohio 7y cur at 15i.A.17c; ewt at 1.515111 e; 90 Kentuckr It cwt, fat, nt The market averaged ltle, and closed mow. Tho Erie road, running for Ii per car from Buffalo. brings the largest number of cattle. Sheep number 30,700 fur the week, 0,71) to-day 10 ears at Weehawken, 11 cars at FortY Eighth street 'anti 9 cars at Cortanunipaw. Sales rather slow, and thlo stock ing in price; some coarse bucks are tilling et " "e; a NA 74 pounds thin Ohio at sc; car of 22 pounds nt 8c; a car of 85 pounds in s nail lots at OS C: a few fat Michigan: of 81 pounds • nt eye, with st small lot of estra selected 1)1110 of 100 pounds at 7c. Lambs varY four mean as pounds Pennsylvania :it tllle to a car 11i 52 pounds Canades at Oc; ts) State of TA poimils at Ile, and best selected Jerseys nt 12e Bogs Mint 15,250 for week: the large Wooly. of 0,7110 tri,day swelling the receipts; hogs were rushed into to-tiny; t hey ore worth.ll, , intilltie; ear of 2:21 pounds 111110 sold at 91. a CnICAnO, July IL—plugs active at 1it,254. 9,15. Wile active and firm for upper icsdire at 2542: c lower fors and me hum grapes; for good tin choice shit ping steers. ST. Loris, .Titly 11. Cott re sails; Q. for. fair to good, 5 iojiiT t ic for. printe to choice 7165 for Hoge active: n..1.9e. Chicago, • July 11.-11xeltanan undo ,tal. Flour firm. but doll and unchanged. I ht. t active mai excited: No.« Cana' t`ti .54.6 . . 1,14 for cosh; sl,o9ttl,l2ii for seller lam half July; $ for seller Angust • c clog tame at sl.leNet boit for cash; sl.lotiel.lo . for seller last halt; this of ternoou limier at $l,ll for cash. and $1.114 for seller last half. Vora opened brisk at al tigt.a. N 0.2. subset!. ' closed quiet; this elm - noon at Isle for ells •:. last half. and IC.' for seller August. Oat an changed; N 0.2 chew.' steady nt 4; do for reg ular; 41140 for fresh.receipts. Rye 110101 and closing at Idc for No t es. Barley doll and out WM. Highw Inv: quiet at 0.1.1 for Iron bo Ind. Provisions untie, Mess pt irk W.:ARM - Receipts for the pout twenty- our hours—Fldur 3,571 Wile, Wheat 45,150 h sh. Corn 11.1,1.7.1 bush, Oats 15.53$ bash, Rye. MN bush. Barley 1.540 bosh, flogs 3,113. menu—Flour 7;}kl Ws. Wheat 4.342 hush. I tiro . _ no,..rzi bush. Outs 4.%U1 bush, live b Ist, liarler 8411) bush. flogs 50A Vrrlghts dull and almost nomlual. • • • . . settled and little hem. and 1.1 held at $1:4147, - . Flar i new o ff ering. Corn firmer Oral Mat much offer ng at &Qat: current rates asked. Oats to higher and a=goroddentand at Stradlc. Rye and Barley unchanged. Cotton nominal; tnid• offered at ltiNce. Mess pork and lard unchang ed and held firmly; a good demand for bolt meata, and lair, denderlng higher sales id shoulders at 12e for, loose. now hob at Mc: of sides nt Vs, for 10W... 1L1C0,1C04,11 Itonnuct and prices Itlglier shoulders at 1.1 , ,e. and side. at IGNAITAic with sales of 210 Mids. Nagar cured hams at 213.4t....21c. flutter un changed and steady at Ald,24c. Piggit fair nt lac. No change In 0111 linseed dull at hi. Lard dull at g1.M..}1.15: - Gold $1.13; buying at. Vale selling; exchange dull at 1-10 discount. Haying market!: generally buoyant ander newt front England.s• • _ 14‘.1 Louis. Sr. Louts, July ILLTollacco active at full price. Cotton nominal at leXe. Hemp dull at $1.40421.11 for undressed. P.!...A1ut.2.17 for dressed; machine rope nisS.Stc, hemp logging 30e. Flour gulet: fall superflue choice X j.4.age.4.87, XX 55.2.% XXX /3.404111. Wheat selling at We higher; 'No 3 1•0414Sle; fall Irregular hat generally higher; No 2 s4l*. 1411 No 2 do $14201.27; choice $1.334t1.40. Corn Muter: mixed 87Ct4de; g'44G 4 ru': white %KOLAS; Nary held at sLosiXl.lo. Oats dull at &KS*. Rye dull at iok. Whisker quiet at 11. Groceries dull .and unchanged. Provisions firm. Pork' Ctn.', Loose dry snit clear rib 15 , ,,c. Bacon: shoulders lie, clear rib 171(c. clear sides lee. CR1M1340.1 sugar cured hams 21c. Lard quiet: 151;415e for tierce; 1743174,e for keg. , ' ; S;riselsed, CLENZLAND. July 11.-}lour , ittlet and on , changed. Wheat lull and inactive; holders firmer. making f/41:0c for-Nei. 1 red. $1. 221 for bid. and for Red-corn firm and steady; No. 1 mixed at tec; No. It Pk. Oats steady and unchanged at Mc for No. 1. Stole Rye steady and quiet; No. I held-at 1.16 c. N0..2 at talc. Harley; nothing doing. Petreleuni-re maiming firm; crude at 5531543.40 per bid. refined at •=s.; to Zic per gallon— . Philadelphia. Pittl-wat.rtit.s. July 11.—Flnur dull sawing wheat active; family ts;:raa.7s. Wheat quiet; tel western 11.3001.40. Itye nt SI .for west, ern. Corn to improved demand nod adCanced; yellow sl.oe; western rnixed•sl.(o22.l.oo. tats steady; Ohio OM. "Provisions—small bumble's and unchanged. Petroleum newly: Crude laNe; refined unsettled. Whisky dull. western hors No. 1=1;EL1=1 I= I=l IIECLIPTII CRUM/. OIL SEEM [this MARABTIi TELKORAPII Few York. PITTSB r.XIIIMMOIS=Witt=MM CLNefI4NATL. July 11.—Flour drub RU I R good maw); Innllly xt. t. 141.1.445,75. Wheut uu. == rt.-catt. In molter. , ntely active, week'ssales, • 1,1411 heat nt HX Q.,10e for estm: 410 e for fair to good; 17:c 7c for common. tibimp fair damned, sale Mall bend It In 'deninndid I. Vance. ses of 2,701 head at sl2.srart. bitter prime corn foil. ISAlLlnmone. June 11. -Flour nrincle. I,lw In linnrovEni &Jun.!: sad 11 western f 1.2 . - al3). Corn nominal; white t 1.116 and yellow f1.n160,1n. Oran quiet •at GT.7 . 3c for *restart). Mess pork quiet ut Bacon advancing rib sides cleat rib 1:‘ and Shoulders 'Me. Llama 2..3h - e24e. Lard Quiet at 16,4"eine. Whisker nrm at $l. LOVIKVILLE, July H.—mmong: two pound er. Kentucky hemp It. Cotton mid dling lac. Flour weakand nothing doing. Wheat: new on arrirmi $1,1041.11. eorti $l.O for choice shelled. Oats 64e. Rye $l. I Po. M an n. quiet and n. Pork $9l. Uncoil t Ilulk Meats 1.3. Witt:, Ham.: !inert: cured 221ie. Lard I:e . . Whisky }Waage. M chine rope tic. I3El=! NKR YORK, July ll.—Trade dull and mirke lacking buoyancy. ,We notice a reduction I Pepperell 10-4 Brown Skeet [nolo 1284'; 9-4 d. to 37)4; 8-4 do to =S; do lik4 bleached do t 4:84; do 04 do 4234: do 8-4 do to 37.14. Toledo: TOLEDO. July 11.—Flourigrm. Wheat active 4c better: No. 1 while Michigan at $1.41. Am ber Michigan held at sl.=: No. I red sl,:r3 NO. 2 do. $1.30. Corn steady; No. 1 We, No. Mc. Onto quiet and steady. Detroit. Drmorr.Julr Wheat 1 In blab, for extra at $1.64; No. I *LW: regu lar ,1.W..1M; amber 54.39. Corn nominal at 90e. Gat. unchanged but weak: State reir: . treatents4e. Darien. No 1 'Canada at r. per rental. • *,• Mcveuto, Julrill e . '2 Niion quiet receipts t INI Gales; export. 7 % bsles• Flour ' ... • Corn: white at 'l,lO In more; yellow at Oats 7L/00c. Ray Bran Yllc. ard 19.ISCInc. Pork Cll. Bacon—shoulders I4 , fe. ..5c.; sides 180181,1 c. 31111wankee. MILIFAUXZE, JaIT 11.—Plour unchanged. Wheat unsettled at $1,19 forlk;o.1, Ilk for No. 2. Oats firmer at Mc for N 0.2. Corn nominal. Nye firmer at !Mc for No. I. Barley unchanged, Eart== Nr ORUCANS. Iy 11.— . . Cotton nominal, middling at latic. Said of kb bale.. Rerefntn, KS bales. Export.. 9422. Gala. Stock. GI),1101 bales. . IMPORTS RP RAILROAD CLEVELAND AND PISTRILIIOII RAILROAD COMPANY. Job' 10-0 cars lake sup ore, Mc- Knight P Co;1 dodo. Chess, /4& Co; Ido do; .1 Painter le Son:2 do dn. Brown & Co; 5 cars C;! Kim Union Co; fil l et. ron, Loomis r& C; 2 do do. Irono do, Reese, 0 .k D; 8.(0) ft lumber, W F Richardson: Ma logs baciey.malt, Pier. 1) k Coin 40 bbis 00, F & Co, 8.009 ft lumber, Heath & fl; 16,fral do do It A Clark & Co: I car ice, W Scott & Co; 194 ibis, A D Moore; ZD do do, C W Wormeastle; 65 eke corn, 12 do wheat, I bbl eggs, 14 like pot ash. P Dull k Son; 19 Das medicine, G A Kelly; 10 bbl. oil. W Flamm & ticu; 2.3 bas starch; 9 11 Baird; 25 do do, Dilworth H & Co; fl) do do. E Ileuletom 15 do do. J 1 House lr Br. do do, Strickler & sf; 2 bids o copper. 1 boo do. C 11 Hussey; 4Ws f jars. Atlantic Co; I organ. Barr, K & 11; 10 bbis nil, Pennock & II; 4 bel low.. Lindsay 9 S, B 18 II IES corn meal, Kell & II; eke mas.odfery &C; 6 casks h ware Her colds. &, Co; 34 bdls hook paper, Pah •Paper• Co; 12 eke corn, W (oMlller, I. car oats. J C &hoopoe & Co; 11l chairs. Bedford Chair Co; 4 bdis n iron. Mullins k M;167 eke corn, It Knox &Bon; 5 Gbh eggs, Volgt. M & Co; 2 do do, If Rea Jr; libbls dour, McCullough. 8 k On; 8 eke rags, I bbl eggs, Day & Co; 113 o bble,iß D Moore; 41 sky wool, W Darker Jr & Co; 5 kite tobacco, Artmcklek& Co; 2 bbl. apples Il Bea Jr.- CINCINNATI AND IT. 14:10111 RAILROAD. July 11.-52 green bides, G H An derson; Ii bdls paper. Pitts Paper lama; 1 bbl ..11, 1 % t